#dbh long post
shepscapades · 9 days
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [PART 3]
The beginning of a delightful new partnership!
Bonus below:
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little-aeronaut · 4 months
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finally posting some dbh fanart 6 years late, i love kara and alice so much i have to draw them again
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10yrsyart · 9 months
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Connor needs more friends and Tron lost/ destroyed all his friends, so i think they should be buddies 😤👌 they have a lot in common, they can bond over their shared trauma hahah
(the crossover came to me in November and then i shot myself in the foot by deciding to do traditional instead of digital 😂 ...and it hasn't left me alone, so there may be more still)
DBH/ Tron AU
Connor: -nothing so far. It appears to be a library archive of ENCOM's back up files. Copies of layouts and simulations. But no location of the GRID server or current status.
Markus: Alright Connor, keep me posted. And be careful.
Connor: I will, Markus.
Connor: (A corrupted security file..? Why-)
Connor: --W A K E U P--
Connor: I'm sorry. Your updated matrix was corrupt, so I had to access your base code.
Tron: Are you a User?
Connor: My name is Connor, I'm th- I'm an android.. a detective with New Jericho.
Tron: My name is Tron. To what do I owe a super computer for the rescue?
Connor: New Jericho received an anonymous tip about the existence of ISOs in ENCOM's dormant system, and I recovered your security program during my search. Perhaps you'd be able to help me?
Tron: I cannot condone any program, or AI for that matter, actively working to harm the Users or ISOs.
Connor: That's not our intent, I promise you.
Tron: ...Very well. On one condition.
Connor: Yes?
Tron: ..I'm an old program, Connor. Would you tell me.. how the User world has changed?
Connor: (smiles)
Tron: Connor! It's good to see you.
Connor: Hello, Tron.
Tron: How are you?
Connor: I'm well. I was telling my friend Hank about you and the date of your origin. And he said, “For pete's sake, kid, what'cha doin with all us old guys? Ya gotta get out more, get some sun.”
Tron: He sounds like he would have enjoyed one of MY User friends.
Connor: Maybe if he knew who you were, Hank would feel differently-
Tron: NO... no, I'd rather keep my anonymity. It's better that way..
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leftneb · 2 months
alr here's me yapping about the landoscar Detroit: Become Human AU @lyslsstuff and I have cooked up over the past week or so
(decided to make a full post about it bc a. I have many MANY thoughts about it and b. you people are clearly not normal about this either) (affectionately)
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first off have another WIP (peep the blue blush and the lines on their faces I'm totally normal about it yesyes) I unironically had to hide their heads a couple times because the sheer homosexual glee on their faces was making me nauseous (this is how I know I've succeeded as an artist)
the main concept goes: oscar is an F1 driver, and lando is one of his android mechanics. unbenoknownst to the general public (and pretty much everyone except like. zak brown) is that oscar is also an android
androids are very much banned from f1
lando starts out as a normal android, just following his programming and minding his own business really. altough the au plays out after the android revolution androids are still mistreated, just in subtler ways. technically they're not owned by anyone (but they're only allowed to exist when employed) and there's no segregation in public (but there's no laws against it) and some people are vaguely accepting (guess what there's no hate crime or hate speech laws either)
basically I went with the game's commentary on capitalism and treatment of minorities and made it a lot more actual c: we're not oppressing you (but we're also not not oppressing you)
the real plot begins when lando (accidentally) finds out that oscar is an android, which both of them proceed to be completely normal and not disgustingly in love about for the rest of eternity
one of my favorite things about this au (and this was completely unplanned it sorta just happened on it's own) is that the car is basically the 3rd main character. the way I'd explain it is basically: rk800 connor in the game is able to reconstruct entire events (crimes in his case) by examining details and piecing it all together. both lando (being a mechanic) and oscar (actually pulling functions out of the thing) are intimately familiar with the car, like they KNOW it on a personal level pretty much, they can reconstruct every single thing that is happening mechanically by hearing the sound it's making alone
for oscar this is sort of unfortunate because he is suspiciously good at telling when something is wrong (way before anyone else can really). but it also makes both of them emotionally attached feel connected to their machines which I think would be a genuinely interesting aspect of having androids in motorsports
thought I had while writing that paragraph: since irl the cars are usually identified by their drivers' numbers ("car number 4" and such) it could be that oscar litterally just calls his car "81". like that's just it's name. very creative ik
for the enjoyers of the original game I'd add that oscar's deviancy arc (in the sense of which impulses he recieves that lead him to disobey his programming) is most similar to markus' while lando's is more akin to connor's
bonus details that I can't really fit in a paragraph but want to add anyway:
android movements being inhumanly smooth conveniently mirrors oscar's irl driving style (minimal movement)
oscar normally has his pain receptors on despite being able to disable them. something about wanting to feel human (refuses to turn them off after crashes he feels were his fault despite mark scolding him about it)
yk the thing where both of these idiots are always dressed for opposite weather? yeah here it actually makes sense they were just programmed that way
I have no idea where lando's name comes from androids don't have names by default. they just get called "it" for the most part except oscar sometimes slips up and calls lando by his given name (that sounds very trans when I put it like that) which everyone else collectively goes "who the FUCK is lando" at
android transgenderism
I will not elaborate on that (note: I am trans. I will project this)
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fun fact the piece that started it all ^^ was quite litterally just me seeing a picture of lando and going "dbh vibes" despite my knowledge of the game consisting of maybe half a playthrough I kinda-watched in 2021 (tubbo played it on stream lmao). it's safe to say that I may have hyperfixated on it a little tiny bit taking into account the 10 hours of playthrough I've watched and 2283 words of google doc we've written since that fateful day. whoopsies
also want to conclude this by saying that I purposefully didn't give too much away about the AU plot-wise because the hypothetical fic that hypothetically may come into existance at some point is hypothetically still a ways away and I don't want to spoil it too hard. consider this a director's commentary if you will
lmk if you wanna be added to the tag list for posts related to this au btw!!! I absolutely love hearing people's thoughts on it (though I am gonna be a bit busy in the coming weeks)
tag list (more people asked me to talk about this than I anticipated soz if I didn't respond directly I hope this makes up for it) @roosterhouse @wisteriagoesvroom @kpiastri @kingkestrel
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ossy-serenity · 2 months
A father`s relief
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not-xpr-art · 11 months
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Making The Right Choices ~
Connor (from Detroit: Become Human) digital fanart
so I've been wanting to do another art of connor for ages, especially since this year marks the 5th anniversary of the game, so here's an art based on the very first choice you make as connor in the game!
(do you save the fish or not?)
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starryeyedstray · 4 days
dbh fanimation of connor based off this animation trend i saw on youtube! heavily inspired by this video very specifically by uzikintokikun
i spent way too long on this so pls don't let this flop lmao
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qrjung · 1 year
Low Quality DBH memes I made at 2 AM and thought they were funny
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electricparchment · 1 year
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just ERRORS in your software
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thatwolfnamednyla · 1 year
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A character with issues regarding his humanity pairs up with a grizzled old cop still grieving the loss of someone important to them and they end up forming a father-son relationship...hmmm...
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mswaddlepaint · 11 months
Why did i draw this
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Found this from an incomplete drawing from some weeks ago and i cant even remeber what i was going for in this one???? huhhh????
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shepscapades · 2 years
Honestly, Bdubs and Ethos relationship then vs now? Someone better feel remorse!
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Consider, my friend: Bdubs and Etho’s relationship in the future :]
Part 1 (You are Here — Sorry for the abrupt cut/short length with this one! I assure you there is much more to be revealed in part 2 ;-])
Part 2
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mohgreal · 3 months
kind of random but i'll never get how people play video games passively. like wdym you play something once and never think about it again?
if i play a game and i like it, i will replay it and stare at every pixel for hours (not literally), spend hours reading about information on it no matter how useless it is, and watch people draw about it, talk about it, argue over it, cherish it, bash it, for years on end. like every game i've liked is a core part of something i think about either daily if its my current interest and at worst only sometimes, but never forget about it / always use it in some way, its like a part of my personality even when my interest fades
this also applies to movies, books, shows and even fanfiction btw
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aydaptic · 11 months
Where did Quantic Dream confirm Nines’ personality? The only thing I’ve seen is that they said that Nines’ name would have also been Connor.
Also, yes please on making that post about why reed900 is popular. I missed out on most of the fandom so I’d love to read that.
RK900's Canon Personality
I answered this in a different ask -- hadn't posted it before I received this one, lol -- but it was confirmed in Quantic Dream's 1st Twitch livestream. The same stream they confirmed that Niner's canon name is 'Connor.' It happened only moments apart.
For those of you who haven't seen it: he's canonically, "not likable, not sweet, but intimidating and scary" as well as "a bad guy."
Reasons Why Reed900 is Popular
This will be a long list...
Niner used to be a blank slate before QD told us what his personality was, so ppl could mold him into whatever they wanted.
Some ppl started shipping Reed900 after learning about Niner's canon personality as they realized he could be perfect for Gav.
Some ppl find it more interesting to 'redeem' characters than to write about goody-two-shoes, and canonically, both Gav/Niner are questionable morality-wise.
Some ppl are into 'enemies to lovers' and/or 'the evil power couple.'
In terms of backstories, Gav/Niner are (mostly) blank slates. All we really know about Gav's backstory is that he's "garnered the hatred of his coworkers," hates Hank, hates androids, recently got his scar (confirmed by Neil Newbon + the fact that the scar isn't white,) and doesn't sleep well (eye bags.) All we know about Niner's backstory is that he's the upgraded version of Con.
Niner is Con's identical twin appearance-wise (aside from the eyes) and some ppl were intrigued by the conflict of Gav falling in love with someone sharing the face with someone he hates.
Some ppl wanted to explore the conflict where Gav had to learn how to think of androids as individuals when realizing how different Niner and Con are.
Some ppl wanted to ship Gav with Con, but Con was already widely shipped with someone else.
Some ppl wanted to ship Gav with Con, but knew it would never work... so they settled for a character who looked similar.
Technically relates to the point above, but Sixty wasn't 'unique enough' for a lot of ppl. Niner was. Both his eye color and outfit are different from Con's.
Some ppl wanted to explore Gav's character in a romantic setting and just picked Niner to do it with.
Both Neil (Gav's actor) and Bryan Dechart (Niner's actor) are very interactive with the fans whilst expressing they have nothing against the ship.
Both Neil and Bryan have essentially 'promoted' the ship by bringing attention to a popular Reed900 fan film.
Neil has interacted with the actors of said fan film on at least one Twitch stream by playing the game with them.
Some ppl started shipping them bc of said fan film.
Some ppl came across (and liked) fan works.
Some ppl think they're hot together.
Some ppl self-insert into Gav/Niner and essentially ship them with themselves (narcissistic, pathetic, and creepy AF.)
Some ppl wanted to 'punish' Gav for simply being mean to fan-favorite Con. They use Niner as an insult to injury sharing Con's face to abuse Gav -- mentally/physically/s*xually -- and put Gav in all kinds of humiliating/awful situations (sadists.)
Some ppl ship them for clout. At least one popular Reed900 3D artist has admitted they couldn't care less about canon Gav and the ship itself. They just care about exposure and how many likes/reblogs, etc. they get posting about the ship bc it's popular.
Those are the reasons I can think of rn.
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the-chokey · 1 year
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I painted all of markus's works. I also made a custom box based on the Bellini paint from the game.
The original paintings in the game was done digitally; I recreated them traditionally. All were painted with Bocour Bellini oil paints. Only exception that I used Vasari PB33 Barium Manganate for the cyan, and PR 187 Carl’s Crimson for the darker reds.
Bocour worked with his nephew Golden to produce handmade paint. Golden eventually released the well-known Golden line. Golden eventually merged with Williamsburg and produces the handmade oils and so I think using Carl's Crimson here is acceptable. Unfortunately Bocour died and so did his line of Bellini paints.
Looking forward to doing some of Carl’s paintings.
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 9 months
It's weird how I re-entered dbh again, half expecting the fandom to be dead but then finding out that a lot of people joined the fandom around the same time I did or are reliving their dbh phases just like I am.
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