#dean winchester bday fic
hahahahahangst · 1 year
Not a big deal (Dean Winchester birthday fic)
Context: Season 5/6 transition. Emily (Dean and Sam’s little sister) and Dean just moved into Lisa’s house. Settling into normal life is hard, but they’re doing their best.
Warning! This fic is set in Be The Young, my supernatural fanfiction. Although, there are no TWs here (this is all nice and fun, I promise I can write happy things (?))
“Good morning.” Smiled Emily, entering the kitchen. She looked around. “Where’s Lisa?” 
Dean finally raised his eyes from his cup of coffee. “Extra shift at work.” He exhaled, clearly tired. 
“That’s a shame.” Said Emily, starting the coffee machine. “But on the other side, I managed to get rid of work today.” 
“Good.” He drank more coffee, sleepily staring in front of him. “God, I am so tired.” 
“Why don’t you call in sick today? You’ve been working non-stop since we got here. It’s been what, two months? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you take a day off.”
“Well, cars break even on the weekend.” 
“Yeah, but you’re not the only mechanic in Cicero.” Dean scowled at her, understanding the hunting analogy. Emily smirked. “Just saying, you know. If you were totake one day off, today would be the perfect day.” 
“We’ve been off from our actual job for a month now.” 
It was Emily’s turn to scowl at him. “We’re retired. Not the same thing.”
“Whatever.” He dismissed her. “Why today?”
Emily, confused, waited a second to see if he would start laughing. He didn’t. “Dean, come on.” 
“What? Is it your birthday? I didn’t think you would care.” Emily kept staring at him. “...Ben’s birthday?” She covered her eyes with her hand and started laughing. “Lisa’s..? Why are you laughing?!” 
“It’s your birthday, Dean!” Like raised from a trance, Dean turned towards the calendar that was hanging on the wall next to the door.
“Oh, right.” He shrugged. “Why does it matter? We’ve never celebrated a single birthday.” 
“And I’m surprised you even know my birthday!” 
“What do you mean? Me and Sam have been buying you that pie you like so much every single year for what, five years? Of course I know your birthday!” Dean turned towards her, confused. 
“You have?” 
“Of course!” She laughed. “What do you say if this year we celebrate properly?” She hopped off the counter and retrieved his empty coffee cup to move it to the sink.
“I don’t know, Emily, it’s… it’s really not a big deal.” 
“You’re right: it’s a normal people deal.”
Dean rolled his eyes. “Seriously? You’re gonna play that card?” 
“Yeah.” She proudly replied. Dean still didn’t seem on board. “Come on.” Dean exhaled. 
“Alright… what did you have in mind?” He said, giving in to his sister’s request.
“It’s a surprise-”
“No, no, come on. You know I hate surprises.” 
“You’ll love this one.” She smiled. “Trust me.” 
Dean stared at her for a second. “Alright.” He allowed. Emily excitedly giggled. “Okay, so I’ll pick you up at 7, okay? Just be ready by then.” Dean rolled his eyes, but accepted nonetheless. 
At 7 o’clock, Emily arrived back from all the errands she had to run, a bunch of plastic bags in the back of her car, and honked. In a matter of seconds, Dean opened the door and walked towards the car. “Get in loser, we’re going shopping!” She joked, rolling her window down as he approached her. With a grimace, Dean went around the car and sat next to her. She started driving away. 
“So, where are going?” He asked. 
“Not saying.” She smiled. “But hopefully you’ll love it.” As they moved away from the city, Dean started to grow more curious. When Emily parked, he inspected his surrounding from the car. It was dark, but in the shadow he could distinguish the shape of some sort of house. “Alright, come on.” Said Emily, exiting the car. She retrieved all the plastic bags from the backseat and started walking towards the cabin. Dean followed her, uncertain.
Emily opened the door and turned on the light in the cabin. It was very simple: there was a couch, a tv and a fireplace. That was about it. She had spent the entire morning cleaning it after years of abandonment.
“Where are we?” Asked Dean, confused. 
“I present to you the Singer family summer mansion.” She said, theatrically gesturing towards the inside of the house.
“This is Bobby’s?” 
“Yeah, says he hasn’t been here in decades, but he still had a key.” 
“Well, why are we here?” 
“For your birthday, why else?” Emily closed the door behind her and started lighting the fire place. “What? Were you expecting strippers and poker?” She joked. 
Dean shrugged. “Well, a little bit.” 
“I know you far too well to do something like that.” She stood back up from the fire and placed all the plastic bags on the table. “So, we got all party necessity: food…” She listed, taking out some chinese food containers. “...food….” She took out some fast food. “...we also have beer.” She unwrapped a six pack. “Anything we’re missing?” She smirked, looking at Dean. 
“Well, if I were to guess I would say that bag contains pie.” He said, pointing at the last plastic bag. 
“...and you would be perfectly right!” She smiled. “We got not one, not two, but three pies.” She placed all the pies on the table. “But no birthday would be complete if we didn’t have candles!” She took out a smaller plastic bag containing blue birthday cakes s[elling out number 3 and number 1. Dean could not contain his smile. 
“Are you going to sing me happy birthday?” He joked. 
“Oh, of course not.” She said, serious. “We’re adults.” She stopped for a second and smirked. “The candles will. Here…” She opened one of the pies and placed the candles on top of it. When she lit the first one up, it started emitting sounds. As Dean focused, he recognized Rumble on from Led Zeppeling being very crackly played by the candle. 
“Happy birthday!” Smiled Emily, holding the cake in front of his face. “Make a wish!”
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big-wet-cas-eyes · 1 year
happy 44th birthday, dean winchester! written for @chocolatecakecas's dean's birthday bash (read on ao3)
“Explain to me again why we have to go back to the bunker,” Dean says. He and Jack have been out for a few hours now, running Jack’s seemingly endless errands. He insisted they return to the bunker once Sam called with news of a possible hunt.
“Sam said that he and Castiel had to finish moving a fridge before they could leave for the hunt,” Jack says confidently from the passenger seat. 
“And they can’t just… meet us there,” Dean says skeptically. “Or we could do it just us two. The car has everything we need for vampires.” He glances over at Jack just long enough to see him shaking his head vehemently. 
“No, Sam says we need to do our part to save the environment. Carpools are important. And Castiel doesn’t want you going on hunts with this many vampires without him anymore.” 
“Sure, whatever, kid,” Dean responds. He keeps his eyes on the road the rest of the drive home, but he can see Jack bouncing around excitedly in the corner of his vision. The kid is always a little weird to Dean, though, so he doesn’t question it much. 
He pulls up in front of the bunker, figuring he doesn’t need to bother with the garage if they’re just picking Sam and Cas up for the hunt. 
“Where are they?” Dean asks as Jack exits the parked car. 
“They said to come in when we got home,” Jack answers loudly as he goes toward the front door. Before Dean can respond, Jack has entered the bunker and closed the door tightly behind him. Weird, weird kid. Dean rolls his eyes and goes up to the door. Jack must have closed it with his latent god-powers, so it takes him longer than he would ever admit to pull it open. Hopefully, everyone is still busy with that fridge or whatever they’re doing. Where do they even have a spare fridge anyway?
He steps into the bunker and it’s pitch black. “Jack! You turned the light off on your way in again!” he shouts into the dark, but he doesn’t get a response. 
He squints in the dark trying to find the light switch on the wall, shuffling around to get closer to it. They’ve lived here for long enough that he should probably be able to find it more easily, but somehow that hasn’t happened yet. He’s not usually first in the door, so he’s not usually the one to turn on the light. 
When his hand finally finds the light switch, three things happen at once:
The lights come on.
He hears a loud chorus of “Surprise!” 
His foot, searching for the ground, instead finds the air above the first step, and he goes crashing down the stairs. 
Then, things go dark again. 
Keep reading
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deanscherrypie69 · 3 months
You left without saying goodbye |DW.|
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♡Dean Winchester X Female Reader♡
♡Warnings: Mentions of Y/n picking up an alcohol addiction, no use of Y/n. (Maybe like twice) Langue and mentions of blood. 18+ pls minors DNI!!!!!♡ please do not post my fics anywhere else expect tumblr, you have been warned! Also most of this was written on my phone 😭
♡Feedback is appreciated! Comments and reblogs are appreciated!!!!♡
My inbox is open!
Dividers by: @cafekitsune !!!
A/N thank yall sm for the love and support on the first part of the fic! It means the world to me!!! And as yall requested. Part two! Pls don’t hate me it’s a long one so buckle up✋🏽🥲
Also Happy bday to Jensen!!! Love you v much!!🤠🤎
♡Part one♡
It had been three moths since that night with Dean, it had played over and over again in your mind when you went to sleep every night.
You swore you could feel his lips on yours, or the sounds he made when he was moving in and out of your body.
You hated it so much, you hated him. With his stupid eyes his pink lips you hated him.
But you took all of that rage out on, the monsters you’d hunt. Shooting them stabbing them. Anything you could think of.
You had come back from a bad werewolf hunt with Bobby, one of the wolfs clawed your abdomen trying to save Bobby.
So here you were nursing a bottle of whiskey as the old man stitched you up.
Oh yea and you forgot to mention you kind picked up a drinking habit over the last few months.
“Do you have a deal death with or something?” The old man asks as he threads your skink back together.
“No.” You hiss as he pulls the thread in and out of you.
“You’re not a very good lair.” He says grabbing the scissors to cut the string.
You raise your brow, “you aren’t a very good nurse either.” You say standing up. You grab stomach with a groan as you walk to the kitchen.
Bobby watches you struggle to walk away. He begins to clean the blood off his hands with a towel.
Bobby never bought it up because it was never any of his business. But. He cared about you a lot. You were like his daughter he’d never had have.
That day when he picked you up from the hotel. There was something wrong. You hadn't said anything to him about it since then. It has been three months and Bobby had grown curious.
Bobby takes a sigh and sits in his chair in front of his desk.
“What happened that I had to drive almost three hours out to pick you up from a motel?”
Bobby saw your body stiffen with the questions, he knew he had struck a nerve.
You grown and begin to walk up stairs, not wanting to answer his questions, “Good night Bobby.” You groan.
Bobby rolls his eyes “damn kid.”
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This had been the worst sleep of your life by far. You couldn’t sleep you were up all night tossing and turning. You groan as you flick the covers off of your body.
You look over at the time on your alarm clock, it was almost 12 in the afternoon.
You groan and begin to rummage through your pile of clean clothes you had just washed.
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“Please tell me you have coffee on and some painkillers.” You groan grabbing your stomach as you walk down the stairs
“I really could use some.” You say rubbing your eyes.
When Bobby didn’t say anything you remove your hands away from your eyes. And when you opened them you did not expect to see someone you haven’t seen in three months.
“Dean?” Your voice was barely above a whisper. You were angry.
You turn to the old man who was sitting across from him, “What the hell is he doing here?” You question, not looking over in Deans' direction.
“He’s here because he got a weird call, someone pretending to be Sam.” He says “just wanted to know if we got the call that’s all.”
You roll your eyes and clench your stomach, you don’t even look his way, he had left you after sharing an intimate moment, he left you vulnerable.
You scoff and walk over to the coffee pot, you poor yourself a cup, Bobby looks between you and Dean.
Dean had his eyes glued to your back, waiting for you to turn around and look at him. But you didn’t. He watched as you grab the painkillers from the top cabinet with a groan.
“I’ll be upstairs.” You mumble.
Bobby nods as he watches you carefully disappear upstairs.
“Are you gonna talk about it?” Bobby questions.
Dean huffs and leans back “nothing to talk about, just came here to see if you got that call that's all.”
Bobby let’s out a chuckle. “You came here to see if she was here.”
Bobby states.
Dean rolls his eyes. “No i didn’t,” Dean argues.
“Bullshit, something happened between you too.” Bobby says looking at the green eyed man.
Dean nods his head “it did but it was a mistake, we both were missing Sam.” Dean rubs a hand down his face.
Bobby cuts Dean off “Does she know that?” Bobby questions. “That girl has had a death wish for three months. I made her stop hunting, I don't know if you noticed, she has a pretty bad injury."
“Whatever you did you need too clear it up.” Bobby says.
Dean stands up from his chair “There’s nothing to clear cause nothing happened, it didn’t mean anything, not to me anyway.” Dean grabs his jacket.
Before Dean reached the front door he saw you at the bottom of the stairs, with your bloodied bandages that you had just switched out with new ones. In your hands
He didn’t miss the way the tears in your eyes welded up. He give you a small smile the exits the house,
“How much did you hear.”
You swallow hard, “Enough” you walk into the kitchen and shove the bandages in the trash. And once again you had disappeared up the stairs.
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It has been three days since Dean had come. Bobby wasn't home, he hasn’t been home for a few days he was cleaning up a ghoul hunt in Ohio. You were left alone reading lore books. About monsters.
Your wound on your abdomen, still hurt like hell, you felt like it was keeping you from hunting and you hated it.
You were bought out of your thoughts when there was a frantic knock at the door, you carefully get up from your spot and make your way to the front door.
“Who is it” you say.
“Y/n? It’s Sam open the door.”
You raise your eyebrows.
“Thats impossible you’re in hell.”
You hear a loud sigh coming from the door, you watch as the bottom lock jiggles and then the door opens, it opens up enough to see the tall hunter standing in the door way.
He rolls his eyes and squeezes past you, “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell everybody.” He huffs closing the door behind him
“How.” You watch as the tall man makes his way through the house as if he was looking for someone? “Where’s Bobby?”
“Ghoul hunt.” You say watching him,
“Dean? Did he go with Bobby?”
You shake your head ‘no”
“I haven’t talked to him not really, not since-“
Sam nods at your words
“How did you-“ you point
Sam shrugs “I don’t know.” He chuckles. Sam stops and looks at you. “Give me your phone.” He says
You raise your eyebrows in confusion, reaching into your back pocket you fish out your phone, handing it to the tall man.
Sam smiles he clicks the screen a few times.
You sigh and walk past him, into the kitchen.
You listen as Sam mumbles a quick 'bye' into the phone.
Sam walks back to you handing you your phone, "Who'd you call?" You hum tucking your phone back into your pocket.
You had already knew the answer to that question. You didn’t even know why you asked.
Sam reaches beside you and opens the fridge, he reaches in and grabs two beers.
"Dean." He says handing you the bottle.
You don't say anything expect, you pop the top off and throw it into the sink. Sam sighs as he watches you knock back the beer in a few sips.
"Did something happen between you guys, when i called he thought it was you." Sam says.
You set the empty bottle down. "It did, but according to him, it didn't mean anything." You state. You take a shaky breath, "He left me, without saying goodbye Sam. I don't even know where he's been for the last three months."
Sam notices a tear slide down your cheek, "He's been playing house, with Lisa. Seems like when shit hits the fan he keeps going back to her."
"What?" Your voice was shaky. You don't remember anyone in Dean's life named Lisa. But then you rack through your brain.
"The dark-haired lady? With that kid named Ben?"
Sam nods.
You remembered them both, You three were working on a case when Dean had knocked at the door, and she had answered, it was her son's birthday.
"He was in love with her?" You question. Sam nods. "I guess he still is."
You sigh, you wondered if you were Dean's second option.
'I'm going to- take a nap." You say looking down at your watch.
Sam nods and rubs the small of your back,
Walking into the living room, you had grabbed a blanket that was. Draped over the back of an empty chair, you always liked sleeping on the cot Bobby had by the window, it was peaceful hearing the birds chirping, pulling the blanket up you quickly fall asleep.
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it had felt like you were sleeping forever but that was until you felt someone shaking you.
Opening your eyes you see Sam, "Hey.” he says, “Bobby called, and told me you needed your bandages switched out."
You yawn and rub your eyes. Sam helps you sit up. You lift up your shirt with a wince.
He grabs the bandages that had been on Bobby's desk.
Sam pulls a chair up.
You had been hardly awake for that long when you heard the side door open. "Hey." Sam says not even looking in that direction, he had been placing the new bandages on you.
You knew who it was, you had been hoping. That he wouldn't had come tonight you didn't want to have to face him.
You watch and he walks in the room where you and Sam where, his eyes glued on you, he had a fresh beer in his hand.
Sam pats your leg motioning you pull down your shirt. "Thanks." You mumble. Sam smiles at you, he walks into the kitchen past Dean to wash his hands.
You pull the blanket back over your body.
Dean watches you stare out the window, it had remined him of that night- before he left.
He sits in the chair that Sam was just in. His beer resting between his legs. "Please go." You sniffle not wanting to look at him.
When Dean didn’t listen you turn to look at him, your breathing was harsh. You were mad.
The anger that you had built up for the past few months was just begging to come out.
“So Lisa huh?”
Dean opens and closes his mouth.
“Did you decide to go be with her before or after you fucked me!” You spat, throwing the blanket off your body you sit on the edge of the bed.
Your chest heaving up and down.
When Dean didn’t say anything you continue. “You left me Dean, you didn’t call you didn’t text, for all I could’ve know you could’ve died. But no you were playing house with some whore.” You spat
Dean licks his lips, “don’t talk about her like that.” He grumbles
You roll your eye, I’ll talk about her however I goddamn please.”
You and Dean stare at each other.
“Was it a mistake Dean?” You question.
Dean blinks a few times. He had forgotten you heard his and Bobby’s conversation.
Dean shakes his head, he had convinced himself it was a mistake the day he left you and went to Lisa.
But he knew deep down it wasn’t. If it was he wouldn’t have been the first one to kiss you.
“No, I thought about you everyday for three months when I left.” Dean was telling the truth weather or jot you decided to believe it or not.
He dreamed about you daily. He could still smell your perfume. He could hear you little moans. When he hit that sweet spot inside of you.
He didn’t know why he left he was scared.
Scared that maybe you would’ve regretted it too.
But it turns out, you were far from thinking that.
You scoff, “Bullshit.” You spat. “I was your second option Dean. You got your fix and left me. I’m nothing to you, and I never will be.”
Tears stream down your face, Wiping your hands doen your face you get up from your spot on the cot. “You Sam and Bobby don’t need me,” you say grabbing your jacket. You reach into on of the draws that Bobby have in the kitchen, it had sets of car keys in it.
You take a random one and walk out the door.
Dean chases after you.
“Y/n stop!” Dean shouts.
You had stopped in your tracks, you turn around to face Dean.
“I’m leaving Dean You can’t stop me.” You say.
You hit the car alarm on the key fob and one of the cars that were sitting in the lot begin to light up. Turning the alarm off you hop into the car.
Dean watches as you pull away in the car.
Something in the back of Dean’s mind told him to stop you. He wanted just to talk it over with you maybe. Just maybe it could have a different outcome.
It was just one big misunderstanding.
He watches as you pull out of the driveway.
Your car begins to move slowly. It was like you wanted to come back. But you kept driving.
Until. Another car coming from the opposite direction, came speeding down.
You tried to get out of the way but it was too late.
Dean watches as the car rams into yours with full speed.
“Y/n!” Dean shouts as he begins to run.
Dean ran, it felt like forever. When he reached the car you were in he sees your body hunched over. There was blood all over you face it was coming out of your ears and nose.
The wound on your stomach was open, there was so much blood, Dean had seen nothing like it.
This was not happening hew knew he should’ve stopped you. He should’ve stopped you.
He scoops your body up in his arms. He looks down at your face, your eyes begin to flutter open.
“I’m sorry-“ was all you say before it all went black.
“I’m gonna get you help sweetheart, you ain’t leaving me.” Dean says putting you in the back of the impala.
But Dean sees your eyes closed.
He was not going to let you die, not in his watch.
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Fic tags: @emilyroxy @preciouscupcake @aylacavebear @suckitands33 @nescavaneck @rockstargal @star-yawnznn @constancelynn @deangirl96 @sacrosankta @tomorrowseverything @brightlilith
Thank you for all of the support!! Love you all!!!
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purgatorybfs · 2 years
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[ID: a sparkly banner with an image of dolly parton singing and a text saying "purgatorybf's 24th birthday party. 4th August. #purgatorybirthday". end description]
For my birthday (4TH AUGUST) this year I would love to have a creator's event! Nothing too big, just a little something to bring a bit more happiness to the day! You can create anything you want (fic/poems/amv/art pieces/collages/playlists ANYTHING fandom related) around this prompts:
Living with anger (this can include any fandom I'm in: trc, black sails, spn and stranger things!!)
Dean Winchester content
Kripke era destiel
Eddie munson content (IT'S MY BDAY OK....)
steddie (of stranger things fame, of course...)
I would love for as many people to participate, feel free to tag me and use the #purgatorybirthday !!!
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cascigarette · 2 years
bex or becca. 23. she/they.
mostly an spn blog but also posts about atla, the last of us, doctor who, sense8, hotd/got, lotr, and whatever else im currently into
sam-coded casgirl slight dean apologist
i sometimes post with nsft tag
terfs/swerfs are NOT WELCOME
header by @rainsongdean <3
my ao3
flames & ashes / destiel / ~600 words / rated t
his & mine are the same / destiel / 1.5k words / rated t
marlboro reds / hbo!sam, samjessbrady / in progress / rated e
spn kink bingo 2023 masterlist
the edge of the devil's backbone / destiel / 3k words / rated e
you'll be a doormat for every vicious narcissist in the world / sam & lucifer / 1.5k words / rated m
take your fast car and keep on driving / destiel / 3k words / rated e
kiss with a fist is better than none / destiel / in progress / rated m
grace and gasoline / annaruby / ~800 words / rated e
riding through all these western nights / edizzy (ofmd) / 1.1k words / rated e
haunted of you / the doctor x oc / in progress / rated m
20 songs in 20 days drabble series
spn kink bingo 2024 masterlist
gonna love you til we're food for the worms to eat / destiel, sastiel / 2k words / rated t
god lifts up the lowly / destiel / ~700 words / rated t
when I'm home I'm never there / sastiel / ~600 words / rated t
mourning doves / destiel / 2.6k words / rated m
lilith / sam winchester
kettering / destiel
second child, restless child / happy birthday sam winchester 2022
virgins go to hell / samruby
i love you. / destiel
ways to say I love you for v-day
your father who is god who is your father
sam & lucifer & god
sam&mary, my mother and i
jess moore, the fridged woman
sam&lucifer, religious trauma and autonomy
hbd dean + broken crown
sam&mary freedom hangs like heaven
dean + this year
castiel falls from grace
messiah!sam and saint!mary
baby next time lower the volume
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eevvvaa · 2 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @deanwanddamons thank youuuu ^^
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag some blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better
Name: Eva
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5ft 6 inch
Bday: January 6th
Favorite bands: I don't knoooooow... Louden Swain is one for sure, I love The Rolling Stones too, I know I enjoy every songs of Scorpions and of Creedence Clearwater Revival I know so it must mean something !
Last movie: La Cité De La Peur (a French movie)
Last show: I'm currently watching Taboo with Tom Hardy
When I created this blog: I have honestly no idea 😅
What I post: Sometimes I write fanfics about supernatural, mainly with Dean Winchester. I also reblog a lot of pics and gifs posted here. And I try to give as much feedback as I can to the amazing writers and the fics I read on here :)
Last thing I googled: 172 cm in feet (yep, didn't know the conversion)
Other blogs: @eevvvaaslikes
Do I get asks?: Sometimes, feel free to ask me anything, anytime by the way ^^
Following: 107
Average hours of sleep: Oh ! No idea... 9 hours maybe ? Depends on a lot of factors
Instruments: I used to know how to play drums and a bit of guitar
Dream job: Well, if I have one I didn't find yet
Dream trip: Hum.... it would be nice to go to Scotland, Canada and/or New Zealand one day, maybe, if I manage to get on a plane 😅
Nationality: French
Favorite songs: AH ! I have many, they come and go but Drowning by Radio Company is definitely one that stays, just as Epilogue by Orelsan (he's my favourite artist, almost all his songs are my favorite songs 😂)
Last book I read: I can't finish a book lately but the last one I tried to read is The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris
Top 3 fictional universes I’d love to live in: 😳 No idea... Supernatural, I guess. Would probably die very quickly but maybe I can at least be friends with Dean ahah. Other than that ? I don't know, I almost want to be in every movie I watch ahah
Tagging without pressure : @waynes-multiverse @avanatural @deanwithscissors @awkward-and-indecisive @jay-and-dean @roonyxx @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @myloversgone @inlovewithfictionalcharacters666
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xlynnbbyx · 2 years
Tag Game
Tagged by the lovely @winchest09 I figured this seems fun to do. Gives peeps a chance to get to know me.
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag some blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better
Name: Christen & believe it or not people have a hard time saying my name. My name is not hard to say or spell but people always misspell or say it wrong. It’s pronounced like Kristen but spelled Christen
Star sign: Scorpio
Height: 5ft 2
Time: it’s currently 5:40pm
Bday: October 24th
Favorite bands: My music taste is all over the place really. I love *Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Radio Company, Def Leppard, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and too many more to name.
Last movie: Last movie that I watched? Um last movie I watched was Mrs Doubtfire on tv last night.
Last show: Last show I watched was Ridiculousness few mins ago
When I created this blog: I honestly don’t know when I created it 😂. I know it was sometime in 2013 I believe or maybe 2014 I can’t remember. 😂
What I post: I mainly post any and everything Jensen Ackles, Supernatural, About my pets, and anything that pops into my head. I reblog Dean Winchester & Jensen Ackles fics as well. I may start reading some Soldier Boy fics soon too. I share my opinions on things as well. I also posts Supernatural con pics and schedule.
Last thing I googled: what time is 22:00 est - I saw it posted on Twitter and wonder what time that meant. 😂
Other blogs: Nope just this one I really don’t want to deal with another blog on here. 1 blog is just fine and easy to keep up with.
Do I get asks?: I do get asks but they have been quiet lately. But I do enjoy answering them as long as they are not rude ones.
Following: I follow 73 people on here I need to start following more people.
Average hours of sleep: What is sleep? 😂 My sleep schedule is messed up. I’m mainly a night owl so I won’t sleep til sun comes up sometimes. I only get decent sleep when I’m sick. But I do average 6 or 7 hours. 5 or 4 if I’m stressed that’s why naps are life!
Instruments: None I’m sadly not musically gifted.
Dream job: I had so many dream jobs growing up. But really I would love to open a candy store that also sells homemade baked goods. I love to bake it’s soothing to me sometimes. So I would love to sell things I bake, things others bake, candy from any decade & around the world.
Dream trip: Since I am part Italian I would love to visit Italy someday. I would love to see where my great grandfather’s father came from. I would love to see England as well. But mainly I would love to be able to go to Supernatural Con to finally meet Jensen Ackles. I hope it happens someday.
Nationality: American
Favorite songs: I have way too many to name honestly. But everyday I listen to Radio Company. I love to hear Jensen sing. My favorite song from Radio Company is Sounds of Someday. I also listen to Ed Sheeran Perfect my grandmother loved that song and my friend loves it too so I listen to it. Other than that I have too many to name.
Last book I read: Physical book I’m currently reading is Tragic Hollywood Beautiful Glamorous and Dead. Fanfic wise just read the last chapter I missed of To Be Human by @waynes-multiverse can’t wait for a new chapter of that.
Top 3 fictional universes I’d love to live in: Definitely Supernatural so I can be Dean’s badass hunter girl 😂. Maybe Marvel with Deadpool and maybe Disney I mean seems so calm and wonderful. But mainly Supernatural 😂
no pressure tags!! Also if you see this and want to do it - go for it!! 
@allicat1988 @candy-coated-misery0731 @deanwanddamons @jensenslady79 @smol-and-grumpy @waynes-multiverse & anyone who wants to do it!
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deanwanddamons · 2 years
Tag Game
Tagged by the lovely @winchest09 and @winchestergirl2 thank you, thought I’d do a fresh post.
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag some blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better
Name: Sian
Star sign: Libra
Height: 5ft 6 inch
Time: 17:40
Bday: October
Favorite bands: Oh that's a tough one…I’ll go for Bon Jovi, Queen, My Chemical Romance, AC/DC
Last movie: I honestly can’t remember!
Last show: I’m currently re-watching Stranger Things from the start.
When I created this blog: December 2019
What I post: Fanfics about Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jensen Ackles and recently Soldier Boy. I reblog lots of other fics from other writers that I read and enjoy. Also tag games, ask games etc and sometimes Aiden Turner.
Last thing I googled: Stephen King
Other blogs: @deanwanddamonslibrary
Do I get asks?: Now and again.
Following: 234
Average hours of sleep: About 5
Instruments: unfortunately not
Dream job: Not sure I have a dream job, but I’d love to run a cat sanctuary
Dream trip: I’d love to go to a con to meet Jensen and Jared
Nationality: British (Welsh)
Favorite songs: Really depends what mood I’m in.
Last book I read: I read every night before I go to sleep. Currently on a book in the Logan McRae series by Stuart McBride but can’t remember what it is called lol.
Top 3 fictional universes I’d love to live in: Supernatural (because Sam and Dean), Harry Potter and Mystic Falls from TVD.
No pressure tags - @waynes-multiverse @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @deanwinchesterswitch @eevvvaa and anyone else that wants to join in.
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winchestergirl2 · 2 years
Tag Game
Tagged by the lovely @winchest09 thank you, thought I’d do a fresh post. 
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag some blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better
Name: Becky
Star sign: Aquarius
Height: 5ft 4 inch
Time: 14.55
Bday: January
Favorite bands: Oh that's a tough one I feel like I have quite a few: Backstreet Boys, AC/DC, The Who, Thunder.
Last movie: Spiderman: Far from home (When it was on the T.V. the other night)
Last show: Chicago Fire
When I created this blog: About 2 years ago, I know it was some time during the summer of 2020. Helped get me through lockdown
What I post: Sam and Dean Winchester Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Dark Angel, Alec McDowell, Walker, The Boys, Beau Arlen, Gifs, Pics and Fics I've read  
Last thing I googled: Opening time for my local bowling alley
Other blogs: No, no others just this one.
Do I get asks?: I do occasionally, am always grateful for them
Following: 135
Average hours of sleep: About 7
Instruments: Used to play the violin
Dream job: Not sure I have a dream job, but it would probably be something to do with photography, animals or both.
Dream trip: I'm not sure I have a dream trip although there are lots of places I would like to visit.
Nationality: British
Favorite songs: Ooohh there are quite a lot and it does change but the constants are: Love Walked in - Thunder, Supermassive Black Hole - Muse, Back In Black - AC/DC, Won't Get Fooled Again - The Who
Last book I read: I haven't had the chance to read a book for a bit but I think it was probably a Nicholas Sparks book.
Top 3 fictional universes I’d love to live in: Supernatural (because Sam and Dean), Charmed (original) and probably The Avengers
no pressure tags! @soaringeag1e @watermelonlipstick @thinkinghardhardlythinking @deanwanddamons and anyone else who would like to play
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Tag Game
I was tagged by @eevvvaa and @snowlovespie thank you, lovely!!! i had fun doing this!
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag some blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better
Name: Abby
Star sign: Pisces
Height: 5ft (i’m very small lol)
Bday: 7 March
Favorite bands: i don’t really listen to bands 😬 it’s not that i have something against bands it’s just i haven’t come across a good one but that’s also because i haven’t listened to music by a lot of bands 😅 i do have some Maroon 5 songs in my playlist though 🤷🏻‍♀️
Last movie: i don’t remember lol. it’s been too long since i last saw a movie 😭💀
Last show: I'm currently watching Big Sky! 
When I created this blog: i think may of last year if i remember correctly 😅
What I post: i post Dean Winchester and Jensen Ackles fanfiction and my daily rants which are tagged ‘Abby talks shit’. i reblog beautiful gifs of all the things i like and amazing fics by very talented people here. i read mostly about Dean/Jensen and sometimes about Loki, Natasha Romanoff, Tom Holland. yeah i think that’s it lol
Last thing I googled: meaning of conservancy because i was studying for my exam 💀
Other blogs: none
Do I get asks?: i do but not many. it’s mostly my mutuals attacking me with Jensen/Tom photos 😭 but feel free to send whatever you want anytime, i’m a really chill person lol
Following: 91
Average hours of sleep: if it was up to me then i’d get 10 hours every night but since it’s not, it’s 7-8 i guess. it depends on my schedule a lot! 
Instruments: nope! none lol. i did play piano for a year in my school but that was it! 
Dream job: to have my own cafe. but no matter what i do, i just want to be happy and supported! 
Dream trip: ooh so many!!! i wanna see many beaches (it’s a really long list) and i want to visit Madagascar once. it has been little me’s dream ever since i saw the movie by the same name! also South Korea! 
Nationality: Indian
Favorite songs: all the songs in my playlist are my favourite!!! but if i really really had to choose some then i’d pick Ours by Taylor Swift and Eastside by Khalid, Halsey, Benny Blanco. these two songs never cease to give me hope and make me feel like everything will be okay!!! 
Last book I read: other than my sociology books 💀 it was Will by Will Smith. i’m not a book person, i prefer movies 😅😂
Top 3 fictional universes I’d love to live in: Supernatural for sure because that means i have a chance of meeting Dean!!! maybe in one of the Imtiaz Ali universes because yes i’m a hopeless romantic 😭 and lastly, Marvel maybe? idk lol. i’m way too indecisive 😭
Tagging: open tags!!!
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“Dead in a ditch,” he murmurs.
Cas stirs beneath him. “Mmg?”
“Dead in a ditch. That’s where I thought I’d be.”
Cas’ eyes blink open, dopey and blue and earnest. “I’m glad you’re not.”
Dean nods, feels his lips twitch upwards. “Me too.”
His bad leg isn’t kicking up a fight, and maybe he’s just riding a pie induced sugar high but it’s the least achey it’s been in months. He runs a languid hand through Cas’ hair and his knuckles aren’t tight and bruised. Just soft.
Yeah, he thinks, half asleep. I’m glad I’m here too.
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hahahahahangst · 2 years
Be The Young (Supernatural Sister Fic)
GIANT TW **which will be valid for each episode for suicidal thoughts, self-harm, violence, cursing, relatives dying, mentions of sex*,sxual assault
Summary: Emily Reed, born and raised in Portland, is preparing her admission papers for Stanford, medical school.
One night, a fire erupts in her house.
All that is left is a letter and a name: John Winchester.
"After reading this whole letter, call John Winchester. [...] He’s your real father." 
NOTE: if you're just starting out, I suggest you READ THIS FIC ON AO3, as I posted this on there in a REVISED, somewhat EXPANDED version, including journal entries and more accurate tags.
Season 1:
#1: We don't talk about Bruno Sam // SONG
#2: idontwannabeyouanymore // SONG
#3: Matilda // SONG
#4: All that Jazz // SONG
#5: You just didn't like me that much //SONG
#6: Sweet Dreams // SONG
#7: All or nothing // SONG
#8: Prom Dress // SONG
#9: En and Xanax // SONG
#10: Terry’s song // SONG
Season 2:
#11: Carrefour Zombies // SONG
#12: As it was // SONG
#13: 1,2,3 medicines // SONG
#14: Outlaws // SONG
#15: Outlaws 2 // SONG
#16: Rät // SONG
#17: S(a)mbody that I used to know // SONG
#18: FU in my head // SONG
#19: Nothing Else Matters // SONG 
#20: Irene // SONG
#21: My own Rihanna // SONG
#22: Another love // SONG
Season 3:
“I called Ellen, she agreed on letting you stay with her for a while.”  “Why?” She scoffed. “You know why.”  “Bobby, he needs someone to be around.”  “Well, that someone doesn’t have to be you. [...] he’s an adult. And you are not supposed to be his mother! ” 
#23: Peach Scone // SONG
#24: If the world was ending // SONG
#25: Rest in Peace //SONG
Season 4: 
“Come on, don't- I just want to talk, why are you making it so difficult?!” Dean's words echoed in Emily's head and clearly, in Sam's too, who started walking faster as Emily sharply turned back towards the room. “AND WHY DID YOU SAY YES TO ALASTAIR?!” Her voice came out raspy and hard, as if he had not drunk any water in days. Dean looked at her and traced his face with his hands, exhaling.
#26: Cold // SONG
#27:  Love each other the wrong way // SONG
#28: Dentist Croatia // SONG
#29: 10 Things I hate about you // SONG
#30: P0rn Industry // SONG
#31: Happier than ever // SONG 
#32: Go to hell // SONG
#33: Honey and glass // SONG
#34: Tetris // SONG
#35: See, dear //SONG
#36: Anna’s twenty years old //SONG
#37: Stranger things have happened //SONG  
#38: Devil’s work // SONG
#39: Anyone who knows what love is // SONG
Season 5:
#40: Spite // SONG (Sept 15th)
#41: When there was me and you // SONG
#42: Angeleyes // SONG
#43: Rough landing, Holly // SONG
#44: Saturday night // SONG
#45: Hopelessly devoted to you // SONG
#46: One more light // SONG
#47: Oldest // SONG
#48: As the world caves in // SONG
Not a big deal // NO TWs, Dean’s bday, Season 6
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chocolatecakecas · 3 years
To Infinity and Beyond: baby!Jack truthing Birthday Ficlet
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Today already looked like the perfect day. Warm weather, the sun shining, the birds singing, all the usual qualifications for "perfection". And if Dean had anything to say about it, it is also going to be, the perfect day.
Because Dean had planned out everything. Tents and tables spread out in the backyard of their new house, enough hamburgers and hotdogs to feed an army, a giant sheet cake in the freezer, and it looked like a Party City catalogue threw up all over their house, both inside and out. Hell, he and Cas even got a bounce house.
Yup, today was going to be perfect, Dean thought as he surveyed the backyard. He was going to make sure of it, nothing was going to go wro-
"To infinity and beyond!"
And the next thing he knew, he had a recently turned four year old, barreling into his legs almost knocking him off the porch.
(read the rest under the cut)
He looked down to see Jack already dressed in his outfit for the day. A shirt with Buzz Lightyear's costume printed on it, complete with little cardboard Buzz wings (Cas made them), purple shorts with a purple tutu, and of course, his favorite Buzz light-up sneakers.
"I'd say that was a bit of a crash landing there, Mr.Lightyear" Dean laughed, as he bent down to right Jack's scribbled cardboard wings. Jack just ignored his reference, instead letting out an excited shriek as he took in the backyard.
Every tablecloth, plate, napkin, cup, balloon, and cardboard decoration was covered in Toy Story characters.
Toy Story, was the end all be all in their house, because they were Jack's favorite movies. So everything, was 100% Toy Story, 100% of the time, hence the party theme. And his favorite character was Buzz Lightyear, hence the costume.
"Dee where's your costume?" Jack questioned, after he finally recovered from the shock of seeing the, probably, overdecorated backyard.
"Yeah Sheriff Woody, where's your costume? It's almost one thirty" Cas called as he stepped out the backdoor. Cas was already dressed in t-shirt with Jessie's outfit printed on the front, her matching red hat, jeans and of course, cowboy boots which Dea-wait shit they only had a half an hour left.
And he hadn't even double checked th-
"The backyard and inside of the house already look incredible. Go on and get ready before everyone starts arriving" Cas smiled sweetly, knowing how worried Dean was about today.
"I will, after I chec-"
"Dean, I promise, I'll double check all the decorations, and the food. Me and the little space ranger have got it covered, right baby?" Cas supplied, looking fondly over at Jack.
"Yeah me and Da got it! Get dressed Dee" Jack cheered, as hopped down the steps and raced "flew" across the grass cardboard wings flapping behind him.
"Go get changed, cowboy. Everything already looks perfect" Cas teased, pressing a quick peck to Dean's lips. And then he was bounding down the steps towards Jack, warning him not to go near the bounce house.
So Dean reluctantly walked inside, forcing himself to ignore all of the things he wanted to check on, and instead making a beeline for their bedroom. He quickly pulled on his costume, but unlike Jack and Cas it was the real deal, not just a graphic t-shirt, Dean had the actual shirt, the vest, whole nine yards. Jack had asked if Dean would wear a real Woody costume and, hey who was he to deny his kid on his birthday?
So with a sigh, Dean made his way back to the living room so he could reorganize the snack table.
He wanted everything to be perfect today. Perfect for Jack because, this was his first real birthday party after all. And because Dean's oldest memory was of his fourth birthday, his last birthday party actually since it wasn't like they were throwing big family bashes on the road. No, birthdays were a box of cigarettes from his Dad (if he even remembered), or Dean sometimes scraping together enough money to get a cake for Sam's birthday.
Which is why today had to go smoothly. Because Jack deserved the world, he deserved to have a good life filled with memories of big family parties with fun decorations and food and laughter. And Dean could give it to him now, give him what he and Sam never had. So today had to be special, it had-needed to be perfect.
"Dean, I don't think Jack is going to care if the clouds are a little crooked" Cas pointed out, amusement dancing in his voice as he walked into the living room.
Dean huffed a laugh, but didn't stop his mission to straighten out the paper "Andy's Room" clouds taped to the wall above the table. Cas just sighed as he gently pulled his hand away from the wall, turning Dean towards him.
"Dean I know how much you want to make this day absolutely perfect for Jack, believe me I do too. But he's going to love every single second of it. He's practically bouncing off the walls already, and the party hasn't even started yet" Cas assured as he squeezed Dean's hands.
"I know, I know. But he deserves to have the best damn birthday. Especially after everything and he's just- Jack shoul-" Dean started, only to be cut off by the sound of the doorbell.
"It's Uncle Sammy and Aunt Eileen! Can I open the door, please?" Jack called from down the hall, asking for permission.
"Yeah buddy, you're allowed to open the door. Let them in" Dean shouted back, unable to help the smile pulling at his lips when he heard Jack enthusiastically telling them about "all the cool decorations".
"See? Jack is already loving it! Now relax, and enjoy the party, cowboy. Everything is going to be perfect" Cas smiled as he made his way down the hall to greet Sam and Eileen. But not before giving Dean's ass a little smack.
A few hours into the party everything was smooth sailing, and Dean had only been scolded for readjusting some decorations four times. The kids Jack invited from his class were having a great time, as where their parents, which was especially great because not a single one of them managed to see a member of Dean and Cas’ family discreetly place their weapons in the spare bedroom (Dean wasn’t a fool, it was a party full of hunters, he wasn’t just gonna make a no weapons rule because what if something happened?). So then Dean and Eileen manned the grill like champs, Cas and Garth kept an eye on the kiddos in the bounce house, Sam had handled the Buzz Lightyear shaped piñata perfectly, while Dean organized the kids, making sure Jack was the one to break it. The sun stayed shining, the birds kept singing. Everything was perfect.
Until it wasn't.
And it was all Dean’s fault.
Dean's stomach dropped as he stared down at the now smudged faces of Woody, Buzz and half of the green aliens. Because Dean just smooshed the entire left side of the cake while trying to take lid off.
He just destroyed the most important part of the party, the part Jack was most excited about. Now Dean just ruined everythi-
"-come in star command, do you read me?" Cas joked, completely startling Dean, because how long had Cas been standing there?
"Dean, what's wro-oh" Cas sighed as soon as he caught sight of the cake. 
"I friggin smooshed the whole thing with the lid. It's destroyed we can't-the party and Jack and-" Dean rambled, heart pounding against his chest, while Cas took the life from his hands and gently set it on the other side of the counter.
"Dean, stop it's okay breathe for me. It's just the cake. It's not your fault. It's still edible, we can fix this" Cas soothed as softly cupped Dean's cheeks in an attempt to ground him.
"Hey are you guys alri-oh shit" Eileen gasped as she and Sam walked through the kitchen door, which caused Dean’s heart rate to pick up again.
"It's okay, it'll be fine. We can try to scrape some of it back together with a knife" Sam offered, quickly moving Dean and Cas to the side so he could get at the cake.
But it only made the faces look completely unrecognizable.
"Damnit, what are we gonna-"
"Dee! Can we have cake now?" Jack asked as he came racing into the kitchen, and Dean, Cas, Sam and Eileen quickly huddled in front of the counter to hide the cake from sight.
"In a few minutes squish, we're still uh-getting it ready" Dean managed plastering a wide, hopefully convincing smile on his face.
"Why don't you go jump around the bounce house again, buddy?" Sam suggested, which had Jack nearly bolting out of the kitchen again with a nod
"Make sure one of your aunts or uncles, or your friends' parents are watching you!" Cas called after him, which only got a tiny "okay Da" in response.
They all let out a breath when they heard the backdoor slam, and quickly turned to look at the offending cake again.
"It's not that late, what if one of us runs to store and see if they have ano-"
"They won't, we ordered this specia-"
"And there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere" Claire joked as she entered the kitchen and quickly surveyed the mess before her, eyes widening when she spotted the cake. And Dean normally would have teased her the reference but he was too busy, freaking the fuck out, so he chose to ignore it.
"What do we do? We can't fix this, there's no time it's completely rui-"
"Wait, dude calm down. I have an idea, hold on a minute" Claire proclaimed, and swiftly exited the kitchen, which did pretty much nothing to calm Dean's panic. In fact he was getting desperate.
"Do you think Rowena might have a spell-"
"That's not how magic works. But honestly Dean, I'm sure Jack won't even notice-"
"The kid can recite the entirety of Toy Story 2 from memory and you don't think he's gonna notice Woody is missing his entire head?"
"Alright, start grabbing the Toy Story figures and wash them off. Then we can put them all over the cake instead, and cover up the horrifyingly smeared faces" Claire ordered as she came back into the kitchen with Kaia in tow, and box of Jack's toys in hand.
And Dean could have cried from relief (he did).
"Holy shit Claire you're a genius" Dean praised, as he quickly began sifting through the box.
"I know, I know. Now c'mon, I want cake"
And a few minutes later everyone was gathered around the dining room table, singing a completely off key rendition of Happy Birthday. Jack was seated in the center of it all, with a half smooshed, slightly lopsided, plastic figure covered cake, with Dean and Cas crouching on either side of him. Jack hadn't even commented on the completely smeared face of Woody or Ham, he was just clapping along, bouncing in his seat. In fact, he the biggest smile Dean had ever seen on his face, and he teared up at the sight.
"Blow out the candles and make a wish, baby" Cas encouraged, and Jack attempted to do just that. Only succeeding when Dean secretly helped blow out the candles for him.
"Yay! To infinity and beyond!" Jack shouted again, as he stood up and jumped on his chair. The room easily erupted into laughter, while Charlie and Jody each snapped pictures from across the table.
"Alright Lightyear, let's not fall with style into the already smooshed cake" Dean joked, as he quickly stabilized Jack, which only caused everyone to burst into more laughter.
So, Dean scooped up Jack, sitting in his chair and placing him on his lap, while Sam offered to cut up the cake. And Cas took plopped down in the chair next to them, sliding him and Jack a plate.
"Are you having fun at your birthday party, baby?" Cas questioned as he handed Jack a plastic fork.
"Yeah! Claire jumped in the house with me! And Danny and Sarah and me played in the sandbox! An-and we played tag, and Aunt Donna played too! And the cake has all my friends on it, see!" Jack rushed out all in one breath, stopping to point at the now sliced cake. By "friends" he of course meant his actual Toy Story figures of course. But before Dean could even react to any of that, Cas was whispering in Jack's ear, and pulling away.
"Thank you for all the party things, Dee!" Jack beamed as he turned and threw his arms around Dean's neck.
And Dean's heart clenched as he tightly wrapped his arms around his kid, feeling a tear roll down his cheek. He looked back up to see Cas smiling widely at them, so Dean whispered something in Jack's ear too. And then Jack was off flinging himself around Cas' neck.
"Why doesn't all the family get together, I can take the photos" Marissa, the mom of one of Jack's friends offered.
And soon the three of them were surrounded by their family on all sides. Everyone laughing when Marissa suggested they all say "yeehaw" instead of cheese. Jack giggling when Claire zoomed over, and bent down so she could smoosh their faces together for the obligatory "silly face" picture. Dean quickly swiping icing on both Cas and Jack's noses, causing Cas to tip Dean's cowboy hat and Jack to shove a handful of frosting on Dean's cheek.
So maybe it wasn't the flawless, smooth sailing birthday party Dean had planned. But the weather stayed warm, the sun still shone, the birds still sang. His family laughed, and ate and had a blast.
And Jack looked about as happy as they had ever seen him, as he ran around the yard with his friends and played games with his family. Dean would even go as far to count it as a complete success. Especially since Jack asked Cas, "when can we have a big party again?", as they tucked him into bed later that night.
So as far as Dean is concerned, it was the perfect day.
Tag list:
(please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed!!💛)
@wormstacheangel @smiledean @shelikestv @chaoticdean @midnightwings-deancas @jellydeans @sunshine-jack @archervale @wikiangela @organicpurplepants @you-cant-spell-subtext-without @writtendevastation @tkdwolf2012 @doemons-blog @sinnabonka @rolling-stoned-girl @skylerkernaghan @icefire149
@shadowywerewolfqueen @the-cookie-navy @thelahatiel @thefantasyfiend @castielle-deanna @aestheticflyer26 @multi-fandom-imagine @x-mypeopleskillsarerusty-x @wellofwoes @becky-srs @multi-fandom-dark-lord @perfectkoaladream @castiel-for-lunch @it--hurts--to--become @bowtiesandneckerchiefs
@dakiaty @feraldean @teamfreebees @keshetcas @hrh-princess-bea @martymar1963 @midnight-sparks-studio @slipper007 @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @winchester-novak @lyonessrampant @angelic-bee-enthusiast @nguyenxtrang @idiot-on-the-hill @ethicalbitch @fandoms-and-things @doreschary @confix @milfcodeddean @seraphcastiel @seraphlm
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tootiredmotel · 2 years
happy birthday dean winchester. ecstatic to see you 43 years old and loving life with your husband and family. here's to it being just as good or even better than last year's
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demenior · 3 years
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Sam Winchester, Lucifer & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Season/Series 08, Sam Winchester Has Powers, Hurt Sam Winchester, Codependent Winchesters (Supernatural), Recovery, Hallucination Lucifer (Supernatural) | Hallucifer, Angels are Weird (Supernatural), Castiel's True Form (Supernatural), POV Sam Winchester, Protective Sam Winchester, BAMF Sam Winchester, Sam Winchester Has Issues, Dean Winchester Has Issues, Slice of Life, Castiel & Sam Winchester Bonding, Found Family, Team Free Will (Supernatural), Bobby Singer Lives, Parental Bobby Singer, Sam Winchester's Visions Series: Part 1 of The Love It Takes... Summary:
Sam says, “Dad’s long gone,” and Dean can’t look at Sam as he says that, because it’s been like five years now, and while it still feels like Dad’s looming over them, it also feels that maybe, just maybe, they’re far enough away that they can escape him, can get away from who he ordered them to be, “and his way isn’t working for us. So, I figured maybe it’s time for something new.”
The Winchesters saved the world. Sam denied God's plan, overpowered Lucifer, went to hell, and had his mind, body and soul broken beyond repair. Now, as he rebuilds himself and finds his psychic powers returning, Sam gets to choose: can he go back to who he was? Who is he expected to be? What kind of man does he want to be?
[Updates Sundays]
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ellayuki · 3 years
Supernatural, Destiel 
Happy birthday, Dean!
"You know, I never thought I'd get to this age," Dean says, eyes closed in contentment. "Always thought I'd die young."
Cas hums quietly, face smushed into Dean's neck. "Good thing you were wrong."
He's right, Dean supposes. It is a good thing I was wrong. Damn, I'm one lucky sonuvabitch.
"Happy birthday to me," he murmurs and pulls Cas close, presses a kiss to his hair. "Happy birthday to me." 
Cas giggles, nuzzles closer. "Mhm, happy birthday to you. Many a happy birthdays to you, hopefully."
"You saying I'm accident-prone or something'?" Dean huffs, good-natured.
Cas shrugs. "Or something."
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