#decadent treat
shris890 · 10 months
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parveens-kitchen · 1 year
Peanut Butter Banana Sandwich with Hemp Seeds
Here is a recipe for a peanut butter banana sandwich with hemp seeds and honey: Ingredients: 2 slices of whole-wheat bread 1 tablespoon peanut butter 1 banana, sliced 1 tablespoon hemp seeds 1 teaspoon honey Instructions: Toast the bread to your desired degree of crispiness. Spread the peanut butter on one slice of bread. Top with the banana slices. Sprinkle with the hemp seeds and…
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author-james · 6 months
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so-very-small · 3 months
“why is there no wlw gt :(“
because a decade ago gt circles were so volatile and misogynistic that most wlw and giant women deleted their blogs and stopped making things. because to this day you can’t draw a giantess without someone assuming it’s automatically fetish art. because gt wlw art is seen on the same level as graphic sex. because angry or suggestive or flirty giant male content is okay, but a giantess in those same roles is immediately 18+ content.
because people in this community are still weird about women.
turns out if you dehumanize and oversexualize an entire group of people, those people usually leave.
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thatnarcissisticfeel · 10 months
I think that a lot of people without NPD have a really poor understanding of "narc supply" or the specific type of positive attention that pwNPD crave. Even the egotypicals who are allies, the ones denounce narc abuse and anti-NPD ableism, don't fully grasp it.
There's this false idea that NPDs like to be worshipped and showered with compliments all of the time, and I mean, yeah, most of us would eat that shit up, but I know that for myself and a lot of other pwNPD it's deeper and much more, I guess, personal?
I don't really know how to describe it, so I'll give an example: As a kid, no one really paid attention to my creative endeavors, my accomplishments, my feelings, etc. And if they DID pay attention, the attention was negative. I could always do better, I could always be smarter, stronger, etc. This came from peers and adults alike. So I developed a coping mechanism where I would tell myself that everyone else was wrong, that I'm actually the best person around, etc. I don't have to explain what disorder I ended up with as an adult as a result of all of that. :P
But anyway - the wound of constantly being ignored at best and insulted at worst is still there. You know how when you're in a group chat or a conversation with multiple people and no one ever pays attention to your comments, while paying attention to everyone else? Yeah, that shit hurts EVERYONE, but especially pwNPD. Even the smallest acknowledgment can be "narc supply."
You know how when you achieve something really cool and everyone ignores you - but the people who ignore you will be quick to praise OTHER people?
You know how when you post art/edits online and everyone ignores you - but the people who ignore you compliment someone else's post in the exact same thread?
You know how when you ask your friend to read your favorite book or listen to your favorite artist or whatever because of how much it means to you, and they never do it, but then they read/listen to everyone else's favorite thing at everyone else's recommendation, and how much it pisses you off? (Hurts even more if you have the SAME favorite book/artist and someone reads/listens to it at the other person's recommendation and not at yours.)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I could go on and on. That shit would bother anyone, us narcissists aren't alone in being hurt by that, but my G-d, it impacts pwNPD in such a specific way.
But let me flip it around to the positive!
A narcissist doesn't necessarily get their "supply" from someone telling them that they're the coolest person in the world and that they're a god. (Though if you do want to say that to us we probably won't complain!) Sometimes they get their "supply" from something as simple as someone acknowledging their achievements, and giving specific praise on what the achievement was. ("It's so cool that you won a prize in the music recital. The song you played sounds like it was really difficult and I loved your stage presence.")
Being told, "Wow, you did such a great job on your artwork, I love the colors!" goes a very very long way for a narc, especially when said narc is used to being IGNORED for their art.
Hearing, "it's so cool that you like that book, I'll have to read it and tell you my thoughts!" can help a narcissist's interests feel acknowledged.
You might be reading this and thinking, "well, isn't it just basic human interaction to compliment your friends or try out their interests"? And, well, maybe it is, but the whole point of NPD is that most of us grew up without receiving that type of attention, so now we're very very desperate for it - and very, very, VERY sensitive to when it doesn't happen, or is even perceived to not have happened. Something as small as being talked over in a group chat can set us off, but something as small as a simple, "hey, it's so cool that you did this, I love it." can win us over.
And to be completely fair, most of the time us being "ignored" isn't completely intentional. Like, I get it, yeah, sometimes timing just doesn't work out for person A to read my favorite book at my own rec, but by the time person B is in their life, person A can read it, and it's not anything personal. Sometimes the content I make just isn't someone's ~style~ and they support me, they really do, they just don't know what to say. Sometimes someone forgets to respond, or doesn't get a notification when I send them something I made or tell them about something I did. (There is less excuse for being ignored in face-to-face/offline convos though.) But because of the trauma of us constantly being ignored as kids/teens, the smallest little thing hurts and as a result we seek and crave attention EVERYWHERE.
So now, to give in to narc stereotypes of begging for attention: If you're a person without NPD and you genuinely want to help the narcissists you have in your life, the second best thing you can do for us is checking in to make sure we're not overlooked. Try to be sure you're not ignoring us, and if we do something cool, try to compliment it, even if it's something you don't fully "understand." Ask us about what we've been up to lately, what we're proud of about ourselves, and agree with us that what we've done is pretty cool. I mean, you'd do that for any friend, right? It's really not all outlandish for a narc to want that.
(If you're curious what the FIRST best thing you can do for a narcissist is, it's giving us a million dollars unlearning your anti-NPD ableism and calling people out who use narcissist as an insult as a synonym for abuser. Even in "offline" spaces, even when we're not around, even doctors/therapists. Even "narc" abuse survivors.)
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kidovna · 1 year
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happy birthday to my favourite stranger things character since 2016!!
(companion post to)
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furiosophie · 1 year
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i can't wait to go home
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
its a cornerstone of radfem ideology that women are incapable of making real choices Because Patriarchy. if a woman likes makeup, its because shes been conditioned to. same with heels, dresses, anything stereotypically feminine, any kink, sex work, etc. etc. and you can literally do this to anything you dislike.
and because of this, women need the Enlightened Radfems to tell them how to think and feel. its justifiable to deny other women's autonomy, because they can't really think for themselves, they are brainwashed by the patriarchy. so it doesn't matter if you violate their autonomy, ignore their wants, and demand that they do whatever you think is morally right. because you know what's best, and they don't. you have taken the red pill and they just can't see it yet. radfems essentially take the patriarchy and just replace cis men with themselves, and all women with non-radfem women (or radfem women who have different beliefs than them). when you build your ideology on the idea that anyone who disagrees with you is brainwashed and you are justified in ignoring their autonomy and opinions because of that, you end up with a pretty fucked up worldview and way of interacting with others.
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shris890 · 10 months
Classic brownie, made with high quality couverture chocolate and non alkalised cocoa powder, Crinkle top gooey brownie, the perfect chocolatey indulgence, it���ll keep you coming back for seconds.
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deedala · 2 months
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Colorwheel Timestamp Roulette ⇆ 04x04: Strangers on a Train ↳Turquoise + 4 for @blue-disco-lights
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kirider · 1 year
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Card games
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I think the DRDT fandom are cowards for not acknowledging the toxic yaoi potential of these two
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internetskiff · 4 months
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something something It's very interesting to me how Aperture is consistently a sort of mirror to the Combine Citadel. Two buildings built by entirely different hands, one not even of earthly origin, yet both fulfilling the same purpose - dehumanize, control, conceal.
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Both facilities treat humans as a resource. As some kind of cargo to be stored as efficiently as possible, later to be processed and discarded. They both cram people picked off the streets into tiny boxes where they're then preserved for god knows how long, denied even the dignity of death.
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They both shift restlessly, uncaring for who or what their many writhing arms may crush They build themselves out of themselves, countless corridors and chasms built seemingly for no one to ever traverse. The buildings feel as if they weren't even built with humans in mind, sparse catwalks scattered about as a mere afterthought.
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Even the people who are meant to be in control are barely accounted for. Offices feel like either the bare minimum, or a strange alien approximation of an environment a human could work within. In neither cases were they built for comfort. Only for utility.
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Aperture as both a company and a facility shows that humanity, under the right conditions, would have come a little too close to becoming a perfect mirror image of the Combine. If things hadn't gone wrong, it's safe to say humanity was on track for exactly that. Black Mesa wanted to exploit Xen, just like the Combine wanted to exploit Earth. Hell, while those two were at it, Aperture was too busy exploiting itself, and doing a damn good job at it. Both Aperture and the Universal Union are systems where literally no one was benefitting from the status quo, because they were too busy slaving away maintaining it. The Combine is just what Humanity would have become if it wasn't stopped at the very first hurdle. Flesh and machine, living and functional - both turned synonymous.
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yukipri · 4 months
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Second time watching Furiosa today, and I think I liked it even better than the first watch through!
I honestly have no idea how it stands as a solo movie for folks who haven't watched Mad Max: Fury Road, but for folks who DID watch MMFR and loved it (me), it's an awesome prequel that does not compete with, but rather uplifts and enriches the world and story of MMFR.
It's got the same kind of explosive action, fun post-apocalyptic innovation, and the overall tone of MMFR, while going into world-building details that MMFR didn't have time to explore. Acting was incredible throughout, and really loved the new characters!
Both times I've watched it, it's left me desperately wishing it was a double feature with MMFR right afterwards. I wanna see MMFR in theaters again ;_;
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apricior · 1 year
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isaacsapphire · 5 months
It feels like there's an inherent contradiction between the common ethical precept, "Don't treat people as things" and how businesses, economies, and states work. At best, they treat people as things And people simultaneously, but they have to treat people as things to function.
And as much as a lot of people like to tell themselves that they don't treat other people as things, go on about how they would never take a management position or whatever, they buy their food at the grocery store and their clothes from a store the same as everyone else, which inherently contains within it treating everyone involved in the supply chain as things. Like, none of us gaf if this avocado was picked by Carlos or Maria. We neither know nor care if the overnight stocker who put it on the shelf last night is the same person who was stocking last month, or who the trucker was who drove it was.
And, like, there's still a Carlos and Maria and a trucker and probably an overnight stocker under socialism and communism and fascism and a command economy too, so I don't see a path away from this under different economic systems, as much as people love to bloviate about how vile capitalism is.
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