#dean as object
remember when someone said ‘dean winchester is a performance’. and it’s not just about the macho posing and the gender performance. it’s also because he’s. he’s putting on a show. he’s teasing teasing right there in front of you but just out of reach. because dean winchester. he’s meant to be looked at. all eyes on him and everyone wants him. everyone looks at him hungry. but you can’t touch him without stopping the show.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
Hi, kind of a random ask… but I’ve been thinking about how Jensen has been pegged as the soft pretty boy on TV shows, and therefore is put in situations women are usually put in because of his type of good looks. Ie: dark angel. And him saying on a podcast that when he joined that show the cast and crew knew he was being brought in to be “window dressing.” of course this is not every roll he’s been in, but there are… nuances… I’ll just leave this here, bye!
You're right to say it, anon, and I appreciate you dropping this and running. The strange affect of the creature that is Jensen Ackles On Camera is like 87% of why spn fandom created the omegaverse -- it's why people can't stop arguing about bi!Dean -- it's why it's interesting for me to talk about Deanna -- it's why the FHoW gets so alarmingly intense -- it's why my whole tag #dean as object exists -- it's why I've started using another tag, #ceci n'est pas un actor, a la the Treachery of Images, because there just is something about the quality of a filmed Jensen Ackles. Everyone's favorite spn critic Sheila Whatsit writes about this at length but anyone with eyes can see it. Also why so much professional criticism/reviews feel free to talk about his looks so baldly, in language that would get them hit with misogynist accusations if he were really Jensenina.
Dude radiates this vibe that he can be done unto, that he's for looking at, and it is just truly five-alarm AH! when the camera treats him that way. Extremely distinct from how the camera treats Sam. Which also makes me feel some kinda way. (Especially when that can be drawn out in his own awareness of that effect, either with Dean or with fic-Jensen who I do try to keep as distinct as possible from real life Jensen who I hope never googles himself. Talk about the treachery of images, oof.)
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deadjohnwinchester · 1 year
me when dean suggests to michael that he possess him and phrases it as "what if you had your sword? I'm your sword."
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lambmotifz · 6 months
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“your darling little sammy”. as in yours. as in your possession. this is such an insane line because this is exactly how dean sees sam. as something that only belongs to him. they really just went and said he is a possessive creep when it comes to his little brother
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all-yourn · 8 months
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dean winchester & “gibson girl” by ethel cain [on youtube]
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squisheebugdoodles · 3 months
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Sneak friendly fire attack on @littlebeeenergy >83c finished it very shortly before we hopped into call yesterday so i got to surprise her with it just like i wanted!!
Character Of course, belongs to her
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huariqueje · 9 months
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Gwen and Still-Life Objects  -  Dean Fisher
American  b. 1949 -
Oil on canvas , 40 x 29 in. 40.50 x 30.50 in.
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insanesonofabitch · 11 months
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He was thinking about Dean wanting him back here…
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angelsdean · 2 years
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shadystranger · 3 months
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sam had a boner here
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littlebluejaydraws · 1 year
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Every fool's got a reason for feeling sorry for himself, and turning his heart to stone
ID: A series of 3 digital drawings showing Dean and Castiel from Supernatural. They are all simple black line drawings on white backgrounds with block shading in grey with occasional red highlights, and lyrics written over the images. The first image shows Dean crawling out of his grave from episode 4x01. The viewpoint is from above, and shows Dean shoulders up emerging from the hole, with a rough wooden cross marking the head of the grave. The lyrics read: "Tonight this fool's halfway to heaven/ and just a mile out of hell". The second image shows Dean stabbing Cas' chest from episode 4x01. The side of Dean's face is just visible to the left of the image, with Cas facing him, and Dean's hand still holding the knife. There is red on Dean's knuckles and running down from where the knife is buried in Cas' chest. The lyrics read: "And I feel like I'm coming home". The third and final drawing shows Cas front on, the pose taken from episode 4x01. There are bullet holes in his coat and red blood running from the tear over his heart, where Dean had stabbed him. There are loosely sketched black wings stretched open behind him. The lyrics read: "These are better days, baby/ There's better days shining through/ These are better days, baby/ Better days with a girl like you". End ID.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
hi z!!! happy wincest wednesday, the holiest of days, amen etc. an anon yesterday turned me on to the song daylight by david kushner and these lyrics stuck out to me as very dean-coded: "telling myself it's the last time/can you spare any mercy you might find/if i'm down on my knees again?" my question for you is this: why is dean the one that jumps to mind whenever i see any lyrics or poetry about being on your knees? what is it that makes him fit so well with that kind of submission?
avaaaaaaaaaa happy wincest wednesday to you!
You have come to me on this holy day with the thing in spn that I think makes me totally bananas-craziest (aside from the whole sam-dean relationship, which obv is like the bananas foster of being bananas crazy): why oh why oh why oh why does Dean Winchester, ostensible tough guy and big brother and hunter extraordinaire, immediately crash to his knees given the slightest provocation -- not just in our fevered imaginations but also in actual fact. Like. What the fuck is that??
I think part of it naturally has to do with Jensen's affect, as we've discussed elsewhere, but also it's just...
There's this terrible inbuilt need in Dean. There's always something about him that's just -- begging. It's an interesting thing to pair with his essential cynicism. Maybe part of it is that he always had to be the one who was relied on: John's helpmeet, Sam's caretaker. Responsibility rides him from age 4 -- he has to be steady and strong and reliable and he's never ever ever allowed to put that down. He can't go play an arcade game for a few hours because if he does his little brother is almost killed. He can't be a normal kid who's good on the wrestling team because he has to be in the car, taking care of his family and his job. He can't have a girlfriend of any seriousness because she can't know who he is, because he has to be ready to go at a second's notice, because with great knowledge comes great responsibility and if you put that responsibility down, if you turn your face away from the life you've been saddled with, all the people who'd suffer or die that you could have saved are your fault.
No wonder he wants so badly for someone to take that responsibility off his hands.
One of my favorite things about Dean & responsibility is that he hates it but he literally can't get away from it. There is no version of Dean who could stop hunting. There's no version of Dean that could look at some thing in the paper and let it truly be someone else's problem. There's no version of Dean, and this is key, that could stop feeling responsible for Sam. On the worst days I think Dean wishes he could be rid of all these things (even Sam!), but the thing is that if he were rid of them he wouldn't be Dean Winchester, and also the burden of the responsibility is itself a form of love. He wouldn't be happy without it and so he has to find a way to love it -- he does like hunting, after all! He likes saving people! He gets joy out of doing the job well! He loves Sam, to the last atom, and truly would never choose to be parted from what loving Sam means!
But -- god. What a relief it would be. How much easier to just go down to his knees and have the burden removed. How simple and clean life could be if the self he'd built up to deal with all this responsibility could be cut out like so much rotten wood -- to serve without the misery of questioning or being forced to make decisions -- to look to someone else and say what do I do, or even better to not even have to ask and just be told. Mercy.
Luckily, Sam is merciful.
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weaponizedmoth · 5 months
The Venture Family Group Photo (Hank, Dean, Rusty, and Brock) 😁👏
Bonus with Mr. Reachy ;3;" (I have no idea for Adding this for the venture family photo ^^")
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(I usually make these B&W but I wanted to go all out for this one).
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gayangelcrimes · 1 year
Why was there never a Hotel California episode why was there not an episode about a hotel in the middle of nowhere that looks pretty normal at first glance but the food is strangely bland because they don't use salt, and some of the other guests have no idea what year it is, and the staff are strangely insistent that they can't leave right now, and when they look closer all the people there are ghosts that aren't aware they're dead, and the hotel is cursed, and they're trapped in there
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horrorshow · 2 years
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The only thing that’s really changed, is now I need a daily rape shower. OK, you’re right. Let’s go with Plan B. Oh yeah, we don’t have one. So till we do, sorry dude, stock up on soap-on-a-rope. Dean, if you wanna get my soul back, that’s what we gotta do, OK?
John & soulless Sam + objectifying and pimping out Dean
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carebeardean · 1 year
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religious trauma sold separately! 💅✨
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