#midge denivar
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some drawings for a tmosth themed rp
most characters belong to @cat-gwyn-gunn
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queen-of-lazuroth · 5 years
[ @perfect-harmonia @drun-in-a-million @k-9-1-1-yes-hello @ly-cant-even @addie-bear ]
Deep underneath the halls of the castle of Lazuroth, lied an intricate prison. One made for one specific purpose. For one specific person. 
Midge wondered why she made the decision to keep her here. Why she’d chosen this instead of killing her. Or letting Addie kill her. She’d killed her once before, after all. Why not this time? Perhaps it was by Togal’s own interference. Perhaps Midge couldn’t bring herself to do it this time. Or perhaps even a part of her got a sick sense of satisfaction knowing that Harmonia would be trapped here, powerless, for the rest of her days.
She was actually kind of glad for that decision, now. Who else could she ask about something like this.
Harmonia Cuppari looked up from the wall, her eyes looking over Midge for just a moment for a far too satisfied smile appeared on her face. “Madrigal. To what do I owe the pleasure? Missing your mother?”
“Not even remotely,” Midge told her, her tone as cold as the room around them, not that the two Lazurothians were bothered by it. Her eyes narrowed. “I’m here for information.”
Harmonia chuckled. “Of course you are.” She straightened up her seating, the chains around her wrists and ankles clinking as she did so. A rare metal called Atlantisian. It seemed to hold property to suppress supernatural powers, like Harmonia’s ice magic. “Never drop by just to say hello.”
“And I never will,” Midge hissed, ensuring her tone was as sincere as it was cutting. Not that Harmonia would care that even after all these years, the animosity Midge held for Harmonia still burned as bright as Addie’s flames. “What have you lied to me about this time?”
Harmonia didn’t seem fazed by the question, even sighing in exasperation. “I haven’t the faintest clue what you mean, dear.”
“Don’t ‘dear’ me, you self-centered bitch!” Midge snapped. There was a crackling of new ice forming around them. “You have to know something. You always do!” She growled, her hands balled into fists. “Why are me and my children hearing singing?!”
Harmonia rose a brow in genuine confusion. “Singing?”
“Yes! Singing! It’s like distant voices. My son mentions it sounds like someone calling and I have to agree.” She took a step forward and glowered. “Why is this happening? What haven’t you told me?!”
Harmonia stared at Midge for the longest time, as if contemplating what it was Midge even said. That scrutinizing gaze. Even now it made Midge want to shove an icy saber through her main heart.
The temptation grew when Harmonia began to laugh, the condescending sound bouncing off the frozen walls. Midge’s eye glowed blue in their fury. She knew no one would question her if she killed Harmonia again, they would never defy her over it. But she’d promised to never let her power go to her head. She would be a good example for her children. She would not rule by fear.
“Well, well, well,” Harmonia said, her voice full of amusement, “I honestly did not think this would be the way you found out. Hearing the Calling like that.”
Midge scowled. “What are you talking about? Find out what?”
“Oh, my darling daughter,” her voice was sickeningly sweet. Mocking. Midge had the image of ripping her vocal cords from her throat. “You’ve truly never even suspected? Never even questioned it?”
“If you don’t start actually talking about something of substance I am going to bury you under a thousand feet of snow,” Midge threatened.
“Tsk tsk. No need for threats, dear. You have the advantage here, remember?” Unfortunately. Harmonia had been trying to figure a way out of this for years, and yet here she was, still trapped beneath her own castle like some long forgotten relic.
If only he were still alive…
“Haven’t you ever wondered,” Harmonia explained, “why it was you could use your adrunel at such a high degree? No Lazurothian has ever accomplished such a feat and lived to tell the tale. It’s not because it takes some sort of great concentration. It’s because it is impossible to do so. Otherwise I would have tried.”
“I don’t believe you. You thought I was going to die that day when I defeated you.” Midge mentioned.
“I did. But only because you never showed any sign of inheriting anything from your father. Up until then, at least.” Harmonia smirked. “Then you got ice powers, and, oh, you adapted so beautifully to them. So easily. You’ve truly never wondered why that is? Or why the majority of your biological children have unexplained supernatural powers? I’m sure you could ask your mate what the true likelihood of a werewolf and a human producing werewolf children is? You know, the weird one with the goggles.”
“Don’t talk about my mates,” Midge snarled. “And what the fuck are you talking about? Drun inherited his powers from me. The twins are werewolves because...Dek was one. Addie...Addie…”
“Seeing where it falls apart, I see.”
“She’s a Jedi. Force sensitive. They can do...extraordinary and unexplained things.”
“I can assure you, different color fire is not one of those things,” Harmonia told her.
“You don’t know that! You’re talking out of your ass just to get your way like you always do!”
“And you are being crass and stubborn as you always are,” Harmonia argued, her tone tired. “I’ve given you the explanation to what you’re hearing. It is called a Calling. I witnessed it once. Couldn’t hear it, but it is quite phenomenal how far it can travel. Only one race can perform it and only its own kind can hear it. They are called Mefni, and they are elemental beings.”
“You’re speaking nonsense and it’s pissing me off!” Midge roared, stomping her foot. Spikes of dangerously sharp ice shot up from the ground. “Why would I, a Lazurothian, and my children, be able to hear something only this one race can hear that none of us have any lineage from?!”
“Did you not hear me mention your father at all? Or are you losing your hearing as well as your edge?”
Midge stared in disbelief. “You really wanna mess with my head that badly? My father was your brother. What does he have to do with any of this?”
“You’ll find records in the archives of exactly one time I left the planet. I wanted a change of scenery for a bit. The events afterward, however, you’ll find were either kept quiet or rewritten as to not expose what occurred. As to not expose what you truly are.” Harmonia’s gaze was intense, a sick glint of victory in her eye. “To be honest, after several years of you showing no signs of his lineage, I was under the impression that perhaps those genetics were nulled in hybrids. However, over the years I’ve seen they were merely dormant, needing just the tiniest of pushes.” A vile smirk appeared on her face. “A shame that I created such a powerful force by pure accident, only to have her turn against me.”
Midge was gaping, unable to put together what Harmonia was saying. It...it couldn’t be true. Harmonia’s ancestors had established the disgusting tradition of the royal family keeping the bloodline within the family. It made no sense for Harmonia to defy it. It made even less sense for her to defy with another race altogether.
No. No it had to be a lie. Just another game for Harmonia to play in Midge thoughts. Midge glared lethally at the woman before her, gritting her teeth in fury.
“You brought that upon yourself,” Midge said, her voice low and murderous. “You brought all of this upon yourself. And I know you’re lying to me.”
She turned on her heel, stomping her way out of the prison. She would not entertain anything Harmonia had just said. She would not.
“You know I’m not, Madrigal!” Harmonia called. “You can feel I’m telling the truth. I bet you can hear that voice even now.”
Midge didn’t respond, not wanting to give Harmonia the satisfaction of knowing she was right.
Even deep down her, beneath the stone and snow, she could hear that voice as if it were right next to her.
Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
Not too long after Midge had reached the main floor of the castle, her communicator beeped. She answered it immediately. “Addie.”
Her oldest gave a worried gaze from the screen. “I have a feeling that all the calls to my phone from you, Drun and Rían have nothing to do with Christmas.”
Midge sighed. “I’m sorry to say that it doesn’t.” Her brow furrowed, struggling to shove all of Harmonia’s words out of her mind. “You...wouldn’t happen to have been hearing singing...have you? Like...disembodied singing that seems to come from no where?”
There was a pause that seemed to last a thousand years and yet only a second all at once. “I have,” Addie admitted. There was movement on the screen, perhaps of her typing something. “Not only that...I managed to trace the frequency. Difficult, considering apparently I’m the only one hearing it around here.”
A hologram appeared above the communicator of a green planet with four moons. Midge furrowed her brow questioningly, but Addie was way ahead. “That planet isn’t too far from Lazuroth, probably a week by ship with maybe one warp jump.” It was Addie’s turn to look questioning. “Mama...I thought Lazuroth was the only planet with life in that whole quadrant.”
Midge stared at this planet, feeling Harmonia’s words threatening to break down the walls she’d put in place to keep them out. “I...I thought so, too…”
Addie became quiet for a moment, seeming to study her mother. She nibbled her bottom lip, a habit she made sure to keep a secret from any of her subordinates. But around family it was always okay to show nerves. “What do you think it is?”
Midge contemplated her answer. She was not about to discuss anything Harmonia had said to her. It was all garbage as far as she was concerned. “I...don’t know. But all my instincts tell me it has to be a trap of some kind.” Because of course it was. It always was. “Obviously I can’t tell you what to do, but I’m going to ignore it. When they realize we won’t take the bait it should stop.”
Addie looked like she hadn’t quit understood that answer. In fact, Midge almost felt like she was being heavily analyzed. She truly hoped Addie wouldn’t try to drag more information out of her. None of them needed to know what Harmonia said. The idea of them all being part some elemental race was ludicrous, and Midge absolutely refused to entertain the idea. “If you think that’s the best course of action, then I will trust your judgement.”
Midge nodded. “Alright.” Her face morphed into a genuine smile. “I’ll see you at Christmas, sweetheart.”
“You will. Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
“Part elemental?” Drun asked after Rían got done relaying what he’d heard.
“An elemental race known as Mefni. Apparently Harmonia is saying that’s the real reason we all have powers. Or handle them so well.”
“But what about Ada? She doesn’t have powers,” Ruby pointed out.
“Yeah, but you said she mentioned that Mom showed no signs until much later in life.” Drun’s brow furrowed. “...What are they calling for?”
Ruby shook her head. “Don’t even think about it. Tomorrow is Christmas! And you heard Mama! She’s pretty sure Harmonia was lying.”
“Yeah but she doesn’t know,” Drun replied. “For all we know it’s a call for help or something. From family!”
“Or it’s another plot to get someone kidnapped again,” argued Rían. 
“Come on! You can’t tell me you don’t want to know what it is!” Drun said insistently.
Rían shrugged. “Bro, I just want a Christmas where no one gets kidnapped, okay? I’m willing to let some weird spectral singing bother me for that.”
Drun shook with frustration, a few stray snowflakes falling from his balled up fists. He made a small growling noise. “Fine,” he said shortly before stomping off.
“Drun!” Ruby called worriedly.
Drun didn’t answer, stomping all the way to his room. It took everything in him not to slam the door, if only because it would alert one of his parents to his distress. He flopped onto his bed and screamed into a pillow.
How could everyone else brush it off like that?! There was some strange occurrence going on and not a single person cared to find out what it was? Where it came from? Why it was happening? Wasn’t his family supposed to be Team Nebula? Wasn’t stuff like this basically their job?!
Drun growled again, taking a moment to stare at his window. The stars glittered in the sky, dancing around Lazuroths rings. A heavy debate began to wrestle in his mind. He shouldn’t go anywhere tonight or tomorrow. Not yet anyway, but he also couldn’t help but second guess himself over whether he should go at all.
After all, the likelihood of it being a trap was unfortunately astronomically high…
Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
And yet, Drun thought, his antennae perking toward the sound.
Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
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cat-gwyn-gunn · 4 years
Wait I totally forgot about this WHY DO DEK AND ZIM OWE MIDGE MONEY???
Dek owes Midge money bc they had a bet about how long it would take Zim and Dib to get together. At least I think I remember that correctly.
Zim owes Midge money bc she predicted they'd get together in the first place but Zim really didn't think they would.
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chances-r-high · 5 years
[ @queen-of-lazuroth ]
{Txt} Hey, Midge? Do you have a moment?
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cat-r-gunn · 6 years
In other news someone (Me) just got an idea for an Interstellar AU where Dib and Midge have been friends forever and solve mysterious and shit together and they run into Zim and his "brother"/partner Dek who are both on the run from the Empire and of course everyone gets in over their heads but also have a fuck ton of romance and also why wasn't this the first idea I fucking had?
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nnyhilism · 6 years
Queen Midge.. might I offer some form of encouragement through the ancient art of flattery?
Yes? Good.
I'm very sorry that your children are currently in a dangerous situation but you should know it's not your fault. You can't blame yourself for every bad thing your offspring get themselves into. Sometimes they have to learn- they have to get into peril and they have to get themselves out of trouble in order to grow. If you live your entire life blaming yourself for something that you weren't aware of until recently you're just going to pass on that anxiety in the form of either hysterical guilt or extreme coddling- both of which are not optimal for any parental relationship.
You're a magnificent mother, Queen. You've raised some headstrong children and I think this just might be their way of showing just how capable they are.
Am I pardoning them for creating a panic in you or disappearing without a trace? No.
But you don't deserve to shoulder all the blame.
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mr-dwight-dwicky · 4 years
[ Previous Post ] @just-call-me-johnny
Dwight gives another growl of irritation before reach down and dragging Johnny off the floor. He then throws the smaller man over his shoulder. “Time to go, you goblin,” he says. He can’t handle both Agent Nazo and Johnny together. It will lead to an “accidental” discharge of his gun.
Unfortunately, he’s just coming down the stairs when the tall, brunette federal agent is already in the living room.
“Detective Dwicky. Long time no see,” Agent Nazo says. Dwight can barely contain the growl in his throat. Especially as the fed notices Johnny on his shoulder and smirks. “I see you still have your little assistant attached to your hip.” 
There’s an implication in his tone that Dwight does not miss. It causes him to drop Johnny on the floor with almost no warning, except it seems he considerate enough to do it from a height that won’t hurt Johnny too much. He won’t think too much into that.
“This is our investigation. You don’t get to just barge in here-,”
“Dwight,” Leera hissed. Ruxill had reprimanded Dwight time and time again about cooperating with other authorities. She turned to Dek. “Nice to see you again, Agent Nazo. I suppose we should go ahead and swap notes?” She can feel the angry look of betrayal radiating from Dwight but she ignores it. She doesn’t like dealing with the feds, either (and definitely not with Nazo, who’s ego rivals Dwight’s an astronomical amount) but she’s here to do her job, first and foremost.
“Of course,” Agent Nazo replies. His startling green eyes find their way to Midge, who’s hanging in the back. He grins at her. “Very nice to see you again, Miss Denivar.”
Midge is taken aback. Of all the names to remember. She just waves awkwardly.
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addie-bear · 5 years
[ @vindication-thy-name-is-dwight ]
Dwight had very much expected to be tackled and restrained in the manner he was upon arriving to the Metallah. He knew there was no way he would not be detained in the highest security cell with practically unbreakable restraints. He also knew he could still escape at any moment. But that wasn’t why he was here.
He was here to accept his fate.
He remembered waking up early that morning, watching Leera sleep, the steady rise and fall of her delicate body, how her fiery hair was tousled in all directions. He clenched his hands into fists. A selfish last indulgence, he knew. He never wanted to hurt her. But he knew if he told her his plan that she’d interfere. And he couldn’t allow that.
No. It was time. Time to look justice in the eye and have her past her judgement.
Speaking of her, the Admiral arrived at his cell, opening the door and closing it behind her. She looked out the small window to the guards outside. “Leave us,” she told them.
There was a moment of hesitation from Addie subordinates, but they complied and left. She knew Dwight was not one to ever be underestimated, but he also had never been one to simply turn himself in. She leaned against the door, her emerald eyes narrowed. “Why are you here?” she asked simply.
Dwight scowled. “Oh you know, just popping in for a visit,” he drawled. “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m turning myself in.”
“Oh, I can see that,” Addie replied. “But of all the people you could have turned yourself into, you decided to turn yourself into me. Now you’re going to tell me why.”
Dwight huffed. He’d considered going to Lazuroth for a moment but the thought had been shut down rather quickly. Also it just didn’t sit right to turn himself over to anyone else. Midge was a fair queen, but perhaps too fair at times. Tallest Red and his brood would rather kill him on site than give him any form of trial. Perhaps that was what he deserved but...no. He knew who’s judgement truly mattered. He knew who of all the people he’d hurt, who it was he’d hurt the most.
And between Chance and Adalet, he knew he couldn’t bring himself to ask Chance to pass judgement on him.
“You speak about being Justice itself, do you not?” Dwight answered, gathering his words carefully. “I believe you will do what is best for everyone and not just what’s best for you.” And definitely not anything for me.
Addie stared at him for a long time. “You might be right. Though the temptation to burn you to a crisp where you stand is still at the back of my mind.” She flickered some flames in her hand for emphasis, the glow making her eye glitter in an intimidating manner. When she made them vanish she stepped forward. “But I think interrogating you a bit before I send you off to your death might be a little more satisfying.”
Dwight rose a brow. “Interrogate? About what?”
“Oh, about many things, Dwight,” she told him, plopping down to sit on the bench on the other side of the cell. “Let’s start with my brother, shall we? How about you tell me why you didn’t kill him?”
Dwight tensed. This was not what he wanted. He wanted Adalet to just get on with his punishment already. The last thing he wanted was to explain himself. “What does it matter? Did you want me to kill him?”
“Of course not. And if you had, I assure you, we would not be having any sort of conversation right now.” She leaned back in her seat. “I’m not moving forward with anything until I get the answers I want, Dwight. So you might as well start talking.”
Dwight growl, leaning his head back against the wall. He didn’t want to explain himself, especially to fucking Adalet Denivar. “...He reminded me of something,” Dwight finally said, the words seeming almost painful. “Oh one of my children. Mork. He was like that. Kind but...often sad.” He stared at the ground.
Addie stared at him, tapping a finger on her arm. “You know...not too long after that my brother got a new body guard and trainer.” Her gaze was piercing. “Jezivo. Ring any bells?”
“I don’t understand why the boy didn’t have a trainer sooner,” Dwight admitted. “He’s constantly being kidnapped. Your whole family should have it’s own personal trainers.”
Addie had to stop herself from snorting, from thinking that Dwight was right about this one thing. She folded her arms and crossed her legs. “...Why did you go rescue Chance?”
The room immediately felt thick with tension, Dwight brow furrowing uncomfortably. “I…”
“I’m not letting up, Dwight. You might as well tell me. In fact, since you’re probably going to be executed either way, what do you really have to lose?”
Dwight shuffled. He knew she was right and he hated it. It didn’t matter what he said. These were going to be his last moments, he supposed he might as well make them count.
“I have regretted leaving him ever since I did,” Dwight said quietly. “I...I was angry that he found something without me. A home and a family that I never gave him. That...that Leera always wanted to.” Too blinded by greed. Too scared to get attached to anyone else, to treat Chance with any kind of real love. “There will never be an excuse for what I did. There will never be an amount of repentance that I do that will make up for it. And I know now that that door is shut for good.” This time he did look up at Adalet, boldly meeting her gaze. “He deserves...far better than anything I have ever given him. It is almost ironic that he would find that with you but...perhaps also not all that surprising.” He looked back down at the floor.
“I am not a fool, Admiral. I know my crimes are stacked far too high for there to be any chance of me making up for them. The blood on my hands has long since stained. I know what punishment awaits me now that I’m here. I’m not going to run this time. I came for a reason, and that is to finally do the right thing.”
“...And you think the right thing is for you to die?” Addie asked, her tone quiet.
Dwight looked up at her past his disheveled, salt and pepper hair. “Don’t you?”
Addie hesitated. “Perhaps a year or so ago I would have thought that. Perhaps before you made it your mission to protect my brother and rescue my mate and help my father and uncle escape my horrid grandmother.” She stood up, touching the Galactic Alliance emblem on her collar. “It’s time.”
Dwight’s brow furrowed as Adalet spoke, unsure of where she was going with this. Then she called the guards back in it was a bit of a flurry from there. Three of them suddenly grabbed him and there was a moment of back and forth tugging. Once they were done and gone Dwight looked down. Was that a monitoring anklet? “Are you putting me on house arrest?”
“Oh, don’t be silly,” Addie replied. She had to keep herself from smirking as she pressed a button on her wrist watch, releasing Dwight’s bonds. A risky move, but she wouldn’t know if she was making the right choice unless she gave him the chance to make the wrong one. “You’ll be able to come and go wherever you please.” Her gaze became sharp. “But I’m going to know about it.”
It took a moment for those words to sink in for Dwight, almost not noticing that he had been freed. “Really?”
Addie nodded. “Mhm. I’m going to know everywhere you go, everything you do, for the foreseeable future. And if you do anything that even remotely looks like you’re going back to your wicked, wicked ways.” He lifted a small remote in her hand. “I’m going to press this button.”
Dwight eyed the remote before his gaze went back to the anklet. “Are you going to blow my leg off?”
“Oh, no, no. See I leave the removal of limbs to you these days.” Her tone was vicious, her eyes glimmering with an almost evil sort of glee. “No, Dwight. You see, if I press this button, a very potent toxin is going to enter your bloodstream. It has a rather high mortality rate and I’ve heard the process is rather painful. However I’m sure you’d find a way to survive.” A diabolical grin pulled across her face as she looked directly at Dwight. “But not without being put into a coma.”
Dwight’s eyes widened as he let Adalet speak, staring in awe. The last part almost made him laugh, but he managed to restrain himself. “You are far more vindictive than I have ever given you credit for.”
Addie’s face fell, getting back to her feet and stepping forward. Her green eyes narrowed. “What I think is really vindictive is that I’m hoping I’ll never have to use it.” The look of confusion on Dwight’s face made her continue. “Because I can’t think of a better punishment for you than you having to spend the rest of your life - and I mean the rest of your life, making up for every horrible thing you’ve ever done.”
The silence that followed was short and poignant. Dwight didn’t know what to think. He’d come here expecting to die, but instead had received mercy from the one person he would have never expected it from. He felt his body tingle in...relief? He was relieved that he wasn’t dying today?
And that he was being given an opportunity to start again…
Addie stood up straight, folding her arms again. “The guards will escort you back to your ship. If I were you I wouldn’t come back.” She smiled. “Leera, however, is welcomed anytime.” She turned on her heel as the cell door opened. “I’ll be in touch, Dwight. Toodles!”
Dwight watched her go, sitting there until someone roused him to stand up and leave. He was still so baffled as to what just happened and why. He gave a sigh, mind racing. What would he do now?
A thought came to mind, but he decided he would save that for after he apologized to his secretary.
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dib-adrift · 5 years
[ @drun-in-a-million @queen-of-lazuroth ]
With so many kids, it was common at night for the parents to walk around the halls of the castle rounding them up and making sure they went to bed. Well...most of them now were adults or practically adults, but it still gave them piece of mind. Their family to this day was still cursed with kidnappings.
That was how Dib found Drun passed out in front of a computer in the archives room. He was also surrounded by several books. A quick glance told Dib that they were mostly about...legends and myths of Lazuroth? Was this a holiday project he had to work on before school started again?
Nonetheless, Dib reached over and shook his son’s shoulder. “Mijo? Come on, you should go to bed.”
Drun jumped awake with a grunt, looking up at one of his fathers. He rubbed his face and looked around him. A hint of panic bubbled in his chest, but there was no way his Papa could figure everything out from the things around him. He cleared his throat. “Sorry...guess I was more tired than I thought.”
Dib chuckled. “You’re too much like your parents, I think. All of us. Maybe it’s a curse for Denivars to be workaholics.” He ruffled the boys white hair, as soft as his mother’s. “What are you working on, anyway?”
Drun’s sydark jumped. “Oh! Uh...research. Just research for...school. Family lineage stuff.”
Dib tilted his head. “Strange thing for Polaris Academy to ask,” he mentioned. Then again, some instructors had strange ways of teaching.
“Y-yeah...” Drun said. He didn’t like lying to his parents. Even when he and Scarlett got into trouble, he never lied about how they got into it. He took responsibility for it, for not thinking ahead. He bit his bottom lip and then sighed. “Actually...can I tell you something?”
Dib’s brow furrowed. “Of course you can. You can tell me anything.” He was perhaps the most understanding of the parents, and definitely the most lenient. It came from his own childhood, of constantly being belittled and pushed aside. Yes, his father eventually saw the error of his ways before their timeline was destroyed, but...well, by that point it was too little too late. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes! No! I...I don’t know...” Drun closed his eyes, trying to figure out a way to start. “I’ve been...hearing singing...”
“Singing?” Dib asked, his voice colored with concern. “What do you mean?”
“It’s not words. It’s just....’ah ah ah ahhhh~’” He didn’t have the voice his sisters had, but that’s what it sounded like. “It mostly sounds like one voice, others it’s multiple. And...and I’m not the only one hearing it! Ruby and Rían are hearing it too!”
Dib stared at his son for long time, trying to process his words. “Just the three of you? And it’s...not even words?”
“Yeah!” Drun confirmed, sounding almost relieved that so far Dib didn’t seem to think he was losing it in anyway. “It...I don’t know. It feels like...something calling to me. Us. Or someone.”
Dib’s gaze fell to the floor, thoughtful. “And you’re the only three that can hear it?”
“So far. We’ve tried to get in touch with Addie but you know...she’s busy.”
“What about Ada?”
“She doesn’t hear it. She even made fun of me for it. But Rían and I have a theory that it’s just us with extra abilities. But to confirm that we have to know if Addie is hearing it.”
“I’m gonna be honest, Drun...but just from that information alone it sounds like some sort of trap. Why else target the ones that have extra powers?”
“I...I don’t know...” Drun balled his hands into fists. “I can’t explain it but...it doesn’t feel like a trap. It...it feels like a genuine call for...something...”
Dib sighed, taking a moment to pet Drun’s hair again. “Okay. Maybe your mom knows something that could help. I’ll talk to her, okay?” He put his hands on Drun’s shoulders. “Promise you won’t do anything impulsive until we make sure this isn’t something dangerous?”
Drun tried not to tense. Every time he heard the singing it seemed to get stronger, urging him to do...something. Go somewhere. Go wherever it was coming from. How could he promise he wouldn’t follow it, when everything in his being was telling him to do just that?”
“I promise,” he said with the straightest face he could manage. Unlike most of his family, Drun had a good poker face. One of his instructors said he must have inherited Dek’s espionage spirit.
“Good,” Dib said, ruffling the boys hair one more time. “Come on. Get to bed. You look like you haven’t slept in days.”
I haven’t, Drun thought to himself. Even now he could hear it, loud and insistent. Ah ah ah ahhhhh~ Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
He had figure this out. He had to...
“Singing?” Midge asked, her brow furrowing. 
“Yeah,” Dib said with a nod as the parents got ready for bed. “Drun said so far it’s just him and the twins hearing it. There’s not like...some weird ritual that happens with the Cuppari line every so many years is there?”
Midge shook her head. “Not to my knowledge, and my mother practically crammed all the history she could into my head. Well, the fake history. I figured out anything else from Sigi.”
“Do we need to be concerned?” Dek asked, a familiar look in his eye. An ingrained need to protect his family.
“Is it possible it’s in their heads? They have been under quite a lot of stress this past year, especially Drun,” Zim suggested. His voice was gentle but practical.
“It’s unlikely for all three of them to hallucinate the same thing. Even the twins, with as close as they are.” Midge snuggled into the bed as the four of them cuddled together, the Irkens using Dib as extra heat, while Midge was perfectly comfortable at the current temperatures. “I’ll look into it for sure. Maybe there’s something I missed or don’t remember.”
“I’ll help. I like doing research,” Dib offered, leaning over and kissing Midge’s forehead. 
“Thank you, love.”
It was the sound of singing that awoke Midge in the morning. She blinked her eyes several times before slowly pulling herself from the cuddle pile of her and her mates.
Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
Her brow furrowed as she went toward the balcony. The voice seemed almost right in her ear, yet also so far away.
Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
Midge looked over her shoulder, seeing that Dek had been awoken from her shuffle. He was always so entuned with her and the other three. Sometimes she wondered if he could read their thoughts. But even now, the singing could be heard, clear as a thin sheet of ice.
Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
If she was hearing it as well...
...There was only one person she could ask...
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son-of-an-invader · 5 years
"Ready to roll out?" Dek asked his mates as they finished up preparations. He'd told them to start getting ready as soon as Computer's communication had cut short.
"Ready when you are, love," Midge said brightly.
"We should not have let him go in the first place, Dek," Zim said. "We knew this would not bode well."
"I know. But he's stubborn. He gets it honestly."
"...He's adopted?" Dib said, more amused by Dek's statement.
"He is. I meant that it's just in every Zim's nature to be hardheaded."
"Alright, boys, enough flirting we've got a kid to save," Midge said with a sweet smile.
Dek nodded. "Right."
After they gathered their things, they took a moment to say bye to the kids, reassuring all of them that they would be back. Dek then turned to Keef and patted his shoulder. "You're in charge."
"What?!" Keef squeaked. "Me?!"
"You're the oldest aren't you? Don't worry The rest of Team Nebula will back you up."
"But I'm..." Keef stammered, shuffling his feet. "I'm not..."
"Except you are," Midge said, bring the boys head down so she could kiss the top of it. "We'll be back before you know it."
"Face it, kiddo," Dib said as he ruffled the boy's red hair. "You're a Denivar now."
Keef opened and closed his mouth a couple times before simply nodding. He didn't know what to say for a long time before managing a soft, "Be safe."
"Not to worry, Keef-smeet. Zim will make sure we all come back completely unharmed!"
The other three exchanged amused looks before they made their way into the ship, taking their places and getting set up. After several minutes the ship finally exited the hanger, taking off into the Lazurothian sky.
Keef couldn't help but safe, feeling overwhelmed by everything that just happened, and everything that could happen. He felt Matsuri give his shoulder a comforting squeeze.
All they could do now was wait...
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zimerstellar · 5 years
[ @zimerstellar @little-justice @queen-of-lazuroth ]
Zim sighed. He had not expected his mate deciding to be with a couple who had children to be so nerve-wracking. Currently Dib was tucking in Fox ( who apparently was the son of alternate versions of himself and Dib, and another victim of Dwicky’s collider), while Dek attempted to sooth a rather fussy Drun to sleep. He’d been like that quite a bit. Just as Ada had been quiet and Fox had been clingy. Ever since...what happened…
Zim couldn’t say he blamed them…
“Alright,” Zim said uncertainly, leading Ada to her room. He watched the small girl climb into her bed, “so now I tuck you in, yes?”
Ada shrugged. “You don’t have to. I’m a big girl, you know?”
Zim tried not to laugh at that statement. Fox was several years older than her and even he had wanted to be tucked in. “Don’t be silly, kismek. Zim insists.” He can over and pulled the comforter up to Ada’s shoulders before patting them. “How’s that?”
Ada stared at him for a moment before the tiniest smile broke out on her face. “It’s a little loose.”
“Eh? What, do you want to be wrapped up in it, or something?” Zim asked. “Am I supposed to turn you into an Ada burrito?”
Ada giggled. It was the first time Zim had ever heard the sound. It did something to his insides that was unfamiliar. He didn’t dislike the feeling, though. “No, silly. You have gotta really tuck it over my shoulders.” She pulled the comforter up and wiggled a bit until only her head was sticking out. “Like this!”
Zim rose a brow, getting an idea. He tried to keep his face as straight as possible before pulling the blanket up and putting it over the little girl’s face. “Like that?”
“No, Mr. Zim!” Ada squealed, flailing a bit until the cover was off her face. It was the first time since meeting the little girl that her face looked so bright. Zim suddenly decided he would do everything in his power to make sure it stayed that way.
Then, Ada’s face fell, and her gaze wandered off to the side. “Can I ask you a question, Mr. Zim?”
Zim nodded. “Of course you can, kismek.”
Ada shuffled a bit, her brow furrowing. “What do you think the afterlife is like?”
Zim was taken aback by the question. He figured perhaps it was to be expected. The little one had lost a large chunk of her family, after all. “Zim isn’t sure. But, I would hope it’s far better than anything we have here.”
Ada nodded. “I just...I hope they’re okay. Wherever they are.”
Tentatively, Zim reached over and brushed Ada’s bangs from her face. She refused to let anyone cut it at the moment. She wanted to grow it out like Addie and her mother. “You are a very kind smeet, Ada.”
Ada’s tiny smile returned. “Thank you, Mr. Zim. You’re really nice, too.”
“Nonsense. Zim is a fierce Invader and you’ll do well to remember that.”
Ada giggled again, her little nose wrinkling. She was a very cute little thing. All the children the Denivars had were.
“Mr. Zim? I have another question.”
Zim nodded. “Go for it, kismek.”
“Are you and Dib-Dab gonna marry my Mama and Daddy?”
Zim’s face heated up immediately. He was certain he had to look completely bright pink. “I...That is an odd question, Ada. I mean...I’m sure your parents would love to marry Dib someday, but I am not sure they have those same feelings for me.”
“Oh they do!” Ada said brightly. “I know Daddy does for sure. I’ve seen him bring you snacks sometimes and he touches you a lot.”
“Most of the time the touching is to get Zim to be quiet, kismek,” Zim told her with a chuckle. Not that it worked, though.
“Nah. If he wanted you to be quiet he would just tell you. That’s what he does to some of Team Nebula sometimes. And my Mama likes you, too. I heard her talking about how she like your hips the other day.”
Zim’s face felt like it was on fire at this point. “That’s...I don’t think that’s the same thing, Ada.”
“Of course it is. Honestly, grown ups are so silly about these things. You should’ve seen Addie, Chance and Iris. Geez, they were stupid-”
“Alright, my little motormouth,” said Midge voice from behind Zim. The Lazurothian entered the room, readjusting the blanket around Ada. “Are you giving Zimmy a hard time?”
“Nuh uh, Mama,” Ada said. “I was just asking him questions.”
“You’re a sneak, is what you are,” Midge told her, tapping her nose and leaning down to kiss the little girl’s forehead. “You get it from your father.”
“That’s not what Daddy says.”
Midge laughed. “Of course it’s not.” She got up from the bed and reached over to turn on Ada’s nightlight before heading for the door. “Get some sleep, baby girl.”
“Goodnight, Mama. Goodnight, Zimmy!”
Zim was startled by the new nickname, but it also made his spooch soar with happiness. “Goodnight, kismek.”
Once they were out of the room and on their way to their own. Midge giggled. “She’s a handful, huh?”
Zim snorted. “It shouldn’t come as a surprise, considering who her other version is.” He still didn’t quite understand that, but he’d also given up trying to. Perhaps Ada wouldn’t turn out exactly like Addie, but Zim would be very surprised if there weren’t some similarities. “You are rather late.”
“I stopped by to visit my brother,” she explained. “Not Sigi. I have a brother that has ice powers like mine that lives about a block away from here. I...I needed the visit.”
Zim nodded. “It’s natural to cling to what you have left after you’ve lost so much.”
Midge rose a brow. “Those are some wise words.”
“Zim is a wise person.”
“Heh. I guess so,” she replied. “Why did you ask, anyway? Worried about me?”
Zim didn’t miss the teasing tone. “You are the matriarch of this house and you are pregnant with two smeets. It is natural to worry, regardless of what other powers and talents you possess.” Then he smirked, turning to her fully. “Though, it was nice to have such an interesting conversation with your daughter. She says you like my hips.”
Midge froze, hints of blue blooming across her cheeks. “What’s your point?”
Zim took a step forward, leaning in very close to Midge’s face. “Anything else you’d like to say you find desirable about Zim?”
Midge’s blush increased exponentially as she looked at Zim. Her hearts were all jumping like crazy as he practically stared her down. She probably could make a very long list of all the things desirable about Zim, including the scene she just walked in on with her daughter.
However, if there was one thing the past week had taught her, it was that life was too short and that would take way too long. So instead she leaned up and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
Zim was stunned. It had literally only lasted a second, but even so he couldn’t seem to regain composure for a long time. He had not expected Midge to do that.
“Not fun when the tables are turned on you, huh?” she teased. She was still blushing, and she sincerely hoped that that was okay.
Midge’s words helped him regain his composure, his smirk returning perhaps more powerful than before. In a smooth movement he cupped Midge’s face in his hands and gave her a kiss in return, this one firmer and more lingering.
“I suppose not,” he told her softly as he pulled away.
Midge was shocked at the action before she broke out into giddy giggles. “Fine. You win this round.”
“Zim always wins,” Zim said as they continued on their way back to their bedroom.
“Yeah, yeah,” Midge replied. “By the way, Ada’s is right about Dek having feelings for you. I think he’s just...hesitant.”
Zim frowned. “Explain.”
“Well, his brother was a Zim. And, well...maybe it’s just hard for him to differentiate.”
“Zim is not that short.” He’d seen pictures. Glitter Zim had been quite small.
“That’s not the point. The point is you might have to...tone down your own tsundere to get him to realize what he’s feeling. Be a little more...blatant about it.”
“Zim is no tsundere!”
Midge sighed. This was going to be harder than she thought. “Never mind. Let’s just go to bed,” she said, dragging the Irken down the hall to their room.
Zim continued to scowl but made no other arguments, no matter how tempting it was. Mostly because he couldn’t help but see what Midge was getting at. He’d been trying to be subtle due to the family’s grief, not wanting to overstep any boundaries.
But maybe, as long as he was careful, turning things up a notch wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
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8 memes for Experiment 777
Link for the story: Experiment 777 - Chapter 1 - deliciousflavor - Johnny the Homicidal Maniac [Archive of Our Own]
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queen-of-lazuroth · 5 years
dear person i had a crush on
Dear Person I Had a Crush on,
I couldn’t save you. It is one of my greatest regrets in my entire life. That I dragged you into a situation that was dangerous and foolish. That I was too stupid at the time to see what my feelings for you were. That you had to pay the price for my indecision and cowardice.
A part of me knows you would be happy for me, for the life that I have here. You would like Dek, I think. And Dib and Zim. Perhaps especially Dib. He reminds me a lot of you. Wide-eyed with wonder, mischievous and brave. You’d love all of our children, too.
I don’t know if I still have those feelings for you, or if I would if you were still alive, but I know that I would still love you in some way. I do still love you in some way. I don’t think that has ever changed, nor will it ever.
I hope wherever you are, you are happy. A beautiful soul like yours deserve every good thing the afterlife can offer. And thank you for being there for me when you were, and showing me that change can start with just one voice.
Rest in peace, Leona,
Midge Cuppari-Denivar
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Keef made his way out of the Med Bay and began exploring the palace. He got lost a few times and had to ask the guard where he was. However, they were very kind and helpful. Everyone had been.
He couldn't help but sigh. Dek and their Zim were nice enough to try and find his Earth, but they came up empty handed. Dek especially seemed grumpy about that, but not as much as they're oldest daughter, Addie, who they called for a little extra help. A very twisty feeling sat in Keef's stomach, yet he couldn't bring himself to entertain the thought.
Midge offered to let him stay if he wished, for as long as he liked. She even offered to find him a place to live on their strange hodgepodge Earth. He said he just needed some time to process and think. She was very patient and sweet.
Maybe the universe would just...shift back and he would be back home...
He continued to wander about until he almost ran into someone. Someone...small. He had tonpause for a moment since she looked basically like a mini-Addie. "Sorry! Almost ran right into you."
Ada looked up at Keef before smiling widely. She looked very happy to him. "Yay! I found you!" She held up a piece of paper with a crayon drawing on it. It looked like a sunflower. A rainbow sunflower. "The other Keefs I know like rainbows and sunflowers, so I drew you this! It was supposed to be a get well card but it took a while. So now it's a 'yay you made it!' card!"
Keef took the drawing with a smile. It was a very sweet gesture, especially since she didn't even know him. Her name was written in the corner. Ada Denivar. Strange that they'd have two children with similar names. Maybe he'd ask about that. "Thank you! I'll find somewhere very safe to keep it."
Ada's smile widened, looking pleased that Keef was happy. She then began to shuffle her feet. "Would you come draw with me, Mr. Keef? I like drawing with others. I used to do it with one of my uncles but we live so far away now. And I know Mama and Daddy and Papa and Tevak are real busy."
Keef rose a brow. He was finding it difficult to say no to those puppy dog eyes. "Don't you wanna ask one of your siblings?"
"Honey's busy, too. And my other siblings are either too little or they ruin everything." Sounded dramatic, but you know, typical child. "Please, Mr. Keef? I promise I won't be annoying or anything." Her eyes seemed to become impossibly wide and sad. And Keef found himself sighing.
"I don't think you could be annoying if you tried," he told her sincerely. "But sure. Where to, little lady?"
Ada clapped her hands excitedly before she began dragging Keef down the hall. "This way this way!"
Keef snorted. At least this would be a good distraction from his less than pleasant thoughts.
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chances-r-high · 4 years
Chance wakes up on Christmas morning sandwiched between his two fiances. He almost doesn’t want to get up, but he knows they have planned trip to Lazuroth to have dinner with the Denivars. He also needs to stop by the Vindicator II to drop off presents for Leera and baby Egan. He mostly just got the infant some clothes. And a dragon egg. Because why not.
He eases his way out from his clinging mates, doing his best not to disturb them. They like to wrap around him because of how warm his human body is. He doesn’t mind at all, especially if the two of them start to feel particularly handsy. Once he’s slipped away he makes his way out of their bedroom to the kitchen to make himself some coffee.
He’s not used to how the Christmas tree sways in greeting to him. He’s still not used to his powers at all. He’s still training them. But he comes over a greets the tree all the same, his coffee finally in hand. Persephone and Diana also come to greet him with nuzzles and kisses. It’s then, out of the corner of his eye, Chance notices a moderately sized package in the branches of the tree, wrapped in dark blue paper.
His eyes narrow, and he finds a place to sit his coffee. He doesn’t remember that being there yesterday, and he’s pretty sure none of them own that shade of blue paper. There’s no bow and no tag. Everything going in and out of the Metallah is intricately scanned. If it had anything nefarious an alarm would be sounding already. Carefully, Chance takes the package into his hands, turning it over and over again before finally opening it.
Inside is a medical book, one he surprisingly does not own. It’s one on natural alternatives, making medicines from plants and avoiding needles and chemicals. He smiles a little. That would be useful for people like his dad who were so adverse to traditional and mechanical medicine. Though, really, one could argue his dad was adverse to any kind of medical treatment. Stubborn little man.
Chance also finds a pair of silver studs for his ears with little green succulents on it. There’s also one gift that almost makes him snort. It’s a bottle of his favorite dark blue hair dye, with a note saying “I know how you don’t like your roots to show.”
Chance can guess that this has to be from someone he knows, now, but the strange paper rule out his mates. He’ll ask his dad, but everything here seems almost...too average for Johnny. And Midge had mentioned any gifts she had would be exchanged at the palace on Lazuroth. It was possible that it was Leera, but even so that didn’t feel quite right either.
Also, Chance had recently noticed a strange bit of blue hidden beneath his latest dye job. Iris said it was probably from staining, but was that even possible with his jet black hair? And really, how long had that bit of blue been there, anyway? He’s been dying his hair for so long. Ever since...
He huffs, looking back down at the gifts in the box. His mates will tease him for opening one without him, but perhaps it’s for the best. The gift is harmless, and it is stuff he likes and will use, so he’d rather not make that big of a deal about who sent it. He’s certain they’ll say something to tip him off, eventually, and then he can thank them. For now, he’ll put in his new studs, place the book on the bookshelf, and put the dye in the bathroom cupboard for when he makes sure the blue in his hair isn’t just a dying strand or something. The box feels extremely good quality. Maybe he can keep it for something.
Chance will never know who sent it.
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cat-r-gunn · 6 years
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Hello do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Addie Denivar?
((basically I just notice this on my blog and thought it was funny))
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