#mr dwight dwicky
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some drawings for a tmosth themed rp
most characters belong to @cat-gwyn-gunn
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Johnny grunts as his hair is tugged ever so slightly. They hope that Dwight pulls just a little harder next time. It sends shivers from their scalp all the way down their spine.
"You - hah - deserve it, Counselor. I know how much -ah you love it."
They add a little more pressure with their nails, making sure that if Dwight doesn't bleed, he'll at least have some stinging welts to tend to. They'll already thinking about using their powers to speed up the process since he doesn't get harmed by them.
Then, like a chord being plucked, Johnny feels a sensation building in his gut just like before. Their legs tremble from thigh to calf as the overwhelming feeling grows and grows with every perfect thrust against their prostate. It's like a blizzard slowly building within them.
"FUCK! Please! Take me, Dwight! As much as you can give me!"
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mr-dwight-dwicky · 2 years
[ previously ]
Hey! If you're paying attention, you'll notice that things are about to get 18+, please block the tag ~orange you glad~ on mr-dwight-dwicky's side and/or nsft on just-call-me-johnny's side if you aren't interested in seeing smut! Thanks!
"No need to thank me," Dwight rumbles, his hands slipping under Johnny's long shirt. He's torn between taking his time and not wasting a single moment. But Leera has their back this time. They dont need to rush.
"You're so stunning," Dwight murmurs in his ear, his lips brushing against the shell. He let's his hands trace along his partner's chest and stomach. He moves down, lifting the shirt just enough to reveal a sliver of tan skin. He leaves a couple of gentle kisses there before asking, "May I?" He pulls on the hem of the shirt, showing what he's asking.
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addie-bear · 2 years
TXT: Have you seriously forgotten out the game is played or are you being stupid on purpose?
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just-call-me-johnny · 11 months
Watching @mr-dwight-dwicky play Frontiers is way more entertaining than I thought it would be.
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kneltnotbowed · 2 years
Send me a url and i will tell you my opinion of them
Oh, quite the divisive man, he is. Well, he has always been nice to me, though. Very kind, inviting me to visit and stay. Giving me a nickname. The whole works.
Nowadays he seems to keep more to himself, but I am glad to hear that he makes Leera and Johnny happy. Hopefully his arm does not give him too terrible much trouble.
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cat-gwyn-gunn · 4 years
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Hey! I am so sorry it took so long for me to get this to you, but I finally got around to finishing that drawing of Dwicky I said i would do! Hope you like it! 
Btw, if you’re going to make this public, I would like to remain anonymous. 
(Just so everyone knows I’m not being a jerk I already talked to the creator and they said they were okay with me posting this since I have no clue how I would make this anonymous DX)
Thank you so, so much!
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cat-r-gunn · 5 years
The name Dwight has been ruined for me forever and I have no one to blame but myself.
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tallest-genesis · 2 years
How about Dwight?
He tries too hard for someone who thinks we have anything in common. It’s not even close. He’ll never be in the same rung as me.
I do however find him amusing and would like to pick him apart more.
✨ Confess M!Anon: 4/12 ✨
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chances-r-high · 2 years
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royal-iris · 3 years
Hey asshole! Where's your clone?
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just like gay sex
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Even though Dwight's hips are cantering up inside of them, Johnny doesn't stop his own bounces on the man's cock. It's a lot like their relationship, they're working together to get what they both want.
It's just as difficult, taking Dwight's large size as it was to open up to him at first. It took so much persuading, so much patience and time and reassurances. But now, they can tell each other anything, sometimes as far as without words.
Johnny moans deeply as his neck is littered with more bruises and bitemarks. He slams himself down on Dwight's cock in a form of reward for treating them so well. He'd give anything to Dwight for any reason. He already has them all.
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mr-dwight-dwicky · 2 years
Dwight finds himself pacing a little, unable to help his nerves. He never expected to see his mother again and he certainly didn't expect to introduce her to his partners and family. He has no idea what to expect and he hates that.
"Dwight if you don't sit and calm down I'm gonna put a tranquilizer in ya!" Ellie tells her son. "I don't know why you're so nervous. They love ya, I love ya. It's gonna be fine."
Dwight makes a noncommittal noise. She makes is sound so simple. What if they don't like each other? What if his mother says something too blunt? So many variables that he hasn't had enough time to prepare for.
Leera is the first to arrive. She's dressed is a very lovely, green sun dress with pink and purple flowers all over it. Her hair is half pinned behind her head with the rest flowing down her shoulders. Dwight immediately goes to her when he notices her fidgeting. "Are you alright, Firefly?"
Leera nods. "Of course, my love." She looks over at the other woman in the room. The eye color is certainly unmistakable. "Hello, Mrs. Dwicky."
"Ellie, honey," she says, walking over to Leera. "And if you're not the prettiest blue bonnet I ever did see." She goes in for a close hug, giving Leera a little squeeze. "Dwight how'd you manage to land a gorgeous little thing like her?" She asks teasingly.
Dwight's cheeks turn pink and he gives Leera a loving look. "To be honest, even I'm stumped." Leera blushes herself and laughs.
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addie-bear · 3 years
As soon as Leera’s name shows up on Addie’s phone she answers. “Care to tell me why the signal on Dwight’s anklet has gone dark?”
Leera isn’t fazed by her directness. “I’m afraid our new PR person had other ideas besides furthering his career,” she says. “He has Johnny, too. I’m positive. Johnny would answer his phone.”
Addie swears in Lazurothian. “He’s got a tracker on him, too. I can try accessing that one but whatever scrambler that’s in place is pretty remarkable. The tracker on Dwight’s anklet is supposed to be resistant to them.”
Leera nibbles her bottom lip. “How long until you can be here?”
“I’m already here,” Addie says, approaching from the other end of the hall. Both of them hang up the phone and Addie looks over Leera’s shoulder at the crowd. “Y’all having a party?”
Leera shakes her head. “It was supposed to be a Q & A.”
“…Gotcha.” She then pushes past Leera into the large room.
“Adalet wait!”
Addie ignores her, walking out onto the stage. It’s no surprise that the room is rather shocked to see the Master of Arms of the Galactic Alliance in front of them. “Excuse me! Hi, hello. In case you don’t know who I am, my name is Addie Denivar you can all call me Admiral. Now I know all of you came here for a Q & A but there’s been a little, tiny issue of Mr. Dwicky being kidnapped.” A few people gasp and the room begins to murmur. “Now, settle down. This is nothing that out of the ordinary. I just understand this is probably a bit of an inconvenience for ya. Just now your expenses will be nicely compensated courtesy of Serpens Medical Supply and the Galactic Alliance.
“So…y’all can leave now and we’ll reach back out with that reschedule. Bye bye!”
There’s a brief pause, but eventually the room begins to clear out. She practically skips back over to Leera. “Come on, let’s go find your hunnies.”
Leera continues to stare at the girl but begins to lead the way to the nearest computer. “I suppose I forgot that you and Dwight are quite alike when it comes to stage presence.”
Addie growls. “Do not compare me to that old man.”
Leera just nods as they continue down the corridor.
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mama-dwicky · 2 years
Dwight doesn't know what to expect when he enters the main communications deck. It's been a very long time since he's been contacted this way. He isn't sure what to expect, honestly. Some new enemy trying to toy with him? A horrible prank?
What he doesn't expect is to see the woman on the screen.
He remembered her having red hair the last time he saw her. His mother had been extremely young when he was born, after all. Her hair is streaked with white now, and his own eyes are staring back at him. She looks like she's aged decades and not at all at the same time.
He quietly bids for anyone else in the room to leave as he gets a grip on his emotions. It's impossible, right? His Earth is gone. She should be gone with it.
"Who are you and what do you want?" He asks, forcing his voice to remain strong.
That woman raises a brow in a way that is far too familiar. Her accent is still there. "Dwight Alexander Dwicky is that anyway to talk to your mother?".
Dwight frowns. "Forgive if I'm finding it hard to believe that you are my mother. How did you find me?"
"Hate to break it to ya, Scarecrow, but you're not a hard person to find," the woman replies with a 'hmph.' "At least once I was in the right neck of the woods anyway."
Dwight is ready to scoff and shut this whole farce but that nickname gives him pause. Scarecrow. No one else knows about that, not even Leera and Johnny. He never told anyone because it's fucking embarrassing.
"...That's impossible..." He says.
"Well I thought it was impossible for my baby boy to grow up and cause all kinds of destruction and havoc across space and time but here we are, honey." She give him a highly unimpressed look. Goddammit now he's wishing this was some kind of trap. "You've got a lot of explaining to do, mister."
There's a childish urge to say that he's a grown man and he doesn't owe anyone an explanation but God damn he's suddenly overwhelmed and is finding it hard to speak.
"I'm letting you on board," he says when he finds his voice again. "Don't make me regret this."
"Happy to see you to, darlin'. Oh! And I brought you a present for your birthday. You'll get it after I'm done laying into you."
The communicating cuts off there. Some people would think the fact that the woman was acting so casual was a sign that this was trap but Dwight wasn't worried about that anymore, strangely. His mother had always been like that. Strange situations didn't bother her, no matter how out of the ordinary. She had been the only one to believe about the mutant alligator.
Eileen Dwicky is actually alive and well...
He sighs heavily and checks his watch. It actually is his birthday.
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