#dazai's still her favorite but i think she's warming up to fukuzawa too
daz4i · 1 year
every time i have a long drive with my mom the same week as a new bsd chapter/episode i tell her what happened. so today she got to hear abt the old man yaoi divorce. and i've never seen her more interested and excited to hear my infodumps before. she's truly one of us
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
How ADA members react to you telling them you like being tickled
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"Oh cool!... what's that?" poor Atsushi doesn't know what tickling is and stares at you expectantly with curious cat eyes
It was embarrassing enough to tell him that you liked being tickled, but now you had to go into full-on detail to explain it to him?!
You somehow manage to tell him through stutters and your face heating up by the second.
Once it clicks on his head, he'd give you a warm smile and say "I'd love to try tickling you sometime, if you'll let me of course"
How could you say no to that?!
Dazai: @duckymcdoorknob
He'd honestly feel delighted that you trusted him with something so intimate, not that he'd tell you that though.
He'd reassure you with a soft smile and a headpat, before switching back to his teasing grin.
"So... that means you'll let me tickle you whenever?~ Hmm... what if I made you ask for it, would that make it worse?~"
Prepare yourself, he'll do whatever it takes to turn you into a blushing, stuttering mess before the actual tickling begins.
Be ready for him to ghost over your spots and make you ask for tickles. But don't worry, he'll reward you with lots of cuddles afterwards~♡
In that moment, Kunikida felt something pop. It was actually his heart from how freaking adorable he found your shy confession over something so cute and innocent!
He'd try and fail to act all professional about it, cracking a soft smile and a small blush even though you were the embarrassed one
But his demeanor did calm down your nerves a bit.
He'd then proceed to ask you all kinds of questions like "what do you like about tickling", "favorite spot? Soft or rough tickles?" etc.
You could feel your soul slowly leave your body with each question but he'd reassure you
And he'd note down all your answers in his notebook, making a page dedicated to just that.
Ranpo: @nervousswitch
"I know" he'd reply nonchalantly to your confession, making your mouth gape open in shock.
"Oh c'mon Y/N, you're not that discrete about it. It doesn't take the world's greatest detective to figure that out~"
At that moment you wished you could just sink deep into the ground.
"Haha! Don't worry, I still find you adorable for it" he'd tease before pouncing on you, tackling you to the ground and straddling your waist.
"I don't even need to use super deduction to figure out your spots~"
Y/n was never heard from again/j
"Oh really? So you like it when I do this?~"
She doesn't waste any time trying out her newly learnt information. Already trying to find all your tickle spots.
"Laugh louder if I found a good spot~" she teased as her fingers would reduce you to a puddle of laughter and squeals
"Really? That's so cute!~ I bet you have a wonderful laugh! I'd love to tickle you sometime~"
How could you say no to that angelic face of his??
Although don't let that deceive you, with his strenght it'll be a piece of cake to hold you down.
"Aww that's... pretty cute actually~ Does that mean I can tickle you whenever now?" he'd chuckle at the sight of your blushing face, not like you were opposed to that.
He'd then constantly tease you at work, poking your side when you're not looking just to get a reaction.
"Haha, sorry! I can't help myself, you're just too cute~"
She'd probably only think as tickling as a form of torture, so she asks you to explain why you like it so much.
Once you tell her about the more playful side of tickling, she'd remember back when her parents would tickle her. Such fond memories. It brings a smile to her face
"I'd be happy to endulge you whenever you'd like"
Also has a hard time controlling himself from how cute he finds you in that moment.
"That's... interesting"
He wouldn't say much, letting his actions speak for himself.
He'd casually place you on his lap and give you the gentlest of tickles.
"Is this okay? Are you enjoying yourself?"
His questions were genuine as your comfort was his priority, but that didn't stop you from feeling flustered as heck!
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killuwumi · 4 years
Christmas with the BSD Cast!
a/n! Okay so I really wanna write a part two, so PLEASE if you want a character from BSD send me an ask, I know its close to the end of the holiday season but any requests are welcome! These are just my takes on how they’d spend the holidays!
Includes; Dazai, Atsushi, Ranpo, Kunikida, Yosano, Chuuya, Akutagawa, Oda.
some inspo credits to my friend theo! @theodora3022 bc our convos gave me lots of ideas !!
I believe there are a lot more fem!reader elements than I meant there to be, but I tried to keep it neutral I apologize!
Christmas with the BSD Cast PT2
-Definitely plays in the snow, can't change my mind.
-You'll probably be out around Yokohama looking at lights and seeing how pretty it is covered in snow.
-Makes you wear his coat around because he thinks you look adorable.
-Never wants you to be cold, and forces you to bundle up to the gods due to it.
-Takes you to cafes for hot chocolate (with Kunikida's money ofc). Also totally wants to go ice skating with you, because you just KNOW this man is graceful and he wants to teach you.
-He'd probably get you something you've been talking about all year but didn't realize it. Like a certain manga, pair of shoes, article of clothing etc. He's very observant. Maybe something to match with him :). He's much more about the experiences rather than the gift giving though.
-He likes going out as well, but his favorite is when you stay inside with him.
-Wants to watch cheesy Hallmark movies with you because they're heartwarming.
-Definitely a big fan of helping you decorate his place for the holidays, since he's never done it before. His favorite is putting the lights up and watching them turn on after all the hard work!
-Buys you something comfy, like a comfort item. Maybe a teddy bear (tiger ofc) but probably not a tiger on purpose, and he won't realize why that's adorable until you tell him and he's a blushing mess.
-Ever seen a bakery at Christmas? Well fear not, now you will.
-He's taking you to all the best places for Christmas themed snacks, and will most certainly buy Christmas cookies for you to bake while he sits on the counter watching you.
-Enjoys watching you dance around the kitchen to Christmas music, he could watch that all day.
-Ranpo is for sure taking you to spend time at the with Fukuzawa, because the two of you are very important to him. Look forward to fun dinners with the ADA.
-Most likely buys you books or art supplies if you do that. He loves when you sit at his desk with him when you visit and you read those predictable novels of yours. Definitely gets you a side present of a baking book on all his favorite snacks. ;)
-Stays at home with you, holidays are hectic and he likes the peace and quiet of just relaxing with you at home.
-You probably eat popcorn and watch something while he goes over his schedule a billion times until you curl up next to him and he stops.
-Naps together! It's cold outside but the two of you can be warm together. He likes to cuddle you on the couch in front of the fire place.
-Gets you something simple and thoughtful, but practical. I could honestly see him getting you a bonus gift of a taser for when people get too creepy with you. But still gets you something more meaningful. Maybe a planner full of cute plan ideas for the two of you in the upcoming months.
-Shopping, tons of it.
-You are out at the mall with her a lot, hitting every sale and outlet there is. She likes buying you things, and you can pick things out for her in return.
-She doesn't mind the crowds, but if you do, she'll go at a later time when less people are out.
-Will never have you carrying bags, she'll drag someone who doesn't have plans along to carry the items.
-Christmas present is a fancy new outfit tailored just for you. She loves fashion, and if you share that love she is over the moon to get you whatever dress/outfit you want.
-This man is not short on any money, so whatever you wanna do is on the table. He just wants to be around you at all times, that's all.
-Dinners are very important to him, so taking you to his favorite places or even cooking at home with you will be his favorite part.
-Likes to enjoy the finest wine with you in front of a warm fireplace, just cuddled next to each other.
-Matching pjs, do it, he'll pretend he hates it but he loves it. Thinks you both look amazing and will take pictures. Its going on his desk in a frame.
-Buys you whatever you look at for too long. He wants you to have everything you've ever wanted because he loves you.
-Totally the type to buy you a beautiful necklace or bracelet with his name on it. Not only is it hot af to him, he likes his name and knowing you wear it. Could buy you a whole ass vacation or car if you wanted, but he thinks its the little fancy things.
-When he sees you decorating home, he takes you to his office because he wants you to teach him how to decorate it. It will remind him of you when he has to go into work during December.
-You spend time with his fam! You enjoy being around them and visiting, maybe more than Akutagawa. Gin is always so sweet to you.
-Another at home kind of man. Everyone pushing and shoving him at stores while trying to get presents will result in murder, so he'd rather not. Got your present months in advance to avoid such nonsense.
-Lays in your lap on the couch and let's you tell him stories or just talks. Not a big fan of the movies because he thinks they're overrated, but loves hearing your voice. Play with his hair until you both fall asleep please.
-As for a gift, he had to ask Gin a lot of questions, reluctantly of course. She told him to maybe not get you a gun, and instead opt for something more meaningful.
-That's right, tiny Rashomon plushie, you adore his Rashomon and he was absolutely taken aback when you said it was cute. This plushie means the world to you.
-To the orphans! He is so in awe when you play with the kids, whether it be tag or hide and seek. He loves taking you to see them.
-Probably takes you shopping, but the two of you are buying presents to donate and give to the kids that you two have basically adopted.
-Most likely to dress up as Santa for them, and in doing such makes you his Mrs. Claus.
-Takes you to the place where he realized he wanted to be a writer. The both of you just read, (or write) and on the way back home you enjoy a talk of books and fantasy worlds.
-Likes when you lean on his shoulder or lay in his lap, will watch or do whatever you want as long as you're happy.
-His gift was super handmade, a book of all the things you've done together, a scrapbook sort of. The kids probably helped him decorate it, but he wrote all the lovely words inside. Detailing how happy he is to be with you.
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tayaminaka · 4 years
headcanon, dazai, Fukuzawa, kunikida, chuuya and poe that S / O ends up dying in the birth of his daughter and ends up being born with a fragile health that in many times almost died as he goes about dealing with the death of his s / o? And the fear that your daughter will die? (Maybe I'll send more headcanons because I really like your writing ♥ ️ ♥ ️)
Authors Note : Finally I finished the oldest request. Sorry for the long waiting and thank you for your patient.
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Dazai Osamu
Dealing with your dead was already difficult for him but knowing that his little light might die too, terrifies him, even if you can’t see it
The first months after your dead your daughter slept with him in your once shared bedroom. He watched her sleep with empty, nearly dead eyes and hoped that every breath won’t be the last
Dying along with you would be a great option for him, than slowly rotting on the inside. But the thought of your daughter suffer alone and be fully on her own holds him back, letting him suffer with her
He would always fool around with her. Play pranks on Kunikida and then run away (everytime he catches them, Dazai becomes all the beating),telling her random things about people they see on the street or simply vibe with her
But the Agency sees that something is missing in his eyes, that something has changed but he will try to act like he acted before by pulling a smile on his face and acting like a fool
After the usual treatment in the hospital they both would go to the arcade and play games together. He would mostly let her win but not without a little challenge
When she gets sick he would sit beside her bed for hours, pat her head and give her either water or warm tea. But if your daughter has enough from the bed he would bring her to the couch, laying her head on his lap while covering her in a warm blanket. He would mostly either be half asleep or won’t sleep at all if she’s too sick
Every time your daughter is in a nearly dead state, he’s barely holding himself together. Mostly he just lays at home, while drinking himself to sleep, trying to silence the pain
But there is no day he misses the visit time. Even if there are days where he barely holds a smile up, he’ll be there to at least hold her little hand
On evenings, when he finished work, he would give her piggyback rides home. Most of the times she would already be asleep, leaving him with the sunset and the silence
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Fukuzawa Yukichi
Will hold her always close to him. Holding her little hand while they both walk, let her sit on his lap and hug him while he’s doing paper work or let her play in his office while he’s at work. As long as he can see or hear her everything is fine
Especially in winter and autumn months he would be extra careful. He knows that even a little cold can turn into a high fever so he will often, very often, pull the extra warm jacket out or put two pocket warmers in her pockets
But he still would go for a walk and pet cats with her. It is their favorite thing to do, especially after a stressful day at work or a boring visit at a hospital
If your daughter is upset and starts to cry because she needs to go to the hospital again to receive her necessary treatment he would put her on his lap, hug her while patting her head
He would always give her a little treat for every medical treatment she gets. Of course some treatments are painful and for everything he would get her a plushie. Her eyes always shine when he gives her a new plushie and that makes her day a little better
When his daughter is in a near death state he would brush her hand with his thumb, telling her that it will be fine and promising that the pain soon will be over
He won’t cry neither at work nor at home but if you look closely you can sometimes see a blis of sadness in his eyes. But every time he looks at your daughter something in him aches heavily
Sometimes your daughter would just fall asleep on his shoulder and he would cover her with his haori ,remembering how he once did it with you
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Kunikida Doppo
With a serious face he would try to hold himself together, don’t letting any emotions out. But on the inside he’s a complete wrack and mess
The director gave him some weeks off so he could collect himself a bit, even if it’s hard for him. The first days he tried to follow his usual routine but even that became difficult
He’ll always be really patient with her, allowing her to do with his ideals and schedules what she wants. Usually he’s really strict with that but how can he say no to her if she’s asking him for something
A walk is a must after treatments. Both have enough from the sticky medicine smell of the hospital so a walk on the fresh air is really pleasant, especially after rain
But will be really strict with her health. Will run always after her, be it telling her to take her medicine, put a scarf on or eat healthy
He will always be serious in the hospital and with the doctors. Somebody might say he doesn’t care at all, but your dead affected him deeply because this one time he hadn’t even the chance to save you
But every time his daughter is laying on that damn hospital bed crying, be it being in pain or because she’s upset, he’ll hold her close to him and stroke her hair, patiently calming her down
On some points he would just sit down, take off his glasses and just cover his eyes with one hand, questioning everything and thinking what he should do
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Chuuya Nakahara
Deep anger and sorrow spread trough him as he heard the news. How could this happen? Everything was fine, wasn’t it? But now it’s already too late and there is no turning back
For him it’s like somebody threw him in a cold sea without teaching him how to swim, watching as he slowly drowns in his hopeless thoughts
He would become colder at work, less talkative, more quieter and sometimes even absent-minded, dreaming about stuff that won’t come true
But on the field it’s the complete opposite. He’s more aggressive, letting out his anger and frustration on the enemy’s, only to go back to his usual quite state
Mostly if she’s sick or in pain he would take her in his arms and slowly walk around the house, humming a soft melody and whispering that everything will get better
After treatments at the hospital he would carry her home, pat her head and tell her that she did well and that he loves her. He would also do whatever she asks him, even if he’s busy. Be it let her float around the house or play with her for hours, he will let his paperwork lie on the table and spend his time with her
On rare nights were your daughter just can’t fall asleep he will put the warmest coat over her pajama and go for a little walk with her on his arms. He would land near the next wending machine and buy her a little snack or her favourite soda, even if it’s already past midnight
When she’s nearly dead, he would sit beside her, talk with her or play with her for hours even at night but when he’s at home he would just drink and smoke most of the time, not knowing what to do to distract himself.
And when the point comes that even the best medicine doesn’t help in his daughter, he’s ready to lay down his pride and enmity and ask the Armed Detective Agency’s doctor for help
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Edgar Allan Poe
His eyes are widened and he can’t even find words to say something. But when he realizes what he just heard you can see small tears fall from underneath his hair
He started to sleep and eat less, only taking care of your daughter. He stopped writing novels, so even Ranpo became concern about his state
He was lost and terrified about your daughter so he stopped everything, trying to fully concentrate on her
Only after a long time he started to write again. Your daughter would sit on his lap, curiously trying to catch his pen and making him smile with that
At night he would sit beside her bed, writing another novel of his. Your daughter always sleeps much better with the writing noises of his pen
Would fall into full panic if your daughter forgets her scarf or hat at home. He’s too afraid that something might happen so he would even run after her
Will go up and down in the hospital hallway, nearly having a mental breakdown of not knowing how to help your daughter if she’s in a nearly dead state
Sometimes if everything just won’t get better he won’t go out from his mansion rather just lay in bed all day.
When he visits her in this state, she’s gonna pat his head with her weak hand and teary eyes and tell him that everything will be alright
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bungou-stray-dingus · 4 years
Happy Birthday Kazue Dazai
Today is Kazue’s fictional birthday! Kazue is Dazai’s son from this fiction that I wrote in the beginning of the year. So, here’s a little quick scenario of Dazai and his S/O celebrating Kazue’s birthday! 
Also, yes, I am very upset that I didn’t write for Chuuya’s daughters birthday in August. :( I’ll do a little something for her soon though! 
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 To think that an entire year had passed since you had given birth to your son, it both filled you with joy and sorrow. It was bittersweet, to say goodbye to counting his age by months, he was now a year old. Sure, by standards he was still just a baby, and of course, to you and Dazai he would always be your baby, but you were going through what most other mothers went through when their child hit that first year mark. You didn’t want your baby boy to grow up. 
“Y/N! My belladonna, do you know what today is!?” His excited voice startled you out of your sleep, a sleep that you had been enjoying thoroughly after the last few nights. Kazue had just gotten over a minor cold, but his stuffed nose had kept him up most of the night, and it had inevitably kept you awake too. “Shh, Dazai, please. Let me just get... five more minutes.” You mumbled, dropping your head back down onto the pillow before wrapping the ends around your ears. He chuckled lightly, but left the room, allowing the little bit of extra sleep you asked for. 
He walked into Kazue’s room, finding his son already standing up in his crib, holding onto the rails and jumping the best he could when he saw Dazai walk in the room. “Ahh, there’s my big boy! Come here.” He reached out to scoop his son out of the crib, holding him close against his chest as he peppered quick kisses upon his sons head. “Happy Birthday, my blessing.” He murmured, situating his son on his hip as he walked out of the room and into the kitchen, placing him in the highchair. 
Kazue sat in the chair, slapping his chubby hands against the plastic tray, calling out for you. “Mama is sleeping, but...” He pulled a chair out next to the high chair, placing the bowl of oatmeal on the table and giving it a few quick stirs before scooping some on the spoon and bringing it to his sons mouth. “Dada and everyone from my work has planned something amazing for your birthday!” Although Kazue couldn’t understand all that he was saying, Dazai’s tone was enough to have Kazue clapping his hands together. 
You finally emerged from your room an hour later, finding Dazai curled up on the couch with Kazue on his chest. “Where’s Kazue? Where did he go?!” Dazai playfully said, jokingly looking everywhere but down where Kazue had his face buried in Dazai’s chest. “Oh! There he is!” Dazai cheered when his son popped his head back up in Dazai’s view. The twinkling sound of your sons laughter brought the biggest smile to your face. Seeing Dazai with his son, it still shocked you that he had been so worried about being a father before. He was a pro at it, he made it seem so easy. 
“Look’s like you two are having fun.” You said, announcing your presence. Kazue’s head instantly turned to look at you, his hands outstretched in your direction. You quickly pulled him up off Dazai’s chest and hugged him to your own. “Happy Birthday, munchkin.” You murmured, hugging him tightly as he nestled his face into your neck, twirling a piece of your hair around his finger. “So what’s the plan?” 
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Kunikida had picked the three of you up from your apartment. He had scheduled his entire day around Kazue’s birthday. As much as Dazai irritated him, your son had managed to bring out a softer side of Kunikida, a side that happened to both feel sorry for, and worry about the child considering the father he had. 
He pulled up outside the Agency building so the three of you could get out before he parked. Dazai carried Kazue in, his son situated on his hip while his other hand stayed wrapped around your waist. Blue and white balloons and streamers lined the walls of the cafe on the bottom floor. “Happy Birthday, Kazue-chan!” The workers all shouted, eye crinkling smiles lined all their faces as they said it. Kazue shouted back, his usual baby babbling as his tiny hands waved around the air. “Enjoy your party!” The workers said, waving to him as you and Dazai walked to the elevator. 
When the elevator made it to the top floor when the office was, Kunikida was already there waiting. He must’ve ran all the way up just to see Kazue’s reaction. “Alright, everything is on schedule. Open the door in three... two... one!” Dazai swung the door open after Kunikida’s countdown, and you were surprised to see everyone who worked at the Agency standing there. “Happy Birthday!” They all shouted in unison, blasting confetti in the air and tossing balloons up. 
Kazue’s eyes lit up at the sight of everyone and everything. The colorful streams of confetti and string falling down to the floor. It warmed your heart, knowing that he had so many people who loved him, who cared for him, who would give up their free day and spend it in the office just to celebrate your sons birthday. 
“Let’s get this party started!” Dazai cheered, grabbing Kazue from your arms and walking with him towards his employees. Party games were a must, and although Kazue wasn’t able to fully participate in most of them, everyone was still having a blast. Hot Potato was probably everyone’s favorite, every time Kazue would get handed the “potato” he would grip it against his chest, lowering his head to chew on the squishy ball. 
When the music came on, Dazai placed Kazue on his feet, playfully dancing around the room with his son. Naomi ended up wanting a chance to dance with Kazue, and when it was her turn she danced him around the entire room. His squeals of excitement as she skipped along with him around everyone was enough to make even Fukuzawa smile. 
“Cake time! Let’s not fall behind schedule!” Kunikida declared, and now it was Ranpos turn to get excited. You brought your son over to the table where pastries and other delicacies were lined, surrounding a beautiful blue cake. Ranpo was right next to you, and although he seemed the least fond of your son, he cracked a small smile and looked up to him. “I see we both have good taste in treats. Don’t mind me, I’ll just take all the ones your little teeth can’t handle.” 
A small camera was set up on a table to record everyone singing happy birthday to your son, but just as you and Dazai were leaning in to help him blow out his candles, he stuck his tiny hand into the cake, grabbing a handful before bringing it up to his mouth. “Awh, man. Keep him away from the cookies, okay.” Ranpo groaned, moving away from the table to sit back at his desk. Kenji thought it was hilarious, as did Tanizaki. “Oh I can’t wait to watch the video! He’s so cute!” Naomi exclaimed, grabbing the camera off the table and ending the recording. 
After Kazue was filled with cake, his lips dyed blue from the icing, his shirt stained, and somehow having icing in his hair, it was time for presents. He sat in Dazai’s lap on the floor as you recorded the two opening the gifts. Everyone had gotten him a great assortment of gifts. My First Doctors Kit from Yosano, A Tiny Pull String Ice Cream Truck from Ranpo, a set of Farm Animals from Kenji, a Ride Along Tiger Toy from Atsushi, A Musical Teddy Bear that played lullabies from Naomi and Tanizaki, a Baby’s First Cellphone from Kyouka, a notebook for him to use when he’s older from Kunikida, and a small plush kitten from Fukuzawa. 
Kazue ended up loving Fukuzawa’s gift the most, clinging to it dearly and snuggling it under his chin. “Fu... Fuwa...” Kazue babbled, and at first everyone thought he was trying to name it Fluffy, but what warmed your heart the most, and seemed to surprise everyone in the room was when Fukuzawa sat on the floor next to Dazai and pointed to the small plush cat. “Fuwa?” He asked your son, and he quickly shook his head no, pointing his chubby little finger at Fukuzawa and then holding out the kitten. “Fuwa!” He was trying to say Fukuzawa’s name, he had named his kitten after Fukuzawa. 
The day soon came to an end as the sun set over the city. Kazue rested his head against Dazai’s shoulder, still clinging to his Fuwa as everyone helped carry the gifts out to Kunikida’s car. The ride home was quiet, nobody wanted to wake him up as he dozed quietly in his car seat. When the three of you got home, you quickly carried him up to his room and laid him in his crib while Kunikida and Dazai brought the gifts up. 
“I think he had a great time. Don’t you?” Dazai asked, his arm wrapped around your shoulder as the two of you relaxed on the couch. It was an amazing day, and you knew Kazue had an amazing time, you could see it in the video’s you had taken from the day. “Mmhm... he’s all tuckered out...” You murmured, resting your head against Dazai’s arm, your eyes slowly drooping shut. He chuckled and slowly moved to stand up, pulling you up off the couch and into his arms. “He’s not the only one. Come on, let’s get some sleep before he wakes up.”
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-Can you see Nakajima Atsushi and Midoriya Izuko becoming nervous, cinnamon-roll friends? I totally can, all blushy and nervous while meeting each other; whenever someone rowdy screams at them they jump in the air at the same time. Midoriya would be such a positive influence for Atsushi, as he definitely needs to be more self-confident and to realize he’s worth living. Midoriya would surely motivate him and make him stronger.
-Kyouka is immediately adopted by the girls of Class-A. Momo becomes her older sister and cuddles her anytime, not minding her…ehm, particular personality? And Uraraka and Tsuyu help her with her crush, teaching how to realize and deal with her feelings. They all spoil her rotten.
-Bakugou becomes Dazai’s favorite victim, getting pissed every five fucking minutes. Moreover, he hates not having his quirk and that’s way he doesn’t allow the man near him. He prefers to ally with Chuuya against him, at least they are short-tempered the same.
-Kirishima gets all enthusiastic and buddies up with everyone, even the one with whom he disagrees with from an ideal point of view. He’s also the one stopping Bakugou from exploding Dazai’s face.
-Kirishima and Kenji have an eating contest (A decision Kirishima would regret tremendously afterward, together with Bakugou, who has to assist the red-haired as he throws up)
-Kenji and TetsuTetsu become friends 100%, even if half of the time they misunderstand each other and get involved in absurd situations.
-Kunikida and Ida exchange suggestions and ideas to domesticate their wild colleagues/classmates. Or drink away their exasperation (Ida deinks obviously juice because he’s underage)
-Yosano becomes the girl’s leader, speaking about independence and girl power. Like the Boss Sister of a female street gang. She and Uraraka team up during fights, being a deadly badass combo.
-All the boys are mightily terrified by Yosano, especially after she has publicly used her ability on Grapeman.
-Higuchi gets kidnapped by the girls too! I can see her getting along with Jiro and Hakagure, who finds her gullible but adorable! At some point, Gin starts hanging with them too and they have big all-girls outings in the city. Favorite moment? Love talks! They tease Higuchi a lot for her crush on Akutagawa.
-Chuuya and Uraraka become sparring partner and spend hours discussing their similar powers, exchanging tips and tricks. That softy of a Chuuya would surely take a liking to her and treat her like a sister, even if he would mask it by saying he’s just studying the possible enemy. Their sparring sessions are so intense and rough that half of their friends stay as far as they can: these two go all-out. Bakugou occasionally joins too and chaos ensues.
-One time, Chuuya pushes Uraraka and Bakugou to drink with him, poking at their pride. They all get drunk and start arguing, laughing and crying at the same time. Things around them start floating or get exploded. Dazai, Kirishima, Deku and Ida have to join forces to stop them.
-Dazai and Shinsou banter continuously, one all witty and provocative, the other sarcastic and deadpanned. Dazai, however, is a good person underneath and implicitly reassures the boy he’s already a hero.
-Denki and Junichirou are absolutely best buddies! I can see them hanging around on the streets and having a good time. Kirishima often goes with them, sometimes bringing an annoyed Bakugou too (Who has to admit the other boy is not that insufferable). They also fight well combined.
-Denki is one quarter aroused and three quarters terrified by Naomi. When she touches him, he gets chills.
-Bakugou and Deku have a sort of truce (let’s say they don’t fight every five seconds) so that they can put their brains together to study and analyze the Abilities. They’re particularly wary of Dazai’s and Akutagawa’s.
-Todoroki is lost at first, but then he befriends Atsushi. However, he thinks his fights with Akutagawa are immature and ends up freezing both of them when they annoy him. Just for a little bit, nothing too painful. (Or maybe he just gets irked and competitive, who knows?)
-Kyouka adores Todoroki, he’s very cool in her eyes.
-Todoroki asks Dazai if he can erase his father forever and is disappointed when the man explains his ability doesn’t work like that.
-All Might and Fukuzawa have tea together and discuss loyalty, hope, justice, and cats. Aizawa joins the conversation only when they’re talking about cats and Fukuzawa decides he likes him.
-Mori is not invited at first and sulks a lot. Elise has to ask Fukuzawa to invite him so he stops being a child.
-Deku admires Ranpo a lot because he has understood the detective doesn’t have a real ability yet he’s amazing at what he does. It’s a powerful reminder that it’s not only his Quirk that counts. He often accompanies him during the investigations and takes notes of his deductions.
-Ranpo thinks Momo and Uraraka are precious. He gives them sweets.
-Ranpo calls Midoriya “my disciple” and recognizes his intelligence. He’s also very curious about Bakugou, psychologically speaking.
-All the girls of Class A slap and reject Dazai and his offer to double suicide. Hakagure starts crying, thinking he would kill himself on the spot anyway. Jiro hits him hard and then harder when he asks Momo. Uraraka grabs him the shoulders and shakes him, panicking, as she screams “YOU CAN’T SAY THAT! YOU HAVE TO LIVE! LOVE YOURSELF!”
-Chuuya sometimes gives Ojiro lessons of martial art.
-Midnight and Kouyou have a typical, heartfelt woman rivalry between them, nobody wants to meddle with them.
-Akutagawa is awkward as hell because he always ends up with Midoriya’s group and ?!?! no one is scared of him?!? He’s dumbfounded: that Todoroki guy freezes him every time he starts mumbling insults  or calls Rashoumon. They don’t have any damn respect for a Mafia member.
-Midoriya doesn’t like Akutagawa’s view of the world at all and tells him directly, straightforward and unwavering. Akutagawa tries to kill him again, Todoroki and Atsushi have to stop them. In the end, they have a sort of rivalry and “I’ll show you my way of thinking is the right one” thing going on.
-Akutagawa feels challenged by the fact that Deku finds an angry Bakugou scarier than him, so he randomly attacks the latest. Usually, or they kick each other’s ass equally, or Kirishima (Akutagawa is both horrified and astonished by his shining positivity and at the same time badassness when fighting) divides them before things escalate.
-Tokoyami and Akutagawa exchange information about their creatures/powers, but Dark Shadow is scared of Rashoumon and cries when it gets near. They also shows appreciation for each other’s fashion sense.
-Recovery Girl and Yosano “politely” argue about which healing power is better. Yosano is slightly offended and annoyed that now everyone wants to go the old (sly and smoochy) lady.
-The girls force an embarrassed Atsushi to change partially or entirely to pet his tiger form.
-Shinsou is deeply terrified by Yumeno and avoids her at any cost.
-Monoma and Dazai passive-aggressively insults each other all the time, becoming quite savage. Midoriya and Atsushi are still traumatized.
-Kirishima gives Atsushi manly and motivational speeches. He also drags him to practice and spar together. The mantiger is confused and unsure at first but ends up warming up to him.
-Mineta finds an ally in Kajii.
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