#deeply underrated creatures
astrosamara · 4 months
Astrology Observations #3
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🩵Venus in 8th tend to not date until later in life because love and relationships are serious to them. When they do get into a relationship, it can end up transforming them entirely. Saturn aspecting Venus can cause even further delays in romance.
🩵Mars in Leo rarely show their anger. It's not that they don't get angry, but they feel much too proud to let others know they're angry. I feel like people would assume all fire mars are quick and prone to anger, but I've rarely seen Mars in Leo get angry.
🩵I've met so many Sagittarius risings that have lived incredibly difficult lives with dark pasts. This usually surprises me since they're ruled by Jupiter. I wonder if it has something to do with their Scorpio 12th house?
🩵Sun in 7th are very non-confrontational people. They tend to be people pleasers who prefer being passive in conflict. They can struggle a lot with caring about what others think and because of that, they can struggle with expressing themselves genuinely and without fear of judgement.
🩵Pluto in your chart can show where you'll experience the greatest transformation in your life. I have Pluto in the 9th and higher education, spirituality, and traveling have deeply impacted my life the most. With Pluto energy though, this transformation tends to come through very dark and challenging periods.
🩵Pisces placements can spend so much time alone and not be bothered at all. In fact, their alone time is sacred to them. They're the type to get happy when plans are canceled.
🩵8th house stelliums are prone to heavy depression throughout their life due to how tapped in they are to the darker aspects of life. There's an unavoidable intensity and deepness to them. This familiarity with darkness can build this incredible resilience to get them through anything life throws their way. A lot of people with this stellium are drawn to spirituality as well, due to this interest in what is "hidden" from us.
🩵Capricorn placements are so blunt and their dry humor is my favorite. They have this no bullshit tell it how I see it energy to them that my Scorpio self loves. Capricorn humor is so underrated imo.
🩵Gemini moons and especially suns seem to know so many people and have so many connections. I feel like they're just naturally friendly and sociable. Even if they're introverted, they have this natural talent for communicating with others.
🩵Aquarius women have an otherworldly beauty to them. They look like beautiful mythical creatures. Their appearance is so unique and captivating. They also tend to have a style that stands out from the crowd in some way.
🩵Sagittarius MC/Jupiter in 10th dream of a career that can provide them freedom and opportunity. They're not meant for a traditional career at all and if they do have this type of career, it can really affect them negatively. Traveling can be prominent with this placement.
🩵Jupiter in 2nd/8th can have a lot of success with money in this lifetime. This is the creating generational wealth placement. Ofc with any placement, the sign it's in and aspects to Jupiter can be a stronger indicator of how this money comes in and how challenging the process is.
🩵Scorpio and Aquarius placements hate authority and restriction. They want to live their life their own way without anyone telling them what to do. They're the true rebels of the zodiac.
🩵Jupiter conjunct Ascendant/Jupiter in 1st can feel naturally lucky. They seem to get out of issues easily and have a very abundant and optimistic approach to life, even during times they feel like they've hit rock bottom. They don't linger in pessimism for too long because they see the bigger picture easier than most.
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harrisonarchive · 3 months
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Photo by Frank Griffin/FG-LFI, via Photoshot.
“A wonderfully complicated creature. He had a deeply spiritual side, but was also the enfant terrible. He was seriously avant-garde in his tastes, in his perception, in the way he lived his life. As a person, he’s wildly underrated.” - John Hurt, Uncut, August 2008 (x)
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I like your WoF headcanons but do you have any more unique ones cause I wanna know. Cause I like to think scavengers can learn magic but they reason many don't because when learning it it warps the body. That pre-scorching scavengers were somewhere in the industrial age because in the Guidebook during the scorching legend it said before the scorching scavengers filled the skies with smoke implying coal burning (or that's how I interpreted it).
I also like to headcanon more weather events like Tornados and the occasional hurricane taking place. Also that there are animals that we would consider extinct still being alive like mammoths, saber tooth tigers, and other extinct animals. I am trying to think of some religion for the tribes but the only thing I got rn is the Nighwings who see moonless nights as bad and evil as the moons aren't there to keep evil spirits away and when all three moons are dark their powers don't work for that time.
I love the headcanons about scavengers and the pre-Scorching time. Scavengers are so underrated by fans. There are so many ways they could be used in an interesting way in a story, even if it's mostly about dragons.
My personal favorite headcanon with scavengers is that they are the creators of dragons using animus magic. They literally live in a world where there are no creatures even similar to dragons, except for reptiles, which are the same as in our world. In general, I thought about this topic very deeply and it is worthy of a separate analysis.
I love your headcanons btw!
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steveharrington · 2 months
Have we seen Steve interacting with authority figures? I feel like we must have at some point but I can't think of any... which is maybe why I struggle to imagine what Steve and Hopper/Joyce sharing a scene might look like. I guess there's that scene with Barb's parents?
we HAVENT ‼️ hardly anyways! off the top of my head i’m fairly sure that the only adults we’ve seen steve interact with (and i define interacting by him talking to them directly or vice versa) are barb’s parents like you said, the guys he walked up to cleaning the theater marquee, and the russian general. genuinely cannot think of anyone else. isn’t that so upsetting
i wouldn’t call barb’s parents or the movie marquee guys authority figures per se, but i do think you could kinda categorize ozerov that way. at the very least, he has massive power over steve (literally has him tied up and drugged). i think it’s notable that of these instances where steve is sharing a scene with an adult, he is consistently doing some sort of repentance. cleaning up the marquee, visiting barb’s parents after she died in his backyard, and being beaten for finding the operation (which served as a larger message to steve that once again reminds him he was an Evil Little Boy). we’ve never seen steve interact with an adult to receive comfort or protection—it’s always the opposite, actually. uncomfortable at the very least, literally being tortured at the most.
i think a very underrated moment is steve threatening ozerov by saying that hopper is going to save them. i think it’s sooooo genuinely deeply sad, actually! he so confidently thought hopper (and other adults ie the us calvary) were going to come save him and robin, when actually no one even knew they were down there. if dustin and erica hadn’t saved them, literally no one would have!!!! the same protection that hopper and joyce provide the other kids/teens don’t really extend to steve and robin, which makes sense logically since they’re kinda on the outskirts. they are not their children or close friends of their children. but i think that line is so meaningful and sad because it kinda implies that steve thinks of himself as falling under that umbrella of protection, but he doesn’t :(
that’s not to say that i think hopper is canonically like “fuck steve harrington i don’t care about that kid”, but the writing in st thus far hasn’t really been dynamic enough to give us glimpses into the various ways that All these kids/teens/adults are inherently tied together after going through category 5 monster moments every half a year together. i really hope season 5 remedies that (it sounds and looks like they might?) by giving us these rare interactions between characters who have almost been killed by the exact same Creature several times but have somehow never talked. i also want so badly for someone to acknowledge that steve becomes the de facto adult when joyce and hopper aren’t around (i know mom steve jokes got annoying but they stemmed from his behavior clearly modeling that of a Parent with the kids) and maybe give us insight into how steve views himself….does he feel like an adult? would he view hopper as an authority figure, or would he almost see him as a peer and equal considering they both end up being the meat shields when it comes to fighting people and monsters? i need to know…..
i do think we’ll get at least a crumb of steve and hopper in s5, at least because david harbour and joe keery have both talked about wanting to share scenes and it would be so mean of the writers to just be like no sorry we don’t have time for a 2 second interaction in this 10 hour season LOL but we shall see <3
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extinctionstories · 1 year
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The Doomsday Book of Animals: A Natural History of Vanished Species by David Day. Viking Press, 1981
This is the first book on extinct animals I ever remember reading, and it’s still one of my favorites. I’ve yet to find another book that covers such a broad range of animals. Having been published in the 80s, there are obviously some parts that are outdated at this point, but there’s still plenty to enjoy: from the beautiful illustrations, to the inclusion of many underrated species, to the storytelling of an author who clearly feels deeply about these creatures and their disappearances. I highly recommend this one to people who want to broaden their knowledge of lost species.
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thethirdromana · 10 months
In honour of Doctor Who's 60th birthday, here are 60* things that I like about less popular** Doctor Who stories.
(*in multiple posts because I'm falling foul of the character limit)
(**IMDB rating of less than 7/10)
1. Susan is great in The Sensorites. She's at her absolute best in stories like this where she gets to be genuinely a bit alien and a bit weird.
2. "So," said someone at the BBC, "we're going to produce an allegory for different political systems, using insects. Choreographed by a mime artist. On a budget of about £2.50." The Web Planet might not entirely have succeeded, but my god, you have to love that they tried.
3. They introduced Jamie, the best companion, in The Highlanders! How is does this have less than a 7/10 rating, what is wrong with you people. It's Jamie.
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4. I applaud the utter bonkersness of The Underwater Menace, and Patrick Troughton really gives it socks.
5. The Wheel in Space is proper 60s sci-fi: Servo-Robots, x-ray lasers, radio beams! I can practically smell Penguin mass-market paperbacks thinking about it. And with the introduction of Zoe, it completes my all-time favourite TARDIS team.
6. The Dominators contains the Quarks, who are adorable. They weren't supposed to be, but it doesn't matter.
7. Zoe is still relatively new to the TARDIS, but she has heaps to do in The Krotons. Nice having a female companion who's written as smart and capable.
8. We have entered the 70s, so with Colony in Space, we get Social Issues. Especially an Evil Mining Corporation, which are always fun.
9. More Social Issues in The Mutants, but this time they're paired with big sci-fi ideas. Ancient tablets! Strange life cycles! Love how much is going on here.
10. The Time Monster is like the Eurovision of Doctor Who. Deeply silly, but what would Doctor Who be without silliness? I'm sorry about Jo's coccyx too.
11. I love that they returned to Peladon in The Monster of Peladon, especially with the 50-year time jump. I'd like to see that kind of follow-up more often.
12. Is it not cool to love K9 any more? Well, I like my Doctor Who with a dose of silliness, and The Invisible Enemy delivered that. Every time traveller needs a robot dog.
13. The design of the Seers in Underworld is excellent, I love a brass dome.
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14. Doctor Who doesn't have enough giant squidmonsters looming on the horizons. I'm glad the The Power of Kroll does something to address the deficit.
15. The Creature from the Pit gave us the line "a teaspoon and an open mind", and I appreciate it for that at least.
16. Romana wears one of her best of many splendid outfits in The Horns of Nimon.
17. I liked all the arch dialogue between the Doctor, Enlightenment and Persuasion in Four to Doomsday.
18. Heathrow airport is an underrated setting. I also appreciate how Time-Flight prominently features Concorde, making it far more 80s than they could ever have planned.
19. I don't intend this to be damning with faint praise (even though it probably sounds like it) but my favourite thing about Arc of Infinity is that we get a little jaunt through 80s Amsterdam. I do love a tram.
20. Babyfaced Martin Clunes doing his spoiled princeling thing in Snakedance is enjoyably disconcerting.
21. Terminus is tense and scary and bleak. Another one that I'd expected to be more highly rated.
22. Warriors of the Deep gives us a very solid base under siege. Silurians + Cold War is a winning combination.
23. Landing in a modern village doing a historical re-enactment in The Awakening is a witty touch.
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24. I can’t say I enjoyed the idea of the Doctor’s violent moods in The Twin Dilemma, but I have to commend it as a punchy way to introduce the new regeneration.
25. The Mark of the Rani should surely get some love just for introducing the Rani: camp, delightful, iconic.
26. Herbert turning out to be HG Wells in Timelash is a lovely twist and handled well.
27. The Trial of a Time Lord is so grand and ambitious. If the show hadn't been struggling in general at this point, it would be among the all-time greats.
28. With its colour-coded gangs and faux-urban slang, Paradise Towers is gloriously of its time in a way that currently feels quite naff, but that I suspect will be fascinating to revisit in about 30 years.  
29. Delta and the Bannermen is action-packed and has one of the best titles in 80s Who.
30. Possibly the most terrifying moment in all of Doctor Who is Kane's face melting in Dragonfire. This series is nothing if it doesn't send children running for safety behind the sofa.
31. Got to love it when Who gets aggressively anti-Thatcher, and they never did it more than in The Happiness Patrol.
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rockybloo · 9 months
I don't know if you've been asked this before but what shows or pieces of media influenced/inspired Beanstalked? I know you've mentioned Gitter and Guilt stemmed from your love of Tokyo mew mew and other cool superhero stuff (I saw those mha ocs!). But can you point to any specific shows or books that made you want to create that story in the first place, or changed it to where it is today since it's been rewritten?
I think the series at the top of the list that deeply inspired Beanstalked are Cats Don't Dance, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child, Bleach, D. Gray Man, Soul Eater, and Kingdom Hearts,
Cats Don't Dance's entire thing of being about an outcasted group of characters forcing their way into the spotlight, or basically finding their own happiness, def influenced the main motivation for a lot of the main characters in Beanstalked going against the status quo of both their stories and the depressing situation of the world they live in.
Atlantis: The Lost Empire and Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas have so many elements in them that imprinted on me as a kid. Like both movies having a crew of side characters that have very vibrant personalities that lead to them becoming sort of found families. And the latter having a villainess that quite literally is the reason I made Nevermore the way she is.
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child was basically my first exposure to fairy tale retellings with more diversity and was basically the extra motivation to make basically everyone in Beanstalked POC. And I'd say it being a series made in the 90s def impacted some of the vibes I resort to when looking for Beanstalked inspiration stuff like music instead of the expected medival fantasy.
D. Gray Man, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist and Soul Eater all had an influence on me deciding to make Marchens unique magical weapons that range from being a typical weapon like a sword to more extreme instances like a whole element or even a location. Plus them all having a large cast of characters was what led to me deciding to have a big cast for Beanstalked.
I know for certain that the Noahs and Arrancars are what made me go for having the Big Bads in Beanstalked be the typical "we sit at a big ass table and plot evil things" but with some coworker banter tossed in like they do in D. Gray Man, which remains like...the only anime where I've seen the villains poke at each other like a family (granted they kinda are but this is about Beanstalked and not a very underrated manga series so lemme refocus).
And Kingdom Hearts will always be one of my favorite vibes just because of how cool the Heartless looked as monster designs. They definitely are what made me think of how fun it'd be to make the ink monsters in Beanstalked parasitic creatures that adapt to their surroundings. And the "book rooms" in Beanstalked are greatly inspired by the opening tutorial level of Kingdom Hearts where you awake in a void on a stained glass platform.
Plus Traverse Town remains one of my favorite locations in all of gaming and is the direct influence and inspiration for Briar Patch being the hub of Beanstalked. I constantly listen to the music whenever I have to design Briar Patch stuff.
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aethon-recs · 9 months
HP Rec Fest, Day 21 ❄️
@hprecfest daily prompts running through Dec 31. Goal is to find lesser-known or underrated works, even by well-known authors, to feature here.
Day 21: A Thought-Provoking Fic
on the other side by @philolust (E, 3k, complete)
Summary: Someone abducts Harry Potter and the Dark Lord in an effort to get them to cooperate and end the war. It goes horribly wrong. Why I rec it for this prompt: This fic was so deeply moving and offered such an intriguing and emotionally rich glimpse of Voldemort's psychology and emotions and background in just 3k words. Incredibly powerful writing from beginning to end — this is definitely a fic I come back to and think about a lot.
Running list of recs:
Day 1: Favorite under 5k | Such a Noble Villain Day 2: Comfort Fic | In Somno Veritas | Ouroboros Day 3: Podfic | a taste so good (i'd die for it) Day 4: Fic with Art | A Soulmate Like You Day 5: A Non-AO3 Fic | The Anti-Midas Day 6: Unreliable Narrator Fic | Anabiosis Day 7: A Canon-Compliant Fic | In Your Soul is Sealed a Pleasure Day 8: A Canon-Divergence Fic | Thirst Day 9: A Rare Pair Fic | dust in your pocket | A Breed Apart Day 10: A Fest Fic | In Your Image Day 11: A Dark Fic | As Portioned from a Whole Day 12: A WIP Rec | Lover's Spit | Revolution of Configured Stars Day 13: A Fic >100k Words | One Year In Every Ten | if we were lovers Day 14: A Favorite Series | The Immortal Duties of Lord Voldemort Day 15: The Most Recent Bookmark | Creatures of the Dark we are Day 16: A Fic that Made You Laugh | Make a Wish | Do You Want Fries with That? Day 17: A Fic that Made You Cry | We Still Have Time Day 18: A Fairy Tale-Inspired Fic | Until Midnight Comes  Day 19: Fic with the Hottest Smut | Prison Blues Day 20: A Fic Rated 'G' | Fingers Crossed Day 21: A Thought-Provoking Fic | on the other side
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aoflameandco · 2 years
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Okay, time for another GrimmNell brainrot!
I always thought that Nelliel's centauress form is terribly underrated. Because actually... it perfectly reflects her aspect of death!
Yay, I finally found an excuse to use my Greek mythology's knowledge. See, the history knows many male centaurs, but "centaurides" were rather a rare case. Unlike their male counterparts (Chiron aside, he is cool) the female centaurs were never portrayed as violent wild characters. On the contrary, they were usually described as beautiful and gentle creatures. The most famous centauress - Hylonome - even became a symbol of eternal love.
Hylonome's story is a simple tragedy. She lost her husband Cyllarus on the battlefield, he died in her arms. Hylonome couldn't live without him, so she impaled herself on the same spear which killed her beloved.
Well, you see where it's going. Nelliel's aspect of death is Lamentation, a clear nod to losing someone and dying from grief. Kubo also portrayed Nel as a woman who is capable of both: loving deeply and fighting to protect her love. So was Hylonome - she never left her husband's side, ready to fight his enemies.
Long story short - wow, the more I study Nel's character, the bigger role "love" plays. The greek case shows an absolute mutual love between equal partners, and you just know... that's something I really wish for GrimmNell's development. They have everything for it! But this time, pls, without a tragic ending. After all, no matter how much blood Grimm will lose, he will always look in Nel's sad eyes and tease: "Stupid, you won't get rid of me so easily".
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beevean · 1 year
How about a list of your favorite villains across media?
Wouldn't really know how to rank them but I can try :P
Eggman: funnily enough, it was Colors that made me realize "huh, he's actually a pretty good villain" lmao, so thanks Colors! Full of himself, iconic style, charismatic, he will destroy an ancient civilization site to take down his enemy and then build a circus in the same game (some of the games do a bang up job of displaying his personality without words!), proof that you can be both goofy and a serious threat.
Dahlia Hawthorne: absolutely my fave AA villain <3 she's petty and not even the final murderer, yet under her "cute girl who's secretly a bitch" façade lies an actual, scary demon, who doesn't even let death stop her from spreading her utter malice. Not even after Mia beautifully lays down how she's actually a miserable pathetic creature (which she is), does her creepy factor diminish.
Annie Wilkes: yeah an odd choice maybe, but Misery is one of my favorite books and Annie has so much presence and I was legit scared of her while reading. It's almost funny how she's essentially a parody of over-the-top entitled fans, and oh boy things did not get better since the '80s :)
Griffith: what can you say about this complex, tragic piece of shit? You can see him in many ways, you can blame him or forgive him depending on how much you believe in the effects of fate, he's mostly rememebered as "that asshole who raped Casca into insanity" but the arc he went through to get to that low point is only one of the many reasons the Golden Age arc is iconic. I like to see him as a stunted manchild who longed for human contact but his only way to get it was through control :)
Azula: nowadays I think she'd be treated more sympathetically due to her being a 14 yo girl raised by a monstruous dictator, but still, she starts off as a genuinely scary threat compared to the sympathetic Zuko, and her plan to take over the Earth Kingdom is actually clever ("don't flatter yourself, you were never even a player", fucking destroyed), but by the end of Book 3 you feel nothing but pity for the scared little girl with mommy issues she actually is.
Blue Diamond: she's always been my favorite of the Diamonds, and not just because she's beautiful :P she comes off as the "nice" Diamond, especially when juxtaposed to Yellow, and she has a soothing yet intimidating aura around her. But she's actually deeply selfish and callous, literally dragging everyone in her grief - her power immobilizes you with sheer sadness, it's almost scary - and she said she loved Pink a lot but she wasn't above abusing her. I find her fascinating. (I also like Yellow a lot for the opposite reasons: she has more redeeming qualities than one might think).
Beatrice Horseman: does she count? I'll count her. I hated her guts ever since S2E1, where she calls Bojack to outright tell him "you were born broken and there's nothing you can do about it", but then S4 comes around and man, does it recontexualize all the evil she did to Bojack. Not to the point of forgiving her (although Bojack's last moment of compassion gets me), but the entire situation, from her own childhood trauma to how she coped with it, is devastating, an excellent portrayal of the cycle of abuse.
Weil: at the cost of repeating myself, he's just a spiteful monster with zero redeeming qualities (dude manipulates two babies to do his evil bidding and it doesn't even scratch the surface), fully convinced that it's his own humanity who makes him such a monster, and you want him dead so badly
(shout out to Copy X, who is more minor than Weil but I like his concept a lot and I find him pathetic in a good way, super underrated and good thing he wasn't the real X turned evil)
Dracula: started off as a homage to horror movies, became a nearly Berserk-esque figure of a dark lord fated to die at the hands of his old friend's descendants and be brought back by humanity's darkest desires. You almost feel sorry for him and how he's nearly forced to be a monster... if it wasn't for his utter selfishness and petty spite against God that were there long before he became an avatar of Chaos.
Isaac: obviously :P minor villain that he is, he's an absolute delight, both an over the top petty asshole of a simp whose motivation is simply "make Hector suffer", and a tragic victim who did not deserve to see his whole life shatter in the span of a few minutes. Again, you'd feel very badly about him, and then you remember how he dangled Rosaly's head in front of Hector. Also Liam O'Brien <3
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ferociousconscience · 10 months
#12 for Claquesous, #2 for Valjean, #23 for Javert!
Why, hello mysterious anon, who could you be? Heehee !
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character? For Claquesous - Man! I love Claquesous! He's an underrated character. He's very very cool but also deeply deeply uncool. The duality of that mysteryman, I say. Thank you for asking about Claquesous. Saving my big grand crackpot theory about Claquesous alias Le Cabuc for a particular bit of meta that me and the ever-brilliant @patron-minette have cooking up >:D But other than that, I'll ape off Anna P-M's "Catacombs" thing for him, what with his Ventriloquism and that being associated with death and Necromancy (fascinating topic btw, wowee), I think him and Babet met because Babet was poking around in the Catacombs for teeth or perhaps weird looking bones… when suddenly, one of the skulls on the wall started talking to him, chattering its jaw and speaking in a funny voice. When Babet came closer to examine it (after getting over the initial shock, naturally), A different skull started talking in a different voice, and so on and so forth before the curiosity was overwhelming for Babet and he wanted to find the puppeteer behind this little performance. This did not go well, as Claquesous is a timid creature, very jumpy. Babet had to make multiple trips and build a lot of rapport before properly meeting the "Puppetmaster", as it were. Like feeding a stray and feral cat.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? For Valjean - I love that he's so crafty. He loves to make things with his hands. I love that his specialty for so long was Jewelry, specifically bracelets. There's something poignant about a man who wore chains for so long, turning his handcuffs into something more dainty and sweet, though not without the touch of mourning that the black glass provides. I love that he crafts things for children out of coconuts, makes a shuttlecock for Cosette… And let us not forget the concealed saw in the sous coin that saved his ass in the Gorbeau ambush. It's such a nice reference to the "Country Life" he once lived, and to the fact that the convicts of Toulon could make crafts to earn a bit of money while in prison. His craftiness is often overlooked! I say he needs to be crafting and sewing more things in fanfiction. Hey, maybe he could even teach post-Seine Javert how to have a fuckin' hobby for once…!
23. Favorite picture of this character? For Javert - Alas, I've already answered this one for Javert! However I'm in a generous mood. Please accept this, a sketched over rendition of Gustave Brion's famous Javert drawing. I use it as a discord icon, lol
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polurbehr · 1 year
Coming in strong we’ve got spinosaurus. He is SO SCARY and EVIL LOOKING and he is a LOVELY BEAST. Also I don’t think those who know of this dinosaur fully grasp how giant this dude was. He was like 25 feet tall. Twice as tall as a Tyrannosaurus rex. He is five times taller than me he would eat my family I love him. Also, he was probably semi-aquatic. Pretty swag
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Next up is my best buddy the ankylosaurus. People NEVER talk about my little guy over here. He is so underrated compared to others like the triceratops, this makes him sad. GIVE HIM LOVE NOW. He is just a big ox mixed with an armadillo to me and I want one as a pet. Just a big old boulder with a spiky back and little horns and a mace for a tail. He could instantly shatter my bones but I don’t care. He’s my best friend, he’s my pal, he’s my homeboy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy
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You ever see a frog and say “damn I wonder what it would be like if that thing was almost a foot and a half long and weighed as much as my cat.” Well they used to be like that. And they were called BEELZEBUFO. Which deadass just means Devil Frog. Cool as fuck. Also they ate small dinosaurs like microraptors sometimes when they weren’t eating other tiny baby animals. It may or may not have been venomous and/or poisonous. We don’t know that much sadly. But look at this FAT FUCK I love him. Big ass frog
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AND NOW. Time for my favorite fish and prehistoric creature of all time. The man of the hour. Motherfucking COELACANTH!!!!!!!!! This fish became a “spin-off” special interest following the dinosaurs so I’m mostly just using this as an excuse to rant about him. This bad boy fooled scientists into thinking he went extinct until they were officially recorded around 1940. BUT MY BOY SURVIVED IN SECRET SINCE BEFORE THE DINOSAURS WERE HERE!!!!! OVER 400 MILLION YEARS THIS DUDE SURVIVED IT ALL!!!!!!!! And he has pretty little blue spots!!! He also has EIGHT FINS TOTAL!!! And lives in the really deep parts of the Indian Ocean and I wanna give him a little smooch because he is my best friend but alas. I cannot swim and he cannot breath air. May we meet in another lifetime in spirit, he is such a gentle soul.
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So in conclusion if you have read this far, thank you and also you should now know better than to ask me about prehistoric creatures of any kind. Yippee
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strangehunger · 1 year
angels are literally such an incredible and underrated trope. like. tools of omniscience with incredible, reality changing power, by turns impassive and deeply righteous, though never personal, able to comprehend planes and concepts that humans are not equipped to even imagine, endless in their depth....... and because like, we are just humans, that becomes such an interesting thing to map human concepts and fears onto, and because angels have been personified so long it feels like this other creature made in gods image too and the closest things to humans yet somehow also somewhere between alien and divinity..... but getting deep into the idea of a being that is capable of comprehension at a level that humans can't even imagine, and thinking about the unfathomable depth of emotion and memory they could experience..... the capacity for deep and unparalleled sadness, fury, or love........ deeelishous
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autisticandroids · 2 years
not to become a disciple or something. but do you have any media recommendations, like books/films/shows. because i like the way you think. sorry for mass rbing btw
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Smiley also knew, or thought he knew - the idea came to him now as a mild enlightenment - that Bill in turn was also very little by himself: that while his admirers - Bland, Prideaux, Alleline, Esterhase, and all the rest of the supporters' club - might find in him completeness, Bill's real trick was to use them, to live through them to complete himself; here a piece, there a piece, from their passive identities: thus disguising the fact that he was less, far less, than the sum of his apparent qualities… and finally submerging this dependence beneath an artist's arrogance, calling them the creatures of his mind…
this passage from tinker, tailor, soldier, spy is what i think of every time anyone tries to put me on a pedestal as Tumblr User Autisticandroids. like genuinely my main skill is making connections with other people and essentially propping myself up through them, though of course i don't really do it on purpose.
anyway unfortunately my taste in media isn't going to contain what you want i don't think. i'm going to give you an extremely random list of things i like. not favorites, but just stuff i enjoy.
my favorite episode of star trek: the next generation is season six episode fourteen "face of the enemy," but if you're going to actually get involved with star trek i would recommend deep space nine instead. when i want to alienate people i put on an episode of the prisoner (1967) because i love that show but it's deeply unenjoyable. i unironically think kill la kill is a great anime. the private life of plants is probably the tv series i've seen the most times.
talking to you, talking to me by the watson twins is underappreciated and contains some of my favorite pieces of music. however, the only thing i've listened to lately is the rise and fall of ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars by david bowie because it's a castiel thesis to me.
passing by nella larsen is one of my favorite books ever, and when i first read it i had this free online version where you could actually turn the pages, i think it was this version. i think speaker for the dead is wildly underrated but feel vaguely guilty about recommending orson scott card. a bad book that has brought me a lot of joy lately is absolute friends by john le carre. as a kid i really like the underland chronicles by suzanne collins. a while ago i read the three body trilogy by liu cixin and while the second one dragged and was rather poorly translated, i enjoyed the first for its creativity, classic scifi feel, and understated spookiness, and i enjoyed the third for its dark camp and comparatively strongly drawn characters. even the second had acceptable elements, but mostly because i was tickled by the fact that it reminded me a little of the futurological congress by stanislaw lem.
i just finished relistening to the white vault, a horror podcast which i like a lot but am more ambivalent about now that i know the ending (it wasn't finished the first time i listened). if you hate horror, my favorite non-fiction podcast is you're wrong about.
my favorite source for horror short stories is the scp foundation, and here are some faves.
my favorite movie is alice (1988) dir. jan svankmajer, which is an adaptation of alice in wonderland. it's very much a childhood nostalgia watch for me, unbelievable as that might seem. here's a link, but this version is in czech with english subtitles, so you might have to scout around if you want the english version. not that this movie has much dialogue. a rather eclectic selection of other movies i've liked that i just thought of in the last ten minutes is bride of re-animator (1989), x-men (2000), d.e.b.s. (2004), mirrormask (2005), isolation (2005), the host (2006), hard revenge millie (2009), black swan (2010), excision (2012), the handmaiden (2016), and swallow (2019). my movie taste is probably the closest you'll get in terms of media recs that you might enjoy based on my blog, since i hate movies and can only be tempted to watch them if they cater to me. but also big trigger warnings for some of those lmao.
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smallangstdemon · 2 years
Time to hit back: peony (because >:)), sunflower, narcissus, snapdragon
peony - do you put more value in honour or truth?
That'd be such a good theme for a novel, holy.
Truth. I'd rather live in dishonour than in a lie; I'd rather know than being deprived from a knowledge or in a world where ppl's vision of me is deeply twisted, even if it gives me more advantages. I'd also rather know I ruined someone's life by telling the truth than keeping them aboat by lying-- even if it's someone I side with. No truth are completely universal nor good to hear, but unlike honour, I believe in it. Honour is too vague for me, the only one I believe in is the basic honour, decency every human should get, and I don't believe lots of truth can actually deprive someone from the basic human decency. (Hope I make sense 😭)
sunflower - sun or moon?
You: Ahah, tricked you back with the honour/truth question!
Me: No, the tricky one is THIS ONE.
I'm just so divided.
I'm a queer pal, sapphic, was insomniac, so of course I love the moon. She's here at my favourite time of the day, she's the discrete little hand behind all the times I cried and she certainly saw most of the things I wanna hide. She's the calm figure, the motherly comfort, she's just the thing that hugs you.
But I feel like the sun is so underrated. I mean, it's the destiny of everything that is superficially loved? Everything that is loved mainstream (the sun, the hero, life etc...) is often opposed to what reprents the marginalized (the moon, the villain, death etc...) but I just feel like sun is misunderstood? Popular but suffering of such a bad characterization. I don't like heat, but there's nothing like the spring sun against my skin, and no colours can match dusk and dawn. Sun is literally life as much as he's death. It hurts to look at, it hurts to be exposed too much, but we're drawn to him in order live. I like the fact that the sun is a star and like every star, he's burning himself out in order to shine. I like characters, ideas, that are so powerful they end killing themselves. So yep, sun.
narcissus - your best physical feature?
My eyes. I can count on one hand the number of people who didn't compliment on it (minus all the blue eyed fellas). It sounds a bit full of myself, but at some point I feel it gets insulting because that's the only feature ppl compliment me about (even strangers or ppl within the five first minutes I meet them??); so, I'm glad but it's a bit tiring? Like, if I didn't have my eyes it's as if there'd be nothing to compliment in me?? But at the same time, it means I know what effects I have in general on (non-blueyed) people and everything can be a weapon 😌
snapdragon - favourite mythical creature?
One of my biggest hyperfixations as child was mythology and you ask this question? That's homophobic >:(
No for real, I have an opinion about every western creatures; yep even that one. But I think I'm drawn to everything marine related and especially mermaids.
(My horny side says Minotaur, werewolves and centaurs)
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the---hermit · 2 years
matcha: favourite book?
This question is always so hard. I usually answer with Frankenstein by Mary Shelly for the two main reasons: it descrubes very well the vibe of books I like (gothic horror being my favourite genre) and I read it in the right moment in my life. With this I mean that when I first read it I was in a mental place in which I empathized as deeply as I could have with this story. It made me feel thinga I did not think were possible for a book, and that will be forever in me. The love I feel towards this story, towards the character of the creature in particular is indescribable. It made me feel such important emotions in a moment in which I thought I could not feel anything. With this being said is this the only book with which I have a strong bond? No, of course. I could mention The Hobbit by Tolkien, one of my comfort books. The Humans by Matt Haig another comfort book of mine that is terribly underrated, adn that never fails to restore a little hope in me. I could go on. But if I have to pick just one it's probably Frankenstein for those reasons.
This was longer than expected probably. Thank you for your asks!!🌿
Send me a tea ask!!
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