#death warrant
slimewalk · 1 year
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ahb-writes · 9 months
Book Review: ‘Ascendance of a Bookworm’ #14 (4.2)
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Ascendance of a Bookworm: Part 4 Volume 2 (Ascendance of a Bookworm by Miya Kazuki My rating: 5 of 5 stars Aside from the dumbass (lovesick) prince, aside from the spiteful (petty) archknights, and aside from her exceedingly worrisome (annoying) caretakers back home, Rozemyne's first semester abroad is going swell. ASCENDANCE OF A BOOKWORM v14 is the novel series' finest example of "one person's daily aspiration is another person's unmitigated disaster." Lady Rozemyne slips into a comfortable schedule of attending the library and further coaching up her duchy's peers. She occasionally makes time for a tea party or two, but only when necessary or in furtherance of her personal goals. Is it really Rozemyne's fault that she shows up Prince Anastasius, arrogant and abrasive, whenever he challenges her to prove her noble worth? Is it really Rozemyne's fault that the jerks from the duchy of Dunkelfelger are too stupid to do their own background work to avoid being humiliated when attempting to match wits? Whatever the case, readers track Rozemyne's daily adventures as she ingratiates herself to the library staff, befuddles fellow archduke candidates, and occasionally wades into interduchy statecraft, if by sheer accident. ASCENDANCE OF A BOOKWORM v14 is a strong, entertaining read. Without constant commentary from Ferdinand, Sylvester, and Karstedt, the young woman's delightfully logical efforts to weasel out of danger are met with just the right balance of amusement and confusion. Social graces this girl has not. For example, when a rival duchy challenges Ehrenfest to a game of treasure-stealing ditter, Rozemyne-the-strategist absolutely dominates. And when Anastasius publicly chides her intellect, Rozemyne-the-brilliant calmly and coolly proves she's eternally prepared with a comeback. One of the novel's best moments occurs during a tea party. A friendly get-together between Rozemyne and the dainty Lady Eglantine (duchy of Klassenberg) goes sideways when Anastasius crashes the party and insists Rozemyne compose a new piece of music for his sort-of girlfriend. The prince is throwing his weight around and trying to put Ehrefest in its place. Except, of course, Rozemyne snaps her fingers, orders her attendants into ready position, and blithely composes a new tune for the harspiel on the fly. She's that good. It isn't until much later that Rozemyne learns how constantly showing up royalty, and frequently responding to their prodding with raw sarcasm, is typically viewed as a death warrant. Whoops. To that end, the current volume also makes a concerted effort to materialize the nation's political infrastructure. Readers learn more of the balance of power between the two princes (Anastasius and his elder brother, Sigiswald). Readers also learn more about the rules of succession (real or presumed), as well as the consequences of attempting to run away from one's royal fate. As far as drama goes, ASCENDANCE OF A BOOKWORM v14 doesn't disappoint. When one of her retainers expresses outright disgust for serving a noble with such a weak constitution, Rozemyne must make a difficult decision regarding how to properly effect a punishment befitting the ignorant. To cut off a retainer is to disgrace a person's whole family. But doing so also makes one liable for retaliation. If she's too severe, then her reputation may shift toward a more authoritarian vibe. If she's too soft, then her other retainers may view her kindness as a weakness. What's a librarian to do?
Light-Novel Reviews || ahb writes on Good Reads
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pilgrim1975 · 1 year
Andy Warhol, John Paonessa, the Rosenbergs and Sing Sing’s notorious death house.
So, what links the icon of pop art, the atom spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and an almost-forgotten murderer named John Paonessa? Simple, the electric chair. Warhol used this image to create a series of coloured screenprints. Part of his recurring fascination with life’s dark side, Old Sparky was as famous as Warhol long before the artist himself was even born. By Warhol’s birth on August 6,…
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cinemajunkie70 · 2 years
A very happy birthday to Jean-Claude Van Damme!
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dauntless-dean · 3 months
Current Read: Death Warrant - Bryon Johnston
Death Makes Great TV
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I am trying so hard to get through this book, it’s such an interesting premise - think Truman Show but with assassination. People volunteer to be part of “Death Warrant” a TV show that televises the participant’s death, which happens in various ways at undisclosed times. Once you agree to participate your mind is wiped and you go about your life until it’s terminated. The higher the views the higher payout for your next of kin.
The author does a really good job describing the show and how it works. When discussing an episode, it’s so vivid - it’s disturbing. But when we get the perspective of the main character, Frankie, it just throws me out of it. I’ve never read a book where I immediately thought, she’s written by a male, but this was my first thought (had to go back and see who wrote the book). Her internal monologue is so judgy of other background females it’s annoying. Like in movies where the character is like “I’m not like other girls, I’m …”. I can’t even give book specific examples because there’s so many.
As much I want to know what happens, I’m not sure I can make it through her chapters and probably won’t finish the book.
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yourapple56-blog · 6 months
Though I hate the song used in this video ( I couldn't find a video that showed the scene straight ) I absolutely LOVE this scene, as it is one of the sexist scenes in film for me!
There is NO WAY that a seduction scene like this would be filmed today :(
Believe that, in this age of freakin' #metoo!
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splatteronmywalls · 9 months
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tiphares · 1 year
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this was .... 3/10 not even the nude scene in solitary confinement could save this garbage LOL
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icedmochasi · 2 years
Hunter: Oh, you don't know the full details of Adrian coming to Hexside do you? Well, he conjured up images of Belos to scare me, kicked me in the back of the head, and stepped on my back with enough pressure to keep me down. Also, a scout almost hit me with an instant kill spell while another restrained me against my will. Wild. 
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slimewalk · 1 year
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dykesynthezoid · 1 month
Oisin is a powerful conjuration wizard but he should remember he’s still a wizard. Dispel magic and counterspell are only third level spells. Adaine is a level 14 divination wizard with greater portents. And she has a spell that lets her punch people real bad. And also a sword. Good luck, bitch
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sweetaspiesammy · 2 years
rhaenyra doing everything in her power to keep peace and be civilized while everyone else, including her own husband, urge her into war is exactly why she should be queen
she wasn’t going to strike first, only strike back
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rubbercasing · 4 months
the medical field will always be an institution of violence as long as your doctor is able to cancel your prescription unilaterally and as long as pharmacists can refuse to fill it unilaterally.
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laurapetrie · 21 days
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So much jewellery was flung at her in the opening months of her queenship that she may have struggled to keep up with it all. Her clasps were capped off by emeralds, her buttons were set with diamonds, and for her brooches rubies were crafted into the shape of flowers, then trimmed with diamond and pearl petals. There were earrings and French hoods trimmed with gold. She had seven diamond-and-gold rings. The ladies of the privy chamber circled Catherine’s little waist with golden girdles or double rows of pearls routinely interrupted by rubies.
[Later, during] the great purgatorial wait for a horrible finale, Catherine was once again ‘taking great care of her person’. Like a candle flaring before it went out, she had apparently never been more beautiful than she was during that winter at Syon. Staring death in the face in a mood of hubristic hedonism, she became as preoccupied with her toilette as she had been at Hampton Court. She made the most of her denuded wardrobe, dressing and coiffing herself, donning her few remaining jewels. Preening in her loveliness, Catherine kept her pulse beating at Syon with the appearance of someone who might live for ever; but in her more sombre moments, when no amount of make-believe could distract her, Chapuys heard from her servants that ‘her only prayer is that the execution be secret, and not in public’. - Gareth Russell, Young and Damned and Fair
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ceasarslegion · 8 days
Wait i have a meme idea that i will be jumped for if it escapes the containment of my follower base
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do you have a favorite wizard, mg. official-linguistics-post?
if you are in the d&d inclined direction, do you have a favorite spell? and/or, if not so d&d inclined, any favorite general sort of wizardry?
there are always several wizards rotating in my mind like a gas station hot dog rotisserie, but i gotta give a shoutout to @quiddie's laerryn coramar-seelie, certified toughest wizard in existence. what a woman.
i've actually played only one session as a spellcaster (a sorcerer) but my favorite of his spells is currently mage armor because he's a tabaxi so he just. puffs up his fur.
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