#decaying as we speak
witchvvolf · 1 year
the pain of wanting to write at work but my word doc hasnt updated on my phone 🥲
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nicollekidman · 2 years
the angle they’ve taken on the darkling this season is SO fun for me like swanning around with his big cape, dying of consumption, crying over his mommy issues, and wailing over pictures of his eternal companion who’s run off to kiss the most boring human ever made…. hasn’t said one wrong thing to her so far but he’s doing it in the most extra dramatic way so alina is like 🙄 we can’t get into all of that or i’ll have to look inward which i can’t do right now bc i’m addicted to not thinking about the future 🙄 stop doing crime 🙄 guess you shouldn’t have lied to be and then we’d be holding hands like in your fanart but no 🙄
meanwhile the crows are following kaz through a psychosexual rube goldberg machine to distract from the fact that they all want to fuck each other. and it’s not working.
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explodingstarlight · 2 years
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the emo trinity is alive, well, and prospering in 2023
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Kissing Beast is like kissing a tree stump
just btw
in case anyone was at all curious what that was like
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likesummerrainn · 3 months
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TNA | 06.13.24
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ophelia-thinks · 1 year
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Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars
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Learned a piece of the railing rotted and fell off the bow of the Titanic 😢
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henrys-path-au · 3 months
Is this the au in that fanfic??? I freaking love that fanfic. One of my favourites. I am sorry if I’m assuming wrong but it has the same name and everything.
it is!! crazy to think that there's still people that remember it, let alone liked it (my writing back then was REAL questionable). if things go right i'll be rewriting the whole fic from the ground up!
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spaghetticat3899 · 1 month
I think I’ve got brain rot of the highest order
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pondslime · 7 months
inhumanely monstrous day @ work!! I should be able to blow ppl up w/my mind!! I should be able to blow MYSELF up!!! with my mind!!!
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man anthropology is so cool, humanity is so old.
I can’t wait until we find even older bones!
bc I so subscribe to humanity (homo sapiens) being a bit older than we think, it’s mostly because we just haven’t found the bones yet.
most fossils and bones don’t really preserve well or at all, it’s very specific circumstances that they happen and are preserved well enough for people to identify and interpret.
and like a lot of things there’s no exact date we change from one species to another it’s just gradual small change, we really aren’t all that different in the grand scheme of things.
humans and Neanderthals, and other hominid species have kinda just existed alongside each other for ages. Most of us are if not all are hybrid Neanderthal/homo sapiens.
We don’t exactly have all the knowledge needed yet to fully figure out where (it’s Africa but where exactly we don’t know, we keep finding old ass bones) or when we diverged or when we start the dates on how old we all are as humans.
and I think that’s pretty fucking cool, hundreds of thousands of years of just vibing with tools and shit. So cool!
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walkman-cat · 1 year
tomorrow i am going to a museum with one of my friends and i'm very excited
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leejeann · 1 month
My friend sent me a screenshot of the manga panels where Dazai gets arrested, then like 30 minutes later I just get "Holy fuck Bungo" and I was like ooooooh booooyyyyy i bet I know what you just read
(friend if somehow this is the one time in like 4 years you check tumblr I swear to god do not read the tags, idk if he even has the app anymore lmao)
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mantisgodsdomain · 10 months
for the ask game, radioactive unit of decay for 13 31 and 44? teehee
(for this ask game)
Granite Pillars' degrading infrastructure appears to be taking a real toll on her. This is... RAUD? RUD? Mangling their call sign (very rude). We shall answer regardless.
13. Do they enjoy poetry?
Yes and no. It honestly depends on the poetry and the time you catch them at. As a young iterator, they disdain it - it's a practice they seems pointless, to them. Though their citizens attempted to explain it once or twice, it never really caught on - why put so much effort into so few words, for something that may not even convey its meaning to its audience?
As an older iterator, post-mass-ascension, they dabbled from time to time. Not quite enjoying it, but attempting to understand it - to foster those last few commections in the pastimes that lost citizens cultivated, They could not claim to have ever fully reached that understanding, but they tried, at the very least - for better or for worse.
In the twilight of their existence, just before their final ascension... it would depend on the poetry. Some, in the final hours of their lifetime, would appeal to them. Some would seem just as petty and useless. One cannot spend so long attempting to study something without gaining at least a begrudging respect for it. Still, it never quite advances past that - only appreciation for a handful of bits of poetry, never more.
31. What superpower would you choose for them and what would they choose for themselves? If they have one would they choose something else?
Yeah we would go the traditional powers-that-rub-the-salt-in route and give them a form of postcognition that allows them to perfectly relive any significant events or memories attached to a place or object as a passive bystander Dimensional Scream style. Or Panacea's biomancy, if we want them to actually participate in the setting beyond being a depressed fuck in the corner.
If Rad were to choose their own power, they would probably pick some form of time travel - the ability to go back, in a different shape, and live through or alter events long passed. This is because they're a sad little freak and much as they appreciate their citizens, there's very little they can do as an iterator, and they wouldn't want to force others to do their dirty work time-travel-wise.
44. Who, if anyone, would they trust with their deepest secrets?
There have been many people they've trusted with their deepest secrets. Their administrators, first and foremost. The vast majority of their citizens, nearly any of those who would stay with them for more than a handful of years. Some of their first creations, when those still lived.
After mass ascension, and after they've finished their initial experimentation stage and making unique subjects... no one, really. No one but themself.
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heart-bones · 6 months
can't believe I have to be AT WORK
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caspertheconfused · 8 months
Y'all, I'm a fucking mess. I just googled "how to become close friends with someone".
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