#delightful ask to wake up to
riacte · 5 months
thinking abt the implications of 3rd life au in spopera….. what other mirror universe easter eggs are there. does sunblr user handoftheking rb ship art on his blog. is there an unhinged treebark poll made by Not riacte. is there a separate, just as insane group of desert duo truthers. is. is the mcyt sexyman poll canon to spopera. there are soooo many possibilities here
Anon I think you’ll be delighted to know that I did make a dashboard simulator for exterra1blr sexyman poll and it may or may not have coincided with a major in universe world event. And ofc Martyn is there on his lil Sunblr account.
Semi-finals: RK vs QoH
Semi-finals: Blue Balls vs Hand of the King
Finals: RK vs Hand of the King
Sunblr Martyn is just as insane as normal Martyn. He also probably likes ship art on Twilight (space twitter). All his fans SCREAM whenever he moves. Wait this is just real life tbh
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Fun fact: there is also an in universe 3rd Life fantasy AU fic on Ao3 and it’s like the second most kudosed ET1 RPF after… Cold Spells. Aka Treebark Heat Waves.
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(the “false isn’t here stop asking” tag still hurts me lmfao i think i made the screenie in 2021)
I think evil Ria (Air?) has gone into full blown Treebark Truthing territory now sorry. But it’s fine. It’s fine to in-universe truth a ship that we as creators of the AU know is canon. In universe truthing is fine. Everything is fine.
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In Spopera, desert duo are like… cartoonish scammers. They show up to sell illegal off brand merch of the racers and they run away before they get caught. They’re huge annoyances to Dogwarts and it’s kinda like Grian screaming “SCAR NO” “SCAR PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON” and they both disappear in two puffs of dust. So yeah I can definitely see spacetwt shipping them via the most blurry and low res videos. If those people can ship spaceships, they can ship everything.
Thank you for the ask I love talking about Spopera and all its stupid online stuff :DDDD
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little-pondhead · 6 months
Danny moved to Gotham.
Freakshow is touring in Gotham.
Freakshow knows Danny is in Gotham.
Danny knows Freakshow is still after him.
Danny's faith in heroes has been shattered.
Danny turns to the only person powerful enough to run Freakshow out of town, hopefully for good.
Danny turns to the Joker for help.
The Joker is looking for a new punching bag sidekick after Harley Quinn left him.
Danny is just the perfect person to be shaped by the Joker's hands.
Danny becomes the new Joker Junior.
#pondhead blurbs#dpxdc#how we feeling about this fellas#i think it's an ideal angst fic#but i don't wanna write it lol#the younger danny is the worse it gets#someone said that danny shouldn't be afraid of the joker because he's a clown and freakshow is a ringmaster. not a clown#if i find that post i'll tag the creator cause i can't remember rn#but i'm imagining danny who is heavily traumatized and scared and lonely#finding out that one of his worst enemies he hoped to never see again is hunting him and is so close danny has to check his eyes every day#just to make sure they haven't turned red#his anxiety is out of control and he's not about to go find a Bat or Bird to talk to#who would believe him anyways? he's a monster#but danny needs help cause he will not survive this on his own and he knows it#freakshow haunts his every waking dream#but freakshow isn't from gotham. he doesn't have the city's curses engraved into his blood. he never died and he's not truly teasing death#so danny chooses to plead for help from the only predator bigger than freakshow (in his eyes) who IS from gotham#danny goes to the Joker. prepared to offer everything but his free will and free mind. he can't give those up. it's all he has.#danny is a feral house cat asking a tiger to take care of a mountain lion for him by offering the tiger his own liver on a silver platter#joker is...delighted? maybe? no one is quite sure. but he takes what danny offers.#here is this little boy. almost the same age as the second robin when he died. pleading for the JOKER to be his savior. this will be fun
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All of Flan’s items clatter on the table, and she quickly struggles free of Canela’s paws to begin to gather her stuff up and place them back into her fur.
Flan huffs, “Ugh, nobody look at me! Canela you know that game always messes up my fur, look at me, I’m ugly now!!”
Canela: ”But you use to love the Pocket Game a couple years ago!”
Flan: “Yea well I’m grown now, okay! This hair takes me hours to do, you know that!”
Canela: “Okay Okay, I’m sorry Bombon. I’ll try not to do it again, now come here so I can try and fix up your hair.”
Flan lets out another huff before bringing her stuff over to sit in front of her older sister. As Canela takes out her claws to comb the swirlix’s fur carefully, Flan continues to place her items back into her ‘pockets’. They are too preoccupied to notice that the shop’s bell has rung again and a new person has came in.
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Canela: “But you shouldn’t be pointing it at others, especially at the customers! Sorry about that, she’s got into a bad mood.”
@ask-shiny-umbreon​ @asketernalstars​
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auriidae · 2 months
hello tumblr user kindledrose, my steven universe brain worms have returned because of all the pearl posts you have reblogged (i am delighted by this (i wanted to re-watch su  for a while and this is what made me actually do it))
hello anonymous tumblr user !! you have no idea how thrilled i am to hear that oh my goodness. join meeee :)
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^us frolicking in su brain worms land
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kaibacorpintern · 3 months
i havent been into yu gi oh for the better part of a decade but some beast has grabbed my by the throat and sent me absolutely rabidly ravenous thanks for the many nights of feral bone gnawing
THANK YOU!! writing it has also been a feral bone gnawing experience for me. very happy you're enjoying it the way it was intended. i am TODAY starting chapter 12 so stay tuned!! a pile of fresh bones is on its way!!
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hearandfunger · 11 months
you are so funny I hope both sides of your pillow are cold ily
Thank u so much. my pillow is so comfy rn i have never felt better in my li
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did someone hear something
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readyforthegarden · 13 days
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
If paper'd gets all the kisses, can I get at least one, pleaz? :'( 👉👈🥺🥺
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why have just one when you can get five times the amount of smooches >;)c <3333
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aroacedavestrider · 5 months
hey where do you get your button ups
most of them i can say with mild confidence i got at thrift stores. honestly they just show up in my house at this point
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softquietsteadylove · 8 months
Ohh you have to continue the zombie au!! Them finally meeting sersi and co will be amazing :D
"Welcome, Gilgamesh."
He frowned at those around him. He hadn't given them his name. Usually it was Thena who was deeply distrustful of anyone they came across, but he was happy to take up that mantle in her absence.
That was the worst part about this place, that he had yet to see Thena.
He had woken up in a fit over it, but they had told him - promised him - that he would see her if he kept himself calm. They returned his clothes to him, washed and everything.
"We take in all those who need help," the short doctor, Ajak he had learned, said beside him. The cafeteria was surprisingly bustling with people. "That was how you came to us."
They had told him that Thena had arrived with him on her back, which he couldn't help but doubt. Not that she would do it, but Thena was half his weight at most, and they didn't exactly have food or water to spare, last he remembered.
The last solid memory he did have was of feeling feverish, dragging his feet as they continued towards the next city. He must have been really lagging, because Thena did something they never did, which was commandeer a car.
He could remember being in the backseat, and he could remember Thena's voice whispering sweet things, his head in her lap, her tipping water up to his lips.
All the more reason for him to be wary of these people until he could see Thena for himself. He looked around the place, "I don't see her."
They sighed. He had been a broken record since getting on his feet, but he felt he had good reason to be. The other doctor patted his shoulder, although he flinched away from her. "Thena is just getting back."
"Back?" he frowned and turned. Sersi, the younger, taller doctor, and a third guy in a white coat named Phastos all stepped back from him. They were the only ones he'd met so far. "Where was she?"
"She joined some of our scouts on a run," Phastos attempted to be a voice of reason. "Some of the supplies we needed were for you, so she volunteered to go with them."
He wasn't exactly placated by the news. "So you sent her out there with people she doesn't even know? Are they really gonna watch her back out there? What if they can't protect her?!"
"Gil, please," Sersi joined in the effort to soothe him. "It's a simple run to the closest facility outside the hospital. We've been here a long time--since the beginning, really. We've already sectioned off half the city as safe territory."
Gil huffed. With Phastos behind him and the docs in front, he felt a bit like a caged animal. He looked around the bustling cafeteria again, "fine. When will they be back?"
"It should be any time now," Sersi promised before turning and trotting off.
"Sersi's husband is part of the field team," Ajak supplied in her absence, leading them closer to the rest of the populace. The people already there eyed them and kept their distance, but they didn't exactly pull out pitch forks and torches at the sight of him. "We have some very good people here with us."
Gil watched as Doctor Sersi trotted over to the door, her wavy black ponytail bouncing behind her. She must have seen they were coming, because she ran at the door and launched herself into someone's arms before they were even in the room.
A man walked in with her attached to him, tall and broad shouldered. Gil couldn't hear them, but he had an inkling that he was one of the men who had dragged him inside when Thena no longer could. The other one walked in past the married couple, not even glancing at them.
Finally, far behind the other two, a ghost of a figure hurried into the room and immediately split off and away from everyone. Despite the promise of food, she steered clear of the line for it, pushing a blonde ponytail off her shoulder and pulling off her backpack.
Her clothes had also been washed, and the jacket she was wearing seemed to be new, maybe as a form of protection. But that was definitely his Thena prowling away from the thick of the crowd.
Heads turned and people jumped out of the way of the huge stranger sprinting across the room. Some of them yelped, as if he were a train barrelling forward on its tracks. But he could only see Thena.
"Gil!" she barely got out before he swallowed her up, his arms snaking around her and his massive form folding over her. Her knees bent in response but he held her close, swinging her around in his arms.
"Thena! You're okay!" he sobbed, openly at that. For all his reluctance to cooperate with their hosts thus far he let himself weep with joy as he finally felt Thena's light frame in his embrace again. She still smelled like fresh air, and she was warm, and she was kind of bony, but soft in the places it mattered. "I-I thought-!"
"Sh, Gil, I'm here," she cooed, running her fingers through his hair as he blubbered over her like a baby. She let him lean his weight on her, his face buried between her neck and her shoulder, their legs stumbling, "it's okay, just breathe."
"I told you--they're too committed to each other, they won't-"
"Ikaris, hush."
"Are we just gonna watch them make out, or...?"
"Give them some space," Ajak urged the rest of her team. Gil pulled his head up to see her waving them back, her back turned to them. She didn't have the distrust in him and Thena that he had with her. "can you blame them?"
"Gil," Thena called to him, pulling his attention back to her. She put her hand to his cheek, her eyes scrubbing over him, "are you okay?"
He nodded, leaning into her touch, "I'm okay. Wh-What about you? I woke up and a-and you-"
"Sorry," Sersi leaned over to offer her apologies, "I voted to move you into the same room, but I got outnumbered."
"We weren't sure what to make of you," the other man who came in alongside Sersi's husband shrugged. "And then you freaked out when she wasn't there, so-"
"So," Gil made a face, "you decided that keeping us apart longer would fix that?"
Ajak laughed, although the guy clearly didn't appreciate it. He huffed, putting his hands on his hips, "hey, big guy, I'm the funny one here, got it?"
"Okay," Ajak spoke to those crowded around them en masse again, "let's let the lovebirds have a bite to eat and settle themselves. We can discuss what happens from here on afterward."
What did she mean by that? But Gil looked down as Thena slipped her hand into his. He was going to have to ignore that 'lovebirds' comment for now too, huh?
"Come on," Thena pulled him by the hand, keeping their fingers intertwined, "you must be starving."
"Well, yeah, but-" he looked around, still feeling on edge in the completely new environment. It was being around people - living people - that had him so on edge.
"I'll tell you everything that's happened," Thena promised him, "after you eat."
He just sighed, looking at her like she was the sun and he'd been underground for years. He would do anything if it meant he didn't have to let go of her hand yet, "fine."
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dctrfate · 14 days
Hey, I saw your post about how well various DC heroes fuck and was wondering why Batman was so high given the infamous no eating pussy mandate?
(Sorry if this is rude)
okay so when pussygate™ happened literally EVERYONE on the internet knew about it like there were news articles about this shit zack snyder posted fanart of batman eating out catwoman on twitter every mutual i had was experiencing a life-or-death adrenaline rush live on the tumblr dash and the conclusion i came to after three consecutive days of this freakshow was that no one actually believed that batman didn't eat pussy. this whole drama started because the higher ups in dc made the harley quinn tv show get rid of a joke about batman sucking puss because they thought it'd sell less merchandise. famously, "heroes don't do that," aka the phrase that launched a thousand explicit batcat fics on ao3. that's literally the only justification and considering that a) it's not representative of actual popular opinion and b) batman's somewhat notorious dating history in the comics.....it has to be said that he's a good fuck.
plus this article by cathy herbert (written in the voice of bruce wayne) has made it impossible for me to imagine him being bad at sex like it's just way too fucking good:
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ohyesididnotjustdothat · 10 months
I find it very interesting the contrast in how kinnporsche look at eo during intimacy. They each have moments of these, so it's not like it's exclusive to one or the other, but I think in general, Kinn tends to look at Porsche like it's the happiest he's ever been, whereas Porsche looks at Kinn like he can't believe something this precious is his.
Kinn seems to err on the side of lovestruck and Porsche seems to be more awestruck.
It's interesting to see how their adoration manifests in different ways of how they look at each other, but I think it also gives some insight of deeper feelings.
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persephoneprice · 18 days
love your comments on the mentors!! also seeing urban canville hate cracked me up so much. he just wants to do MATH and stay out of the DRAMA
i’m sorry anon but you’re wrong urban canville IS the drama
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queenofbaws · 29 days
For the ask game 🖍🍄♻️❤️ thank you!!!
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
He’d ended up in the coat closet, a cramped little space between the bathroom and the basement stairs, where he’d wadded up the first jacket his hands had touched and screamed into the smell of a stranger’s laundry soap until his vision swam and his head spun.
😏 someone's having...a bad time in this one, heheheh
🍄Describe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “___ + ___ =___”  
oh mAN
full house + murder + season 1 of supernatural + RAMPANT body dismemberment + bigfoot jokes = like wringing blood from a stone
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
godddddd. there are a few big ones for like wringing blood, honestly. one that i'm for sure scrapping because i ended up not digging it as much as i thought it would/i couldn't make it make sense as much as i wanted to was that, in the end, it turned out jack and eliza were related too, making the whole ordeal a big ol' spooky family mess...
there's also a scene with a strip club that i am. currently. just not sure whether i'm keeping or not. SO. there's also that, lmao! that scene WOULD BE relevant and WOULD fit, i just don't know. if i want to write it. so. we'll see.
you'd neeeeeeever guess whose pov that one would be
❤️Not a question, just a second kudos to send.
🥹 ahhhhhhhh thank YOU!!! this absolutely made my morning!!! <3
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fullmetalscullyy · 10 months
free pass to share/ramble/intellectually discuss/lecture/brainrot about your original fantasy work 👀 bc i would loveeee to hear it and we’re reviving ask culture and tumblr’s unique discussion mechanism babe ❤️
MEG MY BELOVED my love my darling tytyty for indulging me hehehe ilu and any excuse to talk about my new besties 😌🩷
OKAY SO. we have our main character, ailsa, my beloved, who lives w her sister, eilidh, and through various reasons and occurrences (still in the hand wavey stage) they end up travelling w ruaraidh (pronounced roo-ray), a stranger to them but who they get to know. and we have also have arran who ailsa and eilidh have know since they were kids and who is heart eyes, head over heels, in love w eilidh and who has big golden retriever energy. those two are too cute. i love this wee trio
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bc ofc i had to include magic
ailsa has a keen eye type magic which allows all her projectiles/weapons/etc hit their targets without fail. but tbh she's good enough on her own without it 😌 owls are my fave birds ever so i was thinking about them and how it might tie in (and maybe..... just maybe..... when i'm finally on holiday next week and get time and recharge, a little owl buddy might become her friend at some point...... 👀 if i'm gonna write a book i'm gonna live out my dreams, lbr 🦉)
eilidh has magic tied to fate~, but it's misunderstood in the world. ppl think she can alter things and shit (IF YOU HAD THE CHANCE TO CHANGE YER FATE. WOULD YE??) but she can't. just sees flashes and visions and gets vague feelings about what might happen. so they keep it quiet and on the down low. saves people bothering them about it and demanding more of her and her magic than is possible
arran, my bby boy, he's a healer. helps out everyone. he's like the go to "doctor" in their wee town. he's good vibes all round, bless his wee cotton socks
ruaraidh's magic is undecided as of yet but i have Ideas 👀👀👀 but he's looking to save his sister who has been taken prisoner, so through an incident and encounter, and prompt from eilidh who feels from her magic it's the right thing to do.... 👀 they all end up travelling together
ruaraidh is like. so in love w ailsa tho btw (HE FALLS FIRST STORIES omg 😩😩) and doesn't Realise that's what it is and then doesn't know how to deal which disconcerts him and he's not the warmest and she's like wtf is his problem. side eye.(AAAAAAH)
but... 😌 but.
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aaaand...... i'm just gonna....leave this here.... 👀
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so yeah. i've been going through it. now i just need to. sit down and write. story of my life lmao but hopefully next week inspo will hit!! and i'll get inspired to expand. manifesting it 🙏✨
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suave-hogan · 1 year
for your enjoyment
havve walkman
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This is absolutely wonderful! Thank you, itunes-store
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