#dawson's creek rant
roeyliteratiforever · 5 months
I'm currently rewatching Dawson's Creek and I'm only in season 1 and Dawson is already pissing me off!! The way he kept pushing Jen for a kiss and was like "If I don't kiss you soon I think I'm gonna explode" made me want to barf! 🤢🤮 Dawson forever stop talking to women! The way he acted because Joey didn't right away tell him that she knew about his mom's affair, and then when Jen tells Dawson about her sexual history the way he starts treating her! 😠 You are not owed that information Dawson, and she told you out of confidence and then you are start treating her differently afterwards! I'm going to hit him, he makes me so mad already and it just started! 😠😠
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Okay but what if Portwell is paralleling Pacey & Joey though? Okay just hear me out. Both Enemies to Friends to Lovers. Both were together and broke up. The break up was horrible. But Pacey & Joey found each other in the end. They grew when apart and when they got back together they were the best of friends and even stronger. I know the showrunner said they are super big on Dawson’s creek. And you can’t miss the couch parallel. If not endgame then why even mention Dawson’s Creek right? You know what I’m gonna make a gifset. The parallels will blow your mind honestly.
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jaywritesrps · 9 months
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Sam & Dean are, in fact, soulmates
It’s rant time again! (Sorry)
I saw an idiotic interesting take on Twitter last night where someone claimed that Sam and Dean aren’t soulmates, and that they couldn’t understand how anyone could interpret it that way (particularly referring to "Dark Side of the Moon"). And they actually wondered what show soulmate-truthers (my term) were watching.
Umm, the actual show?
I’ve paraphrased the comment slightly and replies slightly, and I’m not posting a pic of the actual post, because I’m going to try not do that on this blog, but also, this person is just like the others in the replies (and in fandom) who “interpret” the show a certain way because it suits their destiel narrative. They all drank the cool-aid, so why single one out? At the same time, this take shows so little media literacy that it pisses me off. Thus, the rant.
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Please do read on if you’re interested.
One argument I saw under this tweet was that Dean needed to find a road to lead him to Sam, so it proves they weren’t in the same heaven.
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If they weren’t in the same heaven, Dean wouldn’t have been able to find Sam. Period. We know this because Ash has to do a little spell thing in order for them to leave their heaven (“Winchester Land”) at all. They can’t just jump heavens on their own. We also see this in later seasons. People just don’t hop into each others’ heavens without some sort of help.
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Another stupid argument I saw is that Sam and Dean can’t be soulmates because "they’re BROTHERS!”
Wrong Again!
While having a soulmate is often (maybe even most often) seen as a romantic trope, being soulmates is actually not inherently romantic. Let’s even just stay on the WB/CW level for this one for a minute. Dawson and Joey consider themselves soulmates in Dawson’s Creek, but they don’t make a good couple, they work better as friends, and they don’t end up together. While they aren’t entirely platonic, them being soulmates ultimately isn’t about romantic love either. Sorry, I stumbled onto a reactor watching this show lately, so it’s fresh in my mind. You could also make arguments for Xander and Willow, Joey and Phoebe, or Christina and Meredith (Grey’s Anatomy calls it “my person” being science-based, but it amounts to the same thing). Ultimately, being soulmates just means two people have an incredibly close bond, love each other dearly, understand each other on a deeper level than most, and often need each other. Despite what some hellers think, not all love and closeness is sexual or romantic. Finally, if someone sees being soulmates as having to be romantic, they should probably take it up with Kripke.
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Anyway, let’s round this rant off at three flawed arguments with this one: people are “free” (passive aggressive) to interpret the episode how they “like,” but Sam and Dean bring soulmates is not actually supported by the episode.
Why the hell would the writers have Ash even mention soulmates in the scene at all, if it wasn’t to tell the audience (and the boys) something important about the characters? Knowing that soulmates share a heaven isn’t necessary to the plot at this moment (if they aren’t soulmates). We have been told people have individual heavens in most cases, so we don’t need to know the soulmate exception to generally understand how heaven works. But we do get this bit of exposition because 1) it tells us why Dean was able to find Sam on his own (with no spells, even though people don’t usually share a space), and 2) because it tells us the info that they are soulmates, bound together no matter what. It deepens their whole tangled up relationship, for better or worse. Is it a bit unusual for brothers to be soulmates? Yes! That’s the whole point. Sam and Dean are weird. This is not news. Where have these people been for the last 4.5 seasons??
Also, Ash looks directly at Sam and Dean after he drops the soulmate bomb. And each of them looks uncomfortable. The scene takes a beat here, a short one but it’s clear, so the audience can acknowledge this info. Why would the camera focus on the characters’ reactions if the soulmates line was a just a random little nugget of info? People hellers will write whole distractions on the significance of “parallels” between characters and “interpret” scenes using head-canons as support, but they can’t don’t want to understand that the camera lingering on the brothers when they learn information about themselves is significant? Also, it suggests in the script that Ash looks away from them to give them a minute to process this info. Why would he care if it didn’t pertain to them? (Hellers. Have. No. Media. Literacy.). Sam and Dean are soulmates. It’s canon.
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Also, this is another episode but it adds confirmation. In 15x20, Dean feels Sam on the bridge in the new heaven before he sees or hears him. Thus. Soulmates!
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thefirstlioveyou · 4 months
welcome to my blog :^)
(note: all my interactions come from @beingdiifferent, as this is a sub-blog)
I’m an autistic gay dude that yaps a lot about stranger things, primarily with a byler/mike-focus, and my own life/thoughts! i’m also 18. i really enjoy film and tv as an art form. i’m currently trying to explore more into the queer side of film, so feel free to enlighten me with suggestions! (please)
I am a writer and artist that creates original work and fan work, but i have yet to share anything because 1) i have not finished anything worth sharing, 2) i’m a sick perfectionist. one day i will though!! i have byler ideas in mind
st related preferences
my main ships are byler & lumax, with some occasional elmax if i’m feeling it. i primarily discuss byler though. my favorite character is mike (if if wasn’t obvious), but i also really enjoy nancy and will; the wheelers are my little creatures. also i’m a gay mike truther, so everything i say or talk about is from that lens.
other info
for the most part i don’t engage in discourse. if i do, i’m just ranting in my tags and keep it out of any of the main tags! please also don’t confuse me stating an opinion as me trying to start discourse :)
my inbox and dms are always open for anything. i can sometimes take a while to respond because i need to think, or i may not respond at all because i’m recieving too many of the same thing that it may be getting overwhelming. i’m sorry 😭 i appreciate everything, though
i love the show and it’s every core, from ships to supernatural plot. however i don’t focus on talking about the supernatural plot myself - i’m not that smart lol. i typically only reblog when it comes to that. i mainly discuss characters and ships. so if that bothers you, well you know what to do 👉🚪
links (wip)
“what’s a soulmate?” dawson’s creek x byler edit
“i feel wrong (homosexuality)” mike wheeler edit
mike and will sims download
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what-gs-watching · 3 months
“Cease and desist, bitch!”
News flash friends: job hunting is still terrible. Like, four months in and it’s still the worst. I finished two interview loops recently and I’m waiting to hear back and I have two others I’m trying to get through and it’s all hurry up and wait.
But then Netflix told me that GIRLS5EVA was coming to the platform, complete with a new season, and I got soooo excited. 
I’m sure no one has heard of this show, it was born on Peacock and it’s a Tina Fey joint but there’s definitely a super specific audience for it which is, basically, me. 
Were you born in the 80’s/early 90’s? Did you love all the random girl groups/boybands? Are you now barreling toward 40 and it’s just really depressing and terrible? Then Girls5eva is also for you. 
Wherein, four millennial women decide to reunite their early 2000’s girl group after their one-hit wonder is sampled on a new hip hop track. 
It’s hilarious. And really specific. And starring SARA BAREILLES who in real life is an incredible musician. Y’all remember “Gravity”? No? Even though it was featured in a Community episode where Annie cuts to a montage because she’s  trying to convince everyone that she and Jeff have had a ‘will-they-won’t-they’ thing going on all year? “Gravity” is the theme of that montage!
While you’re checking out Girls5eva, also listen to Sara Bareilles. The girl is a true fucking talent. 
ALSO, Busy Philipps. I LOVE Busy Philipps. And have loved her since Dawson’s freakin’ Creek and then AGAIN in Cougartown. 
(Side rant - Cougartown really is a wonderful show. Terrible name, but honestly incredibly funny and there are a ton of good running jokes and it’s just fun as hell. Courteney Cox got shagged on that one, it really is a gem.)
Anyway. There are 3 seasons and it follows the ladies valiantly trying to make a comeback while dealing with being normal people again after their brief shot at fame in the early 2000’s. Which, I think we all remember fondly but was actually a pretty gross time and the show makes sure you remember that - it was not great for women by any means and it’s still not great now but Girls5eva make it work. And it’s endearing.
And y’all, some of the songs are a fuckin’ bop. BPE? Aka “Big Pussy Energy” (the club remix) is the anthem we all need right now. “Kick down the doors no locks / I don't need a key / Eyes down here, yeah, I'm the centerpiece / Animal queendom feline synergy / Kickin’ down the doors, big pussy energy!” That shit gets you in the right frame of mind. I need more semi-cheesy female anthems in my life and I’m pretty sure you do too. 
Honestly, the show is really just about the fact that life doesn’t have to end after your 20’s, you can keep going after your dreams even if they’re ridiculous. And you can balance your regular shit while you do it. And you don’t need a man to define who you are. And you can leave toxic relationships if you need to. And you can grow as a person. And you can still be a crazy bitch sometimes and your friends will support you.
There’s a lot going on, and it’s all wonderful. Honestly, we need more shows about olderish female friends, with a touch of insanity. I don’t want regular female friends, I want batshit female friends doing ridiculous things. 
Also, lastly, Wickie Roy is a fucking icon. In a weird way because she’s struggling to live in a normal world and she refuses to compromise and she’s an absolute nutbag but in the best way possible. 
Basically, Girls5eva is making me feel better about my life. If they can get back into pop music, I can get myself another boring job and BPE is gonna help me get it done. 
“Momentum yeah / um it’s our moment / we’re contenders…”
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I may have already made a post about this but I don't think I have so I thought I'd take the chance. I have these rants or thoughts in my head and sometimes I just have to get them down in writing or I'll be playing it in my head all day lol
I feel like the One Tree Hill writers room went to work and the first thing they said was "This show is not going to be Dawson's Creek and we are going to make that clear at every turn."
The first thing I think about is the Lucas and Haley friendship. They even went out of there way to separate Lucas/Haley from Dawson/Joey by making Haley make disparaging jokes about Dawson and Joey in the Pilot. I really respect the decision to make Lucas and Haley only friends and they never wavered from that. There was never even a second when they hinted that their relationship could be more than friends.
In some ways Nathan and Haley are equivalent from Pacey and Joey in One Tree Hill and they made the decision of getting Nathan and Haley together and then never really breaking them up. Unlike the Pacey and Joey model where there was the stupid love triangle with Dawson and they broke them up and got them together and broke them up again. Pacey and Joey really deserved better writers. Pacey and Joey have some of the best chemistry in TV and the writers did not know how to utilize that treasure.
The female friendships are absolutely atrocious in Dawson's Creek. I mean is there really a female friendship? I mean I guess Jen and Joey but even that was littered with tension most of the time and even after they buried the hatchet Joey would put men above Jen all the time. Like when she started dating the guy who cheated on Jen and then when Jen tried to help her she was really mean to Jen. I blame the writers for that. That is atrocious! Write better female friendships you cowards. In One Tree Hill, the friendships certainly have their ups and downs but you have Haley and Brooke, Brooke and Peyton, Haley and Peyton, Deb and Karen. Every woman on the show has at least one really great female friendship.
The fact that OTH never killed off any of the original teenage characters as in Nathan, Haley, Brooke, Lucas, Peyton, Skills, Mouth. Dawson's Creek just had to be assholes and kill off Jen in the last episode. But I really think giving all of them happy endings was really a concerted effort to be different from Dawson's Creek. And the reason I believe that is that they even brought on James Van Der Beek in a small role where he played a director... kind of a wink to his character in DC and he's talking to Lucas about his book that's going to be turned into a movie. It's something that's so similar to DC. Both Dawson and Lucas wrote books, movies, or TV shows about their lives. James' character has this to say "All right, clear your head, all right? What if Haley... Dies? I'm saying think about it. People love that stuff." You can tell that sometimes the writers are poking fun at some of the Dawson's Creek writing choices and I fully support it lol
The writers on One Tree Hill weren't always great and there was certainly one completely rotten apple in that bunch... cough M*** S****** cough but it really seemed like they went into writing the show with the intentions that it was gonna be better than Dawson's Creek in every way. Now if only there could have been a Dawson's Creek/One Tree Hill crossover and we could have seen Pacey and Joey show up in OTH then it would have been perfect lol
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soursfilms · 2 years
this is my first post and maybe my only post here because i usually just lurk, like and comment, but portwells and rinis make these three questions/comments a lot especially with recent events, and i just want to talk about them and answer them for you. hopefully this will answer it and give you a different perspective. 
(i don’t mean to come across as rude im just very brutally honest with the way i talk. so if you get easily angry or upset scroll, but im going to tag all ships in the tags because again, im answering questions/comments i see in the tag a lot and im not hating on the ships or characters by any means, im not an anti, im just answering. so if you’re open for an open minded conversation keep reading. i don’t want to hear that you weren’t warned or that i didn’t tag anti * tags because like i said, im not an anti)
“if nini was in season three the season would look very different” *regarding ricky and gina*
the show has established in season two they were no good for each other right now and ricky hated who he was becoming. (which are words that came out of canon ricky’s mouth. a fact.) if you like nini you would also know her arc was about finding herself and doing things for herself. so why would they put her with ricky again in season three? that’s not a second chance that’s their millionth one! jk* i can go on a rant about how the show foreshadowed their downfall since season one from the moment ricky’s mom said “not all couples are meant to be together” but i won’t because that can be biased and im not trying to do that in this post.
ricky’s unresolved feelings for gina were always there. they never had closure. it was only a matter of time until they’d have to circle back to it and address them. the show let rini go in a beautiful way id highly doubt they’d go back to it in season three after they just broke up for a second time. as a nini stan id be pissed if they did. (i love all the characters btw)
tim has said in an interview the rini breakup was planned before “drama” happened. so no, it’s not because of that rini is over. he also said in an interview, when asked about the rina flashback, that it was filmed in season one, so it was planned. also mentioned a comment, that they’re, “seeds being planted for the future” again another fact he said. (like i said, im not here to bash or be petty, just answering your questions with facts. im not pulling these quotes out of thin air.)
i think a lot of you can’t accept that tim federle is obviously going for a girl falls first boy falls harder trope with ricky and gina. which is the oldest teen drama trope in the book. he draws inspiration from old teen dramas, like dawson’s creek (which he has mentioned a lot!) a show where the protagonist ends up with her second love. very familiar situation here, right?
 “that’s his third choice”
ricky didn’t choose nini over gina because gina was not there to be chosen. SHE MOVED. she ignored his texts, told him to never call her again. so tell me how he was going to “choose” gina? especially when the show runner has said he was “clinging to his past with nini.” (another fact he said in an interview)
they took gina away for ricky to acknowledge nini again. missed a whole episode without her.
when you choose both options need to be available to you and gina was not. 
lily wasn’t even a choice because by then gina was not even speaking to him! she ignored his attempt to partner in 206 and he gave her space. lily was a rebound, he disliked her and the canon show made that clear. 
at the end of the day being around someone you have unresolved feelings for will resurface them. ricky liking gina is nothing new. we knew they mutually liked each other in season one.
he never made “choices” their timing was just never right. 
this perception you all have with being first, second or third choice is very weird? because by that logic isn’t ej gina’s “second choice” because she couldn’t have ricky? yeah okay.
you’re all confusing bad timing for “second options”
second love ≠ second choice
“what about all this ej and gina development” is simply answered with, that was clearly a plot device ship. you didn’t see their first kiss, didn’t get pay off when they were together only five seconds at the beginning of summer and so much more, it was very evident where it was going…
gina NEEDED relationship experience before she ever got with ricky. she needed to move on so ricky could be the one pining, because that’s how the trope works and they’re filling out all the boxes for it. 
you all hate ricky and gina because you see their season two angst as this unforgivable thing when ricky never hurt her intentionally. she was sad because he was in a relationship and she couldn’t be with him the way she wanted to. the same thing ricky is going through now.
this fandom can’t understand good angst because you expect everything to be sunshine and rainbows and that’s not how teen dramas work. they’re teenagers! they make mistakes! ricky made his but guess what? he’s paying for it now 10X worse. 
now ej is making his mistakes, which is actually what season two did to ricky. he was the “villain” and you all hated him (when he was just going through a lot) and then, here comes ej being put in a more positive light and being the “prince in shining armor” to gina’s story. (i can go on a rant about this and the writing and the double standards you all have for those two characters, but i won’t…)
at the end of the day they all “deserve” love. and im sorry but we can all see where the writing for this show is going towards and a lot of you are being bitter about it, which understandable, (i understand not liking seeing ej’s character be the one used for this development for the main character’s benefit) but missing the point completely to fit your narrative. calling rina a “third, second, etc choice” or “wouldn’t happen if nini didn’t leave” or “fan service” is just false and extremely petty. you can say you hate the ship, but making up false statements is ???
especially when i can pull different scenes from season one and two that debunks those arguments that “ricky never cared for gina” he was glancing at her in new years, basically told gina they were each others confidants in 203 “we do that for each other” etc. obviously they weren’t strong because he was in a relationship just like gina’s feelings aren’t strong now because she’s ALSO in a relationship. however, that doesn’t take away the fact they were always left unresolved, for the both of them.
and this is all i have to say on that!
we all have our opinions but some of you think and believe your opinion is a fact when it’s not. i just debunked these comments/arguments for you with facts and you don’t have to agree with me or like the ship (you can ship whatever. you can hate rina, it doesn’t matter.) but a lot of your opinions aren’t a fact when it’s not what the canon show is telling you.
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watching season 2 ep 2 of dawson’s creek and dawson is such a self absorbed crybaby i literally cannot handle it, if i was subjected to this kind of pathetic whining 24/7 id kill myself 😭
(pacey yelled at him calling him a selfish ass and it was beautiful)
NINA i am SO GLAD i can rant abt dawson bc ohhhhhhh my gawwwwwwwwd he's just. the worst like THE WORST !!!!!! idk he just irritates me sm like....no character before this has ever irritated me to this degree....not even like dean yk...which is saying smth :( BUT LIKE omg whenever pacey or jen or joey or literally anyone calls him out its like ANGELS SINGING i swear i am leaping across my room skipping swooning <3 IT WAS so beautiful you are so right pacey is doing the lords work etc <3 hehehehehe
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iwanthermidnightz · 11 months
So, I was watching The Summer I Turned Pretty. The way they use Taylor's song in this show is terrible. Whoever is in control needs to be fired. They are awful at picking songs for certain scenes. I have low-key embarrassment when her songs pop up. They don't fit the characters' development or plot of the story at all.
I know Jenny is a Swiftie, but I feel the usage of Taylor is overkill, corny, and definitely marketed towards teenage tik-tok fans/swifties. They also do an awful job with other artists' songs.
Anyway, that's my rant. You probably don't watch it, but I just needed to share. 😁
Yeah, I curiously watched a few episodes the first season but it’s a little too teen for me. I noticed a lot of Taylor references right away.
It kind of seemed like they’re trying to make it a modern day Dawson’s Creek 😬
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sunnydaleherald · 5 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, February 3rd
Darla: The Master has grown past the curse of human features. Angelus: I'm not gonna get a bat-nose like that, huh? Am I?
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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His Proper Place by MadeInGold (Angel/Darla, E)
In My Dreams (You Should See The Things We Do) by Anonymous (Buffy/Faith, G)
Please Be Gentle by AmmoniteSkin (AmmoniteFlesh) (Darla/Drusilla, M)
Am I Sexual? by ThatShipper13 (Buffy/Faith, M)
Night Light by ami_ven (Willow, G)
AITA For Lying to My Friend And Causing Her To Kill Her Boyfriend? by ineffablecabbage (Xander, M)
Understanding by Anonymous (Cordelia/Faith, T)
Бабочка by B_E_S (Buffy/Angel, T, in Russian)
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Femslash February 2 - 'Please Be Gentle' by AmmoniteFlesh (Darla/Drusilla, M)
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Graveyard by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, G)
Unwrap me by the fireplace by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Raven: Chapter 1 by sparrow2000 (Vamp!Xander & Spike, G)
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Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy, Chapter 20 by slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Shadow Over Hellmouth, Chapter 103 by Tuxedo_Mark (Ensemble, E)
They Know Exactly What We're Here For, Chapter 6 by MadeInGold (Angel/Riley/Spike, E)
Sisters, the adventures of Sam and Buffy Carter - Year 1, Chapter 16 by FPBarbieri (Buffy, Stargate crossover, G)
Let me rest in peace, Chapter 11 (complete!) by cauliflower666 (Spike/OC, E)
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Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy, Chapter 20 by slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, R)
Afterburn, Chapter 10 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Beg, Chapter 2 by Maxineeden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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The Ring Talks, Chapter 36 by myrabeth (Buffy/Spike, 13+)
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Rules of Engagement, Chapter 9 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Lives Here, Chapter 17 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: The Power Within by veronyxk84 (Darla, Drusilla, Anya, Willow, Buffy, Harmony, worksafe)
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Artwork: they went to in-n-out by genericaces (Lorne, Fred, Cordelia, Gunn, Wesley, Angel, worksafe)
Artwork: Spike in Hush by notbraveenoughforpolitics (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy characters as My Little Ponies by wiltinn (worksafe)
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Playlist: The Mixtape Chronicles, Chapter 4 by Julikobold
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Fanvid: Dawn Summers - All American Bitch (BTVS) by Scarlet Speedster
Fanvid: Buffy || Hold Me While You Wait [Grief] by Lucy Whiskers
Fanvid: buffy and one tree hill edit by Buffy the vamire slayer fan
Fanvid: I'm in love with a monster by Obx Queen (Angelus)
Fanvid: Buffy Summers - All I Wanna Do by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: Buffy and Angel - It Ain't Easy by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Greatest Show by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: Buffy and Angel - I Miss You by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: Buffy and Spike - Les Rois du Monde by Nina Mironovitch
Video: “This is Hell” Monologue from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season Six Episode Three Acting Casting Reel by Bobby Aiello
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Slayers: A Buffyverse Story releases all episodes today - thoughts? continued by Stoney
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Video: Flooded-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Video: The Controversial Episode of Angel that never was! by Screen Rant
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Podcast: 1.5 Never Kill a Boy On the First Date by Once More: A Rewatch Podcast
[Recs & Search]
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Fic search: Spike/Willow-centric with Angel/Tara by Kaden Pekarovich
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Vid rec: Buffy & Angel / You get me by darkswordfish7x recced by bisexualblckcanary
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Search: Buffy analysis videos on YouTube by justanother1990sdude
[Fandom Discussions]
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[Xander in Halloween] by irkallanprince
buffy’s friends are honestly so rude to her during the slayerfest episode by lightsaroundyourvanity
Analyzing Anya & Xander’s Duet by melinoephilia
Angel would at first want Buffy to try and mend the bridge with her dad if at all possible by oveliagirlhaditright
Do people really think Buffy saying “when you kiss me I want to die” to Angel meant she wanted to become a vampire?? by targaryenvampireslayer
In season 5 when Spike is watching Dawson’s Creek and says, “Oh, Pacey you idiot can’t you tell she doesn’t love you?” by kat--writes
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Initial Reaction to Buffy continued by multiple posters
So Bored By the Joss Whedon Disclaimer by Priceless
30 Day Challenge: BtVS vs AtS - Best season finales by multiple posters
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Amazing ending [Not Fade Away] by SerranoStreamer
Cordelia being nasty to Darla by BlueisGreen2Some
Cangel Forever by Sweet-Siren
Story purposes - Why did Wesley go to Faith for help and not Buffy or Willow? by jdpm1991
Anything in Angel You Think Could've Been Utilized More? by Big-Restaurant-2766
People who read the comics and didn't hate it, do you feel like it's an extension of the show? by SafiraAshai
As a Midwesterner, the snow kills me every time by koakoba
The ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ Storyline That Ruined a Great Season by panbear69
Something I just noticed. Season 5 episode 1 & EP 22 connection (Buffy vs Drac/The Gift) by kipcarson37
Previously on Buffy... by not_firewood_yet
Why do you love BTVS? by smilbs1996
Fool for love: How did buffy even lose? by Tsole96
What exactly was the advanced 2.0 slayer training? by Tsole96
Was The First telling Dawn the truth? by Sad_Abbreviations318
Two ways to be become a vamp? by AntiTas
Why is Angel watching Buffy in season 4? by Chris55730
Were you surprised by the Heaven reveal in S6? by AllHailMyFace
Favorite seasonal music scores by Crosisx2
Was The First's limitation of only being able to appear as dead people a change in season 7 by theredacer
The US government be like: by Eagles56
ASH comments on an IYKYK moment 💔 [The Body] by Dependent_Room_2922
Jenny translates Lord's Prayer by your_kind_doctor
Backup has arrived [Dirty Girls] by SuperSaiyanMoon
Whats your favorite Buffy haircut and least favorite? by bevgron
This is one of my favourite Bangel scenes [Angel biting Buffy] by Sweet-Siren
I watched “the body” at night by goodandpure
What's Your Best Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and/or Angel Relationship or Dynamic? by Big-Restaurant-2766
Does City Of encompasses what Angel the series is like? by sadhungryandvirgin
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heartsgallery · 2 years
I agree about most substantially deliberate HSM parallels ending on s1. I feel like Josh and Sofia's chemistry as Ricky and Gina was an unexpected goldmine that fell in Tim's hands and he adjusted accordingly (possibly rewrote portions of the script or changed character backgrounds/stories or personalities) after all the screen tests with every actor! I may be in the minority, but I feel like original plans for the show were supposed to keep R*ni the whole time and will they wont they them like some annoying Ross Rachel rehash but Tim couldnt waste the potential of Rina (tested the waters with those middle eps and boy did we fishes snap at that fishing line 😂). That's why s1 sometimes feels disconnected with the pivot to Rina and the abrupt pivot back to R*ni (like 2 different stories). Season 2, he really started delving deep into Rina and you can see so clearly the groundwork he laid out for an angsty Rina will they wont they slow burn that failed with R*ni in s1. The interesting part is you can see in the narrative that Tim has written and has been writing Gina as the "Gabriella" lead since s1, even though Nini is presented as primary lead. Honestly that's why s1 has a disconnect to me sometimes too because it feels like the wrong protagonist is being followed and the wrong story being told?? if that makes sense.
Now I feel like though he's not persisting on HSM parallels, he is dropping little hints as reminders to keep viewers on track. Costuming for example, is sometimes deliberate. One of the biggest someone paralleled was the Troyella floral pink and blue, which Rina got 😮 Ricky's skate rate style imo has never been shirts like that, and though it works, the departure from his typical style just to make him wear that blue orange striped shirt seems deliberate too. It's a subtle but blatant iykyk kind of thing but if you don't, you'll blink and miss it kind of thing at the same time. The person who found that link should get applause! Cuz technically yeah, both pw and Rina have had "Troyella" moments this season, but the costuming seems like a deliberate way to subtly remind viewers that if you get baited by the pw "Troyella" HSM 2 thing, you'll miss the actual story playing out here. It's really quite brilliant that it makes me want to go back from the beginning and rewatch to find more of these interesting ways he's been foreshadowing Rina!
ahh first of all THANK YOU FOR SENDING ME THISSSSSS!!!! i loved reading all of it.
while i mostly agree about everything about this, i’d only discuss on the part that rini was set to be on and off. like i can imagine it being like that definitely, but also they were always doomed and they made it clear in the s1 finale that they will never work again like they did once (not all couples are meant to be together… sometimes people change). rini’s arc is strangely to me one of the best on the show. probably the most coherent and cohesive writing between s1 and s2. everything about it was hinted and it makes so much sense that is so hard for me to believe it wasn’t planned since day one.
i definitely think seeing the rina chemistry changed a lot in the future of the series i so agree with that. i mean, tim himself said that after they shoot the car scene he was so shook and he wanted to keep writing towards that (and did!). but like rini, s1 rina finale set up was so amazingly done that sometimes it’s just hard to believe that it wasn’t planned since the beginning. tim has always been so messy and talked about how he wanted to explore all the chemistry between the cast (and he did because why everyone dated everyone in the core four😭) and also with his rants since the very s1 about how he grew up with dawsons creek (very known for his surprising ship that ended up going down on history), so i think the possibility rina has always been the plan exists. i mean, he did write the car scene before he saw them so he was already planning something with them…
the part about how s1 felt weird because it felt like they were following the wrong protagonist is so so so true. gina having the whole moving away all the time storyline just as gabriella wasn’t a coincidence at all. also nini not having any gabriella trait besides playing her in the show😭 i mean, if you look at it know, it kinda makes sense. the show making you think nini was ricky’s troy gabriella, when at the end of the day it was always gina👩‍💻
also i love that you pointed out the costume thing because i agree with that, specially with ricky wearing that kind of stuff because it’s not really his style so it def seems on purpose. i think someone also pointed out that his spin dip shirt or the one in the clip he’s singing in the finale (they look so much alike so idk which one) were the same as troy’s in the hsm2 poster. if we’re talking about troyella real parallels that’s what we should talk about!!!
again thank u so much for dropping this here❤️❤️🫶🏻
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vague-humanoid · 1 year
Actor James Van Der Beek (Dawson’s Creek) selfied his two-minute rant about how debates among Democratic presidential contenders will save democracy. He was triggered by the Democratic National Committee’s announcement that it “has no plans to sponsor primary debates.”
There’s a lot to unpack here, starting with wondering why Van Der Beek’s opinion is worthy of being covered by the news media. Sure, it’s “celebrity news,” reserved for celebrities saying anything about anything, but is it news news? The answer is revealed by the fact that most news outlets hyping his video are strongly right-wing, like Fox. The same thing happened last month when Joe Rogan made a similar observation. Fox was there to shout it to the world.
It’s what they didn’t shout that makes all the difference. Facts. The last four presidents up for reelection did not participate in debates. In 2020, when Trump was incumbent, the Republican Party held no primary debates before the presidential election. The Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel announced: “We continue to support the President and the vice president and the current administration.” There were no debates when George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama, or Bill Clinton were president. Trump said he would not participate in the GOP-planned debate: “When you’re leading by seemingly insurmountable numbers, and you have hostile Networks with angry, TRUMP & MAGA hating anchors asking the ‘questions,’ why subject yourself to being libeled and abused?” Why was that information missing from your video, VDB?
Political ranters often rely on their audiences’ ignorance of history and laziness at looking up facts.
Van Der Beek put himself out there but did no favors to himself, other celebrities, or his cause by being so ill-informed and illogical. (Where’s his outraged video about Republicans not having debates when Trump was president?) Yes, he’s hoisted on the padded shoulders of those who prey on the disinformed to make money (like Fox News) because he’s now an unpaid spokesperson for their brand. They are giddy because he’s going to make them money. But Van Der Beek himself is tarnished for his public display of bad critical thinking—and for spreading it to millions of others.
Now, to the core question of the value of presidential debates (the title of this piece is a strong hint at where I stand). Presidential debates, or any political debates, are worthless in determining the mental or physical fitness of a candidate, nor are they any indication of their ability to be a successful president. They are merely a form of gladiatorial entertainment in which we hope to see someone verbally pummeled by their opponent. It has all the elements of a good suspense movie: conflict, stakes, and suspense. And it has just as much meaning in the real world.
The qualities necessary to perform well during a debate are not the same ones necessary to be a good president. Integrity can’t be performed (though it can be faked with a catch in the throat or an outraged scowl). Neither can the ability to negotiate with foreign powers or the opposing party. All we get is their acting ability; only instead of an Oscar we hand them the presidency of the most powerful nation in the world. It’s like having a cafeteria food fight at IBM, and the winner gets to run the company.
Because they know most viewers won’t follow up a debate by reading the fact-checks that reveal their lies and misinformation, the candidates are free to say whatever they want: misuse statistics, make up studies, invent touching personal anecdotes. Squeeze out a fake tear for the gullible. It’s theater for those too lazy to do their duty as voters: research the candidates’ voting history, their proclaimed positions on all the issues, what actions they’ve taken on behalf of the people, and so forth. They’d rather have all that reduced to a tiny sugary pill, easy to swallow. That pill is the debates.
Debates could be a helpful tool—but only with serious changes. First, everything a candidate says during a debate should be fact-checked in real-time. Discrepancies and misinformation should be shown on a screen behind the candidates, and they should then be forced to address those differences. Second, critical-thinking professors should be brought in to address any logical fallacies the candidates use to make their points. Name-calling, false dilemmas, hasty generalizations—all of them. Put ‘em up on the screen. But we know that will never happen because no candidate will agree to those conditions.
That is exactly why debates are worthless political theater. Full of sound and fury—signifying nothing.
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onstoryladders · 2 years
Ok but like can we hear the Byler rant 👀👀👀 asking for a friend(the friend is me)
I basically explained to her why I think Byler is gonna be endgame in season 5, and why that would be the only outcome that'd make sense, since there are many things and scenes in the show that can't be explained otherwise 🧐
She's not nearly as invested in this as I am, but she agreed with me about everything because she's smart like that 😎
As for the rant in itself, it's all stuff I've already discussed on this blog. Like I mentioned the character arcs of Mike, Will and El, and how Byler would be the only logical way to complete each one of them in a satisfying way. And then I mentioned the airport reunion scene, the kiss in season 3 in front of the closet, the van scene, the conversation on top of the car, Mike throwing away El's letters, the difference in the way the scenes with Byler and Melvin are blocked and shot, Will being in all Melvin scenes in season 4 while Byler are alone all the time, the stark contrast between their fights in season 3, Mike 100% projecting whenever he says shit like: “We're friends! We're friends!” unprompted 🧐
Then I mentioned the Dawson's Creek parallel, the music in the background of the Melvin kiss in season 3 (the same of Robin's coming out), the closet imagery surrounding Mike, etc etc...
Also I might've said they will need to check in with me after season 5 drops because if things don't go well they will see me on the news.
But that won't happen.
In conclusion, Byler Endgame 2024
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shinwhoohoo · 2 years
And bc my last ask turned into a rant I also wanna say that I’m loving all the asks/activity this past week on here! Love all the reminiscing you guys are doing — as a new fan just this year, there were def at least a couple of links in those posts that are new to me so I’m excited to check them out. Also loving the extra insight!! 👏
To the other anon who loved the Road Trip Ready clip with Baro in his room playing the Dawson’s Creek theme song and talking about reading — that’s one of my favs too!!
I’ve been rewatching Hello Baby and i was reminded of the first actual instance I remember thinking Sandeul is adorable. He was so expressive/physical (what is the word?!) in it—tumbling all over the place, falling backwards forwards sideways, jumping up so high to add extra force to break the bricks before they met eunsol and hyunwoo. And in episode 4 he was jumping/tripping over himself/bending/falling backwards from the foam cushion seat do you know what I’m talking about (I hope??) — he’s hilarious!!! He’s quite adorably derpy, no? 😂
Ooh and actually one of my fav ones that I haven’t seen since I first saw it a few months ago is when they did the B1A4 song in the last episode of MTV Match Up and Jinyoung played the guitar for it! Daramji (sp?) daramji… halbae halbae halbae!! Did they ever perform that ever again anywhere after that? I imagine it prob only has appeal the first time you see it tho. Anyway, it was a cute intro for them while they were just starting out I thought.
ah yay I'm glad you got something out of them!! 😄
While that particular clip isn’t a fave of mine, I can understand why it’s liked. It showcases that softer side of Baro that we would only see in certain instances. I used to get asks more often about my opinions on their personalities and such, and Baro was always the type to me that put on much more of an ‘act’, or played a ‘role’ in public and during their appearances than the other members when in fact he was much more quiet, laid pack and introverted in private. And I think that Road Trip clip is a pretty good example of peaking into that part of him. 
Lol yes!! Sandeul is just naturally so charismatic and cute, it truly just is natural to him and he feeds off of it. He’s definitely the clumsy one 😆
OMG Match Up has so many gold moments. They referenced the song a few times following it, but they never legitimately performed it haha. (Missed opportunity perhaps?) I think my favorite moment has to be them eating the watermelon on the boat and literally just like... gagging it down while laughing. Jinyoung was just such a little turd too playing that trick of him fainting I still haven’t forgiven him 😩
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I’ll tell ya... no TV family makes me quite so angry as the entire Leery family and Leery in laws.
Today i’m feeling pure rage towards Aunt Gwen (Dawson’s aunt and Gail’s sister). I’ve been rewatching “Stolen Kisses” and that is a creepy psycho bitch and she needs to be separated from all children.
This is the first sniff of Aunt Gwen being more than just a harmless kooky artsy woman. She is conniving throughout this entire episode trying to force a connection between Dawson and Joey. Also it’s a bit weird to invite only a bunch of kids to your house and then proceed to single out two as them and say only you two are gonna help me shop. You three rando kids who were allowed to be in my care by your parents... ya’ll are on your own. How about you explore the crappy pool hall where God knows what kind of unsavory folks hang around? Also woman!! Why didn’t you fucking shop for food before your guests got there?
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OH MY FUCKING WORD!!! This woman needs to get a life instead poking her ugly nose into a bunch of children’s love lives. I know your husband died but maybe it’s time to find a new one cause clearly you can’t help your compulsion to live vicariously through your fucking nephew!!
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Seriously woman!! I know you live a boring life in a boring small town but maybe you should find some good activity aside from obsessing about these children’s love lives! Just a thought!
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Okay!! Now this is all starting to make sense!! Not only is Aunt Gwen a witch with a capitol B... she’s also an actual witch!!! 
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NOOOO!!!! Gwen is a fucking psycho!!! Who paints two children you know because you want them to be in a relationship!?!? Psycho Aunt Gwen does!!!! Get these children away from this woman... i’m seriously scared for their safety!! Also this is a really ugly painting!! This is an insult to the art of painting!! 🤢🤢🤢
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It wasn’t until like 20th watching of this episode that I noticed how creepily Aunt Gwen looks at Joey after she says that the Dawson and Joey picture is her favorite. She’s a bit too close to Joey, and she kinda looks at her in a suggestive way that is clearly meant to imply that she is showing Joey this picture to instill romantic feelings towards Dawson. You can kinda see it in picture form but it’s even clearer in video form and I gotta say chief... I don’t like it. I don’t like it fam... it makes me uncomfy how invested Aunt Gwen is in the love life her nephew and this girl she hardly knows.
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WHO THE FUCK CARES!!! Maybe if everyone in Dawson’s life didn’t pussy foot around his feelings maybe he wouldn’t be such a fucking spoiled man baby who goes insane whenever he doesn’t get his own way. Or gets scarred whenever he sees a woman make her own decision and not allow him to treat her like a trophy that belongs to him to be put on his mantel and brought down whenever he damn well pleases!! 👿👿
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Okay, i’m gonna need ya’ll to file what Aunt Gwen said here in the back of your mind because it’s gonna be important real soon. She told Joey that she needs to tell Dawson about her and Pacey kissing.
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This is un fucking believable!!! So she insists that Joey talk to Dawson. Right after she walks in on Joey clearly about to have an important talk with Dawson, interrupts them and then instead of insisting that Joey stay she allows Joey to leave and then fucking Aunt Gwen pulls out that creepy picture and gives it to Dawson. Knowing full well that Joey had just been kissing Pacey and had feelings for Pacey.... she is still conniving to get Dawson to act upon his feelings for Joey. What is her endgame? Her best case scenario is that Joey abandons Pacey for Dawson. How cruel is that? To see that this boy named Pacey Witter has feelings for Joey and then to connive to have Joey break his heart and her own heart in the process. Or worst case scenario for Gwen is it blows up in Dawson’s face and Joey rejects him for Pacey which ulimately happened. How is that being a good aunt? Setting your nephew up for heartbreak? Setting up some other kid for heartbreak and setting up Joey for heartbreak. Aunt Gwen you aren’t even worth a pile of shit!!! Go to hell you witch!!
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I find it funny how all throughout this episode she is trying to connive Dawson and Joey back together yet she’s continually pushing Pacey and Joey closer together. Just by her being mostly. She’s this artsy woman that Joey relates to and she was in a boring marriage that the writers are clearly comparing to Dawson and Joey. And they are comparing Pacey to Richard who is the man who “stole” Aunt Gwen from her husband and made her feel alive. And this is clearly how Joey feels... Joey is seeing Dawson as Gwen’s ex husband and Joey is seeing Pacey as the Richard figure who makes her feel alive. So Aunt Gwen is saying how Richard made her feel alive thinking that Joey is gonna realize that Dawson makes her feel alive but in reality Joey is falling more and more in love with Pacey the more Gwen talks. Isn’t it ironic in the words of Alanis Morisette.
In conclusion... the entire Leery family is trash and should be sent to their own ugly toxic island where they can’t infect the rest of the world. 
Also it’s because of this episode that I have fantasies of Aunt Gwen being forced to attend Pacey and Joey’s wedding and seeing once and for all that her conniving did not work one iota!!! True love won out in the end and Dawson got nothing.... I hope his movies will keep him warm at night cause Joey certainly won’t and I can’t imagine anyone putting up with his crap for more than a week!! 😂😂
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