#dazai and the nurse
1bringthesun · 7 months
so when dazai was in the hospital with that nurse, who’s the right one to blame?
(discussions of s/a, medical unprofessionally, and other bsd-typical things)
asking this question is wrong to begin with. there’s no, “ oh no, but who will we blame for the situation?” are you really still looking for someone to blame in bungou stray dogs, the series of grey morality?
well, i don’t blame you. so im making a post about it!
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for convenience, i’m just going to assume they slept together because it makes the most sense, and is also generally what the fandom assumes when they try to point fingers at either two.
to better understand why people think a certain way, let’s break it down and approach this problem from two perspectives!
the nurse was in the wrong:
dazai had just gotten out of surgery for having a bullet wound and is still under the influence of anesthesia. she sees him using his phone and takes it from him. he’s handsome and willing to do things with her, so she sleeps with him, and when they’re done, she’s willing to give it back. not only that, but she has the audacity to ask again if they can do it “just once more.” it’s obvious she has zero care for him as a patient if she’s willing to sleep with someone fresh out of surgery, and also being under the influence, he’s not able to properly consent. regardless, she takes her chance to be with a handsome man, completely neglecting her job to care for his health as a nurse and breaking probably every single aspect of professionalism.
dazai was in the wrong:
an annoying woman is disregarding the gravity of his work and holding him, someone who’s important to the fate of the city, by normal hospital standards, when he’s been shot by a bullet before and knows his own body inhumanly well; another doctor even gave him permission, so who’s she to act like the boss of him? obviously, this bothers him, and he needs his phone, so he decides to take the quickest path to getting it back, and, spoiler alert: it isn’t recovery. he seduces her and puts her job at risk just so he’ll get his phone back, and when she becomes attached to him, he says yeah, sure, they can fool around again… if he feels like it.
they’re both in the wrong:
people blame her of sexually assaulting him, and also blame him of sexually assaulting her. they say he couldn’t have consented, she overly wasn’t interested in the beginning, she was meant to care for her patient, he’s a scumbag and a womanizer, etc.
but don’t you see? the fact that both of them have done awful things in these two panels…
…is the point.
dazai is an asshole for sleeping with a woman he doesn’t give a damn about just so she’ll do what he tells her to, and she’s totally insane for letting a patient who was just in surgery share physical intimacy with her.
she’s an awful nurse, and he’s a bitch! they both suck!!!! why only blame one of them for sucking?
from an outsider’s perspective, the nurse does seem to be more in the wrong. she was meant to be his caretaker for a while and completely neglected that, even going so far as to have relations with a patient still under the effects of drugs.
but… was he? he was speaking completely lucidly, and none of his thoughts or words or actions resembled someone under the influence in the slightest. he made a sour face at her when he realized he couldn’t just do whatever he wanted to do, and her attitude in the beginning was clearly appropriate for the situation. calling dazai a victim in this situation is wrong. he clearly took the initiative to change her position. is that not consent?
he manipulated her for access to a phone, and she used him as means of gratification, and both of that is wrong.
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nekovale · 5 months
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So, this thing happened because in the same day I discovered that: - Chuuya's voice actor is Granrodeo's singer - Chuuya used to call Dazai "Osamu" when they were younger and Dazai wrote down and hid this in a time capsule I took it well
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anticidic · 2 months
Dazai unironically being good at wound care. He not only picked up some things from studying Mori, but because he needed to learn how to keep his own wounds clean as a kid. He also has extensive knowledge about different kinds of wounds since he...unfortunately has dealt with many of them.
Chuuya turning to Dazai for help in patching his wounds up since Dazai's just a little too good at that and at making sure bandages stay on. Also, he knows which brand is best and the most durable.
Dazai jokes about the fact Chuuya came to him of all people, but he helps without question. Chuuya's either lying on the couch or on his bed with an arm over his eyes refusing to look as Dazai hums a tune to himself and wraps a layer of bandages up the length of Chuuya's injured leg.
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samnicthehedgehog · 1 month
i think the question of whether the bsd nurse scene with dazai was sa would be easily answered if people read like. a SUMMARY of no longer human. bsd characters are obviously not direct copies of the authors but thats like a big part of irl dazais life and trauma. if it actually was supposed to just show dazais a whore and be a light hearted situation that makes asagiri like. the biggest villain alive for what he did to irl dazai
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dont-f-with-moogles · 9 months
The Envelope
Characters: Dazai x Reader Word count: 937 words Osamu Dazai is one of the regulars at the café where you work. Whilst conversations with him are never dull, your tireless to-and-fro often takes you away from the subject of his ever-growing tab. Instead, you are forced to sidestep his constant invitations into a ‘lover’s suicide’ and remind him that such a pursuit can be accomplished alone by any individual in possession of a good life insurance policy. If anything, the living spouse would then at least profit financially. And yet, Dazai neither seems satisfied with your responses nor deterred in his efforts to change your mind.
One day, at the end of a long shift, you were approaching the double doors, keys in hand, when Dazai slouched past the glass. Startled, you opened one door to admit him. It had been some time since he had visited the café and the lateness of the hour only added to your sense of trepidation.
“Just thought I’d stop by… I’m sure you missed me!” he called out jovially. As he perched upon one of stools which lined the counter, you set your ring of keys down noisily.
“Oh, I made do with the customers who actually pay their bills,” you snapped back at him. Your hands flexed at your sides; suddenly you wished you still had something to occupy them with. “Still, it has been a while. I saw on the news that there were arrest warrants out for the ADA…”
“It was horrible,” Dazai agreed mournfully. “Prison was the worst! My cell was tiny, the company was just dreadful and don’t even get me started on the food!”
There was always something so captivating about his performance, even if that’s all it ever was; an act. And yet, the dull, monochrome day-to-day was flooded with colour in his presence. For one so preoccupied with death, he possessed the singular ability to rouse the world around him into life. Hearing his voice after all those weeks was enough to lift your lips into a shy smile. Despite yourself, your earlier resolve was already crumbling. With an effort, you tore your eyes away from his own.
“Look Dazai, it’s closing time and I need to get home. How about I make you a coffee to go? Consider this one - and only this one - on the house. I guess it's the least I can do after everything you’ve been through.” Fumbling, you laid down a fresh filter and sprinkled in several, hasty spoonfuls of ground coffee.
“Actually…” Dazai drummed his fingertips upon the counter. “…I’m here to ask you out.”
The handle of the kettle almost slipped from your grasp.
“I know, I know!” he waved away your protests before you had even uttered them, “…but hear me out, just once more will you? I’ve been preparing for this moment you know!” To add further mystery to his words, he slid an unmarked envelope across the bar. “I even asked around for advice on what to say to you!” Dazai leaned back so luxuriously on his stool that you were certain he would fall. Quickly, he righted himself. “That being said, my cell mate was nothing short of psychotic. He insisted that I get you fired from your job and isolate you from your loved ones so then you’d have no choice but to crawl to me!”
“Wow. What a romantic.” Somehow, you managed to flatten the tremor in your voice. It was fortunate that, by now, the rich coffee decoction had dripped down into the lower basin, for you were able to occupy yourself with an open cupboard. You made a performance of retrieving a fresh takeaway cup before he could notice the warmth in your cheeks.
"So…” Turned away from him, you smiled down into the empty cup. “...you were thinking about me whilst you were in there…?”
”…of course. And, whilst I didn’t take that man’s advice… I did come prepared.“
Finally connecting his statement to the white envelope, you placed the items down and returned his attention.
"Six months’ tab paid up.” Dazai winked roguishly. “Plus tips.”
“Who did you rob?” You turned the paper over in your hands, conscious of the deepening flush upon your face.
He laughed. “Would that matter to you?”
In answer, you placed the envelope over on the other side of the counter.
“I guess in the end, it wasn’t so hard to figure out what to say.” Dazai rose, hands stowed in the pockets of his trench coat. “I just had to prove to you that I’m a man of my word…” He nodded and, taking up the coffee you had made for him, turned to leave.
As Dazai approached the doors, he spoke again. His voice was losing its theatrical quality with every word. It was as though he was breaking character; opening up to reveal some hidden quality. There was something new there; something nervous, tentative, sincere. “…I’m also doing a little better now, I think. Maybe, someday, I’ll die with a beautiful woman… but first, first we’ll live.” He gave a small sigh. And, with that, he raised the cup in a brief gesture of farewell.
Dazai glanced back over his shoulder, eyebrows lifted in interest.
“Maybe… this time, I’ll let you take me somewhere…” You were untying the white bow of your apron with clumsy fingers. “There’s just one condition…”
He opened his mouth to reply but you interrupted with a raised hand.
”…I’m not heading anywhere near the riverside with you, got it?”
He laughed. Then, pushing his palm against the glass, he held the door open to the fading evening light.
Part 2 (NSFW)
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As a result of corruption and the experiments, ever since he was a child Chuuya has suffered from horrible seizures. When they happened when he was still in the sheep, Shirase and the other's would laugh at him, being children and not understanding what was wrong he got horrid nicknames like "quake/earthquake" or "Shaky boy" any time they would happen he would try to move to a comfortable spot like the grass or a box spring mattress but more times than not just collapsed on the concrete. After one resulted in a concussion and mild coma they realized that couldn't survive with out him and finally started helping him.
After he left he got better at dealing them, Doc's advice and exercises seeming to help alot but after his gate was opened and corruption use they got so much worse. The first time one happened in front of Dazai it was while they were leaving for a mission, right after getting out of the infirmary post stormbringer. They didn't even make it to the elevator after leaving Mori's office when suddenly Chuuya collapsed, Dazai barely catching him in time, before he violently started shaking, his airways seeming to lock shut and hus body failed on him. Dazai brought them to the floor, holding on tight to him to prevent him from getting a concussion until Chuuya eventually gained conciseness again. He immediately pushed away from Dazai and curled in on himself, terrified and trembling. Dazai had held him exactly how Albatross used to. Dazai figured it was about the seizure and explained what had happened, having read about it when Mori threw a medical journal at him after he said he was bored when he was 15.
After a while of this happening, Dazai somehow able to sense when Chuuya was going to have one from a chill running down his spine or seeing that oh so familiar distant look in his eyes and running to catch him Chuuya began to trust him more and often lingered in the embrace even after it was over. And even after the bad ones, he always woke up with Dazai at his bedside in the infirmary, that hilarious terrified worried look on his face become one of Chuuya new favorite sights.
After Dazai defected Chuuya stress skyrocketed and in turn his seizures got drastically worse and more common, now with no one to catch him. New scraps and bruises here or there, passing out with concussions becoming more common than he would have liked, fear setting in of possible brain damage which just made the seizures worse, getting drunk being the only way to calm himself down which again made the seizures worse.
When they reunited, Dazai instantly noticed the new scars but never had the chance to bring it up nor did he want to. Well not until they ran into eachother at a random bathhouse, Dazai's water was shut iff and Chuuya couldn't stand the post mission grime another second. In the locker room Dazai's eyes seemed to linger on the scars he didn't recognize and Chuuya eventually let out all the resentment he had be keeping in later that night sitting next to Dazai drunk at a bar before passing out. Dazai carried him home, tucked him in and snuck into Chuuya's home office to write a 10 page letter on all the apologies he never got to say, having to rewrite a few pages due to the amount of tear marks making his writing unlegible.
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newagevictorianorphan · 6 months
i could be a good mother…
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 6 months
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infirmary incident nursezai. because i have brainworms
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little bonus based off evers ♡
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etrevil · 1 year
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anticidic · 21 days
can't believe I'm spending my day obsessing over fictional dead authors instead of writing about them
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skkpaws · 3 months
studio bones If you want me to forgive you for all your sins ADAPT THE DAY I PICKED UP DAZAI FOR S6 PLEASEEE it fits the trend of adapting prequel light novels and would help make the season come out a little faster since they wont need to wait for as much source material .. and i want it so bad
it may not work because 1) assuming they only do side A it is a bit shorter (i think) and 2) since s6 will pick up Right after where s5 left off they may not want the gap but … PLEASEEEEEEE
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alchemicon · 2 years
Am i the only one that feels weird when people describe dazai as a womanizer, say he fucked the nurse etc? Like to me he is so gay coded that i just can't take his whole flirting with women thing seriously. It feels part of his clown persona and not a sincere representation of his character at all. I know that irl dazai was a womanizer, but bsd takes inspiration from the lives of the authors and twists the events to craft entirely new characters (eg dazai was the one who admired akutagawa irl not the other way around). And one important thing is how none of his relationships with women have any substance. He's shown to respect them sure, but emotionally his relations to them are completely empty. He admires their beauty, but it is with men that he always has deeper emotional connections with (his life was literally changed by chuuya and oda, because of his relationship with them) I think people who genuinely consider him a womanizer, fall for his act, his clown mask if you will.
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corrupted-bandages · 6 months
sighs sadly cold house is cold 😔 fluffy blanket doesn't help much anymore 😔
probably yet another thing refusing to let me forget the "HOW COLD IS HELL" (said in misery) word mixup i had a while back shshsh
Yeah I'd just boil some hot water and use it to fill up a bottle or container and use it as a hand warmer.
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blackangelblood · 1 year
POV: Some of the people in Dazai and the nurse's scene were like
That's cute, I was the nurse
But this is never funny or nice
The port mafia taught Dazai and Kyouka to use their bodies for simple things
When he wanted to talk to someone, he used his body in return
I do not know how I will enter the information into your heads because I am not good at explaining, but this is known
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
Hey! I recently read your post on, ahem, 'Female Characters in BSD And Their Portrayals' (to paraphrase)
I thought it was really interesting actually!! Thank you for writing that!
Another point is how Yosano's quirk had gotten sexualized in the anime, whilst in the manga, it's much more eery? That was weird.
I had a question: How Is Dazai Sexist?
Not in a 'pRoVE iT to ME!!' manner, but a, 'i can genuinely see that and I'm curious about your perspective' manner!
I read No Longer Human about, two months ago? And Dazai Osamu, the author, had a niche perspective on women, I suppose. He humanized them, but also dismissed them, but also heavily related to them? Of course, with historical context it's probably the average view of the time.
But I'm genuinely curious!!
My “Female Characters in BSD And Their Portrayals”
Thank you for giving the post a read! I was low-key nervous when I posted it, I don't really like being the killjoy, so I found people's positive responses to it very reassuring (╥﹏╥)
About Yosano's ability being sexualized in the anime. I know right,,,, it's part of the bigger picture issue, it's nearly impossible to find anime without fanservice. The difference in female portrayal between the bsd manga and anime is actually something very interesting to ponder on, because they're actually quite different: the manga is sexist, but it never visually sexualizes its female character (the Gaiden manga being an exception). The anime is more low-key in the blatant sexism, but there's female fanservice that the manga lacks that... Idk feels almost a given at this point, like animation studios just CAN'T not do it (I don't even know what to say? Something something *through gritted tits* 57th prime minister of Japan Shinzo Abe). On a different note, this ask came as some sort of epiphany for me because it made me realize that the reason there's so many people missing on the sexism in bsd which leaves me so often baffled is because people probably reason fanservice = sexism → lack of fanservice = lack of sexism, but it really doesn't have to work that way? Of course fanservice is for the vast majority sexist because more often than not it comes with the objectification of female body, but I wouldn't say there's a direct correlation between the two things: I hope I was exhaustive enough on why bsd is sexist although it never sexualizes its female characters, and I think same can be said for the other way round? Kill la Kill is my favorite anime of them all and the most female empowering anime (and overall media??? Idk I love klk with everything I've got) I've ever seen, but it'd definitely be a wide stretch to say it lacks fanservice.
On why I said Dazai is sexist: for one, I trust Chuuya's word
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This is a joke, but funny enough, that's exactly the panel I was thinking about when writing the post– I was negatively surprised by how a main character could reportedly be called womanizer, and that is just kind of there, like being sexist was just another weird little characteristic of bandage man, nothing strange there. You see the problem here?
I remember when I watched the bsd anime for the first time, I used to think Dazai was sexist a lot– but in retrospect, I don't have that much a strong opinion on the matter anymore. When I watched it, it would bother me how Dazai would objectify women a lot, using them as mindless pawns even more of how he already does with every character he encounters; it would bother me how he's so fixated on committing a double suicide with a beautiful woman, like... You do realize that is wishing for another person, and that person needing to be a woman specifically, to die, right? Not to mention the “beautiful” part only adds to the objectification if you ask me. But all taken into account, I don't feel for it as strongly as I used to– don't get me wrong, it's still disturbing, but I don't think it's an issue of Dazai specifically as much of the work in its entirety having a fucked up view of women. It hit me today rewatching the bit at the end of episode 5, Dazai explaining Ranpo's deductions to Atsushi: “she wasn't dressed for work, she had no make-up on”. Now, if you say anything like this to me irl, I WILL punch you in the face. But can you sense how it doesn't really come from Dazai in particular and is more expression of an overall worldview of women that necessary transpires through the characters, an underlying pattern I couldn't really perceive on my first time watching the anime? So, I feel like it's less of a case of “Dazai being sexist” than it is of “Dazai is a character with a lot of lines in a fundamentally sexist franchise”. The point isn't about Dazai's being sexist, because ALL the characters are in a way or the other, but about the author writing them as such; that's what I meant by saying “Dazai is openly sexist and it’s just kind of there never to be addressed”– he's reportedly sexist IN CANON, the thing is it's never portrayed as something strange or worth to be addressed.
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nyxi-pixie · 5 months
funniest (not) tt trend atm is the 'we need more male sa victims representation' 'you couldnt even handle them' thing and the entire comment section is just proving their point. 'oh but he wasnt sa'd because he enjoys it' and theyre talking about a child.
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