acrosstimeandspace · 10 months
before i go to bed may i just say mentally i’m sitting in day’s lap as he works distracting him with kisses before we head off to bed together
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knario47 · 2 years
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EDRA - Origen
«Tenía cada Guanarteme seys hombres escogidos para su consejo delos mas valientes, y de mayores fuerzas, por cuyo cuidado regía, y gobernaba su Señorío, y termino, Los quales eran nombrados Gayres. […] Los Gayres del reyno de Galdar se llamaban, Adargoma, Tazarte, Doramas, Texama, Dayfa, Caytafa» [Abreu (ca. 1590, II, 7) d. 1676: 47r].
📷 Obra realizada por el escultor Fernando Silva Moreno en Gáldar en homenaje a sus antiguos Guaires.
Gáldar estrenó en la tarde de este jueves dos grupos escultóricos con la presencia de cinco Guaires en la calle que lleva su nombre. La obra de Fernando Silva Moreno recoge dos escenas con ocho elementos diferentes: seis figuras masculinas de aproximadamente dos metros de altura, de las cuales cuatro están de pie -falta una escultura por instalarse- y dos sentadas, una cabra y una roca con un tablero de juegos que rememora al juego que practicaban los aborígenes denominado La Chascona. El material elegido es el jesmonite y pesan hasta cien kilos.
Teodoro Sosa, alcalde de la Ciudad; Encarnación Ruiz, coordinadora del proyecto y Fernando Silva, escultor, inauguraron el conjunto que presidirá una de las entradas principales a la Ciudad. “Vamos a tener las dos entradas que históricamente hemos tenido con lo que nos tiene que representar: nuestros orígenes, nuestra tierra, nuestros antepasados. Por un lado las de la Bajada de las Guayarminas y ahora estas de la calle Guaires, y ambas entradas con un gran aparcamiento”, aseguró el primer edil.
“La calle Guaires era el perfecto lugar para hacer ese homenaje a los guerreros y a los capitanes. Desde 1478 a 1483 en plena Conquista seis Guaires asesoraban en aquel momento: Adargoma, Doramas, Tixama, Gayfa y Gaytafa”, añadió Teodoro Sosa, que detalló que el Ayuntamiento dejó al escultor que decidiera plenamente las escenas. El alcalde aprovechó para pedir a la ciudadanía respeto hacia estas “magníficas” esculturas para que “duren muchos años”.
Fernando Silva Moreno nació en Guía en 1974 y es autor entre otras de la escultura de la entrada a La Atalaya que homenajea al hombre y la mujer trabajadora del campo. El autor describió las escenas elegidas: “En una representamos la vida cotidiana de los Guaires con el juego de La Chascona. Ese elemento de ocio representa la estrategia de vencer al oponente, que es lo que hacían ellos ante las invasiones extranjeras. Y también hay una cabra que refleja cuál era uno de sus principales sustentos”, explicó.
Acerca de la otra, detalla: “Hay tres personajes, uno camina hacia abajo, se está desprendiendo de ese grupo y porta un puñal en la espalda, es el símbolo de la Conquista castellana. Vemos el puñal contra la piedra y el palo, elementos que tiene otro de los Guaires. Y también vemos un gesto de desconfianza hacia aquellos que mediaron entre castellanos y aborígenes que representa esa doble visión de la traición o de intento de pactos para salvar vidas”, sentencia.
Inauguración conjunto escultórico 'Los Guaires'
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nanshe-of-nina · 7 years
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Women’s History Meme || Forgotten Princesses (2/10) ↬ Dayfa Khatun
... Favorite daughter of al-Malik al-Adil, who had succeeded his brother Saladin as sultan of the Ayyubid dynasty. Al-Adil could claim control of most of Saladin’s possessions with the exception of Aleppo, the only province Saladin had guaranteed to one of his sons, Az-Zahir Ghazi. As a result of this divide, there was a considerable tension between Ghazi and Al-Adil, and it threatened to dismantle the Ayyubid confederacy. To resolve the tension, Ghazi asked his uncle Al-Adil for his daughter’s hand in marriage. ...
Little is recorded of Dayfa during the reminder of Ghazi's reign ... or that of their son, Al-Aziz Muhammad, who died in 1234 at the age of 24. Muhammad's son and successor was, however, 7 at the time of his father's death, a situation that necessitated the creation of a regency council. This council consisted of two emirs ..., the vizier..., and Dayfa’s own slave... The latter acted as Dayfa’s secretary and deputy at the regency, whose decisions she herself ratified as regent queen in the name of her grandson. Thus, she in effect ruled Aleppo from 1236 until her death in 1243.
Dayfa’s seven year reign was militarily uneventful, making it possible for her to dedicate her efforts to civic affairs and the patronage of scholars and mystics.
— Women, Patronage, and Self-Representation in Islamic Societies; edited by D. Fairchild Ruggles
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dwellordream · 4 years
“A common element shared in the historical context in which these women became regents in their territories was the increasing influence that the Turkish-origin population exercised in both Egypt and Syria (especially in the region of Aleppo) in the first half of the thirteenth century. Yasser Tabbaa suggests three factors might explain the accession to power of women in the Middle East.
First, he stresses that these women were princesses of noble origin and not concubines confined in harems as recounted in the studies of the Abbasid and Ottoman dynasties. This socio-economic condition - following Tabbaa’s explanation - might have allowed these women greater freedom of movement and, indeed, the capacity to maneuver in court.
Second, he claims that political marriages gave these women protection, since their role was fundamental in maintaining the unity of the Ayyubid ‘family confederacy’. Finally, their capacity to give birth to a male child - a potential ruler - increased their status. There is, though, something that has not been considered in this picture. The nomadic Turkish component in the cultural, political, and ethnic spheres of medieval Middle Eastern societies went through one of its periods of greatest influence in the thirteenth century.
...The increase in power of Turkish people with a nomadic past (or a memory of it) should also be taken into account when trying to understand the social and political circumstances that allowed the emergence of female rule in the Middle East prior to the second Mongol invasion during the 1250s.
...by the time Dayfa Khatun was maintaining power by ‘avoiding controversial acts’ and ‘asking not to be mentioned in the Khutba’, the Mongols had an empress (Toregene) who was signing edicts, engaging in diplomacy and actively taking government decisions that influenced the destiny of the Mongol Empire.”
- Bruno De Nicola, “Women and Politics from the Steppes to the World Empire.” in Women in Mongol Iran: The Khatuns, 1206-1335
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anotheraldin · 6 years
Besides highlighting the value of divorce as a patriarchal privilege, this book has also argued that the high rates of divorce in Mamluk society could not have been sustained without a considerable degree of economic independence for women. Among the elite, this economic independence has been founded upon the institution of the dowry – the importance of which has been underestimated by historians. Dowries, delivered in the form of trousseaux, gender-specific items of personal property, functioned as a form of pre-mortem inheritance reserved exclusively for daughters. Usually much larger than the marriage gifts of the groom, the dowries were a substantial portion of a family’s patrimony. Once donated by the bride’s parents, the dowry remained under the woman’s exclusive ownership and control throughout marriage, and then again through widowhood and divorce. Depending on circumstances, women used their dowries to invest in real estate or in exclusively female savings associations, or to derive income from interest-bearing loans. 
Another key aspect of medieval women’s economic independence, often overlooked by both medieval writers and modern historians, was the widespread female participation in the production of textiles. Female spinners, seamstresses and embroiderers were of crucial importance to the textile industry as a whole, and when that industry expanded in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, so did women’s economic opportunities. Examples drawn from chronicles and fatwa¯ collections demonstrate that the remuneration women received for their work was often sufficient to support them, even if at a modest level. Some women, such as the seamstress Dayfa bint. Umar, were able to support entire families, including their husbands. Through their wages, many women, and not necessarily elite women, were able to remain single for long periods of time. Some of them found refuge in exclusively female religious houses, the ribats, built with the purpose of providing them with their own moral and physical space within the male public sphere. 
- Marriage, Money and Divorce in Medieval Islamic Society by Yossef Rapoport.
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blogketoquickblog · 5 years
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16/8 fasting 7-day meal plan to lose weight quickly. #16.8fastingplan #7-dayfa… https://ift.tt/2UjDfZD
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losebellyfatfan · 5 years
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16/8 fasting 7-day meal plan to lose weight quickly. #16.8fastingplan #7-dayfa… https://ift.tt/2ZjErhq
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goketoquickposts · 5 years
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16/8 fasting 7-day meal plan to lose weight quickly. #16.8fastingplan #7-dayfa….. http://bit.ly/2Roh3w7
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16/8 fasting 7-day meal plan to lose weight quickly. #16.8fastingplan #7-dayfa… http://bit.ly/2Rl9l5R
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acrosstimeandspace · 2 years
📖 :D !!
thank you for the ask angel, i hope you’re doing well tonight! and please remember to take care!
for this, i’ll talk about the dayfae sleeping beauty au! it’s a fairy tale au, but also a bit of a soulmates one too (but not really). so daybit and fae are childhood friends in their village, and when daybit turns 10, after his father’s passing, it’s discovered by the village elders that he’s got incredibly powerful magic so they end up sending him away to the academy. luckily for the two friends, daybit and fae are able to cast a spell that allows for them to meet up whenever they fall asleep at the same time.
this works for them for many years, until one day when fae’s 15, all communication stops. from daybit’s letters to seeing him in their dreams, and they can’t figure it out at all. so they set out on a journey, mapped out by their last conversation with daybit, to the academy, where they sneak in and try to find him.
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goquickweightloss · 5 years
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16/8 fasting 7-day meal plan to lose weight quickly. #16.8fastingplan #7-dayfa… http://bit.ly/2YeSvI3
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16/8 fasting 7-day meal plan to lose weight quickly. #16.8fastingplan #7-dayfa… http://bit.ly/2H6dWHA
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balkanin · 4 years
Melika Salihbeg Bosnawi
– Ulomci
Noć je. Crni za­slon po­zor­ni­ce slu­ži kao mo­ni­tor, na ko­jem se, in­ter­net pre­tra­ži­va­njem, lis­ta­ju stra­ni­ce o fi­lo­zo­fi­ma i nji­ho­vu vre­me­nu, o ko­ji­ma je upra­vo go­vo­rio prvi čin na­še dra­me, igro­kaz Sarâb. In­ter­net pre­tra­ži­telj je Dayfa Hâtûn, po­zna­ta nam kao Pri­po­vje­dač i Ani­ma­tor u “tea­tru…
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yoyagug · 7 years
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Dayfa Khatun, Regent of the Ayyubid Emirate of Aleppo by sh0shan ❤ liked on Polyvore
daddys-little-monster's items for polyvore / R11 - Oriental World 2014 - 068.png / E_curtain-1-1-1.png / CAJ.SCR.FR KIT ORIENTAL 37.png / 0_a0811_816ca3e2_L.png / CAJ.SCR.FR KIT ORIENTAL 26.png / R11 - Oriental World 2014 - 098.png / CAJ.SCR.FR KIT ORIENTAL 25.png / CAJ.SCR.FR KIT ORIENTAL 39.png / svetlera - álbum "CLIPART PNG / Gráficos orientales» en Yandex / CAJ.SCR.FR KIT ORIENTAL 3.png / Косметика tianDe — «CAJ.SCR.FR KIT ORIENTAL 59.png» на Яндекс.Фотках / black hijab clipped & edited by sh0shan
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acrosstimeandspace · 2 years
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kai brought this to my attention but he is quite literally my christmas present and may i just say he is the best one
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acrosstimeandspace · 2 years
Two Birds
A DayFae song fic based on the song “Two Birds on a Wire”. Warning for Lostbelt 7 spoilers and theories. Enjoy the angst!
(Two birds on a wire One tries to fly away And the other watches him close from that wire He says he wants to as well But he is a liar)
The human mind could only take so much shock, though the bounds and limits of that varied person to person. Daybit occasionally wondered whatever could push him to his edge, considering he couldn’t make himself stop remembering things, like an ever present recording video of his life.
He thought he knew it to be the moment he was to look at the tombstone in front of him. The neat letters etched into the stone reading out a name that wasn’t his friend’s, who they had all thought to be disappeared. Only for Daybit to learn that this was in fact their tombstone even if their body would never lay underneath it, because it was in another realm under another tombstone and he never would have been able to protect them from such a fate. And they would never come back to him, he would never see their smile or hear their laugh or feel their arms wrap around him or—-
So he trudged through Chaldea, a part of this team now, being trained to defend humanity and at times he could only wonder what for?
Fae’s death was his breaking point. It had to be because there could be no worse fate than to have his other half ripped away. Not the flames, not being manipulated against humanity, not failing to end the Master of Chaldea.
And then he woke up on his bed, in an apartment near the Clocktower, the year on his phone reading several years before.
(I'll believe it all
There's nothing I won't understand)
He could change things this time around, he told himself. He would not let Fae fall because he would find how to get to this world himself or at least get them to confide in him.
Which, he should admit, they were terrible at confiding in anyone. Fae always shouldered every ounce of burden and unhappiness and bottled it up in this little jar inside of themself they thought no one could see — he did, he did— until it burst and they were hurt.
Daybit wouldn’t let Fae get hurt again, he couldn’t.
So when they came home for the one of the first times after their visits to Askr — he guessed based on his knowledge from the previous timeline — he got them to tell him about their woes, and he told them the truth about their world. About Magecraft and trained them as much as he could before he had to go back and so did they. They wouldn’t take him to Askr, away from his own work.
Daybit could say at least they made it farther this time, even with the terror of seeing their bloody body as he held onto them and stared down Fafnir because he couldn’t let Fae do this alone.
He waited for things to reset again, because it had to be someone giving him a chance to save Fae, right? But then why did he have to go through years of being alone again just nearly the same?
So when he fought again against the Master of Chaldea, he was happy to pass on their own success.
And then he woke up staring at that familiar apartment ceiling. Oh.
Chaldea was the reset. Not his loss, he was not some hero in this story destined to save the one he loved.
But he’d be damned if he didn’t try.
(I'll believe it all
I won't let go of your hand)
He’d happily use this broken system that was set up by someone, whoever the hell it was. Again and again and again he’d see that he friend would die in different ways, each time lasting longer than the last. And again he’d let everything reset so he could see them, hear them, try to save them.
But he was so tired. Why was Fae’s destiny to die? Did they not pour enough of their life into tearing bits of themself off to help others? Who decided to put the fate of so many worlds in their hands, that were so tiny and gentle and calloused but so sweet and warm?
His heart felt heavy as he watched Fae flutter about Askr’s halls and finally to him, relief in their smile as they spoke.
“It’s over, Day. We’ve done it, I can finally retire!”
He pulled them into a hug then and there, pressing them tightly into his chest as he glanced up at the castle’s ceiling, blinking way tears.
It was over. They were safe. All he had to do now was finally pull the other pieces together and end what was resetting everything. And Fae was already talking about the job offer they had received, as an archivist for some mage, and Daybit just had to make sure the timeline could continue through. Then he could finally be with Fae, and retire himself.
That’s all. Simple.
(Two birds on a wire
One says c'mon and the other says "I'm tired"
The sky is overcast and I'm sorry
One more or one less
Nobody's worried)
He wasn’t too concerned when things were changing so drastically from the other timelines. In fact, you could say it overjoyed him to see the other Crypters he accidentally grew so close to each timeline somehow survive their fated deaths. He gave his thanks to this for some odd butterfly effect of Fae surviving their own fate. A happy coincidence.
Or perhaps it was because he killed Marisbury, shot him with his gun and staged it to be a tragedy. He knew it wouldn’t stop much, but Marisbury would be much more hindered and much less involved. Marisbury’s remaining consciousness was trapped inside Chaldeans until the right moment. He had only felt pity for his daughter, Olga Marie, who had never deserved the pain of having a magus for a father.
It was nice though, to watch those he had watched die without being able to do anything before now live. He remembered, before the complexity of the Lostbelts, even confiding in them about Fae. He hoped that they, after all of this, would be able to meet his new and final friends.
(I'll believe it all
There's nothing I won't understand)
Fae was trudging through the supposed final Lostbelt. But, something was wrong, undeniably so. Larger than anything else strange going on in this Lostbelt. Sorry to the dinosaurs, but they were, perhaps, the most normal thing about this.
No, what was strange was this pit in their stomach that had them on edge the entire time. What was strange was that the other Crypters refused to speak about their seventh, and kept Da Vinci and the others in Chaldea, sans Goredolf, hush about them too. What was weird was that even Beryl, the downright bastard, had no quick witty thing to say except that said person was an enigma. What was strange was that somehow, that Master’s Servant, Tezcatlipoca, somehow knew too much about them.
Because it all sickeningly pointed them towards an answer they were spiraling too now.
Tezca, as they began to call him, was gracious enough to confirm this for them without a price.
“I’m surprised though, you’re not the same Master of Chaldea… But instead, new one, you’re more familiar than I’m sure my Master would like.”
“If I were to ask you who your Master is, would you answer me honestly.”
“It doesn’t matter to me if you know, I don’t think it’ll change much for us.”
“Then it is Daybit.”
Tezca rose an eyebrow. “How long have you known?”
Fae swallowed, furrowing their brows, “I thought I saw him in a Coffin.”
“Ah. Well, what will you do? Give up on humanity, that is destined to be remade? Or give up on—“
“Daybit wouldn’t destroy humanity.”
“You’re confident about that.”
“Won’t even tell me why?”
“I…” They grasped onto their locket, which was strongly pointing to Daybit’s direction. “I’m still putting those pieces together.”
(I'll believe it all
I won't let go of your hand)
“But you don’t understand!” Fae yelled at Da Vinci and the Crypters. “Why would the Seventh Crypter be so hellbent on destroying only Chaldeas? Tezca didn’t even specify us!”
“Fae, you need to calm down,” Kadoc’s voice was sharp. “What’s happening now, none of us could predict it.”
“But it has to do with the bigger picture. It, it just didn’t start here, with the Lostbelts. It had too…”
Fae turned around to stare at the cave wall they had been using as a blackboard for the past day. Their writing was a mess of Ylissean — Robin had taught them, and it had become their stress language — connecting to dots that had occurred over the span of the last few years since their time in Askr. Tears blurred their writing as they ran a hand through their messy teal hair. Teal like Thor’s like the All Father’s, things those in Askr had said to them running through their mind and they hit it.
“He’s desperate to keep you safe.” Loki had confided in them. “He’d hold onto you forever if you’d only ask. Perhaps that’s why things keep ending so…”
“So what? Different?”
“For you, specifically. He’d let someone reset the entire world if it meant you’d be safe.”
“That quite a specific thing to say.”
Loki only shrugged, a knowing smile on her lips.
“Oh? Fae, what is it? Are you alright?” Kirschtaria had come up behind them to place his hands comfortingly on their shoulders, which they willingly leaned into
“Marisbury is resetting the timeline.”
“Fae, that’s…”
“And Daybit’s been letting it happen over and over again because I keep dying.”
They turned sharply to face the others in the cave, their eyes wide as the words tumbled out of their mouth. “Loki, in Askr before I left, implied that Daybit has been letting things be reset because my ending kept changing. And then Tezca said that I’m not the same Master of Chaldea that Daybit’s planned for, that Marisbury’s planned for. And that would make sense, because I’ve never lived long enough to be the Master until this timeline! That’s why he’s off his game, I keep throwing him curveballs! But not Daybit, because I’m sure he’s slowly come to the conclusion that I’m here just like I did about him being here!”
“But that doesn’t explain him claiming to be an enemy of humanity. Or about him wanting to destroy Chaldeas.” Pepe threw in.
“No,” Da Vinci shook her head. “We knew that Olga Marie lived on through Chaldeas.”
“So, it’s possible that so did Marisbury.” Kirschtaria finished her thought.
“But then why did he die?” The question was posed by Kadoc, who looked around at the trio putting the pieces together in alarm.
“Because, Day realized that in Chaldeas, Marisbury would have less knowledge and control over the Master of Chaldea in their beginnings. It’s why he killed Marisbury. And since Marisbury’s soul lives on in Chaldeas and is continuing this impossible conclusion of a timeline, that leads us to resetting. The only solution would be to then destroy Chaldeas.”
“Then how does he plan to put ORT back to sleep?”
“He doesn’t.”
(Two birds of a feather
Say that they're always gonna stay together
But one's never going to let go of that wire
He says that he will
But he's just a liar)
It was chaos, and Fae could hardly keep track of the others as they sprinted towards Daybit. It didn’t matter now if Chaldeas was destroyed so long as Marisbury could not reset things. The only important thing was to race towards their light to stop him from extinguishing himself to brighten the future.
To pursue forward, each footstep, each jump, with him as their only goal. It felt like then, with dagger in hand running towards Tiamat. But this time, they’d stop a death. They had to, to dodge the debris and move and move and leap and run.
(Two birds on a wire
One tries to fly away and the other
Watches him close from that wire
He says he wants to as well, but he is a liar)
Daybit turns back to them, light of a spell in front of him making him look radiant, he’s glowing. He’s beautiful with that bittersweet smile, purple eyes shaded by his long lashes.
They’re so close, hands and arms wrapping around him and pulling him in. He’s so warm and the feel of even just his leather trench coat is home it’s right and for a heartbeat they’re almost tempted to ignore the rising of magic that is just too much and won’t work to cherish this after being deprived of even the smallest look of him.
And he says, “We’ll be home soon, Fae.”
(Two birds on a wire
One tries to fly away and the other)
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