#demo is very enjoyable to draw
wolfram-but-art · 4 months
Hey, if you’re looking for non-Sniper drawing requests, how about Demo and/or Soldier?
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i did both :3
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moonferry · 2 months
OKAY here's part 2 of the "how the stardew marriageables would feel to hug" once again will be in alphabetical order !!
bachelorette version HERE
the bachelors (and krobus)
alex: alex loves working out and is obviously very strong. with this in mind, i think he'd be another person who accidentally hugged far tighter than he meant to. his hugs feel like sitting in a reclining chair - like one of the demo ones at a furniture shop. despite how tight he hugs you, you find yourself relaxing into him. plus, i just think it would be nice to bury your face in his chest, alex gently rubbing the back of your head and you telling him about your day. i think alex would smell like leather and maybe musky cologne. a bit more overpowering than the rest (his smell literally latches onto you, your clothing, or even the air around you.) it's not a bad scent tho, just very "masculine" in a way?
elliott: elliott's hugs are lovely! i imagine he has the softest hugs of all the marriageables (likely do to the copious amounts of skincare products/lotions he purchases, but that's just an added bonus.) hugging elliott would feel similar to hugging a silk pillowcase: nice, soft/gentle, and an overall enjoyable experience. elliott's hugs are the perfect "i just want a simple hug right now" kind. i imagine he'd enjoy wrapping his arms around your waist and complimenting you as the two of you hugged. elliott probably smells like an inkwell, with some pomegranate and maybe some ginger (and the ocean, of course!) very light and fruity (honestly you might steal his cologne a time or two.)
harvey: the man who brought this entire spiel to life.. harvey definitely gives the best hugs. his hugs feel like being wrapped in a comforting blanket or feeling the wind gently blow across your face as you sit outside and watch the sun set. i've mentioned this before, but i think harvey loves back hugs. something about having his arms wrapped around you, drawing small shapes on your stomach, and gently kissing your cheek just draws him in. i imagine harvey smells like coffee, a warm chocolate cake, some sandalwood and fresh pine. his hugs are perfect for when you both need to unwind after a stressful day. something about them (maybe it's his doctorly aura) makes your body feel calmed, like it's being healed in a way. legend says that harvey's hugs tend to have healing properties so 👀
krobus: he doesn't exactly have arms, so hugging you back isn't an option. at least not physically, that is. he somehow manages to transmit the feeling of hugging you into your mind and it causes your skin to tingle. however, if you were to actually hug krobus, i imagine it would feel similar to hugging a stuffed animal or a mystical cat. i imagine krobus would be very soft (possibly fluffy!) and his little wisp at the top of his head would rest against your shoulder. as for smells, krobus is a bit difficult. (obviously, coming from a life in the sewers, it's not going to be the greatest thing to smell) HOWEVER i imagine he would smell like black cherry or the "black ice" car air freshener.
sam: oh sam gives amazing hugs. unlike alex, sam crushes you on purpose. he's just very excited and full of love - he needs to share it by squeezing you until you pop! (not literally, of course). i think it's primarily a case of "cuteness aggression" where he just gets so overwhelmed with positive emotions from seeing you that he has to let them out by hugging you tight enough to crack a rib. you don't mind though, and even joke that he could take up practice as a chiropractor because, after hugging him, your spine always seems to become board straight. i imagine sam smells like strawberries, soda, and the beach, maybe a slight hint of desert mist. i like to imagine he also uses his height to an advantage and often picks you up when he hugs you, probably spinning you around as well.
sebastian: another one who i don't think is much of a hugger, especially if he doesn't know you that well. if he does warm up to you, though, he prefers side hugs or he prefers to be the one being hugged, not the other way around. full contact hugs always result in awkwardness and he'd rather avoid that. his hugs are a bit "colder" in a way and usually are finished within a few seconds. it's not that he doesn't like you, he just isn't a big fan of physical touch. however, if you decide to hug him, he will happily lean against you for as long as you want him to. if you drape your arm around his waist and let him lean into your side, his head on your shoulder, he may end up falling asleep. (yoba knows he needs it...) i think sebastian would smell like the outdoors: like a smokey campfire, like peaches, like the crisp, fall air, and faintly like motor oil.
shane: oh another amazing hugger. shane's hugs are very pillowy and sweet, also slightly addictive. it's very easy to sink into him and enjoy the moment. on the other hand, i feel like shane also enjoys being hugged. he loves having your arms around him, your head resting against his chest or shoulder (or in between his shoulder blades if you're back hugging him, this one's a real favorite). bonus points if you trace shapes onto his stomach or lower back, he goes crazy for that sort of thing. (but he'll never admit it, obviously). i like to imagine shane smells like cherry cola, maybe something outdoorsy or something light (ie body wash or soap). i don't think he would go out of his way to make himself a certain way. however, i do think it's hilarious that he has that line of dialogue where he's like ""Sniff*... *sniff*... mmm... what's that wonderful fragrance you're wearing? Eau de pepperoni?”" <- goober.
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thewandererh · 4 months
@if-you-heart @if-you-mind @if-you-soul
told heart this but i drew fanart of ya’ll’s sweet angular soul guy :]! i couldn’t not…look at his dumb face…..🥺
i have two versions because the lighting experiment came out ok-ish. t was originally blue (because it was coming from the left side lmao) but red looks better 🤷
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it’s a little simple and the composition is messy, but it was a good stress relief + shading practice :D! im proud of it. i’ll definitely draw him (and the gang) more though if i can!! been getting better with hair recently and tested out my skills with this one :]. styling and keeping consistent with hair is tough, but oddly relaxing. did some lineart in the car somehow 👀??
he looks like such a,,,bro i can’t….. i love how stupidly spindly he is
i was attached to this stupid lanky fictional(???) man the *moment* i saw this post. absolutely bonkers. i was so charmed by this concept i shared it to all of my friends you don’t understandjshdkdhdgsgd /silly /but yeah i did do that XD
also you fazgang have been reblogging and liking my stuff 🐥 <- looks up at you like this chick
for you onlookers have some more posts by the fazgang (what the if-you-hms-gang call themselves) to gaze upon. you will not regret,,
i’ve noticed a trend that i often tend to write big paragraphs about a simple piece of art i’ve made, which is okay but i get the lack of interaction lol. im very proud of my art, and go on rambles on why i like it. the formatting i turn to aswell as the text and images almost turns the post into a collage? visually?? i love collages so it works out XD! but anyways,, im not upset over notes, i just like getting my art out there. so thank you to everyone whose viewed, read, liked, and followed for the ride :]. im glad you appreciate my stuff, it’s what i can offer <3. it won’t be consistently one fandom but im glad to not be alone in my interests. good god that sounded like a traumatized rant (maybe it was but:)
TLDR: check out if-you-heart/mind/soul :]! they are very cool and nice💛
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zombeebunnie · 28 days
Trembling Essence:💙Making progress + Adding timers💙
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Hello guys and welcome new followers! This update post is very delayed but I appreciate the patience!
After the previous game development post I didn't have a lot of time to do much and when I did it was very scattered. Trying to adjust from where I left off each time was really difficult.
In the end I focused more on answering the multiple asks I've received and gave myself a break. I've been having a lot of fun answering these and fleshing out Noah's character and lore! This also gave me some good drawing practice! :,]
Anywho, here's how the game is going so far!
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Clean up progression:
I don't want to make this too long but I've adjusted/removed parts that were either too repetitive, unnecessary, or didn't flow well with what you see on screen. I know I've said this already in past game development posts but back in May I wanted to add more branching endings but I dialed it back not too long ago when it started trailing off from what was originally intended. Right now I'm fixing how the player(Y/N) goes through the terrain which is very different from the [Extended Demo].
CG fixing:
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Here's a new CG from a while ago that I went back and fixed up!
Even though I liked it at first, it looked a bit too empty with odd lighting issues. I added a little more shrubbery and trees along with adjusting the background to make it easier to see the details! I also fixed up the animated CG where the rain was stuck in one part of the image and which looked 'frozen' on the screen. It was kind of funny because I didn't notice this for a long time until I was confused at what I was looking at. I can't show this one due to spoilers. :[]
Timer progress:
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It's time(:P) to finally discuss this small addition to the game!
These won't be used that often but they'll be in places where I feel the situation requires quick decision making. It took a lot of trial and error before I settled on keeping it the same color as the player(Y/N)'s HP bar. I then went back and added a background so it's easier to see. I also moved it around since it was over-lapping with a couple of choices. This is just a mock-up image so no spoilers are shown. :[]
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For right now I can't say I'm almost done since this required more fixing than I was expecting from what my play testers recommended but I'm happy to be even closer to the cabin section which I'm really looking forward to updating. :,]
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If you like what I create, please consider supporting what I do on kofi! All donations and tips help tremendously while I continue to work on the game. Thank you to those that optionally bought the [Extended Demo] and the March 2023 demo on itch.io. :,]
Q&A / Ask box is open:
I've had a lot of fun recently answering asks! Giving more insight on Noah and the lore surrounding the game have been enjoyable! To know and understand Noah through Asks and random posts about lore, they'll be under #Get to know: Noah :]
**Some asks won't be answered if it contains spoilers but I do appreciate what I receive. :,,]
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here or on itch.io please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I enjoy hearing from you guys!
That sums up what's been going on behind the scenes. A very big thank you to everyone, I appreciate the thoughtful support and the continued influx of interest during my absence for game development in the game and the drawings I've done recently! :,]
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pcktknife · 1 year
i have no idea about anything that happens in splatoon but can u please tell me about those two pearl and marina bitches theyre so funny
unfortunately for you its late so i will not be going into the full splatoon super fan mode for this explanation(lying).
Okay so Marina and Pearl are the idols for Splatoon 2 together they make the duo Off the Hook. Pearl raps (MC Princess) and Marina djs (DJ Hyperfresh). We actually know very little about Marinas past in comparison to other idols outside of her being a Very smart and capable soldier/engineer (she was building weapons of war dw abt it) but Pearl comes from a super unfathomably rich family and was a punk/metal singer prior to Off the Hook (her notable song from that time being called 'Fuckin Dudes Be Fuckin Sleepin' im not censoring that) Marina met Pearl after leaving the army, after some weeks gave her the demo for a song she made called Ebb & Flow and Pearl was like let's make music and that was their first song. (the full 'Fly Octo Fly ~ Ebb & Flow' sounds better to me personally but whatev) The idols from Splat 1 Callie and Marie (Squid Sisters) are I believe formally trained singers/dancers and in comparison Off the Hook were described as being naturally talented. Further while the Squidsters are meant to be rivals (represented by a Fox and Tanuki) Off the Hook are supposed to have an incredibly close and strong bond (represented by a Crane and a Turtle) the final splatfests for both of these games also reflect this (though ironically Rina and Pearl are also partially based on Biggie and Tupac) Pearl is the more brash and outgoing of the 2 where Marina is more shy. They have the most synergy of all the idols I think. It comes through in their music, art, and dialogue/interactions and that's what makes them so enjoyable <:] That's all I'm giving for lore but for fun facts outside of what I've already mentioned
Pearl's voice can cause shockwaves that cause mass destruction (in 'Fuckin Dudes Be Fuckin Sleepin' you can hear glass somewhere shatter at the end bc of this)
Marina likes to draw and makes shoujo manga (or has made at least one titled Dear Pearl)
Marina designed the collection of 24 splatfest stages/maps called Shifty Stations which use octarian tech as well as the Flooder (the Shifty Station stages are named after different western novels in english and shoujo manga in japanese)
Pearl has a custom weapon called the Princess Cannon (which aids in the previously mentioned mass destruction)
There's Off the Hook branded cereal and plushies in the splatooniverse
In jpn lyrics to Off the Hook's songs are written in katakana(Rina) and hiragana(Pearl) because in world they're singing in different languages. Some game dialogue is like this also.
Pearl just....eats mayonnaise
Pearl threatened to cut an old man after he was being specie-ist to Marina
Pearl designed Camp Triggerfish (another stage...its a campsite...lodge whatever) she also wrote it's jingle and her family owns it
Marina's suuuper into machinery and also has a motorcycle
Bonus track of them recording for 'Into the Light' featuring Pearl fucking up her rap
that's all I don't have anything else thats more specific bc I got into splatoon 2 late so I dont know Every little detail but i know a few
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scrunckled-idiot · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last few people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :3
oop! um, already answered this one but i don't mind doing it again!
music. its very important to me for when i need to calm down. nothing else like blasting "demo vs junk rat" in my ears (obviously i only sing demos parts)
my neice. shes already growing up so fast! she's really found her voice now lol! she always looks so bewildered, its so freakin' adorable! and shes a fellow mr tumble enjoyer lol
birds. i like watching them outside my window or when im on the canal. coincidently, i actual came really close to a mother duck and her babies a few days ago! was trying to feed her bread and only just realised she had a battalion of 10 ducklings under her! i looked like a madwoman to people walking past when i started apologising to the duck lol.
art. when its not stressful or on a deadline lol. goodness i love drawing pregmat men <3
my followers! im so happy people like my art! it feels nice to show people instead of keeping it all hidden away in a book.
thank you for the deja vu question!
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jones-friend · 1 year
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I’ve just about caught up on my Gencon list now that I’m back to more regular game nights. Today I got three games in the very solid 6-7/10 category, all things that have interesting stuff going on.
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Nexus Infernum, like Eschaton later on, are by Archon Games. Archon has a very defined sense of theme with excellent presentation. Even the rules are dripping with flavor text.
In Nexus Infernum players compete to become the most blasphemous necromancer by sending their skelemans to the portals for arcane energies used to commune with demos. Commune with two matching demons of the same tier to form a pact (unlock abilities on your mat) or even find an infernal patron to lend their efforts to your cause. Battle other necromancers’ skelemans to steal their blasphemy (victory points) and gather up energy for big turns or big points.
Nexus Infernum was delightfully light. It did not overstay its welcome. For its scope the game did exactly what it needed to do and was a delightful play for the spooky month. This game is highly influenced by luck. Its a dice roll to summon a new skeleman, its a dice roll to attack, its a dice roll to gather resources, its a roll to see what resources spawn. The game doesn’t have too many ways to mitigate luck, sure you can roll again with some abilities or “roll with advantage” but there’s not much for bumping up the value of a roll. Much of the game is rolling then making a plan from there. If you don’t like games with medium to higher levels of luck this game isn’t for you. If you are enchanted by the game’s presentation I recommend it!
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I’m noticing a trend with modern games where they glue together two proven games. This isn’t a bad thing! Ruins of Arnak glues together deckbuilder and worker placement. Eschaton glues together deckbuilder and a Risk-like territory control.
In Eschaton each player heads a cult during the end times. They vie for power across the land searching for artifacts and infernal allies to bolster their ranks and grow their cult as events and omens are revealed. Each turn has four parts: Zeal (draw more cards), Divine (sift through the arcane deck for artifacts, infernal allies, etc), Influence (buy step), and Aggression (board actions like amass cubes and take out enemy cubes). Each region provides points should you have the most cubes there at the end of the game. Some cards from the arcana deck give points as well. Each turn begins with some event or omen (competing goal) to play for.
Eschaton, like Nexus, isn’t the most finely tuned game but it is very fun. Figuring out how all the game pieces work together feels good and since cards don’t have individual abilities just numbers added to each phase sifting through cards to add is never overwhelming. Presentation is also very strong here, I love that if the game ends in a tie everybody loses, someone must WIN.
Its expansion adds asymmetry and a neutral or npc faction. I liked Eschaton! Very grimdark and enjoyable, good theming, and the dominance and omen mechanics force a lot of change through the game to keep people from getting complacent. Its fun!
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Decorum is the most passive aggressive cooperative game I’ve played. Each player is a roommate in a shared house with their own personal goals for what the house needs to look like, with the catch being you must be vague about your personal goals. You can say if you like certain changes but you can’t articulate why, showing a clue silently to other players during “family meeting” rounds. There’s multiple colors, types, styles, and kinds of furnishings you work together to set up.
Decorum is set up in campaigns and feels good as a cooperative puzzle. I don’t think the passive aggressive response quite worked out, but as a deduction game its good. Our set had great resin pieces and the game never felt unfair, and we solved our first puzzle with 5-6 turns to spare. For more intense puzzle game enjoyers this will be on the lighter side of things. For myself I had a good time.
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noisytenant · 10 months
i played the demo for coffin of andy and leyley. i actually like the worldbuilding and think the story is well-scoped/the nature of the characters being quarantined makes it so that the sometimes annoying RPG trope of "only interactables get flavor text" feels more emblematic of the constriction of their circumstances. i generally like those kinds of light-puzzle-fetch-quest games too, as long as the environment isnt a pain to traverse, which it isnt.
i know im really not the target audience for the central relationship; incest themes do absolutely nothing for me and the character designs are legally classifiable as a type of grain. but i am interested in learning more about how their toxic dynamic formed, and in better grasping their interiority (or willful ignorance of it).
i think in general the core elements were interesting but the writing style is just very alien from the kind of thing i'm into. it seems aware of its own obviousness, but hasn't yet pushed on cartoonishness nor swerved into realism enough to satisfy my sensibilities. i dont know of or relate to people who talk like the characters do, though i know they exist, LOL.
i liked the overworld style. the artist would benefit from learning how to draw anything other than conventionally attractive 20somethings.
i think based on the demo it's really kind of a toss-up if it ends up being anything interesting or if it's just a novelty; i think most likely it's going to be enjoyable with some surprisingly good moments, but mostly just capital C Competent. all the same, i'm curious to play past the demo + see other endings, so that's something.
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Alrighty I'm gonna share photos from the con 😊
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They had an arts and crafts room, so Friday I drew these. I also got to participate in a jeopardy game later in the evening, and there was a room where an Iroh cosplayer was serving tea, and they had the show playing on a projector, and it was really nice and cozy.
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Saturday, went with my sister and partner (I'm the Zuko cosplayer, my partner is the Mai, and my sister is the one dressed as a sandbender - her oc). There was a Q&A with Sifu Kisu, who was the martial arts consultant for the show, and we got a picture with him which was very cool. He was really enjoyable to listen to as well.
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They also had an activity where you rolled a die for random animals and then combined them, mine was the chicken whale, partner's was the turtle chicken, and sister's was the flying squirrel-whale lol
Also (forgot to get any pics woops) there was a martial arts studio local to Columbus that was there doing a demo and a workshop, so my sister and I got to attempt learning kung fu which was very exciting!
Sunday was a half day, and was more laid back, they had an art gallery of all the drawings and coloring pages people made throughout the con, personal fave that wasn't one of ours was this one:
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But yeah it was a really great experience! I'm really glad we went, and I really hope they hold it again in the future
(I cant fit the rest of the pictures so I'll make another post for them lol)
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k00292355 · 7 months
Discipline Reflection
I really enjoyed my time engaging in this project and creating work for Ceramics, Fashion Design and Animation.
I liked the first week of animation, I found idea generation to be fun and a good challenge.I enjoyed creating fictional worlds and events. Although I didn't enjoy the process of pre-production. I didn't produce as much work as I would have liked, I feel like it was the slowest I've worked out of all the disciplines I did. I found out I didn't like doing animation as much as I liked watching it.
Fashion Design
Despite not having any idea of how the process works within Fashion Design, or prior experience in how to design fashion, I really enjoyed my time in fashion. The work on the croquis and drawing designs based on those were really enjoyable, and I was able to get into a zone where I could produce at a speed I liked. I also really enjoyed doing colour palletes and working on the mannequins, doing drapery. The only thing I didn't like was working on the sewing machines as they were very finnecky and I had trouble with them running out of thread constantly and sometimes not working. Overall I really enjoyed my time, but do not think I would want to do it for my discipline.
I found my time in ceramics to be very enjoyable. I enjoyed the more experimental and explorative parts of ceramics as well as the practical skill demos that we were shown. I really enjoyed throwing on the wheel, I found that to be the most fun, as well as turning the pottery. I love the tactile experience of it and the use of my hands to form, shape and create pots. I also enjoyed handbuilding and am eager to improve my handbuilding skills. I also really like the other parts of the process to underglazing, glazing and the versatility of clay as a medium. Overall I enjoyed my times in ceramics a lot, I found that I was motivated to stay late working on ceramics and throwing.
Overall, I discovered that I wasn't suited to animation, not having a lot of motivation to get into the zone and get work done quickly. I also found out that I was really into the majority of the processes within ceramics, especially throwing and pottery. I absolutely loved my time in ceramics and was motivated to do work.
This project helped me find out that I want to do ceramics for my discipline instead of animation.
Within the 3 disciplines I found it hard to cross-over things from them seamlessly, as they are very different electives. Although I was able to connect some aspects of all my disciplines together.
For animation, I used work completed in fashion design to inspire my character design. I also did a zoetrope animation within Ceramics.
For Ceramics, I worked with materials I had previously worked with in fashion doing textiles.
I unfortunately wasn't able to connect anything from my other 2 disciplines to fashion, however I believe this to be because I completed my 2 weeks in fashion earlier than my other 2 disciplines.
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ridley-was-a-cat · 9 months
What I Watched This Week – 12/10 – 12/16
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Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn – I guess I’ve been in a Gundam mood, as I watched War in the Pocket last week, and I decided to watch this finale of sorts for the Universal Century timeline this week. I not only really enjoyed it, it might be my new favorite mecha series. The story has everything I love about the earlier Gundam series: a young man stumbling into combat and having his worldview upended, conflict between two parties who are neither all good nor entirely evil, nicely choreographed battles between mecha pilots with genuine stakes, and just the right amount of metaphysical sci-fi woo woo. It loses a couple of the things I didn’t like about the original series, as there are no random children wandering around for no reason, and our reluctant hero protagonist isn’t an arrogant prick to everyone in the beginning. The visuals are fantastic, perfectly mixing 2D and 3D animation in the space battles, with character designs that fit the style of the other Universal Century series, but also fit with more recent aesthetics. Having a soundtrack by Hiroyuki Sawano was just the icing on the cake. If this was my reward for making it through ZZ Gundam, it was all worth it. 9/10
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Libra of Nil Admirari – This is one of those shows that isn’t very good, but is bad in an entirely enjoyable way. It adapts an otome game set in an alternate universe Japan where the Taisho Era lasted twice as long, and there is a government agency tasked with collecting and safeguarding hand-written Japanese-style books that have taken on supernatural powers. Our heroine gains the ability to see the auras of these books after one causes her brother to catch fire, leading her to get a job at this agency full of attractive guys. It has everything you’d want from a female demo visual novel adaptation; There’s the brooding loner, the charismatic leader, the flirtatious playboy, the tsundere rich boy, the twink, and the mystery man with a dangerous aura. There’s a secret fiancé, the heroine gets kidnapped, they sneak into a ball, there’s a dramatic fatherhood reveal, people get murdered, there’s a government conspiracy, you know, the works. It’s all kind of cheesy, and everyone quickly becomes enamored of our heroine for no discernable reason, but I love this shit, so I had fun. 6/10
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Reborn! Ep. 76-100 – For reasons not yet revealed to the characters, Tsuna and his crew have been sent ten years into the future, where a rival family has all but taken over the world. I like how Tsuna has hardly whined or complained about the situation, and I have a bit of a soft spot for training arcs, so these episodes haven’t been bad or anything. However, it just feels like the setting is completely falling apart here. The series was never terribly serious about the mafia setting, but in this arc it’s basically tossed it in the bin and replaced it with tokusatsu-style villains and magical battles, and I can’t understand it. If you didn’t want to draw men in suits, why pick the mafia? Why are we fighting with magical devices now? When did gun battles or sword fights between guys in sharp suits get so unappealing that you had to replace them with glowing, purple serpents and goofy evil society costumes? And why did you bring the two girls to the future just to have them cook and do laundry for the guys? I’m going to put this on hold for a bit, and I’ll see if I want to finish it sometime in the new year.
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zombeebunnie · 7 months
Trembling Essence [Extended Demo]:💙Quality of life changes + Q&A.💙
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Hello and welcome new followers! To show my appreciation for all the support I've received again, here's one of the Valentines Day concept drawings finished! A big thank you to everyone that has continued supporting this through a like, re-blog, fanart, comment, tip jar, share, etc. :,]
I wasn't expecting it to take as long as it did but I'm very happy with the result and how much I've been improving! I'm not too good at drawing angled faces so being able to get it to look just right made me very happy! :,]
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I still have this one to go so hopefully at some point I'll have it done!
Quality of life changes:
*Please note that these changes aren't in the [Extended Demo] yet! It'll be something for me to work on adding and I'll let it be known in a update post!
Now that it's been two weeks of the [Extended Demo] being released, It's time to go over some changes to help the player out when going through the game!
I noticed from comments and playthrough's that certain Bad endings/Neutral story progressions were difficult to find, especially the full afternoon route. I don't want players to feel burnt out from trying to search for everything.
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I want to add a check-list menu that shows all the Bad/Neutral endings you can get while playing so it's easier to navigate the game.
2. For those that are new or have been here for some time, entering the cabin with Noah starts Day 3 due to the player(Y/N) being lost in the terrain for 2 and a half days which Noah mentions. Sometimes this can get confusing since some consider it Day 1 while the game considers it Day 3.
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It's still up in the air about how I'm going to go on about this but I'm thinking about adding a little notification tab in the upper left corner of the game to notify the player(Y/N) of what day it is in the game to resolve confusion.
3. I talked about this last week but I didn't know until recently that the tags I use for Trembling Essence were very unorganized and hard to search through.
I went through and tried my best to re-organize all of the lore and art about Noah/game posts. I also cleaned up the #Trembling Essence tag since it was flooded with game development posts and not much else. I'm also working on a master post and plan on creating some reference sheets of Noah which will be placed under a different tag! :]
#Get to know: Noah : This will be filled with answered asks and lore dump. Sometimes(?) there's random dev-logs that have lore attached to them too. #TE Updates : This only includes dev-logs/updates about the game and development progress. #Trembling Essence : This tag is mainly used to post fan art / art and anything else in general that might belong here which includes lore posts. I really want searching through the tag to be enjoyable and not filled with a bunch of dev-logs.
Q&A / Ask box is open:
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I would really like to hear from you guys!
I really wanted some of the lore to be found through playing versus me just answering everything. :]
If you've already sent in a ask, I did see it I just need time to answer since I like to respond with doodles/drawings and helps me practice. :]
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That's all I have to share right now! Thank you for the continued support, I wholeheartedly appreciate it. :,]
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wsitho123 · 1 year
Marketing Automation: 10 Inspiring Examples
You can ship folks particular provides, exclusive reductions, and new product announcements. You also can personalize these provides based mostly on special events like holidays and birthdays, or annual promotions like Valentine's and Easter. Marketing automation software program is a good way to have interaction with clients, streamline marketing campaigns and attain targeted audiences rapidly and efficiently. Here’s a look at forms of marketing automation and provoking examples.
Whether international or native, these instruments can present an incredible quantity of worth when used appropriately. Even the fundamental plan gets you e mail auto-responses, limitless landing pages and unlimited leads funnels. If you’re in search of a neighborhood partner to deal with your email marketing needs, look no additional than Everylitic. Which just isn't marketing automation as a service too massive of a hurdle, but it's a nice added worth to have a business that understands the laws that will assist you navigate it. The only draw back is that they are fairly pricey, particularly factoring currency conversion rates in. Contact the trusted alternative of Automation Companies in Johannesburg today to debate your company's automation system needs.
For manufacturers, it's the best channel to reach your clients and to drive gross sales. While not every business wants a mobile app to satisfy shopper demand, each enterprise needs a sensible cell marketing technique marketing automation agencies. We’ll take you thru the cellular marketing errors that shouldn’t be made subsequent year. The sales’ staff is continually hounding the marketing group for sales, but with marketing automation, everyone is on the identical web page.
The more you realize, and the extra refined your automation becomes, the better your results will be. So discover, have enjoyable and good luck in your road to automation marketing. OpenEMM does supply a demo model of its product, so you can strive it out before downloading the entire system. They also present a lot of great sources for customers on their help page, together with video tutorials, person forums, and a newsletter. HubSpot’s lead capture forms are a powerful tool for changing website visitors into leads.
When working with multiple marketing agencies, communication can sometimes feel like a sport of phone (even when it happens over email). Lastly, see the journey, the content, the channels and the goals by way of the eyes of your customer and never just your organization marketing automation services. Think of it as marketing as a service to your prospects and customers. Being generic means you will attain individuals trying to find something associated. Ads that tackle that exact need will get you more web site visits than a generic “buy now” advert.
SharpSpring does not normally take care of the common public as such, they like to work with agencies that may then build and keep on their relationship with their very own clients. This permits the folks at SharpSpring to do what they do best – making an automation software program that just will get higher and better. As the world’s largest group of Professional Internet Marketing Consultants, WSI was primed to turn marketing automation service into a big associate with SharpSpring. We’re always looking for revolutionary merchandise and solutions to help our ever growing list of purchasers – and SharpSpring is not any completely different. You can study more about marketing automation in South Africa on our MASA web site.
If you are within the digital marketing enterprise, you may marvel what influence automation may need in your potential career. Technology has appeared in almost each sector of our digital world and can inevitably continue to affect sure occupations and employment. What sector, though, will it have the best influence on, and how? Agency For Digital Marketing is right here to resolve all of your questions on digital marketing. Traditionally, professional services corporations have been slower than some sectors to adopt digital transformation.
If you have already got a marketing automation strategy in place, then there’s always room for improvement. Because marketing automation enhances your overall efficiency, your staff is ready to redirect energies to operations that improve the business and boost revenue. By implementing marketing automation, corporations have famous a leap in lead conversion by about 10%. And whereas individuals might carry out a periodic purge, as digital entrepreneurs we ought to be consistently spring cleaning our content material and communication to raised interact with purchasers and customers. One of our most necessary services is the flexibility to glean insights and rework these into actionable recommendations.
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belle-et-inspirante · 2 years
What is Playing?
What is Playing?
Betting is usually an interesting leisure activity and can be an enjoyable way to make some extra money. There are various types of wagering, including Prop bets, Parlay bets, plus Spread bets. Here are a few things you should know about betting prior to this.
Spread betting
Spread bets is one of the most favored forms of sports betting. This is because it creates an active market for both sides of a binary wager. Also, it is an effective tool for risikomanagement.
A spread wager can be a lots of fun for every bettor. Yet , there are several things keep in mind when playing typically the spread.
To be able to get started, you should attempt out a free demo account first. You can even visit a number of online sportsbooks. These websites will help you to take wagers before starting a real account.
While stage spreads can be a common characteristic in many athletics, they can indicate a lot more within high-scoring games. The point distribute will be altered according to the durability of the teams. For example , a team that has a strong crime may be matched against a historically weaker complete defense.
Probably the most important facets of spread gambling is influence. Using a small deposit, you may make a huge profit when the market moves for your benefit. On the other hand, you can lose even more when the marketplace moves towards you.
Moneyline bets
Among the many types of sports betting, Moneyline gambling bets are perhaps the most basic. This kind of wager is often seen as the very best bet due to lower possibilities and the simple process of selecting a winner.
To make the most of the moneyline gambling bets, you should consider every one of the relevant variables. The key is to use a strategy that combines a thorough research involving both teams and their possibilities.
Before positioning any gamble, you should always double-check your wagers. Whether you are playing on a single sport or a long term match, you should know the big difference between the ideal moneyline bets.
While you might end up being tempted to be able to back typically the underdog, it may not be well worth the risk. Normally, underdogs don’t have a winning document. However , that is not mean that they are really without a probability. Underdogs may be softened by the team’s house field benefits or a poor opponent.
Unlike the point spread, Moneyline bets offer an option of a draw. A pull is a tie – a player on both attributes must be chosen for the wager to be a success.
Parlay bets
Parlay bets are an easy way to make cash while betting on a budget. They offer more chances for earning, with a better payout when compared to a single bet. But you will need to know how to pick the best parlay wagers.
A parlay can be a good option for you if you have several clubs to bet on, nonetheless aren’t sure what to do. As an example, you may want to wager on the Dallas Cowboys plus the Los Angeles Rams in a game on Weekend Night Soccer. That’s a two-team parlay, but if you want to include other games, it is advisable to switch to a new three-team parlay.
Same-game parlays are also well-liked. Unlike other forms of parlays, they allow you to adjust the spreads. Yet , they also have a few drawbacks. First, typically the payout regarding same-game parlays can be decreased due to predictability. Also, you need to pick several winners to have a winning parlay.
The other bad thing is that you refuses to win the maximum amount of if you put in a leg in your parlay. Adding a gamble on the preferred is a great idea, but you avoid always obtain a great compensation.
Prop wagers
Prop wagers are a great way to make the most of your betting expertise. Many sportsbooks offer props, which offer additional value in order to fans. Although they are usually significantly less popular than any other types of gambling bets, they are a part of the playing landscape.
Brace bets usually are wagers on an individual person or occasion, rather than the results of a game. Typically, they are positioned before the start of sporting event. Some stage sets are genuine guesses, and some are based on data or tendencies. Whether if you’re a seasoned gambler or a newbie, learning how to benefit from the props can increase your odds of winning.
Props can be manufactured on variety of sport, plus the options are usually nearly countless. Traditionally, they have focused on participants and the final results of games, but they also can deal with some other aspects of a player’s job or a team’s performance. These kinds of bets can range from the amount of points a person scores to the length of their national anthem. www.pkcrealtors.com
un nuovo post è stato publicato su https://online-wine-shop.com/what-is-playing-3/
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mantruffles · 2 years
What is Playing?
What is Playing?
Betting is usually an interesting leisure activity and can be an enjoyable way to make some extra money. There are various types of wagering, including Prop bets, Parlay bets, plus Spread bets. Here are a few things you should know about betting prior to this.
Spread betting
Spread bets is one of the most favored forms of sports betting. This is because it creates an active market for both sides of a binary wager. Also, it is an effective tool for risikomanagement.
A spread wager can be a lots of fun for every bettor. Yet , there are several things keep in mind when playing typically the spread.
To be able to get started, you should attempt out a free demo account first. You can even visit a number of online sportsbooks. These websites will help you to take wagers before starting a real account.
While stage spreads can be a common characteristic in many athletics, they can indicate a lot more within high-scoring games. The point distribute will be altered according to the durability of the teams. For example , a team that has a strong crime may be matched against a historically weaker complete defense.
Probably the most important facets of spread gambling is influence. Using a small deposit, you may make a huge profit when the market moves for your benefit. On the other hand, you can lose even more when the marketplace moves towards you.
Moneyline bets
Among the many types of sports betting, Moneyline gambling bets are perhaps the most basic. This kind of wager is often seen as the very best bet due to lower possibilities and the simple process of selecting a winner.
To make the most of the moneyline gambling bets, you should consider every one of the relevant variables. The key is to use a strategy that combines a thorough research involving both teams and their possibilities.
Before positioning any gamble, you should always double-check your wagers. Whether you are playing on a single sport or a long term match, you should know the big difference between the ideal moneyline bets.
While you might end up being tempted to be able to back typically the underdog, it may not be well worth the risk. Normally, underdogs don’t have a winning document. However , that is not mean that they are really without a probability. Underdogs may be softened by the team’s house field benefits or a poor opponent.
Unlike the point spread, Moneyline bets offer an option of a draw. A pull is a tie – a player on both attributes must be chosen for the wager to be a success.
Parlay bets
Parlay bets are an easy way to make cash while betting on a budget. They offer more chances for earning, with a better payout when compared to a single bet. But you will need to know how to pick the best parlay wagers.
A parlay can be a good option for you if you have several clubs to bet on, nonetheless aren’t sure what to do. As an example, you may want to wager on the Dallas Cowboys plus the Los Angeles Rams in a game on Weekend Night Soccer. That’s a two-team parlay, but if you want to include other games, it is advisable to switch to a new three-team parlay.
Same-game parlays are also well-liked. Unlike other forms of parlays, they allow you to adjust the spreads. Yet , they also have a few drawbacks. First, typically the payout regarding same-game parlays can be decreased due to predictability. Also, you need to pick several winners to have a winning parlay.
The other bad thing is that you refuses to win the maximum amount of if you put in a leg in your parlay. Adding a gamble on the preferred is a great idea, but you avoid always obtain a great compensation.
Prop wagers
Prop wagers are a great way to make the most of your betting expertise. Many sportsbooks offer props, which offer additional value in order to fans. Although they are usually significantly less popular than any other types of gambling bets, they are a part of the playing landscape.
Brace bets usually are wagers on an individual person or occasion, rather than the results of a game. Typically, they are positioned before the start of sporting event. Some stage sets are genuine guesses, and some are based on data or tendencies. Whether if you’re a seasoned gambler or a newbie, learning how to benefit from the props can increase your odds of winning.
Props can be manufactured on variety of sport, plus the options are usually nearly countless. Traditionally, they have focused on participants and the final results of games, but they also can deal with some other aspects of a player’s job or a team’s performance. These kinds of bets can range from the amount of points a person scores to the length of their national anthem. www.pkcrealtors.com
leggi tutto https://online-wine-shop.com/what-is-playing-3/
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blissful-moontrip · 2 years
What is Playing?
What is Playing?
Betting is usually an interesting leisure activity and can be an enjoyable way to make some extra money. There are various types of wagering, including Prop bets, Parlay bets, plus Spread bets. Here are a few things you should know about betting prior to this.
Spread betting
Spread bets is one of the most favored forms of sports betting. This is because it creates an active market for both sides of a binary wager. Also, it is an effective tool for risikomanagement.
A spread wager can be a lots of fun for every bettor. Yet , there are several things keep in mind when playing typically the spread.
To be able to get started, you should attempt out a free demo account first. You can even visit a number of online sportsbooks. These websites will help you to take wagers before starting a real account.
While stage spreads can be a common characteristic in many athletics, they can indicate a lot more within high-scoring games. The point distribute will be altered according to the durability of the teams. For example , a team that has a strong crime may be matched against a historically weaker complete defense.
Probably the most important facets of spread gambling is influence. Using a small deposit, you may make a huge profit when the market moves for your benefit. On the other hand, you can lose even more when the marketplace moves towards you.
Moneyline bets
Among the many types of sports betting, Moneyline gambling bets are perhaps the most basic. This kind of wager is often seen as the very best bet due to lower possibilities and the simple process of selecting a winner.
To make the most of the moneyline gambling bets, you should consider every one of the relevant variables. The key is to use a strategy that combines a thorough research involving both teams and their possibilities.
Before positioning any gamble, you should always double-check your wagers. Whether you are playing on a single sport or a long term match, you should know the big difference between the ideal moneyline bets.
While you might end up being tempted to be able to back typically the underdog, it may not be well worth the risk. Normally, underdogs don’t have a winning document. However , that is not mean that they are really without a probability. Underdogs may be softened by the team’s house field benefits or a poor opponent.
Unlike the point spread, Moneyline bets offer an option of a draw. A pull is a tie – a player on both attributes must be chosen for the wager to be a success.
Parlay bets
Parlay bets are an easy way to make cash while betting on a budget. They offer more chances for earning, with a better payout when compared to a single bet. But you will need to know how to pick the best parlay wagers.
A parlay can be a good option for you if you have several clubs to bet on, nonetheless aren’t sure what to do. As an example, you may want to wager on the Dallas Cowboys plus the Los Angeles Rams in a game on Weekend Night Soccer. That’s a two-team parlay, but if you want to include other games, it is advisable to switch to a new three-team parlay.
Same-game parlays are also well-liked. Unlike other forms of parlays, they allow you to adjust the spreads. Yet , they also have a few drawbacks. First, typically the payout regarding same-game parlays can be decreased due to predictability. Also, you need to pick several winners to have a winning parlay.
The other bad thing is that you refuses to win the maximum amount of if you put in a leg in your parlay. Adding a gamble on the preferred is a great idea, but you avoid always obtain a great compensation.
Prop wagers
Prop wagers are a great way to make the most of your betting expertise. Many sportsbooks offer props, which offer additional value in order to fans. Although they are usually significantly less popular than any other types of gambling bets, they are a part of the playing landscape.
Brace bets usually are wagers on an individual person or occasion, rather than the results of a game. Typically, they are positioned before the start of sporting event. Some stage sets are genuine guesses, and some are based on data or tendencies. Whether if you’re a seasoned gambler or a newbie, learning how to benefit from the props can increase your odds of winning.
Props can be manufactured on variety of sport, plus the options are usually nearly countless. Traditionally, they have focused on participants and the final results of games, but they also can deal with some other aspects of a player’s job or a team’s performance. These kinds of bets can range from the amount of points a person scores to the length of their national anthem. www.pkcrealtors.com
un nuovo post è stato publicato su https://online-wine-shop.com/what-is-playing-3/
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