#dbda fic
deadboy-edwin · 1 day
Ghosts aren’t corporeal, so walking through doors and walls isn’t particularly surprising behavior from a ghost. Phasing in and out of rooms, however, can lead to some awkward situations, such as Charles walking in on Jenny mid-snogging session when he’d stumbled into the wrong apartment. Jenny had been furious. In such cases, walking into a door was unfortunate (and quite rude), but not anything out of the ordinary. This particular instance of walking into a door, however, did not involve an interruption of any intimate moments. Instead, it entailed a prim and proper boy’s face smacking into the wood with a resounding thwack! that had everyone’s head turning towards the aforementioned door. Alternatively; the Dead Boy Detectives cease to be dead.
So this turned into a WIP fic... Shoutout to @ghostlyaccurate for sending in the ask.
Comments, reblogs and likes are as always, much appreciated <3
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arrow-jsy · 7 days
Headcanon im going to use in my monty fic
When first turned human instead of walking he hopped around alot. I know birds are capable of walking but we often see them hopping around (weve all seen tho images of owls running if not go have fun) so i think monty having a pep in his step so to say would be adorable especially sense he is so smiley and optimistic pretty much until post swing scene
Ill probably properly write this in a fic someday but for now ill leave it here
Monty hopping around only for Esther to be like "God Monty stop jumping youre gonna bring the house down"( or something more vain like interrupting her beauty routine or causing her current concoction to fall off the stove) this breaking Monty's little spirits and thus monty learns that despite his new freedom in human form he is still severly under someones thumb and home is not a safe place to be him or heck even to learn who he is
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justlightlysedated · 16 days
Another kiss!!!
- Edwin/cat king again lmao (I love mess)
35…to gain something
"I can think of one person who would have the information that you need, but you're not going to like it."
Both Edwin and Charles turn to Crystal curiously, to see her pointing at Charles, even though usually her plans are things that Edwin won't like.
He turns to look at Charles, who turns to look at him at the same time. They both shrug and turn back to Crystal.
Edwin raises an eyebrow in question, and Charles tilts his head to one side.
Crystal makes a face at them both, "Well, there is one person who is a couple hundred years old, who may know what kind of shit this witch is involved with since he was able to help with Esther."
"Ah," Edwin says, realizing who she meant at the same time that Charles scoffs.
"You're really not saying that we ask the Cat King for help, are you?" he says, and then turns to Edwin, who hasn't said anything, because Crystal isn't wrong.
They need information, and the Cat King would be their best bet.
"You are not seriously considering this after he trapped you in his 'kingdom' and tried to-"
"Charles," Edwin says, turning to face him. "While I understand where you are coming from, I've already told you that we ended things on good terms, and I'm not upset about what he did anymore."
He lifts an eyebrow pointedly, asking why Charles is still so upset about it.
Charles grumbles under his breath, but doesn't exactly say anything, so Edwin turns back to Crystal, who is looking at Charles with a pointed expression that she turns on Edwin, who just raises an eyebrow in response.
"Well, it seems like we know what to do next," he says, and tugs against the sleeves of his shirt, clearing his throat. "Maybe I should-"
"No," both Charles and Crystal say at the same time.
Edwin raises both of his eyebrows at them both.
"We're on a time crunch, god only knows what he'd ask you for if you're on your own," Crystal says, crossing her arms and smirking.
At the same time Charles steps closer and says, "There's no way you're going to meet him on your own after what happened last time."
Edwin's eyes dart all over Charles' face, and he softens at the obvious worry marring his features.
"Fine," Edwin says. "But this time, actually let me do all the talking."
Both Crystal and Charles turn and look at each other momentarily, before turning back to Edwin. Edwin sighs at the look on both of their faces, but ignores them both to walk over to the mirror.
Might as well get this over with.
Edwin presses his hand to the mirror and barely has to concentrate before he's sure he's got the right destination.
It's not like this will be the first time that he's used this mirror to travel back to Port Townsend.
Charles grabs on to Edwin's hand as he goes to walk through, and Edwin doesn't really question the move, just tightens his hold on Charles' hand as Charles grabs on to Crystal's hand, who snorts like she finds this whole thing ridiculous. Edwin ignores them both as he walks through.
They walk out right inside of the warehouse, cats yowling and cursing out of their way.
Edwin looks to Charles and Crystal to make sure that they are both out before he lets go of Charles' hand. Charles looks around, frowning, probably because there wasn't a mirror leaning against the wall the last time they'd been here.
He gives Edwin a look that Edwin ignores as he makes his way through the cats and towards the throne, still ostentatiously on top of a pile of crates and towering over the rest of the room. Edwin walks right up to the crates that serve as steps up to the throne, and waits for the cat licking it's paw right on the bottom step to nod its head before he walks up two steps and looks at Thomas, inclining his head a little, which is as close to bowing as he's willing to get.
Thomas grins, wide and pleased. He's lounging on his throne sideways, one leg hooked on the arm, and seems to have not put on a shirt, which Edwin knows is only for his benefit. He tries not to look as flustered as he feels.
"Seeing as you brought the old ball and chain and his side piece, I'm assuming this is for business not pleasure?"
"Quite right," Edwin replies, ignoring Charles and Crystal sputtering in protest behind him. "We're searching for any information that you can give us on how to break a spell a witch has on a fire breathing entity."
"Ah," he says, and then gets to his feet in one swift movement.
Edwin's eyes drop down his chest, and he looks away hurriedly.
"Well then, I certainly do have a little book around here somewhere that should be very helpful, but it'll cost ya."
He leans in meaningfully and raises his eyebrows pointedly, eyes darting down to Edwin's lips.
He looks both mischievous and desperate, and Edwin straightens up at the implication.
Charles says something, but Edwin isn't paying attention.
"Fine," Edwin replies. "I'll do one thing to make you happy, and you give me the book. No binding spells, and certainly no talk of punishments."
Both Charles and Crystal are suspiciously silent behind him, and he would love to turn and check on them, but Thomas takes another step closer, smiling too wide and pleased, like the cat that caught the canary.
"Should we take this somewhere private?" he asks, lifting his eyebrows.
"No," Edwin says, and both Charles and Crystal echo him. He's not planning on doing anything too salacious. And taking a trip to the Cat King's lair is not in the cards, given the time crunch they are under. "Here is fine."
Before anyone can say or do anything else, Edwin takes the last step up which leads him right into Thomas' personal space, which takes him aback.
Edwin smiles, and fists the open collar of his coat and pulls him in.
Edwin doesn't have any experience in kissing, but after Monty, he'd done the research. Niko had helped him, and while everything you read didn't translate well enough into practical application, he was sure that his inexperience won't actually matter.
He's sure that that is part of the appeal for Thomas, but he does like having the upperhand every now and again.
So Edwin kisses him, with his limited experience and vast knowledge, lips pressed together chastely, once, twice, three times, before dragging his tongue across his mouth, which he hadn't expected to have any reaction given the way that Thomas was practically pliant and unmoving in his hands, as though Edwin shocked him into stillness.
But Thomas moves then, placing his hands at the back of Edwin's head as he tilts his head and opens his mouth to Edwin's. And this time when Edwin licks into his mouth the kiss changes, and he makes a low sound, understanding now why tongues are so involved in the graphic novels that Niko insists he read.
Edwin isn't sure how long they kiss, because he doesn't need to breathe, but it's enough for him to see exactly what Charles meant by a kiss not being felt on the lips but in the head.
He pulls away once he's aware that a lot of time has passed, and Thomas looks dazed, eyes lidded, cheeks flushed, lips parted.
Edwin curbs the instinct to push in and kiss him again, by pushing him away. Thomas stumbles a few steps before he drops to sit back on his throne.
Edwin swallows and resists the urge to tug against his clothes like they're too tight.
"Was that satisfactory?"
Thomas laughs, a bubbly thing that seems involuntarily, but he's grinning more happy and satisfied than before.
"For now, yeah," he answers, lazily and out of breath.
He waves a hand in the air, and a book materializes in Edwin's hands.
"Thank you," Edwin says, gratefully, turning the book in his hands.
"No, thank you," Thomas replies, almost purring.
Edwin turns around before he decides that the kiss wasn't enough and stops short one foot on the steps leading down.
Crystal and Charles are just staring at him in silence. Crystal with a wide and delighted grin, while Charles frowned, loudly.
"What?" Edwin asks, lifting one hand to his hair and then putting it back down.
Charles scoffs, and turns around, stalking back towards the mirror. Crystal follows after him, bouncing and sending Edwin a thumbs up as she goes.
Edwin looks back to Thomas to see if he understood what just happened any better than he did, but Thomas just grins lazily, and blows him a kiss.
Edwin turns around quickly and almost stumbles down the last two steps in his hurry to follow after his friends.
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schelluminium · 6 days
Sitting down now to write THE Catwin fic with stripper and sometimes drag queen Thomas who is also nonbinary and freshly outed Edwin who can't deal with all the gay panic that's gonna be inflicted on him.
*rubs hands together*
I hope y'all are ready for this
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dearheartdont · 18 days
A snippet of Charles Rowland's life prior to meeting Edwin.
(Note: contains canon-typical mentions of parental abuse and racism)
The letter came to Charles’ house, and every other house in England, when he was fourteen.
His dad opened it at the table, over tea and toast, and set the leaflet contained within down on the tablecloth. The front said AIDS: DON’T DIE OF IGNORANCE against a dark background that looked like a marble slab. Or a gravestone.
The kitchen was quiet as it always was in the mornings; his dad hated the sound of the radio. Charles’ mum had disappeared back upstairs after passing out plates and cups.
With a disdainful flourish, Charles’ dad flicked open the leaflet, scanned his eyes over it and then ripped it into pieces.
“Sending this to every household, like the whole of England is full of perverts. Disgusting.” His voice had the same dangerous tone as when Charles’ school report came home with ‘could try harder’ written in the teacher’s comment section. Charles held his breath like always and stared at his cereal, like the crackle of his Rice Krispies was the most fascinating thing in the world.
With a huff, his father got up, his plate and cup left on the table for someone else to clean up.
At the sound of the front door slamming shut, Charles unhunched his shoulders. He pulled the leaflet fragments across to him, pieced them back together like a ragged-edged jigsaw and read.
men who have anal sex with men ... drug misusers ... many sexual partners …
Charles shoved the fragments back together into a pile and pushed them to the bottom of the bin, where his mum wouldn’t see them. Then he rinsed all the cups and plates and grabbed his bag to leave for school.
It was Saturday night, a few weeks later when he saw the TV advert, sandwiched between the end of The Generation Game and the Nine ‘O’ Clock News, Charles and his mum sat next to each other on the sofa. A mug of chai tea in his hands made the proper way, in a pan, and creamy with full-fat milk.
With Charles’ dad out at the pub, the living room was safe until at least 11.30, when his father would return in one of two moods – angry or joyful - depending on how the football had gone. He’d be rat-arsed either way, so Charles would be out early doors tomorrow to avoid his dad’s hangover. He’d wait at the park until some lads from the estate turned up for a kickabout. They weren’t friends, not really: they patted him on the back when he was on their team, but muttered about immigrants when he wasn’t. But they included him. His dribbling skills were too good not to.
The advert showed a volcano erupting, rocks falling, and a sledgehammer drilling, whilst atonal bells and a synthesized choir competed with a sombre voiceover talking about “a deadly disease with no known cure”. Charles couldn’t look away. The advert’s final image was a bouquet of lilies thrown down on a gravestone that bore the epitaph ‘AIDS’. Charles clenched his fingers tight around his mug and gulped his tea.
He felt his mother’s hand touch his knee, lightly. “Nothing for you to worry about, you’re a good boy. Confined to small groups it says,” Charles’ mum said.
Charles gave a sharp nod, and then they waited together in silence for the football scores to come up on the news.
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emryses · 5 days
[DBD] now i wanna hold you, i don't ever wanna have to let you go
Chapters: 1/2 Rating: Teen & Up Relationships: Edwin Payne/Charles Rowland Tags: Post Season 1, Mutual Pining, Touch-Starved Charles Rowland, Almost Kiss
As payment for solving a case, Edwin and Charles accept an experimental medicine from their client: iron pills, that do not cause pain but allow ghosts to be corporeal for just a tick, and otherwise, regain feeling as if they were living. Charles thinks it’s brilliant, Edwin feels a bit more complicated about it all.
“Charles,” Edwin breathes, it sounds a little bit too much like a warning. “Don’t you dare kiss me right now.” “Oi,” Charles says, halfheartedly. “And why the hell not? That seems like the perfect sequence of events.”
Read on Ao3.
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solaciola · 9 days
The Comfort of Proximity (Please for the Love of God, Look Out for that Vase)   
[4k words  -  Chapter 1/?]
For the first time in over thirty years, Charles Rowland hasn’t returned to their office after his nightly stroll outside. Edwin would like to say he is handling this fact better than Crystal is, but that would be an unfortunate lie.
Charles gets turned into a cat for pissing off the Cat King (and the Cat King’s honestly sick of these two dancing around each other). Meanwhile, Edwin just cannot seem to figure out why this random cat keeps following him around.
First multichapter fic :)
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pisces-swirlix · 4 days
I’ve been trying not to post too much Dead Boy Detectives content (I have a surprising amount of people following me and I don’t want to bombard them for stuff they didn’t sign up for).
However. If you ARE interested in a DBDA fics, I’ve got some!!!
(in which Edwin and Charles stumble upon their graves at St Hilarions)
(in which Edwin and Charles dance around in their office to 80’s music and have a much needed talk)
If you’re seeing this and you’ve already read either of them, thank you for your support!!!
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livefastwritetrash · 4 days
Excerpt from something that I keep writing and rewriting because I literally can’t tell if it’s any good.
“I just mean that you're my best mate, Edwin. Even when you’re being a right pain in the arse.” Edwin bristled, but the affection in his tone somewhat softened the blow, “And I keep thinking. That I have known you better and longer than anyone. We have been to literal hell and back together, and somehow…I don’t even know what it’s like to shake your hand.”
“But you’re shaking my hand right now.”
Charles sighed. How were the smartest people he ever met also always the densest?
“Sure. And what does that feel like to you?”
Edwin contemplated the heavy emptiness in his palm, the vague sense of pressure and static where they touched. Just two souls colliding in air, lacking the tools to distill all their complexity into sensation. This is what touch had been for him for ages. Was it really so different from mortal senses? He couldn’t recall.
“...Normal? ” he hedged anyway. Charles nodded, but his eyes turned sad and dropped away, and he wondered if he’d answered wrongly somehow.
“Right. Normal.”
When Charles looked back to him, there was a weight to it that was nearly as tangible as their clasped hands.
“Do you ever think that maybe this feels normal, because it’s all we’ve ever had? We’ve only ever been ghosts to each other, Edwin. But it used to be different, before, didn’t it? Can you even remember what that was like, to feel real?”
“I suppose…no. I can’t.” Edwin was troubled to learn that was true even as the words left him.
Charles nodded and dropped his gaze to their hands. He readjusted his grip, prickles sliding between their palms, and a heartbeat kicked up in the nebulous area of Edwin’s chest. A word for anticipation that his soul sometimes remembered to speak, even though the language of the living had long been severed from him at the root.
“At some point,” Charles was saying softly, “Both of us touched someone real for the last time. And we didn’t even know it. It probably wasn’t family, or a best friend, or even anyone important to us. We went around thinking we’d have that forever, then it was just…gone.”
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sasakisniko · 4 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dead Boy Detectives (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne/Charles Rowland, Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne & Crystal Palace, Crystal Palace & Charles Rowland (DCU) Characters: Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne, Charles Rowland (DCU), Crystal Palace (DCU) Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 01, Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, idiots to lovers, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Getting Together, Feelings Realization, Dreams, Dreams vs. Reality, Doppelganger, Bisexual Charles Rowland, Charles Rowland Loves Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne, Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne Loves Charles Rowland, POV Charles Rowland (DCU), POV Crystal Palace, Angst with a Happy Ending, Spiders, Mentioned Niko Sasaki - Freeform, Niko is alive but they don't know that, Grief/Mourning, No beta we die like the boys, Dead Boy Detectives Appreciation Week, Crystal Palace has the patience of a saint, Crystal Palace has the brain cell Summary:
When Charles is trapped within a dream world based on what he wants most, Edwin and Crystal must find a way to save him before he's gone for good.
For @dbdcentral‘s Dead Boy Detectives Appreciation Week - Day 5 - Dreams
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Chrysanthemum Confession
yello! If you want a Dead Boy Detectives Chedwin love confession fic, then I have good news for you friend :P
This was based on an amazing post by @achillesuwu
I present my second ever fanfic :DD
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Dead Boy Detectives (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 1,683
Upon realising something important, Charles seeks help from Edwardian Courting Practices.
Give it a read on ao3 and I would love it if you left a comment!! :D
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justlightlysedated · 27 days
small drabble, set in 1x4:
Charles' ears are ringing with the words, you never made it better and then you died and he can hear the echo of his own voice yelling at Edwin, and he can't handle it at all. Especially not when Edwin comes closer, and says his name in a soft tone, as though he's afraid to spook a startled beast.
He feels bad almost immediately after shrugging off Edwin's touch, the feeling sinking down to swirl with the rest of his anger and frustration and sickening fear in the pit of his stomach.
Edwin almost never initiates touch, but for the first time since they've met, Charles doesn't want to be touched. 
Edwin doesn't move away. Charles can see him out of the corner of his eye, looking over at the girls and then inching closer, like he's trying to protect Charles' vulnerability from the others. And Charles would snap and tell him that it's not needed, but he can't deny that if their roles were reversed, he would be doing the same thing.
"Charles," he says again, in that same soft voice he only uses when they're dealing with cases that involve children. "I just wanted to say, thank you."
Charles' head snaps to the side so fast he almost gets whiplash. His eyes dart all over Edwin's face as he shakes his head. 
"There is nothing you have to thank me for," he says firmly.
Edwin's eyes dart all over his face in return, brows furrowed. "Charles," he says again in that same fucking voice, and Charles feels like he might actually crumble if he has to keep hearing it.
"No," he says more firmly. "It's my job, innit?"
He tries going for a smile, but he can tell that it doesn't work. Edwin's frown grows even more pronounced. Charles hates that look on his face, even more so that it's directed at him.
"No," Edwin replies just as firmly. "It's not. But it is appreciated."
Charles gives a hollow laugh at that, feeling like he might just start sobbing again.
He looks down, closing his eyes tight, hating the fact that he feels like he can't breathe properly.
Edwin slides a little bit closer, until their knees are just barely touching and starts to breathe in and out with exaggeration, slowly and purposefully. Charles starts mimicking him almost immediately, and feels a pang of fondness and longing hit him square in the chest, edging away his dark thoughts.
Edwin very rarely becomes overwhelmed enough that Charles has to step in to help him calm down, but it has happened before, and Charles can't help but feel something a lot like warmth spreading across his chest at the thought that Edwin is using tactics Charles uses to calm him down.
It makes him feel good, and also not good enough. Edwin shouldn't have to help him calm down.
But he's glad for it anyway.
They're breathing in unison for a couple of minutes before Charles feels like he can look at Edwin again.
Edwin isn't looking at him, eyes out across the horizon, where the sun is just beginning to rise. Charles can't take his eyes off him, and he knows that he really should.
But he can't, not when Edwin's entire face softens, like this is the first time that he's seen the sun rise. Charles knows it's not. 
But he stares at Edwin as he watches the sun rise, and feels the rest of the negative emotions swirling in the pit of his stomach just drain away. Leaving him feeling hollow and empty.
Edwin turns towards him and just smiles, a small barely there thing, that only exists in moments like these. And always makes Charles feels like, maybe, maybe, maybe.
But he stuffs the feeling down, and out of his mind roughly, turning away from Edwin.
His eyes fall on the girls, leaning against each other half asleep, and feels a little guilty at having forgotten that they were there and they were living and probably needed to sleep after this horrible day.
"Guess it's time to head back to our temporary residence," Edwin says as he gets to his feet.
He looks down at Charles and holds his hand out. Charles stares at his hand for a beat too long, enough for Edwin's fingers to twitch like they want to curl up.
So Charles takes his hand, and lets Edwin pull him to his feet.
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schelluminium · 4 days
Cat's Cradle
a sexy Catwin fic (Thomas The Cat King x Edwin)
ft. stripper and drag queen Thomas, freshly outed virgin Edwin, a yummy little age gap and some a lot of sexual tension
Read the first chapter here!
Summery: When Edwin Payne comes out to his friends, they insist he try going to a gay club to "check out the scene". He is less than enthusiastic about it. He has no interest in loud music and drunk people. His beliefs are challenged though when he meets Thomas, a confident and shamelessly flirty man who seems to have more than one reason for coming to this club.
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midnight-skylie · 7 days
How many dbda fics I'm writing at the moment? 5!
How many of them I am probably close to finish if I'll actually be able to dedicate my willpower to focus on them? Most!
What am I gonna finish soon? Eh.....
What I want to write? Something new!!
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terresdebrume · 7 days
Done with the first draft for down on my knees 3 and it's a little funny because I think it's my most 'slice of life' fic so far
Literally all that happens is Charles and Edwin talking over lunch at a cafe x)
Anyway I'm tempted to say to hell with spoilers and share a snippet, anyone want that?
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densewentz · 15 days
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Edwin has to bite his lip to smother his laugh, shoulders shaking minutely against tanned skin. The rough sound ratchets up a tick. Purring. The Cat King is purring.
Guys I wrote 2k of toothrotting catwin fluff! Check it out on ao3 💕
tags: edwin/cat king, established relationship, Teen, no archive warnings, kissing/cuddling, purring, excessive use of the words warmth and rumbling, just generally a sweet soft little thing tbh
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