your eyes at night
Collaboration with @artycreaty/@fanarain, for the prompt "Ill-Advised Stargazing." Thank you Aina for the wonderful co-writing experience!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Mou, Shinichi, why did you drag me out here in the middle of the night? It’s cloudy and we can’t even see anything.”
She could feel the rough shingles through her shorts as she sat, having followed Shinichi’s lead up a ladder that was surely just looking for the right misplaced breath to break it. Around them, the forest was quiet, with the occasional small rustling that made her shiver. There was no moon. 
“You’ll see,” said Shinichi, settling down beside her. He sounded unbearably smug. “Sake?” He produced a shadowy shape from somewhere in the form of a jug.
“Sake?” Ran looked dubiously at him. “Is that all you brought? Just sake?”
“Of course not,” he chuckled, before gesturing at a basket to his side which she hadn’t seen previously. He reached over with his arm and pulled up a small and thin blanket that was draped onto the top, revealing sandwiches and fruits. “That’s just an appetizer.”
She stared at the basket and then at Shinichi, who was staring back at her, a hand still holding and gesturing at the sake. She just sighed and shook her head in resignation. 
“Sure, why not.”
Feeling reckless, she took the jar and tipped some into her mouth before handing it back to him. She could just make out a pout on his face as he took it from her. 
“Had a bet with myself that you wouldn’t drink,” he said ruefully. “Guess I shoulda known better.” He turned away, tilted his head back, and drank as well.
“Not too much,” Ran admonished. She’d seen her dad stumbling around intoxicated, and had no wish to discover the experience on a slanted rooftop ten meters up. “You still haven’t told me why we’re here.”
Shinichi huffed a laugh, which wasn’t an answer. She heard him rummaging around the picnic basket, and a packet appeared in front of her. “Let’s get comfortable. Egg sandwich?”
She grumbled at the lack of the answer before taking the sandwich off of his hand. “Thank you,” she said as she unwrapped it and then put it in her mouth. She felt Shinichi staring at her as she bit a part of the sandwich, chewing for a bit before swallowing. She blinked down at her hand.
“This is good, really good,” she noted before looking up at him. “Did you make this?”
He grinned, a little smugly. “Of course I did. Impressed?”
She blinked again before giving a grin in return, tilting her head as she did so. “Yes, actually. So impressed that I’m almost proud.”
She was also impressed by herself for wiping that smug grin off of his face. Even in the darkness, she could see him blushing.
His face still slightly shadowed with embarrassment, he reached around and took something else out of the basket. A few seconds later, she heard the crunch of an apple. 
They ate in silence for a bit, till Shinichi wordlessly handed her the sake jug again. Looking down in surprise, Ran realized she had finished her sandwich. She accepted the jug, tilted her head back and poured a more generous stream into her mouth this time. The sweetness of the alcohol lingered on her tongue. 
A breeze started up, rustling through the treetops ahead of them, and Ran shivered, even through her alcohol-induced warmth.
Shinichi must have felt it beside her, because he looked around at her, eyes luminous with concern. “Barou, I told you to bring a warm jacket.”
“I didn’t think we’d be staying outside tonight!” she retorted. “I thought we’d be going from one place to another!” 
He blinked, then deadpanned, “You knew we were still going outside, where it’s colder than the inside. Why didn’t you bring it along?”
“I thought I’d be fine,” she mumbled as she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around her bent legs. “It’s not that cold. I remember seeing the weather report saying that it would be a little warmer tonight.” She saw Shinichi frown in the corner of her eye, and forced a chuckle. 
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. You know I’ve handled much colder temperatures than this.” Even as she said so, she still shivered. She rubbed her hands onto her arms through the thin sleeves to stave off the cold.
He stared at her for a while, before sighing and adjusting to take his jacket off of himself before reaching over and draping his jacket onto her shoulders.
“Eh?” she blinked at the action. “Shinichi?”
“Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m only helping you because if you catch a cold we’ll both be in trouble.” Despite this, his touch lingered, and eventually he pulled the jacket more tightly around her before letting go. 
It was warm with his body heat, and she snuggled into it without putting her arms through. She leaned against him, warmed by sake on the inside and by Shinichi’s jacket on the outside. “Thanks.”
He cut a glance at her and grunted. The flush was back on his cheeks.
The next moment, though, his hand landed on her opposite shoulder, shaking it as excitedly as a child on a holiday. “Look! It’s happening!”
She followed his pointing finger upward and saw the clouds shifting rapidly, blown about by some high wind. As they shredded, points of light peeked through first, then the vast, pale river of Milky Way was splitting the sky, the constellations beating down thickly on them from all corners of the heavens. 
Ran gasped.
“Shinichi!” she exclaimed in awe. “The stars!”
Indeed. There were bright points of light shining down upon them, connecting with each other in Ran’s eyes, forming constellations. 
“It’s beautiful…” she breathed in awe. “Shinichi, it’s so beautiful!”
“Yeah…” he replied softly. “It really is.”
Somehow she felt that there was something hidden in the words he’d just uttered out, but she was too awed by the stars to take notice. They were bright, so bright she felt like she was being taken into their embrace. She always knew it, but she was still surprised by how vast the heavens were. She was not the only one, she knew. Shinichi was just as enamored by the stars as her.
“Hm?” she blinked. She didn’t know about constellations much, but from what she could remember from books she’s read before, then that group of stars forming a shape was… “Shinichi!”
“Look, there!” she pointed towards the night sky. “That one with the three bright stars close together that looks like an uneven triangle with the other stars that look like animal legs…  is that Sagittarius?”
He didn’t answer at first, but when she turned her head to look at him, he was looking along the line of her finger. She heard him swallow before he said roughly, “Of course it is. Don’t you know anything? You’re familiar with the story?” Without waiting for an answer, he launched into it anyway. “In Greek Mythology, there was a centaur named Chiron who was wise and generous…”
Ran knew the myth, perhaps better than Shinichi, but she leaned back against him as he talked, the sake giving her courage to rest her head on his shoulder. This close, she could feel the vibrations of his voice as he spoke, and gradually his arm wrapped around her back, too. She let his voice wash over her as she soaked in the dizzying expanse of the starry sky.
It lasted until he suddenly sneezed.
“I’m alright, I’m alright!” he said when she lifted her head in concern. Then he sneezed again.
Ran shucked the jacket off hurriedly. “My god, why didn’t you say you were cold? We could have switched off, or I could have gone back for another.”
“I’m…I’m no — ACHOO!”
Ran wrapped the jacket back around a sniffling Shinichi. “Maybe we should go back inside.”
“No, no, I’m alright, I’m alright!” he reassured her, before sneezing a fourth time.
Ran stared at him in concern, before shifting onto her knees, her hand landing onto his arm and lightly squeezed. “Shinichi, let's go inside. It’s getting colder.”
“Ran…” he sighed before looking to the side, mumbling, “I wanted to stay longer…”
“Shinichi…” Ran gave a soft smile. “I want to stay, too. The stars are beautiful. But it’s not worth risking our health. And besides,” she chuckled. “We can still see the stars out the window, can’t we?”
He pouted a bit longer but couldn’t refute Ran’s words, so he reluctantly and carefully stood up. He gave Ran a hand, to which she latched onto and stood up herself. Her vision suddenly went blurry and her foot slipped on the slanted rooftop a little.
“Whoa!” Shinichi grabbed hold of her arm to steady her. She instinctively held onto him in return. “Ran! Steady, steady!”
Once she was able to get her sense of balance back in control, she breathed out in relief.
“Thank you, Shinichi. Sorry!” she giggled and rubbed her eyes. “It’s just the sake making me a bit dizzy, is all!”
He stared at her before relaxing a bit but still tense as he let go of her. “Just be careful.”
Even as he said that, she could hear him slurring a little. She giggled again. “I could say the same for yourself!”
“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled softly before carefully bending down and grabbed the picnic basket and the blanket, then handed the latter to Ran, to which she took. He then gestured at the edge of the roof. “Ladies first.”
“Why, thank you,” she curtsied a bit before carefully walking the short steps towards it. She carefully crouched down close to the ladder.
“Be careful,” he cautioned.
She nodded and began climbing down the ladder. Once she reached the stable floor, she stepped away a bit and waited for Shinichi to finish his climb.
“You good?” she asked once he’d found his footing.
“Then let’s go inside!” Ran nodded to the door and walked towards it.
Upon opening it, she went inside before stopping and stared behind her at Shinichi, who was still at the ladder, staring at nothing. “Well? C’mon inside!”
He seemed to snap out of his mind. “Uh, yeah. I’m coming.” He turned around and walked, almost stumbled, towards the door. He looked funny walking like that, and she almost giggled again.
Until Shinichi tripped upon the door frame. “Whoa!”
Ran’s martial arts instincts, blurred as they were by alcohol, kicked in, and she caught Shinichi before he hit the ground.
“Th-thanks,” he muttered once he regained his balance, not looking at her, but he didn’t let go of her, and she didn’t loosen her grip either. He was so nice and solid. The outdoors chill still clung to his clothes, reminding her of the cold, clear loveliness of the night sky. “...Ran,” he said hoarsely, and she felt his hand go snaking through her hair, his other arm returning her embrace.
“Did you — did you like tonight? I tried my best.”
“I loved it. Thank you, Shinichi.” She finally drew back to meet his eyes. They were more beautiful than all the galaxies and constellations outside, and she couldn’t help but stand up on her tiptoes and press closer to him — even closer, until their lips touched.
His lips were dry and gentle, and though the kiss was short, in that instant Ran lost herself in the soaring infinitude of the stars themselves. Shinichi’s arms were still wrapped around her, one hand tangled in her hair.
“You know,” he said in a low voice, “we have enough food and snacks to last until dawn. We’re down here anyway, and we can grab extra blankets and a better jacket for you.”
“You mean…”
“Do you want to see the sunrise?”
Anything, Ran thought. Anything to stay near him. On a rooftop, on a darkened landing, on the way to school, in her room with the door shut. Beneath the night sky, beneath a roof, beneath the clouds, beneath the sun and wind and rain.
“I wouldn’t mind,” she heard herself saying. She hit him. “But it had better be good, or else!”
He chuckled. “Of course. What do you take me for?”
Instead of answering, she pecked him on the lips and leaned back a little, grinning. He stood still, blinking, before chuckling again.
“Oh, you cheeky little…” He leaned down and kissed her full on the lips. The kiss left her feeling all tingly and warm. She loved it. She wanted to stay in his embrace like this. Forever. 
But forever couldn’t last. Their lips parted for a much needed air. They stayed close, breathing. Their eyes connected for what seemed like long moments, before they laughed.
“Let’s go in before we miss the sunrise!” she chirped. 
Shinichi nodded, bent down to pick up the basket and thin blanket, and led her inside. 
And so they stayed up all night inside, chatting about everything and nothing, with a few make out sessions, staring at the beautiful night sky until the sunrise. And even then, they still stayed past dawn until both of them inevitably fell asleep.
It was the most beautiful night she’d ever had, and she knew Shinichi felt it too. 
Of course, both of them caught colds and they were chewed out for staying outside for too long. But they wouldn’t have it any other way. 
She was planning on more nighttime dates another time. 
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shinranweek · 1 year
Another ShinRan week is officially over. Again we got so many beautiful and talented works to enjoy, so let's thank all creators who participated this year:
Creator names follow:
@ravenclawwitchc @subbe93 @otaku-108 @marshmallowgoop @ellie-tarts @detectivefable @digitallyfanged @wata-kushi @kylee-11 FeatherDragon (AO3) @ueyyuey @lenawin4 @rux363 @marivanilla05 @deducingcircumference @artycreaty You can find a list of the entries by prompt here.
We are keeping the feedback form open till next year, so fill it out if you have a chance.
Thank you for being part of ShinRan Week 2023! We enjoyed the week, and we hope that you did too ❤
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meitanteisachi · 2 years
I wanted to do the “5 things that make you happy” post @circumference-pie tagged me to, so here ya go! ☺️
My four cats. ♡
Planning trips - itinerary, accommodation, activities, etc. Makes me high lol.
Going out of town/country with my loved ones or friends! 2023 is kinda like my revenge travel year. Currently making the most out of my expiring Japan tourist visa so I booked several trips to Japan this year. (Three years of sedentary lifestyle ate lots of time.)
Finishing (reading/writing) a fic.
Words of affirmation in work >>>
Tagging @artycreaty and @imsotiredcanipleasegetabreak and anyone who wants to do this, please go ahead! <3 
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blenderfullasarcasm · 2 years
10 People You Want to Know Better
tagged by @kuroko99
Relationship Status: single
Favorite Colors:  red, black, silver
Favorite Foods: soft pretzels, bubble tea, onigiri, croque madame, cheese toasties
Song Stuck in Your Head: The Beginning - ONE OK ROCK
Last Thing You Googled: oracle (the cloud infrastructure company)
Time: 23:36
Dream Trip: Japan! I went for my study abroad but got sent home a month in bc of the pandemic :/ 
Last Thing You Read: Batman: Urban Legends #20
Last Book You Enjoyed: The Magpie Murders, by Anthony Horowitz
Favorite Thing to Cook/Bake: chocolate crinkle cookies! they're chocolate chocolate chip cookies, dense like brownies, and covered in powdered sugar
Favorite Craft: knitting or embroidery! right now I'm working on knitting a Batman doll and cross-stitching a Kaitou KID embroidery piece
Most Niche Dislike: mushrooms. cannot stand them. even the smell of them makes me want to gag. also generally not a fan of soup, which I have been informed is sacrilegious.
Opinion on Circuses: have only experienced it through Dick Grayson’s backstory. and my time on here i guess.
Sense of Direction? pretty okay. I'm the human GPS whenever I'm with my family, so.
tagging: @summerbummin @artycreaty @rururinchan @helloitstrash @hexfloog @marshmallowgoop
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trouvelle · 4 years
Also glad that the fic asks Made your day better! My day is just fine, thank you! More to say, your reply made my day better as well! 🤗 — artycreaty (Aina)
Awwww Aina I missed you! ❤️ I hope you’re continuing to do well and have more wonderful days to come! ( ´ ▽ ` )/
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mintchocolateleaves · 5 years
First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINT-CHAN!!! 🎉🎉🎉 Hope you had a super great day! Second, thank you so much for reading my first fiction and I’m so glad that you like it! And also thank you for the advice, I was soooo happy, you’re the best human on earth ahhhhh Have a very happy birthday and take care of yourself! X ~ artycreaty
Thank you!!!
I’m glad you enjoyed my little advice, and I hope to read more from you soon! I know there is more in the Emogust tag to be read, but I’ve been a bit distracted these past two days! I will read when I have a bit more time!
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chriswhitewolf · 3 years
Hey @artycreaty! Sorry that it’s a little late, I had to make some last-minute changes to the storyline and it took some time to rewrite it. Here’s your gift for the @dcmksecretsanta event!
It was super fun to write, and I enjoyed playing around with a Shinichi who grew up so different from canon and didn’t become a famous high school detective!
So without further ado, I hope you enjoy!
Shinichi is three years old, pouting angrily to himself on the edge of a crime scene ‘cause his dad is too caught up in the case to pay him any attention. He stomps his foot and huffs, but his Tou-san doesn’t notice. He hasn’t even looked at Shinichi since the dead body appeared. He’s pretty sure his dad doesn’t even remember that he’s there.
Shinichi turns his back to his dad and walks away. If Tou-san doesn’t care about Shinichi enough to remember he’s there, he thinks bitterly, then Shinichi won’t be there. The logic feels sound, and the three year old is confident in his choice. For about three blocks.
Shinichi’s anger has faded, having melted away little by little with each step father away from his dad and the crime scene. He starts to think about what leaving Tou-san means. Okaa-san likes spending time with Shinichi and Tou-san both, and with Shinichi gone she’ll be with him all the time. So if he wants to be with Okaa-san, he’ll have to be with Tou-san too. And she’d be really sad if she didn’t get to be with Shinichi. So he has to go back so he doesn’t make her sad. He doesn’t want his Okaa-san to be sad.
Nodding, Shinichi turns around to go back to the bookstore, but stops short. He’s lost. Shinichi feels his eyes tear up, but he swipes the water from his eyes stubbornly. He’s a big boy; he doesn’t cry. Instead, Shinichi tries to remember what his parents taught him about being lost. Stay where you are. Don’t go with anyone who isn’t Okaa-san or Tou-san, or a police officer. If you see a policeman, ask for help. Shinichi doesn’t see any policemen, but that’s okay. He just has to wait.
There’s a bench near a building to his left, and Shinichi goes and sits down. He’s tired, his feet hurt, and he doesn’t want to stand while he waits. He kicks his feet back and forth. He’s bored, and he wants his parents to show up soon so he can go home.
The building behind him explodes.
Shinichi’s ears are ringing, and he’s in pain. He’s crying, he can feel the tears on his cheeks and falling to the ground under where he lays, but he doesn’t care. It hurts, and he can’t hear anything over the ringing noise, and he wants his mom.
He doesn’t notice the red light that washes over him and disappears into his skin.
. . .
Shinichi is five, and he’s pretty good at sign language. His Tou-san and Okaa-san are too. Shinichi can’t hear anymore, not since that fateful day when he was three. They started learning JSL after Shinichi woke up in the hospital and asked his Tou-san why the world was so quiet. Two years later, all three of them were all but fluent. There was a lot of stuff that was different now, beyond just learning a new language.
They’d installed a new doorbell, for one; it had lights that would flash when someone rang it. His Tou-san had stopped taking him to crime scenes. He’d made friends with a girl in his school, even though Ran-chan didn’t know sign language and Shinichi was deaf. His parents had hired an interpreter to help him in school, and Shiba-chan was more than happy to help him talk to Ran-chan. He liked Shiba-san. She was pretty, and nice, and one of her front teeth was a little crooked. He thought it was cool, and made her look unique and interesting. His Okaa-san had scolded him for mentioning it when they first met; she said it was rude.
The doorbell-light flashed, and Shinichi ran to open it. Shiba-san smiled at him.
“Good morning, Shinichi-kun! Ready for school?”
“Morning, Shiba-san! I’m ready to go.” Shinichi turned and waved to his parents, standing in the entryway where they’d been waiting for Shiba-san to come walk him to school. They smiled and waved, and Shinichi shut the door behind him as he left. “Can we meet Ran-chan and walk with her?” Shiba-san’s hands fluttered about while she thought, not signing but still moving.
“Do you know where she lives?”
“No,” Shinichi pouted. He’d wanted to walk with Ran!
“How about we ask her about it today? We can see if she wants to walk with us to school in the mornings, and figure out where to meet her.” Shinichi beamed and nodded, running and bouncing to use up his excited energy. He made sure to stay close enough that Shiba-san could warn him if he couldn’t hear something dangerous.
They learned about soulmates in school that day. Whenever someone sang, their soulmate would hear it in their mind. When Shinichi got home, he got on the computer and looked up whether being deaf meant people couldn’t hear their soulmate. He cried when he found the result.
Soulbonds are a supernatural phenomenon, one which supersedes the physical. Even when someone is completely deaf, they can hear their soulmate’s singing in their mind.
Those who suffer complete hearing loss later in life have testified that there was no change in their ability to hear their soulmate, or the way their soulmate’s singing sounds.
. . . 
Shinichi is nine, standing outside the Mouri Detective Agency on a Saturday morning. Ran had invited him to go to the arcade with her for her birthday, so his parents had dropped him off at her house. Kogoro-san was going with them as supervision.
It annoyed him that his parents insisted on having an adult around if he went anywhere, but he did understand. For all that he was nine and knew to be careful, they didn’t want him to get hurt because he wasn’t able to hear a shouted warning. He still thought that he and Ran should be allowed out by themselves. She would hear anything important, and Shinichi was really observant.
Someone came to stand beside him, and Shinichi looks over to a smiling Ran.
“Good morning, Shinichi!”
“Morning, Ran.” Shinichi grinns and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a small box in bright wrapping paper. “Happy Birthday,” he signs, giving it to her. He recognizes the squeal she made, but only because he’s seen her do it so many times. Kogoro-san always complained about how loud and high-pitched it was.
He was kinda glad he couldn’t hear it. He could enjoy how cute she looked without getting a headache from the sound.
Ran tore the wrapping paper off, handing it to her dad to throw in the nearby trash can. She stops to stare at the brand name on the box, a well-known jewelry company. She glances up at him, and he smiles back at her, before she opens the box. Her eyes widen, and she’s frozen and gaping at the necklace. She carefully lifts it from the box by the chain, holding it in one hand while the other hands its box to her dad.
“It’s beautiful, Shinichi. Thank you.” He smiles, glad she likes it. He’d thought about asking his mom to help him pick something out, but he’d doubted Ran would like the same flashy jewelry as his mom did. He was glad now that he hadn’t gotten her help, cause she’d no doubt have talked him into buying something too showy and expensive for Ran to truly enjoy.
“Do you want help putting it on?”
“Yes, please.” Ran hands him the necklace and turns around. He unclaspes the chain and loops it around her neck, waiting for her to pull her hair out of the way before closing it.
Ran turns back, one hand resting delicately on the heart-shaped pendant at her collarbone as she smiles at him. Kogoro grabs their attention, a soft look on his weathered face.
“Are we going to stand here all day, or are we going to the arcade?”
After dinner at the Mouri’s, Shinichi texts his parents to pick him up and tells Ran goodnight, pretending not to notice the disappointment on Ran’s face that her dad’s was the only voice singing her happy birthday.
. . .
Shinichi is fifteen, laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling. Their classmate, Sonoko, one of Ran’s closest friends, had been gushing about the song her soulmate sang for her all day between classes. He’d winced when she first brought it up, but however much hearing about it made Ran sad, he knew she didn’t want to make Sonoko feel like she couldn’t tell them things about her soulmate.
Even if Ran didn’t have one.
Everyone had a soulmate, as far as anyone knew. Some people never got to meet theirs, but they usually knew they existed. Whenever someone sang, or hummed a tune, their soulmate would hear it in their mind. Ran had never heard anything from her soulmate, even though she would sing a lot. Ran did her best to act like it didn’t bother her, often claiming that her soulmate probably just couldn’t sing to her. Shinichi could see she didn’t quite believe it. He knew that it hurt her that she’d never heard anything.
Shinichi would’ve felt bad for never singing or humming, except for the fact that he’d never heard his soulmate either. Ran had confided in him when they were younger, telling him about the silence in her head and how her parents insisted there was some other reason, besides her not having one at all. She’d confided that she wasn’t sure she believed it, and she didn’t think they did either. In turn, he’d told her that he didn’t hear anything either, and explained that it had nothing to do with being deaf. He’d shown her the article he’d read that day when they were five and their teacher had given them a lesson on soulmates, and all the studies that’d been done on soulmates and soulbonds within the deaf community.
Shinichi tried not to let it bother him, his lack of a soulmate, but there were times he couldn’t help but feel the missing song like a hole in his chest. Most days he could honestly say he didn’t care, but there were moments he did.
Ran had it worse, he knew. As much as she tried to hide it, he knew that her lack of soulmate was always hovering on the edges of her mind. She said it didn’t bother her at all, but it never stopped bothering her. Not for a second.
Sonoko had once dragged both of them to see a romcom with her at the movie theatre. He’d purposefully sat between Ran and Sonoko, so the latter wouldn’t see the way Ran cried silently throughout the whole thing. He knew that the movie had felt like a knife to the heart for Ran with every mention of soulmates, and the way the two soulmates found each other and got their “happily ever after”, because he felt it too.
He’d made a point of making sure they never watched a romance movie after that. Sonoko complained about it each and every time, but Shinichi would gladly suffer her jabs and pokes and anger if it meant Ran wasn’t stuck holding in her sobs and playing off the tear tracks on her cheeks as the story having been just so beautiful.
Shinichi shook himself out of his memories and sat up. Most TV shows and movies had a romantic plot or sub-plot about a soulmate pair, and between that and Shinichi needing subtitles to watch anything, he and Ran had become avid readers. He’s always searching for books that didn’t have any mention of soulmates at all to recommend to Ran. It was mostly fantasy, with the occasional mystery or crime novel that didn’t have soulmate status as a motive for murder.
Ran had taken to writing stories to post online, ones that didn’t include soulmates or soulbonds at all but weren’t high fantasy. It was rare to find a realistic fiction novel where the characters, and world itself, didn’t have soulmates. Shinichi read everything she posted, even her first attempts at writing that she cringed just thinking about.
He reached for his phone on the nightstand by his bed, thumbing open his text history with Ran to send her a list of new books. She likely needed some escapism after the kind of day she’d had.
He certainly did.
. . .
Shinichi is sixteen, and the light on his bedroom ceiling wakes him up. It’s flashing off and on. Shinichi props himself up on his elbows to look towards his bedroom door. Heiji is grinning at him with one hand on the lightswitch, which he’s thankfully stopped messing with. Kazuha stands with Ran in the doorway next to him. His childhood friend looks apologetic, while Kazuha looks sympathetic.
“Get up, Kudo! We don’t have all day.” Shinichi sighs and sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes before signing his response.
“Don’t have all day for what?”
“All my amazing plans for us!” Shinichi blinks at him and gives him a deadpan look.
“We didn’t make plans today. I didn’t even know you were in Tokyo.”
“Heiji-kun decided to make it a surprise, even though I told him he oughtta ask you two in case you were busy.” Kazuha shot her boyfriend and soulmate a look, and he turned sheepish.
“It’s more fun this way! Who doesn’t like a nice surprise?” Shinichi sighed, causing his friends to turn back to him.
“Out,” he signs, making shooing motions with his hands. Heiji looks ready to protest, but Ran and Kazuha each grab one of his arms and drag him back, closing the door behind them. Shinichi throws the blanket aside and stands up to get dressed for whatever plans Heiji’s concocted.
Ten minutes later finds him fully dressed and downstairs, heading for the kitchen to get breakfast. His friends are there, along with his parents. His Tou-san shoots him a grin, and his Okaa-san signs a good morning as she hands him a plate of toast. He thanks her with his free hand before taking the top piece off the stack and biting into it. He moves over to the counter and sets the plate down to address Heiji.
“What kind of trouble are you getting us into today, specifically?” Kazuha smirks and Ran puts a hand over her mouth — stifling laughter, he thinks — and Heiji sputters.
“I didn’t say anything about gettin’ ya in trouble!”
“We always end up getting into trouble when you plan a surprise.” Shinichi smirks at Heiji’s offended expression. He knows Heiji isn’t actually upset, he can see the amusement hidden in his eyes and the set of his jaw.
Shinichi might not have been dragged along to crime scenes with his dad since he was three, but he’s still observant. Observant enough that he pinpointed the evidence for a crime that he and Ran had been witness to, which lead to his unexpected friendship with one Hattori Heiji.
He continues to banter and chat with his friends as he eats, and as they drag him from the house the second he finishes his toast.
The day has been pretty fun, and Shinichi has enjoyed hanging out with Kazuha and Heiji. They haven’t even stumbled onto a crime or murder yet today.
“Y’know,” Heiji starts, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you sing, Kudo.” Ran goes tense beside him, and he makes a conscious effort not to do the same. He debates with himself over his response for a moment. He doesn’t exactly want his lack of soulmate — or Ran’s, for that matter — to become common knowledge. Instead, he shrugs and casually as he can manage.
“I was tone deaf even before I was deaf, according to my Okaa-san. I choose not to torture people with my singing.”
“You’re soulmate doesn’t mind, do they?” Kazuha asks. “I doubt you’re that bad, but even so your soulmate could prefer it to silence.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s not a problem.”
“Only pretty sure?” Shinichi curses at himself in his head. Before he can say anything else, Heiji grabs him by the wrist and starts pulling him away. Ran and Kazuha follow behind.
Heiji doesn’t slow down or let go until they’ve reached a secluded corner of a nearby park, the only other people just barely visible in the distance. He turns on his heel to face Shinichi.
“What? No.”
“Kudo, ya can’t just not sing without considering how your soulmate must feel about it.”
“Just a little. We’re not gonna judge you for how good or bad you sound.” Shinichi crosses his arms and gives Heiji a stern and unimpressed look, but his friend doesn’t falter. A glance at Kazuha shows she’s on Heiji’s side, and Ran is doing her best to not show how close to home the topic hits.
“Fine. Fine,” He sighs, focusing his gaze on the grass under his feet. “I’m not singing, though.” Before Heiji can interrupt to voice his confusion, Shinichi hums a few notes. He keeps his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes on the ground. He doesn’t like singing or humming. He knows that he’s probably hitting weird notes and he can’t even hear it to gauge the severity of his failed attempt.
He’s not sure if that’s better or worse than knowing exactly how he sounds.
Someone lays a hand on his bicep, and he turns to look. Ran’s staring at him, tears in her eyes and hand resting on his arm. He tilts his head and furrows his brow, questioning without needing to free his hands. His arms feel like some sort of armor over his chest, and he’s not ready to let that go.
“Shinichi…” Ran starts, pausing and just holding his gaze. Her hand twitches and waves, like she doesn’t know how she wants to phrase whatever she’s trying to say. She gives up, hand falling limp to her side, and Shinichi searches her face for whatever it is bothering her.
He isn’t sure what it is that gives it away, but his eyes widen in shock as he suddenly knows what she was trying to say. It doesn’t make sense, cause he knows Ran sings, he’s seen her sing before. It’s always been as silent to him as the rest of the world, so there’s no possible way…
They’re soulmates.
Ran smiles at him, soft and shaky and mirroring the sadness and relief and confusion swirling in her eyes, and he suddenly can’t get his hands free fast enough as he pulls her into a hug. She buries her face into his neck, arms around his waist and holding tightly. He holds her just as tight, cheek pressed to the top of her head as she cries into his skin.
He absently makes a mental note to thank Heiji for being so stubborn.
21 notes · View notes
gisachi · 3 years
Hi ^^ I know that your requests are now closed but I was thinking that, given you have written jealous Shinichi, I would very much enjoy some jealous Ran! Maybe you can mix it with one of the prompts? Just throwing the idea out there, no pressure. Delete this if you don't feel like it, it's okay really. Thank you for writing these amazing fics, the shinran fandom is in your debt. ❤️
So this is the last (!!!) and longest (!!!) of the kiss prompts, and I dedicate it to multiple-requests Anon and to this Anon. I hope both of you still see this. It took me a while. ^^;;
P.S. Special thanks to @artycreaty for keeping this in check. You are awesome. 🥰
41. Kisses shared under an umbrella. 46. A lingering kiss before a long trip apart. (6,489 words)
Ran keeps telling herself she has no right to be jealous.
She has hundreds of reasons not to. They’re merely childhood best friends. Life would be much easier if she didn’t involve herself in his business twenty-four seven. Shinichi absolutely doesn’t look at her that way. And so forth.
She wonders why they’re even friends in the first place. If their parents hadn’t enrolled them in the same kindergarten, she was certain they wouldn’t even be on speaking terms. He lives in a world of grisly books and crimes, she in a world of martial and visual arts. Their hobbies don’t overlap. They excel in different fields. They enter the same university with completely unrelated majors. The only bond they have in common is their shared history. Literally bonded since they were four, until now at nineteen.
So when she sees him all jolly around his newfound circle who hold the same interest in Holmes or detective work, it shouldn’t surprise her as much. It’s part of university life, it’s normal, they expand their horizons, and Ran understands that it hits much differently when they bond with people who like the same stuff they do. Something she’s aware they cannot share a hundred percent.
She’s proud of him, and she absolutely has no right to feel jealous, especially when she sees him around taller, prettier, more interesting women from his course block. There is no reason for her to look away with a heavy weight in her chest everytime the women get giggly and touchy while he’s absorbed in narrating his stories.
Everytime she does, she reminds herself of how he didn’t seem to mind when she was casted as the protagonist of their high school play and the leading man was the handsome Araide-sensei. Or how he simply shrugged when she fawned over the brother of a classmate because he looked so much like the karate senpai she was crushing on. Or when she secretly caught Sonoko dragging the detective behind gym after P.E. to confront him about his opinion regarding an upperclassman courting Ran and his only response was, ‘She can like whoever she likes, Sonoko. I’m not her boyfriend.’
He never showed her any sign of jealousy, therefore he must not be into her. Simple as that. So it’s unfair for her to be treating him differently. Getting snarky just because he received sixteen new fan mails again, more now that they’re in uni, and two even coming from the popular criminology seniors he is often teased to? Or ignoring him unprecedentedly just because his eyes followed the back of a woman with long chestnut hair and voluptuous curves? There are plenty of fish in the sea, and he’s bound to be attracted to someone else. This is a pill she ought to learn to swallow eventually.
“Shinichi-kun, you never told us about your scariest case yet, tell us about it?”
Kaori closes her notes and so do the other two girls across her, and Shinichi’s eyes twinkle. He truly seems to enjoy study sessions with the little group they made consisting of some of his and Ran’s coursemates because they love listening to his stories.
“At the top of my head is this murderer disguised as a bandaged man, and he targeted us one by one…” and so the detective drones. Ran pauses typing and reminisces quietly. Ah, that one from summer three years ago. I was almost injured by that crazy man during my sleep but Shinichi woke me up in time.
“Ran-san,” Shun, her friend and coursemate, mutters beside her, also stopping his typing to listen to the detective’s story. “It’s ridiculous how popular Kudou-kun is with the girls. He’s full of wild adventures.”
“Yes, he is,” Ran says, smiling. “He’s been a girl magnet ever since high school.”
She watches as Kaori inches closer to Shinichi, listening attentively, chin on her palm and flirtatious smile on her lips as the detective rants on and on.
For the third time that afternoon, Ran looks away.
Ran keeps telling herself she has no right to be jealous.
She does, everyday, but it’s hard when he smiles at her, cares for her, holds her in a way she’s never seen him do for anyone else. It gives her hope every time the girls cling to him but he never touches them back, whereas he automatically slings his arm over her shoulder because she’s afraid or cold or he simply feels like it.
Then again, maybe she’s giving herself too much credit. Perhaps it’s a free pass for being around him for too long. She even gets to spend time with him during weekends and holidays. It isn’t special because it’s normal.
And that’s all she’ll ever be, a normal girl in his eyes.
“Ran? She’s pretty special.”
Ran reacts to the mention of her name and catches Shinichi looking at her. “She appears quiet but she can kick anyone’s ass without breaking a sweat. It’s bad if you cross her,” Shinichi gloats with a grin.
“Oh my god, really? We can bring her with us then!” Kaori claps her hands in excitement.
“Ah... But she won’t like that,” he follows up, wary. Ran has missed the topic they were talking about and now she’s curious.
“But ghosts aren’t real and Mouri-san can give them a good beating!”
“Gh-Ghosts?” The color in her cheeks drains, eyes freezing at Shinichi who has probably already expected that reaction, for he sports that same look of concern as those times he had expressed whenever she joined him in his way-past-bedtime elementary school adventures.
“We’ll investigate an abandoned house I always pass by walking home,” Kaori explains. “Last night I saw a faint cigarette light at the second floor window. It might be a fugitive or a homeless person or a ghost, who knows?”
“You don’t need to come if you don’t want to, Ran,” Shinichi assures.
Gulping, Ran contemplates whether going with them will do her any good. It’s a nice change, it’s been a while since she last tagged with Shinichi in his cases. But she isn’t exactly proud of shrieking like a little kid in front of serious criminology majors who may feel like she’ll drag their covert investigation down if she joins.
“...I’ll pass,” she answers meekly, and his coursemates sulk except Shinichi, who offers her a smile of understanding.
“Man, I thought we’ll be able to see Mouri-san in action!”
“That’s ok, maybe next time. We still have Shinichi-kun!”
“Shinichi-kun will protect us, ne?”
“Hah. Right. Invite Hakuba too, use him.”
“Oh c’mooon, Shinichi-kun!”
Ran closes her eyes, struggling to zone their voices out.
In her silence, Ran ponders if she has made a wrong choice.
Ran has no right to be jealous. So it’s unfair for her to be treating him this way.
The following weekend, Shinichi narrates what happened in their late-night investigation. Hakuba wasn’t there so Shinichi was the only available guy as usual. Ran refuses to hear any more details, both of the haunted house and secretly of the girls chancing onto him during the investigation. Shinichi is puzzled.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“Nah, just swamped with work.”
“On a Sunday?”
“Want me to assist?”
Her replies are curt from the couch of his house, not looking at Shinichi on the other end as she mindlessly cleans up her digital sketches. She hates how snappy she sounds but her brain is too absorbed with conjuring spiteful imaginations to even think of masking her annoyance.
“Ran, hey. Look at me.”
His low voice freezes her from drawing, and she slowly looks up to meet Shinichi’s serious eyes.
When this happens, she knows he’s reading her. She inwardly chants a prayer because now isn’t a good time. Whatever time isn’t a good time. She doesn’t know what to say when she’s aware everything she’s been feeling is irrational and unfair. She’s being selfish.
“You’re… stressed.”
“No, I’m… Eh?”
He scoots closer, an arm’s length away. “Your dark circles are more prominent now, you need a break.” His eyes turn a soft blue. “Let’s have dinner out? My treat.”
Ran is surprised, to say the least. The last time he invited her out was two weeks ago. She’s become so used to seeing him around others that any initiative from him sounds too good to be true.
“But I need to finish this project by tonight.”
“Let’s have food delivery then!” Shinichi announces, not rattled by Ran’s indirect refusal. “I know exactly what you want. Ramen and shaved ice.”
Her eyes thin at the absurdly goofy expression she knows he makes when he’s being mischievous. “Clearly you’re ordering that ramen for yourself. I only like shaved ice.”
“Damn! Miss Detective gets it.” A mile-wide grin stretches across his face, earning an eye roll from the half-smiling woman. “Let’s eat together on your short break, please?”
He leans within a respectful distance and she sees his smile better, pair of kind eyes locking with her overworked ones. “It’s been a while.”
Her heart throbs for him. So much.
She caves - of course she does - and breathes her acquiescence.
After two long weeks, they have dinner together, just them and Shinichi’s ramen and Ran’s donburi and shaved ice, Shinichi taking a spoonful of dessert from the cup when she isn’t looking and Ran snatching a slurp from his take-out bowl and laughing when he catches her.
With how heartfelt his laughter is in her presence devoid of any mysteries, Ran knows she’s probably giving herself too much credit, but for once she wants to believe she is the cause of why Shinichi’s happy.
Just for that night, she gives it to herself.
She’ll change the dark colors of her digital artwork to brighter ones after they eat.
Despite everything, Ran finds it difficult to contain her recurring jealousy.
The more she shares precious time with him, the more it gets harder to suppress the selfish emotions. What is so unsatisfying about being the best friend is that she is only the best friend. No more no less. At the end of the day, she isn’t the one he gets to cuddle with, to tease then kiss, to tell ‘I love you’ to, romantically.
“I love you.”
Ran feels her heart about to leap out of her chest.
“But please. Stop. Tearing. The. Cushions!”
The little furball he has scooped underneath a throw pillow wiggle from his grasp. The kitten and detective engage in a brief staring showdown before it jumps away to hide under a farther couch.
Snapping out of reverie, Ran watches her childhood friend slink dejectedly onto the partly scratched furniture. He’s fortunate enough that his mother isn’t around to give him a long lecture on Why Pets Aren’t Allowed in the House 101. She can always take Yukiko-san’s role and reprimand him for it, but as for this and the cat, she finds herself not wanting to intervene.
“Kaori-san sure is taking her time with her parent’s permission. By the time she does, Momo would’ve shredded all the pillows in this house.”
“You named the cat?” Ran asks, amused.
“She did.” He thinks for a moment, then sniggers. “Actually I did. I suggested a random name. She took it.”
Ran merely hums. What can she say? They’re getting close. Close enough to team up as parents to an adopted kitten.
“I’m surprised you also agreed to keep Momo when you never took in animals before.”
“Kaori said she’ll treat me to the latest Detective Samonji movie this weekend if I do. Can’t resist that.”
“Just you two?”
A beat. Then he turns to her.
“Wanna join? I can ask her to count you in since you’re kinda helpi—”
“N-no need,” Ran quips, “It’s—It’s fine.”
“No really,” Shinichi insists, “Kaori-san has a lot of money, she—”
“I’m going to Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum with Shun-san this weekend... so... I can’t.”
“It’s, um, for a project,” she bolsters.
“I know.” The faintest smile graces his lips. “It’s your thing. Both of you.”
He doesn’t say anything else after that.
“Shinichi, you’re a detective, right?” she blurts out of the blue.
Then deduce what I feel. Here and now.
“Then you’re going to enjoy that movie!” Ran forces a beam, giving Shinichi a thumb of approval. “And you can discuss it with Kaori-san over dinner. I’m sure you two have a lot to say about it.”
Shinichi’s eyes linger on her, reading her like a book, and Ran has her mind reeling again, afraid to be read.
“Yeah, we do,” he finally says, ending the conversation.
Only a few words are uttered the rest of the afternoon.
Momo resurfaces and curls beside Shinichi.
Momo’s purring is loud, but Ran’s shattering heart is louder.
Ran must not feel jealous. She is not a girlfriend.
Because she isn’t a girlfriend, he’s free to fall for and date anyone else. Who is she to gatekeep him? There are plenty of fish in the sea, and he’s one big catch. Ran believes she’s a big catch, too. With the way she loves dearly, her future boyfriend is going to be very lucky.
Her future boyfriend is not going to be him.
“...mber the required fieldwork in one of my majors I told you? We actually go by batches. The first batch did theirs last month. The second batch was last week… and I— Ran, are you listening?”
“Ah! Yes,” Ran notices they have already reached her station and are now walking two blocks to her apartment. “Your fieldwork, right?”
“...Yeah,” he carries on. “I’m in the last batch... This whole winter break.”
“I see, I understand.” She smiles, getting what he means. No Christmas or New Year’s Eve together. The first time since they’re four. It’s fine, honestly. If it’s a required activity, then there’s really no way to go about it. She isn’t going to lash out just because she can’t be with him in her most favorite time of the year.
“And Hattori-kun and Hakuba-kun will be with you?”
“Hattori did his last month. Hakuba is in the previous batch. I’ll be stuck with the girls.”
Ran’s heart momentarily squeezes. “Where will your fieldwork be?”
“In Akita.”
Her pupils constrict. “That far?”
“Yes... so to cut on expenses, Kaori-san offered her house for me and the others to stay while we’re there—”
Kaori. Again with the tall, beautiful, intelligent Kaori. She bets it’s amazing to spend the holidays doing what he loves and with Kaori beside her, snuggling with him by the fireplace in a romantic snowy night and she might even confess, and it’ll be a great catch for Shinichi, and he’ll return with a girlfriend, and—
“Kaori-san is lucky.” The words flow out of her mouth, unbridled.
Shinichi looks at her. “Lucky?”
Ran remains quiet and keeps walking. It’s dangerous to say anything. She only has one thing in her mind and she doesn’t want to say it out loud. She has no right.
“Ran, hey.”
She doesn’t stop walking.
She ignores his call.
“Ran… you’re jealous.”
She stops walking.
“Excuse me?”
“...You’re jealous…” Shinichi repeats quietly.
A contrast to his calm tone, his irises beset hers in the cold twilight and Ran attempts to shield herself but her bag and umbrella are in the way. She thinks of turning away but her feet are frigid like icicles, and Shinichi steps closer.
For the third time, he declares, “You’re jealous.”
Hearing her thoughts echo through his words renders her speechless.
It seems to take a moment before Shinichi’s brow arches, lips curl up as his eyes refuse to stray, and she hears a faint exhale even, like he’s exasperated, and suddenly he’s smiling - or is he smirking? sneering? - and...and...
It stings, is her immediate reaction.
For the longest time, she’d wanted him to take a hint. But if she had known this was how he’d react, she’d rather live a life having him oblivious of her emotional struggle. Dealing with that is more tolerable than witnessing him gaze her down in blatant mockery. He sneers as though he’s about to crack a joke and move on and forget such a laughable matter. That’s the last form of acknowledgment she wants for her honest feelings.
Heartbreak and shame and pain build up in her chest like a volcano closing eruption. Water begins to cloud her vision. She clenches her fist tight on her umbrella and Shinichi notices, and he takes another step forward.
“I am not, and you’re a fool.”
In a span of a breath, she’s sprinting in the opposite direction, tracing the path where they have walked, ignoring the distant yells of her name behind her. She runs and runs, and as she runs farther, with her thoughts muddy and breath short and dry, she wonders if she may have overreacted.
If he’s done that on purpose, screw him. If not, screw her.
After all, they are merely friends and she has no logical reason to act this way.
“Stop... running... will you!”
She hears heavy footsteps close in. It takes all the energy Ran has to prevent herself from turning her body around but his strong grip overpowers her.
“Let me go!”
“Why are you running?!”
“I can’t...deal with you!”
“Why? Was I right?”
“Right or wrong, it doesn’t matter!”
“Why doesn’t it matter?”
“Because I am your best friend!”
On another occasion, she would’ve successfully jilted away and run farther, but Ran is floored when he yanks her into a one-armed hug, so floored she drops her umbrella to the snowy ground.
“Stop saying that!” he hisses in her ear, frustration apparent.
“What are you— Let me go!”
He hugs her tighter.
“If you don’t let go in three seconds, I will screa—”
“I am happy!”
Ran stops struggling, eyes widening in shock.
Icy huffs tickle her neck as he half shouts, “I’m happy you feel that way!”
“You’re...You’re happy because I’m suffering?”
“What? No! I—”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better? How?” The hurt in her tone is impeccable, prattling muffled against his chest as she spares him no moment to butt in. “You think I wanted to feel this? That I enjoy griping in helpless jealousy? And you’re rejoicing that I am? How full of yourself can you be?!”
“That’s not...You don’t underst—”
“I do understand! I understand that I am so incredibly stupid for catching this disgusting heap of emotions for an obnoxious, stuck-up deduction maniac that is my best friend and maybe it’s better after all that he never, ever sees me the way I see him!”
“Stop saying that, Ran!”
She thinks he has broken away, but he drags her back with an insistent tug, crashing his lips onto hers as she stumbles into his arms.
All willpower rippling through her disintegrates quickly like snow in high heat.
An impatient pop resonates as he separates, eyes slowly opening, breath thick and ragged.
“I know that is not how we explain things, but does that explain anything?”
She hears it. The madness. But more than madness, yearning bleeds through his voice so much that her frustration turns into physical pain. Blinded by an all-consuming ache, she tips her chin and presses her lips back against his, demanding for cure in the wrong place. Shinichi freezes, then relaxes. He moves his hand to her nape, four fingers in her hair, thumb treading her jaw.
They look like a scene in a movie.
Under his umbrella and hidden from view, they communicate through brushing lips and tilting heads. His mouth closing over hers with gentle force, her hands splaying across his chest, heavy with something that makes his heart pound under them.
She is so lost in the chase and his tender embrace that for a second she forgets she is kissing her best friend.
Best friend.
This doesn’t explain anything. It worsens it.
She pulls back, ending what she has so recklessly started. “N-no, I’m— No.”
She pushes him away, gathers the stuff she drops, and runs without looking back.
He shouts her name. Twice.
On the third call, his footfalls die down. On the fourth, he stops running.
She doesn’t.
Thirty minutes before midnight, Ran stands outside his gate, boots buried half foot under the snow as she rings his intercom for the second time, thinking to herself how foolish she must be to cut communications with him for a week and then show up his doorstep looking miserable like a stood-up date.
It’s the start of winter break.
He’ll leave for Akita in ten hours.
She needs to give his Christmas present before his departure.
She’s crazy, pathetic, still frustrated, and hurtfully in love.
“Oi. You better have a good explanation for why you’re buzzing at goddamn midnig—”
His surprised gasp is apparent even through the intercom. A rustle follows and with a croaky voice, he responds. “...Ran.”
Surely he isn’t expecting this. Not after the tantrum she threw days ago. He probably thinks she hates him more than ever. But what she truly feels is more overwhelming than all negative emotions combined, and may god grant her all the strength to address it all, tonight.
“May I come in?”
“The house is—The house is a mess I, um. I’m packing my stuff for...”
“I’ll help you.”
She’ll understand if he decides to turn her down. But the answer that follows the deafening pause is a low and quiet ‘Okay’.
Despite psyching herself hours before she came, courage wanes when he opens the front door and gate in his pullovers. She is welcomed in, and the trip up his room is wordless. Shinichi only talks when he points out that he’s already packed clothes for two days and will need help for two weeks’ worth. He lamely laughs when he instructs her to pick the tops and layers, and he’ll take care of the pants and underwear.
On a normal instance, she would’ve humored him and they would’ve been talking right after. Now she simply pulls an empty smile and then they fall back into silence.
She supposes he’s trying to act unbothered, to treat what happened a week ago as a one-and-done glitch in their friendship, never to be discussed again. She cannot fault him when she’s trying to do the same. But it’s not easy when in the stillness of the night the echo of their altercation howls, raging persistently in their ears.
What has he been thinking of for the past week?
Has he been kept up all night by the words she said and the words he left unspoken?
Are they still friends? Will they still be friends after this?
The kiss... What about the kiss?
So many questions. So little words. So little time.
Ran is seated on the floor, folding shirts and stuffing them neatly in his duffel bag. Her back faces Shinichi who is sorting out bottoms in his cabinet. She senses him sit on the floor, back against her but not touching. Neither dares to speak first.
A ringing phone cuts the silence.
“Mm, still awake. Good for two weeks right? Gotcha. No, I’ll meet you girls at the station, no need to fetch me. Pfft. I can walk. Ok, see you tomorrow.”
If Ran wasn’t so hyperaware of where she is and what she’s done, her mood would’ve shifted to the one she’d been trying to avoid. Now isn’t the time to think about that. Midnight sneaking out to go to his house is something she wouldn’t do even on good days. She scans her bag on the far couch, deliberately bringing a bigger one to hide his gift. Maybe she can just sneak it in his bag and leave once she’s done and he’ll discover it only when he’s prefectures away. Brown has always suited him, and he’ll definitely find the overcoat useful as spare protective gear.
That’s right. She always cares for him like this. She is his best friend first, and... and nothing second.
“Don’t just leave after putting your present in my bag. At this hour, I can’t let you walk home alone,” he says swiftly.
Ran’s eyes fly wide.
“How did you…”
He doesn’t say anything and continues with his business.
Again with the throat-drying silence.
Something in Ran’s gut compels her to speak, but she is surprised when he does first.
“I... I don’t like Kaori-san. If that’s what you’re thinking.”
Ran stiffens, pausing mid-motion from folding. “I’m not…”
He leans his back completely against her and she shudders, voice reverberating through her skin. “Ran, if you could just hear me out.”
Unable to talk and move, she does.
“Kaori-san and the rest... They know I love mysteries. They know I want to build my own private detective agency. They know my favorite Holmes’ story is The Sign of Four. They know how many crimes I solved in Tokyo. All the information about me which anyone can read from the internet and newspaper and from what I told them when they ask, they know. Ran, you know all that. All that and more.”
He angles his head to the ceiling as if he’s talking to someone there. Ran supports his weight, curling to her knees as she silently listens.
“You know of my first ever deduction because Christ, my first deduction was about you. You know of the two cases which haunt me until this day because I watched the culprit die in front of my very eyes. You were with me the nights I locked myself in here thinking about them. You know of the interesting, the boring, the absurd cases, everything, because I told you or you were there. You know of the odd way I play the violin while I ponder over a case. You know I forget to eat when swamped with new books to read. I have three copies of The Sign of Four but the one I keep beside my bed and read almost weekly is the one you gave me on my tenth birthday and that is all I need. You know me for me, Ran. Everything about me that is off the record, the good and the bad, you know all of those. Only you. The same way I do... about you.”
She feels him crane slightly to the side, addressing her.
“I love you.”
Ran’s heart almost completely stops beating.
“I love you,” he whispers, “more than I am even supposed to.”
All words seem to have fizzled out of her vocabulary as she sits still, stunned at what she’s hearing.
“I’m happy growing up with you, studying with you, bickering with you, acting stupid with you, investigating with you, eating with you, napping with you, hugging you, holding you, taking care of you, simply... being with you. Before I know it, it’s not the cases or Holmes or mysteries that complete my days, it’s you.
“For you to keep repeating that ‘best friend’ phrase, I…” He lowers his head.
“For who knows how long, I’ve loved you as that and more.”
Someone pinch her because in no way can this be real.
“I was happy thinking you’re jealous because it meant a sliver of chance you feel the same way. We could’ve remedied the misunderstanding easily, Ran. We could’ve talked it over like we always do. But I was stupid and emotions were high and in the end I… kissed you…” he takes another deep breath, “But—but you kissed me back, and my heart couldn’t stay still...”
Pulse drumming loud, Ran tilts her head on the side where he leans, wanting to see the slightest expression he makes as he continues.
“If my deductions are wrong and you’re mad for a different reason, and—and you returned that for a different reason...” she hears the pang of remorse in his tone, “then please forget I ever said anything and I’ll leave myself to die in humiliation once I’m out of your sight.”
He lays one palm flat on the floor and she notices.
“But if my deductions are right and you were indeed jealous, I...” She feels his head swivel enough to feel his warm breath fan across her cheek, before shifting back front and releasing a slow, guttural exhale he’s kept contained within.
“I’ll wait... until you accept it. Accept me.”
Ran may have choked on her throat for how long she’s held her breath.
In spite of herself, she knows she doesn’t need to think of what to say. She had it all in her head before coming here. Yet expressing it out loud is a different matter.
She isn’t ready, but when will she ever be ready? Shinichi undoubtedly isn’t too. Yet here he is, laying the groundwork for her, no holds barred and a stuttering mess at that. How she plans to build from it is the question she asks herself next.
Inhaling as though bracing herself, she places a hand beside him, pinky slightly grazing his.
“I didn’t... You never showed any signs.”
Careful and calm, he extends his little finger over hers. She doesn’t flinch, and both hands crawl closer until two fingers overlap.
“Either I’m a great pretender or you’re incredibly dense.”
“I’m...I’m not dense.”
“I’m a bad actor, then.” He slides his hand further.
“I was trying so hard to be a supportive best friend for you.”
“I sensed that but ignored it because I didn’t want to assume anything.”
“You did though. Now we’re here.”
“Would you rather we aren’t?”
“I would rather we spend the last weeks of this year talking like normal than being stupid idiots before you leave.”
“It’s just two weeks, Ran.”
“Two special weeks I would’ve wanted to spend with my best frien-... with you.”
Without knowing it, his hand has completely nestled atop hers, four fingers curled between her thumb and index finger.
“Ran... You must really hate the idea of falling in love with me.”
“You’re so wrapped with the thought that we’re simply best friends that you hold your love in chains as though it isn’t permitted to grow.”
“I… I didn’t want to ruin the only connection we have-”
“Two friends falling in love are still friends… They are also more. You cannot ruin an indefeasible connection. Friendship and love may be the only bond we have, but they’re the most important bond of all.”
Ran falls quiet.
He releases a thick sigh, brushes his thumb across her splayed fingers.
“I have shit art appreciation skills, but I can take you to museums too... as a friend and as a date.” A beat, and a mumble. “Even to better museums than Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.”
She darts her head sideways, realizing something.
“Were you also…?”
Ran doesn’t suppress the heartfelt giggle that bubbles out.
“Shun-san has a boyfriend, Shinichi.”
“I—” he pauses. “I wasn’t asking.” Ran giggles more.
“I love you too.”
The hand above squishes hers all too suddenly like he’s been blown away and is needing something to hold onto.
“I came here to give your present and to apologize for being so shallow and for acting without thinking and for a lot of things actually... but now I feel there’s no need, because then I wouldn’t have...” She looks down at their intertwined hands.
Before she can return his squeeze, he recoils.
“Oh, y-you do apologize. Running away like that.” He coughs, and she can practically hear the tripping in his tone.
“Aren’t you already used to it? I’ve done it many times,” she chides.
“No. Apologize,” he insists. “And look at me while you do.”
Ran’s stomach twists, heart kicking up a step.
It’s easy to talk without eye contact, but to be requested so after confessions are exchanged—
“Face me, Ran.”
The familiar voice of yearning strums her heartstrings, tone sounding a lot like a plea than an order and Ran finds her head instinctively craning at an angle, hand coiling on the floor trying to calm her nervous beating heart. She feels him shift behind as well.
She takes all her time to face him, partly unsure what to do, partly knowing exactly what she wants to do. Despite the deliberate slowness of their movements, it is when they lock eyes that time truly seems to stop.
Shinichi appears so different, so soulful. His blue irises glimmering, fixated on nothing but her as she reveres him with matching intensity. The same guy she treats as her best friend looks at her with tender love in his eyes, darting down her lips and up like no best friend ever would.
“I love you,” he says, breathless. “Make me your boyfriend.”
A wave of emotion sweeps over her, heartbeat fluttering in overdrive as they huddle on the floor, bags and clothes and time forgotten.
“From best friend to... such a shift-”
“Nothing will be different.” He rests his forehead on hers, gaze of soft blue patient though more intimate now, knowing what they share is mutual. “We’ll still do what we do... With exclusive romantic commitment and sweet nothings that translate to ‘I love you’ in more ways than one.”
She attempts a jab on his chest but he catches her fist, soft but jesting beam all too apparent and she does but play along.
“What about when we fight?” she asks.
“Same. But...” he slides a thumb over her quiet lips, parting them slightly, “I can do this once we make up.”
“...Like right now?”
“Like right now.”
A genuine smile is the last thing she sees before delicate pair of lips lands on hers, capping their one-week fight and their last night of the year together in the best and most unexpected way imaginable.
Ran keeps telling herself she shouldn’t be jealous.
Not because they are simply best friends, because they aren’t. Not because life would be easier if she didn’t involve herself in his business twenty-four seven, because it wouldn’t.
Not because Shinichi doesn’t look at her that way, because he does.
She shouldn’t be jealous because she absolutely has no reason to, is all.
“I haven’t forgotten about your present. I was planning to buy yours in Akita.”
“Stop lying, you totally forgot it.”
“I didn’t. Stop that.” Half-mast eyes rake her side profile, and Ran covers a mirthful grin with her mitted hand holding the umbrella, then yawns. Hours of packing and talking and laughing left them with roughly four hours of sleep. It isn’t like she slept the whole period because while sleeping in his room isn’t new, cuddling while they sleep is. Ran couldn’t simply shut her eyes and heart to that.
“I believe though,” he wraps a hand around her free one, pocketing both of them in his brand new overcoat, “I gave half of my present already.”
“Hnn. That doesn’t count as a gift.” Her hand shifted, coddling his own to a warm fit.
“Really?” A smug smirk pulls up his face. “I believe I am a nice present, Ran. That’s why they—”
“Screw this. You are unbelievable. A humbug. Why do people like you.”
“I know. Why do you like me?” Shinichi laughs as he avoids the swing of her umbrella.
From afar, they see Kaori and the girls at the meet-up point outside Tokyo Station, though they seem unaware of their presence yet. Suddenly feeling conscious, Ran feels the urge to disentangle her hand, but Shinichi holds on, firm.
“Why?” He asks in a low voice.
“I dunno… maybe this isn’t the best time…”
“Isn’t now the best time?” His smile is proud and natural, not one ounce of reluctance visible.
Although she gets what he means, that doesn’t free her of shyness and guilt. Somehow she feels like apologizing to Kaori for… she doesn’t know. She just wants to. Letting her see them like this makes her think that she’s giving her an indirect slap on the face. Shinichi certainly won’t agree because ‘What’s with women and their logic?’, but still, whether or not it’s all in her head, Ran needs more time to prepare for this.
But to her surprise, Shinichi lets go of her hand. They are still a few feet from view when he steps in front of her and turns around. “Maah, fine, I get it,” he huffs, then smiles. “Then, just give me your umbrella.”
The moment she does, Shinichi closes their distance and dips his face onto hers. Ran is given no leeway to gasp as loving lips seal her quiet. It isn’t as long as what they shared a week ago, but the emotions are loaded and full, speaking fond thanks and temporary farewell.
She doesn’t realize she has closed her eyes until he separates, and she’s met with the most tender, most angelic expression he wears only on the rarest occasions. He’s saying without telling that her feelings are valid, she doesn’t have to worry,  and he doesn’t have eyes for anyone but her. Somehow, the snow is the sea and fish are swarming around but neither cares because they have already caught each other.
“You don’t have to, silly.” Three layers of pink blanket Ran’s puffy cheeks.
“But I want to.” Grinning, Shinichi hands her back the umbrella. “You don’t like hand-holding. You don’t like being seen. Don’t you think that’s a great compromise?”
“Idiot, many people saw...”
“No, they didn’t!” Upping the duffel bag slung on his shoulder, he steps back and gives her one last goofy beam. “I’ll see you next year, Ran. I’ll call as often as I can.”
Wordlessly, Ran watches Shinichi’s back as he jogs to his waiting companions, who by then have already had their eyes pinned on the approaching figure.
“That is Shinichi-kun! ...And Mouri-san!”
“Ehhh!!?! You’re a thing!”
So much for being subtle, Ran flushes inwardly as she returns the wave the other girls are giving her. At that moment she really does feel immature for her past conduct. All of them are sweet. Even Kaori.
“I knew it Shinichi-kun! Mouri-san is sooo lucky, I’m so jealous!” Ran hears their banter and sees her jab his bicep before acknowledging her. “We’ll take care of him, Mouri-san!”
The Ran from one week ago would’ve had her heart crushed by such declaration, but now she’s nothing but pleased and the smile that forms across her lips is nothing but honest. “Make sure he doesn’t drag your group into a random dead body, Kaori-san!”
“Hey!” surfaces Shinichi’s shout amidst the mincing laughter of the group and the onlooking passers-by, and Ran bids her last wave before they enter the station.
Smiling to herself, Ran returns home, the lingering promise of his kiss committed to memory, knowing that she doesn’t have to get jealous because she has no reason to. Their indefeasible bond is all the assurance she needs.
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defectiveconantoy · 3 years
WIP Meme
Thanks @artycreaty and @purplellamanator for bringing this meme to my attention.
Here are the first seven sentences of my WIP fic.
Title: Only a Bad Dream (ShinRan, which is all I write so far)
The Kudo mansion is quiet, except for the sounds of soup boiling in the background. Its smell of broth and fresh green onions lingered around the living room, where both Ran and Shinichi relaxed on the couch. She constantly switches her attention between the living room and kitchen while he takes a nap.
Ran is spending the weekend at Shinichi’s house. His parents are away for the week, and her father Kogoro left town for a case. During her visits, Ran’s favorite activity is to cook warm, homemade meals for an eager and hungry Shinichi. Today’s dish is miso soup, the perfect fix for after last month’s insanity.
Tagging anyone who is interested in sharing their WIPs.
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fanarain · 3 years
I haven’t been tagged but I saw the tag game on @raphillia reblog which I saw on my dash, and it looked interesting and I wanted to participate, so here! Hope you don’t mind me joining in, Raph! 😇✨
I’m active on both of this blog and side blog @artycreaty so I think I’ll include both for this tag game! (because reasons)
1. Why did you choose your url? I originally created a personal blog and then created a side blog artycreaty but was stupid and thought artycreaty would act as my main but I was so very wrong lol. Anyways! I didn’t know what to name it but I wanted to draw something so, yeah! Don’t think I’m changing it anytime soon😅😂. Also, fanarain because Fana came from my middle name, and Rain because I like rain!
2. Any side blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them. Yup! @artycreaty because I originally created it to act as my main but I was stupid because I didn’t know it didn’t work like that and it became my side blog for years. And then January of this year (2021), I was like ‘fuck it’ and decided to create a new tumblr account using a new email and switched the ownership of artycreaty with this one because I wanted to like and comment whatever/whichever posts I liked and whenever I wanted because I couldn’t do that with my main before because it was personal, so yeah. Also @quotewhisperer because I wanted to post whatever quotes I liked so that I would see those quotes from any sources like manga/anime, movies or tv shows. I haven’t used/interacted with that blog in years lol 😅
3. How long have you been on tumblr? I think I lurked around tumblr sometime in 2015 for months before becoming a member in November of that year.
4. Do you have a queue tag? Nope! I think I’m gonna have to create one one day, maybe? 🤔
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? artycreaty because I wanted to post drawings of my own and interact with people, and also not to lose amazing posts. I have up drawing soon and mostly reblog he’s because nobody liked my drawings and nobody interacted with me. So I sort of became inactive/on and off until maybe 2020? FanaRain because it would make it a little easier to like/comment/send asks whenever/whatever I wanted, and so to interact with people a little easier. I don’t know what to do with this blog so I’ll just do whatever I want and see what it’ll be like 🤔👀.
6 . Why did you choose your icon/pfp? Cuz they’re me! 🙋🏻‍♀️ Fanarain pfp is from picrew and artycreaty pfp is my own drawing!
7. Why did you choose your header? Cuz they’re my drawings and I’m proud of them because I spent hours/days working on these drawings! ✨
8. What's your post with the most notes? For fanarain, this one! And for artycreaty, I think more recently is this one! And ages ago would be this one which was in 2018!
9. How many mutuals do you have? Uhhh, around a dozen or so, I think? 😅
10. How many followers do you have? fanarain: 15, artycreaty: 107 ……. I’m never gonna have a lot of followers on fanarain, am I? 😅
11. How many people do you follow? 116!
12. Have you ever made a shitpost? … Iiiii don’t think so? 🤷🏻‍♀️
13. How often do you use tumblr each day? Ranges from half an hour to a few hours, depending on how busy I am, and also depending on my mood.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won? I don’t think I ever had an argument with anyone? I don’t like fighting/arguing with anyone, but sometimes I do for some reason or other. On tumblr? I don’t think I ever did.
15. How do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts? I don’t mind them at all most of the time, but as for those posts that I don’t like, I just ignore them. Except, of course, the important posts like donations and information and stuff, I take my time to read (if I have time) and reblog.
16. Do you like tag games? OF COURSE I DO! I’d love to interact with anyone, so I’d love to participate in tag games! 😁✨
17. Do you like ask games? YES I DO! I don’t get them that often because I’m so unpopular, but when I do receive them, I feel very happy! 👌🏻✨
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is [tumblr] famous? Dunno? Everyone is famous in their own ways 😅
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? Nope! How can I have a crush on someone I’ve only met online? And I need to at least have some conversation with them before developing any kind of crush on them. But I don’t think that’ll happen. So, nope!
20. Tags: @meitanteisachi @nymphadorathetemplar @shelling4869ford @circumference-pie @dreamautonomy @purplellamanator / @the-iron-tator (whichever you prefer) +++ anyone else who sees this and wants to participate! Please tag me so that I can see! 👀 Also please feel free to join or ignore! ✨
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purplellamanator · 3 years
Rules: Share 7 sentences, tag 7 people
tagged by @artycreaty thank you for the tag 💜
untitled shinran wip ☺️
“We can go to my place today,” she suggested and as an afterthought added, “My dad isn’t home.”
Ran had never in her life tried to flirt. She had no idea how to and she had never felt the urge to try.
Kudou-kun paused walking. He didn’t say anything and only stared at her silently; assessing. At first she thought he would question her odd request. Ran had never asked him to come to her house before.
Instead, his scrutinizing gaze dropped as he turned back to in front of them. “Fine.”
💜thanks again for the tag. Anybody who sees this, feel free to join in and tag me so I can see it please ☺️
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moonraven1412 · 4 years
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Matsuda and his "least offensive" Christmas tie at office Christmas party. Picked by Takagi. And hey, he got a smartphone now too!
This is a second gift for @artycreaty at @dcmksecretsanta . I decided to post this directly on this blog though... I hope you like this. Happy new year!
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shinranweek · 3 years
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Aaand ShinRan Week officially comes to a close. A big THANK YOU to everyone who made this event worthwhile. You can find a list of the entries by prompt here.
Creator names follow: artycreaty bakathief deducingcircumference defectiveconantoy detectivefable detectivegeekshin gisachi Karasu marivanilla05 marshmallowgoop otaku-108 pixlokita presumenothing privateeye-cj purplellamanator riaillusion rivkakaname rux363 shinranposting subbe93 sukiroai ueyyuey
We hope you had fun!
P.S. We won’t be checking the event tag anymore, but we know a few people still have substantial works in progress intended for ShinRan Week, and we’re happy to reblog them when they’re finished. Please @ us or message one of the mods directly when you post.
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meitanteisachi · 4 years
*raises hand eagerly as if in class* I'm curious, so here! 4, 8, 10, 20, 22, 26/27, 30, 40, 41 and 48! So sorry if it's too much, ignore if it's too much! Hope you're having a lovely weekend! - artycreaty (Aina)
Yay, I love the questions! I’ll try to answer them all Aina! Thank you! ♥️ Will put the rest under the cut ‘cuz long answer ahead!
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
Oh not at all! :) Fortunately the fandoms I belong to aren’t toxic or at least the users I follow aren’t toxic, thus making my fandom experience a lot enjoyable and worthwhile. I owe it to them that I do not regret joining those fandoms!
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
I would say Jujutsu Kaisen but I haven’t invested in it that much yet since I’m waiting for the first season to finish. So I’ll answer with my second to the latest fandom - Naruto! I got involved because my mutuals over here (hi trouvelle and purplellamanator!!) post a lot about Naruto and I got curious. So I watched the first part on Netflix and DAMN. My two months went by in a flash. 😂 720 episodes and 10+ movies later, here I am, a Naruto trash but most especially, a Kakashi simp. HAHAHA.
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Yes! Almost all my fandoms except Detective Conan. 😂 I read fics of Boku no Hero Academia, Naruto, and Kimetsu no Yaiba but I never published any fic for these series. I’m good with just reading fics made by others. ♡
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Yes, in Naruto, I’m quite surprised I find myself liking KakaSaku. I shall admit it’s one of the ships out there that get lots of hate because, well. But I will not tolerate it when people conclude that people who support the ship support p*dophilia. I won’t dig into that further because I might ramble. Haha! Anyway aside from KakaSaku, other ships which I surprisingly like in Naruto are KakaObi, KakaRin, KakaObiRin, SasoSaku, ItaSaku, ShikaIno, etc. For BNHA, BakuCamie, BakuMomo, and BakuJirou. It’s all surprising because those who know me know that before all of these, I mostly ship canon pairings. But then, idk, Naruto changed my life and widened my lens to a variety of rare, unique, non-canon pairings with dynamics I love and I want to tinker with.
I just have to add to this, the main reason I ship is because I enjoy characters’ dynamics. I ship because I enjoy how the ship works and that’s it. Sometimes one doesn’t have to necessarily ascribe to it any sort of ethical meaning. After all, shipping is about finding comfort in two (or more) fictional characters’ interactions with each or one another - there are lots of varieties. Certainly that doesn’t equate me being a bad/immoral person because I know for myself what’s right or wrong. Fictional characters won’t let me affect my stance on irl sensitive issues. Okay so I did ramble a little.
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
No! Certain cringe-y scenes probably yes, but not the whole fic. I don’t regret writing any of my fics because I knew they gave me joy once. <3
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Writing! Summaries! It’s tedious. It’s troublesome. It’s difficult! What do they mean I have to summarize the whole story in less than three sentences?! I can’t! What if the summary turns out bad? People will lose the chance of reading the actual fic which may actually change their lives! Yeah, I hate writing summaries. Hahaha.
30. What inspires you to write?
My daydreams principally inspire me to write. ✨ Following close are the reviews and kind feedbacks I get from people. ♡ 
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
I struggle with expositions, world-building, and dialogue. 😵 You know how I have it all mapped in my brain but when I convert the thoughts into actual words, my fingers do nothing but hover over the keyboard. What do I type?? What shall person B say in response to person A? What sentence shall I type after this sentence to make it flow smoothly? Ah, the questions I ask myself every single time I write. 
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
I have several Ao3 tabs open rn and imma handpick some:
why don’t you say so (Ch 19) by frazzledazzle (BNHA kacchako)
Cost of Freedom (Ch 19) by MintChocolateLeaves (DCMK)
we were screaming colour (only a possibility) (Ch 33) by mouseymightymarvellous (Naruto kakasaku)
The Night Off by SpicedGold (Naruto shikatema)
Black Roses by Fyliwion (DCMK kaiao)
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
95% of the time I do! Very rarely do I not leave reviews. As a fellow writer, I understand how frustrating it can be to have someone read your work and not say anything. It makes you anxious or paranoid or lose your drive to write more fics. That’s why I always make it a point to leave a comment after reading any fic I read, may it be just an emoji or a simple ‘I like it!’. Writers deserve feedback after spending hours making their craft and mustering the courage to offer their masterpiece for the world to read. :) 
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artycreaty · 3 years
Should I? 🤔
I’m wondering if I should consider creating a new blog for people to search for fandom fics they want to read but have forgotten the title/whereabouts, and the other people to provide the found fics. I’d wanted to create one years ago but didn’t because this artycreaty blog has less followers than most blogs (despite being like 5+ yrs old) and so is practically unknown. But now that I’ve seen someone else create a blog especially for this purpose and I was wondering if I should create one for fandoms? 🤔
Please let me know if you’d want to follow? ^_^
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blenderfullasarcasm · 4 years
Rules: Share 7 sentences, tag 7 people
tagged by: @vandrell
“How did I find out?” Conan hummed. “Watson-sensei, do you know a man named Akai Shuuichi?”
He was wholly unprepared to watch a slight flush paint itself across John’s cheeks. “I. Yes, I suppose that’s one way to put it.”
That was far more than Conan had ever wanted to know about Akai’s sex life.
tagging: @summerbummin @rururinchan @beedok @animika123 @raevenlywrites @artycreaty @writingat-night
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