#dean/cas + outfits
shallowseeker · 1 year
Dean/Cas + appearances
Obsessed with how, in SPN 12x07 Rock Never Dies, Dean makes a comment about how Cas should change up the duds, and Cas changes nothing.
CAS: Sam, Dean. DEAN: Hey. You consider switching up your duds there? Bit stiff for this town. SAM: He could be an agent or something. DEAN: Yeah, maybe a third-tier agent. CAS: At least I don't look like a lumberjack. (Dean grimaces and looks nervous) SAM: Okay, enough. 
However -> Cas fires back -> Dean immediately changes clothes
Combined with the below moment from 10x03 Soul Survivor, I'm fairly certain that if Cas ever paid Dean an actual compliment... Like, if he called Dean beautiful, in any sort of way, joking or not, then Dean WOULD spontaneously combust on the spot. 🔥🔥🔥
CAS: You look terrible. DEAN: You know, it wouldn’t kill you to lie every now and again. CAS: No, it wouldn’t kill me. I just … You … DEAN: Forget it. Well, you, on the other hand, you… Looking good. 
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daftmooncretin · 3 months
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so i watched the will ferrell nascar movie and now i cant get nascar! dean winchester out of my head (feat disgruntled sports journalist cas who does not want to be here)
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calkale · 6 months
ummm top gun supernatural au
edit: here
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soullessjack · 1 month
🔥 jack
oh my godddd I have so many unpopular opinions where do I even start….HOLY DISCLAIMER BATMAN!
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anyways so in no particular order or tier system:
✯ i don’t think jack would wear anything feminine im sorry spn fandom. for lolz he has same-outfit-pattern-everyday autism and for serious it’s like. Really weird how fandoms tend to HC/portray non-binary amabs (and men/transmascs in general) almost exclusively as GNC or fem-presenting…like DGMW that is a real and valid form of self expression but it’s not the Only type of non-binary expression that exists. and honestly…**dare I say that most fandom/queer spaces just need to realize that queer masculinity exists and it doesn’t always have to be a matter of breaking gender norms??
** genuinely do whatever u want idc I can’t stop you i don’t want to stop you yada yada. paint his nails and put him in a skirt all u want but Please recognize patterns yall 😭
✯ more headcanon complaints (see disclaimer above ⇧) but I promise to switch it up soon. anyways every time somebody on this lil website says something along the lines of “Jack can’t handle/doesn’t like [insert violence, scary or adult-oriented thing], he prefers [soft or blatantly childlike things]” I shrivel inward like a dead spider. It’s annoying, it’s completely inaccurate to his canon personality and interests, it’s annoying ˣ2, and whether ppl wanna admit it or not—it stems from infantilization. not necessarily ableism, as infantilization is not exclusive to disabled people, but still just about the same thing.
honestly all I see of majority jack headcanons are ones that set him back to just being a child or otherwise being treated like one. for example, the one about him being able to shapeshift is pretty cool...until it just becomes about him deciding to age regress, yknow, to an age set he canonically chose not to go through, showed no desire to be in, and is more offended than anything to be considered as such. all of his interests have to be some shit like bluey or animal crossing, and he drinks apple juice from a sippy cup instead of beer. BARF.
I’ve lessened on my keyboard warring over babyjack in the past year but I have not lessened in being a hater. and I’ve said this before, but the baby-jack au already breached headcanon containment a long time ago when it’s not only so widespread that ppl take it for canon and it makes having any intelligent conversation about him nearly fucking Impossible, but it also lead to harassment and accusations of being a fucking predator, to anyone who dared find a whole grown man attractive. any potential jack ship, like jackharper? automatic grooming case to them. it’s like the fandom is just so dead set on this idea that jack really truly is a child in every aspect you can think of, and for what? if it’s just a headcanon, something you know is not part of the actual show, then don’t go Travis the Chimp levels of apeshit when you see him being treated like he is canonically 💀
unpopular opinion numero 3 which is slightly connected to 2:
✯ baby-jack and a handful of the domestic au’s are BORING (see disclaimer again ⇧), not just on a surface level to my suiting, but also because I feel like it just ..misses the point of the show?
the ragtag untraditional found family is now as nuclear and traditional as the Atomic Age. Dean and Cas are the most heteronormative “who wears the pants in the relationship” gay couple ever, Sam is demoted to the uncle that gets written out of his own family, Jack is just there to make his gay dads look cute and emphasize that they’re a gay family (while still being very heteronormative), and at least 5 of them could be found in a California gated community. everything that made any of them unique or defined their personalities is just scrubbed off, even for an AU.
so much of the later seasons focus on Sam and Dean realizing that they don’t have to make a hard splitting decision between the lives they want to live; that they can find a balance; be happy and have good things—namely families—without giving up hunting (and vice versa, that they can have hunting without giving up on family or happiness). everybody loves the gay hunters from S10(?12?) and what they represented for Dean, but I almost never see that be put into practice in the fandom.
THEY’RE ALREADY DOMESTIC!!! AND WITH THAT PERFECT BALANCE!!!! Season 13 quite literally gave Team Free Will a surrogate son to raise and established them as a family; highly untraditional, largely dysfunctional, overall not fitting of a family family, and yet they are a family still. Dean wears an apron and cooks and bakes for everyone; he built himself a man cave and established two separate family night events that they all ritually keep up; Sam has a morning jogging routine and visits his girlfriend every so often; Jack was taught how to drive, has normal chores like washing dishes, and gets groceries. And they didn’t just have that while fighting monsters—they had that while fighting a whole fucking archangel. Even if it did go down the gutter by the end, they still had it: domestic familial bliss and violent messy hunting without having to trade one for the other.
✯ I truly genuinely think Jack’s relationship with Dean is the best, most interesting and most misunderstood out of the three, and I also think that the problems with his relationship to Cas and Sam are hugely overlooked by the fandom—granted they are very small, especially if you’re comparing it to Dean, but they’re still there and I think we should bully Cas and Sam about it more. I shan’t elaborate because it’s 5AM and this was an impulsive add-on ❤️
✯ getting normal now…his plaid pattern jacket from the first half of Ouroboros is ugly as SHIT i have never liked it and don’t think I ever will. but I cannot deny it; he got that shit on.
✯ most unpopular opinion of all, I wanna do insane shit to his cervix 🙌
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solarcas · 8 months
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Suptober Day 12 - Swap-meat Dean's being very normal and not at all bisexual-crisis-y about this change of events.
[Open for better quality!]
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shyshitter · 1 year
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yea what if the see-w weren’t cowards and dressed salmon dean up like seinfeld characters
🔫w*ncesties dni🔫
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azrael08 · 5 months
I think honestly all Cas would have to do to get Dean to confess to him would to wear a full cowboy outfit. Like. We all know Dean had a kink for that and we saw the way he reacted when Cas was in the cowboy hat and did the cowboy voice. Man swallowed to try and stop himself from swallowing Cas- *Gunshot*
But Istg all Cas would have to do is just show up to the bunker wearing one of those pants with the gun pockets in them and like have some dirt on his face and Dean would just stop working on site.
These ones:
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If a scruffy Cas with his signature sex hair just showed up wearing these with a hat and holding an old-timey hand gun, then I whole heartedly believe that Dean would start humping him on the spot. Like a Chiwawa in heat, ya get me?
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boysbeloving · 4 months
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🎶show me the meaning of being lonely🎶
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sky-is-the-limit · 7 months
Happy Halloween by yours truly, yes I went as the traumatized gay angel but the Leviathan wlw version.
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bloodfreakcastiel · 1 year
dean winchester is such a little fruit i love him
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shallowseeker · 4 months
Castiel’s favorite Dean outfit is shower.
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soupernatural · 2 years
i want to talk about my destiel au
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angelsdean · 1 year
is sad bc one of thee silliest outfit dean has ever worn is gonna lose to him in an FBI suit :( like do u all really think that outfit is sillier than dean in literal full cowboy costume that he bought at wally's western world ????????? do u really think a suit w/ a hat, tie, and boots is sillier than full on playing dressup cowboy cosplay ??? yes dean looks good in his tombstone outfit, yes it's gay because he's dressing up w/ cas and putting cas in a little hat, but is it sillier? be honest
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bisaster-energy · 1 year
cas voice im not your father belphegor voice yeah sorry about that
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regardingjenmish · 2 years
I love the clowning that's happening on my dash but if this turns out to be nothing in the end, y'all better not go after Jensen and Danneel/Robbie with pitchforks and fire because we built this circus on our own.
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solarcas · 8 months
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Suptober Day 7 - Black cat
[Open for better quality!]
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