#dek denivar
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some drawings for a tmosth themed rp
most characters belong to @cat-gwyn-gunn
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cat-r-gunn · 6 years
“You can't change the past, and nothing you do can make up for it. But that doesn't mean you can't change what happens now to make the future better."
-Captain Dek of Team Nebula, Shining Star: The Interstellar Christmas Special.
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zimerstellar · 5 years
"Hey! Who are you talking to over there?
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mr-dwight-dwicky · 4 years
[ Previous Post ] @just-call-me-johnny
Dwight gives another growl of irritation before reach down and dragging Johnny off the floor. He then throws the smaller man over his shoulder. “Time to go, you goblin,” he says. He can’t handle both Agent Nazo and Johnny together. It will lead to an “accidental” discharge of his gun.
Unfortunately, he’s just coming down the stairs when the tall, brunette federal agent is already in the living room.
“Detective Dwicky. Long time no see,” Agent Nazo says. Dwight can barely contain the growl in his throat. Especially as the fed notices Johnny on his shoulder and smirks. “I see you still have your little assistant attached to your hip.” 
There’s an implication in his tone that Dwight does not miss. It causes him to drop Johnny on the floor with almost no warning, except it seems he considerate enough to do it from a height that won’t hurt Johnny too much. He won’t think too much into that.
“This is our investigation. You don’t get to just barge in here-,”
“Dwight,” Leera hissed. Ruxill had reprimanded Dwight time and time again about cooperating with other authorities. She turned to Dek. “Nice to see you again, Agent Nazo. I suppose we should go ahead and swap notes?” She can feel the angry look of betrayal radiating from Dwight but she ignores it. She doesn’t like dealing with the feds, either (and definitely not with Nazo, who’s ego rivals Dwight’s an astronomical amount) but she’s here to do her job, first and foremost.
“Of course,” Agent Nazo replies. His startling green eyes find their way to Midge, who’s hanging in the back. He grins at her. “Very nice to see you again, Miss Denivar.”
Midge is taken aback. Of all the names to remember. She just waves awkwardly.
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chances-r-high · 5 years
[ @leera-ozynite ]
Chance shifted in his seat as he stared at the currently blank screen. Was he really going to do this? Was this even safe? Well, he supposed they already knew where they were. It was common knowledge that he lived on the Metallah.
Would she even answer?
Would she want to talk to him?
The last time they spoke he’d been fairly snide to her. It wasn’t until he had been around Addie and the Denivars that he realized how good Leera had been to him. It wasn’t much, but he knew it was good as she could have been. And that he had sorely taken it for granted.
He took a deep breath. He had to talk to her. He needed it.
He typed in the frequency he was given, hands shaking as the monitor beeped and the screen connected. His stomach felt like there was an expanding balloon in it. He swallowed and waited.
Leera was finishing up sending out some emails to other members of the staff. Apparently there had been some new policy changes that Mr. Dwicky wanted to implement. Leera has already glanced at a few of them. When was the last time he changed policies for the benefit of his employees? Had he ever?
Her computer beeped with a message. At this point she would simply answer any calls without checking where it was coming from. Telemarketers were immediately hung up on. Anyone she knew Mr. Dwicky would not want to talk to was asked to leave a message, which she typically burned in the fireplace. She had careful practice with this sort of thing, and didn’t want to miss anything important. “You’ve reached the personal secretary of Dwight Dwicky, how may I help you today?”
There was a long pause, causing Leera to furrow her brow before finally looking at the screen. “Hello? Is there something I can-,” She immediately froze, looking into eyes that were familiar yet different. Brighter, younger. His hair was dark green. Mr. V had said he liked dying his hair. She couldn’t bring herself to speak.
Chance’s mouth went dry, nerves buzzing along his entire body. She looked exactly the same. He never knew how Mefni aged, or if they did at all. Her eye was widened, still startling green as ever. He took a breath, forcing himself to speak. “Hey, Leera.”
Leera took a little longer to compose herself. Why...why… “I...I would say that this isn’t a wise decision, but I think that would go over about the same as it has with everyone else.”
Chance managed a smile. As polite as ever, her voice soft and sweet. Perhaps it was starting to make sense why he clung to Dibkins like he did. “What can I say? They’re all bad influences.”
Leera couldn’t help it, her emotions surging forth as she smiled. Her eye felt watery. “It is...very good to see you again.”
“It’s...actually good to see you again, too,” he told her sincerely. “I...would have tried to contact you earlier but…” He trails off. There’s a million reasons and excuses he could say.
Leera shook her head. “It’s alright. I...I understand.” She really did. Being on opposite sides wasn’t exactly an ideal situation to call and catch up with each other. 
Her chest tightened, remembering the last time she’d heard his voice. Remembering how she’d expressed her displeasure for the first time after Dwight had hung up that call. How it had perhaps been the only time she had she’d been tempted to go against him. But of course she didn’t, always the coward. “Chance I...I know apologies do no good here but I...I just…”
Chance expression soften, his throat tightening with his own emotions. “...I know, Leera. I know if you could…” He didn’t see it then, but looking back he saw it now. She did everything she could. “I’m not angry at you. I’ve never been angry at you.”
Leera gave a sniffle and squeak, quickly recovering. “S-so! How are you? Mr. V filled me in on some things, but I would love to hear them from you. Your hair looks very nice, by the way.”
“Thanks,” Chance replied. “I think I might change it again soon. My roots are starting to show.” He ruffled his hair for emphasis. “Might do some red again.” Though he knew he didn’t necessarily have to, he did think about discussing that with Dibkins first.
Leera’s smile became a little nostalgic. She remembered how when Chance was little he had such a fascination with her dark red hair, constantly wanting to touch it and pet. When he was an infant he’d pull on it sometimes. Oh. Well just be careful with that sort of thing. Wouldn’t want it to fall out.”
Chance chuckled. “It hasn’t yet. My hair’s pretty resilient. Don’t worry.”
Much like the rest of you. She refrained from saying that out loud. She wasn’t proud of the pain Chance had gone through, even if it brought him somewhere better. A place she never could have given him with the circumstances they had. “I will take your word for it. I hear you have a dog now?”
“Yeah!” Chance replied lighting up. “Persephone. I’m starting to think she’s not a normal pit bull, though. She’s huge. I also have a cougar.” He was careful not to mention the dragons. Not that he didn’t trust Leera. He just didn’t trust the device she was using. He knew Dwight perhaps better than anyone, and he would never put it past the old man to have surveillance of everything.
“A cougar?” Leera said in surprise. “How wonderful. Do they get along well?”
“They do, actually,” replied Chance. “The cougar’s name is Diana. She sort of treats Persephone like a wild cub that needs to be calmed down every now and then. It’s kind of funny to watch.” Something on her desk caught his eye. “Oh my Togal is that goddamn Carnarian?”
Leera looked down at the sprout, which seemed to already be getting too big for their pot. She smiled. “Their name is Neville. Or at least they seem to like that name. Agent Dib gave them to me. Not sure why.”
Chance couldn’t help but snort, thinking of several reasons why Agent would do that. Most of them aren’t that good. “He does things like that. I’d be surprised if anyone understands.”
“He does come off as quite the puzzle,” Leera agreed.
They sat in silence for a moment. Chance wasn’t sure why Leera had gone quiet, but he knew what he had. He needed a questioned answered. He needed to know what the hell was going on.
“Leera...what’s going on with Dwight.”
Leera meet Chance’s gaze again, her stomach flipping at the question. It was strange to hear Chance call him Dwight, as the last time they spoke the boy was following the older man around, proudly calling him Father. However, she couldn’t blame him. Not one bit. “What do you mean?”
Chance sighed. “I think you know what I mean. He had a Dib in his grasp recently, probably the easiest Dib for him to kidnap and assimilate, and he let him go without so much as a scratch.” His brow furrowed. “Apparently he’s also been talking to Honey as well? I think Go Fish was involved?”
“...I suppose you haven’t heard about him letting Agent Dib and Captain Dek go recently?” Leera asked.
Chance balked. “...What?”
“Mhm. He even returned Agent Dib’s binder to him fully repaired and everything.” By the look on Chance’s face, she decided to leave out the part about Dwight also upgrading it. She was certain Chance’s brain would implode.
Chance’s brain was already frozen, several wrenches stuck in the cogs. None of this made sense. Not a single bit of it. “Leera, listen to me. I know you’re loyal to him - Togal even knows why. But...I have to know. Why is he doing all this? What’s he planning?”
Leera gave him a sad look before looking down at her lap, twiddling her fingers. “...You know that even if there was something to all of this, I wouldn’t be at liberty to tell you.” She nibbled her lip. “But Chance, I know this is going to be hard to believe but...something has shifted. I’m not sure how, but I...I just feel the day Prince Honey was here...something changed.”
Chance stared, his expression growing hard. “You expect me to believe that?”
“I don’t,” she told him sincerely. “And even if you did, I’m am neither blind nor naive. And I also would like you to know that regardless of whatever happens, you owe him nothing.”
Chance blinked. If anyone knew Dwight on the same level he did, it would definitely be Leera. And for her to say such a thing knowing that Dwight might be listening, that spoke volumes in itself. About millions of things. He ruffled his hair again, thoughts racing around like frantic sugar ants. What was he supposed to do about this?
No. He didn’t have to do anything about this…
He looked back up at Leera, smiling sincerely. He definitely did not want this to be their last conversation. “I have a meeting in a few minutes I have to get to. But I would love to get together sometime for coffee maybe?” He hums. “We’d have to find somewhere outside Alliance space. Or wear disguises. Togal knows what the press will say if they see you with this time.” Not that many people would recognize Leera, but still.
“Oh? Are you not the charming playboy they all say you are?” Leera asked teasingly. She was certain it wasn’t true. The press loved dramatics and perhaps without Dwight in power they had to make their own
Chance laughed. “I suppose we’ll have to meet up so you can find out.” His expression was soft, a familiar feeling of fondness in his chest. “It was good talking to you Leera. Take care.”
Leera smiled back. “You too, High Chancellor.” She had the biggest, proudest smile on her face.
Well, that speaks volumes, too, doesn’t it. Chance shook that thought away as he hung up.the call, leaning back to stare that the ceiling. He grumbled and pushed himself up, forcing the brewing conflict into silence.
Nothing had changed.
Nothing was going to change.
A few strange occurrences would never be enough to change Fate.
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dib-adrift · 5 years
[ @drun-in-a-million @queen-of-lazuroth ]
With so many kids, it was common at night for the parents to walk around the halls of the castle rounding them up and making sure they went to bed. Well...most of them now were adults or practically adults, but it still gave them piece of mind. Their family to this day was still cursed with kidnappings.
That was how Dib found Drun passed out in front of a computer in the archives room. He was also surrounded by several books. A quick glance told Dib that they were mostly about...legends and myths of Lazuroth? Was this a holiday project he had to work on before school started again?
Nonetheless, Dib reached over and shook his son’s shoulder. “Mijo? Come on, you should go to bed.”
Drun jumped awake with a grunt, looking up at one of his fathers. He rubbed his face and looked around him. A hint of panic bubbled in his chest, but there was no way his Papa could figure everything out from the things around him. He cleared his throat. “Sorry...guess I was more tired than I thought.”
Dib chuckled. “You’re too much like your parents, I think. All of us. Maybe it’s a curse for Denivars to be workaholics.” He ruffled the boys white hair, as soft as his mother’s. “What are you working on, anyway?”
Drun’s sydark jumped. “Oh! Uh...research. Just research for...school. Family lineage stuff.”
Dib tilted his head. “Strange thing for Polaris Academy to ask,” he mentioned. Then again, some instructors had strange ways of teaching.
“Y-yeah...” Drun said. He didn’t like lying to his parents. Even when he and Scarlett got into trouble, he never lied about how they got into it. He took responsibility for it, for not thinking ahead. He bit his bottom lip and then sighed. “Actually...can I tell you something?”
Dib’s brow furrowed. “Of course you can. You can tell me anything.” He was perhaps the most understanding of the parents, and definitely the most lenient. It came from his own childhood, of constantly being belittled and pushed aside. Yes, his father eventually saw the error of his ways before their timeline was destroyed, but...well, by that point it was too little too late. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes! No! I...I don’t know...” Drun closed his eyes, trying to figure out a way to start. “I’ve been...hearing singing...”
“Singing?” Dib asked, his voice colored with concern. “What do you mean?”
“It’s not words. It’s just....’ah ah ah ahhhh~’” He didn’t have the voice his sisters had, but that’s what it sounded like. “It mostly sounds like one voice, others it’s multiple. And...and I’m not the only one hearing it! Ruby and Rían are hearing it too!”
Dib stared at his son for long time, trying to process his words. “Just the three of you? And it’s...not even words?”
“Yeah!” Drun confirmed, sounding almost relieved that so far Dib didn’t seem to think he was losing it in anyway. “It...I don’t know. It feels like...something calling to me. Us. Or someone.”
Dib’s gaze fell to the floor, thoughtful. “And you’re the only three that can hear it?”
“So far. We’ve tried to get in touch with Addie but you know...she’s busy.”
“What about Ada?”
“She doesn’t hear it. She even made fun of me for it. But Rían and I have a theory that it’s just us with extra abilities. But to confirm that we have to know if Addie is hearing it.”
“I’m gonna be honest, Drun...but just from that information alone it sounds like some sort of trap. Why else target the ones that have extra powers?”
“I...I don’t know...” Drun balled his hands into fists. “I can’t explain it but...it doesn’t feel like a trap. It...it feels like a genuine call for...something...”
Dib sighed, taking a moment to pet Drun’s hair again. “Okay. Maybe your mom knows something that could help. I’ll talk to her, okay?” He put his hands on Drun’s shoulders. “Promise you won’t do anything impulsive until we make sure this isn’t something dangerous?”
Drun tried not to tense. Every time he heard the singing it seemed to get stronger, urging him to do...something. Go somewhere. Go wherever it was coming from. How could he promise he wouldn’t follow it, when everything in his being was telling him to do just that?”
“I promise,” he said with the straightest face he could manage. Unlike most of his family, Drun had a good poker face. One of his instructors said he must have inherited Dek’s espionage spirit.
“Good,” Dib said, ruffling the boys hair one more time. “Come on. Get to bed. You look like you haven’t slept in days.”
I haven’t, Drun thought to himself. Even now he could hear it, loud and insistent. Ah ah ah ahhhhh~ Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
He had figure this out. He had to...
“Singing?” Midge asked, her brow furrowing. 
“Yeah,” Dib said with a nod as the parents got ready for bed. “Drun said so far it’s just him and the twins hearing it. There’s not like...some weird ritual that happens with the Cuppari line every so many years is there?”
Midge shook her head. “Not to my knowledge, and my mother practically crammed all the history she could into my head. Well, the fake history. I figured out anything else from Sigi.”
“Do we need to be concerned?” Dek asked, a familiar look in his eye. An ingrained need to protect his family.
“Is it possible it’s in their heads? They have been under quite a lot of stress this past year, especially Drun,” Zim suggested. His voice was gentle but practical.
“It’s unlikely for all three of them to hallucinate the same thing. Even the twins, with as close as they are.” Midge snuggled into the bed as the four of them cuddled together, the Irkens using Dib as extra heat, while Midge was perfectly comfortable at the current temperatures. “I’ll look into it for sure. Maybe there’s something I missed or don’t remember.”
“I’ll help. I like doing research,” Dib offered, leaning over and kissing Midge’s forehead. 
“Thank you, love.”
It was the sound of singing that awoke Midge in the morning. She blinked her eyes several times before slowly pulling herself from the cuddle pile of her and her mates.
Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
Her brow furrowed as she went toward the balcony. The voice seemed almost right in her ear, yet also so far away.
Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
Midge looked over her shoulder, seeing that Dek had been awoken from her shuffle. He was always so entuned with her and the other three. Sometimes she wondered if he could read their thoughts. But even now, the singing could be heard, clear as a thin sheet of ice.
Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
If she was hearing it as well...
...There was only one person she could ask...
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queen-of-lazuroth · 5 years
dear person i had a crush on
Dear Person I Had a Crush on,
I couldn’t save you. It is one of my greatest regrets in my entire life. That I dragged you into a situation that was dangerous and foolish. That I was too stupid at the time to see what my feelings for you were. That you had to pay the price for my indecision and cowardice.
A part of me knows you would be happy for me, for the life that I have here. You would like Dek, I think. And Dib and Zim. Perhaps especially Dib. He reminds me a lot of you. Wide-eyed with wonder, mischievous and brave. You’d love all of our children, too.
I don’t know if I still have those feelings for you, or if I would if you were still alive, but I know that I would still love you in some way. I do still love you in some way. I don’t think that has ever changed, nor will it ever.
I hope wherever you are, you are happy. A beautiful soul like yours deserve every good thing the afterlife can offer. And thank you for being there for me when you were, and showing me that change can start with just one voice.
Rest in peace, Leona,
Midge Cuppari-Denivar
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son-of-an-invader · 5 years
"Ready to roll out?" Dek asked his mates as they finished up preparations. He'd told them to start getting ready as soon as Computer's communication had cut short.
"Ready when you are, love," Midge said brightly.
"We should not have let him go in the first place, Dek," Zim said. "We knew this would not bode well."
"I know. But he's stubborn. He gets it honestly."
"...He's adopted?" Dib said, more amused by Dek's statement.
"He is. I meant that it's just in every Zim's nature to be hardheaded."
"Alright, boys, enough flirting we've got a kid to save," Midge said with a sweet smile.
Dek nodded. "Right."
After they gathered their things, they took a moment to say bye to the kids, reassuring all of them that they would be back. Dek then turned to Keef and patted his shoulder. "You're in charge."
"What?!" Keef squeaked. "Me?!"
"You're the oldest aren't you? Don't worry The rest of Team Nebula will back you up."
"But I'm..." Keef stammered, shuffling his feet. "I'm not..."
"Except you are," Midge said, bring the boys head down so she could kiss the top of it. "We'll be back before you know it."
"Face it, kiddo," Dib said as he ruffled the boy's red hair. "You're a Denivar now."
Keef opened and closed his mouth a couple times before simply nodding. He didn't know what to say for a long time before managing a soft, "Be safe."
"Not to worry, Keef-smeet. Zim will make sure we all come back completely unharmed!"
The other three exchanged amused looks before they made their way into the ship, taking their places and getting set up. After several minutes the ship finally exited the hanger, taking off into the Lazurothian sky.
Keef couldn't help but safe, feeling overwhelmed by everything that just happened, and everything that could happen. He felt Matsuri give his shoulder a comforting squeeze.
All they could do now was wait...
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Keef made his way out of the Med Bay and began exploring the palace. He got lost a few times and had to ask the guard where he was. However, they were very kind and helpful. Everyone had been.
He couldn't help but sigh. Dek and their Zim were nice enough to try and find his Earth, but they came up empty handed. Dek especially seemed grumpy about that, but not as much as they're oldest daughter, Addie, who they called for a little extra help. A very twisty feeling sat in Keef's stomach, yet he couldn't bring himself to entertain the thought.
Midge offered to let him stay if he wished, for as long as he liked. She even offered to find him a place to live on their strange hodgepodge Earth. He said he just needed some time to process and think. She was very patient and sweet.
Maybe the universe would just...shift back and he would be back home...
He continued to wander about until he almost ran into someone. Someone...small. He had tonpause for a moment since she looked basically like a mini-Addie. "Sorry! Almost ran right into you."
Ada looked up at Keef before smiling widely. She looked very happy to him. "Yay! I found you!" She held up a piece of paper with a crayon drawing on it. It looked like a sunflower. A rainbow sunflower. "The other Keefs I know like rainbows and sunflowers, so I drew you this! It was supposed to be a get well card but it took a while. So now it's a 'yay you made it!' card!"
Keef took the drawing with a smile. It was a very sweet gesture, especially since she didn't even know him. Her name was written in the corner. Ada Denivar. Strange that they'd have two children with similar names. Maybe he'd ask about that. "Thank you! I'll find somewhere very safe to keep it."
Ada's smile widened, looking pleased that Keef was happy. She then began to shuffle her feet. "Would you come draw with me, Mr. Keef? I like drawing with others. I used to do it with one of my uncles but we live so far away now. And I know Mama and Daddy and Papa and Tevak are real busy."
Keef rose a brow. He was finding it difficult to say no to those puppy dog eyes. "Don't you wanna ask one of your siblings?"
"Honey's busy, too. And my other siblings are either too little or they ruin everything." Sounded dramatic, but you know, typical child. "Please, Mr. Keef? I promise I won't be annoying or anything." Her eyes seemed to become impossibly wide and sad. And Keef found himself sighing.
"I don't think you could be annoying if you tried," he told her sincerely. "But sure. Where to, little lady?"
Ada clapped her hands excitedly before she began dragging Keef down the hall. "This way this way!"
Keef snorted. At least this would be a good distraction from his less than pleasant thoughts.
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8 memes for Experiment 777
Link for the story: Experiment 777 - Chapter 1 - deliciousflavor - Johnny the Homicidal Maniac [Archive of Our Own]
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cat-r-gunn · 6 years
In other news someone (Me) just got an idea for an Interstellar AU where Dib and Midge have been friends forever and solve mysterious and shit together and they run into Zim and his "brother"/partner Dek who are both on the run from the Empire and of course everyone gets in over their heads but also have a fuck ton of romance and also why wasn't this the first idea I fucking had?
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cat-r-gunn · 6 years
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Hello do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Addie Denivar?
((basically I just notice this on my blog and thought it was funny))
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mr-dwight-dwicky · 4 years
[ Previous Post ] @just-call-me-johnny
Dwight tries very hard to remain belligerent, but, damn, Johnny’s talented fingers are making it extremely difficult. It’s making Dwight imagine what else his hands can to.
He mentally slams his head against his desk. He needs to get a grip. Nothing good can come from acting on his desires and he knows it. He and Leera already have to tip toe on eggshells so no one else finds out about them (the chief told them to be discreet, and that’s exactly what they do.) And even if Leera likes to tease him about Johnny every now and then...
No. It wouldn’t work. Johnny is just...so different from him. From Leera. It wouldn’t work. And any kind of one night stand would just complicate things...
God he hadn’t realized how badly he needed a massage until now...
Then, Johnny is looking into his eyes, asking him to piece together the information he just rambled off. If Dwight weren’t so dazed from those nimble fingers he’d yell at Johnny that his help wasn’t needed. But, instead, his brow furrow, the gears in his head turning before the answer came to him.
“The Thro-,”
“The Thropodian Gang,” came Dek Nazo’s voice as he swoops into the room. He slides the case file out from under Dwight’s hands to look it over, flipping the pages. “Funny, heard a bunch of those bastards got killed. You think they’d get scared off.” He looks up for a moment, his gaze snapping to Midge as if he’d just noticed her. “Miss Denivar! So good to see you!”
Midge wishes the floor would swallow her whole.
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chances-r-high · 5 years
[ @zimerstellar @chances-r-high ]
“You want to what?”
Chance sighed at the outburst. He’d prepared for this. He knew that no one was going to like this plan, but he also knew it needed to be done. It was necessary.
“Look, I’ve thought long and hard about this. I really have.I know it sound hasty, but you have to believe that I wouldn’t use it unless absolutely necessary.”
Zim squinted. “You will have to come up with a better excuse than that, Chance-boy. I have used the exact same on my human mate and it does not work.” Hell, they still argued about this, and now even Midge was voicing her concerns. At least Dek didn’t see too alarmed. He just told him he wasn’t allowed to die on him. “You keep comparing this to Big Red Buttons but what you are talking about is essentially the same.”
“I know,” Chance said, his eyes falling to the floor. He tapped his fingers along the pseudo-PAK Addie had made him. “But...that’s kind of the point.” He had no plans to use it hastily, but the thought of Dwicky being brought down by something made by Irkens well...it was hard not to smile about it.
He really had thought about this, doing a momentous amount of research on the subject in secret. He, of course, didn’t want to die. He wanted to take Dwicky down and survive so he could finally move forward with them, start their future together. But...bringing down that monster...making sure he couldn’t hurt his family or the Galactic Alliance ever again...that was far more important than his fantasy.
“It’s an incentive, Zim. I can’t...I can’t let him win this time. Even if I lose, he can’t win.” He then met the Irken’s gaze. “And if we do this right, the only way my mates are finding out is if I’m dead.”
Zim sighed. “I think you are underestimating them. Addie has a way of knowing when something is off with someone she cares for, and...well, Iris you could probably fool for a while but who is to say he won’t come across it while deciphering the collider’s location?”
“He won’t. I’m trying to make sure I leave as little of a trail as possible, hence why I’m here talking to you in person.” It was one of the few useful things he’d learned from his gene donor. Funny how he was using it to take the fucker down. “Zim...I can’t let him walk away this time…” He hadn’t meant for his voice to sound so pleading, but well...he was desperate.
Zim grumbled in inaudible Irken for a moment before answering. “Fine. But if my daughter and your boyfriend find out about this, Zim had nothing to do with it. Understand?”
Chance nodded. “Absolutely.”
Chance knew it was silly to go ahead and do this. For all he knew the videos could sit in his hard drive for weeks. But he knew Iris was getting close to finding the collider, and this was something that couldn’t be rushed.
He set up the camera carefully, making sure he was in focus. He swallowed hard. He’d made sure to pick a time and day that both Iris and Addie would be unavailable. Addie was visiting her family on Lazuroth and Iris was...well working as usual. He looked into the camera and laughed nervously.
“I know the two of you are probably furious right now,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “And I...I guess I would be, too. But...if you’ve found this video then that means I’m not really around to have to deal with it, heh.” He stopped and shook his head. “Sorry. That’s probably not funny right now.”
He gave a long pause, looking over at the drawer he would be talking about very soon. He took another deep breath. “I need you to know, that what I did had nothing to do with me and everything to do with you. Well, you and the rest of our giant, crazy family. I need you to know that I didn’t take my decision lightly. He needed to be stopped. And...hopefully...No. I wouldn’t activated it unless I was absolutely sure he was going down with me. I promise you that…
“The two of you...have always been my guiding lights. Addie was the first, of course. My beautiful songbird. You taught me how to love. You taught me how beautiful this world could be. You taught me what was truly worth fighting for. And Iris well...I think you were the one to truly teach me it was okay to feel weak. That it was okay to just...let someone be strong for you. I would like to think you and I helped each other with that. And I would like to think all three of us have helped each other grow in a multitude of ways.
“I...I want you to know that I didn’t want this. I want you to know that this was absolutely a last resort. I didn’t go into this fight hoping I would have to press that button, but...if you’re watching this that is unfortunately what happened…
“I had plans, you know? I really did. I had been figuring it out for months, and after we had come home from the collider victorious I was going to put it into action. And well...I’m about to prove it…
“There’s this drawer over here. This top drawer? The two of you probably just think it’s my sock drawer, but at the very back corner of it is a hidden compartment. To get in you have to trace all three of our initials on it. Iris...I hope it’s okay if I just decided your last name is Denivar. I figured we were both going to take Addie’s last name, heh.
“...Anyways...inside the compartment...there’s two boxes. One contains a blue diamond. Yeah, I thought it was a sapphire with how blue it is. It reminds me of the Heart of the Ocean from Titanic. It’s...pretty rare. And royal. And resiliant. KInd of like someone else I know.
“The other has a purple tanzanite. So funny story? Tanzanite doesn’t start out that color. It has to be heat treated. Kind of appropriate that fire can make something stronger instead of weaker. Or maybe they just become the fire itself, huh, Songbird?” He blepped. Because why not.
“I have a feeling Addie might have figured out what this means already, but if she hasn’t, or can’t explain, then I will. In Lazurothian culture - the real kind, not Harmonia’s twisted version - people would propose to each other using lose gemstones. Kind of like certain species of penguins. I figured you’d extra appreciate that, Songbird. I know you like penguins.
“I want you to know I didn’t want it to be like this. I wanted to give them to you myself. I wanted to see the looks on your faces when I got down on my knees and asked you two to marry me. I wanted to see how you both would look on our wedding day, and to see whatever kids we have grow up, hopefully, in a world not as chaotic as ours. I want you to know that I didn’t want to die. But...I had to. I had to to give you a chance at forever. To give the Galactic Alliance, the universe, a chance at knowing real peace.
His voice was beginning to crack and his eyes watered. “I love you both. More than anything. I would do absolutely anything for you two, anything to make sure you were safe and happy. To make sure you didn’t have to look over your shoulders wondering who Dwicky was going to hurt next. And if...if I had to erase myself from the narrative to make that happen...I was will to do that. I...I did do that…
“If there’s one thing I would ask of the two of you, it’s to please love each other recklessly. The two of you do so many other things with caution thrown to the wind, yet you love with so much hesitation and fear. Give into love or live in fear, yeah? Hold on to each other. Take care of each other. That’s all I can really ask that you live the life I wanted to give you, even if there’s nothing I can do even if you don’t…
“Oh. Also please take care of the animals. I know Addie won’t have an issue with this, but Iris I can tell they like you. Please get around to like them, yeah?”
He took a breath, trying to maintain his composure. He had three other videos to film after this. He concluded this one by saying in Irken, “I am still forever yours, My Princess. My Tallest.”
With that he got up and turned the recording off. He sighed heavily, running a hand through his currently dark green hair. He was going to have to make sure wherever he saved this it was triple encoded, and also set up in way that after he died it was sent to his mates as some form of message. He couldn’t risk either of them finding it before. They would try to stop him. He needed to do this. He could not let Dwicky survive this time.
He took another deep breath before turning the camera’s recording back on so he could make his message for Dibkins...
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dib-adrift · 5 years
Dib still felt awkward going to the Denivar household. He still didn't know them very well, and he still couldn't help but feel like a bit of an outsider. And yet he felt...drawn to them for some reason. Even when he wasn't around him that weird, buzzing seemed to infiltrate his nerves, like some kind magnetic force. It was weird and a little frightening. But no matter how much he tried to fight it, it was like it became worse.
He blamed his loneliness. He'd been on his own now for what felt like forever. He'd finally given up on the idea of any of his universe being left...of Zim being alive. And now there were these extremely kind people who he found himself having some strange connection to? Of course it would be hard to fight that.
He took a deep breath, slightly swinging the box of tools Dek gave him in one hand. He raised the other, pressing the teal button on the side to ring the doorbell.
[ @queen-of-lazuroth ]
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chances-r-high · 5 years
A Fond Farewell
[ @chances-r-high @addie-bear @queen-of-lazuroth @son-of-an-invader @dib-adrift @zimerstellar ]
“Let me tell you what I wish I’d known, when I was young a dreamed of glory. You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story.”
They searched…
And searched…
And searched…
All of it to no avail…
Chance was at his wits end. Not even in office for a week and his senate was already arguing about what to do here. He tried his best to pay attention, to give some sort of answer that was satisfactory, but he was in a fog. Not only had he lost...so many people he cared about, people who were the only family he’d ever known, but now he and Addie weren’t speaking after she’d tried to go to Dwicky’s cell to literally beat information out of him.
“Senator Urso has a point,” he heard Destiel say in one of his moments of clarity. “High Chancellor when you came into office we had the understanding that 857-b’s Irken Empire would become a valuable ally. Now that they are lost not only is that no longer a possibility, but now the citizens are even more uncertain of their futures.”
Chance glared at her, looking her dead in the eye. “Lord Iris and I have had our team working painstakingly to find the collider. We’ve interrogated Dwicky several times, who, unsurprisingly, has been unhelpful. But we’ll find it. Don’t you worry.”
Senator Wark scowled. “This would be much faster if you, perhaps, gave Dwicky a plea bargain-”
“I am not giving him a plea bargain just so he can weasel his way into hurting more people!” Chance snapped, giving the entire Senate a severe look. He balled his hand into a fist. “That’s enough for the day. My decisions on how we handle the collider situation are final. As for the efforts to...figure out what happened to the Glit- 857-b…” he took a deep breath. “I want to make it very clear that this is not an easy decision. They are my mate’s family. My family. But...I think we can say we’ve tried our best with no results.” He nodded and cleared his throat. “Meeting adjourned.”
None of the Senators argued, all rising from their seats and leaving. Chance didn’t get up right away, running a hand through his hair, clutching it tightly in his fists.
What else could they do but move on from here?
No matter how much they didn’t want to…
Chance’s new position certainly had its perks. With the money he had acquired along with the Denivars, they managed to put together quite the display. The solarium of the newly christened Metallah was nowhere near as grand as the huge forest that could once be found on the Glitter Massive. But it was bright and lush with plants and flowers, especially since Chance had made it a personal project to give it some good T.L.C. Anything for a good distraction.
All they had were photos of them, because of course there were no bodies to bury or burn. But still...they all agreed that they wanted to say goodbye somehow. They needed closure. One of Chance’s publicists tried to make it a public affair but he absolutely refused. He was not going to use this tragedy to his family to win points with the masses.
A huge table was set up at the front of the solarium, littered with huge, leafy plants. Along with that each individual photo was surrounded by flowers in the color that represented the person within. The one exception was the joint picture of Alexx and Miguel, which was surrounded in both yellow and violet blooms. It was the only photo they had of the babies.
In front of the table was a small riser covered in candles of different shapes and sizes. All of them were lit, the flickering lights catching the glittery tablecloth behind them. There were even more pictures here. Of Beast, Keef, Red and Zim. Of Pur and Mika. Of Xander with either group. Of all of them. Various ones that included the people present here now. They had asked Jaime if he would like to be here for Nightmare Keef, but he had refused. Midge couldn’t help but feel a deep sadness at that, seeing as the rest of them didn’t know the other red-head that well.
For the longest time...they were quiet, just staring at the display. Midge had her face buried in Stellar Dib’s chest, crying softly as Dek petted her hair. The hybrid himself wasn’t doing much better, his hands shaking as he attempted of comfort his wife. Stellar Zim noticed, and tentatively reached over for Dek’s free hand. The hybrid froze for a moment, looking back at the Irken, but he didn’t pull away. In fact he gave Zim’s hand a small squeeze.
Addie couldn’t speak. If she spoke to anyone she feared she’d break. She hated being weak. Hated feeling broken. But...she was weak and broken. Yet she couldn’t bring herself to seek the comfort she desperately needed.
Chance shifted his feet. He despised the silence. It didn’t feel right to him. These were people they had all loved, people who had helped them, who they had helped in return. People who had become so ingrained in all of their lives. Standing here not saying a thing…? That didn’t feel right at all.
So...Chance started to speak…
“I thought Beast hated me when we first met,” he began, not looking at anyone. “Actually, he probably did. With...really good reason, heh. Zim though...I don’t know. Maybe he disliked me at first but...he seemed to be one of the first who thought I...had a chance.” He smiled at the pun.
“Keef and I...related a lot more than I would have ever expected. I wish...I wish we’d had more time. Could’ve had a sword fight or two, ha.
“Red he...I remember before Addie and I were officially together. I think. He asked me to start talking to the Galactic Alliance planets. Figure out if we had any allies. He believed in me. He wasn’t the first but...something about that moment stuck with me. This...so-called fearsome ruler that my father hated so much...I was the clone of his enemy and he believed in me.” He sniffled.
“And, hell, Xander was just a kid! He...he had so much potential a whole life ahead of him! And...and Miguel. And Alexx…” He set his jaw. He wasn’t going to be able to control himself. “Alexx’s middle name was Chance. Why Mika and Pur thought is was good idea to name their kid after me...I don’t know, heh.” Hiccup. “I don’t think I got to know Purple well enough, but he was...he was always kind. And logical. But also a badass underneath all that. And Mika… No offense, Midge, you taught me a lot but...whatever you couldn’t he filled in the blanks.” The tears were falling from his eyes. “They named their damn kid after me…”
After that there was another small silence. And then, Dek began to talk.
“I didn’t know any of them that well until Red took Zim.” He snorted. “Funny how that’s all water under the bridge now.” He furrowed his brow. “Beast was the first I got to know. He was...I won’t lie he was a dumbass. But...after spending time with him...I sort of decided he was my dumbass.
“I honestly...never thought I would like Red. Hell, I never thought I could even tolerate being in his presence. But...seems like we were just meant to be allies...and friends. Charming bastard.” He chuckled for a moment but it was shaky. “Keef was...really something. Very sweet. Amazing sword fighter. Few people can take on my wife and live to tell the tale, haha. They...they named their kid after me, too. Miguel’s middle name was...was Dek. I mean...can’t blame them. Great name and all.” He choked and had to take a minute to recompose.
“Xander was...a good kid. He...fucked up pretty badly. But...I guess I’ve known a few of those. People who fucked up pretty badly but then worked to be better people…
“Purple...the first time I met him...he helped us. I still don’t understand what his reasons were at the time...but he helped us. And...he...reminded me - us - of someone else we lost. Someone very important to us.” He cleared his throat. “And Mika...if not for him I...I wouldn’t have this eye.” He reached up and touched the amaranthe colored one. His chest immediately tightened and he gritted his teeth.
“I chose this color for my brother,” he said, his voice immediately cracking. “I...I never had a brother before. But Zim...I don’t know what it was but...I just knew I needed to protect him. I just knew I was gonna be...gonna be stuck with him for the rest of my life.” He tried so hard to stop the tears, but it was too late. “I just knew I was gonna have to watch my back every day for when some horrible glitter attack-”
For the first time in Dek’s life, he was openly sobbing in front of people that weren’t Midge. His sydark felt like it had been ripped from his body and crush under someone’s boot. He hadn’t been able to protect them this time. He hadn’t been able to protect his brother.
“I’m...I’m sorry,” he choked, doing his best to calm down. He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and looked over and saw Stellar Zim. His eyes were gently and caring, as if to say “It’s okay. Let it go it’s okay.” Dek couldn’t help but pull the Irken into his chest wrap an arm around him, leaning down and crying silently into his shoulder.
Zim was shocked by the gesture, but he didn’t pull away. In fact he reach up and put a hand behind Dek’s neck, giving it comforting little scratches.
Another silence. It was as if no one wanted to say anything now. As if truly saying goodbye meant the end.
“I once took Xander to the carnival,” Addie finally said. Her voice was so shaky. She’d already been crying for days. “It was...so much fun. Just seeing his face light up from all the rides and the terrible food. He...he was something special. Adorable, even.” She sniffled. “Miguel and Alexx, too. Possibly two of the cutest smeets in the entire universe. So sweet. And so loud...at least Miguel.
“The moment I found out Zim and Dib were my uncles, it was after Dad had helped save Zim. Uncle Dib was...such a badass. So raw and brave and took no shit from anyone. He was...everything I wanted to be. Regardless of all the shit he struggled with...he really was.
“Uncle Zim was...a menace. The first real interaction I had with him I think was during what was supposed to be the Zim Wars. I joined his army...to impress a boy. He was always covering our house in stickers and sending glitter bombs.” Her lip trembled, fresh tears falling from her eyes. “But he was also so sweet and caring and...he was always there if I needed him…
“Not to long after that we met their Purple. I...I didn’t want to like him at first. But...he reminded me so much of my mentor. He even gave me a Kyber Crystal to use for upgrading my weapon. And I know how much Mika meant to Chance. And to my mom. He was...the sweetest bean to ever exist. Probably too sweet for...any universe.”
She found herself clutching the hem of her jacket. “Uncle Keef…” she hiccupped. “That last thing I said to him...was to fuck off…” She began crying openly. “Why did I even say that? I...I didn’t…” She sniffled. “He helped save me and my family and my Uncle…my Uncle Red.”
There was a long pause there. “If you’d told me almost a year ago...that I would look up to Almighty Tallest Red of universe 857-b...I would have punched you in the face.” Fuck. This...this was impossible. “He was...the second biggest asshole I’ve ever met. And also the greatest leader I’ve ever known. He was quite possibly the first person to make me feel like...I could actually do it. I could actually take down all the evil in the world. He believed in me so much. He gave me an army.” And all at once, she broke down. “And I repaid him by spitting his face just to go on some stupid mission on my own!” She covered her mouth with her hand as she began to sob harder. “I’m sorry I have to...I have to go.”
Chance watched her take off, immediately going after her. Even after making up things had been tense and awkward. Well, fuck all of that. Fuck any disagreement they ever had in the future. They’d lost so much. But they still had each other. They needed each other. And there was no way they could take each other for granted ever again.
“Addie!” he called after her. “Addie wait!”
Addie stopped when she heard Chance, not turning around immediately. Her entire body shook with the force of her sobs. She couldn’t breath she couldn’t breath she couldn’t breath.
Finally she turned around hugging herself. Slowly she lifted her teary gaze up to Chance, shaking her head. “I don’t want to say goodbye, Chance.”
Chance raced over to her, immediately wrapping her in his arms. He felt her cling to him right back. “I know. I know.”
Addie continued to cry loudly. “I don’t want to say goodbye! I don’t want to say goodbye! I want them back, Chance, I want them back!”
Chance began to cry again himself. “Me too, Songbird. Me too.”
Dek and Midge were finally getting ready to leave the Metallah, to go back to their home at the Team Nebula base. They were beginning to wonder if the extra room would be still be necessary, considering both Stellar Zim and Dib had been sleeping in their bed with them. Still, it would be there if they wanted it. Dek just wanted their new companions to be comfortable.
“Dek?” Midge said, entering the room. She’d just been at the Med Bay to finish up Dib’s discharge papers. How many Dibs had she done that for? How many had she patched up? How many others would she lose. She shook her head. “Can we talk for a minute?”
Dek looked up for packing the bags. They hadn’t had too much teleported to them here, but it was enough to be a bit of a job. He was glad for the small interruption. “What do you need, Stardust?”
Midge bit her lip. “I’ve, um...I’ve found out the sexes of the twins,” she told him.
Dek’s eyes widened. “Oh. Have you?” They’d never talked about things like that before. Addie sort of spoiled it for them with Drun, and Addie...so much had been going on at the time. “I have a feeling there’s more to this.”
“There is.” Midge said. “I...I know you mentioned once wanting to name the next boy after your father but after...after…” She couldn’t say it. She wasn’t sure if she would ever be able to say it.
“...You want to name the smeets after them?”
“It doesn’t...have to be exactly after them. Just...names that represent them. To remember them by.” She rubbed her lower abdomen. Why did this pregnancy feel like it was going so much faster than the others? Was it because of the...circumstances of their conception? “I, uh, wrote down my suggestions for the girl, anyway.”
Dek walked over and looked at the tablet Midge was showing him. Some of the names seemed either too generic or too complicated. But two stood out to him. “I like Ruby. And Amaranthe.”
Midge nodded. “I’m glad. Those were my favorites, too. I was...I was thinking Rían Miguel for the boy…” Her grip on the tablet was tight.
Dek gently put an arm around her and pulled her close, then kissed the top of her head. “I like both of those a lot, Stardust.”
Midge nodded, burying her face into Dek’s shirt. “How are we supposed to do this, Dek?” she asked, her voice garbled by tears. “How do we live in a world without them?”
“We just...do,” Dek told her. “The ones we love are never truly gone, right? They’re...they’re right here with us. Always.” He held her tighter. “We just...keep them alive in everything we do now. We...we never let their legacy die.”
Midge snorted a bit even through her tears. “What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.”
Dek gave a tense nod. “...That’s right,” he said, putting a hand on her tiny baby bump. “That’s exactly right.”
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