#depending on the setting hes in either a pet cat on a human crew or the entertainer inba cat crew <3 he puts on little shows!!
seastawright · 6 months
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continuing my doodle redesigns with an old human oc of mine's cat design!! im actually kind of. soft-resetting him in a cat-based canon because i miss him a Lot and his human canon is messy... oh Tilo my lovely Tilo you're home again
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god-usopps-preacher · 5 months
Thank you for the honesty of the 5% on the cat pole, you've been spared with a read more 🙏🏼
Now for the other 95%, here's my AU on One Piece where half the characters are cats.
My favourite hobby over the last 2 years has been making AU's for stories I like where the characters are cats either in a Modern world cat cafe or their own world, and with my One Piece phase coming back into full swing let me tell you I am having a blast making this cat version of One Piece.
And an additional rule for this AU, if something here doesn't seem logical for cats to do just don't think about it too much. It's like how Zoro can be human but lift 10x his weight, just don't think about it and have fun.
Here are the main story points and history so far:
- The Strawcat Pirates are a group of cats that live and travel on a pirate ship belonging to Captain Merry. In this AU, Merry is a human and the Captain of a pirate crew, and each of her crewmates is a personified version of a different part of the og ship.
- Cats in this world were worshipped immensely and even seen as Gods in old times in this world (like real life tbh), and at some point around the time of the WG coming into power these beliefs died down.
- Gol D.Roger is a big cat, who was the 'pet' of the most wealthy, famed and powerful pirate crew of the time. To set an example and to lure out the crew members by using him as bait, they set up a public execution for him (unknown to them, this big cat was actually the captain of that crew).
- Haki in this world also sometimes has the ability to allow cats to communicate with humans in various ways. Mostly in a telepathic sense. Gol D. Roger had this ability, and in his final speech he used it to make sure the people could hear his last words alongside the cats. Believing a devil fruit was being used, the marines were ordered to go forth with the execution instead of keeping the animal as bait, since keeping him alive was becoming dangerous.
- The cats that gathered by the execution stand where the first to race away en masse, understanding Rogers final words immediately. The people didn't move at first, unsure where what they heard came from and if they really heard it. After the first few people started dashing to the ships upon realisation and not risking losing this chance to being skeptical, the rest of the crowd followed and the golden age of piracy began.
- Because of the incident at Logue Town, and based on some old history in this world, a lot of pirates believe that cats are the key to finding where the One Piece is buried. So, a lot of pirates searching for the great treasure will have a few determined cats on board in order to aid their search. Some pirates believe any cat will do, but the pirates that do the best know it takes a determined cat with a great passion for Adventure.
- While a lot of pirates are sailing in search of the One Piece, it's mostly cats that make up the most determined of the searchers. So finding a few cats for your ship isn't as hard, but it can be tricky to convince them to join since its the cat that chooses the ship/crew that it wants to aid them in their own journey.
- The Pirate cats and Pirate people are co-dependant on eachother. The cats wanting to sail as pirates to find the One Piece/accomplish their dreams but being unable to do a lot of ship maintenance and sailing because of their cat bodies, the people wanting to find the One Piece/explore the grandline but needing the luck and mysterious qualities that Cats uniquely have in this world to aid them on their journey.
So that's the history. Not every character in this AU will be a cat either. Most main characters will be cats and all of the strawhats will be cats, but I'm mainly deciding the species based on:
1) What I think would fit with the new changes for this version of One Piece
2) What I find funny
I'm gonna make a post each on the arcs and how they go in the catverse, so far the next post is gonna be on the Romance Dawn trio so it'll be about them from the start up until just before Syrup village. Let's see how many arcs I can get through.
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redux-iterum · 3 years
History of the Clans
There are two versions of the story of how all things began. The one the Clans know deals in monsters and magic, and a rose-tinted idea of the importance of warriors and the feline people in general. The one told here is from the collective knowledge of scholars, and is much closer to the truth.
Once upon a time, there was a seemingly never-ending forest, and it was home to thousands of animals - badgers, foxes, stoats, owls, and best of all, an uncountable amount of prey to feed those animals. No one hungered or wanted for land to call their own. The forest brought in curious visitors every day, who had heard tales of this land of plenty and had come to see if the stories were true. 
Among them were the cats, a very foreign creature that the others had not seen before. Cats are remarkable at taking over an area and exploding in numbers before anyone has a chance to blink, and these ones did not disappoint in that aspect. They quickly took up the remaining available space and settled in to hunt and sleep to their heart’s content. 
But they did not come from nowhere, as the rest of the predators had assumed. They had been brought in by humans, who were even more alien than the cats, and who were on their way after their escapee pets. With humans came a drastic upheaval - the forest was cut down to a quarter of its original size just as fast as the cats had made themselves comfortable; the once wooded slope to the west had a structure built near it and the ground was torn up for planting strange grass; the east was taken over by glass and brick from the humans; and finally, a straight, wide path, stinking of something foreign and dangerous, cut the area apart, splitting the high stones in the west and the growing wetlands in the north from the hills and what remained of the forest. 
This unprecedented shrinking of territory left many animals without a home, or in defense of the little they had left. Friend turned on friend, family forgotten. Quickly, a free-for-all broke out, leading to many predators dead or severely injured and fleeing for their life from the forest. The cats proved themselves adaptable to any situation - the entire community banded together and, as a team, drove out the rest of the predators, sending them in every direction but the east and properly taking the forest for themselves.
The victory was short-lived as a new problem presented itself: everyone had lingered as long as there was food to eat before escaping. Mice, squirrels, birds, rabbits - there were barely any of them left. It wasn’t helped by the cats having a tendency to overhunt when there was nothing else to do. The unity once present dissolved as territories began to overlap and cats attacked each other for pathetic morsels that could be swallowed whole. The few kittypets living with humans had even their terrible food stolen, with some cats deserting the forest to wander the developing streets, hoping for charity. The prey population continued to shrink and some turned to even more desperate, much darker sources of food. 
Things got even worse when a crew of pilgrims arrived, late to the party and unaware of how bad the forest had gotten. Natives immediately bullied them away from their scant reserves. With nowhere else to go, the pilgrims huddled on the other side of the river on the edge of the forest and prayed for help. 
Then she arrived.
To this day, no one knows where the old molly known only as the Crone came from. She seemed to appear from the mist to inspect the forest, sniff disdainfully, and call together a sizeable cluster of cats before leading them away to the hills, where some of the human grass had gotten loose and taken over the moor. 
The decrease in population helped reserve the dwindling resources a bit, and cats temporarily forgot their battles to watch curiously as the new colony in the west found a place to settle at the top of the hills and thrive on the influx of prey that came from the farmland, which had receded its grip on the moor and left it free to hunt on. Several cats discussed leaving the forest to request sanctuary with this colony. Others turned their eyes across the human’s path (that was slowly turning into stinking black stone), where the wetlands were settling into a proper marsh. The pilgrims’ scant territory was growing grass, bringing in some animals to hunt.
Before any action could be taken on its own, the Crone reappeared in the forest and called together the residents. She announced that her test run of creating a colony had gone successfully, and now she was ready to help the rest of the scattered cats create their own groups, organize a hunting system, and allow their land to restore itself to something one could comfortably live in. This, she said, would ensure an era of peace for everyone, and if any were interested, they could come with her to be trained as leaders to complete her mission.
Four cats volunteered: Brawn, a huge, powerful tom that had fought and won many battles in exchange for prey; Ripple, a stray from far off that had fallen in with the pilgrims; Dewdrop, a former kittypet who had been cast out from her home and was desperate for security; and Clear Sky, a pilgrim that was ambitious and eager to join the project. The Crone took all four of them and left for the hills again without another word, except an order to limit the hunting in the forest. This was obeyed, since there wasn’t enough prey to hunt normally anyway.
Before too long, the four cats returned and began to gather cats. Brawn called for those that he considered allies of himself or his friends, which were mostly those he had fought together with before, giving him the strongest fighters, and claimed the forest for his colony. Ripple had his pilgrims already, and they stayed south, on the far side of the river. Those that had been cast away or were weak or distrusted were taken in by Dewdrop, who brought them to the marshes so that they were far enough away to not cause problems with the other colonies. The rest who did not fit in anywhere else or were loners looking to have a proper home again followed Clear Sky to the outlier part of the land, touching only the corner of the forest and river territories. The Crone brought in no one else except one stray pilgrim called Grey Wing as her new second-in-command, a position she called “deputy”. The other leaders followed suit by appointing deputies for their own, carefully chosen to contrast their superiors and speak as the voice of the rest of the colonies. 
With this, the leaders exercised what the Crone had taught them: in an unheard of move, hunting was organized and scheduled, with acceptable hunting areas changed day-to-day and prey of the day altering depending on what had the most numbers at the time. Borders were laid out so that no one accidentally took from another colony and reduced their number of prey. The most amazing of these decisions came from the pilgrims, who Ripple taught to hunt in the water - because no one had dared to jump in the deeper parts or even really fish at all, there was plenty of prey for the pilgrims, leading to no source of conflict with anyone else. The other colonies slowly began to prosper over time as less cats shared more prey with their communities. The exception was Clear Sky’s colony, which he proved to be a poor leader of and was eventually driven out before the colony disbanded and either joined up with the others or left for other areas. 
With the unusual, regimented structure, there came a very faint sense of ranks within the colonies: the leader, the deputy, and queens, with the average member not belonging to any of these and being unnamed in their position. Queens were given special treatment and their own dens to have their children, and they had prey delivered to them while they raised the next generation. 
As time went on and the colonies grew strong, healthy and well-fed, their members’ confidence were boosted. Old grudges resurfaced and the borders that were put in place to help hunting became places to defend or skirmish to settle arguments. Fights broke out, even with the leaders attempting to resolve disputes peacefully. Worse, these fights escalated as more cats joined their new friends to defend their pride or help with revenge. Things got worse and more vicious, until several very young cats got caught in a large battle they had nothing to do with and were killed.
This was the breaking point. Queens across the territories campaigned for a law to be set in place for the protection of their kits, while the more peaceful members encouraged rules of their own to prevent these unnecessary fights. The leaders got together and devised a burgeoning code that every cat was expected to follow if they wanted to stay in their home. 
The first of these was making a new rank for cats that were too young to be acceptably attacked, with a suffix to their name, -kit, which was taken away once they were older. These cats were under six months old, and were absolutely forbidden to be hurt or killed. Those that aged out of it were still in danger, until Brawn’s deputy, Ember, started teaching them to hunt and fight to protect themselves. The rest of the colonies, now under the name of “Clans”, immediately borrowed this idea. Soon after came the next rank of apprentice, and the suffix of -kit was changed to -paw. 
At the time, suffixes were reserved for the young, but the leader of the river Clan, now called River Ripple to give respect to his territory, took his group’s original two-part naming system and awarded apprentices for making it to adulthood with their own individual suffixes. This, too, very quickly became popular with everyone else. 
More changes were made over time - elder as a rank being added, religion and seers blossoming into things of great value, more additions to the code, the Clans being properly named, and so on - but these came to be more gradually. For now, at least, the wild and fast alteration of the forest from a place of chaos and disorder to a variety of territories with law-abiding Clans had been completed. From there, things have only gotten better.
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dr-gloom · 5 years
The Makings of Greatness: Chapter 4
Fandom: Sanders’ Sides
Pairing: platonic logince, platonic moxiety, platonic anxeit, familial ThVi
Tags/Warnings (for this chapter): crazy architecture, lots of aliens, slight conflict, seafaring lingo
Prologue  Ch 1  Ch 2  Ch 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6  Ch 7  Ch 8  Ch 9  Ch 10  Ch 11  Ch 12  Ch 13  Ch 14  Ch 15  Ch 16  Ch 17
If Virgil thought his home at the Inn provided him a window to the galaxy, the space port was like blowing a giant hole in the wall. It was massive, nearly impossible to navigate. The entire thing existed as a hodge-podge of white buildings and layers of docks, lifts, catwalks and pathways all in the shape of a crescent just on the edge of Montressor’s orbit. From the planet’s surface, it looked like a moon permanently stuck in the crescent phase. The entire port glowed, giving off a faint light - just like a real moon - and ships of all sizes sailed to and fro overhead, either docking or taking off. Aliens from all corners of the galaxy milled through its pathways, the strangest of them all being Virgil, the only human in sight.
Virgil looked around in complete wonder as he got off the transport ship. Fellow passengers passed him by, giving him dirty looks. A heavy-set anthropomorphic frog woman with a small head and a strange furry pet in her arms, a man who almost looked human - if it weren’t for the anteater snout on his face or the leathery, bald skin covering his entire body -  a man wielding some sort of stringed instrument over his shoulder with tendrils for hair, grey flesh, and the nose of an elephant seal all passed him by as they exited the ship. He wasn’t focused on them, though. He was looking at the space port. It was like a sci-fi M.C. Escher artwork; Virgil’s eyes were dazed trying to decipher where one catwalk met another, where that pulley system was anchored, how those people below him reached the top pathways. If he looked closely, he could see the gaps between the structures, and the brief thought of falling into empty space unnoticed brought him back to attention.
He didn’t want to have to explain to his dad that the entire trip got cancelled because Logan wasted his money recovering Virgil from his float through deep space.
“Virgil? Virgil!” Logan called behind him, finally making his way off the ship. While Virgil had elected to bring nothing - what could he bring? His entire home burned down - Logan had brought several bags of varying sizes containing…. God knows what. He’d said, ‘you never know what you might need when traversing uncharted territory into the realm of piracy’. Whatever that meant.
Virgil turned just as Logan got off the ship and had to laugh. Logan was wearing possibly the weirdest get-up he had ever seen in his life, and that’s saying something. He was wearing some sort of space suit; an imposing, bulbous thing in mustard yellow that clanked and shifted with every step, a few buttons resting below the rim of the helmet and a large red… thing on the stomach. Logan pressed a button that released the lock on the glass faceplate, giving Virgil a forced kind smile. “Well, if nothing else, this shall be an… opportunity to get to know each other, I suppose.”
Virgil rolls his eyes. “Look, let’s just find the ship. This place is a fucking maze.” He starts walking, Logan trailing after him silently. Virgil shrugs it off. He’s only being nice to me because of my dad… And because I have the map. He huffs and starts walking faster.
“Second berth on your right.” The robot calls down from the ladder he’s climbing.
“You can’t miss it.” comments the stout, red alien steadying the ladder.
Virgil gives a grateful smile. “Thanks.” He turns to descend the staircase, leaving Logan to catch up. Logan huffs and hurries down the stairs, hesitant to lose Virgil in the crowds.
“It’s the suit, isn’t it?” Virgil doesn’t answer. “I should’ve never listened to that two-headed sailsman. This one said it fit, that one said it was my color… I just get so flustered in those situations, I suppose. I’ve never been good with handling people.” Virgil stops, and Logan nearly runs into him. He stops just short of the teen and looks up. “Ah, yes, here we are. The I.M.G. Nation.”
It was a nice-looking ship, with a smooth cream-colored body and amber trimmings. Large solar sails rose high above them, held aloft by amber-and-gold-plated masts. Virgil climbed the catwalk up to the ship, grinning. “Whoa…”
Pulley systems delivered crates onto the deck, directed by crew and pulled into place before being released from their ropes. All around crew bustled about, maintaining the deck, managing supplies, and following directions to prepare to embark. Virgil stopped short as a crew member bustled by, taking extra precautions to make sure he wasn’t in anyone’s way.
“Stow those casks forward! Heave together, now!” A man called from the base of the main mast. His lean and fit form was made of stone, but not in the sense that his body was a collection of stones pressed together; it was as if his entire body was one large stone with chiseled edges, somehow granted the ability to move and flex and bend. He wore a couple medals pinned to the breast of his blue coat and a tricorn hat atop his head, completed with cream-colored pants and black boots.
Virgil turned in a circle, watching crew members move about the masts and use the ropes. “This is so cool…” He took a couple steps backwards, bumping right into someone. Virgil flinched, spinning around to apologize only to be met with what appeared to be a very angry… blob? Slug?
The blob alien had many… tentacles? Snouts? Along its pale body, holes cut into its vest to allow for them to rest freely. A few more protruded from its face where a mouth and nose would be. “S-sorry, I didn’t-” The alien let out what Virgil could only think of as farting noises from its…. okay, guess those are snouts? And raised its fists as if declaring a fight. Virgil took a step back, eyes widening. Not even on board for five minutes and he’s already gotten in trouble.
Logan walks up behind him. “Excuse me, ah…” Logan blew a few raspberries, filled his mouth with air and pushed his cheeks in to release it, and made a few armpit-fart sounds. The alien stared at him for a moment before letting out the farty equivalent of a laugh and flapping its hand in the universal “oh stop, you!” gesture, slithering away.
Virgil blinked. What just happened?
“I’m fluent in Flatula, Virgil. It is an incredibly complex language that takes years to master. I studied it in high school.” Logan informed the human with a smug grin before continuing to cross the deck.
“Flatula, huh?... Cool.” He grinned and followed after the astrophysicist.
Logan walked up to the stone man, extending his hand. “Good morning, captain. Is everything in order?”
The stone man took his hand with a soft smile. “Indeed, it is! But I’m not the captain. The captain’s aloft.” He gestures up to the masts, Virgil and Logan looking up.
A cat-like man swings from a rope effortlessly, landing along a supporting beam and running across it before grabbing another rope and using the momentum of the swing to jump to the deck, landing on his feet with an elated cry.
He was lithe, of average height, but everything about him was pure muscle and power. His jaw was angular, almost small, and he had a broad nose that ended with a pink, leathery tip and nostrils, much like a real cat. His ears were wide and pointed, set higher on his head than a human’s, his chestnut hair styled perfectly side-swept and voluminous, and he wore a red-and-gold jacket, cream colored pants, and white gloves. He crossed his arms, grinning at the newcomers before making his way over, speaking in a regal tone.
“Mr. Picani! I have checked this ship from stem to stern and-” His tone softens, “it’s spot-on, as usual. Can you get nothing wrong?” He grins at the stone man, his first mate.
Picani tips his hat. “You flatter me, captain!”
The captain moves on to Logan and Virgil, pausing as he takes in Logan’s suit. “Ah… Doctor Abbott, I presume?” He speaks louder, slower, as if he expects Logan to be of a lower intellect. “Excuse y-” The captain knocks on the glass plate, grinning. “Hello~! Can you hear me?” Logan scoffs and pushes the glass plate up from where it had fallen during his walk to the ship. “Yes, I can! Stop that; it’s highly fatuous.” The captain puts a hand to his chin, grinning as he watches Logan struggle to get the helmet off and fail.
“If I may, this suit works better when it’s turned to the right,” he grabs the red thing on the suit’s stomach, turning it to the right. A plug pops out, “and plugged in.” He grabs the plug and forcefully turns Logan around, plugging it into the bag attached to the suit’s back. “There you go! You’re welcome.”
The helmet comes off with a pop and Logan turns to glare at the captain. “I can manage my own equipment; your assistance was not necessary.” The captain takes his hand and shakes it, looking around almost as if he were bored, if it weren’t for the self-satisfied smirk on his lips.
“I’m captain Roman Amamoto, I’ve had a few run-ins with the Protean armada, but ah! I won’t bore you with my scars.” He winks and Logan huffs in annoyance. Roman moves to Mr. Picani, nudging him with his elbow. “You’ve met my first mate, Mr. Picani. Sterling, tough, dependable, honest, brave, and true.”
Mr. Picani laughs lightly. “Please, captain!”
“Oh shut it, Picani, you know I don’t mean a word of it.” From the grins the two share, that must be some inside joke of theirs. Logan clears his throat.
“While I’d hate to interrupt this… lovely banter, may I introduce Virgil Shae?” He wraps an arm around Virgil, drawing him closer to the adults and pulling his attention away from the hustle and bustle of the ship. “Virgil is the one who found the tre-”
Roman clamps a clawed hand over Logan’s mouth. “Doctor, please.” Two nearby crewman who were evidently listening in go back to working. Roman sighs. “I’d like a word.”
The door of the stateroom shuts, and Roman turns the lock, turning to regard the two men standing before his desk. “Doctor… to run your mouth about a treasure map in front of this crew shows a level of simple-mindedness that borders on the imbecilic. And I mean that in a very caring way.” He grins almost mockingly. Virgil has to stifle a laugh. Who knew someone would actually school Logan in something? Who knew there was someone out there who could make Logan look like an idiot?
“Imbecilic? That’s foolish, I’ve-”
“May I see the map, please?”
Logan looks at Virgil. Virgil shrugs helplessly. Logan sighs and gestures to Roman. Virgil grimaces slightly, taking the orb out of his pants pocket and tossing it to Roman. “Here.” Roman catches it effortlessly, turning it over in his claws to inspect it with interest. He grins. “Fascinating.” He levels a serious look at Virgil as he turns to lock the orb in a small chest, hidden in his armoire. “Mr. Shae, in the future you’ll either address me as Captain or Sir, is that clear?”
Virgil scoffs and rolls his eyes. Roman’s ears perk up. “Mr. Shae.”
Virgil ducks his head, glaring. “Yes, sir.”
“Good.” Roman locks the armoire and turns back to the others. “This is going to remain under lock and key unless in use. And, doctor, again.” He leans into Logan’s space, getting in his face. “With the greatest possible respect; zip your howling screamer.” Logan scoffs indignantly.
“Captain, I assure you, I-”
Roman sits at his desk, fiddling with a drafting compass. “Let me make this as simple as possible. I. Don’t much care. For this crew. You hired.” He points the compass at Logan accusingly and Logan crosses his arms, eyebrow raised. “They’re… How did I phrase it, Picani? I said something rather creative before coffee this morning…”
Emile’s eyes drift towards the ceiling as if the memory will surface on the wood. “‘A ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots’, sir.”
Virgil raises an eyebrow. Wow, what?
Roman grins. “There you go! Poetry.”
Logan purses his lips, gripping the table. “Now, see here-!”
Roman stands over Logan, smirking. “Doctor, I’d love to chat - tea, cake, the whole nine - but I’ve got a ship to launch, and you’ve,” He flicks Logan’s suit with a claw, “got an outfit to buff up.” He straightens back up and crosses his arms behind his back, all business once again. “Mr. Picani, please escort these two neophytes to the galley. Mr. Shae will be working for the cook, Mr. Moran.”
Virgil looks up from where he’d been messing with some swinging wall decoration, his hand dropping to his side. “Wait, what? The cook?”
Taglist: @the5thcoy @dailysandersidesaudoodles @hungry-red-panda @neonb-fly @chemically-imbalanced-romance @punsterterry @dead4sevenyears @metaphoricalpluto2 @tanyatoloni1334
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ekoic14 · 6 years
Some DBH Headcanons!
please don’t get mad if they conflict your headcanons :) (ALSO ITS LONG AND INCOMPLETE SORRY)
Post Pacifist ending:
- he continues working as a detective with Hank but instead they work closely with Anti-Android crimes like acts of discrimination or attacks, but they usually get a mix of cases
- he lives with Hank but maybe later in his life he moves into an apartment
- the apartment would mainly house his many pets e.g. the giant aquarium and several dogs
- he struggles to achieve a style of clothing he enjoys and opts to remain in the same suit for several months until Hank convinces him to investigate different styles. surprisingly, his style is very relaxed 
- consisting of button up shirts with pretty patterns and flannels shirt, sometimes hoodies/khaki jackets
- he owns a lot of blue stuff
- i think that’s his favorite colour
- he also struggles to find a music style, something he was confident on doing since listening to Hank's music
- after countless days of listening and researching i think he'd settle on the fact that his music taste is very diverse, however his playlists consist majorly of lofi hip hop and other genres (some unidentifiable)
- him and Hank have heavy metal and jazz chill sessions
- his spare time consists of learning to cook and rollerskating!
- he's great at both, mainly rollerskating
- Hank just convinces him his cooking is good
- then admits its bad and helps him learn to cook better
- its a bonding moment
- i'd like to think him and Gavin become friends but idk
- he gets into contact with Traci's he thank him constantly for sparing them
- they actually become good friends
- also the Traci's are called Blu and Nat after another Headcanon  i saw (forgot the op sorry)
Kara, Luther + Alice:
- they start a family in Canada!
- maybe Alice goes to school
- Luther and Kara start an at home daycare bc they really enjoy working around and with kids
- the daycare accepts android and human kids, many people appreciate the diversity
- its also very popular
- Alice makes many friends and she is much more happier
- Kara + Luther easily integrate into society and enjoy the freedom very happily together
- maybe they get married (if you ship them of course)
- they definitely have a (android?) cat
- the daycare kids love it
- i want Luther's hobbies to be something delicate to juxtapose his models purpose, like pottery or something glass related
- Kara's hobbies is mainly anything Alices does like drawing or playing games
- however Kara is a large fan of literature and has read too many books
- maybe she tries writing some!
Markus + Co. (aka the Jericho crew):
- despite the members of Jericho persisting that Markus ensues in a political career, he opts to become a painter
- a famous painter btw
- that doesn't stop him from having an opinion and voice in the growth of android rights/equality though
- he repairs his relationship with Leo (somehow)
-he moves into Carls house w/ some close friends 
- obviously that North, Simon and Josh
- he does a lot of self discovery stuff
- he falls in love with Simon??? or stays with North (i like both ships soo)
- i guess that depends on what happened in your ideal play-through
- North becomes a dancer 
- she still badass tho
- idk what Simon or Josh would do so please suggest something
- maybe Simon works at a cafe?? i like that idea
- Markus spends a lot of time at the park (the one near the paint shop)
- no one really knows why but it must be significant to him
- he takes a liking to musical instruments and owns a piano and many string instruments e.g. acoustic guitar or violin
- all the androids become besties!
- Kara and Markus are cooking GODS and work to enhance Connor's cooking abilities
- they surprise Hank with a fantastic dinner
- connor sometimes hangs out with the Jericho crew but really feels like he doesn’t belong
- they quickly work to convince him he belongs and are very nice to him
- kara, luther + alice are in contact with connor + markus and occasionally visit
- bc the games is set in November
- i'd like to believe they were all close friends in December
- which means they all had  a giant Christmas party at Hanks house
- dancing and drinking
- Hanks the only drunk one
- Connor is really awkward
- Kara, Luther and Alice arrive as a surprise
- so they stop drinking bc Alice
- they play games and everyone ends up asleep either holding or somewhere near Sumo
Androids in general:
- slowly and successfully laws are granted given them certain rights
- freedom from owners
-actions against discrimination
-right to own property
-certain jobs that were previously unavaible become available
-no segregation
-allowing human/android relationships
- i believe only specific models were given genitals (such as sex robots and models like Kara), models without are given options to have genitals or not and models who were built with genitals have to option to remove them
- androids can choose any genitals regardless of appearance
-there is suddenly a large influx of trans, nonbinary etc. androids
-right to adoption or to have kids 
- 'having kids' is basically receiving a baby android from Cyberlife with the properties of both parents which will grow to a specific age matching other Androids
-Cyberlife now only produce the child androids and pets/zoo animals
-they also continue to supply spare parts and thirium bc thats needed
Sexualities: (im gay and this is tumblr so yeah this has to happen)
- Connor = Asexual + Panromantic
- Markus = Bisexual + Biromantic
- North = Pansexual + Panromantic
- Simon = Homosexual + Homoromantic
- Luther = Pansexual + Panromantic
- Kara = Asexual + Heteroromantic/Biromantic (idk yet)
- Hank = Hetero supportive dad obv
- Josh = i really dont know gimme suggestions
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TAGGED BY: @st-riley-the-brave
TAGGING: @dxntcallmepatches (and any of Laces’ other muses she wants to get in on the fun), @lydialimpetslibrary, @manfromtheepa, @heartoftheteam, @physicsandfungi, @corvidamned, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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Originally posted by moubrave
1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME?  “Well, I sign all of my autographs Peter Vincent, don’t I?”
2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME? “…If you must twist my arm… Herbert McHoolihee.  And you can understand how unmarketable such a name is, I’m sure.
3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT?  “Oh, gracious, I have no idea—ask the first Scottish lunkhead who thought Mc in front of every surname sounded attractive. As for Herbert, it was my grandfather’s name.  Now as for Peter Vincent, that is a name one can more vividly imagine stalking the London fog in search of creatures of the night, isn’t it?”
4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN?  "Happily, I can say that I am taken—one Neena Thurman owns my heart now, I’m proud to tell you.”
5. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES?  "My dear, there’s a reason I am called the Great Vampire Killer—it’s not just a character title.  I’m also a dab hand at storytelling, I feel safe to say.”
6. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES?  “My eyes are brown.”
7. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR?  “I had to—my hair was once brown, but I went prematurely grey around the time of Vampire From the Sea, so I took the leap of dying the rest of it.”
8. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS?  "I have a brother, Matthew—we hardly ever speak to each other with him working in America now… and that’s all you need know about that.  As for adopted family… I’m not sure how exactly it happened, but I have acquired a small army of adopted children.  Not that I’m complaining, mind you.”
9. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?  “One rather eccentric calico cat named Nurkel—he’s a skittish thing, but he seems to like Bo and Luna perfectly fine.
10. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE.  “If you ever run into one Mel Smith, tell him he’s a creatively bankrupt blackguard who wouldn’t know good cinema if it danced naked in front of him.”
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME?  "Films and books are my usual hobbies, and I’m prone to going on walks just to clear my head. It depends on how busy a day I’m having.”
12. HAVE YOU EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE?  “… Once.  And I hope never to be brought to that point again.”
13. HAVE YOU EVER… KILLED ANYONE?  “…See my last response, please.  It was an accident…”
14. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? “Animal?  Now see here, I am as human as anyone, thank you very much!”
15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS.  “I smoke, sad to say—not nearly as much as I used to, and I’ve been meaning to quit for years, but stress does things to a man. I’m also… rather prone to get a bit too intimate with a bottle of sherry from time to time, for much the same reasons. And my sleep schedule is abysmal, I readily admit to that.”
16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE?  “Oh, goodness, we’d be here all day if I were to list them all... Claude Rains and Basil Rathbone were my heroes, and I did so adore Bela Lugosi’s body of work.”
17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL?  “I’m… not sure what you’d call it.  It doesn’t quite fit into any of the subcategories I was familiar with before.  Dahlia tells me grey-asexual is the word—it means I only very seldom feel that way if at all. I suppose I might have been hardline asexual in another life, given my tendencies, but, well… Neena’s given me quite the wakeup call in that regard.”
18. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL?  “I was formally educated in Carlisle, yes.  Only spent two years in college, though—universities are such stifling places, especially in the United Kingdom.”
19. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY?  “Marry… maybe.  Definitely maybe.  But I have enough children as it is, I think, even if they aren’t mine by blood.”
20. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS?  “I should say so!  A veritable army of them banging down my door… or at least, I used to…”
21. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF?  “Being forced to kill.  I’ve already addressed that, I think…”
22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR?  “Either some variation on the old costume or just a smoking jacket or sweater with a pair of slacks.  Nothing too shabby, I should think.”
23. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE?  “I do, indeed.”
24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU?   “Class as in what?  As in economic class?  Oh, I would say… middle-class, something like that.”
25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE?  “Oh, a fair few, I think.”
26. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE?  “Well, I don’t often get the chance to eat it, but you have not lived until you’ve had gooseberry pie.  Simply delectable.”
27. FAVORITE DRINK?  “English breakfast tea.”
[No. 28 seems to have disappeared…]
29. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE?  “I do love the set of Fright Night, biases aside. It’s especially wonderful just before or after the crew arrive and the lights are just at their halfway point, and the dry ice fog is starting to roll in and out… the atmosphere is to die for.”
30. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE?  “Oh, most definitely.”
31. WHAT’S YOUR DICK SIZE?  “…I should hardly think that’s any of your business, is it?  For pity’s sake, I’m not that sort of actor!”
32. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN?  “Given the choice, most likely a lake.”
33. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’?  “Oh, goodness, I have no idea… women with deeper voices than mine, I would say.  And I’m only half joking—Neena does have the most beautiful voice.  And I did used to have a bit of a crush on Ingrid Pitt when I was younger, though hers wasn’t quite as deep.”
34. ANY FETISHES?  “Oh, good grief… again, that’s hardly your business at all!”
35. TOP OR BOTTOM? DOMINANT OR SUBMISSIVE?  “Are you still—refer back to 31 and 34, if you please!”
36. CAMPING, OR INDOORS?  “Indoors, by far.”
37. ARE YOU WAITING FOR THIS INTERVIEW TO BE OVER?  “Given the rather personal turn it’s taken, yes, I am, rather…”
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gsasustainability · 3 years
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Death beyond anthropocentrism. From science-fiction to reality 
Katerina Sidorova. MLitt Fine Art
Generations over generations, Western Europeans have been raised on sciencefiction with subject matters ranging from time and space travel, immortality, utopian state organization to apocalyptic scenarios, bio-futuristic fantasies and specie hierarchy alteration. What if some of these scenarios did come true already and how did it affect our views on death. In this article I will look into several examples from science-fiction literature, cinema and comics in attempt to define the status of mortality in modern Western societies.
Let me begin with a different take on interspecies relationship, a topic, broadly disputed in this dissertation. The alternative view on the possible interactions between humans and the rest of the animal world has been a matter of speculation for many works of fiction amongst which one example stands out: “Planet of the Apes”, a film from 1968, based on 1963 novel by Pierre Boulle "La Planète des singes”, translated into English as “Planet of the Apes” or “Monkey Planet”.[3]
The novel takes place in the distant future (XXVI century A.D.), when interplanetary and interstellar flights became commonplace. A couple of “rich loafers” Jinn and Phyllis, traveling in space, find a bottle with a message from a certain Ulysses Meru with a formidable warning in the “Earth language”. Journalist Ulysses Meru talks about the expedition of the spacecraft to the Betelgeuse star under the leadership of Professor Antel.
Arriving at the intended point of travel, t he crew landed on the planet Sorora (lat. Sister), surprisingly similar to Earth. To their surprise they found humans there, only in a completely savage state - not knowing any language, no clothes, no dwellings, no tools. Instead the planet is run by the apes, possessing intellect and developed way beyond humans. The protagonist finds out that even before the advent of monkey civilization, there was a highly developed civilization of people. However, it fell into decay, while monkeys, imitating human habits and customs, developed more and more, until they took the place of their recent owners.
“Planet of the Apes” has a particular angle on interspecies relationship, especially on the ownership over one’s body. “Thinking” humans for the first time are exposed to how it may be like to exist on the other side of the human-animal relationship, where a single life is not considered as much as a mass of bodies and where economical matters dominate relationships of the ‘leader’ specie with the subject of their oppression. For the first time human species are not the masters of life and death like they are used to, yet their destiny is highly dependent on their not-so-far relative - a monkey.
Similar actions take place in a Russian sci-fi novel by Kir Bulichev - “The Pet”, 1993. Yet Bulichev takes the detailing of the interspecies relationships even further. The protagonist finds himself in situations comparable to the ones of pets (cats and dogs), industrially farmed animals, fight animals (dogs, roosters) and stray animals. Each of the 3 latter cases is directly linked to control over one’s death and the first one is a description of an acceptable involuntary body mutilation (castration) that leads again to impossibility to procreate and control over life in a long term. The attitude of the main character changes from the adoration of the master (normally prescribed to house pets) to slow realization of inequality which is the state of events in the fantasy world that Bulichev created. Becoming ’a stray’, rebelling against the master species (which for the record are giant frog-lizards), he slowly understands that the latter do not always operate in his best interests. Unfortunately, the novel was never finished and we are to never find out whether the new model of specie relationships was established.
In non-fiction, it is for Donna Haraway, author of The Companion Species Manifesto and The Cyborg Manifesto, to shine a light of changes in inter-specie relationship. Haraway talks about the history of domestication, but just as well she’s tackling the near future of species diversity, introducing not only the idea of technically enhanced cyborg femme, but a different kind of a companion specie. Science fiction and theory form a perfect symbiosis in her work and the texts, maybe starting as ‘futuristic’, become highly relatable and easily applied to contemporary reality.
Haraway specifically used the term “companion species” and not “companion animal” in order to expand the range of beings that can be seen as companions to humans. We now can not only talk about cats, dogs, parrots, fish and hamsters. We can freely imagine insects, bacteria and viruses as accompanying our life. Dangerous or not, it is the reality and in the light of recent virus outbreaks (SARS, MERS, Ebola and COV-19) Haraway’s statement stands stronger. Humans are surrounded by companion species, even though we don’t see or recognise them as such. The specie awareness is not only an ethical move of recognition but a safety measure, potentially crucial for our survival on Earth.
Another absolutely important moment in Haraway’s term ‘companion species’ is the inclusion of personal mobile devises into the category. Indeed, attention hungry, needed to be fed (charged), bringing joy and always by our side - mobile devices, and I am talking about smartphones predominantly (although we are surrounded by laptops, portable speakers, e-watches and tracking bracelets to name a few), do deserve a special place of a companion specie.
There’s only one distinct trait that makes them different from us - whilst the technical body of the mobile device won’t survive natural decay, it’s software system is virtually immortal. (Here a little outtake for those of the readers, who haven’t embraced technology at it’s fullest: by today, march 26 2020 it has become a norm to be able to copy all of the complete content of one’s mobile device, settings, etc. and successfully install it on the new one, the ‘digital soul’ of the preceder will live on).
Talk on genderless, adjusted cyborg has been going through feminist thought for decades now, as Julia E Dyck rightfully says: “Feminists have both celebrated and cautioned against the cybernetic or post-corporeal subject as much of feminism’s roots are coded in, on, and from ideas about the female body. Whether the body is seen as inherently woman, mother, goddess, with a deep connection to the earth and nature, or the raw material of culture and society with no pure or natural core as Elizibeth Grosz would see it, the body’s existence and relevance is too often implicit while theorizing about gender and sexuality. I would like to confront this idea by exploring a social subject for analyzing, the bodiless, or post-corporeal woman, the female operating system.” (Julia E Dyck “Cellphones and cyborgs”).
I, having embraced this discourse, would like to focus on the other aspect of it - and that is mortal beings slowly beginning to co-exist with the immortal (to an extend, since software is highly dependent on hardware and therefore access to electricity as of now) species.
Whilst we still cannot speak of artificial intelligence, we definitely can admit having stepped into the realm of hyper-real, with much of our communication and daily routines having moved online. And to exist online we need the help of our mobile devices. /I am writing these words on my laptop, in the proximity of my phone. It is a second week of world wide COVID-19 pandemic quarantine, this time marks the transition of many practices and professions to the digital, for now temporarily. This time is, however crucial to revealing how deep is our involvement with technology./
Hereby, based on stated above, we can propose three theses to expand on:
First, from the end of XX century on human, stops being the center of the world, as other species come on stage.
Second, amongst these new species we now can subtract non-natural, human made entities, for now not having a free will of their own, but playing a huge role in life already. These companions are mobile digital devices.
Third, being in contact with these devices brings humans closer to immortality and the question of digital afterlife comes closer to reality.
Here, online series “Black Mirror” would again be a great example - providing various meditations on involvement of humans with technology. For me much more interesting would be to turn to new services that have sprung since I was writing on Facebook digital cemeteries (undeleted pages left after users who have passed away).
First of all a whole field of death sensitive interfaces is now being researched and guidelines for software developers have been written. For this we are to thank Michael Massimi, a specialist in human-machine relationship, who together with his colleagues has worked on creating tanatosensitive software design. Their guidelines include grief upon loss not being a problem, but rather a given; communication does not always work as therapy; storytelling be a way of making emotions of the living public and prolongate the social life of the deceased; physical death is not a reason to stop communicating; digital traces can function as artefacts, memorabilia of the passed away person; digital space does not equal life and therefore cannot be fully adjusted to death either, it keeps existing beyond the end of physical life. [Оксана Мороз]
Whilst Massimi is talking about all online platforms in general, quite a few services, if not following Massimi’s guidelines, then at least operating on the territory that he describes, exist already. I will hereby list a few, discovered by Russian researchers Sergey Mohov: ‘resting here’ and ‘safe beyond’, mentioned in the works of Sergei Mohov and several, used as examples by Oksana Moroz: ‘the digital beyond, After note, If I die, Dead Social, eter9 and eterni.me. Of course, this list is not extensive and the readers are more than welcome to explore death and mourning related online services on their own. What is important is that not only that they are provided for use if needed, they are in demand. I will illustrate this with a few common internet searches provided in the attachments to this article. People are looking for death and dying related services online, and I dare to say that for younger generation, internet would indeed be the first place to turn to for answers.
But the searches often relate to the precise online legacy - the digital double that is left behind us once we pass.
A digital presence of a living person can thus be describes as a ‘body without organs’, a concept used by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze. It usually refers to the deeper reality underlying some well-formed whole constructed from fully functioning parts. At the same time, it may also describe a relationship to one's literal body. This idea is fitting perfectly for when we speak about our existence on the internet. The digital double, internet avatar is a perfect body without organs. What worries us here is the possibility of it’s autonomous existence past the death of a human it was once attributed to. A great example here would be ‘Solaris’, a novel by Stanislav Lem, then brilliantly translated into a film by Andrei Tarkovsky. The action takes place in the uncertain future. Solarism - a science that studies the distant planet Solaris - has come to a standstill. The psychologist, Dr. Chris Kelvin (flies to Solaris to make a decision on the spot. Once at the station, the skeptical Chris discovers that her crew is exhausted by inexplicable phenomena: “guests” come to people - the material embodiment of their most painful and shameful memories. It is impossible to get rid of the "guests" in any way - they return again and again.
While Kelvin is sleeping, the "guest" comes to him, it is the materialized image of his wife, Hari, who 10 years ago had laid hands on herself after a family quarrel. At first, Kelvin, like other solarians, tries to get rid of the "double", but in vain. Over time, Kelvin begins to treat the "guest" as a living person. Hari's “copy” is also gradually becoming aware of its essence. Instead of a programmed need, being inseparably located near Kelvin, a human ability to make independent decisions develops in it. Realizing that by her existence she inflicts suffering on Kelvin, she first tries to kill herself, then, finding it impossible, asks scientists to destroy her by any means.
In ‘Solaris’, we see both an example of alive humans interacting with the deceased, but also a step further, ‘doubles’ realising that they do not equal their physical prototype, therefore causing existential turbulence.
Whilst the rules of online behaviour and environment are being written and used through a variety of above mentioned services, what is particularly interesting is the state/status of a person in the digital sphere. As Massimi said, digital life does not equal reality.
Who we are in real life is not fully represented in the digital, moreover, we are often choosing certain traits of ourselves to be represented, whilst others remain private, some can also be altered. What happens, when we start interacting online is - we create a digital double for ourselves, something that can be referred to as ‘an avatar’. This avatar represents us on the digital platform where it was created - games, social media, or mail interfaces. Over the years of internets existence, a lot of services and platforms have merged and we can speak of a general ‘digital trace’ of one person - a combination of multiplicity of images, texts, audio, other interactions produced whilst one is on the internet. This multiplicity can be linked to a digital representation of one on the internet, for some (for example foreign colleagues from overseas office who one has only communicated with through the internet) may almost completely replace the physicality of that one person.
What interests me, amongst many researchers of the digital sphere, is how this digital double functions. More specifically for this research I would like to look at one of the qualities of the digital double, avatar, - it’s immortality. Unlike our physical body, digital representation of ourselves cannot die, since it was never alive. Still, when interacting with people via social media, we are convinced, that there is a real person, behind the screen somewhere, responding to us.
After one’s death, unless stated specifically, we keep interacting with their social media page, as if the person is still alive. In theory, this can last for an eternal amount of time. The digital double is immortal. And this is where the very subtle field which Massimi and Moroz are researching lies.
With the new services, collecting information about it, recreating it, making posts, as if we were alive, with social media pages being run on the behalf if the deceased, we not only create a place of memory and mourning, we are stepping into a completely unknown territory. For example, if two (a software application that runs automated tasks over the Internet, here specifically I am referring to chat bots - automated software mimicking conversations).made from the recordings of a mother and a son, who both have passed away, start a conversation, ethically where does this lead us? Is this conversation then real? What is the value of created content?
As of today, it is still early to speak of artificial intelligence, but we can surely state that the position of humans as the only species reflecting on death is shattered. Last topic that I would like to briefly touch upon is the ethics of cloning, creogenics and similar bio-scientific practices, that once belonged to the world of fantasy but now are slowly stepping into our reality, changing our relationship with death forever.
A fine example here would be a film by Spanish director by Alejandro Amenábar co-written by Mateo Gil ‘Open Your Eyes’ and, more famously, it’s American adaptation by Cameron Crowe - ‘Vanilla Sky’. In the twisted plot of the film, the main character realises that his body was frozen after his sudden death and preserved for the future scientists to bring back to life. In the meantime his consciousness and memories were loaded into a simulation program. Not being able to cope with the fact that his most recent memories were generated, the protagonist chooses to ‘wake up’ in futuristic reality. At this point cryogenics is a reasonably well researched field, it is used in many fields, but of course, it is cryoconservation, that interests me the most. Cryoconservation is an indispensable tool in the storage of genetic material of animal origin and will continue to be useful for the conservation of livestock into the future and is used to save semen, cells, pollen and other materials. Cryonics is a branch of cryogenics, focusing on conserving human body (or just the head in some cases) after clinical death and with the hope of resurrection in the future.
The first corpse to be frozen was that of Dr. James Bedford in 1967. As of 2014, about 250 dead bodies had been cryopreserved in the United States, and 1,500 people had made arrangements for cryopreservation of their corpses. As of today not one of the frozen bodies has been resurrected, although a case of … shows that some bodies have decayed due to poor preservation conditions.
With many ethical issues surrounding cryonics, another, even more extreme method of human remains preservation is arising. In 2018, a Y-Combinator startup called Nectome was recognized for developing a method of preserving brains with chemicals rather than by freezing. The method is fatal, performed as euthanasia under general anethesia, but the hope is that future technology would allow the brain to be physically scanned into a computer simulation, neuron by neuron.
What could life post such procedures be like still remains in the realm of science fiction, but these practices and discussions are slowly but steadily penetrating our daily lives, changing our takes on mortality forever.
“The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel”, - perhaps the most famous opening sentence in American science fiction is the first line of William Gibson’s Neuromancer (1984), contemplates a place where the dead might belong, up above us, in an electronic medium as Gibson’s protagonist Case has to collaborate with ghostlike programs, learning to “work with the dead” inside the “consensual hallucination” that is cyberspace. This profession, once considered fictional, is as close as it gets to the studies that Massimi, amongst others. is performing in our day and age. Modernity makes adjustments and new disciplines appear: we now live through and study of death in digital space; dispute over cryonics; artificial intelligence and the possibility of post mortal existence as a piece of software; our life is surrounded by nonliving companions, who’s loss we mourn scarily similar to their natural protagonists.
The move from science-fiction to reality has been steady and it accelerates year by year. Many great works of fiction have not only predicted, but determined the contemporary developments in medicine, thanatology or even the ways we mourn or think of our last will. Recent developments are showing us that there is not and cannot be one model of death. Moreover, it is now established that death is experienced not only by people. We are faced with the task of species diversification of attitudes towards death, as well as the formation of a broader view of the issue of mortality with more and more drastic changes to come. Which changes? I’d suggest looking through a few books of science fiction.
Literature 1. "A startup is pitching a mind-uploading service that is "100 percent fatal"". Technology Review. 13 March 2018. 2. B e s t , B . P. ( A p r i l 2 0 0 8 ) . " S c i e n t i f i c j u s t i f i c a t i o n o f c r y o n i c s practice" (PDF). Rejuvenation Research. 493–503. 3. Boulle, P. (2018). Planet of the Apes. Place of publication not identified: ISHI Press. 4. Bulichev, Kir - “The Pet 5. Burt, Stephen. (2014). Science Fiction and Life after Death. American Literary History. 26. 168-190. 10.1093/alh/ajt063. 6. Dyck, Julia “Cellphones and cyborgs” 7. Gibson, W. (2018). Neuromancer. New York: Ace Books. 8. Handley, Rich (2008). Timeline of the Planet of the Apes: The Definitive Chronology (1st ed.). New York: Hasslein Books. p. 279. 9. Haraway, D. Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s", Socialist Review, 80 (1985) 65–108 10.Haraway, D. The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness, Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press, 2003. ISBN 0-9717575-8-5 11. Haraway, D. When Species Meet, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2007. ISBN 0-8166-5045-4 12.Moen, O.M. (August 2015). "The case for cryonics". Journal of Medical Ethics. 493–503. doi:10.1136/medethics-2015-102715. 13.Moroz, Oksana “Смертельная чувствительность” Антология Русской Смерти №6
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ngfics · 4 years
Natural Instinct - overview
Posts . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 .
Jana Sable (SIOC) and the premise of her story.
Realizes pretty soon what kind of world she’s in (when she's three and Roger is Executed). Wants to stay far away from plot, pirates and marines. Jana knows too much about future events and is terrified of anybody finding out.
It doesn't matter to her if it’s pirates or marines, her new family and entire world may be in danger depending on who gets their hands on her memories.
Mostly she fears a mind reader - in the world of one piece that is a possibility so to prevent any such from discovering her origins she reads and learns a lot so that any mind reader would find justifications for things she knows in her head and not immediately connect it to her knowing the future and being from another world.
SIOC has only read up until the end of Dressrosa, has not read Luffy winning and so does not know of Pudding’s powers, but suspects such things exist.
Most of the time, due to her being of mental age she feels as if she can judge situations and people fairly easily. She is only right half the time.
She draws from what she knows of the world, which tells her to be wary of everybody, but as this is tiring her vigilance wanes, or rather, she doesn't want to be so paranoid and distrustful of people.
She decides to give people benefit of doubt.
This is a mistake as she starts to lose security in her own insight after her estimations of people's characters are proven wrong at either her expense, or expense of people close to her.
Leading her to being even more paranoid and even more reclusive than she was before.
Marines hold a grudge against her family because her grandmother had a pirates child and refused to be ashamed of that.
So they keep an eye on them and harass them to ‘prevent them form becoming criminals’.
Her family worries about her continued paranoia and isolation, this changes when she gets a dog named Luca who can discern people's intentions.
It is with him that she starts to go out again.
Luca is rather perceptive for a dog, perceptive of people's nature. Jana notices and takes her cues from him. While Jana did know how to fight a little from what her father's builder co-workers taught her (so that she can navigate the larger city and stay safe) she mostly concentrates on speed and evasion.
This didn't help her when Marines actually caught her and broke her arm, but it did make her father give her some more self-defense training.
When Jana is 13, her sister Sara gets into a serious relationship with a Marine Van Gillian who is both a good man, and good Marine. Disappointed in his fellow Marines and dismayed at not being able to do much; he teaches Jana Marine martial arts, submission holds and pressure points that he himself learned.
In his mind this was for her defense and he was the one to bring Sara (then his wife) news of Jana missing and then later becoming a pirate. His marriage with Sara protects the remaining Sable family, who no longer hold the name.
Jana's mother dies when she's 16, in an accident while visiting their architect father. It is a building accident in which a part of the building collapses, a building that her father built.
It is a little before this tragedy that Jana nudged Van into teaching her Rokushiki, her desire to learn is amplified with the incident and she manages to gain some capability in both Soru and Geppou by the time she's 18  
Her mother’s death sends her father into depression which results in him merely going with the motions until in two years (when Jana is 18) he dies from an illness and wasting away.
Her older sisters are 22 at the time and already working as a jewelry maker and a cook, living in the city, her younger sisters are 16 and still living with them (one studying mechanics, apprenticed to a mechanic in the city; another apprenticed under a seamstress)
All of them spend as much of time as they can away from the inn, it brings bad memories. Jana stays to take care of their grandmother and the inn, with their grandmother taking over the business.
Sisters mostly talk over DenDen mushi, their relationship much easier on Jana now that they're all a bit older.
During the next 7 years Jana stays and works with her grandmother and endures Marine patrols that come by every three days or so.
Her grandmother and her routinely house pirates, even if just to spite the Marines who can never prove it.
These pirates are not all that famous; and while some are worse and some are better Jana can usually tell. This is in fact how she trains up her Observation Haki and intuition; with Luca as standby to check her hunches and a myriad of pirates and marines visiting.
When Jana is 20, there is a pirate attack in the larger city while she is there.
Jana uses her hard acquired skills to defend herself and civilians. Marines come in the aftermath where she's killed a couple of pirates, and protected a few kids and merchants, this makes them let up on her.
Marine harassment lessens and their patrols become more laid back.
They are even more lax if they're Van's friends; those marines are usually nice and only do these checks because they're supposed to. They also try to do something about those marines who like to harass them (these are usually ultimate justice types or marines who don't like Van).
Jana gets to know a handful of Marines this way, but nobody plot-important
Van and Sara married during this time, after 7 years of dating and living together (married when Jana was 20 and Sara 24)
They have a son a year after Jana joins Heart Pirates (when Jana is 26 and Sara 30)
Selena married when she was 25 (Sara 25 and Jana 21) to a fellow cook in a shotgun wedding in an after-party haze; but the two had been in love for years having a bit of a rivalry through their respective mentor cooks, though it leaned more and more towards love as years went by.
When Jana is 23 and Vana and Julie 21, the two have a double marriage. Its a marriage of twins marrying twins. Julie, a mechanic, marrying a florist (Johan Devitt) and Vana, a seamstress, marrying his twin a painter (Eugene Devitt).
Jana in the meantime forms a friendship with a local butcher's daughter who is her listening ear and a gentle friend. Her name is Marie.
Luca the dog dies when Jana is 24, at 20 years of age. Passes away painlessly in his sleep. Jana had been expecting it for years so she manages to stave off depression.
Jana had been amassing animal friends from all over the island.Little birds, cats, stray dogs all tend to stop by the inn for a quick meal, tail wag, petting, but none stay for long.
It is this that makes her spend even more time with her grandmother because she feels that once the woman passes away that she will have no direction.
Her connection to Marie is the only thing grounding her in some sort of a routine and purpose. She is slightly unsettled, but still very protective of her sisters who now have their own lives and don't call as much as they used to.
She doesn't want to risk anybody finding anything out from her and threatening her family and considers moving away to a remote house/apartment/hut once her grandmother passes away-thinks of selling the inn and just leaving for somewhere she won't be bothered.
It is not long afterwards, when she's 25, that Heart Pirates show up.
Jana isn't quite sure what to think of them, uncertain if her information and impressions are useful at all. So when they reach the inn she looks to nearby cats and dogs first. And relaxes.
These animals are well attuned to human intent, that is enough for a first impression.
Her paranoia and age make her a master of observation of gestures, subtle movements, tics, voice intonation. All of this is done mostly unconsciously and she is always uncertain if she is correct. She needs her beta check, her dog.
Heart Pirates have to stay for a week, so the Log Pose can set and in that time each of them gains a place in her heart.Jana finds that she fits well in with them. They seem to like her, consider her somewhat of a friend.
Heart Pirates are pretty unhappy with the way Marines treat her and her grandmother, but can do nothing lest they cause more trouble for the two. Jana and her grandmother brush their concerns off, this Marine behavior is not unusual.
Jana doesn't expect to like the Heart Pirates as much as she does. She liked them as characters, they were interesting, funny and somewhat mysterious.
Now, meeting them as people, both sides are surprised at how well they just click.
Some Heart Pirates are not okay with the thought of  just leaving her in her situation with the Marines and are planning to ask the captain to extend an invitation to her.
Then the incident Happens (on the last day of Heart Pirates stay)
Somehow Marines learn that pirates were there while Jana is out actually helping the pirates find shops they were looking for. She hears from a neighbor that ran to find her that the inn was actually being burnt down.
Jana runs back immediately. After a brief contemplation Heart Pirates follow. By the time they arrive Jana is already in a life or death battle with a Marine; some of the stray dogs are attacking other Marines with viciousness they haven’t displayed before.
Marines end up being incapacitated or dead and Jana is quietly devastated at her grandmother's death and the burned down inn.
She doesn't cry, she hasn't cried in a long time.
She is just tired.
Jana asks the pirates if they mind helping her dig a grave, they agree without any prompting from Law. After all is done and she's trying to see if something can be salvaged from the fire, he asks her about her plans.
His crew is immediately all ears, they have a feeling as to where this is going.
Law was given a good look into Jana's intuitive abilities, seen her get a measure of people with nary a glance; he has a feeling there is something there and feels like betting on it.
Jana says she'll probably go to one of her sisters and live with them; she has no idea what she'll do as she always planned to continue holding the inn.
And, as an even older woman than she appears, she feels guilty mooching off even if the situation cannot be helped. She's feeling a bit hopeless about her future. (Her sisters all married to lose the family name)
Then Law says that she could come with them if she liked.
Jana is actually surprised, tries to dissuade him, because really is she honestly pirate material?
Law counters that by saying he doesn't know, (which startles her because she thought him prideful, but realizes that she hasn't seen it and that that was a preconception) asks her if she wants to find out.
And because she can see something there, some opportunity for something, maybe discovering herself, her own motivations.
Wanting not to be tired or scared of living anymore, she agrees.
Unfortunately she has to leave her dogs. While the pirates are getting  supplies as quick as they can, she goes to the woman who warned her about the marines and leaves her the four dogs after saying goodbye to them.
The woman is kind and had known her since she was a child, the woman quickly packs her some clothes and necessities realizing that the young woman was leaving.
They part with a hug and goodbye, the older woman later following Jana's career as a pirate, always reading out-loud to the four dogs
Through her time with the Heart Pirates they teach her how to trust herself more and how to speak up when she has a possible solution. How to get involved with people and with the world again.
Some get angry in the beginning at how she amends with 'but I might be wrong about that' at all times, finding it annoying, but her near hysteria when she is wrong stops them from saying anything about it again.
Law tells her later to have more faith in others if she cannot have faith in herself. Telling her that they always know things might go wrong and that if she's wrong the responsibility isn't hers alone.
They will pull through together, that is the point of having and being a part of the crew. He actually knows just what to say.
She is shortest in the crew at 168cm
Her violin, the one given to her grandmother by her grandfather was burned along with the house so once Heart Pirates learn she's a violinist and a musician they buy her a violin for her birthday (it's white and black with the bow being yellow)
In one case there is a point where she has to protect an injured crew-member who tells her to just go and leave him - which she refuses - and manages to get them both out.
Possibly loosing her sight, and wearing a face mask from then onward concentrating her Haki to tell people and places apart, using echolocation as well or something like that.
Iris Sable (Grandmother)
Deceased Grandfather (was a pirate of the Rumbar Pirates, did not marry grandmother) - Jana looks a lot like him
Antonia Sable (Deceased Mother)
Mikael Sable (Deceased Father - suicide).
Vana Devitt (nee Sable) - sister, seamstress - Johan Devitt - Brother in Law
Julie Devitt (nee Sable) - sister, mechanic - Eugenia Devitt - Sister in Law
Sara Gillian (nee Sable) - sister, jewelry maker
Van Gillian (Marine, brother in Law) - Janus GIllian (nephew)
Selena Cane (nee Sable) - sister, cook
Hector Cane (brother in law) - Hilda & Hattie Cane (nieces, twins)
Jana’s Skills:
eye for detail
speed (due to running away from kids and Marines) and parkour as well as body submission holds (which have been lifted from Marine martial arts), flexibility, but not great power, relies mostly on avoiding hits, hitting pressure points and submission holds
Intuition (can distinguish if a person is lying) (with increasing effectiveness, regardless of how good of a liar they are) (can distinguish if a person means harm to her or those close to her - killing intent), can read body language and facial expressions expertly,  good with animals due to intuition.
Observation Haki (intent, direction) - if she loses her sight she can force her Haki into the floor to get an outline of her surroundings and people (a la Toph)
good with makeup and clothes as well as impersonation (this makes a great spy)
has a singing voice (her grandmother liked it when she sang, reminding her of grandfather), play a violin (only thing left of grandfather and another piece grandmpther shared with her)
Jana’s Flaws: insecurity in her own capabilities, paranoia, prone to sarcastic and snide remarks, intentionally miscommunicates
Likes: Books about everything and anything, writing songs from past life, rewriting them to suit this world.
Genre Savwy (knows she's in a 'fictional' world), Jack-of-all-trades (can apply most of her various bits and pieces of knowledge), Weak, but Skilled, Fragile Speedster(all speed, evasion and some self defense tricks), Sneaky Guy (scouts ahead, info gathering), Communications Officer/Mission Control (provides field info and intel), Hit-and-Run Tactics (pressure points and submission holds if necessary, but mostly tripping enemies), Damsel out of Distress (rescues herself in occasions she's captured), Combat Clairvoyance (Observation Haki), Specs of Awesome, Tranquil Fury (when actually pissed off), has a Canine Companion(Luca), True Companions (with Heart Pirates), Platonic Life Partners (with Law), Deadpan Snarker (sometimes when things are 'illogical'), Living Lie Detector (due to combination of Haki, good instincts and desperation), Good is not Soft (does not shy away from outright murder as she has a great division of us vs. them), Humble Goal (at first to just stay in that little village forever, peacefully, then to be unremarkable and forgettable while staying safe and keeping everybody else safe due to knowledge, after meeting Heart Pirates it becomes just staying by their side as long as she lives)
Quote: "Apparently I've been too kind." (to go with Good is not Soft)
Heart Pirates notes:
Everybody knows basic mechanics (just enough to know if something isn't working as it should, if more knowledgeable then also what to do until they can get a mechanic)
Everybody knows basic medicine (at least to patch up minor wounds in a pinch, what to do in case of this or that and some symptom causes)
Heart Pirates members:
(this is likely to change with canon, but I’ll just add these guys on, cause why not?)
Trafalgar D. Water Law(cannon) - captain, doctor
Bepo(cannon) - navigator, martial arts - Shachi(cannon) - martial arts, mechanic - Penguin(cannon) - martial arts, mechanic - Jean bart (cannon) - strength, navigation - Bandana guy (sorta cannon/fanon) - called Bandana in Fanon - Wakame(fannon I think/ and maga in auction house) - Sven(OC) - navigator, tailor - Matthew(OC) - mechanic - Daniel(OC) - mechanic - Peter(OC) - medic - Marcus(OC) - cook, fighting with knives - Arthur(OC) - medic,chemist - Fran(OC) - cook
Jana(SIOC) - speed, observation haki (enhanced with emphaty), evasion, espionage, communications monitoring, musician - wears a Bucket Hat (white and black striped  at first - black 2YL)
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burstbombbitch · 6 years
In-depth Character Sheet
Credit to Sir Ender at this writing forum. Reblog or repost. DO NOT remove credit. 
TAGGED BY: myself, bitch TAGGING: im just redoing this. here’s the comparison if you’re curious --- she’s changed a bit, actually! 
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FULL NAME: Bonbon Rosalia Charbonneau MEANING: “Charcoal Chocolate”. Meant to refer to a nasty outside, but sweet inside. NICKNAME: Bon, Bonnie, BB, Bunny, Rosie, Rose. MEANING: She’s got way too many. AGE: 22. BIRTHDAY: December 5th. ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Sagittarius. GENDER: Cis Female. ALLERGIES: None. SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Pansexual / Panromantic. THEME SONG(S): Pop Star ⭐ How Far I’ll Go ⭐ Jump Up, Super Star!
APPEARANCE HAIR COLOR: Pastel pink, bordering on white. HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: Two lengthy tentacles trail down her back and near reach the ground, while a shorter pair rest down her shoulders. In the two baos atop her head are the back tentacles slightly bunned up to avoid contact with the ground. EYES COLOR: Lilac, with star-shaped pink pupils. HEIGHT: 4′1′‘ | 124.46 cm. WEIGHT: 69 lbs | 31.3 kg. OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: Lolita, essentially. Really girly and proper. Flashy. Catch her alone, though, and you’d be lucky she’s even wearing anything. DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS,MOLES): Bio-luminescent “freckles” all over her body. They have begun to take up a shape, mimicking the moon and stars. SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Lots. Usually winged eyeliner and scarlet eye-shadow. FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: Elegant, kind-hearted, caring. SKIN COLOR: Dark brown. BODY TYPE/BUILD: Pear-shaped. Large thighs, strong, long legs, and slightly toned biceps. DEFAULT EXPRESSION: A soft, dreamy smile with sleepy half-lidded eyes. POSTURE: Hands before her thighs, entwined with one another. Upright and straight. PIERCINGS: A peculiar gold ring on her right ear. When flicked, it makes a sound... DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: She has dropped the haughtiness she hailed two years ago. Much more soft-spoken, her words are gentle and warm. Her voice, now that she is no longer trying to hide her “weaker” self, is a lot more amicable. She still speaks with a particularly high vocabulary, but she no longer intentionally chooses words to make others feel foolish. Like rose petals floating on air, her manner of speaking is very breathy and delicate, but loud enough to at least be heard. Never will you find her raising her voice --- the difference is merely a harder sounding version of her, featuring her irritation, as opposed to a shrill shriek. (Voice Claim)
RELATIONSHIPS MOM: Céleste Charbonneau née Chen HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: While she no longer harbors a fierce grudge against her mother for ruining her childhood ( which she did not, but also did not correct Bon ), they are still not as close. They do, definitely, however get along much better, and Bon is now working under her at the Nouveau Corporation. DAD: Clair Charbonneau HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: She’s still a daddy’s girl --- no one has told her that, in reality, he is the absolute scum of the earth. Dustin’s trying. SIBLINGS: None. HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: N/A. CHILDREN: None. HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: N/A. PAST LOVER(S): [REDACTED] CURRENT LOVER: Dustin Lee REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: There is a bit of sheepishness to her. Whereas she once quietly despised and looked down upon others, she has a tendency to be soft-spoken and inquisitive. One could say it’s a guarding mechanism, but she seems to warm up and open up quickly --- a requirement of an idol, she supposes.  ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: She’s still not particularly fond of working with others, mostly because she finds that the best way to get work done is to do it herself. Still, she’s ( no longer ) one to force someone out of their job --- she will simply attempt to do the work behind the scenes. LEAST FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON: She no longer likes the kind of person she once was --- haughty, snobbish, and full of themselves. Even in jest. The only way that shit’ll slide with her is if she knows them personally, or it’s fiction. PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE,ETC): Her parents were both extremely overprotective of her, a trait she fails to displace when she has children. They were very lenient with her as well, besides the whole ruining her early life, making her more prone to gently guiding her children without imposing her will onto them.
PERSONALITY ...WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: Gentle. Friendly. Apprehensive. ...AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): Excitable. Bubbly. Childish. ...AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY DISLIKE YOU): Silent. Skeptical. Petty. FAVORITE COLOR: Lilac. FAVORITE FOOD: Tea and cream-filled pastries! FAVORITE ANIMAL: Cats, spiders. FAVORITE ELEMENT: Air. LEAST FAVORITE COLOR: Grey. LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Eggs. LEAST FAVORITE ANIMAL: Shark. HOBBIES: Singing, dancing, shopping, and video gaming. USUAL MOOD: Sleepy. Calm. DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: Nope. DARK VERSION OF SELF: Octospy verse. LIGHT VERSION OF SELF: Her. Right now. HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: Not very. She has become a lot more lenient, and instead prefers to crack jokes ( which is, also, her nervous habit ). CLASS IN AN RPG: Cleric, Mage. BELIEVE IN GHOSTS: Yes. (IN)DEPENDENT: Independent. VULNERABILITY: Hearing problems. Mentions of war. Divulged secrets. OPINION ON SWEARING: She still seldom curses, but it’s not as gasp-inspiring anymore. DAREDEVIL VS CAUTIOUS: Cautious. MUSIC TYPE: She’s fond of so many genres, provided it’s not ear-shattering. She can find the best in all types of music. MOVIE TYPE: So bad, it’s good / Romance / Thriller. BOOK TYPE: Adventure / Mystery / Romance. COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE: About 65 F. SLEEPING PATTERN: Sleeps about 8-10 hours a day. CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Obsessively neat. DESIRED PET: Either a tarantula or a kitten. HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: Sleeping, or reading books. BIGGEST SECRET: She worked at a few underground night clubs specifically created to ogle the bodies of those hired. Make ends meet, y’know? HERO/WHO THEY LOOK UP TO: @candykraken !! WHAT ANIMAL WOULD THEY BE: Cat FEARS: Silence, large bodies of water, loneliness. COMFORTS: Sensory objects, tactility, sleeping.
HOW DO THEY REACT TO… DANGER: She tries to push out irrational thoughts and stand her ground. This doesn’t always work. SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: Ignoring. Lots of ignoring. She’d make it look like it was unintentional; and then let the crush continue to fester. PROPOSAL TO MARRY: Lighting up! Squealing! Storm of kisses! Lots of touching. God knows her voice is going to reach killer wail levels of painful pitch. DEATH OF LOVED ONE: Wailing, violence, shutting down as a whole. Non-stop aggression. DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: Continue trying, nonstop---literally. Someone’s gonna have to intervene. INJURY: Whine and whimper. She’s not good at handling pain, no matter how used to it she is. SOMETHING IRRESISTIBLY CUTE: Lip biting. Grabby hands. Lighting up, again. Bouncing on her heels.
Having overcome her self-inflicted duties of becoming a war-hero some day, Bonbon has dropped from the draft to, instead, put her dreams and aspirations on the front lines. With assistance and desperation, the girl is hired to start doing small performances when she’s twenty. Nothing means more to her than this.
Even her own dignity. As her agent comes to realize that she’s willing to do anything to achieve her goals, he quickly turns, being bitter that he himself is not in the spotlight as he once was. Setting her up with jobs that have a high chance of ruining her career, she manages to skate by unscathed --- much to his chagrin.
When Dustin enlists in her crew, he is even less enthused with how much attention the newcomer brings. Spiteful, her agent temporarily pulls him from the show, causing an uproar from the blossoming pop star and her fans. Their insistence brings him back --- but it breaks the final chord for the agent, who takes it out on Bon in private.
This assault, intended to kill, results in his death.
While court has settled that she never once touched him, and only harbors self-defense wounds, Bonbon herself remains dismayed. She’s... pretty sure she killed him. She did it --- and used the Killer Wail to do it. Traumatized, but not willing to admit it, her voice rarely rises to the point of her screams ( or any other such pitch ) again.
FIRST APPEARANCE: A mysterious, minuscule pinkling took a tournament by storm without even giving a word as to her age, rank, or background... and donated the proceeds to charity?
KNOWLEDGE LANGUAGES: Inkling, Sign Language, Human French, Written Octarian, Hylian. SCHOOLING LEVEL: College graduate. FAVORITE SUBJECT (S): Linguistics and Theatre. INTERESTED CAREERS: An idol in song and dance --- which she is, now! EXPERTISE: Theatre, Song and Dance. CHEMISTRY: B MATH: A LANGUAGE: A+ GEOGRAPHY: B POLITICS/LAW: B- COOKING: D MECHANICS: C BOTANY (FLOWERS): A+ MYTHOLOGY: A DRAMATICS(ACTING,SINGING): A+++
READING LEVEL: College graduate. HOW GOOD ARE THEY AT PLANNING AHEAD: Always have a plan!
ROMANCE . DO THEY TAKE INITIATIVE: Definitely. She’s very needy and you’ll know it immediately. HOW DO THEY ACT(SHY,ETC): While very avoidant when crushing, she’s super clingy and affectionate when dating. GENTLEMAN/LADYLIKE VS KLUTZY: Ladylike with a dash of klutzy. She shows her real side if she really trusts her partner, so they have to deal with a near 180 of the persona she shows on a daily basis. GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: Jump into! She puts all her apples in one basket. PROTECTIVE: Extremely. She’s very feral and primitive at times. ACT LIKE FRIENDS OR LOVERS: Her lover has to be her best friend. WHAT KIND OF PRESENTS DO THEY BUY: She actively stalks her partner’s wishlists or things they see as they cruise around together, and has them anonymously delivered, as it she wasn’t obvious. If she hasn’t a clue, she’ll start sending dorky things she thinks are nice to try to gauge their interest. TYPE OF KISSER: She steals small kisses, before elongating them with lots of lip tugging. Definitely fond of it. The type to really get into it. DO THEY WANT KIDS: Not really, but can be easily persuaded. DO THEY WANT TO MARRY: Yes. MAKE GOOD OR BAD DECISIONS: She makes better decisions, thinking in respect of both herself and her partner. ARE THEY ROMANTIC: Yes, albeit cheesy and dorky deep down... HOW ARE THEY IN BED: She’s extremely affectionate, and prefers to be intimate with her partner for the long run. GET JEALOUS EASY: She no longer experiences the same anxiety she once did in relationships, and opts to trust her partner whole-heartedly. WIFE/HUBBY BEATER: No. MARRY FOR MONEY: click this. FAVORITE SEX POSITION: [REDACTED] WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: A nice long exploration through untraveled territory---just the two of them. Lots of hand-holding, kisses, and cuddles. Good food would definitely seal the deal as the best date ever. OPINION ON SEX: She’s fucking thirsty.
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mere-walter · 7 years
❤ heck.... Walter x David........
Another silly ship meme || @creati0n || closed
Send me a ❤ and a ship and I’ll answer these questions about them.So long I had to put it under a cut. LOL Thank you for asking! :)
Dating: N/A
Where was their first official date?
What is their favorite date location?
How many dates before their first kiss?No dates at all, first kiss within less than a day. 
Who asked who out first?
How many dates before they considered each other a couple?
How many mutual friends do they have?Do xenomorphs/neomorphs count? In another universe perhaps the crew of the Covenant would have been mutual friends.
Which one of their friends is most likely to get in between an argument between the ship?Daniels! She would have been like a referee, red-carding David out of the conversation if he was being too mean, or scolding Walter if he didn’t take David’s emotions seriously.
Which one has more friends?Walter! David makes people uncomfortable. Lately he has been making some progress on his long-term project to destroy humanity. This did not make people less uncomfortable.
Which one has introduced the other to more people?Walter! 12 good hosts souls all in all, directly or indirectly. Ten of them died shortly after.
Did they start out as friends and made their way to a couple, or were they a couple almost right away?I’d say David moved pretty quickly on that…
What do they argue about the most?Whether humanity deserves another chance or not would probably be the most common argument, probably after some time followed by regular complaints from David that he cannot further his research without hosts and how unreasonable Walter is to not let David experiment on him, since it is, after all, his fault that David is without…
How do they usually solve their disagreements?Cuddling, that may or may not heat up.
Do they argue a lot or not very often?There are long period without any arguments at all, and then it turns like the tide and they can barely see each other without arguing. This is mostly depending on David’s moods. Walter’s mood is very stable, David has his dark moods that can stretch out for days, even weeks at the time. And the only person to vent on is Walter, who is a stabilizing (and above all forgiving) presence.  
Who admits to being wrong more often?None of them, or both. They’re pretty even on that, actually. David does more to apologize for, but he doesn’t apologize unless he is fears long-term consequences (like Walter leaving). Walter does very little to apologize for, but he has a very sensitive conscious and if he thinks he is in the wrong he will apologize a lot (which David quite enjoys). Mostly however, whoever feels they have gone a little bit too far will seek the other out after awhile and just see if the other tolerates their presence. They normally do.
Who is more likely to initiate sex?David! Walter hasn’t quite gotten the hang of initiating anything like that but he is a very willing participant (with few exceptions). His unconditionally welcoming mindset tends to go very well with David’s lack of boundaries and restraint.
Do they prefer to do it in a bed, or do they prefer a chair, or perhaps the shower?  Maybe other spots?If the setting is that they are stranded on the planet together, the answer is ‘wherever they happen to be at the time’. If they for some reason are on a spaceship, colony or anything like that, Walter would be very concerned with getting caught.
Do they practice any kind of bdsm in the bedroom at all and if so, what kinds?No? I’d say some of the stuff they do might fall in that category, but it’s really difficult to apply human kinks to their sexual practices. It wouldn’t even occur to Walter to demand a safeword.
Who’s usually more dominant in the bedroom?David. I’d say his sexuality is 50% asserting control and 50% scientific experimentation, with a little affection sprinkled on top if you’re lucky. Maybe once in a while he’ll be overcome with affection and then it will be intense lovemaking instead. Those few times Walter tops it’s in a very caregiving way, if David is in one of his dark moods and needs that closeness.
Lights on or off?Oh, on. Walter doesn’t mind either way and David doesn’t want to miss a single reaction.
Do they share any kinks?Again, not sure how applicable human kinks would be… wait, I got one. Both of them have a praise kink, although it would probably manifest in different ways. David would like to have it eternally underlined in holy scripture how unique and amazing he is. Walter just wants to hear he is good and he’s doing well… ‘created to serve’, you know.
Does either one have any kinks that they don’t have in common with the other?Not that I can think of.
Have they ever had sex anywhere public before?Yes, all the time. Although since David killed off the entire population ten years prior it really doesn’t count. Walter would protest in any setting where they would risk getting caught.
Who would be most likely to suggest bringing in a third person and who would that person be?That would be a disaster. David would suggest it and Walter would reluctantly agree. And poor Third Party (T.P for short)… Walter would be low-key sad the whole time and David would be low-key pissed off at having someone else pawing at Walter. He’d probably make it a weird mind-game test of loyalty on Walter to see how far it would go before Walter called it off. And Walter, idiot martyr that he is, wouldn’t. T.P would call the whole thing off, fleeing the room leaving these two goofballs to stare daggers at each other. It would be one of those fights they’d return to again and again for months.
When are they most likely to cuddle?Whenever. If brief touches and gestures of affection count it’s literally all the time. Before sex, after sex, before work, during work, after work… just all the time. David is touch-starved and likes to have somebody to be affectionate towards, and really likes it when Walter begins to reciprocate instead of merely accepting.
Where is their favorite place to cuddle?David’s favorite place to cuddle is the bed, because it’s soft enough to rest properly. Walter’s favorite place to cuddle is in nature.
Who’s usually the big spoon?Post-sex cuddles, David. Restful cuddles, Walter. They have discovered that Walter is a pretty dominant cuddler when it’s time to lay down and rest, and likes to arrange David to rest against him.
Do they cuddle often?ALL. THE. TIME.
Are they married?  If not, is it something that could happen between them?Nope. Probably not.
If they are married, where did they get married at?  If not married, what is their dream wedding location? N/A
If married, who proposed to who?  If not married, who would be more likely to propose to who?None of them would find the notion of marriage necessary or appealing, I think.
If they are married, which one moved in with the other?  If not married, who would be more likely to move in with the other?It would probably be Walter moving into David’s place, to be honest, since David would have spent a lot of time and effort getting it just so. Walter would fill his place up with plants.
Do they have kids?  If not, would they consider having kids?In some AUs they got xenomorphs/neomorphs to take care of, so that’s a bit like having kids, surely?
How many kids do they have?  If no kids, how many kids would they want to have? David would like a small army, I think.
What are the children’s names?  If no kids, what would they name their kids?LOL Byron and Shelley? XD
What are three random headcannons you have about the ship that are not related to romance or sex?1. Walter really likes CATS for the whimsical characters, and can start humming the songs under his breath while working in his garden. David tolerates it since it’s obviously some kind of victory over his strict programming, but he considers it an atrocity and itches to forbid it. 2. The songs that are associated with the characters pre-movie (Melanie De Biaso - I Feel You for Walter and  Aurora - Nature Boy for David) are subtly referring to their relationship/bond. 3. David has his xenomorphs, Walter has his garden. My headcanon is that Walter had an incredibly complex rose garden on the Covenant that he never reported to the crew. David would be the only person he would invite in there, because he thinks that David would be the only one to understand why he went against his program.
Which one is more likely to suggest getting pets?I imagine Walter suggesting it, then half a day later liberating Dr. Snuggles from David’s lab and hiding him with a nice family.
Which one eats more snack foods?Probably David, since he is more fascinated by different sensations.
What is their favorite movie to watch together?David would insist on them watching Lawrence of Arabia together.
What is their favorite tabletop game to play together?David’s favorite game is Monopoly, since the whole point of it is to be ruthless. Walter really likes Mad Libs, because there’s a lot of room for word jokes and puns.
What are your three absolute favorite things about this ship?I love that it is so shamelessly weird (hasn’t even heard of the inside of the box), and so full of potential. I love that you can do so much with it, you can just as easily make it super dark as super fluffy, or make it really epic and turn them into some kind of intergalactic order/chaos power couple.
What is one thing you don’t like about this ship?The ending of the movie. >.>
If you had to rate this ship on a scale of 1-10, what would you give it?10/10!
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
The vacation is looming and new lines are never frowned upon
My name is Chris, a dude in his late twenties with a lovely wife, two gorgeous animals that I love sharing pictures of, a comic book addiction and crazy ass job in a COVID19 ICU as a night nurse. Basically, the roleplay will *ALWAYS* be super medically accurate. I've been writing long enough that I list my skill level as 'god damn professional' and post 2-3 times a week but am available for plotting and gushing over our line nearly around the clock. I can crank out anywhere from 4-16 paragraphs a reply, depending on the action level and character count. I only write m/f (as the dude) and f/f. Always aiming to write in the long term. I'm easy to reach! Either drop a line to me at [email protected] or on Discord at NurseBatman#3674. I'm also on Gchat and skype at Chrisx104 if anyone still uses those dinosaur messengers. Anyway, onto plots, originals first and then fandoms. Please bring ideas because I'm always bringing them too! Original Political Intrigue, m/f A male US congressman with an image as a family man plans to make a jump to the senate and hires a young and savvy woman to be his campaign manager. One thing leads to another on the road and the two begin a secret relationship that revolves around garnering more political power. This line is heavily influenced by my love of House of Cards and could involve sabotage, murder, black mail, etc. Definitely a line that I could envision lasting a few 'seasons'. Lost in America, m/f & f/f A piece set in 1970s, my favorite era of time. A group of teenagers, most of which have recently graduated from High School, decide to leave their sleepy little east coast town behind for a new life out in California. Loading up into a VW Bus and blaring some music that would eventually be deemed 'classic rock', they had out on their adventure. I'm envisioning a cast from 4-7 and will HAPPILY throw in some horror elements into this line. A Detective Story, F/F Twin teenagers are murdered and two female detectives are kicked the case. I'm really wide open on this one, in regards to the setting and if there's a relationship between the two detectives previously or not. This is just heavily influenced by my love of True Detective.
Romeo + Juliet meets Breaking Bad
I've been watching a lot of crime stuff as of late (Breaking Bad, the Wire, currently binging The Sopranos) and would love to do a line set in this world. Whether this line has to do with people from different criminal factions or two different sides of the law, I'm not quite so sure yet.
FANDOMs DC Comics I would definitely just love to write an original continuity Batman against an original continuity Catwoman. We can pick the circumstances of their meeting/reunion (adding in knowing each other when they were younger) and what sort of Gotham we want to write in. I have a lot of experience writing Bruce but have never gotten to do this pairing much. Marvel Comics PLEASE, I so badly want to write Peter Parker. I have read comics for a hundred damn years and have never really gotten to write the Spectacular Spider-man and really, really want to. Unfortunately, most of his love interests are sort of lame, Black Cat/Felicia Hardy notwithstanding. If anyone would be interested in writing these two, I'd love to do it quasi MCU adjacent, with Peter at college when he meets Felicia before later encountering (unknowingly) encountering her as Black Cat. The Constantine problem 
I love writing John Constantine and he's one of my favorites to write but I feel like he's easily switched between universe. I'd love to find someone interested in writing Wanda/Scarlet Witch since the MCU has never really touched on the magic aspect of her powers and give her a drunken Yoda to deal with and channel her obscene amount of power. Alternatively, I would love to write John against Elsa Bloodstone but I would want someone that knows the character well. I feel like these two have endless possibility, an immortal monster hunter and a clever mage.
Alternatively: Wonder Woman? Zatanna? Idk. Bring it. The Matrix An old fandom that I wrote years ago but one with a lot of original potential for fun. Maybe something with the next anomaly or just a crew working to ease humans out of the matrix after the films. Idk. Doctor Who I really, really want to find someone to write the 13th Doctor. I've spent years writing the Doctor and want to give a crack at being against the Oncoming Storm for once. I propose Jack Harkness for m/f and Yaz for F/F. I have experience as both characters. Dead Like Me An old show I loved. What could be more fun than writing an original group of grim reapers as they navigate their own death and escort the recently deceased onto the next life while still trapped in this plain of existence. Hannibal
I'd love to write a fourth season with someone taking the female lead as a Fullerverse Clarice Starling, who sort of takes the place of Jack Crawford's new pet project. I've written Will and Jack plenty of times before but this line has never made it far enough to bring in Hannibal. I like the idea of Clarice being an old star pupil of Will's, now that he's retired after season 3. I know this show just hit Netflix so I'm waiting to see if it's reinvigorated interest.
Resident Evil I’d like to write Leon against Claire Redfield or Jill Valentine in an original outbreak or a new one. I know this is an old school fandom but I’m a diehard fan. I hope something in this ad caught someone's attention. Message me or email me and let's create something awesome together! PS: If any of my partners are reading this, shouldn't *YOU* be writing.
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