#there’s no point in playing the blame game when they both did something inappropriate
1bringthesun · 7 months
so when dazai was in the hospital with that nurse, who’s the right one to blame?
(discussions of s/a, medical unprofessionally, and other bsd-typical things)
asking this question is wrong to begin with. there’s no, “ oh no, but who will we blame for the situation?” are you really still looking for someone to blame in bungou stray dogs, the series of grey morality?
well, i don’t blame you. so im making a post about it!
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for convenience, i’m just going to assume they slept together because it makes the most sense, and is also generally what the fandom assumes when they try to point fingers at either two.
to better understand why people think a certain way, let’s break it down and approach this problem from two perspectives!
the nurse was in the wrong:
dazai had just gotten out of surgery for having a bullet wound and is still under the influence of anesthesia. she sees him using his phone and takes it from him. he’s handsome and willing to do things with her, so she sleeps with him, and when they’re done, she’s willing to give it back. not only that, but she has the audacity to ask again if they can do it “just once more.” it’s obvious she has zero care for him as a patient if she’s willing to sleep with someone fresh out of surgery, and also being under the influence, he’s not able to properly consent. regardless, she takes her chance to be with a handsome man, completely neglecting her job to care for his health as a nurse and breaking probably every single aspect of professionalism.
dazai was in the wrong:
an annoying woman is disregarding the gravity of his work and holding him, someone who’s important to the fate of the city, by normal hospital standards, when he’s been shot by a bullet before and knows his own body inhumanly well; another doctor even gave him permission, so who’s she to act like the boss of him? obviously, this bothers him, and he needs his phone, so he decides to take the quickest path to getting it back, and, spoiler alert: it isn’t recovery. he seduces her and puts her job at risk just so he’ll get his phone back, and when she becomes attached to him, he says yeah, sure, they can fool around again… if he feels like it.
they’re both in the wrong:
people blame her of sexually assaulting him, and also blame him of sexually assaulting her. they say he couldn’t have consented, she overly wasn’t interested in the beginning, she was meant to care for her patient, he’s a scumbag and a womanizer, etc.
but don’t you see? the fact that both of them have done awful things in these two panels…
…is the point.
dazai is an asshole for sleeping with a woman he doesn’t give a damn about just so she’ll do what he tells her to, and she’s totally insane for letting a patient who was just in surgery share physical intimacy with her.
she’s an awful nurse, and he’s a bitch! they both suck!!!! why only blame one of them for sucking?
from an outsider’s perspective, the nurse does seem to be more in the wrong. she was meant to be his caretaker for a while and completely neglected that, even going so far as to have relations with a patient still under the effects of drugs.
but… was he? he was speaking completely lucidly, and none of his thoughts or words or actions resembled someone under the influence in the slightest. he made a sour face at her when he realized he couldn’t just do whatever he wanted to do, and her attitude in the beginning was clearly appropriate for the situation. calling dazai a victim in this situation is wrong. he clearly took the initiative to change her position. is that not consent?
he manipulated her for access to a phone, and she used him as means of gratification, and both of that is wrong.
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scarluxia · 6 months
the You fandom needs to STFU about "hating Guinevere Beck = victim blaming, WAH."
In the book, sure, she was an asshole, but she was paradoxically a better character. The show tried to make her a ✨relatable everygirl✨, but instead they made this self-absorbed, flaky, tactically inept, lying, cheating, whiny twit who couldn't find a way out of a wet paper bag. Quite frankly, trying to pass someone like her off as an "everygirl" is insulting to real women. And you know what, yeah, there ARE a lot of ways she could have avoided being unalived by Joe, and calling her out on tactical ineptitude is NOT the same as saying she """deserved""" what happened. I don't care if she did or didn't, but I WAS cheering when Love Quinn said Beck was unremarkable and mediocre.
When we first met Beck, she showed some signs of intelligence and likability that sadly didn't last past a couple episodes. She had a steady job, was working her ass off, showed some serious balls to the professor who was acting inappropriately towards her, and it was easy to root for her. When Joe started stalking her and acting like he was the lead in a romantic comedy, yeah the show did a good job of pointing out how those types of comedies can influence toxic behavior on impressionable minds.
but dear GOD that girl was so up her own ass! I do feel like Joe genuinely tried to help her at some points, sure for selfish reasons, but I honestly don't care about those. He kept house for her, cooked for her, threw her this gorgeous theme party and baked her a really thoughtful cake. He even vouched for her and got her a job at his place of work, which she couldn't even BOTHER to attempt to do properly. It's understandable that she would need SOME time off from doing anything to mourn her friend's death, but I genuinely don't think that's what was going on there. I think she was being a flake and grasping for anything to use as an excuse to avoid taking responsibility. She didn't get her worked turned in on time for the lady professor even though Blythe did EVERYTHING in her power to help her (side note: "the most analog princess in the land" would use a pen and paper, NOT A TYPEWRITER). This chick just didn't want to be helped and I cannot overemphasize how much I HATE that type. A lot of her problems were her own damn fault because play stupid games = win stupid prizes.
Was Joe a dumbass for aliven't-ing people close to her? Yes; she would realistically be considered a suspect, and don't even get me started on him TAKING A CALL WHILE TRYING TO HIDE A BODY. (They're both tactically inept but I can rant about Joe in another post.) But up to a point he did care about her, and I believe he did trust her to a degree and she betrayed that trust.
Now, sleeping with her therapist HAHAHAHAHA okay MAYBE he took advantage of her because blah blah blah position of power blah blah (although another fandom I'm in has probably warped my view regarding that). But she didn't even have the grace to act ashamed or even try to pin it on him for taking advantage of her. That makes me think she CHOSE to cheat on Joe. And if memory serves, this was right after she'd gotten back WITH Joe after helping him cheat on Karen. He was 100% correct to suspect her. Now, following her to verify it, that's a moral grey area (hey, the internet remembers what those are, right?), but she was WAY more concerned that he was """following""" her than the fact that SHE was doing something that hurt him and got caught doing it. (And I'm not absolving him of responsibility; he fucked up, too, a lot, but again, that's for another post.)
Why the FUCK did she feel the need to go snooping in the ceiling after she was so freaked out about him following her (aka invading her ✨privacy, wah✨)? When you snoop, you might find things you don't like. It's an occupational hazard of being FUCKING NOSY. (I would know! 😃 )
Her reaction to what was in the box was... average. Can't fault her for that. But the way she HANDLED IT OMG. Like... What Joe was doing was absolutely not normal, but she should have KNOWN hey, this guy is fucking obsessive and crazy at this point! Maybe being fidgety and super obvious about trying to get away, and ALERTING HIM TO THE FACT THAT YOU'RE TRYING TO GET AWAY, IS A STUPID IDEA!!! Literally she could have just said, "Hey... I'm SO sorry but I accidentally broke your jar. I promise I'll buy you another one. In fact, we can go shopping now if you want." & then give him the slip at the store using the ladies' room or whatever. Now with that  being said, no, she didn't """deserve""" to be knocked out and wake up in a cage, but I'm not sure how the fuck she expected her super obvious attempt to leave (when he was SURE to discover what happened) would work in her favor. Dumbass!
Waking up in the cage. Okay, here's where my personal tactics diverge from what's considered a "normal reaction". I actually pitched a "wake up in a cage" plot to a friend to use with our frenemy characters. Maybe this shows a lack of diversity on my part, but I'm pretty sure EVERY single one of my characters would have the sense to pretend it's a romantic vacation. She clearly knew that's how he wanted to be perceived. Failing that, she could have played dumb (I'm not sure why that was hard for her since she legit IS DUMB).
"Joe? Honey? Uh... what's going on? Did you bring the pancakes?"
"Hey, I'm sorry I broke your jar, but don't you think this is an overreaction?"
or literally something else innocuous like that.
Playing into his desire to hear what he wanted-- FUCKING EVENTUALLY, IT TOOK HER GODDAMN LONG ENOUGH-- was a smart move, but she overplayed her hand and screaming at him about being a """psycho""" or whatever 🙄🙄🙄 probably just motivated him to deathify her faster because obviously he'd get defensive & be in denial about that shit. Calling a psycho a psycho rarely works out in your favor just FYI.
Pretty sure she had him knocked out at one point, so like... she could have Removed him as a Threat permanently but she didn't and that was also a tactical error on her part. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS make sure you finish a job like that if you think your life is at risk.
Anyway it's like 3:00 a.m. and I'm rambling about a show I honestly loved at first, but GOD!!! BECK IS THE WORST JOE GIRL IN THE SHOW. Book Beck at least had some COMMON FUCKING SENSE and she had a better chance at surviving her captivity. It actually made me SAD that Book Beck didn't, but Show Beck I was just fuckin rooting for Joe to pest control her ass already.
 (Marienne is my favorite but ONLY after I saw her showing some serious fortitude in season 4.) I adored Love the first time I saw season 2 but then the second time it was like ehhhhh being the whiny brand of manipulative was really unnecessary, and good GOD did the writers lose track of her character in season 3! I don't even know if 2 Love and 3 Love were the same PERSON! And, no, you can't put all those fuckin changes on post-partum.  Post-partum affects aspects of your mood and behavior; it does NOT change your entire fucking personality. I miss the fun, carefree, obsessive but adorable about it Love from like the first few episodes of season 2 before the whinging and mind games set in. And, seriously? They didn't need to make her first husband's demise not-an-accident. I was fine with thinking he died from illness, but learning retroactively about her paralyzing a MUTE MAN WHO USES HIS HANDS TO TALK just felt... weird. Also how the FUCK did Ms. "LA runs deep in these veins" make friends with someone like Sherry and cut out Sunshine, Sunshine's wife forget-her-name, and GABE???? Should be fuckin criminal. I think those three kept her grounded.
And the Season 4 girl was... ehhh she gave him useful resources and took his crazy in stride, but idk she's otherwise forgettable. I don't even remember her name (nor can I be assed to look it up). I think it might have been Kate, but don't quote me on that. I didn't like her overall personality.
And yeah I'm bitching about a LOT of the women in the show, so let's name some ladies I liked.
- Blythe. Super pretentious but in similar ways to me, and she's cultured and intelligent enough to get away with it. Also she DID do her utmost to help Beck, and her romance with Ethan is completely adorable.
- Peach to a degree. Her actress is hot, and while she wanted to keep Beck as a pet, she was also pretty generous about helping her. Her love for Beck was equally as obsessive as Joe's, but you know what? She knew Beck longer and in addition to being a closeted lesbian, she struck me as borderline with some of her reactions to things, and that's GENUINELY relatable, not "teehee tv execs think this is relatable!"
- ANNIKA. Annika is the absolute best girl in season 1. I adore her and I'm glad she survived. I wish we'd seen more of her because omg her personality was absolutely perfect.
- Sunrise, completely adorable, sweet, and supportive.
- Ellie's a kid, but for the most part she had her shit handled. Her bratty teenage moments were entirely realistic and didn't detract from her characterization at all.
- like I said, I adored Love at first... until she started treating Joe like everything he did was wrong.
- trying to think of any girls I liked from season 3 and coming up completely blank. I did enjoy a few of the male characters and one of the actors who plays my favorite Canon Love Interest in another show was in it. Season 3 Marienne was pretty meh, but I don't think I hated her or anything.
- in season 4 OH MY GOODNESS Phoebe! Phoebe is everything! I'm SO GLAD she survived!!!
- Nadia was okay. She's so close to Ellie's age that the way Joe treated her was pretty shocking to me 😕 I guess once they're 18+ they're fair game.
- And like I said, Marienne won major points with me for her strength and resilience.
Anyway this has been my late night/early morning rant about why Beck made terrible decisions. And again let me stress - I don't think she DESERVED to be tortured or exterminatus'd. I do, however, think Joe's reactions to her behavior were 100% realistic.
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irastayshome · 2 years
A month.
I miss you. It’s been a month. We’ve had months to grieve and come to terms with you leaving, but the whirlwind of events towards the end caught us all by surprise. I know I should not say this, but hope made everything so much worse. We had allowed our minds to run wild with the idea that you were gonna make it after all, and got too far ahead of the truth. Today was Ibrahim’s birthday. It would have been a big deal, knowing Ibrahim, and you would have been the one reminding me to keep it simple and not fuss about. But then ironically you would have been the one spoiling Ibrahim with all sorts of inappropriate or wasteful gifts that only you would have known he wanted deep down. The two of you had that sort of bond. He knew he could be his playful self with you, while he reserved the more messy inner thoughts for me. and I keep replaying in my mind all the arguments we had whenever disciplining Ibrahim became a point of conflict between us. I blamed you for not having compassion with him, and you’d say I only saw the parts I wanted to see. Only when it was too late, Ibrahim let me in on all the secret games the two of you had which he had missed, and wanted you to get better so he could play them with you. I never knew how deep his love for you was, until I couldn’t be a witness to it anymore. And now, I only hear and see it in his doas for you every night. He’d ask for Allah to allow you into Jannah, and that He keep us all together and protect us from hurting one another, so that we could be together with you in Jannah when the time comes. Ibrahim has been a witness to the ebb and flow of our marriage, and yet, contemplates it with such forgiving eyes. I, on the other hand, used to paint it with such a shit brush for anyone who’d ask. Please forgive me, yang. Our son has a deeper sense of gratitude for the blessings in our family than I did. Every night now, we’d read our doas or say something we are grateful about.
I am grateful for our life together, and for what came out of it. Our beautiful sons, Ibrahim & Idris, are the reason I carry myself out of bed now. And I know much of their compassionate natures came from you. I carry many regrets when I recount our arguments, and how so much of them were unnecessary and originated from events out of our control. We needed more time to learn to sieve out the real deal breakers from the miscommunications. and I recall the day the neurosurgeon informed us that the disease had progressed, and you invited me to lie on the bed with you in the ward. We both started crying uncontrollably and the first thing we both said to each other, unanimously, was how we argue way too much. I will never forget that when you finally knew you were dying, the first regret you had were our arguments. I will always carry that with me. Not to punish myself, though I have in my more turbulent moods, but as a reminder of the woman you’ve pushed me to aspire to. I’m grateful that you cared enough about us to argue with me.
I haven’t washed your final set of clothes, the ones you wore as I held you and you took your final breaths. They smell just like you did that day. I cannot breathe every time I brace myself to open that plastic bag and contemplate washing them, then I catch a sniff of your clothes, and quickly tie it back up so your scent would remain memorialized in there. The pain in my chest would suddenly grip tight, and I need a moment, before I return to the ever-consuming world of “mama mama mama”. I still have regrets over how I wasn’t able to think clearly on the day you knew your time was up, and had called 995 instead of the hospice. Please forgive me sayang. I wanted to give you the death you wanted, in our bed, with the children and me by your side. But I simply froze and could not think when I saw the look on your face as you struggled to breathe. I know now, that it was actually time. Even when they brought you to emergency, you already knew. “Take care yang, I love you.” you said. but I didn’t know, or want to admit, that that was you saying goodbye. And yet you waited all night, before I returned the next day. Cleaned you for the last time, took wudhu’ for you, and told you how much I loved you and would see you again soon. I’m sorry you did not die in our bed. I’m sorry your did not get to see the boys the day you died. I’m sorry your mother had not stayed around till it was your time. I’m sorry I could not mend things with her. I no longer want to wake up and feel the full weight of all these regrets weighing my heart down, because I cannot breathe when I think of them, and our boys are watching my every frown and tear because they want to know their world is still safe and will go on, even without you around. Please wait for us. I will give everything I have to raise these boys the way you would have hoped to, so that we will all be with you again some day. Till then, I love you.
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Idk how long ago you responded to the ask about tamlin vs Rhys but I just saw it and I thought I’d share my thoughts.
IMO Rhys never SAs Feyre unless you count the kiss after her and tamlin almost did the dirty in the hallway. Which yes technically it was but at the same time war is war whether it’s politically or on a battlefield. He had to cover up what they did or else they’d both or all three would be dead or worse.
He makes a point that utm he never touches her beyond her waist and her arms. And imo that’s not SA. Because she made the bargain, she knew what was happening when she was dressed and when they went to the party. She drank the wine knowingly and then continued to. Even if she didn’t know the full extent, she figured out Rhys was playing a game.
Tamlin not waking up with her would be one thing but Feyre specifically mentions she thinks he’s awake but never helps her. Yes he suffered his own trauma and it’s no more or less than feyres. But Feyre is trying to help him in the ways she can, yet tamlin does nothing to help her whatsoever. In the end tamlin got everything he thought he wanted, his powers, his court, and his bride. He felt entitled to her and that right there is abuse. And let’s not even get started on the fact that his claws come out all the time and he’s the only high lord like that. Anger issues much?
Rhys almost always tells Feyre everything. The only things he kept from her was 1.) the mating bond, which is fair. He wasn’t just her mate, he loved her. He wanted her to love him too if that was her choice, he didn’t want to push her. He’s all about choice especially when it comes to females. And 2.) about nyx probably going to kill her when he’s born. I agree he should have told her but I also understand why he didn’t. Personally I sometimes don’t tell my husband something unless I have a solution just to keep from causing unnecessary stress, which telling Feyre def would have. Stress+pregnancy is not good for normal people.
As someone who’s been in way too many abusive relationships and had too many incidents of SA to count, I don’t think Rhys is worse than tamlin. Tamlin isn’t the worst person in the world, but he’s not great by any means whatsoever.
And I didn’t even talk about Rhys’ trauma (caused by tamlin)
First of all, I respect your views and opinions but don't rant in my inbox again, you're just wasting your time, nothing is going to convince me that rhysie did not SA Feyre and and that he is not an abusive gaslighting piece of shit.
Srry, but your opinion and justification of the Rhysie's SA doesn't matter (this is kinda backtracking my first point but still SA is SA)
"He ONLY touched her arms and waist" so...? Is feyre suppose to be grateful he didn't go beyond that? Are u Literally saying a victim of SA should be grateful she wasn't raped? And he...touched her, inappropriately, without her permission, when he knew she hated it, and while she was DRUGGED? How- I fail to understand how u can think that is not SA. What about the dirty dancing? What about forcing her give him lap dances?
Kissing her without her permission in not SA... Because all is fair in love and war? Babes please never and I mean never say sexual assault is fair. It's not. I- I can't believe I am having to explain why SA is not okay i- safe to say I have lost all faith in humanity.
Again, darling I don't think you realise you are blaming the victim for the SA. It's alright, thats common in victims of sjm's gaslighting. I hope u do realise, you blaming feyrug is equivalent of saying that the SA was the victims fault cause she wore too much makeup, or wore a dress too short, or was flirting too much. Your words literally translate to "She knew what was happening. She was asking for it"
She made the bargain under duress?? He literally twisted her bone so she had to agree? Did you forget that part?
Here is a post by @/worldsnotsaid pls check this out and open your eyes: (1)
Okay fine I'll give you the mate bond thing because tbh, it gives me the icks just thinking about it
But "he's all about choices especially when it comes to females?" I- what? I hate to burst your bubble but no he is not all about choices especially when it comes to females. He didn't give feyrug a choice when he twisted her bone to make her accept the bargain. He didn't give Nesta a choice when he locked her up in the HoW. He didn't give her a choice when he forced Nesta to work for him and his court. He didn't give feyrug a choice when he hid info about Feyre's pregnancy? Feyre cud have just as easily wanted to live and not have the baby? But did he give her that choice?
I mean I am no one to judge, and you are definitely older than me, but... Idk about your marriage so I'm not even gonna comment on that part... But Rhysie did not have a solution...? He did not know how to save her and her baby? Regardless of "stress" Rhysie has no right to hide information about her body from her. It's like not telling a terminally ill patient they are going to die soon. Like I said, feyre is 21 for heaven's sake, she could have decided to not have the baby altogether?? But ofc not that wud make her a murderer right.
Now coming to Tamlin,
Again I will say what I said in my post: Tamlin not holding Feyre's hair while she throws up is not abuse.
Make of that what you will.
And in what way was feyrug helping Tamlin? I'd love to know it. Because she... Absolutely wasn't. But I'd love to see your views.
Tamlin felt entitled to feyrug? I have no idea what you mean by that? If you are talking about him not letting her out of the house, then yes that is abuse? I have never said it wasn't. But if you are talking about hybern's deal then check out this post and this one . If you are talking about talking him make her wear dresses and introducing her to their court: checkout this post.
His claws coming out all the time is his literally showing emotions. It's not generally anger, it's also irritation sometimes. like if I am angry or annoyed I make a disgusted face and roll my eyes?? Does that mean I have anger issues too? And shapeshifting is literally his primary power?? There are times when feyrug says his claws are gonna come out but they don't. Pls this point is so stupid-
Anyway check out this post to clarify further.
Oh yeah let's talk about Rhysie's trauma that Tamlin caused by telling his abusive older brothers and fathers were his friends mom and sister are who they cud actually locate and kill and dump in the Sidra even though the Sidra is part of Velaris, a city that didn't exist for them and Illariya isn't even on any maps but not Tamlin's trauma from when Rhysand killed his entire family while he slept under the same roof.
Look, u do u but pls don't ever come into my inbox and defend a sexual assaulter and justify his abuse and SA again.
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bluejayblueskies · 3 years
Please say more abt how Martin fits the closed off trait I'm begging 👁👁
Okay, so I got a bit carried away with this and it got quite lengthy....
I've put a TLDR above the cut and the details, transcripts, and general discussion below the cut!
TLDR: Martin is at his core a closed-off character who keeps his vulnerable feelings hidden and close to his chest. He instead focuses on caring for others and considering their feelings above his own, particularly in the case of Jon, who he cares for (sometimes to the point of self-sacrifice) throughout the podcast. His arc with the Lonely in season four and his interactions with Jon in season five demonstrate this lack of emotional vulnerability, and it's really only during the moments he spends by himself that we get significant insight into Martin's emotional state and inner thoughts.
Martin, to me, is a character who is very used to hiding how he feels. He tends to care for others at the expense of himself, has low self-esteem, and has a predilection towards the Lonely, all of which go hand-in-hand with somebody who is very used to hiding their emotions--particularly the negative ones--because they either think they're not important or that they're inconvenient and inappropriate for the situation. On a textual level, that's probably due to growing up with a sick (and likely unsupportive) mother who he had to take care of, where there was 'no time' for his emotions to get in the way or for him to prioritize himself in any way, shape, or form.
Martin is self-destructive, dislikes moments of emotional vulnerability, and (I would argue) genuinely struggles when he doesn't have somebody else to prioritize over himself. (His mother at first, but as the series goes on, Jon settles comfortably into this role for him.) Additionally, the biggest way that we, the audience, know anything about Martin's emotional state is when he's alone and self-reflecting (such as in MAG 170 and 186 or when talking to the tapes) or when he's forced to talk about something vulnerable (such as when Jon confronted him about his CV).
We don't get much insight into Martin's character between seasons one and three (at least not as much as we get in four and five), but I find myself drawn to this bit in MAG 118, when Martin is talking to Elias:
So what? I don’t get to be angry? I don’t get to burn things? Just, just run around, making tea, while everyone else gets to actually have feelings?
I think two things are important to note here. The first is that Elias is surprised (or least intrigued) that Martin is acting in this way--specifically, acting on his emotions in such a dramatic way. (And given that Martin is doing this as a distraction, rather than actually acting out because of his own emotions, maybe he's right to be surprised.) The second is that this line very much implies that Martin doesn't talk about how he's feeling, not like 'everyone else' does. He doesn't talk about it, doesn't act on it--just 'runs around, making tea.' And when Melanie comes back in after Elias is done, Martin immediately focuses on the plan and whether it succeeded, ignoring Melanie when she asks if he's okay or not. He closes himself off, and as far as we know, doesn't talk about it at all after that.
And then Jon goes into his coma, and we reach season four.
Martin is incredibly closed-off during season four. He's self-isolating, self-sacrificial, and approaching a state of genuine emotional numbness by the time he's cast into the Lonely. There's a lot to unpack there, but I'm going to focus on a few main things, many of which can be drawn from this bit in MAG 158:
It’s not him! It’s not anybody. It’s just me. Always has been. I…
When I first came to you, I thought I had lost everything. Jon was dead, my mother was dead, the job I had put everything into trapped me into spreading evil and I… I really didn’t care what happened to me. I told myself I was trying to protect the others, but… honestly we didn’t even like each other. Maybe I just thought joining up with you would be a good way to get killed.
And then… Jon came back, and… and suddenly I had a reason I had to keep your attention on me. Make you feel in control so you didn’t take it out on him. And if that meant drifting further away, so what? I’d already grieved for him. And if it meant now saving him, it was worth it.
When you started talking about the Extinction, though… you had me actually, then, for a while. But then – (laughs sardonically) then, you tried to make me the hero. Tried to sell me on the idea that I was the only one who could stop it. And that I’ve never sat right with me. I mean, I mean, look – look at me, I’m not exactly a – a chosen one. But by then I was in too deep. So I played along. Waited to see what your end game was, and here we are.
Funny. Looks like I was right the first time. It’s probably still a good way to get killed?
This monologue is a big insight into Martin's thought process during this season, and I'm mostly going to focus on two parts: the self-sacrifice and the prioritization of Jon.
There's quite a bit of discussion about Jon's self-sacrificial tendencies, but less so about Martin's, both in this season and in season five. In my opinion, Jon's self-sacrificial tendencies originate from (among other things) survivor's guilt from his traumatic childhood experience with Mr. Spider, his increasing belief that he's less than human, and the fact that he prioritizes the lives of others over his own. Martin's self-sacrificial tendencies, while very similar, come from the fact that he thinks he only has worth if he can help and care for someone else and the fact that he doesn't think he's important enough to live. (For example, he says in MAG 158 that he's 'not exactly a chosen one' and says in MAG 198 that he's 'not important enough to kill.')
It's a subtle difference between these two things, and I would argue that while Jon's tendencies are more rooted in the 'help' (ie, 'I want to help other people and I will sacrifice myself to do it'), Martin's tendencies are more rooted in the 'hurt' (ie, 'I will sacrifice myself and other people will be helped in the process'). There is, of course, overlap, and it's not a black-and-white distinction between the two, but ultimately, I think Martin is so used to prioritizing others' emotions and needs above his own that when he's left mostly alone as he is at the end of season three, with the only person left to hold onto being in a coma (possibly forever), he falls back into the same patterns of self-destruction and closed-offness, only without the 'help' to go along with the 'hurt' because there is nobody left to help (especially after his mother dies). Ultimately, he joins up with Peter because he thinks it 'would be a good way to get killed.'
Prioritization of Jon
But then Jon wakes up from his coma, and now Martin has justification for his self-sacrifice again, because he can protect Jon by continuing to work with Peter!
... Maybe.
Jon isn't harmed by Peter during season four, sure, but he does climb into the coffin and visits Ny-Ålesund and is tracked down by Julia and Trevor and struggles emotionally and morally with his own humanity and is hurt, in a way, by the distance Martin puts between them. And I hesitate to place blame for the apocalypse on anybody but Jonah, but if we're going to argue in-canon that Jon was responsible for the apocalypse (he wasn't, but that's not the point of this post), then Martin contributed to that blame and responsibility because it was his actions and decisions that ultimately drew Jon into the Lonely and resulted in him getting the 14th and final mark. (Again, I don't think Jon or Martin are at fault for the apocalypse, but if we were to blame Jon, we could blame Martin as well.) It was only after getting that mark that Jonah was able to use Jon to end the world, something that was hugely hurtful for Jon. So did Martin really protect Jon at all by staying away from him and continuing to work with Peter? Or was that just a convenient excuse to keep self-destructing?
Jon and Martin, in my opinion, had very similar arcs in season four. Martin was sinking further into the Lonely and Jon was sinking further into the Eye. We hear a lot more about Jon's emotional struggle with this given that he's the POV character, sure, but Jon also talks about this with other people. He talks about it to Helen (MAG 152):
When does it stop?
(impatient) What?
The guilt. The misery. All the others I’ve met, they’ve been – cold, cruel. They’ve enjoyed what they do. When does the Eye (inhale) make me monstrous?
And to Daisy (MAG 136):
My – (large sigh) My memories of the coma are not clear, but I know I made a choice; I made a choice to become… something else. Because I was afraid to die. But ever since then, I – I don’t know if I made the right decision; I’m stronger now, tougher, I can – (he cuts himself off) If I do die, now, or get sealed away somewhere forever? I don’t know if that’s a bad thing. And I don’t want to lose anyone else, so if I can maybe – stop that happening, and the only danger is to me, I – I’ll do it in a heartbeat; worst case scenario, the universe loses another monster.
But all we really get from Martin are the things he tells the tapes when he's alone and the monologue he gives in MAG 158. It makes sense that he wouldn't be as open, yes, given the nature of the Lonely, but I can't help but think of (MAG 154):
The Lonely’s really got you, hasn’t it?
(no hesitation) You know, I think it always did.
Jon was always curious and hungry for knowledge; the Eye amplified it. Martin was always closed-off and isolated; the Lonely amplified that as well.
But then Jon pulls Martin out of the Lonely, they flee to the safehouse, and three weeks later, the apocalypse begins. Martin isn't as consumed by the Lonely as he was in season four, he's with Jon--the person he loves--for extended periods of time, and they're in an extremely stressful situation that's sure to be incredibly emotionally charged. There's a lot to be said about Jon's emotional vulnerability during season five and how Martin both pressures him for it and rejects it in different ways, but for the purposes of this post, I won't go too far into detail about the motivations behind how Jon is feeling and acting.
I will say, however, that in season five, Martin still continues to place a lot of focus on asking Jon how he's feeling, encouraging (or pressuring) him to share, and getting frustrated when Jon can't or doesn't (MAG 167):
Okay, so how exactly would you describe your current emotional state regarding all of this?
I –
(overlapping) Go on, I’m all ears.
I feel…
(go on) Mhm.
(sigh) I feel… sad.
[Brief pause.] MARTIN
(flat) Sad.
Very sad.
(*very* flat) Very sad.
[He sighs slightly as he says it. Their bags jangle.]
A few moments prior to this, Martin expresses displeasure that Jon is Knowing things about him, specifically pointing out his emotions (MAG 167):
It’s just – it’s weird knowing that you can know literally everything I think and feel. E-Especially since you’re not exactly the most open of people – emotionally, I mean.
I think Martin is making an effort to open up more to Jon. But I still think it's difficult for him to talk about how he feels so openly, and while he is completely in the right for not wanting Jon to Know things about him without his permission, I think it's interesting that the focus is on his feelings and that he brings up how Jon isn't emotionally open immediately after. It scares Martin to think that Jon could know, at any given moment, how he's feeling, and I think it's partially because he's not used to that level of vulnerability. He turns the focus on Jon, away from himself, and doesn't really make an effort to talk about how he's feeling about all of this, instead prioritizing Jon's feelings and mental state like he's grown comfortable with.
And when Martin bottles up his emotions--of which there are a lot, in such a stressful environment, they can explode out in hurtful ways:
(overlapping) I know! I know, okay, I just – (bracing exhale) Look, I j,just – don’t want to get burned, all right? It’s, it’s like my least favorite pain ever.
Is that – a joke?
(a bit faster, a bit shaky) No, no, okay? I, I legitimately hate burns, alright? They’re, they’re awful, and they scar horribly, and they just – it – it just makes me sick; I, I hate it. Hate it!
I don't think Martin really thought about what he was saying when he told Jon, who has a large burn scar on his hand, that burn scars make him sick, and I don't think he meant it maliciously. But he'd spent the greater portion of the conversation talking around the fact that he didn't like burns and that was why he didn't want to go into the building, and so when it finally ended up coming out, it did so in an explosion of emotion rather than a conscious decision to share. Martin doesn't have a good handle on his emotions, and he doesn't have a good handle on sharing them.
(Is it too much for me to say that Martin was more emotionally vulnerable with himself in MAG 170 than he was with Jon when Jon finally found him?)
Throughout season five, Martin asks Jon questions, he expresses frustrations with Jon, he shows discomfort or fear at times, but for as much as Martin feels frustrated that Jon isn't talking about how he feels about their situation, Martin really isn't doing so either. The most he talks about his feelings is in MAG 170 and MAG 186, when he's by himself, and I remember MAG 186 in particular because before that, we really didn't know what Martin was thinking about for the majority of the season! And in this episode, we find out a lot of very important things about Martin's character. Like (MAG 186):
Look, I know what you know. Maybe I’m just a bit more… open about it.
Also-Martin acknowledges that Martin often doesn't say what he means and hides what he really feels, telling him that it's 'hard to be vulnerable,' and Martin is initially very resistant to the idea. And then, when Also-Martin suggests that Martin wants to stay so that he can be 'quietly sad,' we get (MAG 186):
We could talk to Jon about it.
We could. But we both know that loved ones make the worst therapists. They’re too wrapped up in trying to stop you hurting to actually help. But hey, we know all about that, am I right?
There’s nothing wrong with comforting people.
A cup of tea isn’t a resolution. At best it’s a… a plaster. At worst… a muzzle.
This is very interesting to me, because for all that Martin tries to help other people, he also believes that comfort doesn't always help and that you can't be your loved one's 'therapist.' I think this gives a lot of insight into why Martin doesn't share his emotions with the people he cares about, especially Jon; he doesn't want to put Jon in the position where he'll become his 'therapist,' and he doesn't necessarily think Jon can help. So instead, Martin just chooses not to be vulnerable at all, because he doesn't want to burden the people he cares about. But, when it's just him (MAG 186):
Don’t lie. You don’t need to. Not here. It’s just us.
He doesn't feel like he needs to pull his emotional punches. He can't accidentally hurt somebody or put them in an awkward position; it's just himself. But what's said to himself remains with himself, and (at least on tape), he doesn't discuss any of this with Jon. Not even the bit about, if it came down to it, Martin would have rather had Jon smite him than continue to rule over a domain. He goes right back to being closed-off around Jon, but now we, the audience, know what lies underneath, and how little of it reaches the surface.
In fact, the thing Martin's probably most vocal about is how Jon's feelings about himself bother him (MAG 199):
I guess that’s why it really bothers me, you know? I try, but I can’t actually imagine ever making a decision that I knew meant losing you.
And it… It hurts to know you can.
And I think he has a tendency to use anger and frustration to cover up hurt, shying away from the admission that something Jon's done has hurt him (an incredibly vulnerable thing) and instead relying on the less-vulnerable and more external anger to cover it. This is more speculation than true analysis, but I think that's a lot of what's happening in MAG 200, when he discovers that Jon has already assumed the position of the pupil and has, in Martin's eyes, broken his promise.
TLDR: Martin is at his core a closed-off character who keeps his vulnerable feelings hidden and close to his chest. He instead focuses on caring for others and considering their feelings above his own, particularly in the case of Jon, who he cares for (sometimes to the point of self-sacrifice) throughout the podcast. His arc with the Lonely in season four and his interactions with Jon in season five demonstrate this lack of emotional vulnerability, and it's really only during the moments he spends by himself that we get significant insight into Martin's emotional state and inner thoughts.
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kkusuka · 4 years
can i request s/o going up to kuroo, iwa, semi, sakusa and osamu after the match which their respective teams have won and they lifted s/o up for a cute hug but s/o accidentally gets too carried away and starts kissing them in front of their team members? lmao and bonus for nsfw ending please! thank you!
they get a kiss kiss
this reminded me of the i love u *muah* *muah* *muah*  tiktok
(i have no idea why this was so hard to write, and it’s kinda bad, sorry)
Kuroo Tetsurou
Kuroo wasn't afraid of showing you off by any means
Especially when that snake was watching, so he was open arms when you ran up to him after the game
just a regular hug? After that?
No that won’t do at all
Regular hugs were for practice games and games they were a shoo-in to win, this game was fit for something more…….
He picked you up (groped your ass for good measure, and spun you like a superhero.
That’s what this game called for
According to you this game also called for a kiss, a deep one in fact
Then after, multiple little kisses in between the compliments and praises about how “amazingly amazing” he was
He was vaguely aware of kenma gag motion and lev’s disappointed sigh, but he wasn’t really too focused on that right now.
He was in-fact focused on how you were subconsciously grinding on him
And the way that when you put your arms around his neck and played with the hairs on the back of his neck
(bonus if you grope him back)
He could also feel his dick straining against his boxers
He liked where this was going
“You’re playing a dangerous game kitten-”
“What? I don't recall doing anything bad at all!”
Oh, you were playing that game?
Let’s see how that one holds up later.
Iwaizumi Hajime
Iwa just gets carried away when he’s excited
Who could really blame him though?
They were going to the finals, that was something worthy of excitement.
And apparently, you thought so too, considering the way you jumped into his arms as soon as he got close enough
He lifted you up, hands under your ass keeping you stable
And you just couldn't help yourself, you were so happy and he was all smiley  
Which meant his cheeks god all round, and all-round cheeks deserve a squish and a kiss
Maybe more than one kiss
Maybe more than a few
At that point it was too far gone, cheek kisses turn into little pecks on the lips, which then became a slight make-out session
I mean he wasn't complaining, Oikawa was, but he was not
But apparently making out in the middle of a hallway with other teenagers and some children, was not ideal
Specifically when the mothers of said children tell you not to be inappropriate.
This kiss might have been cut off, but the kiss he gave you as he ripped off your shorts was much longer
So was the goodnight kiss after he had fucked you out of reality.
Semi Eita
Semi is an impulse kind of guy
He asked you out on impulse
(in the middle of the hallway after you helped him pick up some papers that he let fall)
You had your first kiss on impulse
(at a festival fireworks show, he just looked at you and you looked back and he smashed his lips to yours)
And you seemed to be picking up on his impulsive nature, and to say the least, he was proud.
But impulse meeting even worse simple plus excitement
Equals a head-but
But that didn't even stop him, other than the slight whip-lash, he yanked you off the ground and into his arms
And spinning the both of you round and round until he was dizzy
And just like your first kiss, you grabbed his cheeks and kissed the hell out of your happy boyfriend
He'd be crazy not to kiss back, and that’s when poor goshiki tapped out
Surprise surprise, he spun you around again, then lack of air pulled the two of you apart
“We won”
“Haha I know eita, and I’m happy. But let's get back to our previous activities”
And you did, for the rest of the night
And into the morning
Hen when you woke back up <3
Sakusa Kiyoomi
honestly, PDA is a no go
Like ever
But on certain occasions he’s just…… shocked
In these subtle moments, he just forgets the world
So when they advanced to the national finals, he became slug-like just looking around like it was his first day on earth
And you have this amazing talent of taking him out of this trance
You are also the only person that he will hug, take that with a grain of salt
He loves you but he doesn't love the five people sitting around you who didn't wash their hands within the last ten minutes
(but as I said before after wins like that he doesn't even think about how gross everyone is)
He’s too busy thinking about how you're running up to him and pressing your face in his chest and making the smiling face that he loves looking at
He barely feels you tapping his arm for him to pick you up, but when you jump up he catches you like always
And before he can say anything you're eating his lips
And hell they just won, might as well indulge in it
(and he can practically hear Miya yelling about how girls always go for the assholes, yeah he’s busy thinking about how nice your ass feels against his hand)
He can already see Komori doing the eyebrow wiggle at him but he’ll just have to do it tomorrow
He’s gonna be busy tonight
Osamu Miya
Surprisingly PDA was a common thing between the two of you
Honestly with a brother like atsumu he wanted to drown as much as the real world out as he possibly could
And if that meant having his tongue down your throat half the day, he sure wasn't complaining
So an after the game kiss was pretty normal for you two
To be specific- a KISS
What was happening right now was definitely not a simple kiss
It had started with a simple kiss in your defense, but now you were being lifted onto his hips
This was more like a middle of a party full-blown make-out session
And maybe if the two of you were more tuned into your surrounding area you would hear Atsumu yelling at you to stop sucking each other faces
Or you would see that suna was taking pictures-
(suna can shove those up his ass- Osamu Miya, 2021. About him and his s/o eating each other faces)
Maybe he’ll send Suna a picture of you sucking his dick later
(he didn’t but he was really thinking about it, if he wanted a picture he should have just asked)
But since he can't just take off all; your clothes right now, he’ll settle for later
And tomorrow morning
Maybe the afternoon
Then back to tomorrow night  
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu!! characters with a chubby! s/o 💗
characters: tsukishima, oikawa, atsumu, osamu & suna
thank you anon for this cute request 🥺
tw// comfort, fluff, angst if you squint, insecure! reader, swearing, they/them reader but reader wears a dress (in osamu’s)
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(a/n): anon requested comfort but i feel bad bc i’m writing this like ‘no, (y/n)! stop being sad! you’re beautiful! 😡’ then i remember that i can just select+delete the pain away💗💖
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Kei Tsukishima
let’s not pretend like tsukki gives a fuck what you look like tbh ✋
like nobody is ‘perfect’ and everyone is insecure (to varying degrees) so why would he care about your weight?
nobody ticks every single box to meet society’s definition of ‘beauty’  
plus, tsukki thought beauty standards were stupid away so he created his own - and you meet every single one 💖
in fact, almost everyone meets his beauty standards - besides himself ‘:)
he seriously doesn’t care about your weight tbh, it’s the most trivial thing so why would he care?
although, he wasn’t naïve enough to think that everyone was like-minded
your front of ‘i don’t care about what other people think of me’ was strong enough to fool even the most observant of poeple, including tsukki
however, tsukishima failed to take into consideration that you were his girlfriend, meaning that you could be playing the same game as him; ‘pretend to not care about superficial things like beauty so nobody will think for a second that you are insecure about your body’
he wasn’t one to give compliments but neither were you tbh so the mutual agreement y’all have of ‘let’s call each other names as a form of endearment to avoid those awkward moments were you are looking for the right words for praise but can’t come up with anything’  was fair
but after you accidentally sent him a self-deprecating ‘joke’ message that was clearly meant for a friend, he never passed up the opportunity to compliment you ever again
like he kinda just stared at the message like 😮 ‘does (y/n) seriously care about their weight? why? it doesn’t even matter. how stupid! who told them that the shape of their body is important? bc it’s not..’
then he turns to look in the mirror like ‘wow you srsly need to put on muscle, lanky bitch. or else (y/n) will probably leave you for some built jackass like kuroo. pick up some weights, noodle arms!’
anyway, he’s not too good with words and comfort in situations like these but he’ll probably reply to your text with something out-of-character and surprisingly sweet
to paraphrase (bc the actual text would probably be like a whole damn persuasive essay LMAO he starts with the introduction, makes five points and finishes with a conclusion pfft) , i think it would be something like: ‘hey, (y/n). ik that text was probably meant for one of your friends (but if they’re the ones making you feel bad about your weight then you should probably drop those toxic cunts anyway 💅✨) but i just wanted to say that even though you are the biggest clown i’ve ever met (/j) you’re still v beautiful 💗 stop being insecure or i’ll pass away ⚰💀 ok thx love you bye’
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Tōru Oikawa
how are you insecure if you’re dating oikawa? /j
like he is such a hypeman
whenever y’all take pics in your ✨fancy outfits ✨ for formal event, he acts as though you are second most beautiful thing on the face of this earth 😍 (second to him ofc)
but he only does that so he can keep up the reputation he has of being effortlessly confident bc he’s scared that if it slips for even a second, everyone will see how truly insecure he is
truthfully, in his eyes, you come first place by miles (❤ ω ❤)
like srsly, you’re so gorgeous in that dress!! he hopes that you know that he is joking about the whole ‘second place’ thing bc you should be able to tell by the way he looks at you that you’re genuinely the most striking person he’s ever laid his eyes on 
you never acted overly confident in front of him but he definitely didn’t think you were as insecure as you are
he thought you were just..humble :)
sometimes he’d hear you mutter something mean about yourself as you passed the mirror but he paid no mind to it as he figured that you just cared about your appearance and wanted to maintain a certain image
however, once he was made aware that you didn’t want to maintain your image but rather, change it - he never let you murmur anything nasty about yourself under your breath ever again, not without proceeding to tackle you to the ground and shower you with his love, affection & praise 💞💕❤
and he never made a ‘second place’ joke ever again, he started his honesty streak by reassuring you that you’ll always be the number one in his eyes 🤩
also, after that, he was a lot more open about his own insecurities with you and you made sure to respect them and help him in a similar way that he did
there is just so much love and admiration between the two of you and at first you were both to shy to express it but now, you both are showering each other in compliments 24/7 bc you both just want the other one to know how perfect you view them as (❁´◡`❁)
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Atsumu Miya
atsumu is a hypeman like oikawa but...better :)
he’ll compliment you on anything you wear and he makes it a point to use the most inappropriate compliment as possible, relative to the outfit you’re wearing
so if you’re wearing your pyjamas, he’ll call you ‘glamourous’
if you are wearing a swimsuit, he’ll call you ‘elegant’
if you’re in your work clothes/school uniform, he’ll call you ‘sexy’
and if you’re in lingerie, he’ll call you ‘adorable’
but it makes you blush so hey, no complaints
so when he finds out that you’re actually insecure about your weight, he’s just like ‘no ❤’
like he hates the idea that when you look in the mirror, you don’t see the god(dess) he sees
like why? it’s the same person
💞 fuck ‘perception’ 💞
💕 ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ TF YOU ARE THE FUCKING BEAUTY💕
grrr he was so mad  
but he was also soft 
he was like ‘if (y/n) insecure? then why hot? then why pretty? then why fit perfectly into my arms?’
plus, THIGHS
he’d never diss a person bc they had small thighs or anything BUT he’d also NEVER complain about being given the chance to be with someone with some good thighs 👍
tbh the best could do to help was compliment you ten times harder to eliMINATE ALL YOUR INSECURIES 
(and ofc i don’t mean that in a way - for example - if you’re insecure about your nose, he’ll fkn chop it off......he won’t chop your nose off LMAO he’ll just show you how much he loves it, to the point where you have no choice but to love it too ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ )
anyway, plz love (or at least, tolerate) yourself or else he’ll suffocate you with all his love and affection :D
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Osamu Miya
osamu is at a loss when it comes to typical beauty standards tbh
to him, weight (and most things) are similar to..hand size, for example
just like how you can’t imagine someone feeling self-conscious about the size of their hand (especially if their hand is a healthy size) 
he can’t imagine why some one would be shamed for their weight (especially if they’re a healthy size)
so had no idea you could possibly be insecure about something like that and he probably on realised after a few years in the relationship 😅
there was a formal event coming up and y’all were going as dates so you wanted to shop for outfits together 
as couples do ✌
anyway, he was on a dress site, scrolling away until you pointed out one that you thought was pretty - and it matched the color of the tie osamu bought too!
it was a fair price (for a formal dress 🙄 which is probably like $68/50) so osamu was like ‘buy it then ( •̀ ω •́ )✧’  bc he thought it would so gorgeous on you 
but you were like ‘no’
and after he pried further, you explained how you thought it wouldn’t ‘suit your body type’ 
but like deadass it’s not your blood type-  it’s just a thing ppl made up to make ppl (mostly women) feel bad about themselves for no reason
but that might just be his inner atsumu talking 🤷‍♂️
he didn’t even know what to say at first- he was just like ????? body type ????
but once he figured out what you meant, he still had no idea what to say- at least, without sounding rude
what if someone came up to you and told you they were insecure about the shape of their knee.......what do you even say???
so he was silent for like the rest of the day
you decided to give him some space just in case something happened which had upset him
he had no idea what to say, in all honesty, so he hoped that his actions spoke louder than words 
around 3 days had passed since you last spoke to osamu and you were beginning to think something you had said made him uncomfortable
you were studying in your room until there was a ring at your door so you rushed downstairs and you opened it to reveal a package sitting on your doormat
you had recently ordered some cleaning equipment so you were sure that the content of the package was probably that
so imagine your surprise when you tear it open to reveal  — you guessed it —  the dress 💕
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Rintarō Suna
when he says that he doesn’t care what ppl look like, he means it
he upkeeps his own appearance though bc..it’s his!
like why would he care about what weight you are? that’s none of his business
as you can tell, he’s generally not shallow but sometimes when y’all are just cuddling and your face is pressed to his chest, the words ‘you’re so cute’ just fall from his lips
so ofc he appreciates compliments over his skills, personality, humour etc over flattery about his appearance 
hence, the praise he gives you is usually based around those things too bc he just thinks that you’re just like him in the fact you don’t appreciate skin-deep comments
so when he found out that you’re actually insecure about your weight (or something else), he kinda blames himself
he thinks that the whole reason you’re not extremely confident in your appearance is all due to him and the fact he fact he maybe didn’t compliment you on your looks enough  — but that’s not to say that he doesn’t think you’re beautiful 
you’re the most radiant person he’s ever laid his eyes on and he thought you knew that regardless of whether he vocalised it or not
he wasn’t really sure what to do tbh
bc he loved you and wanted to comfort you ofc but he was scared of making things worse
like what if something he says accidentally makes you so upset that you break-up with him 😭
but he knew he couldn’t just stay silent about the issue, especially when he wanted to say to much
thus, he sent you a heartfelt message on discord 
(rather than snap, whatsapp etc so he could edit it after he posts it bc knowing him, he’ll probably write something, reread it ten times then as soon as he hits send, he spots a bunch of mistakes)
and he’d explain how you’re simply divine regardless of your insecurity and if anything, it just makes you cuter 😍
ok ok so i really don’t want it so seem like he has a fetish bc HE DOESN’T 
but he think your curves are so fun and pretty ❤ 
like everything about you is pretty but suna just can’t comprehend why you’re insecure about something like your weight when he literally adores it (bc he adores everything about you) 
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giaourtopita · 4 years
Hello! I’m a sucker for that sweet angst and I’m sorry in advance!😭So can I request the brothers with an Mc who has a few months to live because of an illness they were born with? How do they send their time with Mc? How do they react when Mc dies?
mc dies due to a congenital disease
first of all, thank you for requesting!! i didn't really expect a request tbh. and i really hope i did this justice, i even started listening to a sad playlist to get even more in the mood to write this!! i hope you'll like it <333
warnings; gn mc, angst, death, unhealthy habits, sad just so sad, slight medical talk, alcohol used as a coping mechanism but not to an unhealthy amount, lesson 35-36 spoilers in asmo's and beel's part, lesson 16 spoilers in belphie's part.
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(first of all i would like to say that none of them would react well but all of them would try to spend as much time as possible with mc)
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- would not believe them at first, he would think this is just belphie and satan playing a sick joke on him.
- believes it only after seeing the mc talking to doctors and trying to find a course of treatment.
- throws himself into work, trying to convince himself the situation will resolve itself.
- once he comes to term with it, he would try to spend as much time as possible with them
- he would take them to as many new places he can, and try to give them many new experiences before it happens.
- would even ask barbatos if he can go back in time to find them a cure.
- when the inevitable happens he thinks his father is the one to blame, it's his fault for everything. them falling, lilith dying and now this. "why can't he just leave us alone?".
- throws himself into work again but only this time he's working so hard his brothers and friends had to talk some sense to him.
- diavolo gives him some time to pull himself together, and because he has so much time on his hands, he locks himself in the comfort of his room and drinks to feel just so he can stop feeling for a little while.
- only gets better when he sees mammon trying to take care of him and be responsible with money and around the house.
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- "mc you're joking right? you're my human, you can't die! ya hear me?"
- he would be attached at the mc's hips. even starts staying in their room to watch them.
- acts like he's fine when they're around but when he's alone he gets overwhelmed, he can't imagine how his life will be after mc is gone.
- also gets mad at his father "why do you hate us so much?" *he yells at the sky while sobbing*
-he's so frustrated with this situation because who will be nice to him when mc is gone?
- will try to get the witches to help him but it's a lost cause, there's no cure magical or not.
- when it happens, he blames himself. he blames himself because he failed to help them, even tho they always helped him.
- his scheming will get insufferable, he will try to get as much grimm as he can so he can buy things that remind him of the mc.
- he hoards all those things he buys all around the house actually. and if anyone anyone tries to throw those things away he gets agitated and turns into his demon form to fight them.
- will get better once he sees levi trying to pick all the things mammon left in his room.
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- "what? why? no, you can't die! stupid normie, you can't just leave me all alone like that" ... "we need more time!"
- he feels useless because there's nothing he can do, "the lord of shadows would have find a way to help his henry".
- hates it when his brothers take away the mc from him and starts throwing tantrums when they're not around, the rest of the brothers can't imagine how it will be in the future.
- tries to go outside more with them so he has memories with them that don't include sitting in his room and watching anime, those times he went outside he actually appreciated being there.
- also makes them stay in his room, they sleep in his arms and he starts sleeping in his demon form, wrapping his tail around the mc so they can't go anywhere, he knows this is pointless.
- still tries to watch as much anime as possible but when a character he likes dies, he finds himself sobbing like a baby not because he's sad for the character but because he knows this will happen to his henry.
- when they pass away he feels numb, he did all the crying when they were still there with him, he becomes an even bigger shut-in doesn't want to meet any new people especially not humans, not because he hates them but because they remind him of the mc.
- the only reason he leaves his room is to go swimming, he does that even more than he used to. his younger brothers were worried but lucifer thinks this is a healthier alternative to anything else he could do.
- is so angry at his father that he threatens war to the celestial realm using the devildom's navy.
- only got better when lucifer tried to reason him, he knows the mc wouldn't want him to do that but he doesn't know what else to do or how to mourn the human.
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- does not believe them, they look healthy to him so what are they talking about?? only believes them when they start talking about symptoms or he sees the symptoms himself.
- starts looking for a magical remedy to make them feel better, or even a cure. but it's no use, he can't find anything helpful other than pain relief magic. he even asks solomon but he wasn't able to give him something useful to work with.
- reads to them books about characters who feel how he feels because he can't bring himself to actually tell them how awful he is feeling.
- tries to spend as much time as possible with them even if it's for the silliest, most insignificant things there are.
- is barely able to keep himself together, he gets agitated by the smallest things you can imagine.
- after their death he feels as if a big part of his identity vanished, he feels how he used to feel about himself before he made up with lucifer and he hates that.
- going to a cat cafe or a library don't cheer him up as much as they used to, he just wishes to be with them and nothing else.
- is angry at himself and at god. he's angry at himself because even tho he knows so many things he wasn't able to save them and he's angry at god because everything is his fault.
- asmo suggests he writes a book about them and their shared memories, since he loved them and he loves books satan finds this idea excellent, however it doesn't help much because whenever he starts writing he gets so into it that he neglects himself.
- is able to kinda pull himself together when he sees lucifer bringing him a cat for emotional support, they both know this is not a permanent solution but it will help him cope for now.
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minor lesson 35 spoiler!!
- "what?? no no no!! this isn't happening mc!! we will find a solution i promise!"
- asks solomon and his fans to help but there's nothing they can do to help.
- buys them as many pretty outfits he can and takes photos of them to remember.
- is actually the first one to accept what is going to happen, after all he's used to losing the people that he loves, some leave due to jealousy and others die.
- does even more sleepovers in his room with the mc so they can have lots of fun together, even if this situation is very sad he tries to be positive and make the best memories he can with them
- though he still looks cheerful, he's so sad internally he doesn't know what to do after his mc is gone. he feels as if he won't be the same without them because he's one of the very few people who didn't care about his looks and loved him for him, he will miss this feeling so much that he's trying cling onto it as much as time allows him to.
- after it happens, he is also numb. not because he grieved before they died but because he tries to shut down his feelings by indulging in his sin, going clubbing and spoiling himself even more than before.
- though none if the above are as fun now that he can't do them with them, he gets to the point where he stops listening to lucifer and starts talking to everyone in a sarcastic tone.
- clings to solomon because even though he knows that solomon can't die, he can't help but feel like he needs to. solomon was able to talk some sense to him after lucifer told him about his behaviour. gets better when his brothers start aggressively pointing out his awful behaviour and how much they care about him and his well-being.
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lesson 36 spoiler!!
- "NO! this can't be happening again! you stole lilith from us and now you're doing it again with mc!" *is sobbing while yelling*
- will also camp in their room to watch them and spend time with them.
- will take them to every single one of his games, and will try to take as many pictures as possible.
- takes them to every restaurant he knows of and makes them do taste testing, he notes everything they like in a cookbook, filled with every food the mc likes, and makes it for them when they're hungry.
- sad that there's nothing he can do to help and even sadder that mc was always able to help him when he needed to.
- feels guilty about this situation because mc had to use their life essence, their already limited amount of time, to save his life.
- he cuddles them to sleep, but most of the time it's not because they need it. he actually does it because he needs it and mc knows this.
- when mc passes away he goes out of control, always going on a rampage when someone from his team mentions how he's a free demon without a pact now, he misses mc so much.
- he is constantly in a bad mood and sometimes he's so sad that he forgets to eat even if he's starving.
- only starts to pull himself together when belphie tries to take care of him by cooking and forcing him to eat when he doesn't at least try to eat the most important meals of the day.
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lesson 16 spoiler!!
- "did lucifer made you say this? i know our last prank was a bit over the top but this is inappropriate" mc explains to him while showing him their test results.
- drags them to attic and cuddles them while yelling and sobbing, not wanting to believe it.
- he would stay awake more than his normal self so they can spend more time together, even if it's just cuddling or talking.
- he tries to find a spell to at least make them live a little longer, but it's hopeless there's nothing he can do.
- also feels guilty, not only does mc get to experience their death for the second time but so do his brothers.
- clings onto them as much as he can.
- when they die it's like he falls into a coma, when people try to wake him up he doesn't even flinch it's like he wants to be in a coma.
- has made it so that he gets such vivid dreams that he can visit mc in them and that's the reason he won't wake up.
- wakes up when he hears beel cry about him, mc and lilith. tries to get over it for beel.
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choiwrites · 4 years
kth | the day after valentine’s (m.)
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Words: 4.5k Synopsis: Taehyung, your best friend, had asked you to come over to help him arrange his furniture after moving for the hundredth time. It’s the day after Valentine’s and all the getting laid stuff is over, right? Not for Taehyung. Also, who the hell buys condoms after Valentine’s day? Rating: 18+ Author’s Note: This is a messy drabble that I have no intention cleaning or editing. I wrote this at liek 2am so a lot of typo’s ahead y’all.
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When you agreed to come over Taehyung's apartment, you thought he needed help with arranging the stuff that came from his moving van today. But no, your best friend's not the most truthful person you know.
He spreads across his dirty old couch, one he'd kept from his college dorm, wearing nothing but his basketball shorts that holds tight against his waist. Seven years since meeting him, he's done nothing to change his lifestyle. Every month, it's the same old scenario of him moving to another place after getting evicted for God knows how many times, and you watching him play a mobile game while you beg him to please start unpacking before a landlord sends him on his ass again.
"Let me finish this level, I'm so close." He looks for a second to study your reaction, annoyance painted clearly on your face.
You shrug, and your eyes dart over the cigarette pack that almost hides in one of his Goodwill boxes.
"I though you quit?"
Confused, Taehyung follows your eyes and he regrets in an instant bringing you here.
"I haven't had one in two months. I'm stressed lately."
Sighing, you try to understand. Taehyung's been on and off with cigars, he'd buy one in secret but sooner or later, you'd always find a lighter in his laundry when coming over. You advice him to keep his hand busy, and you'd even given him a bracelet that chimes. He removed it three months later and you never asked where he threw it away.
"Fuck," his finger swipes his screen as if he wanted to break it, "I almost got it!" he yelled.
He switches off his phone, now staring back at you. Your eyes fall, he's always intimidating. You couldn't blame him, you were always intimidated.
"What?" you croaked.
"What do you mean what? What's your plan?"
"My plan? Why do I have to make the plans?" Your fingers find the hem of your thin baby blue shirt.
"Because you're the smarter one. How do I arrange all my shit? You got any idea?"
"Taehyung, we've been doing this for ages. How come you still depend on me? There will come a day that I won't be here anymore and the only person you could depend on is yourself." Was it seeing the cigarettes that raised your voice, or remembering that he threw your handmade bracelet? You couldn't care less.
He was quiet. Then he opens his mouth, and he's quiet again.
"You sound like my mom," he says, meaning to tease you as if he hadn't used that for the hundredth time. "Was your date last night that bad? I told you you should come with Hoseok and I on Valentine's, we had an amazing night at Jungkook's crib."
There he goes again, ignorant of your troubles. Classic selfish Tae, the exact same one who stood you up on homecoming because he spent it having sex with Tilly Janes in his car. You're still upset about it, he didn't even think of going inside to give you at least a minute to dance with somebody on the dance floor.
"Mind telling me what happened? Did you get laid?"
"Do you ever think of maybe you shouldn't ask such inappropriate questions to someone?"
"Fine," almost tired in his tone.
And you spend a few more minutes in silence, guessing each other's thoughts with the way both your gaze lands on the floor. He clears his throat and forgets what he's about to say. You wish you didn't cancel your nail appointment today just to be with your best friend who still, in no surprise, doesn't have a single plan in his life.
Taehyung suggests he buys a stock from the grocery first, and when he says stock he means an awful lot of Oreo cookies and Lays. You agreed with him and he gets dressed, though the soles of your feet still hurt from walking in heels for three hours straight last night. If only you knew that Hyungwon would be bringing you to a walking spree, you wouldn't have worn a formal attire.
Taehyung spends his time choosing between peanut butter and double stuff. You tell him to pick the peanut butter one because you've never seen him finish the double stuff, he always throws the leftovers saying it was too sweet. He ignores your opinion and chooses the double stuff over the peanut butter.
He asks you again whether he should buy milk or pineapple juice instead, and you tell him to pick milk because whoever drinks pineapple is a monster. He nods in affirmation, commenting about how pineapple has a really weird aftertaste. And he brings the milk back to the shelf, putting the pineapple juice in the cart.
"You should dress like that." He points at a mannequin dressed in sportswear.
"You don't tell me what to wear, young man. I don't even jog."
"I'm just saying you'd look hotter." He scans you head to toe and your knees weaken a little.
He takes a route to the meat section, you already know why. He just wants to brag about being a vegan. Jungkook had convinced him last month to finally turn vegan, and he's been talking about it non-stop.
"I can't stand the smell of meat anymore, it's disgusting." He pinches his nose, wrinkles forming on his face.
"Okay, Mr. Vegan. We get it." You rolled your eyes.
"No, really. It's making me vomit," he says, nasally.
"Just make sure that once I cook chicken alfredo, your mouth wouldn't water."
Upon reaching the counter, Taehyung approaches the magazines and candy bars, leaving you in line.
What does he need this time?
And when you're up next in line, he comes back with a tight fist, hiding an item as he crosses his arms.
He thought he was sleek, but when he throws the condoms next to the Oreos, you couldn't help but laugh.
"You're buying condoms after Valentine's Day?" You throw your hand to your mouth, suppressing an uncontrollable laughter. "Did you run out last night or you're only getting laid today?" you added.
"Do you ever think of maybe you shouldn't ask such inappropriate questions to someone?"
You sighed. "But seriously, I know you wanna answer that question."
In the mood, you poke at his waist and he flinches like a worm. Taehyung was cocky, but he can be cute sometimes in ways he doesn't intend to.
"I ran out last night. Lucky you who don't need to buy another one since none of your dates ever pass your standards."
You couldn't point it out in what he said that made your heart throb, it felt a little offensive. Taehyung knows so much about you, it can get scary when he opens his mouth. What's he thinking right now? Cute little y/n, no one's ever good enough for her fragile heart. Cute little y/n, always finds a mistake in every part.
"That's not true, you know? I just don't settle that easily."
The corners of his lips lift, eyes rolling in disbelief. He was skinning you alive with that gaze, annoyed. He has a sarcastic smile sprawled all over his face, you just wanna punch it away.
On the way home, you thought about what he said for a second... For a while. You thought about it for a while. Was Taehyung right? Was his perception of you correct? Whatever it was, it did hurt. All you ever did for Taehyung was to be a good friend, and he gave nothing in return. You weren't expecting anything, but deep inside you knew Taehyung loves you just as much as you love him. But like every other person, insecurity gets in the way in relationships.
Maybe Taehyung doesn't even treat you as a friend.
No, you argued inside your head.
Sure, you've seen him in his most vulnerable moments. You've seen him break and you've seen him fall, you've seen him lose the inner parts of his soul. You've seen Taehyung happy, and you will always remember that specific laugh he lets out whenever he pretends something is funny. You know that he blinks when he curses because his body rejects it. He told you about his broken dream of becoming an astrologist, and you daydreamed together about the stars and the way they collide like magical dusts.
Maybe Taehyung doesn't know you like you know him.
Before the thought gets answered, Taehyung was already groaning as he puts the bags down to his counter. You had forgotten you arrived.
"We should start with your room. I'll place your clothes in your closet and you go arrange your miscellaneous."
He doesn't nod. Why won't he nod?  God, please, Taehyung, just agree with me once.
He remains standing with both his hands on either sides of his waist and he does nothing else. Still standing feet away from you, just knitted brows and a stern expression that you couldn't read. What is it this time?
"How was it?" His arms cross on the buff his chest, waiting for a response as he tries to read your reaction the same way you're reading where he's coming from.
"How was what?"
"The sex, y/n. Was it so bad you're in a bad mood today?" A laugh pauses in his throat, replaced by a rise of the corner of his lips.
It was a tug, or maybe a push, in your stomach that made your minds do wonders of spins. Such an unpredictable person Taehyung is.
There was nothing to deliberate inside your mind, nothing happened last night. Hyungwon went home without a kiss on his lips, and you're limbs gave out due to the amount of walking.
"There's no sex. We didn't have sex."
"Let me guess, he insulted your outfit? If not, he probably split the check." His index finger extends, eyes wrinkling to get out any more ideas from his dirty little head.
"Can you just- Ugh! What's with you and your insults?"
"How was that an insult? I was guessing which of what he did didn't pass your golden standard."
"If I had a better standard, maybe you wouldn't be my friend." Ouch. It wasn't directed to you but sometimes you just want to dissolve after saying something.
"I'm your friend because you have a high standard." He wasn't offended, not a single bit from what you have said. Was Taehyung that oblivious of how miserable he is? "If we weren't friends, I'm pretty sure I could get inside your pants."
You hoped he regret what he said, just as much as you wanted to dissipate earlier.
"I'm sorry, Taehyung. But my 'golden standard' would never, and I can't stress this enough, let you get in my pants, in an alternate universe where we aren't friends."
"Lies. Lies. Lies. I could easily get you swooning for me in just a matter of seconds, y/n. Stop, and I can't stress this enough, lying."
"Sure, Taehyung. Whatever you want me to fucking say." You turned your back on him to get a grip of yourself. You grunt, you shudder, and you sighed.
Cocky. Bastard. You could join those words together and it would still perfectly describe Taehyung. Perhaps you have a list of two words that could go either independently or together they'd still describe Taehyung well.
Arrogant. Pervert. Overconfident. Asshole. Striking. Idiot. Son. Of. A. Bitch. I. Just. Want. To. Punch. Him.
He places a grip on your arm to spin you to him. "I want you to say it," with a guttural voice coming from the pits of somewhere within his diaphragm, it's crazy how smooth it escaped from his lips.
"Saywhat?" as opposed to yours that escaped with so much tremble and crisp, thinner than air.
"Consent," he began. "I'm pretty sure I can reach your standard."
It was probably a bad idea. And a bad idea is followed by a spontaneous drive to try it, that's how it's done in movies. You'd probably regret it, right? But you'd regret it more if you don't get a chance to prove Taehyung wrong.
Fine. He needs a wake up call. He needs to wake up from that delusion he'd built inside his towering cocky arrogant head, no pun intended, that he's not every girl's cup of tea.
"You know what? Sure. What do you want me to do? Ride you? Then give you a blowjob after not finding the clit-"
He pulls you, hand reaching your lower back to push his groin toward your front. You were far behind than he was, Taehyung was already hard and eager. His lips were hot, warm around the tip of your tongue that vividly tastes the mint and smoke he had had earlier this morning. It was evident in the sloppiness of his kiss, swiftness of his wandering hands, and blazing fire underneath the lust of his eyes, Taehyung isn't exactly as what you have thought him to be.
The men you've slept with before, they were a floating fish in the sea. But Taehyung brings you sea deep into the weakness of your knees, the floor may have shaken 'cause you find yourself falling on his body and he catches you just perfectly, bodies molding with each other on the floor. Taehyung grips your thigh, to the north his hand traveled, his thumb harshly caressing your slit.
The position made it hard for him to move, he was struggling to reach every part of your body as he would have wanted so he pushed your body, and you look him in the eyes with question, both hands resting on his chest as he continues to play with your clit. He earns a sly grunt from you and he'd do anything to hear it again.
Then he was standing, carrying your body to the nearest stool he could find, desperate and quick. With one sharp thrust to lock you in position, he inhales the moan that went from your lips to his throat. Then he stops. He stopped.
"Moaning already, are we?" He lifts his brow, a crease forming on his forehead.
"Can you just get to it?"
He laughs. "That's not exactly how I always do it. I like to take my time."
You punch his shoulder, a questioning look taking over his features. Embarrassment flows through you. "This was a mistake."
He kisses you again, eating whatever insult was about to come out of your mouth. He wants to whisper it, that thing he have always wanted to tell you, in between kisses. Because now that he's got you under his touch, his tongue is burning just to say it. To distract himself, he digs into your waist deeper, sinking those three little words under your skin hoping you'd realize it.
You pull away, pushing him away from you. "Something wrong?" His nails have left their mark before you could figure out.
"No, no. Nothing's wrong."
There is though. You're not a stranger to not know the look on Taehyung's face. You recognize this one, it happened before. The trembling lips and crimson cheeks. They bring you back the day after prom, the day after Tilly Janes took his innocence.
"What happened last night?" you asked him, arms crossed against your chest.
"I'm so sorry I didn't come-"
"You came Tae. You came hard, didn't you? I can't believe you convinced me to go to prom just so you can leave me in there alone."
"I didn't want to. Listen, okay, I realized something last night."
"I don't need your apology, Taehyung. I don't need it. Jimin took me home last night."
"What? Why?"
"Why? Because some asshole left me without a ride. That's why!"
"I was looking for you last-"
"Shut it. He asked me on a date. So thank God, I'm at least in a good mood today to not flame on you."
"He asked you on a date? Are you going?"
Trembling lips and crimson cheeks. He gulped so hard you heard it.
"I am. Hey, are you okay?"
"I just can't believe someone would even ask you out. I'll be going, forget I came."
It's the same face, the same gulp. You put your hand on his cheek, like what a mom would do to an injured child, and he holds it so you won't ever let go of his face.
"We can stop. I know. This was a bad idea. We shouldn't have done it."
He shakes his head, his other hand creeping behind you. He latches his lips onto yours again, pulling your shirt up to reveal your stomach. The kiss was different, a touch of hunger for affection. A slow open one, mostly the breaths clashing in a soft whisper.
"I want you, y/n. I want you," he whispered to your mouth. You push him to the couch, straddling him and he groans in satisfaction. He pulls you closer, enough for his chin to land on your chest and he looks up in pure admiration of you.
There was more behind the words he said, but with the heat pooling in between your thighs, you couldn't care less as of now. It's something you'll resolve after. He tucks a strand of your hair as he makes thrusts underneath you, the thick cotton of his sweats didn't do anything to conceal his cock aching for you.
You remove his shirt, not being able to take your eyes away from his body. Sweet and honey under your gaze, he tenses them and you couldn't help but laugh at this. Kissing every inch of his exposed skin, you kneel as your knees approach the floor, not breaking eye contact with Taehyung while untying his sweats. His hand fails to fall steady on your arm and his Adam's apple bob in anticipation.
There's warmth that spreads across your stomach, different from the one in between you thighs. It's like electricity that continuously ignites a fire inside you when you notice his excitement, eager to have your mouth around him. A sign of reciprocation that he wants this just as much as you do no matter how hard you try to deny it, a catching fire of the thought that maybe he looks at you the way you look at him throughout all these years. Even now that you're not looking in his eyes, the continuous ignition of sparks inside you still teases.
You reach for his length, softly wrapping it in your hand and his breath quickens along with your heartbeat. Studying every detail, even the cold tones of the veins that spreads like tree roots. In usual occasions, giving head never takes your time. You suck it and finish it, no more and no less, nothing special really. But it's Taehyung, and his difference from others makes you uncomfortable in a way it shouldn't be possible. Trying to forget these unnecessary emotions, your thumb circles the head of his cock and he couldn't help but make his lip bleed, the agony of it keeping him awake to not fall into your dreamy touch.
His shorts reaches the floor and you made it quick to to kiss the base of his glistening length. Your index finger making lines on his thigh while the other keeps his cock steady as your lips move upward. You've never imagined how he would taste, but you were always sure he tastes exactly like he tastes now. Bittersweet. He throbs at the heat of your breath, thighs almost jumping when your fingers find his balls. He emits a groan that strengthens the force you're putting in your thighs to keep your core intact.
Down you go, the head of his cock deepening in your throat just like his grunts, getting lower and lower until he thrusts upwards making you gag and he releases a high-pitched whimper of your name. Tears blur your vision and a moan sends minimal vibration to his cock.
"I don't think... y/n, fuck, I'm not gonna last long," he confessed, and you finally look up to see him without removing him from your mouth.
You tongue swirling still and he has gone rabid trying to control himself, clenching your hair as he lets himself go maniac against your throat. He stares at you with mad eyes, his mouth failing in keeping him quiet. Only his groans, his throat-fucking, and your whimpers that you can no longer suppress. You're a little scared maybe he'll get too confident and tease you on your gagging, calling himself so big he made you cry.
He pulls your hair and he tries to get a hold of himself, catching his breath to gain stability. Before you can wipe the corners of your lips, he was standing up and taking your shirt off. He frames his chin with his index finger and his thumb, making you grow conscious of your own body. He had no reason to be looking so long, he'd seen you in a two piece more than one occasion. And he's going behind you, putting a finger at the waist of your shorts, bringing it down slowly until it lands by itself. He wraps your hair in a pony as the other grips your ass, a throaty growl escaping from his body.
He rotates you to the other side, an empty blank wall where you can see the fool you made of yourself. The argument ends here. The argument has ended since he had kissed you like no one had kissed you. You shouldn't have underestimated Taehyung, because he's now biting your shoulder as he slowly descends you to the wall. He hums, this close he can hear the tiny whimpers you try to keep to yourself, your fragile voice that can break once you open your mouth to say something. He can hear them all and he's aware of the power he has over you.
A hand holds both of yours behind your back, and once he has successfully taken your white underwear off, he's positioning the fat head of his cock right in your entrance.
"Make it easier for the both of us and just say it, y/n," he commands, his breath echoing in your ear sending voltage in your spine. He bites your ear and he whispers again, "Baby, please."
Taehyung laughs at your adorable cluelessness. He doesn't answer. The next thing you hear was the expansion of his breaths, getting heavier and heavier it's almost a hum as he slides himself inside you.
"Taehyung," you say in a falsetto, "god, Tae, fuck!"
"Hmm, fucking tight. You're so fucking tight, y/n. Your pussy's taking my cock so fucking well," his knees bend to enter you deeply, this sharp thrust hitting a spot in you you never knew you'd feel, "maybe now you'd let me fuck you often, huh? You're gonna take my cock anytime you want, I'll fuck your brains out, ruin you and your cunt."
You respond with a soft murmur of you're not entirely sure what, because Taehyung was already fucking your brains out and you had no other thoughts but the feeling of his cock that slips in out of you so easily. He'd hit that one spot and you're going to release yet another cry and he'd enjoy every note of it. You're a mess with strands of your hair sticking to your face as the sweat trickle down your temples.
"Tell me what you want, y/n. Want it fast, baby?" He speeds up his thrusts, your ah's getting louder as he almost sends you to your high. "Or you want to cherish every inch of my cock?" He slows down which brings you wailing, whimpering his name over and over until you're no longer sure if it's even coming out right. His free hand lands on your ass and you gasp as if inhaling after suffocation. "Answer me," he speeds up his pace again, "answer me, y/n."
But you couldn't, there's nothing in your body that you trust right now especially your voice. He growls, unsatisfied with your silence which leads him to pulling your hair and pushing your back to the wall. You're almost embarrassed to see his eyes once more in the state you're in, overpowered by the despair of wanting nothing but to have Taehyung take you to your climax. Your eyes are begging for him, hell there were tears coming from them as he enters you again.
He cries out, "I want to fuck you all day long, would you let me do that?" He continues to carry you upward the wall and your weight would go down whenever he pulls himself from you. You nod and as he sees this, his head moves back to watch your body crumble before him, giving him no more than satisfaction. "Look at you desperate for my cock, such a fucking whore for me, aren't ya?"
In every "hm" he makes, he enters you harder and rougher, makes you want to stay silent. You bite your lip, feeling yourself come to a close. Your thighs pulling together like magnets, wrapping his waist while it shakes and he doesn't take one second to land your body on the couch, watching your orgasm hit you with spasms traveling your whole body. Taehyung wraps his cock in his hand, moving toward your mouth as he jerks himself off to his own orgasm. You take the spurts of his fluid landing on your tongue, his waist twitching while he groans for each drop of cum.
He sighs, falling onto the couch where your legs are still apart. He smiles at your nakedness, not giving a second thought as his middle finger enters you once more. Your body  sits straight, only to land on the sofa's arm. "You're so fucking pretty," he commented, his body hovering over yours again. He kisses you.
"I can't handle," you say before Taehyung cuts you off with another kiss, and another, and another, his finger in and out of you which as the minute grows only turns from pain into pleasure again.
"You're going to," he whispers and he kisses you again, until you're crying his name and he just studies the way you react to his slender finger. "So pretty, so, so," he curves his finger resulting to your second orgasm, "pretty." He makes sure you see his savoring your juices in his mouth, and once he was done lapping up his finger he puts them inside your lips, tasting nothing but his saliva.
"Do you get it now, y/n?" He unclasps your bra, and from then on he ignores your eyes. "This is why I run out of condoms."
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saphirered · 3 years
Could you write another fic for Kingsley? I absolutely adored The Lovers and there’s so little content for the pirate tiefling, it leaves me so sad. I was thinking something where the reader and him have been flirting for awhile but he’s still doubtful of wether they like him as Kingsley or they just see him as Molly. (The reader doesn’t, and they end up comforting him, just overall some of that good Hurt/Comfort)
Don't know why writing is taking so long for me but I blame the double shifts. Sorry this took so long to write. I hope it was worth the wait 😘
Some things are doomed to repeat themselves. Mollymauk had always been a huge flirt regardless of actual interests in people he knew exactly what to do and say to make someone blush. That’s not something lost in the resurrections. Kingsley is no different. Flirting comes like a second nature to the lavender tiefling.
Molly’s goal had been to make you blush a task difficult to achieve so when you quipped back each and every time the flirtations escalated to what some might consider inappropriate to be spoken in certain social circles. This little back and forth turned into a bit of a competition to see who could make the other blush or gasp the most because you did manage to get those responses of each other.
It was your game and when Kingsley began with endearing pet names you automatically felt yourself falling back into that habit. You don’t really know when you got back to the point where you’d be outright flirting but the gradual escalation happened before you caught on and since neither you nor Kingsley seemed to mind or made any efforts to stop your little game you continued to play.
Days turned into weeks and weeks into months and you were both in full force with the flirtations where you might make others around you blush. Even those used to your comments. That’s something both you and Kingsley took pride in. Despite your words you’re always mindful of each others’ hardline boundaries. There’s a mutual respect. You always know when to stop and not take it too far. Though that doesn’t prevent you from walking that boundary like a tightrope.
Currently you’re standing on the bow of the ship looking over the ocean when an all too familiar voice calls for your attention. You look over your shoulder fully prepared in case you have to quip right back.
“Would you mind moving that pretty behind of yours somewhere else, love?” You watch Kingsley standing spyglass at the ready to take a closer look at the islands up ahead.
“If you wanted a closer look you could have just ask.” You wink and blow him a kiss as you move away from the bow to let Kingsley take your place and take a look as he does you catch him glance at you for just a moment. Of course you can do nothing but put on your best seductive face.
“If you’re offering, the lighting in my cabin will be perfect for the occasion.” Kingsley returns with a half smirk lowering the spyglass. Leaning on the wooden border you make sure to arc your back just a little crossing your ankles as you look over your shoulder thoughtfully.
“Hm. Any suggestions for a specific spot? Lighting can be quite tricky. Maybe you should show me every corner of the room just to make sure the view is perfect?” You tease. The Tiefling’s smirk widens, task forgotten, he wraps an arm around you pulling you close to him.
Kingsley leans in and for a second you think he’s going to kiss you. Not that you would stop him. You’d grown to like him but since he’s new to the world you didn’t want to push him into the deep end before having had a chance to discover and figure things out for himself. Your hands slowly snaking up his arms to his shoulders you wait for him to quip back.
“Don’t make offers you have no intention to make good on.” Kingsley breathes removing his arms from you and taking a step back. You’re confused. Mixed signals? Not at all. Not to you. You know he’s a tease and so are you but this is not a quip back. This is a statement. Why? The flirty demeanour drops so you’ll reply with a statement of your own.
“Who says I don’t intend to make good on it?” You gage Kingsley’s reaction but come up blank. Nothing that gives away the sudden mood change. He excuses himself and goes back to work so you do the same; replaying the events of the day to figure out what may have lead to this shift. Still nothing.
Next day comes around and every attempt at flirting is shot down. You know how to take a hint and at first just assume Kingsley just isn’t in the mood or headspace to play the game. You’ll leave him be for a few days to sort out whatever he needs to sort out. No more flirting for a while until he initiates it. Your conversations are more cordial and less warm than they used to be but Kingsley doesn’t avoid you so you at least take comfort in that.
After two weeks you’ve had enough. Another day of work gone by, sun setting slowly you find yourself standing in front of the lavender tiefling’s door. Rapping your knuckles against the wooden door you feel confident the knocks are audible. There’s no response so you knock again but again nothing. A little frustrated you try the handle and the door opens. You don’t fully open it just yet.
“Kingsley? Are you there?” You speak softly in case he’s asleep. You hear a muffled grumble and decide to step inside. There you see the tiefling sprawled out across the bed on his back, pillow over his face held in place by one hand. He doesn’t move but you see the rise and fall of his chest; enough to give away he is breathing and in fact awake.
You close the door behind you taking a look around the room. As expected there’s very few personal artefacts; a spare shirt thrown over a chair, a coin pouch on the table, coins spilled, blue book, a pair of fine boots, an empty bottle and a half full one as well as a half eaten plate of food presumably for dinner. The light of the setting sun bleeds through the paned window providing just enough lighting to make out the finer details of the room. It’s well kept and actually surprisingly tidy. The bed’s made and the pillows neatly placed, the shoes next to the side table and a chest at the foot of the bed. Not a speck of dust or grime to be found.
“Kingsley? Are you alright?” You ask sitting down at the edge of the bed hesitantly. You’re not really sure how to approach him. You don’t even remember your plan you had before you got here. There’s a hum in agreement as the pillow is lowered from his face.
“Yes. Yes, I’m totally fine.” Kingsley sighs staring at the ceiling as if it’s the most interesting thing in the world. He rubs his eyes and sits up facing you. He looks a bit tired but what did you expect after a busy day of work. You don’t look any different.
“Are you sure? You’ve been a bit out of it the past few weeks. I miss my flirty tiefling.” He snorts at the latter. Does he know something you don’t? Why the attitude? You’ll have to get to the bottom of this because you fear your- whatever it is you have with Kingsley depends on it.
“Fine then. I’m worried about you. One second we’re doing our thing and the next you push me away distancing yourself from me and giving me the cold shoulder. If my words upset you you should have just told me like you’ve always done. Why the sudden change? If you wanted me to stop or if I made you uncomfortable you should have said so.” You twiddle your thumbs awaiting a response fearful his shift behaviour was because of you because what else could it be?
Kingsley doesn’t answer just yet. A single glance at you and your stupid pretty face has him melting like chocolate on a hot day. He’s filled with regret because you’re right. He should have said something. Anything. You deserve that much but no, he had to be stupid and avoid the topic in the hopes it would go away. Problems don’t disappear into thin air. It requires communication.
A hand hesitantly grasps your twiddling fingers. You cease the motions looking at the man. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the look on his face is guilt and pity as he finds the words.
“This is not on you. This is on me being an idiot instead of just talking to you.” There’s a brief moment of silence as he silently begs the gods will be kind and you won’t hate him for bring this up. Then again, you’ve been nothing but understanding and patient in the past.
“No matter how much I love our flirtations I think they should end. If not for your sake, then for mine. It’s not… healthy.” You see him glance at the blue notebook on the table. So he’s read it. That explains the sudden shift. You’re mentally preparing yourself for whatever comes next fearing that what he might have read about you and your past has driven him to push you away. It’s his choice and his right but that wouldn’t make it less painful.
“I know now you had this thing with Mollymauk and now you’re continuing that with me. It snowballed into what we have-had but it can’t keep going. You’re holding onto a thread of the past and I feel like I’m trying to fill the spot he left just because I like you. It’s not healthy for either of us.” You give him a sad smile, your fears have been pushed down and you’re happy it’s not what you thought was going to happen but how wrong he is; it’s almost painful.
Kingsley is conflicted because he really does like you and wants to be what Molly used to be but he also knows he can never fill the spot of a ghost. Nor can he compete with it. He won’t force himself to be someone he’s not or fight to live up to the expectations even if he really wanted to because that’s not what a relationship of any kind is about.
“Kingsley… You fool… You really are a shit communicator.” You laugh. Taken aback he doesn’t know wether he should be confused or offended.
“If you’d only just asked… You’ll never be Molly and I do not ever want you to be so never try to. I like you because of who you are and yes we might have fallen into a habit he and I once shared but that ended and what we have is not the same. Never pretend to be someone you’re not.”
“Well, not unless you’re conning someone.” Kingsley quips. The relief your words are honest washes over him. It’s like he can breathe again or was holding a breath he didn’t know he was. He had been so afraid that facing you with his conclusions would drive you away forever. Maybe he really needs to work on his communication skills to you?
“There’s the Kingsley I know. Never pretend to be someone you’re not for me because you feel like you have to. That’s not healthy. Just be you. If you’re gonna make me fall in love with you, you don’t need anything but your own charm and that grin of yours.” You can see him fight that very grin from crawling up his face but it does anyway.
“I think you got me pegged, love.” You raise an eyebrow suggestively and smirk as he swats at you but you catch his hands. You’re about to comment but he breaks your grasp and pushes his hand over your mouth to quiet you down. You fight against him so determined to make your comment to the point you’re on your back held down by the tiefling, giggles muffled.
“When I remove my hand, you promise to say literally anything but the thing you’re thinking?” You nod and hum in agreement. Kingsley gives you a threatening look before slowly removing his hand to reveal your grin mischievously. Still looming over you awaiting any kind of comeback.
“You know, when you said the lighting in this room was lovely you weren’t lying.” You pat his cheek and trace the peacock feathers curling up his neck and side of the face as you bask in the final rays of sunlight illuminating the room in a deep orange glow.
“The view definitely has improved.” His gaze is on you not at all paying attention to the horizon. You laugh. So cheesy and he knows it. You become more aware of your current position. Some people might think it inappropriate but neither you not Kingsley give a single flying fuck. As long as you’re comfortable be damned the opinions of others.
“You know, when I suggested you showing me the corners of the room I had hoped you’d be more creative than starting with the bed.” You obviously feign disappointment. Kingsley accepts your challenge as you weave your fingers in the hair at the back of the neck pulling lightly to tease him.
“Oh shush you. Your words might come back to haunt you.”
“Is that a promise?” You bat your eyelashes but the grin on your face remains. Of course it’s a promise. You’re counting on it and Kingsley tends to keep his promises. Maybe this miscommunication is exactly what you needed because it lead to where you are now and wherever it might take you. The possibilities are endless and unpredictable. Just the way you like it.
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atlafan · 4 years
Office Neighbors - Part Four
a/n: alright, the angst in this is...ANGSTY, so please be careful lmao, I think the smut and fluff makes up for it though, but you tell me. enjoy! (reblogs and feedback are helpful!) (not proofread, I’m sorry) 
warnings: fluff, angst, smut
words: 17K
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You were in a large t-shirt, underwear, and a pair of socks, getting your things packed for the conference. Harry would be picking you up around eight to hit the road for New York so you wanted to make sure you weren’t scrambling in the morning. You had your A/C cranked as you were running around so you wouldn’t be sweaty before bed.
The buzzer for your door goes off, and a shock goes through your system. You look out the window towards the street and you see Harry’s car lit up by the street light. You rush over to your door to buzz him in. You don’t even have time to consider putting something cuter on by the time he’s coming in through your door.
“Harry, what are y-“
He drops a small bag he brought with him, and pushes you up against the wall crashing his lips to yours. His hands drag down your hips and to your thighs to hoist you up. You instantly wrap your legs around his waist and tug at his hair.
“Wh-what’s happening?” You breathe.
“I didn’t want it to happen at the hotel.”
“What?” He gives you an almost pained look. “Oh!” You look down at yourself. “I looked so much cuter for you the other day, though.”
“I can’t tell you how cute I think you look right now. Can I please take you to your bedroom?”
“Yes.” You kiss on his neck while he walks you down the hall to your bedroom. “I want you so bad, Harry.”
“I know, I want you too, I was being silly the other night.” He gets you onto your bed and kicks his shoes off before settling on top of you. “I want this…with you.”
“Me too.” You arch up to kiss him.
“You’re okay with all this? Me being here right now?”
“Yes, Harry.” You reach for the hem of your shirt and lift it off, revealing your breasts to him.
“Do you have condoms?” He says as he licks over one of nipples.
“Y-yeah, in my bathroom.”
He hums his response as he kisses down your stomach. Everything felt hazy. When he looks up at you to speak, a buzzing sound comes out of his mouth.
Your eyes flutter open to the sound of your alarm, and you nearly start crying from anger.
“Oh, for the love God!” You groan as you kick your blankets back.
It had been a couple of days since you were intimate with Harry. He called you the next morning to see how you were, ever the gentleman. He had a chance to see Andy before the conference, so he took it, not that you blamed him, but you were sort of hoping he’d come by and rail you.
You take a very quick shower, and make sure your things are together before he comes to pick you up. You had been up late getting everything packed, and clearly the stress from that had gone into your dream, and dream Harry came to relieve you of that stress. You just wish the real Harry would. Not that the other night wasn’t amazing, because it was, you were just sort of hoping to fully have sex with him. You understood him and you didn’t at the same time. What was the difference between having his dick in your mouth or having it in your vagina? You knew have sex was serious, and he probably had to be careful about who he got into relationships with because of his son, but he’s known you almost a year…doesn’t he trust you?
You’re taken from your thoughts when you hear your buzzer. You perk up a bit, and grab your backpack, and rolling luggage, and head out the door. Harry’s waiting outside his car with his trunk open. He looked really handsome. He was wearing a pair of light blue shorts, a white t-shirt, and a pair of sunglasses.
“Morning!” He says. “Got coffee and a breakfast sandwich for you in the car, I stopped off at Dunks.”
“Thanks, you’re the best.” You kiss him on the cheek and he puts your luggage in the trunk. You keep your backpack with you in case there’s anything you may need.
“So, it’ll be roughly four and half hours. We can stop anytime you want, don’t be afraid to speak up.”
“Do you…drive through the city often?”
“Not really, why?”
“Well…it’s just…do you mind if I do the first half of the drive? I’d like to gets us through Boston.”
“We don’t need to go that way. We’re going to take 93 to 293 and go through Manchester, and then eventually we’ll switch to 95, no need to go through Boston at all, love.”
“Oh…alright then.” You get the passenger seat and buckle up. He gets in the driver’s side, and pulls onto the street.
“That’s not to say you can’t drive, we can take turns. Or I can drive there and you can drive back, it doesn’t matter to me.”
“I just…sometimes I get road rage and I can be sort of a back seat driver, especially when it comes to driving in the city, but if we’re not going through Boston we shouldn’t have a problem.”
“Don’t forget, I do go to London quite a bit, people drive like wankers out there just the same, so I know what I’m doing.” He smirks at you.
“Mhm.” You nudge him.
“Did you sleep well? I feel like I never sleep well before big outings like this, no idea why.”
“Yeah, um, I slept alright.” Your face flushes a little as you remember your very vivid dream. “Slept like a rock, really.” You clear your throat. “What did you do with Andy?”
“I took him up to the cabin for some alone time. Went kayaking, made a little fire, it was fun.”
“Oh, that’s great!”
“Yeah, he says hello by the way.”
“Aw, that’s sweet.”
“He asked a lot of questions about you, he’s so nosey.” Harry chuckles.
“Probably just wants to make sure you’re not going out with a crazy person.” You laugh and open up your breakfast sandwich. You take a bite, and then have a sip of coffee. “Thanks again for breakfast, so nice of you.”
“Oh, don’t even worry about it. I have a little cooler in the back seat as well with other snacks if you get hungry.”
“Gee, thanks, Daddy, did you pack capri-suns? Those are my favorite.” You grin at him as you tease him.
“Make fun all you want, but when you get hungry or thirsty, you’re gonna be happy I prepared.” He side eyes you. “I have a tough time taking my dad hat off sometimes, alright?”
“No, no, it’s nice that you think ahead. I appreciate it.” You put your hand on his shoulder and give it a squeeze. “You just make it very easy to tease you sometimes.”
“Glad I can be a source of entertainment for you.”
“Hey, someone has to be on this long ass ride.”
“Long ass ride.” He chuckles.
“Yeah, it’s mad long.” You say as you look out the window.
“Mad long kid.” He says in a horrible Boston accent and you slowly turn to face him.
“Was that supposed to be me?” You laugh. “I don’t think you want to play the accent game, pal.”
“I think it’s cute when you let it out a little. I think you said ‘wicked’ in one of the classes I observed and I had to try not to laugh, or like any time you say ‘pissed’.”
“Everyone uses those words! It’s not like I’m sitting there going, ‘that’s wicked pissah, guy’, give me some credit.”
“See, again, I just think it’s cute.” He smiles. “Say more super-Boston words, what’s another good one?”
“Umm, god, I don’t know.” You giggle. “Is dungaree one?”
“What in the fuck is a dungaree?” He laughs.
“It’s another way to say blue jeans.” You laugh. “My parents and grandparents used to say it all the time. I don’t know if it’s a Boston thing though. Umm, spuckie is like a sub sandwich…sort of an East Boston thing though, so not everyone says it.”
“I notice you dropping your R’s a lot towards the end of the day. You don’t really have much of an accent otherwise.”
“I sort of trained myself not to have one because it’s fucking annoying. You sound like a moron. I think it just comes out more when I’m tired.” You shrug. “Do you mind if I connect my phone to the Bluetooth? Listening to NPR the entire time doesn’t sound like fun…”
“Not into morning radio, huh? Sure, you can just use my phone since I have the GPS going.” He grabs it out of the cup holder and unlocks it for you.
“Thanks.” You go into Spotify and slightly snoop at his Daily Mixes. You didn’t listen to a lot of the same stuff, but you did some similarities.
“Anything but top-40 is fine with me.”
“Don’t like pop?”
“No, I do, I just hate listening to the same shit that’s always on the radio.”
“Fair enough.”
“Put on…put on music you would have listened to in college or something.”
“I don’t know if I’m ready to expose myself like that!” You giggle. “I listened to a lot of degrading RnB.”
“Ha!” He shakes his head. “Please, find a playlist and put it on, I’m dying to know.”
“Alright.” You find a playlist with RnB songs from the later 2000’s and figure that will suffice. Rude Boy by Rihanna plays first, a great start. “Ugh, love this song.” You say and put his phone down.
“This is what you’d party to?”
“Sometimes.” You shrug. “It’s just a good song in general. I like Rihanna…do you?”
“She’s not bad.” He shrugs. “I probably wouldn’t let Andy listen to her.”
“Oh, but that’s half the fun! Being a kid and listening to really inappropriate music in your room, pretending like you know what they’re talking about. Used to do it all the time with Eminem.”
“Same here, actually.” He chuckles. You sing softly to yourself and he smiles. “Don’t be afraid to belt it out, I sing in the car all the time.”
“Really? Because you haven’t done it once since I’ve known you.”
“Good point.” He turns the music up and sings along with the chorus and you start laughing. “Come on, Y/N!”
You start singing with him, and that continues on a lot throughout most of the car ride. Around the halfway point, you stop at a rest area to use the bathroom and freshen up. You both grab a slice of pizza for an early lunch, and then head back to the car.
“Do you want me to drive, Har?”
“No, I’m fine…unless I’m making you car sick…”
“No! I just didn’t know if you needed a break.”
“I’m really all set, but thanks.” He pecks your lips quickly and then you both get into the car. “What do you feel like listening to now?”
“You pick.” You smile.
“No I want you to…I like knowing what you’re into…” He blushes.
“Do you like rock music at all? My mom used to listen to all those 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s bands. Might be night to take a break from the profanity.” You chuckle.
“Rock works for me.”
“Eddie Money?”
“Crank it.”
You both giggle and you put on some music. You feel like the two of you have been putting on a concert, and it’s been so much fun.
You arrive at the hotel for the conference, and head right into the garage to park it. Harry gets a ticket that he’ll be able to get validated inside. He helps you with your things, and then you both head inside to check in.
“Harry Styles.” He says to the woman at the desk. You go to the person to her.
“Ah, Dr. Styles, great to have you for the CMT conference. Did you take a ticket for the garage?”
“Yes, here it is, thanks.” She takes it and stamps it.
“Right, and you’ll be here three days, correct?”
She types on her keyboard and makes some rapid clicks.
“Alright, you’ll be on the twenty-fifth floor, here are two room keys, Wi-Fi is included, and there’s complimentary breakfast every morning.”
“Wonderful, thank you so much.” He looks at you and steps back to wait until you’re given everything. “What floor are you on?” He asks as you both head to the elevator.
“The twentieth, you?”
“Twenty-fifth…I think they gave me a suite or something.”
“Oo, fancy.” You smile. “I asked for a room with two beds so I wouldn’t be shoved into a closet sized room.”
You both head into the elevator, and Harry follows you out once you’re on your floor. You raise an eyebrow at him.
“I just wanna get you in your room in case there are any creeps watching through their peep holes.”
“Harry…I’ve been to a hotel alone before.”
“I’m sure you have…it’s just for my own peace of mind, humor me?”
“Alright.” You shrug. You key in and he comes in with you. “Still tight, but definitely more floor space with two beds.” You hoist your luggage on top of one of the beds and sit down on the other. “I think I’m gonna relax, get settled for a bit, but do you wanna get dinner later? We could just go to the hotel bar.”
“Yeah, that sounds good. Wouldn’t mind a quick nap, honestly.” He yawns. “See you soon.” He leans forward and kisses your forehead before heading out.
You end up falling asleep for a bit, and then you put on a bit of a nicer outfit for dinner. Harry tells you he’ll meet you outside your room for dinner. He looked a lot nicer too.
“Hey.” You smile and hug him.
“Hey.” He kisses the top of your head, and holds your hand on your way to the elevator.
“Are you happy you get your presentation over with tomorrow?”
“Oh, definitely. Then I’ll be able to enjoy the rest of it.” You both find a spot at the bar and order a couple of drinks while you look over the menu. “Did you want to split something? I’m not starving.”
“Me neither, yeah, that sounds good.” You furrow your brows at the menu and gasp. “Har! They have vegan Buffalo wings, can we please get that?!”
“Yeah, that sounds like it’ll really hit the spot.”
“And curly fries, gotta have curly fries.”
“Agreed.” He smiles.
You both order the food and clink your cocktail glasses once they come to you. The Buffalo wings really did hit the spot because you both scarfed the down.
“I wonder if we’ll run into anyone we know here. I’ve been to this conference once before, but it was a couple of years ago.”
“We all sort of go to different ones, like, our faculty. Plus, not a lot of people go to ones in the summer because they don’t want to think about work, but I like it. I feel like it keeps me fresh for the school year, you know?”
“Mhm.” You smile and just listen to him talk for a little bit. Harry was so incredibly intelligent, and you always liked listening his thoughts on things.
After a couple of drinks you both decide to call it a night since Harry would need to be up early in the morning to prepare for his presentation. He walks you to your room, just as he did earlier.
“Well…goodnight.” He says.
“Did you want to come in?” You nod towards your door.
“I do…but…I probably shouldn’t. I need to get to sleep…”
“It’s really okay, I don’t wanna be the reason you’re tired tomorrow.” You wink at him and peck his cheek. “See you for breakfast?”
“Definitely.” He smiles and waits for you to go inside before walking back to the elevator.
You wake up feeling refreshed the next morning. You take a quick shower, and put on a pair of grey slacks paired with a pink blouse and navy blazer. You liked looking nicer at these types of things. You put your hair up into your buns, just so you still looked a little fun, and head down to breakfast with your laptop bag slung over your shoulder. Your jaw nearly drops when you see Harry down at the breakfast restaurant. He was wearing a suit…you had never seen him in one before. It was brown, and he was wearing a purple button up underneath it.
“Y/N!” He snaps you out of your trance as he waves you over.
“Morning.” He smiles and kisses you quickly. “You look nice.”
“Thanks…so do you, I mean…you look…so handsome.”
“Oh, stop.” He swats a hand at you. “It’s just dress pants and a matching jacket.”
“No…it’s more than that. I mean, look at all the other people. Blue or black slacks, white button ups. You’re very fashion forward.”
“You’re just now realizing? Well, how nice of you to come out from under your rock.” He winks at you, and you put your bag down so you can go up to the buffet with him.
“Yours it at ten, right?”
“Yup. Which session are you going to first?”
“There’s a working session about advising that I wanna go to, just to get some tips since I’m advising this year.”
“That’s a great idea.”
“What about you?”
“I’m not going to anything this morning, just so I can focus. I’m gonna practice my presentation again.”
“I’m excited to see all of your data. I hope more schools will see they should be offering wellness courses.”
Your first session was extremely eye opening for you. You head to bathroom quick, and then go to where Harry’s lecture will be. You weren’t sure where to sit. You knew he hated when people sat in the back of his class, so you knew not to sit all the way in the back.  You decide on the fourth row. Not too far back, but not right up front either. You didn’t want to make him nervous. Seats were filling in here and there, which you were happy to see. Harry loved an audience.
“Y/N, is that you?”
“Dr. Pierce!” You gasp and stand up to hug your old friend.
“Please, you know you can just call me Arthur.” He chuckles.
“Old habits, would you like to sit with me?”
“Not saving it for anyone else?”
“No, the person I would be is going to be presenting.”
“Ah!” He says, sitting down next to you. “You know Dr. Styles?”
“I do, we’re colleagues actually. Office neighbors, in fact.”
“Good for you, he’s very bright. I’ve read a lot of his work, it’s refreshing.” He looks you up and down. “You look wonderful, your new institution is treating you well?”
“Very well! Thank you.” You smile. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”
“You’re just saying that.” He runs a hand through his hair. “This kids today are turning my hair white.” He laughs. “That’s why I wanted to check this out. Maybe if I can find a way to make them less stressed, I’ll be less stressed.”
“You’ve definitely come to the right place, Harry is the king of no stress.”
Harry could see the audience filing in from behind a curtain. He smiles when he sees you, and then squints when he sees you speaking with the man next to you. It was clear you knew each other and it wasn’t some stranger sparking up a conversation. He could tell because you nudged him after he made you laugh, something you would only do with a friend. He sighs and pushes his glasses up his nose. He can hear himself being introduced, and then he walks out. The room claps and he nods his head once he’s at the lectern. He was given a lapel mic to wear so everyone could hear him, and a remote to turn his slides. This was he could easily walk around the stage.
“Good morning everyone, I hope you enjoyed your first sessions…or an extremely long breakfast, whichever.” He shrugs and the crowd laughs. “I’m Dr. Harry Styles, and I’m so happy you’ve decided to spend your time with me this morning.”
You smile as he says this. You remember him saying this to his wellness class when you observed it. He said it to them everyone morning.
“I say this to my students every time we meet because even though, much like you, they’ve paid to be there, they still have to make the choice to get up and come to class.” He changes his slide. “I teach a class called Communication, Media, and Wellness, it’s just one of the few I teach, and I only offer it at eight in the morning.” He hears some people make comments and he grins. “My attendance rate is one-hundred percent throughout the semester, wanna know how I do it?” He changes the slide, and shows a picture of his classroom with students, desks in a circle, heads down on the desks. “We take the first ten to fifteen minutes to meditate, and then we do the same with the last five minutes. I give them time to settle in and clear their minds. Some fall asleep, some work on their breathing, and some just listen to me speak.” He changes his slide. “We talk about a lot of things in this class. We talk about what we see on the news, social media, and everything in between. We talk about how those things make us feel. We talk about tactics to help ease our anxiety, and if I’m noticing a particular energy, we break out the yoga mats and do some stretching.” He changes the slide again. “Students today are anxious about everything. They’ve grown up during some really tough times, never truly feeling safe. I’m here to help them learn how to cope.”
Harry goes over some data he’s collected over the last few years. He sends surveys to his previous students every semester until they graduate, and then twice again after they graduate. Everyone that’s taken his class thus far has graduated, and those that haven’t graduated yet all had high GPA’s. He shows comparisons of their GPA before the class (it’s only offered to sophomores and up right now), and their GPA after taking the class. There were only improvements.
“These students are able to take what they’ve learned with me and apply it in other classrooms and in their lives outside the classroom. The biggest thing I explain to them is to not be on their phones before bed, to not even watch TV really. It’s too stimulating, and sometimes it causes anxiety and then you can’t fall asleep.” He changes the slide and the crowd laughs. It was a picture of students presenting Harry with a sign that says ‘NO SCREEN BEFORE BED’. “This group made me this because I must have said it a hundred times that semester. I keep it hung up in my office.” He changes the slide to show students in their place of work after graduation. “Many of the results I got from my graduated students are that they’ve taken things with them. I have students have fallen in love with reading before bed, or they listen to a podcast, or use some type of app that tells them a story at night to help them fall asleep. They they’re able to wake up refreshed and ready for the day. Many of them even wake up and mediate to help them really become alert.” He changes the slide again to a picture of him giving a yoga lesson outside on the quad. “I know this may seem silly, but it really does help these students. Offering a class for credit on this allows them to already build it into their schedule, rather than offering classes at the gym that they really have no obligation or incentive to go to. This is a CM course, but it also counts towards our school’s general education requirement. We call it a Wellness Connection, so any student can take this course. I’ve had such a mix of students take this course, and they’ve all come out better for it. Offering something like this in today’s age is extremely important for our students who are facing so many hardships. I hope you’ll consider implementing some of this into your classrooms.” He looks out to everyone and smiles. “Thank you.”
Everyone claps, and someone else comes out and tell everyone that there’s about fifteen minutes for questions. Harry gets a few and is able to answer them best he can. Once it’s all done he takes a deep breath and sits on the stage. He knew some people would want to come up to him afterwards.
“Will I see you later?” Arthur says to you as you both stand up.
“I’m not sure…I doubt we’ll be at all of the same sessions.”
“Maybe at the bar later then?”
“Maybe.” You smile. “If not…it was really good to see you.”
“You too.” He hugs you again. Harry sees this and furrows his brows.
You grab your things and walk over to him.
“Excuse me, Dr. Styles, I have a question.” You grin.
“And what might that be?” He says, taking his suit jacket off and rolling his sleeve ups.
“How are you so incredible?”
“I mean it! I was floored. What incredible data, and it’s all true! It’s all things we notice in our classrooms. I really need to implement that no screen thing into my own life, to be fair I tend to read on my phone, but-“ You realize how fast you’re talking when he raises his eyebrows at you. “Sorry…just a little excited.”
“I’m glad you got a lot out of it.” He smiles. “Who, uh, who was that guy you were sitting with?” He asks as you both walk out of the room.
“What guy? Oh! That was Dr. Pierce, he teaches at my previous institution. It was a nice surprise to see him. He spoke really highly of you too. He said he’s read a lot of your work, which is incredible because I’ve never once heard him say he likes anyone’s work but his own.” You laugh.
“Was he one of your professors?”
“Not necessarily…he was, um, a colleague…” You blush slightly. “I’m headed to the session on…what?”
“Was he the professor you-“
“Harry, now really isn’t the time, okay?” You say quietly. “It was before you and I even knew each other, it doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter when you were sitting with him.” He frowns.
“He’s just a friend.”
“A friend that you-“
“Not the time.” You snap. “You’re not my boyfriend, check yourself.” You huff and walk away from him so you’re not late for your next session.
His mouth falls open, silence coming from him when he tries to call after you. He shakes his head and heads to his next session.
You were so pissed you skipped lunch and went for a walk outside instead. You were barely able to concentrate during your session, and you didn’t answer any of Harry’s texts. Were you acting childish? Maybe, but you hated when men got like this. What the fuck did it matter if that was the professor you slept with? It was so long ago, and the two of you were friends. You didn’t want to sleep with anyone but Harry, couldn’t he see that?
By the end of the say you had calmed down, and you finally answer his text. He had asked you to come up to his room before dinner so you could talk. You knock on his door and he lets you in. He had changed into a pair of jeans a t-shirt, you were in still in your nice clothes.
“Harry, I-“
“Let’s get something straight.” He cuts you off, and you’re a little shocked by his tone. “You were right earlier, I’m not your boyfriend. In fact, I think it would be too soon for a label like that considering it’s only been about a month since we started all this.” He steps closer to you as you had backed away when he started talking. “But what I am is the person that you’re seeing, right? I’m the one who had their head between your legs just a few nights ago, so I don’t wanna hear it. It’s a stupid fucking word that people use to put some type of seriousness on their relationship, and I’ve never really understood it. You’re either with a person or you’re not, plain and simple.” He looks at you. “You acted like a fucking teenager earlier, you realize that right?”
“I was upset.”
“So you ignored me? You said something purposefully hurtful and then walked away? Is this how you handle things? You don’t like when someone says something to you that you don’t like so you shut down?”
“I didn’t shut down! We’re at a fucking conference and you were starting something with me that I told you wasn’t the time to start. We each had a session to get to! Unlike you, I paid to come here, Harry.”
“You still acted like-“
“Do you know much you disrespected me back there? Do you even care? There I was, amazed by you, and all you could care about was the fact that I used to sleep with someone, and I was polite to them. He asked me when he’d see me again and I totally brushed him off because I came here with you and I wanna spend my time with you!”
“You don’t even think it’s a little weird that a guy that much older than you wanted to sleep with you?”
“That’s society! Older men like younger girls, what can I say? Is it sickening at times? Sure! But at the time, when I was twenty-three, I wanted it. I was attracted to him, we got along really well, and I made a move, okay? Me, I made the first move.”
“He should have told you no.”
“But he didn’t! I rode that dick for an entire semester, and then summer happened, and he went across the country to go on sabbatical. It was a brief stint, okay?”
“You’re being vulgar.” He shakes his head.
“That shouldn’t be new to you. You’ve been out with Janette and I enough times to know how I talk. You’re making a big deal out of nothing, and for what? Are you jealous? Is that it? He’s fucked me and you haven’t?”
“I’m not jealous of that.”
“I’m not jealous of anything, I just didn’t like watching you flirt with him from backstage.”
“I wasn’t…” Your eyes start to water. “I wasn’t flirting with him…I was just being nice…cordial.” You blink a few tears away. “I…need to go, I’ve lost my appetite.” You brush by him as you walk towards the door.
“Y/N.” He sighs. “Don’t go, we can work this out.”
“You basically just said having sex with me wasn’t anything special, so…yeah, I’m leaving.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You said you weren’t jealous of it!”
“Because I’m not! It would be a stupid thing to be jealous over. I may not have fucked you with my prick, but I got in there, I made you orgasm – twice! My main problem-“
“Well, I hope you enjoyed getting in there because it’s not happening again.” You were livid now. “Here I was, putting you on a pedestal for so long, but you’re just like every other guy. You’re an asshole!” You huff and turn towards the door again. “And if I’m acting like a teenager, then that makes you the tallest fucking baby I’ve ever seen in my life!” You leave and slam his door shut.
“You said what to her?!”
“Don’t yell at me! I called for help, Paige, not-“
“No, no, I will yell at you. Where do you even get off getting upset that she was talking to an old colleague?”
“I told you, they used to hook up, and he’s like fifteen years older than her, it’s gross, and I see it as him taking advantage of a young girl.”
“Harry…” Paige sighs. “It doesn’t matter how you see it, it’s how she sees it. She clearly didn’t think anything was wrong with it at the time, you can’t get mad at her for it. It was before you even knew each other. Ugh, this is just like when you punched Ryan Green at that party when you saw him talking to me.”
“Because he was the guy that dated you before me! He shouldn’t have been talking to you in the first place, he knew we were going out.”
“It doesn’t matter, it’s about trust, and not jumping to conclusions. I don’t think I had ever been so mad at you.”
“Yeah…but…you forgave me…”
“And nine months later we got Andy, I know, I know.” She sighs. “You said some real hurtful shit to her. What happened to deep breaths before speaking?”
“I couldn’t help it…”
“You and your green eyed monster.”
“I have to apologize…I feel terrible. I put up a front, and it was like I had no control over anything I was saying. What if she doesn’t want to date me anymore?”
“Then it looks like you’ll have a really awkward drive home in a couple of days.”
“Not funny.”
“I’m not trying to be, that’s the reality you’re facing. Now, from what you told me she said…it sounds like you both have some sorry’s to say. I agree she shouldn’t have ignored you all day, but maybe she just needed to cool off.”
“True…fuck, I really hope I didn’t fuck this.”
“You won’t know until you go down there and talk to her. Bring a peace offering, she’s got a sweet tooth, right?”
Harry taps on your door with one hand, and a boxed Oreo cheesecake in the other. You were in your pj’s already, just a large t-shirt and shorts. You sigh when you see him through the peep hole. You open the door, but only enough for the chain to stay latched.
“Hi.” You say softly.
“Can I come in?” He says just as softly. “I know it doesn’t make up for anything, but I brought cheesecake…”
“What kind?”
You close the door and at first he feels defeated, but he hears you slide the latch and you open the door all the way, letting him in.
“Thanks.” He hands the box and the plastic fork to you. He sits down on one of the beds, and you sit across from him, taking a bite.
“Is this from downstairs?”
“No, I went one of the restaurants close by and got it.”
“Oh…thank you…it’s delicious…”
“Good.” You take another bite and set it aside. “You’ve been crying?” Your eyes were red and puffy.
“Balled my eyes out, actually.”
“I’m sorry, I feel terrible.”
“So do I.”
“It was my fault…I did disrespect you, and I lied…I was jealous. I know I have no control over anyone you’ve slept with previously, I just didn’t think I’d be in the same room as them with you acting all buddy-buddy. Why should a guy like that have the privilege of knowing you?”
“Why should you?” You scoff.
“Touché.” He smirks. “Suppose I don’t really deserve that privilege right now.”
“I didn’t know you could say such hurtful things to someone…is that how you are when you’re angry?”
“Not when I’m angry, but…I’ve sort of always had this problem with jealousy. I’ve tried everything to work on it. Believe it or not, I’m way better than I used to be. One time I punched one of Paige’s ex-boyfriend’s right in the face because he was talking to her at a party.”
“Yeah? And how’d she handle that?”
“Um…” His face flushes. “Well…she has her own issues so…uh…well…we got Andy out of it, let’s just leave it at that.”
“Aggression isn’t exactly a turn on for me. I don’t like macho guys who need to assert their dominance like that.” You look down. “I’m sorry I ignored you all day, I’m sure that didn’t feel good, and you probably didn’t like seeing how bratty I can be.” You sigh. “And I cried more so because…I don’t want this to be over, and…-“
“I don’t want it to be over either…it’s barely started.”
“Were you really just trying to look out for me?”
“It was a mix of that and being jealous. I mean…I can’t wrap my head around a forty-one year old guy being able to rock your shit.”
“Harry.” You chuckle. “He was in his late thirties at the time, give him some credit. Besides, who said I was getting my shit rocked? Maybe I was rocking his.” You smirk.
“Y/N.” Harry sighs and lets his head fall back.
“You need to know something, you’re, like, all I think about.”
“Really?” He looks at you again.
“Yeah…I don’t want anyone else, I don’t even know who else I could want, honestly.”
“I really am sorry for how I acted earlier.”
“Me too.” You bite your bottom lip. “But…I don’t wanna be spoken to like that again. I’m not your kid, Har.”
“I know that.” He says defensively.
“You, like, had your dad voice on.”
“I was just speaking sternly so you’d take me seriously.”
“I felt like I was getting a lecture from my father, I don’t need that from you. I think if something goes wrong we need to try to find a way to properly talk about it. It’s not just on you, it’s on me too, obviously. It’s something we can both work on.”
“Do you wanna get cozy and split the rest of this with me?”
“Thought you’d never ask.” He perks up.
Harry kicks his shoes off and gets on the bed with you. You had some random movie on the TV, and you cutely feed him bites of the cheesecake off your fork.
“Just so you know, sweets can’t buy my affection.”
“It was a peace offering.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah…Paige gave me the idea.”
“What?” Your eyes grow wide. “Harry, you told her we had a fight?!”
“I had no one else to call for help!” He pouts. “Please don’t be mad.”
“I don’t want her knowing anything bad about me…I her want her to trust me with Andy.”
“She does.” He shrugs.
“She does?”
“Yeah…because I trust you.”
“Oh…well, I don’t want you running to her every time we have a disagreement.”
“Well, I was thinking this could be the only one we have.” You laugh at that and so does he. “Sorry, she’s still, like, my best friend, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to call my sister about this.”
“And notice…I’m not all jealous because you’re best friends with your ex.”
“It’s a little different, I’ve got a kid with her.”
“Most people I know who are divorced with kids aren’t as nice to each other.”
“We’re not divorced, we never got married, didn’t I tell you that? Maybe that’s why we don’t hate each other, nothing on paper that legally needed to be divided up.”
“Oh yeah…you did mention that once I think.” You set the box aside since there were only crumbs left, and look up at him. “I think I prefer when we disagree as colleagues better. I feel exhausted.”
“Same here.” He chuckles. “It’s also been a really long day. I should let you get to sleep.”
“Can’t sleep now, I just had all that sugar!” You laugh and crawl into his lap. You sigh as he starts to rub your back. “Can we just stay like this for a little while?”
“I’d like that.”
You nuzzle into his chest, and he rests his chin on the top of your head. You hear him take his glasses off and you look up at him again. You both slowly lean in, lips ghosting over each other, and then you’re kissing softly and slowly.
“Mm, you taste like Oreos.” He smiles against you and then bites down on your bottom lip, sucking it gently. You groan into him and he holds you closer.
“Please.” You breathe. “Can we-“
“I’d like to wait until we get home if that’s alright…we have another day of sessions, and then we’re heading back…we’ll get back late…and I might too tired to even get back to my place, so…”
“So then you’d have to come up to mine, just to be on the safe side.”
“Exactly.” He grins. You groan and then give him a lip smacking kiss.
“Okay, get out of my room.”
He laughs at you and you get off of him. He kisses you again before leaving. He was going to be the death of you.
Things were much better the next day. You both even went to some similar sessions. Luckily, Dr. Pierce was nowhere to be found, so you didn’t run into him. You both decide to skip the awards ceremony since it was mostly for board members anyways so you could hit the road.
“Alright, I’m driving.” You say. “You good with that?”
“Go for it.” He hands you the keys and you get into the driver’s seat.
You didn’t lie when you said you had road rage. Harry nearly had a heart attack every two seconds watching you weave in and out of lanes as you got out of the city.
“Get out of the left lane you fucking asshole!” You yell. “Look at this guy, can you believe it?” You look at Harry. “Let’s go!” You yell before he can say anything.
“Babe! Babe, relax, there’s no rush.” He says, putting his hand on your thigh.
“Wh-what?” Your features soften.
“I know you’re eager to get back, but let’s get there in one piece, yeah?”
“I…” You look at him quickly and then back to the road. “Yeah.” You swallow. Had he not realized that was the first time he called you babe? “Sorry.”
“It’s okay.” He chuckles. “Didn’t realize how badly you wanted to fuck me.” He smirks.
“Shut up.” You roll your eyes as he gives your thigh a squeeze. “You just called me babe…”
“I know.” He nods. “Is that alright?”
He leans over the console to kiss your cheek and then he sits back. He was really glad nothing got too fucked up between you. He liked you so much, he wanted to keep seeing where this was going.
It was dark by the time you pulled up to your apartment. You had stopped off at the same rest area and had a quick bite. You were sort of shocked that Harry let you drive the whole way, maybe he was saving his energy. You turn the car off and swallow.
“So…you’re coming up?”
“You want me to?”
He nods and you both get out of the car. He opens the trunk to grab yours and his bags and then he locks the car. He follows you up to your apartment.
“If I could just have a second to go, um, freshen up…feel free to use the hall bath if you need it.” You were blushing, perhaps a little flustered at the prospect of what was to come. He simply nods at you before going to use the other bathroom.
You rush into your own bathroom with your things. You weren’t sure what you should do. Should you bother with a fresh pair of underwear? It was only going to come off…was Harry the type to even care about that sort of thing? Something tells you probably not. So, you just freshen up your deodorant, and put on a little perfume before going back out. He was bent over one of his bags putting his glasses away. You come up to him and slide your hand up his back. He stands up straight and looks down at you.
“You want this?” He asks softly.
“I want you, Harry…”
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down to you. Your lips find his and his hands find your hips. He nibbles on your bottom lip, getting a soft moan from you. One of your hands slides up to his hair as he starts walking you back into your room. You both get on the bed and he hovers over you.
“I had a dream sort of like this the other night.” You smile up at him and he smiles back.
“Mhm, but I’m already liking this better.”
“Why’s that?” He asks as he takes his shirt off.
“Because this is real and not something I can wake up from.” You run your hands up and down his torso and it sends a shiver up his spine.
He tugs at the hem of your shirt and you sit up so he can take it off. He immediately unhooks your bra to let your breasts free and attaches his hands to them. As he leans back down to kiss you, your hands work to undo his jeans, and you toe them down his legs so he can kick them off. He kisses down your chest, licking over both of your nipples, sucking on one, before kissing his way down your stomach. He undoes your shorts and tugs them down your legs, leaving you in your underwear. It wasn’t your sexiest pair, but he didn’t seem to really care as he started kissing you over them. Your hips buck up. No one had ever really done that to you before. You watch as he watches the wet spot become more damp and he presses his thumb into it. He looks up at you when he hears you gasp.
“I know, you want these to come off, right?”
“Please, Harry.”
He nods and hooks his fingers into your underwear to drag them down your legs. Once you’re fully naked before him he licks his lips like you’re a buffet ready to be devoured.
“There’s something I’d like to do…if you felt comfortable with it.” He says and your eyes light up. You were sort of hoping he was a little freaky.
“What?” You bite your bottom lip in anticipation.
“I’d like to eat you out from behind, can I do that?”
Okay, not as freaky as you thought, but definitely not something guys offered to do often.
“Sure.” You shrug, and roll over onto your stomach. You get up on your knees and elbows and look back at him.
He comes closer to you, holding you close as he kisses on the back of your neck. He works his way down your back, biting you occasionally to get you a little riled up. He bites into your left ass cheek and you grunt. You feel him spread you apart, and you buck forward when you feel his tongue slide between you folds.
“Stay still for me.” He says as he grips your hips, diving back in for more.
You grip at your blankets as you feel his tongue sliding up and down your slit. He adjusts you a little so he can briefly suck on your clit. You moan out when he does so, not wanting him to stop, but he does. His tongue enters you, going in and out, only briefly. You feel his fingers start to rub on your clit as his tongue slides back on your slit, back further, and up to your other hole. Your eyes widen when you feel his tongue there, he doesn’t enter you this way, but he was certainly getting a good lick. You couldn’t find it in you to care because his fingers were sliding into your cunt.
“Oh, fuck.” You groan as he pumps them in and out of you.
You couldn’t remember ever feeling so stimulated before, everything he was doing felt incredible. His tongue stays lapping around your other whole while his fingers fuck you from behind, his thumb rubbing circles into your clit.
“Oh my god, Harry.” You moan. He grunts against you, not letting up for a second.
Your body starts to feel warm all over, and you feel your stomach start to tighten. Your breathing is getting heavier, and you could feel sweat forming on your forehead. He was getting in so deep with just his fingers, and what he was doing with his tongue was sending you.
“H-Harry, I’m gonnaaaa-“ You couldn’t finish your sentence. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as you come around his fingers.
He retracts them and brings his tongue back around your folds to lick you clean. He sucks his fingers into his mouth as you slowly turn around to face him. You were shocked.
“Good?” He smirks.
You grin and tackle him down onto the bed, pinning him down and crashing your mouth to his. You sponge kisses to his jaw and neck and down his chest. He groans when you start grinding over his still covered cock.
“I think these should come off now, don’t you?” You say, already tugging at the band of his boxers.
“Yeah.” He lifts his hips to help you as you tug them the rest of the way down. Just as you’re inching your way down his body he grips your hips and pulls you back up.
“What are you doing?”
“M’not done with you yet.” Yup, he was definitely resting up in the car earlier. You get the gist and raise yourself over his mouth, and lower yourself so his tongue can be on you again.
“Fuck.” You breathe as he sucks on your clit.
You reach behind you to pump his hard dick, and he bucks up into your hand. You use your other hand to tug at his hair. He was moaning against you from the way you were jerking him off and it just added to the sensation on your core. His tongue slips inside you and you essentially start riding it.
“Fuck! Oh my god.” You groan. No one had fucked you like this in a very long time, and he hadn’t even put his dick into yet.
You have to use both hands to grip at your headboard when he starts sucking on your clit again, and slips two of his fingers inside you from behind. You were a mess above him, crying out and whining about how good it felt. You release onto his tongue and he sucks on you until you’ve ridden it out completely. You slowly get off of him and sink down onto the bed. You look at each other for a moment.
“You’re wild.” You chuckle.
“I told you…I can get a little excited.” He leans forward and kisses your forehead. “Do you have any condoms handy? Mine are all packed away…”
“You packed some?” You look up at him with wide eyes.
“Well…I just wanted to be prepared in case anything happened…and then I went fucked it so-“
“Hey.” You cup his jaw. “It’s all good now, okay?” He leans into your touch and kisses your palm.
“I keep them in the bathroom, just give me one second.” You get up and wobble slightly. Your legs felt like jelly after all that. You rummage through your cabinet below the sink and grab a few…just in case.
“How come you keep ‘em in there?” He asks as you come back out.
“I…don’t need them as often and I keep other things in my night tables.” You shrug and get back on the bed.
He cups your cheeks and brings you back down to him to kiss you. You hand him one of the condoms and toss the others on the night table. You lay on your back and lick your lips as he rolls it on.
“Is this the only form of birth control you use?” He asks as he shuffles to hover over you.
“Yeah…I got off the pill last year.”
“Oh, how come?”
“I just didn’t like the way it made me feel.” You clear your throat. It was the truth, but you also got off it so that if you met someone and got serious you would have an easier time getting pregnant when the time came, but you certainly weren’t going to say that to him. “Is it okay that we use condoms?”
“Yeah, I don’t care, I just don’t know if we had a backup is all.”
He slots his lips over yours and opens your legs up. He runs his fingers over your slit to make sure you’re still wet. He looks down to line himself up with you, and you push his hair away so he can see better.
“You sure?” He asks.
“Yes, Harry.”
He smiles at you and slowly start to push in. Your mouth falls open at the feeling. He was thick, obviously, but holy shit. Not only is he really good at eating out, but his dick felt amazing. How any woman could have ever let him go was beyond you. He grunts once he’s all the way inside you. He gives you a second and then he starts to thrust in and out of you. He props himself up with one arm, and uses the other to hook under one of your legs to drive in a little deeper.
“Oh! That feels good.” You moan as your head rolls back. Your nails dig into his biceps.
“Yeah? Like feeling me this deep? You feel so good, Y/N.” He says into your ear and it makes your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“God, keep talking.” You tug at his hair.
“Could barely concentrate during my presentation the other day.” He says between kissing on your neck and shoulder. “You looked so beautiful.”
“Your confidence up there was so sexy, I was about ready to find a closet or something to blow you in afterwards.”
“Would you have liked that? If I just tugged in you somewhere discrete and made you feel good?”
“Yes.” He grunts. He sits up and puts both of your legs over his shoulders and fucks into your hard and fast.
You look up at him wide eyed and reach to scratch at his stomach before your hand lands on your clit. You rub circles into yourself as you both continue making eye contact. With each thrust you could tell he was looking for your g-spot, watching your features to see what feels good. When he hits it you gasp.
“Ha! Right there?”
“Yes, keep doing that, I’m close.” You whine and rub yourself faster.
“Should make you wait, you already had two, greedy.”
“Don’t be mean.” You pout. “Please, Har?”
He grins at you and continues to hit the spot over and over. He could feel you tightening and squeezing around him. You definitely were close.
“Oh! Oh my god! Harry, Harry!” Your back arches and squeeze around him especially hard. When you become too sensitive you pull your hand away from yourself. You thought he wouldn’t be much longer but there he was…rocking in and out of you.
He comes closer to you, burying his face in your neck, slow, precise thrusts. You dig your nails into his ass and he groans. Alright, he liked feeling your nails, this was something you knew for sure now.
“Can I get on top?” You nearly beg.
“Yeah.” He breathes.
He pulls out of you carefully and gets on his back. You swing a leg over him and sink down with ease. You raise and lower on him until you get a groove going. His hands slide up to your breasts and he kneads them. You were surprised he was letting you just ride him and that he wasn’t thrusting up into you, but you appreciated having the control. His hands move your hips and ass, squeezing at different locations. You smirk down at him.
“Can’t decide where I wanna touch you most.” He admits.
“Wanna feel you all over.”
His hands move up to your back and he pulls you down to him so your chests are flush together. He bends his legs at the knee and digs his feet into your bed so he could thrust into you, moving you up and down on him. You kiss on his neck and move to his mouth as you grind on him. You both were moving in sync, and you were getting the best friction against your clit. You weren’t sure if you’d be able to come again, having never had four in one go, but you both were up to the challenge. He moves you faster and faster on him. You have to detach your lips to breathe when you start panting.
“Shit!” You cry out when you feel your release. You rest your head on his chest, and gives you a moment to regain yourself before pulling out. “You…you didn’t come yet.”
“I know, we’re not done.” Your eyes widen at him. “Don’t tell me you’re tired, babe.” He smirks.
“Nope.” You shake your head and grin. “Gimme all you got.”
He flips you onto your stomach, and has you lay flat as he slides in, almost his full weight on top of you. You almost sigh with relief because this was something you had been craving for what felt like ages. Just feeling him full on you, almost crushing you, but in the best possible way. He rocks in and out of you slowly and kisses on your neck and shoulders. It was needy at first, but now things just felt sensual. You feel a little bad he can’t really feel how soaked you are around him.
He slides an arm under your chest to grip one of your breasts, and his other hand snakes just under your pelvis. You gasp when you feel his fingers on your clit. You were overly sensitive now. He was just pressing down, not moving, and applying pressure. His hips move in circles and your mouth falls open. He was really stretching you out now. Your hips move with him, and he starts moaning softly.
“Love feeling you like this.” He says into your ear.
“Me too.” You whimper. Now his fingers rub circles into your clit with same motion as both of your hips, big and slow. “Harry.”
“Shh, I know you’ve got one more in you. This time we’re gonna do it together, how does that sound?”
“Sounds good.” You groan.
Between his breath in your ear, his fingers on your clit, his other fingers tweaking your nipple, and his cock working wonders inside you, you had no idea how you hadn’t melted into a puddle on your bed and evaporated into thin air.
“H-Harry, I-“ You squeeze around him and he bites hard on your shoulder.
This sends you over the edge you cry out loudly. You practically scream his name, which helps him meet his own end. It was so hot, you could feel his come through the condom. He kisses down your back as he pulls out, and you wince.
“Sorry.” He mumbles as he gets off your bed. “M’just gonna take care of this in the bathroom.”
“Be my guest.” You breathe. You push yourself up and waddle to the hall bath. Your shit hadn’t be rocked quite like that in a long time, if ever.
When you come back into your room he was grabbing a fresh pair of boxers from his bag and sliding them up his legs. His glasses were back on his face, and he was rummaging for his toothbrush.
“You have toothpaste I can use?” He asks, pushing his glasses further up his nose.
“Mhm.” You nearly squeak. Your voice was hoarse. “Just let me do my thing and then it’s all yours.” You sounded like you had gravel in your throat it made him beam at you.
Harry goes into the bathroom after you, and you throw a large t-shirt on and get into bed. You were nervous, a guy hadn’t stayed over with you in this apartment yet. And you had been living there a year! He comes out and slides into bed with you.
“It’s alright I’m staying?”
“Yeah, why?”
“You’re as stiff as a board.” He chuckles. “Here I was thinking I loosened you up.”
“Harry.” You breathe. “Please, I’m exhausted.” He laughs at that and leans over to turn your light off. He pulls you to lay on his chest.
“You don’t do this often, do you?”
“No…I get nervous sleeping next to people.”
“Because, like, what if I roll over too much and wake you up, or snore, or talk in my sleep, or what if I…don’t look cute when I wake up.”
“Y/N.” Harry laughs. “You’re talking about things that all people do, it’s okay.”
“I also really like to get wrapped up in my blankets…like a burrito.” You mumble the last part.
“Well, you know I like holding onto something, so why don’t I be your burrito tonight?”
“Yeah, let me wrap you up, we’ll get all snug.”
You smile and peck his lips before turning over. He spoons you nice and tight to him, his limbs slung over yours, blankets cozy around the both of you. You sigh happily.
“This is nice.” You whisper.
“I agree.” He whispers back.
“You…have a lot of stamina.”
“A little.” You chuckle. “Good surprise though.”
“Did you like everything I did?”
“Yes, very much.”
“Even the stuff at the beginning.”
“I was very surprised by that, but it felt good with everything else you were doing.”
“Good, so you weren’t freaked out?”
“Nope.” You adjust closer to him. “I’m pretty open to trying things. I would have told you if I didn’t like something.”
“Everything just felt right with you.” He nuzzles his face into the back of your head.
“I feel the same way.”
Everything would be different now, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. You had never connected physically like that with someone before. You were falling for him, hard, to say the least.
You wake up just as you did the night you went camping with Harry. His body pressed close to yours, and his breath on the back of your neck. You could hear light snores coming from him. The clock on your bed side table reads 9:30. You sigh and adjust against him, hoping to maybe fall back asleep. His arm pulls you closer to him, and you turn onto your back to look up at him. He blinks a few times before looking down at you. He smiles and opens his mouth to speak, and as if on cue, his phone starts buzzing.
“It’s Andy.” There’s a slight sigh. “Do you mind if I take it?”
“No, go ahead.” You giggle. That kid sure had impeccable timing.
“Hey, Dad!”
“Hi, buddy, why you calling so early?” He knuckles at one of his eyes and sits up.
“Says the guy that gets up before sunrise every day.” Andy scoffs. “How was New York, did your presentation go well?”
“It was good, yeah, a lot of people showed up, I was surprised. Got asked some good questions.”
“Did Y/N come?”
“She sure did.” Your jaw drops and you smack Harry’s chest. He chuckles softly.
“So, is she your girlfriend yet, or what?”
Harry’s face loses all color and he clears his throat.
“Uhhh, I don’t know yet, um, could I call you later, Andy?”
“Why, are you busy?”
“A little.”
“Doing what?”
“I’m just tired, we got back late last night, and then…I didn’t fall asleep until later. Not really awake enough for a full conversation.”
“Fine.” He sighs. “Call me later, love you.”
“Love you too.” Harry puts his phone down and looks at you. “Sorry, he doesn’t understand how this stuff works…”
“What stuff?”
“Like…dating timeframes. You know how kids are, they think you go out on one date and that makes someone your boyfriend or girlfriend.”
“Labels really scare you, huh?” You sit up and look at him, covering your upper half with the blanket.
“No, that’s not it, I just don’t want you to feel rushed or pressured.” Your features soften at that.
He was right, it had only been a month, it was probably a little soon to rush into the boyfriend/girlfriend label. You shuffle over to sit in his lap, and you lay your head on his shoulder. He holds you close and rubs your back. You start laughing.
“I can’t believe you said that to him.”
“Oh, he didn’t pick up on the innuendo, s’fine.” He kisses the top of your head. “Sleep alright?”
“Mhm, did you?”
“Yeah, like you a lot better than my body pillow.” You both laugh at his dumb joke. “What are you doing today?”
“Hmm.” You look up at him. “Laundry for sure, grocery shopping…I’ve got some reading to catch up on, you?”
“Bout the same. Could we have a shower and some breakfast? Then I’ll get out of your hair.”
“That sounds great.” You kiss his cheek. “But no hanky panky in there, I’m throbbing and not in a good way.”
“Sorry.” His cheeks grow red.
“No! It’s okay, I just...you had me all over the place, and your dick is really big. Not complaining at all, it was just a lot all at once.”
“I…may have been a little excited.”
“No skin off my nose, I’d rather have it like that anyways.” You kiss his nose and get off of him. You extend your hand out and lead him to the bathroom to start your shower.
“You bitch! You can’t just say he spent the night and not give me details!” Janette says over FaceTime later that evening. “I’ve missed everything!”
“When you get back we can go out for drinks. I don’t think he’d like it very much if I spilled the beans. I’m not sure what we’re telling people…if we’re telling people.”
“It’s been about a month, right? You could tell people you’re seeing someone.”
“Other than my brother you’re the first person I’ve told.”
“Please, just tell me this…did you go to sleep happy?”
“Very.” You smirk and she squeals.
“God, I’ve missed you.”
“I miss you too.”
A few days pass, and you end up going to Boston for your birthday. You and Harry have spoken, of course, but you haven’t been able to see each other. He was really bummed because he wanted to take you out to dinner.
“Can I take you out for a night on the town when you get back?”
“I’d like that.”
Harry was one of the sweetest guys you had ever dated, and you felt really lucky. Your parents and brother and Julian were all taking you out for dinner at one of your favorite Chinese food places in the city.
“How was New York, honey?” Your mom asks.
“It was great! I learned a lot. I’m really glad I went, there were so many good sessions.”
“And you went with one of your colleagues?” Your dad asks.
“Mhm.” You say, sipping your drink. You and Phil make eyes at each other and you swallow hard. “We’re…well, we’re sort of seeing each other.”
“Oh?” Your mom gasps and then she smiles. “Where the hell is he then? You didn’t invite him o your birthday dinner?”
“Mum…it’s a bit soon for him to meet the family, it’s only been a little over a month since we’ve started going out.”
“How long have you known him?” Your dad asks.
“Almost a year. He’s my office neighbor, so we’ve been friends a while.”
“Well, I’m just tickled pink! It’s been ages since you’ve had a boyfriend.” Your mom beams.
“He’s not my boyfriend, not officially, anyways. We’re just dating, seeing how it goes.”
“What’s the problem? He should want to snatch you up.” Your dad says.
“He needs to be really selective with who he gets serious…he sort of has a kid…” You mumble.
“A kid?!” They both say.
“How old is this man?” Your mom asks.
“Only thirty-two, Phil’s age.”
“How old is the kid? Must be young.” Your dad says.
“He’s eleven, actually…they had him young. I’ve met his mom, she’s really nice. She has a serious boyfriend who has a daughter. Harry’s son’s name is Andy, and he’s very sweet.”
“So, you’ve met him?” Your mom asks.
“Oh, sure. Harry has to bring him to work sometimes. I’ve gone hiking with them too.”
“Yeah, Y/N went camping overnight with them.” Phil says with a grin. “Think that was when he finally had the balls to ask her out. Shared a tent and everything.”
“I’m never telling you anything ever again.” You groan.
“I think next time we come up for a visit we should meet this man. I mean, you really want to get involved with someone with a kid in middle school? What if things get really serious, and then you find out he doesn’t wanna deal with having a baby again? I know it’s your choice, but you’ve always said you wanted a baby, I don’t want you wasting your time with someone who won’t give that to you.” Your mom says.
“Wow, a lecture on my birthday, what a gift.”
“We just want to make-“ Your dad starts but you cut him off.
“Look, I get I’m the baby of this family, but I’m not stupid, I know what I’m doing. It’s taken me a year to open my eyes and heart up to him, and I can’t believe the time I already wasted not being with him. He’s…he’s amazing, and kind, and exactly what I want in a guy. If things get more serious then I’m sure the topic of babies will come up, and we’ll talk about it then. I’ll let you meet him when I think it’s time, not when you do.” You huff. “Now, can we please enjoy this lo mein? It’s delicious.”
Phil invites you to spend the night at his place after dinner, which you’re thankful for. You didn’t want to be lectured anymore. Just as you’re crawling into bed you get a FaceTime request from Harry.
“Hey!” You say a little too excitedly.
“Hey, birthday girl. Have I said happy birthday enough times to you today? How about one more: happy birthday, Y/N.” You bite your bottom lip as you smile.
“Thank you, Harry. You’re so sweet.”
“I can’t wait to see you, I think you’ll like what I have planned.”
“I can’t wait too.”
“Andy made you a card, I saw him today and he gave it to me to give to you.”
“Aw, he’s so cute. He’ll be home with you pretty soon, huh?”
“Yeah, couple more weeks.”
“Listen, um…I sort of told my parents about us tonight…I hope that’s alright.”
“You did?” He perks up.
“Yeah, they wanna meet you soon, is that weird?”
“I don’t know, is it weird that my mum and sister are dying to video chat with you?”
“You told them about me?” You swoon.
“Course I did…a little while ago, when I was still keeping how I felt to myself…think it was after Andy’s birthday party.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“You’re so cute, Harry.” You smile. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
“Noah asked me to lunch…for some reason. Should be interesting. What about you?”
“Phil’s cooking for me all day to try out some new recipes.”
“Lucky duck.” You giggle at that.
“I’m tired so I’m gonna go to sleep, but I’m really happy you called. It’s nice to see your face.”
“It’s nice to see yours too. See you in a couple days.”
Harry met Noah at a casual seafood place for lunch. They sat outside, and both ordered a beer with their lunches.
“So…not that I don’t like hanging out, but usually we do it with the kids around. What’s this all about?”
“Getting right to it, huh?” Noah chuckles. “Well…I guess, how do you feel about me, H?”
“How do I feel about you?” Harry laughs. “Well, if I were a prick I’d say you annoy me because you’re the guy fucking the mother of my kid, but I’m not so I won’t say that.” He smirks as Noah’s face falls. “Jesus, relax, mate, I’m teasing. I like you, obviously. You’re good to Andy, and to Paige.”
“You scared me for a second there.” He clears his throat. “We all have a nice thing going, this blended family thing.”
“Yeah, I’d say it’s all working out as well as it can.”
“Paige and I have been together for three years now, and we live together, and Rachel loves her to pieces, Andy too.” Harry hums his response and takes a sip of his beer. “We’ve chatted a bit, I know what she wants, so…I’m planning to propose next week.” Harry nearly chokes on his drink just as the waitress comes over with his food. “Sorry…”
“No, uh, no, uh, you just caught me by surprise.” He clears his throat. “Why are you telling me this? You want my blessing or something?”
“Sort of…look, after my wife, well…” He tears up slightly. “I never thought I’d fall in love again, and I love Paige so much. She’s been a great mother figure to Rach, not that I would let her forget her actual mother. If I’m going to be Andy’s step-dad, I wanna make sure his actual dad is okay with it.”
“Y-yeah, I’m okay with it.” Suddenly the food he was starving for made him feel sick. “Um, thanks for letting me know.”
“Of course!”
“Have you talked with her father?”
“God no.” He scoffs. “Would rather ask for forgiveness instead of permission with him. Besides, I think your blessing would mean more to her than his. I know how much she cares about you still, H.”
Harry does his best to make it through his lunch, but he gets most of it wrapped up, assuring Noah he just wasn’t that hungry. When he gets home, and puts his food in the fridge, he grips the counter and starts crying. He wasn’t sure what suddenly came over him, but there he was, alone in his kitchen, sobbing. It wasn’t that he wanted to be with Paige in that way, it just felt like a kick to the gut. He knew she would say yes to Noah, but she had said no to him. She didn’t love him enough to stay. She loved Noah more than him. Harry had you now, sure, but what if you’d never love him, or if you did, would you love him enough to stick it out?
You were very excited for your night out with Harry. You weren’t sure where he was taking you for dinner, but you wanted to look nice, so you go with a black dress that flows around your thighs. Your hair is down and wavy, and your make up is just on point tonight.
Harry: I’m here
You’re a little surprised that he didn’t ring your buzzer like he’s been doing, but you shrug it off. You’re even more surprised that he’s sitting in his car. Since you started dating he’s been waiting for you outside. You open the car door and get in.
“Hi.” You say brightly and kiss his cheek.
“Hey.” He gives you a soft smile.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, why?”
“No reason…”
He pulls onto the street and heads towards the local movie theater that wasn’t really used for normal movies. It was a place for live bands, dinner and a show, sometimes they’d show old black and white films and someone would come to play the piano live, that sort of thing.
“We’re going to the Flying Elephant?” You ask excitedly.
“Yeah, I thought it would be fun to eat and listen to some music.” He mutters.
He was off, you could tell he was trying to seem happy and excited, but something was definitely wrong. What could have happened in the last twenty-four hours? Your eyes widen you remember he had lunch with Noah yesterday, did they get into an argument?
Harry parks the car, and this time he opens the door for you like he usually would. He gives you a peck on the lips and smiles.
“You look really nice.” He says.
“Thank you.” You smile.
He leads you inside and one of the workers scans the tickets he got for the show. You follow him up to the small balcony where your table was. You had never been to an event at the Flying Elephant, but you had mentioned a couple of times that you would like to, so you thought this was very thoughtful.
“What kind of music is it tonight?”
“Jazz I think, but, like, the fun kind, big band style.”
“Oh, fun!”
A waiter comes over with your favorite bottle of white, two glasses, and a basket of bread. He says he’ll be back soon to take your order. Harry had clearly planned a lot of this out, so what was his problem?
“Got your favorite.” He smiles as you clink your glasses. “Happy birthday.”
“I see that, thank you, Harry.” You each take a sip, and then look at the menu. “Oh! They have a tofu marsala, that sounds nice.”
“I’ve had that here before, it’s really good.”
The waiter comes back and you both end up ordering the same thing. You take another sip of your wine and look around at the other people filling in. Harry’s quiet more than usual, so you decide to speak up.
“How was your lunch with Noah yesterday?”
“Huh? Oh…um, it was good.” He shrugs. “Nothing really to report.”
“So, did he just wanna hang out or something?”
“Harry…” You reach across the table and take his hand, giving it a squeeze. “Are you sure everything’s okay? We didn’t need to come tonight if something’s going on…”
“No! No, everything’s fine…I’m just in a funk I guess, I’m sorry. It has nothing to do with you, but I don’t really wanna talk about it.”
“Alright.” You sigh.
“I’m glad we’re here tonight, together.”
“Are you nervous about classes starting soon?”
“No.” He chuckles. “That’s, like, the least of my worries right now. Really, it’s fine, I’m just in my head about something stupid.”
“Well…if you feel like talking about it I’m here for you.” You smile softly.
“Thanks.” He gives you’re a hand a squeeze.
Luckily when your food comes out the music starts, and the tension breaks a bit. The band sounded incredible, and you both were having a wonderful time. A couple of the performers told jokes between sets, which had everyone in the audience hollering. Harry had the waiter bring a cupcake over to your table with a little candle in it for dessert. Birthdays weren’t really a bid deal to you, but it meant so much that he put so much effort in. You blow your candle out and split the cupcake with him.
“That was so much fun, thank you so much.”
“I’m glad you had a good time, babe.” He puts his hand on your thigh as he drives you back home.
You relax a little at the pet name. You desperately wanted to know what was bothering him, but you didn’t want to push him since he said he didn’t want to talk about it. He pulls up to your building and turns the car off with a sigh.
“If you don’t feel like coming up you don’t have to…”
“No, I want to. I wanna spend time with you.” He smiles and gets out of the car, and opens your door for you.
“Can I get you anything?” You ask as you get into your place.
“Just a glass of water would be great.” He says, sitting down on the couch. You fill a glass for the both of you and him his when you come to sit with him. “Thanks.” He says as he takes a sip.
“The band sounded great, I’d like to do that again sometime.”
“Definitely. They show film festivals there sometimes too. I usually give my classes extra credit if they go.”
“Fun! I love a good film festival, what do they show?”
“All of the shorts nominated for Oscars usually. All of the animated ones too, it’s great. Although, usually they’re all really somber for whatever reason.”
“People probably figure sadness will get them the nom.” You roll your eyes. “I think it takes more skill to make someone laugh, but that’s just me.”
“A lot of the comedies I’ve seen have had some of the darkest or saddest moments.”
“That’s what I’m saying! Comedies can be really gut-wrenching.” You sip your water and set it down on the coffee table. He does the same, but twiddles his thumbs.
“Har, you’re killing me.”
“Because something’s wrong and you’re making me nervous.”
“It doesn’t have anything to do with you…”
“I know, but you’re here with me now, and you’re not all the way here. Just talk to me, please?”
“I…it’s stupid.”
“It’s not if it’s making you feel bad.” You put your hand on his shoulder. “Whatever it is you can tell me.”
“At lunch yesterday Noah told me that he’s going to propose to Paige. He invited me out to get basically get my blessing or some shit.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Apparently they’ve spoken about it, so she’s going to say yes, which is good, they make a great couple.”
“So…what’s the problem?”
He looks at you, eyes glossy.
“I don’t know.” He whispers and shakes his head.
“Are you…sad that things are going to be so official between them?”
“Maybe…I mean, I don’t want her in that way, you have to know that, Y/N. I’m not sad because I’m in love with her or anything, those feelings have long since left, but…it just sucks, like, it’s just a reminder that I wasn’t worth sticking it out for or something. It brings back to such a shitty time in my life, you know?”
“Oh, Harry.” You rub at his back. “I’m so sorry…”
“it didn’t work for a reason, we were both really young, and she…she told me she wasn’t in love with me anymore, for whatever reason, I mean Andy was a total accident, I don’t know if she and I would have lasted with or without him. It’s not like we were a perfect match. I think we were always better as friends, but I was stubborn about it. When we hooked up those few times after things ended, that was me going to her, not her coming to me. I was so lost, you know? Look at me, it’s been over ten years, and it feel likes it happened yesterday all over again.” He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“I get it, this is a big change that’s going to happen.” You chew your bottom lip. “I had a high school sweetheart, the kind that I thought I was going to be with forever and marry and have kids with. But when it came time for us to go to college we ended it to give ourselves some freedom. Well, about a month into school I go on Facebook and see he’s in a relationship with this girl that he had started talking to over the summer while we were still together. It crushed me. Now he’s married to her or whatever. It sucks when you thought you were someone’s number one, and it turns out you weren’t…but I also believe that things happen for a reason. I wasn’t meant to be with him, and maybe you weren’t meant to be with Paige. I think we all go through things on journeys that lead us to the person we’re supposed to be with.” He looks at you and blinks. “Sorry, I hate when I’m feeling like shit and someone tries to use their own story to relate because we all know that doesn’t do anyone any good, and I know I could never really know the feelings involved with having a kid with someone, but-“
He cups your cheeks and brings you close to him. He slots his mouth over yours and your eyes flutter closed. He gently sucks on your bottom lip and you groan into him. He lets go of you and smooths some hair away from your face.
“Thank you.” He smiles. “What you said did make me feel better.”
“Your feelings are valid, Harry, don’t discount them. I know it’s sort of awkward to talk to me about, but I don’t want you to feel like you’re going this alone.”
“The more I talk about it, I just feel silly. I’m happy for them, truthfully. He just sort of sprung it on me, but it all makes sense now looking back on it, like, why he’d wanna meet up alone.”
“Pretty respectful of him, not everyone would check in with the ex.”
“I know, it was really kind of him to consider my feelings. I’m sorry it put me in such a funk, I hope I didn’t ruin our evening.”
“You didn’t, it was really nice. Clearly you put a lot of effort in.” You cup his cheek and rub your thumb over his cheekbone. You peck at his lip and smile. “I think I’m too full to do anything, but if you wanna stay and cuddle…”
“I’d like that.” He smiles. “Sure you don’t mind?”
“No, I want you here. We can get cozy, watch a little TV, and pass out.”
“That sounds amazing.”
A couple of days later.
Andy stood there inside with Rachel watching through the glass door as Noah got down on one knee and proposed to Paige. He grimaced as he heard her squeal and nod her head yes as he slipped the ring on her finger.
“Can you believe it?! Now we’ll really be brother and sister.” Rachel beams at Andy before running outside to congratulate the two.
Paige looks around and frowns when she sees Andy walk away from the glass and further into the house.
“I’m gonna go talk to him, one second.” She says to Noah and Rachel. She goes upstairs and taps on his door before entering. “Hey.”
“Hi.” He was sitting on his bed hugging a pillow to his chest. Harry used to do the same thing. She sighs at the sight, and sits on the edge of the bed.
“Wanna tell me what’s going on? You’re not happy for me?”
“I just don’t understand how all of this works.”
“How what works, honey?”
“Being in love. You didn’t wanna marry Dad, but you wanna marry Noah? What’s wrong with Dad?”
“Oh, Andy, nothing’s wrong with Dad. I love Dad, but…we were so young when we had you and-“
“You say that like you were sixteen, you were twenty-two mom, almost twenty-three, it’s not that young.”
“When you get to be that age maybe you’ll see that it is actually a really young age to have a baby.”
“Andy.” She sighs. “I don’t really know how to explain it, I just didn’t see a future with your Dad. I didn’t wanna be the wife of a college professor. At the time, Dad put his studies over everything and I just couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. I became resentful, and I fell out of love with him. I wanted something else. Noah and I have a much better connection. Dad and I are good friends, which is great and helpful when it comes to you, but I haven’t seen him as anything more in a long time. Did you think we were going to get together?”
“No, I knew you and Noah would end up getting married, I just didn’t think so soon.”
“It’s a big change, I know…but really not a lot is going to change. He’s just gonna be my husband instead of my boyfriend.”
“He’s gonna be my step-dad.”
“Sure, but you can still just call him Noah. He doesn’t expect you to call him Dad or anything.”
“Good, because Dad is who I call Dad.” He huffs. “Rachel refers to you as Mum sometimes.”
“Does that bother you?”
“It doesn’t bother you?!”
“No…I told she could call me whatever she wants. I don’t mind it. I mean…I am sort like a mom to her. Is this why you like living with Dad more? You think we’re becoming a family without you?”
“No.” He mumbles. “I like being in school with Brandon…and Dad…like, Dad knows how to do my hair the way I like, and he takes me on fun trips, and he helps me with my homework.”
“I help you with your homework.”
“Yeah, but you’re not a teacher. He knows how to explain things to me better than you, and as much as I’ve liked swimming all the time, it’s boring just going to the lake every day. I’ve barely been hiking this summer.”
“You could have told me, I would have had Dad come get you for a weekend.”
“Yeah, just for a weekend. I hate going back and forth, Mum, I hate it so much. I just wanna live in one place.”
“Well, I’m sorry, that’s just not an option. I’d miss you too much. I missed you so much last year only seeing you on weekends.”
“Yeah? How do you think Dad felt before I got to live with him?”
“Andy, don’t speak to me like that. I’m trying to-“
“Well, stop. Just stop trying.” Tears well up in his eyes. “I wanna go home now, I don’t wanna stay here for another two weeks, I wanna go home now.” Tears were streaming down his cheeks.
“Honey…I don’t know if Dad can-“
“Then call him.” He wipes tears from his eyes. “I don’t wanna be here anymore.” He looks away from Paige and it breaks her heart.
She wasn’t sure what to do. Should just give in and let him do his thing, or should she just give him what he wants. She didn’t want him to resent her, or make him think he was held hostage here.
“Okay, I’ll call your father.”
She stands up and leaves the room. She goes downstairs where Noah and Rachel are.
“Where’s Andy? I thought we could all go get ice cream to celebrate.”
“Andy wants to go home, I need to call Harry.” She grabs her phone off the counter and goes down the hall to the office.
You and Harry were out for a walk by the river to watch the sunset. It was really romantic. You had stopped to kiss each other when he felt the buzzing in his pocket. He sighs and rests his forehead against yours as he fishes his phone out of his pocket.
“It’s Paige, do you mind, babe?”
“No, go ahead.”
“Thanks.” He swipes to take the call. “Hello?”
“Hi.” She sniffles.
“Hi…um, are you alright?”
“No.” She swallows. “Andy wants to go home, to your home. He doesn’t want to wait two more weeks.”
“What happened? Is he alright?”
“He…he’s not happy with me. Um, Noah proposed…and I said yes.”
“Congratulations.” He says it sincerely, but he rolls his eyes.
“Thanks.” She sighs. “Andy and Rachel saw from inside the house, and he went right up to his room, and then he started saying all these things, and then he started crying and now I’m crying, and I…I don’t know what to do Harry, he hates me!”
“He doesn’t hate you.”
“It’s like he doesn’t want me to be his mom anymore. He doesn’t want me.”
“He wants you, he just…might not want everything else.”
“That’s not fair. I deserve to be happy too. Ugh, you should have heard him. ‘Dad’s better at helping with homework. Dad takes me on fun trips’. I felt like a piece of shit.”
“You do plenty of fun things with him. He’s just…it’s a lot that’s changing.”
“Not really. The living situation is staying the same, I’ll just have a husband instead of a boyfriend. God, I wonder if he’s scared I’ll want another baby…”
“I mean…do you?”
“No! One was plenty, I’m too old.”
“You’re only thirty-four.”
“The store’s closed.”
“Okay, Paige.” Harry rolls his eyes again. You find a bench to sit down at to give him a little more privacy. “What do you want me to do, do you want me to come get him?”
“I guess so, I’m not gonna make him stay here if he doesn’t wanna be here, but I can’t not see him, Harry. We have to keep the weekend arrangements.”
“And we will. Maybe once he’s with me for a bit he’ll calm down. He’s a preteen now, maybe his hormones are starting to act up.” He runs a hand through his hair and looks over at you. “I can be there in like forty minutes, tell him to get his shit together. He’s gonna get a stern talking to, I can tell you that much.”
“Don’t angry with him.” She sniffles again.
“I can’t have him making you cry.”
“But he was crying, and-“
“You just got engaged, he could have acted better. He’s too old to be acting like that. I’ll be there soon.”
“Thank you, Harry.”
He sighs and comes over to you.
“I’m so sorry, I have to go pick up Andy, do you mind if we go?”
“Of course!”
You and Harry jump into his car and make your way to Paige’s house. When he pulls up he leaves the car running.
“Do you mind just waiting here a moment?”
“Not at all.” You smile and he nods.
He goes up to the front door and rings the bell. The door flies open and Andy practically flings himself onto Harry.
“Start putting your things in the trunk, I need to speak with your mother.”
“About what?”
“Great, so you’re mad at me to?!”
“No one’s mad at you.” Paige says as she comes into view.
“Go put your things in the trunk, and then come back into the house the three of us are gonna have a chat.”
“Here, I’ll-“
“Let him do it, he wants to come home so bad, he can load his shit up.” Harry huffs and goes inside.
Andy was stunned, but he does as his dad says. When he opens the trunk he grins.
“Hi, Y/N!”
You turn around and give him a smile. A smile that says it’s good to see him, but he better not lollygag. Once Andy gets all of his things in the car, he goes inside and down to the office where Harry and Paige were waiting for him. Harry was leaning against the desk with his arms crossed, and Paige was sitting on the couch.
“I’m very disappointed in you.” Harry starts. “Your mum just got engaged, and you couldn’t even say congrats?”
“Right, because you look thrilled.” Andy scoffs. Harry and Paige look at each other and then back to Andy.
“You better check your attitude, or you’re gonna wish you were staying here. You can’t run from your problems, Andy. I’m glad you’re coming home, but it doesn’t change anything. Mum’s still marrying Noah. He’s gonna be your step-dad, and Rachel’s gonna be your step-sister. That’s just the way of it.”
“Noah loves you, Andy, and so does Rachel. I don’t understand, I mean, it’s been three years…”
“He’s not my dad, and she’s not my sister.” He huffs, crossing his own arms. “I don’t love them.” He could feel tears forming in his eyes again.
“I think…” Harry starts. “Maybe it’s time you start seeing Dr. Gardner again.”
“Andy, you clearly have things going on that you can’t articulate to us, maybe talking to someone else could help.”
“I agree with Dad.” Paige speaks up.
“Of course you do, you’re always quick to pass me off so I don’t have to disturb your perfect life!”
“You said you wanted to go to Dad’s!” She stands up. “What did you want me to do, say no?”
“I don’t know! Even when I said I wanted to live with him you just let it happen!”
“Because you put up a fight when I even thought about saying no!”
“Whatever, I like living with him better anyways. I had the best year at school I’ve had in a long time, I have way better friends, and I can actually have a conversation with him.” He hands ball into fists. “I…I…I ha-“
“Don’t, Andy.” Harry interjects. “If you say that, there’s no taking it back.”
“God, fuck this!” Andy storms out of the room. Noah had taken Rachel for ice cream, so luckily they weren’t witnessing any of this.
“Andy!” Paige and Harry say at the same time.
“Hey!” Harry grabs Andy’s arms. He tries to yank it free, but Harry’s much stronger. “We don’t speak like that, do you understand me?”
“Stop talking to me like I’m a baby!”
“Then stop acting like one!”
“Harry.” Paige says. “Stop yelling at him. It’s not going to solve anything. Andy, you can’t speak like that to us, it’s not right. Dad and I have been breaking our backs trying to do everything we can to make you happy. We haven’t asked for much in return. I really want to marry Noah, but I won’t if it makes you that upset.”
“What?” Andy’s features soften and Harry lets go of him.
“I won’t marry him if it upsets you that much.”
“Paige…” Harry says.
“But…then you’d be unhappy, Mum.” Andy says. “I don’t want that.”
“We should have talked more about what it would mean if he and I got engaged and all that, I’m sorry I didn’t include you in those conversations.”
“I’m just confused about a lot right now…” Andy looks away. “I’m sorry for how I acted…it’s great that he wants to marry you.” He looks at Harry. “Can I still come home with you?”
“Yes.” Harry sighs. “Go get in the car, I’ll be out in a minute.”
Andy gives his mother a hug quickly, which surprises her, and then out the door he goes. Harry and Paige look at each other.
“What else do you think is going on with him?” Harry asks.
“I have no idea. I wish I did. I try to talk with him, get him to open up, but he’s very selective.”
“I’ll see if I can have a more relaxed chat with him. He’s only going into sixth grade, he shouldn’t be this moody.”
“Let me know when he wants to come back next…”
“I will. I’m sorry he spoiled everything.”
“He didn’t, they’re bringing me back a big old sundae, and I’m gonna stuff my face.” She smiles. “Look.” She holds the ring up. “Got my style just right.”
“It’s beautiful.” He smiles. “You know, Noah had a chat with me about all this, wanted my blessing and everything.”
“Really?” Her eyebrows raise. “Well, thank you for telling him it was okay.” She says facetiously. “Do you know if he spoke to my father?”
“He did not.”
“Good.” They both laugh. “Thank you…I don’t know how I’d handle him without you sometimes.”
“What are co-parents for?” He hugs her. “I’ll call you in a couple days, yeah?”
“Sounds good.”
Harry comes out to the car where you and Andy were sitting in an awkward silence.
“Sorry bout that.” Harry says as he buckles up.
“No worries.” You smile.
“Do you mind if I drop you at your place, need to have some alone time with that one.”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
Harry looks in the backseat, and sees Andy with his chin resting in his palm. He sighs and faces forward again. He pulls onto the street, and makes his way home. Harry drops you off, and walks you to your door.
“I’m sorry about all this.”
“Hey, it comes with the territory.” You shrug. “Shit happens.”
“I’ll have less time to spend with you sooner than I thought…”
“Harry, don’t worry about me. Once school starts we’ll see each other every day. We’ll make time for date nights later, go take care of things with him. Seems like he really needs you right now.”
Harry kisses your cheek and gets back in the car. It’s silent until they get home. This time he helps Andy with his things. Once it’s all settled, they both sit in his room to chat. They each sit crisscross, holding pillows to their chests.
“Whenever you’re ready.” Harry says softly. “I know there’s gotta be more to all this.”
“There is.” He sighs. “It’s just…I feel like everyone around me is finding their true love.”
“What do you mean?”
“Mom has Noah, you have Y/N now, and…Brandon, ugh, Brandon started dating this girl Molly…she’s in our class, and they go to the same camp, and he told me they, like, kissed, and…now I feel like he’s never gonna make time for me anymore. I always thought relationships were for adults…I didn’t know he liked girls…I don’t like girls like that…not yet anyways.”
“Oh, Andy…it’s okay that you don’t like anyone yet, and this Molly girl isn’t Brandon’s true love. Odds are they won’t last long. You’re only eleven.”
“When he called me to tell me he was so excited he had his first kiss…and I felt…sick.”
“Yeah, like, my stomach felt weird like I was going to throw up, and my chest started to hurt. I thought it was my asthma, so I took my inhaler, but it didn’t help.” Harry’s eyes grow wide. Andy was describing heartbreak.
“What did you say to him when he told you?”
“I told him that it was cool or whatever…but that was a lie.”
“It made you feel achy, huh?”
“Yeah, but I don’t really know why…”
“That’s okay, you don’t need to have it all figured out right now.”
“But what if when I see him next he wants to talk about her, or he wants to invite her everywhere?”
“You just need to tell him that you’re not comfortable with it, and that you’d prefer the one on one time. If he’s really your friend he’ll understand.”
“I just wish I knew what was wrong with me.” He starts sniffling. “I hate that I’ve been so mean to mum, I feel like I’ve been taking things out on her, and I know I hurt her today.” He starts crying, and Harry pulls him into his chest.
“Come here.” Harry lays him down with him, letting Andy cry into him and so he could cuddle him easier. Arms wrapped around him tight. “When you feel up to it you can call her to apologize.”
“She must hate me.” He hiccups.
“She doesn’t, I promise.”
“I don’t want her to know about why I’ve been upset.”
“Okay, it can stay between us.” Harry rubs Andy’s back with one hand and scratches his scalp with the other. “When does Brandon get back from camp?”
“In a few days.”
“Is that why you wanted to come back here? So you could see each other?”
“And because I missed you.” He snuggles further into Harry, and it nearly breaks his heart. He couldn’t remember the last time his son let him hold him like this.
“I missed you too.”
“Are things with Y/N going well? I feel bad, I know I messed up your date.”
“Things are good, and it’s okay. We were just out for a walk by the river, nothing special.”
“Is she your girlfriend yet?” Andy yawns. Poor kid’s had a long day.
“Not exactly, but soon I think.”
Harry lays with Andy until he’s in a deep sleep. He goes to his own room and texts Paige that Andy will call her tomorrow to talk some things through. Just as he’s about to put his phone down your name pops up.
You: I know it’s none of my business, but I hope Andy’s alright…is he?
Harry: thanks for checking in, he’s doing fine. We had a good talk, he even let me lay with him a bit. Poor kid felt bad about cutting our date short
You: you’ve raised such a sweet boy, honestly
Harry: maybe you could join us for dinner here some night, I think he’d like that
You: I’d love to, just name the night and I’m there
Harry sighs happily. Other women he’s dated in the past always thought it was cute he had a kid at first, but none of them ever understood that Andy came first. You were so cool about it, and he adored you even more for checking in.
Harry: hey…I like you a lot
You: hey…I like you a lot too
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krysphycookiez · 4 years
Heyo hun can i request a NCT 127 scenario please? 🥺 where the foreigner fem!reader is the same age as haechan and they're both gemini's (reader late may - haechan early june) and they're a lot a like to the point where they're known as the nct twins. johnny is basically their dad. lmaoo.
(ps. reader doesn't refer the boy as hyungs.)
if you don't feel like it that's fine hun. 🥺❤
nct 127 | gemini twins
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synopsis: you’re the same age as donghyuck and both of you are very similar, to the point you both are known as the ‘twins of nct’ amongst the group
genre: fluff, platonic, slight humor, one-shot
pairing: nct x foreign!fem!reader
tw: none except for a bit of swearing
a/n: hi sweet pea! thanks for requesting, i really appreciate it <3 this one in particular was a little specific so i apologize if there’s some parts i missed! with that i hope you enjoy!
btw, anything in italics and bold is in english :)
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“do you think johnny hyung will kill us if we do this??”
“last time we did, he almost cremated us into paste. let’s do it,”
“hell yeah,”
you and the little sunshine himself, lee donghyuck, we’re currently hovering over your tired leader’s sleeping expression, while setting up alarm clocks around him strategically.
both of you guys were known as “the twins of nct”, with the two of you being gemini’s and similar in personality, that name was bound to come around. the slightly younger male next to you snickered as he set up the alarm clocks, and fleeing along with you once it was all set up.
once the two of you got into a safe position, you looked at the timer on your phone, and the alarm clocks were going to set off in 5 minutes. sure you got an earful from doyoung and mark cussed you out in english, but it was worth seeing their funny reactions.
the tan-skinned male pulled out a small tablet and turned on the screen, and what appeared on the screen was camera viewings of each member’s rooms, all of them sleeping soundly, unknowing of the danger that awaits them.
both of you snickering quietly to yourselves, you both sat on the couch, awaiting the amazing reactions that was gonna come from your fellow bandmates, but you both were unknowing on the figure standing behind you.
“what are the two of you doing?” johnny, one of the older members asked you suspiciously, making you both freeze up and turn around nervously. “o-oppa! uh— well we were just- y’know—“
your statement was quickly interrupted when you heard the familiar voice of your fellow member jungwoo. both you and the soft-faced male both turned over to the screen with excited smiles, while johnny tried to peer over your shoulders to see what you two were looking at.
“what did the two of you do this time?” he questioned, as if you guys were some sort of criminals. “just gave them a nice good morning greeting~” the sunshine maknae said cheekily while he was watching his members catastrophe in the cameras.
despite the fear and terror that ran through your bodies when entering the member’s rooms, it was so worth the risk. jaehyun was trying to calm down a screaming jungwoo, your leader knocked over various things on his nightstand which hit mark on his toes, but the cherry on top was yuta desperately trying to turn off the alarms with his sleeping mask still on, running into taeil on the way as well.
you and the devilish maknae exploded with euphoria, you could feel tears of joy pricking at the corners of your eyes while donghyuck was hunched over his seat laughing out loud. johnny just sighed, growing tired of your guy’s antics, but he could feel the small smile teasing the corners of his lips.
after the whole fiasco went down, all of the members went downstairs and you laughed even more at their tired and sleepy faces. they looked angry, but you knew deep down that they actually didn’t have the energy to be mad at you.
the first one to speak up was none other than taeyong himself. “did you brats start this whole thing?” he questioned in a somewhat intimidating tone, but his tough facade soon fell after he saw the both of you laugh even more, making his face light up a bit.
in between huffed pants, a familiar cute voice answered. “y-yes, hyung! it was us!” donghyuck replied, still trying to catch his breaths while you were already gone on the couch. “why did you guys do that!? i was just sleeping after staying up last night!” mark yelped out in a distressed voice, automatically switching to english, so you assumed the statement was directed towards you. “s-sorry mark! we just wanted to prank you guys a bit..” You said still recovering from your laughter, which can be seen through your stuttery tone. you were born and raised in a country that spoke english, so you obviously knew how to speak it.
before the other members could counter, a voice of reason spoke up. “alright guys let’s just get ready for the day, at least y/n and donghyuck are ready for training,” johnny said as-a-matter-of-factly, leaving the other members dumbfounded.
“hyung but they—“
“did i stutter?”
“ON IT—“
“hey give me the strawberry mochi,”
“no i’m not, donghyuck.”
“why not???”
“because i’m older than you,”
“yeah by like only two weeks,”
“both of you just shut up and eat your food,” doyoung said a bit irritated by your guy’s bickering, making the two of you chuckle cheekily as you went back to eating your food. you and the boys just finished rehearsing your newest comeback, superhuman. it was a nice change of pace for a song, given that it was very positive and energetic.
“hey y/n— aren’t you gonna visit the dreamies with haechan soon?” johnny asked you, while you were munching on your delicious cold snack. you swallowed the food and replied. “yeah we will, right after lunch actually,”
“the two of you are lucky, i can’t see them any time soon,” mark said sulkily, making you chuckle. “must suck to suck, mark,” “shut up.” mark said while playfully punching you in the shoulder, which resulted in you punching him back. your little banter was soon interrupted when a familiar voice ringed in your ears.
“ay what’s up twins of nct!?”
“eyyyy jaemiiiiin!!”
you and sunny hyuck got up excitedly to be met with the two members of nct dream, na jaemin and huang renjun. you all did a signature handshake you came up with and laughed while the 127 brothers watched you guys with happy smiles. “how have you guys been?” the chinese boy asked curiously while donghyuck waved him off. “pssh! we are fiiine~ mark was being annoying as always,”
“i’m right here!”
“i know~”
the flirt of the dreamies just chuckled and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to him, much to your surprise. “well let’s go! chenle and jisung planned some awesome things back at the dorm, and jeno is cooking some good food too!” jaemin exclaimed, but his smile disappeared when he heard the familiar sound of someone clearing their throat and putting their hand on his shoulder.
“and will you kiddos cause any trouble? i don’t want managers to come and cause some more chaos while you guys are away.” taeyong asked sternly to the younger male, causing him to gulp the lump in his throat. “w-well hyung- we were gonna just play games and stuff...” he said nervously while you silently snickered at him. you knew taeyong just didn’t want anything bad happening to you, considering that jaemin made a particularly inappropriate joke that quite literally almost landed him in the wrath of mom taeyong.
“are you sure about that, jaemin?”
“yes i’m sure!”
“don’t worry about it taeyong, they won’t do anything.” johnny said while approaching the duo, making jaemin sigh in relief. taeyong just sighed and let go of jaemin’s shoulder. “alright, but if you brats do anything i’m gonna—“ “taeyong.”
the leader slightly froze at johnny’s words and didn’t say anything further. but when johnny walked away, he turned back to renjun and jaemin and said seriously, but cutely. “i’m watching you.” in english before walking out of the room.
all four of you stood there confused for a moment before letting out joyous laughs. all of you were hunched over trying to catch your breaths while jaemin wiped a tear from his eye. “holy cow hyung is scary! i thought i was gonna die!”
“mhm, i don’t blame ya. however he does have a point, if you do anything to y/n i swear on yo fuckin yEEZY’S—“
“hyuck, not the time.” you said sternly at the slightly younger gemini, making him smile cheekily. this overprotective brother side of his really was something. “fine fiiine~ but still, i see you, jaemin.”
“alright alright i won’t do anything!”
“come on guys let’s just go, we don’t wanna keep the others waiting.” renjun said excitedly while running off, making the three of you trail behind him in pure joy, ready for the fun that’s about to start.
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ANNND DONE! thanks for the request again! this one was really fun to write for, sorry if i did miss anything though i promise i didn’t mean it qwq
this is @/krysphycookiez logging off... ♡︎
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perriewinklenerdie · 4 years
Lights in your eyes (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Claire Herondale
Word count: 2,3 k
Summary: Moments of Ethan and Claire’s New Year’s Eve party.
Warnings: a swear word here or there, mentions of adult situations
A/N: It’s all fluff with these two. Couldn’t stop myself. I also really would like to see Ethan and Tobias finally work their shit out, it has potential, I’m telling you
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“Who would have thought we’d ever get to do this again, huh?” Tobias snickered, pushing Ethan’s shoulder playfully. The other doctor scoffed, leaning away a bit with a hint of a grin.
“Old habits die hard, I suppose. I still can’t believe I actually let you talk me into this.” Ethan cleared his throat, straightening his back a bit as they both waited for the door to open. Right before they did, Tobias laughed.
“We both know that it’s not me that talked you into going to the New Year’s Eve party. It’s a promise of seeing Herondale.”
Before Ethan could protest, the door opened, revealing a slightly intoxicated Baz, who with a wide smile, threw both arms over their shoulders and dragged them inside. Ethan didn’t even try to argue, knowing damn well that any form of resistance would be futile with the cheery doctor.
“Happy almost New Year, guys! You’re just in time, we were about to turn on some music.” he walked them in, shutting the door behind them. “The food is right here, the drinks are over there. if you need anything, ask.”
And with that, he went into the crowd and the two doctors lost him. They exchanged a brief look, after which Tobias nodded and left Ethan alone, going to fetch himself a drink. That left Ramsey on his own, his eyes immediately scanning the room in search of the blonde doctor. He failed in his search, confusion clouding his mind for a brief moment. All of a sudden, his hand was grabbed by someone and he was spinning the other way around, his arms immediately full.
Claire rose onto the tips of her toes, guiding Ethan with her hand against his cheek into a soft kiss. His surprise melted away with each move of her lips, arms wrapping around her to pull her closer. With a low hum, he lost himself in her, reveling in the sparks of endorphins that her closeness elicited.
“Get it, Ramsey!” Tobias shouted, whistling loudly at the pair. Ethan waved his hand at him halfheartedly, returning it to Claire’s waist immediately after. The pair couldn’t hear the teasing calls of people surrounding them if they tried.
His hands wandered her body, seemingly with a mind of their own, but Ethan was very much aware of what he was discovering, from the lacy fabric of her top to the very short skirt that exposed her legs in the best way possible. Every single sane thought he might have had in that moment had disappeared, his mind overcome by her intoxicating smell and things she was doing to him with her hands in his hair.
He moved his lips to her cheek, caressing her face while she let some oxygen into her lungs. “I thought you said you wouldn’t come.” She breathed out heavily, the tips of her fingers dipping beneath the fabric of his shirt. His heart skipped a beat, his mind creating very suggestive images, far too risky for the place they were currently in. “Though, I have to say, I was hoping you would change your mind. I always wondered what it would be like to be wrapped in your arms as the new year started.”
Ethan’s groan was barely noticeable by others, the loud music, courtesy of Bryce, masking most of it. Claire, however, knew very well that it was there, smirking as she leaned away.
“You’re entirely too distracting.” He admitted, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear when they separated for good. She grinned, pulling him closer for a split second with a smirk.
“But you love it.”
“That I do.”
They moved to the spot holding drinks, talking quietly among themselves. Ethan’s face twisted in displeasure at the sight of various colorful drinks, much to Claire’s amusement. With exaggerated flourish, she poured him a glass of whiskey and presented him with it, grinning at the way his expression cleared up.
She’s never seen him this relaxed at the party. With his arm around her waist, they made rounds among party attendees. He told a joke or two, didn’t complain about the choice of music or about the noise level; Claire would even go ahead and say that he enjoyed himself. Months into their relationship, he seemed to develop some sort of an immunity to parties, or at the very least, learned to survive them with her help.
Bryce declared himself the DJ, not letting anyone else dictate what song was playing. He decided on a rather slow song, though it was anything but romantic; it was carried by desire, the rhythm begging their bodies to move.
Ethan was the one to initiate the dance, squeezing her hip before pulling Claire to the secluded corner of the room, their faces coming closer as the song rang in the air. She wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling him to her. The proximity was enough to allow them to hear each other’s heavy breathing, the notion sending sparks of interest running down their spines.
“Pity we’re in the crowd.” He muttered into her ear, twirling her out and right back into his waiting arms, dipping her low towards the ground and throwing her back into his embrace, an inviting smirk on his features.
“What would you do if we weren’t?” Claire asked, wrapping her leg around his calf, her eyes sparkling playfully, challenging him to answer. Ethan’s hold on her tightened, their hips meeting in a suggestive manner as they danced.
“I would push you up against the wall.” He whispered hotly into her ear, taking great pleasure in the way her hands ran up his neck. “Brush that silly excuse of a skirt up your thighs and tease your skin until you were begging for more.” His words had an immediate effect on both of them, his breath losing its consistency, taking up an irregular beat instead, matching the rhythm of her heart. “Make you take my fingers until you couldn’t help but cry out my name-“
“Ramsey, either tone down with the flirting or get a room!” Tobias was the one to interrupt their inappropriate at the very least exchange, a shit-eating grin taking up his face. This time, it was Claire that smirked as she showed him her ring finger instead of her middle finger, her own spin of the rude gesture that wasn’t as offensive.
“I’d say you’re bothered by something.” Claire called out, twisting to face Tobias, letting Ethan’s arms fall around her hips. “How about some therapy?”
“I’d love to have some therapy with a woman as beautiful as you, but I already went down this road once. Our Ethan here doesn’t appreciate sharing.” He shot back, winking at her playfully. “Can’t blame him, though. I wouldn’t want to share you, either.”
“Lucky for me, I don’t have to.” Ethan pressed her against him, a proud smile residing on his lips. “I’m gonna be here as long as she wants me to.”
“You mean all the time, then. That’s a long time you’re signing up for.”
“We both know that I don’t mind that in the slightest.”
The more drinks they had, the bolder Claire was getting. She often joked about how she was going to dance on the table one of those days, but he always laughed at the idea as though it was a joke. Well, that day, it became apparent that it wasn’t a joke after all.
At one point of the evening, they separated. Ethan kept mostly to himself, taking his time to talk to his colleagues. In the meantime, Claire made rounds among her friends. She kicked their ass in beer pong, destroyed Rafael and Kyra in Just Dance (she winked at Ethan over her shoulder as the song ended, being rewarded with a warm hint of a smile from him) and annihilated the rest of the party in medical trivia with Jackie and Sienna as her teammates.
She’s had more than enough to drink by that point, so when Elijah dared her to dance on the table, she was more than game. Climbing onto the table, barely managing to balance on her high heels without falling, she threw her hands up in triumph.
“Bryce, turn the music up, I want to dance- oh!”
She twisted and turned, but before she could lose her balance, she found herself in the very safe embrace of Ethan Ramsey, who wrapped her in his arms and pulled her down from the table.
“No, I don’t think so. Come here.”
Claire fell onto his shoulders, her skirt riding up dangerously higher. He brushed the material downwards, saving her some embarrassment and party attendees some intriguing sights at the very least.
He walked them to the room on the side of the building, only then letting her feet touch the ground. She placed her hands on his shoulders, firmly gripping him as she slid down the front of his body.
“My hero.” She mumbled, pressing her lips to his neck. It took herculean effort to brush her advances away, especially when she was this enticing, but he knew better. He found a place for them to sit, gathering her into his arms and pulling her into his arms to keep her comfortable.
“Do you need to rest?” Ethan asked, brushing her hair behind her shoulder. She shook her hand, twisting in his embrace until she straddled him.
“I need you.”
“I’m flattered, Rookie, but now’s not the time. Tell me what else you need.”
She squeezed her eyes, looking at him suspiciously, then leaned forward to kiss him softly. With her lips against his, she whispered.
“I really do need you. Only you. Right here, with me.”
“Then that’s what you shall have.” He nodded, pressing a soothing kiss to her forehead, and wrapping his arms around her tighter.
“I found them!” Jackie opened the door, shouting over her back. Ethan looked away from the window, sitting both him and Claire up slowly. “You guys finally got decent at hiding. Lord knows you both sucked at it back in the day.”
The pair shared an amused look, standing up and straightening their clothes before going back. She caught his hand, tangling their fingers together, lazy smile lighting up Ethan’s face.
The main room holding the party hasn’t changed all that much since they last saw it. The lights dimmed, there was significantly less food and alcohol on the counters and the music was much more chaotic than it used to be. This time, it was Claire that pulled Ethan into her arms and onto the dancefloor, pressing their cheeks together. Despite the music not entirely fitting the mood they were in, they danced closely to one another, light smiles residing on their features.
“I could spend the whole night with you. Right here, in my arms.” He mused under his breath, looking right into her eyes with determination.
“You bet I’ll be in your arms for the whole night. In more ways than one.” Claire promised, winking at him cheekily and observing with delight how a gentle blush crept up his neck and onto his cheeks.
“Don’t tempt me.”
“Then what else am I supposed to do?”
A helpless grin was all he could manage before his lips found hers, gently kissing her, as though it was easier than breathing air. Their surroundings blended into a marvelous fusion of sights and sounds, drowning out everything.
Midnight was crawling closer and closer, and with that, a new year, full of possibilities. Ethan twirled Claire up until it was minutes until the countdown, at which point, she pulled him outside, their bodies shielded from the view by the alcove.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you wanted to get me alone.” He grinned, turning them around to press her against the column. She traced her hand around his neck, drawing their bodies a bit closer.
“Where would you even get that idea? I’m just enjoying my time with boyfriend.”
Before he could come up with some witty response, his body was hauled onto hers, brought closer by her hands, gripping his shoulders to pull him closer, and by her legs, wrapping around him to press their bodies as close as physics would allow.
They became entangled in a wild wave of desire and longing, stealing each other’s breaths and peeking into each other’s minds. Ethan grounded his hips into hers, a broken groan falling from his lips at the sensation. Claire smiled against him, letting his head trail downwards to tease the skin of her neck and chest, the flimsy fabric of her top giving way to his fingers. A wave of goosebumps washed over her body, the sensations he was eliciting pulling her away from the reality.
Fireworks suddenly erupted in the sky, illuminating their faces, lights reflected in their eyes. They broke the kiss, both of them turning towards the colorful show, high above their heads. Claire remained focused on the various images on the grand navy background, missing the way Ethan focused solely on her. He caught the smallest changes in her expressions; how closely she examined the shapes high above them; how the loud explosions make her twitch slightly, how the cheers of her friends pulled her attention away from the place she was in for just a little while.
And then she came back to him, truly and completely, staring at him with wonder in her eyes. Her hands traced the features of his face, her fingers brushing the lines of his cheekbones tenderly.
“Happy New Year.” Claire muttered, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. Ethan gathered her into his arms once more, getting lost in the way her green irises sparkled with happiness.
“With you, every year is going to be happy.”
Thank you so much for being here with me for another year. Each and every one of you is amazing and I’m grateful that you’re on this wild ride by my side <3 See you guys in the new year, let’s hope it’s gonna be better than the one we’re saying goodbye to.
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Ladybug: A Young Avenger
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Hey Everyone, I got prompt for a civil war ML crossover fic but I was really into Team Iron Man on Ao3 for longest of times and, after endgame, I kind of need some team fluff. So I tweaked the prompt. It’s still team Iron man; just… not the way you’d expect. (Also did anyone know else know that Penny’s last name was Rolling?)
It took Tony Stark all of five minutes to figure out Ladybug’s identity.
“Jarvis, buddy?” Tony called out.
“Yes, sir?”
“What’s up with teenagers and being bug-themed heroes wearing inappropriate costumes?”
           The A.I took a moment before answering, “…I, for one, blame Vine.”
           Tony sighed. First fifteen-year-old Peter Parker aka Spiderman. He took the kid on an as an intern the second he learned about Spiderman. Now fifteen-year-old Marinette Dupain-Cheng aka Ladybug.
           He groaned.
What could he do? He needed help.
           Captain America needed to be stopped. The Winter Solider needed to be taken down. Team Cap had gone too far.
           It was war.
           Getting Harley Keener, a mechanical mastermind to agree to be his intern was a bit like chewing nails but Tony always knew the kit would agree. Getting Peter Parker, a child genius with a bright future as a scientist, to agree to be his intern was a piece of cake. Honestly Tony could’ve asked for the kid’s soul in repayment and Peter would’ve asked if he wanted on a silver plate or if plastic was okay? Getting Riri Williams, an engineering prodigy to be his intern, was easy. Too easy; her mom practically threw her at him, all while making him swear into a recorder that he wouldn’t sue. No matter what. Introducing the kids to his labs made him feel like Willie Wonka hand-delivering the golden tickets.
           They were all future scientists and engineers like Tony. They grew up worshiping at the altar of Stark Industries like ever future MIT graduate did.
           Marinette Dupain-Cheng, on the other hand, was an entirely different beast who played an entirely different game. She was a fashion prodigy who had designed for stars like Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale. She had interned for Style Queen Audrey Bourgeois, had her clothes walk the runway during Paris fashion week, and had a summer job that somehow lasted over a year, working for Miranda Priestly, the editor-in-Chief for Runway Magazine when the scary woman took over Paris: Runaway. Said job ended when Miranda when back to New York. Marinette only prayed to the fashion gods. So when Tony Stark, god of the nerds, showed up at her door, she only blinked once.
           Said girl sat between her parents, with cool blue eyes glaring at him suspiciously. Luckily Tony was smart enough to bring Pepper with him.
           Pepper Potts smiled at the family in front of her; two bakers and the daughter, who made the most delicious macarons that she ever tasted. “So you see, after Tony came across Marinette’s wonderful re-design sketch of his suit on her website, he was very impressed with her talent.”
“But to take Marinette on as an intern?” Sabine asked. “Excuse me, but Marinette has always leaned towards the arts than science.”
           Tony gave the woman his best charming smile, “What is science if not another form of art. We both create, strive to better our talents, work to make names for ourselves; experiment and test out hypothesizes. Granted no one in my field ever created the disaster that was crocs.”
           Marinette narrowed her eyes, “Didn’t your father help on the Manhattan Project?”
           Pepper cleared on her throat. “Tom, Sabine, before anyone agrees to anything I’d like to go over safety procedures in place. Would you mind stepping outside with me, I could use a bit of fresh air.”
           Tony and Marinette just stared at each other as the three left the room. When the front door closed behind them, Marinette leaned forward, “What do you want?” Her patience had reached its end.
“Aren’t you being a little rude?” Tony smirked.
“Aren’t you a little old?” Marinette snapped back. “What do you want?”
“I want Ladybug’s help.”
           Marinette flinched back in shock. Her heart raced in her chest. “How do you know?”
“I’m Tony Stark,” He shrugged easily, picking up a mint chocolate Macron. “I know everything.”
           Marinette fought the fear racing through her, and steeled herself like Miranda and Audrey had taught her, “So Iron Man’s wanted Ladybug as an intern? So what does Iron Man get? What does Ladybug get? What does Tony get? And what does Marinette get?”
“You made clear distinctions,” Tony said approvingly, his business-side gearing up. “But I am Iron Man.” He said. “You come to New York for this spring break and for the summer. I get Ladybug’s help in handling a personal issue that has developed within the Avengers. Ladybug gets training from the Avengers. Marinette gets to add Stark Industries and a personal letter of recommendation from Tony Stark to her resume.”
“On the condition, that identities stay secret from the media,” Marinette crossed her arms. “I don’t suppose I can hide it from the rest Avengers for very long. And I get an additional letter of recommendation from Pepper Potts. Pepper takes my friend Chloe on as an intern; she’s the hero, Queen Bee. And only one who knows my identity, besides you. Also, I actually do get to help design your next suit. My expenses?”
           Tony smirk widened. The girl knew how to cover her bases. She even wanted to have an Ally with her should things take a turn. “All paid for by me. First-class all the way. You and Chloe will stay in the Stark Tower on the same floor as the other interns.”
“Other young superheroes, you mean?” Marinette guessed, causing Tony’s eyes to twinkle in joy. “Spiderman, Iron Heart, and WarIron. Based on their sizes, I had guessed they were young; teenagers probably. Why didn’t you ask Chat Noir too? Or why aren’t you? Because you’re not, you would’ve mentioned it by now?”
“You mean the Agreste kid?” Tony said, not noticing Marinette’s eyes widen in surprise. “He’s not serious enough for me. I play games but he goes too far. Surprised you haven’t dumped him yet. Get a better partner.”
           Marinette took a bit of a macron to get a moment to think. Adrien was Chat Noir. In retrospect, it made a lot of sense. Both were socially immature, and a bit naïve. Each had an idealistic view of things and didn’t let the real world break them of it. For example Adrien and his dealing with Lila’s lies. Chat Noir and Ladybug turning down his advances.
“Very well,” The bluenette finally agreed. “I agree to be your intern. Shall we discuss my salary now or later? Well, need to before I or my parents sign any contracts.”
           It was Tony’s turn to narrow his eyes. Not one; not a single one of his interns: Harley, Peter, or Riri ever asked about how much they’d get paid. They’d all assumed it was an unpaid internship and was surprised when their contracts included a salary. “You’re a shark.”
           Marinette hummed, “You should see me when there’s blood in the water.”
           That was something Tony was looking forward to seeing.
           The official paperwork was signed three days later; Marinette was officially a Stark intern. Due to go to Orientation for spring break in New York in a few weeks.
           Those weeks flew by. She let Fu know she’d have to go back and forth for a few weeks. She didn’t bother telling anyone else. Her friendships in the class had dwindled dramatically. While most weren’t her outright enemies, her classmates tended to avoid her. If they couldn’t do that, they were beyond cold to her. It was Lila’s doing. She got her hooks into the class, who all wanted to tie themselves to the golden goose, and when it was clear that Lila and Marinette didn’t like each other, they picked sides. They chose their meal ticket over their lifelong friend.
           Honestly, it made Marinette almost wish that Lila had lied about her instead; accused her of being a bully or something. Anything. Because at least then her ex-friends would have somewhat of a reason to be ex-friends. Even if it wasn’t a very good one. Instead, they were just bad friends all on their own.
           Still, Marinette didn’t mourn their loss as she sat in the back of the class with Chloe on a Sunny Tuesday morning, and they were living for New York that Friday. She had a steadily rising career in Fashion. She had worked under Miranda Priestly and Audrey. From them, she learned it was best to drop fair-weather friends and how to spot wannabes, fame-seekers, and gold-diggers from three miles away.
           She was happy with Chloe as her bestie. The girl had turned a new leaf and proven her loyalty to the point where Fu made her a permanent hero. And the Blond had been ecstatic when Pepper Potts had shown up at their door. She had hugged Marinette a full five minutes for getting her the internship. All while screaming with joy.
           Both girls were excited to go. Though Marinette did encounter one downside. The night before, Jagged Stone and Penny Rolling; or as Marinette deemed them #RollingStone, called her. Or rather Penny did the talking. Jagged was trying to wrestle his newest jacket away from Fang’s teeth. Penny offered Marinette a chance to spend her spring break traveling around on tour with Jagged, as his personal stylist. Marinette had no choice but to turn the job down. She loved her honorary Uncle Jagged but she already signed the contract.
           That morning Lila had spun another set of lies. The first was about helping Tony Stark fix his Iron man suit when she was traveling in America. The second was about the newest song Jagged Stone wrote about her. It was exhausting to listen to but the class hung on every word.
           Bustier had just finished her first lesson of the day when she invited Alya to stand up.
           The glasses-wearing girl grinned at the class, “So as everyone’s aware; there’s a class pool party is this Saturday; first day of spring break, baby!” The class cheered. “Everyone who’s invited should’ve gotten their invitation. Don’t want any drama,” She cast a cold look to the two girls at the back of the class. “Invite only. So no party crashers. Marinette, Chloe what are you doing this Saturday?” Alya smirked at her call out that the two girls weren’t invited; that they were the only ones who weren’t.
           As if on cue, the classroom’s door burst opened and in walked Tony Stark, followed by a very apologetic looking Pepper, “Marinette; it’s time to go! Grab Pepper’s minion and let’s go.”
           There were gasps from the class. Max sat up straight. Iron Man was in front of him, in his class, this was the best day of his life.
           Marinette just sighed, “Did you kick the door open, Tony?” Disapproval clear in her voice.
“I can’t go now!” Marinette explained. “I have class. We weren’t supposed to leave until Friday, remember.”
           Tony waved her off, “Details. Spring Break starts now. Queenie, Mari; chop-chop! New York is waiting!”
           Bustier decided to step in. She may not always be the best teacher but she refused to allow a strange man, even if that man was Tony Stark, to take away any of her students. “Mr. Stark, can I ask what you want Marinette and Chloe for?”
           Thankfully, it was Pepper that answered as she closed back the classroom door, “They have been employed as interns for Stark Industries. They’ll be attending orientation during their spring break at Stark Tower.”
Max actually fell out of his seat. Because this couldn’t be happening. Stark industries rarely ever took high schoolers’ as interns. Tony Stark only chose the best of the best. How could Marinette land the job?
“Marinette’s my intern,” Tony grinned. “Blondie’s Pepper’s. Who else is gonna teach her how to rule the world.”
           A slow smile spread across Chloe’s face, “With an iron fist.”
           Tony pointed at her, “You scare me. Pepper get your intern!”
           The other students were amazed. Marinette was Tony Stark’s intern. Chloe somehow got Pepper Pott's attention. What had they missed? Why didn’t Marinette tell them? How?
“That’s what we’ll be doing this Saturday, Alya,” Chloe drawled. “In New York, hanging with the Avengers.” Causing Alya to flush with anger. “We couldn’t come to your pool party even if we wanted to. Which we don’t.”
“He found my sketch of a potential Iron man suit design,” Marinette explained, continuing the story Tony had told her parents. “He loved it and offered me the job a few weeks ago.”
“Weeks?” Nino asked. “And you didn’t tell us? Dudette, not cool.”
           Alix nodded, her arms crossed, “Yeah I thought we were friends!”
           Marinette and Chloe just looked at them like they were stupid.
           Alya put her hands on her hips, “Mr. Stark, why didn’t you ask Lila Rossi to be your intern? She helped you with your suit before. She’d be much better than Marinette!”
           The girl in question face turned bright red, “This can’t be happening.” Lila muttered.
           Tony looked honestly confused, “Lila? Who’s Lila? No one ever helped me with my suit except the kids I already got as interns.” He looked at Pepper. “Do I know a Lila Rossi?”
           Pepper shook her head, and turned fierce eyes towards Lila, “Miss Rossi, please refrain from lying about Tony Stark and or Stark Industries. Or we will sue you on the grounds of defamation.”
           Lila squeaked. Sue? She couldn’t be sued. Her mother would kill her if she got a lawsuit from Tony Stark.
           It was the rest of the class’s turn to look confused.
           However, before anyone could ask any follow-up questions, the classroom door burst opened again. Jagged Stone strutted in, followed by a very apologetic look Penny and happy Fang with, what looked to be, the arm of a leather jacket.
“Marinette!” Jagged yelled. “What’s this about you not coming on tour? I need my favorite stylist, love.
Marinette just sighed, “Did you kick the door open, Jagged?” Disapproval clear in her voice.
           The bluenette just shook her head, “I have plans this Spring break. I’m sorry.”
“Plans?” Jagged whined. “What could be better spending your Spring Break with a Rock Star? You can even bring your Blonde. Penny could use an assistant!” He paused, finally noticing it wasn’t just kids. “The bloody hell is Tony Stark doing here?”
           The two famous men eyed each other. The women they came with just looked so done with the world.
           Tony crossed his arms, “I got custody of Marinette for Spring Break; you snooze, you lose.”
“What?!” Jagged hissed. “She’s my designer.”
“She’s my intern!”
           Jagged glared, “I knew her first. By rights, I get custody.”
“I have a contract that says otherwise!” Tony taunted the Rock Star. “Her future is Stark Industries.”
“Her future is Rock and Roll!” Jagged yelled back.
           Both men glared at each other.
           Both women groaned. How was this their lives? Why what was this their lives? What bus full of nuns and orphans did they rob in a past life?
           Penny smiled, “Marinette means the world to us. I’m her honorary Aunt Penny,” She held out her hand for Pepper. “Jagged’s her honorary Uncle. We’ve known her for years. Contracts were already signed?”
           Pepper nodded, “Tony doesn’t play when it comes to his interns. He won’t budge. Trust me; we’ve done this three other times. Marinette’s his kid now, all but legally.” For now, Pepper didn’t bother to add. Every now and then she found discovered a new set of adoption papers with one of the interns’ names on it; one time she found three sets for all three. Plus if Tony kept hinting any harder, May was going to gut him.  “She’ll be in New York for Spring break and all of the summer.”
“Summer!” Jagged whined. “He gets custody for summer too! No!” he shook his head. “Not happening. Call our lawyers, Penny. We’re going to family court!”
           Tony blew him a raspberry. Tony Stark blew Jagged Stone a raspberry. The class could only blink, trying to process what was happening.
           Marinette just wanted the earth to open up and swallow her.
“Marinette already designed your clothes for the tour,” Penny tried to placate. “They’re amazing. We can call and skype if we need any additional tips. We have a concert in New York over spring break so we can go and see.” They didn’t. But Penny would be damned if she could have one booked within the hour. Anything to stop jagged from mention family court again. “Most of our summer is free too, we can visit Marinette whenever we want.”
           Jagged huffed but didn’t say anything.
“Well not whenever you want,” Tony teased.
“Family court!” Jagged hissed.
“Tony!” Pepper said warningly. She was not going to let this going to court. No matter how lovely Marinette was. “Be nice.”
           Tony pouted.
           Marinette raised her hand, “You guys know that legally my parents still have custody of me, right?” There was no answer. “Right?!” Nothing.
           The bluenette just sighed.
           Alya took that moment to break in, “Jagged, don’t you want to say hi to Lila? She’s right here,” Alya pointed to her bestie. “Oh, can we listen to the songs you wrote for her? Can you tell us how she saved your cat from getting hit by a plane?”
           The look Lila gave Alya could’ve killed a thousand men.
           Jagged looked affronted, “Lila? Who’s Lila?” He looked at his fiancé. “Penny, do I know a Lila?”
“No!” Penny glared fiercely at Lila. “Jagged Stone has never written a song about an underage girl before. He has never owned a cat. What parents and airline would careless enough to allow a child to rush onto a runway for a pet? Refrain from spreading any further slander. Or we’ll hit you with a lawsuit so fast you’ll get whiplash.”
“I’m allergic to cats by the way,” Jagged told the class. “All fur actually. That’s why I got Fang here.” He pointed the crocodile who had made its way to Marinette for cuddles. “I’ve had him for twenty years. He’s the only pet I’ve had all that time.”
           Marinette rolled her eyes and took the crocodile in her lap.
“Twenty years?” Kim’s eyebrows furrowed. “Whoa, that’s long that we’ve been alive.”
           Nino glared at Lila, “Yeah it is.” He finally realized the girl was lying. Most of the class had in fact.
“Enough of this,” Tony waved. “Marinette, Chloe, time to go. Leave the dinosaur.”
           Bustier took a deep breath, “No one is taking Marinette or Chloe anywhere. Until I get a note from their parents verifying that is. I’m going to have to ask you all to leave.”
           Penny and Pepper nodded understandingly. Jagged and Tony just looked shocked.
“But I’m Tony Stark!”
“I’m Jagged Stone, love!”
           Bustier just rolled her eyes and shooed them out of her class. It took some handling, and eventually, the women had to drag the guys out. The teacher shut the door with a sigh of relief. She brushed off the imaginary dirt on her clothes. “Marinette,” She called. “If you could tell any future visitors to wait until after school to pick you up, with a note from your parents that would be most helpful.”
“Sorry,” Marinette blushed, a deep dark red.
           Bustier walked back to her desk before pausing. “Is that Crocodile still in my class, Marinette?”
“I think he’s here for the rest of the day,” Chloe shrugged. “Unless you want to invite Jagged back?”
           Bustier paused. No. Never again. “No. No. Fang can stay for the day.”
           When the lunch bell rang, Marinette found that it was easier to avoid her classmates' questions, as they were too busy yelling at Lila. It wasn’t long after that Ladybug had to take down Lila’s seventh akuma form.
           Marinette and Chloe left that night to New York. Somehow he managed to convince their parents that missing three days of school to study in the most advanced building in the world was a good thing.
           When they got to Stark Tower, they were given a quick tour. Then Pepper took Chloe to show her where she would be working. And Tony took Marinette the workshop where three other kids were already working.
           The oldest one glanced at her and snorted, “God he kidnapped another one.” He was the tallest in the room with dark brown hair and a smirk on his face.
           The other two snickered.
           Tony looked affronted, “Oh please; your parental units practically threw you at me.
The younger looking boy smirked, “Aunt May threatened to shank you next time you took me out of school early.” He had light brown hair and big brown eyes
           The genius pointed, “You tell Aunt Hottie to leave me alone.”
“HI, I’m Marinette!” She waved happily. “He keeps mentioning he has custody. And I’ve become moderately concerned.”
“And you should be,” The other girl in the room laughed. She was a pretty brown-skinned girl with black wild curls. “Name’s Riri.”
“Harley,” Said the first boy who spoke.
“Peter,” The other boy introduced.
           Marinette nodded and eyes them, “WarIron,” The pointed at Harley. “Iron Heart,” Then at Riri. “Spiderman, right?” She pointed at Peter.
           The three looked at Tony with questions in their eyes. Tony raised in hands in surrender, “Hey, I told her nothing.”
           Harley eyed the new girl, “You’re from Paris, right?” She nodded. “Ladybug, I’m guessing.”  Marinette blushed. “Welcome to the Young Avengers, I guess. Why’d he bring you in?”
           Marinette shrugged, “He said to there was a personal problem happening with the Avengers. He wanted my help.”
           The teen froze. Peter just shook his head, “You didn’t, Tony!”
Tony looked sheepish.
“What?” Marinette asked.
           Riri rolled her eyes, “That personal problem? It’s called ManHunt.”
“I’m sorry?” Marinette asked. She was going to have to hunt a man?
“It’s a game,” Harley explained. “Team Iron Man versus team Cap. One team hunts the other in a sort of hide and seek type of thing and tries to capture as many members as they can. Last time we played it, Team Cap crushed Team Iron man. It’s why Tony brought us all in. Revenge.”
           Said Man didn’t look one bit ashamed, “Rules were since Thor and the Big guy are gone I can bring in whoever I want to replace them.”
           Marinette tossed up her hands, “You brought me here to play a game?” Unbelievable.
“No,” Tony said. “I brought you here to take out the Winter Soldier.”
“Say what now?”
“Welcome to orientation,” Was All Tony said to her question.
           The kids trained together for a week; Chloe, a girl named MJ who was Pepper’s other interns, and a boy named Ned who was a tech intern, were brought in as well. When it turned out that Kagami was in New York City for a fencing tournament. Tony was happy to bring in the scary girl as well. (And somehow get her mother to agree to let her stay for Spring Break) He made practice stealth and learn hand signals. Tony drilled them on the Team Cap’s strengths and weaknesses. They reviewed videos of previous missions until they had everyone’s fighting style memorized. Tony went over body anatomy aka where the best place to hit them was. They memorized plans and scenarios to take out each specific member of Team Cap.
           The teens spent a lot of time in the lab creating gadgets to use against the Avengers. Each one straight out of a spy movie.
           As far as Tony was concerned this was War. And there would be no prisoners.
Team Cap consisted of Captain America, The Winter Soldier, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, The Falcon, Antman, along with several Shield employees which included Fury, Melinda May, and Coulson.
           Team Iron man consisted of Ironman, War Machine, Vision, Maria Hill, The Wasp, Quicksilver, Daisy Johnson, and a bunch of names Stark employees: I.E the interns. (Black Panther refused to participate. Though he and sister would watch from Wakanda.)
           Each team had a total of thirty players; no more, no less.
           The game would take place at the compound. Anything area within the compound legal territory was free to use. The living room would be home base and were all ‘out’ people had to stay. Until they were freed. Or until every member of the hiding team was captured and then it was Game Over. Everyone could communicate with their own team using special mics; normally only taken out for missions. However, those imprisoned in the home base couldn’t communicate with their team.
           On Saturday, just before sunset; the main superheroes of the avengers met up. Tony facing Steve. Rhodey glaring at Bucky. Vision versus Wanda. Hawkeye to QuickSilver. The wasp against Ant-Man and the Falcon.
           Steve smiled, “Tony.”
“You ready for war, Cap?” Tony asked.
“Training exercise,” Steve corrected his husband. “I trust your team is ready.”
           Tony smirked, “Oh you have no idea. Your little spies are already hiding in the shadows.”
“Like your team isn’t?”
           The alarm went off.
           Tony suited up, “You have 1000 seconds, Steve.” His helmet shut. “I’d get running.”
           Steve rolled his eyes. His team split up, running into the growing shadows.
           The game had started.
           Marinette waited, hiding in the shadows on the roof. Her ladybug costume was all back with little red polka dots; mostly easy to move around body armor. This wasn’t her actually Ladybug suit; Tikki, while willing to create a new suit design, decided it wasn’t a good idea to involve magic. So Marinette designed herself a new suit, and Tony help her trick it out.
Tony had pointed out the all-good hiding spots located in the Compound. She was the overly large landing pad. She forced herself to stay completely still. Even when she saw the Falcon take flight with WarIron right on his tail.
           The smallest of moments caught on the corner of her eye, the glint of metal. An arrow, she realized. She smiled. Hawkeye.
           She watched the man take stock of the room, looking in every possible place a person could hide. Unfortunately for him, Marinette had a bit of luck on her side.
“All clear on the roof, Cap,” Clint said into his mic. “I’ll keep a lookout from up here.” There was silence as he listened to Cap’s orders. “Okay. Will do. Stay invisible, got it. Over and out.”
           The second the conversation had ended, Marinette through a smoke bomb at his feet. Before Clint could even finish saying, “What the he-” Marinette was on the attack. Using the smoke to her advantage, she swung her yo-yo at Hawkeye’s feet. The String wrapped around his legs, tripping him. Five seconds later, Hawkeye was hogtied on the ground.
Marinette touched her mic, “Tweety Bird down. Bringing him to home base now!”
“Copy that, Ladybug,” Tony said. “Be careful.”
           Clint looked up at his assailant; expecting to see Tony or the Wasp, any avenger. Instead what he saw, was a teen girl with a scary blue-eyed glare on his face, “Who are you?”
           Marinette leaned down, “Your reckoning.” She hissed.
“What the fuck!” He said as he was thrown over the girl’s shoulder and carried to home base.
           When Marinette got to home base, she saw Harley putting a rather put out Falcon on the ground, Spiderman with five webbed up shield agents, Chloe had brought in two, Kagami and Riri brought in six. MJ and Ned both brought in one random shield agent. Marinette tossed Hawkeye on the couch.
           It had been twenty minutes, Clint knew by the clock on the wall. Twenty minutes since sunset and the game had started. And they had already lost just over half their team to a bunch of teenagers.
Clint couldn’t help but wonder what the hell had Tony unleashed on them.
“Foghorn Leghorn secure,” Harley said into his mic. “Tweety in his cage. The shadows are all accounted for.”
“I’m Tweety,” Clint told Sam.
           Sam paused. “…Am I Foghorn Leghorn?”
“Wasp and Vision on their way with The Blue Fairy,” Tony’s voice rang their ears. “They’ll play guard dog. QuickSilver is down; Miss Tuffit got him. Seven minions gone; Captain Hook and his jolly crew got them. Over and out.”
“Queen Bee, MJ, guard the Home base until they get here,” Harley ordered. “Guy in the chair, Mj, back on monitor duty. Fulfill mission Top hat ASAP.” They nodded and left the room.
           Top hat was important. The two were trying to hack into Team Cap’s communications, once they did; it was game over.
“The rest of you complete the assignment,” He told them.
           Then all split up again. Vision and Wasp arrived with Scarlet witch just as they were leaving. All three avengers gave the kids confused looks as they left.
           It would take Marinette another hour before she came across another member of Team Cap. And she didn’t so much as come across, as she did respond to Peter’s cry for help.
“Captain Sparkles!” Peter yelled in their earpiece. “Training yard. I’m trying to hold hi-No I won’t give you back your shield! Hurry! Over!”
“I’m around the corner,” Marinette hissed into the mic as she ran for the yard. When she arrived it was just in time to catch the shield that was flying at her face.
           She held the shield tightly in her hand, feeling like Wonder Woman, as she stared down Captain America.
           Steve looked at the young girl who had joined the fight, “My shield, miss?” He was aware that Spiderman had landed behind him.
           Marinette smiled sweet. Then she launched the shield at him with such brute force, he was lifted off his feet. “The Name’s Ladybug.”
Steve didn’t catch the shield in time and it bounced back to Spiderman.
           Captain America glared at the two teenagers.
           Then the fight was on.
           Spiderman hits Steve with his shield, distracting him. The shield falling to the ground. Ladybug barges Captain America backwards. Steve shoulders her to the floor. Marinette lands on the ground; pain flaring across her shoulder. Spiderman punches Steve who just lifts him and slams him against the ground. Spiderman raises a fist but Steve twists it. A web shoots out of his hand, the sound of a small explosion fills the training yard.
           Marinette takes the distraction to trip Captain America and jump up. As Steve falls to the ground, Marinette uses the electro-shooters that Riri made and shocks the dear life out of him. It wasn’t enough to bring him down but then Peter added in his own shocking web-shooters.
           Yet Steve still looked ready for another round of their fight. Marinette quickly picked up the shield and slammed it across his head. Steve Rogers fell forward in a slump.
           Spiderman webbed up with quick-drying cement.
           Both teens breathed heavily; struggling to catch their breath, tense from the fight. Marinette could even find it in herself to unclench the shield.
“Captain Sparkles is down, over,” Marinette said into the Mic.
“We’re bringing him in, over,” Spiderman added.
           There was a moment of silence.
“…What the fuck?” They heard War Machine say.
           When Marinette walked in with the shield in one hand and helping Spiderman carry Cap with the other, the avengers present quietly lost their shit. Kagami nodded, where she stood over Fury who looked more pissed than ever before in his entire life. Chloe stood over Coulson, who just looked put out. MJ and Ned looked overly pleased. Their mission had been a success but it only lasted long enough to get Fury and Coulson. After that, Team Cap was smart enough to ditch the communications, figuring something was up.
“Who’s left?” Spiderman asked in the Mic. “Over.”
“Stoneheart,” Kagami answered bitterly, referring to Melinda May, into the Mic so the team could hear them. “She took out Daisy and got away. Hill is after her now.”
“Jon Snow and Miss Tuffit,” Chloe said referring to the Winter Soldier and Black Widow. “Iron Man and WarIron are after Small fry. War Machine has eyes on Miss Tuffet.”
“I’m closing in on Miss Tuffit, over.” War Machine said.
           Marinette looked at her team, pressing on her mic, “Guy in Chair, Mj, I want you on Stoneheart’s tail. Spiderman go be back up for the War Machine. Iron Heart, meet me on the Location 12. Over.”
“What are you going to do, over?” Harley asked.
           Marinette clenched the shield in her hands, “I’m going to go tell Jon Snow that Winter Is Over. Queen and Dragon with me. Over.”
           The battle with the Winter Soldier was epic. The showdown happened in the gym. It turned out they weren’t hunting for the Winter Soldier, the Winter soldier was hunting for them. The second they walked into the gym, the doors closed behind them.
           Bucky jumped down from the rafters. He stared at the girls. He had seen them fight. None of them fought with any ounce mercy but plenty of skill. But they were clearly just kids. Just Dames in over their heads. He’d go easy on them. “Shall we, Ladies?”
           Ladybug, Queen Bee, Iron Heart, and Dragon shared a look before giggling.
           The Winter Soldier only just barely stood a chance.
           The girls laid Bucky gently on the floor on home base. He grunted and glared at them.
           A few minutes later, Tony and Rhodey walked in with the Black Widow. The last of Team Cap.
           Tony smirked, “Game over.”
           Rhodey shook his head, “Record time; two hours and four-two minutes. Beats the last one by about seven hours and sixteen minutes.”
           Then they debriefed. Video of the fights and footage was seemed was shown so everyone could see where they could improve. The image of tiny Ladybug clocking Captain America in their head with his own shield was rewinded and watched seven times.
           Tony fell over laughing, “I’m putting on Youtube!”
“I will divorce you!” Steve snapped but couldn’t fight the smile on his face.
           Once The random agents of shield and Stark industries left, Steve glared at Tony. His team had gotten demolished. In record time. “You brought in outside heroes, that’s not fair.”
“No,” Tony laughed. “I brought employees of Stark Industries as agreed upon. Everyone meet WarIron,” Harley lowered his helmet. “Iron Heart,” Riri lowered his, “You know Spiderman already,” Peter took of his mask and waved. “MJ, and Ned” Both teens nodded. “Ladybug,” Marinette took off her mask. “Queen Bee,” Chloe glared as she removed hers. “Dragon!” Kagami took off her black mask. “The interns. Otherwise known as the Young Avengers.”
“Oh, fuck you too Stark,” Clint complained. “Did you see what they did to poor Bucky. He’s the deadliest assassin in history, and I felt they went a little rough.”
           Bucky nodded with a wince, “Can I have my arm back.”
           Steve looked at the bluenette still holding his shield, with a charming smile.
Kagami glared. She held the metal arm like trophy. “Spoils of War.”
           Marinette giggled.
           Being a intern was going to be fun.    
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dastardlydandelion · 3 years
medium luci
ao3 link
content warnings: homophobia, comphet, child abuse, abusive relationships
It’s rare that Susan and Neil have the same weekday off. Neil typically works five days a week and she three or four, depending who’s on staff, being that she’s only part-time. But he’d had a dentist appointment midmorning so he’d taken today off and decided to make his hours up by volunteering for a double next week.
Susan doesn’t typically care to spend any extra time alone with her husband. They have so little to talk about these days, now that he doesn’t try to butter her up or feed her honey sweet lies as much as he used to. Now that Neil doesn’t care to talk much at all unless ranting or complaining about the various things he doesn’t like, his son’s style of dress, women who sit with their legs open, cab drivers who don’t speak English. Susan doesn’t even remember the last time Neil had to take a cab but he has strong opinions on them nonetheless, and the list goes on and on.
He thankfully hasn’t done much of that today, however. He’d parked himself in front of the television after coming home from his appointment and simply nodded when Susan announced she was going out to garden. She only comes inside when she hears the phone ring and by the time she’s walking up the back steps, Neil’s already answered it.
She watches his expression change as he converses with whomever’s on the other end, nervousness fluttering in her chest as his eyes widen, then harden.
“I’ll be right there,” Neil concludes as he hangs up, turning those hard eyes onto Susan. “That was the school.”
“Oh dear…what’s Billy done this time?”
“Not Billy.” Neil shakes his head and Susan’s heart drops with the realization her husband isn’t just irritated but seething, knuckles blanched as his hands ball into tight fists. “Maxine. Did you know the Sinclairs have a girl around her age?”
“N-No, I didn’t. I’m not very familiar with them, Neil.” Susan never had much luck getting close to anyone anymore, not in the least because of Neil himself.
“Apparently Maxine is,” he declares icily. “A teacher caught her and the Sinclair girl fornicating under the bleachers.”
Susan’s heart turns to stone and sinks into her stomach.
Please, no.
Neil has very strong opinions about sexuality in general and homosexual conduct in particular, and Susan can practically feel the outrage radiating from him. It crackles in the air like the promise of a lightning storm. Neil’s fists are still clenched and his posture goes taut like it always does before he explodes.
“W-Well,” Susan begins, swallowing past the lump in her throat.
She hates herself for what she is going to say. She says it anyway.
“Well, you know where she learned that kind of b-behavior from, don’t you?”
Because if Neil is going to explode, Susan can’t stop him. But she hopes she can at least encourage the worst of it away from Max. She watches Neil’s eyes flicker and knows they’re both remembering the day they came home early from the short vacation they’d taken for their fifth anniversary, a girl and a boy sneaking out of Billy’s bedroom window, neither particularly clothed. She watches the angry bulge of the vein pulsing in his neck and knows they’re both thinking of that short young fellow with the skateboard who worked at the used car lot during the day and spent his time with Billy during the night.
“Yes, I know exactly where she learned it from. I’m picking both of them up and we’re all going to have a family discussion.”
“I should come with you.”
“No.” Neil holds up his hand. “Stay here, Susan. We’ll be back soon enough.”
Neil has gun powder in his gaze and she dares not argue. She lowers her head and steps aside when he walks past to fetch the truck keys from the hook. He stomps down the steps and slams the backdoor shut behind him.
Susan watches through the window as he gets into the truck and pulls out of the driveway, feeling dreadfully ill. She doesn’t mean what she’d said, of course. There are a number of behaviors that Max has picked up from Billy, but that isn’t one of them. If anyone is to blame, Susan supposes it’s herself for passing it along intrinsically.
She has her own secret desires locked away within the chambers of her heart. Desire she dares not confront for her own sanity, for her own safety. She’s never acted on her wants, always chose to play private games of hide and seek with them in her head instead, those insidiously innocent wishes of hers. Never spoken aloud let alone pursued those urges that flush hot beneath her skin when she finds her eyes drawn to other women’s lips, hips, breasts.  
Susan gave it to Max and unlike her, Max is brash and bold and brave. God save her, Max does what she wants to do and doesn’t care what other people think. Susan would admire her for it if it didn’t scare her to death.
Because Neil does care what other people think. He cares very much. And Susan’s seen him annoyed with Max in the past. She’s seen him frustrated with Max, displeased, exasperated. But never has she seen the silent stirring of a reign of rage to come where Max is concerned, never has she known that particular look in Neil’s eye to be directed Max’s way. She can only hope—
Oh, it’s such a despicable thing to hope for. Susan has poison in her soul, she swears she must. But Billy isn’t remotely hers and Max very much is.
* * * 
Susan doesn’t know if it was actually her remark that spurred Neil to turn the blame on Billy or if this was the conclusion he would’ve come to anyway. Neil often blames Max’s mishaps and mischiefs on Billy. Billy being the older sibling meant to lead by example. Billy being the older brother, meant to keep his younger sister out of trouble to begin with.
Her remark or Neil’s default thought process, in any case, it’s Billy he’s glaring at in the living room. Angrily dictates that Billy take off his shirt, belt in hand. Susan grabs a very pale Max’s shoulders and begins to usher her down the hall.
“Where are you taking Maxine?”
Susan freezes, mouth going dry.
Neil’s looking their way now, brow arched, stern and skeptical.
“She isn’t going to learn if she doesn’t watch, Susan,” he declares with no room for argument. “Bring her back.”
Susan swallows, hands tightening on Max’s shoulders. Something dies inside her when she turns her daughter around. She buries it silently as she’s buried so many other pieces before and avoids Max’s eyes boring into her as she marches her back to the living room. Neil motions for them to sit on the couch, sunlight glinting off the metal buckle. Billy doesn’t bother to disguise his disdain, glaring murder, nostrils flaring like an ornery bovine. Susan suspects he’ll pay for this too.
“Your behavior today was beyond inappropriate, Maxine,” Neil tells her coldly. “Unnatural, disgusting, absolutely unacceptable.”
Max squirms next to Susan, hands tucking under her thighs. She is stone faced but this close, Susan can feel her shaking.
“Now, I know it’s not all your fault. Big Brother here’s taught you—“
“I didn’t teach her shit!” Billy cuts him off, sharp and acidic. “I told her to steer clear from Sinclair, this isn’t on me!”
Neil punches his son in the stomach with all the affect of swatting a fly, once, twice. Susan flinches. Billy’s gasping, breath knocked out of him. He staggers and Neil viciously shoves him to the floor.
“She saw you with that faggot’s tongue down your throat, don’t think I don’t know! I know you, I know the kind of shit you think you can get away with behind my back!” Neil roars like thunder. “Well, now it’s my turn to teach her a thing or two! Pay attention, Maxine!”
Max stiffens beside her. She opens her mouth to protest and Susan grabs her arm, sinking her nails in. Startled, Max's eyes dart to her. Susan gives a tiny shake of the head, urging her not to speak. Max bends her elbow like a chicken wing and jerks her arm out of Susan’s grasp. Ire flares in her gaze but she holds her tongue. She does not challenge Neil as he begins beating Billy with the belt.
Susan can’t watch. She lowers her eyes to the floor. She can see the movement in the shadows, Neil’s rapid whipping of the improvised weapon and Billy’s form jolting with the blows. Susan shuts her eyes to the shadows but she can still hear it, thick, hard leather striking bare flesh.
“Don’t turn away, Maxine,” Neil barks at some point between the sounds of violence.
Billy doesn’t cry out. Eventually it’s over. Susan raises her head and cannot bear more than a glance at her stepson braced on his hands and knee. The belt now rests at Neil’s side and still, her stomach is churning.
“If there is ever a repeat of the conduct you displayed today, there will be consequences. Is that understood, Maxine?”
Max looks to Susan. Her eyes are wavering. Then they glean whatever it is they were searching for from Susan’s and harden.
“Yes,” she mumbles.
“Yes, what?”
Max clears her throat.
“Yes, sir,” she corrects, louder and clearer.
“Both of you to your rooms,” he commands. “I want both of you to reflect on your actions until it’s time for dinner.”
“Yes, sir,” Billy answers this time, climbing to his feet in the corner of Susan’s eye. She remains on the couch as her daughter rises and plods down the hall, cheeks as red as the cherry atop a sundae. Flushed as red as the welts on Billy’s back that have Susan’s stomach in ropes even though she only spares a brief glance.
Neil sets the belt aside and plops down in his armchair. “Can you get me a beer, Susan?”
She nods and rises, quietly fetching one. Pops the tab and then passes it to him before she excuses herself. In times like this, Susan wants to leave more than anything. She wants to grab Max and take her far, far away. But she can’t imagine they would get anywhere, truly.
Neil controls the finances. Susan makes less money than he does and every cent she does earn inevitably winds up under Neil’s attentive purview. In a distant, ostensible kind of way Susan understands there are shelters for women in her situation. Shelters out there, somewhere…aren’t there? For her situation?
Neil hasn’t actually put his hands on her. Not yet. Not like what he just did to Billy. Hasn’t actually done so to Max, although the threat of that unfolded in the living room in a way that could not be more crystal clear. The threat alone feels like a fist to Susan, invisible fist clenched tight around her insides and squeezing so hard she's nauseous.  
Is the threat enough? Would Susan and Max be accepted on the basis of threats alone?
Provided she could ever find such a place to begin with. Susan doesn’t have the faintest clue of where to look for what feels more like a nebulous fantasy of a sanctuary than a tangible reality. A shimmering oasis in the desert. Even if she were to locate such a place, what if it were at full capacity?
What if she and Max got turned away?
That would mean choosing between being homeless or going back to Neil. Going back to Neil after a failed escape would certainly mean him making good on all those threats of his, the ones verbal and non. The examples explicit in his words and implicit in his actions. Above all, any failed escape would certainly ensure there would be no second escape.
Susan isn’t going anywhere. And neither is Max. The very notion is abstract and distorted, floating just out of reach in a gaussian blur of a wish. Their home isn’t a good home. But it is the home they have and so, Susan will simply have to do her best to make sure Max never does anything like this again. That Max never does anything to get Neil’s attention like that, nothing to stoke the coals always smoldering in his choleric soul. That as painful as it's sure to be, Max learns to keep certain parts of herself under lock and key.
When dinner is in the oven and Neil is engrossed in his program, Susan slips off to Max’s bedroom. She knocks quietly and lets herself in. Her throat knots up at the tear tracks on her daughter’s cheeks, far more gutting than the way she bristles as Susan steps closer, the sheer hurt in her eyes.
“What do you want?”
The same things as you, Susan thinks irresistibly. And I’d go after them too, if I didn’t know better.
“I’m sorry, Max.”
Max huffs and turns away. “Whatever.”
“I am.”
“No you’re not. You’re just like Neil, you think I’m disgusting,” Max spits, hiking her legs up on the bed and hugging her knees to her chest. “You think Billy’s disgusting too, you couldn’t even look at him.”
“No, I don’t…oh, Max.” Susan swallows and lowers herself to a sit beside her on the bed, gently placing a hand on her knee. She swallows her heartbreak when Max’s eyes flash as though the touch scalds her. “Neil and I disagree about many things. This is one of them.”
“Then why didn’t you say that?” The blaze in Max’s eyes dies down, voice softening to cinders. “Why didn’t you stop him?”
“Oh, he’s so much bigger than me, Max.” Susan sags with familiar defeat. “And I— I don’t think it’s wrong, you and this girl.”
“I’m sure Lucy is lovely,” leaves Susan’s lips, this fragile whisper she dares not tempt fate to speak above. “I could never think that you’re disgusting. But I’m just me, Max, and Neil is bigger, and the world…the world too, is so much bigger than I am. You can’t— never, ever in public.”
Max’s eyes widen. Susan shifts on the bed and moves her hands, finds both of Max’s and squeezes tight.
“You cannot be open with feelings like that. You can’t take girls to your school dances, you can’t kiss them where other people could see.”
Max lets out an angry growl even as her eyes well up.
“It’s not fair!”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“That’s not good enough!”
“I know.” She knows, oh, she knows, she’s never not choking on it.
Max chews her lip, scarlet and fuming. Susan halfway expects her daughter to headbutt her or holler right in her ear until she deafens. But after a moment it’s almost as if Max can decode all the things she cannot say because her hands twist under Susan’s and intertwine their fingers.
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gloryofluv · 3 years
Traditionally Obscure Chapter 31
Oh, fun. Marius, you jealous gadfly.
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Vyn turned the horse and stretched his arms during the small lapse of time before the final round for the day. His mood was spectacular for practice, and he enjoyed the feeling of the skirmish. He had been glanced at a few times by his teammates. Was he wearing a particular smile this late morning?
Possibly. It could be the most apparent transition, considering, despite his lack of flamboyant perfection for what he wanted for a courting proposal, it still met marks. She still said yes—different things cluttered around the concept of the present ever-moving into the future.
Then like a beating of wings, the thoughts cleared. His eyes touched on a familiar form in the stands—one of which he wasn’t expecting to see.
Vyn directed his horse toward the railing and paused with a tilt to his head. “I wasn’t expecting you here today,” he smiled.
Rosa beamed and leaned on the railing toward him. “You told me you had practice. I figured after I had breakfast, I would come over to catch a portion of it.”
He laughed and pivoted the horse, so he was closer. “You surprised me. How long have you been here?”
Her smile grew, and his heart fluttered in his chest. “Long enough to see you’ve been a bit lazy, Dr. Richter,” she teased.
He groaned, and his body leaned closer to her. “Well, I’ll have to actually try now that I know you’re watching, Rosa.”
She leaned further and kissed his cheek before returning to her secure position with both feet on the ground. He was glowing, and it could be seen lightyears away. Suddenly, his age was far more apparent. Youthful and excitable.
“Richter!” One of the players shouted.
He chuckled and gripped her hand, kissing it. “I’ll see you after this last round, my dearest.”
Rosa smiled and blew him a kiss before he raced off toward the game. A fire was in his gut. With her by his side, he could triumph any task handed to him.
It could have been her clapping for him or just the renewed vigor of hearing her voice. He dominated that round, ruining his teammates playing opposite of him. Truly, he felt on top of his game. Claps on the back, the usual farewells except for the chin nudges and eyebrow wags. They noted his change in demeanor, and he didn’t blame them.
Vyn paced the horseback toward the stands, and Rosa came down to meet him. A few whistles from his teammates riding by, and Vyn ignored them as he offered his hand. “Join me on the ride back to return my horse?”
She nodded and took his gloved hand. “Of course.”
He assisted her onto the horse as he bent and slid back. Rosa was careful and managed to maneuver onto the slick saddle and closer to his frame. Vyn knew he should care that she was pressed close to his chest in such an inappropriate manner. He even confirmed that he was on a chemical high from the match. However, knowing these facts didn’t lessen his happiness when she smiled back at him.
“How was your morning, Rosa?” He questioned as they began their trek to the stables.
She rocked her head and adjusted her position in her black pants. “It was decent. I wanted to see you before our week started. The first one back.”
“Yes,” Vyn agreed. “I was going to see if you wanted to accompany me to lunch today, but I also didn’t want to be presumptuous.”
“Was I presumptuous?” Rosa glanced back.
“You were exemplary,” he clarified and leaned closer. “Thank you for the nice surprise.”
When they arrived at the stables, Vyn assisted Rosa off the horse before returning it. It gave him a chance to cool down and breathe. Stripping off his gear, he counted backward while reviewing the chemical process of love. Rash actions after finally receiving what you desire would only be a plight of impatience.
Vyn felt the dopamine rush. He experienced the addictive properties of seeing the object of his affection without hindering actions. Well, to a particular level. Vyn inhaled as he reached the single digits and rubbed his face under his glasses. That kiss. Vyn zealously wanted more. He chided himself, and that gave him enough composure to recover.
Time. The timing was everything. Yes. Control.
Gear stripped off and bagged; he strolled out of the stables to see her chatting… with Marius. Vyn immediately felt frustrated at the intrusion. What was he doing here? When approaching, Marius waved and grinned.
“Good morning, Professor,” he smirked.
“Good morning, Marius. I’m interested in finding out what you're doing at the equestrian center today,” Vyn declared as he shifted the bag in his hand.
Marius straightened his jacket and shrugged. “Rosa said she was going to get some fresh air; I figured it was to come to see the horses since she shared such a fondness for them from what she said.”
Vyn allowed his lips to rest pleasantly as he gestured toward the path. “Shall we?” Seething. Frustration. Illogical, but human. Vyn breathed through his nose and allowed the steam to settle.
“Of course,” Rosa nodded. “Marius, I’m starting to think you have a trace put on my phone.”
“If I did, I wouldn’t tell you, Missy,” Marius laughed.
She rolled her eyes as they reached the gravel path toward the parking lot. “I didn’t tell you anything this morning in our texts that would elude me coming here.”
“But Vyn’s polo practice was today,” Marius shrugged.
He was fishing about the date. Which, all things considered, wasn't horrible but an unneeded annoyance. The envy was clear. He only wished this would have been a bit of time away from their bubble. Rosa didn’t need the exposure just yet. Well, a mistake on his part for his pride.
Vyn ignored the probing Marius was subconsciously tossing out and turned his attention to Rosa. “Did you walk over?”
She nodded. “It was a pleasant walk.”
He smiled and pointed to his car. “Then shall we take the car?”
Before she could answer, Marius, wrapped his arm around Rosa. “Oh, we could use the exercise, right?”
“Stop it,” Rosa groaned and shoved his arm from her.
“Now, Miss Attorney,” Marius snorted. “You’re never this annoyed.”
“Maybe she’d prefer not to be touched,” Vyn declared as he opened his trunk, setting his bag inside.
Rosa exhaled and straightened her sweater. “Where were you thinking of eating?”
“Possibly that lovely cafe that serves crepes on Sunday?” Vyn offered as he shut the trunk and walked toward his passenger side.
Rosa grinned as she rocked her head. “That sounds delicious.”
“I thought we were having lunch?” Marius hummed and glanced up from his phone. “I just booked a reservation at the bistro down the street.”
Vyn adjusted his black t-shirt and slid on the buttoned shirt. “Marius, why don’t you go eat at the bistro then? We aren’t on your time today.”
“Oh, Dr. Richter,” Marius tutted. “I’m just trying to do something nice. It’s great food, and I would like to go over a few things.”
Vyn breathed and walked around the car to continue with his buttoning next to Rosa. “Do you feel partial?”
Rosa smirked and reached over, assisting with his shirt. “If he’s paying, then at least we can order whatever we want.”
Marius arched an eyebrow as he observed the pair. “Who said I’d be paying?”
“Me, because you're interrupting my Sunday,” Rosa voiced.
“I suppose that’s settled then,” Vyn smiled.
“Rosa, what were you busy doing last night?” Marius asked.
The woman turned around as Vyn finished situating his shirt and tilted her head. “You’re awfully involved in my personal life, Mr. Von Hagen.”
“Of course I am. You’re going to be my future girlfriend,” he winked and waved her along.
“I never agreed to such nor would ever. Besides, as I’ve always told you, it isn’t your business,” Rosa declared.
Was there some signal Vyn needed to read in this situation? He walked up next to Rosa as they began their trek toward the sidewalk. Her hand grazed against his as Marius smiled over at them.
“Missy, why are you so grumpy today? Do you need me to brighten your day with some good news? Vyn’s practice must have bored you,” He teased.
She huffed and shook her head. “Marius.”
Vyn took her hand in his, and her fingers knitted perfectly. There was a bit of tension in her grip, and Vyn could see that her jaw had a bit of tightness. Had he made an error in not being decisive? He had a summary of courtship behavior from his uncle quite a few months back when he first mentioned Rosa. However, this wasn’t Svart, nor was it clear as to how comfortable she was vocal.
The man tends to lead with dancing. It’s a performance of confidence, and the premise is to allow the flower to be admired among the blooms in the garden. In courtship, the similarities were as to such a statement. In modern dating, however, Vyn found himself at a bit of a loss, unfortunately.
“So, have you both eloped?” Marius asked.
Rosa coughed and stared at him with wide eyes. “What?”
“Isn’t hand holding a bit bold for you, Vyn? I thought you were rather boring,” Marius continued with a wave of his fingers in front of him.
Envy is a silly thing, even for a confident man. Vyn arched an eyebrow as his pleasant smile remained. “Marius, if I didn’t know any better, I would suggest you’re jealous.”
“Jealous?” Marius was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “Of you? Or of her?”
Rosa gasped and poked Marius with her free hand. “Don’t be so snide. Just say what you need to say.”
“Okay, Rosa,” Marius nodded. “You both are likely the worst couple I’ve ever seen. He’s rigid and boring, and you’re too sweet to tell him otherwise.”
“Only those who have a deficit for those without the ability to retain conversation, Marius. It’s a shame you would speak so poorly of yourself,” Vyn responded.
Rosa covered her mouth. “Vyn.”
Marius laughed and shook his head. “Don’t worry, Miss Attorney. He’s not a morning person.”
Rosa revealed her smile as she peeled away her hand. “I wasn’t worried about it, Marius. I’ve debatably regretted represented you at times, but that’s all.”
Marius scrunched his nose and stopped. “Well, that’s such a horrible thing to say,” he sighed with a dramatic pout, and then he smiled and waved when looking in front of them. “Seems Artem and Luke are here. Excellent.”
What? Both Vyn and Rosa glanced at each other and then toward the pair waiting outside the restaurant. Von Hagen… Vyn bit into his cheek to press down a sour retort and melted into a masked appearance of mild indifference.
“Why? Why would you do this?” Rosa hissed toward Marius.
He grinned and tilted his head. “Well, I thought that since all of us work so closely together, it would be important to get this out of the way! Vyn understands the complexities of secrets among us, don’t you? Wasn’t it you who was upset at Neil for keeping a few to himself as well?”
Vyn traced his tongue along the ridges of the back of his teeth. “You’re absolutely correct, Marius.”
“Great, then let’s all have lunch,” Marius said as they closed the distance on the two men.
Artem’s eyes bounced between them, and his brow sunk at the vision of Vyn holding her hand. “Good afternoon,” he hummed.
Luke smiled and ran a hand over his hair. “Well, that was quick.”
“What do you mean by quick?” Artem asked as his frown grew.
“Lunch, everyone?” Marius beamed.
“Lunch sounds great,” Rosa sighed and released Vyn’s hand.
He likely would have been upset had it not been for the glowing smile and shrug she sent his way. The conversation was light as they walked into the restaurant, but the stares were not to be missed. Artem was scathing, and Luke seemed more than a little amused.
At least there was one out of the three that seemed adjusted. It was a start. By invitation, it did seem that Marius was still a competitor, despite some physical form of solidarity to their relationship. Vyn had to admit, his jab yesterday might have provoked this. However, the error margin was minuscule, and there was merit to open communication.
Just not yet. Not when there was still a twirl of newness to it. He wanted to keep it perfect and secluded for a bit longer.
As everyone sat down at the table, Rosa turned and gazed at Vyn. “So, how was practice today? You appeared in good form, and the weather was pleasant.”
“Yes, it was productive. A few of my teammates had improved their technique over the last two weeks, and it brought more enjoyment from the skirmish.”
Luke leaned forward and set down his menu. “Oh, yeah, you play polo too, right? That’s what your aunt alluded to, at least.”
“Yes, I do,” Vyn agreed.
Rosa caressed Vyn’s arm. Well, that wasn’t unusual for them. However, the context of her subconscious behavior was certainly a request for assistance. The anxiety wasn’t visible, but Vyn could sense it. “Yes, he’s actually quite stellar on the field. I don’t know as much about polo as I should, but I’ve seen his previous matches.”
“Do you have an interest in professional polo?” Artem questioned.
Marius chuckled and pointed at the pair. “I imagine Vyn dragged her along.”
Luckily the conversation wavered at the appearance of a waitress. She introduced herself and took their drink orders with ease. Vyn noted the familiarity immediately. However, it wasn’t until she reached him with her vision that she gasped.
“Oh, Professor Richter! I almost didn’t recognize you!” She giggled and shifted.
Not ideal. He rocked his head with a smile. “Good afternoon, Miss Higgens.”
“Are these your friends?” She questioned with her notepad and pen hanging in the air.
“Yes,” he agreed.
“I never imagined you out of your professional attire. A bit odd, I suppose. It’s quite unusual,” she explained and beamed.
“It’s not unusual to segregate collegiate life from social.”
This coiling conversation caused a bit of constriction. Vyn breathed and retained his neutral disposition as she chatted. He finally was about to give her his drink order, and she skirted off. Rosa glanced over, and relief tinted his emotions. She was smiling.
“It’s pretty remarkable that all of your students thoroughly enjoy your class,” she conveyed.
“Thank you, Rosa,” he said.
“That is quite shocking. Maybe they’re able to get into their extra hour of sleep,” Marius teased.
“As much as I don’t mind the free meal. What’s with the family lunch?” Luke questioned.
Marius laughed and shrugged his shoulders. “I just thought after their date last night. We wouldn’t mind getting clarity. I thought we all agreed that secrets were an issue in the past and shouldn’t be now.”
Artem straightened his tie and scowled at Rosa. “You went on a date... With Vyn?”
“The very!” Marius laughed.
Luke shrugged his shoulders. “Not surprising. They were close in Svart.”
“Wait, more happened after his little hand-holding when his father showed up?” Marius prodded as he gestured to Luke.
“She pretty much said this was going to happen when I arrived there. It’s not a shock,” Luke laughed, and his smile grew.
Rosa was pinching the bridge of her nose. “Can we not talk like I’m not here?”
“I would like clarity on the subject. I thought we agreed this was unsound for what we do,” Artem voiced.
Rosa peeled her hand from her face and scowled. “I was never a part of this conversation.”
“Of course you weren’t, Missy. You were the subject matter,” Marius chuckled.
Vyn inhaled and relaxed in his chair. “I never agreed to such terms, Artem. You suggested such, and nobody concurred. The fault lies with your concept of agreement. Silence isn’t agreement.”
“It’s not an objection either,” Artem voiced.
“Wait, just hold on a second,” Rosa groaned. “This actually was a topic when I wasn’t there?”
“No,” Vyn shook his head. “Artem had brought up his feelings in a rather indelicate manner. It wasn’t engaged in conversation.”
Artem’s jaw grew tight as he narrowed his eyes at Vyn. “Your argument in the matter isn’t valid, Vyn.”
“Are we really going to argue about this? So what if I’m seeing Vyn? Why is that even any of your business? Any of you,” Rosa huffed as she glowered at each of them.
Quite the declaration. Vyn let the tension in his chest subside. This was a rather large hurdle to jump, and in her finest form, Rosa was tackling it. He could easily have plucked at the situation for favorability, but it served little purpose if it wasn’t known that this was her choice.
“Rosa,” Artem sighed. “It’s vital that we,” he paused and scrunched his eyebrows. “Contort our business with possible private matters.”
“Artem, I’m an adult. I made this decision for my personal life. It has nothing to do with my working relationships with any of you. Mr. Von Hagen, as usual, had a hand in dragging my privacy through the mud.”
“I wouldn’t say through the mud, Missy,” Marius pouted. “It moreover is bringing developments to light, so we don’t have to be shocked later when you dump him,” he laughed and grinned.
“Wishful thinking?” Vyn asked.
Luke snorted and shook his head. “His aunt was practically begging him to get her a ring. You didn’t see it, Marius. It actually was quite entertaining. Also, I think Rosa didn’t mind him dueling for her honor either.”
“Luke,” Rosa snapped.
“Dueling?” Artem asked.
“Swords and everything. Real knightly stuff,” Luke chuckled.
Vyn held his tongue as the waitress came back and delivered their drinks. She stopped at Rosa and beamed. “I just love your necklace. That’s beautiful!”
“Oh, thank you, it was actually a gift,” Rosa smiled.
“From Professor Richter’s aunt,” Marius snickered.
The girl gasped, and her cheeks tinted. “Oh, well, that’s nice.”
Vyn smiled and rocked his head. “Yes, it was quite generous. Deservingly so. Thank you, Miss Higgens,” he said as she set down his glass.
Miss Higgens bounced her head a bit too erratically and took their lunch order. Well, it was an unfortunate mixture of work and social life, but it couldn’t be helped. Not with the grinning violet-eyed annoyance at the end of the table.
She disappeared, and Marius grinned. “Oh, how many broken hearts will suffer.”
“What do you mean?” Rosa asked.
Luke arched an eyebrow. “I don’t think Vyn will ever have to worry about jealousy, Watson. You’re pretty dense about this stuff,” he finished with a laugh.
Rosa gasped and turned to Vyn. “She was flirting with you?”
“No,” he huffed.
“I just thought she was nice,” Rosa frowned and touched her necklace.
“She was one step from flirting. No wonder you’ve never accepted my dinner dates, Rosa,” Marius teased.
“No, I didn’t accept them on purpose, Marius,” Rosa grumbled before reaching for her glass.
Artem was silently staring the pair down. It didn’t go unnoticed by Vyn. He had hoped for an average week for her after the events for the prior fortnight. However, the senior attorney was quite put out.
“Oh, I came across something today,” Luke said and set down an antique bauble.
The conversation shifted, and Rosa engaged him on the item, leaving the other three men to trade glances silently. Marius and Artem were frictional. The defeated often were. Vyn felt the calm of the tense afternoon subside when she caressed his arm while she spoke. That was enough for him. Whether they approved or not, she did.
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