#debatably shit talking a guy shouldn't make me feel better but i hear he's like super bad to his gf soooooo deserved
elytrafemme · 1 year
the music director drama is fucking insaneee
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wolvesandpetals · 3 years
Loki x Sylvie Post-Finale Fanfiction (Angst, Rated Teen) Part 2 of 2
Part 1 is here:
She never knew it would hurt this much when the person she loves is right in front of her, but she can't reach out and touch him; when she is still her, he is still him, but everything else has changed, like an invisible lever in an old theatre changing the scenery in the background, bringing them both to the part of the play where they are hopelessly lost.
All it took was one single moment, one single decision, and everything feels irrevocably broken now. It makes her contemplate on the true nature of relationships, how fragile they are, and how easy it is to shatter them- and her.
The smoke is slowly clearing, and all that seems to be left is a man who is doing his best to keep his distance from her, physically and emotionally.
She can tell from the way he stands with his arms crossed, or his fists clenced when his hands are by his side, that he really doesn't want to hold her hand. How can something so simple as the touch of his fingers be so vital to her existence that it feels like something has been ripped out from inside her?
She wants to reach out and touch him, but she is scared that if he pulls away outright, any hope of reconciliation that she still has left will shatter into pieces.
And she really needs this hope. It's the only thing she still has left. It's the only thing that keeps her going.
He looks like a man with a mission.
They spent quite a long time together, running from the TVA, running towards the citadel at the end of time, hoping to achieve their goal of bringing down the one behind the curtains.
But that was her mission, and he was there for her. She was the one behind the wheels, he was the one keeping the sails afloat.
Now it's different. Now he has a defined goal, a glorious purpose.
She's seeing him in a whole new light now, and not just because he has switched to Asgardian leather and metal armors.
As far as she is concerned, she is better off doing it all alone. One woman army, nobody to get in her way, nobody to screw up her plans. Nobody to blame her if it all goes to shit.
Or so it was, until two months ago, when Mobius decided to enlist her help in fixing the multiversal madness.
She has never really worked with people before, and it's weird, to say the least. She never considered herself a team player, but she is finding herself hating the idea less and less lately.
And she swears it has nothing to do with him. Not the fact that they are working together, and seeing his face first thing in the morning brings her a sense of calm that she quite can't explain. Or the fact that their rooms are next to each other and it makes her feel secure enough to finally get some rest at nights. Or that this whole arrangement has kept them on talking terms, when they had gone their own separate ways otherwise.
Nothing to do with that at all.
Humans are stupid, and the biggest evidence of this is how they decided that two extremely powerful Gods skilled at magic, enchantment, and defeating an evil extra dimensional cloud that swallows everything it touches, should be delegated to the role of research. "You're clever. You're good at reading people. You can put yourselves in the shoes of the bad guys, no offense", they said, but really, what they meant was, "We can't trust you out in the field much." She knows it, he knows it. She just doesn't know why he's complying.
That's how they find themselves researching every single day.
She likes to think he's not the only reason why she's studying in the library instead of in the comfort of her room, but that'd be a lie.
At first, he chooses to sit at a separate table. But she keeps going over to his to "get his opinion" on something in the file she's reading, and finally, he gives in. Their current arrangement consists of him sitting in the chair in front of her, to the left, prim and proper, while she hoists her feet up on the table.
He falls asleep on the desk one night, face smacked against a file, the tiniest bit of drool forming at the corner of his mouth. It would be a hilarious sight, if her heart wasn't feeling what she can only describe as longing.
They should probably talk about it, like mature adults, but neither of them know how to do that.
All she can do right now is gather the courage to run her fingers through his hair. The touch is hesitant at first, as if one wrong move would make him wake up and push her back to square one. Slowly, she relaxes, letting her fingers dance on his scalp.
He stirs in his sleep. "Please Sif. I'm sorry. Don't cut off my glorious locks, please."
Now this is a story she must hear when things are better.
If things are better.
Doctor Strange joins them very briefly, very rarely, but the tension between him and Loki is hard to miss. It's worse than the current situation with her, and that's saying something.
"You don't really like Stephen, do you?"
Something inside him seems to shift, but he masks it behind a non-chalant look immediately and just arches an eyebrow at her. "He's Stephen now, is he?"
"Well, that is his name." She shrugs. "What do you call him?"
"Strange", he spits the word out with an amount of irritation that indicates there definitely is a story there. "That is his name", he mimics.
She can't help the smirk that spreads across her lips. "What did he do to you?"
"Nothing", he lies, ignoring the horrifying flashbacks of thirty minutes of endless falling. Not a single soul must ever know a mere human got the best of him. "What can he do to me? I'm a God among those mortals. He just irks me because he is so pompous, and arrogant, and he ceaselessly uses magic to toy with others."
She pretends to think deeply. "Now where have I seen that before?"
He scoffs. "You mock me, but I am nothing like him. For one, I am not rude."
"He seems fine to me", she declares decisively.
It's the first time in months that he gives her a cheeky grin. "That's because you're rude too."
They are still just containing the threats to their world, instead of finding a way to fortify the barriers between worlds and stop the threats from coming.
"Shouldn't we have a plan to seal off the other worlds from ours?" She asks him one day.
"They are working on it." He tells her, and then with a look of worry, adds, "I hope."
There are debates on what to do at the Avengers tower and at the TVA. Nobody seems to agree on what the best course of action is, but everyone seems to be following the general instructions of Doctor Strange.
During one such meeting, a Minuteman makes the mistake of voicing out loud how she wondered if things would be better if they were running according to their old boss's plans.
Sylvie feels the guilt wash over her once more.
"No", Loki tells them all firmly. The determination in his voice takes her completely by surprise. "Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling, makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred." She catches him steal a glance at her direction. "We couldn't have left a dictator in charge just because it's convenient. Listen, I'm the bad guy. I've done horrible, unspeakable things. I thought humans needed to be ruled. I wanted to rule. But even I know that it's not right to take away a person's life completely. These are innocent people. You are innocent people. You have families back home, parents, children", a pause and a softening of his features, "-love. A whole past, a whole future. That man had no right to take it away from you."
His powers of persuasion are foreign to her, and it's mesmerizing to watch. Her enchantments cannot hold a candle to how he is able to just talk people into doing what he wants, thinking what he thinks, seeing what he sees.
"He who remains had a plan. One, singular plan, from one, singular man." There is absolute conviction in his voice. "It's not the only way. We'll find another way. A better way."
She has never known what it is like to have someone see you for who you are- broken and flawed, and defend you- even your well-intentioned actions that yielded different results than what you expected and hurt them in the process. She suspects it has been the same for him, a lifetime of not having anyone have his back.
The warm feeling inside her is brand new. What is the name of this? Comfort? Relief?
This will be their first time out in the field in a long time, and she feels a little sick to the stomach.
He notices. "Are you alright?"
The concern in his voice tugs at her heartstrings. She nods. She has faced way worse, she shouldn't be so nervous about this, but she is. "I've never done this before."
"We can always just kill him and blame it on the Chitauris", he suggests with a serious face.
"I heard that", Peter yells from the other room, where he is doing whatever it is that teenagers do to prepare for battle.
She shakes her head in disbelief. "I can't believe we're babysitting."
"I've done this before", he assures her, and it surprises her to picture him being entrusted with such a serious task. "The trick is to conjure up illusions that keep them distracted enough to not cry."
She laughs. "You're thinking of infants. This one is a little older."
"I'm over a thousand years old, Sylvie. They're all infants to me."
Peter joins them, mask covering his face so that he doesn't reveal his identity. "So what do I call you? Loki and Loki? That's confusing. How about Loki and Lady Loki? Or is that offensive? I'm not suggesting women are inferior, because they're absolutely not..."
"Does he come with an off switch?" She whispers in horror as Peter rambles on.
Loki grins. With one wave of his hand and a flash of green, Peter's own webbing shoots out and seals his mouth shut.
Things are fine but not fine at the same time. He's right there beside her, but not there at all. They have their banters, they have their stolen glances, but they haven't had a meaningful conversation since that first day when she got back. She's been putting it off for a long time, but she knows they really do need to have the talk.
She corners him in his room one evening while he's tinkering with a temporal collar. She takes a seat in the chair next to his bed and rests her hand on the table, leaning her head against her palm, before switching position and crossing her arms and legs. Everything about her posture screams uneasiness. If he notices- he probably does- he doesn't say anything.
"You defended me that day."
He briefly looks up from the task at hand and gives her a soft smile. "Of course."
She blinks. "I don't understand." Her hands involuntary rise up to rub her temples. "If you can justify my actions to them, then how can you still be mad at me?"
"I'm not mad at you", he says without missing a beat.
"Rubbish", her words come out angrier than she intended. This frustration is the result of the months of status quo they have had. She has to know now, one way or the other. "You're distant. You're guarded", she accuses. Then her voice breaks, as she feels a part of her break all over again with her next words. "You don't hold my hand. Why? Tell me."
He abandons the collar and focuses his full attention on her. Staring straight into her eyes, he answers her. "You know why."
"I wouldn't be asking if I did. Look, if it's because I chose the mission over you-"
"-Of course it's not that." He says decisively. Then a sad smile clouds his face. It's the same look he had when she accused him of conning her to gain the throne. "Do you think I'm the type of man who would want a woman to abandon her life-long ambitions just because she has met someone?"
She knows he isn't. But it still doesn't answer why he is so cross with her. "What is it then?"
He pauses for a moment, trying to decide whether he wants to bare his soul out to her once more or not. There are two ways he can go from here- choose to not let her in again and save himself from the hurt, or trust her again and open himself up to potential pain.
Who is he kidding? Pushing her away- keeping her away- doesn't hurt any less.
There were a thousand things that had to go wrong to bring two Lokis from two universes together. A connection like that, it doesn't just happen.
And it doesn't just go away. The pain is constant, it's a part of him, pounding like a second heart every second he has to stop himself from reaching out for her hand.
This has to come to an end.
He takes in a deep breath, bracing himself. "You didn't have to send me away, Sylvie. I wanted to stop you from making the same mistakes I did. But in the end, I didn't care what you chose. I just wanted us to do it together."
She never even imagined this could be the reason for his hurt. All these months spent thinking he hates her for her choices, and now it turns out he is hurt simply because she chose to do it alone? "I'm sorry." She says sincerely. "I just wanted you to be safe."
"And I just wanted to be there with you till the end." He confesses. His eyes shimmer with the emotions he has kept bottled in for so long. "You go, I go."
She doesn't know what to say to that. She has never been good at articulating her feelings. Tears stream down her cheeks at the realisation that even after everything, he is still there for her.
She didn't cry even back at Lamentis when they thought they were going to die. She doesn't let anyone see her cry when she is sad or scared. That's all she has known her whole life. She's used to it by now.
This is new. These are tears of relief. Comfort.
Tentatively, she crosses over to the bed and sits by his side.
It's quiet for a few minutes. But unlike the months of tension so thick she could cut it into splices with her daggers, this is comfortable silence. The kind they had before it all went wrong.
"Did you even miss me?" He whispers.
"What kind of silly question is that? Of course I did." Her shaking hands grab his, and oh how she missed this.
He intertwines their fingers. His eyes draw closed. Bliss. That's the only word for this feeling.
He opens his eyes again and studies her. She's staring back at him, teary-eyed, but with a hopeful smile. "Really? Because you have a really unique way of showing it. You didn't even come looking for me."
"I didn't know how to face you", she tells him honestly. No tricks, no enchantment, no treachery. Not with him. "I didn't know if you even wanted to see me." Her voice grows quieter, dropping to a timbre that perfectly encapsulates her deepest fear. "I thought you hated me."
"Hate you?" He is shocked that she thinks that is even possible, specially after seeing him these last few months. "Sylvie, I'm working with the Avengers. The Avengers. Do you know how much I hate them? They are my nemesis. They're self-righteous, condescending, and so completely dull. Every second with them makes me want to rip their hearts out. Why do you think I'm here with them?"
She thinks she knows. But she needs to hear it anyway.
"It's because of you." He lays it all out on the table. All cards on deck, win or lose. "You've been running away. I have been the one who has been here, trying to hold down the fort, working to fix everything. Because that is what one does when one loves-"
Shit. The word slips out before he realises it.
Their eyes go wide in unison.
"Sylvie, I-"
"-Don't you dare take it back now." She warns him. "I-" She doesn't know how to say it either. They make such a great pair, both equally daft at saying how they feel, like they are teenagers, not Gods who have lived for centuries. "I've been running because I didn't think I could bear the burden of knowing I found you and then I lost you. I don't want to lose you. Not now, not ever."
He kisses the back of her hand, before letting it go. He cups her face, gently caressing her cheeks with his thumbs. "I don't want to lose you either."
She leans in closer, until their foreheads touch. She can feel his breath on her face, warm and soft. That is exactly how she feels inside. "You won't", she promises. "You go, I go."
(Quote on Lesser Evil from The Witcher. Thanks for reading!!)
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sincerelyasomebody · 4 years
Give An Inch || Oscar "Spooky" Diaz
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(GIF Credit: @merakiaes)
A/N: Not proofread, apologises. Feel free to point out any mistakes with the Spanish translations. Thanks!
Pairing(s): Spooky x Reader ▪︎ The Core 5 x Reader (platonic relationship) 
Summary: A helping hand is mistaken for something else. 
Warnings: fluff, language, mention of smut (very light), mentions of a baby, sexist comments, 
Word Count: 1815
- ♤ - ♡ - ◇ - ♧ -
"Come on, (Y/N)." Jamal begged, trying to snatch the bag filled with candy, "just one more and I promise I'll stop asking." 
"No, Jamal," she reprimanded the teenager, "you've eaten enough candy as it is."
He huffed, the rest of the group laughing at his misfortune. Oscar shook his head, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, clicking his tongue, "eh, just give him one." 
She looked at him, "and have him throw up on himself? I don't think so." She glanced over at the group and back at him, "besides, he keeps grabbing the (flavour) ones and there's hardly any left." 
With a laugh, he kissed her forehead, "so it's not about his well being? It's 'cause he keeps taking the ones you like?" 
"Shut up," was her response. 
That made him laugh harder, causing the group of teenagers to look back at the couple. Cesar smiled at how carefree his brother looked whereas his friends were still surprised, despite knowing of the couple's marital status. 
They and their families, the Santos and (Y/N)'s family were present at the courthouse, a simple but elegant affair. Despite her mother's protest about a big wedding, (Y/N) was more focused on spending the rest of her life with Oscar and Cesar (they were a packaged deal). She didn't care where they got married. 
It had been months since that court appearance and (Y/N) and Oscar had fallen in love with each other more everyday. Yes, they had their disagreements, but before the sun set apologises were said and a round of cuddles were given. He may have been a tough Santos leader, but Oscar was big on affection. 
A relaxed date night for the pair turned into an eventful group outing. (Y/N) didn't mind, having grown accustomed to having the teenagers around (even Jasmine with her big personality, something she really admired). Oscar was annoyed, but adjusted to having her attention shared. 
The teenagers began to disagree on whether to try their luck with the games or grab a bite to eat. The girls wanted to play some games and the boys wanted to get some more food. (Y/N) decided to make the decision for them, looking at Oscar, "you go with the boys and I'll go with the girls," she laughed, taking note of his unimpressed look, "they're not that bad." 
Right on cue, Jamal and Ruby began arguing about the most problematic person in the 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days cast. Cesar stood by, saying nothing and somehow got dragged into the debate. (Y/N) shook her head and pecked Oscar's cheek, "good luck." 
And with that, she walked off with the girls in tow. 
The three walked around for quite a bit before deciding on playing Whac-a-Mole; no lines, reasonably priced and the prizes were really good. (Y/N) handed the attendant the money and watched the game light up. 
"How do you plan on winning?" Monse asked, knowing that a bunch of the games were rigged. 
"By imagining something that pisses me off," she replied. Both girls quirked an eyebrow and watched as she hit almost every single mole that popped out of its hole. When the game ended, she glanced over at them, "see?" 
They laughed at her chosen stuffed animal being a wolf, knowing her obsession with dogs, when the attendant asked about her prize. Taking a step back, she allowed the girls to decide if they wanted to play a game. 
Unbeknownst to her, a figure had been watching from afar and decided right at that moment to start up a conversation. 
(Y/N) felt a presence move closer, she smiled thinking they were passing by, but instead stopped right in front of her. Her eyebrows furrowed, as she took in the person; solid build, tall and tanned skin. 
"The name's Damian," he introduced himself.
She nodded, "hello, Damian, I'm (Y/N). Did you need something?" 
Before he could reply a mallet hit the side of his head. She covered her mouth to stifle her laughter, eyes looking at the direction of where it flew to find Monse nodding towards Jasmine, the girl giving a sheepish grin. (Y/N) turned back around to find Damian rubbing his head.
"Well… uh, that was… something," he muttered, picking up the object and holding it out. 
"Sorry," Jasmine apologised, taking it and giving it back to the attendant.
(Y/N) noticed his cheek darkening, "you might need some ice for that," she held up her finger, "follow my finger, please." A couple seconds later, she concluded, "you don't seem to have a concussion, but you should check out the medical tent." 
He smiled, "you in the medical field?" 
"A nurse at the local hospital." 
"Beauty and brains," he complimented
She shook her head, "come on I'll take you," she glanced over her shoulder, "tell the guys where I'm going, okay? I shouldn't be long." 
Monse and Jasmine nodded at her instructions, sharing a look when she walked around the corner, hopefully Spooky wasn't nearby. 
But of course, luck wasn't on their side. 
"You girls win anything?" 
They turned around and found Cesar walking ahead of the group, a grin plastered across his face holding up a teddy bear and handing it over to Monse. Jamal and Ruby holding a slushie and a churro in their hands. Spooky took notice of the missing figure, his eyes staring at the pair, "where's (Y/N)?" 
Jasmine piped up, "at the medical tent," when she noticed their concerned faces she quickly added, "don't worry, she's not hurt. She took a guy there 'cause I hit him in the head with a mallet." 
"You hit him with a mallet?" questioned Ruby, taking a sip of his slushie. 
"Sí, pero no propósito," she gestured to the truck, "I was using it for the game, they really need to tape that shit down."  
Jamal's eyebrows scrunched together, "aren't those things attached?" 
"Yeah, they are," Monse replied, "well.. one used to be." 
As the group got on the subject of other carnival games, they didn't notice Spooky slipping away to find (Y/N). Always being down to help whoever with whatever, it didn't come as a surprise to him hearing she had walked the guy over to the medical tent. It was a trait he loved about her, but of course it had setbacks. 
With a heart as big as hers, there were some people who liked to take advantage of her goodwill. 
If the guy fell into that category, then he was in for a rude awakening.
He walked around the corner, avoiding a bunch of kids running with their parents trying to keep up with them. Passing by several tents he found the one he was looking for. It wasn't that hard as an ambulance, cots and paramedics stuck out among the food trucks and carnival games. 
His eyes focused on her, her hands clutching a stuffed animal, a smile crossed his face taking note of it being a wolf. She let out a laugh and continued talking to the person next to her. He moved towards them, his pace picking up when he noticed her twiddling her thumbs, a subtle sign that showed she was beginning to feel uncomfortable. 
"Cariño." He called out. 
Her head turned in his direction, a big smile on her face as she rose to her feet. When he was close enough, she wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. When she released her hold, she pecked his lips. 
Quickly bending down to pick up the wolf plushie.  
After shaking it, she held it up to his face, "say hello to the new love of my life." 
He kissed his teeth, "new love? The only new love of your life is gonna be the baby I put in you, esta noche." 
She gasped and hit his chest, laughing when he pulled her in and kissed the top of her head. 
"Uh… you're taken?" 
The couple turned to the figure holding the ice pack to his cheek. (Y/N) nodded, "yep, happily taken." Holding up her left hand to reveal just how taken she was.
Damian shook his head, "you're married and walking around as if you're single? Wow, aren't you a great catch." 
Her eyebrows furrowed, at the switch in his tone, "excuse you?" 
"You led me on."
"Led you on?" She scoffed, "how?" 
He gestured to the tent, "you brought me here." 
"Yeah, I brought you here to make sure you were okay," she replied, "and before you say anything about me staying with you, I thought I'd keep you company before your friends arrived." 
"You have to train her better," Damian shifted his focus to Oscar, "can't have your wife leading men on like some bitch in heat." 
Before (Y/N) could blink, Oscar gripped the front of Damian's shirt and pulled him close their nose centimetres apart, "don't fucking talk to her like that, understand me?" Damian just blinked, causing Oscar to give him a shake, "I asked you a question." 
He nodded, "yeah, I won't. Ever again." 
Oscar loosened his grip, nodding towards the bruising on the side of his head, "next time it'll be a bullet," at the scared look he received, he smirked, "now, apologise to my wife, pendejo." 
"I'm sorry." 
"She has a name." 
"I'm sorry, (Y/N)." 
"What are you sorry for?" 
"I'm sorry, (Y/N) for calling you a bitch and assuming that you were interested." Damian apologised. 
She nodded, "thank you." 
"When a woman is interested, she'll make it clear that she's interested." Oscar explained, "if she isn't interested, back off." 
"Right, got it." 
"But with your obscured view on women, I doubt they'd be interested," (Y/N) snickered, "all that muscle on you and you're nothing but a punk ass bitch." 
Oscar held her hand in his, giving the back of it a kiss, "come on," when they were about a metre away, (Y/N) called out, "enjoy the rest of your night, Damian. You sexist pig." 
This received a few stares from those surrounding the other tents but the couple kept walking as if nothing had happened. (Y/N) allowed Oscar to lead them back to wherever the group of teenagers were. When she spotted them, she stopped her movement, causing Oscar to halt in his.
"What's wrong?" 
She smirked and moved in close, fingers fiddling with the button of his shirt, "do you wanna get started?'
His eyebrow arched, "get started on what?" 
"On putting that baby in me…. Unless, you've changed your mind and -" 
She laughed when he gripped her hand and dragged her in the direction of the car, throwing a comment about texting Cesar that she wasn't feeling well and to stay the night at Monse's when she asked about the group noticing their disappearance. 
- ♤ - ♡ - ◇ - ♧ - 
Spanish Translation(s): 
Sí, pero no propósito - yeah, but not on purpose
Cariño - dear or darling 
Esta noche - tonight 
Pendejo - asshole or bastard
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mangomochi-yn · 4 years
[did i change your mind?]
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aoba johsai. iwaizumi hajime x reader
g. kinda confusing fluff but fluff nonetheless
tw. hajime is shooketh   wc. 1.6k
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If there was one thing you and Hajime never got along with, it would definitely be the topic of why one gets into a relationship. 
'If you like them—go ahead' was your thinking while as for Hajime— 'only if you like them enough to want to settle'. Maybe this was the whole reason why you two weren’t as close as two childhood friends should be. 
But when that third childhood friend, Tooru, suddenly asks you to fill in for him as Hajime’s plus one to a wedding, well things get kinda messy. 
And it all started when you asked him one thing, just as the bride and groom exchanges their vows and shares a kiss— 
“But isn’t it the heartbreaks that make true love oh so much sweeter in the end?”
"Hah? What the heck are you talking about in the middle of the wedding?" Your brows furrow at the fact that Hajime seems to have already forgotten what you two were debating about earlier. 
"You said 'why do people even get into relationships when they have no plans on settling'." He finally at least slightly looks in your direction. Maybe it was the fact that you were borderline whisper-shouting by now?
"Okay and?" You sigh, really you could never hold a proper conversation with this boy.
"And that's my reply— it's the heartbreaks that make the end game so much better isn't it? Kinda like gaining experience in a game so that the reward is so much better in the end." At the sound of the guests clapping along to congratulate the newly wedded couple, you two stand up as well, you never tearing your gaze from the boy though.
"I can't believe you're comparing it to a game." Jokes on him, he was the one that didn't even like saying the word love, pretty immature for someone that was so adamant against getting into casual relationships.
"How else would I get it into that thick brain of yours then? I would have thought of a volleyball phrase if I had more time." Finally, you look towards the groom and bride, clapping along with the rest of the guests as a smile adorns your face.
You said what you felt you needed to say, so maybe that's why you hadn't noticed how the spiky-haired boy was staring at you in awe— thinking deep about what you had said.
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"Oi, Shittykawa, why do you get into a relationship?" Said boy's eyes almost popped out of their sockets as he stared at his best friend. Was he seriously asking him that? In the middle of a water break at practice?
"Eh? Are you and Y/N-chan in one of those little debates again?" Bullseye but not quite. Hajime actually hadn't noticed how he asked Oikawa that question.
The only thought in his mind was how he saw you earlier that day, it had been already a week after the wedding, yet your words still stuck in the back of his head — brought forward as he saw you walking around school— clinging to a boy he's never seen's left arm as well. 
He didn't want to admit it but for the first time in how many years, you were slowly driving him crazy. He found himself wanting to know everything that was on your mind, every nook and every cranny. 
"Oh! Y/N-chan, what brings you here?" Oikawa's booming voice echoes against the gym floors— effectively snapping Hajime out of his thoughts at the mention of your name.
"Hey, Tooru! I'm here to ask you about our one english project—" Sending a small wave to Hajime, he couldn't help but just stare at the way your eyes crinkled as you smile.
"—did I change your mind?" Wait, were you talking to him now? His eyes almost bulge as he racks his brain for an answer to your vague question. Did he change his mind about why people should get into relationships?
"—I told you I could do your part for the project if you promise to give me that milk bread recipe your mom always makes, so let me know if you’ll do it, Tooru."
Oh, but what a fool he was.
Noticing how your gaze was back at the captain's, Hajime's face turns a gushing red at how worked up he got by himself from assuming you were talking to him.
It wasn't until he heard your laughter at something the captain said did Hajime burst out his seat on the bench to march towards the locker room and wash his face to drown his senses.
"Oh and I accidentally made extra onigiris for you and Haji—" The bang of the locker room's doors were what made you aware of your other friend's sudden outburst.
"What was that?" Oikawa just shrugs. "He's been moody all day." But then as if a lightbulb went off his head, Oikawa then suddenly starts pushing you towards the locker room, a big smile on his face. You came to learn that that was never good news.
"Maybe he's just hungry, Y/N-chan! You should give him those onigiris and he'll probably feel better." You knew for sure that Hajime wasn't the type to lash out because of hunger, but before you could even argue back at your troublesome friend, you had already been shoved into the empty locker room, the door clicking locked behind you.
"I'm gonna murder Tooru, I swear." Deciding if you should just stay by the door until someone eventually opens it, you were finally greeted by the only other person in the room— half naked nonetheless.
You could only stare as he gazes at your form hunched by the door. After blinking for a few moments and seeing your cheeks turn a red hue, Hajime finally shuffles to wear a shirt, leaving you a blushing mess.
"Did Shittykawa shove you in here?" His voice was a bit gruffly but soft nonetheless, finally easing some of your nerves down.
"Uh.. yeah. He said that you might've been in a bad mood cause you were... hungry." How you made it sound more stupid than Oikawa himself, you didn't know.
But at least it didn't seem to offend or bother Hajime, instead he stared at your face with that pensive look in his eyes as if a million and one thoughts were all scrambling in his brain. 
And they were.
As he sees you stand there in front of him, a small bento in hand, Hajime couldn't escape the thoughts that plagued him since that day of the wedding.
"Dating someone just because you like them..." His voice came out a whisper you almost couldn't tell if you heard him right. Was he... thinking about what you said at the wedding? That's impossible, right?
"Uhh.. I accidentally made extra onigiris and brought some for you and Tooru." He only stares at your outstretched arms, waiting for him to take the small bento from your grasp. 
"Um but actually you can have them all. That stupid Tooru and his crazy ideas shouldn't get any—"
"I wanna try it." Thank god, you thought you were going to have to ramble off for the tension to ease.
"Oh, they're just normal onigiris, here—"
"I wanna try dating someone just because I like them."
Oh shit, he wasn't talking about the onigiris.
Wait... so is he saying he likes someone at the moment? And that he wanted to try dating them?
"Um, well good luck at that I guess then." You start to scratch the back of your neck awkwardly, earning a look of confusion from Hajime.
Did he want you to teach him or something? Did your childhood friend and one-sided crush of how many years really want you to teach him how to date someone else?
"You asked me if I changed my mind and that's your only reply?" Okay, now he was really getting confusing. It didn't help that he was starting to walk your way now, the doors were still locked, you couldn't exactly escape.
"When did I—" Then it dawns on you. Is that seriously why this airhead stormed out while you were talking to Tooru earlier?
"I was talking to Tooru, Hajime." 
"I know, but I couldn't help but think you were actually asking me too." By now, he had you trapped at a corner right by the door, your heart was beating at your chest. When did that start happening?
From this far you could actually smell the musk of his cologne, his eyes looked sharper than they were, and for a split second you were sure he was going to ravage you. Until—
"I wanna try it too— the heartbreak."
"Pfft." It catches him off guard how your once trembling expression suddenly easily turns into that of amusement. Your laugh lightly echoes across the room and he couldn't help but blush at your small giggles seemingly mocking him.
"That's not exactly the best way to ask someone out, Haji." Still wiping the tears off your face, his blush deepens as you shake your head. 
"But for you, is it okay?"
You would be lying if you said you expected that, but at this point anything was possible and hearing your childhood friend, your longtime one-sided crush, the boy that refused to go into a relationship unless it was to settle— hearing him ask you out so timidly was a whole new sensation in itself. 
A sensation you would be damned if you missed.
"Hmm, no, I actually take that back, Haji." His eyes widen as you loop your arms around his neck, pulling him closer despite his confusion. Yeah, you definitely couldn’t miss out on this.
"Let's scratch off that part I said about the heartbreak, Haji. Let's go straight to the ‘oh so much sweeter’ part instead."
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a/n. yall are probs like what is she trying to say? where is this going? idk either guys 😪 i just thought that first dialogue was neat then i was like aight bet or whatever. sigh i did not give iwa chan justice im sorry.
a/n. everybody lets say thank you oikawa though— that little shit actually did something
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palaugranetes · 4 years
Sergiño: Why are you even still awake
Ansu: It's only 23:56
Ansu: I have nothing to do tomorrow
Dembz: We are discussing important things here bro
Sergiño: You are talking about a video game
Ansu: Exactly.. important stuff
Sergiño: yeah... enjoy.. I'm out
Ronald: Please just go to sleep you two.. we have a match tomorrow.
Ansu: Yes you do
Ronald: We would like to sleep. So shush
Dembz: No one is stopping you😌
Ansu: Night night sweetheart
16 December 2020
Ronald: It is too late for this shit.. Bye
Frenkie: Night night guys
Dembz: ✌🏿
Ansu: Y'all better not make me come to the match for nothing.
Dembz: The things we do
JC: Have fun
Riqui: This should be good.
Arnau: I expect nothing quite frankly.
JC: And yet I am still disappointed.
Arnau: I mean.. pretty much yeah.
Ansu: Did y'all see Geri's pants 😂😂😂
Ansu: His clown pants
Ansu: Check your messages
JC: 😂😂😂
Dembz: Bro I am trying not to laugh!
Arnau: Should you guys really be talking about his clothes?..
Ansu: What is stopping us?
Arnau: Suit yourselves😌
JC: Aha.. Alright then.
Ansu: I better not have come for nothing I swear to God.
Dembz: We shall see..
Ansu: Not even surprised anymore.
JC: JORDI!!!!!!!!!
Ansu: Now I'm surprised!
Dembz: It was a good one.
Ansu: Still not over Geri's clown pants..
Arnau: FRENKIIIEEEEEE!!!!!! YES!!!!👑
Ansu: YOU LEGEND!!!@Frenkie
Dembz: YES!!!!
Ansu: This is getting boring
Arnau: Getting?
Dembz: I wish Riqui was here
Ansu: Why?
Dembz: I wanted him to add Geri
Dembz: Look.. It could be fun
Arnau: You need to reconsider your life choices my friend
Ansu: I agree with him.. Why would we even
Dembz: Debateable
Ansu: No debate here.. You are
JC: Don't even think of mentioning it to Riqui.
Dembz: 😒 fine
JC: I mean it Ousmane.. N'y pense même pas!
Ansu: Gosh that looked horrible..
JC: It hurt me seen it..
Dembz: What a Legend. Taking one for the team.
Ansu: We do not deserve it.. @Pedri you are a boss! Thanks for saving our ass.💙❤
Arnau: Finally.. It is over.
Arnau: Gonna go wash my eyes with a happy movie.
Ansu: I got out of the house for this..
Ansu: But at least we won
Dembz: Yep
Carlitos: "Ansu: His clown pants" Always representing us. Whenever Wherever..
Carlitos: No pun intended
Riqui: Everytime I sit through a match I feel like I need to take 3 showers.. And a detox..
Frenkie: 💙❤💙❤💙
Ronald: You and me bro @Oscar.. After all this time
Francisco: I really am not liking this.. we won.. but like
Iñaki: I think I dozed off for a few minutes in the 2nd half
Pedri: "Ansu: We do not deserve it.. @Pedri you are a boss! Thanks for saving our ass.💙❤" 💙❤ Força Barça
Ansu: You alright there buddy?
Pedri: Yes I'm great
Carlitos: That was some knock
Sergiño: It scared the hell out of me
17 December 2020
Ronald: Me too
Oscar: 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻A Boss
Pedri: I'm alright guys. We won. This is what matters most.
Francisco: "Pedri: I'm alright guys. We won. This is what matters most." I mean yes..
Riqui: Horrible ugly wins are still wins.
Frenkie: To be fair.. It was better than the last match
Carlitos: The bar is not set that high bro
Frenkie: No shit.
Frenkie: We'll see the match against Valencia..
Carlitos: 🙄🙄
Iñaki: Yeah we shall see.. remember they beat Madrid
Riqui: Not really a good reference there bro.. That match was pure comedy though😂
Ansu: 😂
Carlitos: The way it happened😂😂😂
Arnau: We really shouldn't be laughing😂😂😂
Riqui: I'm gonna go sleep and forget this match happened ✌🏼
Dembz: Night night
Riqui: You and I need to have a serious talk.. remind me tomorrow
Dembz: What'd I do?!
Riqui: You know what you did.
Dembz: I wouldn't be asking if I knew!!
Carlitos: Oooh someone's in trouble 😂
Dembz: WHAT DID I DO!?
Ronald: Lower your voice it's 2:00 am
Frenkie: Please stop talking.. I've had a long day
Carlitos: You got it goldilocks.
Frenkie: Thanks Curlitos
Carlitos: 💙
Iñaki: He asks y'all to shut up and you do it instantly but when I do...
Dembz: He said please
Ansu: He has a point
Carlitos: It is the magic word after all
Iñaki: 😑 Good night
Dembz: What was it you needed to talk to me about @Riqui?
Pedri: My side is killing me now that the adrenaline is gone 😅
Sergiño: Bro you basically were wrapped around the post.. I wouldn't expect anything less.
Pedri: Worth it.
Riqui: Is it?
Pedri: Acting like you wouldn't die for this Club
Riqui: This Club absolutely.. I am dying for it everyday.
Riqui: But him?... I would maybe take a minute to reconsider my options
Pedri: Him?
Carlitos: Ronald!
Ronald: Yes?
Pedri: Ronald?
Ronald: YES?
Riqui: Not you. But Hi
Carlitos: Sr.
Pedri: Ah ... Fair
Riqui: 🤷🏼‍♂️
Ronald: Hi @Riqui
Riqui: @Dembz Are you out of your mind?
Dembz: Sometimes, why?
Riqui: You really want Gerard here bro.. you realize we made this to shit talk the adults..and kept it a secret for that same reason!
Dembz: Yes but.. it'd be fun
Riqui: NO.
Carlitos: Your concept of fun scares me..
Ansu: 😂
Dembz: We had Luis here... you really think he didn't tell them?!
Ronald: He didn't
Dembz: 😒
Dembz: As if you'd know
Ronald: I do.
Riqui: No more asking for Gerard
Dembz: Fine
Riqui: I mean it.
18 December 2020
Oscar: Guys!!!
Oscar: The Girls will play at the Camp Nou finally!! My sister is so happy! 🥺
Riqui: They deserve it.
Carlitos: More than us tbh
Arnau: Yep
Ronald: That is fantastic news. Way overdue as well.
Riqui: And to think we play after them 😂😂
Arnau: 😂
Carlitos: You say we as if you are going to set foot on that pitch..
Riqui: Shut up.. It is and it will always be we.
Carlitos: I know... It's sad really..
Pedri: Eventually.. and hopefully soon, he'll see the error of his ways
Francisco: 🙄 Can he like see it now?
Pedri: 🤷🏻‍♂️
Frenkie: I am tired.
Frenkie: Exhausted even.
Riqui: So am I...
Carlitos: We all are.
Sergiño: I don't know what I expected when I came here, but this is not it fam
Ansu: @Dembz you still going to the Camp Nou tomorrow?
Dembz: Yep
Ansu: Fantastic.
19 December 2020
Pedri: Can you believe it's been 11 years!?
Pedri: I still remember that day like it was yesterday!!!
Pedri: Seeing Pedro score and then LEO!!!!
Riqui: I remember.
Carlitos: Andriu with all his hair
Oscar: Puyi🦁😍
Ronald: Puyi and Geri were something..
Riqui: Xavi😍🤩😍🤩😍🤩
Carlitos: Good times
Arnau: The best of times
Frenkie: We can go back to those times
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Carlitos: I Agree with whatever the hell Ricard just sent.
Carlitos: But I feel the sarcasm oozing out of it
Iñaki: Never say oozing ever again in your life.
Carlitos: It's a word
Iñaki: That you should never say again
Carlitos: Whatever.. gonna go get ready for the match.
Ansu: You have one job today. Win
Ansu: Please for the love of everything sacred.. WIN
Pedri: We will try our best
Ansu: You I trust
Ronald: What is that supposed to mean
Ansu: You as in the people here
Ronald: Aha
JC: If only someone else trusts the people here 🙄
Ansu: We don't hear from him for two days and then BAM!
Dembz: He is not wrong
Ansu: I know
Ansu: I feel like Geri's spidey senses tingled when we were talking about his clown pants😂
Ansu: I am so done with these idiots
Ansu: Not you @Pedri @Ronald @Oscar @Sergiño
Dembz: WHAT. A. GOAL. RONALD!!!!!!!!!
Iñaki: BRO!!!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Ansu: 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
Iñaki: Idk how Marc still hasn't kicked everyone's ass
Ansu: Idk but he should
Iñaki: They really are making him look bad
Ansu: Ugh
Dembz: 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️
Riqui: Well that was horrible
Riqui: Poor Mira
Francisco: I feel bad for him.. He was supposed to go in first not me
Riqui: Not your fault bro..
Francisco: I know but still
Carlitos: I give up on him making good decisions tbh
Riqui: I gave up like a month ago
Ansu: He wholeheartedly saw the match and said let's keep Philippe most of the match and then replaced him with Clem... while we were 2-2... WHO DOES THAT!
Riqui: Again, I gave up on him making good decisions.
Sergiño: No but it's come to the point of pointless stubborness
Carlitos: We are well past that my dude
Riqui: And I am the one with the attitude.
Frenkie: We move
Carlitos: Yes, backwards
Frenkie: Touché..
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 73 Xs1)
"Pittsburgh Proposals"
📷 creds to @southsidequeenie
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"WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS!!???" Ashleigh snaps the moment Luna and Colson hit the bus.
He's bouncing from the adrenaline. Walking straight into the back room, she's focusing on how to save her ass.
"That Motherfucker hit me and I LIT HIS ASS THE FUCK UP!!!" Colson beams as he plops down and grabs his guitar.
Strumming he raps.
🎶We didn't talk about it🎶
🎶We just got gully🎶
🎶I sized up his body🎶
🎶Put some white chalk around it🎶
"NOOOOO!!???" Slim's mouth drops as his eyes get wide.
Luna calls Monica immediately. Explaining what happened and how she couldn't check for security footage.
"Fuck Luna, that's at least 3rd degree assault...." Monica sighs.
"I know... What was I supposed to do, Mon? That bitch would've jumped on me if I'd have left her hanging. You know how she is." Luna's rubbing her forehead as she sits on the bed.
"Fuck.... I hope I didn't fuck her face up." Is all she can think as she lights a joint.
"You could've just hit her..." Monica debates.
Using sarcasm to cover up her guilt, Luna replies. "I like props."
She puffs on the joint. Trying to calm her nerves. She doesn't know where her xanax is.
"Don't be a dick." Monica tells her curtly.
"I know. I'm sorry. I feel fucking awful. You think I should call Em myself?" She asks, having his personal number.
As it was said before, Luna and Marshall know each other. It's mostly professional but as with all of Luna's relationships, there's a personal lace to it. A genuine friendship. She has been in and out of Michigan for the last 5yrs.
"Absolutely fucking NOT. You call Mike, see if he can get me the tape. Then you sit tight. Where are you now?" Monica has a sterness to her voice.
"Uhhhh... Somewhere between Detroit and Pittsburgh." Luna answers, pulling on the joint.
"Pittsburgh. Then where?" Monica's trying to keep tabs on her client and also her friend.
Luna sighs, exhaling while thinking out loud. "CA, Philly, then DC. I'm pretty sure."
"Alright. Stay in touch with me. Call Mike. DO NOT call Marshall. Luna. Not even a FUCKING text. Do not incriminate yourself. You know you never admit fault." Monica advices her.
"I do, I will. And I won't." Luna tells her, taking her direction.
Hanging up with Monica, Luna finishes the joint. Looking for her xanax. She finds a bottle in her travel bag. Popping one she calls Mike.
Mike is a Fixer. You have a problem, Mike Fixes it. For a fee. Whether base to base or annually. Luna met him during the 5yrs she's been involved with Flint's community. It only being an hour outside of Detroit, Luna has made a lot of connections through the years. Mike being an irreplaceable one.
Placing the call she doesn't go into much detail. Just pleasantries and what she needs. Mike understands. Telling Luna he'll take care of it and get in touch with Monica. They know each and have worked things out on Luna's behalf before. He goes on to tell her to try not to worry about it until she hears from Monica and to take care. The old man liking Luna, never minding when she calls.
Walking back into the main room of The Bus, Luna looks for her school bag. Her shoulder is killing her and she wants her percs.
Everyone is loud and rowdy. Still hype from Colson and Luna's antics. Joints are being passed. Hotel Diablo plays in the background.
Luna sits in between Ashleigh and Colson, once she pops them. Sinking into the couch, she hits the joint Colson passes to her. He rubs her leg, going back to his conversation with AJ. Ashleigh noticing Luna's mood, she asks her.
"So, no coffee, hunh?" Trying to lighten it.
Luna sighs as she exhales.
"Nah, man... That shit's all over Kim Mathers face. She replies, feeling awful.
Hitting the joint again, she won't even look at Ashleigh. Colson overhears her, whipping around.
"What!?" He asks her.
"Yeeeeah... She could be hurt and I could be fucked...." Luna trails off, thinking more of Kim.
"What do you mean? Explain."
Colson's confused. Not seeing anything Luna had done. She goes on to tell him how she had popped the top off of her coffee to threaten Kim from jumping in but that she'd tossed it on her to stop dude.
"Wait! You fucking hemmed up a DUDE too!?" Slim interrupts. "You're fucking monster."
They're all listening. Luna still feeling horrible over Kim. Slim hitting the nail on the head.
"He was going for Colson. What else was I supposed to fucking do?" She asks, shaking her head.
Looking down while running her hands through her scalp of her loose bun. Luna's tired and cranky. Her shoulder hurts. She truly feels like fucking shit and is genuinely worried for Kim. She doesn't even really care if she gets in trouble. Luna's used to fucking shit up, but this one doesn't feel okay to her.
"I need to take a nap before we get to wherever we're going." Luna leans up and kisses Colson on the cheek.
Knowing something's wrong, he only says Ok.
"Rage on My Dudes." Luna throws her fist in the air to The Boys as she heads back to the room.
They toss her Feel Betters to another one of her tossed fists.
After a while of kicking it, Colson heads back to lay with Luna. With noise canceling headphones on, she's knocked. Before climbing in with her, he sits on the edge of the thinking about the things she said.
"Fuck... I hope she's not in trouble... I can't believe she did that... She really will do fucking anything for me." His heart pounds as butterflies flitter in his stomach.
Once in Pittsburgh, things pick up in their normal chaotic way. Only worse. They're so late, there's only 6hrs to build the stage and rehearse.
Standing together, with their arms wrapped around each other. Luna's head rests against Colson's chest.
"I don't think I wanna perform tonight, if that's okay?" Luna says looking up at him.
"Yeah, Kitten... Are you alright?" He asks her, concerned.
Before she can answer, Don comes storming over to them.
Pointing aggressively. "You two. With me. NOW." He demands.
Luna and Colson look at each other with scowls on their faces. Taking her hand, they follow Don to the side of The Bus.
"I'm not going to be putting up with your fucking shit. I'm not gonna stand for the bullshit you two pulled today with the coffee. Making us late. You two are gonna get in fucking line and follow the fucki..." Don tries to tear into to the couple.
Luna isn't having it. She interrupts him quickly.
"Who the FUCK do you think you're talking to!? You don't fucking tell me what to fucking do and you SURE AS FUCK don't speak to Colson that way.  You must've lost your fucking mind. Anything goes down, it's OUR asses. NOT yours. Don't forget who signs your fucking paycheck, BITCH." She spits with venom.
"Actually I'm paid by the lable, Little Girl." Don snaps back at her.
Sometimes Luna has no self control. This is one of those times. Don's words release a furry. Without thinking, she kicks out the side of older man's right knee. He howls in unexpected pain, leaning forward to grab it. Luna uses this as an opportunity to slam her right fist into his face. Knocking him off his already unsteady feet.
Colson watches in shock. "THIS bitch is truly a fucking LunaTic." He thinks, unable to help himself from loving her even more.
Stepping over top of Don. Luna stares down. Very calmly and coldly, she states.
"I don't give a fuck about a lable. Come at my boyfriend or myself like that again and I will rip your fucking heart out and eat it for breakfast. BEFORE I leave you along the side of the highway for the vultures to eat. You. Don't. Run. Shit."
She stares at him for a long minute, eyes daring him to speak. He doesn't. Walking away, she grabs a Roadie. Pointing at Don, she tells him he needs a medic.
Colson looks down at Don and shrugs. Sucking his teeth, he laughs.
"You heard My Lady." He confirms before running off after Luna.
Luna sits with Ashleigh as The Band rehearses. She's sipping on camomile tea and smoking a cigarette. Hearing what Luna did to Don, she asks Luna about it.
"You alright? You seem to be popping off today." She observes.
Luna takes a drag of her cigarette. Looking over at her, she lifts her sunglasses.
"I'm worried I fucked her face up." Luna answers honestly, referring to Kim. "Not because I could get in trouble but because it was mean."
"Why'd you do it?" Ashleigh tests her.
"Because I wasn't risking her hopping on me or Colson." Luna answers without hesitation.
Ashleigh knows it shouldn't but it makes her smile. Colson and Luna maybe crazy together but it's because they're crazy for each other.
"What about Don?"
Luna slides her glasses back on and into her seat. Sucking her teeth before inhaling again.
"Fuck Don." She says with no remorse.
Luna can be extremely sweet and then ruthless within seconds.
"Agreed... He's a dick." Ashleigh laughs.
Luna sips her tea, smoking away.
"You're not performing tonight?" Ashleigh asks noticing the change in the setlist.
"Noooo... I just... Today's already been a lot... And people kinda freak me out sometimes..." Luna rambles.
"I get it." Ashleigh pats Luna on top off her shoulder reassuringly.
Luna gives her a grateful smile as they continue to chat and watch The Band. It's another long setlist.
Before the show, Colson's phone rings in his dressing room. It's Diddy on FaceTime. Sitting on the couch next to Luna he answers.
Diddy starts in immediately.
"Tell me WHY, TMZ has cellphone video of what looks like you beating the shit out of who they're claiming is Eminem!?! It is the THIRD day of the fucking tour!" He explodes.
"Yo Man, that mothafucka had it comen'." Colson shrugs.
"I TOLD you not to touch him." Diddy warns Colson.
"He fucking snuck him!" Luna pops her head into the screen.
"OOOOOH!!! You're there too!? Perfect! What THE FUCK were you thinking, Loons? And what the fuck did you do to Don?" He digs into her now.
"What was I thinking? I got him the fuck up outta there, was what I was thinking. And fuck Don. He needs to learn his place. What's Marshall saying?" Luna asks.
"What's Marshall saying?" Diddy mocks her.
"FUCK you, Sean. What's he saying?" She demands.
"Nasty." Colson thinks to himself with delight. Listening to his girlfriend battle his boss.
"Nothing. No one can get him on the phone. Right now you two are a pair of lucky fucks." He points at the screen.
"Shit DUDE, what if he's not reachable because he's in the hospital with her." Luna worries.
"He snuck him, Sean." Luna says again.
"I'm sure his bitchass did. But that's not what the tape might say. Don't sweat it, I'll take care of it. You owe me two interviews for this bullshit though, Luna. Tomorrow before you leave and then NY." He tells her.
"Fine." Luna agrees, rolling her eyes.
"ATTT!! Don't you roll your eyes at me Girl!! I'll make you do Philly too." Sean teases her.
Luna laughs. "Yeah. Get another fucking road manager. Don sucks."
Shaking his head at her, Diddy tells them both to do the Fucking Interviews. They say Yes Sir in unison. Looking at each other and laughing as Diddy hangs up on them.
"Are we out of trouble?" Colson asks, looking at her inquisitivly.
"I don't know... But Sean's not pissed so that's a solid. I wanna say it's gonna really depend on how much damage was physically done and how deep their pride runs. He may not want it out because you beat his ass while she may because she's pissed I hurt her... I really don't know." Luna looks worried.
Taking her face in his hands, Colson kisses Luna. Stroking her cheekbone, he reassures her that they'll Figure It Out.
Ashleigh pops in telling Colson 10mins. Luna shoots Monica a text asking her to please check Detroit hospitals for Kim.
Sex Drive plays, hyping the crowd before Slim comes on to introduce Colson. The arena is pouring with overwhelming energy.
Colson has 27 songs lined up. The setlist only slightly changing from the night before. He kicks it off with Habits and Breaking News 2 again.
Luna watching and bobbing side stage with Ashleigh. Dancing with each other as they laugh and sing to El Diablo.
Loco, GTS and part of Wild Boy are played. Colson tearing up the stage. Running back and forth. Jumping on speakers. Talking to his family. As he rips through Let You Go, Luna's phone rings. It's Monica. She excuses herself from Ashleigh.
"Hey!!" Luna shouts, trying to find a quiet place backstage.
"Luna?" Monica asks.
"Yeah, I'm here!!" Luna tells her as she closes the bathroom door behind her.
"Oh Good, I can hear you. I got the tapes. It's nothing. It only focuses on the register and counter. Wherever you were, was off camera thankfully. I checked the hospitals too. A woman came into Harper with minor facial burns. She was treated and released."
Luna let's out a relieved sigh.
"We look good but we're not out of the woods yet. They could still press charges or file a civil suit."
Luna understands. She informs Monica of the cellphone footage. She's asks if Luna's on it.
"Not that I know of." Luna tells her.
"Okay, I'll contact Sean. He doesn't know what you did?" She asks.
"No...." Luna trails.
"Keep it that way. I know you guys are friends but the less that can link you, the better. I'll take care of Colson too." Monica reassures Luna.
They hang up to Luna's immense gratitude and Monica's words of safety.
Luna gets back SideStage as The Band is finishing up The Break Up. Luna presents Ashleigh a bottle of Jameson with a grin.
They happily swig and sing together as Colson nails his part of I Think I'm Okay before heading into Hollywood Whore. The riff always breaks Luna's heart.
He changes the lyrics. Rapping the words:
🎶Imma get me a wife🎶
🎶Because she's the baddest bitch🎶
🎶I trust🎶
Ashleigh looks over at a blushing Luna.
Playing Ocean Eyes, Colson glances side stage to find her. She's right there.
"She's always right there. With those beautiful fucking eyes. He thinks grinning at her.
See My Tears is next before Colson and Rook switch off. Colson slamming into the drums as Rook nails Shout At The Devil. For the second night.
Luna and Ashleigh lose it along with the erupting crowd.
The Band slams through Rap Devil, Till I Die, Golden God, Alpha Omega, Lately, Bad Motherfucker, Wake&Bake, Rehab, 27 and Sail.
The lights go down. The stage is black and silent for a moment. Colson catching his breath before he speaks to his family in the dark. Moving things around. Moving things around. Voice quieting the crowd.
"Being here tonight makes me miss my friend." He's referring to Mac. "You know you guys are my family. We're all family. If you're hurting talk to each other." Tears are welling in his beautiful eyes. "Talk to us because we love you. And we don't want to lose you too." The tears drop down his cheeks. "I've never played this before, but it means a lot to me. And I hope I do Clapton proud."
He laughs, wiping his tears as the lights go up. Playing the opening chords to Wonderful Tonight, he pulls up a stool to the mic beside his.
"Luna get the fuck out here!!" He calls.
Luna's heart is pounding. Tears falling from her blue eyes. Ashleigh takes the bottle from her and pushes her on to the stage.
"FAM!! This is my girl and I'm gonna sing her a song if you don't mind."
The crowd roars as Luna slides onto the stool. Still picking the chords, Colson leans over to kiss her red cheek.
🎶It's late in the evening🎶
🎶She's wondering what clothes🎶
🎶To wear🎶
Colson grins at Luna, recounting all the times he's watched her get dressed.
She harmonizes with him, asking.
🎶Do I look alright🎶
He answers her singing.
🎶And I said Yes🎶
🎶You look Wonderful Tonight🎶
Leaning in to kiss her through the chords.
Watching him, Luna can't contain herself as the chords rip through her soul. "Fuck, I love him." She thinks as tears drop.
Colson continues singing.
🎶We go to a party🎶
Remembering the night with The Paul Brothers, he chuckles to himself.
As she harmonizes with him again asking.
🎶Do you feel alright🎶
His mind floats to the moment she had asked him that during his birthday party.
Continuing to serenade Luna.
🎶I feel wonderful🎶
🎶Because I see The Love🎶
🎶Light in your eyes🎶
🎶And the wonder of it all🎶
🎶Is that you just don't realize🎶
🎶How much I love you🎶
Luna's heart explodes, right there on stage. Colson finishes out the last verse effortlessly. Leaning into kiss Luna as the crowd Awwws them.
Kissing him back, Luna grabs her mic as Colson takes off his guitar.
"Isn't he fucking wonderful??" Luna sniffles as she asks to the crowds cheers.
Walking around the stage, she agrees.
"He's pretty fucking wonderful, hunh? He's so wonderful that I got a Baaad Thing for him. Can I tell you about it?" Luna asks the roaring crowd.
Singing acapella.
🎶I know I'm outta my head🎶
🎶But I haven't lost my mind🎶
Her voice stops the crowd and Colson.
The range and strength of her voice is unbelievable. Colson picks his guitar back up as he kicks in with her.
Their sexual energy is undeniable. Luna snakes around him as they both weave around each other. Colson ripping his guitar through the air.
With her hand on his heart, they sing together.
🎶Tattooed you on my body🎶
🎶So I can take you wherever🎶
The Band slams hard as Luna belts out the last lyrics, running her hand down Colson's cheek.
🎶I'm all in🎶
🎶There is no maybe🎶
He throws his guitar over his shoulder. Grabbing and lifting Luna up, he kisses her hard.
Grabbing her mic, he shouts "Thank You Pittsburgh!! WE OUT!!!!"
Kissing Luna again, he wraps his arm around her shoulders as they walk off stage. Her hand on his chest. Voice buzzing in his ear. The energy between them is insane.
Word Limit (1 of 2)
To be continued....
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