#dean/cas + clothing
shallowseeker · 1 year
Dean/Cas + appearances
Obsessed with how, in SPN 12x07 Rock Never Dies, Dean makes a comment about how Cas should change up the duds, and Cas changes nothing.
CAS: Sam, Dean. DEAN: Hey. You consider switching up your duds there? Bit stiff for this town. SAM: He could be an agent or something. DEAN: Yeah, maybe a third-tier agent. CAS: At least I don't look like a lumberjack. (Dean grimaces and looks nervous) SAM: Okay, enough. 
However -> Cas fires back -> Dean immediately changes clothes
Combined with the below moment from 10x03 Soul Survivor, I'm fairly certain that if Cas ever paid Dean an actual compliment... Like, if he called Dean beautiful, in any sort of way, joking or not, then Dean WOULD spontaneously combust on the spot. 🔥🔥🔥
CAS: You look terrible. DEAN: You know, it wouldn’t kill you to lie every now and again. CAS: No, it wouldn’t kill me. I just … You … DEAN: Forget it. Well, you, on the other hand, you… Looking good. 
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deancaskiss · 5 days
cas had texted and said he’d be back at the bunker that night, and dean had stayed up until almost 3am waiting for the angel. when cas hadn’t walked through the bunker door, dean had to drag himself to bed before he passed out on the war table.
he didn’t sleep for long though, waking up just after 6am to check his phone. no messages from cas. was it too soon to start worrying?
making his way to the kitchen for a very strong cup of black coffee, dean shuffled past the bag in hallway while he rubbed blearily at his eyes. it took several long seconds before dean realized he’d almost tripped over cas’ overnight bag and he quickly backtracked and made a beeline for cas’ room.
the room was empty, no sign of cas’ current trenchcoat or of the angel anywhere.
frowning, dean wandered the hallways, searching for any signs of cas. but there was nothing. the bunker was quiet. empty. not even sam was awake yet.
convincing himself that the overnight bag had always been there and he’d just forgotten because he was tired, dean trudged back towards the kitchen by cutting through the library.
and he froze, mid-step.
slumped, lying curled up between two of the chairs at the table, was a sleeping angel using his trenchcoat as a pillow against the hard wooden seats.
a sleeping angel who was bundled up under dean’s old hoodie; the clothing item which usually held a permanent place in the backseat of the impala. the same hoodie that had gone missing a week ago.
dean’s heart stuttered in his chest.
his feet carried him gently across the library and he found himself reaching out and brushing a lock of hair off of cas’ forehead. the hood of the jacket was tucked up under cas’ chin, almost as if the angel had been burying his face in the cotton material, but the rest of it was slipping off and threatening to fall onto the floor.
breath catching in his throat, dean softly readjusted the hoodie and wrapped it around cas’ shoulders. cas let out a content sigh in his sleep, and dean suddenly felt weak in the knees.
cas had taken dean’s jacket with him when he’d left the bunker last week. and now, cas was using his hoodie as a blanket. a concept that years ago dean would’ve sworn up and down that cas would never understand because angels didn’t have feelings. yet, here cas was, carrying around dean’s old clothes, wearing his heart on dean’s worn sleeves.
smiling to himself, dean quietly made his way back to the kitchen to make honey tea for cas and a pot of coffee. he was going to need the caffeine courage to show cas that this was mutual.
as the coffee brewed and the tea steeped, dean snuck back into cas’ room and collected the one thing he was missing. wrapping one of cas’ old trenchcoats around his shoulders, dean was finally ready to put his own heart onto cas’ sleeve.
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disinhume · 3 months
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He's not very good at teaching anyone how to cook
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wigglebox · 8 months
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Suptober - Day 12 || Swap Meat [x]
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m1zumono · 1 year
dean winchester and autism because this man is autistic and i will not accept otherwise:
his reaction to sam giving him the giant slinky at the end of 7x14 'plucky pennywhistle's magical menagerie'
actually physically stimming when he enters the bunker with sam in 15x14 'last holiday' and sees the christmas decorations
the boxing episode, 11x15 'beyond the mat', where dean spends the entire episode fanboying and (for lack of a better word) plays in the boxing ring
wearing the same thing (flannel, jeans, in earlier seasons the leather jacket) almost all of the time while not in disguise to work cases
eating the same thing (cheeseburger with extra onions or pie) at almost everywhere they go, as often as he can (about dean winchester and food, i could talk about that for hours he has so many issues with it and it's all john winchester's fault)
his ability to recite movies line for line, and his tendency to communicate almost entirely through references and movie quotes, and expecting people to understand what he means
about references, he makes jokes and references when it's not appropriate, he doesn't understand that something isn't appropriate in a situation where it isn't specifically pointed out to him, and he generally has a pretty messed up sense of empathy and inability to 'read the room'
‘you’re always calling me a geek, but you know every word to every led zeppelin song, backwards and forwards. you can discuss in detail every major rock drummer between ’67 and ’84… and you watch ‘jeopardy!’ every night.’ - directly quoted from sam winchester in 14x20 'moriah'
in 13x06 'tombstone' when they go into the motel and dean talks about the cowboys, identifying all of them and going into quite a bit of detail about a few of them, even though nobody asked him about it and he is absolutely infodumping. 'he really likes cowboys.' 'yes. yes, he does.'
his knowledge of cars, particularly baby, and how he takes her for a ride when he's sad because of the comfort she provides him. also about baby and comfort, the way he offers to let people drive baby when he realises that they're sad, thinking it'll make them feel better as she makes him happy and he doesn't understand how else to help
in 1x03 'dead in the water' he talks to lucas about how he didn't speak as a kid, he plays with the toy soldiers and it doesn't come across as playing with them to make lucas trust him, it actually comes across as him finding genuine enjoyment in it
in 1x15 'the benders' when he's talking to the kid who mentions godzilla, dean brightens immediately and goes off topic talking about his favourite godzilla film, and has to be reminded that he's working a case by sam
the entirety of 14x04 'mint condition', how dean gets to express his interests and be himself and how a lot of people have mentioned that he seems to be genuinely himself in that episode instead of the act he puts on
larping with charlie, no explanation needed
he shuts down when things go badly, often blasting music and ignoring everything and everyone around him
he always picks scissors when playing rock, paper, scissors, and it's actually something that comes up multiple times within the show - in 2x17 'heart', sam says, 'dean, always with the scissors,' and along the same lines, his excitement both times he actually wins the game
in 1x04 'phantom traveller', dean is terrified because of the plane and sam points out that he's humming metallica. he replies that it calms him down, and that just seems very autistic
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themauvesoul · 2 years
I think. Dean n cas get into a fight and cas says but am I your friend? You only call me when you need something. And dean spends the next seven years spitefully calling cas every night to ask him how his day went. He claims this is to win the argument but actually it’s because he felt really bad and also likes talking to cas while laying on his belly in the motel and kicking his feet back and forth.
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starstiels · 6 months
i cannot be the only one who looks at some of the characters wardrobes/outfits in episodes and goes "this means something." like i swear give me a clipboard with different colors and patterns listed on it and let me rewatch all of supernatural and i WILL find some connection between dean's mental state and the color/pattern of his middle layer. i'll do it.
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missjackil · 1 month
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!
Calling it! Beat the Devil beat up Gods and Monsters pretty easily! Moving further into s14, let's see if it can keep up the momentum!
Who's up next Chuck?
Chuck: Hey all! Next up we have The Scar - Sam gets Dean home, and Dean doesn't like Sam's beard, or the random AU hunters milling around the bunker. Dean discovers a scar on his arm while changing for an offscreen wincest moment (see tags) and he, Sam and Jody go off to find dark Kaia and her Spear.
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bedlund · 9 months
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dta dean lookbook (cas’ version)
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unhinged-jackles · 1 year
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Love that Cas wears Chelsea boots, the gayest type of boot
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gaytedlasso · 2 years
I am a simple man who just wants to read about Cas going clothes shopping for the first time after he becomes human
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shallowseeker · 9 months
i’d love to see fanon cas trying all the usual fic hobbies…and petulantly growing impatient/hating them
my guy hated charming acres
my guy ate pork rinds and pb&j
my guy watches trash tv
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angelsdean · 2 years
i know cas never changes out of his outfit because he’s an angel and can just magic his clothes clean but i think it would be fun if he had to change sometimes like maybe in the later seasons when his grace is weaker he’s got a bunch of the same white button downs and slacks and an assortment of ties. and i think sometimes they get mixed up in the wash with dean’s fbi clothes. and sometimes dean ends up in cas’s shirts and pants and ties and vice versa. and well they both really really like that. 
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vesperscas · 11 months
cas is like "guys ive been sending him signs :( why isn't he responding :( does he hate me :(" and the signs are just him staring at dean from a millimeter away while not saying anything
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theworstcwshow · 3 months
Supernatural actors want to be their characters in real life while sitting in their mansions and completely missing the point that the hunting life was a representation of the working class in America. They see the solitude lives the hunters live and think how cool and manly it is and not that they are the outcasts of society. It is the outcasts that take up these jobs (queer, poor, poc). Hunters who kill monsters to protect others in society who then probably demonise them in their own eyes. They miss the symbolism of hunters who's work goes unnoticed yet which keeps society afloat and focus only on the masculine characterisation
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castieldelamancha · 1 year
we (all of us and dean) deserved to see cas wearing a flannel (one of dean's flannels)
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