#dcmk pairing: kaiao
sinfulsachi · 2 years
To the follow up my previous request, if possible I would also like to share a fic request!😶 Imagine KaiAo being married with Aoko aware of his husband's night time job and kinda being ok with it. She is Kid Task Force and there is a heist where a male newbie keeps hitting on her. Kid (or Kai) sees this, gets jealous, leads her to a closet (or closed space) when she is chasing him and takes her then & there😍 Being possessive about how she is only his❤❤❤😍😘 Sry if I asked 2 much & thnks a ton
Possessive Kaito/Kid fantasies in the brain. Dead 🥵
NSFW, minors DNI.
Taken (KidAo/KaiAo)
At some point in their chaotic life she’s considered this. This possibility. One of those nights, Task Force deployed, red hot pursuit, she slinks out of the group, hides in a dark room, tucked in his cape like a secret as it should and must or they’re dead.
And she’s almost entirely correct, for she doesn’t slink out; he steals her. Together with the target gem he steals her. Team in frantic search for their head, absolutely no fucking clue she’s being fucked in a penthouse janitor closet, so goddamn wet she should be ashamed of herself.
“B-Baka-aito!” Her mewls are barely coherent under desperate chokes of air, “What the hell are you— P-Please, can you at least—hah—wait until we're back—”
“ ‘M not waiting, no.” His chuckle in her mouth sends shivers down her spine, low and full of patented menace. He cups the base of her neck, pulls her into a sloppy kiss. “Gon’ fuck you right here and fuck you harder at home.”
She should be ashamed, should be very ashamed, that those words make her clamp her thighs harder around his hips, soles digging his ass. Him fucking into her, rough.
The radio strapped on her arm crackles.
“Aoko-san! Where are you?”
She flinches at the unwelcome interruption. He doesn’t slow down.
“What's his name.” Of course he notices.
"Y-You don't know?" She taunts despite her debauched state, ears hyperaware of the obscene squelching sounds of clashing pelvis. "Didn't do your homework? Thought you're better than th—"
"What's his name, Aoko." The bite in his tone is so impeccably sharp that she flinches a second time, fingernails raking harsh imprints across the fabric of his shoulders. "Can't think straight I, ah— give a name."
"Nobu—Nobunaga. New recruit—"
"New recruit?" She stumbles when he drops one thigh, sole against the floor hardly keeping her upright. Without room for protest, he spins her so she faces the wall, dips her spine down so her lower back arches, ass in the air. "You're killing me."
A lewd moan trickles out of her throat but is muffled by two fingers as he rams into her balls deep at a punishing pace. She fails to notice when he’s removed his gloves, prickle of cold pad of skin gliding over her warm wet tongue. “That what he calls you now? Your first name? Disrespecting the chief? Does he know who you are?” He hisses against the shell of her ear, teeth gritted like a man scorned. “Know you’re taken?”
She hears another crackle from the communication device, but that is easily drowned by the savage thrash of hips against her ass and the squelch of his fingers in her mouth as she suckles desperately. He keels over her small frame, voice low and spiteful as he mumbles with a primal sense of possessiveness, “Know I take you like this every single night?”
Fuck, she and her urgency to come right about now.
Everything's moving too fast and too slow, the cramped closet tipping before her eyes as his fingers vacate her mouth to grasp her hair and pull. The only indication they’re far from discovery is that no one has yet to break the hinges of the door behind him. The Thief, born to pick up the faintest sounds, perceives no footfalls, no elevator chimes. The unanswered radio static is the least of their concerns. Only jiggling belt and silver chains, only slapping skin and high-pitched whimpers. Scandalous sounds that are certainly seeping through the cracks of the door and bouncing off the walls of the hallway, so indiscreet it can permanently blemish his stealth record.
Only if there’s anyone around to hear them.
“If it’d take your Task Force this long to find us, we could— fuck you’re getting tighter— we could do this more frequently, hm?”
“Idiot— They’re almost he-ere. They're t-trained to— Ah, faster! Gonna cum—!”
“Shit!” A surge of warm slick coats his cock but he continues pounding, continues until his own cum paints her walls in violent thrusts. Their knees buckle at the sensation of sticky liquid spurting inside her, muscle quivering under his hard, firm grip. “Th-There it is,” he rasps in her neck, hips stuttering a slow, broken rhythm, fucking into her everything he has. “There you go, shit, s’ fucking hot.”
He releases her after a few moments, careful and gentle, as if the man who has fucked her soul out of her body is a man different from the one pulling out of her, caressing her backside like a cat being tamed. How he so easily switches between two opposing personalities never fails to astound her, long history notwithstanding.
Her knuckles meet his lips after he pivots her around, and it takes a moment for her to process his impending question, what with the blissed out state she’s in. “But you know what’s hotter?” She’s halfway sane as she finds her thumb and index finger pulled to trace the base of his ring finger through his now worn gloves, where she feels the ridged imprint of a band.
He smirks at the flash of realization dawning upon the head of the Kid Task Force, her sapphire eyes brimming at him with all-knowing familiarity.
“If you wear your matching one next time,” he tells his wife.
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shukumeinorivals · 3 years
What other pairings do you like?
Inside the DCMK fandom or in general?
In DCMK, I like pairings that include Shinichi like HeiShin, SaguShin, ShinShi, etc. Also HeiSagu, MakoSono, KaiAo; but in a low-key way since I'm not even half as passionate about any of those as I'm about KaiShin.
In general, some of my OTPs off the top of my head are:
ReGuri (Pokémon gameverse) || USUK, PruAus (Hetalia) || NaruMitsu/WrightWorth (Ace Attorney/Gyakuten Saiban) || Soukoku/DaChuu (Bungou Stray Dogs) || TianShan (19 days) || Yatori (Noragami) || HaruRin (FREE!) || SenGen (Dr. Stone) || GinHiji, OkiKagu (Gintama) || GuangShi (Link Click)
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kiwilart · 3 years
P and Z for the fandom meme? :3
Thank you for asking! <3
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
*Me being me, I imagined it with KaiShin, but anyone is free to imagine with any other characters
Something like a Little Mermaid AU, where Kaito is a yokai that once saved human Shinichi from death with a healing kiss. The big guardian deity didn’t like Kaito mixing with humans, so as a punishment he took away all of Kaito powers and made him essentially become a human (humans stinky. They can’t even fly. Who even wants to be human?).
He can only get his powers back if the kiss is returned, initiated by Shinichi without any prompts (as the saving kiss was given). Problem is... Kaito also lost his voice, anything he writes is unreadable and no one there knows sign language. If he can’t get a kiss before X time (a week, maybe?), he will be forever trapped as a human.
This is also the perfect opportunity to share on tumblr my 4500 words doc of Dragon AU no one asked for, where it’s mostly me world building and thinking about the changes of bringing mystical creatures to the DCMK world would make. I also love fake science. (There is a small part dedicated to KaiShin, but the majority of the doc is pretty much gen and I talk about a bunch of other characters and other relationships)
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
I never saw before anything dedicated to just Platonic KaiRan and ShinAo. I find it fun to imagine those two pairings interacting.
If you consider the movies, we have Ran pissed at Kaito for everything he did on the movies and this close to kick his ass, but then she sees he is a mess of a human being and overall just a cat and decides to adopt him.
As long as Shinichi isn’t threatening the reputation of her father, Aoko could easily be curious about Shinichi’s work and decides to follow him around doing detective things for fun. Shinichi looks at her, she reminds him of the detective boys and he just thinks “Well, I guess I have another child now”
Basically... ShinRan adopting KaiAo, then the 4 meeting and Shinichi and Kaito - knowing each other very well because Conan and Kid times - are just pointing and staring at each other like “What are you even doing with my childhood friend??” while the girls are happy to get to know each other and thanking the other for taking care of the boys.
They’re all so precious I would die for them ;w;
Ask me things? :D
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meitanteisachi · 3 years
*raises hand eagerly as if in class* I'm curious, so here! 4, 8, 10, 20, 22, 26/27, 30, 40, 41 and 48! So sorry if it's too much, ignore if it's too much! Hope you're having a lovely weekend! - artycreaty (Aina)
Yay, I love the questions! I’ll try to answer them all Aina! Thank you! ♥️ Will put the rest under the cut ‘cuz long answer ahead!
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
Oh not at all! :) Fortunately the fandoms I belong to aren’t toxic or at least the users I follow aren’t toxic, thus making my fandom experience a lot enjoyable and worthwhile. I owe it to them that I do not regret joining those fandoms!
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
I would say Jujutsu Kaisen but I haven’t invested in it that much yet since I’m waiting for the first season to finish. So I’ll answer with my second to the latest fandom - Naruto! I got involved because my mutuals over here (hi trouvelle and purplellamanator!!) post a lot about Naruto and I got curious. So I watched the first part on Netflix and DAMN. My two months went by in a flash. 😂 720 episodes and 10+ movies later, here I am, a Naruto trash but most especially, a Kakashi simp. HAHAHA.
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Yes! Almost all my fandoms except Detective Conan. 😂 I read fics of Boku no Hero Academia, Naruto, and Kimetsu no Yaiba but I never published any fic for these series. I’m good with just reading fics made by others. ♡
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Yes, in Naruto, I’m quite surprised I find myself liking KakaSaku. I shall admit it’s one of the ships out there that get lots of hate because, well. But I will not tolerate it when people conclude that people who support the ship support p*dophilia. I won’t dig into that further because I might ramble. Haha! Anyway aside from KakaSaku, other ships which I surprisingly like in Naruto are KakaObi, KakaRin, KakaObiRin, SasoSaku, ItaSaku, ShikaIno, etc. For BNHA, BakuCamie, BakuMomo, and BakuJirou. It’s all surprising because those who know me know that before all of these, I mostly ship canon pairings. But then, idk, Naruto changed my life and widened my lens to a variety of rare, unique, non-canon pairings with dynamics I love and I want to tinker with.
I just have to add to this, the main reason I ship is because I enjoy characters’ dynamics. I ship because I enjoy how the ship works and that’s it. Sometimes one doesn’t have to necessarily ascribe to it any sort of ethical meaning. After all, shipping is about finding comfort in two (or more) fictional characters’ interactions with each or one another - there are lots of varieties. Certainly that doesn’t equate me being a bad/immoral person because I know for myself what’s right or wrong. Fictional characters won’t let me affect my stance on irl sensitive issues. Okay so I did ramble a little.
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
No! Certain cringe-y scenes probably yes, but not the whole fic. I don’t regret writing any of my fics because I knew they gave me joy once. <3
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Writing! Summaries! It’s tedious. It’s troublesome. It’s difficult! What do they mean I have to summarize the whole story in less than three sentences?! I can’t! What if the summary turns out bad? People will lose the chance of reading the actual fic which may actually change their lives! Yeah, I hate writing summaries. Hahaha.
30. What inspires you to write?
My daydreams principally inspire me to write. ✨ Following close are the reviews and kind feedbacks I get from people. ♡ 
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
I struggle with expositions, world-building, and dialogue. 😵 You know how I have it all mapped in my brain but when I convert the thoughts into actual words, my fingers do nothing but hover over the keyboard. What do I type?? What shall person B say in response to person A? What sentence shall I type after this sentence to make it flow smoothly? Ah, the questions I ask myself every single time I write. 
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
I have several Ao3 tabs open rn and imma handpick some:
why don’t you say so (Ch 19) by frazzledazzle (BNHA kacchako)
Cost of Freedom (Ch 19) by MintChocolateLeaves (DCMK)
we were screaming colour (only a possibility) (Ch 33) by mouseymightymarvellous (Naruto kakasaku)
The Night Off by SpicedGold (Naruto shikatema)
Black Roses by Fyliwion (DCMK kaiao)
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
95% of the time I do! Very rarely do I not leave reviews. As a fellow writer, I understand how frustrating it can be to have someone read your work and not say anything. It makes you anxious or paranoid or lose your drive to write more fics. That’s why I always make it a point to leave a comment after reading any fic I read, may it be just an emoji or a simple ‘I like it!’. Writers deserve feedback after spending hours making their craft and mustering the courage to offer their masterpiece for the world to read. :) 
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Hi I love your dcmk fic so much!!! It's amazing how you portray the characters, especially akako AHAHHA it makes me laugh so much I love her xD usually dcmk fics neglect Aoko and akako and I'm glad they have these scenes so far! I became curious about you as a shipper, what's your favourite ship? Do you like canon pairings like kaiao or shinran or are you more of a gosho boy shipper xD
Hello!! Thank you for saying that, I haven’t really been feeling like I’ve included Aoko enough, but I enjoy the characters so I’m making sure to include them as much as possible.
As a shipper, well, I have trouble shipping kaiao and shinran because they just seem to have sibling relationships to me. Like, Gosho tries to make it romantic, but I just really prefer their relationships as platonic. People can ship what they like though.
With shipping things I could honestly ship anything tbh, though I’ve been more keyed towards Shinichi/Hakuba lately because of my fic. I really like heishin as well, and kazuha/ran. Akako and Aoko too, because uhh have you seen their interactions?? Aoko is very gay for Akako. Anything rare pair is generally good with me as well, I just find those dynamics that aren’t widely explored really interesting.
I mostly enjoy platonic relationships though and I have a burning need for Akako and Conan to be best buddies. I have a fic series I need to write at some point that is just like,, Conan accidentally befriends everyone Kaito knows. Can you imagine Kaito going over to the Blue Parrot and seeing Jii conversing with Conan, terrifying nightmare child, over the bar?
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purplellamanator · 4 years
Hi! For the ship meme, can you rate the ff ships (these are a LOT i’m sorry 😂): For BNHA - Kacchako, IzuOcha, KiriBaku, BakuDeku, TodoMomo, KamiJirou, EraserJoke, KiriMina! For KNY - GiyuShino, TanKana, ZenNezu! And ofc for DCMK tho I know the answers already xD - ShinRan, KaiAo, Heizuha, SatoGi, SonoMako! Thank you 🥰
😂 of course!! Thank you for sending in an ask for me 🥰💜
Kacchako: They are my A+ 😍 give me some Vegeta x Bulma vibes from Dragon Ball Z ☺️
IzuOcha: I would be somewhere between B and C for this one! It’s not that I don’t like it. I would just like to see these two with different people. If it were to become canon though I’m not gonna cancel the show or anything because I think it could be a cute couple 😁
KiriBaku: I’m sorry 🙈🙊 this is an F for me. I like these characters a lot. Arguably individually they are one of my favorite characters in the show. I just like the idea of these two as the best bro’s they are. Best friends that got each other’s backs. I don’t see them romantically 😐
BakuDeku: This would be a F for me too. Not because of the past these two have together or anything because I actually think they could become decent friends in the end.
TodoMomo: A or A+ for these two 🙌🏼 I feel like the ground work for these two to end up together is there. They already knew each other well and were both in on recommendations. And they hold each other or see each other very highly. I think this would be very cute ☺️
KamiJirou: A or A+ 😍 I think like TodoMomo, if I had to bet on a pairing I think would be canon- this would be the one. Their dynamic is already very cute in the show and funny.
EraserJoke: This is a B though if there were more interactions it would probably be an A. Their interaction in the English Dub is absolutely hilarious. The same as Japanese as well but maybe because it’s my natural tongue in English it just hit different 😂
KiriMina: B. Gosh I’m probably gonna get so many things thrown at me but Mina is probably my least favorite character 🙊 I like her better in fanfiction but then again that’s not really her 😂 but the ship I think is cute and has potential. I like it cause these went to school together as well and he felt inspired by her a little. That episode was cute 💜
GiyuShino: I’m gonna give this an A mostly because I’ve only watched the first season and haven’t read the manga. But watching the show initially I didn’t even think about those two together until I saw it as a pairing all over tumblr. After thinking about I rather liked it and thought it was extremely cute ☺️
TanKana: This is an A for me as well. That part with the coin toss made my heart squeeze 🥰 and she has such a sad back story so his smile would do her some good 😂
ZenNezu: oh this is my A+ on this show. When they first meet it is absolutely hilarious. I would love to see this become canon 😍
ShinRan: girl you already know this is my OTP A++++. No DCMK ship can surpass this for me 😂
KaiAo: I wish I could write these two so much better. I love this pairing as well. Am I allowed to give more than one A+ on a show? 😂 if not then A.
HeiZuha: Same as KaiAo though I actually enjoy writing for these two a lot too. They are so hot tempered it’s funny.
SatoGi: This is a D for me. To be honest I don’t really care for it. Like I want it to stay canon but I’m not gonna write or read about it 🤷‍♀️
SonoMako: A or A+!!! I love this ship 🙌🏼😍
Thank you for taking the time to send me those 😘💜
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gisachi · 4 years
👎🏼 and 💣
👎 Ship that you can never see happening: OMG I can only think of non-DCMK... I’d say Eren x Mikasa and Levi x Hange from AOT. I’m sorry but seeing them together as canon is... nah noeep. But if I force myself to think of DCMK, I’d say Conan x Ai? Don’t get me wrong!! I mean I find them cute I really do, they are partners and they understand each other more than anyone else in the series, I’d ship them in another life if I could, but right now I don’t think there’s a chance that they’ll end up together romantically nor do I think Aoyama-sensei will let that happen since Conan/Shinichi already has Ran. That’s why I can never see them happening in canon. And tbh I think Ai doesn’t need to have a romantic ship, her character is wonderful on her own. 😊 A strong, independent woman who needs no man. Tho I always enjoy the small CoAi moments in the series! ED60 Sissy Sky is adorbs. And to add, I’ll include Kaito x Akako as a ship I can never see happening because we ship KaiAo in this house hehe
💣 Ship that pisses you off: Oh no, I’ve seen the weirdest pairings in the internet. Why would people ship Kogoro x Ran, Eri x Ran, Ginzo x Aoko, etc. That’s just incest and really fcked up 🤮 When I was like 9 I saw a Kogoro x Ran doujinshi and it scarred me for life akdlkfjshsaklsv;kfdksjf still pisses me off up until this day
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balancingdiet · 5 years
A Perfect End
Anime: dcmk Word count: 1.6k Pairing: Canon (shinran/kaiao) Alternate Reading Site
Shinichi have had enough of living his life as Edogawa Conan. The last thing he needed was to disguise as Kaitou Kid.
Edogawa Conan's existence was erased the moment Kudo Shinichi returned after swallowing the cure.
Yes, there were some things Shinichi missed after returning back to his old self; He would miss the bond he built with the Detective Boys, miss the ability to crawl through small spaces, miss the opportunity to act like a little brat just to get some things his way... He would miss many other little things, but he already had had enough of living his life as Edogawa Conan.
Basically, he didn't inherit the love for acting and disguising as another identity from his mother.
But here was the catch: When he swallowed that cure, the debt he owed as Edogawa Conan was also transferred to Kudo Shinichi's ledger. And the first, big one on the list was Kaitou Kid.
Long story short, Kaitou Kid's help had massively secured the checkmate on Shinichi's board, and he didn't want to owe the thief anything. So as a repayment, Shinichi decided that he would return one favour of any kind when Kid asked for it.
Just one.
Kid accepted the offer.
Being in his original form now, Shinichi had no qualms about doing anything for that thief. He had once begged to all the gods that he'd trade anything to get his body back, so doing this favour for Kid was no big deal. He could only wonder what that favour would be, and truth to be told, he was looking forward to the day when Kid asked of him. Whatever that came from that thief had always been thrilling after all.
Maybe he needed assistance to take down some organization? Or maybe he needed help to find the jewel he was always seeking for? Or maybe solve a murder he was wrongfully accused of? Or… Or—
Or maybe disguise as him?
"What?" Shinichi yelled across the empty roof as the sound of the howling wind, along with Kaitou Kid's flapping cape, were making it a little noisy and disruptive to converse. At least that was what Shinichi wished to believe after hearing Kid's request, thinking he must have heard wrongly.
"You heard me, little detective."
Shinichi scowled. "Stop calling me that."
"Sorry." Kid smirked, clearly not sorry at all. "But don't you know that it takes at least 21 days to break a habit?"
"Let's see if it's your habit or your face that will break first." Shinichi muttered. This was one of the few rare times when he missed being Edogawa Conan, just because he could show his power-enhancing kick shoes to make his threats much real.
"Point-taken." Kid leaned against the roof door with crossed arms. "So are you going to do it or not?"
"Do what?" Shinichi snapped.
Kid tilted his head and sighed. "To give you the benefit of the doubt; since your hearing must have deteriorated after growing old… I said I want you to disguise as me."
"You. As in Kaitou Kid?"
"Of course."
Shinichi rolled his eyes. "Why? Because your true form needs an alibi?"
A beat of silence passed, and Shinichi thought time almost stopped.
"Whatever that floats your boat." Kid turned away, his voice suddenly levelled and plain.
Another beat of silence passed, and Shinichi pursed his lips as he registered Kid's request again. He didn't expect his wild guess to hit the mark, and what’s more that this had been nothing but a genuine and serious request all along.
Kid wasn't playing any games.
Whoever he was hiding his secret from and needed an alibi to cover it, that person must have the power to drive Kid to seek such desperate measures.
Shinichi cleared his throat. "Why not the other way? Why don't I disguise as your true identity while you—"
"Please don't bother lowering your intelligence just for the sake of this argument." Kid pushed the brim of his hat up and revealed the weariness of his blue eyes. "You know there is no way I'll allow that."
"And you know there's no way I can disguise as Kid perfectly."
"I don't expect perfection. I just need you to put on a show."
"…What's the show?"
"I'll tell you if you are willing to do it." Kid slipped a hand in his pocket. "So are you, or not?"
Shinichi understood that feeling of desperation; how he couldn't bear Ran to know the truth, yet at the same time he was very much overwhelmed with all the lies he had made and built. But Kaitou Kid—no matter how annoying his attempts and tactics were—had saved Shinichi a couple of times from drowning in those pile of lies and gave him a chance to breathe some times.
So how could he ever say no, even if he did or did not owe Kid a favour?
"I'll do it." Shinichi replied.
"Ok." Kid nodded his head, his features remained as stoic as ever.
But that thief was fooling no one. It was the no reaction that was a reaction, and Shinichi knew it all too well.
xxx xxx
"It's going to be easy" Kid (in another disguise) claimed before he passed his signature costume to Shinichi an hour before the heist.
Of course Shinichi didn't believe it, but he was still going with the plan anyway.
After that dreadful hour finally passed and he got the cue to start his act, Shinichi stood on ledge of the roof and exclaimed into the hidden microphone (while using the best of his ability to mimic that suaveness of Kid's voice) and proclaimed to the audiences below the building that he had stolen the jewel (which he did not but Kid's accomplice did), before jumping off to fly into the night in his hang-glider (which he knew how to operate since he learnt it in Hawaii).
Basically, Kid wasn't lying when he said it was going to be easy (but it just made all things stranger than it could ever be).
Shinichi was told to dispose of the costume after everything was done, which he did, because no amount of explanation would be enough for anyone if they saw Shinichi in possession of Kid's things. Besides the Edogawa Conan, many did suspect Shinichi to be actually Kid, which was ridiculous but complicatedly true too, in some sense…
That aside, Shinichi hoped Kid settled his problem on his end.
The next day when Shinichi went to the headquarters to get some work done, he found Hakuba Saguru in his office, face unusually solemn than usual. It wouldn't be that unsettling if he didn't know Hakuba was a frequent participant to Kid's heists.
Shinichi cleared his throat. "Good morning—"
"You were that Kaitou Kid on the roof yesterday, weren't you?" Hakuba said, arms crossed and watching Shinichi’s every move.
Tentatively, Shinichi walked towards his desk while shrugging his coat off. He already had a conversation and story planned if something like this happened, but he just didn't expect the first person he would have this conversation with was Hakuba.
"I… don't get what you mean." Shinichi said slowly.
"The man I suspected to be Kid was not Kid yesterday." Hakuba's steely eyes continued to fixate on Shinichi. "The only person he could turn to for this plan to work is you."
Shinichi started to blink rapidly. "Wait, you are the person that Kid is hiding his secret fro—"
"No. Whatever that you are thinking: No." Hakuba ran a hand through his hair. "I just needed clarifications, that's all."
"Were you at the heist?"
"No." Hakuba shook his head. "Inspector Nakamori wasn't at the heist either."
Shinichi leaned back in surprise as he hung his coat over his chair. No wonder things were so quiet and easy… like what Kid claimed as well. "Why didn't Inspector Nakamori attend?" He asked.
When that question left Shinichi, Hakuba's face contorted into all sorts of pain one could imagine. He then turned to stare out of the window by Shinichi's desk, amber eyes distant.
"...His daughter had leukaemia and they were with her last night at the hospital." Hakuba said in an almost whisper. "She passed away this morning."
Shinichi gaped, allowing a few muted seconds to pass. "I'm… sorry." He really had no idea what to say, and all of the sudden, his stomach felt uncomfortable, and that unease started to spread to his chest.
Why was he feeling so bad?
And bad for whom?
Hakuba mustered a smile. "Thank you for your honesty, I was expecting an interrogation."
Shinichi shrugged. "I think Kid should be fine with you knowing."
Hakuba said nothing else. He bade a goodbye and left.
It took Shinichi a while later to realise that Hakuba mentioned a "they", and he finally understood the reason for that pang of unease he felt earlier.
And that pang of unease stayed on till night fell too.
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detectiveran · 5 years
I too, disagree on ShinRan being toxic
As a fellow DCMK fan that has been following the series for over half my life, I too have opinions on the whole Conan not telling Ran the truth thing, but I have a lot to say so I hope it's okay if I just submit a post? If not, feel free to delete it or whatever. And sorry for any typos, I've kinda been sick.
Just wanna say that I whole-heartedly agree that ShinRan isn't toxic. In fact, on the occasion that we get to see them interact at themselves, I actually think they are one of the healthiest pairings in the series (aside from like Sato and Takagi) and it blows my mind anyone can say they're toxic?? The argument, in my experience has always, always been because Shinichi's lying to her and it's hurting her by lying and doesn't trust her to know the truth, so on and so forth.
That's not really fair to him because he doesn't feel like he has a choice, we know he hates lying and that he really wants to tell her truth. There have been multiple times that he did decide to just tell her the truth only to be convinced or reminded why he shouldn't before he's able to. 
In normal circumstances I'd probably agree that lying to your SO is toxic but it's not under normal circumstances. He's being forcibly separated from his own identity because a very large, and likely global organisation can and will kill him and everyone he loves if his identity is discovered. As you stated, he's hurting too. In fact, he might actually be hurting worse. Because he knows he's lying to her and that it hurts her and he's cause of it. He hates it-he hates lying as it goes against his very core beliefs. He's a very honest person as is shown time and time again. 
What I don't agree with is that he should tell Ran and I understand entirely why he ultimately doesn't. It's certainly not that I think he doesn't or shouldn't trust her-I think he trusts her more than anyone he knows aside from maybe Agasa. I just think that if he did tell her, it would accidentally turn into a disaster. Ran is not the type of person to let other people suffer, she's very head strong, as is Shinichi, and she will defend and protect just about anyone. It's a good trait but I think given just how fiercely protective of each other  they tend to be, they would actually accidentally sabotage each other just trying to keep each other safe. The Halloween Party Arc comes to mind with how Ran hid herself away in Jodie's car because she was worried about her intentions towards Haibara and Conan and could have gotten shot.
If the roles were reversed, and Ran was the one keeping the secret I'd still feel the same-It's better Shinichi didn't know because he'd want to get involved. 
And of course, all this doesn't include the mental turmoil the whole situation puts on Shinichi even without constantly worrying about Ran finding out. The living a lie that's not so hard to expose, the constant uncertainty and anxiety, the very real fear that one slip up could cost him a lot of people's lives. Not to mention that he's very likely suffering from at least some form of PTSD. It's not a life he wants for her because he knows she's very compassionate and soft hearted. He, himself is soft hearted and it's almost too much for him so he really doesn't want Ran to have to go through it too. He feels like he has to shoulder it all on his own because it's the only way to protect everyone he cares about. 
If people want to pick at a toxic relationship then I invite them to take a good long look at Kaito and Aoko. I do still ship KaiAo and I adore Kaito to pieces but I'm just saying, they have waaaay more issues than ShinRan do. 
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i-w-p-chan · 7 years
Genderbent DCMK Pairings I NEED To Write For
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sinfulsachi · 3 years
follow-on to the last ask, do you have "first time" recs off the top of your head? shinran would be nice, but other detco pairings are cool too.
If you follow a lot of DCMK canon pairing fics, then you probably read most, if not all, of these. At the top of my head are:
- Something Wrong by @purplellamanator - This 17k oneshot is good food. :) Love the characterization!
- Satisfaction Brought it Back by @icedcoffeeanyone - A staple fic in the ShinRan fandom, if you haven't read this yet, why?! Lmao kidding aside, this multi-chapter fic explores ShinRan's firsts. Chapter 2 is my favorite.
- Word Play Chapter 1 by AngelicSentinel - Not "first time" in the sense that they went all the way, but first time to reach third base. This is unique, and hot.
- Losing Control by Candyland (from her 30 Kisses Collection) - Uncut version is in her Livejournal! (Did I search the internet high and low for this? Did I?) Please, do check it out. While also not strictly a "first time" fic, I still want to put it here because, well, it's Candyland. This is I think the first ShinRan smexy fic I read and, need I say more about her writing style? The first-gen queen of ShinRan authors in the universe?
(Not sure if you're into Kaiao as well, but here are some!)
- Blue by AngelicSentinel - A first-time KaiAo fic. Kaito has a fever, and Aoko takes care of him.
- Can I try something by Akrim - BAMF Aoko here. This is a rollercoaster ride, but the first part, the exploration phase, I loved it the most.
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sinfulsachi · 3 years
After Heist
Prompt: Aftercare Additional Tags: Dom/Sub, Dirty Talk, Breath Play - Choking Words: 2.1k Fandom: Magic Kaito - KaiAo / KidAo
I dedicate this to @sup-poki, because, well, it’s Poki. :3
“It’s tonight! Kid is going to steal another gem tonight!”
“Kyaah! Will you come and see him?”
“Of course! I never miss any of my husband’s heists. Ever.”
Aoko gorges the first sip of her morning tea in silence. For that alone she contemplates changing their meetup place to a different cafe. She doesn’t want him to get overly arrogant from the unwarranted compliments, nor she to keep rolling her eyes skyward the rest of their stay. It’s too early to get this cranky.
She looks at her watch. Fifteen minutes until he arrives.
Sighing, Aoko decides to waste her time anyway listening to a conversation she’s long used to but prefers not hearing.
The adjacent fangirls converse about the Kid posters they spent the whole night finishing, the cameras they have charged overnight, where the best view is to watch his entrance...all the boring stuff.
Then, the more solemn lady between the two ponders out loud, “I wonder if Kid has a girlfriend.”
Aoko’s ears perk up.
“And if his girlfriend knows he’s a hot magician thief,” the louder blondie supplemented.
She takes a sip of tea. Yes to both, her mind answers.
“Imagine being fucked by Kid before and after his heists. I’d be sooo jealous.”
Aoko chokes on her drink. 
The two girls were quick to throw her table a wary glance. Pretending to be preoccupied with the morning paper, she holds the print nearer her face and scrunches at the headline.
Safe, Aoko sighs, as her curious spectators let her go. Though for what she supposes is an extra precaution, the rowdy blonde moves her chair so that her back faces her. Aoko snorts inwardly. As if that can save her from her bat ears. Especially not with that scandalous tone.
“What if I make a sign in big bold letters, ‘Kid-sama, I want you to steal my virginity’?”
“Add a please! Beg for it and who knows, he might visit your bedroom after the heist.”
Oh god. At that instant, Aoko thinks of leaving. This isn’t the kind of conversation she wants to hear at nine in the morning. Two rabid fangirls daydreaming about being nailed by an infamous thief, who happens to be her father’s enemy, who happens to be Kaito, who happens to be her...? No, thanks. The disrespect. Her growing indignation. The damage to her brain cells. She’s not in the mood for this.
Aoko stays.
“Do you think Kid fucks hard? Or is he the slow and sensual type?” The rosette asks her other friend dreamily as if she’s asking about innocent middle school crushes. 
“Oh, sister. I bet he’s a rough fucker,” the blonde replies. She leans closer to her friend and looks left and right before continuing in a much lower voice, “My two cents is he ties his girl in bed and dominates her like a champ.” 
Something flashes in Aoko’s brain like a movie clip on a big white projector.
「Still clad in all white, he pinned both of her hands with his gloved one, her chest facing the wall as his other hand roamed her backside and gave her ass a delicious spank.
“Looking forward to this, my dirty little Nakamori-san?” he hissed in her ear, then nipped at the underside of her lobe with those lips that were Kid’s if she wanted, but Kaito’s nonetheless.
“Y-Yes,” she rasped, voice shaking from thrill and anticipation. It’s always after heists that he’s most insatiable.」
Pressing her cup to the seam of her lips, Aoko turns her head away from the conversing girls, in case she fails to hide her growing smirk properly.
Well, her one cent isn’t wrong.
“Oh? But I think he’s a pure gentleman in bed,” the rosette opines. “You know, always asks his girl what she wants then he’ll give it to her and more.” She squeals dreamily again.
Aoko bites her inner cheeks.
「They made it to her bed, losing clothes piece by piece as they moved. He climbed above her, and Aoko wrapped her arms around his sweaty shoulders, her fingertips exploring his chiseled back muscles for new scars. His mouth traveled her neck down her sternum, and he gave her cute little mounds gentle flicks with his palm, before taking an erect nipple between his teeth.
“Where do you want me tonight?” he asked, muffled, kissing between her breasts.
“Please... on top and inside me.”
She felt him smirk on her chest. “As you wish, milady.”」
Aoko tips her head down, staring at the ground with a funny smile on her face. Hah. She isn’t wrong either.
“Mm, that may be so, but! Hear this—” the girl scoots closer to the other, ignoring the fact that her voice becomes much more audible from that angle, “I think we can agree on one thing. Kid would be sooo discreet while he screws you. So hot, right?” 
Aoko can practically hear the thirst bleeding out of the blonde’s voice. She hates it. Partly because no other woman should be fantasizing about him like that, and partly because the thirst reminds her of her own.
Discreet, they say?
「It wasn’t the echoes of distant police sirens and helicopter rotors that kept her heart pumping erratically in her chest. It was the fact that the man above her was the fugitive they were searching for, and the man instead of hiding in a safer place, chose to be in her room...
“If Nakamori-keibu knew I was doing this to his daughter, he’d figure out exactly where to search...but he doesn’t, does he?” Aoko shook her head, eyes unstably fluttering as he pounded her aggressively.
...Instead of retiring for the night, chose to land on her balcony, stealthy, as he’d done twice or thrice before...
“H-Harder,” she panted, knees trembling from the force of his body tunneling in and out of her.
"Like this?” He rammed her twice the force up the hilt and her walls clenched around him, wet and tight. 
“Like that, y-yes!”
...Instead of changing first to civilian attire, chose to hold her, kiss her, and fuck her then and there.
“Yeah?” Not stopping his rhythm, his hand pinned one of her wrists on the sheets, while the other crept up her petite neck, gripped her under the jaw and gave a tender squeeze, and her mouth formed a perfect ‘O’ as he elicited from her a hot sound between a whimper and a moan. The same hand angled her tearful face up, meeting his hooded gaze, “Always ready to be choked like the naughty Nakamori-san I know, hm?”
An intense shudder ran through her spine; her mouth was so wet yet so dry, and his hand lacing her neck trapped all the words in her throat. Heady eyes still set on him, she nodded, frantic, ecstatic.
"Say it, say you love this,” he ordered, slightly loosening his grip to allow her to speak but not stopping his merciless pounding below.
“Y-Yes, s...so much...” she managed to croak.
Smirking lecherously, he leaned down to kiss the sweat and tears on her cheeks. “Very good girl.”」
Aoko bites her lip and presses her thighs together. No, she shouldn’t be feeling this pulsing ache between her legs at nine in the morning.
“But you know what the sad part is?” 
“That Kid will probably leave you out in the cold after the deed. Poof. Just like that. No trace whatsoever. I mean,” the blonde shrugs, “magician, and thief.” 
“I’m fine even with that... like, that’s where we’re getting the appeal right? The mystery? As long as he doesn’t erase my memory of our love making, I’m good,” the rosette replies, and Aoko from a table away cannot believe her ears.
Clearly these girls are in it just for the thrill of the sex. Sex with the mysterious magician thief. That’s not what she’s here for and that’s what makes her different.
「“Ahh, Ka-Kai...nnh!”
Orgasmic moans filled the room as his hot essence flooded her. He continued to thrust, shooting thick spurts while Aoko writhed on the sheets, cries distorted by a thumb in her mouth. Like the tears trickling down her face, fluids oozed out her entrance down the sheets even when he hadn’t yet pulled out. The wet warmth drowned her entire body in delirious pleasure. Same with him as she felt him throb inside, cock up for more action.
They could still handle more.
Which she understood if he wouldn’t do, because his attire was still on the floor and the rotor sounds remained audible. He ought to hide soon.
But he flipped her so she was straddling him, both still connected at the hip.
“Ride me, Aoko.” It wasn’t an order; his eyes were begging. “I missed you so much.”
Her heart leapt because this was her favorite part, and he was giving it to her again. The second was much more sacred, just she and he, no alter persona. She bucked a pace, slow, going fast, lewd wet sounds interplaying with their soft grunts and moans, his nails digging her hips and hers his clavicle until for the second time she rutted on him and he in her.
She collapsed, chest wheezing, ear pressed over his drumming heart. His fingers ran up and down her spine, calming her. The sirens and rotors faded away and their inhales and exhales became much more prominent.
She felt soft kisses on top of her unruly hair.
“Not the gem you’re looking for?” she murmured on his skin after some time.
“Not the gem I’m looking for.” His hand massaged her scalp. The Kid tone was long gone; she was talking to a Kaito doing a job for his late father. That was how she had always viewed it.
“Did it hurt when I...?” he asked. Aoko smiled.
“Not as much as the wound on your back,” she answered.
“Pfft, ‘s nothing. Just a minor slip when I was hurrying here.” They both giggled.
“Please go home and fix yourself... or else Aoko will call their attention to you.” She looked up and met his tired blue eyes. His aftercares after heists were the best.
“No you wouldn’t,” he grinned, kissed her forehead.
“Yes, Aoko would.” She raised a taunting brow.
“Will you hide me under your bed?”
“Aww, c’mon Nakamori-saaaan.”
She gigglesnorted. “Shut it or else Aoko will really expose you."」
She doesn’t hear the outward snort she makes. Nor the recent arrival of the person who has taken the seat across her.
“Warui, Aoko!” Kaito’s palms are pressed together in front of his bowed head. “Jii-chan and I had to handle some last-minute preparations. Sorry!”
“No problem.”
Kaito lags. “...No problem?”
“Aoko isn’t mad.”
His eyes widen in surprise. “You’re not mad...?”
“Actually Aoko is...” she trails off, noticing the noise of the two girls die down as their eyes rake Kaito’s side profile. The blonde whispers something to her friend, leering eyes still planted on the man. She doesn’t need to hear to know what they’re talking about.
She cannot fault them for thirsting over an infamous ‘bachelor’ magician thief everybody in Japan knows. But try thirsting over another girl’s man and who knows what she’ll do.
“Actually Aoko’s thinking if she should just meet Kaito in his house...” She tinkers with the empty cup in front of her. “But since he’s already here, she’ll just pull him with her back."
“What do you mean?” 
"After those preparations with Jii-chan, Kaito may want some warm-up...”
"Warm-up?” His brows crinkle, but Aoko’s two fingers tiptoe up his hand that is on the table, and they smoothen eventually upon realization. “Oh.” 
“...Think it’s a bad idea? Before heist?” She bites her lip.
“Gods, no,” smirking, he encloses her two fingers around an iron grip, and, very slowly, makes one pumping movement with his fist, “I may in fact, need some intense warm-up before the main event tonight,” he says in a low voice, and Aoko giggles. 
“Stop that, someone might see us.” 
He grins haughtily. “You suggested it.”
“No it wasn’t Aoko. It’s them.”
Aoko stands upright, pulls her bag and Kaito’s hand. “Nothing of interest,” she laughs, “Let’s go?”
“Wow, aren’t you in a hurry,” Kaito’s sneer is as wide as a Cheshire cat’s, but not as wide as Aoko’s when they pass by the two girls’ table. She feels their eyes follow them as they exit the shop, and Aoko knows it’s bad to gloat but right now she’s as good as winning a lottery. The man they are eyecandying and the phantom thief they are dreaming of screwing? Both men are about to do to her - and only to her - what they’ve been fantasizing.
Later, and tonight. 
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sinfulsachi · 3 years
I can't get that fuckbuddy post out of my head... And when I saw it, I immediately thought KaiAo! Oh, Aoko would be so embarrassed when they're making out for the first time and her cat interrupt them. Kaito would just laugh and gently move that cat out of their way. And before leaving, he would talk to that cat and sometimes throw some flirting towards Aoko, which, of course, doesn't mean anything, because that's what they agreed... I'm too much into this AU :D
Eeeeeee this is more adorable than it is hot! It’s fluffy cute and I love it 💙 Kaito’s face buried in Aoko’s shoulder hiding his mirthful smile on her skin as the cat tries, for the nth time, to insert itself between the two making out because ‘nuuuuu kaito’s attentiom is mimeee!!1’ and its floofy tail tickles their chin and Kaito sneezes and Aoko laughs mid-kiss. They take the cat out of the room but the spoiled lil furball cries incessantly begging to be let in but the fuckbuddies be like, later Luna! Although they do let it in after the deed is done and it snuggles over Kaito’s chest, preventing him from taking his immediate leave because he can’t move xD and all the while Aoko watches, streaks of darker pink coloring her already pink cheeks 😅
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sinfulsachi · 3 years
Same anon than sensitive neck Shinichi:
the same way I have this feeling that Aoko likes to tease Kaito by kissing and sucking on his fingers.
Kaito has great hands, and they're very important to him because they are the money makers. So Aoko uses that to her advantage when he's being a little shit. It's immediate boner for him. Then she simply smirks and leaves him hanging.
Anon how do you know the tropes I’m weak for??!? Oh my gosh
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sinfulsachi · 3 years
I have this KaiAo headcanon that suddenly popped into my mind and wanted to share it with you hehe 🙈
So we know that Kaito tends to mock Aoko about her breast size, among other remarks. Once they are dating he notices she's a bit insecure about her body and dammit, his "jokes" fuelled that insecurity. So he makes sure that Aoko knows he actually loves every. single. part. of. her. Breasts? Check. Soft curves? Check. Butt? Check. The fact that she's shorter than him and overall, her petite built? Big. Fat. Check. (he doesn't tell her about the latter, but oh well, Aoko also loves their size difference and is a big turn on for them both)
So when does Kaito tell her about this? Well, most of it happens during their lovemaking, e.g. he makes sure to give special love to her breasts, but also whispers how well they fit in his hands.
Sorry for the rambling, it got a little out of hand!! 🙈
AHHH! I 💯💯💯 agree with this! 
Thank you for sharing this oh my god it’s so lovely and sweet of Kaito to do this. 😍 And I super love that you pointed out their size difference because hell yeah, that is indeed a kink for both of them. :3
Don’t be sorry for rambling! I absolutely love KaiAo headcanons! <3
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sinfulsachi · 3 years
I think for KaiAo's first time, Aoko will be so shy and insecure to the point that she just wants to curl up on the bed to cover her body instead of continuing the deed with Kaito skssksk.
Since it is also canon that she has a low self-esteem, I think this will be likely the case
Ah I think so too! That’s where Kaito’s assistance comes through. I remember one ask talking about the body worship that happens between KaiAo during sex and I think that is something Kaito would honestly do no matter how much of a tease he is. ♥︎
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