#dca oc valentin
vacantfields · 2 months
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You have seen him on stage countless times. You have seen him interact with kids and adults, and it's always a bright grin and lit-up eyes, but now that you're closer to him, you have noticed that the smile doesn't reach his eye. It hasn't for decades, but he refuses to answer your questions.
What happened to Valentin back in the day?
"Oh, Darling, please do not worry about me. I am fine." He says this to you constantly. His voice is tender, but you can hear underneath that it's hurt, scared, trembling. But you know you can't poke him too much. You watch from afar as he falls apart like he wishes to.
If only you could do something.
A little drawing of Valentin for all my Valentin lovers (:
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pixelchills · 7 months
My secret Valentine's gift for @wenchfry (Bibin's secret Valentine's exchange on Twitter)
Prompt: "Eclipse's first Valentine" including Angie's sona!
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gopsnippers · 7 months
art of @vacantfields' wonderful boy valentin <33!!!! i love him your honor!!
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alternativesaga · 7 months
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Have you met @vacantfields’ Valentin? Now u have <3
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lil-lemon-snails · 7 months
Happy Valentine's Day @littlechinaaru!!!
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It was me ~all along~!! I'm so so happy I got to draw your eclipse for this event they are an absolute sweetheart!! I loved your prompts, hope you have a happy holiday!! :3c <3
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sillywabbits · 7 months
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~Mushy love! 💕
Finally posting this just in time for my favorite holiday! 💘 Happy Valentine's! 💗💕💕
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sipnoot · 7 months
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valent day lol
extra's under the cut
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smoon eclipse version :] i think i like the top version better but i thought added a more canon ver. would be nice
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smug bastard. they know what they do to him.
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close up on clips too + mostly just wanted to point out that his lil face swirly is a heart :3
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pointyfruit · 7 months
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Happy Valentines day! Kisses to and from the dairy boy!
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askthestarryassistant · 7 months
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Quick messy thing for valentines day!
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random-tail · 2 months
Just Another Day.
This is a short story featuring @vacantfields Valentin and Chase. As well as my own oc Sora
This is a PLATONIC interaction it is NOT a ship. I just want to make that clear after past experience with other fans of @vacantfields work.
Sora: she / they
Valentin: he / him
Chase: he / him
“Chase, I understand you want us to have… some common activity of interest. I very much doubt this is it.” An older eclipse model in a royal blue jacket holds up a skateboard made to hold his weight.
Chase turns around, his rays nearly flopping him in the face as he starts to walk backwards. He grins widely. “Aw come on Valentin. You'll never know till you try, you might really like it! Besides didn’t you perform balancing acts way back when?”
“Yes. But emphasis on ‘way back when’.” Valentin sighs as he carry the board under his arm.
Meanwhile Chase continues to walk backwards putting his arms behind his head. Continuing their way down the sidewalk in the city. “Well think of it like what people say about learning to ride a bike. You never forget-!?”
Just as Chase turns around to walk the correct way. He bumps into and topples over someone who emerged from the alley way. Causing both to crash down on to the concrete.
For a split second, Chases systems to a quick self diagnostic check and flashes a red sign. But just as quickly, he dismisses it as he scrambles to get up.
“Shoot, Shoot, Shoot! I’m so sorry! Are you ok?!”
Chase looks down to the individual he landed on top of in their fall. Their night cap and lack of rays revealing them to be a moon model with dark cold gray coloring. The shift themselves up to be on their hands and knees before giving Chase a quick, cold, glance. Causing the poor babysitter bot to freeze. They got to their feet and proceeded to dust themselves off. All while Chase hovered with his hands, idly, wanting to apologize and help. Yet also wanting to keep his distance from the cold look they gave him. Once they got themselves picked up, they grab a red tote they had dropped. Slinging it over their shoulder before turning to address Chase properly. Seeing them face to face, they had one optic closed, with the others pupil was barely visible.
Chase audibly gulps before rubbing the back of his neck. Ignoring the slight twitch in his wrist “I’m really sorry about that. I should have been looking where I was going.” He gives them a sheepish smile, but they simply stare at him. They then tilt their head and open their mouth to say something, but a flash in the open optic makes them freeze. Before snapping their head around to a different direction. They don’t even look back before taking off at a full sprint down the street
Chase blinks at the sudden departure before deflating a bit. “What.. just happened?”
Valentin then walks up beside him with an almost knowing look. “I am here if you need me Chase. Not everyone can handle being given the cold shoulder. Though I do suggest then next time you try to ‘sweep them off their feet'. That you don’t tackle them into the concrete.”
“WHAT!!? No! That wasn’t- I wasn’t- what!?” Chase fumbles his words as Valentin laughs at him and continues walking.
“Vaaaalll my brothers already torture me enough, don’t you do it too"
Chase whines, as he jogs to catch up to the taller bot as they continue their way to the park.
An alarm go’s off in a dim room as Soras optic comes online from rest mode. They stare at the ceiling for a few seconds as their systems do a quick diagnostic check. She growns.
“84%? Mm… that’s 3% less then my last 5 hour charge.” They sigh as they sit up and unplug from their cord. “I really should ask for a new charger.” They get up from their makeshift bed which was an old cot they put to the side of their shop. After stretching, a habit she picked up from watching humans do it, Sora walks over to their sterilization box and got out her equipment for the day.
After prepping her emergency fist aid bag with all her tools. She sent a quick message to the hospital to report herself on duty. While leaving her building through a back ally door, she looked through her phone to see if she received any messages from her other patients while in rest mode. Only to heave a heavy sign when she sees that the local map bot Jeff was pushed over. Again. And needed his arm repaired.
Sending a quick message to the poor bot that they would work on meeting him later to get him fixed. They put their phone away and exit the allie, only to collide with someone who proceeds to loose their balance. Falling on top of her.
Laying on the concrete sidewalk, Sora did a quick diagnostic check on her systems. Checking that everything was functioning before tempting to move.
“Shoot, Shoot, Shoot! I’m so sorry! Are you ok?!”
She hears the frantic voice of someone of who she assumes fell on her. After seeing the only damage being an abrasion on her palm. They sit up and glance at the individual who seems to freeze up. Looking at him with a quick identifier scan, she saw he was a babysitter bot. But none she was acquainted with. Sora then proceeded to pick herself up and her bag as the odd bot watched them, looking fidgety. As they turned to confront and apologize to the babysitter bot, they noticed a twitch in his right wrist. Doing a quick scan they took note that he had jammed it’s socket back. Most likely after trying to brace himself when they fell. But he then put it behind his head
“I’m really sorry about that. I should have been looking where I was going.”
Sora stared at him before tilting their head. They were just as much at fault at not paying attention. They go to voice this when they suddenly received a red alert to a medical emergency. Snapping their head towards to the direction of the incident. They took off as they simultaneously mapped out the quickest route to the site. While putting a note in the back of their head to seek out the babysitter bot later to apologize.
Chase and Valentin make it to the park and it doesn’t take long for Valentin to master using the skate board. Yet after an hour he relinquish it to Chase who begins to show off for some of the kids that had gathered to watch the 2 animatronics. Chase even began teaching some of the kids some skateboard tricks while Valentin happily showed off some magic to littler ones.
After a few hours Chase flopped onto the bench next to Valentin, letting his head hang back. Valentin looked at him. “Kids wear you out?” He chuckled
Chase stretched out his arms as he leaned forward. “nah, this is nothing compared to the quadruplets I baby sit every now and then.” He starts to rotate his wrist of which makes a noticeable clicking noise.
Valentin raises an eyebrow and puts down the small book he had brought with him to read. “quadruplets?”
Chase grabs his wrist and looks at it squinting. “Yep, Lenore, Annabelle, Bernice and Edgar. Grate kids, all of them each a little hectic in their own way though.” He flicks his hand.
Valentin tilts his head. “Oh really? How so?”
Chase looks at him before returning to fiddling with his wrist. “Oh well Lenore has this obsession with birds. Black birds to be specific, and loves to stop and feed them whenever she gets the chance. Annabelle is fascinated by the ocean and will watch the little mermaid on repeat for hours. Bernice is a bit of a germaphobe despite her age and after getting scared by her dentist about cavities she’s constantly brushing her teeth. To the point I literally have to hide her toothbrush. And then Edgar, he’s just quiet and it’s a little difficult to get him out of his shell. But he loves to read and write. Specially poems.” Chase then stiffens when he feels & hears something snap in his wrist.
Valentin blinks a few times. “wait…what-"
Valentin gets cut off by a sudden scream which had them both straighten and look. By one of the grinding rails sat a young boy with an older one, whom Chase was teaching earlier, kneeling beside him. The younger one was crying his eyes out as he sat on the ground and held his arm.
Chase quickly jumped up and ran over skidding onto his knee as he got to them. Doing a quick look over he takes note of the forming burse on the boys arm and his scraped knee.
“Hay there buddy. Looks like you took one nasty spill, you ok?” Chase asked calmly as he looked as the kid.
The boy sniffled and tried to wipe away his snot and tears as he shook his head no. The older boy grimaced.
“He did the trick wrong and fell. Landing on his arm on the rail before sliding on the concrete.”
Chase schooled his face to not grimaces as well. Knowing full well that such a landing could brake bones. Chase then hovers his hands over the kids arm.
“Alright then. How about we move away and get you to an urgent care-" he gose to gently cradle the boys arm.
Chase jolts and turns his head 180 towards the voice. Only for his optics to widen.
It was the animatronic from earlier.
Sora groaned as she flops onto a bench in the city park. 6 calls, 1 of them a false alarm, and 4 her service was denied. First responder bots were still a new thing, so she wasn’t too surprised that many of the people were afraid of their help. Yet, knowing full well that they could of lessened the patients pain or prevented further damage, and still have the patient deny their assistance. Weighed on Sora incredibly.
Their first alert was a hit and run, with a woman showing signs of being concussed and a fractured hip from being clipped. She needed to stay elevated and needed to stay still. Yet when Sora arrived to offer their assistance. The woman was extremely animated in refusal to the point of even pushing Sora back despite her pain. Later they received a report saying the woman nearly slipped into unconsciousness from her head injury before the ambulance arrived.
Sora rubbed her face plate out of frustration, they could of helped if they were just allowed. What’s even the point anymore?
They then slipped their hand into their hat were they pull out a box of cigarettes. Because a human needed to be conscious to give consent for their assistance. Having artificial lungs for CPR had little use. So she put a cigarette into her mouth then searches for her lighter.
Just as they find it however, a scream catches their attention. Quickly snatching their bag, Sora jumps up and runs to the source of the scream.
They run to a skater section of the park and see a young boy crying on the ground with an older one trying to sooth him. From their pointed of similarities she could assume they were either brothers or cousins. Then judging from the way the boy was holding his arm, he fell on it.
Before Sora could close the distance to check on the boy. A flash of orange and blue blocks her, causing her to freeze when they recognized the floppy rays. The babysitter bot from earlier.
They watched as the babysitter bot talked calmly to the boy who seems to respond to well. But seeing the boy shake his head no, she assumed it means he was in pain. Quickly, they began to approach to hopefully assist.
However, their circuits flashed cold as they watch the babysitter bot reach out to the boy. “Alright then. How about we move away and get you to an urgent care-"
Sora suddenly blerts out causing the babysitter bot to spin his head around. They stared at each other till Sora began to approach.
“Don’t touch him. He could have a fracture and moving him without bracing it could make it worse.”
The babysitter bot tenses as she kneels next to him before looking at the boy. He looked scared and upset. Most likely wasn’t expecting to take such a fall. But with a quick scan she was relieved to conclude that he's only bruised. Not possessing enough body weight to land on his arm and rail to brake it let alone fracture it.
Sora smiled a little for the boy. “Hello, my name is Sora. I’m a medical bot, would you like some assistance?” she inwardly cringed at the automatic greeting she had to say to each patient. But kept her smile for the boys sake.
The boy sniffled then looked at the older boy, before they both nod. Giving Sora some relief.
“Alright, my scans show that lucky you didn’t fracture you arm.” She glances at the babysitter bot who seems to relax from that. “so how about we move to a bench?” Sora looks at the little boy before looking at the babysitter bot.
She watches as he smiles and picks up the boy gently before all 4 head to a bench. Sitting down, Sora starts to dig into their bag as the bot talks to the little kid.
“Do you know how it happened buddy?”
The boy sniffled. “I lost my balance?”
“Hmm in that case after your all patched up, why do I help you learn to balance better. Yeah?”
The boy lights up at this and nods. “Thank you Chase.”
Chase smiles at the boy before looking at Sora who finally gets out an ice pack and hands it to the boy for his arm. She then go back to rummaging through it before pulling out a cotton ball and stuff to clean his knee. Her gently smile then suddenly turns stern.
“Now. I have a very important question for you. And you Must, answer.” They look at the boy with a serious expression which makes both the boys and Chase gulp.
“What… kind of band aid?”
Sore flicks their hand out with 8 different colors and themed band aids in between her fingers. From glittery, to super hero’s and princess’s, Chase couldn’t help but smile as the boy lights up even more. He chose a bug themed band aid as Sora cleaned and patched his knee. Sending him on his way with his older sibling.
Sora and Chase wave goodbye till Sora turned to him. “Alright. Your turn.”
Chase looked at her “…what?”
Without much warning, Sora grabbed Chase by the arm and pulled him over to were Valentin had been watching. Once at the bench, she points to it. “Sit.” Chase dos as told before glancing at Valentin who looks at him with a quisitive stare. Sora then pulls out a box from their bag that had a similar cross like their medical bag. But it was blue with wrenches crossed instead. Opening it he sees a plethora of different tools used for animatronic repair.
“Did you not perform a self diagnostic check when we ran into each other earlier?” with out hesitation they kneel in front of Chase and took his hand.
Chase scratched his face plate with his free hand. “Well I did, it’s automatic but I was more worried about you so i-"
“Pushed away the error sign that would of told you that your wrist joint was damaged.” Sora states rather then ask as they cuts a look at him.
Chase deflates a bit “..yeah…heh"
Valentin pinches where the bridge of his nose would be and shakes his head.
Sora sighs as they move his hand palm up and picked up a plate remover. “Well I received no damage from our collision, just a simple abrasion on my palm. Can you isolate and turn off you sensory array to you arm please.” Chase nods and dose so. Sora then takes the tool to his plating and Pops it off gently revealing the inner workings of his wrist and arm.
Valentin narrows his eyes. “Parton me lille måne. But shouldn’t you ask first?”
Sora freezes then looks at Valentin with a straight face. “We are machines we have no rights and only kept functioning by human whims. If they see us as no longer usable they will scrap us in a heartbeat. I myself am damaged beyond cost to repair so I took a point to keep myself functioning so to not be tossed away. Also. If I were to ask permission to a, as humans put it, ‘fine tuned piece of machinery’ and that so called ‘machinery’ said yes. It would lead to both parties getting into trouble by our respected manufacturers. So I find it best not to ask and just do. Besides, most would rather except the free maintenance rather then try to sue a hospital of which owns me.”
Sora went back to working on Chases wrist as both bots stared.
Valentin then leaned back with a smile. “Point taken lille måne.”
Chase then thinks.” So… you’re a medical bot for humans AND animatronics?”
Sora doesn’t look away from their work on his wrist. “In a way yes. Iv repaired many bots in the city when their owners refuse to.” They switch tools quickly as Chase and Valentin watched.
“Surely there isn’t that many bots in disrepair?” Valentin questioned mostly to himself but the almost sad look Sora gives causes him to pause. “oh…”
Sora sighs as they tighten the joint back up. “unfortunately there is. Map bots and STAFF bots being the first on the chopping blocks to be melted down.” They snap Chases plating back into place. “Alright. Touch each finger to your thumb.” Chase dos so as they watch and nod. “rotate your wrist.” Once again he dos as asked, pleasantly surprised by how smooth his motions are now.
“Wow it feels way better then before. Thanks.” Chase stands as Sora dos, Valentin fallowing after as Sora puts their tools away.
“it’s no problem. Though next time don’t ignore your error messages. Just like a human fracture you could of made it worse by moving it.” Sora flings their bag over her shoulder.
Chase rubs the back of his head. “Heh yeah. Noted.” He then leans back as a slip of paper is presented to him from Sora.
“My contact information. If you have any other problems just call me.” He take the paper to notice there are 2. Sora looks to Valentin. “I can also see if I can repair those rays in you wish. But they look to be stable. If not to repair, just to clean to prevent erosion. If you want.” Chase smiles giving the second copy to Valentin whom bows his head a little. “I will keep that in mind lille måne.” He slips the paper into his chest pocket .
Sora nods then turns to leave, but Chase stops her. “Uh Hay. If not for a repair. Could we call you to, you know. Hang out?”
Sora took at him and thinks before giving a small smile “Sure.”
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vacantfields · 7 months
Before & After: Valentin
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[ The News: "... The Superstar Circus, owned by fazbear entertainment, burnt down yesterday in the evening. The cause is unknown. All human workers, animals and robots were lost in the fire. The only one who survived was the Animatronic, Eclipse..." ] A small lore piece for the silly guy, Valentin (:
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derpydrachma · 2 years
Happy valentine's day
Wallpapers and references for all
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starrspice · 7 months
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So I'm following in other DCA fan creators footsteps and slowly turning some of my AUs into OCs
starting with the cherub AU (who were all half oc already with their human forms and backstory)
But Now they're officially OCs
Ive still got a proper valentines drawing in the works for this au but it'll take me a bit longer to finish
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ruh--roh-raggy · 10 months
Skeleton Writes
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Pretty Little Wife (William Afton x Wife! Reader SMUT)
This (William Afton x Fem! Reader)
Home Sweet Home (William Afton x Wife! Reader) - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 -Part 5 - Part 6
Run Rabbit Run (William Afton x Fem! Reader SMUT)
Buzzed (Punk! William x Fem! Reader)
Stars Look Nice Tonight (Punk! William x Fem! Reader)
Heart of Wires (Sundrop/Moondrop x DCA!OC Piper) - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
The Bunny and Her Big Scary Dog (Punk! William x Fem! Reader)
Flowers For My Valentine (Steve Raglan x Fem! Reader) - Valentine's Day Special
To Be Human (Monster! William Afton x Fem! Reader Beauty and The Beast AU) - Part I
Alone With You (William Afton x Fem! Reader) FLUFF - Part 1 - 2
Headcanon Lists
Professor Afton Headcanons
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nexerist · 5 months
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Happy birthday to me!
Late post, I meant to post this earlier today, but better late than never
April has been very busy. But I got to see my dream band in concert! Been waiting 9 years to see Starset, and I'm so glad I got to. People there were so kind and respectful, I can't wait to go again.
Never done with DCA though, I think they'll stay around for much longer. I might dip my toe into personal projects I'm developing, such as Dustridge, my cowboy horror story. I got my beginning and my ending, just working on my middle bits. Then Valentine's Day, a look into my brainwashed lovesick sweetheart named Valentine, though goes by Valen. Lastly is Hallow be thy name, made this story of a demon incubus and his road to redemption through bounty hunting demons. He is named Trace, an OC I hold very dear to me and for 9 years. May not hear much of it, but those are some side projects I've been talking about and maybe in the future, I can indulge in it more. Still very hyperfocused on DCA and I don't think it's changing soon.
Much love, Nexi
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darlingdeer21 · 7 months
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@head-in-the-icloud HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!
I just wants to say that you amazing artist and you're inspirite me all the time to do more stuff with DCA and OC. Please, be happy in that wonderful day! And this little gift for you!
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