#leera ozynite
scythemichaelfaraday · 10 months
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Sitara Phoenix Dwicky
The oldest of the wee ones (not counting Cal and Chance). Biologically Dwight and Johnny's. They were not planned nor expected at all.
Quick aside: My version of Johnny's creator (an evil System-running, wastelock-experiment-making au version of Edgar Vargas) created Johnny from dead Meekrob DNA and my hc for Meekrob is that they are genderless/sexless beings that can carry offspring and generate the organs to do so. Johnny has that ability too originally for very unsavory purposes.
They were conceived right before Johnny was taken away by Vargas back to the System to be tortured into submission. Miraculously, they (and Johnny) survived. Johnny delivered them (and the rest of his biological children) via Caesarean section.
Johnny had them right before being hospitalized for PTSD amongst other things, so their and Johnny's early relationship was a little strained due to the accompanying trauma. It was only when Johnny started healing that they formed a healthy and happy parent/child relationship.
Sadly, due to the torture and stress that Johnny underwent while Sitara was in utero, they did not inherit any powers from either parent that later children will end up having.
They share Johnny's creativity and affinity with the stars and space in general. They are stubborn much like both parents, but especially Johnny. Dwight passed on his social awkwardness (which honestly both parents have), love for animals, and persuasiveness manipulation. They hold fast to their beliefs and values and do end up being the debate team type of kid.
Their hobbies include drawing, building with legos, and playing with the various pets around the Dwicky household, including but not limited to: two guinea pigs and their extensive family, a supernatural sable, a robot bunny, a robot cat, chickens, horses, and a singing plant. They end up becoming an interstellar veterinarian.
They also are rather gender variant at a young age. They like wearing gnc clothing. They ask to start being referred to as they/them as early as six years old.
They have Johnny’s facial structure with Dwight’s nose and a pretty equal mix of their skin tones leaning more towards Johnny’s complexion. They have Johnny’s hair color. They have brown eyes mainly because it’s a dominant gene and more common than Johnny’s black eyes.
Finally, their middle name is in honor of Johnny’s niece (and a dear friend) Addie Denivar’s title of “Phoenix.”
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Bellatrix Usagi Dwicky
One of the three Dwicky triplets. She is biologically Johnny and Leera’s daughter. Leera was kind of feeling left out and missed being pregnant when Dwight and Johnny found out they were having twins. Despite being conceived at a later date as the twins, Bellatrix was delivered the same day as them and thus they are considered triplets.
She is the most mischievous of the kids with her first word literally being ‘fuck’ said with such joy and passion. When they start growing up, Bellatrix will be the “leader” of her siblings and get them into heaps of trouble.
She takes on Johnny’s gothic style, literally dyeing her hair black later as a teenager to “match her soul.” She loves black as much as she loves pink. Loves Sailor Moon as much as she loves Kill la Kill (much to Johnny’s dismay). Loves tea parties as much as she loves mosh pits. One thing remains constant and that is she’s the life of the party.
Even as a young girl, she is known for biting other kids who pick on her or her siblings (and she inherited momma’s sharp teeth), her eccentric and constantly changing personality (which later ends up being parent’s inherited borderline), and her ability to charm.
She later develops the power of pyrokinesis with a strange twist, instead of being a source of warmth, it is cold like ice and has a strange effect of burning, but in the same way that frostbite and liquid nitrogen does. She refers to it as coldfire.
She has the facial structure and skin type and tone of Leera with big ol eyes like Johnny and a surprising appearance of a recessive gene of blue eyes. She gets her nose from Johnny. Her hair is a literal blended mix of Leera and Johnny’s. Her ear shape is pointed like Leera’s. Her teeth are pointy and sharp like Leera’s.
Her middle name should be quite obvious- but just in case, yes, it is based off of Sailor Moon’s name. Her parents watched a lot of it while pregnant okay! Also her twin bangs remind her parents of a bunny’s!
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Lyra Eileen Dwicky
One of the three Dwicky triplets. She is biologically Johnny and Dwight’s. She, like her sibling Sitara and twin, Artemis, was a surprise as well. But not quite as much as a surprise since Johnny is now aware that he can conceive.
Lyra is a “weird” kid through and through, from a very young age she has had various imaginary friends that she speaks to (that gives Johnny a heart attack every time), never talked much with other kids, and is in her head most of the time.
She prefers to spend her time in the vents in the ceiling of the Dwicky space station, listening to classical music and talking with her friends and reading.
She loves all things supernatural and is not afraid of conventionally spooky things. One of her first toys was a radio with the ability to pick up changes in the environment including EM field , temperature, etc. that turns these changes into words to “communicate with ghosts.” Sadly, she loses the ability to use it.
However, this leads to her power showing up: clairvoyance. It starts with her animatedly talking with people who aren’t there, like full-fledged conversations and continues into her trying to convince her parents to help the lost souls or at least to communicate their feelings. And ultimately comes to a head when she talks to Dwight’s dead spouses (long before Leera and Johnny): Mooshy and Spoopty despite never meeting them before or hearing about them.
She has a button nose that is different than Dwight or Johnny’s probably coming somewhere from Johnny’s mixed Filipino - Spanish Indigenous (Mexico) side. She is a little on the lighter side but has a darker complexion than Artemis and Dwight. She has Johnny’s pupil shape and black eye color. She has a mix of Dwight and Johnny’s hair colors. Her ears are rounded like Dwight’s.
Her middle name is Dwight’s mother’s name.
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Artemis Edgar Miles Dwicky
One of the three Dwicky triplets. He is biologically Dwight and Johnny’s, and as mentioned before, he was a surprise.
Artemis is the entertainer of the family. While Bellatrix likes to be the life of the party and is quite dramatic, Artemis takes that on and makes it a performance. Where Bella and Lyra are two different sides of the chaotic spectrum, Artemis is right in the middle. He knows how to have a good time, but he also knows when to stop.
He has loved making his parents laugh since he was a little boy and puts on concerts in the lounge where they all sit together. He starts taking guitar lessons at the age of eight and has started his own band by thirteen.
While he loves to party, he has a very limited capacity to his social battery and it drains very quickly. When he’s not performing, he’s cozying up on his bed and watching tv or playing video games. He’s a sweet boy at heart who just really likes to make people happy.
His power manifests as the ability to cast spells using specific rhythms on his guitar and sometimes vocally in a siren-like manner. He can cause a riot with his music alone and also put a crowd at ease with a single chorus. He isn’t aware of this power until his angry, angsty teenager lyrics started a full-on brawl in the restaurant he was playing at.
His complexion is Dwight’s. His face shape is more angular and heart shaped than either Dwight or Johnny and likely came from Dwight’s mother. Another thing he inherited from Dwight’s mother is his bright red hair, being that she is of Irish decent. His eyes are gray, taking on an almost mix of Dwight’s clear blue and Johnny’s black. His ears are squared like Johnny’s. He has Johnny’s nose.
His middle names take a little more explaining. While Vargas was an asshole abusive creator, there is another alternate dimension Edgar that enters the picture and becomes Dwight’s friend over the course of the three years that Johnny was captured. He helps Dwight through his grief and gets him to do the next right thing and be there for his wife and kid after (seemingly) losing Johnny. He is now a family friend and frequently comes over for game nights and chess matches with Dwight. Thus, Artemis’ first middle name.
… The other middle name is Miles as in Miles Prower as in Tails from the Sonic franchise. Another form of media that the Dwicky household got into around the kids’ development.
Also, as a quick little side note: Johnny goes by Renny (as in parent). Dwight goes by Dad, Father, Daddy, and Papa. Leera goes by Mom, Momma, and Mommy. They also use Spanish and Tagalog (the languages of two major parts of Johnny’s human DNA) terms of endearment.
Tagging a friend: @messinwitheddie
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(OOC: Since there are new people, here's a cheatsheet of some things. Please interact at your own discretion and with your mental health in mind.)
Edit 05/23/2022: If you’re just interacting with Johnny, then it is wise to note that currently they are brainwashed and being held captive, thus not going to be very like himself most of the time.
Name: Johnny C. Denivar
Age: Unknown, approx. mid-late 50's, physical form was created to resemble a mid-late 20's-year-old
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them
Height: 5'1"
Content Warnings: Homicide, suicide, panic attacks/PTSD episodes, mentions of past domestic abuse, torture mentions, weapon mentions, s/h,s/i mentions. I will tag as necessary, but these are the largest themes that will make appearances on this blog. Please let me know if you need anything in particular tagged, I will do my best to accommodate.
Partners: @leera-ozynite and @mr-dwight-dwicky
Siblings (including in-laws): @queen-of-lazuroth, @son-of-an-invader, @agent-moth-me-a-man , @zim-denivar
Children: @chances-r-high, @egan-first-of-his-name, @xxxstarxxxbunnyxxx
Other Family: @addie-bear (niece), @drun-in-a-million (nephew)
Friends: @kneltnotbowed, @sepulcretis
Enemies: @operator-edgar (creator/abusive ex, general piece of shit), @perfect-harmonia (has made multiple murder attempts on multiple loved ones and himself also a Terf) @tennofficial (helped kidnap him)
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kneltnotbowed · 3 years
Oh hello! Nothing really groundbreaking, really. It’s mostly coordinating board meetings and resourcing things. I have it on my to do list to try and re do the Q&A that had to be canceled, but I’m waiting for Johnny to be a little healthier so he can participate. Not to mention give the investors time to cool down a little.
How are you?
>Dib transportalizes over a basket of hand-chosen teas for the planets nearby where he is, as well as a couple varieties of honey.
Understandable.  Sounds like you are keeping busy.  I wish you the best with your business things.  Hopefully there are not too many questions which need answering.
I am doing fairly well.  Keeping busy with tending to Caleb, and my own work.  As little work as that is.  We got in some new teas I thought you might like recently.
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mr-dwight-dwicky · 2 years
*/{ Introducing @bishop-price-iii and @benjamin-ulysses-price }
Dwight has no idea what this meeting will entail, but he is already dreading it. Meetings with investors are necessary to keep a growing and thriving business like his, but he isn’t about to just suck up to someone for money. It’s not like he needs the money, and he certainly doesn’t want to do business with anyone unsavory. He considers the irony of this. In the past he almost did business exclusively with unsavory people. He was unsavory people.
Or maybe he still is. He tries not to be, anyway.
On top of his already present annoyance, there’s the fact that his hair has been dyed bright florescent pink without his knowledge. He can’t bring himself to be actually upset (because being upset at Johnny is borderline impossible) but it will be irritating to have his guest staring at it the whole time, even if he knows he doesn’t look bad and he would be able to win this person’s support no matter what.
“You look fine, Dearheart,” Leera tells him, reaching up to give his hair an affectionate pet. She’s trying not to laugh and he can tell. “I think the color looks lovely with your eyes.”
Dwight just grunts in reply. He wants to get this over with and see if he can color over the pink. He doesn’t even know how Johnny managed to get his hair this color without bleach. He gives Leera’s hand a soft kiss before they enter the room, the picture of professionalism.
There are two men waiting in the room. Two human men. One is older, with silver hair and eyes so gray they almost match. He’s a little stout, but his suit fits him well. His face is lined far more than Dwight’s with more age. The younger one has brown hair, tall and lean. He looks a bit younger than Dwight and his eyes are brilliant green. They both have the same nose so Dwight concluded the two are related somehow. Strange. He feels something familiar about that.
“Dwight Dwicky,” the older man says stepping forward. He holds out his hand in greeting before glancing up at Dwight’s hair. “You are...brighter than I was expecting.”
Dwight doesn’t take the offered hand at first. It’s rare to find humans in space but not impossible. He found his mother, after all, who had been travelling around with some space pirates. He shakes the man’s hand before it’s been too long. “I like to make a statement,” Dwight replied. Not a lie, though this isn’t the statement he likes making. “This is my business partner, Leera Ozynite.”
“Pleasure to meet you, as well, Miss Ozynite,” the man says politely. “Bishop Price. Oh, and this is my son, Benjamin.” The younger man finally moves, perhaps a little nervously. He shakes both Leera’s and Dwight’s hands with a firm grip. “Now! On to business, shall we?”
They talk pleasantly for almost an hour, and the negotiations seem to go swimmingly. Dwight is thankful that his hair is not mentioned again, even if Benjamin continues to stare at it from time to time. Bishop compliments the coffee and baked goods and Leera thanks him, mentioning that their third partner was a great help.
The light conversation is only halted when Bishop sets his coffee cup down and folds his hands in his lap as if to discuss something serious. “I’m afraid I haven’t been completely honest with you Mr. Dwicky,” he says. “Yes, I came here to see more about Serpens and it’s business practices, but I also wanted to get to know you.”
There’s a dramatic pause where Dwight exchanges looks with Leera. “Oh?” he asks. He doesn’t show the nerves that are bubbling in his stomach. “May I ask why?”
BIshop pulls out a tablet from inside his blazer and taps along it a few times. He slides it across the table. “I’ve heard you are a skeptical man and that you do not trust easily. As you shouldn’t, I say. But I do hope that if I present you with some proof, you will be less likely to think me a liar.”
Dwight looks over what’s on the screen of the tablet. It’s several things at once, from the look of it. A DNA test. A family tree. Is that...his birth certificate from Earth??
His eyes move upward, meeting Bishop’s. “Who are you?”
“As I told you. My name is Bishop Price. And I am your father.”
Dwight stares at the man for a very long time. That’s where he’s seen the nose before. His entire body is tense and his face is expressionless. The words don’t even process. His father? His father?
He rises from his seat, absolutely ready to leave to room, before there’s a protest from Benjamin. “Wait, don’t go!”
“Why?” Dwight asks. He doesn’t raise his voice, keeping it more low and sarcastic. “What did you come here for? Money? Blackmail? Or did you really think you could be gone my entire life and just show back up decades later and get a nice smooth family reunion?”
“We don’t need your money!” Benjamin begins to argue, but Bishop holds up a hand to silence him.
“I’m sure you know that your mother and I were teenagers, Dwight,” Bishop explains. “I was...a stupid kid. And unfortunately by the time I realized I wanted to get to know you, I had no idea where you were.”
“Ironic that you would find me dozens of lightyears from Earth then,” Dwight scoffs.
“Ironic, yes. But you have built yourself quite the reputation here,” says Bishop.
Dwight glares before looking at Leera and nodding his head toward the door. “We’re through here, Leera. My staff will show you two out. Good day, Mr. Price.”
Leera looks between them before following Dwight out of the room. She would talk to him, not to convince him of anything, but because he probably needs to talk.
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chances-r-high · 2 years
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Happy Mother's Day to one of the strongest women in my life. We have both been through so much, and I feel like it is because of you there was a shread kindness left in me to find. Thank you for always being there for me and believing me.
I got you some more scrapbook supplies! And of course some flowers.
Thank you for being my mom.
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addie-bear · 4 years
Reunion Time
with @royal-iris and @leera-ozynite
Addie gets to Dwight’s base in record time, hoping to intercept Iris before he can even cause any damage. She sees the other ship but no sign of her old friend. She’s thanking her lucky stars that Dwight is away on Lazuroth with Uncle Johnny.
Several minutes of running around and hacking the security system later she’s dashing down a long corridor. She swears she stops breathing. Was he always that tall, his eyes always that blue. She’s trembling but she knows she can’t let him see that.
Iris has to admit that the security of this place is rather remarkable. However a quick hack here and he managed to shut down the main alarms. He had to subdue several of the guards but what are a few faceless minions to him? Especially right now. He’s going to avenge his parents - universe - and nothing is going to stop him.
Then...he hears her voice...
It like time stands still and the air feels too thick to breath. He turns around slowly, his gun in his hand. His spooch jumps the minute he lays eyes on her. She looks a little different but...she’s really there. She’s real.
Addie smiles when Iris recognizes her. Her emotions are getting the better of her. She thought he was gone. She thought she’d never see him again. Against basic combat rules she lets her guard down, slowly walking toward him. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s me.”
Iris continues to stare at her with a stunned expression before breaking into a tooth grin. He gives a loud bark of laughter, ignoring how the corners of his eyes feel wet as he rushes forward, picking Addie up and spinning her around. “It’s you! It’s really you, holy shit!” He puts her back down and puts his hands on her shoulders. “We can finally do it, Adds! You and me! We can finally take that bastard down here and now!”
Addie squeals as she’s lifted, laughing and hugging Iris back. This is real. He’s actually back. She grins brightly as he sets her down. They’re back together again! They...
Oh...oh no...
Addie’s face falls as Iris speaks, an she swallows a lump in her throat. “Iris...Iris about that...”
“What?” Iris asks. “Addie, there’s nothing stopping us! His security sucks we can do this-”
“The only reason his security hasn’t affected you as much as it should is because I have all the access codes,” Addie tells. “I don’t...I don’t want you to get hurt because of a misunderstanding...”
“...Misunderstanding? Addie what are you talking about? This the asshole that made our lives hell as kids he...” His brow furrows. “You...you have all the access codes...Addie if you have all the access codes...why is he still alive?”
Addie is shaking again, but not out of excitement anymore. “Iris...a lot has happened,” she says, taking one of his hands in hers. “Just...come with me and I’ll explain.”
Iris’ expression hardens and he rips his hand away. “Does he have you on some sort of mind control? Where’s the device I don’t see it-”
“It’s not mind control!” Addie snaps. “Iris...please just...just come with me! He’s not even here!”
“Really?” Iris demands. He takes a step back and Addie can physically feel a crack from in her heart. “And you know where he is?”
“...I do,” Addie admits. “But I’m not telling you. Iris. A lot has changed-”
“Apparently! You know exactly where to find the goddamn megalomaniac who destroyed everything we love and yet you haven’t done a damn thing about it!”
“For fucks sake, would you listen to me!”
A soft noise catches Addie’s attention and she gasps, seeing little Egan crawling on the floor nearby. He sits and looks up at Addie, his singular big, blue eye full of confusion. “Egan, you little escape artist,” she says, walking over and scooping up the infant.
Iris scowls, his eyes darting between the child and Addie. “Who is that?!”
Addie give Iris a stern look. “This is Egan. He’s Dwight’s son.”
Iris feel like a bucket of ice water has been poured on him. Son? But...that kid looks only a little under a year old, and he certainly doesn’t look part Plookesian. Mefni maybe. Another sound startles him and he raises his gun, finding a woman that looks very similar in appearance to the child.
“Adalet who is this?” Leera asks. Her voice sound dangerous, like a poisonous snake wait to strike. Small flames spark from her finger tips.
“Iris, put your gun down!” Addie shouts, shoving him back and coming between him and Leera. She hands the mother back her son before staring her friend down. Her own flames come forth, royal blue, circling around her arms. “Let me explain!”
Iris doesn’t know what to tackle first. His old best friend is alive. He should be happy. But something isn’t right. How does she know Dwight’s son, and the woman who is obviously the boy’s mother? Why does she have she seem so familiar with them? Why isn’t she using the information she has to bring down their greatest enemy?! Where the fuck did she get fire powers?!
...What happened to the Addie he knew?
His face hardens again and he raises his gun to point at Addie.
“Where is he, Addie?”
Addie takes step forward. She knows the can’t be easy for Iris to take in. She knows he’s impulsive and hot-tempered. But she needs to explain. He needs to let her explain. “Iris...”
Her heart breaks in half as he points the gun at her. Even knowing he won’t pull the trigger...it still hurts.
“I can’t tell you that,” she tells him. The last thing she needs is Iris stomping into the Lazurothian Palace. Especially right now. Dwight’s kept her up to date on what’s happening. “And you’re not going to shoot me, Iris.”
Iris doesn’t lower the gun right away, his eyes narrowed at Addie. Deep inside he knows this is Addie, no cloning, no mind control. He just doesn’t want to believe it.
“You’re right,” Iris says. “But I will find Dwicky and I will shoot him! With or without your help!”
“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that,” she tells him. “In fact, as the Master of Arms of the Galactic Alliance under the new High Chancellor, I’m afraid I would have to put a warrant out for your arrest. But if you just come with me-”
“You would do that?” Iris demands. “You would do that to me? We used to be best friends, Addie. We used to have each other’s back!”
“We are and we do!” Addie argues. “Iris...I know you’re upset. And I know none of this makes sense but-”
“No! I don’t need you tell me anything, Miss Master of Arms!” Iris roars. “I don’t know what’s happened to you, but the Addie I know would not be letting that bastard galivant around about his life unscathed!” He turns on his heel and begins to stalk off. He’ll just need a better plan next time, especially to out-hack Addie, but he’ll be able to figure it out.
He hates that this is what it’s come to...
“Iris!” Addie shouts after him. “Iris don’t act like we’re enemies after we’ve just found each other again!”
“Who says I’m acting?!” Iris yells over his shoulder. “You’re not my Addie Denivar. And if I have to go through you to get to him...I will.”
He doesn’t respond again, stomping his way out of the facility and back toward his ship. Addie’s flames fade away and she finds herself torn between wanting to cry and wanting to break something. She takes a breath, forcing herself to keep her composure in front of Leera and Egan. “I’m...I’m sorry about that...”
Leera shakes her head. “He seems...quite rightfully angry. Is that...the Tallests’ boy?”
Addie nods. “I just...I have to get him to listen to me is all...”
“And you will. He seems to really care about you.” She reaches up and brushes some of Addie’s hair out of her face. “Would you like to have some tea with me for a bit?”
Addie almost refuses, but she finds she’s in no hurry to get home. Then again, Chance is typically much more receptive and understand when she needs to explain things. It does sound nice to just...take a moment and relax, though. “Yeah. Yeah I would like that.”
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“pssst... hey... can you help me with something?”
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leera-ozynite · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Mr. Dwicky
Dwight had never thought much about his birthday. Even when he was living on Plookesia, it just wasn’t something that was all that important to him. It was just another day. A day where he just so happened to be reminded that he was another year older. Which, honestly he didn’t need much reminding of with his gray streaked hair and the slight crinkles in the corner of his eyes.
However, it seemed he’d been the only one with that mentality today. Everyone had painstakingly made sure he had not only gifts but some of his favorite foods as well. Even Mr Astral Projection While Comatose had been more pleasant to be around than usual. Dwight also found a bag chips that literally said Hell Chips on his desk. With chopsticks. It had made him snort.
The day was starting to wind down now, and he decided to get a little bit of work done before turning in for the night when the door to his office opened. He smiled softly when he saw Leera there. “Hello, Firefly.”
Leera blushed at her new nickname. She wasn’t sure she would ever get used to that. She returned the smile as she approached his desk. It was incredibly warm, but that was probably just the coat she was wearing. She reminded herself that this was going to be worth it.
“Hello, love,” she said sweetly. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders from behind his office chair, giving him a kiss along the side of his face. She took a quick peek around the office to make sure Hal wasn’t around. It wasn’t that she was worried about the cat, more so about a certain wandering soul of a comatose friend of theirs (and yes, she would say Johnny was their friend until the stars no longer shined and no one would be able to convince her otherwise.) The two of them were going to need...plenty of privacy. “Are you working on anything important?”
Dwight hummed at the gentle affection, turning to lean up and kiss Leera’s jaw. “Not particularly. Just some trivial things I figured I’d take care of before bed. Are you here to drag me away?”
Leera snorted and nuzzled his hair. “Only you would work on your birthday.”
“Just a few last minute things. Besides, I feel like I’ve had...a pretty eventful day, as it is.” He leaned into her nuzzles.
Leera grinned a little. Little did Dwight know, his evening was about to get even more eventful. “What if I told you I had one more present for you?”
Dwight rose a brow. “Careful. You’ll spoil me,” he joked. In truth he was mostly just very overwhelmed at all the attention for his birthday. It was a day he hadn’t thought about in a very long time. Not to mention, he didn’t quite feel like he deserved much of it.
Leera gave him another kiss on the cheek before slipping her arms from his shoulders. She walked around in front of him, leaning against the desk. “Perhaps that is my intention,” she purred as she slowly untied the belt of the coat. She casually let it slide off of her, revealing what she had been hiding underneath.
Dwight watched Leera with confusion for a moment, his eyes suddenly fixating on the belt she was untying. He had been a little confused to see Leera in the coat in the first place. She didn’t like being cold, but the base was kept at a fairly neutral temperature
However, as soon as her coat was off, pooling at her feet on the floor, Dwight had to wonder if someone had suddenly turned the thermostat up several degrees. Now he could see why she’d been wearing it. Leera stood before him in a black, lacy corset, tied just tightly enough to outline her perfect waist. There was also matching panties, though those were almost not even there, leaving the gorgeous swell of her hips pretty much entirely visible. A pair of sheer, black thigh-highs adorned her legs, held up by black garters attached to the corset.
Jesus Christ he wasn’t sure he’d ever gotten so hard so fast.
He swallowed hard, drinking in the sight in front of him. It was taking everything in him not just tackle Leera onto the desk and fuck her until she screamed.
Leera smiled, enjoying her partner’s reaction. She knew he was struggling with himself. He was so careful not to hurt her in any way, so hyper-aware of the harm he was capable of. But she trusted him. And now more than ever she wanted him. Wanted him to have her. All of her.
Her smile curled into a smirk. “Are you going to sit there and gawk all night, Mr. Dwicky?” she asked him, leaning forward to curling her fingers around his tie. She gave it quick tug toward her. “Or are you going to claim your prize?”
There was a sudden flash of movement, Dwight’s office chair clattering to the floor. He still wasn’t used to Leera being so forward, but good God, he was never going to complain about it. His mouth found hers in a frenzy, his fingers digging into her hair. His other hand immediately found her hip as he pressed himself against her, already starting to grind against her
“You mischievous little minx,” he growled, his mouth descending on her neck. He took his hands off of her for only a second to throw his blazer off before they both landed back on her hips. He had meant to pull her panties off just enough to be out of the way, but in his excitement he forgot how strong his metal hand could be, ripping the small, lacy garment right off of Leera’s body.
“Aw, Mr. Dwicky, those were expensive,” Leera teased breathlessly. In reality she didn’t care one bit, already moving her hips to meet his.
Dwight responded with a hard nip to her neck. “I’ll buy you new ones,” he told her as his hand flew to his belt, wanting to get his pants off as soon as possible. He’d give her anything and everything she wanted. He’d make up for so many years of not seeing what was right in front him. Leera Ozynite deserved the world, the universe, all the stars in all of space. And he’d find a way to give it all to her.
“Fuck, I love you,” he breathed, finally managing to get his pants and underwear off, hissing as his cock was brushed with the cool air of the room.
Leera gave a loud aroused chirp at the bite, her legs spreading to make room for Dwight to settle there. She was so happy to see his sense of urgency. Most of the time he liked to take his time, but there was something about watching him so eager for her that turned her on like nothing else.
However, her breath hitched at his next words, feeling the need to pause for a moment. He...he had never said those words to her before. She cupped his face in her hands, taking a moment to study his face. “Did...do you mean that?” Dwight was never one to say something he didn’t mean, but she had to be sure before she jumped to conclusions.
Dwight was confused at the sudden pause. For a moment he worried he was being too aggressive with her, perhaps assuming wrong about what she wanted. Then he realized what she was asking, what he had said. His expression softened in an instant, leaning into the touch of her hands. He even took a moment to kiss one of her palms before leaning forward to press his forehead to hers, keeping his eyes open to meet her gaze.
“I mean it,” he told her, his voice soft and full of promise. He reached up to caress her cheek with his right hand, the one made of flesh and bone. “I love you, Leera. With everything I am.” I don’t deserve you. I never have and I never will.
Leera stared at him, her eye shifting as if to search for some sign that he might be lying, simply indulging in her fantasies. But there was nothing of the sort in those startling blue eyes. Nothing but love and devotion and promises of forever. She was torn between being overwhelmed with emotion and being even more aroused than she was before. She pulled him toward her and kissed him passionately, her hands burying themselves in his hair. “I love you. I love you so much, Dwight.” She said between frantic kisses. “I’m yours, I’m yours please take me.”
Dwight’s chest tightened at the kisses, feeling his own emotions rise to the surface. This woman had seen so many horrors, put up with so much shit. And yet she stayed. He wanted to let her know it was worth it. That he would never put her in that position ever again. He would even the playing field, give and take. “And I’m yours, Firefly,” he told her. 
Then he growled at her breathless pleas, wasting no more time lifting onto his desk. After a quick assessment that nothing on it was terribly important, he knocked everything off in a quick sweep. He nipped at her ear as he laid her down onto the wood, leaning over her, not wanting to get too far from her body. He spread her legs a little more slipping inside her with a grunt. She was so hot and wet. “Fuck, you’re amazing.”
Leera gasped as Dwight entered her, her arms and legs coming to wrap around her mate. She panted, her nails digging into Dwight still clothed shoulders. Her legs quivered. “Dwight. Dwight don’t stop. Take me hard I want it. Please.”
There was no way Dwight could deny such pretty, desperate words. His hand not gripping the desk gripped her hip as he began to move. He focused on making his thrusts powerful and deep, Fuck, she felt like heaven. “You feel so fucking good, Firefly,” he purred in her ear. “You’re so beautiful. You deserve everything . I - fuck - I want to give you everything.”
Leera bounced against the desk with the power of those thrusts, already gasping and moaning rather loudly. She struggled to move her hips to Dwight’s rhythm, chirruping at how much more intense the feelings became. They’re skin slapped against each other loudly and the desk rattled. She found it ridiculous that the thought of them breaking it with their love-making turned her on so much. 
Her abdomen already felt so hot and tight. She knew she wasn’t going to last long the moment Dwight had thrown his chair. She liked slow and steady, yes, but there was something so addicting about being taken in a frenzy, of fucking like you might run out of time at any moment. Not to mention her emotions at Dwight’s love confession had only added to it. “I want it. I want everything.” She told him, cutting off with a high pitch moan in her native language. “Oh, stars, Dwight, please give me everything!”
Dwight didn’t have to be told twice. He removed his hand on Leera’s hip to join his metal in gripping the desk, using it a little as leverage. A couple more nicknacks and papers tumbled down to the floor. Nothing important. Definitely not important enough to distract him from his current task. He dipped down to kiss Leera frantically, his cock pumping in and out of her hard and fast. “I love you,” he told her between fervent kisses. “I love you. I love you - Ah! Fuck! I love you, Leera!”
Leera did her damndest to kiss back, the moves sloppy and feverish. Dwight’s words hit her like lightning shooting through her system, helping fuel the building heat in her belly. She moaned desperately into his mouth. “Oh, stars, yes!” she cried once they pulled away. “Yes, yes, just like that, I’m so close, please!”
Dwight decided perhaps it was time he tried something out. Unbeknownst to Leera, Dwight had been tinkering with a couple things with his metal arm. He removed his left hand from the desk, barely noticing the cracks and splinters he had created under his grip. His hand traveled down the curve of her waist, tracing the line where her hip met her pelvis, before landing right above where their bodies met, his thumb hovering over her clit.
“Anything...anything for you, Firefly,” he told her, his lips barely ghosting over hers as he spoke. Not stuttering in his pace for a moment he pressed his metal thumb to her clit and smirked. A sharp vibration erupted from the appendage, aimed perfectly where it would get the best reaction. His mouth was back on her throat, giving her passionate, open mouth kisses.
Leera was practically sobbing at this point, chest heaving with every breath she took. She was right on that edge, clinging to Dwight like he was the only thing she had left in the whole universe.
At feeling the vibration on her clit she threw her head back and swore loudly in Mefni. It was too much. She couldn’t hold back anymore. “DWIGHT!” She screamed to the ceiling, her orgasm slamming into her violently. It was so powerful that she nearly blacked out, holding onto Dwight for dear life as she rode out the tumultuous waves of pleasure, continuing to moan in just about every language she knew.
Dwight continued to thrust, helping Leera ride out her climax. Between Leera’s body tightening around him in a near vice and the vibrations from his own thumb it wasn’t long until he found his peak. “Shit, Leera!” he exclaimed, his hips stuttering only slightly as he released deep inside his mate’s body. He gave a growl as he continued to pump in and out of her, wanting the feeling to last as long as possible.
Leera gasped as she felt Dwight fill her, not removing her legs from around him just yet. She took a moment to catch her breath, looking up at him. She reached for his tie again and pulled him down for a kiss. “You are incredible, my dearheart.”
Dwight chuckled, continuing to give Leera soft kisses on her nose and cheeks. “I’m just trying to keep up,” he told her, holding her gaze for a moment so she got the message.
Carefully he pulled out of her, running a hand through his sweaty hair. He quickly pulled his pants up before gathering Leera in his arms and carrying her over to the nearby couch, holding her in his lap. “I really don’t deserve you.”
Leera shook her head, nuzzling his face. “Every time you say that I’m very tempted to quote Admiral Denivar.”
Dwight huffed. “You would.” It’s not about deserve. It’s about what you believe. It still sounded like some Disney Channel hogwash. However, he couldn’t help but think about how the girl who wouldn’t stop saying had every right to call for his head. Hell, she hadn’t even done the next expected thing by locking him up and throwing away the key.
He leaned into the woman in his arms, taking one of her hands in his as he kissed her jaw. He’d hold on to it this time. He wouldn’t waste his second chance. He hold on to all of this with everything he had. For some damn reason, even after everything he did, so many people had put their faith in him.
“Happy birthday, dearheart,” Leera murmured, enjoying very much being held in Dwight’s arms like this.
Dwight smiled. “Thank you, Firefly. I look forward to many, many more birthdays with you.”
He would not let it be in vain.
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perfect-harmonia · 5 years
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some drawings for a tmosth themed rp
most characters belong to @cat-gwyn-gunn
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TEXT ID: An OT3 is... A woman who can murder them, A guy who hasn't had a good night's sleep in six years, and Another guy who almost got both of them murdered.
Caption: There's an arrow between Mr. Dwicky and Johnny because they've definitely gotten into their share of shenanigans (attempted murders).
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Introducing Cal, he is the child of Johnny, Dwight and Leera. He inherits his mom's eye color, some of her hair, and her fire powers. He has Johnny's face shape and facial features. His complexion is a mix of Dwight and Johnny's. His personality is a mix of all three which means a handful.
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local bisexual maniac brutally murdered by love and affection. more at 7.
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[[TW for abusive language and canon typical violence. Reader discretion is advised.]]
Johnny doesn’t know when he started walking through a crowd of people in a ballroom. It feels like he’s been doing it for a good while, but he can’t be sure. He just knows he has to find his partners. He pushes through until he finds a clearing in the middle. He looks about for fiery red hair and a tall man in a suit. There are a lot of people dressed up. Even he’s dressed up- but his clothes are torn and bloody. He recognizes them from the night Dwight was impaled.
In his distracted walking state he stumbles and trips over something large and ends up falling onto his knees. After gritting his teeth against the pain, he looks over his shoulder and his eyes widen, tears already forming.
He goes over to Dwight’s side and pulls the bleeding, beaten man’s head into his lap. “Dwight! Dwight- what happened!”
Dwight’s eyes open and lazily roll over to look at Johnny. There’s a coldness to them, like the smaller man woke him up from a good restful nap.
“You happened, Johnny.”
A shiver runs down Johnny’s back and he blinks and Dwight is gone, he’s kneeling down in a thick puddle of blood. He shakily rises to his feet and walks aimlessly. He almost doesn’t recognize how the fluid turns into solid. A blanket. Or a towel. Covering what looks to be a body.
With trembling hands, Johnny peels back the layer of cloth and screams as he scrambles backwards. There’s no way- no- this can’t be real. Leera’s not dead. She’s not. This is all a dream.
He gets back to the feet and suddenly becomes aware of the wood at his feet. He could recognize the floor of 777 with his eyes closed- every ridge embedded into memory. Every creak.
A mirror stands beside him as he fumbles around the dark room, grabbing for something- a light switch- a door. He finally grabs something until that same thing grabs onto his wrist. And pulls him roughly.
“Leera?” He says before tears are coming to his eyes. “Oh- thank fuck - I thought you-“
“Stay away from me, you monster! How could you? You should have died, not him! You!” She grabs onto the back of his hair and slams his face into the mirror repeatedly, saying the same thing over and over. He should have died. He should have died.
Johnny wakes up, panting, sweating, sobbing. He feels about his face, feeling a bandage over one of his eyes and yards of cotton-padded skin. There’s an IV in his hand and he’s laying on a hospital bed.
It was just a bad dream.
Suddenly, the light comes on in his room and Leera and Dwight are sitting by his bedside. They look- conflicted.
“We need to talk, Johnny,” Leera starts, then looks over to Dwight for support.
“About- where we should go from here- once you’re healed up. We just- need some time to really think about what being with you means for us- for our family.” Dwight holds his girlfriend’s hand and Johnny has never ached so much for the same touch, but it’s like they’re deliberately not making an effort to touch him at all. Like they’re trying to keep him away.
“We just believe that maybe we rushed into this too fast. That we were just happy you survived and- we got a little too excited. But I think we’ve had plenty of time to… mull it over.” Leera explains.
Johnny feels his throat constrict and his body tremble- he’s already starting to sob- trying not to show it. Trying to show he’s stable, that he’s a good partner and that they don’t have to leave him. That he can be good.
“Oh boy, and he’s crying- look, Johnny, this is exactly what we were talking about. We haven’t even said anything and already you’re starting to get overwhelmed. We just don’t think we can keep walking on eggshells like this around you. Certainly not for the rest of our lives.”
“I’m sorry,” his voice is wavering as more tears come out, every word feeling like a stab at his heart. “I’ll- I can be good. You don’t have to walk on eggshells around me- im- im fine- I-“
“No, you’re not fine. You need help, Johnny, and frankly I’m tired of acting like your therapist. Every moment we’ve been together has been one session after another. It’s just not healthy or right- for any of us.” Dwight’s voice is stern with a finality that makes Johnny feel like his world is crashing down. Which it is. He feels like he can’t breathe and before he has time to try and settle his racing heart Dwight and Leera are already leaving his room.
“Wait! Wait please—!” He yells in pain as the IV in his hand keeps him there even as he tries to get out of the bed. He yanks it out and tries to get up before someone is pushing him deep into the mattress, keeping him there.
“Hey- hey it’s okay. Just a nightmare, Swallowtail. Just lay back for me.”
Johnny stops struggling for a moment as he hears that nickname, before looking up and finding Vargas hovering over him, a hand pushing into his shoulder, trying to get him to lie down again.
“That’s it. Stay right there. You’re okay. There- much better.”
He moves quickly to try and roll out from under the man but Vargas quickly takes both of his wrists into his fists and keeps Johnny pinned.
“I said fucking stay dammit.” He growls, tightening his grip until bruises appear on Johnny’s wrists. Johnny looks frantically around the room but nothing is visible other than Vargas. He doesn’t know where he is. How he got here. Where is his Counselor and Cornflower?
“Don’t you remember? They didn’t want you. Nobody did. Not after what they saw you do. When they saw who you really were.” Vargas says, a grin on his face as he lightens the grasp on Johnny’s hands.
Johnny’s head snaps back to stare at Vargas who just laughs and strokes the side of Johnny’s face with the backs of his knuckles. “There there- it’s alright. You’re with me now, and I already know every piece of you. I made you the way you are. I’m all you have now. So I would stop fighting back if I were you.”
“But… they said they loved me. They - they told me they wouldn’t leave me. They wanted me. They-“
“Lied- I think is the word you’re looking for. I’m sorry that you’re the last to know, Swallowtail, but unfortunately you just never could learn the easy way. Did I not warn you countless times that no matter how believable it may seem- no matter how infatuated they claim to be- nobody will ever love you?”
Johnny blinks back tears again; Vargas had told him that. But they’d been so sincere. They’d held him, kissed him, they’d even gone farther than that. Or at least he had with Dwight. They acted like they cared so much- that they would be by his side every step of the way. How could they just throw him to the side like this?
And what about his family? Was he no longer worthy of their mercy of their love? What did he do? What did he do wrong? Why does he keep fucking up like this? Why was he so broken and worthless?
“Chin up, my boy. At least you can no longer ruin their lives and make them live in fear that one day you’ll snap and kill them. They’re much happier without you around. Isn’t that what you wanted? For them to be happy? To be safe? Then why are you so upset?”
“Oh- is it because you only wanted them to be happy and safe as long as you’re around? You never truly cared about them either. Only wanted them for their love and affection and attention. It’s only natural.”
Johnny’s teary gaze shifts to the side. Was Vargas right? Did he really care? Shouldn’t he be happy he can no longer hurt them?
He only feels empty and sad and lifeless. Vargas lets go of him completely, backing off the bed. Johnny’s eyes widen as he watches him leave. He hates this man- but his mind is screaming for him not to leave. He doesn’t want to be alone right now.
“I guess in the end you were always meant to be all on your own, Nny. After all, you just push everyone away. And one day, they won’t come back.”
With those departing words, Johnny watches as Vargas fades from his sight and leaves him in the dark room. At some point the man had cuffed Johnny to the headboard or some other thing because when he tries to chase after him or even get up from the bed, he’s completely immobile. He screams for him to come back, for Dwight, for Leera or Chance or Addie or Midge or anyone to please just give him another chance. He can be good. He doesn't want to be alone. He sobs to himself, screaming until his lungs nearly give out.
Finally, he actually does awaken, screaming into the dark room. He feels around his wrists for cuffs that aren’t there. His breaths are wheezy, panicky and he feels like he’s wearing a blindfold but he’s not. There’s something on his eye that feels like cloth. His entire body comes alive with sharp pains with every movement and he skates his fingers over the bandages wrapped around him, shaking as he remembers what comes next.
But when only the beeps of his own equipment resound back to him, he settles into the bed and tries to regain control of his breathing.
Just a nightmare.
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mr-dwight-dwicky · 3 years
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Dwight is glad he’s able to make Johnny laugh even now. It brings a smile to his own face. It could be the only light he has at the moment.
He sees the knife stab coming, but he doesn’t see the location. He let’s out a guttural, raspy sound. He’s certain that went through the scar tissue of his impalement wound. If this fucker doesn’t kill him than Ruxill will.
“Aww. Did that hurt you? Really doesn’t seem like you’ve grown much if you can’t take a little criticism.” He screams again as the knife is pulled out and stabbed in another location, coughing up blood, His suit and tie are covered in red stains. That’s going to be a pain to get out…
He almost doesn’t feel the hook as it’s shoved into his back. It’s like a delayed reaction, and he screams through gritted teeth. The sides of his vision are cloudy, but he struggles to stay conscious. It’s for Johnny. It’s always for Johnny. 
“A call? Who the hell would call you? You’ve...made it clear that you’re a...pathetic...pathetic nobody.” Getting hard to speak. Just keep talking anyway. “You...obviously have nothing better to do...then plot to throw a ta...tantrum from something that...happened who fucking knows...how long ago.
“You...obviously fucking deserved it anyway…” it’s the last thing he gets out before he’s gagged, looking over at Johnny and finally meeting his gaze again. It’s alright, Snowflake. We’ll get out here. Somehow we will.
Meanwhile, back on Serpens space station, Leera is beginning to worry. She hasn’t heard from her boyfriend in several minutes, and now there’s a crowd full of people starting to get just a little grumpy. She’s tried reaching out to both him and Johnny, only to have no answer from either. She shuffles uncomfortably. There’s only one other person she can think of calling.
She waits patiently for the other person to pick up. “Jimmy? It’s Ms. Ozynite. I was wondering have you heard from Mr. Dwicky? He got a call from our ship but...he hasn’t come back and I can’t get a hold of him.”
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mr-dwight-dwicky · 4 years
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The minute Johnny looks him in the eyes, Dwight knows he’s caught. He knows his sorry excuse used to brush off what he’s trying not to say is as transparent as air. He’s typically better at lying than this, and he could make every excuse in the world for why he’s not on his game, but he knows the real reason, and it’s staring him in the face with those cloudy gray eyes. He misses the black so badly...
There’s two people in this universe Dwight can’t lie to. He lost the ability the minute he opened his heart his heart and bared his soul to them. And their names are Leera Ozynite and Johnny Denivar...
He sets his jaw but it’s already too much. The dam is too damaged, too many cracks. It’s no use. He has to tell him...
(There you go, Dwight. Give him the choice. He’s only hurting with you, anyway)
He gets up from his seat and sits on the bed beside Johnny. He’s glad that the beds on Lazuroth are made a little bigger so it’s not such a tight squeeze. He pulls Johnny’s hand from his face, hold both those small, frigid hands in his own. He feels so fragile...
“This is all my fault...” he starts off in one broken breath. “Johnny I...I’m so sorry I didn’t...If I had just...”
He takes a breath, trying to get his words together.
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