#deep in the blorbo pit
morganali-books · 1 year
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And last, but not least (at least for now!), are my work and home diaries for 2023-2024. Same template as for previous years, with some tweaks to add or change things to make them work better. Calendar format has not changed. I did forget it is a leap year next year, so my February pages are ever so slightly wonky.
You may notice that there is kind of a theme for both. 👀💦
For my work diary (the one with the shield), I wanted to evoke something of the House Fortemps armour - green faux leather bookcloth for the spine, the slightly metallic scrapbooking paper for the chainmail, the green and yellow marbled paper endsheets and yellow pages for the text block for that general green and gold colour scheme.
Then I decided to go a little crazy with a craft knife and sketched (more or less freehand from reference) and cut out the unicorn design from the shield. Arguably I should have stuck to just the unicorn head, but then I did the whole dang shield anyway.
The home diary is also subtly House Fortemps themed, and because I am well and truly stuck in the blorbo zone, it is also subtly Artoirel themed as well. This was a bit of an afterthought, so the coloured pages of the textblock and the endsheets have no bearing on the overall design, but I went in for similar colours as the work diary (yellow, green and the sort of greyish brown of the cover), went simpler with the unicorn motif, and picked a scrapbooking paper design for the cover that incorporated the music staff in it (because, you know, orchestrions).
Also please enjoy the picture of me working on these during one of the many Prae runs I did during the last Moogletome event 😂
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charlemane · 1 year
going to a Murder By Death live show is always so fucking funny. adam will step up to the mic and be like "this next song... is super depressing" and the audience will all hoot and holler and jump up and down excitedly. this will happen no less than ten times over the course of the evening.
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claire-starsword · 1 year
I gotta say, it's a bit sad that as soon as these poll tournament trends started people decided they had to be based on user submission instead of just, what they know and like. Not only do we get basically the same series/submissions over and over, but also so much drama can happen because the mod doesn't know a series that was submitted, and didn't notice misinformation being submission, or stepped on the toes of drama in that fandom because they didn't know something was a sensitive topic, or the poll blows up in a big fandom and they don't enjoy the attention, etc etc.
Like, I feel it's a classic case of people beeding things to be big to be valued. Do you really need your little funny poll to be accessible to tumblr's general tastes? Are you ready to deal with a big public? Or did you just think it would be a waste of time to do something smaller? This isn't a business, there's nothing shameful about doing a small fun thing with just your followers or the things you know and like.
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You know what, I assume that people always read my pinned, or notice the pointer "new reader? start here" in every new Fragments' episode. I might be deluding myself. So hi hello lemme TALK ABOUT MY COMIC.
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Before I get too rambly (and I mean RAMBLY), here's a quick intro. Fragments is a comic focused on feels and slice of life, made by a queer guy, aiming to ~character study~ the main cast (Vivi, Raha, Alisaie, Feo Ul) and fill in the gaps in canon (or linger in canon moments that needed more air imo), the tone ranging from angst to fluff to meme. Good punches require a good windup, so please don't expect angst anytime soon :3c
The story's segmented (fragmented, heh) into episodes. Episodes 1-11 take place in ARR, you can enjoy them with no worry about spoilers. Episode 12 onward is ShB, with all the spoilers and lorebending.
My storytelling style assumes you haven't only played through ShB, but know it like the back of your hand, i.e. it's for nerds and thinkers. Of course there's plenty of silly moments that don't require any deep knowledge, but the overarching story does. Often I skip canon events, only hinting that they took place, simply because I don't wanna retell the msq 1:1, I've got plenty of original scenes waiting to be drawn. You're in for a treat if you like obsessing over emotional and moral implications of things. And, yes, this's a story about a morally grey mc. Don't expect to be spoon-fed "and this's why that thing's bad, kids".
Currently I've outlined all the main story beats up until post EW, so it's like, not being winged as I go. Yes I refine things here and there, but I know where I'm going. I'm going ham!!!! With the lorebending post ShB. Initially I didn't plan to, but the more I learned about Vivi and personally grew as a writer, the more courage I got to "divorce" from canon. The general xiv story may still be good wherever it's headed, but it's not suited for an established wolgraha, so I'm making food for myself.
Everyone imagines the lil scenes from their wol's life, I'm taking that a tiiiiiny step further. Fragments tells a cohesive story that's looking to be the longest project at least in our corner. I can and will hyperfixate on this for years.
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I started out just like many others, being hit with ShB like a truck, I wanted to put a catboy under a microscope and rotate him forever. Although I'd already been drawing for decades, I didn't have the comic-making skills yet, or eloquence to write the dialogue, so I spent the first half of 2022 self-studying, just because I needed a mouth to be able to scream about my ship.
Vivi didn't exist prior to my obsession with Exarch. He was made for this, he started out as a reagent (or a foil, now that I know fancy writing terms) for a rich and fun chemistry, and keep myself entertained for years, first and foremost.
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Me, a fool: okay let's make a guy that falls in love with Exarch in this particular moment, what kinda life must he have led to- Me: ....oh no
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The chemistry quickly bubbled up and exploded in my face, involving not only Exarch, but other characters (first as a means to subtly tell about Vivi, then they also demanded their own screentime), and here I am, sitting with a massive script on my hands, drawing my blorbos every day. Thanks for enabling that btw.
I care about characters a lot. I ask a lot of whys and hows. I'm critical-minded and burned on many bad stories that did their characters dirty, and I wanna be an opposing example. What I'm doing is extremely ambitious and risky, yes, but I can only invite you to tag along and see if I stick to my word.
The internet's a cruel and unforgiving place nowadays, and here I am, pitting my passion against what feels like decaying humanity. I'm making this comic to keep myself happy above all else, being sincere and cringe because life's too short to be anything else.
Thanks for reading this, and if you haven't yet, read Fragments here!
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sordidmusings · 2 months
Sweetly Scented Secrets - Intro (Reader x CYOE Various)
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Summary: On a stop to a new island, you managed to find yourself at a witch's stall. Despite yourself, you actually bought some things. The purchase that vexes you is a perfume that could supposedly urge confessions out of those it targets.
Word Count: ~1.8k
A/N: this is some good ol’ Nonsense that came from this ridiculous video of a man spraying himself with perfume then seemingly being unable to keep divulging So Much so suddenly 💀 I have been told that he frequently dissociates into a state of info dumping. I will choose to believe the perfume compelled him. And thus it will compel the blorbos. Some will be sfw and some nsfw (and tagged accordingly of course). All will likely be goofy. I will play with which is which and who happens based on my fancy unless requested! This gets out first cuz it was p much done Forever Ago so all I had to do was fill it out and edit it and make a mood board then set it to come out on a Monday cuz Fuck Em
Warnings: gn! reader (I tend to write from afab perspective since that’s what I am so if something slips please let me know 🤍 this goes for all my gn!), a wild OC appears! Take her in all her cringy glory 👌🏻, I just always wanna write witches man, can’t decide if magic (largely in the modern western esoterica sense) being legitimate counts as canon divergence, if so then this is canon adjacent 🤷🏼‍♀️
~ ~ ~ ••• ✦✦✦ ••• ~ ~ ~
A spiritual crisis was not how you wanted to start your morning.
You were stuck between the deep-rooted desire to believe in magic and every skeptic you’ve ever known talking down their nose at you. It felt like a very unbalanced war between the two. The weight of scorn had tamped down your wish for magic to be fact for years, but a wanting pit in your chest still clung to “what if”. That pit had begun to grow roots and stems as the Grand Line showed you places and life beyond the scope of your imagination. What explanation was there for Devil Fruits besides magic? Though, magic, it seems, was only for Gods to deal out. Earthly life must keep trying to use science to catch up or fight for what scraps the Gods toss their way.
You continued to stare dubiously at the carved stone bottle in your hand. Delicate, swooping letters decorated its soft pink label, spelling out “Affection’s Confession” in deep violet. Gold accents brought out their curves and matched the shimmering golden wax that sealed the bottle’s cork and dripped down to crawl on the translucent fluorite vessel. It sat heavy in your hand, each second passing with it in your palm adding another gram to it then another and another. You sighed and placed it back on your dresser to stare some more. The light dancing through the sloshing clear liquid, bouncing and glimmering through lines of blue and green and purple, only made it more enticing to you.
Your hesitation was exacerbated by the perfume’s seller. Well, maybe potion was a better word? Saying “potion” made you feel silly though, even if it was given to you by a witch. And that brings you back to the whole problem.
The last island you’d visited was known for its strange customs and belief in the arcane. Most weren’t living by the practice; just knew of its validity as yet another mundane fact of life. Finding the actual practitioners was much harder, or it was supposed to be.
You would’ve had to have been blind or willfully, stubbornly ignorant to see that woman and think anything other than “witch”. Feathers and beads were tied in her dark hair, swaying in time with her vertebrae earrings on each turn of her head to watch passersby. You kept your eyes to them as you approached her, feeling unsettled and intrigued by the strange decorations. Shortly after you began heading towards her, her face snapped to you and she zeroed in, making you feel like a rabbit stalled before a fox. When she stood from her seat and sashayed over to greet you in front of her stall, you realized she was barefoot, sporting wood and leather anklets instead of shoes. The music they beat with each of her steps and the open smile that warmed her face eased you just a bit.
“Hello, sweet thing,” she greeted, the cheery tone of her voice ringing out the pet name. “I can help you find just what you need. The coven and I have built a stock to aid any situation, including yours.”
As she leaned forward in a semblance of a bow, you noticed her large necklace of braided bramble (Thorns still on? you noticed incredulously) hung low, holding dried roses in front of her cleavage. The languid way it followed her matched the nature of the scant drapings of deep red and dirty beige fabric, which hung on her in the vague shape of a summer dress. She held out her suntanned arms, palms up to ask for your hands. Having her this close nearly made you step back; something unnatural lived in the air around her and her tawny eyes saw right through doors and walls and words and skin. Feeling hesitant, you continued to meet her gaze and only offered a mumbled greeting.
“Come now, let me have your hands,” she encouraged gently. “They’ll tell me what you need.”
“How are they supposed to do that?” you asked curtly. “And I usually like knowing someone’s name before hand-holding.”
“Call me Pythia,” she chimed immediately, still holding her bent posture and asking hands. “I don’t have the time to explain the hands. I promise I won’t keep them though.” She giggled at her own… joke? You were hoping that was a joke. You eyed the peeks of death behind her (articulated bugs here, bones there, jarred creatures, hides, blood-) that made all the pretty wares around them seem tainted.
Watching her laugh was the first time you noticed the knack her loving smile had for curling into something more impish, cluing you in that she knew something you didn’t. Despite this making her feel even more dangerous to interact with, you put your hands in hers.
“Thank you, lovely,” Pythia said, voice heavy with a gratefulness that didn’t seem to fit the moment to you. While she cradled your hands, you took in the many carved rings and bangles of stone, leather, metal, and bone cautiously.
That caution had rooted itself to you and was very stubbornly sticking to your feelings about her wares. Besides the perfume, you had purchased an herbal pouch to hang over your bed, meant to aid with ease and depth of sleep. The first night, you noticed your mind was much calmer than its usual anxious whirring before bed. The second night, you listened to the first of her instructions and took ten deep breaths through your nose against the sigil-embroidered pouch. Your sleep came mere minutes after taking in the floral and earthy scent. It had you decide to try out the full instructions, adding on asking the herbs for good rest, placing a gentle kiss to the sigil, and sealing it with a long press of your forehead to the marking. You slept like the dead.
The success had you brainstorming on how to make it back to her in a few months, as she had warned you that the effects will fade with use. It has only been three weeks since your first full ritual with the pouch and you can already feel it start to wane just a bit. You mourned this morning when the sun through your window had actually managed to rouse you from sleep. When you were grumpily blinking at the bright light, you had noticed the perfume bottle still sitting untouched next to the beaming light.
If the pouch worked then shouldn’t this?
That hope was what led you to stare over the bottle as you were now, and try to convince yourself that it wouldn’t be so ridiculous to try out. After all, you had felt quite stupid speaking to your herb pouch and that feeling paled in comparison to the benefits it brought you. You took another minute to mull it over then steeled yourself with a deep breath to go through opening up the bottle.
You found and flipped open your pocket knife before settling on your bed with the bottle. As Pythia had instructed, you placed a kiss on each flat side of the blade before cutting around the rim of the bottle, right where the cork met glass. You thanked the blade and flipped it back closed. You twisted the cork out, took a deep breath filled with curiosity, and smelt… nothing?
Pulling the opening of the bottle to press on your upper lip, you took another long sniff. Yep. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
You frowned at the bottle, wondering if the witch had actually managed to sell you snake oil. You sent your narrowed gaze to the herb pouch above your bed then back to the bottle in your grip, mulling over your trust in the liquid. Eventually, a mix of previous success and your burning curiosity got you to continue trying the perfume out. You were also pretty sure you saw actual snake oil in her shop, so that handed the witch a point for gumption and a deduction from trickery.
Her instructions were quite detailed for the perfume to be at its most potent. Things about the meanings associated with fingers and the places on the body and the importance of the order and all of it seemed to jumble together. When you asked if she had anything to write it down, she shrugged and told you what you remembered of the instructions was the act meant for you to take. Maddeningly unhelpful. So you sat on your bed and ran them through your memory until you were sure you recalled everything as clearly as possible. After a good while meditating on it, you were surprised by the detail that your mind let you recall of it. You were ready.
Blocking the small opening with your right ring finger, you overturned the bottle and flipped it back, leaving a drop of the substance on your fingertip. After repeating the process on the other side, you took to dabbing the prescribed spots with those fingers, making sure your right hand touched your left side and your left hand touched your right. You focused on following the list exactly - a dot on the front of each ankle, a dab on the center of the top of the thighs, one on each hip bone, a small swipe along each bottom rib. Each application was made with a whisper of “I can receive”.
Refreshing the liquid on your fingers, this time your pinky fingers, you continued to the next section. You placed a dab at the center of each clavicle, a swipe on the back ends of the jaw, and a circle on each temple, this time muttering “I can hear” with each touch. The liquid placed on each middle finger was rubbed into the opposite wrist to the words “I can unlock”. Lastly, you used your index fingers to draw a star on your third eye. This time right stayed with right and left with left when you flicked the bottom points to aim at your irises (“I can see”) and the side points to follow your brow (“I can know“). Your fingers joined together to draw the final point directly towards the crown of your head. With finality, you voiced a solid and steady “I can understand”.
Once you had finished applying, you noticed a sweet smell start to emanate from your skin. It was quite delicate at first, luring you to lean closer and seek it out. That pull only increased as you also sought more of the pleasant sensation warming your mind with each lungful of the scent. After a good thirty seconds, it leveled out, leaving you feeling boneless and content like you’d woken from a nap basking in the sun. The face of your love smiling down on you during a lazy summer afternoon flashed in your mind with the feeling.
Okay, maybe this will make them confess to me.
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Whose confession do you seek?
(list of who I have ideas for in no particular order) Law, Ace, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Koby, Luffy, Buggy, Mihawk
Other names are not unwelcome, just the juices weren't flowing for others vibing immediately with the energy of this prompt but tbh sometimes the challenge of that makes better fics. If you do want to request, please include sfw or nsfw and whether you want gn, afab, amab, fem, or masc. If you don't then my personal default is afab (female physiology, avoided or they/them pronouns for gender). I'm a bit nervous about writing transfem and transmasc properly, but so long as you're okay giving it a once over and pointing if I've made mistakes so I can correct them then I'm happy to try!
Also I had to fight the urge to start this with a dumbass joke hard lol the other first lines were "There are two wolves within you. Both of them are telling you this is likely a crock of shit."
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zed-the-buggy · 2 years
ok so larry and geeta
i really hate to rag on a character other people like for my own blorbo so uh, geeta fans i am so so sorry i would recommend skipping this post, i doubt its actually this deep </3 you are allowed to like her prommy
ok but ACtual analysis time, what the FUCK is up with larry and geeta (people who have never had a shitty two faced boss before ask. /j)
larry expresses anti institutional ideologies a lot, he wants to do things outside the system hes in will allow. he expresses a lot of negativity about his position, a lot of remarks which could rock the boat. which they HAVE with the amount of people now realizing most gym leaders have second jobs. and the system might! be kinda fucked! and deal shitty pay and is just kinda a whole gimmick of an industry in the whole universe. and larry sorta points directly at that, when he actively complains about Having to be a gym leader, Having to be an e4 member.
Geeta in this position would fucking hate Larrys guts! and would also point to her just quietly not saying anything when the player likes larry most. Because Geeta doesnt just dislike larry in this position. Geeta dislikes the ideals hes lowkey pioneering here. And when the player likes larry, its like the player is siding with larry. The player believes hes in the right, not Geeta, and it directly pits the player and Geeta at odds, in a very quiet way.
Geeta cant say shit. Geeta has to keep up the appearance of one big happy league full of amazing, positive members and they're all strong and etc etc. She keeps the facade of the entire league. Whether she genuinely loves the league or not, she has to keep an incredibly dedicated face up about the view of the league. But this same rule doesn't apply in private. The gym leaders, her workers have to keep that facade also, especially with Geeta, but Geeta doesnt have to give them that same light of day. Geeta can do whatever she wants, and the gym leaders just kinda have to deal with it.
i very much believe geeta and larrys relationship proposes this really. really sad idea. because geeta is larrys boss, and they. really dont like eachother! and geeta has. power. larry is afraid she will "dock his pay" for chitchat. but really it comes down to his chit chat going against the status quo, the status quo which Geeta benefits from. And ultimately, she does have the power to dock him for chit chat. She can rob him for being honest. And while Geeta's true treatment of the gym leaders as a manager will probably remain unknown, Larry's existence really offers the idea that it's probably not a great role.
Larry is not special. And thats the problem. Hes not breaking ass to go all out on a cute gimmick, hes not loving the institution as much as everyone else is to the point of doing more than its worth. Hes just doing the bare minimum to get by. Actively complains about his job, which for people in the right spheres it could seem like a huge deal to be a gym leader, and an elite four member. like bro! thats awesome! you just get to do pokemon battles all day! but really its not. once you live in the system, and you get sick enough of it, it loses its luster, and you realize that its just another grind, dodging pay cuts, trying to please the right people and constantly bust ass just to pay for the rent on your apartment and maybe groceries.
Larry is a pawn in the same system as everyone else. Geeta needs larry to be special. But he wont be. And Geeta doesn't take well to that.
Thats why hes the exceptional ordinary man. His ordinariness is what makes him the exception.
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livesworthlivingau · 4 months
Alright, I calmed down enough to write normal words and decided to use your ask box because a comment in a specific post doesn't feel like enough.
You scratched a deep, deep itch in my head. Like, there's no garantee that the loops are actually over, right? Just that the fam doesn't end with the King's defeat. But, unlike me, you decided to stretch those fingers and write instead of brewing but doing nothing like a coward (me).
Also, like how the memories of that time are fuzzy except for a core memory here or there - of course they are, it's been decades! But I know how easy it is to fall into the "They've done this before" pit, so, respectf.
Anyway, if the cat will be out of the bag, then I can't wait to see the drama and shenaningas.
I'm so glad you're enjoying it and just as fascinated by the idea as I am! and you'll be happy to know that the next chapter (10) is already just about done~ I sorta went a little overboard today ^^;
OH! and because I should probably memorialize it somewhere on this blog
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Thank you Leo in the official isatcord for giving me the most intense brainrot I've ever had in my life and letting me use the idea for my silly blorbos. These two messages changed my life c:
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berylcups · 18 days
I don't know if you take requests like this but I'm interested in your general headcanons for La Squadra — if you have any! I like the way you portray them :)
Aw, thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoy my interpretations of everyone’s favorite blorbos! 💜
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La Squadra General Head Canons
CW: blood mention, death mention, grief, alcohol, weed, transphobia, child mental abuse mention, bullying, sex work, toxic masculinity, internalized homophobia?(im gonna add it just to be safe even though it’s used as a joke by an LGBTQIA+ person…a trigger is still a trigger)
Notes: This is technically number 3 on my list but I'm submitting this one first since it got finished first! I hope this will satisfy your appetite while I continue to work on the earlier asks in order! If anyone wants a deep dive in-depth general HC list of any specific character feel free to send in an ask! 🥰excluding Melone of course... there's already one done of him!(that doesn't include other genres, yandere, romantic, etc. Mel HCs are still on the table!) Hope you all enjoy! 💜 Beryl
1- He has PTSD and lingering symptoms of grief. This developed after his cousin died. He has conversations in his head with his dead cousin when he feels lonely or stressed.
2- The smell of blood gives him the same response as cuteness aggression. He needs to cuddle and squeeze the life out of something when he smells that iron-y goodness.
3-He's into leatherwork and knows how to skin an animal. He would help his grandparents in Sicily kill and skin the cattle. Blood and viscera are a common thing in his life.
4. He refuses to drink alcohol. He can’t stomach it knowing that it’s what caused the driver to murder his cousin. He opts for marijuana instead. It's really therapeutic for his PTSD. Formaggio, Pesci, and Melone are the best guys to smoke with. They always know how to show Ris a good time!
5- He doesn’t play favorites when it comes to his men. But only Formaggio knows how to make him laugh. He also has a soft spot for Sorbet and Gelato since they were the first men in his group. He cares for all his men equally, no exceptions.
1- He’s a 30 year old man who’s half Spanish and half Italian. He was born and raised in Firenze. He’s proud of his colorful family roots but he’s always going to cheer on Italy when he’s watching football!
2- Crazy cat man. This guy has five cats and they all are named after cheeses. And they are all orange cats. That grey one you saw in the bottle? You didn’t see shit. There was no grey cats being abused put into bottles. No you can’t change my mind. 😤 There’s Brie, Asiago, Colby, Fontina, and Queso.
3- always says “where’s my hug at??”. Also says “no homo” before doing anything that might be suggestive. This man is bisexual. 🤦‍♀️🤦 saying that doesn’t make it any less queer my Bi- King 👑 he’s the best hugger, 2nd is Pesci, and 3rd is Risotto.
4- This man is the hairiest in the group. He's always trimming his hair and shaving his chest and happy trail. If he doesn't shave he'll end up with a full beard and mustache, full chest of hair connected to his happy trail. The only thing he doesn't shave are his arms, pits, and legs and they are ridiculously hairy. 😬
5- Illuso is actually his best friend. Shocking? I know. They’re very competitive and sadistic hitmen. They always try to outdo each other on how gruesome and creatively they can take someone out. They both like to get drunk or high and watch football and wreck up the base.
1- This prideful 28 year old is half Swiss German and Italian born and raised in Milano. His bad attitude came from always being compared to his younger brother. His little brother could do no wrong and Illuso always had to set a good example for him. The pressure got to him and just like Fugo he snapped but it turned bloody. His mom and younger brother are afraid of him and want nothing to do with him anymore and his father is sleeping 6 feet under.
2- He’s very sensitive and has rejection sensitivity dysphoria. As a child he was a big crybaby and his dad always scolded him to “man up” and fight back when he’s being bullied. It wasn’t until Secondary school where he started fighting back and becoming a bully himself. Now it’s all second nature to him. He puts up a façade of being an unpleasant person to hide his weaknesses.
3- He’s an avid artist who loves working with charcoal and graphite. His still lifes, landscapes, and portraits are near photorealistic. If his name didn’t give it away, he loves illustrating reflective surfaces the most. He wants his own studio where he can display his work. He doesn’t want to show off his work to others though. He’s very sensitive about his art pieces. He only does it for his own self satisfaction. He does want to be able to share this with a special someone though if he were able to find someone that he didn’t scare off.
4- He was born with Man in the Mirror. He used to use the mirror realm to hide and cry so he wouldn’t get made fun of by other kids or get yelled at by his dad for being “weak”. He obviously now uses it to store dead bodies and uses it as a safe place to attack people.
5- He was very sheltered as a child. The first time he saw masculine genitals besides his own was he went to Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze with his parents seeing Michel Di Angelo’s David. He embarrassed them by loudly asking his father “papà why is his pìpì so tiny???” 😳
1- He’s the youngest member at 19 years old. He’s from Sardinia.
2- Pesci has a mild form of Klippel-Feil syndrome. This doesn’t affect his self esteem. He’s actually pretty content with his body image! He just wishes he had more mobility with his neck. He does worry about passing that specific gene down to his potential children so he’s going to avoid having them. He fears his children will get bullied and not be able to develop a thick skin like he does. 😢 maybe his future s/o can help change his mind about that? 🥹
3- He’s a farm to table type of man. He fishes for his meal, cleans and debones , and cooks it to perfection. He knows how to prepare anything that lived in the water. Even the poisonous Fugu. But he doesn’t trust his skills enough to serve you that though! …unless you’re the boss. 😈
4- When he’s fed up with Prosciuttos harsh treatment, he’ll mock/impersonate him behind his back with Formaggio. 😅 his voice could use some work but he has the cadence and body language on point!
5- Coffee, tea, Cigs, energy drinks, or anything that is a stimulant will give poor Pesci the insta-shits. 💩 his tummy is DYING. Give him the entire toilet roll he’s gonna be in the bathroom allllll day. 😭 give him dairy, spicy, greasy, or anything else that’s irritating to the bowels. He can handle it like a CHAMP. Just no go-go juice.
1- He’s a 26 year old Roman man. He’s a bastard child who never knew his father. He’s the oldest out of his 6 half siblings. His mother was a sex worker and a single mom so she always had to rely on her eldest Son Prosciutto to take care of his siblings. He never had a real childhood and had to grow up fast. This explains the aging nature of his stand and his stern attitude.
2- He sort of followed in his mother’s footsteps by sleeping with tourists and robbing them blind which is how he was able to get so much designer clothes and jewelry. Don’t ever bring up the part of his life before Passione, unless you have a death wish. He’s very ashamed of his past.
3- He has a hobby of winemaking and tasting. His dream is to have a villa in the countryside and have his own vineyard where he can make, drink, and sell his own wine .
4- He’ll take this secret to his grave but he has a mild phobia of taxidermy animals and embalmed corpses. Something that looks so life like yet is completely dead never to walk again really unnerves him. He doesn’t enjoy seeing things decay either. He finds it very unpleasant, but at least he’s aware that they are no longer among the living.
5- He’s a huge technophobe. Outside using his cellphone for calls and laptop for emails, he does NOT want anything to do with technology. Don’t come to his house and expect to Netflix and chill. You’re gonna gramophone and whoopie LMAO 😭. He likes old stuff because it “lasts longer “ totally not because he doesn’t know how to use anything. 🥲 he thinks video games are a waste of time and gets on the guys for playing them…they completely ignore him. 😂
I did a deep dive on this fella already click the link below to see it!⬇
1- He’s a proud 23 year old Venetian. He was born AFAB and became his authentic self as a trans man. Only Melone knows Ghiaccio before he became his authentic self. He's very supportive of him and refuses to deadname him or even speak about his life beforehand. If you mention anything about it you might get beaten up by Melone first before Ghiaccio gets a chance to scream at you. They bicker alot but they are close friends.
2- He got kicked out of multiple schools for beating the living shit out of his bullies for making fun of his nerdiness and LGBTQIA status. He eventually dropped out and joined passione.
3. He has a hobby for sports. He loves competitive swimming, hockey and ice skating the most. He wanted to go to the Olympics for it but transphobia prevented him from competing. (You can see why he might have an anger problem…)
4- Ghiaccio can see without his glasses. He just has severe astigmatism and gets headaches if he stares at the screen too long without them.
5- He has level 1 autism. He’s grumpy but sociable. He becomes awkward when you’re genuinely nice to him. He's not used to not having arguments and having an actual cordial conversation with someone. You can help him get used to that! He’s very sensitive to textures when it comes to clothes or food. Loud noises don’t bother him but certain noises do (pens clicking, fluorescent lights humming, mouth noises, high pitched whining like police or ambulance sirens, etc)
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Call for Submissions: The Self-Love Tournament 🎉👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
Be it alternate universes or freak transporter accidents, a witch's curse or timeline shenanigans, one thing that's fascinated scifi and geek fan culture for ages, especially on this hellsite, has been the prospect of meeting yourself.
And also.
What if you then did the dirty.
To honor this glorious tradition, I'm assembling a tournament that pairs the sexiest of tumblrmen with themselves, and then pits them against each other. We'll determine, once and for all, the selfcest champion.
Automatically included are some of the greats (and my personal favorites). Feel free to include them in submissions so I can curate lists of aliases/start collecting propaganda
The Onceler (from The Lorax movie)
Loki (from Marvel/the Loki tv show)
Ice King (from Adventure Time/Fionna and Cake)
Kira Nerys (from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Dave Strider (from Homestuck)
The Doctor (from Doctor Who)
Sans (from Undertale)
England (from Hetalia)
I'll try to prioritize characters with more submissions or more impassioned propaganda, so keep that in mind when submitting
+ Ground Rules:
I reserve the right to exclude any characters or fandoms from the bracket (to be fair, the most hated usually get voted off quickly anyway). For example, I decided to exclude a MCYT character, as their player is not comfortable with certain fandom behavior, and there's significant overlap between the character and creator. I'm not here to shame you, but I don't want to amplify something that sexually objectifies a real person beyond their stated boundaries.
Feel free to vote on whatever criteria you see fit! I try to prioritize iconic ✨ examples, ones that have had large impacts on Tumblr history, and any personal blorbos 💖
(NEW 9/20) I did say whatever criteria, but I do feel like I should address hate-voting. I'm not going to forbid it, but I ask that you consider if you really do hate the character/fandom that much. For example, Oncelercest isn't my cup of tea by any means, but man.... you gotta hand it to him.....
I love passionate (and even sometimes violent) propaganda, but do NOT bully anyone or send targeted threats. If it's getting nasty out there, I might use my judgement to adjust this rule, but I hope I won't have to.
Please feel free to spread this submission list! Tagging some of my inspirations: @ao3topshipsbracket @who-do-i-know-this-man @stop-spreading-this-poll @masked-character-competition @bestadaptationtournament @ultimate-anime-tournament @unlikely-adversaries-bracket @top-fictional-unhinged-women @mosthomoeroticenemies @bestfictionaldivorce @controversial-blorbo-bracket @tournament-winners-tournament @the-most-character-i-ever-saw :)
From my end, I really appreciated how @controversial-blorbo-bracket ran their tournament, so I'll try to follow their lead: be open and transparent, give people who are writing propaganda the benefit of the doubt where possible, and try to take passionate takes in stride.
(NEW 9/24) Constructive crit or feedback in good faith is appreciated! I want to make this a space for celebration of fandom
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nouverx · 7 months
I fell in love with your Tumblr account when I saw your Trigun designs.... But now I've fallen into the deep pit of Hazbin Hotel with your Alastor... I curse you! 😍🥲
We're tied together through our blorbos now 😔✌️
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berestweys · 9 months
since 2022, after watching kinnporsche twice that summer and losing my marbles, i've fallen into a deep well of thai tv.
shout out to love in the air, bad buddy, and cutie pie, my 2nd, 3rd, & 4th bls watched in the fall of 2022. they were all so delightful (in very different ways) that i simply had to keep going.
in 2023 i watched 24 thai dramas: mostly bl's but 1 notable gl gap the series (and another tiny gl if you count zero photography with inkpa my beloveds), and two shows that are neither (mama gogo and the warp effect should be on everyone's watch list! so great!) i have never in my life watched this much television.
my favorite of 2023 is definitely my school president. there was a lot of competition (wedding plan! moonlight chicken! so many more omg) but msp is the only one i rewatched immediately. the chinzhilla babies stole every inch of my heart. it couldn't be anyone but them.
last twilight is still ongoing so i'm going to count it as 2024, and since it hasn't finished i can't say for certain it will end as beautifully as it started (i think it will. i hope it will.). it is currently rearranging every molecule in my body 24/7. i think it's going to be one of my favorite shows ever heyyyyyyyyy. I'M SERIOUS I AM VIBRATING
also currently watching cherry magic with taynew and it is completely adorable. my dash is soaked to the gills with the sign and pit babe, though i'm not watching either show. it's entertaining to watch them both in gifs (every pit babe post i see hacks another week off my life though. lord.)
2024 is off with a bang.
it's pretty funny that so many of us started watching thai bl's because of kinnporsche, looking for more of ~that~, because as it turns out there is no other show like kp, and yet i am completely hooked. i think i've seen enough of them at this point that i have a feel for the rhythms of the genre, though my watchlist is tiny in comparison to a lot of the blogs i follow. i love it and i have loved learning more about thai language, culture, & politics.
it's been a wild fun time, and i'm thankful to everyone i follow, including my handful of mutuals who have given me recs, made gorgeous gifsets & vids, written fic, & thrown some of the best and most hilarious tags in any fandom i've been in. you're all fantastic!!!
happy new year and let's keep collecting blorbos
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zeroducks-2 · 9 months
{Commission Closed}
Blog Navigation: My Art - My Fanfictions (includes things I don't post on AO3). You can find my other socials here.
I post/reblog NSFW, and my blog tries to be as raunchy as possible within the limits of this puritan ass website, which shadowbanned me twice already ♥
Been hyperfixating on DC stuff for a while. More than anything else you'll find Bats and Birds (mostly Sladick), and cute little speedsters (mostly Eobarry). The Eobarry pit is at this point deep enough I don't see the sun nor I can feel its warmth on my skin anymore. Also, I love being gross to Dick especially but no one is safe from me.
Evil characters and grey characters are my special little meow meows. I support their (gay) rights and wrongs. No, I don't think they should be held accountable for their actions, they're not real.
I mostly write smut, whump and/or shippy content. I really like dark stuff & I'm a kinky bastard. Writing gen fics and pure fluff isn't my thing.
I am comfortable with any type of ask. Go ahead and send me that WIP you're writing for some advice or just to share, or prompt me because you want to see your blorbo being tossed around in that specific way. I also have an ongoing Dark Prompts Ask Game right here. You can also send me hate if that's your thing, I won't kinkshame you I promise.
If I unfollowed you it's 99.9% because you posted WFA or Harry Potter content untagged. Nothing personal, I just really don't want to see those things. Also, sometimes tumblr unfollows people without telling me, and in the same fashion, doesn't notify me of reblogs, comments or what have you. If you want me to see something but I seem unresponsive, feel free to send an Ask or a DM.
I don't have DNIs, I curate my own online experience. However, please note that this won't ever be a safe space for exclusionists of any kind. And if you can't grasp the simple fact that fiction ≠ reality, that no one is getting hurt & we're just having fun, be nice to yourself and to me and do not follow.
Anyone else is more than welcome ♥ Remember to stay very handsome!
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archive-of-artprompts · 11 months
🎉SPIN THE WHEEL! Put your beloved blorbos and OCs into possible peril, at the mercy of your followers!🎉
Send in a number+character/s, and have that character drawn/written with that fate! (Tropes from tv tropes 📺)
And Show It to You - Death by removing their heart and showing it to them.
Animal Assassin - Death by use of a deadly animal (especially a venomous creature) as a murder weapon.
Attack on the Heart - Death by directly inflicting damage to the heart.
Bitter Almonds - Death by cyanide poisoning, which leaves the telltale scent of bitter almonds.
Bludgeoned to Death - Death by being beaten with a blunt object.
Boom, Headshot! - Death by firing a single bullet through their brain.
Cement Shoes - Death by being tied down with blocks of concrete and thrown into a deep body of water.
Chainsaw Good - Death by a buzzsaw or chainsaw to cut them into bits.
Chute Sabotage - Death by  damaging their parachute.
Cooked to Death - Death by baking, boiling, frying, grilling, or roasting them with kitchen equipment.
Cruel and Unusual Death - Death by gruesome torture.
Dangerously Close Shave - Death by straight razor 
Deadly Game - Death by losing a violent contest (sometimes based on a playground game.)
Deadly Remote Control Toy - Death by remote-controlled toys.
Death by Falling Over - Death by a fatal push. 
Death in the Clouds - Death by being murdered onboard an aircraft.
Death Trap - Death by an improvised weapon designed to kill anyone who triggers the mechanism and gets trapped by it.
Demanding Their Head - Death by ordered beheading, and returning the head as proof.
Drowning Pit - Death by being trapped in a room or chamber that's being slowly flooded with water.
Electrified Bathtub - Death by dropping active electronics into a bathtub filled with water.
Fed to Pigs - Death by being locked in a pen full of hungry pigs.
Fed to the Beast - Death by handing them over to a man-eating animal or monster, to be devoured alive by the hungry creature.
Flaying Alive - Death by being skinned alive
Fright Deathtrap - Death by intentionally, fatally scaring someone
Gasoline Dousing - Death by pouring flammable liquids on their body and then igniting them.
Gladiator Games - Death by being forced to engage in mortal combat as some sort of twisted spectator sport.
Gutted Like a Fish - Death by disembowelment.
Hanging Around - Death by hanging them by the neck with a rope (noose), fatal by either asphyxiation or breaking their neck vertebrae.
Head Crushing - Death by squashing their head like a watermelon.
High-Voltage Death - Death by electrocuting them.
Kill It with Fire - Death by using fire or burning heat.
Kill It with Ice - Death by using ice or freezing cold.
Kill It with Water - Death by using water.
Literally Shattered Lives - Death by being frozen and then shattered.
Machete Mayhem - Death by using a big, long blade that's not exactly a knife or a sword.
Medication Tampering - Death by tampering with their medication
Moe Greene Special - Death by shooting them through the eye.
Multiple Gunshot Death - Death by being riddled with many bullets.
Murder by Cremation - Death by shoving them into a (kitchen or crematory) oven to burn them to death.
Murder by Inaction - Death by someone refusing to save their life.
Neck Snap - Death by twisting their neck hard enough to sever their spinal cord.
Not-So-Fake Prop Weapon - Death by using a real weapon disguised as a fake imitation. 
Off with His Head! - Death by chopping off their head with a very sharp blade to cut through the neck. 
Poison Is Evil - Death by use of a highly toxic chemical substance.
Sickbed Slaying - Death while they are lying in bed from illness or injury.
Sinister Suffocation - Death by choking or strangulation.
Slain in Their Sleep - Death while they’re asleep in bed.
Slashed Throat - Death by cutting their neck open with a blade, though without going for a full-on decapitation.
Vorpal Pillow - Death by smothering them with a pillow.
Your Head A-Splode - Death by making their head burst or blow up.
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frontierpodiatrist · 1 year
arven/nemona hc rambling (mostly arven)
back at it again with my "deep in the blorbo pit" (tag someone left on another post of mine; thought it was really funny) type posts about arven and nemona's parallels (and then in comparison to the rest of the quartet) and more about their relationships to their parental figures
i have a sort of fondness for transfem arven hcs, though i have very specific arven hcs and interpretations specific to violet-verse, and parallels with nemona i was thinking about earlier that i want to talk about
smth which i see in a lot of ppl's arven timeskip designs is that he has facial hair, something that i firmly disagree with...bc i feel like he wouldn't want to look like turo. he's already very resembling of him, which after his death, i'm sure would haunt him anytime he looked at himself in the mirror, lending to a sort of disconnect and self-esteem issues about his appearance. i feel like in violet-verse, arven would have a lot of hang-ups about traditional masculinity. turo is very traditionally masculine in appearance, in the behaviour that we witness though perhaps not purposefully (being aloof, uncaring, strict, arrogant, powerful, etc.), and arven has very strong and negative complex feelings towards his parent that abandoned him and he was previously led to believe didn't care about him. even after coming to terms with a narrative that clashes with his own, i feel like this wouldn't necessarily dissipate my personal hc is that juliana is the protagonist, bc i find the juxtaposition of arven being the only boy in the group interesting, especially in violet-verse where he has such negative associations with the only man he really knows (outside of saguaro, who is more "effeminate" in his likes and actions, and is insecure about, something i'm sure imprinted on arven). and i also find it interesting IRT his relationship with penny especially, who i strongly id as transfem herself. while he is most friendly/comfortable with juliana, due to her being a stranger unaware of his father when she arrives, he relates the most to penny on a number of factors. in this disconnect you could interpret that he has with masculinity, or male figures in his life, hearing about her father and her experience would probably be very interesting to him i feel like it's pretty heavily implied arven has identity issues because of his parent's (in this case his father's) reputation overshadowing anything about him as an individual, to the point he feels he needs to become famous of his own accord to wipe away their influence on how people see him. he doesn't really have anything he considers his own, or defining him, up until postgame when he finally settles upon cooking, though previously he thought it only a hobby. if you interpret his relationship with saguaro as very close, it's possible this is him emulating the only adult in his life really that he feels a connection with, as well. i also hc that turo was disillusioned with people, the Robot Autism and disillusioned with being human which is why he was obsessed with the future and the idea of "surpassing humanity" -> passed onto arven who struggles with his own identity as a result That being said, IRT his disconnection to gender as well, arven feels very...big brother-ly (especially in japanese) or mom friend-y, as well as cutesy and having a very strangely cute but also weird way of talking in japanese that is sort of conveyed in english. i feel like arven has a lot of hang-ups on parenting, and family. he feels like the type of person who would want a family, or kids in the future, but that due to his upbringing would struggle with the idea of being a "father", or a "mother" for that matter. but then has anxiety about being a parent at all, or the idea of a traditional family unit. aside from saguaro (who appears very "masculine" like turo, but in personality, is the complete opposite), all of arven's friends are girls. his entire support network now, is mostly girls, the only ones he feels are there for him. growing up all he had was his turbulent father, leading to some sort of complex of boys = bad, girls = good Now, about Nemona.
i'm sure anyone who likes nemona knows the whole nemo = nobody thing, etc. i think it's fairly obvious as well, that she struggles to find an identity outside of battling. unlike arven, her family isn't the only thing to her, but it's as if they were never really there at all. but you know who was? geeta. she follows geeta's advice and beliefs almost exactly, never acting outside of them because she seems so desperate for her approval and acknowledgement, because geeta is in her mind the only person who has ever validated her existence or given her something to work for. even a lot of her personality feels like it was mapped onto geeta, she will remind herself mid-battle how geeta ought to act, how a "champion" ought to act, and model that she's student council president, she's a champion, she's got great grades, she's an overachiever—and geeta is chairwoman of both the "school" and the "league", two things nemona has both, in the eyes of others, conquered. much like arven, i feel that without battling, without geeta's influence, nemona might not have much of a sense of self either, mapping pretty much all of her identity onto hers
in a sort of strange turn of events (aside from the protagonist, who is essentially a blank slate), it feels as if penny has the strongest sense of identity b/w the four of them, she knows what she wants, she has friends and a social circle outside of this group, she carved an identity for herself, she doesn't seem to imprint or map onto any particular adult or person other than herself. and in a way, you might be able to map this to the fact that unlike the other two, she had a loving and guiding parent to help her form her own identity (even in spite of all the bullying and other things she went through), where the other two did not. she had a support network
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lunarlegend · 7 months
i just think it's funny that i've been absolutely miserable for the past five months, at the bottom of a deep pit of depression and hopelessness because i can't find a job
and then the week of February 7 happens and suddenly i've had 4 interview requests, 2 actual interviews (so far), and started a new job
i feel like my blorbo took advantage of the time when he's most powerful and reached through the fabric of the universe to help me
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Oh my titan, based off your last post of that cute art by @snoozu with what you said, I hope you write that, Hunter carrying Willow longer than he did in the episode and she is just chilling in his arms, unsure what to do. I'll definitely say, as annoying as Kikimora is, we can thank her for like 3 Huntlow moments, depends on how you count it. It is such a cute and silly concept, and I'm a sucker for a princess carry so this brings me so much joy.
This is less a fic and more like an internal monologue vibe but I just love these blorbos and this moment is on my mind. Based on this amazing art by @snoozu
It was not a very far way to fall.
Getting knocked off her staff was not a new experience, she had a flower on the way to ease her fall but before she had a chance to summon it, she stopped mid air.
She stopped and was met by something holding her close and then in a flash of gold she was safe on solid ground and mere inches from her face was Hunter. She felt like she had had the wind knocked out of her, but she knew that wasn’t the case. It was because suddenly she was staring into his wide, worried eyes. They went from pure determination to concern in an instant, and they were locked on her. He looked at her to confirm she was unharmed and Willow never wanted him to look away.
When Gus and Hunter had told her to let it all out and she allowed herself to cry months worth of tears, it has lifted a weight off her shoulders.
And one off her heart too, apparently.
Because now Hunter had that soapy dopey rose colored filter around him and despite the intensity of the moment, things moved in slow motion as she allowed her heart to race the way it hadn’t been able to in months.
Hunter was too distracted by his anger at Kikimora’s presence and the way she had endangered Willow to let their closeness fluster him as it usually would. He was aware of her, he always was, but carrying her felt as second nature to him as being carried felt to her. With Willow rendered speechless and unable to suggest otherwise, Hunter continued to carry her as he went back to the group.
When she remembered to breathe, she tried to steady herself as her thoughts swirled and bounced in her mind and made her feel utterly unsteady. He was so stoic, so kind, so handsome, so so many wonderful wonderful things and he was so so close to her.
Willow had always been someone who felt things so deep and loud, that even her muted colors were vibrant. She put on her best show, being just enough. She had been just silly enough, just aloof enough, just distracted enough where not even Gus suspected she was holding back. She had plenty of things to focus her energy on, the portal being just one of them, so some days even she couldn't tell.
But she could not grow her plants to their true normal height, lest she draw suspicion.
She could let herself think about her dads too long because she could not let the others see her cry and think that their optimism was in vain.
She could not hesitate when the wind outside roared louder and shook the house, she would be the first one to offer to investigate and insist it was no big deal.
She had to reassure them. She had to protect them.
But she still felt the yearning, the sadness, the fear; she felt it in the same grand multitudes she felt everything. But she had nowhere for it to go and so it sank down beneath the surface so she could carry more. But she suppressed the good along with the bad.
She knew she liked Hunter more than a friend. From the moment they met she had felt that bubbly giddy feeling start to form in the pit of her stomach and it slowly but surely aimed to recruit her heart. Right before circumstances became what they did, she had been building up to be bolder about it. They had gotten into the habit of messaging every night and his lack of flirting experience had blended nicely with hers (who could only claim to be more experienced second hand). She would say something cute, purposely throwing a phrase she was certain Hunter wouldn’t understand and he would send a very characteristic “?” and Willow would put forth exactly what she meant and she kicked her feet in delight as Hunter composed his response.
Willow would watch him start and stop and start typing again as he tried to match her energy, but he couldn’t decide what was appropriate and would often settle for single word or picture of Flapjack.
She looked forward to when they would talk without scrolls and she would get to hear him stutter. She could tell he was not usually at a loss for words and she relished that power.
He would compliment her so effortlessly and genuinely that Willow could tell he wasn’t actively trying to do it. He believed them true and therefore he said them, no pretense. He wouldn’t put in the clever buildup Willow did, he kept it simple (mostly due to his difficulty typing) and Willow believed she would surely pass away if he tried the way she did. If he was aware of the effect his simple words had on her, she wondered if he would care to elaborate.
He was rarely at a loss for words, once his interest was peaked he could talk for hours. Willow wondered if the way he flake ens out her could be compared to how he talked about his passions or if she was just hopeful. Hunter very rarely lacked an opinion.
But now she was the speechless one.
And her mind filled to the brim with all the soft, sweet, things she had been filtering. For every thing she said to him, there were three she kept to herself . It wasn’t that she was ashamed of them or didn’t want him to know, but she knew if she started she would never stop. The same way if she let herself cry. She needed to stay in control. She needed to stay subtle, just in case her feelings were too big. She didn’t want to overwhelm him.
She was certain he liked her too, which was not something she had felt certain about before. But being certain about herself had made her more certain about others. But as certain as she was, she had never been in this position before having romantic feelings being reciprocated. She was still adjusting to the idea that her friendships could be stable and she had to convince herself not to move too fast. Because this Willow could trust quickly again, her trust could be of value and still be given freely and if it broke it wasn’t because it was fragile. She trusted Hunter, despite what Amity and Luz told her about him in the beginning and despite the circumstances of their first meeting she knew how being labeled a half-a-witch clouded your mind. She knew there was more to him than even he realized and she knew she wanted to spend more time with him and she had no issue making that clear.
But then things got too chaotic to just pick things up where they had left off.
Under normal circumstances, Willow would have loved nothing more than to leave him all kinds of hints and wait for him to be comfortable with anything changing between them. But with all of them in the house, Willow worried that if something went wrong and he didn’t feel that way or had stopped feeling that way, that he wouldn’t have the privacy to process how he felt because she would always be there.
And now she wanted to always be here. So close.
Hunter ran a safe distance from Kilimora’s line of fire and Willow felt him tighten his hold on her.
He carried her like he had been doing it his whole life like she was precious, dangerous cargo. Like she was nothing and everything. He did not insist on releasing her so she did not bring it up and was content being secure in his arms, succumbing to the opportunity to admire the familiar look of determination on his face up close.
Months and months of longing stares that ended too soon came out with a vengeance, taking in the sight of him with no remorse. She felt so comfortable, she nearly forgot how she had gotten here in the first place.
The sound of Kikimora was faint, muffled like Willow was under water floating in a tranquil see as the world above did whatever it wanted. She watched Hunter react to what was being said, which wa s better than listening. Her heart leapt at the way his ears twinged as they listened, the way he frowned and squinted his eyes as he preocessee the words. He was so attentive and for some reason she found that impossibly endearing.
“Ugh, Kikimora is the worst,” he mumbled under his harsh breath. Oh, and the way he spoke! Ugh, he voice was a unique combination of sincere and sad, the way it was hoarse but bright. It was a marvelous contradiction, the way it would sometimes creak like an old house settling but could make any phrase sound new.
“Mhm hm.” Willow squeaked, having nearly forgotten he could see her.
“Ugh, I can’t believe Boscha is gonna get away with what she did,” Hunter muttered under his breathe as he ran back. Willow couldn’t tell if he was saying that to her or if he’d say it regardless. She pressed her hand to his chest and he looked down in surprise, confirming Willow’s suspicion that he had forgotten she was there and how close she was.
“Not for long,” she assured with a raise of her eyebrow and Hunter nodded, understanding what she meant as he ran back slightly so she could deliver her message. “Hey Boshca! Don’t think this means I’m finished with you.”
As Boscha scoffed, unimpressed, Hunter laughed in approal. Pulling her closer as he ran to catch-up, teleporting to allow them to make it to the circle as the group was finishing the glyph.
“Nicely done, Captain,” he said proudly, looking back to where the students were demolishing Kikimora.
“Thanks,” Willow laughed so response, taking in the scene as well. “What do you-.” As she turned back to face him, she found their faces were closer than before. She knew her face must resemble a rose in full blown and Hunter was not far behind.
“Ah, uh,” was all Hunter managed to say as Willow caught his eyes again. He gulped. Willow held her breath in case he whispered something. “Oh sorry,” he stuttered, crouching down to place her feet on the ground. Everything around them was fast and chaotic and when Willow’s feet hit the ground she resumed her part in it instantly as she helped finish marking the ground.
He released her as gently as he had captured her, placing her feet on the ground once as his face turned red, embarrassed he had prolonged his hold on her beyond what was technically necessary. Willow watched him work from the corner of her eye, knowing this was the worst time to get flustered but felt it fueled her.
As the ground shook and shone beneath them, Hunter rushed back to her side (had he actually left it?) and she felt him place his arm behind her back to steady her.
It was a blip like Hunter’s teleporting, but more intense and colorful and it was more disorienting. But in the collection of bright colors and flickering lights she saw him again, worried for her shielding her without a second thought. They were in an uncertain space, traveling hopefully to the skull hopefully in one piece and Willow was ready.
She was ready to be as loud as she was, as emotional as she was, and as vulnerable as she was. Her head felt clearer than it had in months, like a window finally allowing in a cool summer breeze. She felt light and refreshed and determined and ready.
When she opened her eyes and saw they had arrived safe and sound, she grabbed Amity’s hand and the two jumped with joy. She felt Hutner’s hand hovering over her back, always ensuring she was sure and steady. It felt so reassuring and natural, he did not make a show of it.
Even in his sadness, in his anger and confusion he was kind. He was so kind and sweet and silly and smart and so many wonderful, wonderful things. He did not insert himself into a moment,he would not intrude unless lives were at stake, he would never want to inconvenience anyone. She knew what it was like to try and make yourself small, but he consumed her thoughts with such intensity that that seemed impossible for him now.
She felt so may things. She was hopeful and happy and whole. She was mourning, she was tired, she was scared. These feelings were no longer tangled within each other trying to shrink but now flowed through her like an intricate network of vines supporting a mighty tree.
And among many other things, its importance equal in strength and conviction, she was smitten. It was a silly, stupid, smitten feeling that frivolous and frustrating but it did not have to fight to be felt any longer. Because now there was room for it to grow.
She has been on the edge of acceptance for too long, holding herself back from jumping head first until the waters were safer. But now she has no reason to hold back, no fear of the unknown to talk her out of really falling.
It was not a very far way to fall.
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