#deaged ezra
silver-starss · 1 year
(Spoilerly) Ahsoka episode 5 thoughts below
Jacen saving the day was not on my bingo card, but I like it. And finally a Kanan mention!
So was this actually Anakin? Or just some Force vision of him? I'm guessing the latter
Speaking of, some great scenes with him rapidly flashing between Anakin and Vader. Literal chills in those moments
Rex cameo!!!! Wish he'd had more screentime though
Ariana Greenblatt has officially earned the very niche typecast of "plays badass alien ladies in traumatic wartime flashbacks". She did a good job though!
Ngl, TCW!Ahsoka's costumes looked a bit flimsy.
But HOLY CRAP, Anakin in Clone Wars armor looked genuinely awesome! Holy shit, that's my childhood come to life.
Speaking of, Hayden's deaging was actually way better here. Good thing, too
And his acting here! I'm so glad he's getting a chance to shine
Interesting call-back to Ahsoka's "I'm supposed to be a peacekeeper but trained as a soldier" speech in TCW. Seems almost too on-the-nose, like the kind of thing that Anakin would think but not actually say - at least, not so obviously. Though it's a bit ambiguous whether that actually happened since clearly not everything in the flashbacks did
I'm struggling to understand what the purpose of the flashback scenes is? Ahsoka clearly has a lot of trauma and baggage, but it feels like she just fought her way through each scene without unpacking any of it. Wish they'd actually dwelled on those moments more
AHSOKA THE WHITE!!! Love the new costume
Every scene with the Purgill was gorgeous.
A bit miffed that Ahsoka and Anakin didn't talk through their many issues. But there's still three episodes to go, so he could appear to her as a spirit or something later on.
Also, Hayden's dialogue from the trailer is conspicuously absent from this episode. Granted, it's pretty common for things in the trailer to not make the entire cut, but that seems like a big oversight. Makes me hopeful that we'll see more of him!
No Sabine, Ezra, or Thrawn. Not unexpected, but still. :/ Next episode then!
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Also can i get some love for the fic I wrote where Kallus gets deaged???? It’s precious and Ezra is a bit of a little and Kanan is gonna survive (catch me in the parking lot if you think I’ll let Qui-Gon survive in fics but not Kanan we support dads rights in this household) and Ezra is def his baby and Sabine is Hera’s big girl and Kallus is a literal actual age changer who’s usually a toddler but sometimes a bratty teen or a sweetie of a small child and like???? What’s not to love about it??
I’m mentioning this cause I keep opening it up and writing a bit more today which typically means I’m gonna have it as a brainworm till I finish this chapter and post it that’s how I am
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indelibleposies · 3 years
the season 2 finale of the mandalorian really did say "star wars rebels who? idk them <3" huh
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hadesgirl015 · 7 years
Oh my gosh what’s this?
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It’s an update
Chapter 19: It’ll be alright
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doyousmellpopcorn · 4 years
Chapter 8 In Which Kanan Somehow Gets Deaged, and Shows Ezra the True Meaning of Chaotic
Zeb was not entirely sure how he was supposed to react to this... strange situation. He had experience in a lot of areas, he was proud to admit that, but none of those areas included children climbing roofs and grinning down at him like a maniac!
How was he supposed to get him down? Or even convince to stay down when he gets down as well? Hera was going to kill him.
What started out as a normal game of hide-and-go-seek had ended in Kanan/Caleb climbing up to the roof and grinning down at him with that smirk of his. Zeb reached for his comm. Maybe Rex could help him with this... child. ~ Rex... did not know how to react. His training covered a lot of things, yes, but nothing on getting children down from tall structures without them getting hurt. Even when he was fighting this had never really happened.
General Skywalker had a more 'let's blow things up' sort of mentality, while Ahsoka was a padawan! She was more concerned with staying alive and sane (as she should be) during the war. If anyone was experienced with children, it would probably be General Koon. That Jedi had a soft spot the size of Coruscant!
Rex thought for a second. "Do you have ladders?" He asked the dumbfounded Lasat next to him. Zeb gave him a look that told him that no, they did not have ladders. General Koon... Wolffe! Hopefully Wolffe would have some experience in these matters.
"Hey, Wolffe. We uh, have a situation." There was a pause before Wolffe's voice rang out.
"What happened?" Rex grimaced.
"Well... do you have any ladders?" ~ Wolffe stared up at the kid. And glared at Rex.
"What makes you think I would be the best choice for this??" He ASKED, he did not yell, no, ASKED Rex.
"Uhm... you're general was General Koon?" Rex tried. Wolffe sighed.
"Nope. Not doing this. Let's call Ezra or Sabine." They ended up calling both. ~ Ezra did not know what to expect when the clones called him over the commlink. It wasn't Caleb being stuck on the roof, that was for sure. Ezra sat down.
"Eh... how are we going to get him down?" Wolffe looked exasperated at that statement.
"We were hoping you would know." Zeb admitted. Ezra stared up at the kid.
"Nope. I got nothing on this." ~ Sabine wanted to go hide in her room and draw something. She didn't want to deal with this crap now, yet here they were. A small group just staring at the kid on the roof.
"So should I get a jetpack?" Everyone stared at her.
"Sabine... maybe let's hold off on the jetpacks for now." Ezra suggested.
"Why? Oh... right. Hera." If Hera found out what was going on, everyone here would be grounded or something. Jetpacks were quite loud when it was as quiet as this and if they were trying to avoid Hera's attention they would have to work around jetpacks.
"So. How are we going to get Caleb down?" Wolffe asked. Sabine shrugged.
"Let's ask someone else." She suggested.
"But who?" Rex asked.
"Uh... guys?" Zeb poked Sabine who slapped his hand away.
"Where's Caleb?" ~ Caleb smirked as he got down and moved away. He wasn't really stuck, they had just assumed that he was. Oh well, he supposed they could stand there arguing if they wanted to. He slipped away and headed towards Chopper.
Today was a pretty good day in his humble opinion.
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disregardcanon · 4 years
another fun au would be that somehow during twilight of the apprentice ahsoka and anakin get swapped with far younger versions of their characters, like. season 2 or 3. and ezra has to deal with trying to wrangle the confused pair of them into the ship while also trying to get kanan and deal with the WHAT THE FUCK feeling along with the guilt of having trusted maul and gotten kanan hurt. and.. is that really darth vader?
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
My biggest problems with Filoni’s Star Wars
I'd say my biggest critiques of Filoni's Star Wars would be
Complete change in Anakin's character from AOTC to the character he is portrayed as in TCW. We NEVER see Anakin knighted, so he should not be given a Padawan. Nor do I think Anakin is capable nor do I think the Council would trust Anakin with a Padawan.  Honestly the change in Anakin's character felt like giving into RLM's complaints about Anakin and just turned Anakin into a mix of Luke and Han, but that’s not Anakin. 
Lightening the skin of the clones and Boba and not bringing back Temmura to voice the clones, The whole whitewashing of the Clones is downright disgusting.
Constantly retcons. Kanan’s backstory. Ahsoka’s novel has recently been retconned. This is getting ridiculously mean spirited, it’s like the man has no respect for the canon novel/graphic novel writers. 
Everything about Barriss. A Muslim coded character who was loved in the EU. And what does he do? From someone who was Anakin’s temporary is deaged to be Ahsoka’s, makes her willing to be okay for dying for the Jedi and having her bomb the Jedi Temple. I hope this was just him being tone deaf, but if intentional, oh boy yikes.
Minor nitpick but changing Obi-Wan's armor from the awesome design from the micro series to what he has from TCW. It’s like going from Gucci to Walmart.
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Erasing Alpha 17 and Captain Fordo
The Bad Batch. It again enforces the whitewashing of the clones and could've easily been Delta Squad, since they are essentially the same fucking characters.
Bringing back Maul. Maul served a purpose. Sure George regretted killing him off too soon and I do think he should have been the Vader of the Prequels. But god, the way they hammered him in TCW, Rebels and Solo? Good god it's ridiculous.
The same damn story in EVERY Star Wars story. It's less noticeable in TCW and Rebels. It's good for The Mandalorian, but The Bad Batch just makes it clear he only knows how to tell one type of story. Grumpy man is forced to take care of small sunshine child.  What's next? Book of Boba Fett doing it with Boba and Dash?
Abundantly clear he did not care about Boba Fett and used Book Of Boba Fett as a prop for The Mandalorian. Boba Fett doesn't do Boba Fett type things. He's a crime lord that doesn't do any crimes. He's outwitted by everyone in the show and instead of reaching out to characters Boba knows like Bossk, IG-88 etc, we need Din. And instead of focusing on flashbacks with Jango that focuses on his Mandalorian heritage, again we get proto-Mando season 3.  It honestly would've been better to keep Grogu out of TBOBF cause now people are forced to watch it to see how Din reunites with Grogu instead of watching The Mandalorian season 3. If he didn't want to write for a show about Boba Fett, then he shouldn't have written a show about Boba Fett. 
Ahsoka living through all 3 trilogies. The Jedi are supposed to be all extinct by the time of the Empire, Obi-Wan and Yoda should be the only survivors. Ahsoka lives beyond Order 66, throughout the Galactic Civil War and Filoni plays favorites and literally uses time travel to bring her back. Then apparently she lasts beyond the Galactic Civil War(why did she not meet Obi-Wan, Yoda, Luke or Leia?) Like fuck it is convoluted that she's survived this long. Hell, I will also say that Ezra, Cal and Cere should be dead too. Thrawn's fleet should have crushed the Rebels on Lothal and Vader should have killed Cal and Cere in Fallen Order.  No one but Obi-Wan, Yoda and the Twins should be left alive from the Jedi. Luke is the Last Jedi for a reason. I came up with an emotional death for Ahsoka in Order 66,  Rex kills her and then Rex kills himself. But for sure if Ahsoka survived  Order 66, she should have died against Vader in Twilight Of The Apprentice. She should have died against Vader, it would solidify him as the monster that he is at this point in time: the one that can only be saved by his son who in turn would be saved by him. It took away all the tension and emotion by using World Between Worlds in bringing Ahsoka back. Filoni pulled a Moffat by having a dead character come back to life an episode/season later. Kind of insulting. Like imagine if Leia used WBW to prevent Alderaan’s destruction or imagine if Luke used it to stop Anakin’s fall. Yes it would be satisfying to prevent a tragedy, but for story purposes it takes away the tension and the monstrosity of the Empire. I think it would have been a good end if she was killed by Vader. In their fight she even says "I won't leave you, not this time!", but then time travels out of them and never tries to go to him again. I don't really know what they'll do with her, she isn't mentioned once in the sequels by Luke, so seems unlikely they met up. I don't think there is much they can do with her, not to mention its now dumb that she didn't turn up in the OT.  Better she get killed by Vader in a poignant death scene. With her lamenting she couldn't give Anakin a proper burial with Padme much less kill Vader. Then Ahsoka appeared in THe Mandalorian. Good moment, but you are telling your new audience they need to watch your animated shows in order to even know who this character even is. Also it’s kind of insulting Ahsoka lived this long. And honestly Ahsoka living past Order 66 and past the Galactic Empire is the epidemy of refusing to let go and let your oc die. I've said countless times how Ahsoka has surpassed her expiration date and I stand by my point. For Ahsoka to survive all the way up to TROS is both baffling and insulting and it implies that Ahsoka stood by and did not help Luke with Ben. It implies she stood by and did nothing while The First Order was reigning and only waited until the last minute for the Emperor to return. Like Filoni confirmed she wasn't a force ghost, so it's just baffling she lived this long and Filoni should've just let go. She outlived the Empire AND the Skywalkers since Filoni said Ahsoka isn’t dead(good god man let her go) It's clear at this point that Dave Filoni doesn't know when to let go of her as a character. I like her, but It's kind of insane to me that she's now a part of all 3 eras of Star Wars. George Lucas wanted Ahsoka to die at the end of The Clone Wars, but Filoni somehow convinced him that she should live. Ahsoka Tano is a lot like The Simpsons. Great at first, but now I just roll my eyes at her existence. Ahsoka has been overexposed and it shows. She's a great character, but she's just become as overexposed as Maul was.
I also would include these videos about Filoni to my critiques
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rivulet027 · 4 years
Added Milo Graf for a background character I needed in the next chapter of The Cement That Binds so of course I looked him up and he's a year older than Cassian. So now I have all these feels of the Graf parents taking one look at tiny young indignant about everything Cassian Andor and wanting to adopt him. Cassian would prefer to tag along after Ahsoka learn about spying, he doesn't need adopting thank you very much.
This seems to me my main goal when thinking about young Cassian, having someone adopt him. I have more than one idea for Boil and Waxer to adopt him. I also have a story plotted where Beru and Owen adopt him. I have another one where a deaged to his mid twenties Obi-Wan wakes up captured with Zatt, Rennax Omani, Tup, and Cassian. Cassian latches onto Tup and yeah. Now I'm considering the Grafs adopting him, which led me to think about the Bridgers, because one of my favorite things about the Wild Space series is when Mira and Ephraim help Lina and Milo and we get a few moments with baby Ezra. And now I want to write Cassian as Ezra's overprotective big brother.
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prepare4trouble · 7 years
I wish you would write a fic where in a strange turn of events Ezra, Sabine, Hera, Kanan, and Zeb are deaged into one year olds (Kanan is still blind when deaged) and Chopper, Rex, and Kallus have to take care of them til they turn back while keeping their deaged state a secret from Rebel High Command.
Hera was crying, and she wasn’t sure why.
She was uncomfortable.  Her clothes were too large suddenly, the wind blew through the oversized gaps in the sleeves.  She felt clumsy and awkward, like her body wasn’t her own.  She was a little hungry, and for some reason that felt like the worst thing that had ever happened to her.
Tears ran down her face and sobs wracked her body, and the fact that she didn’t know why she was crying only upset her more, only made her cry harder.
She forced open her eyes and looked around, the view blurred by tears, and what she saw made no sense.  All around her, were babies; three human, and one that looked like it might be Lasat, which made no sense, because there were no Lasat babies, not outside of Lira S…
Suddenly the wrong-ness began to connect into something that made a kind of sense.
Not only did that baby look a bit like Zeb, but the others…  Apprehensively, she raised her hand to inspect it.  It was wrong.  Too small, too chubby.
She didn’t look down, she didn’t dare.
“I don’t… I mean… how does a thing like this even happen?  I’m not sure it’s actually possible.”
Rex stared at the former ISB agent incredulously.  “If you’re looking at it with your own two eyes, isn’t that usually a pretty good indication that it happened?”
Kallus shook his head.  “Not necessarily.  Not when the thing I’m looking at is…” he indicated the five infants with a wave of his hand, “…that.”
“Yeah, good point,” Rex conceded.  “This is… I can’t look after babies!”
Kallus gave Rex a look.  “Why not?” he asked.  “People do it every day.”
“Yeah, well most of those people aren’t clones.  I was made for battle.  When I was their age, I was learning to reassemble a blaster rifle and marching in formation.  I’m not the paternal type.”
“And you think I am?” Kallus raised an eyebrow.
“Didn’t say that, did I?”
Chopper emitted a series of irritated sounding noises very obviously aimed in their direction, then maneuvered himself to Hera’s side and sat there, looking surprisingly menacing for a droid with no capacity for facial expressions.
Kallus looked at Rex.  “Did he say what I think he said?”
Rex shrugged.  “If you think he threw a bunch of insults our way, then probably.  But to be honest, half of what he says is an insult, so it’s usually a good guess.”
“He’s probably right though.”
“That we should put our heads up…?”
“No!  That we should do something.  Standing around looking at them isn’t going to help anything.”
Something had happened, and Kanan was having a hard time working out what it was.  Whatever it was, he didn’t like it.  He felt wrong, somehow, in a way that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.  “Everyone okay?” he asked.  Only, he didn’t; his mouth refused to make the correct shapes, and the sound that came out, although he knew it was him making it, was jumbled and confused, and unintelligible even to his own ears.
Confused, Kanan raised his hands to his face.  Save for the familiar scar tissue around his eyes, the skin was completely smooth and unblemished.  His beard was gone, his mask had fallen to the ground.  He didn’t understand, but he didn’t like it.
Tears prickled, and he tried to push them back.  He didn’t cry, not over whatever this was.  He needed to get control, he needed to find the others, make sure they were okay, and that the hadn’t been affected.  He reached out with the Force, trying to find Hera, and found it impossible.  He could still feel the Force surrounding him, but for some reason he suddenly found himself unable to use it.  He had not forgotten any of the lessons he had learned over the years, but he found himself unable to put them into practice.
He felt himself begin to panic at that revelation; a completely pointless reaction, but one that for some reason, he couldn’t stop.  The battle against the tears still threatening to fall was lost in that instant, and the sobs came, uncontrollable, unending.  He gave up trying to stop himself, and gave himself over to it, it felt as though the world was ending, the worst, most horrible thing he could imagine was unfolding, and…
Arms closed around him.  He felt himself being lifted, held against the hard surface of chest armor.  A hand stroked his head soothingly, and as much as he knew he should hate it, it was strangely comforting.
Someone was talking.  In the background, he could hear a wailing sound, like a baby crying.  Another baby, he realized.
Suddenly, the whole thing clicked into place.  It didn’t make sense, because it was ridiculous, but he understood what had happened.
“He’s not going to stop,” said a voice.  It was one that he vaguely recognized.
“He will.  Just keep doing what you’re doing.”
That voice was closer, coming from the person holding him.  It was more familiar still, but still he couldn’t quite identify it.  He opened his eyes to gaze up at the person holding him, and was met by a wall of nothing.  He couldn’t see.
He had known that.  He shouldn’t have been surprised by that.  Still, he felt his lip begin to quiver again.  He tried to make it stop, but all emotional control had failed him.
“Hey, shush, it’s okay,” the voice said again.  The strong arms began to move him up and down in a rhythmic swaying motion, and suddenly nothing seemed so bad any more.
“Hey, you’re a natural,” said the first voice.
The second sighed, and jiggled Kanan a little harder.  “Shut up,” he said.
The scouting mission had gone well; the planet had appeared to be an ideal location for a new base, small, out of the way, capable of supporting life, abundant sources of water, even fertile land; in time, and with people who had the right skill-set, they might be able to grow crops.  There were no shortage of displaced farmers in the Empire.
They should have known there was a reason why somebody hadn’t taken it already.
“Why do you think they were affected and we weren’t?” Kallus asked.
Rex shrugged, trying to fend off Ezra’s attempt to escape from his grip until he had wiped a blue milk mustache from the baby’s upper lip.  ���I don’t know.  But it’s been a few hours now and nothing’s happened to us, so it looks like we got away with it, whatever it was.”
He placed Ezra on the floor, and the kid set off crawling, reached a chair and pulled himself to his feet before making his way unsteadily the rest of the way across the room.
Rex looked around.  Kanan and Hera were sleeping side by side on a blanket he had put down on the floor.  Zeb slept too, on the other side of the blanket, one arm curled underneath his head like a makeshift pillow.
Sabine was wide awake.  She, like all of the de-aged crew, had cried like the world was ending at first, but unlike the others, she hadn’t reached a state of exhaustion; she appeared to have recovered more quickly than the rest, had found a crayon, and was currently occupying herself with drawing on the floor and walls.
“Do you think we should stop her doing that?” Kallus asked.  “I don’t know everyone that well yet, but I’m certain Hera won’t be happy about it when she’s herself again.”
Rex shook his head.  “Try it if you want,” he said.  “But I can tell you what’ll happen if you try to take that crayon away.  She’ll start crying, she’ll wake the others up, and before you know it, you’ll be dealing with five screaming babies again.  But if that’s what you want, go ahead.”
Kallus shook his head.  “I think it’s fine.  It should clean off.”
It was the water; it had to be.  The five of them had had a drink from a stream during their scouting mission, the others hadn’t.  Chopper had scanned it and declared it safe, but to be certain they had filtered the water through a purification filter before drinking it, and for maybe an hour afterward they had been fine.  Still, it was the only explanation.
Sabine just hoped that if they didn’t drink any more, they would go back to normal.  She needed to communicate it to Rex and Kallus, to make sure that they didn’t make the same mistake, but every attempt to communicate had been met with frustration.
She took a deep breath, and tried to force her lips to say the words, but what came out was an unintelligible collection of sounds, her infant mouth incapable for some reason of forming the words.
She picked up the crayon again, clutching it in her fist because it was too large, and her hand too awkward, to do anything else.  She began to draw yet another wobbly, meaningless line on the floor.  It wasn’t right!  She could see it in her head, she could see how the drawing was supposed to look, but when it came to actually putting it on paper — or, as it happened, on the floor — it just looked like nothing.  Writing had been the same.  Worse, even.  The letters looked like nothing at all.
Her fingers gripped the crayon tightly, and she threw it hard across the room.  Only, she didn’t.  Instead, she managed to toss it maybe a meter in slightly the wrong direction.  It hit Ezra in the back of the head, and he turned, a shocked and hurt expression on his face.
“I’m sorry,” Sabine tried to say, but what came out was more meaningless noise, and she finally gave in to the urge to cry.
Ezra picked up the crayon, got to his feet and waddled slowly toward her, walking like he was afraid he might fall over.  When he reached her, he wrapped his arms as far around her as they would go, and squeezed as tightly as he could manage.
Oddly, it made her feel better.
“Do you think they know what’s happening?” Rex asked.  “Think they remember who they are and they just can’t tell us?”
Kallus considered it, and it didn’t make for a pleasant thought.  He shrugged.  “I don’t know,” he said.  “I hope not, I don’t imagine it would be very pleasant for them.”
“If they know who they are, there’s a chance we’ll get them back,” Rex said.  “Even if they have to grow up again, they’ll still have their memories.  If not, they might grow into completely different people.”
“They might anyway,” Kallus said.  He knelt down and carefully placed Ezra on the blanket next to the others.  He opened his eyes for a moment, and looked around, but closed them again and fell instantly asleep.  “Imagine growing up, going through puberty, surviving the whole process, only to find out you have to do the whole thing again.”
At that, Sabine stopped drawing and turned to look at him, wide eyed.  She had been drawing again, the same thing over and over, wavy lines with a blue crayon.  It was obvious that it was supposed to represent something, and the crudeness of the drawing appeared to be down to fine motor control rather than lack of skill.
“I think they remember,” Rex said.
Sabine frowned at him, then jabbed her pencil at the most recent set of lines she had drawn.  “That,” she said, and then smiled as though the word had been a pleasant surprise.  “That,” she said again.  “That, that that!”
“Huh,” Rex said.  “Whatever ‘that’ is, it’s obviously significant in some way.  You didn’t happen to see a bunch of wavy lines lying on the ground anywhere out there, did you?”
Sabine scowled at them each in turn.  “That,” she said again, then drew another almost identical line.  She stared down at it, and then glared at her hand in frustration.  Finally she yawned widely.
“I think you’re tired,” Rex said.  “Want some milk before you go sleepies?”
“‘Go sleepies’?” Kallus mimicked.
Rex shrugged.
Chopper examined Hera critically.  She had grown by 5% in the past thirty minutes.  Irritatingly, the two unaffected organics didn’t seem to have noticed this.  One of them had decided to leave the ship in an attempt to locate the cause of the de-aging, leaving the other to juggle babies.
He cast an eye over the other members of the crew; they were less important, but it was interesting to note that they, too had increased in size by a significant amount, much more than would be considered average in the timescales, for younglings of their particular species.
He had attempted to communicate this information to the human clone that had remained behind, however his grasp of Chopper’s communication methods was rudimentary at best.  It was irrelevant anyway, if growth continued at the current rate, even the organics couldn’t fail to notice it in time.
While he waited for that to happen, he stuck close to Hera’s side.
Hera watched as Sabine made yet another attempt to draw a stream in blue crayon on the wall of the Ghost.  It wasn’t going to work; if it hadn’t worked the sixth time, it wasn’t going to work the thirty-sixth.  Still it was keeping her occupied, and it would continue to do so when they were themselves again, because she would be assigned to clean it up.
She placed her hand on the wall, in the same spot as she had earlier.  She stretched the fingers wide apart and noted the distance between the end of her little finger and the edge of the control panel.  It had shrunk significantly.  There was no doubt about it, she was getting bigger.
Kanan was sitting in the corner of the room, his back pressed against two walls.  His eyes were closed, but she could tell that he was awake.  He had been quiet and subdued since this happened.  Of course, none of them had been particularly talkative, but Kanan appeared to have retreated into himself.  She worried about him.
He couldn’t see — whatever had done this to them hadn’t reversed any physical changes, they all still had their scars, Sabine’s hair was still the color she had last dyed it.  It seemed unfair, in a way, but at the same time she was grateful, she didn’t want to have to watch him lose his sight again, she wasn’t sure what a thing like that might do to him.  Of course, she couldn’t talk to him, couldn’t tell him what was happening around him, or ask whether he had noticed the effects wearing off.  If she was finding this difficult, it had to be that much worse for him.
She moved herself a little closer, leaned against one of the walls and reached for his hand.  She squeezed it lightly, and he smiled.
Ezra was sitting on the middle of the room, watching Sabine as she drew yet another line on the floor.  Hera watched her too.  She watched as a second line joined it, more deftly than the first, somehow drawn at the right angle that, when joined another, and another, somehow began to take a form.  It was still basic, nowhere near Sabine’s usual standard, but Hera could see now what it was supposed to be.  A river, or a stream, trees on either side, a steep bank leaving into slow moving water, grass on either side of the riverbank.
Sabine dropped the crayon and flexed her fingers as though they ached from the exertion, then looked at the picture with a scowl on her face; obviously it wasn’t good enough for her.
Hera looked again.  There was something familiar about the image.  She had seen it before somewhere.  She turned to Kanan to ask him, and remembered the two ways that it was impossible.  She sighed, angry with herself.
Either sensing her frustration, or hearing it in her sigh, Kanan gripped her hand a little harder, then put an arm around her.  Hera leaned against him, and turned her attention to Zeb.  He was standing by the opposite wall, watching the scene in much the same way she was.  She wondered whether he recognized the drawing.
Being a kid had been bad enough the first time; Zeb didn’t want to go through it again, even if it did look like it was going to be at an accelerated rate.  Especially if it was going to be at an accelerated rate.
He moved to the other side of the room and climbed easily up onto his favorite chair.  He was definitely taller than he had been before his nap.  Exactly how much taller, he wasn’t sure.  He was stronger too, he could feel his muscles waking up and, like any young Lasat, he ached to use them.  He looked around the room, searching for something else to climb.  The table looked promising, but not high enough to pose any kind of a challenge.  He leaped up there anyway, then searched for his next target.
Kallus shook his head.  The trip outside had been fruitless, as he had known it would be.  He was still none the wiser about the cause of the de-aging.  He looked at the babies.  Hera and Kanan were slumped in the corner, fast asleep, while Sabine and Ezra had finally fallen asleep too, on the hard floor, Sabine still clutching her blue crayon.  Near her head was a passable representation of a stream he had passed on his walk.
He gently picked them up one at a time and placed them on the slightly more comfortable blanket they had put down.  He wished he could have given the babies their own beds, but he wasn’t sure they wouldn’t fall out, and it would have been impossible to look after all of them in separate quarters.
“Are they getting bigger?” he asked in a hushed tone, so as not to wake them.
Rex surveyed the scene.  “I think they might be,” he said.
When he had left, he would have put them at around one standard year.  Now, he might have said two.  They had graduated from babies to toddlers in the time it had taken him to go for a short walk.
He sat down, just as Zeb leapt halfway across the room and landed on his hands.  “Should he be doing that?” he asked.
“Don’t see why not,” Rex told him.  “He seems to know what he’s doing.”
Kallus shrugged.  “They should be able to talk soon,” he said.
Rex smiled.  “Hera started saying real words about half an hour ago.”
“And you thought you weren’t the paternal type.”  Kallus smirked.  “But what I meant was that they might be able to tell us what happened.”
“Already did,” Rex told him.  He pointed a finger at Sabine’s drawing.  “They drank the water, remember?  From a stream that looked a bit like that.”
Kallus went pale.
“I guess that explains why nobody lives here,” Rex continued.  “Anybody that tried it probably found themselves in this kind of a situation.”  He laughed.  “I figure if they keep growing at their current rate, they’ll be themselves again in a day or so.  In the meantime, ship’s water only.  I’m going to work on the assumption that they’ll stop aging when they reach their original age, because the alternative’s unthinkable.”  He frowned, noticing Kallus’ reaction.  “What’s up with you?”
Kallus shook his head.  “Nothing.”
“Tell me you didn’t drink the water.”
Kallus shook his head.  “I didn’t.”   He hesitated.  “But I did find some meilooruns growing not far from the stream.  Must’ve been planted by some of those people that abandoned the place.”
Rex stared at him.  “You didn’t..?”
“It might just be the water,” Kallus said.  “They might not be affected.”
“And where do you think the juice in those meilooruns comes from?”
Kallus sighed.  He nodded at the kids, pleased to see they appeared to have grown a little older still.  “How long did it take to affect them?”
“About an hour.  I can’t believe you’ve done this to me.  I’m going to be all alone, looking after six babies!”
Chopper made an indignant sound.
“So,” Kallus said.  He got up from his chair and sat on the ground.  “If it’s going to happen, I have about ten minutes, I’m going to sit down here so I don’t fall off my chair.”  He grimaced, and looked at the five toddlers, not eager join them.  Zeb had stopped his gymnastic display, and moved a little closer, to listen in on the conversation.  He was wearing a solemn expression, and reached out to pat Kallus’ foot supportively.  Kallus sighed.  “I’m never going to live this down, am I?”
Rex grinned widely.  “None of you are.  I don’t know if you knew this, but Chopper records everything he sees.  You can guarantee this is going to be one of the ones he stores forever.”
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doyousmellpopcorn · 4 years
Chapter 6 In Which Kanan Somehow Gets Deaged, and Shows Ezra the True Meaning of Chaotic
Rex was not panicking. He was absolutely not panicking at all. Kanan Jarrus had apparently de-aged and became a tiny commander and he would be meeting them. No one was panicking. Kanan- sorry, Caleb would be fine with everyone and they would have no problem with each other.
Rex was panicking.
Kanan Jarrus, someone he wasn't the best of friends with (sure, they were friends, but they weren't vod) had been de-aged and was going to meet them. He would have absolutely NO self-control and was probably currently in a bad state since he just found out that his family was massacred by the clones.
So please excuse him, he was panicking and was not ashamed to admit it. Rex took a breath and looked over at Wolffe, who was definitely smirking at him with a knowing look in his eyes.
"Panicking, vod?" He grinned at Rex in a way that told Rex that his little meltdown had not gone unnoticed.
"Of course not!" He protested. Maybe he was a little ashamed of the fact that he was panicking, but Wolffe was not a Jedi, and what Wolffe didn't know wouldn't kill him.
"Really?" Gregor walked past with an identical smirk.
"Shut up." Rex fired back with a frown. He WAS NOT pouting either. Wolffe just kept on grinning while Gregor took a seat next to Rex. Rex gave him a look. Gregor stared back, unrepentant.
"Hi." Rex did not jump either. Wolffe and Gregor may have jumped, but he did not.
The three clones stared down at- by the Force it really was a tiny Kanan! Rex tried very hard not to pick up the commander and hide him away from the world. Glancing to the side, he saw Wolffe and Gregor openly gawping at Caleb.
"Hello there." Gregor managed before clamping his mouth shut, giving Rex a look that clearly told him that it was his turn to talk.
"My name is Caleb Dume, and I like to blow up stuff." Wolffe gaped at the mini-Kanan shamelessly before getting a hold of himself.
"I'm Wolffe, this is Rex, and that's Gregor." Rex waved when Wolffe mentioned his name. There was a total of one thought running through his head, and that thought was BY THE FORCE THE COMMANDER IS CUTE.
The conversation paused a bit with everyone staring at each other. Rex decided to get this over with.
"Do you need someone to show you around the base?" Caleb sat down on the ground, heedless of the fact that he could have simply sat down on a crate.
"Nope! Ezra told me that he would show me around later. I think something about meeting you guys, I don't know, do you guys know Grey? Do you think he's okay? What about Styles? Do you think we could get the chip out of their heads? Maybe we could de-chip the entire GAR." Gregor held up a hand.
"One question at a time. We do not know where Commander Grey or Styles is, but getting chips out of clone's heads is possible. The sheer size of what used to be the GAR would make it impossible for everyone to be de-chipped but that would be nice." Caleb drooped a bit before sitting up again.
"What if we just knocked out- what do they call them?- Stormtroopers and de-chipped them and do that every mission?" Rex shook his head.
"Nope. It's just not possible for us to find room, and medical supplies are in short supply."
"Oh." The tiny Commander suddenly bounced up and managed to perch himself on Rex's crate without falling off. Or more specifically, on top of Gregor. The clones gaped at the hyperactive kid before he slid off with a sheepish grin.
"Caleb! Time to take a tour!" Ezra called somewhere off. Caleb bounced off, and with a wave good-bye, flounced off to where Ezra was presumably was.
The clones looked at each other.
"I think I'm going to like this kid." Wolffe said with an absolutely feral grin. Rex groaned while his two friends laughed. He began to understand how General Kenobi felt about General Skywalker.
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hadesgirl015 · 8 years
Since i got a review asking,
Yes i am alive.  I know i haven’t updated anything in a while, but i’ve been having trouble finding the motivation to write anything.  i open a document and i just don’t really know where to go next. 
I’m dealing with a lot of emotional issues right now.  So i guess I’m on Hiatus. 
I’ll try to update again sometime soon, but i can’t say which story will end up getting updated. 
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doyousmellpopcorn · 4 years
Chapter 2 In Which Kanan Somehow Gets Deaged, and Shows Ezra the True Meaning of Chaotic
Ezra knew that the Jedi were not supposed to know emotions or try to take revenge on their enemies. Well, too bad for the Jedi Code, because Ezra didn't necessarily care. If Kanan was here, Kanan would probably be scolding him right now. But Kanan wasn't here, and something was happening where he was at. Kanan's force signature was changing, mutating into something...
Well, if Ezra had to describe it, he would say that it was getting lighter. Like it was getting cleaned on the opposite side of the cell. But why would the Inquisitors, or even Thrawn be doing that? If they were doing something to Kanan, Ezra would think that they would try to make Kanan Fall. Maybe something went wrong?
Ezra shook his head and concentrated on keeping an eye out for any stormtroopers. Chopper was hacking into Kanan's cell, Zeb and Sabine were distracting most of the guards, and Hera was in the Ghost in case of an emergency pick-up. Ahsoka, on the other hand, was busy fighting off a group of stormtroopers. Ezra hurried to help her out. Stormtroopers were really bad soldiers, but when they were in large numbers they were quite formidable.
"Hurry up, Chopper!" Ezra told the droid impatiently. The droid in question beeped a profanity before turning back to his task. Ahsoka came up and laid a hand on his shoulder.
"The droid is trying as fast as he can. Be patient, Ezra." Ezra sighed and sat down in front of the cell. A pretty bad idea in hindsight. Chopper beeped something rude at the lock and tried again. ~
Caleb looked up as he heard something outside. Master Depa must be here! Caleb looked at the door. Maybe he could help her! Caleb Dume was not often known for his patience, but he had shown a great deal of patience in trying to meditate. Everything seemed so dark, so he gave up on that a few hours ago and he had pushed at the door a little bit.
For some reason, it wouldn't budge. Someone else had been here before him, and the door seemed unstable. Maybe he could give it a shot again.
Caleb pounded the door until his wrists were sore. Then he thought for a second again. He could try to access the force and get out of here, or he could just keep pushing at the door with his hands. Accessing the force hurt, because everything was so dark and everyone was missing for some reason. His hands, however, were getting sore so he really didn't have any choice if he wanted to get out soon.
Wincing, the padawan reached out to the force again. He could see a few prinpricks of light... there were two of them outside his door! Master Depa was here! But it didn't feel like Master Depa. No matter. He would ask her about it later.
Caleb pushed at the door this time with the Force and grinned when it went flying away. Awesome! He should tell Cal when he got back to the temple about this. Master Depa paused for a second on the other side. What were they doing over there? They should hurry up in his opinion.
Caleb Dume shoved at the door again. This time, it went flying away from him. Grinning, the padawan skidded out into the hall and cheered, nearly running into a togruta.
"Master Shaak Ti?? Where's Master Depa?" The togruta looked suprised for a second before her face fell. Caleb's heart fell to his feet. "Master Depa is alive, right? I saw her an hour ago. Of course she's alive! Right?" Master Shaak Ti didn't respond.
The door moved before flying off again. The two Jedi looked at the person underneath the door, who got up and went over to them.
"Kanan! What was that for?" Caleb startled.
"Who’s Kanan? I'm Caleb. Caleb Dume. Who are you?" The boy looked startled for a second before looking at Master Shaak Ti.
"Let's talk later, get out of here first."
"Yes, sir!" Caleb saluted her before running off. The boy and Shaak Ti exchanged glances behind him before following him. ~
Ezra wasn't quite sure what was wrong with his master, but he had a few theories. Like replacing him with someone else to slow the two down. But the boy was a Jedi, since he mentioned something about his own master, someone called Depa. So... maybe Kanan was the boy? Was it even possible to de-age someone?
Caleb gave a maniacal laugh as he ran into some droids. Thankfully, they were droids, not stormtroopers, because he had a feeling that Caleb wouldn't act favorably towards stormtroopers. Even if the droids were sentry droids.
"Wait, Caleb! Those are live detonators-" He heard Ahsoka call before a loud crash echoed throughout the facility. Live detonators?? Ezra rounded the corner and his jaw just completely dropped.
"Caleb, drop those right now!" Ahsoka yelled again. The boy was carrying about 3 detonators, and they were counting down! Caleb calmly put them on the droids and ducked under them, making a bolt towards the door. Ahsoka and Ezra ducked as the resulting explosion blew up any other droids in the hallway.
Ezra looked at Ahsoka. "I don't think that's Kanan." Ahsoka didn't say anything, her mouth set in a grim line.
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doyousmellpopcorn · 4 years
Chapter 4 In Which Kanan Somehow Gets Deaged, and Shows Ezra the True Meaning of Chaotic
Sabine left the impromptu meeting with a frown on her face. Nothing was really resolved and the only things the crew seemed to find were more things they needed to explain to Caleb. Like how he wasn't in the same time era that he thought he was in. But for now, the crew agreed that they would try and see when the opportunity came up.
From what she knew from Ezra, Ahsoka, and her own personal experience, Caleb was hyperactive and didn't stay focused for long. He liked to rush into things and took things that most people would take seriously as a joke. Like, live bombs. He also seemed like a prankster from what he said about Cal. Come to think of it, she hadn't seen him in a while.
"Hey, Zeb." The Lasat turned around and faced Sabine.
"Have you seen Caleb?" Zeb thought for a moment.
"Nah. I-" A shout rang out from Ezra's room, followed by footsteps. Sabine and Zeb stared at each other for a second before running towards Ezra's room.
When they got there, they were treated with the sight of a very grouchy boy who was completely covered in sand. To add insult to the injury, Caleb and Chopper were on the floor laughing at him. Ezra glared at the two of them.
"What happened- never mind." Ahsoka ran into the hallway before catching sight of the scene in front of her.
"Caleb!" Hera started to scold the padawan, who didn't look in the least remorseful. Something about the kid's laughter was infectious and Sabine had to suppress a ridiculous grin that threatened to burst onto her face. Zeb beside her was also fighting a losing battle to the mirth as well.
"Caleb Dume! You are so dead when I get my hands on you!" Ezra nearly yelled at the padawan.
"You might have to take a sonic first! No one wants sand all over the ship!" Caleb cheerfully retorted before scampering off in the middle of Hera's lecture.
"Was he always like this?" Hera asked Ahsoka, who looked bemused.
"Oh yes. He was a terror, along with his friend Cal Kestis. You should be glad that Cal isn't here either. Although Cal was known to be the initial prankster, Caleb was a force to be reckoned with." Hera groaned.
"I don't think he does pranks if he's unprovoked though." Ezra pouted.
"Yeah, but why me?" Sabine thought for a second.
"Maybe Chopper suggested you." Ezra paled considerably.
"We left Caleb and Chopper together!" Zeb stopped grinning.
"I have concerns; but where did he get the sand?" Everyone looked at the gritty stuff all over Ezra.
"That actually is a good question. Can Jedi teleport items or something?"
"No we cannot," Ahsoka told everyone. Hera stared at the sand.
"Ezra, go clean up and come back out again. I don't know where Caleb got the sand, but we'll ask him.
"We could actually just ask Chopper where Caleb got the sand," Ahsoka suggested. Hera shrugged.
"Sure. Ezra, go take a shower now. You're getting sand everywhere. We'll ask Chopper." Ezra shrugged and went to do what Hera said.
"Now. Chopper. Where did Caleb get the sand?" The droid blatted rudely at the Lasat.
"So, to put it without the curses, you had sand in the storage closet and donated it to prank Ezra." Hera glared at the unrepentant droid.
"Why would you have a jar of sand in the closet though?" Sabine asked. Chopper began to beep again.
"Do you realize how unreasonable that sounds? Why would you collect sand just because?" Hera demanded of the droid.
"Hi again!" Caleb chirped from behind Sabine who did NOT jump. She didn't. Don't listen to Zeb, Hera, Caleb, and Chopper, Ezra. Because she did NOT jump at the sudden appearance of that little monster Caleb.
"Why are you here?" Hera arched a brow at him.
"I wanted to check what you all are doing. Where's blueberry?"
"Blueberry?" Spluttered Zeb. Sabine laughed.
"He's in the shower. By the way, where did you get the sand?" Caleb looked over at Chopper, who was shrugging at him.
"I got it from Chopper, who said he got it from Lothal. He collected it to prank someone, but he needed someone to set it up for him." Hera, Sabine, and Zeb glared at Chopper at that. The droid blatted at Caleb, who shrugged back at the droid.
"Chopper! Don't corrupt Caleb!" Hera scolded the droid, who was still unrepentant. ~
Ezra walked out a few minutes later to see Hera and Zeb carrying Chopper away while Sabine was laughing. Caleb was busy telling Chopper to Rest in Peace. Chopper was blatting something about Caleb being too honest about everything. Ahsoka had mysteriously vanished. Ezra turned around and walked back inside.
Now he knew how Kanan felt most of the time.
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doyousmellpopcorn · 4 years
Chapter 5 In Which Kanan Somehow Gets Deaged, and Shows Ezra the True Meaning of Chaotic
Caleb knew from the second he walked off the ship that everyone was surprised. He was surprised too though. Where were the Jedi?? There was Master Shaak Ti and that boy who was Kanan's padawan, whoever that was. He didn't know where Master Depa was, and it kind of hurt that she didn't come to help him.
Caleb cut off those thoughts. He was a padawan now, and he couldn't have attachments. It didn't matter that his master didn't come, she could be injured or busy and she didn't have time to go rescue him! Still though...
Caleb shook his head and trotted after the twi'lek, Hera. If he got lost here that would be embarrassing. Cal would laugh at him for a week. And then another week because of the hair thing. Cal was just like that. Hera stopped suddenly and turned around.
"Caleb, can you follow me please?" Hera asked. That was what he was doing in the first place! Caleb trotted obediently after her though. He had a feeling that this was serious, and also about Master Depa. She wasn't... dead. Right? She was a JEDI MASTER. She couldn't die, that doesn't make sense.
Caleb followed Hera into a building, where he saw Master Shaak Ti, Ezra, Chopper, Zeb, and Sabine. Chopper made a shrug at him before he turned back to Hera, who was hesitating. Was Ezra a padawan? He couldn't think of any other reason why the two would be so close to each other. Focus, Caleb!
"Caleb, 14 years ago there was a... purge. A Jedi purge, and all of the Jedi were fired on by their own men." Master Shaak Ti admitted softly. Caleb reeled back for a second.
"Master Depa?" He managed to croak out.
"We don't know yet. We think he's still alive." Caleb nearly collapsed.
"Master Windu?"
"Ahsoka?" Master Shaak Ti visibly hesitated before straightening.
"I am Ahsoka." Caleb sat down on Chopper, who didn't complain for once.
"But- you're so old!" Sabine snickered a bit before quieting.
"This happened 14 years ago, Caleb."
"Then what happened to the Republic??"
"The Chancellor was a Sith Lord, and declared the Republic to be the First Galatic Empire and appointed himself Emperor, his right hand is his Sith Apprentice, Darth Vader."
"Did- did anyone else survive?" Shaak Ti, no, Ahsoka bowed her head.
"Not that we know of." Caleb looked down at Chopper.
"Is this some kind of prank?" The droid beeped a negative at him. Caleb slumped.
"Then how am I still 14? At least- I think I'm 14."
"Technically, you are 28, but you managed to get de-aged." A moment of silence, which Caleb used to think.
"Yeah, that sounds like something I would somehow do." Ahsoka laughed and Hera stared at him with a look of despair. "But... WHAT THE KARK??!"
Everyone startled at his sudden outburst and stared at the mini-version of Kanan. Caleb blinked back at them. "I think I'm allowed to do that since I just found out that everything that made up my daily life has been exterminated and stuff."
"Fair." Ezra admitted.
"No swearing young man." Hera scolded. Caleb had the decency to look apologetic.
"Wait- you said the clones fired on us?" The last part came out as a squeak. Ahsoka stared up at the ceiling for approximately four seconds before looking back down at him.
"Well, no. And yes." Caleb stared. "What I'm saying is that they are controlled by chips in their heads that made them do it." Caleb took a breath.
"WHAT THE ACTUAL KARKING-" Caleb took another breath. "Banthakark."
"My thoughts exactly"
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doyousmellpopcorn · 4 years
Chapter 3 In Which Kanan Somehow Gets Deaged, and Shows Ezra the True Meaning of Chaotic
Zeb, Sabine, and Hera stared down at the kid.
"So... this is Kanan? De-aged?" The last part came out as a squeak. Caleb stared up at the rest of the crew.
"He's cute." Was the only thing Hera managed to say before sitting down, getting a cup of caff as well.
"I didn't know that Kanan was this tiny once." Sabine said before crouching down. Chopper beeped and rolled towards the younger Jedi.
"No, Chop. He's not imperial." Ahsoka sighed. Caleb stayed still for about three more seconds before grinning.
Ezra had a moment to recognize it as the same grin he had when dispatching the sentry droids in the hallway. That was all the warning the crew got before the Jedi bounced up and latched onto Chopper. The droid beeped in frenzy before trying to jab the Jedi off. Caleb hung on and laughed. The rest of the crew just gaped at their former leader now hyperactive kid.
"D-did anyone give him sugar or something?" Hera stuttered. Ezra and Ahsoka shifted guiltily.
"He was talking a mile a minute so we gave him a piece of candy to quiet him..." Hera stood up with her hands on her hips.
"That was a bad idea, you two." Caleb piped up from the top of Chopper.
"I'm right here you know. Also, where is Master Depa? I need to get back to the temple before my due date. I have an essay to do and I'm almost done, but it's due in a few days so-"
"Kid, I don't think you have to worry about the essay for now." Sabine soothed Caleb. Caleb looked up at her.
"Wait, did Master Fisto give me a free pass? Great! Ok, now what do we do? Actually, can we make a few pit stops on our way to the temple, because Cal's probably going to be mad at me 'cause I dyed his hair pink." That managed to get a startled laugh out of Sabine.
"You dyed his hair pink?" Zeb asked. He and Hera looked a little concerned. Ahsoka was watching with a kind of bemusement and Chopper stopped blatting obscenities for a second.
"Yup! Don't tell master Depa though because then she's going to search my room for the dye and confiscate it, and I can't get more for another month probably- Ow!." Chopper managed to throw Caleb off of him and started doing a droid version of a victory dance.
"Alright. Fulcrum-"
"Who's Fulcrum? Wait, master Shaak Ti, do you have a code name now? That's so cool! Can I get one? Sorry. You can talk." Hera looked slightly exasperated.
"You know what? Caleb how about you and Chopper go check out the ship, because we need to talk." Caleb nodded and bounced off with Chopper. ~
Hera slammed her hands on the table.
"We need a new plan. Obviously, we can't just drop it on him that all the Jedi are dead and he's training a padawan himself now. But we also need to somehow explain to him that we cannot go to the temple."
"We could say that the Jedi are relocating because the Temple was bombed? I don't know how much he knows, but there was a Temple bombing during the war so we aren't lying." Ahsoka suggested.
"What about the lack of Jedi in the galaxy?" Zeb asked.
"What if we just tell him straight out? Best way to do it. No lies, no shattered trust, etc."
"Sabine! How would you feel if someone you don't know tells you that every single Mandalorian is dead?"
"What if we just get to Chopper base and tell him there? Then we have time to prepare?"
"Zeb, delaying it won't prevent it."
"Yeah, but we could just try."
"Oh yeah, he thinks I'm master Shaak Ti. That's another thing we need to straighten out that."
"Oh great. More complications."
"How are we going to tell him that all the Jedi are dead and Ahsoka is actually not master Shaak Ti?"
"I'm still going to stick to just tell him straight out. It's the best way to do it."
"That is NOT the best way to do it, how many times do I have to say it?"
"Wait, who's Shaak Ti?"
"A Jedi master. I think we all know what happened to her."
"Oh." The room dissolved into even more arguing over the best course of action. ~
Meanwhile, Caleb was touring the ship with a grouchy droid who was bleeping about idiotic organics and how they thought that they were so smart. Caleb didn't bother to correct the droid. He had already been zapped once, and he wasn't eager to repeat the experience again.
"Wait, Chopper. Do you know how to prank people?" The droid beeped an affirmative.
"I think I can figure out the rest of the ship from here. It isn't very big anyways." Chopper blatted a question at Caleb.
"We could just prank people's rooms." Chopper fell silent and thought for a second before responding with a hearty yes. Chopper then beeped out the name Ezra at Caleb, who grinned.
"You mean the blue-haired boy?" Chopper beeped another affirmative.
"Let's do this."
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doyousmellpopcorn · 4 years
Chapter 1 In Which Kanan Somehow Gets Deaged, and Shows Ezra the True Meaning of Chaotic
When Kanan was captured, he hadn't expected to be roughly shoved in a cell and left to his own devices. Well, sure, there were hand-cuffs, and there were guards at the door, but it was almost as if they were trying to let him escape. He could walk around, and he had a shaky grasp on the force. And with the force, he could sense that people were panicking outside the cell door. Kanan glanced around the cell. There was a mesh on the wall, and nothing could fit through that except for gas or a liquid. They were probably planning on releasing gas in his cell that was almost certainly a drug that would make him tell the truth during an interrogation. Hopefully, he wouldn't be in the cell when the gas started coming in. If they were planning to use gas on him. Kanan tapped hestantly at the door. No ray shields at least. A lock, obviously, and now he could hear yelling and something breaking. Wait, was there a camera in here? Kanan glanced around. There was a camera, so he threw the hand-cuffs at a few times before it was facing the other direction. The jedi pushed at the door again, this time enhancing the push with the force. Nothing. It never hurt to try though. Kanan glanced around again. The door was locked and a gas might come in any second now. The people panicking outside would probably buy him some time but one should always prepare for the unexpected. Kanan pushed at the door again with his weak grasp on the force. There was some sort of force suppressing material in the walls, so he couldn't really bust out of the cell with the force. Pushing again at the door, he managed to make a dent in the door. At this rate, he could get out in a few minutes. Kanan this time kept pushing at the door without stopping. With the extended time of pressure, it should give way soon. Hopefully they wouldn't activate a ray shield while he was pushing. Actually, a lot of things depended on hope at the moment. For instance, hopefully the people outside would keep panicking about whatever they were panicking about, hopefully the Imperials wouldn't start releasing gas while he was trying to escape, hopefully someone wouldn't activate a ray shield. The door creaked and started to give way. Kanan grinned and kept pushing at the door. The door buckled and nearly fell, hanging on by a few inches of metal. No matter. At this point, the stormtroopers outside noticed what was happening. "Hey! Halt!" As if. Kanan kept pushing at the door. "We're warning you! Stop now and we won't shoot!" Threatening to shoot their prisoner? It didn't sound like they would use stun either. Either they did not know who he was or they were incredibly stupid. Thrawn wouldn't be pleased if Kanan was shot to death. After all, Kanan had plenty of information that would be rather useful to Thrawn if he manages to get him to talk. If. Kanan still kept pushing. Two stormtroopers outside wouldn't be able to stop him, and he could handle a few shots. Besides, the troopers normally missed. But he was a point-blank range so... would they miss him? Kanan shrugged and kept going. "I'm warning you!" There was an audible click as the stormtroopers cocked their guns at the door. If they blasted the door open, he could get out faster so he supposed that aggravating them would be fine too. Well, maybe not now. He could hear someone coming. "Well, Jarrus. I see you are trying to escape." That was Thrawn. What did he come here for though? Maybe to gloat? That wasn't really how Thrawn worked though. Thrawn was actually much too smart for gloating and monologuing. "Here to gloat, Thrawn?" Kanan asked. If Thrawn was here to gloat, then he was a bantha's uncle. "No, actually. I'm here to see what would happen." Kanan did not like the sound of that. "So you're testing something on me?" Kanan couldn't see Thrawn, but he figured that he was right from the silence that followed that statement. Kanan heard muttering on the other side of the door. Glancing around, he saw that the mesh was turning faintly... yellow? That was the last Kanan Jarrus remembered.
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