shefatalesarch · 2 years
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A SIGH ESCAPED HER LIPS AS HER BODY TURNED TO DEAN. they weren’t about to be the best of friends but hey, why not crack a drink yeah? she pushed off the wall as she grabbed for the nearest bottle and began to pour. “we may not be about to sing kumbaya around a fire sharing war stories, but a drink might not kill us.” she offered the hunter as she began to pour a second glass while pushing the one towards him. 
@deavoured ♥ for a starter from meg for dean winchester
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m1kaelsons · 2 years
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@deavoured​  /  meme  .
“  you’re  flirting  with  me  .  ”
                  a  genuine  chuckle  leaves  him  ,  the  sound  much  more  common  than  normal  when  he’s  in  the  blonde’s  presence  .  ‘  flirting  is  such  a  juvenile  term  ,  love  .  ’  his  eyes  dance  with  mirth  as  he  moves  closer  ,  as  though  a  moth  drawn  to  flame  .  her  light  is  very  similar  to  that  of  fire  ,  he  supposes  —  capable  of  chasing  away  many  of  the  shadows  that  loom  over  him  .  though  ,  providing  only  a  temporary  respite  at  best  .  ‘  i  much  prefer  the  term  wooing  .  ’
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trickostars · 2 years
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it's them for real
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babuszcats · 1 year
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warszawa 28.06.2023
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hertas-funger-blog · 9 months
"Oh hey what are you up to?"
"Not much, just thinking about ragnavaldr and the brutal symbolism of cannibalism"
"Like after he defeats an enemy, he eats them. As in, they literally become part of him. It's a really good metaphor for how the dungeon has changed him both physically and mentally. And that gets really potent when you think about how he can deavour recruitable party members too"
"Do you always talk about cannibalism?"
"No, sometimes I also think about dismemeberment and how that's an extended metaphor of..."
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survivingpierce · 2 years
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      𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚎'𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗
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2022 is (finally) almost over! in absence of a list of appreciation last year (oops), i believed it's a nice idea to revive this tradition of mine because year’s end is an excellent time to say thank you. thanks for filling my dash with joy, thanks for writing with me, thanks for sticking with me, thanks for developing amazing plots and ideas with me, and thanks for your patience. i had the pleasure to interact with many of you as well as admire some of you from afar. this also goes to my two other blogs touchedbydestiny & deceptivemorals who some of you also interact with. i love your amazing work and i really love seeing every one of you on my dash, even if we haven’t interacted (yet). ♥
happy new year and best wishes for your future, i hope all your wishes come true in 2023.
the following list is in no particular order:
@seesgood  ♥  @phasmadivina  ♥ @ofimaginarybeings  ♥ @relishingvampirism  ♥  @broknfeed  ♥  @lordofthestrix   ♥  @sindefined (i know you said goodbye to tumblr but i wanted you to be included in this nonetheless)   ♥  @theivashkinator   ♥  @enduringlystoic  ♥  @quietbeauty  ♥ @tofeelthecold  ♥  @mangaien  ♥  @thatslayer  ♥  @faeryworlds  ♥  @yourestaring   ♥  @deservesbettcr  ♥  @puresthearted  ♥  @thatprettylittlething ♥ @shotgunscn  ♥  @witchyxwoo  ♥  @hedonisticdelight  ♥  @badasshybridqueen  ♥  @loveradiant  ♥  @pyrelost  ♥  @waywardduality  ♥  @formerlyrighteous  ♥  @littlewclfgirll   ♥  @floripire  ♥  @brokenbrxther  ♥  @creasantleader   ♥  @stonedgilbert   ♥  @shesdaylight   ♥  @elenaloveablekotsala   ♥  @betterxvillain  ♥  @tobeblamed  ♥  @webheadedhero   ♥  @thesacrificialxlamb  ♥  @shapedhistory  ♥  @wiickedmagic   ♥  @remainedpure  ♥  @fbiartist  ♥  @canbequitemean   ♥  @fightforbetter  ♥  @brokenandlonelysouls     ♥  @sanguinelupus   ♥  @viikingwitch    ♥  @seilas   ♥  @asiphon   ♥  @hauntcdsouls   ♥  @blessfate   ♥  @drownsgrief   ♥  @therebekahmikaelson   ♥  @lahbonair   ♥  @shetales    ♥   @bloodused   ♥   ♥  @behavioraldisorders    ♥  @antithetaes    ♥  @story1ines    ♥  @gilbertsaviour    ♥  @dcmoniism  ♥  @beautifulnigtmare    ♥  @liarincommand    ♥   @doppelcurse   ♥  @townwxtch    ♥  @sassy-caroline-forbes    ♥  @3brihd   ♥  @slayears    ♥  @lindscys    ♥  @paststories    ♥ @nightskied​    ♥   @wehowl   ♥  @merveiilles   ♥  @rulestill    ♥  @deavoured    ♥  @salvatoraes​    ♥  @shefatales​    ♥   @multistoty​ ♥  @bchemianrhapscdy​    ♥  @huntedlives​   ♥  @hellsurvivr​    ♥  @hcpemikaelscn​    ♥  @authcrwriites​   ♥   @withliight​    ♥  @adeathsentence​ ​
​ →  (i’m sorry if i have forgotten one of you - of course i love you as well!)
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pr3st0n-the-cl0ne · 5 months
Preston... if you won't face the truth... then face me. Face the suffering you've caused for the people you love...The pain f knowing what you've lost...And the hatred of yourself for being too cowardly to change anything about it... Let those feeling deavour you here... until your insides rot. -@strangermp4
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szamaisflyingsolo · 3 months
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THE DREAMERS 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
I enjoyed this story a lot.
What would you do if given a chance to go beneath the floor in your dream? Would you just peer and go away or stare into the abyss to see what is there? Would you let the darkness deavour your sanity and dig its way here? Would you let that out?
Think about it. What is there, what hides beneath? Does it bite? Does it eat you alive?
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exohrcisms · 2 years
# EXOHRCISMS   ;   a  private  ,  selective  ,  mutually  exclusive  original character, heavily based on various horror such as the exorcist, silent hill & more.   anti-duffer, anti-plec, anti-jkr.                                 stabbed by 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄.                                 no  minors  ,  personals  or  smut  blogs  allowed.
                   also found at   deavoured   ,   chrissyrots   &   lovecomms
                   thread tracker
triggers found on this blog   ﹔ murder , horror , gore , ghosts , mentions of mental health , mentions of trauma , mentions of past abuse etc
this   blog   prefers   𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆   over  regular  threads  but  is  willing  to  deffer  from  their  preference.
exploring themes such as   ﹔  murder , questioning ones reality , cigarette smoke , the unlikely hero , monsters coming out of ash , killing the old you , oil and grime , what hides under the bed? , hiding your dark side , running in the dark , && exorcisms .
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Liquor is scarce!
Fly time is approaching!
No property sold last Tuesday!
Guano hauling has commenced!
Fine weather for sucker fishing!
The price of cotton is advancing!
A little cotton in the country yet!
We hear of an occasional case of measles.
See Judge Bell's notices of new bridges to build.
the mumps are playing out for the lack of material.
We are going to serve all alike - rich and poor - next week.
Tom Niblack takes to farming just as if he was used to it.
Judge Bell proposes to get after the road commissioners.
Jack Gilleland is moving right straight along on his new house.
Frank Pendergrass has turned out to be a first-class plasterer.
We will give our readers some cheering railroad news next week.
Judge Howard's residence on his farm near town is nearly completed.
Bud McElhannon has returned from his jaunt over into Walton county.
Our town have been pretty quiet since the barrooms stopped running.
Don't neglect to look after your subscription if you want the Herald.
A new set of wheat rocks have been ordered for the Long mills at this place.
A large number of horses and mules have been purchased in this county this season.
The station between Gainesville and Jefferson on the railroad will be called Conditional.
Mr. Macajer Williamson died on last Saturday night. He had been sick for sometime past.
A lot of cotton at the Northeastern depot in Athens got burnt up and damaged last week.
Remember that this is the last paper you will get if you are over a year behind on our books.
Judge Bell has bought a burglar proof safe for Jim Williamson to keep the county money in.
Bob Deavours has been appointed baliff pro tem for this District during the sickness of Bill Waddle.
O'Farrell Bros. & Co., of Athens, are the agents in that place for the celebrated Cumberland Guano.
Dr. Long and his charming daughter, Miss Georgia, were in our county last week, the guests of friends and relatives.
Mr. McGinty has had some hands up here putting some finishing touches on the Court House and Dr. Pendergrass' drug store.
We propose to drop every name from our books after this issue unless settlement of past indebteness is made between now and next issue.
The present Town Council is too stingy to advertise the fact that they are going to hold an election to fill a vacancy in the board of aldermen.
We tender our thanks to "Vande Linctum," for again breaking the silence of several months. We shall expect to hear from him again.
A crazy ... woman was put in jail at this place last week, but owing to her violent condition she had to be moved back this week to her friends.
If you get no paper next week you can guess the cause. So you had better come up and see how you stand. A note will make the easy until next fall.
John Brooks of Athens, and one of O'Farrell Bros. & Co's boss clerks, was in the city last Saturday and Sunday. John attended to business on both days, but of a different character.
When you go to Athens to buy your guano, don't forget that O'Farrell Bros. & Co. are the agents for the Cumberland Guano. It is a first-class article, and is sure to give satisfaction. Give them a call, and you will not regret it.
A communication, in regard to the stock law, with no name to it, is in this office, awaiting a signature before it is published. Our rule is imperative - we must have the names of all parties who write articles for publication, and we don't intend to break the rule.
Dr. Pendergrass and A. H. Brock will represent Jefferson at the inaugural of Garfield today. We wish the boys much pleasure on their trip, but warn them not to think they are better than other folks because they helped to put the new President in his seat.
The Herald office is located over a drug store and doctor shop, and the doctor underneath us loves to pull teeth, and you bet we have other kinds of music sometimes besides the clicking of type. When we move again we are going to locate over a livery stable, so that we can have a quiet time.
Married, on the 23d of last month in Athens, Ga. Rev. C. D. Campbell officiating, Mr. L. N. McMillan, of this county, and Miss Adeline Hayes, of Athens. Mr. McMillan is our mail carrier from this place to Lawrenceville, and has heretofore played shy of Hymen's bands, but, at last, after living over half of his life in single blessedness, he has consented to be yoked.
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m1kaelsons · 2 years
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               @deavoured was  stubborn  —  some  might  find  that  vexing  ,  but  that  was  just  one  of  her  numerous  qualities  that  he  so  enjoyed  .  when  he  could  get  most  everything  else  with  such  ease  ,  it  was  nice  to  occasionally  be  provided  with  a  challenge  .  not  that  he'd  tell  anyone  that  ,  of  course  .  his  smirk  simply  grew  ,  dark  brow  raising  .  ‘ while  we  squabble  over  which  term  to  use  ,  you  haven't  told  me  to  stop  ,  ’  he  pointed  out  ,  some  hope  blooming  in  him  at  that  observation  .  her  continued  rejection  had  been  a  bit  of  a  slowly  bleeding  wound  in  his  heart  ,  not  to  mention  a  blow  to  his  ego  and  self  esteem  .  both  of  which  were  truly  so  fragile .  while he would be happy to simply call her friend , he would likely always wish for more . ‘ can  i  assume  that  to  mean  you  don't  mind  my  wooing  ,  or  flirting  ,  whatever  you  wish  to  call  it  ?  ’   he prodded gently , moving even closer .
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con-ked · 2 years
I think many of us here on our Glorious Trashsite spend more time than we'd like to admit scrolling through endless fanart of our favourite fictional gays and disaster scrimbos, deavouring any and all shameless headcanons, checking out cool writing prompts we'll never actually write something for and devouring fic after appalling fic we'd probably rather eat an entire live goat than admit we've read to our friends, parents and teachers.
And I think we've all had those moments where we've suddenly paused and been hit with the acute realization of what we're actually doing and the immediate shame slamming home like a collapsing skyscraper.
And then the the 'What am I DOING with my life??? My precious time?? Heartbeats???' slowly descending into a mental spiral of existential dread and awareness of our own mortality before we get up, Very Tired, make ourselves a coffee, and go do something more 'productive'.
But maybe there is worth in the scrolling. Maybe there is meaning in the careless, happy consumption of self-indulgent fluff and sentences, stories, creations we'd never allow to see the light of day.
Well, everything can be meaningful and fascinating if you want to sit down, perhaps with a nice drink or snack, and muse about it.
And in a world where neither the past nor the future is here and will always be- whether unimaginably faraway or only just behind or ahead of us- untouchable, visible only in speculation and ideas and books and ancient, ruined things and the lines on faces and the darker patches on my hands and the way people have changed,
the present is more important than any language or art could ever express.
And though past and future are important, and the past must be learnt from and the future must be embraced, the present is still the most important. And The Now is a little more flexible in how long it lasts than the other two. Could be a millisecond, could be a month.
So things that make you happy in the moment are very precious, actually. We all have things we do and secrets we're ashamed of and will take to our graves, so why not add one more to the pile? After all, the only folks who'll know are the FBI agents monitoring our browsing. It's their loss, really.
Productivity invariably looks to the future. What can I get done in my life? How can I live up to my true Potential? How can I contribute and be, become something so, so admirable and useful to society and the world that it'll outlast my measly lifespan and be a legacy others will be in awe of?
And regret regards the past. You can't change what has happened. You can unthink an idea or undo what's been done, be that an OC's creation or anon's mother. All you can do is bear it in mind. So, you can decide to stop reading this or browsing Pinterest, or you could, actually, be as shameless and feral as deep down, we all want to be, and scroll the fuck out of that trash feed.
You could think about what about the so-called nonsense you're consuming makes you so happy. Or you could just. Y'know. Consume. Become the Great Beast. Devour ALL the smutty fanart and self-gratifying insert fic. Wreak havoc. Be happy. Forget the world for an hour
We don't have much time in this world.
That sentence is simultaneously terrifying and a great relief.
Some of us will have a century or more, some of us could get hit by a lorry reading this, millions will die tomorrow, and I'm presuming hundreds have in the time it took me to write this lengthy post and the time it took you to read it.
We don't have long, but we still have years. I've hardly begun my life and already the Literal Queen Elizabeth II has died. Think of how much more could happen. And do you really think you'd want to die without having ever spent at least ONE hour checking out Tumblr and its mortifying beauty?
We can be modern day hardcore hedonists. So many flamboyant icons before us would be proud. So many historical bastard with sticks up their asses would be barrel rolling in their graves.
So go on. Scroll down, full steam ahead. Reblog this with some dumb hysterically funny meme quoting that thing I said about meaningfulness and interestingness in everything. Seize the moment, you utter madlad. Yell at a transphobe tomorrow. Write a book in ten years. Worry later and die rueful and happy.
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houndshell · 2 years
#𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 ;
 ⠀          ⠀         an extremely low activity   roleplay   blog   for   𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐚 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐫  ,   an original muse thrust into the 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 fandom.    blog is not associated with the creators of teen wolf ⅋ will not exclusively follow events of the show. indie   ,   private   ⅋   mutuals   only. 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙘𝙚𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙙  𝘣𝘺  love:     [    any pronouns ,  25+ .    ]               no  minors  ,  personals  or  smut  blogs  allowed.
         ⠀          anti-d*ffer, anti-pl*c, anti-j*kr, anti-j*davis, anti-sterek
                   also found at   eddierots , deavoured   ⅋   lovecomms                    interest tracker , mobile rules
this   blog   prefers   𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆   over  regular  threads  but  is  willing  to  alter  from  their  preference.
⠀⠀⠀* ⠀   †  ⠀         an   exploration   in      :        finding comfort in the flames , skin being torn from bones , cracking bones , dripping with blood , tearing flesh with sharp teeth , rotting  from  within , evil spirits finding vessels ⅋ fearing the dark.
triggers found on this blog   ﹔ trauma , death , mental health , horror , gore , depression etc.
here, @eddierots , @deavoured and @lovecomms are currently my only active blogs on tumblr. if anyone else claims to be me, it isn't my blog.
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prefrcntal-a · 2 years
@deavoured liked the post for a lyric starter! risked roulette and got JOE GOLDBERG for KATHERINE PIERCE
"So call me a pessimist, cause I don't believe in it. Finding a true loves kiss is bullshit."
mad at disney : salem ilese
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synesindri · 2 years
lucifer (spn) for the character bingo <3
you know what's so funny is that technically i do not consider lucifer to be my favorite spn character but also i can point to several major things in my actual life that would be different if i wasn't insane about him. and also spn lucifer is my everything lol. problems disorder!! thank you for asking <3
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morgenlich · 3 years
💕- What is the WIP that you are most excited about?
fic asks!
HM an interesting question tbh bc the one i’m most invested in writing i also am hesitant to really talk about for fear of disk horse (it’s set during w/w2 is the reason heh), so I’m most excited to write it tho i don’t see myself going out of my way to promote it either (tho I’ve already shared bits and pieces here through other ask games, or the most recent wip wednesday post lol
the one i’m most excited to share is the murder mystery fic because frapol is a super underrated ship and it’s a chance for me to showcase a Lot of my headcanons in one place lol
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