#dep posting
prideprejudce · 2 months
I am truly hoping that daeron is the spitting image of alicent. not only will it make complete sense for him to be shipped away from kings landing after his birth because his very appearance goes against otto's usurping propaganda that alicent's kids are "true targaryens" while rhaenyra's are "half breed strong boys" but alicent having to look in the face of the only normal child in the family surrounded by monsters for brothers and an already half gone sister and seeing his face of disgust and fright and it's her face. it's her face staring right back at her
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magnusbae · 3 months
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Anakin being so unhinged he's no longer connected to the doorframe + bonus:
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shadow0-1 · 1 year
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Don't ask me to live without you because I don't know how
🎨: @depyotee
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eruisapenguin · 1 month
Gonna sketch MCs away yep
Og PPD MC and Scarlet Child MC
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Drew talloran too cuz I love him but idk where or when to add him
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muxas-world · 7 months
Iknow we all always joke abaut marc being so ready to trow evything for vale the moment he looks at him but i really think it has to afect him that his idol ( in my head he use to have a crush on vale because those heart eyes are not normal ) hates him and maybe that's why he is so ready to forgive and forget the way vale coul never. Beacuse he loves valentino and gets him anyways vale you are going to hell girl i will make sure to se you there
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stabbyfoxandrew · 4 months
someone please tell me a remote job that an idiot can do that pays like $100 an hour.
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orangephoenix6 · 1 year
Even more Crystal Pines stuff:
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Y’know I think sometimes “mindful eating” gets conflated with diet-lite, “chew 20 times before swallowing” “I do not sully the temple of my body with gross matter” bullshit. But let me just say. As a fat person (“small fat”) that is not what it’s working out to with me. I’ve actually experienced a lot of food restriction in my life, not part of formal dieting, just due to a variety of life circumstances. As a result, especially when I’m tired (as I have been this week) I tend to eat until no longer uncomfortably hungry but not until full. My dietitian commented that I probably don’t know what full feels like and she’s right, I really don’t. As a result, I’m on this bus to work, semi-delirious from lack of sleep, because my poor body got frustrated and slammed down all of the FOOD, motherfucker buttons at the same time. At about 4:30 am.
I’ll take care of this. Today I’ll work extra hard on noticing if I’m full and eating when I’m not. I’m going to try and get some work stuff done and then come home and sleep so I can have the energy going forward to make myself actual meals.
But it’s an interesting thing to experience, as someone who’s losing weight right now not due to calorie restriction but due to finally getting treatment for diabetes. I’ve had more than one medical professional’s eyes get big when I say I’ve found a really good dietitian who’s helping me eat more and feel a lot better. I have a soft throat and a big belly. I’m supposed to be punishing the soft animal of my body for loving what it loves. And yet I’m not. And I don’t need to. I shouldn’t, in fact.
Anyway I’m too tired to have a real point. This is just a strange time to be existing in my body. And I do think that it can be hard to think about healthy stuff outside of the framework of weight loss, because the two get so relentlessly presented as synonymous. So I just want to say that they’re not. Acknowledging your body doesn’t have to work like that. Accepting your body doesn’t have to work like that. It’s ok.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to buy a second breakfast because I’m fucking starving.
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hec-chan · 4 months
As a humidifier, I wait til my girlfriend's tummy gets warm and press it til she queefs. To dehumidy, press twice
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thrushppelt · 1 year
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Lovingfox. Mother of dour and sour, mate of bitterfang
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jegulily-stuff · 1 year
The reason taking 12 OWLs is so rare (outside of it being mostly independent study that cant be timetabled), is that the posh kids who got tutoring from a young age and would ordinarily be pushed to value academic achievement over free time and enjoying their lives are almost all from families who wouldnt let them take Muggle Studies.
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shadow0-1 · 2 years
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The people you know can hurt you the most
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depvotee · 11 months
“I must not feed the algorithm. The algorithm is the mind-killer. The algorithm is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face the algorithm. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the algorithm has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
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girldraki · 11 months
i gatekeep on the side of JUSTICE. i gatekeep against djkaktus, against rubric guy, against i can’t think of a third wikiguy we find annoying. reddit users? anyway it doesn’t count because all my enemies are ontologically evil and there is no post made against them which is wrong. but yes (lowers my spectacles) on a technical level i suppose you could say i gatekeep
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stitch1830 · 2 years
Better late than never LOL.
New chapter of my Kantoph angst fic is up! Thanks for your patience if you've been reading this. Hope you enjoy :D
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toytulini · 1 year
real talk tho why is jack rackham not destroying jack sp@ rrow harder. he should be 90%+
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