#dear GOD that animation is so sad but beautiful
blondwhxrewrites · 5 months
Hello! This is my first time writing in and I just want you to know how much I love love love your blog!!
I was wondering if you’ve ever written anything about brothersbestfriend!Mattheo. I just imagine he’d feel super guilty at first, fooling around with his best friend’s sister. Maybe he’d try to break it off but reader would get all sad and pouty, insisting that her brother will never find out.
Whether the reader is biologically related or adopted is up to you. I also did not intend for it to be this long—ANOTHER ADDITION TO THE PRINCESS MULTIVERSE
Oh my god—You being Theo's pretty younger sister and Mattheo just being absolutely obsessed with you!!! He always thought you were interesting. You've always just kind of been there, kind of tucked in a corner, watching as he, Theo, and Draco played together. You were weird in your own little quirky way—quiet, introverted, but not shy. No, you weren't at all shy, just simply quiet. 
Mattheo always felt drawn to you in a way he really couldn't understand. You two just coexisted with each other, and it stayed that way until his sixth year, when you suddenly became 'beautiful' in the eyes of society. He always knew you were gorgeous, the most beautiful girl he had ever met, but now other boys and even some girls were starting to realize it too. The whole Slytherin gang becomes your impromptu guards on the orders of Theodore Nott. Suddenly, Mattheo is walking you to all of your classes and being forced to watch over you at parties—and that's when it really starts to go downhill for him.
You're the most wonderful being to ever exist, and holy shit, does it hit Mattheo HARD. You tend to ramble about the weirdest things like human anatomy, and your army of stuffed animals, and he's just nodding along admiring you like you're some sort of goddess. You give him little trinkets as gifts and he has a whole entire box full of them because he wouldn't ever dare throw them away. He's in love—there's no denying it. He'd done the one thing he swore he would never do...he fell for his best friend's sister. You immediately notice because, A, you've been watching Mattheo your whole life, and B, you know how to read people like a book. So, being the little shit you secretly are, you one day put on your prettiest outfit and waltz on down to one of the infamous Slytherin get-togethers, which is basically just a secret rave with how intense they can get. 
Of course, Theo is huffing and puffing while being forced to watch his little sister flirt with some random girl and Mattheo—oh dear lord he is FUMING. At that point, he knows you know because the whole entire time you're sending him little glances and faux innocent smiles.
You're strewn across his bed, crying and whining as he brutally thrusts into you not even caring if you're a virgin or not because you had the absolute audacity to be a brat and he made sure you were absolutely okay with him being rough beforehand. He's whispering just the NASTIEST things into your ear. 'yeah—you like being fucked by your brothers best friend? If I had known you were such a slut I would've done this a lot earlier' His hand is wrapped around your throat, he's got you in doggy style, pressing your head down against the mattress and watching your eyes roll back. Your cunt is just gushing around him and he knows if he doesn't stop he's gonna become addicted to your pussy—which isn't really saying a lot since he's already addicted to you. By the time he's done with you you've cum more times then you can count and you are one second from just passing out.
It's like his whole entire personality switches because he's suddenly cooing sweet praises as he cleans you both up. He's pressing soft kisses to your lips as he tells you just how much he adores you, and Mattheo just knows he can't let this go—he can't let you go. He eventually, and very hesitantly, lets you go back to your dorm after making extra sure nobody is around.
That night, he just stays up, laying on his back and staring up at the ceiling. He's in a messy situation and he knows it, but honestly he doesn't really seem to care about how Theo would react if he ever found out about you two. In fact, the next day he pulls Theo into an empty classroom and locks the door. Theo doesn't even have time to react before Mattheo just spills everything. He could've ranted about his love for you for hours on end, and he's prepared to do that—that is, until Theo yells at him to shut up and is like, 'Mate, I knew this would eventually happen, so I've had years to prepare myself for this. My sister has been in love with you for years, and I'm sick of it, so please, for the love of Merlin, just take care of her and we are good.'
You are in your dorm reading about how bodies rot over time when Mattheo just busts in and grabs your book, placing it down, and kisses you silly. 'You're mine' he states as if you don't have a choice in the matter—and you really don't. The rest of your day is just spent in your dorm with him in blissful domestic peace.
Theo can finally rest in peace because HOLY SHIT—Mattheo is as dumb as rocks because how the fuck did it take him LITERAL years to realize he has feelings for you 😐
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Hi, do you still do DC request. If so can I ask for headcanons on, what would it be like if Damian Wayne, Garfield Logan, and Jaime Reyes sepertly was dating s/o and s/o is Wonder Woman's daughter please.😁
Gotcha my dear!
Garfield Logan
He would be in awe of you not just the fact that you were the daughter of an amazonian but how you were as a person
He could never get enough of looking at you because of how beautiful you were that added more beauty to who you were as a person as well
He liked running his hands through your soft hair when the two of you were watching movies,when you fell asleep in his lap,and later on in between washing your hair while showering together
He always lets you choose what to do on date nights unless you both chose together or had plans to do something mostly movie nights in his room at the cave,sleepovers at your house,or having lunch together
He likes when sometimes you pick him up from behind and hug him to where he fits in your arms making him feel a bit embarrassed but also very adored
He likes to turn into your favorite animals to make you smile but also random ones to do different things with you from turning into a bird to sit on your shoulder while you read,a ferret just to sneak in your hoodies and sleep,and a snake ready to bite anyone that harmed you to a elephant just to use his trunk to pick you up,a cat to make mittens on your belly when your having period cramps, and a sugar glider just to gently land on your face to give you a kiss making you giggle
Jaime Reyes
He doesn't believe that you're a real person at first from how beautiful you are believing you're an angel from heaven or a Roman goddess instead of an amazonian
He always makes sure to have scarab behave when he is around you for a long time despite the scarab sometimes taking time to tease him for being lovesick like a puppy
He always likes to pick you up in his arms and flying up in the air while you giggle and look in awe like a little kid at the clouds even if you had seen them before
He will teach you spanish so you can talk to each other in his native tongue which makes him melt when you speak Spanish to him but when he hears you speaking it to his family he falls in love with you all over again
He always liked to tickle you when you're sad to hear you laugh and smile even if it was for a little bit before he would comfort you
He would wrap you in blankets and watch movies with you when you're anxious always cuddling you under or in a blanket until you felt calm again or fell asleep
Damian Wayne
He at first thinks you'll be another normal human girl that he has seen and met before but boy was he wrong when he saw you instead
He could truly never understand what it is about god like people or amazonians but when he met and saw you he truly understood how truly beautiful they were
He loves seeing you with animals feeling his heart get warm and calmly race which made him confused until dick told him it was what love felt like
He weirdly likes having you laying on him asleep he doesn't know why but he feels a sense of love and safety but also comfort by it
He always enjoys seeing you kick ass against people especially if they definitely deserve it and you hand it to them it makes him afraid to make you mad
He never does it a lot well not around people but after awhile he becomes very affectionate even smooching kisses all over your face when you're sad and stressed making you smile and laugh
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lovelaughsimp · 7 months
I think one of the purpose or goal I have in life is to make other's feel that they are loved, that kindness exists. I want everyone who once interacted with me to think about our interaction and have a smile on their face. It's so pretty when people smile because of you. Smiles are so pretty. I think humans were meant to be loved, to spread love, to be cared, to be cherished. Love, let it be any form, plantonic, romantic, motherhood, brotherhood, sisterhood even the love we share with a random stranger when we help them or make them smile, even the love we have for animals, even the love for nature, most importantly the love for God,we were made to spread love. Love is just so beautiful, I cannot tell you enough, my eyes get teary when I think about love. Even the love between your favourite fictional character and you is so lovely and pure, people love things that exist but yet you have the heart to love someone who's fictional, who won't even reincorporate your love back, yet you love them. Aren't you so full of love, my darling. Don't feel sad, when someone shames you for being loving, it's your blessing. To feel is always a blessing, my dear.
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acknowledgetheabsurd · 9 months
Ah! I would like to drink you for a long time, without a truce. Autonomy? It's there while I'm writing to you on my knees. It hasn't stopped tormenting me for thirty-five days. All these days and nights have been a long call to you. She is a wound, perennial as an animal. She sometimes falls asleep and suddenly wakes up when I least expect it. To forget, to forget, that's what I would like. But the memory is terrible, precise, burning.
It rained all morning. I woke up exhausted. I hadn't fallen asleep until 1:30 a.m. and the insomnia of course was accompanied by bad thoughts. At 4 o'clock I was woken up by an abominable nightmare. Unfaithful, brave tumor. I only went back to sleep at 7 o'clock. At 8:30 a.m. I drove Robert [Jaussaud] to Cannes and picked up Michèle Halphen whom I took to the hotel from here. In the car I couldn't detach my thoughts from you and I softened up. "How beautiful she is! How good she is when she wants! How I love this and that! How much we are alike in the end! What love and what desire!...."
And then your letter. And since then I can't hold still. Ah! If you were here... this storm that is coming, your taste, your taste above all, my splendid, manor, my dugout, my smooth... Ah! I'm suffocating from this longing I have for you. Quickly something else. What are Maurice Clavel's lies and confessions? What is this "reception" at your place? Talk to me, tell me the details. What about you? Have you put on weight, are you beautiful? Are you eating? I am fine. If only the work was better, I would have no other reason for sadness than you. And God knows this one is enough.
This absence empties me, dries me out, sets my temples on fire. I think of you endlessly, at every turn of the conversation and silence. So many images, tender or burning! What a life we have, my love! The sky is clearing.  Perhaps the good weather will return!  It will be the promise of spring. Courage, darling! I love you, I support you with all my will, from afar... Watch over us and over you. I am trying to come back to you better and stronger. I think and live only for you, my dear love. I kiss you, I fill your mouth with kisses, I cover you with caresses, I drink you greedily... I take you with me, Maria darling. Keep me in this love that is more dear to me than I am to myself. I love you.
Albert Camus to Maria Casarès, Correspondance, February 6, 1950 [#174]
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theonlysnom · 2 years
A Lover's Promise
(hope yall like it :)
“Tsaritsa, do you still love me?” an odd question for the goddess of love but a much-needed one over how much has happened over the last few days.  “Of course, Your Grace I love yo-” The Tsaritsa got cut off. “No.” you said firmly, “Do you love me not as your creator but as your significant other?” you gave a sad smile to the Tsaritsa. Before this catastrophe happened of you being called a god, you were merely a traveler who went from world to world, searching for new animals of all sorts to write down and document.
 The travel was temporarily stopped when you couldn't leave this world because an unknown force transported you here and left you without any of your previous powers. You wished you had never landed here in Teyvat and in the process meeting the beautiful woman standing right in front of you. “ Please tell me, Tsaritsa,” you say to her, seeing the way she hesitates to say something.  “My dear,” she says instead of your title “what makes you think I don't love you?” she says gently as she gracefully walks towards you, wrapping her arms around you, pulling you close to her. “W-what” 
“Darling. If you truly doubt my love for you then maybe you should take a break from being Teyvats god. Hmm,” Tsaritsa looks down expectantly at her lover. “Maybe stay here at Snezhnaya for a while longer, stay here with me a little longer.” You laugh a little, knowing she’d like that. She continues, “It would certainly help, no distractions, no other archons, just me, you, and my loyal Harbingers.”
Right now it’s just you two standing in each other’s arms. Enjoying the other’s presence and simply enjoying the silence you both bring. It’s just you two away from the public's prying eyes and in the safe space of her room.
“Tsaritsa” you started, breaking the comforting silence, “you know how much I’d love to stay here permanently but…” 
“I know, it's just that-'' Tsaritsaw brings her hand up to cup her lover’s cheeks, “ I care for you my Love, and those damn archons, especially Barbatos and Morax, are morons for thinking they can get you away from me.” 
It’s then that you realize why you never should’ve doubted the Tsaritsa’s love for you. She was willing to put up with so many others, including the archons if it meant she would see you in the end.  After many moments of silence Tsaritsa breaks it by saying “My dear, it's quite late and you must be up tomorrow to depart to liyue, so let’s go to sleep and enjoy what little time left we have with each other.” 
Tsaritsa takes your hand and guides you to the comfortable bed in her room. The pillows looked soft and plush. The sheets were pleasant and with multiple types of blankets, it was very warm and soft. Tsaritsa coaxes you to lie next to her under the multitude of blankets. Burying your head in the Tsaritsa's chest you try going to sleep. It wasn't until Tsaritsa started playing with your hair did you start feeling drowsy. Your eyelids felt heavy as you were falling into a deep sleep when just before you closed your eyes, you heard a soft voice say “I will always love you, my Dear.”
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empressofthesunwriter · 3 months
You and I 01
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Whether in canon or in fantasy, whether already in love or falling, whether naughty or nice, You and Izuku always find your way to each other.
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The Bracelet SFW
Hello and welcome to story 10000000 or so. XD
This is a little project I’ve been thinking about for a while.
Izuku Midoriya is not only my favourite character in MHA, but he is also currently number one of my anime crushes.
I swear if this boy was real and my age I would marry him on the spot!
Since I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who loves our Green Bean I thought about making this One-Shot Collection for all us Izuku-Fangirls.
It will be cute and also dirty.
So there will be for anyone something there to read.
I will update this story when I get ideas for a One-Shot.
I take requests, but only if I feel comfortable writing this story you propose, some things like suicide in it I won’t write as examples.
Please understand.
Now enjoy the first love story of Izuku and You!
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The first One-Shot is just a little cute and short story with a bracelet. SFW.
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Love hurt.
Love was a bitch.
Love was a fucking villain who beat you up and left you bleeding to death on a dirty alleyway, you were sure.
It felt like a thousand knives rammed themselves into your heart as you saw Izuku, your crush and Uraraka, your frenemies, playing together a card game and being sugary sweet with each other.
God, you wanted to throw up.
Since you guys all moved into the dorms of U.A. you could see how these two grow closer any day.
Of course, it was like living together...with 18 other people but whatever.
The most important thing was, how Izuku and Uraraka got closer and you considered joining the villains to get rid of her.
Kidding, of course, you were kidding, but the jealous side of you had unkind ideas towards your rival.
Stupid Uraraka with her cute face and stupid cute quirk!
She was the perfect girly girl and you...we're so not.
First, you had a pretty manly Quirk, as Eijiro liked to say. 
Second, you weren't all pink and glitter and rainbows.
Yeah, why should Izuku choose you over Uraraka?
No one would.
Signing you got up from one of the couches and made your way to your room.
Not noting how your bracelet, a gift from your dear grandmother, fell from your arm, you were just too depressed.
However, someone saw.
You lay in your bed like a death starfish staring at the ceiling like it has all the answers to your love problems as it knocks on your door.
"Come in.", you said with a lifeless voice.
"[Your Last Name]...are you okay?"
You sat so fast up that you nearly got whiplash.
Izuku was here!
In your room!
Oh my god!
What did he want?!
"Hey Midoriya.", you quacked out. "What brings you to my humble home."
Shyle he holds your bracelet up in the air.
"I saw how you lost it and wanted to give it back.", he explained.
You jumped out of bed and took the bracelet.
"Oh thank you Izuku, this bracelet is so important to me, I would be so sad if I lost it."
"I had a feeling, you wear it even in your Hero Costume.", he noted with a cute blush.
He took so much note of you, that he remembers this?
"Yeah, you are right.", you say a bit stupified. 
Nervously you try to put it back on, yet thanks to your sweaty fingers, the bracelet slips away from you.
"Erm, may I?", ask you Izuku, pointing at the bracelet.
You just nod, cheeks a flame, as he puts the bracelet back on your wrist.
"You know my grandfather gifted my grandmother this bracelet.", you hear yourself say to him. Why are you telling him this romantic story? "He asked her with it to be his girlfriend when they were both 16 and then at 18 they married."
Izuku looks at you with his beautiful green eyes and smiles softly.
"That's a really sweet story."
"Grandma gifted it to me on my birthday, saying the bracelet would bring my destined love to me. Isn't it funny, hahaha? And you brought it back to me, erm I mean, forgot what I said."
You would shut your mouth up with Sero's tape! 
Why are you such a basket case?!
Why do you say such things to him when he has Uraraka?
You are making a fool out of you!
Only Izuku didn't look at you like you were an idiot, he had a soft blush on his cheeks.
"Oh really...this sounds nice.", he mumbles and rubs his neck.
You blink and your mouth is faster than your brain: "Do you wanna get a juice with me?"
His green eyes sparkle formally in happiness and your heart beats faster.
 "It's a date."
You both giggle and Izuku takes your hand in his.
Together you make your way to the next cafe to get your juices.
Maybe your grandma was right...
Two years later when you and Izuku are 18 and marry you wear of course the bracelet that brought your destined love to you and when your daughter is 16 you hand it to her and tell her how this bracelet would lead her to her love, like it with you and her father.
Izuku hugs you from behind and kisses you, eagerly you kiss him back, while your daughter rolls her eyes at you two.
Uurgh, you were so lovey-dovey it gave her caries!
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ragnvdnir · 2 years
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─── should the day ever come that we are not together, you will continue to shine like gold, in my memories.
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SYNOPSIS (story); after losing his beloved years ago, zhongli was continuously frozen in time. his body was in the present while his heart, mind, and soul was stuck in the past of his golden days. what would he do if he caught a glimpse of his beloved in the present? that same features and mannerisms. would he stay still or finally melt the glacier around him? or, a tale about how a god loved you, a mortal human, and how he lost you as secrets were kept.
SYNOPSIS (chapter); he now goes by the name zhongli in the present. he lives as a funeral parlor consultant. everything was the usual like the day he lost you centuries ago. but wait... is that you in the far distance!?
CHARACTERS; zhongli / rex lapis x gn!reader
WARNINGS; none atm, just reincarnation as the concept
NOTE; i know i said that i am in a break because i have been experiencing writer's block, but i just remembered i have an unfinished draft of folklore's prologue in my docs so i decided to challenge myself and finish it. here it is! i cannot guarantee if i can write the next chapter since writer's block is still here. i'll try to finish this story as soon as i can since i am inlove with the plot in mind and i have a lot more of ideas stocked. i hope this chapter's alright though :"DD
TAGLIST; @zuyoo
NOW PLAYING; the lakes by taylor swift “i want auroras and sad prose. i want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet 'cause i haven't moved in years, and i want you right here.”
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Liyue, The Harbor.
A glorious and normal day in the harbor: shouts of the merchants filled the place, the little kids running around and playing, animals resting, and so on.
If you were to look back at the Liyue Harbor years ago, you would have concluded that this land has been cultivated… a lot. Liyue constantly grows under Rex Lapis' lead. However, it all changed when the Exuvia fell from the heavens… unalive. After that, the citizens of Liyue believed that their Archon had already passed away. Nevertheless, they continued with their lives as if nothing happened.
What they don't know is that he still lives. He's well and alive. He breathes in and out. He continued his life as a mortal, for years and years.
He is frozen in time.
While his dear land and people continued to change, Rex Lapis stayed the same. He remained in the past. The feelings and sorrows remain in him. Everything remains in him.
He is frozen in time as his crestfallen heart longs for someone. He still spends his days hoping that he would get to find a glimpse of them. Hoping that every misery that happened in the past is all a lie. Praying and wishing that this dear someone would come back to him.
Immortality is a curse.
It is a curse that he will forever loathe. Immortality is a curse because you’ll eventually outlive someone within a short time. It maims the most when you watch them with their skin young and clear and then transitioning from there to having wrinkles and gray strands.
An immortal might have been a mortal's whole life but to an immortal's infinite days, a mortal is just once a part of their world.
But to him, It's not like that. Because he stopped functioning the day he lost the one.
He prayed to wake up one day where he's just a normal human who wakes up beside his beloved. Kissing their lips and swooning over their unmatched beauty that rivaled the stars. He prayed to go back in time where only both of them matter. He wished to go back to that spring as their love bloomed along with the blossoms that even glowed in summer.
That summer love...
He continued to reminisce. Those good old days never seem to fade away from him. He remembers everything all too well. He remembers every memory. But… every memory is not a happy one.
There are some memories he wishes he can’t recall burn it. And there are some he never wants to forget that he wants them pinned in his heart. Those are the good memories he wishes to keep as a secret for it is too sacred that he only wants to share them with the person who’s in that memory.
Being too intelligent and having a memory is also a curse if you turn the tables around. It’s a weight of pros and cons. He loathes it. But he also cherishes it.
He, who lived for the hope of it all.
“Mr. Zhongli!” A call from reality made him go back to his senses. He looked around to search for the one who called him. Then, he spotted Hu Tao waving at him. He cleared his throat before he smiled at the young woman.
“Director Hu, How can I help you?” He greeted her warmly as the girl sat across from him.
“Mora for your thoughts?” Hu tao grinned at him and showed him a penny. Zhongli only shook his head at the girl’s antics. He brought the teacup close to his lips and blew it to lessen the hotness of the tea before sipping a little and turning towards Hu Tao.
“Not necessarily, I was just simply thinking about what I should do for the day. How about you, Director Hu? You seem ecstatic today.” He observed how the young woman seemed livelier than the normal days. Zhongli thought something must have happened that resulted in her mood today and it was getting on his curiosity but he doesn't want to push her to admit what it is if she doesn't want to. But of course, It is Hu Tao.
“You noticed! Aiya! Today is indeed a good day! I got myself a pretty friend!” Hu tao cupped her face. She was gleaming with excitement and it made him smile. He was happy for her. After all, people mostly avoid her because of her business tactics. They find her weird.
Some put up with her despite her silliness like Zhongli, but those people can only be counted on fingers. Zhongli sometimes questions her actions but he brushes it off and still cares for her. So, hearing that she got herself a friend was a big deal to her.
“That’s nice, Director Hu. I am ecstatic for you as well.” He replied.
“Really? You know what, you should meet them! They’re fun and nice!”
“Ah, It’s fine—”
“Then it’s all set! We’ll see you at Wanmin Restaurant later when the cloud strikes at golden hour!” Hu tao stood up and ran off somewhere before he could decline her offer. Zhongli could only sigh at himself and continued sipping his tea.
‘I have no choice, I guess.’ He thought as he stood up from his seat and went back to work in the Yansheng Funeral Parlour. ‘Let’s just get this done.’
“Mr, Zhongli! You came! Yay!” Hu tao exclaimed as she was seated on a stool in Wanmin Restaurant. The man merely nodded at her and took a seat beside the girl. Then, he turned towards her.
“So, what is your friend like?” Zhongli started as he browsed the menu. Hu tao sighed knowingly and swung her foot.
“Well, they are fun to be with! They are a jolly and a curious person. A person that is naive in a good way! I am sure you will like them.” She snickered as she covered her mouth while her eyes stared at him with a teasing hint on it. The man could only close his eyes and shook his head at her.
“Oh–! That's them! My friend!” Hu Tao stood up from her chair and waved at the person who was approaching them with a grin.
Zhongli turned towards the direction she was waving at. There, he saw a person with a sequined smile plastered on their face. The person waved back at the excited Hu tao. Seeing this, she shook his shoulder. “Mr. Zhongli! That's my friend! They're pretty, right? You're starstruck, hehe.”
He was starstruck? No, his world halted from revolving.
The ever man who never lost his composure was now having his soft lips parted as he gaped at the sight of the person. His eyes glowed. His heart beating after being buried dead.
The man who was once frozen in time now melts. The glacier ice that surrounded him defrosted as the person neared him every second as if they're the summer sun that changed his forever winter upside down.
As if being drowned for a long time, his breath hitched as the person now stood in front of him.
'That face…'
This caused him to stand on his feet as he gaped at the sight. His eyes blinking in disbelief and lips opening as if trying to say something but no words came out. He was baffled. His mind was in a labyrinth of questions and emotions.
“Hu Tao! Hello—” The person was cut off when Zhongli approached them and raised his hand as he let his fingers touch their face as salt water managed to cascade down a line on his cheeks, leaving a tear stain on his sculpture-like face.
“This face, my dearest love…” His voice shook along with his fingers that caressed their face. A crystalline tear. An eye that tells a lot of memories. The palm of a freezing hand. A heart that cried out.
Zhongli whispered longingly as his tapestry mended. He was breathless. He came back alive. He was now once frozen. The time passed by for everyone else and he won't know it because by heart, mind, body and soul, he was still there, right where he was left.
Now that a familiar face that he forgot despite his great memory showed up, what would he do? Will he just let the time pass by them again or will he wake up in the daylight after shutting down for centuries as the golden days ended him?
“You're finally back..”
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END NOTE; ill update when i update ig😭 i really want to write but like writer's block is staring at me and i am busier in school since i am in my graduating years already 🥹🤌
© kazu-topia, 2022. do not copy, repost, take heavy inspiration or translate my works.
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panda-puma · 10 months
(I am sorry in advance, because you unlocked a ramble I've had in me since I saw Zoro and realised that Oda looked at the Cool Manga Dude Archetype and said "no" and made our Mossball capable of wide, wide smiles (which are apparently lost post-timeskip but that I ignore, I am not looking, I am still pre-timeskip, I am soaking every smile and grin) 300+ chapters in and I still am riding the high of love at first sight, when it comes to OP. one day I might find flaws but for now it is perfection incarnate 😂😂😂)
aw, it's sad hearing how the anime kills characterizations. especially with core characters. Nami disgusted by Sanji!? c'mon, why would you do that, anime-writers 😭
to taint any relationship in OP, where the relationships are what makes it such a good read 😭
it's true that when Sanji gets more spicy, what makes his reaction tolerable is how the girls just shrug it off. they care not! they feel safe around him! Nami pranced around him in bikini, and our boy was more interested at first in flowers 😭
thank you so much for movie recommendations! ❤❤❤
I absolutely adore the story and the characters! and the writing! I've cried like a baby while reading OP more times than I've had while consuming any other media. it just hits you in the heart with sniper accuracy ❤😭 and then makes you cackle like a witch. rinse and repeat. i love it.
(reactions still dictated by the story up to the very start of Impel Down) I'm still trying to fully put my finger on what exactly makes me love OP that much but I think that what gets is how much trust there is between the characters. how easy they love each other. (Zoro and Luffy? dear god, they are so good. 100% trust.) and how silly they can get. It's rare that I love absolutely everybody, yet here I am: I'm collecting my silly little boys and girls like pokemon. I will catch em all. gimme more.
I cannot get enough how emotive the characters are. when they smile it lits up the sky. when they cry I cry with them. when they goof off I watch them fondly but when shit hits the fan, I read with baited breath how my silly little goobers get serious. there is a whole rainbow of emotions and I adore it.
(Sorry for taking so long to answer! this month went by extremely fast ;v;UUu if i take too long to reply you can talk to me privately too, i don't mind!)
Don't apologize for passionately loving things! It's the best way of living! ❤
Oda writes characters so well, that even in their comical exaggeration, still feel like real people to me. Everything is for a reason, even the dumbness (that i absolutely love xD it's just amazing to me that even that has its reasons and wraps so well with everything)
And yes, sadly the Anime really kills characterization... Nami and Sanji's relationship is completely changed. They are not really friends in the Anime. Nami is not kind, ever, and Sanji is just interested in her as a sexy object. They are not friendly with each other... when in the Manga is obvious that they are friendly and chill most of the time.
Sanji adores her, yes, but in the Manga he is not just there to be her slave and please her. He has dreams and a beautiful relationship with Luffy too, something that the Anime decides to completely erase from existence...
The Anime transforms all the characters into one note (the one that they decide is funny for children or to sell merch): Nami is the girl who only screams and hits the others, Sanji is just the pervert idiot who fights all the time, Luffy is just an ugly goofball with nothing between his ears, Zoro is serious guy who is the comical relief and screams all the time, Chopper is a baby, Robin is a mysterious woman (who gets jealous of Chopper paying attention to other women)... etc etc etc
They are so reduced to this roles, that when something they can not edit out of the original story (because it's an pivot point in the story) happens, it even looks out of character!
Of course a lot of this is also amped up by the amount of continuous filler the Anime has, where they just butcher the characters even more...
It's a lot of work and as you see I am a slow writer xDu but I really want to get deeper into writing about how the differences matter a lot.
I hope you've continued with your reading and have even more to share! OvO please feel free to talk to me again
Again: very sorry for taking so long to answer ;v;U my audhd threw me off everything very hard this past month
And finally I don't really agree with what people say about Zoro losing his smile post time-skip... at least in the Manga! The Anime can look like he doesn't smile so much anymore, i guess...
I feel like Zoro's default expression is calmer after the time-skip ^^ you can see how he is not frowning all the time like before, and he still has his cool smiles!
Beware a bit of Spoiler ahead!
Have some non-very-spoilerish images of him smiling post-time skip, just in the first arc post time-skip:
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skippyv20 · 7 months
Skip, Julie here. I was away for one week on a cruise so only had internet on the 2 days we were in a Port. I was feeling so sad about Cathy and Little Panda but I got home today and read about Ellie Serenity and my heart jumped with Ah Mr Skip and your daughter know how your head/heart perfectly. You are incredibly fortunate to have two people who know your heart and the depth of your feelings so well and who love you so deeply.
I am so happy for you. Sad and happy at the same time. Like salted Caramel - it shouldn’t work but somehow it just does. Ellie Serenity is absolutely beautiful and you can see in her little face she is going to be a cheeky, naughty one. Oh what a joy. I love the naughty ones. I see she is part bichon. Fantastic.
I have had four Bichons. Always two boys at a time. My current two are so different. They are 9 yo now. Twins. One is super graceful, elegant, cuddly and adorable. The other one has shorter legs so is chunkier and he is naughty and funny and keeps us entertained
He wants to be friends with anything that walks. He’s not fussy. Love every human and animal. According to the Vet the most chill dog she has ever worked on. He’s had 2 ACL operations in two years but is always happy.
Enjoy your new little lace Miss Ellie and watch how she decides she is the boss and Oliver her minion. Congratulations to you. You have a big heart so I think we all knew a new family member would arrive soon. Great work on the part of Mr Skip and your amazing daughter. We expect lots of hilarious anecdotes and photos. Tears for Little Panda and Cathy and I thank God Cathy has a friend.
Awww thank you so much Julie this is so beautiful.  Such a tribute to both my dear Cathy and Panda Bear.  Thank you.  Our first pup was a Shihtzu/Bichon/Maltese…that was CoCo.  She was all white…and she had two ACL’s as well.  A couple of months apart.  We love Shihtzu/Bichons because of their personalities….your pups sound amazing!  They are for sure an entertaining breed.  We were told Panda was Shihtzu but she seemed more Shihtzu/Bichon.  She had that very cute face.  Cathy was pure 100% Shihtzu….not the cute face, but the very elegant…and she could be snobby…but so loving…..our house feels so empty, and going outside is so hard, as now I have only one to watch out for.  I have no doubt Ellie will bring us joy and peace as we mourn the loss of our precious Cathy and Panda Bear.  I know you understand so well, as you have suffered your losses close together as well….thank you again Julie!  Your words always bring peace to my heart and mind🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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just-walk-around · 1 year
I don't read or watch the twilight saga, I only have seen some parts. But I love fanfics, I twilight fanfics are part of all the group of shows that I like. But my queer ass prefer a platonic relationship than romantic between Bella and Edward. WLW and MLM is the best friendship ever.
Edward (sad, dramatic, repressed hundred years old but still mentally teenager gay): I'M A MONSTER, AN ABOMINATION THE WORST, GOD WILL NEVER OPEN THE DOORS TO HEAVEN FOR ME.
Bella (kinda depressed, sarcastic, weird, grow up to fast, absolute disaster lesbian): DUDE, IS JUST A FUCKING SPIDER!
Bella x all female vampire (except esme that woman is her mother figure you can't change my mind) is delicious.
Alice? Friends to lovers, calm gf and too much energy gf, "sweast and t shirt is enough" "as your future wife I have full right to change your clothes" "my Future Fucking what?!" "opps spoilers" , oh you are weird I weird too! Besties!
Rosalie? Rival to lovers, tsundere gf and oblivious gf, "I fucking hate you" "oh, then what you buy me a new car?" "BECAUSE THAT SHITTY TRUCK HURT MY EYES", family intervention because they Will never get together otherwise "I'm not jealous!"You just make a boy cry because he told her how nice her hair looked!" "wow your sister is beautiful but she is a bitch, just because she is hot and smart and have a pretty smile and..." "Bells just ask her out this is painful to watch" "I don't love her!" "Bella take a moment to think about everything that happened between you two, EVERYTHING and tell me again that you don't love her" "I.. *processing information" "HOLY FUCK I'M IN LOVE WITH YOUR SISTER""Congratulations you are THE LAST TO KNOW IT! "
Any of the Denali trio ? Teacher x student, "I have met this human for one second now I love her I will provide everything for her I will make her happy Fucked up!Edward stay away", patient gf with hurt gf.
Victoria or any volturi girl? Enemy to friends to lovers, reluctant gf and resigned gf, denial, denial and more denial, the bad guys are actually doing good things, "I will never fall in love with you" "I have all the time of the world darling". Unhealthy relationship going to healthy relationship.
The other vampire clans? The possibilities are endless!.
PLUS PAPA BEAR CHARLIE JUS GOING FULL SUPPORTIVE,HE COULD EITHER BE PUTTING RAINBOWS STICKERS IN HIS CLOTHES, "YES SIR I LOVE NY GAY DAUGHTER DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT" OR HAVING NO IDEA HOW TO GO ABOUT IT, "So you like tits? I like tits too! I mean, uh" "did you need um you know advice? About you know?" "dad please you are killing me" the best Is that he wouldn't care if his daughter is dating a vampire BUT THEY ARE SO OLD, HE WOULD BE LOOKING THINKING IS THIS PREDATORY BEHAVIOR? AND BELLA BEING LIKE DAD WE JUST ARE HOLDING HANDS There will not be a shotgun he will buy a freaking flamethrower he will spend all his money for a fishing boat to buy it. Because God dammit he is a dad trying his best!.
Edward x Jacob? Enemy to friends to lovers, cross lovers, cat bf x dog bf, homophobic Edward, denial denial and more denial, supportive cullens or slightly homophobic because of their differents ages trying their best to overcome their views for their son/brother, VS the pack "my imprint is a boy" "That's okay we love you and support you anyway"" he is a vampire""WHAT THE FUCK YOU SAY?! EXILE FOR JACOB, EXILED FOR HUNDRED OF YEARS"
Edward x Emmett? I get us in trouble bf and I get us out of trouble bf, calm bf and too much energy bf, grumpy cat bf and dumb bear bf, "babe what animal is the pink panther?" "dear, is in the name" "I think is a lion" "love of my life is a panther" "I Google it panther aren't pink" "AND FUCKING LIONS ARE?" "You do something stupid again don't you" "no, I just think he will like some roses for his room and a new piano" "sure"
Edward x jasper? Learning together to live with overwhelming powers and the guilt of our decisions and mistakes.
And just for the shit of it, Edward x Aro, Carlisle going FULL PAPA BEAR ON IT.
Like it could go the hurt/comfort route or the comedic route and it will be amazing.
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aq2003 · 1 year
sw visions s2 review! i overall enjoyed this season more than the first, the variety in animation mediums was amazing and a lot of these were just fucking stunning to look at. thoughts and ranking under the cut:
9. sith
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i have beef with this one. i think this by default takes the spot as my overall least favorite star wars visions episode across both seasons just because of how it does the dumb "you can use both the light side AND the dark side :) dont worry about it" trope. the animation is cool in some places but (likely due to disney+ deep frying the video quality?) it felt weirdly hard to look at in others. i do love the painting aesthetic but it feels the least true to the star wars spirit. i think the duel from season 1 executed the "darksider vs former sith" idea much better
8. i am your mother
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this one being so low on the ranking is just a testament to how much i enjoyed all of the other episodes. i think this short succeeded fully with what it set out to do, it's just a fun story about a mother-daughter pilot duo which is great! simple and enjoyable.
7. aau's song
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this one was just really adorable. i loved the aesthetic and the animation, the characters felt so.. fuzzy. huggable. really nice breather to end off a volume of really good stories. loved the visuals for the crystals and the character design for the jedi in this episode especially
6. the pit
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bruh i was so fucking sad when THAT happened . i get why they did it but it felt so unfairrrrr aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. i liked the animation and character designs and this one also has some really creative visuals for the settings. but i thought the resolution to the conflict felt a little too .. easy isnt the right word for it. but i think some of the writing falls a little short in an otherwise really good story.
5. the bandits of golak
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and i KNOW the people that made this were fans of tcw/rebels. (was that sabine's phoenix symbol i saw on the side of the train????). loved the dynamic between charuk and rani, i get why they had to part ways but i got sad when they did nevertheless. the texturing on the models feels very reminiscent of tcw's style and it tickled my brain <3 except i think the character designs blow tcw out of the water <333
4. journey to the dark head
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FUCKING SUE ME. i loved this one. studio mir put everything and i mean EVERYTHING into the animation on this one. toul and ara are great characters and i love how they played off of each other. bichan's character design went HARD AS HELL i literally don't care if some of the story didn't make sense to me because ouhghhhhh this was just a whole MEAL for my eyes . if that makes sense. studio mir i love you
3. 2. the spy dancer
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i CANNOT in good faith put this at any spot below a 2 so i guess we'll have a tie here. the animation was absolutely fucking STUNNING and the fight scenes were also, like journey into the dark head, complete and utter bangers. loi'e is probably my favorite protagonist out of all the episodes this season, just the concept for her being a performer and also a spy for the rebels is [chefs kiss]. i also do love a good ironic twist and this one Has it <3
2. screecher's reach
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perhaps this one is ranked so high because it was placed right after my disappointment from episode 1 and perhaps it's because it struck such a chord within me that i truly cannot explain. daal and her friends were so cute and the colors and backgrounds were truly beautiful to look at and god. the story on this one. fully fucked me up. crazy how a story this dark and upsetting made me feel better than episode 1 but it gave me Such a level of tragic catharsis. (is that the right word for it? it's unsatisfying but on purpose and i love it) this one probably isn't going to be as high on other people's rankings but i don't care. i love it. it's dear to me.
in the stars
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this one just straight up made me cry. i don't why it hit me that hard but it definitely has to count for something. this one is also really fucking beautiful to look at like the rest of my top 4 but this one has an aesthetic that lends itself really really well to the storytelling. the scene of the painting telling their mother's backstory is just.. ugh my heart. i love koten and tichina so much it's unreal. the final scene where they stared down the walker mirroring the painting made me fucking lose my mind. perhaps i was not feeling very hopeful for their fates after what happened in episode 2 but i was so happy when it did end on a happy note. also them finally seeing their mom's star in the sky.. i just.. ugh. lay me into the ground!!!!!
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rubywrites-4 · 2 years
i would like to request where chris and his girlfriend, reader found a kitten alone in the animal shelter. the two adopted it and dodger love his new brother/sister
“And… Cut!” The director yelled at everyone on the set of defending jacob. Chris and I were filming the new series that we signed up before taking a break since we’re about to get married in few months more.
Our shoot was located at a random coffee shop since it’s a coffee date scene. Once the set packed up and left, it was just me and Chris at the coffee shop since we both wanted to relax for a bit.
While I was looking around, I spotted an animal shelter opposite of the shop we’re in. “Chris, look there!” I patted his shoulder and pointed towards there. Chris smiled and looked at me “honey, don’t you remember that place? 6 years ago we adopted our son, Dodger Evans there”
I gasped “oh my god!! wait I- is that where we adopted him?!… time flies huh” i smiled at the beautiful memory in our life. “erm.. sweetheart? y’know what? let’s go to the animal shelter!” Chris grabbed my hand we walked over to the animal shelter.
inside the animal shelter
I have no idea why Chris brought me here since we already have dodger as pet but then again, it’s nice to look at these cute little fur babies. I went to the section where the have kittens and while I was looking around, I saw this one cute baby kitten being there alone in a cage.
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the kitten was sleeping and it was such a cute sight. I awed by the cuteness! “Can I carry her?” I asked at the worker and she gave me a thumbs up. Once I got the kitten in my arms,she was yawning and fell asleep again. It was so cute! 🥹 I wanted to call Chris to show him but he’s out of the sight…
God! I wanted to adopt this little fur baby but then again, we have dodger at him and I think he wont get along if we adopt another fur baby. I sighed and went to keep the kitten inside the cage until the worker over there called me “ma’am! you can bring her home since the person over there have already signed the adoption paper”.
I looked back and saw Chris smiling at me with the adoption papers. “She’s ours sweetheart” Chris winked at me. I had tears in my eyes since Chris knows how much I love kittens and always wanted one since I was kid but never had a chance to get it. I went over and hugged him tightly “thank you honey”, Chris looked at me and kissed my forehead “anything for you my dear! I know how much you love kittens and wanted to get one so I just did it for you!”
My only concern now was dodger… is he gonna be okay with the new member? Is she gonna get jealous ? or is he gonna get sad over it? there’s way to many questions running over my mind now.
Back at home
“Hey buddy” Chris greeted dodger and got attacked by kisses from him. I brought the new kitten and let her down on the ground… dodger walked over to her and stared in confusion at the kitten since she’s looks small and different than him. I was looking at both of them nervously since i don’t know what’s gonna happen within this few minutes but then dodger caught both, me and Chris surprised when he slowly sniffed on kitten and wiggled his tail happily. He even sat beside the kitten and played with the toys with her.
Chris and I smiled over the sight infront of us. It’s not one but two fur baby Evans in the household right now.
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rumandsprite · 7 months
I've binged this beautiful mess for several days and, by god, does it deliver! !!!SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Let me try going chronologically:
Zack!Cloud is absolutely adorable and shows very good acting because you can hear the difference from Zack's dialogue from Cloud's reaction when learning it's Nibelheim where they are heading to.
Definitely see those SephirothxZack fics going on rise after unsettlingly sweet expressions on Sephiroth during Nibelheim. Also those subtle changes on his face in that iconic town in flames scene, just wow.
Rufus's parade was one of the highlights, but some new guy Glenn shenaningans were there like "hello, if you'd like to know more about this subplot please consider buying some spinoff mobile game you've never heard of", because even in the end all I got from this was - Glenn is a) some dude in Wutai working for a man we never saw and who might not even exist, b) has some bitter history with Rufus and c) also is a Sephiroth clone.
Speaking of Rufus, eng voice actor is on point. He is the english equivalent of japanese voice actor who unfortunately seems to have been affected by illness. I'm very sad about that. But good job, eng va and his casting director!
While I'm on this topic, Reno's orignal va loss also saddens me. New jp va is a bit too nasal for me, and there's no Quinton Flynn to soften the blow.
Morikawa Toshiyuki is perfect as always in his rendition of Sephiroth. His gentle speech to Jenova in Nibelheim reactor is just... You just have to hear it.
Ahem. So, Rufus' offer in Junon really surprised me.
Moving on to Costa Del Sol, was nice to see the reason why Hojo appeared there of all places and, oh dear, they made him so creepy it's astounding. The way he so offhandedly and casually offered those girls to "birth a hero" is something else.
I'll skip Corel immediately to Golden Saucer. It's everything I wanted. It's everything I didn't know I wanted. The entrance introduction is Honey Bee all over again but even more cringe. There are no words for this level of cringe. I felt vindicated for the loss of that Honey Bee's bathtub scene in the Remake, that's how cringe it is. I'm sorry, I can't stop staring at Dio's chest.
Now, Cait Sith deserves its own paragraph. It's the best, the cutest, the coolest Cait Sith ever. This "Aeris-ha~n", awww. Animation and design is top-notch, from Cait's small dance to the ears to the moogle's belly jiggle. Reeve has to be some kind of animatronics genius. Also in eng version it has scottish accent. Know why? Because of this
Also, Ghost Hotel's front desk employee is hilarious. He seems to genuinely love his job, goddamn it.
Poor Rude having to work with Elena, lol. Nice sea-salt ice cream, by the way.
Some sidequests are my type of morbid humour. Check out this:
New Gi lore was interesting. Finally I learned how Black Materia was made. Also made interesting possible insight into Sephiroth, with being unable to join lifestream and all.
Vincent va is so good and in jp version I sometimes can hear Rufus's va past timbre. Also, that drip is sick.
Loveless scene was astounding. I'm talking about animation quality here. Dance moves look so smooth and natural, especially cloth mechanics, just look at Jessie's skirt! I have no idea how many hours they put into these.
New Nibelheim also makes more sense than in original. No more "wdym, nothing happened here". Also, Cloud remembered Zack but his mind makes up some things.
It's nice to see Cloud's gradual descent into madness, especially with Roche becoming that. (Why SC tattoo though. I know it's probably Sephiroth Cells, but I just can't unsee SephirothxCloud, lmao). Cloud chasing Aerith for black materia sent chills down my spine.
As did Sephiroth's hysterical laugh when his sword broke but Aerith still died. Yeah, sorry, dude. This is fixed.
Those AU scenes and some unchanging points are interesting to explore for fics though.
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It has been snowing since yesterday, my darling, tirelessly. Today I thought that the bus, which carries the mail, would not reach Cabris and that I would have nothing from you. But the postman came by, though very late. And you tell me that you are cold, my little ice cube, and that you envy my beautiful country, flooded with sunshine! But no, the sky here is made of bad wadding, the valley is white, and the olive trees look like cold ghosts.
It's true that winter is beautiful here and it's awful in Paris. It is true that your house is an absurd fridge while this house is crackling with bright lights. Ah! How happy we would be here, even in winter. Warm up, my little flake! I'd like to melt you in my arms. Just now the radio announced - 8 in Paris. And a warm tenderness came to me, the desire to warm you and protect you, to tell you at least, with all my heart, as I do here. This morning after working a little, I put on my ski boots and pants, a high jumper, and my dear jacket. And I went for a walk on the mountain through the snow. The air stung, my blood was pounding, and my yesterday's sadness was slowly fading away. Everything was white and the silence wonderful. I made good resolutions; to ignore everything except you and my work, not to let me be confused by anything and enjoy only you and my work, etc., etc., etc. I returned home with my eyes flickering with the brightness of the snow, my cheeks fresh, and a new courage in my heart.
I had lunch, read my Delacroix in bed and waited for your letter. She arrived, I was happy, I answer her and then I'll work, so I'll answer you: Good news about Jean and Catherine going to school. It's true that they see mostly movies and puppets. From my time! Good news about my mom. My brother* writes to me, talking about her and her kindness: "This is bread. And what a loaf!" I'll go to the doctor in about ten days and we'll take an x-ray. But yes! Proust was homosexual. I thought you knew that. Go on. You can talk more about it. Bad news, George Orwell is dead**. You don't know him. A very talented English writer, with about the same experience as me (although he was ten years older) and exactly the same ideas. He had been fighting tuberculosis for years. He was one of the very few men with whom I shared something. But let's leave it at that.
The snow is coming down. I don't know how to get this letter to the post office in time. The wind is blowing too. You can't see ten feet in front of you. God! How cold your room must be! Don't curl up too much. Don't disappear completely. Stop at the point. When you're just a dot, I'll still love you and I'll take you in my pocket. I love you in the winter too, you know that, since we've had so few summers to ourselves. But the summer, truthfully, the one we shall live, will come again. And he'll find us full of a new love. I hold you close to me, I warm your hands against my chest, I cover all. See you tomorrow, darling!
Albert Camus to Maria Casarès, Correspondance, January 25, 1950 [#146]
* Lucien, Albert's elder brother, born January 20, 1910 in Algiers.
** The English writer and journalist George Orwell, author of Animal Farm and 1984, died in London on 21 January 1950. His intellectual and personal commitment to social justice and against all forms of totalitarianism brought him closer to Albert Camus.
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sand--hanitizer · 1 year
Say you hate me but be alive to say it
Tw: death. I want to make everyone around me sad
Wide honey eyes looking out, into the moonlight, over the mountains, over the horizon. You in my arms, looking on but unseeing, your body cooling rapidly. I would do anything for a sigh from your lips.
We sit at my statue, hoping it would heal you. I concentrate all my powers to bring back the warmth of your cheeks, to see your eyes flutter and widen. Please, I will take back my gnosis, i I will take back godhood again, I will take responsibility again of Liyue, so please look at me dearest. What is the point of being the god of geo, of being the oldest of the seven, if I can't steal you back from the grasp of death?
I will tell you everything, I will tell you about the archon war, I will tell you about the calamity, i will tell you every thing about Khaneriah , I will break every contract for you, I will break all of my contracts and tell you about your twin sister, so, please darling Aether, please look at me.
Tell me you hate me, tell me you despise my existence, swear that you will never see me again, say you will hurt me, precious Aether, say it and it shall be done, say you want to rip my heart out my chest and crush it, but please be alive to say it. I swear i will never deny you again. Just breathe please.
Darling Aether the sun is rising, tell me if you like it. I do not know how much longer i can retain the warmth of you, your beautiful body once so pliant is so hard and inflexible now. Sweetness, would you laugh at the state I am in now? For your peals of laughter I will become a jester at your court.
Darling, I do not know why, but i can not see clearly anymore. Everything is blurry and my head is spinning. Aether won't you soothe my heart and head? Please, it hurts to see that glassy far away look in your once bright honey eyes.
Aether, there are water droplets on your face, but it is not raining. I wish that I could take one second more to steal another kiss, another touch, another word, another laugh, but it would never be enough for me . i could have you for eternity and it would not be enough still.
Fate take me, have i not lived long enough? Take me and give him back. I was enraptured and entrapped by everything you did. Fate, must you be so cruel? You let this beautiful angel steal my heart of stone, behind walls that i tried to hide away. Liyue cries for him, I cry for him, the flowers, the stars, the universe cries for my beloved. Fate your cruelty no knows no bounds.
Maybe in another life, the universe would let me keep you. Was there nothing i could do? You were immortal dearest, but you could die. I should have known better Aether, i got too close, I love you because you are nothing like me. I do not regret meeting you, dearest, but this pain, make it stop. is pain something i must endure forever? Dear Celestia , put me out of my misery.
I feel the air retreat from my lungs, this heart break , i can not breathe, I can not get enough air in my lungs. I do not think i could take another lover. I would close my eyes forever and rest eternally for just one kiss. I can not bear this pain any longer. I haven't felt this when my fellow gods dies, i did not feel like this when Guizhong and Havria perished, I haven't felt this way when all my yaksha died save for Xiao. The yaksha , my precious children, I was their parent and I did not cry for them so.
I can hear screaming, it is shrill and ear piercing, it is a wail of an animal wounded so brutally , it needs to be put out of its misery. Please anyone make the screaming stop. My throat feels raw and i can taste blood, my vocal chords are itchy, I am so thirsty. Oh, I am screaming. Those shrieks are mine. I can not stop screaming, I can feel the screams becoming hoarse and wet, wet with my blood, I scream and blood dribbles out from my lips, I do not stop screaming until i my vocal chords snap, I do not stop screaming.
I do not stop screaming when Xiao comes, nor when the adepti and the qixing try to pry me away from my Aether. Not even Barbatos can take me away, I should know, he had been trying to take me away from my beloved for the past month. Even sweet Paimon can't make me go away. Even Aether's sister Lumine showed up. Rot starting to my beloved's pristine body. It is still pristine in a different way. No one will separate me from my beloved. I will not stop screaming.
I do not understand why the world is still spinning. How can you all move on while I can not? I can not say farewell and cut these threads,, i can not accept it, i will not accept it. Seems like just about everyone smiles at the sun, but what about me. I can not scream anymore, i am unable to. You're in my heart and head. Please little sunlight stay.
I love you. I adore you to the point that it hurts to the core of my existence. My heart burns at each and every passing thought of you. My ears ring with the sound of your voice, even in my nightmares - worse yet, in my dreams. The way your name is carved into my tongue haunts me, and each time I speak of you, it feels as if the wounds reopen, deeper than before. My body and mind are a combined force in their love for you, and I can only fall beneath their strength. You are the sole person who is in possession of my heart, and there is no chance of reclaiming it. My heart is yours - it has been since the moment our lives became intertwined, and I doubt that anyone - myself included - could ever pull it free. I love you as metal loves the flame - no matter how cold I may be, you can melt me and burn me down until I’m neither sword nor crown. But, despite this power you have over me, I love you still. I will do so forever. Even as i hold a weathered down skeleton in my arms with clumps of hair which once shone like spun gold.
I hope Celestia puts me out of my misery soon. I will accept death gladly with open arms for i would be able to see you again. Let me die, let me die. I only look forward for the sweet kiss of death so i may kiss you once more in the realm of spirits. Would you be awaiting me?
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something you think that's underrated (show, music, ship, habit, animal, absolutely anything. can be multiple/a list. go wild)
Oh get ready to be here a while here we fuckin go...
Wind. It reminds me what it's like to be alive
Matt Maltese. Sad boy music that's so so good and makes me feel so much pain and catharsis. Also a lot of his songs are byler/Mike coded. You deserve an Oscar, shoe, everyone adores you, outrun the bear (byler will pov), as the world caves in, strange time (its second or third line is literally "and we'll both gladly lose our minds LIKE!!). Also paper thin hotel is tom wambsgan's song, and tom wambsgan's alone.
Lucas GODDAMN Sinclair. Need I say more? Doesn't matter cus I'm gonna- I genuinely believe he's the best written and performed character in the whole show, he's my sweet child ray of sunshine I love him dlfkgkfdn and he would NOT be the same without what Caleb brings to the table in his performance. And since day ONE he fucking ATE I keep putting EMPHASIS on so many WORDS but I digress. I do understand the problems with some of his writing which sucks but he is still incredible and you can tell that Caleb cares so much about him which I always love to see
The oh hellos album dear wormwood. Omg. Omfg. It's fucking TRANSCENDENT. ANYONE READING THIS WHO HAS GONE THROUGH/IS GOING THROUGH A TOXIC OR ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP OF ANY KIND LISTEN TO THIS IT IS SO HEALING. Not only is it cathartic asf but it depicts the anger and regret and pain and resignation and fucking every emotion under the sun that you experience in those kinds of relationships. And just how connected all of the songs are. The album itself is a loop, seriously. The last part of Thus Always to Tyrants (the final song on the album) leads right into the beginning of Prelude. And while we're on the subject of thus always to tyrants can we talk about how fucking impactful it is to end the album on that note? On a bittersweet toast to the people who hurt us because there is no getting rid of what they did, only making yourself stronger from it and healing?!!? About the notion that what they did was terrible but that is something you'll never forget because you can't but you're moving on to better things, wondering if they will change/have changed from who you knew them as?!??! ARE YOU FUCKNG KIDDING ME!!!!! AND just how connected the lyrics and melodies are in all of the songs. I've listened to the whole album easily over a hundred times and I still notice new lines that relate to each other or when bg melodies in one song are the main motif (?) of another. You can tell how much care and thought and love and emotion was put into its creation and I love it so so so much. Also if you dear reader do not want to spend 40 min listening to the album please please please just listen to Pale White Horse and Where is Your Rider. Oh. My. Fucking. God. Jesus fuck these songs. I'm just typing about them and I got chills like. I'm not joking at all when I say these songs actually changed my life. And the interconnectedness of them (sorta like a horse and its rider?) is just so special. They're whole fucking experiences to listen to and I will never get tired of it. Aaaaaaaahhh I wanna keep talking about this album but we'd be here for a long long long time but I might make a post about it if anyone was actually interested on my music blog @lyricsdumblikethelinoleumfloor at some point so. Stick around for that ?
Forehead kisses. We need more of those pls
Sincerity. For the love of the night sky. BE EARNEST! BE SINCERE!! BE GENUINE I WILL FUCKING STAB YOU-
Little thumb rubs while holding hands
My mutuals all of you deserve love and appreciation and tenderness every one of you fuckers I love you all <33333
Cucumbers. Shit fucks
LIBRARIES! Please if you can visit your local library, it'll be so lovely I prommy
Humans committing to silly bits together. And just like building off of each other's energy. One of the most beautiful things I have ever witnessed and that I'm so grateful to have experienced
Introspection. For the love of fuck pleaaaase more people need this. Everyone needs to practice introspection idc just do it it's not some shameful act it just helps you grow
Peach flavoured things. They're yummy 😋
My ever growing gnome figurine collection pretty underrated imo kinda flying under the radar imho
Burger King foot lettuce
Laying on the floor and doing nothing. 10/10 activity honestly. Especially when you're in a sun spot shit fucks
And that's m'list! Glad you made it to the end, sorry for the long post
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