#dazai is only a bad person when it’s convenient for their tastes
1bringthesun · 7 months
so when dazai was in the hospital with that nurse, who’s the right one to blame?
(discussions of s/a, medical unprofessionally, and other bsd-typical things)
asking this question is wrong to begin with. there’s no, “ oh no, but who will we blame for the situation?” are you really still looking for someone to blame in bungou stray dogs, the series of grey morality?
well, i don’t blame you. so im making a post about it!
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for convenience, i’m just going to assume they slept together because it makes the most sense, and is also generally what the fandom assumes when they try to point fingers at either two.
to better understand why people think a certain way, let’s break it down and approach this problem from two perspectives!
the nurse was in the wrong:
dazai had just gotten out of surgery for having a bullet wound and is still under the influence of anesthesia. she sees him using his phone and takes it from him. he’s handsome and willing to do things with her, so she sleeps with him, and when they’re done, she’s willing to give it back. not only that, but she has the audacity to ask again if they can do it “just once more.” it’s obvious she has zero care for him as a patient if she’s willing to sleep with someone fresh out of surgery, and also being under the influence, he’s not able to properly consent. regardless, she takes her chance to be with a handsome man, completely neglecting her job to care for his health as a nurse and breaking probably every single aspect of professionalism.
dazai was in the wrong:
an annoying woman is disregarding the gravity of his work and holding him, someone who’s important to the fate of the city, by normal hospital standards, when he’s been shot by a bullet before and knows his own body inhumanly well; another doctor even gave him permission, so who’s she to act like the boss of him? obviously, this bothers him, and he needs his phone, so he decides to take the quickest path to getting it back, and, spoiler alert: it isn’t recovery. he seduces her and puts her job at risk just so he’ll get his phone back, and when she becomes attached to him, he says yeah, sure, they can fool around again… if he feels like it.
they’re both in the wrong:
people blame her of sexually assaulting him, and also blame him of sexually assaulting her. they say he couldn’t have consented, she overly wasn’t interested in the beginning, she was meant to care for her patient, he’s a scumbag and a womanizer, etc.
but don’t you see? the fact that both of them have done awful things in these two panels…
…is the point.
dazai is an asshole for sleeping with a woman he doesn’t give a damn about just so she’ll do what he tells her to, and she’s totally insane for letting a patient who was just in surgery share physical intimacy with her.
she’s an awful nurse, and he’s a bitch! they both suck!!!! why only blame one of them for sucking?
from an outsider’s perspective, the nurse does seem to be more in the wrong. she was meant to be his caretaker for a while and completely neglected that, even going so far as to have relations with a patient still under the effects of drugs.
but… was he? he was speaking completely lucidly, and none of his thoughts or words or actions resembled someone under the influence in the slightest. he made a sour face at her when he realized he couldn’t just do whatever he wanted to do, and her attitude in the beginning was clearly appropriate for the situation. calling dazai a victim in this situation is wrong. he clearly took the initiative to change her position. is that not consent?
he manipulated her for access to a phone, and she used him as means of gratification, and both of that is wrong.
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straycat-writes · 4 years
to ever let you go (nakahara chuuya)
summary: two years is a long time, enough for a person to go through hell and back. chuuya learns that the hard way.
notes: there’s mild swearing and non-graphic mentions of injury. before you ask, yes, there is (eventually) going to be a part two.
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Chuuya has never liked taking the elevator. Most of the time, it’s too cramped, and too shaky, and too bright and – too this or too that, he tells himself. In truth, he just doesn’t like closed spaces.
Unfortunately for him, Mori’s office is on the very top floor of the building that houses the Port Mafia headquarters. Fitting for the boss of the Port Mafia, but a pain in the ass for Chuuya. Nevertheless, when Mori calls, he goes. It’s not like he has a choice.
“Chuuya-kun, I would like you to come see me at your earliest convenience. Something rather…important has turned up.”
Chuuya had been with the mafia long enough to know that ‘at your earliest convenience’ meant drop everything and come right now’. He stepped out of the elevator, hands jammed into his pockets, and sighed. Something rather important, huh?
The armed guards stationed outside the door took one look at him and left way immediately, and a self-satisfied smile almost made its way onto Chuuya’s face. It made his day when people cower before him when he hasn’t even done anything yet.
“Good evening, boss. How may – “
The rest of the words died in his throat.
The blinds on the floor-to-ceiling windows were drawn, like always, obscuring the sky and leaving the space to be illuminated only by the soft interior lights. Mori was sitting behind his desk, elbows resting on it and fingers steepled below his chin. And in front of the desk…there was her.
“Ah, Chuuya-kun, how considerate of you to join us.” Mori said with calm, calculated smile, “Would you perhaps like to sit down for a while?”
Chuuya didn’t answer. He couldn’t have had, even if he wanted to, his throat had suddenly gone too dry. There she was. Standing there with her hands clasped behind her back, alive and well.
On second thought, the ‘well’ part was debatable. She looked pale and haggard, with scars littering almost every inch of exposed skin. Her stance was slightly slouched too, as if she was unconsciously trying to disappear into herself. When she turned to look at him, however, his heart almost stops. Why did her eyes look like that?
“(Y-y/n)?” his voice came out scratchy, almost cracking, and he couldn’t stop staring at her with eyes wide enough to almost pop out of their sockets.
She didn’t reply, instead quietly turning away and looking straight ahead. A million thoughts and assumptions swarmed Chuuya’s head at once, almost overwhelming him. He couldn’t think straight. So, naturally, he thought he’d do what he did best. Yell.
“It’s been two fucking years, where the hell were you all this time!?”
When she had first disappeared two years ago, shortly after being deployed for a mission, Chuuya had dedicated everything he had to looking for her. He searched high and low and despite pressure from the higher ups, he didn’t stop until he had turned most of the country inside out. But after almost a year of trying and trying and still coming up empty, he had grown weary.
On particularly bad nights, he had even wondered if she too had pulled a Dazai and got the fuck out of there, leaving him behind. If she too had abandoned him and betrayed him like his partner once had. The thought left a bad taste in his mouth but he thought he’d prefer that to the alternative. That she was lying dead in a ditch somewhere.
Chuuya had never even considered there could be a third option.
When she didn’t react, Chuuya got more anxious, and despite trying his best not to, took two successive steps towards her, “Answer me!”
It was only when she flinched back that he stopped, mid-stride. And for the first time since entering the room, he took a long, proper look at her. The shadows underneath her eyes were deeper than he had expected them to be, and she seemed to be curling in on herself where she stood, as if trying to take as little space as possible.
Chuuya took a step back. “What… what happened to you?”
With lacklustre eyes, she looked at him, face completely devoid of any expression. Then she spoke to him for the first time in two years.
“What do you think?”
Chuuya faltered, not knowing what to say or do. Even her voice sounded scratchy, deeper somehow and yet with a paper-thin quality to it. Nothing like the syrupy sweet velvet he remembered it to be. A million possible scenarios and explanations ran through his head before being consecutively discarded.
Perhaps taking pity on his dilemma, Mori, who had been sitting behind his desk all this time, observing the two of them with a calm, calculating gaze and an amused smile, finally decided that it was time to intervene.
“Chuuya-kun, do you remember the operation (y/n) was handling two years ago just before she, er, disappeared?”
Chuuya frowned. “I do. She was supposed to be gathering intel on this enemy organization that was interfering with our overseas businesses.”
“Yes, well… Turns out they were just as desperate for intel on us.”
“Don’t tell me… “ Chuuya’s eyes widened as he tore his gaze away from Mori to look back at her. “You were being held as a prisoner? For two fucking years?”
“Now, now,” Mori tried to placate him. “No need to raise your voice. As you can see, (y/n) is still… recuperating.”
Out of the corer of his eye, Chuuya could see a steely, bemused smile on Mori’s face, one that did not sit well with him at all. But this wasn’t the time to focus on that. He looked back at you.
“I’m… (y/n), I don’t know what to say, I looked for you everywhere.” He said. “I looked for you for months… “ There was silence for a few short seconds, before she spoke.
“Well, clearly you didn’t look hard enough.”
The words weren’t loud or even containing any particular malice, but the moment they left her lips, Chuuya felt like he couldn’t breathe. Because she sounded disappointed. Resigned and hollow. Most of all, she just sounded sad.
Mori’s voice cut through his thoughts once more like a hot wire. “That’s enough chit-chat for now, I think.” He looked at both of them in turn. “Why don’t you take her to stay with you for a while, Chuuya-kun? You two did use to be rather close. Besides, I really don’t think (y/n) should be left alone in such a state.”
For some reason, Chuuya’s blood boiled in his veins. He wasn’t stupid. There was absolutely no way Mori didn’t know where she had been all this time. But if so, why didn’t he say anything? Did it benefit him somehow? Did he plan it all out? He wouldn’t put it past the crafty bastard. But for now…
“Yes, boss, I think that would be the wisest course of action.”
When he turned to her and held out his hand, she just looked at for a long time, scrutinizing it as if wondering what trick he might pull. But instead of insisting or saying anything, Chuuya just waited patiently for her to come around. He could still see that smile fixed on Mori’s face as he watched the events unfold in front of him, and oh, what Chuuya wouldn’t have given in that moment to be able to wipe that smug grin off his face.
Eventually, she took one last look at him once more before finally accepting his hand. Chuuya didn’t dare pull her closer or even hold her hand tighter for the fear of breaking it. At this point, he couldn’t be sure how fragile she was or wasn’t.
On light steps, they left the dark office together. The girl currently holding onto his hand wasn’t (y/n). Or at least, she wasn’t the same (y/n) he had lost two years ago. He had failed that girl when he had been unable to bring her back safe.
But Chuuya swore he would correct every mistake he had ever made. He would get her back.
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inactivebsdblog · 5 years
Hello! Could I request a matchup plz? I have intp personality and I'm a asexual biromantic 5'1 ravenclaw Gemini girl with adhd.I'm caring,funny,loud,crazy,loyal,sassy,open minded,teasing and brutally honest to friends.but to strangers I'm cold with resting bitch face,because of this I don't have many friends.I like to watch anime, cook,draw,space,read,roast people with sick insults,listen to music,take long walks,and sleep,I also like to travel the world. Thxs!
I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU BECAUSE I KNOW EXACTLY WHO TO MATCH YOU WITH (there's really only one worry I have with this but honestly, I think he'll understand) (now that I look closer, there is one certain woman I can see you with too... but I'm gonna take my initial choice anyway because I can make better HCs for him)
I match you with...
Nakahara Chuuya!
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He may seem like a pretty hot-headed (*cough* TSUNDERE *cough*) person at first, but inside, he is a very considerate person, really
Your first meeting was... bumpy. Literally. You bumped into each other while you were taking a walk and none of you really knew who bumped into who since you were both lost in thoughts (all alone~ *Mod is slapped*) so you just blamed the other.
You two started to sass the hell out of each other every time you met, be it on the street, in a shop, anywhere.
Chuuya was kinda relieved you couldn't use his height aganist him since you are shorter but you still gave impressive answers to his teasing and teased him himself in pretty creative ways.
The more he got to know you, the more he came to like you. You made him laugh and you were unique. You didn't try to fit in. You'd tell him how you think his clothes are terrible if you'd really think so and he wouldn't be as angry because he'd know that you're serious and not trying to tease him like a certain waste of bandages.
He would've never confessed to you on his own (like I said, Tsundere), but one day, conveniently, you turn to him with a grin and said "Admit it, you just like me~!" in a teasing way.
What you didn't expect was him saying "Yes, I do like you" with a serious face before turning into a blushing mess.
And after that, it just... happened.
You listen to his problems, even though you have to chuckle every time Dazai comes up. This guy has a complex that's thankfully not as bad as Akutagawa's, but it still exists.
Chuuya also tries to listen to your problems and gives advice on how to solve them... though most of the time, the advice is just him offering to beat up whoever caused you the problem. Sometimes, though, his advices are very helpful.
He watches anime with you, though he isn't interested in most of them. I can see him getting invested in romance anime, though (he is the Port Mafia's mum, after all, if you don't get that, listen to the Port Mafia Onsen Drama CD).
I can totally see him testing your food, walking to his bar and taking out a wine he thinks fits the taste. Actually, you can't tell me that wouldn't happen.
He's the type of person that would take one look at your drawing, say "Not bad" and come back at night to fanboy over it and take photos.
(Okay, how can I understand "space"? Like, do you like space, the sky thing? I'm just gonna assume it's that) Chuuya and space? He's gravity. He could take you to space... but he doesn't want to kill you, so he takes you high enough to still be able to breathe. The same with travelling, just that you're flying through the sky and see Yokohama and cities around from above. He could show you the whole world, but that'd be draining for both of you.
(I can show you the world~)
He leaves you alone when reading (or sleeping). He doesn't do it often and he doesn't want to disturb you since you look so peaceful and beautiful-
He knows your roasting skills first-hand and he thinks you're very creative.
Taking long walks with Chuuya often ends in a bar. You do get him home before he gets too drunk, but he has very low alcohol tolerance, so at home, you have to put up with him complaining about Dazai.
Speaking of Dazai: he'd be the one to burst through the door and congratulate his former partner on having found someone shorter than him as his significant other.
Angry Chuuya incoming... though this time, it's really for your sake, not because he feels insecure about his height. He would sacrifice the world for you.
Thanks for requesting! I hope you liked it!
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Shield Hero 20 - 22 | Sarazanmai 7 - 9 | BSD 32 - 34 | Fruits Basket 8 - 9 | Demon Slayer 8 - 10 | OPM 20 - 21
Shield Hero 20
Motoyasu getting dragged by Filo was funny…not enough to get a proper laugh though. Just a smirk or two.
Stop narrating and just get on with it, Naofumi and friends…!
“I was saying we should fight together all along.” (from Itsuki) – Were you, now…? (skeptical)
Ass-pull! I call “ass-pull” at the power to swallow the phoenix flame! Seriously, when did the dragon get the opportunity to teach Naofumi how to do that???
How did Naofumi not die after losing so much blood…?
What does the Q even stand for in the queen’s name…?
Sarazanmai 7
The seagulls…so fluffy…
For some reason, I expect a fakeout, but then it never arrives…these boys are really connecting…
I found some kappa croquette thingy online, but it referred to a “Shiki City” which probably isn’t in Asakusa…
The shirt…Kazuki’s shirt says “frog” but I get the feeling it also means “return”.
Shirohasu water. It’s Irohasu in Japan.
Was the lyric to Kawausoiya (the otter song) “gonna take ‘em”…?
Nice ET reference, Sara.
Balls…not just sport entendre, but…y’know. The sort of humour I don’t like as much.
Ooh…Keppi is shaping up to be the bad guy. But what plans does he have? Am I speculating too much and is he being framed? Hard to know until next time…
BSD 32
When Kyouka is eating the sundae, she looks like the Tofu Kyouka from Mayoi…hmm.
Can I confess something? Before I saw the illustrations for s2, I thought Louisa’s hair was much darker than what it is in the anime…hmmm, indeed.
I don’t think we were ever told (in the manga or the anime) what Louisa’s wish was…
This bit with Fyodor…I don’t think it was in the manga.
Subarashi-sou is a pun on “it seems wonderful”. That wasn’t in the manga, but it’s a great pun (because it’s right up my alley).
Fitz laughing at the neighbour’s TV wasn’t in the manga either, but that’s just the anime director’s humour peeking through.
“Blalack Daniel’s”, LOL.
Ohh…a quick Google reveals TJ Eckleberg is from the Great Gatsby. In there, he’s an eye doctor, but here, he’s an engineer.
George B Wilson is also from the Great Gatsby…Here be spoilers, but…George dies in his original work too.
Manhasset is a place in New York…I assume it’s connected to the Great Gatsby as well…
Oh yeah! Random Poe moment. That’s in the manga, so Igarashi (or whoever’s responsible for the terrible humour) doesn’t have to fake that bit.
Cue “Objection!” by Fitz, lemme guess. Even if I know the outcome and how it was done, I’d like to have my memory refreshed (by stabbing in the dark…and making an Ace Attorney joke in the process).
I already know, without googling, that Tom Buchanan is part of Great Gatsby as well…
Bank of Amerigo…LOL.
Fruits Basket 8
“If you show up for the banquet now…”
“The banquet sounds just like the folk tale!” Honestly, subbers, proofread…
Haa-kun and Haa-san. No distinguishing between them (aside from honorifics), even though they’re two completely different people.
Hatori’s squinty face was…hilarious, to put it simply.
Oh…I forgot the dance seems to be something the animal of the year does. So if Yuki was 3 years ago, it makes sense Momiji is doing it this year.
Best seat in the house for a sunrise, huh?
Kimetsu no Yaiba 8
I’ve seen Muzan being described as “Demon Michael Jackson” and now I can’t get that out of my head when I see him…sorry.
Tsukihiko, huh? It translates to “moon’s radiance” or something like that. That name is appropriate for a bad guy, isn’t it?
This is the first time I’ve really listened to the OST (aside from the OP and ED), so it’s…really something.
Ooh, I didn’t realise until now, but Ufotable even imitated the paper Jump is printed on with the next-ep previews…
OPM 2 8 (OPM 20)
Er…I haven’t mentioned it for the past few episodes, but Suiryu is hotttttttt. (No? I said that? Okay, next step.) That’s basically the only reason why I’m watching anymore…I can’t seem to find anyone who thinks positively of this tournament arc enough to do reviews of it that I can read, which has made my own opinion of this beloved series go down the drain…Also, if you weren’t aware, my taste lies not in Suiryu’s huge bulk, but rather in the fact he’s got long hair.
Didn’t Suiryu get pierced in the abs??? Where’s the blood coming from his injuries??? Update: He does have injuries there, they’re just not bloody…that’s all.
The main criticism for OPM 2 is the fact that it keeps cutting between different events, so it’s hard to follow. Well, I’ve had worse (see Concrete Revolutio) so that’s why I’m still here.
People say that clothing changes you – say if you put on a new outfit, you feel like a new person. (Of course, that’s all glamorising and praising consumption, but that’s beside the point here.) I think that’s what’s up with Max and Snek.
Shield Hero 21
“…the Shield Hero is worshipped.”
Really? Boob jiggle, at a time like this??? (Context: Malty is getting th slave crest painted on her.)
Wait, was there ever a Shield Church???
Okay, that felt like a real seasonal ending. What the heck is going to happen in the last few episodes, I wonder…?
Sarazanmai 8
Chikai knows the real meaning of YOLO…heh. I’m only kidding…
To be honest, I think I like Toi best out of the main trio. I tend to like the boys in blue…and no, I don’t mean the otter police.
Kazuki’s service provider is “Kappa Phone”, LOL.
When Reo held up the gun, I was yelling, “Enta! Get it for him!” (i.e. take the bullet) I didn’t expect him to actually do it…
…and here I thought tragic yuri was common enough and we don’t have enough Tragic Yaoi Dudes…
Notably, Toi was registered on Enta’s phone as “Kuji”, while Kazuki is registered as “Kazuki” (katakana) on Toi’s.
Shots fired…!
Update: I didn’t notice this, but the evil dude with kamome written behind him (I think it’s in this episode, but it might have been in the last one instead) must be based on a seagull…because that’s what kamome means.
Bungou Stray Dogs 33 (BSD S3 Ep 8)
I think it was around here I stopped reading the scans, because the series was picked up legally anyway…but I can see the death flags for a certain Port Mafia man…one who stands at the top.
As expected…butt shot. Igarashi (or whoever’s responsible for that shot) likes butts, so between this and Sarazanmai…*imagines image of kappa!Kazuki holding a shirikodama* There’s absolutely no buts about it (LOL), there’s no shortage of butts this season.
“To think that the rabbit being hunted would show its face…” – I think it’s hard for you to say that, Akutagawa, when you yourself have no face in that frame…
Why are both Akutagawa and Fyodor Naruto running today???
“So you’re doing this for that woman.”
What is “Mukurotoride”? I don’t seem to remember…maybe I never learnt what it was. Update: Apparently a tower in Dead Apple is called Mukurotoride.
Conspiracy time! This book sounds like Kunikida’s Ability…so imagine if it were under Dazai’s nose the entire time…
Fruits Basket 9
I love how the synopsis for this episode goes, “Kyo fights Yuki, Yuki fights a cold…”
Hatsuharu’s wearing such an ostentatious fluffy jacket…LOL, I love it.
Holy cow (LOL), I forgot how old Hatsuharu is…so that means he’s 15-ish, right?
Come to think of it…I see Fruits Basket characters in Ro Te O, which I started writing at about this time in 2013. The Azrael of that time was a hybrid of Hatsuharu, Ritsu and Ayame, Tetsuya is basically Yuki and Ryou is Kyou…hmm.
Apparently, Shigure had in the 2001 anime a song that went like, “High school girls, high school girls, cute high school girls for me.” So that’s where it was??? (Context: I haven’t seen Fruits Basket 2001, but read the entire manga.)
Kimetsu no Yaiba 9
Recap time, recap time…so the lady’s in the back room and Tanjiro conveniently forgets the man is in the basement…? Wuh?
Moya was complaining about how repetitive this show can get when it comes to the script (i.e. it repeats itself because it doesn’t trust its audience, but I think that’s because this is originally serialised on TV week by week that people may forget if they’re not bingeing, taking notes or following the manga). I’ll talk more about that in my KnY collab post, I guess…
When Yushiro said “watch your back”…he really meant it, huh?
Temari are the balls, but kemari is when you kick the balls.
“…the eyeballs on his hands are creepy.” – LOL.
Shield Hero 22
The ep title just says “Hero Council”…not specifically that there are 4 of them.
My stream’s been buffering more than usual, so I went “like mother, like daughter” before Naofumi did…
It would’ve ben massively funny to hear Melty call Malty either “Trash” or “B****”…especially the last one, because that’s always a fun way to end a sentence (especially for a girl as young as her). Update: She does, but the way she does it isn’t as funny as I thought it would be (and she doesn’t end her sentence with her sister’s new name).
Wait, I thought they got rid of her slave pact??? I thought it was only for the duration of her trial that she needed it for.
L’Arc and that lady seem like they’re foreshadowing for later…hmm. Update: The next-episode synopsis says “yes”. So does that new visual.
Sarazanmai 9
I can’t believe this show’s almost over…That means I gotta get a move on with RobiHachi, but to be honest? Non-anime things are probably going to kep me busy until…a few days from now. So I’ll get RobiHachi watched then.
Characetrs are dying en masse in this episode, aren’t they??? I saw a spoiler that (well, SPOILER) Chikai’s gonna die, but I don’t know about Enta or Keppi…Update: To be honest, I thought Chikai was going to become the next monster – a gun monster, perhaps. Maybe now that I’ve finished the episode, he’ll become a real zombie. (Hey, see what I did there with the bolding…? How’s that for hiding spoilers, eh???)
Oh yeah…I forgot Enta’s sister was Kazuki’s teacher…
There was a sign behind Masa that said”Hinode Asakusa” – “hi no de” meaning roughly “under the sun” or “leaving the sun”.
Tokarev…? The gun? Gun monster, maybe? Is this a critique of the American gun…(exaggerated voice) Nah, can’t be…this is Japanese.
Lionel…Lionel…for some reason, that name in relation to soccer seems familiar...I just can’t put my finger on who it reminds me of, though. Update: Is it, perhaps, Messi…? Yes, I think that’s the guy I was thinking of…!
Aw…I’m not crying, you are…But these words were running through my head before Toi chucked the bag of money away and yelled, “F***!”: “Everything I do, I do it for you.” Isn’t that cute…?
Bungou Stray Dogs 34
“…one by one?” Junban means “sequentially”, so I don’t see why you have to use the phrase “one by one”. Or “one at a time” would also work.
Hardbank…to contrast Softbank (a phone company in Japan).
Face-stealing aliens strike again…(re: Atsushi)
Oh flip. This reminds me of my Kunikida fic…yeah, I bet you don’t remember it.
Hey, this dude! Apparently he’s from one of Kunikida’s stories. I really am approaching the end of what I know of canon…*gulp* Update: Oops, we already passed that part…
I wonder if the real Fyodor could play cello…? Or is this just a thing to make him ominous and villanous…?
The cross on the wall behind Kunikida…makes this show more like Eva than Kekkai Sensen…exquisite. Absolutely exquisite, isn’t it?
Another cool cross, behind Tanizaki!
What’s a tatamigatana? Also, I didn’t know other people could be synchronised using Doppo Poet and Ranpo’s deduction…
Does Kouyou mean (by “the one I most despise”)…Chuuya? Or herself? It’s definitely not Ace.
Kimetsu no Yaiba 10
Headpats for Yushiro as well! Headpats for everyone!
There’s a lot of Tanjiro being terrified in this episode…
Wait…Kizuki? I thought they were the 12 Moons? (Well, “tsuki” means “moon”, but then what’s the “ki”?) Update: The “ki” means “demon”, so the Kizuki are the 12 Demon Moons.
Being alone with the body…that’s always a scary thought in murder mysteries…for the people who dissect them to determine the cause of death, that is.
Considering the name of the episode is “Together Forever”…nup, I don’t see Nezuko and Tanjiro separating anytime soon…
The Kasugai crow is what happens when you can’t turn off your Google Assistant…or GPS…or Siri.
If Tanjiro knows the name of his crow, how do the crows get their names? Do their trainers (is that the right term for a crow breeder in this case…?) give them names?
OPM S2 Ep 9 (Ep 21)
LOL, that one shot of the ants…JC Staff really don’t care about this series, do they…?
I kinda forgot about Genos after a bit more than a week…sorry, I was watching other anime in between. (More than usual, at least. I started playing Chibi Tamago – a forum game for AniList where you collect badges for watching anime - that’s why.)
Did he (Pri-Pri Prisoner)…store his phone in his butt…?
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