#delete conversation from facebook messenger
crestfallercanyon · 8 months
@its-tea-time-darling thank you, actually, for driving me to headcanons again, because you’ve inspired one that I have to talk about more —
Gally is ABSOLUTELY the guy who calls someone if they so much as text him more than two times. Especially if they are paragraphs, he’s just going to call someone. Some people like this/aren’t bothered by this most of the time/know this about him and accept it (I’d say probably Teresa, Alby, and Frypan respectively) but everyone else is absolutely fed up with it (Thomas doesn’t answer, Newt answers but reminds him that he was texting for a reason, Minho straight up declines the call and continues to bombard him, Brenda likes to answer his call and start saying the most fucked up shit just to make him stammer and wish he’d never called).
Minho responds to someone with memes almost always. He has a meme or a gif for literally every single situation. Eventually though, whenever someone has bad news he will respond with “BUMMER” but then send an actual “ah that sucks man,” after because personal growth. He does however love to vent in text and will also send paragraphs of funny rants about his day.
Thomas sends paragraphs. All the time. Where three words would suffice he texts out fifteen. He also is the one who asks too many questions and if the group is meeting up somewhere he always has to ask again what time/where/dress code/parking etc. (Brenda actually secretly really appreciates this). He also sends out videos and articles but he’s not a big meme person (he’s never sure he’s using em right but he laughs at Minho’s and Brenda’s).
Newt doesn’t actually text the group that often and usually just texts people directly, but he does pin things if the app they’re using has that capability/answers Thomas’s questions and pins it (or reminds him that it’s already pinned, ffs, can’t you read?). He occasionally sends pictures of what he’s doing and has to be reminded to text someone where he’s going so that if something happens people know where he is because he often goes out on his own.
Teresa sends news articles, and other things she thinks others might enjoy learning about. (Alby and Thomas always feel the need to actually reply instead of just react like “this is neat!” Which actually Teresa really enjoys). Teresa also sends a bulk paragraph of plans or is the one to initiate “okay, we talked about hanging out, but what is the plan” and forces people to actually commit to things.
Alby has not mastered that certain apps are for certain things and always tries to talk about subjects that are in other apps in the wrong one. Do not start a serious conversation in the Instagram group chat, that’s for texting, the insta is for memes, articles, videos, etc., not convos. Facebook messenger is for meetups in person, discord is for FaceTime calls, etc. and he always mixes them up and someone (Newt or Teresa) usually gently delete and redirect him every time or don’t even say anything and just ignore it.
Brenda, like Minho, knows her way around memes and gifs and could be a comedy/influencer if she wanted to but she has no desire to post every day. She and Minho would have absolutely killed it on vine. She texts a lot and seems to know how to keep a conversation alive if it seems like it’s stalling.
Frypan is typically more of a responder than one to start the conversation. He actually engages with a rant and says things like “that’s rough!” Or whatever and also reminds everyone to text when they get home from an event safely. He actually has the most active social media following because he’s starting a restaurant and always posts videos about his new food and things like that and it looks delicious. He didn’t really mean to get big on Instagram it just kind of happened because his food looks good and he just wanted to share his food with his friends or his home recipes but things spread much quicker than he expected outside his own page. He’s known for being very wholesome and having super delicious food.
And maybe I’ll do a follow up about whose location is shared with who but I think that’s all I got for now 😂
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anthotneystark · 2 months
So, I don’t use Facebook. I have one, but I only have it to periodically check the page for my town for stuff going on
And a while back, literal years but I couldn’t tell you more specific than that, Facebook stopped letting you view messages on mobile, no matter if you used the app or a browser. It tried to make you have to use the messenger app which I deleted because I thought it was stupid and didn’t want to have even one Facebook app on my phone, let alone two
So I only use it on mobile and only through the browser and only periodically, say, maybe once a month at most
Now, this is where a problem comes in
Because I’ve had two messages showing on that icon for years now but I’ve never bothered to try and figure out what they are because I don’t really use Facebook any anyone who knows me even casually knows that
Enter the problem
See, there was a guy I was talking to back in 2020 before everything shut down. We had some of the same classes and a shared interest and we spent hours talking on campus after class. We kissed a few times
Note, there was never anything that popped up as a red flag, he was very sweet and respectful and all that
But he did have one thing that, if I had to describe it now, I’d say it fit the description of being an ick, but back then I’d have just said it was weird
Not wrong, just weird.
He had my number, which has never once changed since I first got it at the age of 13, but he never texted me
No, he used Snapchat, which, I didn’t care for for conversations because I have a shit memory, and the couple phone calls we had were through Snapchat too
And today, I finally bothered to figure out a way to access my Facebook messages on my phone, and found a message from him
A simple message, from March of 2021, when we probably stopped talking in Septemberish of 2020. I can’t remember why we stopped, but I was super depressed back then so that’s not surprising
But his message is just “did I do something wrong?” And like, the real answer is no. He didn’t do anything wrong, he just wasn’t communicating in the same way that I was and I’m sure there’s a compatibility conclusion you can get from that
But the petty side of me wants to be like “yeah, you had my number, you never reached out that way. You only ever reached out through two applications that I don’t even really use. I haven’t regularly used Snapchat in years, Facebook in a decade. You had a solid way to reach out to me that I know worked because we had texted normally a little, but you never did. So yeah, you did sort of do something wrong.”
But I’m just going to let it be, because obviously I can’t respond three years later
I just…I dunno, I never intentionally ghosted him, I was just depressed and looking for a new job and we live a good distance apart without being at school, but I think it’s kinda funny that he only ever reached out that way, and I never even knew about it
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trendingbizz · 1 month
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How To Delete Facebook Messenger Messages?
Want to clean up your Facebook Messenger? Learn how to delete messages, whether individually or an entire conversation. This guide walks you through the steps to remove unwanted messages from your device, ensuring your chat history is exactly how you want it. Know more
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londonandrewsandme · 1 month
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So, let’s look at catfishing logically and the reasons that my catfisher was London Andrews in a logically way. Catfishing is the creation of a false online personality to deliberately make friends with, influence and manipulate someone, to achieve whatever ends the catfisher wants.
The Naturist Lady account appears on MeWe (it is important that it is the MeWe platform) in 2021. She does not claim to be London, but a friend of London. That she is the wife of a couple who are in an open shared sexual relationship with London Andrews and London’s husband. She says that some of the OnlyFans video’s are of her husband having sex with London, because they of a similar build. But, he wears a tee-shirt because he doesn’t have a tattoo. And suddenly I start to think that a lot of videos lately, the guy you thought of London’s husband, was wearing a tee-shirt.
Plus, she provided evidence. Photos I had never seen before. Now this has an impact, I start believing. But this is why it had to be on MeWe. Because MeWe has the facility to send a photo on its chat/messenger section, that is only visible for a matter of seconds, then they self-delete !
Naturist Lady was sending me these self-deleting photos. This was how she provided private evidence. Photos I had never seen before, photos of London having sex, or at home. Photos that were not on OnlyFans or Patreon or Instagram or Tumblr or FaceBook !
And Naturist Lady was telling me the story of what was going on. Wonderful, enticing, seducing tales of her love life with her husband, with London’s husband, with her and both husbands. And between her and London or what London and her had done with one of the husbands or even all four of them together. And the trivial of her life and what was happening between when she visited the sanctuary and helped with the animals and then had more amazing sex. Incredible. And I really wanted to believe this. Wouldn’t you ? (I may share some of them later. With screenshots as proof that I am not making this up.)
But this first couple of months was just setting scene, as it were. Then Naturist Lady turned her attention to me. And given what had happened before and the conversations we had had, she knew what to do and that the door was wide open. I fell for the catfishing hook line and sinker. I now believe the term for what she did is ‘love bombing’. Naturist Lady was saying she wanted to include me and my wife in their group. Note that before Covid, my wife and I were due to retire very soon and had always planned a retirement tour of the USA. This pre-dates our friendship with London and then when London and her husband had moved into the farm sanctuary, London had said that we must come and visit and she would put us up at the farm, when we were visiting Seattle during this tour. Covid messed up our plans, like it messed up so much for so many.
Anyway, for various reasons that I will cover later, I began to suspect things with the Naturist Lady account. When I challenged her on MeWe in the summer of 2021, I got blocked from the London Andrews MeWe account. Think about this. This is 2021 and I argue with Naturist Lady, who says she isn’t London, but I get blocked from the London Andrews MeWe account that had been dormant since 2019 (one of the reason I started the London Andrews Project). Just work that one out for me please ?
So, this now confirms my suspicions the Naturist Lady account is run by London Andrews !
Just a quick recap on catfishing logic. It is the creation of a fake online persona to influence and manipulate, to play games emotionally and mentally with the victim. Someone had created the Naturist Lady account, Who? Some third party ? Naturist Lady had claimed to be a friend of London’s to gain my trust. I would never have believed anyone who contacted me claiming to be London on a new account...and believe me, back then this was a regular occurrence. So, I have challenged this catfisher, not by calling them out as some third party, lying and playing a nasty game with me. That everything was totally false and the whole thing was made up. No, I have just told this catfisher that they are London Andrews !
In catfishing terms, I have just given them the keys to the kingdom – my kingdom.
Because if Naturist Lady had been another person, a third party, all they had to do was say that they were London, then they could have taken their catfishing to a whole new level. That is the logic of catfishing.
Logically, if the catfisher was not London and was some malicious person, a third party, playing nasty games with me and they had spent the last six months pretending to be a friend of London, providing me with evidence to convince me this is the case. Working hard to suck me in and get me to believe the stories I have been told. And think about what I am saying ? I am not rejecting the events, I am not saying that all this is lies. I’m not saying that I am being catfished by someone else. I’m not challenge them that they are a third party, some unknown person.
I am saying that *YOU* (the catfisher) are London Andrews herself. A woman I have followed for years and care about immensely : and the catfisher knows all about this because they got me to open up about what London means to me. Imagine the scenario, the one posted by London and her trolls last year, that the catfishing MeWe account, Naturist Lady was just, “Some sad guy in a backroom, just like you.” Imagine giving this, “ some sad guy”, this golden opportunity ?
All they would have to say is, ‘Yes, I’m London.’ They would have to make up some sort of apology, some sort of excuse. But , given what they had done, the effort and work that they had put in already, why miss this chance to to take the catfishing to a whole new level.
‘Yes, I’m London, sorry, but let’s talk now, just you and me.’
What an opportunity for them to sucker me more and win the gold medal for catfishing.
This is the logic of catfishing.
But this is exactly what she did not do !
More soon
#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beauty #sexy #beautiful #bbw #curvy #busty #voluptuous #glamour #kinky #curvymodel #photography #art #lingerie #erotica #model #onlyfans #patreon
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govindhtech · 3 months
Meta AI on WhatsApp: Your Photo Editing Assistant Arrives
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You may access Gen AI on the go with Meta  AI on WhatsApp: This is how to apply it. Have you updated to WhatsApp’s Meta  AI yet? This is a thorough examination of Meta AI, an AI helper that will transform communication.
Luckily all been amazed by ChatGPT’s accuracy, which is human-like, in providing answers to queries and helping with everyday tasks. Imagine now having your most-used smartphone app equipped with this generative AI superpower. With Meta AI, Meta has made this feasible.
Meta AI on WhatsApp works on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger using its in-house LLM LLaMA 3. LLaMA 3 improves Meta AI’s intelligence, speed, fun, and customization. This helpful AI produces human-like responses directly within the apps after being educated on an enormous dataset consisting of 15 trillion tokens.
Meta  AI uses feeds, chats, and other capabilities in Meta apps to help users create content, research topics, and complete tasks without leaving the app.
Meta  AI can answer questions and converse with WhatsApp users. The AI assistant’s LLM provides responses but may also search the internet for more information.
This article discusses Meta AI on WhatsApp numerous uses, how to use it, and more. Remember that Meta AI can only read and react to inquiries that reference it. Questions beyond this are rejected. Meta says all private chats and texts are still end-to-end encrypted, so WhatsApp and Meta cannot see or hear them.
How To Use Meta AI on WhatsApp
First, update WhatsApp on your iOS or Android phone. An iridescent purple-blue ring will unlock Meta  AI after completion. On Android smartphones, the ring appears in the bottom right corner above the group + icon, and on iOS devices, it appears in the top right next to the camera icon. Clicking the symbol opens Meta  AI chat instantly.
Group talks with Meta AI are fun. Open a group chat and type Meta AI to activate the AI Assistant. The terms can be viewed and agreed to after entering the tag. After accepting, type your prompt. The chat window will display the AI message after clicking the input icon. One can reply to the AI by selecting the message and replying.
The smart assistant at your fingertips!
With Meta  AI on WhatsApp, you can rapidly produce and exchange ideas and in-depth analysis. You save time by not needing to open Google or ChatGPT to continue talks.
Meta AI can have informal chats on various topics and answer with knowledge and humors.
It also helps with searches by displaying relevant internet results in the app. Meta  AI also lets you describe an image and generate a photorealistic one.
It’s great for work productivity. Meta AI can help you write emails, change tone instantly, and have professional conversations. It’s also great for organizing meeting notes and brainstorming writing ideas.
Meta AI has several daily updates and news. If a user wants top news from their preferred news outlet, the AI assistant will gather the most popular items.
Meta  AI is a great word and image generator with a few flaws. I found that Meta AI is great for group talks, however it sometimes misses the plot and doesn’t respond well.
It may be because it reads direct communications. Similarly, every image appeared to be AI-generated. Perhaps more iterations could yield more realistic visuals.
How to disable Meta AI on WhatsApp
At present, Meta  AI on WhatsApp cannot be disabled or uninstalled. Meta AI can be muted on Facebook and Instagram, but WhatsApp and Messenger discussion threads should be deleted. You will lose touch with Meta AI and any conversations you have with it.
How to use any web browser to access Meta AI powered by Llama 3
Whatsapp web
Led by Llama 3, Meta  AI is a chatbot that is available for free. Meta just added generative AI to its Messenger, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp platforms in India. In addition, the business has now released a stand-alone website that lets users use Meta AI directly and for free from any online browser.
For now, Meta  AI is available for free, but in order to interact with the website’s AI virtual assistant, you need to have a Facebook account. This implies that access to the web version of Meta AI will be restricted to anyone without a Facebook account.
Llama 3, which is capable of producing both text and graphics, powers Meta  AI. Meta AI can also convert AI-generated photos into brief animated clips with a single click; these movies can be further modified through text prompts. Real-time image production previews are available to users.
Meta AI functions very much the same as any other generative AI tool. You may ask it any kind of question and use it to compose an essay or an email. It is said to be able to provide current and pertinent findings because it has access to the most recent data from the internet.
In contrast to ChatGPT Plus and Gemini Advanced, Meta  AI does not have a premium edition. Right now, anyone can use all of the functions without any restrictions and for free.
How to use any web browser to access Meta AI
Using Meta  AI’s web version is a simple process that can be accessed using desktop and mobile web browsers. If you are already logged in, you can put your query directly into the chat box, or Meta AI will offer you some of the prompts you can attempt on the main page.
Like other chatbots, Meta AI keeps track of every discussion it has with users, making it accessible at any moment. Users can also choose to remove a particular conversation. As of right now, Meta  AI does not offer a temporary chat function like OpenAI’s ChatGPT.
Edit Photos in WhatsApp?
According to reports, Meta  AI on WhatsApp is going to roll out new features that will let it respond to and alter user-submitted photographs. This feature improves user interactions within the app by utilising cutting-edge AI technology. Here are some salient details regarding this impending development:
Improved User Interaction: Users will be able to email photos to Meta AI, which will process them and reply with pertinent information. This could include remarks, recommendations, or responses to inquiries concerning the substance of the picture.
Photo Editing: Meta AI will be able to alter images in addition to responding. This might entail simple edits like cropping, filtering, or adding annotations to images, enabling users to improve their shots right in the chat window.
Personalised Assistance: A further level of personalisation is added by the  AI’s capacity to engage with images. For example, it may offer photographic advice, point out things or locations in users’ images, or even recommend artistic modifications.
Time-Saving Tool: By incorporating photo editing and interaction right into the chat, this tool tries to save users time by removing the need to use third-party programmes for simple photo adjustments.
AI-Driven Communication: With the addition of photo reply and edit functions, communication will become increasingly AI-driven. This means that conversations will become more lively and interesting as the  AI is able to comprehend and engage with visual information.
Potential Use Cases: Users could utilise this functionality for a number of things, such receiving comments on their images, having fun with the  AI’s creative changes, or receiving automated upgrades for social media sharing.
Future Integration: This feature is a part of Meta’s larger plan to provide more  artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to its platforms. This could result in more sophisticated features and increased app integration.
Overall, the addition of Meta AI’s photo reply and edit features to WhatsApp is expected to improve user experience overall by streamlining interactions and offering useful tools inside the messaging app.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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9jaboizgistworld-blog · 3 months
How To Turn Off Vanish Mode On Instagram?
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How To Turn Off Vanish Mode On Instagram? Though it's been available on Instagram and Facebook Messenger for years, how can users disable Vanish Mode if it gets unintentionally turned on? Comparable to Snapchat's main function of self-erasing messages that disappear after 24 hours, Vanish Mode provides more privacy for direct messages and chats. But unlike Snapchat, Vanish Mode on Instagram has to be explicitly activated as it isn't enabled by default. Similar 'Disappearing Messages' features are also available in other messaging apps like WhatsApp and Signal, which remove messages automatically after a predetermined amount of duration. Instagram's Vanish Mode may be turned off quite easily. Just open the chat, slide up from the bottom of the screen, and let go of the finger. Vanish Mode is active. For that chat, Vanish Mode will be turned off as a result. Please be aware that, whether or not Instagram's dark theme is enabled, the screen will always be dark when Vanish Mode is on. Should the light theme be in use, the Instagram DM background will once more turn white after Vanish Mode is turned off. Furthermore, once Vanish Mode is disabled, every message that has been viewed will disappear.
What is Vanish Mode?
Sending disappearing photographs, videos, and texts in a direct chat conversation is made possible via the Vanish Mode function. The message vanishes forever as soon as your recipient reads it and ends the chat. Should your recipient screenshot the conversation, you will be warned and the texts cannot be restored. See it as incognito online browsing. Anytime you wish to conduct a top-secret conversation, you can enable Vanish Mode; when you do, all of the messages sent in default mode will still be visible. I utilize this function mainly around the holidays when I'm making present plans and need to know that all of my secrets are protected. Vanish mode is also simply more practical if you would like to keep things as private as possible. Messages can be reliably unsent and manually deleted more easily when Vanish mode is turned on. Entering a direct message conversation and seeing the words "You turned on vanish mode" at the top of the conversation along with the background going black will let you know you are in Vanish Mode. Moreover, a dashed line will replace a solid one to outline the chat input field.
How To Turn Off Vanish Mode On Instagram?
Sliding up from the bottom of the screen (as if you were scrolling to the most recent message) and releasing will disable Vanish Mode. You will be immediately returned to default mode, indicated by the solid chat input box outline and the return of the white background (or whatever background you selected for your conversation). Anything sent in Vanish mode will vanish. How To Turn Off Vanish Mode On Instagram on Android Utilizing Instagram's Vanish Mode gives consumers a new approach to interacting with transient messages. Here's how to disable Instagram Vanish Mode on Android: - Launch Instagram and navigate to Posts. Tap a chat to open it. - Swipe up on the chat to turn on disappearing mode, and to turn it off, swipe up on the chat again. How to Disable Vanish Mode on Instagram on iPhone - Launch Instagram and navigate to Posts. Open a chat by tapping it. - Swipe up on the chat to activate disappear mode. - Swipe up again on the chat to exit the disappearing mode. How To Turn Off Vanish Mode On Instagram on a Computer? Vanish Mode on Instagram is currently only available for the mobile app and cannot be accessed or turned off on a computer. To turn off Vanish Mode, you need to use your mobile device. Here are the steps on how to turn off Vanish Mode on Instagram using your mobile device: - Open the Instagram app. - Go to the Direct Message (DM) chat where Vanish Mode is enabled. - Swipe up from the bottom of the screen and release. You'll see "Release to turn off vanish mode." Alternatively, you can do the following: - Tap the person's username at the top of the chat screen. - Select "Privacy and Safety." - Toggle off the "Vanish Mode" option. How To Turn Off Vanish Mode On Instagram DM To turn off Vanish Mode in an Instagram DM, you can use either of these two methods: Method 1: Swipe Up - Open the Instagram app and go to the DM where Vanish Mode is enabled. - Swipe up from the bottom of the screen and release. You will see a prompt saying "Release to turn off Vanish Mode." Method 2: Privacy Settings - Open the Instagram app and go to the DM where Vanish Mode is enabled. - Tap the person's username at the top of the chat screen. - Select "Privacy and Safety." - Toggle off the "Vanish Mode" option. Either of these methods will disable Vanish Mode in your Instagram DM.
How does Vanish mode work?
Vanish Mode turns Instagram into a momentarily secret place for your chats. after you and the other person use Vanish Mode in a chat, all of the chat history disappears after you terminate the session and the messages you send will disappear after they are viewed. It resembles a quick chat with no lasting memory. Practically speaking, Vanish Mode only makes your messages visible when you're actively talking. Your chats are kept private and spontaneous by the texts disappearing when you close the chat.
Can't turn off Vanish mode on Instagram?
If you're having trouble disabling Vanish mode on Instagram, try these troubleshooting steps: 1. Update the Instagram app: Make sure you have the latest version of the Instagram app installed. Outdated versions may contain bugs or issues with specific features. 2. Restart your device: Restart your device to refresh the system and possibly fix any software-related issues with Vanish mode. 3. Clear app cache: Clearing the app cache on Android devices can improve app performance by removing temporary data that may be causing problems. This step is a quick way to troubleshoot the Instagram app and optimize it for smoother operation.
Why do people use Vanish mode on Instagram?
People use Vanish mode on Instagram for the following reasons: - Privacy Protection: Users opt for Vanish mode to ensure their conversations disappear as soon as they are viewed, adding an extra layer of privacy to their messages. - Temporary content sharing: Vanish mode allows spontaneous and quick sharing of photos and videos as the media disappears as soon as the recipient views it, making it suitable for more informal and short communications. - Reduced Digital Footprint: Users can choose Vanish mode to minimize their digital footprint by sharing content that is not permanently stored in chat history. - Casual conversations: It is often used for light-hearted or informal conversations where users want the freedom to express themselves without the burden of a permanent recording. - Enhanced Security: For users concerned about the security of their messages, Vanish Mode offers a feature that ensures content is not stored on devices or servers after it has been viewed.
How to block or report inappropriate messages in Vanish mode?
Follow these steps to block or report specific inappropriate messages in disappear mode: - Long press the message you want to report in your chat. - Tap “Report” and choose the reason for reporting the message. - You will also find options to restrict or block the account responsible for the reported message.
Why Should Parents Know About Vanish Mode?
Parents should be aware of Instagram's Vanish mode because of its potential impact on their children's online safety. They should educate themselves about this feature, stay involved in their children's digital activities, and promote open communication about responsible online behavior. Vanish Fashion Consciousness ensures that parents can proactively create a safer digital environment for their children.
Should you continue with regular direct messages?
Standard direct messaging mode provides a great instant messaging interface and keeps a record of your conversations. If you're sentimental like me, you might enjoy a trip down memory lane now and then. On the other hand, the Standard mode is less private. If you choose not to use Vanish mode, remember that your friends can share your posts without your knowledge. Any sensitive information you send is also at risk if your or a friend's account information is compromised in a data breach. Manually deleting and undeleting messages does not reliably delete the message on either the sender's side or the recipient's side. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=bpVAayGmTPQ
In conclusion, managing features like Vanish Mode on Instagram is essential for users seeking control over their privacy and messaging experience. Whether it's embracing the ephemeral nature of conversations or simply exploring different settings, understanding how to turn off disappear mode on Instagram gives you the autonomy to personalize your social interactions. As technology evolves, staying informed about platform features allows users to confidently navigate their digital spaces, ensuring a personal and secure online presence. Read the full article
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phoneclone · 3 months
Best Cell Phone Hack for Monitoring Your Partner - 2024
In today's digital age, trust and transparency in relationships are more important than ever. However, doubts and uncertainties can sometimes creep in, leading to a desire for reassurance. One controversial yet increasingly discussed method is using cell phone hacking to monitor your partner's activities. This article explores the best cell phone hacks for 2024, focusing on techniques, tools, and services like HackersList, known for providing top-tier cell phone hacking services worldwide.
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What is Cell Phone Hacking?
Cell phone hacking refers to the process of gaining unauthorized access to someone’s mobile device. This can involve extracting data, intercepting communications, and even manipulating the device's functionalities without the owner's knowledge. While hacking has a notorious reputation, it's worth noting that it can be used for various purposes, including cybersecurity, parental control, and, as discussed here, monitoring a partner.
How Mobile Phone Hacking
Mobile phone hacking involves exploiting vulnerabilities in the phone’s operating system or installed applications. Hackers can gain access to personal information, track location, and even listen to conversations. Popular methods include:
Phishing: Deceptive emails or messages tricking users into revealing their passwords.
Spyware: Malicious software installed on a device to monitor activities.
Network Attacks: Intercepting data over unsecured networks.
How to Mobile to Mobile Hack
Mobile-to-mobile hacking refers to accessing one mobile device through another. This often involves using specialized software that can be installed on the target device through a text message, email, or direct physical access. Here’s a basic outline of how it works:
Choose the Right Software: There are various software options available, like mSpy and FlexiSPY, designed for mobile monitoring.
Install the Software: The software needs to be installed on the target device, which might require temporary physical access.
Monitor the Device: Once installed, you can monitor the target device remotely from your own phone.
Hacking Mobile Networks
Mobile network hacking involves intercepting data as it is transmitted over cellular networks. This can be done through techniques like:
Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: Intercepting communications between two parties.
Rogue Access Points: Setting up fake Wi-Fi hotspots to capture data.
SS7 Exploitation: Exploiting vulnerabilities in the Signaling System 7 (SS7) protocol used in cellular networks.
These methods require a higher level of technical expertise and are often used by more advanced hackers.
Best Cell Phone Hackers
Cell Phone hackers are individuals or groups with the skills to infiltrate mobile devices. While some work independently, others might be part of larger organizations or offer their services through platforms like HackersList. HackersList is renowned for providing top-tier cell phone hacking services, connecting clients with professional hackers capable of discreetly monitoring mobile devices. Connect with expert by posting new job
Cell Phone Hack Help to SMS Hack
Related: Cheating Husband Cell Phone Spy App for Read Secret Message
One of the most sought-after features in mobile hacking is the ability to intercept and read SMS messages. This can provide insights into the target’s communications. Tools like HackersList  are popular for SMS hacking, allowing users to:
Read Sent and Received Messages: View all SMS communications.
Access Deleted Messages: Retrieve messages that have been deleted.
Monitor Messaging Apps: Track messages from apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and more.
Hacking Someone’s Cell Phone
Hacking someone's cell phone involves several steps and considerations. Here’s a simplified guide:
Choose a Reliable Service or Tool: Services like HackersList offer professional hacking services that ensure discretion and efficiency.
Install Monitoring Software: Physical access to the target phone is often required for initial installation.
Monitor Activities: Once installed, you can remotely monitor calls, messages, location, and other activities.
Hack Cell Phone Number
Hacking a cell phone number can provide access to various forms of communication and personal information. Techniques include:
SIM Swapping: Gaining control of the target’s phone number by manipulating the mobile carrier.
Phishing: Tricking the user into revealing their number and associated accounts.
Social Engineering: Using psychological manipulation to gain information.
Hack Mobile Camera
Hacking a mobile camera can provide visual access to the target’s surroundings. This is typically done through spyware that activates the camera without the user’s knowledge. Tools like FlexiSPY offer this functionality, allowing the hacker to:
Take Photos Remotely: Capture images from the target’s camera.
Record Videos: Activate the video recording feature.
Stream Live Video: View live footage from the target’s camera.
Android Cell Phone Hacks
Android devices are particularly susceptible to certain types of hacks due to their open-source nature. Popular hacks include:
Rooting: Gaining superuser access to the device, allowing for extensive control.
Spyware: Installing apps that monitor activities without the user’s knowledge.
Exploiting Vulnerabilities: Taking advantage of security flaws in the Android OS.
Cell Phone Cloned
Cloning a cell phone involves creating an exact replica of the target phone’s data on another device. This allows the hacker to intercept calls, messages, and other communications. Methods include:
SIM Cloning: Duplicating the SIM card to intercept communications.
Phone Cloning Software: Using software to copy the phone’s data.
All Mobile Hack
“All mobile hack” refers to tools and techniques that can be used across different mobile platforms, including Android and iOS. Universal hacking tools like HackersList are designed to work on multiple devices, providing comprehensive monitoring capabilities regardless of the operating system.
Cell phone hacking, while controversial, offers a means to gain insights and reassurance in relationships. With advances in technology, methods have become more sophisticated and accessible. Services like HackersList provide professional hacking solutions, ensuring discretion and effectiveness. Whether it's intercepting SMS messages, hacking mobile networks, or accessing the mobile camera, these tools and techniques offer a comprehensive way to monitor your partner's activities. However, it's crucial to weigh the ethical implications and legal considerations before embarking on this path.
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eunicemiddleton421 · 4 months
Can private investigators get text messages?
Nowadays, anyone who owns a cellphone knows how to send and delete text messages. But are they deleted, and can a private investigator get text messages? The answer may surprise you!
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Cell phones today are getting better by the minute. Hundreds of new phones are released, thousands of new apps are released, and many are messaging apps. People download and use these apps every day without caring about who or what tracking features are built into these apps. The most common messaging apps used today are:
Facebook Messenger
People use these apps daily and most people feel comfortable knowing that the apps themselves are tracking their communications. What they don't always know is that these applications store their communications, so when you delete your communication with someone it's often stored somewhere within the app or on a server.
Can a private investigator track text messages?
Private investigators are skilled at gathering information, whether using manual surveillance or covert surveillance techniques or digitally extracting data from cell phones and computers. There are many ways a private investigator can track text messages and here are some examples:
Can a private investigator track my text messages?
 If you compose a text message and then don't send it, it is often saved as a draft. This means it's stored on your phone and a private investigator can extract that message using advanced cellphone forensics techniques. If you decide you're going to delete that draft, your phone will probably mark it as "gone," but the remnants of it still remain on your phone. A private investigator equipped with sophisticated forensic tools and techniques will be able to uncover these documents.
Can I send a private investigator-track text message?
If you send someone a text message there are now two ways a private investigator can track that text message. Your phone will have a trace/track of it and the receiver's phone will have a trace/track of it. If you decide to delete a text message on your phone, you have no way of knowing or being sure that the person you sent it to will eventually delete it. They may tell you they deleted it, but can you really be sure?
Can a private investigator track text messages I received but deleted? 
Again, the private investigator has several digital forensics tools to uncover messages you think you deleted from your phone. And, if you think about it, your phone always has a record of the message. Your phone had to receive the message to display it to you. So, the phone will have a copy of that message, and the private investigator can track/trace this text message.
Can a private investigator track text messages if I reset my phone? 
In many cases, they can. Phones are like mini-computers that fit in your hand. Just resetting the phone will scramble your phone data to make it look like a new phone. The data is still on your phone, but recovering the deleted text message will require more advanced digital forensics.
How else can a private investigator track text messages?
Well, a private investigator working with a competent attorney will be able to work with that attorney to obtain text messages from the phone company using a process known as "discovery." While not all phone carriers release the content of text messages, almost all apps will gladly hand over both sides of a conversation if they receive a subpoena.
If you are looking for affordable licensed private investigators in Atlanta with 20 years of experience in text message tracking and assisting individuals, attorneys, and corporations feel free to contact us here. You can also view a portion of our extensive client list here, and see what real clients say about Eagle Investigative Services, a private investigator in Atlanta, Georgia.
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dailytechace · 8 months
Android Messenger not working
Could it be said that you are confronting issues with Android Messenger not working? Peruse this article to figure out how to fix normal issues like Messenger not working, signing out of messenger, logout of Messenger, stopping Messenger from saving photos, hide keep going active on Facebook Messenger, deleting recent searches on Messenger, and changing the Messenger color on Android. Introduction:Android Messenger Gif How to Sign Out of Messenger on Android Instructions for Logging Out of Android Courier How to Stop Android Messenger from Saving Your Pictures How to Clear Recent Searches on Android Messenger Step-by-step instructions to Change Android Courier's Tone Conclusion: FAQs: Introduction: Android Messenger is a well-known informing application that permits clients to send and get messages, photos, recordings, and GIFs. However, some of time the application may not function true to form, causing disappointment and burden. In this article, we will examine a few normal issues with Android Messenger and give answers to fix them. We will likewise cover a few hints and deceives to upgrade your informing experience. Android Messenger Gif GIFs are a lovely strategy for imparting your sentiments and adding humor to your conversations. However, sometimes Android Messenger may not show GIFs properly or may not stack them using any means. Accepting at least for now that you're standing up to this issue, the following are a couple of deals with serious consequences regarding endeavor: •            Course of action 1: Clear Save and Data - Getting the store and data liberated from the Android Messenger application can help fix issues with GIFs. To do this, go to Settings > Applications > Android Messenger > Limit > Clear Hold/Clear Data. •            Course of action 2: Update the Application - Guarantee that you have the latest type of Android Messenger presented on your device. You can check for invigorates by going to learn about Play Store > My applications and games > Updates. •            Course of action 3: Truly take a gander at Your Internet Affiliation - Sad web accessibility can cause issues with GIFs. Guarantee that you have a consistent web relationship before endeavoring to send or get GIFs. How to Sign Out of Messenger on Android If you're utilizing Android Messenger on a common gadget or need to log out of your record for some other explanation, The method by which you can get it going is as follows: •            Stage 1: Open Android Messenger - Send off the Android Messenger application on your gadget. •            Stage 2: Tap on Your Profile Picture - Tap on your profile picture situated in the upper left corner of the screen. •            Stage 3: Tap on Sign Out - Look down and tap on the Sign Out choice. Affirm your activity by tapping on Sign Out once more. Instructions for Logging Out of Android Courier If you really want to log out of your Facebook account on Android Courier, the following steps will get you there: •            Stage 1: Open Android Messenger - Send off the Android Messenger application on your gadget. •            Stage 2: Tap on Your Profile Picture - Tap on your profile picture situated in the upper left corner of the screen. •            Stage 3: Tap on Switch Record - Look down and tap on the Switch Record choice. •            Stage 4: Tap on Log Out - Tap on the Log Out choice to log out of your Facebook account. Android Messenger not working How to Stop Android Messenger from Saving Your Pictures Android Messenger saves all of your photos and videos to the device's gallery by default. You can take immediate action to prevent this from occurring: •            Stage 1: Open Android Messenger - Send off the Android Messenger application on your gadget. •            Stage 2: Tap on Your Profile Picture - Tap on your profile picture situated in the upper left corner of the screen. •            Stage 3: Tap on Photos and Media - Look down and tap on the Photos and Media choice. •            Stage 4: Mood killer Save to Exhibition - Switch off the Save to Display choice to stop Android Messenger from saving photos and recordings to your gadget's display. The most effective method to Conceal Keep going Dynamic on Facebook Courier for Android On the off chance that you don't need any other person to know when you were dynamic on Facebook Courier, you can conceal it in the following way: •            Stage 1: Open Facebook Messenger - Send off the Facebook Messenger application on your gadget. •            Stage 2: Tap on Your Profile Picture - Tap on your profile picture situated in the upper left corner of the screen. •            Stage 3: Tap on Active Status - Look down and tap on the Active Status choice. •            Stage 4: Mood killer Show When You're Active - Switch off the Show When You're Active choice to hide your last active status. How to Clear Recent Searches on Android Messenger These steps will allow you to clear your recent searches on Android Messenger: •            Stage 1: Open Android Messenger - Send off the Android Messenger application on your gadget. •            Stage 2: Tap on the Inquiry Bar - Tap on the hunt bar situated at the highest point of the screen. •            Stage 3: Tap and Hang on the Inquiry Expression - Tap and hang on the hunt term that you need to delete. •            Stage 4: Tap on Eliminate from Recent Searches - Tap on the Eliminate from Recent Searches choice to delete the pursuit term. Clear Recent Searches on Android Messenger Step-by-step instructions to Change Android Courier's Tone Assuming you're tired of Android Courier's default tone, you can transform it any way you need. This is how you can get it moving: •            Stage 1: Open Android Messenger - Send off the Android Messenger application on your gadget. •            Stage 2: Tap on Your Profile Picture - Tap on your profile picture situated in the upper left corner of the screen. •            Stage 3: Tap on Appearance - Look down and tap on the Appearance choice. •            Stage 4: Pick a Color - Select a color of your decision from the accessible choices. Change Android Courier's Tone Conclusion: Android Messenger is an extraordinary application for remaining associated with your loved ones. However, similar to some other applications, it may not function true to form once in a while. We trust that this article has assisted you fix a few normal issues with Android Messenger and upgrade your informing experience. Assuming you have some other tips or deceives to share, go ahead and leave them in the remarks below. FAQs: Q1. For what reason is Android Messenger not working? Android Messenger may not work because of different reasons like unfortunate web networks, obsolete application forms, store and information issues, and so forth.Q2. How might I at any point fix Android Messenger not working?You can take a stab at getting the reserve and information free from the application, refreshing the application to the most recent rendition, really looking at your web association, and so forth to fix Android Messenger not working.Q3. How should I anytime sign out of Courier on Android?You can sign out of Courier on Android by tapping on your profile picture, peering down, and tapping on the Sign Out decision.Q4. How do I exit Messenger on my Android device?You can log out of Courier on Android by tapping on your profile picture, peering down, and tapping on the Switch Record decision. Then, tap on the Log Out decision to log out of your Facebook account.Q5. How can I stop Messenger from saving Android photos at any time?On Android, tap on your profile picture, look down, and select the Photos and Media option to stop Messenger from saving your photos. Then, at that point, switch off the Save to Exhibition choice.Q6. How might I at any point keep going active on Facebook Messenger Android?You can hide and keep going active on Facebook Messenger Android by tapping on your profile picture, looking down, and tapping on the Active Status choice. Then, switch off the Show When You're Active choice to hide your last active status.Q7. How might I at any point delete recent searches on Messenger Android?You can delete recent searches on Messenger Android by tapping on the inquiry bar, tapping and hanging on the hunt term that you need to delete, and tapping on the Eliminate from Recent Searches choice.Q8. How could I at any point change Messenger color on Android?You can change Messenger color on Android by tapping on your profile picture, looking down, and tapping on the Appearance choice. Then, at that point, select a color of your decision from the accessible choices. Read the full article
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Topic: Right to Privacy
The right to privacy guaranteed by the Bill of Rights cannot be invoked against a private individual. 
Petitioner, who was then 24 years old, met the victim, AAA, who was only 14 years old, in the canteen where he works. Shortly thereafter, they became sweethearts after they have exchanged messages on Facebook Messenger. Amidst the disapproval of BBB, the mother of AAA, the two continued their relationship. 
Sometime in October 2016, BBB was disheartened when she read in AAA’s Facebook Messenger account that petitioner was sexually luring her daughter to meet with him in a motel. She confronted petitioner and told him to stay away because AAA was still a minor. Not long after, BBB came to know from the conversations of AAA and the petitioner that the latter was coaxing her daughter to send him pictures of her daughter’s breast and vagina. AAA tried to delete the messages but BBB  was able to force her to open petitioner's Facebook messenger account to get a copy of their conversation. This prompted BBB to file a formal complaint against the petitioner. 
In the trial court, the petitioner was acquitted for violation of Section 10(a) of R.A. No. 7610, but was found guilty for violation of Sections 4(a) and 3(b) and (c)(5) of RA 9775. The decision was appealed to the Court of Appeals but to no avail. 
Hence, this petition.
Whether the messages from the Facebook account of the petitioner  presented as evidence by the prosecution are inadmissible for violating petitioner’s right to privacy. 
The Court ruled in the NEGATIVE. 
Time and again, the Court pronounced that the mantle of right to privacy guaranteed by the Bill of Rights is intended to protect private individuals against government intrusions, hence not applicable between and amongst private individuals. The same is true in this petition.
Even if the Court will make an exception and agree with the contention of the petitioner as it did in the case of Zulueta v. Court of Appeals, still, the act of AAA cannot be said to have violated the petitioner’s right to privacy. When he gave his Facebook Messenger password to AAA, he made its contents available to AAA, and the latter would then have the latitude to show to other persons what she could access, whether she be forced to do so or not. 
In any case, it bears pointing out that petitioner also failed to raise his objection to the admissibility of the photos during the proceedings in the RTC. Well-settled is the rule that no question will be entertained on appeal unless it has been raised in the proceedings of the lower court. 
Judgment affirmed with modification. 
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. Consequently, The Decision  dated September 17, 2018 and Resolution dated May 9, 2019 both rendered by the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No. 40298 are AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION. Petitioner Christian Cadajas y Cabias is guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of child pornography under Section 4( c )(2) of R.A. No. 10175, in relation to Sections 4(a) and 3(6) and (c)(5) of R.A. No. 9775. He is sentenced to reclusion perpetua, with all its accessory penalties and to pay a fine in the amount of One Million Pesos (Pl,000,000.00).
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ivdiaries · 1 year
February 21, 2022.
I can still remember like it was yesterday when it happened. It probably was the lowest point of my life. I was sure that at that time, I hit my rock bottom.
I remembered how I used to toss and turn around my bed at almost 6am in the morning that day, I don't know why - I was tired because I went out the day before, but for some reason, I wasn't able to sleep well.
At the time, it was like that for a while. I wasn't able to sleep properly, I kept on waking up checking my phone every now and then, hoping for a message or a missed call. I thought that I needed melatonin so I could sleep - I was like a ghost, a zombie probably, - alive but barely breathing.
I don't know what kind of intuition I had that morning, that I suddenly decided to check my "ignored messages", (not sure if Messenger still has that feature now) I saw that she left a message but it was unsent - dated February 18, 2022. I left a her message asking "bakit [name]?", until I thought of checking her social media accounts.
We were still following each other back then, since it has only been a month since our relationship ended. At the time, I was glad that I still have access but I was scared so I barely stalk it. But, hoorah, that day - I checked everything - from Facebook to Twitter to 2 of her Instagram accounts.
At first I thought nothing was really going on, until I checked again. That was when I saw her replying to an unfamiliar account (unfamiliar to me). I checked the other girl's account but it was private. I thought, "sure, it's probably just a work friend that I never met or something" but a part of me just knows that she's NOT a friend.
Until I checked her Instagram account. The main account stayed the same, except for our deleted photos. I went on to check her private Instagram account, checked her following until I saw the now familiar username and icon. Fortunately, the account is on public.
(As I am writing this trying to look back at everything that happened that day, my hands are getting cold and my heart beat is getting fast hahaha)
At first glance, nothing's really suspicious about the girl. But the FBI agent (HAHAHA kinakabahan ako putek) in me never really stopped looking. That's when I decided to check the girl's Instagram highlights - and saw the restaurant place we (or I rather) used to love. The restaurant where I told her, "pag kinasal tayo, ito yung kukunin nating catering."
I looked closely at the girl's Instagram highlight icon, and it was her.
To make it even more painful for me, I then looked at the girl's posts checking each likes and comments and saw that she liked almost every post, even the oldest ones. Until I saw her comment on the girl's latest post (again, at that time) asking if she's free on Saturday, and the girl confirmed.
That's when everything started falling into place for me. (Take note that I was able to piece it together around 6am).
I've already had my heart broken so many times, but I never expected that my heart could get more broken with all the things I found out that early in the morning. I was shattered. At 6 fucking am when my family were still sleeping in their own rooms, when my friends were still in deep slumber from their own houses, here I am, crying my eyes and my heart out. I've never felt more alone.
The only one who knows how shattered I was are the four walls in my bedroom and my tear stained pillows.
I messaged her again when I found out everything, hoping that she would clarify everything that's going on. At just 6am, I was already so fucking tired and running on low hours of sleep so I called in sick for work. After all, I know that I wouldn't be able to focus on my tasks when my heart is nothing but heavy.
We talked that day and she told me everything (well, probably everything that she wanted me to know then) but the most unforgettable part of the conversation we had was:
Me: Mahal mo pa ba ako?
Her: Does it matter?
And that's where it hit me. Ganoon na kababaw ang pagmamahal niya.
I know that she probably loved me, at some point in our entire relationship. I wasn't a perfect girlfriend, I had my flaws - I know that somewhere in our relationship I became abusive and toxic. So each time I made a mistake, she probably falls out of love slowly.
And never did I question it, but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
That was the last day that I talked to her (at that time). I decided to cut her off from every social media accounts I have.
That same day, when everyone was already awake, I decided to ask a friend out because I don't want to be alone with my thoughts. Luckily, he was available for coffee, and so we met.
Since I was on leave, around 4pm I decided to ask him out for a couple of beers, and he said that since has to work early the next day, he'll only drink one. And so we went to the nearest inuman we could find (which is a known inuman in the area). I wanted so bad to flirt with the cutest girl/guy I could find but the only attractive person I saw was one of the resto's server.
Until my friend (ex friend, I cut him off just recently) spotted a cute guy who was sitting alone drinking beers on his own. He wanted to make a move on the guy but was too shy to do so. Since I already drank a couple beers, I told him that I would talk to this cute guy.
And so I did, I told the guy that my friend wanted to meet him and he followed me to our table. They talked, but (I THINK) the cute guy was a bit interested in me so we flirted a little - simple holding hands lang. (No, we didn't kiss and later on we found out that the guy IS married).
And then, my friends from my first job called me asking me where I was and told me they wanted to drink with me. It was around 8pm at the time, and they wanted to drink in a different restaurant in the area. The cute guy I was a bit flirting to told us that he needs to rush home and so we said goodbye to him. After that my friend told me that he needs to go home too but is willing to wait for my new friends to arrive and that's when the emotional meltdown happened.
We were outside the inuman area's gate, waiting for my other friends who were already on the way. I was crying my eyes out, doesn't give a shit to other people looking, telling my friend, "Bakit ganun?", "Panget ba ako?", "Pano niya nagawang kalimutan yung apat na taon?", "Pano niya ko napalitan sa isang buwan?"
And I remembered my friend saying, "Ima, ano ba. Time is just a construct."
I know that, everybody knows that. Wala naman talaga sa tagal yan. But the thing was, we were together for a long time, that's a fact. Yes, we were young and we're still figuring shit out and we're still trying to know how the real world works - but we were figuring it out.
Our relationship isn't perfect, as most of relationships are. There were times where we failed to comprehend each other. There were times where we failed to really mean the things we said. There were times where we were both mean to each other. There were times where we said things out of spite, out of anger, out of annoyance.
But there were also times where everything is easy. Beautiful, even. We shared a lot of good things together. We shared perfect intimate moments (not entirely sex, but you get what I mean). Where we shared the simplest of things, like saying "thank yous" when the one cooked for the other, when we pick each other up from work, when we decided to live togther, when I was waiting for her to get home from work so we can eat dinner together. Where she cooks, and I wash the dishes. Where she sleeps peacefully, while I log in from my work.
Home. That was what our relationship meant to us. It felt like home.
So yes, I may not be the perfect girlfriend that time. That may not be the best version of myself. But I did give everything to her. Sadly, mas minahal ko siya kesa sarili ko. I did sacrifice lots of things makasama lang siya, para magstay siya, that it affected my relationship with my family, my friends, with myself even. Lahat ng takot ko, tinago ko sa kanya at sa sarili ko - kaya sa tuwing titingin ako sa salamin, hindi ko na kilala yung nasa harapan ko. I just thought that if she saw THROUGH me, that would suffice.
It didn't.
And so my friends from my first job arrived. I was still having an emotional breakdown. My friend who I was with earlier, went home while I was sitting in my other friend's car. She asked me what happened, then I told her everything.
Since then the night was blurry as I got more drunk than usual. I was just glad that I wasn't alone even if I'm probably the worst person that night. My mom called me lots of times asking me not to go home since the gates were locked and told me to just stay at my father's instead. (I was stubborn, I still went home to my mom's).
Around 2am we decided to go home. I know that I was asking my friend to drive me to the house since she lives a bit nearer, but she said she needed to go somewhere early the next day for a personal errand. But as I was trying to book for a Grab, she told me that she'd take me home instead.
And while we were driving in her car, I cried again to the point I almost destroyed the insides of her car. But she kept on saying, "sige lang, ilabas mo lang yung galit mo. Yung sama ng loob mo." And I did.
I thanked her for the ride home and decided to sober up a bit. The gates were locked and I don't know how I'll enter the house - but even drunk, the brainy that I am, went over the bakod (it's an inside joke now between me and my mom). Good thing we have a garden outside. When I reached the second floor, the door was unlocked because my sister was sleeping on the couch waiting for me. I waked her up, asked her to go her room na, and locked the door.
I know I had lots of worst days in my 26 years of living, but this day is MY rock bottom.
But the lessons I learned the hard way this day, it showed me that I am capable of being okay. That one day, I'll learn how to stand on my feet again. That one day, I'll look back and realized how much I've grown from this situation. That I may not be perfect, but I know that I am capable of change.
This day made me realize how much I wanted to help myself and prioritize myself first. It all started with the question, "Ano nang gagawin ko?"
Still, I am not perfect. I am very much far from it. But I know I still have a lot to learn and unlearn. In the process of healing, I may have lost some friends along the way, I may have lost communication with people who are still my friends - but I also met other people who are now a big part of my life. There are still people who stays with me, who listens to me, and makes me feel like I belong. And I'm grateful of them for that.
When I was in a relationship, I always felt so alone. I always felt like no matter how much I tell anyone what I feel, they wouldn't understand. Paano mo nga naman ipapaintindi ang isang bagay na mismong ikaw, hindi mo rin maintindihan? I didn't know how to process whatever I'm feeling because I feel guilty of feeling sad or feeling angry.
But, now, I know how to process my emotions without feeling guilty or scared of it. I know I'm still learning but at the end of the day, emotions demand to be felt and the best thing we can do when we feel things is to just let it.
Because if you don't, it will manifest in the most unhealthiest way. Believe me, I've been there.
I know that this is probably one of the longest post, but if that day never happened - if I decided to stick with my pain and just remain stuck with it, how will I ever learn?
February 21, 2022 was the worst day of my life. But it was also the day when it inspired me to keep moving forward.
So keep moving forward, no matter how slow, no matter how long. Just keep going. One day, it'll get better.
Love and light, I.
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Supreme Court Rules Private Individuals' Facebook Messenger Evidence Admissible in Anti-Child Pornography Case
The Supreme Court has recently rendered a decision stating that photos and messages obtained from a Facebook messenger account by private individuals are admissible as evidence in court. This ruling came in the case of Christian C. Cadajas, who was convicted for violating the Anti-Child Pornography Act (RA 9775).
The case involved a romantic relationship between Cadajas, who was 24 years old at the time, and AAA, a 14-year-old girl. Using her mother's cellphone, AAA communicated with Cadajas on Facebook Messenger. During their conversations, Cadajas coerced AAA into sending explicit photos of herself, which AAA later deleted from her account. However, AAA's mother, BBB, discovered the conversation when AAA forgot to log out of her Facebook account on her mother's phone and insisted that AAA open Cadajas' Facebook messenger account to obtain a copy of their conversation.
The Court ruled that the right to privacy, as protected by the Constitution's Bill of Rights, primarily applies to government intrusions and cannot be invoked against private individuals. Since the photos and messages were obtained by AAA, a private individual with access to the chat thread, they were deemed admissible as evidence. The Court also noted that Cadajas had lost any reasonable expectation of privacy over the contents of his Facebook Messenger account by providing AAA with the password.
Furthermore, the Court clarified that the Data Privacy Act (DPA) restrictions did not apply to Cadajas in this case since the DPA allows the processing of personal information when it relates to the determination of criminal liability. The Court classified the crime of child pornography as mala in se, meaning it is inherently immoral and requires proof of criminal intent by the accused. In Cadajas' case, his intent to induce AAA, a minor, to exhibit her private parts was established based on his prodding that led AAA to take and share the explicit photos.
This Supreme Court decision sets a precedent regarding the admissibility of evidence obtained from private individuals' Facebook messenger accounts in criminal cases, specifically in relation to the violation of the Anti-Child Pornography Act.
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govindhtech · 3 months
Meta AI on WhatsApp Unlocks Gen AI To Using LLaMA 3
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You may access Gen AI on the go with Meta AI on WhatsApp: This is how to apply it. Have you updated to WhatsApp’s Meta AI yet? This is a thorough examination of Meta AI, an AI helper that will transform communication.
Luckily all been amazed by ChatGPT’s accuracy, which is human-like, in providing answers to queries and helping with everyday tasks. Imagine now having your most-used smartphone app equipped with this generative AI superpower. With Meta AI, Meta has made this feasible.
Meta AI on WhatsApp works on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger using its in-house LLM LLaMA 3. LLaMA 3 improves Meta AI’s intelligence, speed, fun, and customization. This helpful AI produces human-like responses directly within the apps after being educated on an enormous dataset consisting of 15 trillion tokens.
Meta AI uses feeds, chats, and other capabilities in Meta apps to help users create content, research topics, and complete tasks without leaving the app.
Meta AI can answer questions and converse with WhatsApp users. The AI assistant’s LLM provides responses but may also search the internet for more information.
This article discusses Meta AI on WhatsApp numerous uses, how to use it, and more. Remember that Meta AI can only read and react to inquiries that reference it. Questions beyond this are rejected. Meta says all private chats and texts are still end-to-end encrypted, so WhatsApp and Meta cannot see or hear them.
How To Use Meta AI on WhatsApp First, update WhatsApp on your iOS or Android phone. An iridescent purple-blue ring will unlock Meta AI after completion. On Android smartphones, the ring appears in the bottom right corner above the group + icon, and on iOS devices, it appears in the top right next to the camera icon. Clicking the symbol opens Meta AI chat instantly.
Group talks with Meta AI are fun. Open a group chat and type Meta AI to activate the AI Assistant. The terms can be viewed and agreed to after entering the tag. After accepting, type your prompt. The chat window will display the AI message after clicking the input icon. One can reply to the AI by selecting the message and replying.
The smart assistant at your fingertips! With Meta AI on WhatsApp, you can rapidly produce and exchange ideas and in-depth analysis. You save time by not needing to open Google or ChatGPT to continue talks.
Meta AI can have informal chats on various topics and answer with knowledge and humors. It also helps with searches by displaying relevant internet results in the app. Meta AI also lets you describe an image and generate a photorealistic one. It’s great for work productivity. Meta AI can help you write emails, change tone instantly, and have professional conversations. It’s also great for organizing meeting notes and brainstorming writing ideas. Meta AI has several daily updates and news. If a user wants top news from their preferred news outlet, the AI assistant will gather the most popular items. Meta AI is a great word and image generator with a few flaws. I found that Meta AI is great for group talks, however it sometimes misses the plot and doesn’t respond well. It may be because it reads direct communications. Similarly, every image appeared to be AI-generated. Perhaps more iterations could yield more realistic visuals. How to disable Meta AI on WhatsApp
At present, Meta AI on WhatsApp cannot be disabled or uninstalled. Meta AI can be muted on Facebook and Instagram, but WhatsApp and Messenger discussion threads should be deleted. You will lose touch with Meta AI and any conversations you have with it.
How to use any web browser to access Meta AI powered by Llama 3 Whatsapp web Led by Llama 3, Meta AI is a chatbot that is available for free. Meta just added generative AI to its Messenger, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp platforms in India. In addition, the business has now released a stand-alone website that lets users use Meta AI directly and for free from any online browser.
For now, Meta AI is available for free, but in order to interact with the website’s AI virtual assistant, you need to have a Facebook account. This implies that access to the web version of Meta AI will be restricted to anyone without a Facebook account.
Llama 3, which is capable of producing both text and graphics, powers Meta AI. Meta AI can also convert AI-generated photos into brief animated clips with a single click; these movies can be further modified through text prompts. Real-time image production previews are available to users.
Meta AI functions very much the same as any other generative AI tool. You may ask it any kind of question and use it to compose an essay or an email. It is said to be able to provide current and pertinent findings because it has access to the most recent data from the internet.
In contrast to ChatGPT Plus and Gemini Advanced, Meta AI does not have a premium edition. Right now, anyone can use all of the functions without any restrictions and for free.
How to use any web browser to access Meta AI Using Meta AI’s web version is a simple process that can be accessed using desktop and mobile web browsers. If you are already logged in, you can put your query directly into the chat box, or Meta AI will offer you some of the prompts you can attempt on the main page.
Like other chatbots, Meta AI keeps track of every discussion it has with users, making it accessible at any moment. Users can also choose to remove a particular conversation. As of right now, Meta AI does not offer a temporary chat function like OpenAI’s ChatGPT.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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truststandard · 2 years
Add photox to facebook
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Add photox to facebook code#
Updating bot content for existing conversations on Facebook Select the Facebook tile and then Delete. When you do not want the bot to be reachable in Facebook Messenger, you can remove the bot from Facebook. The status appears in the Pages settings. Ensure that the Facebook Page associated with the bot is published. The bot will not be public and it will work only for admins, developers, and testers.Īfter the review is successful, in the app's Dashboard under App Review, set the app to Public. Until the app is published, it is in Development Mode. Your bot will be tested to ensure it is compliant with Facebook's Platform Policies before approved by Facebook to become public. You can learn more about it at Sample submissions and Common rejection reasons. The Terms of Service page contains sample terms to help create an appropriate Terms of Service document.įacebook has its own review process for apps that are published to Messenger.
Add photox to facebook code#
The Code of Conduct page contains third-party resources to help create a privacy policy. You need to provide those on the Facebook basic app settings page (after signing in to your app at Facebook for Developers, select Basic under Settings on the side menu pane). Facebook requires a Privacy Policy URL and Terms of Service URL. You need to submit your app for Facebook review before you can make your Facebook app public. Select Add Subscriptions for each page that you want to add the bot to. Provide the Callback URL and Verify token from the Configure the Facebook channel in Power Virtual Agents section and select Verify and Save. Under the Webhooks section, select Add Callback URL. You'll need these when you connect your Facebook app to Power Virtual Agents.Ĭonnect your Facebook app to Power Virtual Agents Once successful, copy the Callback URL and Verify token. Select Add and wait for the success confirmation message. Paste the App ID, App Secret, Page ID, and Token you retrieved earlier into their corresponding fields.Īt least one page is required, but you can select Add Page to add additional pages. Select the Facebook tile to open the configuration window. In Power Virtual Agents, select Manage on the side pane, and then go to the Channels tab. You'll need these when you configure the Facebook channel in Power Virtual Agents.Ĭonfigure the Facebook channel in Power Virtual Agents You'll need to select Generate Token for each page. When adding pages, make sure Manage and access Page conversations in Messenger is set to Yes.Ĭopy the Page ID and Token for each of the pages that you want to add the bot to. You can also create a new page by selecting Create New Page. Select Settings under Products and Messenger on the side menu pane.Īdd the pages you want to add the bot to by selecting Add or Remove Pages under the Access Tokens section. Sign in to the Facebook App that you want to add your bot to at Facebook for Developers. Under the Add a Product section, select Set Up on the Messenger tile. Select Save Changes to confirm your changes. Make sure Allow API Access to App Settings is set to Yes. Under Settings on the side menu pane, select Advanced. You will need these when you configure the Facebook channel in Power Virtual Agents. Under Settings on the side menu pane, select Basic. Sign in to the Facebook app that you want to add your bot to at Facebook for Developers. Configure Facebook app settings Retrieve Facebook app information You will then need to submit your app for Facebook review before you can publish your app and make it public. These are the steps involved in this process:Ĭonfigure Facebook app settings: retrieve your Facebook app information, enable API access, add Facebook Messenger to your app, and configure the Facebook pages your app should appear on.Ĭonfigure the Facebook publication channel in Power Virtual Agents.Ĭonnect your Facebook app to Power Virtual Agents using webhooks. You need a Facebook app, and an associated developer account, to connect your Power Virtual Agents bot to Facebook Messenger on your Facebook pages.
Learn more about what you can do with Power Virtual Agents.
By publishing your bot to a Facebook page, some of your data such as bot content and end-user chat content will be shared with Facebook (meaning that your data will flow outside of your organization's compliance and geographic or regional boundaries).įor more information, see Facebook's Platform Policies.
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nahasnz · 2 years
Yahoo messenger for android tablet
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Step 3: Then on the next page, you will then be able to see the available space left on your iPhone device.
Step 2: After that, tap on “General” and then tap on “iPhone Storage”.
Here is how to know the memory left on your device.
If your space is insufficient, then you might want to clear up some space on your Android or iOS device by deleting all the applications, files, photos, videos, and other data that you no longer need. There are instances that one of the reasons as to why you are having trouble when you are using Facebook Messenger is because you do not sufficient memory left on your Android or on your iOS device.Īll you have to do here is to access the Settings of your smartphone device and then your Storage and see if you still have enough memory left.
Solution 2: Free Up Some Of Your Internal Memory If so, then you can go ahead and simply proceed with the other solutions that we have provided below. The first thing that you may want to try it for you to completely close the messenger app from your Android or iPhone device.Īnd once that you have completely closed the app, go ahead and have your device restarted and then try to launcher Facebook Messenger one more time to check if you still have the same problem. Solution 1: Try To Re-launcher Facebook Messenger Here are some of the solutions that you can try on your Smartphone device for you to fix it. In some the most common cases, it is the Messenger app itself that is having a trouble that is why it keeps on crashing when you access it using your Android or your iPhone device. People Also Read How to Find Hidden Conversations on Facebook Part 1: How To Fix Facebook Messengers Keeps Crashing on Android or iPhone Devices Part 1: How To Fix Facebook Messengers Keeps Crashing on Android or iPhone Devices Part 2: How to Fix Facebook Messenger Keeps Stopping and Crashing on Web Part 3: Conclusion In this article, we are going to show some ways on how you can solve this type of problem that you are experiencing when using Facebook Messenger whether you are trying to access it from your Android device, iPhone device, or from your computer. This type of glitches that you are experiencing is, of course, have solutions that you can do for you to get rid of it. However, there are instances that you might experience some glitches when you are using messenger such as your messenger keeps stopping at a certain time. That is why Facebook had established a certain app wherein you are allowed to chat, do a voice call, send out voice messages, and do a video chat with your family or with your friend. This is the main role of Facebook messenger to us.įacebook is one of the most social media sites to communicate with different people. This way, we will be able to communicate with a lot of people including our friends, family, and our special someone. It does not really matter whether you are using a mobile device such as an iPhone device or an Android device. And because of the technology that we have today, accessing Facebook and its Messenger is never been easy. This is because, through Facebook, we are allowed to stay connected to our families and friends where ever they are and anytime we want to which will give us the feeling that we are still close to them.įacebook is the number one social media platforms nowadays. Facebook is clearly one of the most intimate and most popular social media platforms there is nowadays.
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