#def ooc too😂
aeroplaneblues · 2 months
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There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin⛅
I won't elaborate :)
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survivoirs · 2 years
Whomst wants my discord to shoot the shit? If people are awake lol
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jrooc · 5 days
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Thank you so much to @crestfallercanyon for the tag!
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Fell into it accidentally after finding the fandom on ao3 and reading as much as I could consume before I had to write something down. Shameless for all it's glory has so many gaps in the Gallavich story that there's a lot of room for creativity.
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
Just the one. Hi, hello!
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
One whole year as of March 24
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I read a lot.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
So so so many ways. I'm better at describing a scene and letting characters sit in angst and moments. I figured out you don't have to rush your writing to add urgency to a scene. Dialogue. All the ways 😂.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Good lord so many. ABO stuff? How to become an Airline pilot? So many Google maps things. Information on guns.
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
All. of. them. Seriously there is no better feeling than getting a comment. But def when someone reacts to something - that's so fun to read even if its just an emoji or incoherent yelling. And the ones who quote lines back to me basically make my entire life.
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
ABO - felt weird to put it out there.
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Deep angst. Any story that I'm not implicitly feeling - I struggle to conjure creativity.
10. What is the easiest type?
Fun fast paced stories with a lot of ups and downs.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Bear app. Mostly when I'm out walking or running.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
A magical story - you have to create a whole universe. I'll do it one day - already putting it together in my head.
13. What made you choose your username?
It's part of my name and the ooc which stands for 'out of character' which is what I felt I was when I started to write fanfic - only to discover how in character it actually was 😂
Tagging @mybrainismelted @blue-disco-lights @sgtmickeyslaughter @ms-moonlight-inn @roryonic
@astaraels @palepinkgoat @whatthebodygraspsnot @heymacy
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xo-romiiarts · 8 months
Previous anon here, this is the one that i can share about the dj i talked before. https://poipiku.com/1550092/7864398.html
It's free but gotta follow the artist to access it. Might look dubcon-y if we only look at the pictures but after reading the conversation is relatively consensual and it's bittersweetly beautiful 😭. This one isn't much Yandere Gojo tho and he's still a sweetheart.
I agree yandere Gojo is very spicy 🤭 and it's not even ooc I guess given how feral he could be.
Ohh I know this one!! 🥹 Love this artist the style is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!! Def one of my fav flavors for them since yes I too think Gojo could fit the possesive yandere type if he was a little more unstable 😂
This artist has a similar concept dj too that really makes me cry every time I read it 🥹 there's a free version here
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forgottencillian · 5 months
OOC | Cillian &
so i thought id go ahead and put this into this kinda format so we can find it later when we inevitably can't remember details nad need a reread heehee <3
so it started w kate using the @ feature to ask when papa malconaire died...
lizzydobbs: Yes! So it was during the war that he [LORD MALCONAIRE] died. Cillian was also fighting in that same battle and was there when it happened #fun
forgotteneithne: @lizzydobbs oof... that's not traumatizing or anything for cillian...and also adds ANOTHER LAYER OF GUILT to Eithne's cake of confusion when it comes to Arthur XD
forgotteneilionora: this is why cillian cannot forgive the varmont boys...well, ONE of the reasons laksjfklsjdf omg poor eithne aklsjfkjldf arthur 'my dad killed your dad' varmont: wanna dance? ldskfjklsdjafkj
forgotteneithne: @forgotteneilionora Oh yeah both my ladies are definitely half a step away from a breakdown/existential crisis and I’m living for it 😂
forgotteneilionora: @forgotteneithne honestly if that aint the perfect place for a character idk what isssss <333333
phabblebabbles: @forgotteneilionora @lizzydobbs okay so wait now I’ve thought much too much about this and have more questions— Roderick’s sons took part in this battle, yeah? If they did…Do the Malconaire ladies know? Obviously Cillian must?! GAH ITS A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL OF DRAMA!
giadesstrin: @phabblebabbles @lizzydobbs OMG OBSESSEDDDDD so!!! Idk exactly which battles the sons personally took part in bc I feel like there were def a number raging in different places etc so this might’ve been under the command of one of the boys, or some rando general, or even if roderick himself. It’s also equally possible that all either none of the varmont or that ~all the varmont were present w each having command of a different flank or whatever so yeah! I’m open to anything! 👀 wait wait (sorry I just woke up my brain isn’t 100% working yet 😂😂😂) I think?? Somewhere??? Lizzy might’ve already answered this!!! Bc I think she said ooc to me asp that Edmund was in charge of the Varmont forces at that battle iirc? 👀 @lizzydobbs am I wildly misremembering things??? I only skim read before I’m ready to do replies so I sometimes get things wrong 😂😂😂😂 no pressure if this is one of those moments 😂😂😂😂 ok yes! I found it! In the edmund/cillian ooc lizzy suggested that perhaps it was edmund who orchestrated the battle wherein lord malconaire died!!!! AHHHHH I love itttt sfjkjfdfhh ok so idk honestly if cillian knows that honestly?? He was lord malconaires aide so he would’ve been privy to ~some info but not all and his line of sight would’ve been limited to just seeing varmont banners-he may have known that royalty was involved if he saw a personal crest? But I doubt he id’d it? just cuz I doubt he was familiar enough w varmont heraldry to know whose that was beyond like maybe ~Roderick’s himself? If such a thing exists in this world? But! If it does abd if edmund has a personal crest that he used that day and cillian saw, he is deffff searching for it but yeah obv a lot if ifs there 😂😂😂 if we do go that direction, it could be interesting if maybe all the varmont boys have similar motifs to designate that status or whatever so there could be a mistaken identity ;D
lizzydobbs: @phabblebabbles @forgotteneilionora ahhhhh I hadn't even thought that they might know edmund was in charge of that battle if they recognized his personal crest!!! b/c yeah I was thinking that edmund WAS in charge of that battle but I don't think he did a whole lot of fighting and was mostly leading from behind the lines from a strategic pov and never came across lord malconaire or cillian, himself. however, I like the idea that eventually it COULD come out and whether .. that is through cillian discovering edmund's crest OR mistaking it for one of the other varmonts and blaming them instead for it haha I'm up for either eventuality
phabblebabbles: @lizzydobbs @forgotteneilionora the OOC within the OOC is giving me life lol. That all makes total sense— I sort of assume the sisters might not realize the princes are actually active in the battle? (Which might be somewhat just turning a blind to the whole thing which honestly, who could blame them at this point? #trauma) so maybe the whole point of “oh they indirectly (or maybe directly) are the catalyst of our current terrible situation” hasn’t really hit home… yet
giadesstrin: @lizzydobbs @phabblebabbles I def agree that I don’t think rosie, at least, knows edmund had anything to do w it (at least yet 😉) but honestly that could def be a sort of willful ignorance on her part if we prefer! Rosie has a way of not seeing things she doesn’t want to until she has no choice haha but I can also see cillian playing that close to the chest re: the malconaires bc he worries for their safety if they displease the varmonts so he probs feels they’re safer if they don’t know At least until he discovers (whether correctly or not 😂😂😂) whose banner he saw. That being said he’d def share absolutely everything w the resistance—and Ciara might know who the commander was there? He might ask her abt it asp, too? @phabblebabbles omg IKRRRRRR I’ve been laughing abt the ooc within the ooc tooooo
phabblebabbles: @lizzydobbs @giadesstrin honest it’s on brand lol also just laughing at poor cillian trying to protect what’s left of his adopted family only got literally allllll the emperor’s sons to roll in. 😂 he’s probably like GOSH DARNIT JUST STAY INSIDE MALCONAIRES.
giadesstrin: @lizzydobbs @phabblebabbles cillian, in the middle of another snowpocypse but this time the varmonts got snowed in at the malconaire estate: come on, ladies, it’s time to move into the woods! Who needs houses anyway *sweating nervously*
phabblebabbles: @lizzydobbs @giadesstrin omg I’m dead poor cillian 😂😂😂😂Honestly between his war trauma, Brigit trauma, and the Varmont bros just existing its really a wonder he hasn’t had a breakdown lol
giadesstrin: @phabblebabbles @lizzydobbs honestlyyyyyy I feel like the resistance is keeping him sane rn bc it means the fight isn’t over!!! They haven’t won yet!!! There’s still more he can do but sdghjhfddg yeahhhhh he is really going through it tbqh
@forgottenedmund -- ill probs ask this in the edmund/cillian solo thread too but just in case i forget...if you think edmund ~does have a banner that cillian might've seen, what do you think the sigil is? i ask bc im 100% sure that cillian would be on the hunt for it if he saw it
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meowzfordayz · 10 months
I'm going to be honest: this is the first time I've seen your blog ever, i have no idea what or who you write for so I'm really unbiased when I say that it's so fucking cruel that you get sent hate messages over fictional characters
No one should go through that, it's nothing but cruel and honestly it makes me mad to know that that anon did this to multiple people (it's wrong for them to do it to even one person but to do it to multiple and then acting like they didn't do it because they got scared is another level)
I was a kny writer maybe a year or so ago and while I didn't write nsfw I also got backlash a lot for "making the characters too ooc" about a post where I was stating my personal hcs which in turn caused me to delete my works and take a hiatus from writing up until a month ago (i still don't write kny however - maybe I will in the future but not after what's been going on, not now) so I can with confidence say that I'm very happy that you guys could fight back when I couldnt
To be honest the messages I received were nothing in comparison to what may (who has been one of my favorite writers ever in this app for a good while) posted and it makes me really mad that people do it for fun
This got unnecessarily long but I just wanted to share that while I know words don't mean much rn you're not in any way alone, and even though I can't do anything about hate messages you guys have my respect and full support for actually doing something about the anons <3
Anon, you had me in the first half, ngl- 😆😂 I lowkey thought your Ask was going in the direction of, "It's so fucking cruel that you're calling out this anon," or, "It's so fucking cruel that you're making a big deal out of this," lololol, so I'm very grateful this went in the other direction. 😭💘
More below❣️
Ah, the dreaded "in character vs ooc" issue. 😖 While ~severely ooc writing can take me out of a story a bit (especially when it's supposedly in canon universe), I've personally never commented on the matter (unless a writer explicitly requested feedback), bc at the end of the day: who effing cares?! 😵 (obvi ppl do care lmao, but that's besides my point)
I'm sorry to hear that the backlash was enough to push you away from writing. 😓 As a writer myself, I def don't take it for granted that I've always felt secure enough to continue writing, regardless of surrounding, ongoing ~politics — writing is a love, a privilege, a gift, and I hope you feel safe returning to KNY content ~someday. 💖
How "objectively mean" a msg is doesn't determine its effect on the intended target — your feelings, pain, and fear are valid. 🖤
I appreciate the time and thought you put into your Ask, and hope your week's going well! ☀️
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I dreamt of Niigo ... an entire (short) story for them GKAKVKA I Def do play ProSeka too much huh! Hhh I haven’t finished reading last event tho and I haven’t read all the card side-stories so I’m hhhh “is this accurate”?? I recon I can proooobbsssss(????) write Niigo but the other chars (Akito and Ena’s dad briefly appeared) ,,,hh I’m so scared of going ooc GKAKVKA this is my first fanfic tho?! In a very very long time at least... 😂 lowkey i want someone to read it ... high key that’s terrifying!
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The words aren’t that relevant but Ena’s expression and Kanade in the corner def are 😂😂
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dontfeeltoohot · 3 years
I know you don’t really write for CPD, but would you ever write a soft little whump fic or sickfic for Upstead? If you’re not comfortable with either of these characters I totally get it (and honestly I write for them myself so it’s not like I would be lacking content 😂) or do you know of anyone who does write for them? You’re one of the few people I know on here who does anything Chicago related so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask.
Aw friend!!! I am SO sorry, but honestly I don’t know their characters enough to actually write them. They’d probably be super ooc. I really only no ruzek and atwater only bc I’ve watched a few funny scenes between them. And Antonio only from when he was on Fire. I really do feel bad now 😭😭 I don’t know of anyone else, I’m really sorry. If you ever have any fire prompts, or maybe something from med (working on trying to watch that show now lol), I’m here! I want to start watching PD, I’m not sure why I haven’t.
I hope you find someone who will write it though!! And I def understand the whole writing enough for yourself thing, but it’s always nice to read something you haven’t written too. I’m in the same boat haha.
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transpathfinder · 6 years
@honeybee592 yep Hawke does have a decent relationship with Varric! def not as close to the holy trio of Fenris-Aveline-Anders, but yeah he likes Varric for sure since Varric is really the only char i feel barely judges Hawke for anything, hah. being a businessman and earning money is good Hawke can work with that. he actually has a nice-ish relationship with all of DA2 crew except Sebastian lmao they just will not get along ever and the day i finally get Seb's dlc when it's on sale it's gonna be mega suffering for him while i hold my head
being called to Skyhold is sooo iffy but i think he would suck it up and go. he wouldn't actively ~enjoy~ going there but with the Breach being obvious before that and all the shit happening it would be hard to ignore too. so he goes and since i'm doing qpr ot3 now there is no way Fenris would not accompany him on this journey so he won't be alone (after making sure Bethany and the group travelling with are safe for the moment with Aveline keeping a look out for them)
the only ooc thing is what happens post-DA: I when they say Hawke travels to find the Wardens cos the moment i saw that i was like ummm i don't think... he would? he really isn't selfless and good enough cos he's way more a neutral evil char only caring about his people so DA4 will have to come out before i think about this further 😂
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