#addie denivar
scythemichaelfaraday · 10 months
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some drawings for a tmosth themed rp
most characters belong to @cat-gwyn-gunn
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queen-of-lazuroth · 10 months
The Starfall Express isn’t like other trains. Unlike those that are grounded to the rails on a singular planet, the train travels through space, making a solid tour around several lovely planets and nebulas. Also, unlike other trains, this one is specifically for events. For example, the birthday of the Queen of Lazuroth.
“Right this way, Your Grace,” the conductor says, leading Midge onto the train. Dek follows close by, always watchful even at an event such as this. “Is your full party here?”
“Looks like it,” Midge says as the rest of the group filed in. She is pleased to see that everyone has followed their costume notes to the letter. She looks back up at the conductor. “Is everything set on the other end.”
The conductor nods and Midge feels relieved that she didn’t have to explain. “Of course, You Grace. All set and taken care of.”
“Thank you!”
“I’m still confused as to what I’m supposed to be…” Iris says, frowning down at his pressed blazer and large bow tie. “My card had like five different occupations.”
“We’ll get to it, Iris, don’t worry,” Midge tells him. “For now we’re going to mingle and enjoy the hors d’Oeuvres!”
“Besides,” Chance says teasingly to Iris, “You look extremely cute.”
Iris glares at him. “I’ll show you cute, detective.”
“Sssh,” Addie chastises him playfully, poking his cheek. “You’re not supposed to know that.”
Dwight gives the dining car a once over before turning back to his husband, Johnny. He looks spectacular in his dress, and he’s especially cute with that fan. “Are you excited?” He asks.
Edger Vargas ( The one that has become Dwight’s friend and not the asshole that had kidnapped and brainwashed Johnny) files in toward the end, gazing around the dining car. If someone told him several years ago that not only would he be acquainted with aliens, but royal aliens, he probably would have laughed very rudely before walking away.
He glances over at Nny, taking in his outfit once more. He made the mistake in saying he looked more like a barista than a locksmith and found himself tackled to the ground and nearly pummeled. For a such a short and scrawny man, Nny is stupid strong. And twice as scary.
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mr-dwight-dwicky · 2 years
[ previously ]
Dwight finds his own heart fluttering as he looks over everyone in the room. This is his reason for wanting to do better. To be better. A couple years ago it seemed an impossibility. He knows there are people who will never forgive him, nor does he expect it. But he will take what he can get.
Chance orders a sushi roll dinner and a taro tea before handing it over to Leera. He still cant believe that he actually shares some of her DNA, and he wonders why he never noticed it before. Perhaps he never gave himself a chance to notice.
Leera's blush makes her cheeks darken to a much darker blue at her nickname. She smiles at Johnny lovingly as she starts putting in hers and Egan's orders. "I like to call your Parent 'My Flurry,'" she mentions, handing the tablet to Cal now.
Its then that a sound thats a cross between a zipper and a bubble popping cuts into the room, announcing the arrival of Addie Denivar via teleportation. Her white hair is tied into a fishtail braid that lays across her shoulder. She's wearing black leggings with a dark purple crop top along with a dark blue denim jacket. Several pins are scattered along the front, including a gold, glittering one in the shape of the symbol for the Irken Empire, and another thats more a brooch with a circle of gems surrounding an embossed, bronze phoenix. She'll insist she wears the second one because she thinks its pretty and it would be a waste not to.
"I hear another relative has appeared from the cosmos," Addie says with a grin.
Chance rolls his eyes as he rises from Leera's embrace to walk over and pull Addie into a hug. She gives him an extra squeeze and a kiss on the cheek, reassuring him. Chance gestures to Cal.
"Addie, this is Cal. He's my twin," Chance explains. "Cal, this is Addie. She's my fiancee."
"Hello!" Addie says chipperly.
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
...I just realized that Dib and Zim are gay godfathers to a (future) protagonist.
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cat-gwyn-gunn · 5 years
Ten year old Addie Denivar really thought this was gonna be another normal Christmas get together with her friends and family. That is...until she gets kidnapped by possibly the worst human in existence... 
Interstellar Christmas Special Part Two Electric Boogaloo
Co-created with @rottinglapine 
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addie-bear · 5 years
Ah ah ah ah.
Admiral Addie Denivar froze at the sound, her ear twitching toward it. It sounded so distant though, as if someone singing down the hall. Her brow furrowed as she turned and walked toward it.
Ah ah ah ah
“Violet? Maddie? Are you two singing?”
“No, Mama,” Maddie replied loudly from the girl’s room. Addie didn’t suspect she was lying. Not only did this voice not sound quite like either of her daughters. Dimitri could hardly talk yet, let alone sing. And Noelle was staying the night at with a friend.
Not to mention...it almost seemed to be coming from another direction entirely...far far away.
Ah ah ah ah.
“...What in Togal’s name?”
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chances-r-high · 5 years
"Spoilers, Songbird? Are you going soft on me?"
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(OOC: Since there are new people, here's a cheatsheet of some things. Please interact at your own discretion and with your mental health in mind.)
Edit 05/23/2022: If you’re just interacting with Johnny, then it is wise to note that currently they are brainwashed and being held captive, thus not going to be very like himself most of the time.
Name: Johnny C. Denivar
Age: Unknown, approx. mid-late 50's, physical form was created to resemble a mid-late 20's-year-old
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them
Height: 5'1"
Content Warnings: Homicide, suicide, panic attacks/PTSD episodes, mentions of past domestic abuse, torture mentions, weapon mentions, s/h,s/i mentions. I will tag as necessary, but these are the largest themes that will make appearances on this blog. Please let me know if you need anything in particular tagged, I will do my best to accommodate.
Partners: @leera-ozynite and @mr-dwight-dwicky
Siblings (including in-laws): @queen-of-lazuroth, @son-of-an-invader, @agent-moth-me-a-man , @zim-denivar
Children: @chances-r-high, @egan-first-of-his-name, @xxxstarxxxbunnyxxx
Other Family: @addie-bear (niece), @drun-in-a-million (nephew)
Friends: @kneltnotbowed, @sepulcretis
Enemies: @operator-edgar (creator/abusive ex, general piece of shit), @perfect-harmonia (has made multiple murder attempts on multiple loved ones and himself also a Terf) @tennofficial (helped kidnap him)
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drun-in-a-million · 4 years
[ @little-justice And introducing @egan-first-of-his-name ]
Mefnan didn’t look anything like Drun had expected.
Then again, he wasn’t sure *what* he’d been expecting.
The planet was brilliant green, almost emerald, glowing brilliant against the dark backdrop of space. It was also very small, not looking much bigger than Earth’s moon. It almost seemed to glimmer and shine as they got closer. Drun felt his sydark pound. The voice was louder than it had ever been
Ah ahh ah ahhh~
“Mmm I can’t wait until we figure this out,” Ada said sleepily as she woke from her nap. She stretched, her back cracking a bit. “Just to get the voice to shut up and I can finally fucking sleep.”
Drun rolled his eyes. “Like you slept before- Ow!” He narrowed his eyes at his sister and rubbed his arm where she’d hit him. “I am driving you know?”
Ada scoffed. “Don’t be such a baby. You’ve had way worse than that.”
Drun couldn’t argue with that. He was Denivar, after all. Getting kidnapped frequently by various assholes came with the territory.
As they began to approach the atmosphere, the ship suddenly jolted sideways. The lights on the console began to flash repeatedly and a loud buzzing sound was coming from the dash.
“Um?! What is happening?!” Ada demanded, sitting back up in her seat.
Drun clutched onto the helm with a death grip, trying to steer the ship to no avail. It felt like something was literally trying to keep him from completely getting through the atmosphere of the planet. He growled. The voice was so loud. Desperate, even.
Ah ahh ah ahhh~
“DO SOMETHING, DRUN!” Ada shouted.
“I’m working on it!” Drun yelled back.He gave the helm a quick, violent jerk, forcing it forward and to the side. Finally the clouds of the atmosphere cleared, showing a large clearing in the middle of a forest. However, the ship continued to jostle and jump with turbulance, and he couldn’t seem to get it to come back up.
“Hold on to something!” He told Ada, pressing a button to ensure they were fastened into their seats tightly.
Ada didn’t bother to argue, closing her eyes and bracing herself.
When Drun came to, he was still in his seat surrounded by rubble.
His antennae were ringing, not helping his aching head at all. He blinked a few times to try and shake the feeling off, grunting. There was something cold dripping down his face.
It was a struggle, but he managed to find his consciousness once more, especially when he began to hear a loud whimpering next to him. “Ada?” He blinked a few more times, trying to focus. Blood. There was blood. And… “Oh shit, Ada!”
For the most part his sister seemed fine, until you got down to her left ankle. It look almost twisted out of place, obviously broken. Something was sticking out of it, and it was covered in purple blood. Ada let out a painful cry followed by another whimper.
Drun sprung into action, ignoring the pain in his head as he quickly unfastened himself from his seat. “It’s okay. You’re okay we’ll find you some help.” He carefully unfastened her seat belt before gingerly scooping her up.
“Yeah, from where, genius?!” Ada snapped, only to cry out and sob when her ankle was jostled a bit from being picked up.
“There’s still people on this planet,” Drun told her. “I’m sure they have to have doctors or some-”
Drun did as he was told, stopping at what remained of the door to his ship. He found himself surrounded by several people, all with deep blue skin and one eye. All of their eyes seemed to be the same shade of green, while their hair colors varied as much as humans’ did. He swallowed. “Hey, listen...we’re...we’re not here to cause an trouble we just-,”
Ah ahh ah ahhh~
At that moment Ada’s hands began to crackle and spark. Nothing shot out, just a bright glow of electricity around her fingers. A small flurry suddenly appeared above Drun’s head. He looked at the crowd nervously. A few of them had their elements on display, but none of them fluctuated like his and Ada’s suddenly did.
One of the older members of the crowd stepped forward, looking them up and down. He didn’t look quite as suspicious anymore, his gaze holding more of a cautious curiosity.
“Ozynite or Zehara?”
Drun’s brow furrowed. In all his research, he hadn’t heard those names. “I’m...I’m sorry?’
“The Call. You can hear it right?” the man asked. “It happens every so many years, but it can only be heard by the members of two families. So which one are you from?”
Drun shook his head. “I...I don’t know. I don’t even know what you’re talking about.” He heard Ada whimper again. She looked like she was about to pass out. “Listen...we just recently found out we were part Mefni. My sister is injured really bad. Can you please help her?”
The group exchanged looks for a moment before the leader gave a nod. “Okay. But not without answering some questions.”
Drun nodded. “Yeah, of course. Thank you.”
“Lazuroth, huh? You must be from the Zehara clan then,” the man (who was names Brix) told them after Drun told him about what had lead them here. “The head of it, Viggo, was captured for some time back by the queen.” He seemed to notice the horrified look on Drun’s face. “Don’t worry. We know there’s been a new queen in charge for years. We may look primitive, but we just like being more one with nature is all.”
Drun nodded as they entered the village. It was strange, towers of lit up dwellings spinning around the trees around them. The lights were of recent technology but for the homes themselves seemed to almost blend in with the wood of the large, tall trees. Brix led them to one of the bigger ones of the ground, which upon entry looked very much like the med bays Drun had become accustomed to. 
He carefully laid his currently unconscious sister on the nearest bed, where she was immediately surrounded by staff. One of the, a girl who looked to be around Ada’s age, tilted her head. “She’s cute.” 
“Rejika,” One of the older staff members scolded.
“I’m just saying!” Rejika replied. She looked back at Drun with a smile. “Your sister’s in good hands. Don’t worry.”
Drun nodded. “Thank you.” He turned back to Brix. “Could you like...explain what’s going on? You obviously know what this...Call is. But I...I don’t understand why it’s calling us or...anything else you just asked about.”
“Oh so that’s why you’re here,” Rejika said as she began placing an I.V catheter in Ada’s arm. “I was wondering why some strange aliens would be on our planet. We barely get people here for trades, let alone for some kind of vacation.”
Brix sighed, giving Rejika a look. Drun, however, was curious. “So you know about the Call, too?”
“Pfft. Everyone knows about the Call,” Rejika explained. “It’s just that only a few of us can hear it. Ooh! Which clan are you from, then?”
“Um…” Drun turned back to Brix. He had already forgotten.
“Zehara,” Brix replied.
“Really? Sweet!” Rejika replied. “My friend Lumi is from that clan. So I guess she’d be like...your cousin or something?”
Drun’s eyes widened and his antennae perked up. “Really? Do..do you know where I could find them?”
“Oh yeah they-”
Brix suddenly cleared his throat, silencing Rejika. He turned to Drun. “You have to keep in mind that...they may not want much to do with you considering...well considering who your grandmother is. Not to mention the Call comes they tend to haul up somewhere where they can muffle it. The Ozynites are the same way.”
Drun’s antennae drooped. “Well...can’t blame them for that. But...can you at least tell me what this is about. I just...why is my family being called at all.”
Brix sighed. “You sure you wanna know?”
“I’m positive. I...I’m supposed to be here. I just don’t know why.”
Brix looked up at Rejika, as if to tell her to get back to work. She sighed but went to completely focusing on Ada. Brix waved his hands and Drun watched with fascination as water flowed from them in different shapes around them. The began to form that of settings, buildings, people, moving around to Brix’s words.
“Several generations back, our planet was ruled by two clans. The Zeharas and the Ozynites. For years these clans were rivals, constantly finding any excuse to fight with one another. Until one day, a couple of new heads of the family came into power, deciding perhaps it was time to bury the hatchet.
They decided to arrange a marriage between the oldest Ozynite daughter and the second oldest Zehara son. A few people showed concerned, because the bride possessed the most unpredictable and rare element of our kind.” His water turned orangey red and rippled around. “Fire.”
Drun blinked. “Is it really?” He suddenly thought of Addie, and her ability to change flame into different colors.
Brix nodded. “Yes. However, the Ozynites assured the Zeharas that the bride had impeccable control of her powers, and that any offspring the two had would most definitely be strong and powerful.
“At first, it seemed the match was prepared well. The bride and groom got along swimmingly, and it seemed there would be finally be peace between these warring clans. However, it was not to be.
“The day before the wedding, the groom was found burnt to death at the feet of the would be bride.”
Drun actually gasped. Yes, it sounded like some old tale that probably had some kind of meaning to it or whatnot, but that actually had shocked him. He never thought of his sister’s powers as any more or less dangerous than his own. “Did...did she lose control.”
Brix shrugged. “Some say yes. Some say it was intentional. Either way it sparked a battle that lasted for days. The bride herself nearly killed so many people during before finally being subdued.
“Ever since then, even after both clans lost the power they had to time, they have never tried to reconcile again. Not that they fight in the street, persay. But they’re not inviting each other over for dinner or anything.”
“Heck, during this time we don’t see members of either family,” Rejika said, finally done getting Ada hooked up to her pain meds, nanites, and antibiotics. “The Call can be pretty overwhelming. At least that’s what Lumi tells me.”
“That story doesn’t explain why there’s a Call in the first place. Why is it calling? Who is it?”
“No one knows,” Brix replied. “Some say that ever since that great battle that because so many Mefni were slain that day, it created an imbalance and the Call is sort of a punishing reminder of what the families caused.”
Drun frowned. That...didn’t seem right. This couldn’t be just some..punishment of sorts caused by his ancestors. At least...it certainly didn’t feel like it. No...something was calling him to action. He could feel it in his bones.
Ah ahh ah ahhh~
His antennae perked back up and he found himself looking over his shoulder. He narrowed his eyes. “What’s in that direction?” Drun asked.
Brix and Rejika exchanged glances before the girl answered. “It’s where the town of Madej once stood-”
‘Rejika!” Brix scolded.
“Look. I know you old folk like to pretend that any inconvenience will just pass on it’s own, but you can’t deny the way the erratic the weather has been! The rivers running backwards? How it will snow in one place but not five feet away it’ll dry up and catch fire.” She narrowed her eye. “The planet has been out of balance for years because two families decided to just kill one another! And honestly, if he thinks he can stop then, hell, let him!”
“There is nothing to stop. This isn’t some curse to be broken! We simply all just need to be more devout in our offerings and-,”
“Yeah, sure, whatever. You clearly haven’t been around someone when they’re hearing the Call. You ever have to stay up all night with someone while they cry and beg and pray and wish it would stop? Hmm? Didn’t think so.”
Drun couldn’t help but look over back at his sister. She seemed so peaceful right now, asleep and resting. He was glad they’d found people to help her. He was not like his mother. He had no idea how to deal with a splinter let alone a broken ankle. He was suddenly reminded of how she was acting when they’d finally decided to come here. “Make it stop. How do we make it stop?”
Ah ahh ah ahhh~
Drun took a deep breath, rising to his feet. “Do you mind keeping an eye on my sister while I’m gone? She’ll probably be mad I left her, but she can’t come with, obviously.”
“You can’t possibly be serious-,”
“I have to know why I’m here. Why the Call crossed over galaxies and star systems to make sure my family heard it, too.” He looked to Rejika. She seemed like she’d be more help. “I could use a map or something to help me get to Madej. Or where it used to be, I guess.”
Rejika pulled out her phone. “I can give you the coordinates Will that be enough?”
Drun beamed. “That’s perfect. Thank you.”
“No problem!” She shot a quick look at Ada before giving Drun a grin. “So...is your sister single?”
Meanwhile, on the other side of the ash ridden valley that was once the town of Madej, a young half-Mefni found himself sneaking around the small town he’d found himself in, scouring for supplies and information. He’d heard how feared and mistreated fire users are, so he knows if he’s caught, it could spell his doom.
He had to find the town of Madej. That was where the voice was coming. That was where the answers would be.
He could only hope that his mother and father didn’t become too angry at him for taking off...
Ah ahh ah ahhh~
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dib-adrift · 5 years
[ @drun-in-a-million @queen-of-lazuroth ]
With so many kids, it was common at night for the parents to walk around the halls of the castle rounding them up and making sure they went to bed. Well...most of them now were adults or practically adults, but it still gave them piece of mind. Their family to this day was still cursed with kidnappings.
That was how Dib found Drun passed out in front of a computer in the archives room. He was also surrounded by several books. A quick glance told Dib that they were mostly about...legends and myths of Lazuroth? Was this a holiday project he had to work on before school started again?
Nonetheless, Dib reached over and shook his son’s shoulder. “Mijo? Come on, you should go to bed.”
Drun jumped awake with a grunt, looking up at one of his fathers. He rubbed his face and looked around him. A hint of panic bubbled in his chest, but there was no way his Papa could figure everything out from the things around him. He cleared his throat. “Sorry...guess I was more tired than I thought.”
Dib chuckled. “You’re too much like your parents, I think. All of us. Maybe it’s a curse for Denivars to be workaholics.” He ruffled the boys white hair, as soft as his mother’s. “What are you working on, anyway?”
Drun’s sydark jumped. “Oh! Uh...research. Just research for...school. Family lineage stuff.”
Dib tilted his head. “Strange thing for Polaris Academy to ask,” he mentioned. Then again, some instructors had strange ways of teaching.
“Y-yeah...” Drun said. He didn’t like lying to his parents. Even when he and Scarlett got into trouble, he never lied about how they got into it. He took responsibility for it, for not thinking ahead. He bit his bottom lip and then sighed. “Actually...can I tell you something?”
Dib’s brow furrowed. “Of course you can. You can tell me anything.” He was perhaps the most understanding of the parents, and definitely the most lenient. It came from his own childhood, of constantly being belittled and pushed aside. Yes, his father eventually saw the error of his ways before their timeline was destroyed, but...well, by that point it was too little too late. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes! No! I...I don’t know...” Drun closed his eyes, trying to figure out a way to start. “I’ve been...hearing singing...”
“Singing?” Dib asked, his voice colored with concern. “What do you mean?”
“It’s not words. It’s just....’ah ah ah ahhhh~’” He didn’t have the voice his sisters had, but that’s what it sounded like. “It mostly sounds like one voice, others it’s multiple. And...and I’m not the only one hearing it! Ruby and Rían are hearing it too!”
Dib stared at his son for long time, trying to process his words. “Just the three of you? And it’s...not even words?”
“Yeah!” Drun confirmed, sounding almost relieved that so far Dib didn’t seem to think he was losing it in anyway. “It...I don’t know. It feels like...something calling to me. Us. Or someone.”
Dib’s gaze fell to the floor, thoughtful. “And you’re the only three that can hear it?”
“So far. We’ve tried to get in touch with Addie but you know...she’s busy.”
“What about Ada?”
“She doesn’t hear it. She even made fun of me for it. But Rían and I have a theory that it’s just us with extra abilities. But to confirm that we have to know if Addie is hearing it.”
“I’m gonna be honest, Drun...but just from that information alone it sounds like some sort of trap. Why else target the ones that have extra powers?”
“I...I don’t know...” Drun balled his hands into fists. “I can’t explain it but...it doesn’t feel like a trap. It...it feels like a genuine call for...something...”
Dib sighed, taking a moment to pet Drun’s hair again. “Okay. Maybe your mom knows something that could help. I’ll talk to her, okay?” He put his hands on Drun’s shoulders. “Promise you won’t do anything impulsive until we make sure this isn’t something dangerous?”
Drun tried not to tense. Every time he heard the singing it seemed to get stronger, urging him to do...something. Go somewhere. Go wherever it was coming from. How could he promise he wouldn’t follow it, when everything in his being was telling him to do just that?”
“I promise,” he said with the straightest face he could manage. Unlike most of his family, Drun had a good poker face. One of his instructors said he must have inherited Dek’s espionage spirit.
“Good,” Dib said, ruffling the boys hair one more time. “Come on. Get to bed. You look like you haven’t slept in days.”
I haven’t, Drun thought to himself. Even now he could hear it, loud and insistent. Ah ah ah ahhhhh~ Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
He had figure this out. He had to...
“Singing?” Midge asked, her brow furrowing. 
“Yeah,” Dib said with a nod as the parents got ready for bed. “Drun said so far it’s just him and the twins hearing it. There’s not like...some weird ritual that happens with the Cuppari line every so many years is there?”
Midge shook her head. “Not to my knowledge, and my mother practically crammed all the history she could into my head. Well, the fake history. I figured out anything else from Sigi.”
“Do we need to be concerned?” Dek asked, a familiar look in his eye. An ingrained need to protect his family.
“Is it possible it’s in their heads? They have been under quite a lot of stress this past year, especially Drun,” Zim suggested. His voice was gentle but practical.
“It’s unlikely for all three of them to hallucinate the same thing. Even the twins, with as close as they are.” Midge snuggled into the bed as the four of them cuddled together, the Irkens using Dib as extra heat, while Midge was perfectly comfortable at the current temperatures. “I’ll look into it for sure. Maybe there’s something I missed or don’t remember.”
“I’ll help. I like doing research,” Dib offered, leaning over and kissing Midge’s forehead. 
“Thank you, love.”
It was the sound of singing that awoke Midge in the morning. She blinked her eyes several times before slowly pulling herself from the cuddle pile of her and her mates.
Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
Her brow furrowed as she went toward the balcony. The voice seemed almost right in her ear, yet also so far away.
Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
Midge looked over her shoulder, seeing that Dek had been awoken from her shuffle. He was always so entuned with her and the other three. Sometimes she wondered if he could read their thoughts. But even now, the singing could be heard, clear as a thin sheet of ice.
Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
If she was hearing it as well...
...There was only one person she could ask...
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son-of-an-invader · 5 years
[ @son-of-an-invader @queen-of-lazuroth @dib-adrift @zimerstellar ]
It didn’t take long for Zim to figure out how to get around the Metallah. It was a large ship, rivalling the size of the Massive, but the set up was just a bit different and there were more rooms. But once he’d figured out where the important places were - the food court, the Med Bay, his quarters, which wasn’t far from Midge and Dek’s. He’d also come familiar with one particular computer room, where he’d find himself helping Dek with tracking the missing Glitterverse. It had become almost routine by now. Wake up. Go visit Dib. Talk to Midge about medical updates. And also other nonsense (like how they both enjoyed sweets and how Midge loved to cook and bake). Go help Dek for a bit. Go hang out with Dib for lunch. Back to chatting with Midge. Returning to Dek and staying until dinner, when he’d typically have to drag the hybrid out so he would eat and go spend time with his wife. However, after a day or two Zim began to wonder if Dek was eating and sleeping at all. He wasn’t sure why he felt so concerned for him ( for both of the Denivars, really) but he wasn’t one to question his instincts. They had gotten him this far in life, no? So today Zim showed up to the tracking room with a plate of food, enough for two people. He sat it down on a counter near Dek. “Zim has brought food stuffs, Captain,” he announced proudly. “You should eat something.” Dek gave a shrug. “I’m not hungry.” Zim frowned. “Midge-thing says she has not seen you eat since the Glitterverse disappeared. You cannot track them on an empty stomach.” He got closer and observed the hybrids features, seeing dark circles already under his eyes. Just as he feared. “Are you even sleeping at all?” “What are you, my mother?” Dek huffed. “I’m fine. Are you going to sit down and help me today or not?” Zim gave an irritated chitter before stomping over to the hybrid. “Captain, do not make Zim shove this food down your throat,” he threatened. And he had every intention of following through. Dek looked up at him, his mouth drawn into a thin line. He shouldn’t be taking breaks. He shouldn’t be sleeping. He needed to be right here, in front of this screen searching for their friends. His family… However one look at the food that Zim had brought had his stomach growling. It looked like Midge had made his favorite. “…Fine. Just for a bit.” Zim grinned victoriously, moving the tray to a place where they could sit down and eat comfortably. He dug in first, his eyes widening like saucers. “Your Midge is…rather impressive in the kitchen.” Dek didn’t miss the expression, how Zim looked so surprised and enamored with the food so quickly. He would admit to himself - but never out loud - that it was rather cute. “She is. Best cook in the galaxy, honestly.” Zim nodded, continuing to eat. There was a silence that dragged on for a bit. It was unpleasant or uncomfortable. It was just…there… Then, finally, Zim could help his curiosity no longer. “Will you tell me about him?” Dek rose a brow. “Who?” “Zim,” Zim replied tentatively. “Your Zim. Your brother.” Dek froze for a moment at the question. He almost wondered why Stellar Zim wanted to know, but quickly brushed that away. It wasn’t the first time one Zim was curious about another. “He’s…possibly the epitome of an annoying little brother,” Dek explained, a fond smile playing on his features. “He likes to fill my desk draws with glitter or leave me shiny stickers on my computer consoles. But he’s also…sweet. And brave.” He looked up sheepishly. “And, no offense, but he is my favorite Zim.” Dek pointed at the Irken in front of him with his fork. “Don’t tell him I said that.” Zim snorted. “I supposed that is fair. He is your brother, after all.” Then, he smirked. “But for your offense, rest assured I will tell him what you said.” “Jerk,” Dek said, but there was no heat behind his voice. There was a small pause, not as long as before. When Dek spoke again he was nervous. “Technically…he’s not my Zim. I mean if…your Dib is…mine and Midge’s Dib. That would mean you’re our Zim, right?” Zim hummed. “I suppose that makes sense.” He honestly wasn’t sure why that really mattered. It was obvious that this Glitter Zim - all the Glitters really - meant a great deal to Dek. Why else would he skip on eating and sleeping to try to find them? Then again, perhaps Dek was like that for anyone he cared about. He did risk quite a bit to go after Dib. And Zim was certain he would have done that even if Addie hadn’t been a factor. “All the same, he sounds like a lot of fun. But perhaps Zim is biased.” Dek snorted, nibbling a bit more on his food. His brow furrowed for just a moment and he looked up at Zim. “You’re…rather different, you know that?” Dek explained. “I mean…the same in many ways, still a Zim by all means. But…you’re also very…calm.” “What are you talking about? Zim is always calm,” Zim argued. “Now if you mean to say I am far more SUPERIOR and AMAZING compared to other Zims, that is simply because I have perfected my me.” He grinned a little. “Tch. What caused that, I have to wonder,” Dek said. “Couldn’t possibly be your mate or anything.” Zim blushed a little, but tried to keep up his bravado. “No, of course not. Don’t be silly, Captain. And it sounds like it won’t be long until Dib is your mate as well. If he is not already.” Even in the hybrid, Zim could tell the Irken instincts were strong. And once Irkens wanted something, it was as good as theirs. Dek flushed. He had to admit that was a great counter. “I…I wouldn’t use that word just yet. I don’t want him to feel pressured or anything.” He was now poking at his food. He’d been careful about that word with Midge, too. At least until she accepted her Orok. Zim shrugged. “I don’t think he feels any of those things. He seems very taken with both of you. And I can speak from experience that Dib is as loyal as they come. He does not let go of what he cares for easily.” “I know,” Dek said, looking right at Zim. “He was still searching for you after he found us, by the way. Or at least for an explanation as to what happened to your universe.” “And now he would do the same for you and the Midge-doctor,” Zim replied with a nod. “He is the best Dib ever. But, again, I am quite biased.” Dek managed a small chuckle. “I think we all have our favorites. I think the only situation I don’t is with my children. Can’t bring myself to do that.” Zim had only met one of the Denivar offspring, but if the rest of them were just as extreme as Addie, he wouldn’t be the least bit surprised. He would also wonder how Midge and Dek handled such children. “…They just became parents,” Dek suddenly said. He’d stop touching his food, simply staring at it. The look in his eyes was comparable to disgust. “Purple and Mika had just had Alexx. And then there’s Miguel…he wasn’t…isn’t that old. Dib and Red were so excited. Keef, too. He loved that kid like he was his own. He was his own. And Zim…he was still getting used to the idea of being a father but…he loves his son. He loves him.” Dek suddenly set his utensils down and pushed the remaining food away. “I should get back to work.” Zim sighed. Well, a few minutes was better than nothing. He, too, took a moment to push his food away so he could take his place to help. He honestly hoped beyond hope that he was wrong. That the Glitterverse was just…missing. Something that could be found. But deep in this spooch he knew. He knew the truth that was glaring them right in the face. The truth that Dek refused to grasp. “You didn’t have to stop on my account,” Dek told Zim. “Zim doesn’t need much nourishment. My PAK still needs some upgrades, but it is not as defective as it once was.” No thanks to his own Tallests. “Two heads are better than one, yes?” Dek stared at him for a moment, but then nodded. “Yeah. Thank you.” “You helped save my…our Dib’s life, Captain. And you and the Midge have been very kind to Zim. So Zim will pay that back in any way he can.”
“Zim?” Zim didn’t sleep. Sometimes he would go into a deep stasis to recharge, but he was always aware of his surroundings when it happened. Still vulnerable. But not as much as the human who typically slept beside him. Who, apparently, was not sleeping. “Yes, my Dib.” “…I can’t sleep,” Dib said, his voice sounding hesitant. “That is obvious, my Dib. But Zim wishes to know why.” He had a feeling as to why, but he wanted Dib to say it. Dib snuggled close to Zim, burying his face in the Irken’s shoulder. “Do you mind if we…go sleep with Dek and Midge? I’ve just…I’ve been so worried about them. I know they have each other but I can’t help but feel like they need other people, too.” Zim gave Dib a confused look. “Zim does not mind you staying with Midge and Dek tonight, but aren’t you bound to the Med Bay? And why are you inviting Zim?” “They took my I.V’s out today. And I honestly don’t think Midge and Dek would kick me out. Also, as for you, I don’t think they would mind. They seem to like you.” Zim gave him a skeptical look. “I do not believe the Captain likes Zim very much.” “Nah. He likes you. He’s just a tsundere.” Zim rose a brow. “Eh?” “A tsundere.” “Dib what has Zim said about making up words?” “You’re PAK automatically translates everything for you so you know they’re not made up words. Actually all words are made up, if you really think about it.” “You are doing the rambles again, my Dib.” Not that he really minded. “Look. He likes you. He just has a habit of pretending not to like people he cares about. Midge said when he was courting her that one minute he would be helping her clean up a room or something and the next he was starting arguments over whether a rug was orange or pink.” “…Are you suggesting that Dek is attempting to court me?” Zim’s stomach gave a flip at the thought. Which he completely ignored. “No? Wait…I don’t know. Listen my point is that he does like you. He’s just dumb about showing his softer side.” A goofy grin appeared on Dib’s face. “You should see him with his kids. He’s so soft and sweet and gentle with them.” Zim gave Dib a sweet smile. A long time ago he never thought he’d be okay with Did being in love with someone else, but seeing him so happy made Zim feel so warm inside. Dib was just full of love to give, and of course Zim knew that Dib didn’t love him any less. “I’m sure it is a sight to behold, my Dib.” “It really is,” said Dib. He reached for Zim’s hand and began tugging him along. “Now, come on, Space Boy.” Zim sighed. Of course he wished to be around Dib as much as possible - he’d hardly left his side since they were reunited - but he didn’t wish to intrude on him and his new mates (at this point he refused to believe it wouldn’t come to that). However, he followed Dib across the hall to the Denivar’s quarters, linger at the door once they had quietly entered. “You should be in bed,” Midge mumbled, her voice heavy with sleep. Zim was happy to see Dek here as well, though he didn’t speak nor move from his spot . Neither of them asked why Zim was here, yet he still didn’t come forward. “Figured you wouldn’t mind more company,” Dib said, wasting no time crawling into the bed and snuggling next to Midge’s other side.He looked back at Zim with a bright smile. “Come on, Zim.” Zim was usually very good at hiding his insecurities, but right now he felt like he was forcing himself into somewhere he didn’t belong. “Zim isn’t sure…” “Zim,” Dek said, finally speaking for the first time since Dib and Zim had entered the room. “Just come here.” He scooted over just a bit, making a space between him and Midge. Zim hesitated for just a bit longer before slowly making his way to the spot. Midge offered him a big smile as Dek wrapped his arms around all three of them. Or at least tried, his hand stopping at Dib’s arm which was also wrapped around the two smaller ones. Zim shifted, but it wasn’t long before he felt comfortable. Content even. As if…this was something he hadn’t even known he’d been looking for. It wasn’t long until they were all peacefully asleep.
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8 memes for Experiment 777
Link for the story: Experiment 777 - Chapter 1 - deliciousflavor - Johnny the Homicidal Maniac [Archive of Our Own]
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queen-of-lazuroth · 5 years
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mr-dwight-dwicky · 3 years
((Mod’s about to get a little cheesy on main so prepare yourself.))
So, one year ago, something strange happened to this blog. Another Muse (namely Honey-Zim @definitelynotan-alien ) suddenly started sending this bastard gifts, which spiraled into yet another kidnapping for the Denivar clan. However, what does this asshole do instead of actually trying to kill the kid? He fucking plays a game of Go Fish with him. To top things off, this fucker finds himself in a deep (drunk) conversation with the very man who’s taken his clone under his wing. And man, oh, man did that start a road I didn’t even know exist.
Let me be very clear. I had absolutely no intention of giving this fucker a second chance at life. I had plans upon plans in my head about how he would finally meet his end. And yet...none of them came to be. I make jokes all the time that I don’t actually control my characters, that they decide what direction they would like to go and I simply transcribe it. And in the case of this fucker, I’ve found it more true than ever. 
This bitch basically swindled me into giving him a shot at playing on the other team, or at least a different team, a team of his own, and me, probably being in the middle of my own crisis, decided to give it to him.
I understand why people don’t like Dwight. And, like he would agree, I’m not asking anyone to. I’m not asking anyone to forgive him. No one is entitled to forgiveness, and I hope with the way I write Chance in this situation I make that exceptionally clear (As someone with a family member who has hurt me so much, who I don’t think I can ever truly forgive, it comes off as good projection fuel I guess lmao)
However, I guess I just want to talk a little bit about how this was a good thing. How regardless of how little Dwight deserves anything he’s been given this year - though we know how Addie and Diana Prince feel about the concept of deserve. I want to explain why I feel like, in the end, I made the right choice. Not just for Dwight. But for myself.
The last two years have not been kind to me. In January of 2019 I was in a car accident. A guy ran a stop sign and hit me so hard the entire passenger side of the front of my car caved in. My ankle was severely broken, three of my vertebrae were chipped, and I suffered a concussion. I was in the hospital for six days, went through two surgeries, three months of physical therapy to learn to walk again. And all throughout this, I realized the man I married was no longer someone who could/would give me the support I needed, that he was no longer someone I wanted to be bound to.
So the New Years came, and I had no idea what it had in store. But from the first day of 2020, no matter what happened, writing Dwight Dwicky in a different way, in a different voice, became sort of a therapy in itself (the irony, I know.) In a way, I was making the impossible possible, peeling back layers of a man who I had portrayed as a monster for so, so long. I did my best to make sure his transgressions weren’t forgotten, to not give him complete freedom, but to give him the chance grow, to build this life with Leera and Johnny and Egan, and even having Addie for the sassiest commentary. It made me happy.
And so 2020 became, despite all the odds, the year of doing what made me happy.
I worked two jobs and was exhausted. I was about to quit the one at Dollar General when the pandemic hit, causing me to lose my serving job. And yet I kept on trucking as much as I could, writing how Dwight’s relationships began to change little by little, how he began to grow little by little. March came and I was officially divorced...and I was also (unbeknownst to my dumb gay ass) falling in love.
Slowly but surely, this dastardly villain I had painstakingly created with the wildest plot twist I’d ever written (more so in the canon Interstellar fics) had become a fucking comfort character. A reminder that true strength isn’t found in  being cut-throat or stoic or alone. It’s found in the people I know I can always depend on. It’s found in the ability to know when I’m wrong and to do what it takes to make it right, to know that no one owes me anything, including forgiveness. But also that confidence is not something someone is born with. It is built. It is manifested.
A job opportunity came my way, for the first time I found myself having to be cunning, having to learn to read people, but also to swallow my pride and ask for help when I need it most. To reach out when I feel like I’m at my worst. And, through teaching Dwight the very same, I learned that it was more than okay for me to feel, and for me to talk about those feelings. That I didn’t need to do everything, anything, alone.
It was around this point that my dumb gay ass did come to realize I was falling for one of my friends. I went back and forth for days, but finally, in very true Dwight “fuck it” fashion, I finally said something.
We’ve now been dating for 7 months :D
It’s dramatic, I know, to say in perhaps the worst year in the history of the world, that my allowing this grumpy, terribly, vengeful, sour old man go from megalomaniac to dilf not only help me cope, but was a turning point for one of the worst years of my life becoming simultaneously one of the best but...I can’t help but feel like that’s exactly what happened.
I would never ask anyone to give this bastard a chance. The red in his ledger is insurmountable, and only in a work of fiction could something like what I’ve done fly, and I know it. But I suppose I just wanted to talk about how it’s felt weaving such a beautiful, complex story, and I can’t wait to continue writing more of his trials and tribulations in the coming new year.
2020 has be tumultuous, but I hope you, too, have found something to hold on to that helped you stay afloat, and I hope 2021 brings you new and better opportunities. And at the end of the day, seize what makes you happy. Fuck anyone who tries to bring you down from it.
Sincerely, Cat (the Mod)
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
My brain, after finishing a 345,000 word series: So...sequel series about Addie huh?
Me: We literally just...
Brain: Sequel series about Addie huh?
Me: Listen you're not wrong but give me a minute to breath.
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cat-gwyn-gunn · 4 years
Addie: Is Kidnap
Yeah yeah I'm guilty of it too but she gets kidapped in broad daylight surrounded by her family bc people just wanna kidnap her that badly
Also it's not like anyone knew how important she was when that happened. And Iris and Thonus are goobs who like to argue.
I'm mostly talking about when someone finds out someone is like The Chosen One or something and then no one actually does anything to protect that person.
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