#decoding ancient lost languages
A lost Canaanite language called Amorite has been decoded thanks to the discovery of bilingual tablets, similar to the way the Rosetta Stone helped scholars decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs.
The tablets were written in Amorite and Akkadian using the cuneiform script. Prior to the discovery of these tablets there was such little written evidence for Amorite that some scholars doubted whether it even existed. Amorite was a Canaanite language related to Hebrew, in the Semitic language family.
Pretty cool, Amorite? 😅
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junglejim4322 · 16 days
Trying to read texts after I just woke up feels like decoding an ancient language lost to time
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mitchipedia · 2 years
Archeologists conclude that 4,000-year-old stone tablets discovered in the 1980s in Iraq are key to translating a previously lost Canaanite language called “Amorite.”
"… the tablets seem to be a sort of ‘tourist guidebook" for ancient Akkadian speakers who needed to learn Amorite. One notable passage is a list of Amorite gods that compares them with corresponding Mesopotamian gods, and another passage details welcoming phrases. ‘There are phrases about setting up a common meal, about doing a sacrifice, about blessing a king,’ Cohen said. ’There is even what may be a love song. … It really encompasses the entire sphere of life.’"
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vitiligoduncan · 4 months
Duncan headcanons bc i ran out of post ideas
- Duncan was a clumsy kid. He always tripped over anything, his own toys, the sidewalk, his shoelaces, the stairs in his own house. Mostly the stairs. In almost every picture of him as a kid, he had at least one bandaid
- he LOVES spicy food. everytime he gets spicy food, he fucking DEVOURS THAT SHIT. he even drinks the bottle of hot sauce like its beer or something
- he was a SUPER hyper kid, so hyper to the point that when he was 4 his dad had to buy a leash because he kept running around and getting lost. But he hated the leash, he would do everything to get it off and when he couldn't, he would just cry until his dad took it off
- his favorite animal as a kid were sharks and it's still sharks. he drew sharks, had shark plushies, wore clothes with sharks on them and even asked his mom for a pet shark when he was 5 (he got very upset when she said it wasn't possible for them to get a pet shark)
- Duncan has naturally fluffy hair, but he uses so much hair spray for his mohawk to the point it feels like a brick
- He was obsessed with ninja turtles growing up
- His birthday is in January but he hates winter, he definitely sleeps with like 5 blankets during winter
- in middle school he was forced to read The Outsiders like every other 7th/8th grade and it was like the only book he was obsessed with and Dally probably inspired his personality
- He's not a cat person but cats love him, they always like run to him and purr when he pets them
- huge sonic fan growing up
- his converse are falling apart and held together with tape and super glue
- actually a good chef but he doesn't even know that because he almost never puts effort in his cooking
- secretly has a soft spot for kids, probably had to babysit a younger cousin or nephew/niece and surprisingly loved it
- Finnish and Korean
- He is demiromantic but didn't know until he fell in love with Gwen
- Arcane is one of his favorite shows
- He knows sign language, he had a friend in juvie that was deaf so he learned sign language so he could communicate with them
- OBSESSED with music and bands, especially punk bands (obviously), he yaps about them whenever he has the chance
- internalized transphobia, he definitely isn't cis but he's in denial because people told him it's not normal or something
- he probably doesn't use social media that much, he usually uses it when he's REALLY bored or wants to rant about something real quick
- his choker was a gift from one of his friends after he came back from juvie which is why he never takes it off
- his typing is HORRIBLE, reading it is like decoding ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics
- he paints his nails but he kinda sucks at it so it's always super messy
- He was online friends with Izzy on Myspace but he doesn't even know that it was Izzy
- He was one of those kids who were obsessed with cars
- His older brother showed him a horror movie to scare him but Duncam actually became obsessed with horror movies after
- Omnisexual with a HUGE preference for women
- He has autism, ADHD and dyslexia, but he probably didn't even know until he was in his early/mid twenties
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atlantis-archive · 1 year
Decode Atlantean
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Written by: Deborah Barnes Published in: Disney Adventures Collector’s Issue! Atlantis: The Lost Empire Volume 11, Number 6 (pg.46-47). Publisher: Buena Vista Magazines Inc. Publication date: circa July 2001.
(continued from Ready for Launch)
Decode Atlantean
Learn the language of a lost civilization.
Atlanteans have their own language—very different from the languages of the surface world. Use this handy guide to read and chat like an Atlantean!
Atlanteans communicate by telepathy (that means they can read each others' minds). They don't spend too much time chatting. But they do have their own language. A lot of modern languages come from the ancient Atlantean language. That's why you'll hear Atlanteans use sounds that are common to most of the world's languages, like "ah," "tuh" and "puh." But you wont hear sounds like "f" and "v," which are used mostly in English and a few other languages. The written Atlantean language doesn't recognize capital letters, and there's no punctuation. The alphabet consists of symbols for for the same 26 letters in our alphabet, plus symbols for "CH," "SH" and "TH." Atlanteans read from left to right, then right to left, then left to right—sort of zigzagging down the page. So you would read the first line left to right, then the second right to left, the third left to right and so on.
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Atlanean Alphabet
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Think you've got it? Try writing a note to a friend in the space below using Atlantean characters.
Speak Like an Atlantean
Want to impress your friends? Wrap your tongue around a few of these simple Atlantean phrases:
Hello: SOO-puhk
Goodbye: GAH-moak
Yes: teeg
No: kwahm
Please (to one person): BEH-kat
Please (to a group): BEH-ket-yoakh
Thanks (to one): PAH-gen
Thanks (to a group): PAH-gekh
What is your name?: mekh-AH-nik MOH-khin EH-seh-toat duhp
My name is...: AH-nik KAH-gihn ___[name here]___ EH seh-toat
What time is it?: Lohg DAH-rim EH-seh-toat duhp
All right! (as in "Good job!" or "Well done!"): Maht
Wow! (As in "That's surprising"): YAHD-loog
Cool! (As in "That's good"): BAH-deg
Have fun!: KWEE-yim
I had a great time!: KWEE-yim-limik
If you want to be ant Atlantean code master, check out the book Code Word: Atlantis for lots more codes and a cool decoder!
Of course mostly this is used as a substitution cipher rather than a true language. You can see the letters for CH, SH, TH are literally those two letters. I used to think the spiral-shaped writing system in Artemis Fowl was ridiculous but directionality is actually much more arbitrary than you'd think, anything can work! Boustrophedon style (written in a zigzag) is comparatively mundane by comparison.
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ancientstuff · 2 years
What an absolutely miraculous find! It's like a foreign language phrase book. Wonderful.
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how-masterful · 2 years
31 Fics Of Fright
Day 15- Museum of Memory
Missy X Reader
Prompt: Fear
Notes: Written under the watchful eye of @plethora-of-imagines , i think not only is this the longest fic i’ve written but also my favorite one so far. Writing in the same google doc is so fun!
Warnings: None
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When you were seven the biggest concern in your life had been the monster under the bed. The perfect storm of the amalgamation of fears that had swirled and congealed in your ever growing brain. The world around you was changing, not just in the way that you had to keep buying new clothes every growth spurt, but in the outside world too. The universe was evolving, the edges of your reality and science fiction bleeding into something unspeakably confusing. It was like the pictures in your books had come to life, playing upon the news every night.
Your family had tried their hardest, but the world had been changing for years. Alien incursions had been rapidly growing in number, from the terror of shop window dummies coming to life, a giant robot roaming the streets, to the conflicting accounts of what the heck happened to concord.
The news would play the most terrifying reports, giant pictures of these cosmic terrors plastered across every screen you dared to look at. Your dreams were consumed by dark visions of aliens and monsters, robots with eyes on sticks chasing you down the street, dinosaurs biting chunks out of your roof. It frightened you. But you were only small, so young. Who could have blamed you?
Now you were much older, and your view of the dark forces in the universe had shifted rather dramatically.
Not just because you’d seemingly entered into a romantic relationship with one of them.
“Oh, how darling.” Missy preened, approaching the museum with you on her arm.
You had no idea how you’d managed to convince her to join you on your visit. You’d grown rather interested in one of the artifacts they’d had, the rabbit hole of the TARDIS library guiding you onto endless paths of unstoppable research.
Missy found it rather cute how interested you’d become in several elements of history, always ready to amplify your knowledge. Especially if she was able to twist the history into something more exciting- or rather more dangerous.
“They’ve got one of the oldest plates of Vanka here, the entire language can be decoded on it like the Rosetta stone.”
Missy turned to you with an unimpressed expression.
“Dear, you seem to have forgotten about my translation matrix. Can’t we just steal the baby and go?”
“Ah, that's the best part!”
“Oh, is it now-”
“The whole thing’s in code. It’s been hidden under centuries of mistranslations to the point where the original code was lost to time.”
Missy sighed, taking a sip out of the white and green coffee cup. You’d insisted on a coffee and museum date, and the Timelady had been rather interested to see what the fuss was about when it came to pumpkin spice. Safe to say she hadn’t been as thrilled as you were with the fall beverage, kicking at the sprawling leaves on the floor like a disgruntled child.
“I hope the exhibit is better than this coffee.” She muttered, heels elegantly ascending the steps.
“If you don’t like it, why don’t you get rid of it?”
“Alright, where’s the nearest human sized waste bin?”
“Missy!” You cried, faux scandal etched perfectly into your features. Missy grinned, that wicked smirk you loved so dearly, as she pulled you into the exhibit hall.
“I came here once, when I was thirteen.” You said, taking rapid pictures of the disk on your phone. You’d found it finally, wrongly attributed to the ancient Egyptian section. You knew a few people that would be mortified as such a miscatalogue. Missy stood to the side, arms folded as she stared at one of the perfectly wrapped mummies.
“I think I went for drinks with her once.” She muttered to herself, staring down at the corpse.
“I was on a school trip, it was ages ago. We were supposed to write notes about our favorite exhibit and present when we got back.”
“And did you get an A plus on your presentation on fuzzy wuzzy wittle dead penguins?” She teased, inching closer to stare at the circular disk of text.
“Actually I wrote it on the alien artifacts they had upstairs.” You replied absentmindedly, scribbling down observations and notes into a small purple notebook.
Missy instantly perked up, her proverbial ears standing on end like a puppy invited to play fetch.
Instantly she grabbed hold of your arm, physically yanking you away from the disk. You almost dropped your notebook in her tugging, her definite strides causing her heels to clack against the floor with determination.
“Missy, i’m not finished!”
“You can look at the pictures later, you kids and your darn smartphones!” she called over her shoulder with a Texas twang.
“I want to know if they’ve got any of my old stuff!”
You almost tripped over the bottom step as the Timelady began to yank you up the north stairway, her eyes searching for any signage like a hawk searching for prey.
She pulled you into the corridor, looking wildly in each direction until she found exactly what she was looking for. The entranceway looked no different from all those years ago, the giant letters above the curved archway declaring the items inside to be not of earthly origin. Missy tugged you firmly by the wrist into the exhibit.
The memories flooded back into your mind, your much smaller stature wandering in with a combination of wonder and fear. You were in the middle stages, not as scared as you were, but also easily victim to nostalgia. You hadn’t realized you’d stopped in the middle of the walkway until Missy was inches away from your face, staring at you with strange concern.
“Sorry,” You whispered. “Just remembering.”
“Did it frighten you?” She asked calmly, all merriment and dramatics replaced with sincerity.
“When you were a child, did you write that report because you were frightened?”
“I think… I was trying to prove I wasn’t. Y’know, like exposure therapy. Can’t be scared of something if you know exactly what it is.”
Missy smiled, carefully winding your elbow to intertwine with her arm. You watched the small gesture, staring ahead at the darkened corridors with dwindling apprehension.
“Just think,” She began, taking slow steps, guiding you towards the exhibit with distracting grace.
“You’re much older than you were, you’ve seen enough things to make a grown man cry. How many of those old codgers in there have you met with me?”
You pondered for a moment, not realizing just how close you were getting towards the display cases.
“And how many of their asses you’ve kicked. Maybe you’ll see some old favorites. Maybe you’ll know so much more than you did before.”
The mistress guided you to stand in front of the first exhibit. You turned to stare at the old cyberman head, looking the rusted metal up and down. You smiled, looking athe wrought metal of its handlebars. Maybe this was your doing.
“See?” Missy grinned, watching the smile on your face with a new fondness.
“Oh, I remember this!”
You continued to excitedly revisit the exhibits, the terror of your past being replaced by the newfound whimsy of your present. Old foes were new memories, what had given you nightmares as a child had turned into funny encounters that were destined to become family stories. Traversing the exhibit on that Autumn day with Missy had made everything seem so much better. You peered at the old UNIT beret in a cabinet, your attention suddenly stolen away.
“Oh my god, here it is!” You heard Missy shriek behind you, followed by the aggressive smash of glass.
You span around to see the towering glass of the case come crashing down to the floor, spreading across the display floor into a sea of sharp danger. Missy stood on her tiptoes, desperately yanking something off of a wobbling mannequin with her umbrella hooked on her arm, before resulting to pull the bodyform down to her level. You stared in awe as she pulled the large red robe from the figure, admiring the shining silk and black neck sash embossed with the sigils of the star signs.
“I’ve been looking for this for yonks now! That Sargeant Benton in his stupid red trousers, I told him i’d have the last laugh!”
A loud alarm began to blare over the speakers, the shrill chimes of alert making Missy cackle harder with delight.
“Don’t just stand there, grab that golden chain and run!”
You acted on her orders, yanking the goat head chain from the display and following her as she ran back through the exit and out of the door.
“I’ve been hoping to match our Halloween costumes for MONTHS!” she clamored, grinning as you caught up to her side.
“I’ve got this gorgeous sacrificial white dress for you to wear!”
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shatar-aethelwynn · 2 years
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rvrfavorites · 1 month
Ancient Codes: The World’s Most Puzzling Undeciphered Languages #indus #script #mystery #unknown Here are some intriguing facts about scripts and languages that have mystified scholars and linguists: 1. The Voynich Manuscript: Written in an unknown script and an undeciphered language, the Voynich Manuscript is one of the most mysterious books in history. Dating back to the early 15th century, it contains illustrations of plants, astronomical diagrams, and what appear to be recipes. Despite extensive study, no one has been able to definitively decode its meaning or identify the language it uses. 2. The Phaistos Disc Discovered in 1908 on the Greek island of Crete, the Phaistos Disc is a circular clay tablet imprinted with symbols arranged in a spiral. The symbols represent a unique script that remains undeciphered to this day. The purpose and meaning of the disc are still a mystery, making it one of the most enigmatic artifacts from the ancient world. 3. Rongorongo: Rongorongo is a system of glyphs found on Easter Island, and it is one of the few The Rosetta Stonef a writing system that has yet to be deciphered. The symbols were likely used by the Rapa Nui people, but the knowledge of how to read them was lost, possibly due to cultural disruption or colonization. Today, scholars are still trying to understand its structure and meaning. 4. The Lost Language of the Indus Valley Civilization: The Indus Valley Civilization, which flourished around 2500 BCE in what is now Pakistan and northwest India, developed a script that remains undeciphered. Despite numerous attempts to understand the inscriptions found on seals and pottery, the language and script have resisted all efforts at translation, leaving a significant gap in our understanding of this ancient civilization. 5. The Rosetta Stone: While not mysterious in the sense of being undeciphered, the Rosetta Stone is an iconic artifact that unlocked the mysteries of Egyptian hieroglyphs. Discovered in 1799, it contains the same text in three different scripts: Greek, Demotic, and Egyptian hieroglyphs. The discovery and eventual deciphering of the Rosetta Stone in 1822 by Jean-François Champollion allowed historians to finally understand the ancient Egyptian language, revealing much about their culture and history. These examples illustrate how scripts and languages can both preserve and obscure knowledge across centuries, leaving behind puzzles that continue to challenge modern scholars.
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rvrcomments · 1 month
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samharbour118 · 2 months
"Adnas' Journey in the World of Libaas"
Unveiling the Mysteries of Adans and Libaas: A Journey Through Ancient Traditions
In the remote corners of our world, where the tapestry of history weaves intricate patterns of culture and tradition, lie the enchanting realms of Adans and Libaas. These two fascinating concepts, though obscure to many, hold profound significance in the heritage of various ancient civilizations. This article embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding Adans and Libaas, exploring their origins, meanings, and enduring impact on contemporary society.
Adans: The Keeper of Ancestral Knowledge
The term "Adans" refers to an ancient custodian of wisdom and traditions, often revered in various indigenous cultures as a repository of ancestral knowledge. In many societies, Adans were the storytellers, historians, and spiritual guides who preserved the oral histories, myths, and legends passed down through generations. Their role was not merely to recount tales but to embody the collective memory and identity of their people.
Historically, Adans were seen as the pillars of their communities, ensuring that the wisdom of the past was never lost. They played a crucial role in educating the younger generations, imparting moral values, survival skills, and cultural heritage. The knowledge they held was vast and varied, ranging from medicinal practices and agricultural techniques to cosmology and spiritual rituals.
In contemporary times, the concept of Adans has evolved but remains relevant. Modern-day Adans can be found in various forms, such as historians, anthropologists, and cultural custodians who continue to explore, document, and preserve the rich tapestry of human heritage. Their work helps bridge the gap between past and present, ensuring that the valuable lessons and traditions of our ancestors continue to inspire and guide us.
Libaas: The Attire of Cultural Identity
"Libaas," derived from ancient languages, translates to clothing or attire. However, in many cultures, it signifies much more than just garments. Libaas encompasses the cultural identity, social status, and spiritual beliefs of individuals and communities. It is a visual representation of one's heritage and often carries deep symbolic meanings.
Throughout history, the style, fabric, and adornments of Libaas have varied widely across regions and epochs, reflecting the diverse ways in which people express their identities and values. In some cultures, specific types of Libaas are worn during rituals, ceremonies, and significant life events, marking important transitions and celebrations.
For instance, traditional Libaas in certain African tribes is intricately woven with patterns that tell stories of the wearer's lineage and achievements. In South Asian cultures, vibrant and elaborate Libaas are worn during festivals and weddings, symbolizing joy, prosperity, and communal unity. Indigenous communities in the Americas often use Libaas adorned with feathers, beads, and other natural elements to connect with their spiritual beliefs and honor their connection to nature.
In the modern world, Libaas continues to be a powerful medium of self-expression and cultural pride. Fashion designers and cultural enthusiasts draw inspiration from traditional Libaas to create contemporary styles that celebrate heritage while embracing innovation. This fusion of the old and new not only keeps ancient traditions alive but also allows for a dynamic and evolving expression of identity.
The Interplay of Adans and Libaas
The interplay between Adans and Libaas is a testament to the holistic nature of cultural preservation. Adans, as the guardians of knowledge, often convey the significance of Libaas through their teachings and storytelling. They help decode the intricate symbols and meanings embedded in traditional attire, ensuring that each piece of Libaas is understood and appreciated in its full cultural context.
Conversely, Libaas serves as a tangible manifestation of the wisdom and values upheld by Adans. When individuals don traditional Libaas, they are not merely wearing clothes but are embodying the history, beliefs, and spirit of their ancestors. This symbiotic relationship between Adans and Libaas highlights the importance of preserving both intangible knowledge and tangible heritage to maintain the continuity of cultural identity.
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theultrablog · 3 months
Pulp Storytime #20: The Shadow Over Kafiristan by Gareth Hanrahan
The hopheads and juicers seemed far out… And they were. Adapting modules is often a challenge. The default version of this adventure is set in the 2010s in Afghanistan, from a British perspective. In this version, we focused on Javid, an Afghani sniper who fought the British...in 1935. So the entire first third of the module went out the window. It still went great though! (Especially since I lost two players an hour before game time and had to switch over from my Hawaiian adventure.) The group was in a remote village in Afghanistan, a place known for mysticism and strangeness. Javid had gathered his outsider friends for some tense political dealing: tribal loyalty and alliances could easily cascade and disrupt the currently peaceful nation. This time Javid, Aleksandra Pavlovic (the tour guide from the Ireland adventure), Inspector M’tombe, and Querida Wilcox were joined by the Negro League's first female pitcher, Connie Johnson. Young and with a chip on her shoulder, she excelled at all physical and charm challenges, but seemed the most flabbergasted by the ridiculousness around her. And it was ridiculous! The village, despite being above the snow line, grew fields of blinding white poppies. The leader of the tribe, Alga Alkhan, was followed around by pshur, or wise man, who seemed to be tuned to the wrong frequency. An afternoon of tea and sympathy with M'tombe revealed a startling truth: the pshur was at the back and call of mysterious spirits! Meanwhile, the players made adequate first impressions but were banned from the temple at the top of a nearby peak. Locals only. No exceptions. The ban didn’t last long. A mortar attack from a rival tribe interrupted the welcoming feast, nearly exploding the party. Another pshur said to follow her in a strange, British voice. Most of the group did, with Javid returning sniper fire and helping defend the village. A ball of opium in a brazier led the players to a city… I might as well let the module describe it. (It’s the only module I’ve ever run where I wish there was more gray box text!)
The smoke grabs your mind and whisks it far, far awake. You feel euphoric, lighter than air and full of energy. It’s wonderful. You—all of you—find yourselves in a marvellous sunset city. The streets glitter in the orange light of the setting sun. Minarets and elegantly curved domes are outlined against the purple sky. The music of flutes and delicate bells can be heard in the distance. In a square, you see some of the people of this wonderful city. They are all young and beautiful, dressed in rich robes or nothing at all.
The players met Daniel Dravot. He first arrived in the village in 1894, on a mission from her Majesty, but was betrayed by his partner ‘Peachey’ Carnehan, who left him with the mystics. Not wanting a political incident, they kept him physically alive but banished him to the city. Could everyone be so dear as to retrieve his body, reunite it with his soul, and get him out of here? The group agreed, although Connie let out an opportune “What mystic nonsense is this?” What followed was a series of mindfucks, interrupted by intense mountain climbing. The temple? Guarded by a single monk, staffed by three sages high on opium. Inside it was a pit, filled with corpses of those who have been sacrificed while high on the drug, their spirits ascended to the secret city to serve as aides and courtesans. The detective, not squeamish, investigated the pit. He emerged with what he was looking for: a British skull and a cigarette case labeled DD. They had been talking to a dead man. Miss Pavlovic, master of ancient languages, decoded a painting deep in the temple. The hidden city wasn’t a drug haze, it was a flicker in the mind of a mad god. Anyone suffused with the local poppies had their mind trapped and eventually stolen. And the 300-person village was eager to sell its goods throughout the nation. The final pshur was an ageless initiate, threatening to throw a ball of opium into a nearby fire pit. Cowgirl Querida lassoed it away from him. The numbers advantage still favored the party. In the temple, at least. The big challenge was lying their way out of the village. Javid’s heroics, combined with a series of denials and pantomimes, paid off. The group had merely climbed the mountain to chase infiltrators! Who they slew! The next step was bribing local warlords to raze the poppy crop and salt the earth. The villagers could be paid and integrated into other tribes, but the mountain had to be abandoned. Then the players had another idea. (So, I mentioned that the module was adapted, and that gets rid of the last fifth of the module as well. In the original, the agents have to justify their behavior to a Department that knows full well about extraplanar entities. I was out of adventure. But the players were sharp.) "So the only other person who knew about the plants was 'Peachey’ Carnehan, right?" Asked the tour guide. Silence. The players called in favors and did some excellent investigating to find him at his manor house in Sussex. After being greeted, announced and fed, all the players had to do was convince a retired British spy to admit culpability based on specious evidence. Easy. (That’s right, social combat! The new players hadn’t played Fate before. Unlike other systems, it’s relatively easy to improvise any kind of combat, whether social or mountaineering.) It took a while for the players to even pierce their foe’s defenses. He buffeted the agéd inspector with compliments. Querida’s insinuations were met with performative fogginess. Abashed and confused, the players scoured his gallery for clues. That’s when they discovered their host’s weakness: flattery. Connie, used to sucking up to team owners and sponsors, started complementing his sporting equipment... The arquebus, the fencing sabers, the Bengal rug. Javid and the inspector, who tried threats, were 'politely' asked to stand outside and wait for a cab. The others were given a tour and assured, after a bit of whiskey, that the smoky death cult would stay out of Peachey's memoirs. Aleksandra Pavlovic was created by JC Connors:
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Can AI Crack the Singapore Stone's Undeciphered Writing?
Researchers use AI to decode the mysterious Singapore Stone's inscriptions, an ancient puzzle unsolved for centuries. #southeastasianarchaeology #Singapore #ancientscripts #AI
via The Conversation, 10 June 2024: The Singapore Stone is being studied by researchers at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University using AI technology. The stone’s unique writing system has puzzled experts for centuries, but new efforts with an AI program, Read-y Grammarian, aim to decode the lost language and reveal its historical secrets. My colleagues and I are developing Read-y Grammarian, an…
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xasha777 · 4 months
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In the distant future, amidst the sprawling reaches of a galaxy filled with wonders and dangers, a young woman named Elara stood out like a beacon of life and hope. With her vibrant red hair, luminous green eyes, and a face adorned with freckles, she was a symbol of beauty and resilience. Elara’s attire was sleek and futuristic, a blend of white and orange that made her seem like a living blossom in the midst of an interstellar garden. Daisies, her favorite flowers, were always present in her hair, a reminder of the Earth that humanity once called home.
Elara was a botanist and an explorer on the spaceship Celestial Bloom, a vessel dedicated to finding and studying plant life on habitable planets. Her mission was crucial: to discover new plant species that could sustain life and help terraform new worlds. But her journey took an unexpected turn when the Celestial Bloom intercepted an ancient signal originating from a distant, forgotten part of the galaxy.
The signal was a distress call, encoded in an archaic language. With the help of her advanced AI companion, Nova, Elara decoded the message. It spoke of a lost world, Terra Magna, and its ruler, Suleiman the Magnificent, who had disappeared centuries ago, taking with him secrets that could alter the fate of the galaxy.
Intrigued and compelled by the mystery, Elara set course for Terra Magna. As the Celestial Bloom approached the planet, she marveled at its beauty. The planet was a lush, green paradise, untouched by time. However, it was also guarded by an advanced defense system, remnants of an ancient empire.
Landing on Terra Magna, Elara was greeted by a holographic projection of Suleiman the Magnificent, his regal figure shimmering in the air. Suleiman had been a visionary ruler, who foresaw the decline of his empire and took drastic measures to preserve its knowledge and power. He had created Terra Magna as a sanctuary, a repository of his empire's greatest achievements.
Suleiman’s hologram explained that the planet’s defense system had malfunctioned, causing the distress signal to be sent. The planet was now in a state of stasis, its incredible flora and fauna locked in time. Elara’s task was to reactivate the planet’s core and restore its natural flow of time, releasing the ancient knowledge stored within.
With Nova’s assistance, Elara navigated through Terra Magna’s dense forests and breathtaking landscapes, encountering strange and wondrous plants, many of which had never been seen before. Each step was a revelation, each discovery a testament to the ingenuity of Suleiman’s people.
Finally, Elara reached the planet’s core, a massive crystalline structure pulsating with energy. Using her botanical expertise and Nova’s advanced algorithms, she carefully reactivated the core, initiating a sequence that restored the planet’s time flow. As the planet awakened, the knowledge of Suleiman’s empire was unlocked, revealing secrets of advanced biotechnology and terraforming techniques that could save countless worlds.
Elara returned to the Celestial Bloom with newfound knowledge and a deep sense of accomplishment. She had not only revived a lost world but also brought hope to the future of humanity. As she looked out into the starry expanse, her heart swelled with pride and determination. The legacy of Suleiman the Magnificent would live on, guiding her and others in the quest to explore and preserve the wonders of the universe.
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penandprompt · 5 months
April 29th: Day of Trees
Fantasy: In an enchanted forest, trees possess magical abilities. Write a story about a young character who discovers a hidden grove where each tree offers a different gift or challenge. What do they seek, and what will they find among these mystical woods?
Mystery: A secluded village relies on an ancient tree with a mysterious history for its prosperity. When the tree is suddenly damaged, the villagers suspect sabotage. Explore the secrets hidden within the tree's rings as an investigator delves into the case.
Historical Fiction: Transport readers to the era of logging camps and timber barons in the late 19th century. Follow the journey of a young logger who forms an unexpected connection with an old tree, leading to a decision that could change the course of history.
Science Fiction: On an alien planet with sentient, towering flora, humans must navigate an intricate forest to establish a new colony. Write a story about the challenges they face in understanding and coexisting with these intelligent, arboreal beings.
Romantic Comedy: A botanical garden's quirky, talking trees offer dating advice to a lovelorn character seeking romance. Share their amusing and heartfelt journey to finding love amidst the whispering leaves and blooming blossoms.
Horror: In a cursed forest, a group of hikers becomes lost. As night falls, the trees seem to come to life, blocking their escape. Create a spine-tingling tale of survival as the characters confront ancient, malevolent forces dwelling within the woods.
Western: Set in the American Old West, tell the story of a wandering cowboy who stumbles upon a sacred grove of ancient trees. The encounter leads to a spiritual awakening and a confrontation with those who wish to exploit the grove's resources.
Science Fiction: On a distant planet, tree-like aliens communicate through bioluminescent patterns and are guardians of ancient knowledge. A linguist must decode their language to prevent a galactic catastrophe. Explore the challenges of inter-species communication.
Urban Fantasy: In a bustling city, a character discovers a hidden, mystical tree that's a portal to other realms. As they delve deeper into its secrets, they're confronted with a choice that could alter the course of their life and the city itself.
Historical Romance: Set in the Victorian era, follow the love story between a botanist and an artist who venture into the Amazon rainforest to document and study its diverse flora. Their expedition unveils not only scientific wonders but also the blossoming of a unique romance.
Dystopian: In a future where real trees are scarce, write about a rebel group seeking to regrow forests and restore balance to the world. The protagonists must evade the authorities and utilize advanced tree-growing technology to achieve their mission.
Adventure: A team of explorers embarks on an expedition into the heart of the world's oldest tree, hidden within a remote jungle. Describe the challenges they face and the unexpected wonders they encounter within the colossal, ancient tree.
Contemporary Drama: Through the eyes of an elderly gardener, explore the relationship between a tree and a neighboring house over several decades. What stories does the tree silently witness as it grows and seasons change?
Alternate History: Imagine a world where trees play a central role in human civilization. How does their presence or absence affect society, technology, and culture? Create a narrative set in this unique tree-centric world.
Supernatural Comedy: A mischievous tree spirit takes up residence in the backyard of a suburban family. Chronicles the humorous and heartwarming interactions between the family and their unexpected, mystical neighbor.
Journaling: Write about a memorable encounter with a tree. What drew you to it, and how did it make you feel?
Journaling: Reflect on the symbolic significance of trees in your life. What do they represent to you, and have they played a role in any important memories or decisions?
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thegreatindian · 6 months
Presenting the World: A Guide to International Tours
The attraction of international travel is undeniable. From traveling ancient shells dipped in history to getting lost in the vibrant energy of busy foreign cities, there's a whole world waiting to be exposed. But for many, expressing beyond familiar borders can feel challenging. 
This blog is your one-stop guide to navigating the exciting world of international tours, helping you turn your travel dreams into unforgettable realities.
Why Choose an International Tour?
International or Indian tours offer a multitude of benefits for tourists of all experience levels.
Planning Made Easy: 
Forget cleaning guidebooks and decoding foreign websites. Tour operators handle the logistics, from flights and accommodation to transportation and activity bookings. This allows you to relax and focus on enjoying the experience.
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Expert Guidance: 
Benefit from the knowledge of experienced tour guides. They not only navigate the language barrier but also share hidden gems and historical insights, enriching your understanding of the places you visit.
Safety and Security: 
Traveling in a group, especially in unfamiliar destinations, provides a sense of security. Reputable tour operators prioritize your safety and well-being, offering assistance and support throughout the trip.
Social Connections: 
Traveling with a group raises companionship and shared experiences. You'll meet like-minded individuals from all over the world, creating lasting memories and friendships.
Choosing the Right Tour
With plenty of tour options available, selecting the perfect one can feel overwhelming. Here are some key factors to consider:
Destination: Do you crave the adrenaline rush of an African safari or the artistic charm of European museums? Identify your dream destinations and tailor your tour accordingly.
Travel Style: Are you a budget backpacker or a luxury traveler? Tour operators cater to diverse travel styles, offering budget-friendly adventures or luxurious all-inclusive packages like Spiti Valley tour packages.
Tour Activities: Do you seek cultural immersion, historical exploration, or outdoor adventure? Choose a tour that aligns with your interests, whether it's a cooking tour of Southeast Asia or a wildlife trip in the Galapagos Islands.
Travel Dates and Duration: Consider your schedule and budget. Shorter tours offer a rapid introduction, while longer journeys allow for deeper exploration.
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Essential Tips for a Smooth International Tour
Research Your Destination: Familiarize yourself with local customs, currency, and basic phrases in the language. A little preparation goes a long way in enhancing your experience.
Pack Smart: Research weather conditions and pack accordingly. Opt for comfortable, versatile clothing that allows for layering. Remember, carry-on luggage is ideal for navigating busy airports.
Stay Connected (Responsibly): Inform your mobile service provider about your travel plans to avoid roaming charges. Utilize Wi-Fi hotspots when available, and disconnect to truly dip yourself in the present moment.
The World Awaits!
International tours reveal a world of possibilities. By choosing the right tour and following these simple tips, you can board on a journey filled with adventure, cultural discovery, and lasting memories. So, pack your bags, uncheck your wanderlust, and get ready to experience the world like never before!
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