#deep breath to tag all these digimon
mcauley-art · 8 months
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19- Horde
Big crowds at Octomon's Takoyaki store!
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windfighter · 1 year
Let me fly
Been a while since I offered something for the frontier-tag, so here, have a short ficlet inspired by the prompt "Wings"
Kouji looked at the sky. So he turned into a digimon. That was pretty amazing. A bit weird, but on the scale of things that happened in his life it didn’t rate that highly.
His back ached. The memory of Takuya’s hand danced at the edge of his mind.
”I hate when strangers touch me.”
They probably thought he was insane. It didn’t matter. Kouji pulled his sweater off, leaned forwards. He was pretty sure no one could see him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
Big wings sprouted from his back. Shimmering black feathers on the back of them, fluffy white ones on the underside. He stretched them, stretched his back.
A curse. He pulled his fingers through the feathers, pulled a few loose ones out and let them fall to the ground. He didn’t hate them, but… It was hard to control sometimes, when emotions got too high, when fear gripped its claws around him. Strangers touching him made that skyrocket.
Kouji leaned back again. The wings folded behind him. Big and soft and warm. Not strong enough to carry him yet. Kousei said they never would be, but Kouji hoped. One day he’d be able to fly away from all the weird things around him.
But on the weirdness scale, turning into a digimon rated way lower than having wings sprout from your back whenever your heartrate got a little too fast.
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vveakfish · 7 months
re: tags on lrb
thinking abt the journey and a half my DC hyperfixation has been.
I was a DCAU only girlie for so long. (BTAS, Batman Beyond, Teen Titans, YJtv, GLtv). I enjoyed the DCEU too, but i was WAY too wrapped up in MCU brain-rot to dive too deeply into those. But that was it. Zero interest in comics themselves as a lil squirt.
Eventually I stopped caring abt the DCEU entirely. (around WW’84, tho it had nothing to do with that movie, i just never saw it — and didnt see any of the movies that came after). And got WAY into Marvel™. And i kinda just rode that wave.
When Marvel started branching out into shows i was HYPED — esp since they started that shit off with WandVision. I’d always loved Wanda, and the fact that they brought Billy and Tommy in was all i needed to push me into reading comics
i tore through the young avengers (UGH i miss them <;/3), and other titles associated with them, and was having a blast. At some point around the season finale of Loki (good show, this was just also how the cookie crumbled) I just fell off Marvel in general. A lot of this probably had to do with school ramping up around this time — but i stopped reading comics & watching their shows and movies almost entirely.
Around this time tho, bc i Missed reading comics — i started reading webcomics. And as much as i enjoyed reading Marvel comics for that short period of time, webcomics were what made me fall in love with Comics™ as a medium.
6th semester ended, i was elbows deep in world building for my own webcomic project, and started watching anime while working on it. Again, anime was always one of those things i enjoyed (Digimon, Sailor Moon, and Pokémon were some of the most influential pieces of media in my entire childhood), but my love for it as an art form was really solidified during this time
[side note: can you Tell i was dealing with art school shit during all of this? couldn’t turn the critique brain off literally Ever, so anything i enjoyed got put under the art student lens]
But my interest in anime stayed entirely on the animated side of things for a Long Ass Time. It wasn’t until Jujutsu Kaisen that i got shoved headlong into manga. God that stupid fucking anime changed my life, ANYWAY.
I finished the anime (umm maybe like. 5 times), and then HAD to know what happened next. So i devoured the manga. Every spare moment i had was spent reading it, until i was Done. then i was like orz. what do u do now ??
The answer was do the exact same thing with Demon Slayer. which was ALSO a life changing experience. read 鬼滅の刃 pls pls pls
Now. When i finished KNY, i was also like *head in hands* how do i even keep on living?? But this was also while working on my thesis project, and still doing a lot of work on the side as far as my own comic was concerned. (like… 60k words worth of world building & drafting scripts + designing characters), so its not like i had all that much free time.
anyway — i finished up my 8th semester, and barely gave myself a chance to breathe before i threw myself into working on my comic practically full time.
I was working on a one shot to submit to a contest for Webtoon, and they were asking for a pretty substantial amount of content (60+ panel Action comic one shot. and I, as always, love to make things harder on myself, so i think in one of the later drafts it ended up having over 100 panels).
needless to say, i Did Not finish the oneshot in time (its still not done to this day T~T i’ll come back for you forge, dont worry). But, toward the end of that… 3 month span of feverishly working on this project, i found myself falling in love with DC all over again.
I mentioned YJtv before, but that show was Also something that changed my life as a 10 year old.
(its really funny to think about that show now & how it’s release date lines up with the beginning of the N52 continuity, and how both the show & that particular reboot are so strongly disliked by a vast majority of DC’s fanbase — but thats a post for another day)
I’ve rewatched the show at least once a year since my roommate let me start using their HBOMax login. I know seasons 1 and 2 like the back of my hand bc of how much i watched them growing up, and i like season three well enough. But the thing was that on this unsuspecting summer night, i was about to discover that there were New Episodes.
Dude i was hyped, i was losing my shit. I had resigned myself to the knowledge that this show was never coming back. I was okay with it too. But here it was, alive and kicking after what felt like forever.
Heres the thing tho. They killed off Kon.
okay not really, but at the Time boy boy was Dead, and i was devastated. Thats My Boy. He had been my favorite character from the jump, and i did not know how to process him being gone. So i took a break from the show, and turned to ao3 instead.
At this point i was Not an avid fic reader. I wasn’t an avid reader period – outside of manga – but i had read a few really good fics recommended to my by some of my JJK pals. So i looked at the Kon-El | Conner Kent character tag on ao3 and just scrolled until i found something interesting.
In this case: a Timkon fic (this one in particular).
I knew who Tim was before this (He shows up in YJtv. He's there in BTAS), but I had never thought about him and Kon as... anything really. In the versions of them i was familiar with, they don't interact all that much. They're from different generations of heroes, but i was like, hey, what the hell this sounds cute. And man oh man, it was all down hill from there.
I read more TimKon fic, and just fell in love with them. But i was also... confused. Like... why do these two guys have such a robust fanbase... wheres the link.
THAT is what pushed me to start reading Detective Comics Comics for the first time. I wanted to get to know these guys For Real, and the only way to do that was by digging into the source material.
This post is So long oh shit. I have thoughts about How I got to know the kiddos & how the comics i read (as well as the order i read them in) have influenced my understandings of these little guys. But i think thats a post for another day. I have other things to do than write out a post about my media consumption habits
o7 signing off.
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honouredsatoru · 3 years
JJK Characters x You on a date
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notes : I tried including Gojo's love for Digimon since I also grew up watching Digimon and loving the anime with all of my heart, also because Gojo's seiyuu, both Japanese and English versions, voiced for characters in Digimon, so I wanna pay homage to the both of them. other than that, I also included my love for arts and history, something I tried to incorporate into my writing, just to make it like.. lilith's style, ya know?
extra notes : also I wrote megumi for Elli, just because haha.
warnings : slight cussing. not proofread lol. other than that, none. 100% fluff!
characters : gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara, nanami kento, itadori yuji.
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Gojo Satoru - Arcades, vintage shops, especially collectors, especially Digimon, comic book/manga stores.
[Your name]! [Your name!]! Look, look! It's the Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 series! All 9 of them! Let's get in!"
"Ahh hold on. Towu! We're supposed to visit the cat cafe, you promised that you would go with me and take pictures with the cat hairband on! And I'm starving!"
You jokingly scowled at him, tapping your Doc Martens feet on the ground, arms folding.
"Fucking adorable. Let me see if I can tease her more, hah." A smirk soon appeared on this blue-eyed darling of yours.
"Let me get the manga and I promise, I'll go to this cat cafe with you, baby. Hm?"
"Oh alright."
"I love you, sweetheart. I know how much you wanted to go there but the manga. I- ahaaaa"
He started pouting as he kept pointing in the direction of the Digimon manga by the window. You quickly opened your camera, taking pictures of him sulking, emitting a soft giggle that actually made his heart squeezed with joy.
He presses his lips against your forehead, thumb circling your cheek, gently squishing them before opening the door, yanking you into the comic book store with him. You vowed to hide the comic books once he goes on a mission. After all, he made you wait a month before the two of you finally get to go to this cafe you always wanted to visit.
"Baby, I can read what you're thinking. Your face shows it too. Hehe. Watch me hide your panties."
Taking in a few gulps of air to deepen your breath, you opened your eyes, to meet the love of your life's own eyes, snickering at you, his large hands on the crown of your head before ruffling your already messy hair. There is no way you can stay mad at this man, as childish as he is, you know he loves you and deep down? He knows you love him too.
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Itadori Yuji - Thrift stores, internet cafes to play online games with you, cinemas.
"Candy! [Your name] love! Don't! Make! Me! Ahhh cover up for me! I am gonna lose! I am gonna-"
He turns around to face you with soft eyes, his eyebrows slightly droopy before looking back at the computer, taking in the seconds in his head to register the fact that he lost in his mission with you in Inferno.
"Awww sorry babe. I mean.. you just started playing CSGO, so tell me, why- again- damn it- you wanna- AH. Damn it! Throw the fucking grenade! I mean why you wanna play this game, you need more practice- FUCK YOU."
Gentle chuckles were heard, emitted from his throat, his soft, peach toned lips landed on your cheek repeatedly as he rubbed soothing circles around your back.
"Breathe, bunny baby. You're so feisty whenever you start having online matches. Breathe. I love you, and I don't want you to get your blood pressure rising because of these dumbos, hm?"
Your lips curl into a faint and appreciative smile, nodding while your eyes are glued to the screen, ignoring the fading laughs and snickers from the people acknowledging your mini rage.
"I love you too. If I win, I'm getting us boba and chicken nuggets. So let me fight them, okie?"
"Yes ma'am!"
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Megumi - Museums, art galleries, photo exhibitions, aesthetic cafes.
"Oh Gumi bear, look at that! That is the Raft of Medusa, it was done by Thèodore Géricault, he himself interviewed two survivors from the shipwreck."
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He looks over your eyes that shine with excitement and pure happiness.
Was what he thought every time he laid his sight onto you. God knows that he falls in love with you every single time he is blessed with your presence. Resting his arm around your waist, pulling you closer, inhaling the scent of mixed berries and wild roses, he swore he heard his heartbeat increasing every two seconds in a span of one minute.
"Oh really? What do you think this painting is all about?"
Glancing at him before returning to the painting, you puffed your cheeks, pressing your lips together with your index finger curled on your chin and your thumb under it.
"Lord, she is so cute whenever she does that. Can I kiss her? Should I? No wait, she's trying to tell me her own interpretation of this painting. To me. Oh wow. I'm gonna kiss her... later. I can't interrupt her." That is all he could think of. You. He is deeply, madly, beautifully in love with you.
"In my opinion, it tells me the ways of how men, or human beings, seek out in order to survive. When we are at the brink of desperation, insanity, happiness, greed, lust, desire, wrath, grief, don't we all do things unimaginable to help us go through the day? They even resolved to cannibalism. I think even I would commit to that if I was in an extremely dire situation."
You looked at him, a wide smile on your face, emitting a soft giggle that entered his right ear and stayed within the chambers of his mind. He closed the spaces between the both of you, sealing his lips onto yours, with the intention of making this very moment last a little longer heavy within his heart.
Was what you thought of him.
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Nanami Kento - Theatres, historical museums, fine dining restaurants.
You squealed, lightly clapping your hands as you ran to a block of marble, your foot tapping against the floor. He chuckles, hands in his pocket, taking fast strides towards you.
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"Namnam! Look look! That's the Parthenon Sculptures! It was founded in hm... Athens, yes! If I am not mistaken, around 438 to 432 BC. These sculptures decorated the insides of the Parthenon, it is a temple located at the fortress of the Athenian Acropolis. It is said that this temple was built to appreciate and worship the Goddess Athena, she was the deity worship in Athens. Also, ah ah! Did you know that the word parthénos means "maiden", "girl" or ‘virgin"? And I-"
You look at him, your magnificent lover wearing a dark brown trench coat, with ecru brown trousers and a black turtleneck tucked in, his neck layered with white gold necklaces. Your hand unconsciously scratches your sideburns, giggling at the side of his stoic expression, eyes piercing yours beneath that yellow-green glasses he constantly has on his chiseled face.
"Oh... I am sorry... I didn't mean to bore you. I was just so excited because you know me! I love anything that is related to ancient greek history and mythology. I can't seem to get enough of it and it is absolut-
"I'm not bored, [your name]. I was just paying attention to every single word that pretty lips of yours uttered. It's magnificent that you knew all of this. It shows just how smart, curious, bright your mind and soul is. And darling?"
"I am lucky to be blessed with someone like you. With Gojo constantly following me, there is no way I can read the books I bought for myself. However, having you around, breaking the ice with your random history tib bits, I feel like I am reading the pages, savouring each word, alphabet, sentence, thus expanding my quest and love for knowledge."
You looked down. Normally, you're not the type to tear up this easily but seeing how this man, this angel of a man, appreciates the little things you loved and adored, you can't help but let the waterworks out. You lifted your head up to meet his gaze, the tip of your nose slightly stuffy. You grabbed his arms, clinging onto him, the difference of height and size makes it sweet to the eyes of strangers surrounding you both.
"Oh Namnam. Thank you so much. This means the world to me. Shall we... go and see the best of Ramesses the Great? I've loads to tell you!"
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Nobara - Shopping malls, ferry rides, beach dates, parks with cherry blossoms.
"Baby... tell me, have you ever seen anything as joyous as the ocean?"
You two stood by the seashore, fingers intertwined, your head resting on her shoulders, the sound of the seas splashing against the rocks and the warmth around your foot, it tingled but it feels good at the same time.
"I don't want this moment to end, [your name]."
"Why is that, pretty one?"
A faint sigh leaves her lips, you feeling her body loosen up.
"I just.. school is sort of stressful so my time spent with you liberates me from the pressure, fatigue, and image of curses embedded in my brain. Walking with you... through this airy womb of skies and clouds, don't you know it makes me happy?"
You leaned closer, pressing a soft peck on her cheeks, earning yourself a pair of scarlet cheeks with a gorgeous smile from the one next to you. You turned yourself to face her, hands on her shoulders, bringing her body closer to yours.
"Whenever and wherever you need me, I will be there. I might not be perfect, but I am gonna do my best to be the one you can always count on."
You pressed a kiss on her left cheek.
"I love you."
A kiss on her right cheek.
"I love you."
A kiss to the lips of the woman whom you shared your entire universe with.
"To the moon and back, I love you, Kugisaki Nobara."
The end.
tags : @tojisveryown @sookyshima @megumifushi @sixeyesgojo @sirthisisa-wendys @sasso-oda @fushigurocockslut @nkogneatho @kotarousgf @noritoshiikamo
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digitalgate02 · 3 years
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, i forgot to reply this so i apologize.
I assume this is about the OCs so...
This is this tag for my current project (tho still... on a break/hiatus shh)
But I'd like to talk about something else! So I will talk about...
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... this lil sheet. Further details about his creation can be seen in this post here.
Hmm, like I've always imagined him having the same voice for Daisuke (Kiuchi, btw) and being not much different from Daisuke himself, just a little more tsuntsun and in constant denial about people legitimately liking him.
He got a sad backstory for an OCT, in which he was the last of his species (yeah, Knuckles-like) so he's a lone warrior living who gets fooled easily (... like Knuckles) and ends up teaming up with enemies in some stuff I wrote/doodled. But deep down he's kinda heroic and is a "mercenary" digimon -- he will obtain anything worth trading with anyone.
His skills makes him not a tough oponent, just an annoying one -- he's fast and can paralyze the enemy. Also, he got "Speculum Persona" -- a special ability to mimic the appearance of his enemies, except their special abilities. This means if he transforms into Agumon he won't be able to use "Baby Flame" at all. However he might be able to fly or breathe underwater if he transforms into flying or sea digimon.
BUT, this particular OC of mine, nicknamed "Pure", has a glitch in his data so this special ability has a minor error: He cannot change the color of his eyes, making easily to spot him during the usage of this technique.
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doubleddenden · 3 years
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I posted 12,082 times in 2021
3427 posts created (28%)
8655 posts reblogged (72%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.5 posts.
I added 5,724 tags in 2021
#toonami - 3368 posts
#food wars - 472 posts
#black clover - 422 posts
#nart - 369 posts
#mha - 258 posts
#fire force - 216 posts
#fena: pirate princess - 167 posts
#yashahime - 161 posts
#harley quinn - 147 posts
#demon slayer - 144 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#idk i'll like write your thesis or be the pretend boyfriend or honorary big brother that gives advice in exchange for some health insurance
My Top Posts in 2021
"God hasn't been part of the world of science for 10 billion years"
12 year old Edward Elric has a rival for cocky edgy anime angsty atheist
122 notes • Posted 2021-05-16 05:19:52 GMT
A legendary Japanese sword???
El Dorado?
Joan of Arc?
German accents?
This show is literally going everywhere
147 notes • Posted 2021-09-12 04:11:24 GMT
I've seen some dead bodies in anime, but that was somehow one of the deadest bodies I've seen in a long time
158 notes • Posted 2021-09-19 04:19:56 GMT
"I thought you three are close?"
Todoroki: We're best friends
328 notes • Posted 2021-09-05 04:37:49 GMT
After my last post from 2019 started blowing up again, I think it's time to reassess the timeline in 2021 so far as of late September to see wtf is going on
Nintendo is teaming up with the guys behind Despicable Me to make a Mario movie, and not only are casting Charles Matinet as every other character than the ones he voices, but casted Chris Pratt as Mario, Charlie Day as Luigi, Seth Rogan as Donkey Kong, and Jack Black as Bowser, and everyone hated it (with exception to Jack)
Sonic has another movie on the way after a decent success on the first one, Idris Elba is Knuckles, and everyone loves it
In pokemon, we have not just one Sinnoh Remake, but a remake and a prequel in the works. Both do not look how fans intended
Digimon had a live script reading for Tamers wherein they had to fight political correctness and cancel culture. The director of this critically aclaimed series apparently fell very deep into conspiracy theories and you can read his descent via his blog
Tobyfox gave us another chapter of Deltarune and it's either a chucklefest of explosions, gay, gamer, and *big shots*, or deeply disturbing on a level only this maniac can provide
There is consideration to release a new cut of TLoTR that lasts a WEEK
Taco bell has a chicken sandwich now. A chicken sandwich taco that is neither sandwich nor taco (but decent)
People are injecting themselves with horse medicine for parasites, and this medicine makes you shit yourself and can leave you impotent. This instead of taking free FDA approved vaccines to help prevent and/or weaken a virus that can kill you and/or make you impotent.
Nikki Minaj refuses the vaccine because her cousin's friend allegedly took it and their balls swelled up, because that couldn't be anything else that's been reported, like an STD
We still have assholes advocating for body autonomy when it comes to vaccines but in the same breath scream demands to take away abortion rights and they see no irony
Why the resistance still? They are afraid of being tracked with microchips and 5g. Yet find no irony in driver's licenses, social security numbers, passports, medical files, dental files, and tax records being available for everyone, let alone Facebook and other social media sites collecting and selling their personal data. They think that each of them are that important that the government would invest millions into tracking them personally when its already incredibly easy to
Batman has a webcomic about all the bats and Robins and such, and it is wholesome as shit
One of the best writers Doctor Who has ever had is coming back to the helm after being replaced for years
There was a literal 3d virtual concert for Pokemon starring Post Malone, who sang about cowboys making him cry and how he was "only in it for the sex" as a majestic Lugia flew by
21 Pilots had a virtual concert of their own in god damn ROBLOX
Speaking of virtual, there was a virtual museum to the Civil Rights Movement added to... *checks notes*... Fortnite.
Kirby is actually going to have a 3d game. Not just 2.5D, like Mario Odyssey 3d.
The first billionaire went to space after underpaying his employees and leaving them with terrible work environments, and bragged about it on live TV in a cowboy hat, and not only did he not break the atmosphere, he unfortunately came back
There's apparently a 3d MLP movie that talks about xenophobia, propaganda, and historical revisionism. Idk I just found out too
Rugrats is back and Stu is a gamer
iCarly is back and Carly and Freddie were propositioned for a threesome
Drake Bell was convicted of child endangerment
Josh Peck is Turner in a Turner and Hooch reboot and is thriving
Flip phones are back in a weird way
We had attempts to violently overthrow our government this year and the organizers are just out playing golf and planning sedition like it's just another Monday
Ted Cruz liked porn on his Twitter account publicly. Again.
Grimes and Musk split up, still no word on his plans for real life cat girls
Star Wars. Is anime now. Which is awesome
See the full post
496 notes • Posted 2021-09-27 22:53:39 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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DigiWeek 2021
Day 4 - Dark/Light
The Story
part 1 part 2 part 4
   We woke up early the next morning as the sunlight sent its rays into the cave.
   When we had reached it yesterday, dusk had fallen already and the temperatures had dropped significantly. So I had helped Kamemon gather wood which Ryudamon had set ablaze with its fiery breathe. As the fire illuminated the cave, it peeled out archaically drawn illustrations out of the dark. With them, Ryudamon explained to us the history of the Digital World and its most prominent landmarks. File Island, Spiral Mountain, Primary Village, the ocean, the jungle, the ice wastelands, and so much more.
   How darkness and light had always lived side by side because one couldn’t exist without the other, but repeatedly dark forces had tried to overthrow this balance and spread gloominess across the Digital and also the human world. When that happened, ancient powers had called humans for help – those children were called the DigiDestined. Usually they were younger than us, aged sixteen we were old hands. In terms of Digimon, though, we were nearly completely ignorant.
   Ryudamon couldn’t explain why we had been chosen. Both Digimon had simply felt the urge to go to the meadow where they’d met each other for the first time and waited for their partners to arrive. They didn’t know it would be us specifically but they felt an undeniable connection the moment we had stepped off the trolley.
   We had discussed why the other DigiDestined hadn’t been with us but we hadn’t reached a satisfying conclusion so we had decided to go to sleep and see what the new day would bring us.
   Now we had breakfast with the remainders of our lunch and with frost berries Kamemon had picked in a small piece of forest around the corner of the cave. It didn’t look like it but it knew the ice wastelands inside out.
   “I’m a passionate traveller”, it explained. “The other Kamemon like to stay in our village their whole life – and that’s fine. But I have an adventurous soul that needs to roam free. What about you, Ryudamon?”
   “I also rather stay put but this force that dragged me here like a magnet had been too strong and important to ignore. Thank the Digi Gods I have thick fur and my armour, otherwise I would be freezing.”
   “Just like me!” Taki chimed in. “But Miko is like a portable heater. I always rely on her.” She smiled brightly at me.
   I smiled back because I didn’t mind. On the contrary, I was happy when she was comfortable. Then I asked “How far is it to the place Frezamon indicated yesterday?”
   “At least half a day’s march”, Kamemon said.
   I grimaced. What was it with me and endurance sports again? “You’re not, by any chance, a flying Digimon when you evolve, Kamemon?”
   It shrugged. “I have never evolved before but I don’t think so.”
   “And I wouldn’t recommend riding on my back when I’m DexDorugamon”, Ryudamon said.
   “A pity.”
   So we had no choice but to set off on foot. Immediately as we stepped out of the cave, a beastly wind nearly swept us off our feet.
   Taki and I huddled together as we marched through the snow. Kamemon was leading us up an ever ascending slope while Ryudamon was our rearguard. There was no point in stopping, all around there was only snow and wind – and more snow and more wind.
   When I thought I couldn’t possibly take it any more, Kamemon announced “Look, up there!”
   Taki surprisingly had been holding up pretty well but now that I looked at her I discovered just how tired she was. Then we both looked up to the point Kamemon indicated, and gasped. A round hut, not unlike a yurt, squatted in a nook of the rocks. Smoke rose out of a chimney. “Let’s go up there!”, Taki called, her exhaustion having vanished all of a sudden.
   We began to move again but only had climbed a few metres higher when we all froze simultaneously. There wasn’t smoke rising from the chimney anymore, it had been replaced by the deepest, darkest black I had ever seen. It curled and writhed like a single tentacle, until it split itself into at least a dozen tentacles, they all had the same thickness for some reason even though that was physically impossible. Then again we were in the Digital World, and even though there was lots that resembled our world that didn’t mean it adhered to the same laws of physics.
   The tentacles stretched until they tore themselves out of the chimney, transforming into solid spikes as soon as they left it. Swishing, they flew through the air in all directions. They disappeared from our view except for one that came straight racing towards Kamemon. It stood there transfixed, the spike coming ever closer, until it became clear to me that it would be pierced by it. Even though we only knew each other for barely a day I had grown quite fond of the little fellow and also I had sworn to be its partner. So just when Kamemon was about to be hit by the spike, I stepped forward and yanked it away. The spike drove itself into the stone with a nasty crack.
   “Thank you! Oh thank you!”, Kamemon yelled and hugged me tightly which was easy because I was still holding it in the air.
   “Of course”, I said in a casually but I still had to smile. Though only for a second until the cold of our surroundings started to seep into my collar and let me remember why Kamemon had been in hugging distance in the first place. I looked up to the yurt. “We gotta be careful”, I said before I started to walk again.
   “You’re right. I don’t what’s wrong, if the other DigiDestined has been kidnapped by that evil force or if they’re even in there”, Ryudamon confirmed and adopted leadership. Kamemon was still shaking from the attack.
   We ascended in crouched positions, ducking behind ledges and when there was nowhere to hide we were crawling up the mountain on all fours. Finally we reached the ledge closest to the yurt. I dared to peak over, only to shirk away again when another black spike came flying from the entrance door.
   “Did you really think I wouldn’t see there, creeping up the mountain like insects!”, someone shouted. It was a pearly voice, it sounded as if it wasn’t actually made to transport the resentment dripping from the words it had said.
   We communicated with each other using our hands and decided, despite all curiosity, that it was best to stay low. Then Ryudamon indicated a sheet of ice wedged at an angle between two rocks. It reflected its surroundings somewhat distorted – but it reflected them. That way we were able to see who was standing in the entrance of the yurt. It was a blonde girl, about our age, though she looked Caucasian in the makeshift mirror, neither Japanese like me nor Afro-Japanese like Taki.
   We were anxiously watching her moves, in fact we were transfixed on the image in the ice that we didn’t notice something was drawing near until it was too late.
   With a roar, a bear-like Digimon with purple-blueish fur and red and silver claws jumped up from behind our ledge. The world seemed to move in slow motion for a second. The bear Digimon – I learned from a quick glance on my DigiVice that it was called Grizzlymon – sailed above our heads and time resumed its natural flow when it landed in the snow, merely a two metres away from us.
   “Uh-oh”, Kamemon gulped.
   I could only second that. Uh-oh.
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What if the villains “see the new light”?
   “Come on! It’s only a small step!”, Iori urged. He tried to hoist Yukio Oikawa higher up his small shoulders. 
   “I can’t.” Oikawa’s voice was barely audible. He looked drained, his already pale face had now lost all its colour. He resembled a ghost more than a human being. 
   Suddenly a light appeared in front of them but behind the border between the intermediate world both were still in, and the Digital World. A round light-green Digimon with a halo of leaves on its head was born from the light. It smiled cheekily at Oikawa. “Finally we meet! I’m so glad, I’ve waited for so long”, it squeaked. 
   A spark of hope flashed across OIkawa’s face. “What do you mean, you’ve waited for me?”
   “Isn’t that obious?” the Digimon said in a tone as if it was talking to a small child. “I’m Datirimon, your Digimon partner.”
   Iori smiled desperately at Oikawa. “Isn’t that something? Come on, it’s only another step.”
   Oikawa didn’t move and Iori feared that he would lose him right here but then Oikawa put his limp arm down. His hand groped around for support until it crossed the border. Now he dug his fingers deep into the soil of the Digital World. He pulled himself forward, and Iori pushed him. 
Pull and push, pulll and push, until only his feet were still in the intermediate world. Oikawa’s face was flush with Datirimon, all remaining strength had been consumed by his way into the Digital World and his limp weight was too much for Iori to carry now. He knelt beside Oikawa, both were panting.
   “I knew you would make it!”, Datirimon happily exclaimed. It hopped forward and bumped Oikawa’s nose. 
   Tears streamed down Oikawa’s face. His eyes were transfixed on the small Digimon before him. “I... have made it”, he whispered. He had no eyes for his surroundings, only for his partner, it was all he could still muster. That’s why he missed the rebirth of the Digital World.
   Daisuke pointed his DigiVice at the spot MaloMyotismon had been standing on until its defeat. A new ray of light shot from it, representing the never-ending resolve he had proven to possess in the past hours. His friends followed him, Miyako, Hikari, Takeru, and the older DigiDestined sent rays of their own, and they were joined by all the children who were in the Digital World right now.
   From the point where the rays touched, a soft golden glow started to spread as if the surface of the Digital World was cracking up. Where the old and lifeless soil had been torn away, the first bit of greenery started to grow. Butterflies rose and set off to shed the light all around the world. 
@digiweek​ (didn’t tag it right the first time so it probably slipped through)
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Do you have an analysis about about Takeru's character arc in Tri?
Well, I loved Tri!Takeru, I thought he was pretty much perfect. But analysis... I don’t think I have anything so broad off the top of my head. I’ll totally leap on the chance to gush about Takeru in Tri though.
I was psyched back in 02 to see how he’d grown from “crybaby tag-along learning independence” to “smiley sassmaster prone to nightmares and occasional BAMF-ness due to past trauma.” Of course, the fact that he and Hikari didn’t get a lot of personal development made that a little less enjoyable...
... but anyway, in Tri it was just fun to see that taken even further. He was still sassy and sly, and I loved how his silly but provocative banter with Hikari showed that the two of them really aren’t just our sweet, pure-hearted baby siblings. I loved how friendly he was, taking the lead almost as much as Mimi in making Meiko feel at home. I loved his fashion sense, and the others teasing him about being a ladies’ man (I mean, I don’t exactly doubt that it’s true, but I do think Takeru kind of puts on personas and that underneath he’s a lot more vulnerable - something he has in common with his brother, but it’s a lot less noticeable because Yamato is way more of a disaster lol). I loved the way despite getting older he stays affectionate with his brother, masking it with humor and teasing, but c’mon, everyone knows they mean it xD
Kokuhaku, of course, is Takeru’s movie. We saw all the ways he’s changed and grown up, and then Patamon gets infected and bam, Takeru regresses. Suddenly he’s a little boy who doesn’t know what to do, so he pretends like everything’s okay. And even though he lets Patamon fight anyway, the way he collapses in tears on the ground after the reboot... *wibble* Kokuhaku was written just to destroy me...
like my favorite moment in aaaall of kokuhaku is Yamato trying to get Takeru to talk about what’s on and Takeru’s expression goes all stormy and he takes a deep breath and admits “I’m afraid................ that your band will break up again” and Yamato just STARES at him X’D he’s like you little shit
and then on top of everything else... when Takeru finds out Meiko knew more about the infection than she let on, he wants to be mad, but he remembers Patamon and chooses not to be. I think this moment is a lot more than “kids shows teach us to be forgiving!” nonsense, and not just because Tri may be Digimon but it’s not a kids show :3 Especially given how Bokura no Mirai ended! On the one hand, that scene shows that Takeru is still partly that sweet and forgiving child who sees the good in others. But the anger he felt initially, which is a call back to the anger he felt toward the Digimon Kaiser, and mindless evil in general, was also strong, and he made a choice to do what he felt his partner would want. He could be clear-headed about that because he understood that his anger came from grief, and that things like revenge are exactly the kind of unproductive, evil-begetting-evil that he hates so much. So he’s so kind to Meiko and it really moves her. I loved that.
And I loved how it continued into Soushitsu, where he’s just so excited to find Tokomon and goes about befriending him the same way as when he was a kid and they first met. He doesn’t layer on the charm or use any of the wittiness he’s learned - it’s just “I want to be friends with you!” It was so cute and also so fitting. He totally embraces meeting his partner for the first time all over again.
Last, of course, the way he tried to be there for Hikari and help her know she’s not alone was also great. We got to see Takeru’s kindness and maturity and idk, I just love everything about Tri!Takeru xP
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trashcatsnark · 3 years
Questions For An Author
Tagged by the always lovely @shallow-gravy
Tagging: @enchantedbythebidders @tender-wounds @rosyibby
Name: Mariah
Top 5 Fandoms Written: Far Cry 5, Kissed By The Baddest Bidder, Cyberpunk 2077, Boyfriend To Death, uhhhh Mystic Messenger? That feels like a cheat.
Top 5 Fandoms You Want To Write For/More: Mystic Messenger, I really loved that otome, and wrote for it but never finished anyting for some reason. Fallout 4, I fell in love with Danse but struggled to fall in love with the lore (i hate the 50’s aesthetic shit ngl, but thats just me) so nothing ever took off. Supernatural, ironically most popular fic on AO3 is for Supernatural but I never sunk my teeth into writing for it like I thought I would. Boyfriend to Death, I actually have like lots of my one shots and some series ideas for BtD, but never really have found the time or energy to write them. Stardew Valley is a big one too, I adore Shane, but for some reason that fic has yet to catch it’s vibe.
Stories You Wish More People Knew About: Granted, Can You Feel The Sun? My cyberpunk 2077 fic is still very much in it’s infancy, so it’s understandable but I still sometimes am like wahhh i wish it was doing better. But, I know its just a time thing, i mean, it took about a year for This Is Love to do as well as it is rn.
Ship(s) Written The Most: Dahlia x Polyseed, Tsuneko x hinted with all bidders, Aidan x Johnny. Im an oc simp, what do you want from me.
Character(s) Written The Most: Dahlia at this point. As far as canon characters, maybe Pratt since he’s her shit head sidekick.
How Many OCs Do You Have: An amount. Dahlia for FC5, Tsuneko for KBTBB, Aidan or CP2077, Regan for SPN, Scout for FO4, Haejin for Mystic Messenger, Jude for SDV. Unnamed ocs for BtD and Monster Prom. And if you go far enough back i had like a billion shitty ocs for OHSHC, Fruits Basket, Naruto, YYH, One Piece, Digimon, Pokemon, etc etc.
How Many Series Do You Have: Publicly; I have 3. This Is Love (FC5), Black Market Wonderland (KBTBB), and Can You Feel The Sun? (CP2077). Though, unfinished, I did have Blossoming which was gonna be my Mystic Messenger fic and Mad To Live which was gonna be my supernatural fic. And I never named them but I was gonna do one for SDV and FO4, maybe someday, or not at all.
What Do You Do With Fics You’re No Longer Interested In?: I don’t really like to like abandon fics, but like it is a struggle especially when I lose interest in the fandom it’s for. Black Market Wonderland has been on a very long hiatus, but I definitely do wanna come back to it whenever my love for KBTBB is back and Im less frustrated with Voltage as well as some shit that went down in the fandom. I know drama and personal shit shoudn’t impact feelings on a game, but its hard for it not to for me.And what happened in voltage stuff was like, the most personal I’ve ever been involved in stuff so, its hard. But i still love the characters, so hopefully I’ll rekindle that flame. So, i guess I just wait and pray for my energy to return.
Coming Soon: The next update I do, that I have planned for next month is chapter 11 for This Is Love.
Line From A WIP: From Can You Feel The Sun? Chapter 2. (accidentally wrote can you feel the love, smashing fic titles together omg) Also, spoilers for Jackie's backstory in Cyberpunk 2077, so skip over if you don't want.
“I meant what I said before, Night City ain’t the kind of place to let you get by without family, but…” He trails off and chews his lip as he considers his next words. Then they seem to die in his throat.
“But…?” She prompts, trying to encourage him to finish his thought. Jackie then grabs a belt from his nightstand table, stretching worn leather over his fingers.
“Do you know what this is?”
It’s clear it has some significant value to him, but she has no way of knowing what, to her it’s just a belt. So, she merely shakes her head no, deciding not to be a smartass and allow him the chance to get the weight off his chest.
“This belt belonged to my dad, if you can call him that, Raul Welles. He, uh, use it to beat on us.. Go to school overed in welts, have to watch like a coward when he’d go after my ma.”
“You weren’t a coward,” V signs and gets up from her chair, sitting next to him, touching his shoulders, “you were a child.”
“Yeah…well, one day I ripped the belt right out of his hand and showed him what it felt like, turns out he couldn’t take his own medicine. Haven’t seen him since, but keep it on hand, just in case.”
V squeezes his shoulder, not sure what to say or do, how to comfort someone after that. The pains of a shitty dad is one she knows all too well, even when her own wasn’t trying to kill her, he was fixated on making her and her sister strong; training them. She knows all too well that you can’t take away the memories or the pain, but she hopes, being here can be enough. That the comfort of touch can act as a temporary salve for the heart, even if it’s all she can offer.
“Look, chica,” he takes a deep breath, “I don’t know your story, when and if you tell it is up to you. But, my point is. You need a family to get along in Night City, but family don’t end or start with blood. My old man will never be family to me. But, I got…people… who don’t share a drop of blood of with me and I’d take a bullet for ‘em”
“I think…I get what you mean, family you choose is what matters most.”
She agrees, but choosing her family is it’s own beast. Letting people in, breaking down walls, finding a family that chooses her as much as she chooses them. It’s all a terrifying prospect, being alone is easier, more convenient, less effort… Though it has a cost too, of course.
“So, make a choice.”
“Work with me, V.”
Do You Accept Prompts?: I accept questions and ideas; I’m always open to talking about my oc’s and their bullsit. But as far as prompts go, if I'm in a mood which is rare and don’t really take requests. I just personally have always found that if I accept requests or prompts; writing because a duty/obligation and not a hobby which drains a lot of the fun for me.
How Do You Feel About Kudos?: They’re nice and I really appreciate them. Comments and bookmarks will make me the happiest!~ That being said I’m really bad about doing that myself so I get it.
Do You Read Fic As Well?: Not that much actually, I’m very particular with what I read regularly and even then, maybe once a week I go on a reading binge. I love fanfic, greatly, but I’m someone who’s like I need to write
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sluggybasson107 · 4 years
That One Feeling
Pairing: Taichi x Yamato
2580 Words
Warnings: Reference to a fight, blood, hurt/comfort, angst(ish), not explicit yaoi
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. All Digimon related content belongs to Akiyoshi Hongo and Toei Animation
Summary: Yamato never meant harm. He just wanted to get away from the recent events of his life, especially his relationship with Taichi. But one thing that Yamato should have known is that in college, anything can happen.
A/N: A while back, @sakurarebin reblogged this post made by @whumpster-dumpster and tagged it “TaiYama”, and since I needed writing prompts for NaNoWriMo, I decided to write it. I usually don’t write in third-person, so this is new for me. I’m nowhere near as good of a writer as @whumpster-dumpster, but I tried!
Hope you enjoy it!
“Where is he?” A man hollered, carrying a weapon stained with blood. He looked around and walked inside the dark alleyway. Many others followed him with the same goal. Their footsteps were heard as they echoed down the alleyway.
Yamato was also in the alleyway, hiding next to a garbage bin. He held his breath as he curled himself into a ball, trying to blend with the darkness. The voices of the men reached his ears, making tears threaten to spill from his eyes. 
Fear struck him as two of the men passed by. Thankfully, it was in the middle of the night, so the men were not able to see Yamato. The game of hide-and-seek continued as the men moved into a different area. Yamato let himself sigh in relief, but the feeling didn’t last long. Others still looked for him, saying death threats under their breath. He pressed his ripped shirt onto his skin, trying to stop the bleeding from his arm. Please go away, he thought. Yamato must have sat in his spot for more than an hour, waiting for the men to leave.Yamato looked up from his spot. Are they still here? He stopped to listen, but no footsteps or voices were heard. He checked his pockets for his phone but realized that he must have lost it. There was an exit for the alleyway, but it seemed too much effort to get up and walk. 
Yamato tried to get up, but immediately winced and fell into his small puddle of cold blood. His legs were shaking in response. He banged his head on the cold wall behind him. Is this where he'll spend his last moments? His whole life ends here, without any of his friends and family knowing how he died or where he is? It can’t be.
Yamato grabbed the garbage bin as he hoisted himself up. He leaned against the bin as he took deep breaths from the sudden movement. He looked down to see blood stains splattered on his body. Everywhere hurt, especially his left arm. Yamato tried to take a step but immediately moved his foot backwards. The night sky reminded him that there was no help nearby. Most college students and teachers were sleeping.
“Anyone, please help,” Yamato whispered, opening his dried, bloodstained lips. The wind only responded to his plea.
Yamato closed his eyes. He remembered how he promised Taichi that he would hang out with him tomorrow. That his college essay was due in a week. That Takeru’s birthday was around a month away. He thought about all the things that he was going to miss if he didn’t move.
Yamato took a step towards the exit. Pain shot up his leg like a bullet.
He imagined his friends and family worrying about him, having search parties to find where he was. He saw their expressions as they looked at his lifeless body in the alleyway. Out of all of them, Taichi’s was the worst. His face was as white as the clouds. Silent tears fell from his eyes. Yamato couldn’t do that to Taichi.
Yamato gripped onto a ledge in the wall as he took two more steps. He almost tripped onto the cemented ground. His legs shook as he clutched the ledge on the wall.
Suddenly, a memory of last week popped into his mind. It was after his morning classes, and Yamato was eating lunch alone at his college. That’s when Taichi showed up. You don’t go here Taichi. You’re going to get in trouble, Yamato said. But I can’t let you eat alone! Taichi responded, laughing and digging into his lunch. Yamato remembered a feeling that he hasn’t felt in many years bloom inside his chest during that moment. It was warm as the sun and it made him smile. When’s the last time he smiled like that? Eighth grade? Ninth?
Now that he thinks about it, it might be his fondest memory.
Yamato kept on taking more steps towards the exit, despite the scars and scabs that ripped at every move. He didn’t want this to be his last moment. His last memory. He wanted his last moment to have that same feeling. Besides, he still had a whole life to live.
Yamato felt his surroundings were familiar when he came out of the alleyway, even though it was night. But he couldn’t figure out where he was.
Yamato attempted to walk more, but after a few feet, he collapsed onto the sidewalk, panting. His vision went blurry as he looked down at his arm. How much blood has he lost? He didn’t even want to know. He brushed his scars on his pale left arm stained with blood with his cold hand. Yamato immediately pulled back his arm and winced. It stung more than a bee sting.
That’s when he saw someone walk down the sidewalk. Yamato instinctively went silent. As the figure went closer, Yamato immediately called out to them, recognizing the figure with his infamous hair. “Taichi!”
The figure stopped dead. “Yamato? Is that you?” Some rustling was heard near Taichi. Suddenly, a phone light appeared in his vision. A gasp was heard as Taichi ran to Yamato. “Oh my gosh, Yamato what…” Taichi knelt in front of Yamato, taking in his appearance.
Silently, Taichi studied him. He tilted Yamato’s chin up to get a better look at his face and the evidence of the fight. Taichi delicately thumbs away the streak of blood by Yamato’s mouth, saying nothing as they examine it. After a brief pause, Yamato’s heart skips a nervous beat as Taichi looks them dead in the eyes. His voice was quiet and tense, their anger barely restrained. “Who did this to you?”
Yamato’s heartbeat sped up as he felt Taichi’s caramel eyes gazed at him, wanting an answer. “I don’t know.” Tears formed at Yamato’s eyelids as he looked away. Why was it so hard to be with him? He started to shake as the tears ran down his bruised cheeks. “I don’t know Taichi.” Taichi pulled him into an embrace. He drew circles on Yamato’s back as Yamato sobbed into Taichi’s arms.
After Yamato quieted down. Taichi gently picked up Yamato and started to carry him. Yamato gripped onto Taichi’s shirt, whimpering. Despite Taichi being slow with moving Yamato, it still hurt. “You okay?” Taichi asked. Yamato nodded.
Even though Taichi was right next to Yamato, he felt distant. As if his mind was at another place. Yamato wanted to ask him if he was okay, but he didn’t have the courage to do so.
When they entered Taichi’s apartment, Taichi set Yamato down on his bed and ran into the bathroom. Yamato tried not to stain his sheets, but he already got blood on it. His whole body felt numb at this point. He relaxed and shut his eyes.
“Yamato?” Taichi pushed open the door. “Yamato!” Taichi shrieked as he dropped his supplies. He ran over to the bed. Yamato’s eyes shot open at the sudden movement. He saw Taichi two inches from his face. A blush formed on Taichi’s face as he moved away. “Don’t scare me like that.” Taichi went back to pick up his dropped items.
“Sorry,” Yamato said. Taichi sat in front of Yamato with his first-aid kit. He started to gently wipe off the blood on Yamato’s face. Even though Taichi has a more muscular build, he was surprisingly gentle with cleaning the blood off of Yamato. When he was done with that, he moved on to Yamato’s left arm. By instinct, Yamato recoiled.
“Please Yamato. It’s only going to get worse. I promise I won’t hurt you.” Taichi spoke as he offered his hand. Yamato hesitated, then let Taichi take his arm.
Taichi then took a towel damp with warm water and dabbed his arm, removing the pus and blood from there. Yamato went stiff as the pain grew. “I’m sorry Yamato.” Taichi’s face was covered with guilt. “We just need to push through.”
Taichi led Yamato to his bathroom. Yamato slowly sat down into the shower as Taichi brought down the showerhead. Yamato took off his shirt to reveal the scars and bruises on him. Taichi’s eyes widened. Yamato looked away, embarrassed. Taichi bent down to Yamato’s eye level. “What happened?”
Yamato felt the tears start to come again. “Well, I was at the bar with some friends. We were mingling in the crowd, and I met a woman.” Yamato sighed. “I didn’t have any interest in her, but we talked for an hour. Then my friends called me over and we didn’t see each other for the rest of the night.” Then, Yamato started to shake. “I didn’t want to stay any longer, since I wasn’t having much fun there. But when I left...” Yamato stopped, not wanting to continue. The brunette grabbed Yamato’s hand. Yamato…
“Then,” Yamato choked on a sob. “They came. A group of men. The leader was furious. He was dating the girl I hung out with, and he thought I was trying to ‘take’ her away. So they, they…” The rest wasn’t needed to be said. Taichi embraced Yamato in a hug. Yamato cried, filling the bottom of the shower with blood, tears, and dirt. “I tried running away into the alleyway before they did major damage. But he got my arm with something.” Yamato spoke, his sobs and voice growing louder by the moment. Taichi massaged Yamato’s back as he whispered comforting words into his ear. “I keep on thinking they're about to turn around the corner, Taichi.”
“They can’t hurt you anymore. I won’t let them.” Taichi reassured Yamato. After Yamato calmed down, he broke the hug. For some reason, Taichi’s face looked hurt when Yamato moved away. What did Yamato do wrong? Taichi grabbed the showerhead and turned the water on and he washed Yamato’s arm. “Yamato?”
“Yeah?” Yamato responded with.
“Are you going to tell the police?”
“No. What good will it do?” The only sound that was heard was the running water. Taichi shut the water off when Yamato’s wounds were washed and Taichi helped him up. Yamato put an arm around Taichi and limped back into Taichi’s room.
Yamato settled onto Taichi’s bed after washing his arm, Taichi opened up the first aid and took out bandages. Despite Yamato’s protests of ‘I can do it’ and ‘You don’t need to do that’, Taichi silently started to bandage up Yamato’s left arm and other small cuts. He made sure not to make the bandages too tight or loose and cause pain for Yamato.
When Taichi was done, Yamato suddenly realized that he was still shirtless. “Taichi,” A blush formed on Yamato’s face. “Can you get me my shirt? We left it in the bathroom.” Taichi mirrored Yamato’s blush. But instead of going into the bathroom, Taichi opened one of the drawers in his room and took out a black shirt.
“Your’s is ripped up pretty bad. You can borrow mine for now.” Taichi walked back to Yamato with the shirt. Taichi delicately put on the shirt for Yamato, dodging all of the bandages and bruises to make it less painful.
Taichi checked the clock. “It’s almost six o’clock. Luckily it’s Sunday.” Yamato didn’t even realize how much time went past. Taichi headed towards the exit. Yamato tried to get up and follow, but Taichi stopped him. “You stay here. It’s better for you to rest.”
A few minutes passed by. Yamato took in what happened in the last hour. Why did Taichi do all of this for him? It’s not like Taichi owed him anything. He could have dropped Yamato at the local hospital and be done with him, but he didn’t. He spent his time caring for him by cleaning and bandaging his wounds. He also helped comfort him when Yamato was crying. Why would he do that? It’s not like Yamato wasn’t grateful for it. For some reason, that same memory of eating with Taichi during his lunch break kept coming up. The unidentified feeling that made him panic and blush but also happy and relaxed came in both memories. Now that he thinks about it, Yamato realized the only time this feeling comes up is when Taichi was with him.
Then, Taichi entered the room with a plate of burnt toast and two newly brewed cups of coffee. “Here,” Taichi passed a mug to Yamato. Taichi placed the toast in between them as he sat on the bed. Silence filled the room as each man took sips of their coffee and bites of the toast.
“Um, Yamato?” Taichi said after swallowing some of his beverage.
Yamato slowly lowered the coffee mug from his mouth, not wanting to disturb his injuries. “What is it?”
“There’s been something that I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.” Yamato’s heart skipped a beat. What does he want?
“About what?” Is it about last night? College? If it’s that, why does Taichi seem so nervous?
“About us,” Taichi responded. Yamato turned to face Taichi but immediately regretted it as the pain grew in his chest when he saw his upset face. “We’ve-Well, I’ve been thinking about...” Taichi trailed off. Yamato reached for Taichi’s hand to comfort him but stopped mid-air. Taichi saw his hand and looked at him, disappointed.
Shouldn’t have done that, Yamato.
Why couldn’t Yamato comfort him? Instead, he watched Taichi stare into the distance. “Uh, I,” Taichi turned to Yamato with his face as red as a tomato. “I like you, Yamato!” Taichi shouted. Somehow, his blush became darker. “I like you. More than a friend.” He said softly. What? Yamato’s face went dark red. That same feeling that’s been on his mind burst inside of him, like a fire that was lit. Taichi likes him? Yamato tried to speak, but nothing came out.
Taichi looked away, embarrassed. “I’m sorry I said that.” Taichi got up and ran out of the room. What was Yamato thinking, hesitating when he felt the same way?
“Wait!” Yamato shouted. He attempted to run after Taichi, but he fell onto the floor. Pain erupted in his body as it made contact with the ground. He felt lightheaded as he tried to sit up. “Please...”
Taichi immediately turned around and headed back to Yamato. “Are you okay?” Taichi dropped to the ground as he checked Yamato. “I’m so sorry! This is all my fault.” Taichi’s eyes started to tear up.
Yamato looked up and he made eye contact with Taichi, who had tears falling down his face. The feeling burned brighter inside Yamato’s chest. In an act of courage, Yamato grabbed onto Taichi’s shirt and pulled him close to him. Yamato pressed his lips against Taichi’s. Warmth spread through Yamato as the kiss grew. That’s when he realized that the feeling that kept on appearing is love. Taichi pulled Yamato closer, continuing the kiss. When they broke apart, they stared at each other, flabbergasted. Yamato allowed himself to smile.“Taichi?” Yamato asked, reaching for Taichi’s hand. Taichi grasped his hand and massaged it.
“Thank you, for everything.” Yamato blushed. He leaned into Taichi, who pulled him into a hug. “I love you.” He spoke softly. He felt Taichi hug him harder in response. 
“I love you too Yamato.” Yamato broke the hug and wiped the tears away from Taichi’s face. Taichi leaned forward and gave Yamato a small kiss on the cheek. “I always had.”
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noctisfishing · 4 years
A Certain Glow
Day 4 - Emblem
#noct writes taiora week 2020 [ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 ]
@taioraweek for more Taiora love! @noctisfishing for Taiora/Digimon writings and more. :)
Setting: Digimon Adventure tri.: Future / Canon Divergence
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Romance Hints
Other Characters: Koromon & Pyocomon; Chosen Children cameos
Notes: I’m clinging onto my idea of a tri. rewrite that sprung into life during Takari Week (here’s the fic that started it). 
I also wrote this for catharsis from watching Last Evolution Kizuna, so this one’s going to be emotional.
I hope you recognize where this scene starts - near the end of Future.
It felt like a lifetime since Taichi saw the sun rise in the sky. The water on the beach before him and the other Chosen Children began to glisten from the sunlight. No longer was the sky shrouded in darkness; the clouds were on their way to disappearing into the brightening blue as a rainbow began to form.
Everyone was exhausted. Buildings were destroyed. Not everyone came out alive.
But the battle was over. Daisuke and the others had been found and returned to the Real World, and Taichi and his team had saved their homeland once again.
The deep silence within the group was broken by the squeaks of everyone’s Digimon partners bouncing toward them. One by one, each Digimon flew into their own human’s arms to be cuddled, the peaceful comfort found between human and Digimon partners the longer they were together.
Koromon had stopped in front of Taichi, looking up at him with a worn expression.
“I’m hungry,” Koromon said weakly.
Taichi cracked a small smile as he looked down toward his partner. After everything that had happened - the Digimon losing their memories; Taichi nearly losing his life, but ending up finding the missing Chosen Children, only to be forced to say goodbye to Nishijima-sensei…
...and even after he DNA digivolved to Omegamon, all Koromon wanted was a bite to eat.
Taichi picked up his partner and held him tightly, wishing that he could think as simply as Koromon and not have the weight of emotions that he still needed to process.
As the sun rose higher into the sky, everyone decided it was time to part ways. It was cathartic to be with eight of his friends - the only eight he knew would understand what they went through - but Taichi recognized that everyone wanted time alone with their partners.
Yamato and Tsunomon were the first to leave. Hikari had convinced Meiko to join her, Tailmon, Takeru, and Tokomon on their walk home. Jou with Bukamon and Koushiro with Mochimon went their own separate ways.
Sora stood a few feet away from Taichi, looking across the shoreline with Pyocomon resting soundly in her arms.
“I’ll call you,” Sora said quietly as she smiled at Mimi, who gave her a hug before running to Taichi and hugged him too.
With Mimi and Tanemon gone, Taichi and Sora were the only two left.
Taichi recognized the sullen expression on Sora's face. Even behind that smile she gave Mimi, he knew there was something that was troubling her. But he wasn’t sure if she was going to tell him what it was.
“Hey, Sora…” he started, causing her to turn her head, but Koromon’s loud yawn interrupted what he wanted to say next.
“Let’s find a comfortable spot for them to rest,” Sora decided, with Pyocomon slowly fidgeting with her eyes closed.
Taichi and Sora walked to the nearby park where they found a grassy lawn near a shaded tree for their Digimon to sleep. As Taichi brushed his palm against Koromon’s relaxed face, he smiled again and stood up to let Koromon be.
He watched Sora kneeling in front of Pyocomon doing the same thing, except when she stood up with her back facing him, he noticed hushed gasps that could have only come from her, and her shoulders began to tremble.
“What’s wrong…?” Taichi lifted his hand to reach for her shoulder. But before he could, Sora turned and threw her arms around him, holding him tightly with her face hidden in the front of his shirt.
“I tried so hard to convince myself that you were still alive,” she whispered with a quiver. “I’m so glad that you are… Thank goodness…”
Taichi was startled, to say the least. He had been so used to seeing her brush off her own feelings enough to hide them from everyone else.
He never thought he’d ever see her cry for him.
“Sora…” was all he could say. He found himself at a loss of what to do whenever she got emotional, but he hated seeing her like this. Pulling her close, he wrapped his arm around her and held her close with his other hand cradling the back of her head.
He thought back to the moment before he fell into the crevice during the battle and blacked out, followed by what happened when he came to and discovered Nishijima-san who ended up in the same place. The moment that Dark Gennai revealed that only one of them could escape that place alive, Taichi knew that he had to find a way to save everyone.
Even if it meant sacrificing himself.
“I was terrified,” he told Sora, holding her as she quietly sobbed. “I wanted to save Meiko and her partner. I wanted everyone to stay out of harm’s way from that fight. That’s why I ran.”
“Baka,” Sora said, sniffling. “You didn’t have to run after them, only to get caught in the crossfire. But…”
She looked up at him, revealing her tear-stained cheeks and her eyes puffy, which he was certain was also from fatigue.
“...You must have been terrified coming back here, too. You had to fight through that, even when you knew there was a bigger fight here in the Real World... It couldn’t have been easy. Doing what you needed to do even when you’re terrified: that’s why you bear the Crest of Courage, right?”
Taichi felt his eyes begin to water. Even before telling her the details, she gave him the perspective in the words that he needed to hear.
It was his turn to cry. Sora ran her hand slowly up and down his back as he let his tears stream down his chin and onto her shoulder. He needed to let that out, to grieve over the weight of his choices and the losses he had to bear.
He was glad to have Sora there for him.
“Taichi…” he’d heard Koromon say. Looking toward the tree, Taichi saw that Koromon and Pyocomon had opened their eyes and were watching their human partners in sadness.
But Taichi took one deep breath and sighed. His tears stopped rolling, and he felt a little bit lighter.
“You okay, Taichi?” Sora asked him when they pulled apart.
“I am,” he replied, cracking a smile. “Thanks.”
There was a certain glow to the smile she gave him back. Even as the rays of sunlight shimmered on her cheeks and on her lashes from her tears.
It made him realize something.
“You know, Sora, what you said about my crest… I could say the same about yours.”
“Staring at the threat of danger, terrified, but doing it to protect the ones you care about. That’s love. That’s why you bear that crest.”
There was no doubt that the moments in the Digital World after the reboot sprung into her mind. He remembered how she tried to fight off dark Gennai on her own, and jumped onto Mugendramon for Piyomon.
Watching her eyebrows furrow as she ran the memories in her head, then seeing her lower lip tremble - he wondered just how hard it was for her, too.
“Hmm?” she said, blinking at him as she appeared to return to the present.
Taichi brushed his thumb against her cheek to wipe her tears away. They were both in the present now. It would take time for them to fully process the last few days, but Taichi realized he couldn't have done it without his own strength. 
And it was Sora who helped him realize it.
“I’m glad you’re here with me," Taichi said, taking her hand.
Sora’s eyes fell from his gaze to their hands, suddenly expressionless. Taichi began to wonder if he made a mistake, and he could feel his face burning.
“Well, you know-” he added, recognizing that he was stammering his words but he couldn’t stop. “I mean- um…”
“I’m glad you’re here with me, too,” Sora replied, closing her hand around his. When Taichi looked at her again, she was looking up at him, smiling in her radiance.
He hoped that Sora realized her own strength, too.
“Taichi,” Koromon called.
“Sora,” said Pyocomon.
Taichi looked down to see both Digimon standing at their feet.
“Can we eat now, Taichi?”
“I wanna eat, too, Sora.”
“Let’s go have some breakfast, then,” said Taichi.
“I’m sure we all need it,” added Sora.
Koromon jumped up to Taichi who carried him with one arm. Pyocomon did the same with Sora. The four of them went on their way to find breakfast, with Taichi and Sora walking side-by-side, never letting go of each others’ hands.
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littleladymab · 4 years
5, 9, 15&16 for the ask meme!
5: What fandoms have you written fic for? 
oH my god do we want them all? I’m going to list them all or at least ALL I CAN REMEMBER (as I go through my tags/folders) this includes tiny drabbles/one-shots I am putting myself on full blast now: 
Digimon Adventure 1 & 2, Escaflowne, Gundam Wing, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Kingdom Hearts, Persona 4 + 3, xxxHOLIC, Merlin, Baccano, Junjo Romantica (et al), Haruhi Suzumiya, Hetalia, Professor Layton, Nougami Neuro, Tsubasa, Ouran, Zombie Loan, Johannes Cabal, Good Omens, A Darker Shade of Magic, Lockwood & Co, Bartimaeus, Artemis Fowl, Tangled, Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons does that count for One Fandom???, I apparently did 3 Sherlock “3 sentence aus” which I don’t remember writing, Avengers (+ general marvel stuff not strictly them), Motor City, Gatchaman Crowds, Free, Bioshock Infinite, Raven Cycle, Voltron, In the Flesh, The Foxhole Court, Welcome to Night Vale, The Diviners, Torchwood, I’ve also apparently wrote a Hunger Games 3 sentence AU and a Teen Wolf 3 sentence AU AND a Veronica Mars 3 sentence AU so they’re counting, Adventure Time, ATLA, Over the Garden Wall, Person of Interest, Star Wars, Dragon Age, Miraculous Ladybug, 3 sentence fic for Batman??????, Akagami no Shirayukihime, Critical Role (S1 only), Pool of Radiance, Six of Crows, The Adventure Zone, The Starless Sea, The Witcher, Promare,  Rusty Quill Gaming, The Magnus Archives, Friends at the Table, and some stuff for mine and my friends’ OCs. (DEEP BREATH) I’m sure i’ve forgotten some
9:  What are the best things about your current fandom?
THERE’S ACTUALLY LOTS OF PEOPLE IN THIS FANDOM????? The bulk of my writing for a long time was for Cabal and Lockwood and while I knew everyone in the fandoms (and you were all fantastic people and I’m friends with a lot of you still today), they were VERY TINY. Crit Role was a bit bigger, but also?? The Vaxleth portion is surprisingly small. Friends at the Table? Dedicated, but the content producing/fan interaction is small. Rusty Quill + Magnus Archives? Good god I’ve never received so many kudos and comments on works before. Thanks for making me feel validated. 
15:  Is there an obscure ship which you love?
I captain the SS Signet/Echo for myself and (/counts on fingers) 5 other people? at most? I wrote 85k for this ship and i will go down with it 
16:  Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
Yes! I won’t name them, because I will write any ship for Money or Validation, and also I do not want to get into it with anyone who does ship those things. 
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citrus-cactus · 4 years
Fanfic authors game
@rockthistowninsideout was nice enough to tag me, so here you go!
FFN/AO3 name(s): CitrusCactus (FFN) and citrus_cactus (AO3). Brand consistency, babey! I tried to set up a pseudonym for *spicy* fics, but the way AO3 does pseudonyms it doesn’t actually seem to hide your identity, and there is no way I will ever be comfortable admitting I occasionally write that sort of thing
Fandoms: Digimon (primarily Adventure/02/tri) and Pokemon XY. I’ve written a tiny amount for both Sailor Moon and Revolutionary Girl Utena, and have WIPs in various stages of completion for Digimon Frontier, Appmon, Princess Tutu, and a bunch of other fandoms that don’t matter, because I have moved on and will never finish them!
Number of fics: 17 published across both platforms.
Fic I spent the most time on: Hmmm, I know “Hell is Other DigiDestined” (Sartre’s “No Exit”, but with Digimon, aka AAAAANGST) took about three years to write and revise, but “Twenty Questions” (slow-burn Diodeshipping showing a relationship between Ash and Clemont developing and maturing over the years) has involved active writing for about a year and a half and writer’s block for three, so... definitely one of those ^^;
Fic I spent the least time on: The Final Problem, back in 2008 (WARNING: contains in-joke from 2001 that no one on the Internet remembers anymore). I wrote it longhand, typed it up, and published it over the course of a day. That was the point at which I thought  “Hey, maybe I should give this fanfic thing a try!”
Longest fic: “Hell is Other DigiDestined” at 30,000 words (omg please don’t read that one. It’s embarrassing!)
Shortest fic: “How to Be a Gentleman“ (Utena x Anthy sexytimes), clocking in at 650 words.
Most hits: Twenty Questions--which, despite its name, has 21 chapters (and will have 24 someday, if I ever %*#& finish it!).
Most kudos: “Gentleman” is cross-posted, so it has managed to amass 102(!!) faves and kudos over the years. My more explicit attempt at sexytimes is a reasonably close second, so maybe that’s supposed to be telling me something XD
Most comment threads: Twenty Questions, for sure. I don’t get as many comments on anything as I used to, but then again I haven’t published anything new in a while :/
Favorite fic I wrote: That would have to be The Great Unknown (Taishiro), which involves teenagers, trees, and Feelings(tm), all of which I think I handled pretty well! It’s perhaps a bit too wordy overall, but I’m really proud of how nicely the end worked out.
Special shoutout to Give Them Back! (Digimon Frontier), because nothing I could write in the future will ever be so ridiculously on-brand!
Fic you want to re-write: Hmm, nothing I really feel like I want to revisit in any major capacity, other than to correct some small typos and awkwardly phrased sentences here and there. I really just want to rework my current WIPs into something I can be happy enough to post!
Share bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on: Uhhh well, I’ve been trying and failing to write Appmon fic for about two years. Most of them are AUs, because apparently this is my life now? (I used to not understand the appeal of AUs, hahahaha). Anyway, allow me to offer you this snippet of a cozy Harujin coffeeshop fic to remind us all of better times:
Haru takes several slow, deep breaths and closes his eyes, making a conscious effort to put the lingering stress of finals and end-of-term projects on hold, choosing instead to focus on the vibrant immediacy of his surroundings. His hands wrap around his drink on the table, its warmth invigorating as he inhales sweetened tendrils of steam. He listens to the murmur of quiet conversations, the percussive clatter of baristas filling orders, and the occasional tapping of fingers on a keyboard, letting it all meld together to create a veritable symphony of human sound. And gradually, Haru’s worries become untethered and start to float away, lost to the relaxing white-noise thrum of activity that surrounds him. When he’s here he feels at peace, and the most like a character in a book: one of an entire cast of characters, people with their own lives and habits and stories that weave together and intermingle to form something new. All of it leads him to believe his theory about coffeeshops is most likely correct—particularly for those built on the periphery of busy college campuses.
Don’t feel like tagging anyone, but if you see this and the spirit moves you, go for it!
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sakurarebin · 4 years
Digimon Adventure 03
I’m posting my newest fanfiction project here for anyone interested:
Summary: It's been three years since ‎Belial Vamdemon was defeated and digimon have been slowly incorporated into our daily lives. However, not everyone approves of the digimon in our world. When digimon partners start going berserk in our world, can Taichi and the others solve the mystery and prove digimon are truly beneficial to our world? Taichi/Yamato, Sora/Jou
Notes: In terms of canon compliance, this follows season 1, 2, Our War Game, and the two and a half year break CD dramas. Non-Epilogue compliant. This features the new characters from Tri, but with my own interpretations on the characters, so they may not be exactly what you expected. Please enjoy it! I do not own Digimon.
Chapter 1: The Adventure Evolves Again
Taichi smiled as he strolled into the large field carrying his soccer ball while Agumon, who was excitedly looking around at all the trees, waddled close beside him. The late spring sun shone down on the pair and the cool winds brought the smell of the sea into the park as they casually made their way deeper into it to play some soccer. As they approached the field, they could see a group of elementary school-aged kids were playing tag and laughing with a handful of small digimon. The brunette recognized a couple of the digimon from his time in the digital world; the blue tadpole-shaped one was an Otamamon, while the Yukimibatomon reminded him of a small white mochi bun with mouse ears. However, he didn’t recognize the yellow bug digimon or the small tapir-like one with a hard metal shell on its head.
“Taichi, do you want to see if they want to play soccer too?” Agumon's question drew the teenager’s attention back to his own digimon partner who was staring up at him with wide, innocent eyes.
“That's fine by me, Agumon,” he responded, smiling fondly at his small orange-amber dinosaur-like companion, earning him a wide toothy smile. With that, they headed towards the group of children, some of whom were looking over at him with a mix of curiosity and excitement between the digimon and the soccer ball. A dark haired boy scooped up the yellow bug-like digimon with black lightning-shaped eyes and black lightning stripes down its back before running over to Taichi and Agumon as they got closer. 
“Do you want to play with us?” asked the boy excitedly, approaching the pair, although he was staring at Agumon when he asked the question.
“Nee, Haruto, do you really think you should be asking a stranger to play with us?” asked a girl with long blond hair as she stepped towards them, holding her Yukimibotamon in her arms. She hung a little ways back from Taichi, eyeing him a little suspiciously.  
“It's okay, Keiko! He has a digimon- see!” Haruto exclaimed, pointing at Agumon. The other children and digimon moved closer as well.
“And Taichi is a good person,” added Agumon, who moved closer to the other children, excitement shining in his eyes as he looked back at Taichi. Taichi inwardly cringed for a moment, noting that just having a digimon wasn’t a good reason to trust someone, but he was the one who had approached them and he didn’t want Agumon to be disappointed.
“It’s okay,” he reassured the other kids. “You guys can play soccer with Agumon, if you want to.” Taichi said as the children formed a semi-circle in front of him with Haruto in the middle. Haruto nodded enthusiastically. 
Otatamon looked up at Taichi. “Are you not going to play with us too, Tama?” asked the little tadpole-like digimon, “You’re the one who helped wake up ShogunGekomon-Sama with the princess, right?” Taichi blinked in surprise.
“You’re one of the Otamamon from the ShogunGekomon palace? I didn’t realize that some of you became Digimon partners.”
Haruto’s eyes grew even wider as he listened to Taichi. “Onii-san, you’ve been to the Digital World! That’s so awesome! Can you tell us about it?” Haruto looked up at Taichi with a look of amazement and adoration. Soon the other kids surrounded Taichi, asking him various questions about the digital world, the game of tag and the soccer ball long forgotten. Agumon added little bits of details to the stories, sometimes causing Taichi and Agumon to bicker playfully.
“Augmon can become Wargreymon!” Interrupted Haruto at one point, “Wow, that’s so cool! Hey look what I can do!” He held up his digivice.
“Hey, stop being a show off,” complained another boy with a mess of red hair while the tapir-like digimon sat by his side, “Not everyone can evolve their digimon yet.” 
Haruto looked over at the boy who spoke. “Stop whining Shinjiro. You guys will be able to evolve your digimon soon, too.” A sour face crossed the other boy's face as Haruto held up his Digivice towards his partner digimon.
“Kunemon shinka…Kuwagamon!” Light shone around the small insect digimon and a large stag beetle digimon took its place. Haruto reached out to touch Kuwagamon and the digimon leaned into the touch affectionately.
“See? I can evolve my digimon now-”
“You're still being a show off,” accused Shinjiro, cutting off his friend, which sparked a small argument between the two of them. Taichi couldn’t help but look at them with fond amusement, remembering the fights that he used to get into with Yamato. The look faded when the memories of the dream he’d last night resurfaced in his mind. Yamato had been in it, his eyes closed as the blond leaned further in, their lips almost touching. Taichi’s heart started to race again and he felt out of breath.
“Are you okay, Taichi?” Agumon’s worried voice brought Taichi out of his daze to find Agumon and the kids staring at him intently. Taichi fought down the blush and shook his head.
“I’m fine,” Taichi lied, forcing a smile to his lips before turning his attention back to the two boys in front of him. However, before he could say much more, Kuwagamon stole everyone’s attention once again as the digimon took to the air. Agumon pressed up closer to Taichi as they all watched Kuwagamon fly in awe. The sun glinted off Kuwagamon’s red shell as he flew higher into the air. Then, something happened. Kuwagamon jolted in the air, his entire body freezing before beginning to jerk and contort in weird ways. Taichi put his hand above his eyes in an effort to block the sun so he could see what was going on more clearly. Then Kuwagamon started snapping his pincers and turned, circling back towards the group fast. Taichi’s eyes went wide as he realized that Kuwagamon was going to crash right into them.
“Get out of the way!” he cried as he grabbed Haruto and Shinjiro, who were the closest to him at that moment. The other kids scattered to the other side and Kuwagamon crashed into the ground hard.
“Kuwagamon!” shouted Haruto as he struggled against Taichi’s grasp, forcing Taichi to let go. He bolted straight towards his digimon.
“Haruto, wait!” Taichi tried calling out to the boy as he and Agumon dashed forward behind him, but Haruto wasn’t listening. He reached out towards his digimon as he ran, but Kuwagamon turned towards the dark haired boy sharply. Taichi saw Kuwagamon’s pincers clench menacingly, but he knew that he was too far away to do anything himself.
“Taichi!” Agumon called out, turning towards his partner. Taichi nodded in understanding. The digivice in his pocket reacted as he reached in to grab it and light formed around Agumon.
“Agumon shinka… Greymon!” Agumon’s large orange and blue striped t-rex-like adult form stood where Agumon had been moments before and he quickly moved into action. Stepping over Haruto, Greymon put himself between the boy and Kuwagamon. Kuwagamon’s pincers clamped around Greymon, who grunted at the impact, but stood his ground.
“Get away from here,” said Greymon to the wide-eyed boy, his voice much deeper and more gravelly than before. Haruto was frozen in place, but Taichi had continued forward. He pulled him back to safety as Greymon pushed Kuwagamon back, lifting the large digimon off the ground. Greymon used his massive strength to throw Kuwagamon to the side, away from any of the kids. The kids ran to Taichi, many of them hiding behind him, although their digimon moved forward to help Greymon.
Kuwagamon caught himself before he crashed into the ground, using his wings to pull himself higher into the air before diving straight back for Greymon. As Greymon braced for the attack, Otamamon jumped into the air and shouted “Bubble Lullaby” as she released a stream of bubbles which circled around Kuwagamon, putting him to sleep. Kuwagamon hit the ground, leaving a trench across the soccer field and light shone around the large insect digimon as he reverted back to his child form.
“Kunemon!” Haruto called out, rushing over to his digimon partner’s side, everyone else following close behind. Haruto picked up Kunemon, cradling the sleeping digimon in his arms. Taichi breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Kunemon. Greymon returned to his child form, and Agumon moved back to Taichi, taking his place by his side.
“Onii-san, why did Kuwagamon start attacking everybody?” Haruto asked quietly, still looking shaken-up by the whole thing. “Will he be okay?” His eyes were filled with worry and tears started forming.
Taichi dropped to his knee so that he was eye level with Haruto. “I don’t know, but I’ll find out,” stated Taichi firmly. With that, he pulled out his D-terminal, and started a message to the other chosen children.
There's an issue with the digimon of one of the younger chosen. His digimon started attacking him and other chosen children in his group. Has anyone else encountered anything like this?
Taichi put away his D-terminal and took a deep breath, surveying the situation. Kunemon was still sound asleep in Haruto’s arms, thanks to Otatamon.
“Maemi, how long do you think Kunemon will stay asleep?” Haruto directed the question to Otatamon and her human partner, a girl with long straight black hair.
“I have no idea. Do you know Otatamon?” She looked down at her digimon partner, but Otatamon shook her head.
“Last time I saw someone go to sleep, they slept for over a hundred years.”
“Over a hundred years! But, I don’t want Kunemon to sleep for that long!” Taichi looked over to see Haruto on the verge of tears.
“Don’t worry, Haruto. I think Otatamon is referring to ShogunGekomon in the digital world and that was a different circumstance. I don’t think that Kunemon will be asleep for one hundred years. I’ll bet the effects will wear off soon.” Haruto wiped the tears off with his sleeve and nodded his head. About that time, Taichi heard the D-terminal ping a couple of times, alerting him to incoming messages. Taichi flicked open the screen to view the first message, which was from Koushiro.
I haven’t heard anything like that, but I’ll check within the digimon community to see if anything has come up.
Taichi brought up the next new message, which was from Hikari.
Takeru and I haven’t heard anything like that. Are you still at Shiokaze Park? We can meet you there to help in a few minutes.
Taichi smiled at the message from his sister and created a quick response for both messages..
I’m still there. That sounds good, Hikari. See you two soon.
Thanks, Koushiro. Please keep me updated. Currently, Kunemon is asleep, but we have no idea how long the effects will last or how Kunemon will act once he is awake.
Taichi hit send before a noise drew Taichi’s attention away from his D-terminal. Kunemon stirred in Haruto’s arms.
“Kunemon!" Haruto shouted, relief apparent in his voice. Kunemon however struggled in the boy’s arms, forcing him to let go. Kunemon dropped to the ground and turned around, preparing to use its electric web attack. However, all that happened was a gurgling noise emitted  from his stomach. The small insect digimon retreated from the group, trying to crawl towards some bushes nestled in the nearby trees.
"I guess Kunemon isn't back to normal," said Haruto sullenly. "What do you think is wrong with him?"
“Do you think he could be sick or something?” whispered Keiko.
“Can digimon even get sick?” asked Haruto, turning towards Keiko, who shrugged.
“Digimon can get sick,” confirmed Taichi, remembering Gabumon’s cold in the digital world. 
“If he’s sick, maybe I can help,” said a very soft feminine voice and it took Taichi a moment to realize that it came from the tapir-like digimon by Shinjiro’s side.
“What do you mean, Bakumon?” asked Shinjiro, looking down at his digimon partner.
“I can cure viruses,” stated the small digimon.
“Really?” Shinjiro and Haruto said it at the same time, although Haruto was a lot more emphatic and enthusiastic than Shinjiro.
“Can we try it out then?” Haruto was turning, pivoting his attention between Shinjiro, Bakumon, and Taichi. Shinjiro shrugged.
“If Bakumon is fine with it, I am.”
“It’s worth a shot, if nothing else,” agreed Taichi. Bakumon moved closer to where Kunemon was hiding.
“Virus Delete!” cried out the small Digimon and a giant syringe appeared above Kunemon, inserting itself into the insect digimon. The entire group watched, unable to look away. Haruto was holding on tightly to Taichi’s arm. The syringe disappeared and Haruto rushed forward to reach out to his partner digimon. Kunemon didn’t move for a few moments. However, soon Kunemon started to stir once more. He looked up at Haruto and started rubbing against his arm affectionately. Tears of joy formed in Haruto’s eyes and he hugged his partner digimon tight against his chest.
“Onii-chan!” Taichi turned around at the sound of his sister’s voice to see her and Takeru and their partner digimon, but his heart throbbed when he spotted Yamato and Gabumon. The small group slowed to a stop as they approached Taichi and the others. Patamon landed his chubby orange and white body on top of Takeru's white hat slightly messing up Takeru’s blond hair as the hat shifted, falling over his face. Takeru laughed a bit at Patamon’s antics, lifting his hat out of his face and earning grins from the rest of the older chosen children.
Taichi used Patamon’s antics to snap himself out of his momentary shock and got back to his feet. “Yamato, you’re here too. Didn’t you have band practice today?” Taichi could still feel his heart fluttering in the quick staccato beat of dokidoki, but he put the feeling on ignore. 
“Yeah, but practice got cancelled because our drummer caught a really bad cold,” Yamato replied. 
“That bites,” sympathized Taichi, but Yamato simply shrugged.
“Shoganai. Anyway, where is the digimon now?” the blond asked, looking around and noting the calm atmosphere. Taichi put his hand on the back of his neck and a sheepish look crossed his face.
“Actually, we just solved the issue. Kunemon is fine now.” Taichi was all too aware of the cheesy grin on his face, especially as Yamato arched an eyebrow at him. Haruto held up Kunemon for the others to see and Kunemon made happy chirping noises at the new arrivals.
Hikari gave her brother a slightly reproachful look as Patamon moved from his perch on top of Takeru’s head to get a closer look at Kunemon. 
“Kunemon looks like he’s feeling much better to me,” Patamon noted flapping his orange wings as he circled around Haruto and Kunemon, who was making more happy chirping noises as he watched Patamon.  
“What happened?” asked Tailmon, Hikari’s white catlike digimon, who was currently standing by Hikari’s side.
Taichi crossed his arms over his chest. “Apparently Kunemon caught a virus that made him start attacking people.” That statement made the others frown.
“How do you know it was caused by a virus?” asked Yamato, turning his attention away from the small digimon and back towards Taichi.
“Bakumon has an ability to cure viruses and it worked on Kunemon,” Shinjiro explained.
“But we have no idea what caused the virus,” clarified Taichi. Yamato nodded at Taichi and turned towards Haruto.
“Did anything weird happen lately before this?” Haruto looked thoughtful for a few moments before shaking his head.
“I can’t think of anything.”
Taichi’s D-terminal beeped once more and Taichi flicked it open, seeing Koushiro’s reply.
There is one other report of a similar case with someone in Osaka. I gather some of the chosen children from that area are dealing with the situation already. How are things there for you?
-Izumi Koushiro
The others checked their own devices, which pinged with Koushiro’s message. Taichi quickly responded to Koushiro’s message. 
We managed to resolve the situation here. Some sort of virus was affecting Kunemon after he evolved into Kuwagamon. Greymon and Otamamon stopped Kuwagamon before he was able to cause any damage and Bakumon was able to cure the virus. 
“Another digimon in Osaka is having the same issue, huh? What could be causing the digimon to act like this. In the Digital World, digimon have attacked,but it was always something like the black gears or the black rings,” Taichi wondered aloud and bit his lip slightly as he pondered the question, oblivious to the fact that Yamato’s gaze was drawn to the movement.   
“It can’t be an effect of the digimon staying in the real world, or else it would have started with our Digimon,” Takeru noted, also pondering the situation.
Taichi turned towards Takeru. “I was thinking the same thing. This whole situation seems weird.”
“Could the virus be coming from the Digital World, somehow?” Gabumon asked, looking up at Yamato. 
“Why would a virus from the Digital World be affecting digimon in our world,” Yamato mused, as he stroked Gabumon’s white and blue fur, absentmindedly.  
“Maybe some sort of digital virus is spreading and affecting the digimon here?” supplied Keiko, as she clutched her Yukimibotamon tighter to her chest. 
“That’s possible. But it doesn’t really explain why there are only two digimon affected…”  Takeru noted. 
“Taichi, I’m hungry,” Agumon whined pulling at his partner’s blue t-shirt and was confirmed by a loud growl that emanated from Agumon’s stomach. 
“Getting some food for lunch isn’t a bad idea. We can discuss what is going on more while we eat,” Taichi noted. Yamato and the others nodded. Their D-Terminals pinged again alerting them of a new message. 
Are the kids still there? We need to see if there are any lingering effects on the digimon. I’d like to copy the data from his digivice. If Kunemon only started attacking after he evolved into the next stage, perhaps his digivice has something to do with it. I’ll send a message to Gennai to see if he knows anything about the situation.
-Izumi Koushiro
“Gennai should be able to let us know if anything is going on in the Digital World or if the digivice is being affected in some way,” noted Taichi as he read through the message. Yamato and the others nodded. 
“Who’s Gennai,” asked Haruto, looking up at Taichi. 
“He’s a… servant of the Digital World,” Taichi had to think for a moment. Had Gennai ever given them a straight answer about his role in the Digital World? He was definitely a servant or follower of the entity that sent them into the Digital World in the first place and possessed Hikari. 
“The Digital World has servants?” asked Shinjiro, disbelief apparent in his voice and face. 
“Maybe servant isn’t the right word,” Taichi admitted, but no one had a better description for Gennai without a much more detailed explanation. That gave Taichi an idea though. 
“Ah! My friend, Koushiro, wants to check your digivice and digimon to make sure everything is okay. Can you all stay here and wait for him? He’s also spent more time than anyone else with Gennai, so he can answer your questions when he gets here.” 
All four of the kids nodded in excitement at the prospect of learning more about the Digital World. 
“Are you sure it’s okay to just dump that onto Koushiro?” Yamato hissed quietly as he leaned in closer to Taichi. Taichi steered his thoughts away from how close Yamato’s lips were to his ear as he shot back a comment.   
“Koushiro wanted them to stay here so he could find out more information about the incident with Kunemon. At least now they are all excited about staying here and waiting for Koushiro. And it’s true. Koushiro has spent more time with Gennai than anyone else in the group. If anyone can answer his questions, it’s him.” Yamato still frowned a little bit, but acquiesced to Taichi’s statement. Agumon’s stomach growled again, breaking the moment of tension between the two and Taichi laughed merrily at his digimon partner as he complained about being hungry again. Taichi shot a quick message to Koushiro, confirming the kids’ decision to stay there at the park.
“Let’s go get some food,” Taichi said with a bright smile directed towards Agumon, who gave Taichi another wide toothy grin in response. 
Taichi and the others left the park with their digimon partners in tow and headed towards a small family diner located nearby. They settled into one of the large booths to fit them and their digimon. 
“So, I know that Sora is seeing a new movie with Mimi and one of Mimi’s classmates and Koushiro is at his office. Any idea where everyone else is?” Taichi asked as they made themselves comfortable in the booth. Taichi eyes were drawn towards Yamato during the comment, hoping for some sort of reaction. Yamato’s and Sora’s break up had been several months ago, but neither Yamato or Sora had spoken much about what had happened. They didn’t seem to be on bad terms though. 
“Jou’s at a medical science convention that is lasting through the weekend,” responded Yamato, 
“Miyako is at a computer programming class with some of her classmates, Iori is at a Kendo tournament, and Ken has an important event going on at his private school today,” Takeru started after the waitress came around to take the orders and Hikari nodded, “No idea where Daisuke is, do you have any idea Hikari?” 
But, Hikari shook her in response after the waitress came by to take their orders. “As far as I know, Daisuke didn’t have any particular plans today.” 
“Well, we can always try contacting him more if necessary. I’m kind of curious about how everything is going in Osaka at the moment and what caused all of this to start…” Taichi sighed as they all waited for their orders to arrive, “If Koushiro doesn’t hear anything from Gennai, soon we should make sure everything is okay in the digital world. With all of our digimon in our world, we don’t really have a clear idea if similar things are happening in the Digital World.” Taichi looked up at the others at the table as he spoke. 
“But wouldn’t Gennai have contacted one of us if something happened?” Gatomon noted, from her perch on Hikari’s lap. 
“Probably,” Taichi admitted, “But it is better than sitting around doing nothing.” 
“We aren’t doing nothing,” Agumon interjected, “We are having lunch with our friends.” 
“That’s true,” Taichi said with a smile, patting Agumon on the head as his digimon happily chowed down on his lunch, “But, we need to come up with some sort of plan of action. Koushiro is handling the situation in our world. But, we haven’t heard from Gennai in a long time, so we don’t even know if he’s okay. We can’t leave everything up to Koushiro.” 
“Do you have a plan?” Yamato asked, eyeing him with a classic Yamato look, although he was fighting down a smirk and the teasing tone to his voice. 
Taichi flashed the blond his trademark grin. “When do I not have a plan?” a Yamato’s face dropped to an actual frown. 
“You do actually have a plan, right?” Yamato asked more than a little bit concerned. 
“Hey!” Taichi squawked indignantly, “I always come up with something, even if it is on the fly.”
Yamato sighed. “So that is your way of saying that you don’t actually have a plan.
Sweat drops appeared on the back of their sibling’s head and all of their digimon as they listened to the two of them lightly bicker. 
“I didn’t say that. But we need more information before we can come up with a good plan. If we can talk to Gennai in person or one of the Digimon that lead the areas, then we may be able to find out more. Or we might be able to tell as soon as we get there, if it is really bad. Although I hope that isn’t the case. If we don’t find anything there, then we can rule out there being a problem in the Digital World and focus our attention here on Earth.” Taichi paused for a moment as the food was served. The table was fairly quiet except for the sounds of eating as all of them considered Taichi’s small speech. 
“My dad is away on a business trip right now, we can go through a computer at my apartment,” Yamato said once they were done with the meal. Taichi grinned in response. 
Taichi turned to the rest of the group. “Now, that is settled- let’s go to the Digital World!” 
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one-vision2 · 5 years
Chapter 5 - Foreboding
Takato flattened the drawing out against the table, smoothing the edges and matching up torn pieces. Jeri sat beside him, silently. Kazu had tried to talk to him, but Takato only mumbled or said he was fine. So, everyone else left, probably to take up Henry's offer of helping out. Takato sat down beside Jeri and sighed. "Guilmon hates me," He whispered, placing his chin in his crossed arms. Jeri gave Takato's shoulder a comforting squeeze. "He doesn't hate you. He'll come around. If there's even the tiniest bit of the Guilmon we know tucked away in there, then he'll come around,"
Takato shifted his head so that he was looking at Jeri. "I'm really glad you're here Jeri. I don't what I would do without you," Jeri smiled and wrapped her arms about Takato.
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 There was a water pump just on the outskirts of the little village, where Chuchidarumon said the kids could fetch some water, and also vaguely mentioned something about a broken roof. Kenta and Rika went to get the water, Henry and Kazu to help with roof repairs. Suzie and Ai found some of the village kids, Betamon, Gotsumon and Floramon. The Digimon kids were overjoyed to have someone to play with them.
 Kenta placed a bucket under the water pump, and grabbed the pump with Rika. "Poor Takato,"
"Don't," Rika said. "No amount of sympathies is going to fix this,"
"You don't feel sorry for Takato?"
"Of course I do," Rika replied, grunting at a particularly hard push. "I can't imagine how he feels. But just sitting here and feeling sorry for him won't do anything,"
"So what do you suggest we do?" Kenta wondered, replacing the full bucket with an empty one.
 Rika paused, resting her arm on the water pump.
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"As regards Guilmon? The worst thing we can do is overwhelm him. So we should probably only let one of us talk to him, and at least give him some space for now,"
 Kenta nodded. "Chuchidarumon said he was protecting the village right?"
"And he spoke directly to Suzie and Ai, probably because he has a soft spot for the kids?"
"So what you're saying is we try and get Suzie and Ai to coax him out?" Rika asked. Kenta shook his head with a smile.
"I think he needs someone who understands that protectiveness,"
 Rika smiled, and pushed herself off the pump to continue using it. "Henry,"
"Exactly. So, you tell Henry about our idea?" Rika narrowed her eyes at Kenta. "Because you're better friends with him than me, that's all,"
"Mm-hm," She hummed in disbelief, but Kenta just smiled innocently at her. "Sure. I'll tell him about it,"
 One more push filled the second bucket to the brim. Rika was about to bend down to pick up one of the buckets, when a ball came flying out of nowhere, knocking over both buckets. Rika and Kenta cried out in shock and jumped back, but not in time to avoid water splashing over their jeans.
 Rika's head snapped up, her eyes dark.
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The Digimon and Ai pointed at Suzie, who was grimacing from embarrassment. Rika crooked her finger at Suzie, who took off in the opposite direction, Rika promptly giving chase. Ai and the Digimon scattered, screaming out of fear/joy. Kenta sighed and fixed the buckets back in place.
 "Do you think Rin and Shouta are jerks?" Kazu asked. He and Henry were carrying a plank of wood between them. Henry blinked at the unexpected question. "Ahhhh, uuuh I don't really know them," Henry blurted out. "Is this over what happened with Kenta?"
"He had no reason to throw them under the bus like that," Kazu huffed. "They never did anything to Kenta,"
 Henry raised an eyebrow at Kazu. "Well I mean... they are annoying,"
"Yeah but I'm annoying,"
"You're tolerable annoying," Henry smirked. "Most of the time,"
Kazu sighed as he and Henry laid the plank on a pile beside the broken hut. "Am I overreacting?"
Henry went to reply, but was interrupted by something colliding with his leg. Henry yelped and stumbled. "Save me, save me! I didn't mean it!"
"What the-"
 Rika dashed up to them, but skidded to a halt, panting. "How the hell are you so fast?" She huffed.
"Uh...?" Henry looked between her and Suzie. Suzie hid her head behind Henry, but he could see the faint smile in her eye. Rika jabbed and accusing finger at Suzie, but took in a deep breath and let it drop. She shook her head. "Nevermind," She looked up to Henry, and cocked her head to the side a little. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" She glanced over at the two Chuchidarumon hoisting a plank of wood up to the roof. "It's about Guilmon?"
 "Uh, sure," Henry said, and followed Rika to a quiet spot.
Kazu turned to Suzie. "What was that about?"
"I spilled water on her,"
"And lived???"
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"Whats up?" Henry asked, after Rika brought him away from the crowd.
"I... think you should talk to Guilmon,"
 Henry reeled back with an incredulous look on his face. "What-you-me??"
"Yeah. Actually, it was Kenta's idea,"
"But why me??"
 Rika shrugged. "Think you might be able to get through to him. What's the worst that could happen?"
"I could end up like that drawing,"
"Oh please, you think after everything Takato and Guilmon went through, that he would hurt an innocent person? Hell he couldn't even hurt a bad person,"
 Henry pursed his lips. "Okay, you have a point there. I can try, but I don't really see what good I can do,"
"Try is all I ask," Rika said.
"You said it was Kenta's idea?" Henry said, trying to change the subject. He gave a weak nod over to where Kazu was falling victim to a game of tag with the kids. "Think those two will make up?"
"Make up? They never fought,"
"Yeah, but that whole thing with Kazu's friends-"
"Oh please, Kazu is blowing that way out of proportion,"
"From our perspective," Henry said. "He doesn't know what they're like when his back is turned,"
 Rika held out her hand. "Okay, I'll go get them to talk while you give Guilmon  pep talk. Deal?"
 Henry sighed. "Okay, deal,"
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 Rika smirked, and waved her hand as a gesture. "He's over there," She said and walked away.
 Surely enough, perched on a hill on the outskirts of the village was Guilmon. Henry made his way over, thoughts of what he could say running though his mind. Guilmon saw him approach, but made no move to leave.
 Henry sat down beside him. "So. Hey,"
"Hi," Guilmon said, not looking at him. "So what's your name?"
"You came up here to tell me to go talk to Takato, Henry?"
 Henry shrugged. "Well, no. Not really, I mean, sure, eventually,"
 Guilmon gave him and confused look.
"I just came to say hi," Henry said. "And to, y'know, ask what's wrong?"
"Hmm, let's see, a bunch of aliens came out of nowhere, told me they created me and that I have no family, so it's been wonderful," Guilmon growled.
 Henry balled his hands in his sleeves. "Okay. That's uh... yeah, sorry about that,"
 Guilmon didn't say anything, and instead went back to watching the kids playing in the distance.
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"You really take this protection thing serious, don't you?"
"They're just kids," Guilmon replied.
"Yeah. It's hard to believe how young we were,"
 "Oh!" Henry said. "Uh, see that girl down there with the purple hair? Yeah, we were all the same age as her when we first came here,"
"Is she a younger evolution of you?"
"Uh," Henry scratched his head. "No, no humans don't really do that. It's more like a slow, gradual thing,"
"Humans are weird," Guilmon shook his head.
 Henry scratched at his palm. "Look, I don't know what to say to make you feel better, but Takato, and the rest of us for that matter, really care about you. The whole reason we're here is to find you, and our other friends. They-"
 Henry was cut off by Guilmon's ears perking up suddenly. He turned his nose to the sky and sniffed loudly. His pupils contracted to the size of a pin, and a growl escaped from deep in his throat.
 Henry froze at watching this change. Guilmon turned to him.
"There's a bell at the bottom of the hill, go down and ring it," Guilmon said, getting up from his spot.
"What, why? Guilmon, what's going on?"
"A raid, now go ring the bell!"
"A raid!?"
"Go!" Guilmon snapped. "And hide with the Chuchidarumon,"
"What are you going to do?" Henry said, eyes wide. ""Whose raiding?"
"I've dealt with them before," Guilmon said. "And you don't want to meet him, trust me. I can handle this, just go,"
 Groaning, Henry turned his back to Guilmon and took off down in the hill. "Takato's going to kill me,"
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twinfanfics · 5 years
The tale of the three head beast. The marching fishes (19/22)
WE ARE BACK!! And the ending is written, only four more chapters  to end. WUUU!!
Fandom: Digimon GoT au.
Charaters: All the choosen children from Adventure, 02, Tamer and sometimes Frontier.
Ships: Taiyama, Joumi, Daiken, Takary, TakatoxYuri, RikaxRyo …
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
Resume: Three years had pased since Taichi won the hand of princess Sora and both get crowned King and Queen of the living land, now they must faced the duty of the monarchs, but the King is must worried about cover his affair with the royal guard. The war started on the Honest Island, does the King Joe would manage it?. Mean while at the other side of the sea Takato and Ruki stronger their forces.
And you can read all past chapters of the marching fishes in the links below or in AO3
ACT 2. SCENE 3: MOTHER | **warning suicide attempt**
ACT 5 : SCENE 3: FAITH (chapter after the cut)
The bells of the Light church rang at the sunrise. Queen and King wake up on the big bed. The King rolled over it and tried to cover himself with the bed sheets. 
“it is going to be late”  It wasn’t and order, but everything that Sora said feels like a comand now. 
Taichi turned to his wife. She undressed herself unceremoniously and walked naked until the dresser. For years both had kept themselves to some shy decor but shy had died on her wife. 
“You are going to miss your audiences” She said when she come out full dress and Taichi was still sitting over the bed on his bet´s clothes. 
She looked gorgeous on that big dress, it was embroidered with the Light emblems and it left place for the sword that Sora carried everywhere. 
“Your audiences” She insisted. 
“Yes, yes, I know. They can wait for me, I’m the King” Taichi said as he stand up and walked at the dresser. 
“I am on my way then. I had a reunion with the sisters on the morning, but I’m going to take the audiences of the afternoon” 
When she opened the door Yamato wasn’t standing outside. Nobody cared their door anymore. No one follow the Queen anymore. Taichi waited until Sora’s steps were far away to change his clothes. When he opened the door Hikary was waiting outside. 
“Brother” the girl said smiling. “Let me accompany you at the ceremony”
Taichi take a deep breathe. The words “I want to be alone” die on his troat.  Hikary take his arm and they walked together at the throne room. 
The royal guard was waiting on the throne room. Most of them wearing the Light armor, Yamato Ishida, royal guard and leader of the soldiers, wasn’t. 
The King crossed his look with the handsome soldier. Restrained himself to touch him had never costed him this much. 
“Brother” Hikary called him “Your majesty” she corrected promptly “We are ready to star”
Taichi sat on the throne. HIkary welcome at the guests of the ceremony and recited a five minute prayed. 
“I can’t believed they made us attended this” Kouji whispered at Takuya on the back line of the army.
“And you don’t go at the daily mass, they are longer everyday” the fellow soldier replayed.
“What is she wearing?”
“It is a ceremonial sister thing”
“It would be easier pay attention to her if she hasn’t three layer of clothes on”
“The sisters of Light are illuminated, it is supposed that if they don’t cover to head to toe when they pray they would break the souls of the weakness with her sacred grace”
A sshh called the attention of the soldiers. 
Hikary finally retired of the spotlight and Taichi stand up of the throne. Davis Motomiya knelt down in front of him. 
“Outrageous” Kouji said on a quiet voice “the man betrayed the King that he swore to protect and received a title”
“Is he that good?” Takuya asked.
“Is he as good to be the new protege of the King?” the knight asked with disdain. 
“The protégé of the King?”
Izzy Izumi standed behind the young men and they shut up immediately. 
Kouji looked at Takuya. His brown eyes were glued at Motomiya, the guy had returned from the war with the favor of King, he was now his new apprentice, not Takuya. Kouji had seen Motomiya in action on the battlefield, if he had the favor of the King he can easily ascend on the royal guard. Kouji could had been worried about his own position on the royal guard, but the subtle hate on the eyes of Yamato Ishida when he accepted Motomiya on the guard were even bigger than the envy on the eyes of Takuya. 
When the little ceremony ended the supreme alchemist come close at the King and whispered something at his ear. Sorrow plasted on the face of the monarch. His eyes went to Yamato. The royal guard was at some steps of The King. 
“That concludes the ceremony, thank to all of you for coming”Hikary said with the sweetest voice “That the true god of Light enlighten your days” She said as she looked at Yamato. 
Kouji knew that look. That was the look that the enlightened had for him and his brother. That people always talk about saving the souls, but their solutions always were torches and murders. 
The King left the throne room. His sister followed him. 
Yamato left the throne room, but he cannot follow the king any more. The royal guard assemble the guard, it was time for training. 
Kouji had to admit that this was the funniest training that they had ever had. Yamato wasn’t subtle about his hate for Davis Motomiya, his exercises were excessive, no soldiers talk to him, he felt and get hurt. Even Takuya mock him. Takuya whose first move always was befriend the new recruits. 
Prince Takeru knel to help him when Motomiya felt for the third time. 
“It’s enough!” The Prince claimed. 
Yamato actually listened to him and called out the soldiers. 
“Your training are really hard, I’m not surprise of the good reputation of your army” Motomiya said at the prince with some tenderness. 
“The Captain need time” Takeru said.
“If you act right, this could get better” The prince handed some water at Davis. Kindness was so strange to him right now. The prince was gone for when Davis tried to said thank you. 
“this could get better” Davis repeated to himself. Hope was never his strength. He was optimistic on the battles, but it was Ken and Iory work to do the planning. Ken and Iory. He shouldn’t miss the brothers that he betrayed. He missed Ken’s warm and Iory’s clarity. What would be their brothers advice on this situation? Ken would kill at anyone who mock him, he would made some cruel revenge plan. Iory probably would take it as a challenge, maybe he would try to win at the superiors, his little brother was good for that. Ryo would resolve this problem for him. But his master was gone and Davis was alone. He cannot plan a evil revenge or charming his way out. He did the thing that he do when he can’t do anything else. 
The afternoon came at the palace. It was quite and warm and Davis was boring, the trained had let him wounded and sad. He walked by the gardens through the hallways, until the big doors of the wall around the castle. Takuya and Kouji were guarding the doors.
“Where are you going?” Takuya asked
“I'm going to the port, I would come back by the sunset” Davis answered
“I dont think so”
“ i dont had orders to complete or anything to do here”
“You can't leave without permission” Kouji interested 
“Do we need permission to leave the palace-” Davis asked. The two soldiers look at each other with smuggled smiles.
“I don't think you understand what is happening”
“ You are just being mean” Davis accused them.
“mean?” takuya laughed “it is a way to said it”
A whinny interrupted the conversation. When Davis turned it was Yamato Ishida infront of him riding a black horse.
“What is happening here?” The royal guard asked
“Motomiya wants to leave the Castle” Kouji said
“ Trying to escape already?” Yamato looked down at Davis since the horse. 
“I'm not quicking I just want to visit the port” Davis claimed. He isn't scaping anything, he was a free man.
“You can't leave the castle, Motomiya”
“What? Why?”
“Orders of the King”
Yamato get down of the horse.
“How do you call me?”
“You heard it”
Davis saw the fit of his superior officer and got ready to take the hit, but the hand of princes Takeru hold the elbow of the royal guard. 
“Yamato!” the princes called “what are you doing?” 
The older man shake it off his anger.
“I was going to teach a lesson to this vermin”
“I had a name” Davis said challenging Yamato, the blond turned to him with hate on his eyes. “I need to go at the port to pray, when did you go?”
“Excuse me?”
“You are too a son of the ocean as me”
“I’m nothing like you” Yamato claimed as get closer to the soldier.
“Every soldier of the King is a soldier of the Light” Takuya said firmly. Kouji grown smaller and Takeru and Yamato evaded his look. 
“I had seen the big walrus on your neck” Davis said at Yamato “You are a son of the ocean”
“SIlence!” Yamato scream and moved his hand with force “You don’t have the right to call the old names of the ocean, how you dare, you… dirty traitor”
The words of Yamato hang on the air, Davis listened it but need a few seconds to understand the meaning of the words. 
“I betrayed your enemies, I joined your army, I won your war, your men and your King are only alive because…”
“You betrayed YOUR KING! YOU KILL HIM!”
Yamato’s hand was over his sword and the hand of Takeru was holding his
“No”  Davis said “You are the one who killed Joe KIdo”
Takeru looked at Davis with surprise and slowly released Yamato. Finally he turned over himself to don’t watch the ugly show. 
The fist of Yamato finally hit Davis face. The young soldier tried to evade the second one, but Kouji hold him by the back and kept him in place. Yamato broke his lips and hit his stomach. Davis couldn’t breathe,he was only bleeding. Finally he hit the ground. Someone, probably Takeru, let him at the infirmary. 
 Davis wake up on a cold room, alone. The wall of the palace were probably the last wall that he had ever seen. He had been wrong, he wasn’t the protege of the KIng or a soldier of the royal guard, he was a prisoner and he was so far away of the ocean than no god would heard him. 
The old god had abandoned him. His master had leave him behind. His new King had lied to him. There was no more place to go. Davis entered at The Light church. There were angels and figures of old criatures singing and howling, there tails were long and there arms short. Davis walked for the corridors and stopped in the garden. 
The young boy stand next to the fountain and with a hand in the water and the eyes on the sky, he pray.  
A suddenly noise alerted him. He turned the head and saw her standing next to fountain, beautiful as a new day, an angel.  
“What hails you, brother?” The angel asked, but Davis has no words to share with so gracefull presence. He broke over her and cried all his laments. 
"Holy mother in heaven, shelter of the poor and support of the weaks" Hikary pray "show the way at this lost sheep". 
Since they balcony of the church Izumi watch the encounter with an impy smile.
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