#dearest boy
Dearest Boy
Summary: Matías loves his mother and sisters, but the same can not be said about his father.
A/N: This is a continuation of the AU One-Shot I wrote, Dark Paradise. So if you haven’t read that yet I highly suggest you do.But basically the Greens won, Aegon was never burned in battle, Helaena is alive but mentally isn’t doing well, Jaehaera is the only child of Aegon and Helaena who survived, and the most important thing to remember is Adrian never managed to go back to her world.Also, for those who are wondering Matías face-claim is Tom Blyth.
Warnings: Childbirth, miscarriages, children wanting to commit patricide, mentions of non-con and drugging by milk of the poppy, Aemond being a shitty husband by getting Adrian pregnant despite her physical and mental health, a severely depressed Adrian, surprisingly Aemond’s a good (?) father mainly to his daughters but that doesn’t excuse his possessiveness/obsessiveness toward his wife, incest (duh this is HotD).
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The birth of Adrian’s only son took half as long as the birth of her twin daughters. Her water broke in the middle of a luncheon in the room she was being kept in by the orders of her husband. She screamed at the first contraction and didn’t stop screaming until after the sun went down.
There were hardly any stars that night as a storm had formed, loud as the woman who was bringing new life into the world. A world that was not the one she was born into. A world she was not allowed to leave and go back to her real home because of her husband’s selfishness.  
“A healthy baby boy, my prince and princess.” Grand Maester Orwyle informed the married couple once he gave the infant a quick clean. His skin was as fair as snow with tufts of silver hair on his head. “He has your coloring, my prince.”
Aemond stared at his son, blinking and eye shining but with no tears shed. His son’s squirming and crying hadn’t ceased since taking his first breath. Aemond released a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding in. “A son.” He whispered, amazement slipping through when trying to reach for him but the one-eyed prince didn’t get to him in time.
“Matías.” Adrian suddenly declared, voice steady even after having given birth. The excruciating pain she felt from below went ignored by her. She pushed her exhausted body up, drenched in blood and sweat against the wooden headboard.
A few midwives tried approaching, insisting she needed to lie down but Adrian was quick to shoo them away.
“His name is Matías, in honor of my mother Marta.” Unlike the last time she gave birth, Adrian would not allow Aemond to take away her chance in naming her child.
My Matías, Adrian spared a glare at Aemond before softening her eyes when looking at her son.
Aemond had been adamant in holding her while she gave birth. He finally backed off when she slapped him during mid-push, taking off his eyepatch and revealing his sapphire. He kept his distance since then and hadn’t bothered to put his eyepatch back on.
“Give him to me.” Adrian who at twenty-five years old, now a mother of three, ordered with her arms out. “Give me my son.” Her hoarse voice from all the screaming she’d done for the last eight hours left little room for argument from either the grand maester or Aemond.
The moment her baby boy was in her arms his crying and squirming had come to an end. His eyes slowly opened and when he looked up Adrian could see the indigo in them. She smiled tearfully, not thinking of her asshat of a husband but instead her daughter Visenya who shared the same eye color as her brother. She gently kissed his forehead, snuggling him closer as she whispered words of love and protection.
Aemond reluctantly stood from afar because of her earlier slap, frowning and ever watchful.
Not once on the stormy night her dearest boy, her precious son, was born did Adrian let Aemond hold, or even come anywhere near him.
Matías was hers not Aemond’s, and he never would be.
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Ten years later
From an early age Matías was aware that he did not like his father. And the older he got the more he thought hate was a much better appropriate word for how he felt about him.
The list of people the boy of only ten years old hated was short, but the list of people he did love was not very long either.
There weren’t many people he trusted in King’s Landing aside from his mother and sisters.
His great grandsire Otto was stern, too stern in his opinion. At his old wrinkly age he wasn’t a joy to be around. So Matías’ solo interactions with him were infrequent.
As for his grandmother Alicent, the Dowager Queen now that his aunt Helaena had taken her place, was not someone Matías’ liked being around for long periods of time. She could get quite overwhelming, and frankly her attempts at bonding were as irritating as his father’s. They both acted as if things were fine, neither ever acknowledging the misery they’ve brought upon his mother.
When it came to his aunt Helaena, as much as Matías wanted to form a connection with her, the older woman was rarely there, lacking sound of mind. He’d been told by his mother that his aunt lost both of her sons during the war, and because of that she was no longer the same as before.
Jaehaera, his soft-spoken cousin, was the only child left of Helaena and Aegon Targaryen. Whenever Helaena was with Jaehaera he was able to catch a glimpse of what he thought was the old Helaena, lilac eyes bright and face full of vibrant peculiarity. But even those moments with her daughter never lasted.
His aunt Helaena might as well have been a stranger to Matías. The same thing could be said about his uncle Aegon. However unlike with his aunt Helaena who Matías tried getting to know, he downright ignored his uncle Aegon as much as he could.
Between his siblings, his sister Valaena interacted the most with their impertinent uncle. Valaena more than once had dumped water on Aegon in order to wake him during the middle of a meal, or did some sort of prank on him while Matías watched from the side, amused.
For not even the entertaining pranks on his uncle by one of his sisters was enough to have Matías approach him. Aegon’s drinking was the reason for that. Inebriated people disturbed Matías greatly and Aegon, even after winning the war, still went deep into his cups.
Truthfully the only family member on his father’s side Matías liked being around was his uncle Daeron. Aside from him being an overall pleasant person, Daeron also frequently talked about Julieta with him.
His mother’s younger sister and Matías' aunt, who his uncle Daeron was fortunate enough to meet way back. But with his smiles came the longing in his eyes whenever talking about the youngest Reyes sister.
Daeron may have never told him his true feelings for mother’s sister who remained in her world, but Matías figured it out on his own at a young age.  
At the very least his uncle Daeron wasn’t like his father.
An obsessive twat.  
Daeron ended up marrying Floris Baratheon, the youngest of the Four Storm sisters. They now had two boys together. Even though it was obvious to Matías that Daeron’s heart belonged to someone else, not once in his marriage with Floris had he hurt her.
Once upon a time Matías had wondered, what if his aunt Julieta had stayed in this world like his mother? Would uncle Daeron have turned out like his father?
Matías’ mind changed completely once seeing his uncle Daeron comforting his mother.  
Daeron didn’t live in King’s Landing with them, but rather in Oldtown with his wife and sons. To this day he visited whenever he could and would always bring new books with him to give to his mother, and with books came the sweets. He’d give them to her, and then kept his mother company in the gardens, often talking about Julieta. And everytime they did it ended with him saying he hoped she was healthy and happy.
This was proof enough that Daeron truly was kind and had no ulterior motives. The same could not be said about his father. Daeron and Aemond were brothers but they were so vastly different. He didn’t even share many qualities with Aegon either, which Matías thought was a good thing.
Today Daeron had come to visit them but he didn’t stay for long. On dragonback he returned to Oldtown to his wife and two sons before dinner was served. Daeron’s she-dragon Tessarion was one of the few dragons that were left after the war.
A total of six dragons remained, three of which were new dragons.
Vhagar in her old age surprised everyone, her rider the most, by laying a clutch of a total of three eggs a fortnight after Matías was born.
Three eggs.  
One for Matías, which was placed next to his cradle and the other two for the twins who did not get to have dragon eggs of their own when they'd been born a year ago.
Another fortnight passed before all three eggs hatched simultaneously.  
Visenya’s she-dragon Saphira, who Aemond named for her before Adrian ever had a chance to, was a stunning steel blue. Valaena’s own she-dragon, Dawnfire, who Aemond also named, was an intriguing mixture of bronze, orange and yellow colors.  
It was Matías’ dragon, the only male of the clutch, that let everyone know who must’ve sired the eggs with Vhagar.
Matías' dragon Aurelius was given the name by Adrian in honor of her grandmother Aurelia. Aemond hadn’t taken that opportunity away from her, much like when naming her son.
Aurelius was black with only his tail having the same coloring as Vhagar, and was already twice the size of his female siblings. His eyes instead of a green and brownish color was a pure copper, exactly like Vhagar.
The three new dragons stayed with the older dragons in the Dragonpit which had been rebuilt. Vhagar and Cannibal were able to reside in the Dragonpit because of how spacious they made it.
Cannibal though was now kept locked away from the other dragons, and Matías knew this was done on purpose. He never saw his mother ride her ferocious dragon, and whenever he asked her about him all she could get out was how lonely her sweetface of a dragon must be. Once his mother’s dark brown eyes filled with tears he stopped asking further questions about the Cannibal.
Matías hated seeing his mother cry but unfortunately it was something he witnessed a lot growing up, especially while in the presence of his father.
The family of five was now having dinner in his grandmother’s apartments. The Dowager Queen was not with them, having gone off to be with Helaena who was having a bad day, more so than usual. The Queen often had days where she could not get out of bed, mumbling the names of the sons she had lost because of the war.
His great grandsire Otto preferred having dinner alone in his solar. Quite frankly, Matías preferred that too.
Aegon was shockingly not passed out drunk in his chambers but instead made his way to the royal gardens to be with his daughter. Jaehaera had mentioned to them about wanting to watch the bugs that light up in the night as she ate her dinner.
Matías' mother said in her world they were called fireflies.
Jaehaera, in similarity to what Helaena used to do, frequented the royal gardens, mornings and afternoons, reading about the bugs Helaena once loved to talk about according to his mother.
His uncle Aegon tagged along with Jaehaera during these visits, but would keep quiet, his gaze on his daughter one of sadness. And he knew this because of his sister Visenya.
Like Jaehaera, Visenya also loved the royal gardens. She and Jaehaera spent a lot of time there together, sometimes even with Aegon who looked like a melancholic statue of himself.
But as Visenya spoke all she could mention about today was the positives, even if they were small. Matías' sister Visenya was the ray of sunshine his desolate family desperately needed.
“I saw a beautiful butterfly today that reminded me of Saphira but I didn’t have the heart to keep her so I let her go.”
Aemond hummed, smiling at his eldest daughter, the most sensitive of the twins. His sweet Visenya. He turned to look at his wife, his smile dimming at the far away look he saw.
“My love?” He squeezed her hand. “Did you hear what our daughter just said?”
As if she were slapped Adrian reacted with a jerk, her posture straightened. She controlled her breathing when Aemond gave her hand another squeeze. She didn’t spare him a glance, only looking at her daughter. “Yes…of course.” She gave what little smile she could muster these days. “That was nice of you, to let the butterfly go. A lively creature like that shouldn’t be kept in captivity.”
Any other words were shoved down her throat when Aemond cleared his own throat, his hand squeezing hers again. She could only blink as he leaned down to press his lips to her cheek.
There was a clang and everyone at the table turned to Matías, the reason for the noise. His goblet had fallen onto the table, spilling his water. He simply shrugged shoulders, holding back his smile from seeing his mother use the distraction to remove her hand from his father’s.
Aemond waved over a serving girl to clean up the mess. As he did so he caught his daughter, the youngest of the twins, Valaena, staring at him. Well, it was more glaring than simply staring. She was stabbing her piece of lamb on her plate repeatedly with her knife, narrowing her dark brown eyes at him with every twist she did.
“Valaena, what did I say about playing with your food?” Aemond questioned his daughter who possessed so much fire in her. Some days though she resembled a rabid wolf than a dragon.
Valaena stabbed her piece of lamb again, a lot harder than before and never breaking eye contact with him. From beside her Visenya passed a napkin which Valaena took with a quiet thank you. She set the napkin on her lap, and then continued stabbing her piece of lamb.  
Aemond opened his mouth, ready to scold his daughter to quit acting out but his wife’s soft voice beat him to it.
Unlike how she reacted to her father, Valaena listened to her mother with no retorts, or questions.
“Yes mother.”
The youngest of the twins set aside her knife and grabbed a fork. She resumed eating the already cut pieces, making sure to nod her mother’s way before giving her father another glare.  
Aemond merely huffed, returning his attention toward his wife again. Like before Adrian was in her own world again, looking ahead but with nothing in mind.
His sister Helaena and his wife shared this in common. He, however, thought Helaena to be more vacant than Adrian. That did not discourage him from kissing his wife’s cheek again.
Aemond didn’t see Visenya's expression change into concern when looking at her mother, or the glares his other two children were giving him.
The rest of dinner went quietly with the exception of Visenya who occasionally added a comment in an attempt to break tension.
Matías looked over to his mother’s plate that had barely been touched. This sadly wasn’t surprising. His mother barely ate nowadays, not even when her favorite meals were served to her. She disliked meat, so she was always served fruits and vegetables but that did nothing to get her appetite back. However, as long as his father saw her take a bite or two he would be satisfied.
“Come my perzys hen ñuha prūmia, I wish for us to head back to our chambers. The children will see themselves out once they finish their desserts.”
Aemond smiled, his arm wrapping around Adrian’s waist to guide her to stand. His hand settled on her stomach as he led them to their chambers. His smile almost vanished at the flatness he felt. There was no bump but soon enough there will be, tonight would ensure that.
From the way Adrian walked slowly, trying to separate herself from him it seemed he would need to have tea dosed with the milk of the poppy be made for her tonight. That always did the trick to make her more compliant to his affections, something he started doing a few years following Matías’ birth. After Aemond beheaded Alys, the raven haired and emerald eyed witch who corrupted his lovely wife.  
Adrian caught on quickly to what he was doing to her, resulting in him needing to have her be held down so he could force the tea down her throat. Lately, she’d been fighting less as if realizing there was no point in trying to get him off her. He would have her whether she wanted it or not.  
Some may view it as an immoral thing to do, maybe even rivaling Aegon’s terrible ways but unlike his eldest brother who treated women with a cruel hand, Aemond was nothing but loving and generous to his wife even when she was nearing an unconscious state. He always made sure Adrian was wet enough by licking her pearl of nerves, waiting until she peaked in her haze. Afterwards he would finally sink into her, tight as ever until her peachy slick leaked along with his seed.
Aemond had been telling himself for years now that there was nothing wrong with his actions, for Adrian was his wife and this was her duty. She would do what a wife must to please her husband, even if she needed to be on milk of the poppy to do so.
Matías glared at his father’s tall retreating form. He wanted to rip him away from his mother, knowing even in his young mind how much she hated being near him. Matías had seen her looks of disgust, the way she would recoil from his touches. He wasn’t blind like his father was despite his remaining eye.
Alas, Matías was only a boy of ten years, and there was only so much he could do. He’d frequently repeat this in his head to feel less guilty, but nevertheless he felt like he was failing his mother. He switched his gaze over to Valaena, who he was aware she felt the same as him.
“Visenya, why don’t you head back to your chambers.” Valaena suggested in a casual manner once their mother and father were gone.
Visenya frowned a little, glancing down at her plate. “But I haven’t finished my dessert yet. It’s marzipan cake. Father had it especially made for us.”
Marzipan cake was a dessert that both twins favored, although Valaena didn't show as much gratitude, or any really, to their father as Visenya did. Neither Valaena or Matías faulted her for this since Visenya was a naturally kind person to everyone . Her kindness even extended to their uncle Aegon.
Someone could literally yell at Visenya and she’d find some reason to apologize to them. Anyone that did dare yell at her would suffer the dire consequences from Matías and Valaena.
The point was they seriously doubted Visenya had a single mean bone in that small body of hers.
Now Matías didn’t enjoy marzipan cake as much as the twins, being more partial to strawberry pudding. But that didn’t really matter to his father. Were Matías’ feelings hurt that his father didn’t serve his favorite dessert as much as his twin sisters? No, not really. Seeing Visenya happy was a sight to behold, and Valaena would agree with him.
Valaena gave her older twin a shrug. “Take it with you then. Here, you can take my slice.” She slid her plate that had her slice of untouched marzipan cake. She wasn’t going to eat it anyways, she hardly ever ate desserts that were made from her father’s orders. If her mother had especially made it for her that would’ve been a different story.
Matías slid his own plate over to his eldest sister, smiling for her sake. “Take mine as well.”
Visenya returned the smile, kissing both of her siblings on the forehead before skipping off with her plate that now had three slices of marzipan cake.
It didn’t take much convincing the servers that were there to leave. There were guards but they were stationed outside, meaning the young siblings were able to speak freely now that it was just the two of them in their grandmother’s apartments.
“I hate him.” Matías hissed like a snake ready to sink its venom in its prey, or in this case its enemy.
“The feeling is mutual.” Valaena agreed, her tone as acidic as his.
Matías pursed his lips the exact same way his mother would. He looked at where his mother had sat and then over to father’s chair. His indigo eyes darkened. “Maybe he’ll have an accident and fall down the stairs.”
“Oh, baby brother…” Valaena smiled, though it did not reach her dark brown eyes. “If only we were that lucky.” Her face then hardened as much as it could at the age of eleven. “But even so, him falling down the stairs to his death would be too quick, too peaceful in my opinion.”
Matías realized the same as her, and then started thinking of different ways his father could perish, more painful and unimaginable.
The air in the room suddenly got cold but Matías’ blood hadn’t stopped boiling. “I don’t like mother being alone with him.”
Valaena’s expression was a mixture of anger and anguish. “Me neither.” She responded, knife in hand, stabbing what was left of her lamb. Her father’s face was who she pictured with each stab and twist.
Later on in the night Matías had awoken from a terrible nightmare. In this terrible nightmare his father was hurting his mother. Her cries for help echoed in his head as he got out of bed and ran to his parents chambers.
Matías wanted to see his mother to make sure she was okay but two guards prevented his entrance. He was escorted back to his chambers where he was forced to stay with an awful feeling in his stomach.
The young boy of ten cried himself to sleep, worrying about his mother.
Matías had no idea just how right he was to worry. His mother had been drugged, and left vulnerable to her husband’s lustful urges. That night in her half-conscious state, lying next to a man she did not love, feeling used and dirty, Adrian cried herself to sleep as well.
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Nine years later
At nine and ten Matías knew the fucked up lengths his father would go through to keep his mother tied to him.
His good-hearted mother, who wasn’t doing so well. Her body was much like a wilting flower, and her mind wasn’t doing any better either.  
And his father was to blame for all this.
At his mother’s late age of four and forty she suffered the loss of yet another child. Her fourth miscarriage after having him, with this pregnancy not even lasting two months.
This very morning Matías had awoken to his father yelling for the maester and when he ran into his parents’ chambers he got a glimpse of his mother. Her white nightgown and bed had been stained with so much blood. There was an empty look to her and she was unresponsive to his father. The one-eyed mad man showed more emotion, more anger as he paced around, pulling at his long silver strands.
Matías only managed to choke out his mother’s name, her dark brown eyes, dull as ever, switched over to him as he was pushed outside by orders of his father. He called out for his mother once more, only to have the doors shut in his face as his father attempted to console her. But Matías, unlike his father, wasn’t blind and even with the doors closing in on him he’d seen the way his mother cringed at his touch.  
Knowing there was no use in trying to enter his parents' chambers now that it was guarded and locked, Matías had instead gone to the training yard. With a sword in hand he began striking the training dummy, imagining it was his father. How he desperately wished he was the one to bleed instead of his mother.
That’s where Valaena found him.
Matías didn’t need to turn around, he just knew his sister stood a few feet behind him. He heard growing up that it was twins who were always able to sense each other’s presence. That was true when it came to Visenya and Valaena, but it was also true with Matías and both of his sisters.
“Visenya is with mother.” Valaena reported, her throat dry and hurting from preventing her crying. Her mother’s weak form in her sister’s arms lingered in her head. “The grand maester gave her some essence of nightshade.”
Matías hadn’t stopped his striking, imagining his sword was gouging out his father’s remaining eye. “There was a lot of blood, way more than last time.”
“She’s getting older.” Valaena’s usual sternness on her face was replaced with concern for their mother. “Complications in pregnancies arise in women the older they get. She should’ve not been pregnant to begin with, not after the last pregnancy.”
Their brute father hadn’t even waited a year to get their poor mother pregnant again. Her last miscarriage, despite lasting five months, didn't leave her bleeding as much as this failed pregnancy had.
“This is killing her. He’s killing her!” Matías stabbed the training dummy right where his father’s heart would’ve been.
Valaena looked around the training yard, glad no one else was there to hear them. They were no doubt in the castle, talking amongst themselves about the tragedy of the day. “If he has any love for her as he so-called claims, maybe he’ll stop now.”
Matías finally turned to look at Valaena, sword lowered to the ground. His breathing was erratic, face red, and indigo eyes blazing. “All he cares about is what he wants, what makes him happy, not her own happiness.”
That certainly was the truth. Their father was a selfish man, the most selfish person they’ve ever met. He couldn’t go more than a few days without being near their mother, suffocating her with his supposed love.
“I have trouble remembering the last time she smiled.” Valaena admitted in a somber tone.
Their mother would give small quirks here and there for their sake but an actual smile? One as blinding as the sun didn’t happen these days anymore, not like before.
Matías recalled a time when his mother did smile, laughed even, and was content despite their father’s presence.
“I have memories of her smiling when I was little.” Matías began, voice softening along with his expression. “When she was with…”
Emerald eyes, and hair dark as a raven flashed in his mind. For a moment Matías thought he heard a tuneful laugh fill the air.
Valaena’s eyes widened, her twenty year old self remembering her youth. “You know mother doesn’t like talking about her . It only makes it worse for her.”
Matías clenched his jaw. “Alys’ memory shouldn’t cause her distress but it does because of him.”
Alys sadly wasn’t in his life for long, just until he was five. He was able to remember her well enough though. Matías remembered the close relationship Alys had with his mother. Even as a child he knew there was something more than platonic going along between his mother and her handmaiden.
Matías found their presence to be soothing, and craved being near them. But his father had eventually found them out, and he put an end to the harmony they were able to create.
At five years old Matías witnessed his mother become so distraught as Alys was dragged away.  He hadn’t gone to Alys’ execution but his mother had been forced to attend by orders of his father.
The sounds of his mother crying, screaming, and begging his father to stop from outside had drifted into his chambers. Her cries and screams haunted his dreams for years to come.
What made things worse was that his father kept his mother away from him and the twins for a full month afterwards. He claimed he did this so the witch’s influence would leave his mother’s mind, body, and soul. But Matías and his sisters knew there was no influence.
Alys hadn’t put a spell on his mother. His father just didn’t want to believe that his mother had willingly been with Alys, that she had real feelings for her.  
“She loved her, Valaena.” Matías earnestly voiced.
Valaena lowered her dark brown eyes, sighing. “I know she did.”
No more words were uttered between them.
Valaena initiated the hug, finally allowing herself to cry in a moment of vulnerability with her brother.
Usually Visenya was the one to start the emotional moments between them but she was currently with their mother, offering her comfort during this time of despair.
It was because of this that the hug felt incomplete, but it would have to do. When it was over Valaena excused herself, and made her way back inside the castle to have a moment to herself.
Matías stayed in the training yard. His sadness faded, and he picked up his sword to continue releasing his anger. He didn’t know how much time had passed, just that when he saw his father approach the sun was already setting.
The training dummy’s head was decapitated by him the moment his father stood next to it. The reaction Matías got from the one-eyed prince was a mere eyebrow raise, as if saying, now what?
Matías set aside his sword to grab another training dummy. He should’ve known better to assume his father would keep his stupid mouth shut.
“The grand maester says your mother should feel better in a few days. The blood loss looked much worse than it actually was. She just needs her rest.”
What a load of horse shit.
Matías wanted to punch him in his face until he felt something break. His mother would never feel better with his father around. It was known around court about the distressed crying and sounds of passion often coming from his parents chambers.
The crying being done by his mother and the sounds of passion coming from his father. The man was a leech, hardly ever letting his mother have a moment of peace once in their chambers.
“In a few months we can try again.”
Matías wanted to strangle him.
We? There was no we. It was just him who wanted another child brought into this madness. All his exhausted mother wanted was to be away from him.
“Your mother is still fertile. I know she can give me another child, another son.”
She doesn’t want another child, you dimwit!
“A son who doesn’t cause his own mother grief.”
Matías let out a growl as he dropped the training dummy he’d been holding. He turned around so quickly, leaping at his father with his dagger now out. The very same one his uncle Daeron had gifted him on his twelfth nameday. His father never gifted him any weapons and he had to admit he was smart not too.
The one-eyed mad man had a lot of nerve saying that shit considering he was the one to always start an argument between them as his poor mother watched from the sidelines.
“The only one who causes her grief is you!”
Aemond stopped his eye from widening. He forced himself to stare harshly into his son’s matching eyes. It was almost like looking in a mirror. “Taoba, what in the Seven Hells do you think—”
“She loathes you.” Matías hissed in his face. “We all loathe you.”
Aemond grabbed at the dagger, not caring that it was digging into his palm. Blood spilled and try as he might to push it away, the dagger stayed in place. “You spew lies. You may have your issues with me, Valaena as well, but your mother loves me. As does your sister Visenya.”
Matías laughed in his face, eyes wild. “Despite having one eye, your vision is shit. You might as well have no eyes. Mother doesn’t love you, she’s broken because of you. As for Visenya, she pities you. That’s the only reason she’s so fuckin’ nice. But make no mistake, just because she takes the time to read with you and joins you on walks, doesn’t mean she loves you more than mother.”
As much as it irked him, Aemond couldn’t really argue with that last part.
The only one of his children that didn’t treat him harshly was Visenya, but even her love for him wasn’t unconditional. It couldn’t hold a candle for the love she had for her mother. If it ever came to it (Aemond hoped it never did) and she had to make a choice of saving him or Adrian, she would’ve chosen her mother.
Matías continued to hold his dagger to his father’s throat, so close to slashing him wide open until he hit bone. But he withheld the move, staring deeply, with nothing but hate into his lone eye.
“You have lived too long father but not long enough to think about the pain and misery you’ve caused mother. Don’t be fooled.” Matías let go and backed away slowly, not once losing eye contact with him. “The day will come when you reap what you sow, and when it does I’ll be there, reveling in your undoing.”
Matías steadily watched his father as he departed the training yard with a stoic look. When he turned around he heard yells and the sound of things being thrown but he never looked back. He hurriedly made his way to his mother.  
The one thing Matías could at least be content about was the break his father gave his mother whenever she suffered a miscarriage. He’d come back to smother her with his attention within a day or two. So Matías would use this time wisely.
As expected there were guards outside the chambers his mother shared with his father. They didn’t stop him from entering. The first thing he saw was Visenya sitting next to their mother, holding her hand while she slept.
Matías approached, and spoke in a whispered tone. “How’s she doing?”
Visenya’s indigo eyes connected with his own. “She’s been asleep the majority of the afternoon, hardly any tossing and turning.” She sniffled. “I think she’s okay, as okay as she can be after what happened to her.”
Matías put a hand on his sister’s shoulder, gently squeezing. “Why don’t you get something to eat? I’ll stay with her for now.”
Visenya nodded her head, leaning down to kiss her mother on the forehead before getting up. She only took a few steps before she turned around to face him. “Did you…did you come across father?” She asked nervously.
Matías took a deep breath, calming himself. “Yes, I did.”
Visenya picked at her nails, similar to the way Matías would see his grandmother Alicent do. It was an awful habit that he hoped Visenya would stop doing. He didn’t want his sister to have scars, even tiny ones, like his grandmother had.
“Just so you know, I’m angry with him too. I…I hate that he keeps doing this to her.” Visenya looked back to where their mother laid. “She deserves better.”
When she looked at him, Matías saw tears go down her face.
There was no doubt that Visenya was father's favorite. Her kind behavior toward him was the main reason why. His kindhearted sister who wanted to see the best in everyone.
As much as Matías wanted to shake some sense into her he knew she had to come to that conclusion on her own, just as Valaena and him had. It appeared she was already on her way, though.
Maybe she’d feel entirely the same way they did about him once she was wed, and away from King’s Landing. However both Visenya and Valaena were already twenty and not betrothed.
Funny how his father wanted him married before his sisters. He was nineteen and his father was still searching for a suitable bride for him. Jaehaera would’ve been a contender for Matías but she ended up betrothed to another lord, much to his luck. He loved his cousin but he wasn’t eager to wed or bed her. She was a friend to him, nothing else.
While all this occurred his father hadn’t even bothered searching for betrothals for either of his sisters
Rickon Stark, Cregan Stark’s the Lord of Winterfell, son had been suggested as a husband for one of his sisters. His father nearly sent the man who said that into an early grave. His father was not a fan of the North, complaining it was an icy wasteland.
His father once tried making a match between him and Visenya and Matías nearly threw up hearing the suggestion. Visenya kept quiet, but her wide watery eyes let him and everyone know she was not on board either.
It was only after his mother broke out of her shell of depression, and yelled at his father that the suggestion was forgotten about. His father didn’t even try suggesting a match between Matías and Valaena. Marriage outside house Targaryen to another noble house would have to be done no matter how much it vexed Aemond. Matías was not okay with that either but for an entirely different reason.
Now Matías respected women but he had no desire to marry one. Women just didn’t spark any interest in him, not in the way men did.
His mother knew how he felt about men, and she accepted him for who he was. She showed him love and support, as did his sisters after telling them. Only his father didn’t know, but sooner or later he would find out.
And when that day came, Matías was prepared to laugh in his face if he chose to insult him. He’d gladly shout that he was a proud pillow biter. His father’s support would not be needed, not when he already had his mother and sisters on his side.
Matías kissed Visenya’s forehead in a gentle manner, whispering assuring words to her. Visenya left with tears still going down her face. Once alone he sat in the chair Visenya had been in. He looked at his mother, who appeared to be in a peaceful state. This was the most peaceful he'd seen her look in a long time.
Though there was nothing peaceful about what happened to her beforehand.
Matías pushed back a few strands of dark brown hair behind her ear.
The touch had been gentle but it was enough to wake his mother.
Adrian stared at him, eyes filled with so much emotion it made him want to cry.
Matías almost did exactly that when she opened her arms for him. He was about to decline but she called out his name so softly. He carefully crawled into his mother’s arms.
“My dearest boy.” Adrian murmured, kissing his forehead. “I love you so much.”
Matías closed his eyes, snuggling his face in the crook of her neck. “I love you too, mother.” He whispered, basking in her warmth. He felt like he was a child again, comforting her in the only way he could.
Except he no longer was a child. He was a man, and he was now able to do things he wasn’t able to do before.
There’d been many times in his life when Matías thought about it, but he made up his mind right then and there in his mother’s loving arms.
Come winter his father will be dead.
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blueestardust · 10 months
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lunisoular · 4 months
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gray terminal fire seems kinda different 🤔
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winterswake · 3 months
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They used to tease me for being different. 
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starry-bi-sky · 3 months
"Stillborn? No, no, still born." -- DPXDC AU
Based off a comment I saw where Bruce knew about Talia's pregnancy in the earlier comivs, and was ecstatic to be a father. So much so that Talia feared he'd give up being Batman for it, so when she gave birth she put the baby (Damian) on a doorstep and (seemingly) told Bruce that the baby was stillborn.
Instead of Damian, that baby was Danny! Meet Daniel Brown, the 14 year old foster kid whose been living with the Fenton family for the last two years. He's about two years older than Damian.
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His last name, "Brown", was a generic surname given to him because the note he came with didn't have one on it. It just had the name "Danyal" on it, but albeit 'Daniel' was the one that had been put into the system for, I'll be totally frank here, racism reasons.
(I looked it up to make sure, and it's generally not permissible for foster parents to change the names of their foster kids even if it's a permanent residency, and for that reason Danny doesn't have the last name "Fenton".)
Danny's got ✨~issues!~✨ He's been through a handful of homes growing up, most of them terrible for a variety of reasons. Which has, as a result, left lasting scars. He's generally a very sweet kid, just very distrustful and jumpy. He's got the signs of a kid suffering from PTSD, and a handful of other issues including attachment and insomnia. His inferiority complex could rival Damian's, and that's going to make for an interesting mutual hatred for when they finally meet.
(something I'll get into later)
He still has the blanket he was found in. It's made of a very high quality material and is a beautiful emerald green with little golden thread accents, it's high quality as a result has Danny clinging onto a desperate hope that his bio family might be out there, and the only reason they gave him up was because of some outside factor. It's been taken a few times in old foster homes, and he's flipped out each time.
While he still calls Jack and Maddie by their names, he likes them well enough. The bar isn't that high though, and while they're some of the better foster parents he's had, "better" doesn't equal "safest". Their laboratory malpractice. Basically, C- Fenton Parents. They're negligent by virtue of being engrossed in their work, but they do care equally about Jazz and Danny. So he doesn't hold it against them that much.
He kinda prefers it that way, their loud affection is overwhelming and Danny doesn't know what to do with their attention, even if he craves it. It's a bit of a complicated situation.
They took in Danny because they genuinely wanted another child, but didn't want a big age gap between them and Jazz. It was actually Jack's idea to foster, and they discussed it with Jazz beforehand. She was all for the idea. Thus, a handful of weeks later, a ton of paperwork, and inspection later, and Daniel Brown entered their household with a trash bag in one hand and eyes like shards of stained glass.
His relationship with Jazz is kinda strained, but that's by virtue of her constant psychoanalyzing and helicoptering. Like with the parents, Danny's overwhelmed by the attention and also just, straight up doesn't like the fact that she's telling him that there's something wrong with him. He knows that, thank you. He pushes her away when she does this.
Other than that though? When Jazz isn't smothering him and is acting like an actual sibling and not a third parent, they're pretty close, and Danny really likes her. They've hung out a few times on their own volition, and Jazz showed him how to take better care of his long hair.
His school situation,, pretty similar to canon with the bullying, albeit with a few more instances of him blowing a fuse and lashing out against his attackers. He's a rather angry kid, but it's quiet. It builds up, piles on top of itself, until eventually, like a volcano, it erupts and burns everyone within radius.
Danny's got a fire core, not an ice core. Phantom's hair is made of white magma; thick and heavy, setting itself on fire when his anger runs hot. When he gets angry, his skin begins to char and split open to reveal pulsating lava underneath, and he crackles and pops like a raging forest fire.
I haven't decided yet on how he meets the batfam -- i've got two ideas but they're both in opposition to each other, and drastically alter how the rest of the plot goes. But I do know that him and Damian hate each other in the beginning. And it has nothing to do with inheritance or "being the blood son" -- although their blood relation absolutely plays the major role in their disdain for each other.
Simply put, they're jealous of each other for the same thing: thinking that the other was wanted.
Damian hates Danny because, unlike Damian, Bruce knew about Danny since conception and wanted him from the moment he heard about him. He had a whole nursery set up, and still does. He never took it down -- just locked the door. Damian was thrust upon Bruce without warning, and he feels like he forced himself into the family. And while on some level Damian knows and understands that Bruce wants him and loves him as much as his other children, that doubt and feeling of inferiority still remains. He looks at Danny and sees him with what Damian always feels he needs reaffirmed.
Meanwhile, Danny hates Damian because he looks at him and sees him with everything Danny's ever wanted. He hates him because Damian grew up knowing both of their parents, with one of them for most of his life, and then moved over to the other. There was never a moment where Damian was (seemingly) left to doubt his place within the family. Damian was raised with the very same woman who left Danny on a doorstep, with no clue to his identity beyond a little green blanket and a note with only a first name. Damian was wanted everywhere, and Danny was wanted nowhere. Damian is Danny's replacement in his eyes.
(It's the little revelation that Damian grew up with their mother that elevates Danny from being quietly envious of Damian to downright despising him. What did Damian do, that Danny didn't? He could live with Damian living with Bruce -- Bruce didn't know Danny was even alive. But him living with their mom? Are you fucking kidding him?)
Damian never outright attacks Danny physically, but it's not like he hides that he didn't like Danny. Meanwhile, Danny, in all his repressive anger, quietly despised him from a distance until finally one wrong snide side-comment has him blowing up and it becomes a screaming match. They're both just enough similar to each other that when they look at each other they really just see a mirror.
They'll work it out together, eventually. But it'll be ugly and cruel and explosive, and they'll start mending the bridge to become brothers in more than just blood relation in the end.
But yeah, stillborn Danny has... a lot going for him.
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#danyal al ghul au#danyal al ghul#dpxdc prompt#additions. opinions and brainstorming are encouraged!! i'd love to hear what other people's thoughts on this are and brainstorm with them.#the brainstorming is the best part.#stillborn? no still born au#poc danny fenton#stillborn au#long haired danny fenton#danny isn't surprised by the fact that the fentons were greenlit for foster parenting considering some of the foster parents HE'S had#those two ideas differed in who found out about who first. Whether it be Bruce or Danny. bruce finding out about danny first results in#Bruce seeking him out first and being able to explain his side of the story first without misunderstandings. this is the Happy Version#Danny finding out about Bruce first results in him getting an official DNA test done and intentionally seeking him out to introduce himself#except when he finds out about damian's existence his shit self worth results in him jumping to the conclusion that his bio family never#wanted him in the first place. that they weren't looking for him and instead just up and replaced him. This is the Fucking SAD Version#and includes a conversation where Danny looks Batman dead in the eyes and tells him that he was 'daddy dearest's fucking reject'#danny completely unaware that batman = bruce wayne btw. for the extra angst. bruce has to stand there and take it. rip#this poor boy needs antidepressants. therapy. and rehab. probably. i've thought about him having an old addiction that he was recovering#from prior to the fentons. but its not confirmed yet. if i go through with it its either gonna be nicotine or like painkillers. i need to#wait and think about it when i'm not on the angst train. i have a tendency to go overboard when i am. its the endorphin high#Danny calls Damian his 'fucking replacement' and Damian tackles him.#starry makes another angsty au
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jinstronaut · 5 months
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a jin a day while he is away ♥
day 506 (cr. 0613data) for @kimtaegis ✨
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sygneth · 9 months
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just a bunch of doodles from the past weeks
figuring out how to draw them again
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demaparbat-hp · 23 days
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The Painted Lady turned around slowly, deliberately, and stared right through each ghost present in the room. Then, she raised her hands in a graceful arc, pointed loosely at the ceiling, and chanted, “Well, off you go.” She made a shoo, go away gesture, the spirits disappeared, and—wait. The spirits disappeared.
Izumi comes back in For the Spirits Chapter VI: Dream of You. Zuko has a mild panic attack and her upbeat attitude does not help him (or does it?).
Just what is she up to? And what is the meaning behind the blue eyes from Zuko's dream?
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idliketobeatree · 24 days
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(gif by mellxncollie) @wordsinhaled was wondering if "edwin thought he was gonna get kissed here. the way he like. almost draws himself up a little like he's not ready omg. or what he thought charles was gonna say" and. in another universe. —
Edwin sees Charles' eyes flutter close as he moves in. His confession hangs in the air, heavy and flaming like the wisps of Hell lapping at their heels and everything comes to a halt when he creaks out, "wait!" Charles stills. The air around them, too. "Oh— shit, I mean— sorry!" And Edwin is in a desperate need for another breath but his lungs are too full, pleurae stretched to their capacities. He shakes his head quickly, almost throwing them off-balance, down the staircase, to where the demon spider-doll's mantles are steadily dripping with Edwin's real blood, to certain fucking doom. And then, hysterically, I wasn't ready. I don't look nice. My mouth tastes like blood. I've been crying— "No, you misunderstand, I want this— I want you. I am merely—"
What a terrible time for Charles, to not understand what he's trying to say at all.
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majimasleftasscheek · 9 months
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I wanted to do this meme so bad
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This right here.
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mag-moss-eater · 6 months
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Mom's there!
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teddybeartoji · 5 months
thinking a lot of thoughts about bf!gojo :(
he will be the sweetest bf ever.. it's a bit concerning with how attached he is to you, bordering on codependency but he just cant help it he loves you too much :(( everytime youre both together on something like lunch with friends or hanging out the sight of you two is enough to give anyone who spares a glance cavities.. his eyes are so in love and hes always got that dopey smile on his face, his touch is always gentle and caring despite him being a teasing asshole sometimes 😭
and behind closed doors ... dear god this man is INSATIABLE.. always has to have a hand around you and touching you !!!! and his sex drive.. erm.. yeah.. idk i see him as the type to want to do it everyday because he just loves you too much and he doesnt know what to do with himself and all this love he has !!!! theres something sweet about him just always wanting you and wanting to make you feel good eufnhffhehrjfnf
the stark difference between you two being such a sweet couple in public but also .. having seen each other INSIDE OUT quite literally is so hot and cute.. :( that level of intimacy .. :((( BF!GOJO WE NEED YOU !!!!!! ok this has gotten too long im sorry HAVE A GOOD DAY THANK YOU
HIIII MY SWEETHEART I'M SORRY FOR THE WAIT!!!! BUT I'M HERE I'M HERE I'M HERE!!!!! I'M HERE AND I'M FEELING TERRIBLY SOFT FOR HIM AND I NEED TO HAVE HIM IN MY ARMS RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!!!!!! i agree with everything you've said nonnie!!!! and i am covering you in kisses as thanks!!!! mwah mwah mwah!!!! wait also!!!!!!!!!!!! more exclamation marks!!!!!! please please please don't apologize for rambling!!!!!!!!!! i will always hear you out!!!!! i want more actually!!!!!!!!!!!! please!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok everybody get comfortable bc i have some of bf!gojo headcanons for you!!!!
his pupils are literal hearts whenever he's with and whenever he's Thinking about you!!!! (i'm saying that his pupils are always like that)(he is simply unable to get you off his head)(he's not even trying)(he's so fucking in love with you).
he's constantly resting his head on your head or on your shoulder. this just came to me. he wraps his hands around your middle and he always gives you a squeeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a kiss on your neck. and he probably (read: definitely) smells you. and then hums into your skin. omfg i need to hug him so badly. i am losing my mind here nonnie...
okay and i just talked abt him taking naps with you too, right? and i just can't stop thinking about him always taking pics of you whenever you fall asleep on top of him:(((((((((((((( drooling or not, he's taking the pic!!!!!! AND i truly believe that he has begged (literally begged down on his hands and knees) shoko and suguru, so that they'll take pics of the two of you together aswell!!! satoru has a folder with like a THOUSAND pics of you both just napping together:((( he goes through it whenever he's really missing you:(((((((
ok and he loves taking showers and baths with you. loves, loves, loves. he just wants to sit under or in the water with you, just feeling your skin against him. feeling your heartbeat against him. he likes the intimacy of it all. it's so tender and so soft and so loving and he just wants to do everything with you. he's gonna take a fucking piss with you if you'd only let him.
he loves your smile sm. this is such a basic little concept but he does. nothing else in this sick world brings him as much joy as your smile and laughter. and oh my fucking god his heart feels like it's going to explode whenever he makes you laugh (which is all the time let's be honest he's very fucking funny and he is not afraid of making himself look like a fool just for you<3). he loves it when you laugh at cat videos, he loves it when you laugh at whatever the fuck is playing on the tv and he loves it when you laugh at a joke one of his friends make!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he goes a little insane whenever he sees you having fun with his friends:((((((((((((((((((((( it just means the world to him:(((( and you and the younger ones too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omfg when he sees you coddling gumi and yuuji and nobara:((((((((((((((((( stop, he literally feels like he's going to cry every time i am also crying i can't do this anymore
btw he always swings your hands whenever his fingers are interwiened with yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhh!!!!!!! and he has that big dopey smile on his lips again and his dimples are showing and he's laughing so loudly that everybody is turning to look at you both on the street but you couldn't care any less!!!!!!! how could you when your boyfriend is making your heart grow twice the size it was before and you just feel so giddy and so full of love and you want to kiss him stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he loves spending his morning with you. i actually think of him as more of a morning person actually idk how popular that concept is but yeah. don't get me wrong - he refuses to let you up from the bed for at least an hour after you wake up but he does have a lot of energy. he wants to kiss and he wants to hug and he wants to tickle and he wants you to play with his hair and he wants and he wants and he wants and you will give and give and give!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's a little lovesick puppy and he needs your attention like he needs air!!!!!
and then he wants you to brush his teeth for him. yes. you read that right. he sits you down onto the bathroom counter and bares his teeth at you like the puppy that he is and HE'S SO FUCKING CUTEEEEEE FUCKKKK CUTENESS AGGRESSION IS SO REAL I NEED TO JUST SQUEEZE HIM A LITTLE AAAAAAAAAAA I NEED TO PINCH HIS CHEEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!! he still looks sleepy and his smile is so fucking big and his hands are resting on your hips, his thumbs are drawing hearts into your skin. and he most definitely kisses you before he actually rinses his mouth.............. and then laughs when the toothpaste gets all over you. it's a mess and he's laughing and you're in love.
he loves it when you baby him. he does ask for it as a joke but when you genuinely do it he gets a little flustered. the tips of his ears always turn into a shade of dark pink and he's looking at you like puss in boots. you know what i'm talking abt. big eyes, fluttering eyelashes - he loves you so fucking much. he loves it when you tuck him in bed, he loves it when you kiss his nose, he loves it when you pinch his cheeks i am biased i just said i want to do that don't look at me, he loves it when you tickle him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAIT STOP HE LOVES IT WHEN YOU TICKLE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! HE WANTS YOU TO STRADDLE HIM AND TICKLE THE LIVING FUCK OUT OF HIM HE WANTS TO LAUGH WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i died
he also loves it when you cling to him. in any way. hands around his neck, around his body, around his arms - it does not matter. he wants you to quite literally climb him like a tree. he loves it when you snuggle into him and when you refuse to let him go. and when you hold his hand and try to stop him from leaving. he's not going to go. it doesn't take a lot for him to give into you. he's folding immediately. he doesn't want to go either. he loves it when you're needy. he loves it when you whine. he loves it when you tease him. he might pop a boner. at everything you do. he just loves you sooooooooooo muchh!!
18+ HE IS INSATIABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS THEE LOVERBOY!!!!!! i think he does like to get a taste of you every single day, no matter whether it's actually having sex or it's eating you out or it's just making out or it's entertaining you with his beautiful slender fingers or it's dry humping etcetcetc. he wants to touch you, he wants to feel you - it's a must!!
i already said it but he loves intimacy!!!! like yeah ofc he likes his freaky sex as much as the next guy (he most definitely likes it more than the next guy) but he loooooves when he can just be in the moment with you!! he's always savouring you - holding your hand when his burying his dick deep inside you, he's snaking his arm around your body as he grinds into you from behind. he's licking and nipping at your skin because he just can't get enough of you. he's sucking on your tongue, he's pressing your hips down against his, he's kissing every fucking inch of your body. i truly think he wants to eat you and he wants to devour you and he wants to merge the two of you together forever<33
okay i have officially melted away... i am a puddle of love Goo... ily nonnie
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ikuneko · 22 days
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It's my boy~!!! 😭 My best and most beloved Elliot Nightray! C0mmissioned him from the ever lovely @the-kunogi 🫶 He turned out so perfect I'm literally sobbing. His sweet smile, all the little kitties; I can't handle this, I'm too happy I asked for him 🥹💙
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jinstronaut · 6 months
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a jin a day while he is away ♥
day 471 for @bisexualrapline ✨
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darkcreamz95 · 4 months
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Happy birthday Jure Maček, Joker Out's daredevil kitty drummer~ 🥁😺
Gang in honour of kitty drummer's birthday here's my video recording of him doing the "Ne Bi Smel" drum solo in Den Haag which became the ref for this painting~
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