#dear ol'
dear-ol-bot · 1 year
The Dear Ol's
Hello! I've been meaning to create stories with these characters but have been pretty lazy! Didn't help that I got Covid also and then immediately got another illness after that where I got prescribed medicine that makes you sleepy as a side effect RIP
(I meant to finish this on the first day of this month and I started like a few days before that so I guess that's how things are going)
So the Dear Ol' thing is like my own take on what a title(?) for nonbinary characters in the Mr Men universe would be like! The idea was to make the title as general as possible! Honestly, I'm still wondering if it should have been "Ol'" or "Old"! I know that Mx exists though! I do like it and I honestly don't remember why I don't just use that, but I'm much too attached to "Dear Ol'" at this point tbh! Oh, maybe this Dear Ol' thing could just be my own thing now that I think about it LOL
Anyways, I actually came up with some Dear Ol' characters! Press "Read More" for some Dear Ol's that I came up with as of current! I haven't designed how they would look yet, but I have some general ideas! I will either draw them individually (like as on the covers of the books) first, or just draw them all in one picture, or reveal them along with their own story (please trust that I will actually not be lazy and create them eventually (impossible))! So far, I only have a general idea of their personality and plot!
Dear Ol' Oblivious
As if living in their own bubble, they tend to be very oblivious to what is happening around them! Not only that, but it seems that they are not able to read between the lines! You have to tell them precisely what you want or what you mean or else they just won't get it!
Dear Ol' Memory
They actually have another alternative name, which is Dear Ol Archivist! This character was truly inspired by the Internet Archive, hence the alternative name! Dear OI' Memory is the kind of people who would love to write in their diaries, take pictures, and maybe even make scrapbooks with them!
The story reveals the reason why they feel like it is important for them to keep these memories, but I think you may be able to guess what the reason may be already! Maybe it's something that you may personally relate to?
You can't stop the whimsy.
Dear Ol' Whimsy
A pretty jolly fellow, just living their own life, hopping around trees and buildings and sometimes doing a silly little dance just for the heck of it! They're pretty tiny too, probably the tiniest one on this list! Seeing them living their life would probably make witnesses feel a little bit joyful and whimsical themselves!
Just hope that you don't become their target whenever they decide to feel just a bit mischievous that day! Even if you do get targeted, please do not make too funny of a reaction that you become one of their regular targets!
Sure, you can always try to stop them from playing tricks on you! Maybe even try to stop them from being so whimsical if you don't like whimsy! Try as you might, but soon enough you'll learn a very important lesson!
Dear Ol' Elusive
Ok, so this is a very strange one because I technically have finished drawing them! That's because you won't be able to see them at all or at least not that much, not even on the cover! This obviously won't be a good idea for a book just for that alone LOL
The plot for this one is also very strange! I'm actually not too sure if this story would work or end at all! The story is that some of the other characters have managed to see a glimpse of them, though not enough to confidently define some features! It's just that whenever they look even a millisecond at them, they kind of just ran away! Nobody knew who this is and why they keep escaping. Some of them had been making theories on what kind of person they may be, and some of them even tried to look for them and might even go so far as to try to trap them just so they can get some answers! However, this whole ordeal does bring up some interesting questions: just when are we going too far to know someone, and do we really need to know who they are?
Dear Ol' Villain
Dear Ol' Kind
Dressed like a villain, acts like a villain, too bad it takes more than that to be one! They really want to be a villain just because they feel like it's so much more fun than being all nice, but unfortunately for them, they're really awful at trying to do evil things!
It seems that in pretty much every evil scheme that they carry out, there's always a positive thing that comes out of it that greatly outweighs the con! Basically this one ProZD skit (they're literally based on this skit)
Of course, because of that, nobody really considers them as a threat! They're kind of a cringefail tbh, the poor thing! At least they will also have a happy ending in their story!
Probably the simplest character in here, they are simply a very kind person! They always try to give help to those who need them, and do not expect anything in return!
Their plot doesn't revolve around how kind they are though! Instead, it will be about a rather unusual but welcome chain of events one day caused by one of their kind gestures! A chain of events that they don't even realize was caused by them!
Dear Ol' Bot
Oh no this isn't a character, it's actually just me, but I do have Dear Ol' on my name after all LOL
I guess this technically doubles as a reintroduction!
Hello there!!!! I really like robots and machines and stuff! That's actually why I named myself Dear Ol' Bot! :]
Anyways hope you guys will like these characters when they're finished!!!!
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ruija · 7 months
Yall are gonna lose your minds when I finish this animatic I'm working on. It's based on a rottmnt fic, a lot of you probably know.
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leighsartworks216 · 11 months
Rogue Tav who treats picking locks the same way the Lockpicking Lawyer does
Oh nooo it's locked *jams the lockpick in and wiggles it around with the most bored expression and it opens in a second* Wow sooo secure
Astarion challenging them to see who can open a padlock faster and Tav is like okay sure
They ask for two padlocks. Astarion thinks they're going to try showing him up by unlocking them both before him
The timer starts
Tav hits the padlock open with the other and stares dead at Astarion as he's only just got the pick in the lock
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slavhew · 3 months
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everything is transient. only an easy to draw guy is forever
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smile-files · 1 year
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she then started wiping his face with a handkerchief, confused
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janearts · 9 months
What's Roisa's reaction to meeting Balthazar?
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Roisia was thrilled to step into the Thorm Mausoleum, in much the same way a small child might be enthralled at a sweet shop: there's so much potential, so much to grab for oneself. Only, Roisia didn't see Balthazar as a candy man, but as another sweet on offer. He's not much of a role model as a Necromancer defying death—Roisia has some vanity within her and would rather go into undeath looking more like Ketheric than like Balthazar—but his powers, his research, and his things are all worth coveting.
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daintev · 2 months
Greif, fear and pride
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Wonder how it feels sending off one of your sons to a unknown job with no idea what he does everyday, afraid you might lose him like your other sons, then seeing him carry that reminder close to his heart can feel like a lot.
Always loved the idea of the tags belonging to Scout's brothers and being gifted them once he became a mercenary.
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Some random sketches from a couple of weeks ago when I was still figuring out how to draw Scout :]
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saturnvs · 4 months
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wet on wet, attempts at some art therapy at home
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akemima · 1 year
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Canon howdys such a bitch i love him
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shroudkeeper · 9 months
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Dear Mister Fitzgerald: I granted your desire to stand at the side of my daughter, but in turn, I wish for you to grant mine, and that is giving her the chance to see the beauty of the world beyond these shores. She, whose eyes have long been accustomed to loss and darkness, has yet to experience the vast palette of lucid colors that make up life upon this mortal plane. Show the places she has yet to see; introduce her to sunsets and sunrises from one end of the sea to the other. ..one who is burdened with such a duty should have means of respite, and I will ask of you to grant that to her; give her the life that a cage would not allow.
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loftwingsuarus · 1 month
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More death defiances please
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marlynnofmany · 5 months
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(I left this tab open to come back and reblog it later, then OP decided 33k notes in 6 days was enough to see and turned off reblogs.)
But still wanna share my half-finished sculpture of Mudtail, the cinnamon roll alien with a speech impediment! He is very friend-shaped, and someday I'll finish it.
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nightmarewritings · 1 year
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From the Behind the Scenes of Renfield, the dearly departed patriarch of the Lobo family is on full display in their compound!
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Hey! For comic reasons does anyone have any fucking clue what Schedar is even wearing? Or like, any suggestions for the NPCs clothing, like Rigel, Cas, Giana? We only get headshots and that's fine for the game, but I want more so shoot me with ideas please!
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voidwraith · 1 year
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catfindr · 2 years
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