#defund line 3
phoenixyfriend · 3 months
The Shift in America's Support of Israel as of 3/25/24
Okay, so there have been three specific incidents recently that I'd like to cover for you guys.
Chuck Schumer's speech calling for a new election in Israel, which I have spoken about here and here. (3/14/24)
Congress voting to ban UNRWA funding until 2025, which I've seen a lot of people talking about, but often without an actual understanding of what the situation actually is. (It's bad, but it's not the same type of bad as people think.) (3/24/24)
The US abstaining from a UN Security Council vote, which is effectively voting against Israel when they have thus far been the only ones to use veto power in this manner. (3/25/24)
I'm not going to go into detail about Schumer, since I've already covered it. tldr: it's a very specifically worded speech that does not explicitly threaten Israel, but if you do even the slightest bit of reading between the lines, that is absolutely what is happening.
Also, before I move forward: the US may not be donating to UNRWA for the rest of the fiscal year, but you can. They have direct donation links.
UNRWA funding has been on hold for a while, but this is... complicated. Not morally, because UNRWA does need funding and to defund it is truly unconscionable, but many of the "Biden signed it into law" posts are approaching it with this implied message that UNRWA would have funding if not for Biden signing it.
Except that isn't really how the US government works. Especially this government.
Funding for 2024 was supposed to be passed months ago. We are on the verge of another government shutdown. UNRWA funding is not on the table until the House swings blue. I hate to be the one to say this, but it's... like, it's not something I can change alone. I know you're tired of hearing it, but voting in November is the key to fixing a whole lot of problems.
One of the core duties of Congress is passing budgets. For those budgets to pass, they need to be approved by the House (Republican Majority), the Senate (Democrat Majority), and the President. The reason it has taken five months to pass a yearly budget (the deadline iirc was September or October) is because anything approved by one chamber is shot down by the other.
UNRWA's de-funding is tied to Ukraine funding (and a few other things). Biden refusing to sign would not have brought back UNRWA funding. The funding is already on hold. We do not have the votes to bring it back. We just straight up do not have enough seats in the House to make that happen. Biden refusing to sign would have resulted in both UNRWA and Ukraine not having funding, indefinitely. Signing it resulted in one of the two getting funding.
This is not a situation where funding was approved and now cut. This is not a situation where money was already flowing to UNRWA. This is a situation where money wasn't going anywhere, because Congress is a split shitshow.
Think of it like this: Funding is water coming from a spigot. Congress can turn it on or off, and it's currently off. Biden can smack away the hand coming to twist the valve, but he can't touch the valve himself. That's what the presidential veto is. Unfortunately, the spigot is already off, and Biden can't twist it back on when Congress isn't already reaching to do so.
Is this bad? Yes! UNRWA's funding should never have been cut! We should still be very, very upset about this! But I need you to understand that the way the US government works is not a dictatorship. Biden cannot just overrule Congress, especially when we're on the verge of another shutdown.
I do not think it is fair or even really acceptable that UNRWA's funding was viewed as an appropriate point of compromise. I'm just, unfortunately, also aware that this particular legislation is a tug-of-war that was never going to end with funding going to Palestine, not with the current Republican control of the House.
"But Biden sent money to Israel a bunch of times--" Yeah, and he's paying for it in the polls. He's aware that people are pissed at him. That choice is already biting him in the ass.
Biden is not perfect and I am never going to claim he is, but please recognize that the UNRWA funding pull is not a current action. It is a past action that is now being sustained because the House is red. You want to bring back UNRWA funding? Get rid of Marjorie Taylor Green and her entire cohort.
The other reason I'm less than eager to view that UNRWA thing as Biden being pro-Israel is because the US has finally abstained on a UN vote instead of vetoing.
When the US has been the only voice on Israel's side in the Security Council this whole time, abstention is functionally voting against them. We already knew that 13-14 of the other 14 members were going to vote pro-ceasefire. They have been this entire time. The US abstaining is functionally agreeing.
Why did the US not just vote for the ceasefire, then? No idea. Might be a treaty thing. I don't really need to know, because the result is that the UN Security Council has finally passed a measure against Israel, and those things are legally binding, and we know it's a big step because Israel's government is not happy.
When paired with the Schumer speech from a week and a half ago, it indicates a major shift in US foreign policy.
From the Al Jazeera article:
The US had repeatedly blocked Security Council resolutions that put pressure on Israel but has increasingly shown frustration with its ally as civilian casualties mount and the UN warns of impending famine in Gaza. Speaking after the vote, US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield blamed Hamas for the delay in passing a ceasefire resolution. “We did not agree with everything with the resolution,” which she said was the reason why the US abstained. “Certain key edits were ignored, including our request to add a condemnation of Hamas,” Thomas-Greenfield said. [...] The White House said the final resolution did not have language the US considers essential and its abstention does not represent a shift in policy. But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said the US failure to veto the resolution is a “clear retreat” from its previous position and would hurt war efforts against Hamas as well as efforts to release Israeli captives held in Gaza.
This action has also resulted in Israel pulling plans for "a high-level delegation" to visit the US for discussions on the invasion of Rafah (which Biden has purportedly been warning against for a while).
“We’re very disappointed that they won’t be coming to Washington, DC, to allow us to have a fulsome conversation with them about viable alternatives to them going in on the ground in Rafah,” [John] Kirby told reporters. [...] Last week, Netanyahu promised to defy US appeals and expand Israel’s military campaign to Rafah even without its ally’s support.
There are other complications and details here, such as that the resolution does not call for a permanent ceasefire, and that US tensions with Russia and China are still somehow playing a role in the negotiations over the ceasefire text, but ultimately...
The US abstaining is a good thing. Schumer's speech is a good thing. They are not enough, but they are good things. They are steps forward.
The pull of funding from UNRWA is not a good thing. It is, in fact, a very, very bad thing. It just also looks a lot like it was unavoidable.
So call your reps, and vote come November. It's a long slog and we all know it, but we can't make change without dedication.
To support my blogging so I can move out of my parents’ house, I do have a ko-fi. Alternately, you can donate to one of the charities I list in this post.
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contemplatingoutlander · 11 months
This Salon article by Ian Hanley-Lopez is well worth taking the time to read. Although it was written in Dec. 2013--BEFORE the age of Trump, it was prescient of the continued trajectory of the Republican Party towards a white nationalist agenda. The article describes:
How the indirect racist messaging of "dog whistle politics" began with George Wallace, using the language of being opposed to "arrogant federal authority," and being for "states’ rights," "law and order, running your own schools, [and] protecting property rights." Even though Wallace was a Southern Democrat (and later an Independent) the "dog whistle" strategies he employed were later appropriated by the GOP in the "Southern Strategy."
How the GOP's "Southern Strategy" slowly developed in the 1960s, when Goldwater began to push “states’ rights,” as well as “freedom of association." This strategy over time helped the Republican Party begin to appeal to those white voters who still held overt or covert racial prejudices.
How Kennedy and Johnson, by promoting civil rights legislation, turned the Democrats into the party identified with championing the civil rights of marginalized racial and ethnic groups.
How Richard Nixon fully embraced the "Southern Strategy," through his messaging of being for "law and order," and against the "forced busing" of children (to integrate public schools). As he gradually adopted this strategy, Nixon also turned against one of his own administration's earlier policies (developed by George Romney), which Nixon later derided as the "forced integration of the suburbs."
How, according to Hanley-Lopez, these changes in the racial strategies and policies of the diverging Republican and Democratic parties in the 1960s/early 1970s contributed to "the rise of racially identified parties," with a majority of white voters shifting to the GOP (which became "in fact, though not in name, the White Man's Party"), and the Democratic Party being associated with racial and ethnic minorities (as well as a smaller proportion of white voters, i.e., well-educated whites, especially white women). [color emphasis of terms, quotes added]
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Echoes of Nixon's 1968 campaign ad in one of Trump's 2020 campaign ads
Hanley-Lopez mentions a 1968 Nixon campaign ad that focused on "exploiting the growing panic that equated social protest with social chaos." Above is the video of that 1968 ad: "The First Civil Right." Below is a transcript of the video:
TRANSCRIPT* (Music with snare drum and dissonant piano chords) MALE NARRATOR**: It is time for an honest look at the problem of order in the United States. Dissent is a necessary ingredient of change, but in a system of government that provides for peaceful change, there is no cause that justifies resort to violence. Let us recognize that the first civil right of every American is to be free from domestic violence. So I pledge to you, we shall have order in the United States. [TEXT: THIS TIME VOTE LIKE YOUR WHOLE WORLD DEPENDED ON IT. . .NIXON] [Color/ emphasis added.]
This 1968 Nixon campaign ad is eerily like at least one Trump 2020 campaign ad, "Abolished," which used some out of context video footage in order to exploit the fears of many white conservative voters regarding the Black Lives Matter protests and the poorly worded "Defund the Police" slogan.
Below is a transcript of the Trump campaign's 2020 "Abolished" video.
TRANSCRIPT*** [ Phone ringing/ Answering machine beeping/ background music. ] AUTOMATED FEMALE VOICE: You have reached the 911 police emergency line. Due to defunding of the police department, we're sorry but no one is here to take your call. If you're calling to report a rape, please press 1. To report a murder, press 2. To report a home invasion, press 3. For all other crimes, leave your name and number and someone will get back to you. Our estimated wait time is currently five days. Goodbye. [ TEXT: Joe Biden's supporters are fighting to defund police departments. Fox News, 6/6/20 | Violent crime has exploded. ABC News, 6/24/20 | You won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America. | TRUMP   PENCE   KEEP AMERICA GREAT   20 ] TRUMP: I'm Donald J. Trump and I approve this message. [Color/ emphasis added.]
In conclusion, the barely covert racism in the GOP's political messaging that was so prominent during Trump's administration, and currently in the DeSantis Florida administration (among other GOP administrations) was not new. It was deliberately fostered by Republicans, starting in the 1960s, as they deployed their "Southern Strategy" to woo white voters who still had some overt or covert racial prejudices. The "Southern Strategy" relied on Republicans incorporating into their messaging strategies the kind of covert racist messaging that George Wallace used.
This strategy has unfortunately succeeded all too well.
______________ *Transcript source (before layout changes/ edits) of the 1968 Nixon campaign's ad "The First Civil Right,"(alternatively called "Law and Order"): Museum of the Moving Image, The Living Room Candidate: Presidential Campaign Commercials 1952-2012. **Note that the "male narrator" sounds a lot like Nixon (at least to me). ***The transcript of the Trump campaign's 2020 "Abolished" ad is based on the English auto-generated YouTube transcript, as well as the video text and sounds/music.
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mitigatedchaos · 3 days
"It just comes from the warehouse"
So regarding, "It just comes from the warehouse," I have noticed this trend.
However, in my opinion, this is partly the result of what I'll call Capitalism 1 vs Capitalism 2.
Capitalism 1 - The company makes a product which you want to buy. They advertise to let you know that they have this product at a good price. They then sell you this product for money.
Capitalism 2 - The company tries to suck money out of your wallet during every lapse in attention you have. They make call center workers try to talk you out of cancelling your subscription, and you can only call to cancel between 2:30 PM and 3:30 PM on Wednesdays.
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So management might come through and defund the warehouse, and now the warehouse is playing forklift ping pong with the packages. This is not something to be proud of. No one wants to defend this.
What "It just comes from the warehouse" guy is saying is that, "Even if you can't trust management, you can trust me. I won't lie to you on behalf of the company." If the warehouse is a juggling contest and the employee doesn't have the authority to fix the problem, this may actually be the good customer service.
If he doesn't have the authority to fix it, and doesn't know who does, at least he's not wasting more of the customer's time and resources.
In this situation, the customer can trust at least one layer of the company not to lie to him.
It's possible to do worse. For example, if the front-line employees are punished for the warehouse's screw-ups which they have no control over, then they have a much stronger incentive to just outright lie to the customer.
To get the desired attitude, you need at least two things.
First, the front-line employee has to be given the power to solve the problem. This will get you to, "That looks pretty damaged. Take it over to Debra at the repair desk and she'll look at it for you."
Second, the deeper parts of the company like the warehouse, manufacturing, support, and so on have to be of good quality, so that a crushed package arriving is unusual and not the default, and the employees feel they can rely on the rest of the company. If the packages are just always arriving crushed half the time no matter what the front-line employees say, it's demoralizing.
Then, once you have that, you can give the explicit instruction to "speak on behalf of the company" and have it actually followed. You probably will have to give that instruction these days.
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mercy-and-mon · 7 months
[Porygon transfer] - around 3 years worth of your salary , a note was left from an anonmynous source.
[It would be hypothetically be illegal, to give you this straight from the police. Luckily this is purely my own money that I made from streaming. I would never defund the police that would be illegal and immoral. Just one weedle evo line appreciator to another, you deserve this. Treat yourself]
... Holy shit. Oh truth and ideals. Thank you, really. I think I owe a life debt now.
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inkydreamzart · 6 months
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why do you make art?  is what you make honest and true to your beliefs and values?  does your art center, or distract?  These are a few questions I’m thinking on after attending an artist teach-in for Pal3stin3 yesterday.  
I’ve been sitting with current events and processing a lot lately.  We are out here watching whole human beings being mass bombed and murdered every day, because the powers that be are fine with sacrificing entire family lines and destroying history and cultures for oil and land.  It’s soul-crushing.  The islamaphobia, orientalism, and casual anti-asian hate I’m seeing people in my life share on social media, is also soul-crushing.  as william faulkner once said, and as all my professors have always said, the past is never really past.  
when i see all this, i feel consumed by horror, and disgust, and anger. when i see our government continue to murder Indigenous people like it always has, it’s still jarring witnessing what has always happened, happen again.  Hearing my partner’s refugee family stories, and watching more people become refugees, is terrible.  I don’t understand why Pal3stinians need to do so much to prove their worth and humanity to others, and am equally freaked out how videos of their struggles are not enough for some to care.  But watching the homies continue to make art, share stories, share information, and build community through protests + teach ins, reminds me that people have always been fighting oppression, and always will– the past of our resistance continues to the now. I make what I make because it’s useless to just sit with my feelings and the facts, and take them nowhere.  I would also rather die than make dishonest work.  I hope that if I keep writing and posting about this, that you dear friends, will consider how much power your individual and group actions can have towards creating a world we can all live in.  Your feelings right now are important– they’re motivation to do something.  It’s a privilege that we’re able to sit with them.  If you’re unsure of what to do and are feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry–  I’ve got a list of things you can do right here.  
1) you can learn more!  If you don’t feel well informed enough to be sure that your actions match your intentions, you can check out @palestinianfeministcollective, or @bayareapym to sign up for a teach-in session with organizers and academics. You can also check out the readings & educational resources they have linked in their bios.  Ethnic studies and Feminist studies scholars from around the world have a lot of great stuff to say on these pages.
2) you can attend protests, and share info on protests!  @JVPLA is the LA branch of Jewish Voice for Peace, a great org that has been leading huge c3as3fir3 protests all around the world.  @bayareapym is also another great page to check out for protest information and political education.  If you are located near a school or university, you can also check out its branch of SJP (for example, @ucsbSJP), or students for justice in pal3stin3.  JVP, SJP, and PYM all have local branches all over the place, so see if your town or city has a branch you can get together with!  USCPR is also a great org that’s working to end US military support to 1sra3l.  Our elected officials are ignoring us when we ask politely for them to stop murdering, so going out and protesting will help make sure they hear us and actually represent our values and beliefs.  
3) if you don’t have money or time, there is also the power of boycotting!  Never underestimate the power of a “no”.  Check out the next slide to see how boycotts work to help defund the war machine, and save lives. Art credit for slide 2 goes to Mona Challabi.  Withholding your time and money from corporations that are willing to sacrifice people’s lives for resources will teach them through boycotts, that people are not down for mass murder for the sake of material wealth.  I definitely don’t want my tax or spending money going towards killing random people. if I can help it, I will make sure my money goes somewhere it will do good.
4) email or call your elected officials to tell them directly that the people want an immediate c3as3fir3!  Check out @woketeachers for info on what numbers to call, and some scripts if you need help figuring out how to voice your demands.  You can even use those phone scripts as a template for emailing your elected officials– I like to use it as a little outline before expanding it into a longer message.
Anyways, there are four powerful ways to take action instead of stewing directionless in feelings.  Please do something– your voice matters.
(photo credit from @/eye.on.palestine of a father saying goodbye to his child who was murdered by the occupation)
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 10 months
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Mike Luckovich
* * * *
August 31, 2023
The Biden administration emphasized today its whole-of-government response to addressing the damage caused by Hurricane Idalia—which hit Florida yesterday before moving north into Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina—and by the wildfires in Maui, Hawaii, which broke out on August 8. Idalia, which made landfall as a Category 3 hurricane, brought 125-mile-an-hour winds and intense flooding that have left at least three people dead. The Maui wildfires, at least one of which was apparently started by a downed electric line, have killed at least 115 people and destroyed more than 2,000 buildings.
Biden and Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas visited the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) headquarters in Washington, D.C., today, and Biden later spoke at the White House, explaining that he had spoken with the governors of all the states affected by the hurricane before the storm hit. He had approved Florida governor Ron DeSantis’s request for an early emergency declaration to free up federal funds to address the expected impacts of the storm, and federal officers surged personnel to Florida and other southeastern states to help people get to safety. 
Biden emphasized that the government was also focused on recovering and rebuilding efforts in Maui, promising to respect and honor Hawaiian traditions and the needs of the local community—a deep concern among those affected by the fires. “We’re not going to turn this into a new land grab,” he said. 
In addition to the $27 million dedicated to the removal of hazardous material and the $400 million dedicated to debris removal in Hawaii, Biden announced that the administration has dedicated $95 million of the funds from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act to harden the electrical grid against climate change by burying cables or installing smart meters to pinpoint where lines are down.
“I don’t think anybody can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore,” Biden said. “Just look around: historic floods—I mean historic floods; more intense droughts; extreme heat; significant wildfires have caused significant damage like we’ve never seen before. It’s not only throughout the Hawaiian Islands and the United States, but in Canada and other parts of the world.”
“When I took office,” he said, “I directed my team to raise our game in how we lead and coordinate our responses to natural disasters…to ensure we [meet] the people where they are when they need our help the most.” 
At FEMA headquarters, Biden profusely thanked the FEMA employees for their “incredible contribution” to the recovery efforts. He noted that the past few years have kept FEMA going from one emergency to the next, and he thanked them for their sacrifices and the risks emergency personnel take to help our communities when they need it. 
With extremist House Republicans threatening to defund the government unless their demands are met, Biden called on Congress to make sure it provides “the funds to be able to continue to show up and meet the needs of the American people to deal with immediate crises that we’re facing right now, as well as the long-term commitments that we have to make to finish the job in Maui and elsewhere.”
When a reporter asked if he could “assure Americans that the federal government is going to have the emergency funding that they need to get through this hurricane season,” Biden answered, “If I can’t do that, I’m going to point out why…. And so, I’m confident, even though there’s a lot of talk from some of our friends up on the Hill about the cost, we got to do it. This is the United States of America.”
The House Oversight and Accountability Committee, chaired by Republican James Comer of Kentucky, announced this week it will investigate the federal response to the Maui wildfires. Biden said yesterday he welcomes such an investigation, suggesting that House Republicans “should go out and talk to every elected official, from the mayors to the governors to the United States senators” who have praised the government’s response. 
Biden’s use of the government contrasts sharply with former president Trump’s promise to turn the government into an agent of retribution for those he perceives as his enemies. On Tuesday, right-wing radio host Glenn Beck asked him if he would use the presidency to imprison his political opponents if he were reelected. “You said in 2016, you know, ‘lock her up.’ And then when you became president, you said, ‘We don’t do that in America.’ That’s just not the right thing to do. That’s what they’re doing. Do you regret not locking her up? And if you’re president again, will you lock people up?” 
Trump replied: “[T]he answer is you have no choice because they’re doing it to us.”
Trump’s legal troubles have sparked an outpouring of violent talk from him, but it is simply an escalation of the theme he staked out at his first campaign rally in March 2023, held in Waco, Texas, a spot that is a rallying cry for those of his base who believe the government is oppressing them. There, Trump told his supporters: "I am your warrior, I am your justice…. For those who have been wronged and betrayed…I am your retribution."
Trump promises retribution and power for those MAGA Republicans determined to impose their will on the majority of Americans, like those cheering on Alabama attorney general Steve Marshall, who claimed in a court filing on Monday that Alabama, which has one of the strictest abortion bans in the country, can prosecute people who help women travel out of the state to obtain an abortion as part of a “criminal conspiracy.” 
Today’s Republicans have abandoned the Reagan-era Republican plan to gut the federal government and are instead determined to capture it, replacing nonpartisan civil servants with Republican extremists who will carry out the ideals of Trump or any candidate like him who can defeat Biden in 2024. Their nearly-1,000-page plan, called “Project 2025,” calls for politicizing the Department of Justice and law enforcement officers and giving far more power to the president.    
Today, Trump waived his right to appear at his arraignment in Fulton County on racketeering charges for his effort to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, and entered a plea of not guilty.
Also today, Supreme Court justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas filed their annual financial disclosure report after receiving an extension from the May deadline. Thomas’s report included three gifts of transportation from megadonor Harlan Crow and two of meals and lodging from Crow when Thomas was his guest. Thomas defended his previous omission of such gifts by saying the omission was inadvertent, as he had used old guidelines that were changed only in March 2023 (in fact, ethics experts say he should have disclosed the previous gifts at the time).
Thomas also suggested he needed to travel on private planes because “the increased security risk following the Dobbs opinion leak” meant that his “security detail recommended noncommercial travel whenever possible.”
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vampacidic · 1 year
watching a video about hello fresh being shit etc and the opening sequence has this and like
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god. so much here. do you think my reaction as an autistic individual to the first line is going to be ‘lol they’re joking’. do you think i’m a baby that needs all information spelled out to me because i lack critical thought. what the fuck does /pa even mean. it’s passive aggressive isn’t it. i KNOW it’s passive aggressive i can fucking ??? read ???????? i am not 3 years old. also what’s with the /p in the corner do you think i’m going to take this romantically huh. is ‘we are living the effects of a defunded education system in the united states’ going to be taken romantically. huh. huh. good fucking lord talk to an autistic person lmao
i want so badly to be one of these youtube leftists. to agree with them even. but so much of today’s concept of ‘acceptance’ is just watering down language and creating new words that end up with the same connotation as the last one and then getting mad that this happened (ie look at queer -> lgbt. same definition. still hated by conservatives. but now we have leftists complaining about the use of ‘queer’). also i hate tone tags
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mariacallous · 1 year
As Chicagoans went to the polls on Tuesday, early signs pointed to a narrow victory for Paul Vallas, the former head of the city’s public school system and noted educational reformer, over Brandon Johnson, a former social studies teacher turned organizer for the Chicago Teachers Union. Vallas led in the pre-election polls by an average of 3 percentage points, a margin that widened to 6 points when undecided voters were asked whether they leaned toward a candidate. A higher share of Vallas’s supporters said that they were certain to cast their ballots, and more of Johnson’s said that they might change their minds about their choice. Vallas enjoyed a strong lead among voters 60 and older, who are the most likely to vote of all age cohorts, while Johnson was doing best among those 30 and younger, who are typically the least likely to participate.
The ideological battle lines were clearly drawn. Vallas ran as a moderate, Johnson as an unabashed progressive. Johnson wanted to raise taxes on businesses, visitors of Chicago, and wealthy individuals to fund new social programs, while Vallas advocated fiscal restraint. The centerpiece of Vallas’s campaign was a pledge to crack down on violent crime. By contrast, Johnson expressed early sympathy (some would say support) for the “defund the police” movement that erupted after the murder of George Floyd before moderating his position. Not surprisingly, Vallas enjoyed the fervent backing of Chicago’s police union.
When incumbent mayor Rahm Emanuel ran for reelection in 2015, he also faced a progressive candidate, Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, leading some observers to draw parallels between then and now. But these elections differ in two key respects. First: because there was no Black candidate in the 2015 race, the Black vote was up for grabs, and Emanuel won it by a margin of 58 to 42. He also won the white vote by 2 to 1 while Garcia prevailed among Hispanics by a similar margin. This year, Brandon Johnson, a Black candidate with strong community roots, is receiving more than 70 percent support in this key constituency, while Vallas is outpolling Johnson among Hispanics. (Although Vallas is of Greek extraction, his last name — which means “fences” in Spanish — has led some Hispanics to believe that he is one of them.)
The second difference between 2015 and today: eight years ago, no single issue dominated the race, and the electorate was almost equally split among the economy, city finances, education, and crime as its chief concern. This year, violent crime dwarfed all other considerations, and the outcome of the race would be seen as a referendum on the candidates’ competing plans for addressing it.
It is the centrality of voters’ concerns about crime that gave this local contest national implications. A Vallas victory would have reinforced the tough on crime message that the election of Eric Adams in New York City had sent. If Johnson prevailed, his supporters would be able to argue that only a strong progressive message could bring young people and disaffected minority voters to the polls in large enough numbers to overcome those who wanted to intensify the use of tough, racially tinged methods against street-level criminals — and more broadly, to give progressives a chance to prevail over what they regard as the defenders of the status quo.
To the surprise of many veteran observers, this is exactly what happened. With 90,000 absentee ballots still to be counted, Johnson led by a margin of 15,000 votes out of more than 550,000 cast. And because Johnson was receiving nearly 70% of the absentee vote, Vallas already has conceded the race.
Although exit polls are not yet available, preliminary results from Chicago’s 50 wards paint a clear picture. Johnson racked up nearly 80% of the Black vote on Chicago’s South Side and ran strongly among white liberals on the Lakefront. Vallas prevailed in the mostly white working-class wards in the Northwest and Southwest sections of the city, but his margins were not large enough to overcome Johnson’s margins elsewhere. With no Hispanic candidate on the ballot, turnout in the Hispanic-majority wards was reportedly anemic. Overall turnout, though, was higher than usual, which the Johnson campaign attributes in part to a surge among younger voters. We do not yet have enough information to confirm this assessment.
With a strong boost from the Chicago Teachers Union, which has become a dynamo of progressive policies and organizing in the Windy City, Johnson has an opportunity to advance his progressive agenda and become a trendsetter for other cities. Of course, governance always is more complicated than winning elections. The former will require policy approvals from the City Council and tax increases staunchly opposed by the business community to fund his proposed boost in social spending. How he deals with crime increases, underperforming schools, shaky city finances, and a divided Democrat party will determine how successful he is. Against the backdrop of the presidential campaign and national battles for control of Congress, next year won’t be dull.
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dhaaruni · 2 years
That interview got me thinking, but in the opposite direction. If something as milquetoast Obama's Trayvon speech is enough to tip an "average" voter over to Repubs, it only goes to show that voters will inevitably coalesce around conservatives every 4-8 years no matter what the Dems do. Deep down, nothing short of reviving Jim Crow will please those people.
Well to be fair, Obama saying Trayvon Martin could have been his son wasn’t seen as milquetoast, it was seen as radical and unprecedented, and I even agree with that tweet which said it was one of the top political utterances in American history. Watch the clip again, and look at his face as he speaks. Obama’s a very intelligent man, and he instantly realizes the significance of what he just said along with every white person in America, even if many of them refuse to admit it.
Barack Obama was elected as a post-racial president so to speak like a whole lot of white people saw his presidency as a “look racism is over!!!” statement. They regarded Obama as not like those “other” Black people, which is racist in itself, and by his saying Trayvon Martin could have been his son and publicly positioning himself as a Black man in America, which he always has been, the lines were drawn in the sand. I’ve read that people explicitly said that if Obama had said this prior to the 2012 election, they’d have switched their vote to Romney.
So yes, the statement might seem milquetoast to our 2022 liberal eyes, but to millions of Americans, it was an immediate threat to them and their way of life. The median American voter isn’t socially progressive and racially enlightened, and maybe you’re right that a nonzero amount of them want to bring back Jim Crow, but we don’t really have a choice except to win enough moderate swing voters to retain Congressional majorities and win the electoral college. Due to gerrymandering, there are a whole lot of ~R+3 districts floating around, but Democrats can’t win those districts unless it’s a midterm with a Republican president, while Republicans can hold D+5 districts even when Biden wins the popular vote by 7 million at the top of the ballot, and that’s because of swing voters pulling the lever for Republicans the moment anything feels remotely threatening to their sensibilities.
That’s exactly what happened in 2020: after George Floyd was killed, and especially after Jacob Blake was paralyzed and protesters built CHAZ in Seattle, Republicans quickly realized they could use the looting and rioting and “defund the police” sloganeering to win back the suburbs and it worked. The electoral college was decided by <43k votes across WI/AZ/GA, and the GOP won over a dozen Democratic-held House seats, almost all in the suburbs. President Obama warned Joe Biden of this when Kenosha was on fire too, that any whisper of left-wing violence would draw swing voters away from Democrats, and he was right. Like, the reality is that the very existence of our democracy is based on swing voters not feeling like their existences are threatened, and that’s unfair, but I’m not giving up on democracy because some anarchists who never vote anyways want to set Target on fire.
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newstfionline · 1 year
Monday, May 29, 2023
White House and G.O.P. Strike Debt Limit Deal to Avert Default (NYT) President Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Saturday reached an agreement in principle to lift the debt limit for two years while cutting and capping some government spending over the same period, a breakthrough after a marathon set of crisis talks that has brought the nation within days of its first default in history. Congressional passage of the plan before June 5, when the Treasury is projected to exhaust its ability to pay its obligations, is not assured, particularly in the House, which plans to consider it on Wednesday. Republicans hold a narrow majority in the chamber, and right-wing lawmakers who had demanded significantly larger budget cuts in exchange for lifting the borrowing limit were already in revolt. But the compromise, which would effectively freeze federal spending that had been on track to grow, had the blessing of both the Democratic president and the Republican speaker, raising hopes that it could break the fiscal stalemate that has gripped Washington and the nation for weeks, threatening an economic crisis.
California’s cliffs are crumbling (Washington Post) Among the coveted places to live in Santa Cruz, if you have the money, is West Cliff Drive. How much longer that will be true is the question. The cliff-top road is falling into the Pacific in large chunks, leaving gaping holes and closing lanes along a normally busy street. A process that has taken place over centuries is quickening after a rare series of winter and spring storms that brought abnormally high tides, potent surf and lots of rain. The sea is taking back the land. It is happening at various speeds along much of California’s coast, changing the ragged western edge of the country and threatening neighborhoods, highways and ways of life. For decades, California has built to the brink of the continent, a risk-reward calculus where the reward of a sparkling Pacific Ocean with your morning coffee easily trumps some future risk of a collapsing cliff. But today it is some of the state’s most famed cliffs, overlooking about 500 miles of California’s coast, that are among those most imperiled by rising sea levels and more potent storms. By the end of this century, $1 billion worth of property, roads and utilities along a 3-mile stretch of West Cliff Drive will be vulnerable to flooding and erosion. The hundreds of thousands of dollars it will likely cost just to patch up West Cliff Drive after the recent storms remains a point of debate.
San Francisco, addiction, and homelessness (NY Post) Across the nation, a growing element of the harm reduction movement now rejects treatment [for drug addiction] or abstinence-based recovery strategies. Add in recent calls to “defund the police”—and the sharp decline in prosecutions for most crimes—and cities like San Francisco are now contending with thousands of homeless addicts with no incentive to get clean. Amid towering, unoccupied office buildings, San Francisco’s open air drug markets allow cartel-backed dealers to roam free, while a billion dollar industry of nonprofits such as Drug Policy Alliance vocally reject treatment as a viable solution. It’s no surprise that residents at the front lines are fed up with the results. In fact, nearly a quarter million people have fled the Bay Area in the last three years. Governor Newsom finally took a stroll through the epicenter of San Francisco’s drug disaster late last month and was clearly distressed: just a few days later, he announced that the National Guard would be called in to help clean up the crisis. The issues facing San Francisco aren’t from a lack of funding. In 2021 alone, the city allocated $1.1 billion to its Department of Homelessness and its budget has risen 500% since 2016. The results: Homelessness actually increased 64% during the same period.
Systems error affecting electronic gates leaves travelers to UK waiting for hours (AP) Travelers arriving in the U.K. faced long delays Saturday after a technical problem shut electronic border gates at airports across the country for most of the day, forcing everyone to have their passports checked manually on what was expected to be one of the busiest travel weekends of the year. The Home Office, the government agency responsible for immigration and borders, said at 6 p.m. London time that all the electronic gates were working again. Electronic passport gates are automated self-service barriers designed to speed up processing of travel documents. Using facial recognition technology, the system verifies a traveler’s identity against the data stored in the chip in their passport.
Russian Public Appears to Be Souring on War Casualties, Analysis Shows (NYT) Public sentiment in Russia over war casualties has been turning more negative during the intense fighting in recent months in eastern Ukraine, according to a new analysis. U.S. officials have highlighted the huge numbers of Russian troops killed and wounded in Bakhmut, Ukraine, in recent months, which they estimate to be more than 100,000. The city has become the scene of the most intense urban combat in Europe since World War II. Those losses appear to be affecting public opinion. FilterLabs AI, which uses messages on the Telegram app, posts on social media and discussions on internet forums to track Russian public sentiment on a range of topics, has found that views on war casualties have become increasingly negative since late February. U.S. officials warn that while Russians appear to be aware of the high number of casualties, so far that knowledge has not led to less support for the war or Mr. Putin. But over time, if concern over casualties continues, support for the war is likely to fall.
Russia launched ‘largest drone attack’ on Ukrainian capital before Kyiv Day; 1 killed (AP) Ukraine’s capital was subjected to the largest drone attack since the start of Russia’s war, local officials said, as Kyiv prepared to mark the anniversary of its founding on Sunday. At least one person was killed. Russia launched the “most massive attack” on the city overnight Saturday with Iranian-made Shahed drones, said Serhii Popko, a senior Kyiv military official. The attack lasted more than five hours, with air defense reportedly shooting down more than 40 drones. A 41-year-old man was killed and a 35-year-old woman was hospitalized when debris fell on a seven-story nonresidential building and started a fire, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said.
In fields seeded with mines, Ukraine’s farmers face deadly planting season (Washington Post) The war in Ukraine is forcing farmers across the country to make a life-or-death choice: Is planting seeds to put food on the table worth the risk of inadvertently setting off unexploded ordnance? Russia’s invasion, now in its 15th month, has made Ukraine the world’s most mined country, officials here say. Fields on which farmers once depended are now potential death traps. In the southern coastal Kherson region, considered some of the country’s most fertile land, farmers sweep their fields for live munitions one careful step at a time. Driving a tractor or plow across is too dangerous. Andriy Puryk, 60, walked gingerly up and down his vast territory for months, collecting artillery shells with his bare hands. Once all visible traces of the war were removed from the field, Puryk was determined to cultivate his crop as he does every year. He attached armored plates to his tractor—extra protection, he said, in case he had missed any ordnance. “Only I, as the eldest, sat behind the wheel,” he said. “Children still have to live.” Puryk survived months of a difficult occupation—the front line ran through the middle of his farm; clashing forces turned his fields and warehouses into battlegrounds. Russia’s invasion has caused more than $6.6 billion in damage to Ukraine’s agriculture sector, according to official estimates by Ukraine’s Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food and the Kyiv School of Economics.
Turkey’s Erdogan wins another term as president, extends rule into 3rd decade (AP) Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan won reelection Sunday, extending his increasingly authoritarian rule into a third decade as the country reels from high inflation and the aftermath of an earthquake that leveled entire cities. A third term gives Erdogan an even stronger hand domestically and internationally, and the election results will have implications far beyond Ankara. Turkey stands at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, and it plays a key role in NATO. With more than 99% of ballot boxes opened, unofficial results from competing news agencies showed Erdogan with 52% of the vote, compared with 48% for his challenger, Kemal Kilicdaroglu. The head of Turkey’s electoral board confirmed the victory, saying that even after accounting for outstanding votes, the result was another term for Erdogan.
Imran Khan increasingly isolated as Pakistan’s army pressures allies (Washington Post) Imran Khan, the crusading opposition leader whose arrest this month ignited riots across Pakistan, now finds himself increasingly isolated as key aides and supporters defect under pressure from the military and his once-unstoppable party appears in danger of collapsing. The 70-year-old former prime minister, who was ousted by Parliament just over a year ago, remains outwardly defiant. On Friday, he said the powerful Pakistani army was becoming a “fascist” institution that is waging “undeclared martial law.” He has also demanded that the courts intervene to stop its repression. But in less than a week, his Movement for Justice party—the onetime juggernaut that propelled the former cricket star to power in 2018 on an anti-corruption platform, drew boisterous throngs to his comeback rallies and then trounced the ruling party in a key provincial race—has been abruptly forced to a halt. The army, enraged and humiliated when military installations and symbols were vandalized during the protests after Khan’s arrest May 9 on long-standing charges of financial corruption, has branded some rioters as terrorists, while police have detained hundreds of protesters and leaders of Khan’s party. With approval from civilian authorities, the army has ordered that alleged rioters be tried in military courts, a measure that has rarely been invoked in peacetime.
China deletes 1.4 million social media posts in crackdown (Reuters) China’s cyberspace regulator said 1.4 million social media posts have been deleted following a two-month probe into alleged misinformation, illegal profiteering, and impersonation of state officials, among other “pronounced problems”. Since 2021, China has targeted billions of social media accounts in a bid to “clean” its cyberspace and make it easier for authorities to control. The latest crackdown targeted accounts on popular Chinese social media apps including WeChat, Douyin, and Weibo that fall under the category of “self media,” a term that broadly refers to accounts that publish news and information but are not government-run or state-approved. Beijing frequently arrests citizens and censors accounts for publishing or sharing factual information considered sensitive or critical of the Communist Party, the government or the military, especially when such information goes viral.
In Nigeria’s hard-hit north, the fight goes on (AP) Christian Jonathan’s mother was holding the 9-month-old boy in her arms when she was shot dead during an attack on their village in northwestern Nigeria. The late-night attack in April in Runji in Kaduna State left 33 people dead, most of them burned alive or shot dead. Many more have been killed since in the continuing clashes between nomadic cattle herders and farming communities in northwest and central regions of the West African nation, including more than 100 this month in Plateau state. The decadeslong violence is becoming more deadly, killing at least 2,600 people in 2021, according to the most recent data from the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project. Once armed with sticks, the groups now fight with guns that have been smuggled into the country. Both sides accuse the government of injustice and marginalization, but the clashes have also taken on a religious dimension, giving rise to militias that side with the herders, who are primarily Muslim, or the farmers from Christian communities.
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current-analysis · 1 year
House of Representatives vote on the rules package
The meeting started with Representative James McGovern (D., Mass.), who started off by indicating his opposition to the rules. McCarthy is empowering the extremism in his party by giving in to the demands of the conservative members.
Next, the presiding officer called on the Gentleman from Oklahoma Tom Cole (R.), who claimed that the new set of rules would hold the president accountable, investigate the origins of the virus, and negotiate an economic strategy with China, and a slew of other republican-fueled goals.
The presiding officer then called on the gentleman from Massachusetts, McGovern (D.), who brought up the fact that the republican's new rules, add $140 billion to the national debt. He calls to the gentlewoman from California, Judy Chu (D). Chu brought up the issue of the woman's health protection act. Stating that this act will protect people's rights to make decisions about their own health.
The next republican speaker the gentlewoman from Minnesota, Michelle Fischbach Defended the republican created rules by listing off the reasons that change needs to happen. She believes that the pandemic disaster response is “Ludacris” and people need to start working face-to-face again. She was passionate about wanting to get back to work, and not allowing proxy voting. As for transparency, she believes that the proposed 72-hour rule will help everyone get an opportunity to actually review the bill before it gets passed or denied. She ends her speaking time by criticizing the “out of control spending and super high inflation” that is caused by increasing the debt ceiling.
The rest of the republican narrative was along these same lines. They all advocated for in-person legislation, and no more proxy voting. The 3-day rule, or the “true 72-hour rule” was also proposed, representative James McGovern (D., Mass.) made multiple comments claiming the rule as one he created. General openness in the government, prosecuting “bad” bureaucrats and holding others more accountable. Responsible spending was pushed forth by republicans as not increasing the debt limit. Although McGovern (D., Mass), hoping to debunk the republicans, brought up the fact that their rules package will add $140 billion in national debt. The republican rule package also includes odds and ends, like only one topic proposed on a bill at a time, rescinding money from the IRS, fixing the border problem, term limits, and others.
McGovern was claiming to know something about a secret 3-page addendum that the republicans slipped in last minute without anyone knowing. The Republicans denied this 3-page document, claiming that their document has been available on their website since Friday. The republicans were transparent about the one change that was made.
In response to Michelle Fischbach's (R., Minn.) outlandish language, calling the protocols that were put in place during the pandemic “Ludacris”, McGovern (D., Mass.) mentioned that millions of people died during covid and remote procedures saved lives.
The Democratic agenda was about women's right to health, mostly surrounding abortion. Another commonly mentioned item was that the rules package had an extremist agenda. Americans' social security and Medicare would be in jeopardy, and defunding the IRS will allow billionaires to get away with paying minimal taxes. McGovern ended the talk saying that the American people have voted, and told the republicans that their extremism is not how they want our country run. McGovern was asking the republicans to drop the extreme and join the democrats in being a house of the people.
My personal conclusion from this house debate over the new republican majority rules package is that there is going to be a lot in the rules package that the democrats won’t like. The American people vote every 2 years for new house members and this is how the people have voted. The democrats need to understand that the republicans have an extreme demographic that also deserves to be represented. Legislation and democracy are based on debate and that is one thing I’ve been happy to see happen over the last few days. I know that is a republican sentiment, but I think most Americans would be happy to know that their politicians are actively working in a televised space to bring about the kind of legislation the people are asking for.
People might forget that our politicians represent us, as American people. If they aren’t able to get along in the chamber, how are we expected to get along in our workplace, online, or at bars? Watching the debates in the chamber over the last few days, I’ve seen a lot of blaming and not a lot of bipartisan solutions. Our lawmakers are there to work together and have a discourse over what is working for their constituents and what isn’t. Instead, it's turned into a blame game of insulting people who have different ideas than you do. I for one am ready to stand up for who I am as an American citizen and tell my lawmakers that the way they speak with opposing party members on the other side of the aisle is disgraceful. Mutual respect is very important among humans, regardless of beliefs.
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thevouofficial · 2 years
33 Cheap Streetwear Brands In 2022 (Stylish, Hype, Affordable)
Most Stylish & Affordable Streetwear Brands In 2022
With streetwear holding such a powerful position with younger buyers, the demand for cheap streetwear brands is rising.
There aren’t many other fashion styles that have managed to evolve and stay current while still honoring the origins and iterations that came before them.
This article is for both the die-hards of the streetwear style and newcomers looking for affordable streetwear brands without breaking the bank.
This article will introduce you to 35 budget streetwear brands that are breaking through now in 2022.
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Top Quality Streetwear Staples With Edgy Designs UNITED STATES
From $29.95
“Great streetwear brand known for collaborations with other cool streetwear brands – check out their “featured” section.”
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LOCATION | Based in California, US, with flag stores in New York, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Milan, and London – Ships worldwide.
Launched in California, Stüssy dominates the streetwear scene.
It all started in the eighties – as a small graphic T-shirt brand – offering worldwide shipping since then.
At this point, everyone knows the history of this seminal Californian brand, built around the local surf and skate culture.
But if you don’t know, Stussy’s reputation evolved from a chilled-out surfer store into a famous urban brand of the ’90s.
Moreover, what’s interesting is that despite the sales kept growing, the label hasn’t lost sight of its origins.
The brand is famous for streetwear-styled tees, bottoms, jackets, hoodies, hats, and shorts at meager prices.
You can also find affordable collaborations with high-end designer brands and lite streetwear pieces.
I like the brand’s tees and hoodies ranging from $30 to $80 and streetwear jeans for women under $150.
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2/33 KITH
Best Affordable Streetwear Sneakers & Technical Clothing UNITED STATES
From $50
“A streetwear label with special treats for the whole family – pay attention to the brand’s official website for discounted streetwear for men, women, and kids.”
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LOCATION | Based in New York, US – Ships worldwide.
Once a footwear brand, Kith is a New York-based streetwear brand.
However, true to its origins, Kith is known mainly for its streetwear sneaker collections.
However, you’ll love the brand’s apparel lines, which are quite popular with the streetwear community looking for value for money.
In particular, I love the brand’s collaborations with Coca-Cola, New Balance, Tommy Hilfiger, Nike, and even Disney.
In fact, it was these collaborations that turned Kith into a symbol among streetwear style aficionados.
As a recap, with logo-heavy patterns and urban, loose, oversized cuts, Kith is the solution to affordable streetwear sneakers for women & men.
Affordable Statement Streetwear Apparel In Bright Colors UNITED STATES
From $35
“Great streetwear clothing made in the USA, from 100% EcoLife cotton, for those into sustainable streetwear apparel.”
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LOCATION | Based in Los Angeles, US – Ships worldwide.
Denim Tears is a lovely and affordable streetwear brand driven by a social mission.
The creator of Denim Tears, Tremaine Emory, has been championing black culture and racial justice for a long time.
Emory also pushes all the brands he collaborates with to do the same.
He recently posted a design version of Chuck Taylor on IG, inspired by the ‘African-American Flag’ painting by David Hammons.
He then outlined the conditions of release to Nike, requiring they push to defund police departments and put minorities in leadership roles within the company.
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4/33 10.DEEP
Well-priced Streetwear Releases With Meaningful Vibes UNITED STATES
From $2.00
“A streetwear brand of rare heritage that employs modern cuts and a lot of vibrant graphics.”
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LOCATION | Based in New York, US – Ships worldwide.
Created by Scott Sasso in 1995, 10.Deep is a New York-based streetwear brand that flowed with the tides of graphic tee trends over the past couple of decades.
While purists now balk at its colorful, almost-eyesore graphics, that’s what rakes in all the ‘hypebeasts’ dollars, whether we want to acknowledge it or not.
And, whether the punk and skate influences drew you in, or you dig the ’90s-referencing anime iconic graphics, 10.Deep has the perfect formula:
“… one part history, one part regular and distinctive drops, and another part super reasonable prices.“
And, truth be told, between history and aspirations, you can’t get any more balanced pieces from a cheap streetwear brand that makes premium look average.
Low-budget Streetwear Clothing With Political Messages UNITED STATES
From $10
“The ideal streetwear label for those interested in political pieces and loud prints to subtly showcase one’s rebellious side.”
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LOCATION | Based in Washington D.C., US – Ships worldwide.
Launched as a retail and restaurant concept in Washington, DC, Diet Starts Monday was created to last only three months.
However, the mad success the store experienced had it up for over a year.
Moreover, once the store was closed, the continuing demand made the brand continue operating and selling cheap streetwear via pop-ups across the country.
Over the years, the brand has partnered with various companies to release budget streetwear collections – from $45 up to $200.
I invite you to check out the brand’s latest releases which feature anti-police brutality messages and a wide array of “Stop Killing Black People” streetwear tees.
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Accessible Luxury Streetwear With Futuristic Styles UNITED KINGDOM
From $120
“A superb streetwear label expert in reversible and oversized designs with a bit of Britishness flavor and taste.”
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LOCATION | Based in London, UK – Ships worldwide.
London-based fashion designer Samuel Ross started his British streetwear label A-Cold-Wall with functional design, fabric, and architecture in mind.
But, as the climate changed, so did his focus on streetwear couture.
Moreover, as Black Lives Matter protests crossed the ocean into the UK, the brand reacted by donating to its BLM financial aid program.
The program works by creating ten grants in various categories, from streetwear fashion to urban planning and public administration to food services.
7/33 HYPE.
Best Basic Streetwear Sets For Women, Men, & Unisex UNITED KINGDOM
From $9.99
“A streetwear brand focused on apparel and lifestyle products – backpacks, bottles – to match and augment one’s streetwear attitude.”
Shop US
Shop UK
LOCATION | Based in London, UK – Ships worldwide.
What started as a T-shirt competition back in 2011 now joins the iconic list of cheap streetwear brands with great success.
That’s because Hype. has turned into a fully-fledged streetwear name centered around all-over logo graphics.
The vivid and intense images are signatures of sorts, whether describing floral, geometric, or tie-dye design.
As the T-shirt, in general, goes through a revolution, or at least a reworking, HYPE manages to avoid the plain, solid-color trap.
All these aspects result in both flashy and statement-worthy without losing sight of comfort and price friendliness.
The label also offers a plus-size clothing line for those curvy gals!
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8/33 OBEY
Stylistic & Affordable Street Style Clothing UNITED STATES
From $25
“Empowered by activism, Obey is a streetwear label with a powerful message and a superb artistic feel.”
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LOCATION | Based in California, US – Ships to most countries.
There’s no shortage of trendy streetwear pieces showcasing Obey’s loud logo.
Obey is a streetwear clothing brand started by Shepard Fairey and packed with politically themed illustrations.
Thanks to the ubiquitous ‘Zumiez’ carrying the label at reasonable prices, the company earned a “mal” streetwear reputation, at least in the US.
At times, this streetwear brand is engaged in political and social commentary – see the rise of parody tees for further evidence.
Best Affordable Classic Streetwear Brand UNITED STATES
From $45
“A rare place for streetwear classics and revisited-OG streetwear pieces that one must have as high-quality investment pieces.”
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LOCATION | Based in Los Angeles, US – Ships worldwide.
Brownstone is a streetwear brand on the radar of Lebron James, James Harden, and the cool kids at Complex.
Also, the brand was enlisted to create the official merch for the Roots Picnic 2020.
If that doesn’t make you want to get on board, take a closer look at the designed and sold shirt that raised over $45,000 for various BLM causes.
I also like the brand’s comfy shorts and cozy-cool, hoodies that won’t break the bank.
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10/33 MENACE
Best Affordable Graphic Tees & Outwear Streetwear UNITED STATES
From $11.25
“A great streetwear label for refreshing and innovative capsule streetwear collections out of the mass market norm.”
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LOCATION | Based in Los Angeles, US – Ships worldwide.
Menace was launched in Los Angeles by Steven Mena, aiming to propagate a disappearing (maybe) but not-defunct streetwear form.
Over and over, we are told that genuine streetwear has died after shedding its local, subculture-based reputation to a global type of existence.
It is true from multiple perspectives:
“social media-fueled American hypebeast aesthetic, eCommerce making it possible for anyone, anywhere, and the advent of exclusive drops into general streetwear.“
However, for as long as high-end contemporary fashion brands like Balenciaga borrow (steal) metaphors from streetwear brands, I know that streetwear is anything but dying.
I love the label for the graphic tees, outerwear, and caps pulled from hip-hop and punk themes, away from sun-splashed over commercial Venice Beach imagery.
11/33 HUF
Best Budget Streetwear Outfits For Skateboarders UNITED STATES
From $18.19
“A perfect mix of ‘staying ahead of the curve style’ and ‘honor of the 90’s iconic skateboarding and streetwear stars, this is a streetwear brand filled with nostalgic vibes.”
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LOCATION | Based in California, US – Ships worldwide.
The founder of the HUF, Keith Hufnagel, grew up skateboarding in the gritty streets of New York City in the late ’80s.
Back in those days, skateboarding was not popular at all:
“It was somehow linked to a weird blend of punk rock and hip-hop, forming a counterculture of outcasts misunderstood by the classic genres and the masses.“
However, this way of living would ultimately shape Hufnagel’s outlook on life and influence his skate streetwear apparel collections.
Nowadays, the shop/retail space HUF brings together some of the most respected brands of the skateboard, streetwear, and sneaker culture communities.
Keith’s brand, HUF essentials work almost like a capsule collection; there, you can find streetwear pieces “Made by skateboarders, for skateboarders.”
HUF represents a more refined and forward-thinking skateboard brand and any individual inspired by the vast array of countercultures that parallel skateboard mentality.
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Fun Graphics With Strong Messages UNITED STATES
From $36
“Underground and highly artistic streetwear merch.”
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LOCATION | Based in New York, US – Ships worldwide.
If you’re going to do graphic tees, whatever you create better be pretty darn memorable.
That’s the motto of Spaghetti Boys, a cheap streetwear brand started by Kerwin Frost and Ray Martinez.
The label is unabashedly owning the viral-marketed, Off-White-originating, celebrity-endorsed roots – defies all that with expansive, doodle-like images and outlandish designs.
The garments resemble hybrid concert tees with hand-drawn, grotesque-leaning scribbles you might encounter somewhere in the middle of a high school student’s textbook, crafted in a moment of boredom.
Moreover, you don’t have to see the brand’s logo to know the tee is a “Spaghetti Boys” design, as every cut functions strictly as a signature.
Fashionable Streetwear With Summer Color Palettes UNITED STATES
From $20
“With an adventurous and world-recognized ethos, this cheap streetwear brand has been featured in major fashion publications and magazines for the last 2 years or so.”
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LOCATION | Based in Los Angeles – Ships worldwide.
Driven by the ever-so-imaginative creative director John Dean, Renowned LA continues to push street menswear to new heights.
This time, Dean focuses on diversity and sustainability, as seen in the label’s kilter streetwear collection entitled “Against All Odds.”
The collection explores the American Dream and features robust graphic t-shirts featuring pinnacles of black culture since the Civil Rights Era.
The best part is that all proceeds will go to ‘The George Floyd Foundation’ and ‘Reclaim the Block.’
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Affordable Streetwear For Culture Lovers & Graphics Fans UNITED STATES
From $19
“A powerful streetwear label drawing energy and inspiration from a multi-artistic international community that has helped build the label so far.”
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LOCATION | Based in Los Angeles, US, with flag stores in New York, Los Angeles, London, Moscow, and Tokyo – Ships worldwide.
What’s better? – to borrow from or to get inspired by Peter Saville?
Conceived as a platform for LA art gallery Morán in 2012, Know Wave ties in both a radio station and clothing line that mimics the minimalism of Saville’s work, especially the club posters, album covers, and single art produced for Factory Records.
Appearing on countless tees, hoodies, jackets, and shoes over the past five or so years, the brand takes a shot at recognizable themes such as New Order, Power, Corruption & Lies, with vivid artwork and retro feels.
The prices are a bit more budget-friendly, so there’s always something on the cheap side.
Overall, the garments, while still logo and graphics-based, have a certain understated versatility.
15/33 PALACE
Stylish, Functional & Affordable Street-punk Clothing UNITED KINGDOM
From $47
“A streetwear label that makes sure its street-punk irreverence is striking and loud no matter what or where you are.”
Shop Women
Shop Men
LOCATION | Based in London – Ship to most countries, including the US.
If you’re trying to be the cool kid on the streets again, Palace might be the streetwear brand for you.
Despite being a young brand (started in 2010), Palace has become quite popular, essentially thanks to exciting collaborations with Adidas and Reebok.
I find Palace an excellent brand for cheap tracksuits, crop jackets, tees, cargo pants, and even baseball caps.
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16/33 FTP
Confrontational & Unapologetic Streetwear Styles UNITED STATES
From $29
“An independent and provocative streetwear brand that defies norms and authorities.”
Shop Now
LOCATION | Based in California – Ships worldwide.
FTP, or Fuck the Population, was started by Zac Clark when he was only 15.
Clark was making t-shirts for his friends to wear in school and printed “FUCK” backward on them because, you know, teachers and that stuff…
Since its inception, the brand has remained affordable and controversial.
Zac, a gun enthusiast, once posted so many images of his firearms on social media that it led to a raid of the FTP warehouse by the cops, resulting in an arrest and $415k bail.
Another interesting tidbit about this enigmatic label is that Clark wears bandanas to shield his identity, as he is hesitant to be the ‘face’ of the brand.
Accessible High-end Streetwear With Technical Style Elements AFRICA
From $85
“A mindful streetwear brand from Africa that employs clever natives and sustainable processes to create unique (and very affordable) street style couture.”
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LOCATION | Based in Africa – Ships worldwide.
A creation of Niyi Okuboyejo, Post-Imperial strives to design beautiful streetwear couture unseen anywhere else.
“I make products that shock people. Once they pick it up, they start learning about the story behind each creation.“
A true labor of love, Post-Imperial uses local Nigerian artists to hand-paint patterns on the clothing before fabrics are hand-dyed through a process developed by the Yorubas.
When done, these unique streetwear clothes are shipped to New York, where everything is cut and sewn.
Whether it is beautiful button-up tops, patchwork shorts, or galactic pocket tees, Post-Imperial has it, plus a breathtaking approach to design.
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Modern Workwear With Emphasis On Street Culture UNITED STATES
From $14.75
“Fuelled by the ethos, “People over Products,” this streetwear brand makes workwear attire look spectacular on the streets of the world’s capital cities.”
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LOCATION | Based in Los Angeles, US – Ships worldwide.
Born in sunny and posh Cali, The Hundreds is a rare fashion label dedicated to street culture fashionistas.
Started 16 years ago by Bobby Kim and Ben Shenassafar, the brand has stayed on a relatively steady course.
The brand has terrific pieces inspired by skateboarding, surfing, hip-hop, and punk culture vibes, all starting at around $30 or less.
Thanks to the brand’s growing visibility and clout, The Hundreds has moved into luxury streetwear, which has seemed like the next logical and inevitable step.
Moreover, thanks to their latest collaborations, including Disney and Adidas, The Hundreds has gained an aspirational, get-this-drop feel.
While most of the brand’s pieces are affordable, some T-shirts, caps, outerwear, and denim go above $200, especially the color-blocked combinations.
Rare Japanese Streetwear Limited Editions JAPAN
From $100
“An exquisite streetwear label that delivers a balanced mix of music, art, and style via its high-end street couture pieces.”
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LOCATION | Based in Osaka, Japan, with flagship stores all over the world – Ships worldwide.
This Japanese label was born in the nineties in Tokyo and has grown in popularity worldwide ever since.
Once part of the Ura-Harajuku scene in Tokyo, Undercover was one of the first brands to crossover from streetwear to more stylish lines of a broader culture
The label draws a strong influence from Brit Punk culture and a touch of Japanese fashion elements.
The main ingredients of Undercover are outlandish lines and designs for the basic T-shirt, and quirky, eye-catching graphics.
Please note that some of Undercover’s rare streetwear pieces can be a bit on the pricey side.
For example, the brand’s affordable luxury and effortlessly-chic T-shirt collections start from €250.
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Badass-looking Denim In Streetwear Style UNITED STATES
From $49.99
“A rare label that has managed to create undeniable statement streetwear pieces from denim, all at super affordable prices.”
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LOCATION | Based in NYC, US – Ships worldwide.
Embellish NYC is an LA-based denim brand that feels fresh and cool right now.
The brand delivers what we call elevated streetwear, even though it reads like an oxymoron and a paradox of some sort; nobody cares…
Overall, Embellish NYC creates clothing meant to be rough-and-tumble casual, influenced by a subculture that nevertheless ends up on a runway at Fashion Week.
Nothing about the label designs seems like direct cash or status grab.
Rather, slim fits in standard and biker styles when riding cruiser bikes for women get ripped, splattered, and faded in varying degrees.
I bet that, with the right tools, you could do something similar yourself.
However, rather than ending up as a DIY project gone wrong, Embellish NYC pulls it off with finesse.
Affordable Hip-hop Style Streetwear With 90’s Swag UNITED STATES
From $26
“Cool, relaxed, down-the-memory line streetwear that does not need that extra boost of being the first streetwear label ever launched by a woman!”
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LOCATION | Based in Brooklyn, US – Ships worldwide.
Even if this is the first time you have heard about this streetwear brand, Walker Wear is an OG of the style.
After seeing the success of Dapper Don, founder April Walker commenced her eponymous label in Brooklyn.
A real trailblazer in streetwear, the brand has been worn by Jay Z, Aaliyah, Biggie, Tupac, and LL Cool J.
I love how April brings transparency about racism in the fashion industry through clothing and style.
Read her brilliant and insightful essays on the matter, and shop some of her cool designs below.
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Everyday Quality Streetwear Clothing & Accessories UNITED STATES
From $48
“A community streetwear brand that wants to bring purpose (and style) back to the streets.”
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LOCATION | Based in Los Angeles, US – Ships worldwide.
Founder Kacey Lynch, a strong advocate for storytelling, refers to Bricks & Wood as the “South Central” brand.
Lynch thought his idea for a clothing brand was a ‘dope’ idea but refused to put it out there before he had cemented the story he wanted to tell; a rare style that does not compromise quality, genderless, and sustainability.
Nowadays, the brand’s creations are built from high-quality materials by top cutters and sewers.
As such, Bricks & Wood pieces are designed for a lifetime and can be worn by both men and women.
23/33 ELWOOD
Vintage Street-Style Clothes & Accessories UNITED STATES
From $30
“A unique streetwear label with a deep focus on re-creating authentic vintage clothing styles via iconic fabrics and cuts.”
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LOCATION | Based in Los Angeles, US – Ships worldwide.
Nowadays, at the heart of streetwear, Elwood, another California-based brand, started in the mid-’90s with a vision to rework casual apparel.
A bit complicated to start with, the concept eventually involved skaters in the design process.
Today, the brand’s initial aesthetic recalls the early 90s looks, with its tapered jeans offering enough space for movement, long shirt tail-style tees, and all-over plaid and checkerboard patterns.
Don’t get me wrong, it is not quite the 90s fashion you remember, but close.
The clothing has a bit more flexibility, and the somewhat minimal look tends to veer away from loud graphics.
I recommend this cheap streetwear brand as a store where you can put together your nostalgia-laden capsule collection – with a fresh touch.
Simply put, Elwood’s designs and prices recall the versatility and accessibility attributes that streetwear had two decades ago.
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Oversized, Contrasting, & Colorful Streetwear Looks UNITED STATES
From $24
“One-of-a-kind streetwear label that uses street fashion as a form of protest.”
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LOCATION | Based in Los Angeles, US – Ships worldwide.
Started by entrepreneur Carl Jones with the later edition of graphic designer Thomas Jones, Cross Colours is a unique vehicle for disseminating racial unity, rebuking gang violence, and promoting education.
The motto of the brand Cross Colours feels exceptionally timely:
“Clothes Without Prejudices since 1989.“
I love Cross Colour’s cheap streetwear pieces and their HBCU Mentorship Program that connects students with resources, helping them get into fashion and entertainment.
25/33 PATTA
Appealing Pro Hip-hop Streetwear Graphics THE NETHERLANDS
From $25
“A streetwear brand that started as a hobby, aiming to create street-friendly clothes for friends and family.”
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LOCATION | Based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands – Ships worldwide
Patta was born in Amsterdam’s hip-hop scene, and as a result, it has a rare European-Urban vibe to it.
Amsterdam’s love for underground and hip-hop music transpires in the brand’s extra-cool collections of sneakers and streetwear basics.
I find Patta to be one of the most colorful and affordable streetwear brands you’ll find out there.
I also love the brand’s loose cuts that’ll make you spend your days in comfy yet stylish outfits!
Patta is an excellent affordable streetwear brand with tees under €35 and bottoms around €100!
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Streetwear For Activists Ahead Of The Game UNITED STATES
From $17.95
“Statement streetwear couture and unique pieces infused with strong visual stories.”
LOCATION | Based in Brooklyn, US
Based in Brooklyn, every Crime Club streetwear piece is hand-printed and created in-house by local artisans.
The brand’s latest collection includes t-shirts and hoodies that speak, strength to strength, against systemic racism or police brutality.
See, for example, Uncle Sam-inspired “I Want You to Help Us Stomp Out Racist” and the “No Cop” tees, so much in vogue right now.
Above all, Crime Club will donate 100% of the proceeds of the mentioned tees.
Blends Of Contemporary-Vintage Streetwear UNITED STATES
From $90
“A unique streetwear label that puts ethical and environmental values back on the street.”
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LOCATION | Based in Los Angeles, US – Ships worldwide.
Come Back As a Flower‘s incredible rainbow and bleach tie-dye sweatsuit sweats make this LA streetwear brand a case apart in the landscape.
Moreover, the brand’s recent endeavors are pushing for sustainability, hence using 100% recycled cotton for their one-of-a-kind hand-dyed pieces.
This ethically produced label is loved by trendsetters such as ASAP Rocky and Big Sean.
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Casual Laid-back & Highly Stylish Streetwear FRANCE
From $67
“A powerful streetwear label of avant-garde Japanese roots for streetwear OGs and street couture aficionados.”
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LOCATION | Based in Paris, France – Ships worldwide.
If you’re looking for a quirky vibe, the Comme Des Garçons Play streetwear collection is the one for you.
At the Iconic bug-eyed heart logo shop, you’ll find all the cool wardrobe pieces you’ve wanted so much.
Moreover, Comme Des Garçons Play’s designer collection has an unbeatable price compared to other high-end streetwear brands out there.
For example, you can get tees sporting CDG heart-shaped iconic logos, classic hoodies, Breton tops, and much more for under $100!
Old-school Streetwear Remade In Contemporary Looks UNITED STATES
From $10
“An affordable streetwear brand of high self-expression and vintage visual factors that are still highly valued.”
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LOCATION | Based in NYC, US – Ships worldwide.
Those of you in your mid-30s most likely recall the independently run t-shirt shops of the ’90s.
Perhaps there was one at your local mall or in an alternative section of your city.
Those old kinds of stores used to carry a mix of band tees, pop culture parodies, and kitschy statement prints, often available only there.
Paradise NYC is just that, a streetwear brand that brings back memories of those bold and sometimes borderline-inappropriate graphics.
Started by the LA skater Sean Pablo, the brand was formerly known as Palisades Paradise, occasionally spelled PARADI3E.
You can now have the feeling of having something semi-exclusive without breaking your bank account.
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Essential Streetwear Garments With Quirky Graphics UNITED KINGDOM
From $14.99
“As a streetwear brand that thrives via unique collaborations, each one of its creations is infused with celebs vibes.”
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LOCATION | Based in the UK – Ships worldwide.
A Good Company’s cheap streetwear pieces give a platform to some that might not have been able to find it elsewhere.
Not only that the label has superb streetwear clothes, but the founders of the brand, Quinn Arneson and Kumasi Sadiki, provide a place, “home-away-from-home,” to all aspiring artists interested in radio broadcasts and musical events.
Overall, I love the brand’s playful illustrations and colorful graphics, especially their latest spring/summer collection.
Best Black-Owned Affordable Streetwear Brand UNITED STATES
From $29.95
“There’s simplicity and yet a powerful character oozing from every single streetwear piece launched by this rare streetwear brand.”
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LOCATION | Based in Los Angeles, US – Ships worldwide.
It doesn’t feel right to mention black-owned streetwear brands without recognizing the late Nipsey Hussle’s brand, The Marathon Clothing.
The label was started by the rapper with his brother, Samiel Asghedom, along with A&R of Def Jam, Steve Carless, and marketing strategist and public figure Karen Civil.
Since its launching day, Nipsey’s mission has been clear: to empower the local community and people through smart casual clothes that “have something to say.”
While the clothing store closed down last year, the online retailer is still up and running.
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Empowering Streetwear For Women & Girls UNITED STATES
From $22.96
“A small streetwear label that creates stunningly cut, edgy, feminine, and powerful-looking street-ready clothing and styles.”
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LOCATION | Based in Los Angeles, US – Ships worldwide.
HLZ BLZ is an LA-based label dedicated to cheap streetwear for women.
The brand has bold and daring lines intentionally selected to empower women and put them on the streetwear map.
HLZ BLZ’s streetwear clothing is not just affordable but also has a kinky twist.
That is, if you want a quirky pair of men’s overalls with an androgynous clothing touch, this is the label for you.
Moreover, the prices are great, well under $130.
Affordable Luxury Men’s Cult Streetwear UNITED KINGDOM
From $71
“Blending androgynous clothing with high-end couture to deliver exceptional streetwear ready for the daily street scene.”
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LOCATION | Based in London, UK – Ships worldwide.
Martine Rose brand is sold at streetwear fashion collective staples such as Farfetch, Ssense, Dover Street Market, and MRPORTER.
Founded by Martine Rose in London in 2007, the brand’s unique aesthetic mixes fun fabrics with clean silhouettes, as the founder gets inspiration from her Jamaican-British heritage.
The brand also participated in London’s “Get Up, Stand Up No” exhibition celebrating 50 years of Black British excellence.
The founder has also developed a bit of a cult following in the menswear world by hosting fashion shows in unconventional locations.
I recommend Rose’s very affordable streetwear pieces if you’re looking for something on the edgy side.
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There you have it! These are the most affordable 33 cheapest streetwear brands of 2022 you can buy right now.
Don’t let the low price point or the handle ‘cheap streetwear brands’ put you off.
Judging by the style, cuts, and materials, there’s no doubt that some of these brands will become the next Supreme, BAPE, and so on.
Feel free to comment and add any streetwear labels you think should be on this list, as well.
Also, if you don’t mind extending your budget a bit, check out our full list of best streetwear brands.
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Now it’s your turn…
Which one of these emerging streetwear brands is your favorite and why?
Some of you might disagree with the term “affordable” appended to some brands in this list; if so, which streetwear brands in this list do you find very expensive and why?
Are there any other good and affordable streetwear brands you’ve tried and want to add to this list?
Please leave your comments below so more streetwear clothing lovers can benefit from your knowledge. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
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jamesgierach · 2 years
by James E. Gierach
True! “Guns are terrorizing our communities...” (Chicago Sun-Times, editorial, 11/2/22.)
A Chicago Sun-Times editorial writer comprehensively and thoughtfully listed sensible gun registration, background checks, red flag laws, gun-lock requirements, banning high-capacity magazines, and more that can be done to “chip away at the violence.” Exemplary of the violence is today’s Chicago Sun-Times front page headline, “A Daily Ordeal,” regarding the East Garfield Park mass shooting of 14 people including 3 kids on Halloween night.
Firing a litany of further violence-prevention solutions, the editorial noted “We need not only anti-violence programs, job training, therapy, better access to mental health care, better schools, more opportunities for those at risk of turning to crime, access to housing and more.”
What violence solution is overlooked, glaringly?
Drug policy. Aggressively changing drug policy would defund gangs, disrupt gang recruiting, and replace drug prohibition with drug legalization, taking the exorbitant profit out of drugs.
Well, one might say, drug prohibition policy did not cause gang members to compete for bigger, better, more-deadly guns. Drug prohibition did not introduce the Thompson submachine gun, assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, or the switch that converts a semi-automatic weapon into an automatic. And one might think—well, drug policy neither spurred Americans to fear for their safety at home, in school, or just being outside, nor did it drive the sale of assault weapons.
Right? Wrong. Bad drug policy did just that.
Drug intolerance, hate really, evolved into zero tolerance, war really.
Drug prohibition changed who we are. It changed the rules of life and survival. It changed the employment opportunity and choice of masses of youngsters. It changed our neighborhoods, and put us at war with ourselves. Former fellow students became dropout enemies divided by colors, symbols, and competing street-business economic interests. Commonly, violence became gang against gang, then police versus community and, responsively, community versus police.
Well, drug policy doesn’t trigger many shootings. It’s recidivist parolees, it’s young criminals out on bond, it’s retaliation. It’s senseless violence. Right?
More astutely, it’s parolees toting guns needed in the drug trade—a parolee’s employer of last resort. It’s young gang members returning to work after release on bond. It’s unbridled retaliation over a gang hit, often a hit triggered by gang conflict over drugs or anything else, once gang sides are chosen and lines drawn. Senseless, yes.
Chicago violence cannot be stopped without radical drug policy reform—drug legalization. It’s the only stone left unturned after 50 years of escalating U.S. drug civil war.
Palos Park, Illinois
November 2, 2022
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radicalgraff · 3 years
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"Defund Line 3" Poster in Vancouver, Washington against Line 3, a proposed pipeline expansion to bring nearly a million barrels of tar sands per day from Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin. It was proposed in 2014 by Enbridge, a Canadian pipeline company responsible for the largest inland oil spill in the US. Enbridge seeks to build a new pipeline corridor through untouched wetlands and the treaty territory of Anishinaabe peoples, through the Mississippi River headwaters to the shore of Lake Superior. Line 3 isn’t about safe transportation of a necessary product, it’s about expansion of a dying tar sands industry. Line 3 would contribute more to climate change than Minnesota’s entire economy. Minnesota’s own Department of Commerce found our local market does not need Line 3 oil. We need to decommission the old Line 3 and justly transition to a renewable, sustainable economy. Line 3 would violate the treaty rights of Anishinaabe peoples and nations in its path — wild rice is a centerpiece of Anishinaabe culture, it grows in numerous watersheds Line 3 seeks to cross. It’s well-past time to end the legacy of theft from and destruction of indigenous peoples and territories.
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climatemarch · 3 years
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design by Asa Wright
you can download this design and more from the defund line 3 arts visibility actions july 12-18 kit
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briearesea · 3 years
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Eugene, OR 07-18-21
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