#dd 5 may 2023
lifelinebooks · 1 year
Denn die Todten reiten schnell— ("For the dead travel fast.")
The strange driver evidently heard the words, for he looked up with a gleaming smile.
^ who else imagined a wink accompanying that smile
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mikeywayarchive · 1 year
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Titanic Museum Attraction on Facebook: We were so thrilled to have the @mikeyway join us last week!❤😍 Thank you so much for visiting us and we cannot wait to welcome you back again next time! 🎸🎸🎸🎧🎧🎧🚢🚢🚢#mychemicalromance #Titanic #music
[May 4, 2023]
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bzhitstruth · 10 months
A little about the types of "candy"
I apologize in advance for my English - this is not my native language, I do not speak well (and maybe sometimes I speak like Master Yoda).
Recently, there has been a wave of outrage among the turtles on Tumblr, because from time to time there are malicious anti-accounts that try to devalue our fandom and “wash” candies. This pissed me off and I decided to write a post.
But now this is not about these accounts.
I want to organize (mostly for myself) candies and arguments that we all love so much and look for in every GGDD action.
I am of the opinion that many of the candies are probably really wrong, but this is very individual, and if many people are happy with candies that seem unconvincing to me, they have every right to be. I also have candies that I strongly believe in and, in my opinion, they can not be "washed".
Maybe my "organization" will help someone better understand and also determine for themselves what kind of candy are more reliable, and which ones can be "washed" over time (and are really unintentional).
And one more thing: all these my fabrications are completely fantasy and fake, I just talk about all sorts of nonsense, in reality this nothing doesn't exist! 🤡🤡🤡
There are a lot of materials in Yizhan's world, I will give only a few examples. You don't have to agree with me at all. Everyone has their favorite “candies”, if you are so interested of GG and DD that you want to follow their life and work, then on this way you will find many exciting and intriguing details that you personally will like.
1. "Numeric candy" in social networks — kadian
I like kadian very much. I won’t talk about what it means and how to use it, many already know, and who doesn’t know, there are many materials on this topic, for example, there is good post of @rainbowsky.
Before, when I first became a turtle, I counted everything that was published by GGDD, but over time I realized that this is not worth doing. It is unlikely that DD, GG or their teams bother counting the date and time numbers in each post. It's just absurd and no one busy person would do that. But I think they make sure the numbers look neutral and won't post every day 28 or 23 knowing full well what it mean.
On the other hand, I believe that the direct kadian (for example, the time 18:33 or 23:38) wasn't made by chance.
Sometimes I believe in kadian with counting numbers (for example, 1+8+5+9 = 23), and I have reasons for this - sometimes they both publish such kadian (for example, 28 and 23) on the same day, and that reduces the likelihood of coincidence.
If someone is trying to "wash" kadian, then his argument can be only one thing - "this is an accident." It is impossible to prove intentionality or unintentionality of numbers. In this case, you'd better just decide for yourself whether you believe it's an accidentally or not. Look at the type of post with kadian (it is most less likely in advertising and it absents in posts on social and political topics), what circumstances preceded it and what happened after it. And if you understand for yourself that in this case it is quite appropriate, then no "washing" is valid here - kadian, by definition, cannot be "washed", it's just a matter of probability and faith.
I will give a little example, when the kadian in the ad looked suspicious, and I am inclined to believe in it - this is the time of the publication of GG's advertisement at 10:18 on March 26, 2023. Yes, this is just an advertisement that GG constantly publishes in the morning. But firstly, the timestamp :18 is completely atypical for him, secondly, he knows perfectly well what it means and what kind of reaction may follow, and thirdly, the accompanying circumstances. This post appeared on the morning after the ambiguous Weibo Night, they were in the same city, and in the morning GG was leaving, and bad rumors and gossip spread immediately after the event. I personally believe in this kadian, because for me the circumstances are convincing, but in each specific case, everyone decides for himself.
This category also includes GG's posts of 18 (actually 33) or 12 (actually 28) photos with which he periodically pleases us, 18 photos, including 8 “movie tickets” from GG. It is impossible to prove whether this is a coincidence or not. Look at the likelihood and yourself decide. I believe in this kadian.
2. "Numeric candy" (kadian) that GG and DD demonstrate personally
These are the hands and numbers on watches, the numbers on the sleeves, above the head, spoken verbally personally by GG and DD etc.
I noticed this most often with DD: the numbers 31 and 5 on DD's jacket before GG's birthday, 21:33 on the clock above DD's head in Los Angeles, 32-33 on DD's sleeve on June 21, “2nd row 30th place, 3rd row 20th place” at a fan meeting in Qingdao, and the like.
As for the GG, he has an episode in the vlog on February 7, when someone stops the radio dial at numbers 8 and 3. Although GG himself is not in the frame at that time, this is still his vlog, and it seemed remarkable to me. GG makes it more elegant and not so obvious (the picture can be enlarged).
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Can it be "washed"? Some of this, of course, can be controversial and it can be explained as coincidence. For example, a clock display in LA could show a random time. Or DD not chosen the clothes with numbers by himself, but the brand insisted on this (I believe that this is DD's choice).
But how do you "wash" what DD said personally twice at the fan meeting if he and the whole world know perfectly well what those numbers are? If the anti's claim that he "disapproves bjyx" were true, then this just could never happen.
And Y.-Off. posted on Instagram that photo from LA with 21:33, and in fact they could easily not have done this, but they did.
3. Specific things that are pretty obvious
One example of such things is the glowing BJYX sign posted on Weibo by DD's team on October 29, from the final of SDC5. This photo was placed in the very center, and the light sign could be easily cut off or simply erased, and a million photos were taken at the final, but this was chosen. Try to explain why the person who allegedly "disapproves bjyx" did this. This is the very reliable and loud candy.
The same category includes DD's “sneakers and ice cream”, “give the scorpions to WB” (GG's food vlog in Qindao), UGG shoes in GG's vlog June, 7, the text “heart with a mole” in DD's Weibo post on April 26, 2023, and the like.
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Something can be "washed", for example famous GG's "rainbow" umbrella, which many considered as such for a couple of years, turned out to be black, we had seen this in his recent July vlog.
You can try to “wash” UGG, refer to the fact that DD was not yet a brand spokesperson when the vlog was filmed. But going back to the previous point - GG KNOWS who the brand ambassador is now, he KNOWS how it will be perceived, other things in the room are blurred and hidden but shoes are on display. It is unlikely that he and his studio did this publication in a state of clouding of mind.
4. Very subjective things that are perceived emotionally and awaken the imagination
These are meaningful words in the songs, the “wedding” outfit on Weibo Night, mention of lychee and camping, a certain arrangement of photos, GG's photo with the dog, DD's T-shirt with the dog. Where DD looked and how smiled, how GG greeted DD's colleague in a special way, images and allegories that GG shows in vlogs and uses in interviews. Jaw and finger DDGG (which pops up again and again and haunts turtles! I'm agnostic about this "candy"). GG's drawings, DD's dances, "I'm out of the habit of spicy food", voices of GG and DD behind the scenes, birthday greetings to DD, sunset, moon and so on.
And our favorite bone necklace also falls into this category, because no one knows exactly where it comes from and what it really means for DD. We can only believe or not believe.
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This is the most vulnerable category due to its extreme subjectivity. This is purely a matter of faith and individual perception.
Sometimes such candy are "washed" by GG or DD themselves. If you remember, in November 2022 GG posted several photos, and among them one with incomprehensible blurry red-blue stripes. Many have decided that this is blurred photo of Lego "Titanic", which GG bought for DD. But in the December vlog, GG showed that those were streetlights that he filmed from the car. He sometimes advises us to hold our horses.
I really love things of this kind, I like to look for strokes in the drawings and peer into the photos of GG, guess what this or that emotion can mean, and what DD wanted to say with his dance. GG especially likes to make such riddles, his vlogs are special works of art, I always really look forward to them and find a lot of secrets in them.
It is very difficult to confirm these things. It is unlikely that GG will ever come forward and say what he really meant by drawing two boys on the beach … But I hope at least a small part of this will someday be clearer. Let it be so.
5. Timing of actions
After a long silence on social networks, the posts of both appear one after another. Or after a suspicious period of time - for example, after 13 or 85 minutes, or after 3 hours and 28 minutes. Same posts style. Simultaneous arrival in Beijing after the Hong Kong concert, supposedly from different cities. IP addresses from the same location. The gestures that DD made at the "water show" on July 10, GG shows us the next day in his vlog.
The simultaneous disappearance of both from the field of vision (August 4, 2023), GG being late for work during the DD's illness. This can be “washed” if you prove, for example, that there were definitely other reasons for being late or absence.
An example of such "washed candy" - many thought that GGDD were together on DD's birthday in 2022, but later it turned out that this wasn't.
6. Clothes
I put this in the separate category, because this section is quite large. These are fun candies that many turtles love (myself included). We've already lost count of the same brands that GG and DD wear. It is difficult to "wash" such candy, because that they both wore We11done, Alexander McQueen or Maison Kitsune is a fact. This is observed very often, and sometimes things of the same brand appear after a short period of time.
If I'm not mistaken, once was counted about a hundred matches in GGDD clothes (now there are probably more), and it was noticed that DD's employees used things those brands are represented by GG and on the contrary.
7. Acquaintances, colleagues and friends
These are a few people who sometimes hint to us that they know something. This is “Uncle Lan”, other CQL colleagues, DDU brothers, songwriter and her comics, colleagues from the industry, I won’t tell names, they are known among the turtles.
Sometimes their hints are quite transparent, and we are always happy to see that GG and DD are supported by other people in their circle.
To refute it is the same as to assert that all these people have conspired and are fooling us for some reason for years. Agree that this is absurd!
In addition to all this, beyond any categories, we have BTS of CQL, Rumor Houses and BottledJoy. There's been a real circus going on with BottledJoy lately, so it will be very interesting to see where this all leads, and it's a very funny to watch them performances.
Perhaps I forgot something important and didn't mention some categories, because there are too many materials regarding Yizhan. And this is great, because even if a few candies are "washed off", we will not lose anything, we always have many others!
And no antis can cope so much evidence that we believe in and that tells (and sometimes just screams) to us, that BJYXSZD💚❤️.
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twofortea · 5 months
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A summary of 2023:
Fics posted: 31 Pairings posted: 9 Words published: 105,591 General & Teen rated fics: 13 Mature & Explicit rated fics: 19 Dead Dove fics: 5 Number of wips started: we do not speak of this ---
Month by month:
April No Dogs Allowed (But Pups and Hounds) chapter 1 (kksk, rated T)
May An Accidental Peek Through Time chapter 2 (kksk, rated M) The Plus One chapter 1 (kksk, rated M)
June An Accidental Peek Through Time chapter 3 (kksk, rated M)
July Can't Help Myself one-shot (kksk, rated E) Love is a Gentle Thing chapter 1 (kksk, rated E) (You Give Me) Fever one-shot (kksk, rated E, dead dove) A Floury Fiasco one-shot (kksk, rated T)
August What Trembles Underfoot chapter 1 (kksk, rated T) Like To Get To Know You one-shot (kksk, rated T) Say What You Wish one-shot (kksk, rated T) Office Hours chapter 1 (kksk, rated E) Death and the Maiden one-shot (kksk, unrated) What You Don’t Know (Sure Can Hurt You) one-shot (kksk, rated T) Look At Me chapter 1 (kksk, rated E, dd) Sharp Tongues and Foolish Daydreams chapters 1-3 (kksk, rated M) The Girl is Mine one-shot (kksk, rated E)
September Can't Make Good Decisions chapter 1 (kksk, rated E) Hold Me Down (and Breathe Me In) one-shot (inosaku, rated E, dd) Touch-a-Touch-a-Touch-a-Touch Me one-shot (inohina, rated T)
October Tell No Tales chapter 1 (kksk, rated M, dd) Bossy one-shot (kksk, rated E) How Hearts Burn one-shot (kakakarin, rated E) Overheard at Hokage Tower one-shot (kksk, rated T)
November L'Eau de Ino one-shot (obiino, rated G) Tell the Truth (Or I’ll Tell It for You) one-shot (kakasasosaku, rated E, dd)
December Isn't This Grate one-shot (kksk, rated T) Bow My Head (Keep My Heart Slow) one-shot (kksk, rated T) Santa Baby one-shot (inokakakarin, rated E) Just a Little Lost (in You)  one-shot (minakaka, rated E) Wrong Hole one-shot (kksk, rated E) Takeoffs and Landings ongoing collab fic! (inohina, rated T)
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as i did last year, this year i've been recording basically everything i did during the year so i didn't forget. anyways, here is my true 2023 experience, it is divided by categories (travels, books, music, movies, etc) and i will bold my favourites of each category. also, if you want more details especially with travelling and music, here's the twitter thread i've been using to record everything down <3
also!! just in case, dates are in dd/mm format !
02/01. calp (alacant, spain) 05/04. mojácar (almería, spain) 17-18/04. glasgow (scotland) 18/04. balloch and loch lomond (west dunbartonshire, scotland) 20/06. albacete (spain) 18-19/08. barcelona (spain) 19-23/08. milano (italy) 20/08. lake como (lombardia, italy) 22/08. verona (italy) 08-10/09. valència (spain) 15/10. bari (italy) 15-28/10. metaponto (matera, italy) 22/10. taranto (italy) 13-16/12. vera (almería, spain) 15/12. mojácar (almería, spain) 16-17/12. valència / la pobla de vallbona (valència, spain)
14/01. amaia (la riviera) 17/04. paramore (OVO hydro, glasgow) 15/05. cariño (el matadero) 16/06. valeria castro (noches del botánico) 23/09. amaia (wizink center) 12/10. ginebras (wizink center)
17/01. knives out 22/01. glass onion 19/02. ¡ay, carmela! 25/03. volver 26/03. jojo rabbit 26/04. super mario bros. the movie - IN THE CINEMA 30/04. knives out (rewatch) 27/05. glass onion (rewatch) 10/06. matilda (2022) 21/06. spiderman: across the spiderverse - IN THE CINEMA 28/07. barbie - IN THE CINEMA 01/09. indiana jones and the dial of destiny 22/09. the little mermaid (2023) 24/09. bottoms 11/10. barbie (rewatch) 18/11. mean girls 02/12. marie antoinette (2006) 09/10. the hunger games: the ballad of songbirds & snakes - IN THE CINEMA
03/02. simmiland (PC) 03/02. stacklands (PC) 10/02. fire emblem engage (switch) 03/03. crusader kings iii (PC) 09/03. rpg maker xp (PC) 04/05. dice kingdoms (PC) 25/06. harvestella (switch) 27/06. indoorlands (PC) 08/07. humankind (PC) 28/07. the legend of zelda: tears of the kingdom (switch) 28/07. lakeburg legacies (PC) 28/08. the yawhg (PC) 08/09. frostpunk (PC) 31/10. lakeside (PC) 24/11. hades (PC) 23/12. cities skylines ii (PC)
18/02. el ministerio del tiempo s1 06/03. druck s5 (rewatch) 08/03. druck s6 (rewatch) 13/03. el ministerio del tiempo s2 20/03. shadow and bone s2 16/05. abbott elementary s2 23/06. el ministerio del tiempo s3 21/07. derry girls s1 (rewatch) 12/11. bany compartit
january: 5. la maza - priscila félix 4. la canción más hermosa del mundo - manuel carrasco 3. inteligencia emocional - belén aguilera 2. odio que te quiero - paula koops, noan 1. joker (REPUTA) - zahara, carolina durante february: 5. liar - paramore 4. you first - paramore 3. running out of time - paramore 2. big man, little dignity - paramore 1. figure 8 - paramore march: 5. si quieres - cariño 4. inteligencia emocional - belén aguilera 3. música ligera - ana mena 2. me he pillao x ti - ana mena, natalia lacunza (album version) 1. me he pillao x ti - ana mena, natalia lacunza (single version) april: 5. california friends - the regrettes 4. galgo - belén aguilera 3. costura - valeria castro 2. un clásico - ana mena 1. no me querías tanto - natalia lacunza may: 5. oh boi - shego 4. c'est comme ça - paramore 3. évidemment - la zarra 2. this is why - paramore 1. zenzenzense - RADWIMPS june: 5. yo quisiera - alice wonder 4. you first - paramore 3. antagonista - belén aguilera 2. father and son - yusuf / cat stevens 1. tonta - nathy peluso july: 5. guerrera - valeria castro 4. la vida moderna - veintiuno, love of lesbian 3. vampire - olivia rodrigo 2. i have a dream - amanda seyfried 1. fiebre - bad gyal august: 5. galgo - belén aguilera 4. nunca llega 05 - natalia lacunza 3. roméo&juliette - olympe chabert 2. discoteka - lola índigo, maría becerra 1. es albacete - rozalén september: 5. narciso - pipiolas 4. get him back! - olivia rodrigo 3. love is embarrassing - olivia rodrigo 2. vampire - olivia rodrigo 1. ballad of a homeschooled girl - olivia rodrigo october: 5. vampire - olivia rodrigo 4. hot to go! - chapell roan 3. más colao que el colacao - la la love you 2. vii. cassandra (fillas de cassandra) - fillas de cassandra 1. ateo - c. tangana, nathy peluso november: 5. novix - maría josé llergo 4. si quieres - cariño 3. maledetta primavera - loretta goggi 2. salvaje - nathy peluso 1. all too well (10 minutes version) - taylor swift december: 5. san peter - pipiolas 4. ballad of a homeschooled girl - olivia rodrigo 3. deja vu - olivia rodrigo 2. drivers license - olivia rodrigo 1. can't catch me now - olivia rodrigo
05/03. la saga (teatro lara) 07/04. tick tick... boom! (teatro la estación caixabank príncipe pío) 08/10. school of rock (teatro ibercaja delicias) 18/11. mean girls (grupo de teatro amorevo) 29/12. phantom of the opera (teatro albéniz)
29/01. assembly - natasha brown (2021) 08/04. tartesso y los fenicios de occidente - sebastián celestino pérez & carolina lópez - ruiz (2020) 12/04. daddy - emma cline (2021) 23/04. a thousand splendid suns - khaled hosseini (2007) 29/05. los renglones torcidos de dios - torcuato luca de tena (1979) 03/06. the bands of mourning - brandon sanderson (2017) 24/06. kokoro - natsume soseki (1914) 10/07. miss benson's beetle - rachel joyce (2020) 08/08. the no-show - beth o'leary (2023) 18/08. tales of the alhambra - washington irving (1832) 22/09. the attack - yasmina khadra (2005) 25/09. the lightning thief - rick riordan (2005) RE-READ 30/09. the sea of monsters - rick riordan (2006) RE-READ 02/10. the titan's curse - rick riordan (2007) RE-READ 04/10. the battle of the labrynth - rick riordan (2008) RE-READ 07/10. the last olympian - rick riordan (2009) RE-READ 23/11. the kamogawa food detectives - hishashi kashiwai (2023) 21/12. a christmas carol - charles dickens (1843)
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viilpstick · 8 months
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╰┈➤ 𝐪&𝐚 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐲: Where the sly fox and this sweet woman, will be answering your questions about their relationship!
𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓���: Fellow Honest, Lacy Darling, Twisted Wonderland oc
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: Event for Felcy in celebration the 37 followers :DD
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1- Nothing suggestive I won't do questions straight up NSFW. I don't mind jokes of the subject tho, so, if you want to send a """suggestive""" question as if trying to get a reaction of the characters I will be writing about, I see nothing wrong with that :)) (hopefully that made sense lol)
2- Time line You can specifically put to which time you want to ask the question for the characters. Past = When they met Present = Few years everything (both still not reunited) Future = They are already back together If you don't specify, I will assume you are asking it for them in the present.
3- You can choose if you want to ask it for Fellow or Lacy or both Same thing as the 2nd rule, if you don't specify, I will assume you are asking for them both.
4- I won't be 24/7 online, patience pls :> Please be patient and don't spam me until I answer your question, I am usually busy and do another things (i have a life ig/j)
5- How long will this event be? October 29 - November 6, I will answer every question send during this time, questions after it will be deleted or ignored (sorry).
6- Questions on Inbox only! It's easy for me to organized by there, so don't be afraid to click the inbox button hehe
7- You may ask as many questions you want :> There is no restriction to how much questions per user, after all i love interactions
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incarnateirony · 11 months
[rubs temples]
Yall, if the supposed source saying, "no, i didn't say that, i said some guy said it and it's uncorroborated" isn't enough for you...
You do realize that Feb/March, it was already announced most Phase 5 shows were being pushed out of 2023 unless they're like, key shows? (like, deadpool, maybe. Random mcspinoff, no.)
And that was BEFORE the strike.
Halle Barry may have been preparing her hair for Deadpool shortly before the strike, that's fine, it's Deadpool, Deadpool is a real release.
But right after the reveal tarp on wave 5 was ripped off to display, Iger ripped it back down and went, nope, we're done spending on infinite content, anything is getting pushed to next year that was gonna go to Disney+ like that. Which. Nova was.
This guy has -- ONE decade old credit in a brazillian show, ONE random thanks without being crew on a movie that almost got cancelled for a crew blowout 4 years ago, and his terribly typo filled and self-conflicting college application to learn english after self identifying as coming to the US in--marchpril. Probably april, because he ignored the US MM/DD/YY slots on the college app unless he's from the mystical 18th month. So his 03/04 date was probably 04/03.
Either way there had been talk of the strike for a few MONTHS before EITHER date, even if it dropped May 2, I was already posting about the strike pending on FEBRUARY 4TH.
So I'm not sure why anyone thinks someone would, IDK? Import? Some literal rando? That doesn't read english or write well? To be an assistant? With no real media history? To assist some lead in MARVEL? Some guy who can't shut his mouth in EITHER LANGUAGE? Like... do you understand ANYTHING about Marvel?
You don't think it's WEIRD that this comes up when in the last few years jarpad fans pumped some concept art of him by a random fan?????????????????????????????????????? GUYS. wtf.
So even if Marvel smoked an entire field of hallucinogens and threw their entire method of filming in the trash for Some Rando, why the FUCK would they pay to bring this guy here in April. Or do you think he wandered in, applied in April, and they, what, autohired him to be some lead dude's assistant like, a week or two before the strike happened? Or did they remote hire him and pay to bring him in right before the strike?
(protip: you can't.)
anyone can edit imdb you fuckin numpties, someone edited it off of the list screenshot from a discord citing the "source" that SAID HE DID NOT SAY THAT.
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rebloggingrexan · 1 year
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heyo! i’ve got over 2000 Dracula Daily posts, all tagged by date! so this is my spoiler-free post where all the dates are easy to get to. (and this is my extra ginormous Dracula Daily masterpost WITH SPOILERS and more; and links to fun tags like “dracula meta” and “dracula is a comedy”)
Draculadailytracker, Cattuladaily, ourgoodfriendjonathan, and draculadailyreactions are good Dracula blogs to check out too!
for Dracula Daily posts, the format here is "#dd (date) (month)," (i also use simply “#dracula daily,” but seriously beware spoilers. EVERYTHING is there) so the start of Dracula Daily and a glut of paprika memes would be "#dd 3 may," but on this post, to make things pretty, i'll just list them without the "dd" at the start. September, October, and November only use their first three letters in the tags, though, e.g. #dd 3 oct
(right now as of June 2023, there are a few scattered dates without posts, or with fewer posts than i’d prefer, but i’m working on that! some empty days will get filled when a given day rolls around and scheduled posts get reblogged :) )
you can sign up for the Dracula Daily emails HERE and you can check out past installments HERE!
(please glimpse through my “dracula important” tag to get some information on racist instances in the story as well as other places/ways that may be more convenient to read the story)
• 21 April • 25 April • 28 April • 30 April (one queued for 2024 lol)
• 3 May • 4 May • 5 May • 7 May • 8 May • 9 May • 10 May • 11 May • 12 May • 13 May • 14 May • 15 May • 16 May • 18 May • 19 May • 24 May • 25 May • 26 May • 27 May • 28 May • 30 May • 31 May 
Rest of months under cut!
• 5 June • 6 June • 13 June • 17 June • 18 June • 24 June • 25 June • 29 June • 30 June 
• 1 July • 8 July • 18 July • 19 July • 20 July • 22 July • 24 July • 26 July • 27 July • 28 July • 29 July • 30 July
• 1 August • 2 August • 3 August • 4 August • 6 August • 8 August • 9 August • 10 August • 11 August • 12 August • 13 August • 14 August • 15 August • 16 August • 17 August • 18 August • 19 August • 20 August • 21 August • 23 August • 24 August • 25 August • 30 August • 31 August
SEPTEMBER (a busy month!! hold on!!!)
if you want some audio readings to help stay caught up, scroll down the archives of Cryptic Canticles’s Dracula Daily audio readings to get to any dates you may need
(note: in the tags, all months starting here and on use shortened versions with only their first three letters: sep, oct, nov)
• 1 Sep • 2 Sep • 3 Sep • 4 Sep • 5 Sep • 6 Sep • 7 Sep • 8 Sep • 9 Sep • 10 Sep • 11 Sep • 12 Sep • 13 Sep • 17 Sep • 18 Sep • 19 Sep • 20 Sep • 21 Sep • 22 Sep • 23 Sep • 24 Sep • 25 Sep • 26 Sep • 27 Sep • 28 Sep • 29 Sep • 30 Sep
OCTOBER (another busy month!!)
NOTE: OCTOBER 3 IS THE LARGEST ENTRY, OVER 50 PAGES. MAYBE START READING AHEAD IF YOU WANT. and again, you can scroll through the Cryptic Canticles archives to listen to any dates you need
• 1 Oct • 2 Oct • 3 Oct • 4 Oct • 5 Oct • 6 Oct • 7 Oct • 8 Oct • 11 Oct • 14 Oct • 15 Oct • 16 Oct • 17 Oct • 18 Oct • 19 Oct • 20 Oct • 21 Oct • 22 Oct • 23 Oct • 24 Oct • 25 Oct • 26 Oct • 27 Oct • 28 Oct • 29 Oct • 30 Oct • 31 Oct
• 1 Nov • 2 Nov • 3 Nov • 4 Nov • 5 Nov • 6 Nov • 7 Nov • 9 Nov :)
• prep (posts of people hyping Dracula Daily before it starts!)
• after (recaps, epilogue-ish non-November-7-specific posts, etc.!)
• ddn (posts that don’t really relate to any specific day and aren’t spoilery)
• other (Dracula-related posts that don’t directly relate to the story but may be spoilery for people who haven’t read it yet! like The League of Extraordinary Gentlefolks's posts. also basically a “miscellaneous” tag for posts i can’t otherwise figure out huehue.)
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twdmusicboxmystery · 11 months
Daryl Dixon Spinoff - Season 1
Before Premiere:
Conjecture and Asks About the Daryl Spinoff (2023 Before S1 Aired)
DD Sneak Peek Analysis, Part 1 07/10/2023
DD Sneak Peek Analysis, Part 2 07/11/2023
DD Sneak Peek Analysis, Part 3 07/12/2023
DD Official Poster "Hope is Not Lost" 07/14/2023
New Daryl Dixon Teaser Trailer 07/19/2023
New Spinoff Picture Strangeness 07/20/2023
Daryl Dixon Official Trailer - So Epic! 07/22/2023
First 10 Min of DD Episode 1, Part 1 07/24/2023
First 10 Min of DD Episode 1, Part 2 07/25/2023
8-Ball Symbolism and Daryl's Characterization 07/26/2023
Daryl Promo Poster for SDCC 07/27/2023
Ask: Will Audience Be More Accepting Now That Beth is Older 07/27/2023
Meaning of the Name Laurent 08/03/2023
Teasers and Trailers for Daryl Dixon Spinoff 08/05/2023
Carol Part of Cast for S2 08/06/2023
Daryl Flashbacks as Promos by AMC for Daryl Spinoff 08/09/2023
Diverged as a Template for the Daryl Spinoff by BookQueenRules 08/11/2023
Pine Vistas and Other Similarities Between DD Trailer and Flagship Show 08/17/2023
Empty Chair Theories 08/16/2023
Theme of Choices Around Daryl 08/15/2023
Follow Up On Choices Theme 08/21/2023
DD Episode Titles Revealed 08/26/2023
Discussion About the Bathtub Scene in DD Trailer 08/27/2023
DD Promo Poster with Phoenix, Dog, and Song Symbolism 08/28/2023
Daryl's Button and Beth's Knife 08/29/2023
DD Spinoff Villain 08/30/2023
Will we See Beth Before S2 of DD? (Ask) 08/31/2023
Why Group Let Daryl Tell Beth About Zack in S4 (Because Romance) 08/31/2023
TPTB Confirmed Changes to DD Spinoff (Melissa) So Why Not Beth (Because She's Alive) 09/01/2023
Submission - Book Queen Rules - Why Beth Will Be Shown by Episode 3 09/02/2023
Why Emily May Still Appear Even Though She Hasn't Been Filming 09/03/2023
If Blond Hair in FTWD Coda Isn't Beth, Who Is It? 09/05/2023
Early Review Articles for Daryl Spinoff 09/07/2023
Not Releasing Episodes Early on App (For DD Spinoff) ) 09/08/2023
Episode 1: L'ame Perdue
Video Analysis:
L'aime Perdue Symbolism 09/10/2023
From Other TDers:
The Dialogue That Sent a Ship Reeling and What it Might Mean for the Overall Arc - @queenbookrules 09/13/2023
More Filming at the Louvre - @frangipanilove 09/14/2023
Beth and Daryl spinoff art - @gala-art 09/14/2023
AMC Not Releasing Episode Early 09/08/2023
People Need to Give TD Credit 09/09/2023
AMC Promo (Painting) is Beth Coded 09/09/2023
Fake Names Used on Set 09/09/2023
Painting Looks Like Emily 09/12/2023
Daryl's Weapons in Spinoff 09/13/2023
Daryl Thinking of Beth When Saw Isabelle's Scars 09/13/2023
Showing the Real Painting From AMC Promo 09/13/2023
Talking to Isabelle About His Scars 09/15/2023
Loved the Episode; About Daryl's Happy Ending 09/15/2023
Ep 5 Title: Two Loves 09/15/2023
Groups in S4 and Daryl Staring 09/16/2023
Whether Beth Will be Revealed in DD or TOWL 09/17/2023
Responding to the Painting That Resembles Emily 09/19/2023
Episode 2: Alouette
Video Analysis:
Alouette Symbolism Analysis 09/17/2023
Other Posts (Mine):
Mork and Mindy in the Episode 09/21/2023
From Other TDers:
Orpheus and Euridice by BookQueenRules 09/22/2023
More About Birds by Frangipanilove 09/21/2023
Opening Sequence of Still is Foreshadow by Emcee 09/21/2023
Missing Daryl's Arms/Sleeveless Shirts 09/19/2023
More on the Penguin Symbolism 09/19/2023
Flashback to Normily Days 09/19/2023
Getting Lots of Msgs About Not Seeing Her in S1 09/20/2023
Dream About Beth's Return 09/20/2023
Ep 5 Name Drop/Scene Where Daryl Shocked 09/20/2023
Will Daryl See Painting and Talk About Beth? 09/20/2023
Did Beth See Terminus Signs 09/20/2023
Why Emily Doesn't Talk About Return 09/20/2023
Suspicious Lyrics in Emily's New Songs 09/23/2023
"It's Not a Dream Sequence; It's an NDE." 09/2023/2023
Symbolism of Daryl and Dog 09/24/2023
Significance of "3 Weeks Since Atlanta" and What Daryl Lost 09/24/2023
What Emily Listened to to Prepare for Still 09/24/2023
Ep 3: Paris Seras Toujours Paris
Video Analysis:
1x03: Paris Sera Toujours Paris Analysis 09/24/2023
Ep 4: La Dame de Fer
Video Analysis:
1x04: La Dame de Fer Video Analysis 10/01/2023
Miscellaneous Posts
DD 1x04: La Dame de Fer Episode Extras 10/04/2023
Leaked Scene: Daryl Talks About His Friends 10/06/2023
Ep 5: Deux Amores
Video Analysis:
1x05: Deux Amours Video Analysis 10/08/2023
Ep 6: Coming Home
Video Analysis:
1x06: Coming Home Video Analysis 10/15/2023
Not By Me:
Thoughts on Azlan's Broken Pocketwatch Story by BethGreenePrevails 10/11/2023
"Home" is North O'Clock by Frangipanilove 10/11/2023
Claimed Convergence by AngeltheFirst1 10/11/2023
DD S1 Replay of S5 by BookQueenRules 10/22/2023
Isabel and Carol are Beth by AngeltheFirst1 10/22/2023
Cauterizing the Wound by AngeltheFirst1 11/14/2023
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franklythinking · 22 days
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝
Week 5: Digital Community and Fandom
The realm of digital community is as diverse as it could be. From fandoms to the reality TV show, the digital age has transformed how we interact and engage with one another online and offline.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝
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Although audiences are thought to be passive in the past, that itself has been debunked by today's digital age, where fans have gone from passive audiences to active "producers" and "prosumers" (Sundet & Ytreberg 2009).
A great example of this are fan communities called fandoms. In the ecosystem of fandoms, a fan is not restricted to just consuming, often or not they involved themselves in the art of influencers.
Fans themselves had become writers, creators and advocates within their communities (Jenkins 2006).
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝
Fans Turned Writers
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Many fans of different fandoms gather together on Wattpad to discover, create, and share their fanfiction. Some fans even become a writer themselves, eventually publishing their own original novels.
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The popular series "Fifty Shades of Grey" is perhaps the most famous example of a fanfiction being a popular published series (Carlo 2023).
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Power of Fans in Reality TV
Reality TV shows are great example of how digital communities transcend passive viewership, transforming fans into active participants who shape the narrative and culture surrounding their favorite shows. Some reality tv shows involves their fans by holding public voting, allowing the fans to vote for their favorite or alternatively vote for someone to be removed from the show.
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Classic reality TV show -- Survivor, audiences gets to choose which contestant gets vote off the show (Editors of Encyclopedia 2024).
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝
In conclusion, the digital age has revolutionized the dynamics of audience engagement, turning passive viewers into active participants, creators, and influencers. Whether through fanfiction on platforms like Wattpad or interactive reality TV shows like Survivor, fans now play a crucial role in shaping content and culture, and what we see today.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝
Carlo, DD 2023, ‘10 successful books that started out as fan fiction’, Collider, viewed 24 May 2024, <https://collider.com/successful-fan-fiction-books/>.
Editors of Encyclopedia (ed.) 2024, ‘Survivor’, Encyclopedia Britannica, Britannica, viewed 24 May 2024, <https://www.britannica.com/topic/Survivor-American-television-show>.
Sundet, V & Ytreberg, E 2009, ‘Working notions of active audiences’, Convergence: the International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 383–390.
Vromen, A 2017, Digital citizenship and political engagement, Palgrave Macmillan UK, London, viewed 24 May 2024, <http://link.springer.com/10.1057/978-1-137-48865-7>.
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chandeliermichel · 6 months
Navia? Navia!
(I have her and have managed to speedrun the fontaine quest within the last two days of 2023 may your wished for 5 stars be gained)
that's amazing :DD
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thebraintrustnyc · 7 months
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The mission of WITH Foundation is to promote the establishment of comprehensive healthcare for adults with developmental disabilities that is designed to address their unique and fundamental needs.
Grants typically provide one year of support but may cover as much as three years to support programming that warrants extended funding. After initial approval, all multi-year grants are subject to annual review before funds for subsequent years are released. During our traditional grant cycles (OPEN and RFP cycles) WITH will consider grants of up to $100,000. We will give preference to organizations that share our core values and work to support comprehensive healthcare for adults with I/DD. During our traditional grant cycles we will also consider research-focused grants. Research-focused grants can be up to $200,000, recognizing the pivotal role research plays in propelling positive change in the realm of disability healthcare.
RFP: https://withfoundation.org/current-grant-cycle/
DEADLINE: December 8, 2023 by 5:00pm PST
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objecteiespai · 9 months
🎉 Tercera edició del Viu Montjuïc!
📅 El 7 i 8 d’octubre torna el 'Viu Montjuïc, el Parc de la Cultura', un cap de setmana ple d'activitats i propostes culturals per a tothom!
📣 Des del Castell hem organitzat diferents visites guiades, itineraris, exposicions i concerts per celebrar la festa de Montjuïc.
🏰 PORTES OBERTES : dissabte 7 i diumenge 8 de 10h a 20h
🔹L'ART DE CAMINAR (Cocreació amb MNAC) - Diumenge 8 a les 10:30
🎨 EXPOSICIONS I INTERVENCIONS ARTÍSTIQUES - "My kingdom for a light" de Tiler Gab (Col.laboració amb el Festival Mira)
Diumenge 15 d'octubre de 2023, d'11 a 13 h.
Sales exposició i Biblioteca Joaquim Folch i Torres
Activitat gratuïta inclosa en el preu de l'entrada general
Taller, a càrrec de l'artista Mariona Vilaseca, adreçat a públic adult per apropar-se a l’experiència creativa i vital de Madge Gill i Josefa Tolrà, a partir d’una activitat participativa connectada a l'exposició.
L’activitat començarà contemplant les obres de les artistes Gill i Tolrà en directe, per observar el procés gràfic, tèxtil d’ambdues autores i sentir el seu efecte vibràtil. Aquesta experiència ens portarà a explorar la mirada interior i exercir una gràfica vinculada, a la respiració i l'obertura de nous canals de creació.
A l’espai de la Biblioteca Joaquim Folch i Torres podrem seure, sentir-nos, escoltar la respiració, observar allò que els ulls no veuen i l’ànima percep. Ho farem acompanyats per la veu de qui guia la sessió en una actitud de recepció i tal vegada que la mà dibuixi des d'aquesta altra percepció.
Descobrirem que sense saber-ho sempre estem dibuixant mapes, recorreguts inconscients entre els éssers vius i tot allò que ens envolta, visible o invisible. 
També disponible el taller per a famílies Mirar, respirar, tancar els ulls... i dibuixar
La mà guiada. Josefa Tolrà (1880-1959) - Madge Gill (1882-1961) Dones visionàries
Del 7 de juliol al 5 de novembre de 2023
Pilar Bonet Julve, investigadora en Història de l’Art, professora a la UB i crítica d’art. Amb el suport del grup de recerca Visionary Women Art
Aquesta exposició presenta i analitza la singular creativitat de dues dones, la catalana Josefa Tolrà (1880-1959) i la britànica Madge Gill (1882-1961). Artistes de vasta producció que mai van pensar en ser reconegudes amb aquesta condició, les dues molt vinculades als sabers esotèrics i la metodologia de l’acte creador guiat per l’automatisme de l’estat alterat de la consciència: “la mà guiada”.
Museu D´Arqueologia Barcelona
Museu Etnològic
27/09/2023 — 24/03/2024
Un dels anhels principals de Joan Miró fou alliberar l’art occidental de la representació mimètica de la realitat i restituir-li el caràcter sagrat que havia tingut en els orígens de la civilització. Això el va portar a eliminar de la seva obra recursos pictòrics com l’escala, la perspectiva o el clarobscur i, per contra, donar al dibuix un paper preeminent. Tanmateix, no va ser fins a la guerra civil espanyola que, amb la voluntat d’evadir-se de la situació tràgica del moment, Miró va definir un llenguatge de signes i símbols propi, que el distingiria d’altres artistes del segle xx.
«És com una mena de llenguatge secret, compost per fórmules d’encantament, i que és d’abans de les paraules, del temps en què allò que els homes imaginaven, pressentien, era més veritable, més real que allò que veien, era l’única realitat.»
A partir d’una selecció d’obres de la col·lecció de la Fundació Joan Miró, l’exposició mostra l’evolució del llenguatge mironià, des de la cristal·lització del signe i la seva representació com a ideograma fins a la creació de grans personatges d’aparença mítica, sorgits de la individualització i ampliació dels seus propis símbols. Els darrers anys, aquest vocabulari de Miró, conformat per dones, sexes, ocells, escales, estrelles i constel·lacions, conviu amb un gest brutal i contundent que evidencia la voluntat de l’artista d’autoafirmar-se.
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kudosmyhero · 10 months
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #57: The Coming of Ka-Zar!
Read Date: January 15, 2023 Cover Date: February 1968 ● Writer: Stan Lee ● Penciler: John Romita ◦ Don Heck ● Inker: Mike Esposito ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Sam Rosen ● Editor: Stan Lee ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● looks like Ka-Zar is back. Have I seen him with Spider-Man yet? Or just Daredevil? I think just DD, because I remember DD being slung unconsious across Zabu's back ● (pg 1) ah yeah, almost forgot! Spidey has amnesia ● Spider-Man yoinks a sandwich from a fancy luncheon on a balcony. That's lunch taken care of, but now he needs to find a place to sleep. ● (pg 2) he finds a ledge to sleep, but it starts to rain
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● (pg 3) aww, he sleeps atop a sign in, what is that, Grand Central Station? ● May is crying in bed, unable to sleep. The clock on her bedside table looks like it's nearing 1 a.m. ● she gets up to call Harry again, but she looks a little shaky on her feet… ● …and yup, she hits the deck. (this woman really needs some sort of assisted living) ● (pg 4) JJJ upset that his son allowed Spidey to escape in the previous issue ● (pg 5) Ka-Zar arrives in NYC with Nabu ● (pg 6) Ha! This cabbie
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● me, when I get home and can finally take my bra off
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● snerk Even though Nabu doesn't attack without command, he leaps up on JJJ on sight. That's legit funny! Page 6 is just full of gold ● (pg 7) JJJ offers Ka-Zar $10,000 to defeat Spider-Man. K doesn't care about the money. JJJ argues that he'll be saving the world from a menace, that no one else has been able to do it. ● K doesn't trust JJJ and wishes he could find Daredevil to consult with, but JJJ manages to convince him ● meanwhile, Harry is worried that Peter disappeared because of how he treated him earlier (I also notice Harry has the same bone structure as Aunt May…) ● he goes into Peter's room to snoop for info ● (pg 8) Harry finds one of the Spider tracers and comes to the conclusion that Spider-Man has kidnapped Peter ● the media runs with that, apparently, as a radio bulletin asks, "Why did the masked mystery man cause the disappearance of young Peter Parker?" ● Spider-Man goes to police headquarters to talk to Colonel Jameson. Captain Stacy is there as well. He admits that he has amnesia. Gwen comes barging in to see if there's been any word about Peter. Of course she blames him for Peter's disappearance as she just heard it on the radio. ● Spidey, realizing he's not going to get any answers, leaves ● meanwhile, Ka-Zar tracks Spider-Man by scent across the city ● Spider-Man goes into JJJ's office to seek answers there ● when JJJ realizes Spidey's memory is gone, he decides to take advantage (I know, surprise, right?) ● Spider-Man almost removes his mask for JJJ when Ka-Zar comes busting through the window ● K lassoes Spidey's foot as he tries to escape through the window, then Spidey pulls K off balance ● Zabu senses K's danger and escapes the hotel room ● Spidey is out of web fluid ● Za-Zar uses a tv aerial to slingshot himself across to Spider-Man ● they take the fight to the ground, then Zabu shows up ● Spidey jumps in the water to escape ● K jumps in to save him ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: As an amnesiac Spider-Man continues to puzzle over his true identity, and live on the streets, his Aunt May's health gets worse and she collapses. As the authorities and the military debate on how to deal with Spider-Man in light of his assisting Dr. Octopus in the recent past, J. Jonah Jameson is appalled that his own son is defending Spider-Man. When news of the arrival of Ka-Zar and his saber-tooth tiger Zabu in New York, Jameson hires Ka-Zar to track down the wall-crawler.
Meanwhile, Harry Osborn searches Peter's room for some clue that could explain his disappearance and comes across a spider-tracer in Peter's closet. Soon news about Spider-Man's possible involvement in the disappearance of Peter Parker hit the press. When Spider-Man overhears the story, he goes to the police station where he admits to George Stacy, his daughter Gwen and John Jameson that he has amnesia and doesn't remember if he had anything to do with Parker's disappearance.
With Ka-Zar tracking him, Spider-Man decides to visit the Daily Bugle figuring that maybe some newspaper clippings would reveal to him something that might bring back his memory. When confronting Jameson with the fact that he's an amnesiac, Jameson tries to trick Spider-Man into taking off his mask.
Jameson is foiled when Ka-Zar and Zabu smash through the window and a fight between the trio begins. The battle takes them across the city, where eventually Spider-Man is knocked into a pond in Central Park and is knocked unconscious. With Ka-Zar a victor, he pulls Spider-Man out of the water, announcing that their battle is over, forever.
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Fan Art: Ka-Zar and Zabu by AlexelZ
Accompanying Podcast: ● Swinging Through Spider-Man - episode 57
● Let's Read Spider-Man - episode 35
0 notes
dnstore · 11 months
জাল টাকার নোট বের করা ও টাকা গণনার মেশিন এর দাম জানুন | Money Counting Machine Price In Bangladesh
Best money counting machine price in Bangladesh. Taka Counting machine lowest price in BD. bill counter machine and Money Counting Machine Price in Bangladesh. Buy the 2023 Best Money Counting Machine Price in Bangladesh from dn store.
নোট: পণ্যের দাম ওঠানামা করে, সেক্ষেত্রে সঠিক দাম জানতে এখানে দেওয়া নম্বরে যোগাযোগ করুন।
Shop Name: " DN STORE "
Shop: 1-2, And 21-22-23, (Ground Floor), Biswas Builders, New Market City Complex, New Market, Dhaka-1205
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#moneycountingmachine #moneycounting #shorts #takacounting #reels #reel #short
Money counting machines are devices designed to accurately and efficiently count large amounts of notes or coins. They are widely used in various industries including banking, retail, hospitality and other businesses that handle cash transactions. These machines help streamline cash handling processes, reduce human errors and save time during the cash counting process.
Key Features of Money Calculator:
1. High counting speed: Money counting machines are capable of counting large amounts of notes at high speed, significantly faster than manual counting.
2. Detection function: Many modern money-counting machines are equipped with advanced features such as UV (ultraviolet) detection, MG (magnetic) detection, IR (infrared) detection, MT (magnetic thread) detection and DD (dimension detection). These detection functions help detect counterfeit notes, torn or damaged bills and other irregularities in currency.
3. Batch Counting: Money counting machines often offer batch counting capabilities, allowing users to preset the desired number of bills in each stack. This feature is helpful for preparing bundles of banknotes for banking or cash register replenishment.
4. Add and Accumulate Functions: The Add function allows users to continuously add new bills to the existing count, while the Accumulate function keeps the total running over multiple counting sessions.
5. User-friendly interface: Money counting machines usually come with a user-friendly interface, including a digital display that shows the total count, denomination breakdown and other relevant information.
6. Error detection and warning: If the machine encounters a problem during calculation, such as a wrong feed or jam, it will display an error warning to prompt users to take corrective action.
7. Quiet Operation: Many money-calculating machines are designed for quiet operation to minimize noise disturbance in the work environment.
8. Portability and size: Depending on the model, money-counting machines can vary in size and portability, allowing users to choose the one that best suits their space and mobility needs.
Benefits of Money Calculator:
1. Time-saving: Money-counting machines can count banknotes significantly faster than manual counting, saving valuable time for businesses.
2. Accuracy: Machines provide highly accurate calculations, reducing the risk of human error that may occur during manual calculations.
3. Counterfeit Detection: The detection functions of these machines help in preventing the acceptance of forged or forged notes
4. Efficiency: By automating the counting process, cash-counting machines streamline cash-handling operations, improving overall efficiency.
5. Enhanced Security: Using money counting machines reduces the chances of cash theft or mishandling during manual counting.
In conclusion, cash-counting machines have become essential tools for businesses dealing with cash transactions. Their advanced features, speed, and accuracy make them invaluable in ensuring smooth cash management, enhancing security, and optimizing operational efficiency. When choosing a money-counting machine, businesses should consider their specific needs, the level of detection functions required, and the amount of currency they handle on a regular basis.
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darilto-blog · 1 year
As 5 melhores máquinas lava e seca de 2023 Guia completo para escolher a...
As máquinas lava e seca têm se tornado cada vez mais populares no mercado, já que facilitam o cotidiano de diversas pessoas e promovem economia de tempo. Muitos modelos estão adquirindo recursos extras, proporcionando funcionalidades inovadoras aos usuários. Neste vídeo, apresentamos a lista das 5 Melhores Máquinas Lava e Seca de 2023: 5-Lava e Seca Smart VC4 da LG: Com tecnologia AIDD, detecta peso e textura das roupas, otimizando os movimentos e prolongando a vida útil. Possui a tecnologia Steam, eliminando bactérias e alérgenos. Capacidade de 11kg para lavar e 7kg para secar. 4-Lava e Seca WD11A da Samsung: Economia de água com menos de 60 litros por ciclo. Tecnologia EcoBubble que forma bolhas para uma limpeza eficiente. Ciclo rápido de 15 minutos. Motor Digital Inverter e garantia de 10 anos. 3-Lava e Seca VC5 da LG: Praticidade com design compacto e display touch. 14 programas de lavagem. Lavagem rápida em menos de 1 hora. Inteligência artificial AI DD para evitar danos às roupas. Controle via aplicativo LG ThinQ. 2-Lava e Seca Perfect Care da Electrolux: Preserva as cores em 80%. Tecnologia Sensi Care ajusta tempo, água e energia. Abertura frontal, design moderno e resistente. Diversas tecnologias como Auto Sense, Vapour Care e Ciclo Seda Lã. 1-Lava e Seca WD13T Smart da Samsung: Programas rápidos de 15 minutos. Tecnologia EcoBubble para limpeza eficiente. Higienização a vapor elimina bactérias e alérgenos. Tecnologia Q-Bubble para uma limpeza mais rápida. Ciclo de lavagem a seco AirWash. Com essa lista, ficará mais fácil escolher a máquina lava e seca ideal para você. Não se esqueça de deixar seu like, se inscrever no canal e ativar as notificações para mais vídeos.
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