#democrat hypocrisy
homucifer-ryotan · 10 days
(TW: Mentions of CSA (child sexual abuse)
All of these bad "protect minors" internet bills (KOSA or as I like to call it "Kill Online Speech Act", Bill S-210, Bill SB976, the EU bill for Chat Control, etc) frustrate me like crazy, but the reason why KOSA annoys me the most, beside the fact it requires government ID upload worldwide to use the web, not just in North America, (something these American pro KOSA politicians like to forget) when people outside of the USA did not consent to it, but also because it is very hypocritical to push Kill Online Speech Act to law this year to "protect kids" when the USA has child marriages still legal in so many states!
Excuse me Marsha Blackburn, Richard Blumenthal, Chuck Schumer, and Rob Wittman, do you (especially Schumer and Blumenthal since these 2 has been pushing for KOSA the most) not realize how weird it looks to push for KOSA in America to "protect kids" when these "marriages" are still around? Getting a 16 year married to someone 4+ years older than them is way worse than most things on the internet. At least they can they can close or turn off their smartphone/computer. Getting out of a "marriage" like that would be super difficult.
Since an Committee mark up (not an actual vote yet) for KOSA is happening this Wednesday (September 18th) please, if you're an American, email or call them calmly (unlike me in this post doing a vent) to vote NO on KOSA and patiently explain why this bill should not happen. Tell them how bad it would look for America if KOSA becomes a thing to "protect kids" when the end of legal child marriages didn't happen and wasn't a priority before any internet bill. Please tell that other danger to kids offline that should be focused before KOSA or any other internet bill. (How can you protect anyone under 18 from the "dangerous internet" and then have them spend less time online when things outside the internet isn't safe either?)
Also if you are American parent, please, please call and tell them you are against KOSA, don't let the title of "Kids Online Safety Act" fool you. It won't do anything to help your kids.
If you aren't an American parent, but you know any, please tell them why KOSA is bad for kids and everyone else so they can also call against it.
Everything you need is below:
(Credit to @super-firepaw119 for contact information below. Also this post is important to see and this google doc has who need to call and what you can use to say)
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Thank you very much.
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historyforfuture · 2 months
The us president and government is responsible directly for the assassination of Ismael Haneya .
They gave the green light for the war criminal netanyahoo in congress .
Allahum as they make us so sad , Allahum give them a sadness from which they will not escape
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jangillman · 1 month
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hot-insurrectionist · 3 months
same energy
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wahoc1 · 6 months
Rules for THEE........but not for Democrats or their hired "friends".
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becoming-never-being · 2 months
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pharosproject · 1 year
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politijohn · 9 months
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