#dear kacchan
oshiawaseni · 2 years
Dear Kacchan
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Um... there’s so many things I want to say to you. Where do I even start? We’ve been through a lot this year, huh? You figured out my secret with One for All. Let’s start with that. It’s been unreal to think that the quirkless me could one day become a hero in training and underneath our favourite hero All Might’s wing, no less. And though this has been an amazing experience that I sometimes pinch myself over and feel so very blessed about, it’s also had it’s troubles, too. 
But you know what, Kacchan? I think that it’s thanks to you sharing in my secret that made all of this a little easier to deal with. I’m finally coming clean to everyone about it, but Kacchan... thank you for keeping my secret up until now.  And thank you again for helping me train my quirk when things got a bit crazy with black whip and float emerging. Haha, wow... I owe you a lot, it seems...
I can’t remember much about what happened, but you also pushed me out of the way to save me from Shigaraki, didn’t you? Kacchan... thank you for saving my life. I’m sorry that you got hurt because of me but I promise you, I will never cause trouble for you again. Kacchan, I’m so sorry for everything I’ve put you through up until now. You know, while I was lying in the hospital bed I realised that all of the bad things that happened to you lately were mostly my fault. What’s more, the League are targeting me specifically now because of my One for All. So, that’s why before this all can get any worse... I’ve decided that I am going to leave U.A. I don’t want my problems with them bringing you and the others down anymore. I think this is for the best. It’s for the best, Kacchan.
“I couldn’t stand it if you got hurt again because of me. I don’t want to leave you, I don’t!!! But I have to... Kacchan..!”
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Please, I hope you can somehow understand that my leaving is the one thing left I can do to repay you for all of these kindnesses you’ve given me this past year, Kacchan. More than anything, I just want everyone to be able to smile again. Thank you for everything, I’m sorry... and goodbye.
Izuku yori.
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Happy BakuDeku Day 8/9 everyone!
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bkdk-all-day-err-day · 3 months
Dear Nikki-san COVER ART!
I am beyond excited to share that Dear Nikki-san now has its first official cover art!! Thanks to the wonderful @bectara-art-and-writing for this AMAZING artwork and to my bestie @selfindulgentkitten who commissioned them to create this for me. I love you both so much 🥺🥺🥺 Best Birthday present ever!! 😍😍😍 Please go send them ALL the love!!! ❤❤❤
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tinieoreos · 7 months
😡 Grumpy Kacchan. ( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。)💢 ft. Caregiver!Izuku & Tiny!Katsuki
“Cmere Kacchan, I think you need some quiet time.” Izuku says with a small chuckle and holds his arms open with a smile.
Kacchan throws his crayon on the table with a huff as he gets up and shuffles over on his knees with a frown, his arms begrudgingly crossed against his chest until he stops right in front of Zuku, glaring at him menacingly.
Izuku waits patiently as he watches Kacchan slowly scoot over and let out a little whine, turning his head away and looking from his papa’s smiling face defiantly. Papa’s silly, little smile wont make him cave this time, nope.. nuh uh. He sneakily (not really..) peeks over to see if his caregiver moved an inch while he boldly flashes him a proud, little smirk that screams ‘Nope. Not doing what you want today, Zuku.’ to show him who’s boss and he notices that Zuku’s trying to hold in a laugh…
Feeling Utterly offended, his smirk drops into a frowny little pout and he lets out another annoyed whine at not getting the reaction he wanted. But before he could think of his next evil plan to get out of quiet time, he squeaks out a suprised noise when he’s pulled down into his caregiver’s arms.
“Fussy, fussy baby!” Izuku says between laughs and playfully scoops up his little one in his arms and tickles him all over, making his little pout disappear instantly and be replaced with little giggles instead. He blows little raspberries on his cheek to hear his baby laugh and smile, he loves his pretty baby so, so much.
After things have calmed down, Kacchan sits in his lap and clings to him koala style, burying his face in his papa’s neck and whining softly with a pout, his eyelids growing more heavy by the second as he clings to him. “‘m sleepy zuku..” he mumbles out quietly and relaxes against his chest as his eyes start to close. “Then sleep baby, I’ll be right here when you wake up, okay?” Izuku whispers and gently rubs little circles in his back to soothe him, gently rocking him to sleep.
Izuku can feel the grip on his sweatshirt slowly begin to loosen up and he cards his fingers through his little one’s hair, lightly scratching at his scalp to further relax him and he has to restrain everything in him not to laugh and end up shaking him awake at seeing his frown slowly disappear off his face and the corners of his mouth turning up into a happy, sleepy little smile.
My baby.. He smiles to himself and plants a kiss on his forehead and watches as he falls asleep in his arms, there’s no place he’d rather be than right here with his little one, Goodnight Kacchan.❤️
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(God, this has been sitting in my drafts for so long, this was superr self indulgent and i wrote it when i was going through a tough time :’) so it means alot to meee,, meowmeow :3 )
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ilovereadingandstuff · 2 months
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aromanticannibal · 17 days
I mean. He DOES love sharing Kacchan knowledge in detail even though no one asked.
really really
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softer-ua · 11 months
Villain getting handcuffed and put in the van
🐷: … you mean the top three hero’s??? You can’t call the hero’s of our nation freaks?!
🦹🏼: Look at them!!! The blonde clearly has rabies, he’s literally frothing at the mouth and has tried to bite me once already?!! The red and white haired freak in the boiler man suit hasn’t blinked once since he arrived, not once!!!
🦹🏼:And, and the green one?!! His smile hasn’t wavered, not even when he dislocated my knee with his steal shoes, not even when I managed to have a street lamp fall on him, not when the unblinking maintenance guy set my cap on fire and trapped the remains ice(chocking me!!), not when the blonde dog blew up a overhanging statue and almost killed me and he smiled even brighter!!!
🦹🏼: in fucking fact he’s only gotten happier?!!! He’s loving that he’s holding that rabid fucker back from biting me!!! He’s a psychopath!!! He’s a deranged menace who not only enjoys hurting me but gets satisfaction from being hit, frankly I don’t think his heavy breathing is from exertion, I think he’s imagining letting the blonde rip out my spleen rn
🐷: you’re the insane one here buddy, those three are shining pillars of our community and you should show some respect!
🦹🏼: this can’t be legal, it’s at minimum excessive force, and it feels cruel and unusual
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I was trying so hard to copy but then I saw the new drawing of Noguchi and... tears popped out again...
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Please, send some hope out there... 🧡💥😭
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pocketrabi · 2 years
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I forgot to post this LOL
Come on, Kacchan, smile!
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scarlet-traveler · 1 year
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Today marks one year since I started posting fics on AO3! Throwback to my first MHA fic featuring Bakugou and Deku bonding over videogames and shared fears. I think I've come a long way writing-wise this past year, but I'm still proud of this piece. 🥰
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fever-dreamer97 · 3 months
Izuku: Oh, an email from Kacchan. ‘Dear nerd, I hope this email finds you before I do…’ Oh, God.
Todoroki, walks in: Hey Midoriya, Bakugo says he’s looking for you-
Izuku, runs and jumps out the window: I WAS NEVER HERE.
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gglitch1dd · 2 months
Well... aren't you a pretty doll?
Army soldier Midoriya Izuku x Secretary Reader
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Context: You accidentally spill your soda on a man and he's smitten right away.
Note: Just a fluffy meet-cute. Set in the 1950s.
[PART 2]
“Well you know what they say, Midoriya, you can’t drop your eggs and cry about it too.” Iida commented as the group of men sat down in the diner. It was late in the evenings when the group of them had decided to sit down and share a meal before going back to their own barracks.
Bakugou shook his head with a tsk. “Yoshida had no right to tell me to do all those drills when I wasn’t even the one talkin’.” He stated with a clear dislike for their leading Colonel. He scowled as he sipped on his cola. “Next time I see the fucker, I’ll knock him right in the jaw.”
“Well I seriously doubt that, Kacchan.” Midoriya stated with a laugh as he leaned back in his seat. He had his jacket off, allowing him to lean back freely in the cushioned boof chair. He couldn’t deny that he enjoyed being off the clock, having time out with his friends made life all the more marrier.
Kirishima chuckled. “Not with the way Colonel was staring him down, he aint.” The large man motioned to the blond making him roll his eyes.
Midoriya shook his head as he stood up out of the boof. “Heading to the john, I’ll be right-”
Suddenly he was knocked right in the chest making him take a step back and grabbing whoever it was who fell into his arms. A glass of cola toppled on the tray and landed right on his shirt, trickling down his front. “Oh dear me! I’m so sorry, sir.” A hurried voice came out of the woman who stood in his arms. She shook her head furiously. “I tripped over someone’s foot and-”
Suddenly the most beautiful eyes were staring up at him. Your eyes. Midoriya paused as he looked down at you, his eyes wide at the sight of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. You were dressed in a pretty little pencil skirt and a button down short shirt. You looked so put together and pristine and it honestly almost made the man blush.
He stared down at you with wide stricken green eyes, the most beautiful you had ever seen in your life. His hair was slicked back and combed to perfection, typical of army regulation and he wore long pants and a button down as well. You could tell he was a soldier as were most men in the diner here in this army town.
“My, my, my…” His voice let out in disbelief as he stared down at you. “Aren’t you a pretty little doll?” He said more to himself than to you, his eyes looking over your form as you stood still against him.
You perked up at the compliment, feeling your face burn. You took a step back away from him. “I’m so sorry.” You bowed at the waist to him. “I hope you can forgive me.”
Midoriya smiled. “There’s no harm done. A little wet but my pride wasn’t bruised.” He assured you. “What’s a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?” He asked you referencing to the diner.
You looked down with a blush letting out a soft laugh. “Well, sir I work here.”
“In the diner?” He asked shocked. He looked over your outfit once more, noticing your pretty heels. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a formal waitress.”
You laughed at the mistake. “No, I work in town. I’m a secretary. I am here with my friends.” You told him, motioning to a group of women nearby at a boof who were spying on you but quickly looked away at the sight of Midoriya’s eyes on them.
He scoffed before turning to look down at you. “You’re a secretary?”
You nodded your head dutifully, a customary bow of the head showing that you were trained well in your job especially when it came to interacting with army men. You tilted your head. “Why do you ask? Is it so surprising?  You wanted me to be something else?”
“Well no. On the contrary, I think a smart woman like yourself that can handle a job is stronger than you lead on.” His words surprised you, making your eyebrows raise. Of course you would likely never get a job like any of the men could but you were glad with what you had. He smiled down at you. “It’s an honour to make your acquaintance, ma’am.” He bowed at the waist. “I am Corporal Midoriya Izuku.” He introduced himself.
Your eyes widened at the ranking. You looked at him rather impressed before chuckling. “Well Corporal, thank you for your understanding. If there is any way I could repay you…”
Midoriya straightened up, putting his hands in his pockets. “How about you allow me to take you out dancing?” He asked with an eased smile. “On Friday. Me and the guys are heading to the pub.”
You glanced at his group of friends who all were quietly watching the exchange as well. You chuckled and turned around, “How could I say no to that?” You asked rhetorically as you took your semi-empty cup back to your table.
“Wait. What’s your name, doll?” He asked
You turned back to look at him and he was sure you had captured his heart right then and there. With your body perfectly highlighted by your uniform and your eyes locked on him, he could have drowned in your eyes. “L/N Y/N.” You revealed to him.
“Well I’ll see you on Friday, Miss L/N.” He nodded his head to you. You nodded your head with a barely contained smile as you scurried away from him.
He watched you for a moment, wondering why he had never seen you at headquarters before and which lucky man had you working for him. He of course, was not yet paid enough to know everything about everyone, but he made sure that he did. If he wanted to rise up the ranks he had to impress people, but he had never been so spun before.
He turned to look at the guys with a surprised look.
Sato let out a laugh as he leaned back, a toothpick in his mouth. “Look at you, Casanova.” He motioned to Izuku. “You got yourself a little miss.”
He shook his head with a chuckle. “Oh no… not yet.”
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oshiawaseni · 1 year
Hori drew this sketch of Kacchan roughing up Izuku over Hori's cover art decision making in Volume 37 and I AM WEAK
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Katsuki: "A scene like this never happened, right?" Izuku: "There were too many scenes he wanted to put on the cover, so it ended up being an illustration of what he imagined instead. (because he couldn't decide...)"
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Kacchan knows this scene didn't happen in the manga, but he's not 100% sure because he was unconscious and he’s also really embarrassed by the drawing ^^; So out came his "Ya better tell ‘em that ya didn't actually do this!!” type attitude with Izuku HAHAHAH! He's too much! Tsundere Kacchan, my beloved! ❀• *₊°。ೋღ
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explodok1lls · 6 days
izuku caught-a-kacchan. put him in your pocket dear, never let him go.
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selene-19 · 1 month
Seriously, the kid Kacchan and Izuku with their All Might card then Teenage Katsuki with the card then in the end Izuku holding the card looking at it and he held it so dear 🥹🫠
Can I even watched this and break all over again 😭
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polonium-snap · 1 year
AU where Deku gets a dog (yes a Pomeranian) named Kacchan and gushes to everyone how cute he is and all that, except Izuku talks about the dog in a way that you can’t tell he’s talking about a dog. So everyone assumes Kacchan is Izuku’s boyfriend.
Deku doesn’t realize people think Kacchan is his boyfriend until much later when he and his ‘boyfriend’ are invited so an engagement party or something.
But then Uraraka is like: “I’m so excited to meet your boyfriend!”
“Huh? Boyfriend?” Deku says confused.
“Yeah? You know this Kacchan you always talk about?”
“Oh,” Izuku, finally connecting all the little things people had told him over months. “Oh.”
So naturally he has to find a fake boyfriend now, because he’s in too deep. Enter Katsuki who accidentally made Izuku drop his one of a kind All Might collection book into a fountain. Katsuki owes Izuku and since he hates owing anything to anyone accepts being a fake boyfriend.
Somehow the pull it off so well because the Pomeranian is so much like the real Katsuki everything fits so well.
“Yeah dude, honestly sometimes I wondered if you were talking about an actual dog when you talked about your dear ‘Kacchan’ haha.” Sero jokes. “But now I see where you come from.”
“Ha ha ha, yeah!” Izuku says nervously.
“Oi! Hold on, did you just call me a fucking dog?!”
By the end BkDk realize they have really good chemistry and start dating.
To this day no one can tell if Izuku is talking about his boyfriend or his dog.
Todoroki is convinced Katsuki is a weredog Pomeranian.
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(Shitty doodle I made)
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legendzjagz · 6 months
Izuku: *in the common area slightly annoyed Kacchan didn’t kiss him when he came down for breakfast* This past year I lost my dear Kacchan
Izuku: Sometimes I can still hear his voice
Kacchan: *clearly standing in the kitchen holding a ladle*
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