#delta's psychic readings
pokemoncryptids · 6 months
I'm curious what you'll see from this without knowing it's me.
[A Pelipper drops off 10000p before flying off when this ask is read.]
I can't really do this properly without a face or name.
But whatever.
You feel familiar... if I didn't know better I'd say it was Lynda, very similar aura.
Bright, covered in energy from gods, the distortion attempts to sheild you from me.... I swear this is Lynda.
No. Calmer, not as loud. Just bright.
Blindingly so.
Yeah. Not touching that shit thats happened to you in the past.
Can of wurmples you haven't paid me enough to open.
You're... happy? From what I can tell. Things are better, not calm, not perfect, but things are okay.
You're a 'hero' type aren't you, like Lyn, but for different reasons.
Thats all i. could get. sorry.
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paingoes · 3 months
Destroyer Masterpost
Destroyer is a sci-fi story about a telekinetic living weapon called Δ-107, or Delta for short, who is controlled by an evil space empire. The story takes place immediately following the death of the old Emperor and explores the ensuing succession crisis. Delta is inherited by the Emperor’s only son, the crown prince Paris of Thales, and lives aboard his battleship.
Character Overview:
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Delta (Δ-107) - living weapon with strong and destructive telekinesis
Paris - crown prince of Empire and Delta's current owner
Simon - a theoretical physicist and glad scientist, one of Delta's handlers (not pictured)
Dr.Martino - a doctor who specializes in psychic abilities, Delta's other handler (not pictured)
voice claims !!! <3
art :D
You can also read this story on AO3 !
click here to see series in writing order
Prologue - Intro to Delta's powers, the moment he was acquired by Empire
Even More Prologue, Somehow - Death of the emperor, succession
Trigger Discipline - first meeting
Blood Ties - Paris tries to break Delta in
Thorns - Daily routine
Lightshow - First brief mission
Night at the Ball - what it says
Behave - Obedience training or maybe just fucking around we're not sure
Moonshine - Delta steals a laptop. Paris gets too drunk.
Dune - not the one you're thinking of
Penance - Delta’s on probation. kinda harsh!
Memory - Some info about Delta's childhood
LEECH - Simon goes too far
Castle Damon - Delta’s not the only psychic in the world
Web - Delta plays on the computer for a few hours
Bottle Episode - Everyone’s mad?
Mercy - Drastic measures are considered in light of rebellion
Sea Changes
Marks - Slap on the wrist
Bingo - This meeting could have been an email
In Shadows - Internal analysis
MK - Drug trials
Golem - Delta cinches a critical victory. Paris gets mad.
Graduation - fuck yes lorelai is in this one
Medical Conference - delta gets shown off and also drugged
Lemuria - There's a massacre at Lemuria
Discourse - The internet has opinions
Asking - Delta asks for something. He doesn't get it.
Like An Arrow - Time flies
Rupture - Some information gets declassified
Time Flies - Like an arrow
Come Back - Delta blows up the parliament building
A Sentence of Sorts - More things get declassified. Paris is troubled, more than usual.
Help - Delta offers to help Paris
Masquerade - A bad party and a mild identity crisis
Tundra I - Spiritually this is the Christmas episode because there's snow and they fight
Tundra II - Post-fight hangover
Birthday I
Birthday II
The End
aaaaand that's the end! ....or is it?
Delta's story continues in the sequel series Rubies <3
Paris has a series too I guess.
Thanks so much for reading :D !
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lil-tachyon · 11 months
For the last couple years I've been keeping a handwritten list of good horror stories I've read. I guess the most recommendable ones are The Music of Erich Zann by Lovecraft, The Stolen Body by Wells, Mimic by Wollheim, The Thing in the Weeds by Hodgson, Cyclops by Leiber, The Screaming Man by Beaumont, and The Open Window by Saki. I might type up and post the whole list on my blog after I've done some more reading (my list of things I still need to read grows much faster than the other list).
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Including your other suggestions so I can tackle them all in one post.
I wasn't sure I was going to get to all these but I ended up being kinda knocked out by a nasty cold this week and had time to lay up in bed reading through all of them. Which was an absolute pleasure! Thank you for putting this list together. For fun I thought I'd do a mini-review of each story.
For context, I'm the kind of guy that's read probably every H. P. Lovecraft or Clark Ashton Smith story ever published. I had devoured most of Jules Verne and H. G. Wells by the time I was 14. What I'm trying to say is that I'm already a nerd pre-disposed to loving any Weird Fiction or early sci-fi/horror. If that kind of stuff isn't your speed, then adjust your expectations accordingly.
Also SPOILERS AHEAD for 50-100+ year old short stories.
"The Music of Erich Zann" - H. P. Lovecraft - 1921: This was always going to get a recommendation from me, I just enjoy Lovecraft too much. I'm glad I re-read it though, it had been a while and I think this might be one of my favorite of his stories now. The thing that stood out to me this time around was the exploration of the relationship between Zann and the anonymous protagonist. Feels uncharacteristic of a Lovecraft story to focus so much on the interactions between two human characters and it's done with a fair bit of depth. Bonus: no Lovecraftian racism in this story! Also check out this thrash/prog banger from the Mekong Delta album named after this story.
"The Stolen Body" - H. G. Wells - 1898: So when I opened up my copy of A Dream of Armageddon: The Complete Supernatural Tales (a misnomer it turns out, because it didn't contain the other Wells story on this list) I was surprised to find a bookmark exactly halfway through "The Stolen Body" from where I must've stopped the last time I tried reading this anthology over a decade ago. And I can understand why I would've stopped there because this story is kind of a slog. The premise is fine- a man severs his consciousness from his physical body in the course of an experiment in astral projection and is alarmed to find that when he attempts to return to corporeality another spirit has already taken possession of his frame. The problem is that this story is recounted twice- first from the perspective of a friend where, in spite of their incomplete information, it's pretty obvious what has transpired, and then a second time from the astral-projecting protagonist himself. In the protagonist's telling there's an interesting account of his journey through a kind of vapid hell where body-less spirits wander through eternity suffering of boredom and only able to interact with the physical world via mediums but the concept isn't explored in any depth and is recounted in a painfully "tell, don't show" manner. Can't say I recommend, but it's an interesting artifact of a time when late 19th century occultic beliefs showed up in sci-fi. Kind of like how a lot of 50s-70s sci-fi features psychics.
"Mimic" - Donald A Wollheim - 1942: My favorite story from the list. It's weird, compelling, and extremely brief. I won't summarize it because I think you should just read it. Surprised I hadn't heard of it before, especially since there's apparently a Guillermo Del Toro film adaptation of it? Also surprisingly difficult to track down the text. There are a few incomplete versions of it floating around but if you want the full story, I found it as part of this anthology on archive.org.
"The Thing in the Weeds" - William Hope Hodgson - 1913: - Before this, my only exposure to Hodgson had been "The House on the Borderland" (great story by the way), and reading the "The Thing in the Weeds" has me thinking I should dig a bit deeper into his bibliography. Conveys a sense of claustrophobia and anxiety that feels like classic "Weird Tales" fare while dealing with much lower stakes than unnameable cosmic beings. Maybe more horror stories should be set on the open sea...
"Cyclops" - Fritz Leiber - 1965: This is not a story, this is Leiber's idea for a cool vacuum-dwelling space creature dressed up as a story. Dialogue feels totally unnatural, characters are blank slates, tension is set at zero. But the creature is pretty darn cool and the story is very short. So if you want to just read about a neat alien, go ahead!
"The Howling Man" - Charles Beaumont - 1959: I had already seen the Twilight Zone adaptation of this story a while back so I knew the outline of the plot already, but that in no way diminished my joy in reading this. Beaumont's prose is highly engaging and contains a surprising amount of humor that I don't remember being present in the television version. The only real weak point is the ending. I think a bit more ambiguity over whether and to what the extent the Howling Man and the Abbott were lying to the protagonist would've demanded more introspection from the reader. The idea that releasing the Howling Man / Satan is the direct cause of WWII feels a little too simplistic and also depends on this weird assertion that the early Weimar Republic was experiencing an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity that I'm pretty sure doesn't hold up to historical scrutiny. Still highly recommend, a very fun read!
"The Open Window" - Saki / H. H. Munro - 1914: Less a horror story and more a... silly story? I don't know how to describe it other than it feels like the kind of thing you would have to read and analyze for a single high-school English period. Didn't really do anything for me but it's like a 5-minute read so check it out if you want. Does make me wish I could go on one of those "retreats to the countryside for my nerves" that turn-of-the-century English gentleman and ladies are always going on.
"In the Abyss" - H.G. Wells - 1896: A much better Wells story! And I was lucky enough to find this in the other print Wells anthology I own. (I have an addiction to bringing home old paperbacks I don't need but it's a cheap addiction and I don't have the heart to break it. Plus they're all on shelves and alphabetized so my wife can't get mad at me. Anyway, it's the shelves and shelf space that gets expensive...) It can be a little bit "gadget fiction-y" in its description of the submersible but overall it's well-paced with some good tension and a truly weird exploration of an underwater world. Recommend if you're looking for something outright odd or you like specifically underwater sci-fi. Don't recommend if you don't like thinking about the ways you might die in a submersible.
"The Stone Ship" - William Hope Hodgson - 1914: An interesting and definitely weird story, again about strange happenings on the open sea. Stretches the premise a bit too much, both in the actual length of the story and in my willingness to suspend my disbelief of the "scientific" explanation given at the end. I enjoyed it, but for a spookier and shorter take on a similar premise I'd recommend Lovecraft's "Dagon."
Anyway, thank you again @siryl for your recommendations, I had a blast reading through them!
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a-wolf-at-the-door · 4 months
Hi Lia, it's the anon from a few weeks ago. It's my birthday! Nothing really that big just turned 23, but if you're still up too it I would love a preview of the next story in the verse. Maybe, something happy? Thank you very much for taking the time to answer!
Hello returning anon and happy late birthday!!! Sorry it took me a few days to get this to you, my notifications have been on the fritz. Not 100% sure this fits the word "happy" but it's definitely hopeful/positive, here's an excerpt that takes place at the end of the "Planet of the Ood" storyline, hope it makes up for the wait:
The freedom song of the Ood Sphere was like nothing the Doctor had ever heard.
From the very moment he’d emerged from the TARDIS, he’d sensed something was very, very wrong in the planet’s psychic field, a feeling only intensified as he and Donna held the dying Ood Delta 50. So close to the suffering Ood, so far from the protective balm of the TARDIS’s telepathic shielding, he’d hardly been able to concentrate on anything at all other than the agony of the Ood’s collective trauma howling through him. A younger him, a more naïve him, might not have been able to cope at all. This Doctor had had time immeasurable to develop a resistance to specieswide telepathic despair. So he’d soldiered on, seen the light go from Donna’s eyes and swallowed back bile as she insisted she wanted to go home.
And then the circle was broken, the Ood Brain freed. And the weight of their triumph nearly bowled him over. It was rich and pure, simple and multifaceted, soaring with the sort of joy only felt by those who have known great sorrow. Relief and respite, succour and solace. A balm to the spirit, to the mind.
His cheeks were strained from grinning, his eyes burning with tears. This, he thought, bizarrely and against all reason, was what it must feel like to be human.
The subtle tunes and twitches in the melody revealed wordless truths to him, and he understood at once that Oodkind were being summoned home, that they were boarding rockets to comply. A sour thing twisted within him, a reminder of the last time he’d answered such a summons, but he pushed that feeling aside. Now was not a moment for grief or bitterness. He’d had plenty of that and would surely have plenty more. This was a rare, bright moment for hope.
Outside, as the Ood emerged and joined hands in song, he explained to Donna the scale of what they’d done. “The Ood are coming home.”
Donna opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, Ood Sigma approached.
“We thank you, Doctor and Donna, friends of Oodkind. And what of you now? Will you stay? There is room in the song for you.”
For a fraction of a picosecond, something inside him almost considered the offer. To be among a telepathic race again, a peaceful space… but immediately, reality set in.
“Oh, I’ve… I’ve sort of got a song of my own, thanks,” the Doctor stammered. It was a lonely tune these days, just him and the TARDIS, but it was his. All he needed, all he deserved.
Ood Sigma blinked at him with those incisive, bulging eyes, then said, “I think your song must end soon.”
It was the way he said it, so matter-of-factly, like he was reading a weather report or surveying a picked-over platter of middling nibbles, that unnerved the Doctor more than the words themselves. Of course his song was ending; his song had been ending ever since the most important chords in it had fallen into the Void. It was a tuneless thing now, only the rhythm of his heartsbeat and the TARDIS’s breathy sighs to propel it forwards, but generally this sort of observation, if someone were to make it, would be made with an abrasive reverence, some grand acknowledgment that they were witnessing the death knells of an ancient and magnificent being from an even more ancient, even more magnificent race.
“Meaning?” he asked, a note of acid in his tone he wasn’t even sure he meant.
“The wolf is at the door,” the Ood said, that same infuriatingly pleasant, neutral tone colouring his voice.
The whole universe narrowed to that utterance. Time ground to a halt. The Ood went silent. The sun extinguished. Even his hearts fluttered in the space between a pulse.
The wolf is at the door.
He was jarred back to reality by Donna grabbing hold of his shoulder and shaking him a little. Ood Sigma was long gone, with no footprints in the snow to indicate where he’d been. It could have been seconds or hours, though likely it was on the shorter end of that scale considering Donna’s typical patience levels.
“Doctor, are you alright?” When he didn’t immediately respond, she added, “What did he mean, the wolf is at the door?”
Hearing the words again snapped him out of his haze and he shook his head violently as though dislodging a knot of flies. “I don’t know,” the Doctor said. “But we’re going to find out.”
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againsttheskull · 8 months
It was the first sunny day of the season and they had spent it out over the water. By the morning light, the sea was blinding. Each steel gray battleship reflected the White Sun’s rays right into the cockpit. The aircraft, small and inconspicuous, hovered above the enemy fleet like a nervous fairy. It was no weapon of war. The shipmen down below took notice and little green lines of inquiry began to flash upon the craft’s receiver. 
The pilot tilted the screen down and positioned the craft a good mile away from the north-most ship. A reassuring squeeze on the shoulder, a finger pointed in the right direction, and then the unbearable cacophony of steel rendering.
The sea rushed in to fill the gap, causing massive waves to rock the once-still ocean. Where the SS Iselin had been only seconds prior, there now sat a deformed metal mass no larger than the length of a truck. The surrounding water filled with a reddish color, blood and oil escaping the same clutch. As the radio went wild between the remaining fleet ships, the broken body of the Iselin sunk quietly beneath the waves. There were no survivors. Delta had been twelve.
The hovercraft took him back to dry land. The Emperor, the only person the show had ever really been for, stood up to shake the hands of the pilot, of the scientists, and of his Admiral who had pushed so hard for the demonstration. The Emperor lowered himself to speak to Delta, the way you might any child, and saw the tremors all through his body, the cold sweat of convulsions. The Emperor wiped Delta’s hair from his face and said no more.
He was returned to his own quarters back at the institute. The nurse had to hold up one side of him just to make it down the hall. He kept it together as he’d been taught to while in company, but back in his own territory he could no longer suppress the nausea. He spent most of the night on the cold tile floor of his bathroom, as the doctors and the scientists buzzed around taking vitals and hooking him up to strange machines.
By the next week, the deal was done. The royal guards had been sent to collect him. All that he owned could fit into one suitcase, which the director had packed for him personally. The director had also picked who would be leaving with him as a charge - one physician, one scientist. Dr.Martino’s grip tightened harshly on his neck whenever he fidgeted too much. Dr.Yanna had a bad drinking habit. Delta was not happy about these choices, even from the most remote corner of his mind. But he had learned to tolerate both of them at the institute and could appreciate the familiarity. He wasn’t scared of the guards. He kept his head down until they arrived at the palace - and long after that too.
It had presented an interesting but not unprecedented engineering problem, finding out where to keep him. In the past week, they had built the basement up with the same dense psychic insulation that the institute had perfected. Delta had five hundred square feet of space, at the time sparsely furnished. His vague hope was that while in the isolated chamber, they would remove the dampening collar from around his neck. But they left him there with no mention of it. He thought back to the wreckage of the Iselin and realized it was unlikely the collar would ever come off again. He rubbed at the raw skin idly, leaning against the new bed frame. The space was larger than his old room had been, but he had not gotten up to explore it. He sensed that the guards would not like to open up the chamber doors and find him anywhere they had not left him. It was the inclination of many third parties to treat the psionics like machinery - and to be disconcerted by anything that contracted this. Besides that, he knew they were scared of him. As isolated as he had been, even in such ascetic surroundings, he could read fear. It radiated off all of them now.
(Part II)
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WIP: in the mirror I saw who you could have been
Do you like fantasy stories with disaster bisexuals and psychic pain magic?? Do you like relationship shenanigans and identity crises interspersed with horrific necromancy??
✨ Revamped, reanimated, now with even MORE undeath! ✨
With the rare ability to suck the life energy from mortals, Delta has healed from death countless times. Except just once, a crucial part of them didn’t grow back.
Missing almost all memories, Delta has a new mission this time around: to wear the guise of their former self and help take down the last of their fellow energy vampires.
Jade, their past self's lover, once knew them better than anyone, and her perspectives from their tumultuous relationship are the best reference Delta has. And then there's Gavin, a soul Delta recognizes from another plane, now a determined rebel leader with his own ideas about how Delta's powers should be used.
Tangled in a web of past relationships and previous promises, Delta must decide where to go from here, and how much they really owe to a self who is never coming back.
Start from the Beginning 
1 -- Delta wakes up on a battlefield (edited from original posting) 2 --  Delta struggles to heal (edited from original posting) 3 -- Delta’s starting get a hang of this whole pain vampire thing 4 -- Delta’s body remembers Jade/ they meet her for the first time (again)
Character studies and backstory snippets (Can be read at any point)
Andromeda -- A flashback, Delta meeting Andromeda and learning about themself.
If Home Is Where The Heart Is Then We’re All Just Fucked -- A flashback. Set shortly before 1 -- when Delta comes back different. Jade has a bonding moment with Maren, learns Maren’s backstory, and gets some unwanted advice about her own life.
Maren: Clarity -- Problematic knife lesbian has a rare moment of self reflection
an undead person thinks about their favorite ghost -- what it says on the tin. Delta looking back on how they got to know Ilya
This Happens Later: Mountain Time, in chronological order
Note: Those marked with an * were written before I decided to change Trystan’s name to Delta in this series. There are hints at a previous draft with more of an Alternate Universe plot and a lot less Reincarnation and Resurrection plot, so some details are inaccurate, although similar things will still happen at some point in the new version. I’ll rewrite them at some point!
*Warmth (No longer fully accurate, but will still happen)-- Trystan, Jade, and Ari are venturing up a treacherous mountain after everything’s gone to hell. HUDDLE FOR WARMTH
*More mountain time (No longer fully accurate, but will still happen) -- what it says on the tin. Trystan, Jade, and Ari are still in the mountains. Ari's still pregnant and Trystan still has to torture people!
*Stop (No longer fully accurate, but will still happen) -- Trystan, Jade and Ari are still in the mountains and it SUCKS. Major environmental whump and creepy undead pain-vampire shit.
*An Occupied Body (No longer fully accurate, but will still happen) -- Direct sequel to Stop. Ari struggles with her emotions as she and Jade figure out how to deal with undead Trystan.
“I’ll take one final step, all you have to do is make me” (Whumptober Day 19, 2023) -- Delta (formerly Trystan in prev drafts) has gone to get help, leaving Jade and Ari alone in a cave to wait. Jade decides she’s done waiting, and guided by a mysterious voice, brings Ari along with her to an unknown fate.
Just Sweet Enough -- Sickening Jade/Ari fluff after they finally get rescued and make it out of their traumatic mountain ordeal.
These aren’t canon anymore but they have Fun Vibes. They’re all from the draft where it was about Alternate Universes.
old prologue (portal girl!) -- a young teen comes down from the mountains, claiming to have stumbled through an impossible portal. Ari backstory which is no longer accurate.
“I like to think there’s a world where you never gave up on me.” Ari and Denna talk about feelings, and how Denna never came looking for Ari.
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fantomesplat · 5 months
My Splatoon Idol Ocs- Synthetic Cephalopods!
Amph- octoling (coconut octopus)- 20- Charger Born underground Best friends with Marin, idolizes mariana Only has one working eye- changes with her ink color
She loves all types of technology and science, but prefers singing and lyric making. Loves listening to Synth music but not good at making it herself. Looks very intimidating and has major rbf, but is really nice once talking to her. Doesn't really display her emotions but has been trying to be more expressive after becoming an idol. Mostly just comes off as shy though. Was born middle class in the underground of octo city. She was always very good in the intelligence aspect of the army, but was very frail and weak. She had to be on the field once but she didn't have the proper training or equipment, and her eye got shot. She was always treated as less then and we never wanted for anything on any fields. When all the octolings started leaving she took it as her chance and left as well. On the surface she looked for something to do to cover her eye when she came across recreational battling. She heard people singing on streets and she did the same, that being how she was making money. She saved enough money for a splatterscope and did really well. She was so happy to finally not be holding her team back. As she was singing one time, Marin found her. She loved her singing and showed her one of her tracks. This is how they became friends.
Marin- inkling- 19- Octobrush Born In a very urban city a while away. Best friends with Amph, Looks up to the Squid sisters. Was on team order despite it being one of her first splatfests. Loves anyalizing reading and literature, but cant for the life of them write it herself. Is super expressive, almost as if she was born to be an idol. Is great at managing her excitement and anger and making it appealing to an audience, despite her actually having a short temper in real life and also being kind of sarcastic. Still deeply cares for her friends and family though.
Was born in a big city but it was very neat. She always stood out for her very unique clothing growing up. She became obsessed with the squid sisters and wanted to be musicians like them. She experimented with music a lot and then later got really good at synthesizing. She loved composing songs and was able to get lyrics but she never picked up by herself. She heard Amph singing and begged her to do a song with her. After promising she would pay her, Amph agreed. They ended up working together and became best friends. She inspired her to get out more and eventually they picked up traction.
After their debuet song, Electric waves, came out, they decided to make more music, and name themselves the Synthetic Cephalopods. or Synth-pods for short. They made many more songs like Ink ceiling, Electric waves, Psychic squids, Delta energy, and Honorary tidels. They also have decent solo careers, with their main songs being, Amph solo- Missing perspective, and Marin solo- Better with you.
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Step into a world of clarity and guidance with Master Raj Guru, a premier astrologer and psychic healer in Delta, BC. Our services offer deep insights and solutions to life's complexities through astrology readings, horoscope analysis, and psychic consultations. Embrace transformative healing and unlock your potential as our expertise in spiritual guidance illuminates your path to personal growth and fulfillment. Whether you seek answers to pressing questions or need direction, Master Raj Guru’s intuitive sessions are tailored to empower your journey under the stars.
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delta-holonfoil · 7 months
I’m Professor Blair S. Tenaza (she/her), and I’m now the head researcher at the Holon Research Tower, located in Holon City in, you guessed it, the Holon region! Our topics of interest at the HRT are as follows:
Find and study the mythical Pokémon Mew
Research the effects of electromagnetism both on the region and on its Pokémon, including and especially Delta Pokémon
Develop and refine artificial equivalents to existing Pokémon (this task primarily falls to our lead roboticist and his team)
Now, I’ll share a brief primer on Delta Species and Holon, as I know that is certainly the least known aspect of our research here. Originally, Holon was a region devoid of people. It wasn’t especially habitable for humans, and so Pokémon were its sole inhabitants. Then my predecessor came along and established Holon City and the HRT, specifically in pursuit of Mew. His machinery used in the search emitted electromagnetic waves on a scale previously unheard of, even beyond the special magnetic fields found in places like Mount Coronet and Chargestone Cave.
Prolonged exposure to these extreme waves altered the Holon ecosystem permanently, resulting in many Pokémon permanently obtaining different typings and mannerisms. Some of these Pokémon, remarkably, are recognizable as extant regional forms! For example, Kantonian, Alolan, and Galarian Meowth are all native to Holon now, where before only the Kantonian variety existed, and Cyndaquil evolved here become the once thought lost Hisuian form of Typhlosion. Many other Pokémon took on entirely new forms, such as the Gardevoir family becoming Psychic/Steel-types, and exposing a male Kirlia to a dawn stone produced an entirely new Psychic/Dark-type Pokémon known as Callord. For these altered Pokémon, the designations Delta Species (for all) and Holonnite (for the unique ones) were introduced.
These accidental changes to the environment were seen as both fascinating and concerning, and studies on their full impact were launched. It was quickly deduced that not only would removing the electromagnetic waves not revert these Pokémon to their previous forms, but that doing so would be detrimental to their health. Furthermore, it was discovered at this time that the islands off the coast of Holon’s mainland, distant from Holon City’s emissions, also held Delta Species. Prism Island was laden with crystals that seemed to be producing Delta Species, which briefly drew comparison to the Terastal phenomenon before further research confirmed no true link. Meanwhile, the further-out Scale Archipelago was found to be a nesting ground for Dragon-like Pokémon, and home to new forms that were determined to be natural Holonnite variations.
And that more or less covers the basics! I can get into Holonnite geography another day for those curious, but I think this post is plenty long already. Just know that those early days of research were nearly 20 years ago, now, and much of the staff here at the HRT has changed since then. We feel very strongly about not altering Holon’s ecosystem any further, and work hard to ensure the continued health of all people and Pokémon in Holon.
Finally, allow me to introduce the Pokémon I keep as research aides!
Claire the Castform. She helps me with studying the weather here in Holon, which has also been impacted.
Sprout the Holonnite Meganium (Grass/Ground). He’s great at judging the health of plant life, another important aspect of our impact.
Trace the Holonnite Smeargle (Normal/Ghost). He sketches anything I need documented, which is great because it can be hard to take pictures here in Holon. There’s solutions, but I just find him much more reliable.
Beacon the Artificial Starmie (Water/Steel). One of our robotics team’s creations. It’s extremely reliable for taking electromagnetic readings, and a trustworthy ride if I need to do work out on Holon Lake or along the coast, above water or below!
Shade the Alolan Persian. She’s my tracker. If I’m looking for a specific Pokémon, she’s almost always able to hunt it down. I chose her over the other Meowth variations present here because her Dark typing further helps in keeping a low profile to observe wildlife.
Magnus the Scorlev (Electric/Flying, evolution of Holonnite Gligar). He’s my aerial transport, and incredibly in-tune with Holon’s electromagnetic field. There’s quite a few options here for those needs, but what sets him apart is that Holonnite Gligar are a natural Delta Species from the Scale Archipelago!
Plus Zed, my PoryPhone. We use PoryPhones here in Holon because Porygon are already here and already proven unaffected by the extreme electromagnetism. We actually impose some fairly strict regulations here in order to protect visitors’ Pokémon, and that includes barring entry for many species which might be impacted by Holon’s unique conditions.
Oops! I made another one! This time it’s inspired by the Holon region, an official setting from the TCG in back 2005! With my own personal twists, of course. I made a big list of Pokémon known to officially be in Holon (regular or Delta), and then did some minor retcons if a Delta Species resembled an existing regional variant. For any missing evolutions (released in Gen 4 or later) I’ve invented entirely new evolutions to replace them, and for any existing Delta Species that didn’t match a regional variant, I’ve devised a new Holonnite variant matching the card game’s typing. Unlike in the TCG, it’s not just a glow of energy, but a whole new form
And yes, Blair is aware what else HRT stands for. It’s something of an internal joke at the Tower because a sizable portion of the team, herself included, is trans :)
My main blog is @tlblitz, and I also run @tlblitzle, @zenith-exploration-guild, and @squallsong-survival
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my-throwaway-tbh · 1 year
The Omegaverse has abstract premises for which it could be considered a fantasy genre according to the conventions established by Todorov, but the high specification of its characteristic elements suggests that it could also be considered a literary genre in itself.[3] Its main peculiarity is that characters have two genders: a main one (male or female), decided by their external sexual organs, and a secondary one, that manifests during puberty, determined by their internal reproductive system.[4][5] It's usually chosen from one of the following, each of which also corresponds to some distinctive character traits:[6][7][8][9]
Alpha (α): socially (and in some interpretations, even biologically) dominant, physically built, short-tempered and a natural leader;
Beta (β): depending on the story, they are regular human beings, or have a mix of Alpha and Omega traits, or their own unique traits;
Omega (Ω): submissive and gentle, calm and a peacemaker.
Reproductive systems in the Omegaverse:
Omegaverse fiction typically focuses on wolf or other canid-like behavior in humans, especially as it pertains to sexual intercourse and sexuality, which is described as instinctual, responding to animalistic physiological stimuli.[1][2] This includes rutting and heat cycles, pheromonal attraction between Alphas and Omegas,[12] penises with knots (used to "knot", or tie, the partner to an Alpha during copulation, an action known as "knotting"),[1] scent marking,[13] imprinting,[8] breeding, mating rites, pack structures[14] and potentially permanent psychic bonds with a mate.[6] Between Alphas and Betas, only females can carry on a pregnancy, but male Omegas are often envisaged as being able to become pregnant via a uterus connected to the rectum,[14][15][16] and Alphas can impregnate regardless of their main gender.[17] To make penetration and impregnation easier, male Omegas often have self-lubricating anuses.[9]
Since Omegaverse is a type of folksonomy, some of its aspects are included or excluded at the discretion of the story author.[8] Sometimes Betas are absent, or other intermediate designations such as Deltas and Gammas are added.[17] The genre often features other fantasy elements, such as the presence of werewolves or other fantastical creatures.[1] Some works introduce a rigid caste system, where Alphas are depicted as the upper class elites while Omegas are at the bottom tier and face discrimination and oppression because of their physiology, creating an example of biological determinism.[7][18][19] In darker stories, this results in non-consensual or dubiously consensual intercourses, forced pregnancies, Omegas kidnapping and sexual slavery.[20][21]
Omegaverse works are most frequently focused on male-male couples composed of an Alpha and an Omega,[6] though heterosexual Omegaverse works have been produced,[13] and by 2013, about 10% were labeled male/female.[8] Some subvert the genre tropes, telling stories about illicit relationships between Alphas, Omegas who hide their smell using chemical pheromones so that they are not a victim of biological prejudices,[22] or dominant Omegas and submissive Alphas.[2] Non-traditional couples are often featured in Japanese Omegaverse works.[23]
While the terms "A/B/O" and "Omegaverse" can be used interchangeably, the first one often refers only to the sexual dynamics, while the second one is preferred when the story is set in a new ideological world.[12] Some prefer to avoid use of the term "A/B/O" as its spelling resembles a racial slur towards Aboriginal Australians.
Professor Kristina Busse has described Omegaverse as a "seemingly perfect storm" of tropes that already existed in fandoms.[22] For example, the 1967 episode "Amok Time" of the American television series Star Trek introduces the concept of pon farr, the Vulcan mating cycle wherein Vulcan males must mate or die. Pon farr became a popular plot concept for fan works in the Star Trek fandom, particularly fan fiction focused on the Kirk/Spock pairing. The concept of mating and heat cycles among humans was subsequently adopted by other fandoms, and later became a staple of the Omegaverse subgenre.[24] Ursula K. Le Guin also wrote, in her 1969 novel The Left Hand of Darkness, about an extraterrestrial androgynous world with hermaphroditic characters and mating cycles named kemmer.[2]
The origin of the Omegaverse is typically attributed to the fandom surrounding the American television series Supernatural, as a fusion between werewolves and the male pregnancy subgenre of erotic fan fiction.[1][25] Another source of inspiration could have been the science fiction drama Dark Angel, where Supernatural actor Jensen Ackles plays a soldier with feline DNA, and female characters go into heat.[25] The first works recognized as A/B/O were published in mid-2010:[6] that year in May, a writing prompt was shared on a LiveJournal community dedicated to Supernatural, mentioning "alpha" males having knots on their penises, and "bitch males" without the knots, inspiring user tehdirtiestsock to write I ain't no lady, but you'd be the tramp, a real person fiction work focused on actors Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles as an Alpha and an Omega, which was published on July 24.[2][19] Despite not using the term "omega", the story created many of the characteristics later associated with the Omegaverse genre.[2]
Over the next few months, other anonymous authors shared similar stories, until on November 9 a new writing prompt mentioned Alpha, Beta and Omega men for the first time, spurring the creation of three works. By June 2011, the term "Omegaverse" and its dynamics had become commonplace; the following month, the first femslash Omegaverse work was published, and the first use of the tropes outside the Supernatural fandom was recorded.[9]
The genre subsequently expanded in popularity to other fan communities: first to those focused around Sherlock and X-Men: First Class, then it quickly reached other fandoms like those of television series Hannibal, Teen Wolf, Glee, Doctor Who and movie The Avengers.[1][9] A Chinese translation of an A/B/O Sherlock fanfic posted on website Suiyuanju around October 2011 introduced Omegaverse to Chinese slash fan circles, from which it spread to danmei original novels.[26]
In 2012, the notion of "fated mates" was introduced.[27] In 2014 it gained strong traction in Japan,[23] acquiring market value with the publication of the first A/B/O manga in 2015.[28] In 2016 the discrimination and power dynamics between Alphas, Betas and Omegas began to be outlined, and the idea of the mark or bite that chemically and biologically links couples together was created,[29] while in 2018 the concept of the "inner wolf", an animal instinct guiding Alphas and Omegas, arose.[30] Through her work Kanraku Alpha Enigma, manga artist Shinshi Nakai subsequently tried to add the "Enigma", a new type of character who can mutate their secondary gender, but the novelty was resisted by Omegaverse fans and had no impact or continuity.[31]
Omegaverse has become both extremely popular and controversial in fandom circles. Some condemn it as revolting and sick, affirming that it reinforces patriarchal values and a rape culture,[32] objecting to its roots in bestiality fiction and the power imbalances between genders.[6] Conversely, others appreciate how it deconstructs bodies and gender roles, offering subversive social commentary on queer identity and oppression.[32][33]
Academic opinions are equally divided between those who believe Omegaverse shows a new type of gender essentialism combined with homophobic and heteronormative elements, and those who see the space to give it a transgender reading.[6] Delgado Díaz, Ubillus Breña and Cappello do not believe that the Omegaverse is linked to queer theory or transexuality, despite containing allegories to gender identity and the female condition (Omegas, both male and female, could be considered embodiments of the traditional role of women as housewifes and mothers), whose purpose, however, is only that of frameworks to plots ranging from melodrama to horror.[34] According to researcher Milena Popova, "the features of the A/B/O genre allow for the exploration of themes of power, desire, pleasure, intimacy, romance, control, and consent in a variety of ways",[35] and it's used by writers and readers "as a tool to articulate and think through consent issues in unequal relationships".[36] Similarly, Laura Campillo Arnaiz argues that dark Omegaverse works serve to gain control on the feelings of helplessness and humiliation that characterize it, creating a cathartic experience.[37]
Angie Fazekas wrote that "[i]n the omegaverse, fans use traditional tropes of gender and sexuality to imagine a universe where queer sexuality is the norm and normative gender roles are often skewed and upended",[33] but that they fail to offer real progressiveness since, like most of the other fan fictions, their works are predominantly focused on relationships between white men.[38]
The Omegaverse exploded in popularity in 2017, quickly becoming a frequent subject of fan fiction writers.[30] As of July 2018, over 39,000 Omegaverse fan works had been published on the fan fiction website Archive of Our Own,[9] and over 70,000 as of 2020.[1] In addition to these derivative works, Omegaverse has emerged as its own genre of original commercial erotic fiction: roughly 200 Omegaverse novels were published on Amazon from January to June 2020.[1] It has also become a subgenre of both commercial and non-commercial yaoi (manga featuring male-male couples).[23][39][40] Given the positive reception in Japan, South Korea started its own production of Omegaverse manhwas, as well as China, although the censorship applied in this latter country has limited the genre popularity.[41]
Beginning in 2017, the "Dom/Sub Universe" subgenre gained popularity, particularly in yaoi works in Japan; it uses BDSM elements, positing dominant and submissive as secondary genders, and draws inspirations from Omegaverse in its depiction of caste systems.[42] In the Korean "Cakeverse", a small part of the human population is divided into "forks", who have no sense of taste, and "cakes", people with a particular flavor that makes them irresistible to "forks".[43]
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pokemoncryptids · 6 months
(From @trainerlynda)
[10,000 Poke transferred into your account.]
Just one reading. I sent in the extra 5,000 as a tip of sorts.
You deal with a lot, you deserve it.
Oh. Thank you?
You're loud. Like. Not literally.
Everything surronding you is bright and loud and hard to sort through.
The distortion surronding you doesn't help, it blurs everything. Distorts it if you will.
The loudness, from what I can tell, is just you all of you. All of the parts of you, of your ideas and emotions... mainly emotions.
You radiate power, and strength and loyatly, you're intense, and you feel things intensely too. You're light can be nurturing to some, but blinding to others.
You try your best always, you give all you are... the loudness may be a lot, but it's real, it's genuine, even with everything surronding you I can still see you Lyn, and you're not a bad person.
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paingoes · 1 month
(Content: living weapon whumpee, nonhuman whumpee, electric shocks, night terrors, panic attack, guilt, blood, conditioning, dehumanization, past abuse, past captivity, caretaker new master)
It had been a chill night. Delta had gone to bed earlier than normal, but that didn’t come as a shock. He seemed to need a lot of sleep. Apollo didn’t blame him for that. He had tried to stay up with Kitty for a few more hours, but he soon found himself just as exhausted. He called it in early too. He had just pulled out his pajamas when he heard Kitty’s voice from downstairs.
“Apollo!” She yelled.
He knew, immediately, something was wrong.
He was down there in an instant, faster than he ever liked to move but often had to. He felt the static electricity before he saw it — then he saw it. Delta’s door was open. He stood at the opening, bright arcs coming off of his body. His hair floated around his head and against gravity. His eyes were generating enough light to fill the whole room. Kitty watched in mute horror. Apollo hopped off the last couple stairs, immediately jumping between the two of them. Delta was still electric, still burning, burning, burning. He stared back at them with unblinking eyes.
“Miserum terrae,” he muttered softly beneath his breath. Apollo did not catch the exact words, but he caught the Latin pronunciation. He could see the way Delta was swaying where he stood. Asleep. He was asleep. Apollo reached for his hand.
The touch sent him into a fit, little bursts of energy leaving his body, jerking motions, screaming. He babbled on in Latin, gripping at his own hair, clawing at his own skin. Apollo reached again. He took both of Delta’s hands and pulled him down onto the kitchen floor with him. The touch shocked him badly, but he could live with the pain. He kept Delta’s hands secured. It stopped him from physically hitting himself; he was relieved to see that it also kept him from sparking so much. He’d read somewhere that even though they didn’t have to, psychics tended to use their hands as conduits. It made sense. 
Delta was hysterical, somewhere in between dreaming and waking. He babbled on in Latin. He was clinging to him so hard, Apollo was sure he was about to draw blood. 
“Shhh, sh, sh, sh, sh,” Apollo shushed him in a way that was nearly musical, half hummed. Kitty looked on nervously. “Night terror,” he mouthed. Lun used to get them all the time.
Apollo gasped in pain as a particular violent shockwave traveled through him. He gripped tighter, in part because of his muscles tensing involuntarily. Delta was starting to wake up. The sobs didn’t lessen any, but his speech was getting more intelligible.
“Mihi ignosce. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry. Please.” 
His head was buried in the fabric of Apollo’s shirt. Apollo could feel it growing damp. He wasn’t convinced Delta was apologizing for the shock alone; he was probably still in the half-dream state, caught in some old memory. 
“Shh. It’s okay. You’re okay.” Apollo stroked his hair gently, rocking back and forth. He glanced up at Kitty, who was making a perfect :( face.
He was shaking so badly. The words gave way to barely restrained whimpers, little gasps for air. They waited patiently for him to come back.
Delta let himself be led onto couch, too distressed to even protest. He curled in on himself despite the painful heat generating from his body. 
“I’m so sorry,” he repeated quietly, mortified.
Kitty sat down on the couch beside him, combing his hair out of his face. She braided it back. The cool air felt pleasant against his neck. 
Apollo set down the glass of water in front of him. Delta panicked again as soon as he reappeared. He could see the little puncture marks on Apollo’s arms from where he had grabbed onto too hard. He could still feel the electricity in the room.
“I’m so sorry, sir. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry.” He didn’t know what was wrong with him. He never would have done it before. Apollo didn’t deserve to get hurt like that. They hated him. They wouldn’t trust him. He’d known they would just as soon as they knew what he was really like. He didn’t want them to.
“You can hit me back,” he tried. Would that help? He needed desperately to be forgiven. He shouldn’t have even been on the couch. He had half the mind to throw himself at his feet right then, but the space between them didn’t allow for it. He shuddered.
Apollo kneeled instead. Well, not really. The posture was all wrong. Still, he had gotten onto his knees and leaned forward onto the couch.
“Hey. Look at me.” Apollo’s voice was serious. Delta obeyed. Apollo spoke very clearly.
“I’m not mad at you. You were having a night terror. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. And I’m not going to hurt you. I promise. You’re not in trouble.”
It took Delta a second to process the words. It did not feel like a real possibility. Not mad. Not getting hurt. Not in trouble. He was too distracted untangling this that he forgot to be panicked.
Kitty squeezed his hand. Apollo stood up, retreating to the kitchen to patch himself up. Delta remained in a stunned silence; he was still shaking a little. He couldn’t remember what had set him off or what he might have seen. All he really remembered was the fear. In the warm light of the living room, it was gradually fading. All of it was so confusing, endlessly. He was tired.
“Take a sip, babes.” Kitty lifted the glass towards him. He took it carefully from her hands, raising it up to his lips. He hadn’t realized how dry his mouth was, how much water he must have lost just from the heat he’d generated.
“Thank you,” he said softly. He was so grateful. He couldn’t understand the gentleness he was being shown. He could have gotten the water himself. He would have been fine if they’d just locked him in his room after. That would have been the right thing to do. He should have been punished somehow for the damage he’d done, the damage he could have done. But they had said he wasn’t in trouble at all. He didn’t understand why they were being so lenient with him. He’d done nothing to earn it. He felt sick with guilt.
Apollo pushed a citrus into his hand. “Here. You should eat.”
“Dude, why would you give him such a mechanically demanding fruit?” Kitty asked.
“Oh, I can peel it. The acidity helps, though. Or the vitamin C. For some reason it’s just really good for resetting your brain.”
He sat down on the chair opposite them. Delta undid the peel of the fruit himself. It was very sour, but not unpleasant. He did feel more awake afterwards, like the visions he had seen in his sleep were being forced further away.
“It was a night terror, wasn’t it?” Apollo confirmed, “Do you remember any of it?”
“No, sir.” Just the terror, sourceless. It was strange.
“Have you gotten them before?”
“No, sir,” Delta answered immediately. It was impossible. There was no way they would’ve let him get away with such a glaring design flaw. The security risks alone were unimaginable, even with the collar at full strength. Someone would have noticed.
Apollo considered this. He caught the look he gave Kitty. It wasn’t good. Delta knew how much of a problem this could be. He was a problem. He knew it. He was going to be more trouble than he was worth. He had to stop himself from apologizing again, as badly as he wanted to. Being sorry wasn’t enough.
“That makes sense, actually,” Apollo continued. “If you’re in an abusive environment for a long time, you develop methods to cope with the stress. It’s a kind of postponement. Once you’re out of it, all the emotions you’ve been repressing can resurface at once. It’s normal.”
The casual way in which he’d said abusive stood out to Delta. He knew what it meant; he wasn’t stupid. It was just strange to hear applied to him. Abuse was something that happened to real people. He was property. 
He’d gone quiet for a while. He was so used to the silence. 
“Do you need anything right now?” Kitty purred.
Nobody had ever asked. He could not even begin to answer. Kitty seemed to realize this, trying to narrow it down some.
“Do you want to try and go back to sleep? Or do you want to stay up for a little while?”
Easier. He was still so leery of trick questions, but even those were infinitely easier than the open-ended ones. 
“Can I stay up please, miss?” He had to keep his tone respectful, just in case it had been a trap. It’d have earned him some leniency.
She responded positively. “Ya! Do you want to watch anything? Or we can read!”
Her eyes flitted over to Apollo, who seemed to have collapsed right there on the chair. He looked back at them wearily.
“It’ll probably just be you and me, though,” she added.
“I can stay up a little longer, if you want,” he offered. He’d offered it to Delta. Delta nodded shyly. He wanted both of them there, if he could have it. He didn’t know how to say it. He wrapped his arms around himself. 
Kitty played an old movie on the projector. They didn’t make him speak for the rest of the night, a mercy he was very grateful for. He was content to just remain there on the couch, waiting slowly for his breathing to even out. Soon enough, he had forgotten there had even been any disturbance. When he finally went to bed again, he fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.
@catnykit @snakebites-and-ink @vivulapom @scoundrelwithboba @whatwhump
@pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @fuckass1000 @fuckcapitalismasshole @defire
@micechomper @writereleaserepeat @aloafofbreadwithanxiety
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jahmocha · 2 years
I already commented this on Halfbreadchaos's recent video, but I want tumblr to see it too.
It's a reach, but an interesting reach:
As said in the video, when you give the Dice Brace to Ralsei he says that it reads"friendship". When you give it to Noelle, she says that Kris jumbled the letters up. It's likely that Kris made the bracelet spell out "find her", in reference to Dess (the Spamton Sweepstakes revealed this connection between Dess and "find her").
So, if you make "find her" from "friendship" you are left with three letters that can spell "psi". Psi is a Greek letter, much like the Delta in Deltarune. Psi is shaped like a pitchfork, pitchforks are associated with the devil, the devil and other vaguely biblical things are frequently referenced in Deltarune (especially with Gastery things).
Psi is also used as a symbol when discussing wave functions in quantum physics. Quantum physics is often used as a sciencey-sounding plot device in fiction for alternate realties and other mind bending things. Kind of like how beings such as Gaster (and Dess????) both do and do not physically exist, and how Deltarune's universe is kinda but not really the same as Undertale's universe.
Finally, PSI refers to psychic powers in the Mother/Earthbound universe. And we all know how those games relate to Undertale and Deltarune by now.
I don't have a grand theory for this, just that the Greek letter Psi may be important in the future of Deltarune.
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ophelia-thinks · 2 years
3, 4, 5, 9, 25!
3. What were your top five books of the year?
collected nonfiction by joan didion - i spent a week in january in the sacramento valley working my way through this book. i'd read stuff by her before, but this year some switch flipped in my brain and i Got it, i understood the obsession, the veneration... it's the details for me, the odd little turns of phrase, like "a little japanese on the horizon" describing the oilfields outside of LA, or the dress the color of the sac delta "for a few days in spring, when the rice first showed." didion would have snubbed me, descendant of okies and japanese immigrants, but i love seeing the landscape i was born and raised in refracted through her exacting, conservative mirror.
dear friend, from my life i write to you in your life by yiyun li - utterly obsessed with this. i can't describe the feeling it gives me, the quiet passage through a singularly strange and perfect mind. "had i been more disciplined, i would have written nothing and lost nothing." this is a book about being unable to convincingly describe a chrysanthemum.
the lover by marguerite duras - having a weird psychic moment with this book. "and it really was unto death. it has been unto death."
dispatches by michael herr - he mostly stopped writing after this. he saw that there was something basically fucked-up and evil about it, it being language, and especially the pathetic human use of it to conceal and protect. even worse, images; photos that appear to prove the existence of evil but communicate nothing behind it. which wasn't at all true of me, herr writes, father of all motherfuckers; i was here to watch.
dirty work by eyal press - i want everyone to read this book. it gave me a way to understand my world, a path to compassion, a path to forgiveness. i think about it constantly when i'm at my day job in the [redacted] world, and i want to make everyone i come into contact with read it too. we all follow orders; we all injure and are injured; we are all going to hell so that someone more fortunate doesn't have to.
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
CAN XUE!!!!!!!!! vertical motion blew my mind. also kind of getting into richard brautigan, i love his poems which are like haiku with bombs strapped inside of them.
5. What genre did you read the most of?
hard to say because i'll read anything... i did read a lot of nonfiction this year, plus my usual sci-fi detours.
9. Did you get into any new genres?
nah. i did have an intense philip k. dick moment though, does that count as a sci-fi subgenre?
25. What reading goals do you have for next year?
i want to get deeper into a few authors whose books i've loved recently but haven't read all of (robert walser, anna kavan, can xue); i want to read more poetry, and read poetry more adventurously; and i have a stack of hyperspecific nonfiction/history stuff on my shelf that i haven't cracked yet.
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notmuchtoconceal · 5 months
reading the wikipedia article on reiki, i don't know anything about reiki other than reiki is a pseudo-science and the existence of chi cannot be materially verified.
there was a textbook written where reiki was the primary example given of quackery, which i understand to be a negative category.
thing is, tho. i have personal experience miraculously healing my body by clearing energy blockages with my hands. it was all through intuition. i just did things that seemed to make no sense, but didn't stop myself, then it worked. it was like i already knew. it was like my existing knowledge base wanted to protect itself by not risking experimentation.
certain energies can be measured, most can be felt.
if i tell you i feel chi, and you think i'm delusional or stupid because it can't be proven, you're arrogant. you don't know what i feel. you don't already know all mysteries of the universe. you're displacing the real and embracing the tyranny of the known.
(if the placebo effect can sometimes work, then magic is real. if we studied how to reliably bring about changes through the placebo effect, it wouldn't be profitable. true intimacy is not replicable, it's organic. meanwhile, the fizzy effects of chemicals can be shipped and packaged long as we ignore factors of genetics and diet.)
studying matter in isolation is performing an autopsy. you can figure out a lot about a person by cutting open their corpse, but you'll never fathom what ya coulda figured out by talkin to em.
(would you be so bold as to debunk a spirit medium by claiming not only the soul, but the mind of a person is illusory?)
the 'danger' of alternative medicine is lack of regulation in a deliberately predatory marketplace. even if a person could theoretically shrink a cancerous tumor with psychic powers, they're not gonna learn it with a two week certification, nor get in that headspace replicating or preserving the submission-based pill and for-profit models of contemporary medical orthodoxy.
when you can see the commonalities in different knowledge bases, you can spot patterns and fill in the gaps. exclusivity is a form of slow death.
if you want a make a miracle, it has to be real. real desire. real vision. when a lot of people get sick, their minds may be strong, but it's inevitably the doubt that gets em. the toll disease takes on a family. the dawning realization they're a burden. they've lost something of themselves. real things come out. maybe some deaths are acceptance, some are just giving up. a break with the fantasy of home.
i would propose to you that, rather than focusing on 'chemical imbalances' (which exist in flux with the mechanism of thought regardless; neural patterns flowing like delta basins shaped mid-stream) most who feel 'depression' (particularly suicidal depression) ought focus more on the rational axioms which underpin the beliefs they act out and see if there's any massive contradictions.
do you simply feel the life you want to live is impossible because you lack courage? are you afraid of making problems for others, you or they only viewing yourselves as problems?
if more people listened to their own real selves (could differentiate inclinations from excuses) over what they were told was 'the way it is' then we wouldn't have so many sick people manipulated and consumed by a procession of increasingly moronic and shameless quack fraudsters.
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psychicwindow · 1 year
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Learning to open up your psychic potential involves training your mind to reach an altered state of consciousness. When you achieve this state, your active mind is able to connect with your subconscious mind and sift through all the unimportant info, to find the connection to the ethereal and then retrieve the information that you are looking for… This means that your brain is processing info that transcend the needs of the physical world, which is what your mind is normally trained to give you, while filtering the rest of stuff that is not important to your daily survival.. Small children are not conditioned to perceive things that only relate to our day to day physical needs and thus are much more open on a free psychic question phone number level…
When I was a child we were taught certain meditations to open out third eye (psychic center) and then we were taught to use it in a practical sense… After practicing the mediation I am about to give you, we would then hold up cards and play “sender and receiver”… One would look at the cart and visualize what color it was, the other would “receive” the card and “see” the color, using our third eye…….
I found that when I did not think about it. But just said the first color that came into my mind, I would be right…
We practiced many more exercises, but I will get to them later… The point here is that being Free Psychic Reading is something anyone can develop with the right training…
Scientists have learned to measure the different states that our minds are processing in at various times…
They do this by measuring the electrical output signals of our brains… These are called brain wave states…
They are Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and Gamma
Most psychic impressions com through while the majority of the brain is in the Theta state… Our minds are in several of the states at the same time, but it is the dominant state that determines our moods, our states of consciousness such as being awake and alert or sleepy to asleep, to dreaming…
Science has learned how to create this state of mind we want, through a system called binary beats. It means that if we listen to two different types of beats in each of our ears, the brain will synchronize with those beats and our left side of our brain and the right side of our brain will balance out and put in the brainwave state that we want…
Think about it, doesn’t music affect and even change your mood????
Music is just another form of beats synchronizing up our brainwave pattern to create a mood…
The mediation I was taught as a child is an old mediation that has been used for centuries to reach a state of theta consciousness by focusing on our breathing, learning to relax and focus our minds on one thing to slow it down and cut out the mental chatter. Then to open our consciousness to receive info from our sub consciousness that would normally be filtered out…
However, I have learned that using binary beat music along with breath and visualization techniques, I can reach this state much more quickly and easily….
Here is the mediation for you to try…
Start by relaxing and lying down. Now become aware of all your physical senses… Notice how your body feels, what you hear, if there is tension in any part of your body. Begin to relax any part of your body that feels tension…. Really focus on how you are feeling physically…
Now, take a deep breath to the count of four and hold it and notice your heart beats three times, then relax & breathe out to the count of four. Do this four times. As you do so, notice how your body feels. Continue to breath and relax all your muscles…
Now close your eyes and visualize energy from the earth (we call this the life force, or that which connects us all) running up from the earth and into your feet. Breathing slowly in to the count of four and out to the count of four. See it run up through the center of your body, through your sex (groin) chakra and through your belly and then your solar plexus, each time changing color. Do not force it; just see what color it changes in your mind’s eye, it is different for each person. From your solar plexus it will go into your heart. Let it stop there and fill your heart with healing energy. Notice how it feels in your heart, if it needs healing, fill it with energy until it is full…
This part is important so spend some time on this until it feels like your heart is full of life.
Next you visualize the energy going up to your forehead…. Let it set there for awhile…. let the life energy fill your third eye….
Once you feel it filling that particular chakra imagine a blank movie screen for about thirty seconds, then allow whatever scene your mind chooses ( do not try to control it) to come across , not matter how crazy it seems, simply watch, detached, to whatever comes across.. This is one way we learn to connect with our subconscious and to our intuition also called second sight… Do this for a few minutes…
When you feel it is time, allow the life energy to go through the top of your head and spill over your body… This is the white light of psychic protection and you will use it in any energy work you do. Imagine it envelope your body and surround you in an egg like cocoon of energy that will protect you and give you a positive charge…
Hold this picture for several minutes. Breathe in and out slowly, relax and think about nothing but the feeling of warmth and security that comes with being enveloped by the white light……..
It helps to do this mediation while listening to a theta binaural beat CD’s or digital downloads
I find I have had the best results using both theta and delta brainwave beats .But I suggest that one starts with Alpha training first to balance your mind out…
Delta brain waves slowest range of frequencies. They oscillate between 0 and 4 Hz. Delta waves are occurring during the deepest sleep. Delta state is present during coma state or during the anesthesia. However, I have had some excellent results mediating to binaural beat sounds that put me in Delta state… It has helped me to connect to the deepest part of my subconscious mind….
Theta brain waves are related to dreams, deep relaxation and daydreaming. The frequency of theta brain waves is between 4 and 8 Hz. This is often the state that most natural Psychic Reading are in when they utilize their second sight….. I recommend that anyone doing the exercises I mentioned above try mediation to achieve theta state before moving on to Delta… You may get better results if you start with Theta first…..
Alpha brain waves are associated to brain state during practicing different mental disciplines. The meditation precisionists were tested with EEG equipment and it was shown that their brains are tuned to alpha state. Also the meditation precisionists can shift to theta brain state. The alpha brain state is taking the range between 8 and 14 Hz.
Beta brain waves are associated to wakefulness, reasoning, analytic activity, people with ADD and ADHD are usually processing in high beta mode. Emotional states like happiness, stress, fear or jealousy any form of obsessive thought happen when the brain in the beta state. That is why it helps to train yourself to shift to Alpha state when you find yourself stressing out or getting “stuck” in a negative emotional pattern. It means that you are caught in beta brainwave pattern or “mode” .
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