#decentralized identification
cglilly88 · 9 months
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azuremist · 10 months
Google is going to start scraping all of their platforms to use for AI training. So, here are some alternatives for common Google tools!
Google Chrome -> Firefox
If you’re on tumblr, you’ve probably already been told this a thousand times. But FireFox is an open-source browser which is safe, fast and secure. Basically all other browsers are Chrome reskins. Try Firefox Profilemaker, Arkenfox and Librewolf! Alternatively, vanilla Firefox is alright, but get Ublock Origin, turn off pocket, and get Tabliss.
Google Search -> DuckDuckGo
DuckDuckGo very rarely tracks or stores your browsing data (though they have only been known to sell this info to Microsoft). Don’t use their browser; only their search engine. Domain visits in their browser get shared. Alternatively, you can also use Ecosia, which is a safe search engine that uses its income to plant trees! 🌲
Google Reverse Image Search -> Tineye
Tineye uses image identification tech rather than keywords, metadata or watermarks to find you the source of your image!
Gmail -> ProtonMail
All data stored on ProtonMail is encrypted, and it boasts self-destructing emails, text search, and a commitment to user privacy. Tutanota is also a good alternative!
Google Docs -> LibreOffice
LibreOffice is free and open-source software, which includes functions like writing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, formula editing and more.
Google Translate -> DeepL
DeepL is notable for its accuracy of translation, and is much better that Google Translate in this regard. It does cost money for unlimited usage, but it will let you translate 500,000 characters per month for free. If this is a dealbreaker, consider checking out the iTranslate app.
Google Forms -> ClickUp
ClickUp comes with a built-in form view, and also has a documents feature, which could make it a good option to take out two birds with one stone.
Google Drive -> Mega
Mega offers a better encryption method than Google Drive, which means it’s more secure.
YouTube -> PeerTube
YouTube is the most difficult to account for, because it has a functional monopoly on long-form video-sharing. That being said, PeerTube is open-source and decentralized. The Internet Archive also has a video section!
However, if you still want access to YouTube’s library, check out NewPipe and LibreTube! NewPipe scrapes YouTube’s API so you can watch YouTube videos without Google collecting your info. LibreTube does the same thing, but instead of using YouTube servers, it uses piped servers, so Google doesn’t even get your IP address. Both of these are free, don’t require sign-ins, and are open source!
Please feel free to drop your favorite alternatives to Google-owned products, too! And, if this topic interests you, consider checking out Glaze as well! It alters your artwork and photos so that it’s more difficult to use to train AI with! ⭐️
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evanwritesgames · 6 months
Species of Starjourn: Heraclites
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Yeah, they're in honor of Heracross (the best Pokemon). But also, get this, I learned about the "read more" function! Ohhhhh yeah. No more giant walls of text on your feed! BEHOLD! (yes, I'm excited, I suck at this stuff)
Heraclites are the smallest large fauna on their home planet, called Heracles by the TENOR explorers that first discovered it. The Heraclites use scent for differentiation and identification within their semi-verbal languages and never developed the practice of naming things representationally the way human languages do. 
First contact occurred in 2428, relatively recently, and the Heraclites are one of the newest members of ALTO. The story of that first meeting is now famous across ALTO: the first thing the Heraclites did when they saw humans was try and toss them into the atmosphere of the low-gravity moon where first contact occurred. One human remarked that they were like “a whole species of Hercules bugs” which prompted an impromptu debate about the Romanization of “Heracles” and the use of the word “bug” that the Heraclites overheard. Admiring the way humans compete for dominance by talking, a new idea for them, the Heraclites went with the perceived winner and thus, Heracles and Heraclites. While names and remembering them can still pose a challenge for your average Heraclite, they’ve quickly adopted human and other ALTO species’ vocabulary whenever translators fail
Heraclites are very, very strong. Akin to some species of insect on Earth, their physical strength is disproportionate to their bodies. Females are larger than males but their physiology means that strength does not differ by sex, but by individual. Compared to humans, it doesn’t vary much but among the Heraclites, even slight variations are critical. Their primary way of resolving disputes, sealing pacts, and entertaining themselves have always revolved around their strength.
This is because the very successful evolutionary strategy their species developed was to simply pick things up and hurl them. This worked on predators, on unwanted pests, and on materials they needed to do things like industrialize. A  great deal of secondary and tertiary industry is unnecessary for Heraclites as each one is pretty much strong enough to move things without technological aid. They can also throw objects, such as trade goods, for miles on their home planet. For a long time, being hit by flying goods was a common cause of injury and death which necessitated the regulation of “tossing path” where teams of dedicated logistics personnel will launch packages from one designated area to another.
The Heraclites have invented many sports that revolve around feats of strength. They domesticated a species of armadillo-like creatures that became their standard ball. After abolishing the practice of using living things, the creature is still a sports mascot and some traditionalist Heraclites secretly raise the creatures for underground hurling leagues across Heraclite, and later, ALTO space.
Heraclite society is highly decentralized due to their approach to socialization. Heraclites evolved to be individualistic and territorial, with each in charge of a personal cultivation territory. Their primary source of nutrition is also the most successful weed on their planet -- it grows everywhere and it’s always been very easy, especially with low industrial impact on ecology, for Heraclites to feed themselves. In times where food was scarcer, Heraclites would take to roaming and challenging each other for territorial rights. This was the equivalent of their heroic era and has taken on a lot of the same glamor, mythologization, and nostalgia as, for example, the ancient Greek heroes and mythology have on Earth. 
Heraclites tend to live apart most of the time, on separate estates similar to farms on Earth. Their “cities” are really places where individuals are tolerant of others enough to live a little closer together in the same region. To this day, Heraclites only tend to meet in large numbers when they have to and their history could be charted with frequency of large meetings as a metric. Heraclite government tends to be localized and temporary because governing is barely necessary outside large projects and Heraclites tend not to seek or enjoy having power over others. To them, proving you’re stronger is pretty much good enough on its own and they derive most of their life satisfaction from highly personal goals and activities. Most Heraclite social activities are seasonal and they’ve maintained the practice of trading, reproducing, and congregating at specific times only. Now that they are a member of ALTO, Heraclites are receiving a crash course in choosing representatives among themselves to interact with other species. It turns out they have little problem being around any number of individuals from other species but they still tend to avoid each other when possible.
Economics among Heraclites are similarly loose and unregulated. They don’t really have merchants or mercantilism, though some think of economic competition as an entertaining novelty. They feel the same way about debates, staring contests, and other forms of competition humans take for granted. They are, however, very interested in our martial arts, wrestling, and thumb wars. Their only disappointment is that they can’t participate in physical contests against most other species without injuring or killing them.
Heraclites, having enjoyed a relatively peaceful evolutionary journey and rise to civilization, have never committed genocide, farmed or hunted a species to extinction, etc. They are remarkably innocent of the kinds of atrocities most intelligent species eventually commit whether against their own kind or others. Heraclites do not kill unless they absolutely must and consider causing accidental deaths to be a grievous stain on their personal moral countenance. The comfort with which others kill is a source of abiding discomfort for the Heraclites who, though they can intellectually understand different situations, usually defer back to their natural prohibition against the behavior. When a Heraclite gives an intellectual argument for their attitude, it usually revolves around the finality of it. They also have a hard time with change as a result, since they acknowledge that it’s difficult to know if a change is permanent. Individual Heraclites can differ about these attitudes but for most, killing is a bone of contention.
Though they understand fear rationally, Heraclites do not feel much threat from physical sources and have to be convinced to take seriously some dangers obvious to others. They are considered, by and large, to be agreeable and friendly but they also have a confidence so deep and so complete that it can seem arrogant. Fear of loss, death, and change are as deeply felt by Heraclites as any emotional and intelligent species. When a Heraclite doesn’t feel confident, they are reluctant to act, make decisions, or take sides.
Heraclites like stories about single heroes achieving great feats of strength, courage, and wit. They tend to see their species as one “tribe” and apply the same reasoning to other species, even ones with a much larger spectrum of difference. Heraclites, for example, wouldn’t feel much need to differentiate between humans born in this colony vs. that one, where these differences are fairly important in human culture.
Hierarchies and complex command structures like TENOR’s do not come naturally to Heraclites. Their own organizations and ships are free collectives by comparison with cooperation only ever being a matter of free choice and never obligation. Slavery, to a Heraclite, is almost unimaginably evil and is one of the fundamental standards of judgment they use with other species. Any organizing principle or practice too close to slavery and the Heraclites would rather throw you off a moon than talk to you. Ones who have read human history, for example, can become more skeptical of humans and their institutions due to the presence of slavery and slavery-derived institutions. For example, 20th and 21st century capitalism is considered to be a later stage of a centuries-long tolerance for slavery so deeply ingrained that humans are confused about it to this day. This confusion confuses the Heraclites who claim that it is obvious and a good thing humans figured out how to do it different, even if our hierarchies and complex webs and rules of obligation can seem unnecessarily limiting to them. 
As a result of their unique traits and culture, Heraclites rarely if ever actually join TENOR and the few that have are somewhat burdened with the distinction of being, essentially, ambassadors from their species to the others that comprise ALTO.
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dailyanarchistposts · 27 days
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Chapter 7. Neighboring Societies
Networks not borders
As nation-states evolved in Europe over several hundred years, governments worked hard to fabricate a sense of community on the basis of shared language, shared culture, and shared history, all of which were conflated with shared government. This fictive community serves to foster identification with and thus allegiance to the central authorities, to obscure the conflict of interests between lower classes and the elite by framing them as being on the same team, and to confuse the good fortune or glory of the rulers with a good fortune shared by all; it also makes it easier for poor people in one country to kill poor people in another country by creating psychological distance between them.
On inspection, this notion that nation-states are based on shared culture and history is a fraud. For example, Spain created itself by expelling the Moors and the Jews. Even apart from this, without the central gravity produced by the state, Spain would not exist. There isn’t a single Spanish language, but at least five: Catalan, Euskera, Gallego, Castillian, and the dialect of Arabic developed in Morocco and Andalucia. If any of these languages were subject to careful scrutiny, more fractures would appear. The Valencians might say, not without reason, that their language is not the same as Catalan, but if you put the seat of government in Barcelona you would get the same suppression of Valenciano that the Spanish government employed against Catalan.
Without the enforced homogenization of nation-stations, there would be even more variety, as languages and cultures evolve and blend with each other. Borders hinder this cultural diffusion, and thus promote conflict by formalizing similarities and differences. Borders don’t protect people; they are a means by which governments protect their assets, which include us. When the borders shift in a war, the victorious state has advanced, staking its claim to new territory, new resources, and new subjects. We are plunder — potential cannon fodder, taxpayers, and laborers — and borders are the walls of our prison.
Even without borders, there may occasionally be clear differences in the ways societies organize — for example, one may attempt to conquer a neighbor or maintain the oppression of women. But decentralized, borderless societies can still defend themselves from aggression. A community with a clear sense of its autonomy does not need to see an invader cross an imaginary line in order to notice aggression. People fighting for their freedom and their own homes fight fiercely and are capable of organizing spontaneously. If there were no governments to fund military complexes, those fighting defensive campaigns would usually enjoy the advantage, so it wouldn’t pay to go on the offensive. When European states conquered the rest of the world, they enjoyed certain decisive advantages, including unprecedented population density and technologies their victims had never seen before. These advantages existed at a certain historical moment, and they are no longer pertinent. Communication is now global, population density and resistance to disease are more evenly distributed, and the popular weapons necessary for waging effective defensive warfare against the most technologically advanced of armies — assault rifles and explosives — are available in most parts of the world and can be manufactured at home. In a future without government, aggressive societies would be disadvantaged.
Anarchists are breaking down borders today by creating worldwide networks, undermining nationalism, and fighting in solidarity with immigrants who are upsetting the homogeneity of nation-states. People on the borders can help abolish them by aiding illegal border crossings or supporting people who cross illegally, learning the language spoken on the other side, and building communities that span the border. People farther inland can assist by ending their allegiance to centralized, homogenized culture and developing local culture, by welcoming migrants into their communities, and by spreading awareness and acting in solidarity with struggles in other parts of the world.
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mintytoasty · 11 days
Hello and welcome this is the fourth time I’ve had a Tumblr account, unfortunately, I suck with passwords so this might happen again. I can’t guarantee anything. However, as of recent, I have since purged many files and useless accounts that I no longer use, along with merging tons of others. So this is my final attempt to get myself situated to be better at organizing my things online.
I’m making this post as introduction, and as a way to forward, all of my previous works that I saved in a Google docs. I was attempting one whole year of haiku poetry in 2022 I believe. So I’m going to copy and paste that to my poetry blog “minty poetry”.
Blog Goals
This main blog is for personal announcements, rants, content updates, fandom interactions, project ideas, and the likewise management of subsequent blogs. 
Other Blogs:
MintyToastyPoetry (peoms)
MintyToastyWrites (short stories)
MintyToastySpeaks (hottakes)
MintysToastyCamera (photos)
MintyToastyBakes (food)
MintyToastyGames (Gaming)
Anyways here’s the main gist of the introduction;
Hi! My name is Minty/Dej. I am a guy (He/Him, GNC Male) who’s traveled 24/50 states, three countries outside the USA (not Canada regrettably), and lives within the USA.
✨💫 Interests💫✨
Writing, Reading, Researching, Minecraft, Digital and Sketching, Photography, Meteorology/Weather, Pokémon, Psychology, Political and Social Philosophy, History, Gardening, Baking, Vexillology (Flag history and making flags), and yeah.
⚡️ 🧠 Personality🧠 ⚡️
(If you are interested in Typology)
16p: ISTP
Enneagram: 6w5
🔥Anyone Disrespectful towards Neurodivergents
🔥Anyone making a promise knowing they can’t keep it
🔥Any form of Unresponsive power structures
🔥Anyone being uncalled for, rude, intolerant, judgemental and toxic.
🔥Anyone spearheading drama with guilt by association posts and drama, aka, forcing people to defend things that they don’t agree with
Politically: Center-Right
Economically: Middle Libright
Socially: Libertarian
Party Identification: Independent
Religiously: Christian
Sector: Protestant
Denomination: Raised Lutheran, currently Independent Lutheran
Other things: Pro-peace 🕊️, Pro-decentralization 💰 , Pro-1A 🎤 , Pro-2A 🏹 , LGBTQ Reciprocity 🏳️‍🌈 , Religious Liberty 🗽, Education Reform 🏫, Land Value Tax 💴, Environmental Justice 🌱
A quote I like from one of my friends:
☀️🔰“I’m tired of trying to convince people who hate me and refuse to listen when I try to be nice.”🔰☀️

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punkcitytraveler · 29 days
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Journey into the Cyberpunk Frontier: The Future of Travel as a Digital Nomad.
Step into the cyberpunk realm where the boundaries between physical and digital worlds blur, and the notion of travel transcends conventional limits. In this futuristic landscape, living as a digital nomad takes on new meaning, fueled by the transformative power of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.
Imagine a world where your passport is not a tangible booklet but a digital passport, securely stored on the blockchain. This digital passport contains all your essential identification and travel documents, seamlessly accessible from anywhere in the world. No more lost passports or bureaucratic hurdles—just effortless, streamlined travel at your fingertips.
As a global citizen navigating the cyberpunk frontier, you rely on cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), and other digital assets as your primary means of exchange. Whether you're paying for accommodations, purchasing goods and services, or funding your next adventure, cryptocurrency offers unparalleled flexibility and security in a decentralized economy.
Gone are the days of traditional banking systems and cumbersome currency conversions. With blockchain technology, transactions are executed with lightning speed, free from intermediaries and third-party oversight. Smart contracts govern agreements and ensure trustless transactions, revolutionizing the way we engage in commerce and finance on a global scale.
But the true essence of this cyberpunk odyssey lies in the freedom it affords—the freedom to roam the world without borders, to immerse yourself in diverse cultures and landscapes, all while maintaining a digital footprint that transcends physical constraints. Your identity is no longer tied to a single location; instead, it exists in the boundless expanse of the digital realm, woven into the fabric of the metaverse.
Yet, amidst the neon-lit skyscrapers and bustling cityscapes of this cyberpunk future, there's a sense of solidarity among fellow travelers—a recognition that we are all interconnected, bound together by our shared humanity. In this brave new world, the concept of "home" extends beyond the confines of four walls, encompassing the entire planet as our collective sanctuary.
So, as you embark on your journey as a digital nomad in the cyberpunk frontier, remember that the future of travel is not just about reaching your destination—it's about embracing the endless possibilities that lie ahead, forging new connections, and expanding your horizons in ways you never thought possible. Welcome to the future. Welcome to the world of tomorrow.
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bluesunsdusk · 11 months
--// The Underground chapter of Setesh's bio has been restructured to place the backstory/formation at the bottom if the chapter, placing the current activity of the faction above it. Some adjustments have been made, along with corrections to the apparent timeline. The following paragraphs have been added:
The Omnic Underground is a decentralized omnic emancipation force focused primarily on protection, threat identification, providing assistance within omnic settlements and the transportation of omnics to safer areas. Different locations have different factions, all communicating and sharing resources. As a result, different factions may hold different beliefs and have a focus on different matters and actions. All factions hold the same core belief.  Each faction has its own beginnings and joined forces later, meaning the underground, being multiple smaller undergrounds, has no one origin. Each underground is capable of having its own symbols to recognize each other by, leadership, codename/nickname and procedure.  While I generally separate them by continent, each continent has smaller pockets as well and members might roam from time to time. Setesh’s faction is sometimes nicknamed 4o in writing.  This section of the bio will be about the faction of the Underground semi-/co-led by Setesh.
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alwayscrazyninja · 1 year
A Thunderhead High-Altitude Balloon System, launched by U.S. Army Pacific Soldiers, takes flight during Balikatan 22 on Fort Magsaysay, Nueva Ecija, Philippines, in April. Balikatan is an annual exercise between the Armed Forces of the Philippines and U.S. military designed to strengthen bilateral interoperability, capabilities, trust, and cooperation built over decades of shared experiences. Credit: Spc. Darbi Colson/DVIDS
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Blockchain-backed, open standard-based decentralized identity (aka self-sovereign identity) technologies can provide warfighters with combat identification (CID) of the networked digital forces that comprise the modern military’s multidomain sensor-to-shooter kill chains.
High confidence in the digital identity and capabilities of every networked kill-chain participant (i.e., digital CID) is required before military decision-makers will trust collapsing information stovepipes, automating high-value decision making and separating command from control to the degree needed to significantly accelerate the “sense, make sense and act” command and control (C2) functions needed to act inside an adversary’s decision cycle.
The problem: uncertainty in the identity and capabilities of each entity communicating from behind its networked Internet Protocol (IP) address hinders information sharing and automation in the “sense, make sense and act” C2 functions.
Per the March 2022 U.S. Department of Defense Summary of the Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) Strategy, warfighting is becoming more and more digitalized to “use increasing volumes of data, employ automation and AI [artificial intelligence], rely upon a secure and resilient infrastructure, and act inside an adversary’s decision cycle.” The JADC2 vision for joint warfighting is an Internet of Things connecting digitalized sensors-to-shooters “to sense, make sense, and act at all levels and phases of war, across all domains, and with partners, to deliver information advantage at the speed of relevance.” These digitalized sensors, shooters and their directing C2 work together in coordinated kill chains to put weapons on target with maximal effect and minimal collateral damage. Because the targeting information they originate and exchange results in literal life-or-death outcomes, every participant in the kill chain and their information must be trustworthy and reliable to a high degree of certainty.  
Identification is the root of all trust because it provides accountability. Unidentified, misidentified or compromised digital forces participating in a kill chain jeopardize the trustworthiness of the targeting information and the reliability of execution. Online digital identification and authentication in the battlespace is a form of CID, which is generally recognized as the “process of attaining an accurate characterization of detected objects throughout the operational environment sufficient to support engagement decisions.” CID traditionally applies to positive identification of targets and nearby friendlies and neutrals to avoid fratricide and minimize total casualties. But in digitalized kill chains, positive identification and verification of the identity, capabilities and information provided by the digital participants are needed to prevent or detect inadvertent or purposeful targeting misinformation and execution mishandling that could result in unintended outcomes.
But trustworthy network digital identification has historically been difficult, especially at scale, because online entities communicate from behind nonidentifying IP addresses. And herein lies the problem for JADC2. Battlespace commanders, planners and operating forces communicating electronically with each other in a contested battlespace environment feel too uncertain in the digital identities and capabilities of in-area networked forces (people, organizations and things) to trust them with the degree of independent decision making, ad hoc information exchanges and artificial intelligence-based automation that would significantly shorten the kill chain.  
They rightly question the trustworthiness of digital identities because networked devices and their hosted applications:
Are not largely public key enabled at the application layer and instead rely on the encrypted transport layer for security.
Rely heavily on third-party identity providers, directories and boundary security enforcement points outside the control of the device owner and its applications.
Communicate with each other via complex network routes spanning multiple connection points and protocols. The application layer payloads exchanged are typically not encrypted end-to-end across all these route segments, thus making them vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks and manipulation.
Exchange no cryptographically verifiable identifying and nonidentifying claims/credentials issued by trusted authorities that assert identifying attributes and capabilities.
Trustworthy CID of networked forces will only get harder as the number and type of digital forces explode due to the ongoing military digitalization of traditional forces and the growing deployment of autonomous vehicles and other types of attritable Internet of Things devices. These small, low-cost, attritable devices and other types of digital forces require a commensurately small, low-cost, assured identity solution that is open, standards-based, interoperable, de-centrally implemented and administered to affordably secure the internet-scale networked battlespace.
The blockchain-enabled CID solution
Distributed ledger technology (aka blockchain) solves the digital identity problem by providing a scalable, decentralized, low-cost, highly secure way to cryptographically bind an entity’s identifier to its private and public key pair while also distributing it widely and securely. In a blockchain-based digital identity solution, the immutable hash of the chained blocks of transactions stored on the ledger immutably binds a new kind of globally unique, unchanging digital identifier (W3C decentralized identifiers or DIDs) to its public key. The blockchain consensus mechanism ensures that each distributed ledger in the blockchain network independently writes the bound identifier/public keys on its ledger. Therefore, an entity’s DID and cryptographically bound public key are automatically and immutably distributed across all physically disparate and independently operated nodes of a distributed blockchain network. To verify an identity’s digital signature, a relying party looks up the subject’s DID on a local blockchain ledger node and retrieves the immutably bound public key.  
After this seminal use-case for blockchain technology was recognized, several open-source organizations emerged to develop an overall Trust over IP architecture framework and the supporting open standards and implementations. The resultant highly secure digital identity solution became known as self-sovereign identity, decentralized identity and decentralized public key infrastructure.
In deployment, these standards and technologies take the form of small footprint software agents and secure digital wallets installed on each participating networked device. Software agents and secure digital wallets use standardized protocols and cryptography to automate assured CID. The agents of any communicating digital forces automatically establish a secure channel (exchange pair-wise public keys) and then use the encrypted channel to exchange cryptographically verifiable claims about their identities, capabilities and data via small, lightweight, machine-readable, schema-defined, digitally signed verifiable credentials. The verifiable credentials are issued to digital forces (representing people, organization and thing entities) by recognized authoritative trustworthy issuers registered on a blockchain ledger. Verifiers of a verifiable credential look up the issuer’s DID on the blockchain, retrieve the associated public key and confirm the issuer’s digital signature on the verifiable credential.  
CID is performed by the agents when they validate the signatures of exchanged verifiable credentials and use the attributes to perform mutual identification, authentication and authorization. Once trusted CID is complete, the devices use the established trusted relationship to perform various use cases.
For example, a sensor device passes collected images to its controller over some complex multi-hop route. Because the sensor and its controller hold each other’s relationship-specific identifier bound to its public key, the sensor data and the controller’s acknowledgments are all digitally signed and encrypted end-to-end between the devices, independent of any transport-layer encryption. The receiving controller has high assurance that the image data came from the trusted sensor and hadn’t been tampered with. The sensor has high assurance that the trusted controller really received it.  
The sensor could also hold in its wallet nonidentifying types of verifiable credentials asserting various claims about the sensor itself—the manufacturer-certified resolution of a camera, for example. In this way, the controller could make better decisions about how best to employ that sensor. For example, if the camera only took wide-angle images, the controller wouldn’t try to assign it a collection task requiring a zoom capability.
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azgarilipshyblog · 2 years
Benefits of Blockchain for Identity and Access Management - By Azgari Lipshy
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Society's push toward digitalization also leads to the digitization of personal identities. From health information to professional certificates, the requirement for identification information and credentials is expanding in number, diversity, and significance. Traditionally, third parties monitor and confirm identification information —government or commercial sector. However, declining levels of trust and innovative technologies are causing people to challenge these structures.
Paper-based forms of identity are becoming more unsuited for the digital age due to the growing volume of personal data, the prevalence of digital interactions, and the severity of security concerns. It is uncertain, though, how future technology will transform identity.
Identifying, authenticating, and authorizing users of services or systems is a major task for identity and access management (IAM) technology in business and government environments. Several operations come under this rubric, and "access" might mean anything from a user logging into a system to an employee setting hardware, a citizen utilizing a government service, or any other kind of user verification, certification, or confirmation. Examples of identity traits include job, nationality, service provider affiliation, government benefits eligibility, and demography. In addition to serving as digital representations, these tags can stand as proof of our identities.
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Among the many new technologies that might serve as templates for IAM is distributed ledger technology (DLT), also known as the blockchain. DLT is best understood as a catch-all phrase for a family of related technologies that facilitate distributed designs for data protection and processing. Its primary feature allows the network to record and verify activities like purchases, logins, and chats, rather than relying on a third party. Blockchain technology — or blockchain-inspired solutions — might enhance IAM operations in various scenarios if implemented correctly. Among such scenarios are the following:
Elimination of Paper-Based Identity Management
Eliminating paper-based identification management is the primary advantage of blockchain for identity management. Blockchain identity management systems can assist when users misplace their original papers by acquiring duplicate ID proof. Users who forget or lose their original ID proof credentials can retrieve them using Blockchain Identity Management, but they must go through specific procedures.
Organizations can ensure that documents are irreversible and tamper-proof with blockchain identity management. With the guarantee of security and dependability, government authorities can preserve ID evidence of individuals on a blockchain. In addition, the permanence of the ID proof record is ensured by blockchain security.
Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)
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Independently Verifiable credentials
As stated by the W3C, "Verifiable credentials represent statements made by an issuer in a tamper-evident and privacy-respecting manner." As an integral part of the identity verification process, DLT affords the opportunity to "digitally stamp" a permanent claim. Similar to how artists may now digitally watermark their original material using blockchain-based Nonfungible Tokens (NFT), this same capacity can be used to authenticate credentials. However, businesses should not keep Personally Identifiable Information (PII) on the blockchain itself but rather keep the hash of the claim on the blockchain.
Decentralized Identifiers (DID)
DIDs are identifiers under the authority of the identity owner, without the involvement of centralized authorities or resources. These are a part of SSI’s personal data intention to be user-controlled and not re-assignable. This indicates that digital identifiers have public key documentation, authentication mechanisms, and verifiability through cryptography or the signature of an issuing authority.
Blockchain can help determine the source and precision of identification attributes. An attribute is only as trustworthy as confidence in its source. A shared ledger might establish transparency in the timestamps of sources providing identification traits, much as it has increased transparency and efficiency in monitoring commodities across the supply chain. In particular, synchronous insight into the lifespan information of cryptographic keys or who has access to what might be beneficial for key lifecycle management. Furthermore, the academic community is also considering using blockchain provenance since it might help with the authentication and verification of credentials for recruiting.
Minimization of Data
To authenticate a user, traditional service providers require a lot of verifiable data. Different DLT features, such as zero-knowledge proofs, smart contracts, and selective disclosure, can be set up to reduce the amount of data or attributes needed for verification.
Compliance verification
As shared ledger network stakeholders with permission-based access, auditors may also be used for compliance verification, which is another use case made possible by shared audit trails. Compliance verification is also necessary for many business identification use cases, such as KYC in financial services. In this situation, the IAM-blockchain convergence might increase efficiency for both banks and individuals without doing away with the requirement for the central authority, which in this case would be a governmental body handling KYC. A bank might lower its expenses while "seeing" and attesting that other banks have performed KYC due diligence and confirmed the clients' identities.
This blockchain above use cases outline the advantages of merging blockchain with IAM, but they ignore a crucial fact: identity is difficult to manage. Even though IAM connects many systems, domains, technologies, and service providers, encoding identity data into DLT is more than a technical task. It's crucial to inquire about the data, including what has to be saved, who should attest to it, how it's maintained, and who makes the decisions. These inquiries incorporate philosophical, financial, cultural, and legal factors. Although the technology is still developing, it can convert centralized but dispersed hubs that now serve as identity control points into a decentralized yet linked web of trust.
About the Author
Azgari Lipshy is a yogi by sunrise, a SAAS account manager by day, and a live music fanatic by night. She writes about her experiences while traveling, cooking, yoga, and technology that she finds fascinating.
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semiauto03-blog · 2 years
BitKeep Wallet — a Robust New Player in The NFT Market
BitKeep, a next-generation crypto wallet has announced the launch of NFT functionality in its latest version. This development is expected to foster the adoption of NFTs within its fast-evolving ecosystem and the NFT market is now completely available on BitKeep wallet.
BitKeep download page : https://bitkeep.com/download
The top DeFi wallet revealed that the launch of NFT functionality in its latest version was in response to the growing demand for NFTs in the crypto world. NFTs have become the raving trend in recent years and BitKeep wants to ensure that users can easily mint and trade NFTs directly via its App.
To further help users easily create NFTs on its wallet, BitKeep released guidelines on its Medium page that inform users of the entire process. In addition, an NFT section has been added to the wallet where users can view minted NFTs.
BitKeep further stated it just released a new version of the mobile wallet with advanced functionality where users can send and view NFTs and this version supports Ethereum classic. Investors can create their NFTs by simply downloading the App.
User feedback always plays a key role in product roadmap decisions for BitKeep. The latest BitKeep Wallet's features and functions now include:
• NFT Multi-chain Support: The BitKeep Wallet App now supports Ethereum-based NFTs in a special “galleries” section of the App for intuitive navigation. Users can now securely view, send and receive NFTs, enabling self-custody. The NFT market is expected to accelerate over the next several years and BitKeep is constantly launching stunning NFT partnerships like the BitKeep & Planet IX trading event to satisfy the needs of the market.
• Marketplace Aggregation: Users can leverage a wallet to easily and seamlessly connect to any DeFi exchange or platform to access DApps (decentralized applications) exchanges for functions such as crypto-to-crypto transfers, lending and borrowing, as well as NFT marketplaces to quickly and securely purchase, send, receive or store any amount of NFTs through the multifactor authentication of BitKeep Wallet.
• Dividend Release: In the V7.1.5 version, there is a new trading event in NFT Market, and a $1m Incentive section (also in the NFT market). In this NFT Market trading week, BitKeep will provide generous prizes, including sharing 50% of all TX fee proceeds from this event with the top 5 traders. Users will not only get more from BitKeep NFT Market, but also enjoy better services from this latest release.
• Bulk Listing: BitKeep NFT Market is the first trading platform on the entire network that supports the purchase of NFTs with any token. Statistically, its NFT Market has more than 120,000 NFTs listed for sale, 1.2 million NFTs stored, and a $15 million monthly trading volume, positioning itself as the largest NFT trading market on BSC.
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Click here and learn more about its bulk listing function:
Furthermore, BitKeep has developed cutting-edge technology to safeguard its NFT market. The popularity of the NFT market has attracted people who tamper with original NFT artworks and issue them as their own. For the identification of NFT works, BitKeep uses computer vision-based technology to scan the NFTs and compare them with validated collectibles. Investors can now check for the NFT certification stamp in BitKeep NFT Market to know that they’re getting authentic masterpieces.
In addition, BitKeep developed a highly scalable protocol by combining mainstream technologies, which are different from the standard blockchain as they enable transactions to be linked together and increase energy efficiency, thus reducing transaction costs. This way, smart contracts' ability is extended beyond conventional use, and transactions can be initiated efficiently while the underlying blockchain secures the network. In general, BitKeep has great potential to be the best wallet in the crypto world and BitKeep has the team backing it to make it become a reality.
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rocka0206 · 16 hours
Smart contracts: Transformative applications of blockchain technology
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Smart contracts are a key application of blockchain technology that utilizes programming code to automatically execute, control, and record contract terms without relying on traditional intermediaries. This technology is gradually transforming our understanding of contracts and transactions, bringing unprecedented efficiency and transparency to a wide range of industries. This article will delve into the benefits, application scenarios, and challenges of smart contracts.
Advantages of smart contracts
Automation: Once a smart contract is written and deployed on the blockchain, it can be automatically executed when preset conditions are met. This automation not only increases efficiency, but also reduces human error and latency.
Lower costs: Execution of smart contracts does not rely on third-party intermediaries such as lawyers, banks and other financial institutions, thus significantly reducing the cost of transaction and contract execution. This disintermediation not only reduces costs, but also simplifies the process.
Increase transparency: the terms of all smart contracts are open and transparent, and all interested parties can view the status and activity of the contract in real time. This transparency builds trust and reduces information asymmetries and misunderstandings.
Security and immutability: Blockchain technology ensures that once a contract is deployed, its contents and records cannot be modified, improving the security of contract execution. All transactions are transparent and cannot be changed once recorded, reducing the risk of fraud and malicious behavior.
Reduce the risk of fraud: Due to the transparency and immutability of contracts, smart contracts greatly reduce the possibility of fraud. All parties can view the transaction history and contract execution, ensuring that everything is fair and transparent.
Improve efficiency and speed: The automatic execution features of smart contracts greatly improve the efficiency of processing transactions and contracts. While traditional contracts can take days, weeks or even months to execute, smart contracts can be completed in minutes, dramatically increasing the speed of business operations.
Facilitate new business models and services: Smart contracts make it possible to create complex business models and automated services that are difficult to achieve in traditional contract frameworks. They open the way for the development of innovative financial instruments, decentralized applications (DApps) and automated systems.
Application scenarios of smart contracts Smart contracts can be used in a wide range of scenarios, including but not limited to:
Financial services, such as creating decentralized finance (DeFi) applications that automatically execute contracts for lending, insurance, payments, and more. Supply chain management, monitoring the flow of goods and automatically releasing payments when goods meet a certain condition or location. Digital identity, manage and verify digital identification, and simplify the online authentication process. Voting system, creating a transparent and immutable voting system to ensure the fairness of the voting process. Copyright and Intellectual Property, automatically manage and enforce copyright payments and distribution to protect the interests of creators. The challenges and limitations of smart contracts While smart contracts offer many advantages, they also face some challenges and limitations, including:
Code security: The security of smart contracts depends on how their code is written, and the presence of vulnerabilities can lead to serious security issues. Legal status and compliance: The legal status of smart contracts is unclear and there may be legal and regulatory uncertainties in different jurisdictions. Dependence on external data: Many smart contracts need to rely on external data sources to trigger execution conditions, and if external data is inaccurate, it can affect the outcome of contract execution. Technical barriers and complexity of use: Writing and deploying smart contracts requires specialized programming skills and can be a high technical barrier for the average user. peroration Smart contracts, a key application of blockchain technology, are opening up new areas of automated trading and application development. They have the advantages of increased transaction efficiency, reduced costs, increased transparency and security, but they also face some challenges, especially in terms of code security, legal status and dependence on external data. As technology advances and regulations improve, smart contracts are expected to continue to play an important role in various industries, driving the development of the digital economy.
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thompson0320 · 16 hours
Smart contracts: Transformative applications of blockchain technology
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Smart contracts are a key application of blockchain technology that utilizes programming code to automatically execute, control, and record contract terms without relying on traditional intermediaries. This technology is gradually transforming our understanding of contracts and transactions, bringing unprecedented efficiency and transparency to a wide range of industries. This article will delve into the benefits, application scenarios, and challenges of smart contracts.
Advantages of smart contracts
Automation: Once a smart contract is written and deployed on the blockchain, it can be automatically executed when preset conditions are met. This automation not only increases efficiency, but also reduces human error and latency.
Lower costs: Execution of smart contracts does not rely on third-party intermediaries such as lawyers, banks and other financial institutions, thus significantly reducing the cost of transaction and contract execution. This disintermediation not only reduces costs, but also simplifies the process.
Increase transparency: the terms of all smart contracts are open and transparent, and all interested parties can view the status and activity of the contract in real time. This transparency builds trust and reduces information asymmetries and misunderstandings.
Security and immutability: Blockchain technology ensures that once a contract is deployed, its contents and records cannot be modified, improving the security of contract execution. All transactions are transparent and cannot be changed once recorded, reducing the risk of fraud and malicious behavior.
Reduce the risk of fraud: Due to the transparency and immutability of contracts, smart contracts greatly reduce the possibility of fraud. All parties can view the transaction history and contract execution, ensuring that everything is fair and transparent.
Improve efficiency and speed: The automatic execution features of smart contracts greatly improve the efficiency of processing transactions and contracts. While traditional contracts can take days, weeks or even months to execute, smart contracts can be completed in minutes, dramatically increasing the speed of business operations.
Facilitate new business models and services: Smart contracts make it possible to create complex business models and automated services that are difficult to achieve in traditional contract frameworks. They open the way for the development of innovative financial instruments, decentralized applications (DApps) and automated systems.
Application scenarios of smart contracts Smart contracts can be used in a wide range of scenarios, including but not limited to:
Financial services, such as creating decentralized finance (DeFi) applications that automatically execute contracts for lending, insurance, payments, and more. Supply chain management, monitoring the flow of goods and automatically releasing payments when goods meet a certain condition or location. Digital identity, manage and verify digital identification, and simplify the online authentication process. Voting system, creating a transparent and immutable voting system to ensure the fairness of the voting process. Copyright and Intellectual Property, automatically manage and enforce copyright payments and distribution to protect the interests of creators. The challenges and limitations of smart contracts While smart contracts offer many advantages, they also face some challenges and limitations, including:
Code security: The security of smart contracts depends on how their code is written, and the presence of vulnerabilities can lead to serious security issues. Legal status and compliance: The legal status of smart contracts is unclear and there may be legal and regulatory uncertainties in different jurisdictions. Dependence on external data: Many smart contracts need to rely on external data sources to trigger execution conditions, and if external data is inaccurate, it can affect the outcome of contract execution. Technical barriers and complexity of use: Writing and deploying smart contracts requires specialized programming skills and can be a high technical barrier for the average user. peroration Smart contracts, a key application of blockchain technology, are opening up new areas of automated trading and application development. They have the advantages of increased transaction efficiency, reduced costs, increased transparency and security, but they also face some challenges, especially in terms of code security, legal status and dependence on external data. As technology advances and regulations improve, smart contracts are expected to continue to play an important role in various industries, driving the development of the digital economy.
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wallace18811 · 17 hours
Smart contracts: Transformative applications of blockchain technology
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Smart contracts are a key application of blockchain technology that utilizes programming code to automatically execute, control, and record contract terms without relying on traditional intermediaries. This technology is gradually transforming our understanding of contracts and transactions, bringing unprecedented efficiency and transparency to a wide range of industries. This article will delve into the benefits, application scenarios, and challenges of smart contracts.
Advantages of smart contracts
Automation: Once a smart contract is written and deployed on the blockchain, it can be automatically executed when preset conditions are met. This automation not only increases efficiency, but also reduces human error and latency.
Lower costs: Execution of smart contracts does not rely on third-party intermediaries such as lawyers, banks and other financial institutions, thus significantly reducing the cost of transaction and contract execution. This disintermediation not only reduces costs, but also simplifies the process.
Increase transparency: the terms of all smart contracts are open and transparent, and all interested parties can view the status and activity of the contract in real time. This transparency builds trust and reduces information asymmetries and misunderstandings.
Security and immutability: Blockchain technology ensures that once a contract is deployed, its contents and records cannot be modified, improving the security of contract execution. All transactions are transparent and cannot be changed once recorded, reducing the risk of fraud and malicious behavior.
Reduce the risk of fraud: Due to the transparency and immutability of contracts, smart contracts greatly reduce the possibility of fraud. All parties can view the transaction history and contract execution, ensuring that everything is fair and transparent.
Improve efficiency and speed: The automatic execution features of smart contracts greatly improve the efficiency of processing transactions and contracts. While traditional contracts can take days, weeks or even months to execute, smart contracts can be completed in minutes, dramatically increasing the speed of business operations.
Facilitate new business models and services: Smart contracts make it possible to create complex business models and automated services that are difficult to achieve in traditional contract frameworks. They open the way for the development of innovative financial instruments, decentralized applications (DApps) and automated systems.
Application scenarios of smart contracts Smart contracts can be used in a wide range of scenarios, including but not limited to:
Financial services, such as creating decentralized finance (DeFi) applications that automatically execute contracts for lending, insurance, payments, and more. Supply chain management, monitoring the flow of goods and automatically releasing payments when goods meet a certain condition or location. Digital identity, manage and verify digital identification, and simplify the online authentication process. Voting system, creating a transparent and immutable voting system to ensure the fairness of the voting process. Copyright and Intellectual Property, automatically manage and enforce copyright payments and distribution to protect the interests of creators. The challenges and limitations of smart contracts While smart contracts offer many advantages, they also face some challenges and limitations, including:
Code security: The security of smart contracts depends on how their code is written, and the presence of vulnerabilities can lead to serious security issues. Legal status and compliance: The legal status of smart contracts is unclear and there may be legal and regulatory uncertainties in different jurisdictions. Dependence on external data: Many smart contracts need to rely on external data sources to trigger execution conditions, and if external data is inaccurate, it can affect the outcome of contract execution. Technical barriers and complexity of use: Writing and deploying smart contracts requires specialized programming skills and can be a high technical barrier for the average user. peroration Smart contracts, a key application of blockchain technology, are opening up new areas of automated trading and application development. They have the advantages of increased transaction efficiency, reduced costs, increased transparency and security, but they also face some challenges, especially in terms of code security, legal status and dependence on external data. As technology advances and regulations improve, smart contracts are expected to continue to play an important role in various industries, driving the development of the digital economy.
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cryptotrendznews · 5 days
NFTs: Unveiling the Mystery of Definition and Importance
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Understanding NFTs
NFT meaning, A blockchain-based one-of-a-kind digital identity used to verify ownership and validity is called a non-fungible token (NFT). It can't be divided, swapped out, or copied. An NFT can be bought, sold, or traded since its ownership is documented in the blockchain and transferable by the owner. NFTs are easy to make and don't require any or very little coding knowledge. NFTs frequently make reference to digital data, including pictures, audio, videos, and artwork. NFTs are distinct from cryptocurrencies, which are fungible, in that they are uniquely recognizable. Between 2020 and 2021, NFT trading grew from US$82 million to US$17 billion. The energy costs and carbon footprint of some blockchains, as well as the fact that NFTs are utilized in art frauds, have been criticized for their usage as speculative investments. A Ponzi scheme or an economic bubble have also been linked to the NFT market. At the height of their popularity, Ethereum, Solana, and Cardano were the three largest NFT networks. A May 2022 projection stated that the number of sales was almost 90% lower than in 2021 due to the collapse of the NFT business. According to a report published in September 2023, more than 95% of NFT collections were worthless.
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The highly popular Ethereum blockchain game CryptoKitties debuted in November 2017 and is recognized for having been the first to introduce what is regarded as the first legitimate non-fungible token standard, or ERC-721. It made use of an early version of ERC-721 that was not the same as the version that was officially released in 2018. ERC-721: Non-Fungible Token Standard A community-driven paper called ERC-721: Non-Fungible Token Standard was published in 2018 at the initiative of civic hacker and lead author William Entriken. Although non-fungibility experiments have been conducted on blockchains since 2012 with Colored Coins on Bitcoin, this paper is acknowledged for having laid the groundwork for NFTs and facilitating the expansion of the broader ecosystem. With the establishment of "ERC-721," a standard for smart contracts, it formalized and defined the term "Non-Fungible Token" (NFT) in blockchain terminology. Each token would have distinct characteristics and ownership information, guaranteeing that no two tokens are the same. As a result of its influence on other blockchains and Ethereum (such as ERC-1155, which enables semi-fungibility), derivative standards were developed. Due to its adaptability, it has been used to pioneer a wide range of use cases, such as virtual and actual real estate, digital artwork, access passes, and game materials. In the end, the development of ERC-721 is acknowledged for having significantly altered the environment surrounding digital ownership, verification, and identification. - Each NFT has a distinct value and specific information that differentiates it from other tokens. - NFTs can represent digital art, collectibles, music, videos, virtual real estate, and more. - The ownership of an NFT is recorded on a blockchain, providing a transparent and decentralized ledger of ownership. - Artists and creators can tokenize their work as NFTs, enabling them to sell directly to collectors without the need for intermediaries. - NFTs have gained popularity for their ability to provide creators with greater control over their work and enable fans to support artists directly. - The NFT market has experienced significant growth, with high-profile sales and increased interest from collectors, investors, and enthusiasts. - NFTs have the potential to revolutionize ownership rights, royalties, and provenance in the digital age. - Understanding NFTs requires grasping the concept of digital ownership and the transformative potential of blockchain technology in the creative industry. Commonly associated files and General NFT market Digital tokens connected to digital file assets have been exchanged via NFTs. The ownership of a non-fungible token (NFT) is sometimes tied to a license to utilize a linked digital asset; nevertheless, the buyer is typically not granted copyright. While some licenses only permit personal, non-commercial use, others let the underlying digital asset to be used for business purposes. A viable alternative to conventional systems of copyright protection overseen by government agencies and middlemen within the relevant industry is this type of decentralized intellectual copyright. In 2020, the NFT market expanded rapidly, tripling in value to US$250 million. NFTs cost more than $200 million in the first three months of 2021. NFTs saw a spike in interest in the first few months of 2021 following several high-profile sales and art auctions. The Wall Street Journal said that the NFT market was "collapsing" in May 2022. The number of active wallets in the NFT market dropped 88% from November 2021, and daily sales of NFT tokens had decreased 92% from September 2021. The financial markets had seen an influence from riskier bets due to rising interest rates, but according to the Journal, "NFTs are among the most speculative." The cryptocurrency gaming platform dappGambl reported in September 2023 that 95% of NFTs had lost all of their monetary worth.
The Importance of NFTs
I believe that NFTs are crucial for various reasons in today's digital landscape. Here are some key points highlighting their importance: - Ownership and Authenticity: NFTs provide a unique way to verify ownership and authenticity of digital assets by leveraging blockchain technology. This ensures that the digital assets are original and cannot be duplicated, offering a sense of exclusivity to the owner. - Empowering Artists and Creators: NFTs have revolutionized the way artists and creators can monetize their work. By tokenizing their art, they can reach a global audience directly, eliminating the need for intermediaries and ensuring fair compensation for their creations. - Tokenization of Assets: NFTs have paved the way for the tokenization of real-world assets such as real estate, music royalties, and even ownership of physical art pieces. This has the potential to democratize access to investments and assets that were previously reserved for a select few. - Creating New Economic Opportunities: The NFT market has opened up new economic opportunities for individuals and businesses alike. It has created a vibrant ecosystem where collectors, investors, and enthusiasts can trade digital assets, driving innovation and growth in the digital economy. - Cultural Impact: NFTs have had a significant cultural impact by challenging traditional notions of ownership and value in the digital age. They have sparked discussions about the future of art, collectibles, and ownership in a world that is increasingly driven by technology. In conclusion, the importance of NFTs cannot be understated as they continue to reshape the way we perceive and interact with digital assets, opening up new possibilities and opportunities for creators and collectors alike.
How NFTs are Revolutionizing the Art World
I. Authenticity and Ownership: NFTs have revolutionized the art world by providing a secure and transparent way to establish ownership and authenticity of digital artwork. Through blockchain technology, each NFT is unique and cannot be replicated, ensuring artists can prove ownership and establish scarcity for their digital creations. II. Direct Artist-to-Consumer Relationships: NFTs enable artists to sell their work directly to consumers without the need for intermediaries like galleries or auction houses. This direct connection allows artists to retain more control over their art and receive a greater percentage of the sales price, empowering creators in new ways. III. Artistic Innovation and Experimentation: NFTs have encouraged artists to explore new mediums and concepts in their work. The digital nature of NFT art opens up possibilities for interactive and dynamic pieces that push the boundaries of traditional art forms, leading to innovative and engaging creations. IV. Global Accessibility and Inclusivity: The decentralized nature of NFT marketplaces means that artists from around the world can showcase and sell their work to a global audience. This accessibility has created opportunities for emerging artists to gain recognition and reach collectors who may not have been able to discover their art otherwise. V. Market Disruption and Democratization: NFTs have disrupted the traditional art market by democratizing the buying and selling process. Collectors of all levels can participate in the NFT art market, breaking down barriers to entry and creating a more inclusive and diverse art ecosystem.
NFTs in the Music Industry
I find it fascinating to see how NFTs are revolutionizing the music industry. Musicians now have the opportunity to mint their music as unique digital assets, allowing them to retain more control over their work and create new revenue streams. Here are some key points to consider about NFTs in the music industry: - Direct Engagement with Fans: NFTs enable musicians to interact directly with their fans by selling exclusive content or experiences. Fans can purchase limited edition music, access exclusive behind-the-scenes footage, or even buy special concert tickets using NFTs. - Ownership and Royalties: With NFTs, artists can ensure that they retain ownership of their music and receive royalties directly whenever their NFTs are sold in the secondary market. This provides a more transparent and fair payment system compared to traditional music distribution models. - Innovative Marketing Strategies: NFTs offer a new way for musicians to engage with their audience and stand out in a crowded industry. By releasing exclusive NFTs, artists can generate buzz, attract new fans, and differentiate themselves from other musicians. - Collectibility and Value: Just like collecting rare vinyl records or concert memorabilia, NFTs in the music industry have the potential to increase in value over time. Fans may collect NFTs from their favorite artists, creating a secondary market for trading these digital assets. - Challenges and Opportunities: While NFTs present exciting opportunities for musicians, there are also challenges to navigate, such as ensuring copyright protection and addressing environmental concerns related to the energy consumption of blockchain networks. In conclusion, NFTs are reshaping the music industry by offering new ways for artists to connect with fans, monetize their work, and explore innovative marketing strategies. It will be intriguing to see how this technology continues to influence the music landscape in the years to come.
NFTs in the Gaming Industry
I have seen a significant rise in the use of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) within the gaming industry in recent years. Here are some key points to understand the impact of NFTs in gaming: - Virtual Assets: In gaming, NFTs are primarily used to represent virtual assets such as in-game items, characters, skins, or unique collectibles. These NFTs are stored on blockchain technology, providing ownership and scarcity to digital items. - Ownership and Authenticity: By utilizing NFTs, players can truly own their in-game assets. This ownership is secured through smart contracts on the blockchain, ensuring authenticity and preventing duplication or counterfeit items. - Interoperability: NFTs have enabled interoperability between different games and platforms. Players can now use their NFT items across multiple games that support the same blockchain, enhancing the value and utility of these digital assets. - Economic Opportunities: The introduction of NFTs in gaming has created new economic opportunities for players, developers, and even artists. Players can trade their virtual assets in decentralized marketplaces, and developers can benefit from a new revenue stream through the sale of NFT items. - Growth of the Gaming Industry: NFTs have the potential to reshape the gaming industry by adding a layer of ownership and value to virtual assets. This innovation is attracting more players and investors to the gaming sector, driving further growth and innovation. In conclusion, the integration of NFTs in the gaming industry is revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with digital assets in games. The technology behind NFTs is transforming virtual ownership, authenticity, and economic opportunities within the gaming ecosystem.
NFTs in Real Estate
I believe NFTs are beginning to make a significant impact on the real estate industry. Here are a few reasons why: - Title Deeds: NFTs can be used to represent ownership of a property. By minting a digital token representing a specific property, ownership can be transferred securely and efficiently on the blockchain. - Fractional Ownership: NFTs allow for the division of real estate into smaller, more affordable shares. This opens up investment opportunities to a wider range of individuals who may not have the means to purchase an entire property. - Smart Contracts: Through the use of smart contracts, NFTs can automate various aspects of real estate transactions. This includes escrow, rental agreements, and property management, making processes more transparent and secure. - Tokenization of Assets: Real estate assets can be tokenized, enabling investors to buy and trade fractions of properties. This can unlock liquidity in traditionally illiquid assets like real estate. - Verification and Transparency: NFTs provide a secure and immutable way to verify ownership, title deeds, and property details. This transparency can reduce fraud and disputes in real estate transactions. NFTs have the potential to revolutionize the real estate industry by streamlining transactions, increasing accessibility to investments, and improving transparency and security.
Risks and Challenges of NFTs
I. Market Volatility: NFT prices can be highly volatile, making it risky for investors to predict their future value accurately. II. Lack of Regulation: The NFT market is relatively new and lacks comprehensive regulations, exposing participants to potential fraud or legal issues. III. Copyright Infringement: Due to the digital nature of NFTs, there is a risk of copyright infringement if the creator of the original work is not properly attributed or compensated. IV. Environmental Concerns: The process of minting NFTs consumes a considerable amount of energy, leading to concerns about the environmental impact, especially in terms of carbon footprint. V. Security Risks: NFT platforms and marketplaces are susceptible to hacking and cyber-attacks, putting both creators and buyers at risk of losing their digital assets. VI. Liquidity Issues: Selling NFTs can be challenging at times due to the lack of a liquid market, making it difficult to find buyers or establish fair prices. VII. Ownership Disputes: The unique nature of NFTs can lead to ownership disputes, especially when multiple parties claim rights to the same digital asset. VIII. Long-Term Value: There is uncertainty surrounding the long-term value of NFTs, as trends and preferences in the digital art and collectibles market can change rapidly. IX. Tech Obsolescence: Constant advancements in technology could render certain NFT formats or platforms obsolete, potentially devaluing existing assets. In navigating the world of NFTs, it is crucial to be aware of these risks and challenges to make informed decisions and protect one's investments.
Legal and Ethical Considerations in NFTs
When it comes to NFTs, it's essential to consider both legal and ethical aspects to ensure a responsible approach to this fast-growing market. Here are some crucial considerations: - Intellectual Property Rights: As an NFT creator or buyer, it's important to understand the implications of intellectual property rights. Make sure you have the right to use, sell, or reproduce the digital assets you are dealing with to avoid copyright infringement issues. - Smart Contract Security: NFT transactions are facilitated through smart contracts, which need to be secure and reliable. Before engaging in any NFT transaction, always verify the integrity of the smart contract to prevent any potential vulnerabilities or scams. - Legal Regulations: The legal landscape surrounding NFTs is still evolving. Stay informed about any regulations or guidelines that may impact your NFT activities, including tax implications, securities laws, and consumer protection regulations. - Environmental Impact: The energy consumption associated with minting and trading NFTs has raised concerns about the environmental impact of this technology. Consider the carbon footprint of NFT transactions and look for eco-friendly alternatives. - Authenticity and Fraud: Verifying the authenticity of NFTs is crucial to prevent fraud in the digital art market. Do your due diligence to ensure that the NFTs you purchase are genuine and backed by the rightful creators. - Community Standards: Uphold ethical standards within the NFT community by respecting the rights and contributions of artists, creators, and collectors. Engage in fair and transparent transactions to foster a positive and sustainable NFT ecosystem. Navigating the legal and ethical considerations in the world of NFTs requires mindfulness and diligence. By staying informed, following best practices, and promoting responsible behavior, we can contribute to the growth and ethical development of the NFT market.
How to Create and Sell NFTs
Creating and selling NFTs can be an exciting venture, allowing you to showcase your digital art or unique creations to a wide audience. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create and sell your very own NFTs: - Create Your Artwork: Start by creating a digital artwork or unique digital asset that you want to turn into an NFT. This could be a digital painting, animation, music, video clip, or any other digital creation. - Choose a Blockchain Platform: Select a blockchain platform that supports NFTs, such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or Flow by Dapper Labs. These platforms will enable you to mint and sell your NFTs securely. Read the full article
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