dingoat · 11 months
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A couple more palette challenge pieces from @askshivanulegacy's list of requests, and this time a couple of Jedi Masters who are helping keep life rich and interesting while Ahuska spends some time on Tython learning what's what >.>
Master Tanak'qi, a Quarf who is Ahuska's primary mentor (though Ahuska can't bring herself to refer to her as 'master' yet, because she is not actually training to be a Jedi no not at all no way), and Master Brokk Vailus, a Defel artificer and retired sentinel whose workshop and forge has been frequented by a little black fox of late.
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means1974 · 2 years
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Cantina Crowd by Ross Murray
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prasanthlakshmi · 6 months
IF To L Band Converter | defel technologies
Introducing the Defel IFL: A Next-Generation, Fully Synthesized L-Band Up and Downconverter Offering Cost-Effective IF Interface Solutions at 70/140 MHz.
Key Features of IFL 2010: ➡ IF: 70±18 MHz, 140±36 MHz  ➡ RF: 950 -2000 MHz ➡ Upconverter & Downconverter in Single 1U Chassis. Rack Mountable ➡ Input Power: Input Power: 110V-230 V AC/50 Hz ➡ Upconverter Output Power Range: 0 to -40 dBm ➡ Downconverter Input Power Range: 0 to -70 dBm ➡ Spurious: 40 dBc ➡ Humidity: 95%, Temperature: -20 to +65 º C ➡ M&C: SNMP, Ethernet, RS232/422
To learn more about IFL 2010 and how it can benefit your SATCOM operations, visit our website https://defel.in/ or contact our team today!
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maryland-officially · 10 days
why are you such a defelated shaped state? cant you pump air?
shut the fuck up I don't see you doing better anon
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ask-dindjarin · 1 year
Aside from your adventure with Grogu and the Imperials, what was your most interesting bounty?
Had to bring in a Defel once. Damn hard to track.
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arhitectul · 2 years
Argint nu mint în chihlimbar E marea neagră plânsă-n val Lumina asta cade strâmb Pământ ne cheamă sub pământ Nisip defel şï fără rost culeg.
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mdtpdsparkls · 1 year
[Kivo and the Brothers in Arms: Star wars oc]
Kivo was one of many experimental clones made during the clone wars. though Kivo was by far the most ambitious project out of all of them by the Kaminoans. Intended to act as a Kaminoan super weapon.
The Kaminoans didn't use Jango Fett's genetic sample when making Kivo but instead the sample of an anonymous Gen'Dai, an alien race well known for being one of the most powerful species. Being essentially immortal and being made up of muscle tissue that they can form into nearly any shape. The Kaminoans genetic samples from other races/Species to add onto Kivos already impressive Gen'Dai DNA. Though after Kivo was created all records of their genetic samples were erased to insure security. Kivos abilities thanks to their genetic augmentations include:
[Full list of genomes used to make Kivo and what they do]
[Gene doner |Human| Enhanced problem solving skills, Pattern recognition, enhanced reflexes, Minor force sensitivity]
[Gene doner |Gen'Dai| Hyper regeneration, Ageless, Super strength. body made out of muscle fibers they can control allowing them to shift their body into any form and grow extra limbs]
[Gene doner |Shistavanen| Super enhanced senses]
[Gene doner |Kaminoan| Super intelligence]
[Gene doner |Ysalamiri| Can dampen the powers of a force user]
[Gene doner |Geonosian| Flight via wings, wall crawling]
[Gene doner |ithorian| Sonic scream]
[Gene doner |Patrolians| Water breathing, retractable Webbed hands and feet, retractable fins]
[Gene doner |Chagrian| Complete radiation resistance]
[Gene Doner |Nexu| Infrared Vision, retractable twin whip tails, and retractable quills]
[Gene Doner |Krayt Dragon| Can spit acidic Krayt venom, Heat resistance]
[Gene doner |Wampa| Cold resistance]
[Gene doner |Gand| Can substitute breathing by absorbing energy from food intake, allowing them to survive in zero oxygen environments with a full stomach]
[Gene doner |Clawdite| Can shapeshift their body to look like any humanoid species]
[Gene doner |Zillo Beast| Can grow and retract Blaster/lightSaber proof plating on their body]
[Gene doner |Defel| Invisibility by bending light around themselves]
[Gene doner |Glottalphib| Fire breathing]
[Gene doner |Mairan| Mind reading/Memory alteration]
[Gene doner |Iktotchi| Minor Precognition]
[Gene doner |Draethos| Night vision, basic telepathic commutation]
[Gene doner |Rancor| Enhanced strength and durability]
[Gene doner |Rodian| Full infrared spectrum Vision, retractable antennas that can sense vibrations]
[Gene doner |Geonosian Queen| Can produce pheromones that can hypnotically control Geonosian drones and Geonosian brain worms]
[Gene doner |Zeltron| Can produce pheromones to make themselves appear more attractive, Can telepathically sense emotions, and implant emotions into others]
[Gene doner |Star weird| Can release a psychic scream to incapacitate targets]
[Gene doner |Tuskan| Enhanced heat resistance]
[Gene doner |Coway| Can digest poisonous foods]
[Gene doner |Epicanthix| Immunity to force based psychic intrusions such as mind reading]
[Gene doner |Houk| Enhanced muscle mass]
[Gene doner |Togruta| Extreme force sensitivity]
[Gene doner |Wookie| Retractable fur]
[Gene doner |Trandoshan| Enhanced smell]
[Gene doner |Hutt| Enhanced strength, Survivability in swampy environments, immunity to force mind tricks]
[Gene doner |Zabrak| Two hearts]
[Gene doner |Umbaran| Ultraviolet Vision, Telepathy, Mind control]
[Gene doner |Tarinna| Can steal and sustain on the bad memories of people, erasing that memory from their mind]
[Gene doner |Frost Giants| Freeze breath]
Kivo took a whole year to incubate due to his complex DNA structure and a variety of complications, but when Kivo was "Born" the Kaminoans considered them a total success, their inhibitor chip was working and there were no further complications after their body was fully formed. Though their inhibitor chip was more of a full on mind control chip, with the Kaminoans fearing Kivo might attempt to escape due to their strange genetic genome their inhibitor chip was enhanced to nearly suppress any personality or free thinking thought.
For the next five months Kivo acted as the Kaminoans secret assassin, dealing with any targets considered a danger to the Kaminoans and their cloning operations. Over the months the Kaminoans would notice Kivo acting strange and oddly aggressive at times, and eventually they would inspect Kivos inhibitor chip to see what was wrong to discover that Kivos muscle fibers were slowly digging into it and damaging it, the Kaminoans assumed Kivos body must've viewed it as a hostile foreign entity and was trying to destroy it. Kivo would be prepped for an emergency surgery to have it replaced.
Kivo was put under sedation with enough sedatives to kill a battalion worth of clones and had a bomb collar around their neck that would go off if they tried to get up, it wouldn't kill them but would hopefully decapite them so their head could grow its body back later. As the procedure began a Kaminoan surgeon sliced open the back of his neck using a Phrik scalpel that was specifically designed for this operation so they could cut through Kivos skin. The second they removed the chip Kivos eyes shot open and they grabbed the surgeon by the neck before throwing them to the other side of the room, Kivo stood up from the operating table and as soon as they did the bomb collar detonated filling the room with smoke, but to the horror of the observing scientists, the smoke cleared and revealed Kivo was only burnt by the explosion.
Kivo free from the chip's control, broke out of the facility and escaped Kamino on a shuttle craft to hide out from the Kaminoans and the eventual Republic search parties as soon as word of a clone super weapon escaping got out.
Kivo would hide out on the rocky wasteland planet Agamar until word of order 66 and the formation of the galactic empire reached them. Kivo knew that after such an event many clones would surely have deserted, especially after learning the clones would be phased out for cheaper enlisted soldiers.
Kivo would travel the galaxy (Shifting their form into a more humanoid one to avoid suspicion) and look for any possible clones who left the military, eventually coming across small bands and groups of deserters and offering them to join Kivo so they could be forever free from any empire's control. Some agreed, most didn't. But with 24 clone brothers now on their side, Kivo would return to Agamar and using his own hyper intellect would extract the clone genome from them, and using technology procured from the black market would begin their own small scale cloning operation.
Kivo would be elected the leader given their skill and experience, and Kivo along with their new clone army would form the "Brothers in Arms" a small faction that would fight for control of their own sector of space. They'd favor guerilla tactics and controlling cities and planets using puppet leaders.
With Kivos cloning operation on Agamar they decided to say screw it with the Kaminoans policy on pure genetic clones, this was only to prevent degradation with the inhibitor chips but since Kivo didn't use inhibitor chips they could be much more experimental with their work, creating multiple clone types alongside the standard ones by mixing DNA with the original Jango Fett genome. These clones are designated using a letter of the alphabet.
G-Clones: Made with the combination of geonosian DNA, giving the clone insectoid wings and the ability to crawl on any surface.
M-Clones: by pumping in extreme amounts of testosterones and muscle augmentation drugs during incubation an A-Clone will be born drastically larger than an average clone, averaging around 8-9ft tall and strong enough to smash through stone and bend steel.
D-Clones: By mixing their base DNA with Ysalamiri DNA this gives these clones the same ability of Ysalamiri to inhibit midichlorians in a force user by touching them, therefore blocking their force abilities.
W-Clones: By mixing their base DNA with Patrolian DNA these clones have purple scaly spots of skin and gills allowing them to breathe underwater. as well as webbed hands and feet.
R-Clones: some of the oddest of Kivos clones. R-Clones are made in their own specially built incubation chambers that are accommodated for their size, due to the fact they're made with the Base clone gemon mixed with Rancor DNA of all things. These clones aren't as smart as a regular clone but still significantly smarter than a Rancor. They're slightly smaller than a Rancor yet taller than an M-Clone at 12ft tall. They have the basic body shape of a Rancor, but have five evenly lengthened fingers in a more human hand-like shape as opposed to a rancors two small fingers and two giant fingers on each hand. Due to their wildly different DNA genomes their skin pigmentation can be all over the place. R-Clones obviously can't be equipped with any standard guns due to size and are instead equipped with either gigantic hammers or other appropriate melee weapons.
F-Clones: the rarest clone variant. By mixing the preserved DNA of a Jedi or other high midichlorian creature with an incubating clone, there is a 1 in 100 chance the clone will grow to have force sensitivity. This will be apparent after incubation as any cloned creature with force sensitivity will be extremely deformed and this is no different with F-Clones. F-Clones are equipped with lightsabers bought from the black market after order 66 left thousands of lightsabers in the hands of anyone that could grab them off a Jedis corpse. Most F-Clones have minimum training due to any available force master being killed off, resulting in them using archives stolen from the Jedi temple to self train themselves, this leaves most F-Clones at only the level of a Padawan or even lower, with only a very small few coming anywhere close to a Jedi knight in skill.
Kivo was made to be an ultimate lifeform by the Kaminoans but that doesn't mean he's unbeatable, far from it.
Method 1|Space| Kivo can use their Gand genetics to substitute the need to breathe by absorbing energy from food, but this only lasts as long as there's food in their stomach, so as long as they're hungry the vacuum of space will be just as dangerous as for a human.
Method 2|Crushing their head| The only part of Kivos body that isn't a mass of regenerative muscles is their head, meaning it's the only part of their body that can take any real damage, any minor damage will regenerate but serious damage like a full head smash will be fatal.
Method 3|Incineration| Kivos Gen'Dai and Krayt Dragon DNA make them nearly fire proof, but significantly hotter things like Magma can be hot enough to burn them, so if they can be submerged until all their cells are incarnated they're done for.
Method 4|Carbonite freezing| Technically won't kill them like the others but will stop them from being a threat, they're just as susceptible to being frozen in a Carbonite tank like anyone, though getting them in the tank is the tricky part so this method would best be effective if Kivo was decapitation first and their head was frozen to make sure they couldn't regenerate.
Method 5|Lightsabers| Kivo can grow Zillo Beast scales that can block lightsabers, but these are very heavy and bulky preventing them from flying or being as agile as they normally are, so they don't normally keep these on, so anyone with a lightsaber can cut through their body just like anyone else. Kivo can still regenerate from a lightsaber wound but a lightsaber is the best method of cutting their head off.
Kivo has the DNA of multiple highly force sensitive races so they can of course use the force, but since they have basically no training with it the only specialized force abilities that they have are ones given to them by the DNA of certain species.
Like the star weirds psychic scream, Zeltrons telepathy, Mairan Mind reading and memory alteration, and Iktotchi precognition.
Any force ability other than the barebone basic abilities that a force user needs training to learn just isn't available to them.
Kivo during a raid on an abandoned CIS droid factory found the blueprints for many battle droid models like the B-1 B-2 Droideka vulture droids and more. Kivo would have a droid factory constructed in their home base on Agamar to construct droids either for their own army or to sell off to other groups.
One ability that Kivo has that wasn't taken from another race but instead genetically modified by the Kaminoans was the power to absorb genetic material from other species and combain it with their own, Kivo has used this to gain powers that the Kaminoans never gave them such as the Star weirds psychic screams, the Glottalphibs fire breath, and the Ithorians sonic scream.
They do this by literally biting down onto a creature and drinking its blood.
Reference image of what they could look like I found on Google! So not my art⬇️
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viad0 · 2 years
se c ainda ajuda com pronomes em pt: poderia me ajudar a encontrar um conjunto bom baseado na palavra fel? Só consegui pensar em el/fel/fel/e (e/elu/delu/e) pq n gosto de "del" mas acho que fica confuso
o post vai ter q ser longo pq quando tento botar o “ler mais” buga tudo
dica: isso n é uma regra mas é mais fácil criar um pronome q começa com uma vogal, assim n fica difícil de pronunciar como “dfel” ficaria
Pode misturar qualquer parte desses pronomes:
(exemplo: o/ele/dele/o)
fel/elf/delf/e (quando elf/delf foi criado foi baseado em elfo, elfa, elfe, etc. mas n precisa ter esse significado sempre)
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crestlecovehq · 2 months
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@defele @bureli
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Paznicul morții din mijlocul vieții: Emil I. Suede în „Paznic de noapte”
            În ciuda faptului că m-am întâlnit și în trecut cu poezia lui E.I. Suede mărturisesc că nu am făcut-o într-un mod unitar, citind „pe apucate” versurile sale, acum, având la dispoziție volumul de poezie „Paznic de noapte” reușesc să știu ce vrea să ne spună. Fără să fiu influențată de prefața cuprinzătoare, scrisă de Carmen Theo Făgețeanu, nu mi-a luat defel mult timp să-mi dau seama…
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modalitate · 3 months
Defel nu sunt bun la fotbal. Nu am fost niciodată. La meciuri mă uit din an în Paște sau mai bine zis din Mondial în Euro. Aș putea număra pe degetele de la o mână dățile când am privit un meci cap-coadă în ultimii doi ani. Am zis-o multora înainte de meci și o să o mai zic: Euro nu e atât de mult despre talent la fotbal, cât despre motivație, determinare, curaj și dorință. Vezi Islanda și Țara Galilor la Euro 2016, Maroc la Campionatul Mondial din 2022 sau Croația la Mondialul din 2018. Când toată lumea critica naționala după egalul cu Liechtenstein, eu am zis să văd primul meci de la Euro, abia pot să comentez. Nu cred că am mai văzut un rezultat atât de bun al naționalei din 2013, 3-0 contra Ungariei. Motivația și determinarea pot bate talentele. Poate că Euro pregătește noi surprize, poate că noi vom fi una dintre ele.
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jurnaldebucovina · 7 months
Dragoş Huţuleac: "Urăsc trezitul de dimineață și absolut orice activitate care începe înainte de ora nouă"
Cunoști momentul acela de dimineață când te trezești, iar singurul tău gând este acela de a te întoarce înapoi în pat? …și eu îl cunosc! Mă lupt cu el de la naștere și nu-mi pare defel că, în urma atâtor bătălii, aș fi devenit mai puternic sau mai călit. O fi de vină și genetica, pentru că eu sunt un leneș născut, nu făcut. Urăsc trezitul de dimineață și absolut orice activitate care începe…
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prasanthlakshmi · 8 months
Introducing the advanced LNB power supply unit by defel technologies.
🛰️ Hey SATCOM FRIENDS 📡, we are happy to introduce our latest innovation in power supply technology. that is the LNB power supply 🚀 we are excited to share that the LNB power supply is super suits to satellite communication.
Here are more details of LNB POWER SUPPLY:
18V/1A Fixed Output Voltage Power Supply
with Dual redundant and Auto Switch Feature. The unit is a 1U height shelf rack mountable.
Input Power: 110V-230 V AC/50 Hz
PSU: Dual redundant.
Chassis: Aluminum 6082-T6
Environmental: EMI/EMC (MIL 461-E) and Vibration Qualified
Humidity: 95%
At Defel Technologies, our main motto is 100% quality And we are giving 100% satisfaction to our clients.
Please hit for more details https://defel.in/lnb-power-supply/
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fara-posts · 1 year
Vizionează „Julio Iglesias & Natasha St Pier, Julie Zenatti - Il faut toujours un perdant” pe YouTube
Meriți o iubire care vrea să danseze cu tine,
că găsești raiul de fiecare dată când se uită în ochii tăi
și nu te săturați să vă citiți expresiile.
Meriți o iubire care să te asculte când cânți,
[09.07, 14:47] Ioana: Ce ai sacrifica pentru mine ?e o ntrebare ...raspunsul e la tine...si adevarul ,lumina si iubirea sta in acel raspuns la care sincer ...nu stiu cine va raspunde asa cum mi as dori si simt ...cam asa iubesc eu...in fine....
[09.07, 14:51] Ioana: De la acesta afirmatie ...stii tu cum iubesc eu ...pamantul e rotund dar eu ma nvart doar dupa tine...si nu mi mai aflu locul defel ...stii tu,cum iubesc eu....sagalnic tu....cum?....si unde ,Doamne mi o fi capul ,si spune mi ce i cu mine...Eu...doar te iubesc...stii tu unde mi e inima ...in fine....Ireal ca o tornada ...din ce in ce mai....alert ...cu sunet de cascada....pasii tai ...ma uimesc...ii presimt inainte de a fi ...in are miroase a tine te iau si te las ca n trezvii...si stau de vorba cu tine ca si cum buzele tale ar fi...cel mai de pret lucru din lume,odor si te iubesc...vreau s o simti si s o stii....ochii mei ..aurii ...intalnira rubine n albastrul ochilor tai,sidefii...mi e teama ca far....de tine ...nu mai sunt eu ...nu mi.e teama c as fi ...cu tine incepe o lume,cu.tine o sa sting vesnicii si daca ...putin m.ai chema ...fi sigur ca eu voi veni...
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toysfromheaven · 2 years
(VA anon)
{Now I want to defenestrate myself.}
[Star tilts their head.] D-Defelate?
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pisicadefum · 2 years
Inauntru e mai mult soare decât afara.
Prima ieșire cu R, după ce m-am prefăcut că nu m-a interesat defel perioada lui de dispariție.
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