#dehumanization and mental illness
iloveluxu · 1 year
I feel like people aren’t legally obligated to have an opinion on the light-heartedness or darkness of the tone of the kh series until they learn that the main character, a fourteen year old boy, commits suicide in the first game
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lotus-pear · 5 months
okay guys I see what ur saying with the Dazai critiques, man’s insane. I personally enjoy that insanity but yk, fair game to hate
but I have to say that I at least don’t defend yk. bc it would be exponentially funnier if I did, but my heart wouldn’t be in it </3
this leads me to remembering one of my favorite comments ever on dazai opinion that I found on Twitter X once
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actually hilarious to me to see ppl simplify the murder as mental health… it’s just… how
crazy stuff, fr
cuz dazai has hundreds of counts of murder and torture and manipulation… but he’s just sad uwu
im cackling at this rn hkyxkagrgea
bsdtt try to actually characterize anybody in bsd fucking correctly challenge (impossible) GO‼️‼️ imagine calling dazai a cruel and heartless individual when he literally wrests control of his entire fucking life at the mere age of eighteen DESPITE being suicidal and devoid of emotions and any will to live after the death of his dearest friend/parental figure. do they understand how mentally STRONG someone has to be in order to do that? do you guys fucking understand how EASY it would have been for dazai to let that be his breaking point and finally kill himself? every time i look back at oda's death scene i am stunned and miserable at how reluctantly dazai gets up. like he wants to die right there too. but he picks himself up and escapes the mafia. he carves a life out for himself despite being a fucking hollow shell of a human. a husk of the boy he could've been had oda not died. alienated from society with no skills outside of the mafia despite his analytical mind with the word "traitor" on his head and no one by his side. can you imagine doing all of that while being barely at the brink of adulthood? that was a CHILD.
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serendipititties · 2 months
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All im gonna say is that ive listened to the song in question and this is an... interesting conclusion to draw.
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needlebeetles · 2 months
in my heart gorgug’s raging and anger issues have absolutely nothing to do with any kind of Gruumsh heritage or shit he’s just skrunkly like that
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bijoumikhawal · 4 months
a lot of the talk about Bushnell is reminding me of my "the "mentally ill" have their right to violence revoked" thing again
like. When you're deemed mentally ill, suddenly you must stress how you are more likely to be a victim of violence than a perpetrator to be deemed as human. Because any violence you commit, as a crazy person, is bad. It cannot carry rationale, because you are crazy. If I, as an autistic person, hit someone who was hurting me and got in legal trouble, I can be referred to as just "crazy" instead of as a victim responding to an aggressor. It's an underdiscussed area of dehumanization.
And that's before we talk about intersectionality, and before we talk about how this factors into the idea of ODD, and the "violent" responses patients have to doctors (including those who simply aren't white, and those forced on meds that hurt them, and those resisting sexual assault, and-).
But this is not just interpersonally political, it is political at scale. Black men were targeted by schizophrenia diagnoses during the Civil Rights era (and this is also around when schizophrenia became a "scary" illness). The crazy cannot have valid political criticisms, as a movement (remember that being "crazy" is a vector of oppression abd marginalization) or as individuals in other movements.
Ive seen both the sentiment of "oh Aaron is gonna be slandered as crazy" and exactly what the sentiment warns of- "we can't valorize suicide from the mentally ill". And the first isn't wrong, because society at large does view the "crazy" as lacking political agency, but it's lacking.
Bushnell had been trying very hard to get out of his military contract without being imprisoned at best, while witnessing genocide and knowing he was complicit. He may not have had clinical depression normally, but that would inspire a mental rational response of situational depression (and yes, mental health issues can be a rational response to horrible circumstances). Further, I know of instances of self immolation that WERE done by people who did have long standing mental health issues and were done to protest the treatment they'd experienced that caused them and that resulted from their existence. Mental illness and divergence from the norm is more complicated than just "these people are incapable of rationality, they are incapable of political thought, and they are incapable of agency".
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vanx-97 · 6 days
Success has been coming to visit
I don’t think I’m very comfortable with it
What was once a tidbit of horror fiction
Has become so twisted into my existence
I don’t want it’s presence
I asked it to leave and I meant it
It’s so relentless, is it demented?
Is it offended that I don’t want it’s friendship?
Misleading texts and confusing notes
“I’ll meet you there” but I never go
“I’ll make time for you” but it’s always no
“I like you a lot” but I hate them the most
“I want my dreams, I want my goals”
I never wanted either of those
All this when success comes close
All this to sabotage it’s approach
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odinsblog · 1 year
“Interesting how, when a Black person is murdered by a white man, so begins a national debate about crime that somehow never centers on the white man who committed the crime, or the crime he committed. Only the hypothetical crime the Black person committed in the eyes of the white people who decided to kill them, and white America, who can only see them as a defendant and never the victim.
I have represented hundreds and hundreds of people, all impoverished, many homeless, many of whom were arrested and criminally charged for just entering the subway station when they couldn't afford the $2.75 fare in that same city, on those same subways.
Daniel Penny could kill someone for everyone to see, and go home. Something Jordan Neely didn't even have. Which is why he was on the subway in the first place, screaming out for food and water and doing so in vain.
Because the people his desperate pleas would fall on would sit front row to his murder, and not a soul would lift a finger to help him.
And much has been said and asserted as fact regarding Jordan's mental health. How he was having a mental health crisis, how he was dangerous, how he was acting erratic, crazy and aggressive.
And there's been a significant effort made on the part of people hoping to humanize him by saying things like, the passenger's fears were valid, but he shouldn't have been killed, or we shouldn't react to mental health episodes this way.
But I would like to seriously ask this: Why are you defending against a premise you need not accept?
Is it mentally ill to be fed up?
To be angry?
To be desperate?
That you do not have a bed, food to eat?
Water to drink?
And that life has shown you, time and time again, that you're more likely to get it from a prison than from someone who sees you as human as they see themselves?
Is it legitimate to be afraid of someone for that?
Not nervous, anxious, agitated, concerned, worried, sympathetic, or to feel pity - but afraid? So afraid that you think you're in danger?
That this man who has not touched you, has not presented a weapon, or made any advancement towards you, needs to be put down?
Is it “self defense” for a trained Marine to choke an unarmed homeless man who had not threatened him, from behind?
Is a person who you must creep up and attack from behind, posing a threat to you?
Too often, even the well intentioned public embraces legitimizes and concedes to characterizations and narratives they feel they must then defend against.
I encourage you to reject that practice and instead embrace reality. The reality being that there is absolutely nothing new about what happened to Jordan Neely, or how America is trying to justify it.”
—Olayemi Olurin
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He's such a shallow thinker that you can always trust Kendi to blurt out the quiet part.
But what's interesting is the projection. He's correct, but not in the way he thinks. Because he's talking about himself and his own personality flaws and mental disorders. This is a quote from his best-selling screed:
I DID NOT knock on Clarence’s door that day to discuss Welsing’s “color confrontation theory.” Or Diop’s two-cradle theory. He had snickered at those theories many times before. I came to share another theory, the one that finally figured White people out.
“They are aliens,” I told Clarence, confidently resting on the doorframe, arms crossed. “I just saw this documentary that laid out the evidence. That’s why they are so intent on White supremacy. That’s why they seem to not have a conscience. They are aliens.”
-- Ibram X. Kendi, "How to Be an Antiracist"
"White supremacy" in this sense isn't the KKK or the Nazis. It's "the white man's science," and "objectivity is white supremacy," and "merit is white supremacy," and "math is white supremacy," and "the U.S. Constitution is a tool of white supremacy."
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David Duke didn't get millions of academic funding and an entire institute created for him by Boston University. David Duke didn't get a $10m donation from a co-founder of one of the most powerful social media platforms. David Duke's didn't publish a bestsellng insane manifesto. David Duke's ideology hasn't permeated K-12 in every state in the country. David Duke's ideology hasn't been the basis for reeducation programs conducted through everything from the medical profession to soft drink manufacturers to government nuclear laboratories.
When people insist that "woke" is "just about being kind" or "just about being aware of racism," they're lying. I don't mean they're mistaken, I mean they're lying. It's been a third of a decade since activists cut the brake-line and pulled out all the stops. The idea that we don't know what this is, what's going on, is dishonest.
Next time you hear it, show the person this video and ask them, do you agree with Kendi? They won't know what to say. It's the same as when you ask a moderate Xian whether they agree with their god that you deserve to be tortured for eternity. They know there's an ideologically correct answer, "yes," and they know there's a morally correct answer, "no." They'll refuse to answer the question: "I don't make the rules, god does," and "you send yourself there" are classic tactics to avoid being honest.
This is the same thing. They have to agree with him ideologically, because they can't claim he's Not a True Scotsman. But if they do agree with him, they've exposed the whole "it's just about being kind" lie.
Of course, this won't work on the fundamentalist True Believers. If you ask someone from Westboro the hell question, they won't even blink, they'll say, "yes, absolutely." Again, same thing applies.
It's one thing for Kendi himself to have these ideas. A much larger problem is the fact that the thunderous applause from the audience shows how far and how normalized the moral corruption has set in.
People who endorse Kendi should be regarded by society in the same way as those who endorse David Duke.
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thetruejerrycan · 5 months
Your anime crush is a hallucination who disappears when you take your schizophrenia medication, yeah you're so goddamn funny, original, and tolerant of psychotic people. I would love to hear it told again because punching down at the mentally ill gets funnier the more you do it
(This is sarcasm, sanism particularly against those with psychosis and schizophrenia is extremely shitty and unfunny and I want to see less of it on the internet from here forward)
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lakeinstillness · 2 years
thinking a lot about entry 73 where brian takes off his mask and walks through the city like a normal person. running out of meds and on his way to tims house. years of hiding and never saying things outright and still having to pretend like youre a person who can interact with the people.
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“Well maybe if you didn’t-“ THEY TOLD ME TO KILL MYSELF? THEY TOLD SOMEONE TO SLIT? I was trying to be neutral and calm and I got the end of that. How is that even fair?? And now that I don’t have to be afraid of speaking up, you all act like this? It’s so unfair. I relapsed because of that. I was called weird a degenerate. Fucking dehumanizing. I feel like some sort animal you all point to and go “Wow mommy look at it’s sharp and inhuman teeth. I bet if I pulled its tail it wouldn’t bite.” Everyone is way too calm about making me a monster. Would it be better if I didn’t have teeth to bite at all?
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inklingofadream · 2 years
I think it’s very interesting how Renfield/mental health in general are treated. Today we have “he is usually such a well-behaved man, and except his violent fits” which I don’t think is an attitude you’d really see toward Renfield’s particular behavior today. There’s a definite element of infantilization (see: the way they talk about the visitor not taking offense because it’s a madhouse, lots of general little quirks in phrasing) but I think that someone in a psychiatric institution today who attacks an administrator with a knife and draws blood doesn’t get nearly as much understanding, no matter how little they’re in control of their actions. I think today that’d get you a longterm label of being trouble, definitely not someone staff referred to as well-behaved no matter how isolated the incident
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subconsciousmysteries · 10 months
it pains me to announce that if you got fucked over by someone with a mental illness and now you project that mental illness onto everyone mildly strange who you come into contact with
you too are MENTALLY ILL and you need to stop scapegoating others for your problems because you are the fucking problem.
#this is directed at everyone who thought i was their BPD mother cuz im expressive#and everyone who accuses random people they dont even know who havent even done anything bad#of having NPD or BPD vibes#YOU ARE THE MENTALLY ILL ONE IF YOU TREAT PEOPLE THIS WAY#youre the paranoid narcissist bpd haver etc. because this is literally what cluster Bs do by definition#they project the emotional pain and trauma of their past onto everyone around them#thats their entire cluster b disorder and what it does#i hate the discourse around cluster bs esp. npd and aspd which dehumanizes them in this weird way#where theyre turned into like these legendary deities of evil who are no longer human bc of their disorder#no... they are weak humans who are letting their demons run them. its literally that simple.#we're all traumatized but some ppl use it as an excuse to succumb to their demons whilst others act with respect#acting like cluster b are irredeemable or cant be cured or have some ailment that is beyond the plebian understanding#is actually a way to keep them avoiding accountability.#and force people around them into a “oh theyre just like that and they cant change and we have to accept them” mentality#if you have a cluster b disorder youre not specially traumatized and incomprehensible to the normies at all#youre just weak#and a bad person#and you need to get a grip#lol reason 2352852398 i hate psychiatry#it gives people with these disorders a label to identify with and this entraps them further in their fixation#like enneagram when used as a dumb personality quiz does
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autumnbell32 · 5 months
Has anyone ever had an interaction with a psychiatrist that had a very very bad effect (affect? Idfk, I never know) on you? Please, if you feel comfortable I’d welcome input.
I feel like such a garbage human, guys. Been crying since yesterday. Apathy is rampant in this health care system. I feel like a burden, pathetic, and really don’t know what to do. Overly emotional (there’s been a lot of pain in this 38 year life)? Probably. Subhuman because I have a mental illness? I didn’t think so.
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All the science in the world does not matter:
All the science in the world, all the accolades, all the glory of understanding the universe does not matter when you are dying of thirst for sincere and healthy connection and affection and all that time throws at you is a gold coin here and there as if it'll quench the starving, unloved, primally-lonely little voice in you that aches you with its loud wails when you're alone at night and you cannot distinguish which is louder, the silence or the inner cry for the most miniscule amounts of love, as you sit berating yourself for being so selfish for demanding to be treated humanely.
All the science in the world does not matter the moment you realise how non-human you appear in the eyes of others just for being either a tad bit too excitable or completely frozen when your world was crumbling around you yet you must conceal the pains just for the sake of being "a good scientist", oh do we not bleed?!
All the science in the world does not matter when the seconds of time scrape by on your skin as if they are needles forced across your chest while you're begging for a moment of release where you finally get what you've been wishing for.
Yet I must remain grateful.
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scenicphoenix · 1 year
Whatever happened to the phrase "I'm only human" I think that needs to come back. Because a lot of people are thinking human means perfect these days and it's pissing me off. Human is literally a synonym with imperfect!
#it's the fascism and white supremacy. I am going to bite someone.#people are getting dehumanized for the most human of actions. like mistakes. and existing. or being a little bit to weird#people are getting dehumanized for being human! peoples ideas of human are getting white washed and sanitized for a Christian audience#black people are human. Jewish people are human. mentally ill people are human. physically disabled people are human#that asshole you hate is human. that mother fucker who abused you is human.#people with heavily scrutinized mental illnesses are human. bipolar people are human. npd people are human. people with psychosis are human#that homeless man is human. that drug addict and alcoholic are human. every single person on this goddamned planet are human#and if you think people shouldn't get basic human rights and respect for some damn reason you are wrong and need a punch to the face#a human deserves basic rights and respect like a safe place to live and food to eat.#they deserve safe places to go about their lives even if that means doing drugs and drinking#honestly every drug addict deserves a safe clean place to do it. with safe and clean supplies and drugs#because they are addicted for a goddamned reason and it's because this world is currently hell on earth for many many people#and if drugs and alcohol help with the pain of existing in this fucked up world that is currently hostile to so many people.#i don't blame them. I completely understand. if I hadn't been in therapy since childhood I would likely be an addict.#the world is hostile to everyone especially to minorities. why are you blaming people for trying to lessen their suffering.#ranting in the tags#rant#venting in tags#vent post#vent
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