#deputy joshua rook
tinkeronii · 1 year
Thought I’d share what Rook, Cap, and my OC Joshua look like. I have another of a realistic Jacob but we all know what he looks like and also I can’t find the pic for some reason.??? Idk where it went lol
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Deputy Rook before the collapse (1st pic) and 18-19ish years after. She’s a tough old goat 😤
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Captain of Security “Cap” (Vera)
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My OC Joshua Seed. Son of Jacob and Rook Seed.
Enjoy my lovelies <3333
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ofravensandgenesis · 5 years
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IT IS FINISHED no seriously, this took ages. First couple of days were fine and motoring along with progress, then I was laid out for a week-ish with health problems. Then once I was well enough again I was back to being fixated on finishing this piece of my lad Joshua here for another handful of days, so I’m super glad this is done now. More talk about the painting, details and process under the cut:
Art Entry 01, Joshua Rook, Junior Deputy of Hope County. Regarding the painting’s execution, stylistic choices, practiced methods, and speculation on further experimentation for skill and stylization. _____________________________ Honestly I thought that the uniform’s large swatches of green fabric would be more difficult than it actually was. Turns out that was the easier part compared to the shoulder patch and metal badge. x’D The metal badge design is based off of and inspired by a custom-ordered cosplay badge design I found while looking for references, in this post here (link,) from v-i-d-e-n-o-i-r’s blog and Far Cry 5 cosplay. There are some differences in the painting’s rendition above, namely I flattened the middle section and made it all concentric polished metal instead of painted and the great seal rendition in the middle doesn’t have silver lineart either. Those choices are as much for aesthetic reasons of eliminating the blue ring so it was all a fairly simple mono-material-looking surface as it was for simplifying having to forego painting the foreshortening that a spherical dome might entail. Also just because the rest of the metal turned out looking good enough that an additional bit of shiny metal seemed like it’d fit right in for this. That being said, the badge design that inspired this one is rad and awesome looking—and I totally didn’t realize it wasn’t quite like the badges from in-game assets until after I’d painted it. x’D So, I decided to stick with this one since it’s simpler and has cleaner lines, and less engraving to pick out highlights on. Metal is very hit or miss for me to get right, so I’m very pleased with how this one came out! :D I think I did well on that one. The shoulder patch originally I was looking at real world references and ended up changing the shape once I actually looked at in-game references on Staci and Joey—who I discovered have slightly different details on their uniforms, like the font for their name tags—Staci’s has an old-timey-looking-font with serifs, Joey’s is a non-serif more modern-style font. Some pictures have them having different buttons on their uniforms either in color or shape (the former being exported assets, the latter being in-game gifs/screenies/etc.) This is also how I learned that the little landscape with the shovel, pickaxe and plough/plow are part of the great seal of Montana. I had no flipping idea that was what it was, looking at the patches in-game. The cosplay community does some great work for that, for which I’m grateful. I ended up looking up references of what the state seal’s design was so as to see the smaller details, and to find out what the motto meant ”Oro y Plata,” meant, leading to etymology googling adventures from there, as usual. All important details to paint though I think here, since Joshua’s deputy uniform is symbolically significant to him and will remain so throughout his story as part of his internal conflict for a couple of reasons. One thing I knew I should’ve done from the start, and reminded myself to do, was the fact that I should paint all skin sections at the same time, so as to ensure they all came out the same shades. I did not do this. x’D I’ll have to actually try to do that next time honestly. Same with the hair sections, while I like how they came out, I do feel the differences between the three major segments in terms of brushwork is not as coherent as I’d like, even if beard hair is not necessarily similar in how it lays to scalp hair, particularly with length and such taken into consideration. Still, not bad. Could’ve used more refs for the backlighting and figuring out how the highlights would fit best on the ponytail, but I think the hair curves turned out nice there in particular. Overall, Joshua’s hair ended up messier than I’d thought with how the locks all end up looping this way and that across his head, but it does actually fit him well as a character for his hairstyle to be messy and loosely held together, but functional. It did end up longer than I’d intended, so we have him likely ending up with a nerdy Jesus hairstyle when it’s down. x’D (Thanks to @undead-gearhead​ for that mental imagery, I shall take great amusement in that should I get around to drawing Joshua with his hair down.) Aside from that, I think I’m slowly improving on figuring out how to paint glasses, though I’m thinking in the future I should test more layered reflective light on them or something where the frames are in contact or close to skin, particularly around the glasses’ bridge across the nose and such. Then there are the other deviation details added—like using dark green instead of the black for the uniform accents. The faded black looks great in-game, but I do think the buttons pop more against dark green instead for this painting. I’m a little bit surprised how well the button-placket section came out, Clip Studio Paint crashed when I painted the first rendition of it, sadly losing all that work. I thought it’d be okay but turns out it didn’t quite get to auto-save that recently enough, but the second go around turned out quite well I think, possibly better. I was originally planning to try to put more textured brushwork across the flat sections of the uniform material, but decided to skip it for speed—I’ll test that elsewhere perhaps, though I think it came out well with the watercolor brushes layered on top of one another like that as is. Among the other smaller details, there’s some tweaks and such for how Joshua’s eye shape, eyebrows, nose shape, hairline etc came out compared to references of Greg Bryk in his role as Joseph Seed. I think Joshua did come out looking like he’s obviously related to the Seeds as I was hoping for, but I’m kind of on the fence that people would look at him and automatically assume it’s Joseph specifically that he’s descended from. I hope so, but either way, that’s how he’s written in-fic. x’D Overall, I would consider this painting a success, though as usual I do wish it’d been faster to finish. I do think this was good practice for detail work, and metal shading, also: buttons. Still haven’t figured out how to paint lips with more pink or red tones, I don’t like the way they look when painted sadly, unless it’s lipstick. That may end up being a stylistic element perhaps, along with how I paint the lines for fingernails and other such details. Fun fact: I have to leave the shading on the eyes for last, or else my brain goes “The eyes are done! We’re done! Call it a day.” I’m not sure why, but so far, leaving them as flats until the end seems to work a treat for keeping me focused on finishing the rest of the work with less mental dissonance. Now if only I could figure out why despite knowing I should do all the exposed skin portions at the same time, I don’t follow through on that naturally as far as inclinations go. Maybe it’s a layer organization thing and perception of wanting, say, the cloth to be done first before working “down” to the hands and such in the sense of working from the head down? I’ll have to think on that some more and test things in the next painting. Perhaps color coding the order of layers to paint will help? CSP does have a nice layer-icon-color function that I’ve dabbled with here and there. There are so many brushes, I really do need to test out more of them, I use, what, four or five total, but primarily somewhere around two or three. Hm, but what to do with texture, and how to utilize it so? Hmmm, as far as personal appeal for methodology goes, I might prefer to use textures in select pieces for more emotional emphasis? If I can figure out how to do that in a messier speed-paint style of things. Rougher textures for conflict, for example. That sounds like an interesting idea to explore, I’ll have to remember that for a later piece. Maybe more heavily textured brushes will also help with the mental itch to refine things to a cleaner-level of refining instead of leaving it in a more organically rough state. Hm, maybe it’s a “mental texture” aversion or something, as far as an interplay between the brush’s texture and the flow of the linework/brushstroke. Perhaps more uneven brushes echo that in a complimentary fashion to better allow less mental discomfort for me personally when trying to paint in a faster, looser fashion? Honestly, very tempting to go try that out sooner rather than later on some art ideas I have, but I’ve been missing my writing very much of late with two time-demanding paintings back to back. So, ideas for a later time to experiment with.
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direwombat · 2 years
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been feeling my deputies (and captain of security) recently so here are some kids using this picrew
deputy sybille la roux // deputy robin sherwood
special agent [redacted] deputy joshua smith // captain of security jennifer yeung
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saibugs · 6 years
Fearless, Pt.4
Jacob exhaled as he closed the bedroom door. After Mel had fallen asleep, John had directed him to a spare room to put the kids in, and he was grateful they had somewhere to sleep.
He pressed his back to the door and squeezed his eyes shut. He had no idea where to begin. Joseph could have been anywhere. Cass could have been anywhere. Who knew who actually had her? It could have been Peggies for all he knew. Whatever the case he had to get her back, but he had to be careful about it. Joseph could come after John and Nellie, and his kids, and…
He pushed those thoughts down and headed back downstairs, where John and Nellie were sitting at the kitchen table, exhaustion on their faces and mugs of coffee in their hands. John looked over. “Coffee?”
“No.” He sat down and exhaled. “Just need to plan.”
John frowned. “Jacob, do you even know where Joseph is? I highly doubt he’d be in Hope County anymore… we live six hours away.”
“Cassidy got a page at around 4pm. She left for work, but never let me read the message. I don’t expect her to, but… if I can find that pager—”
“Just go to the station she works at,” Nellie interrupted. “They might be able to tell you where they sent her.”
He scribbled that down on a notepad. “I should go into town and get supplies for the kids. Food, drinks, maybe go back home and get their bedding—”
John shushed him. “Don’t worry about that. We can take care of the girls, so you can relax about that.” He leaned back. “For now, just find Jacob. I can take Melina to school.”
“I don’t want her going until Joseph’s dead.”
“Mum? Dad?”
Jacob looked over to see a ten year old standing there, rubbing his face. His dark hair was mussed and his sapphire eyes were filled with sleep. Nellie stood and walked over, kneeling in front of the boy. “Hey, Josh. Everything alright?”
“I heard a commotion…” He stopped as he saw Jacob, who looked at the boy before looking at John with a baffled expression. “Dad, who’s this?”
“This is Uncle Jacob,” John said gently. “His daughters are staying with us for a bit, because his wife’s gone missing.”
“I’m missing something. Since when do you have a kid?”
“He’s ten. But remember, we try not to spend too longer together, because of… yeah.”
“Right… as it was, you were surprised when you met Mel, and she was 12.”
“Damn right I was,” he laughed as Nellie came over with Josh. “Anyway… look, maybe you should start at Falls End? I know that’s in the county, but…”
“It’s better than no leads at all.” He stood. “Alright. John… Please, keep my little girls safe. They’re my world.”
John stood as well and hugged Jacob, tight. “I know, Jacob. I know. You focus on getting Cass home.”
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jollybone · 3 years
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@lilwritingraven and I had a conversation about her OC Audry putting flowers in her friends hair sooo.. here’s Josh, Sharky and ofc the flower lady Audry herself!
Audry Rook belongs to @lilwritingraven Deputy Joshua Harris is my OC
click for better quality
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martamatta95 · 5 years
John didn't expect to be tied up and gagged by a junkie who took him by surprise.
"Rook" Tweak smiles “What a pleasure! What brings you here? ".
"John Seed" replies straight "I saw him parachuting in this area, did you notice anything?".
"Tweak ... what's going on?" Joshua asks frowning and then realizes "You saw it, right!? Where is he!? Where is he hiding?! "
Serum was not supposed to have this effect.
He smiles shyly playing with his nervous hands. "Sorry, who of you is my new dad?"
The deputy faces a new test, God really has a fantastic sense of humor...
Joshua will find himself in new situations where his pride will stop blinding him and open his eyes and his heart.
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outranks · 6 years
103 & 9 with Joshua and Polyseed :D
As always, dumb fluff!! ALSO, this is set in the same universe as “of all potential outcomes” so the cult are just. weird nudists. warning for nudists, I guess?? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I HOPE YOU LIKE IT ❤️❤️
Officially joining the Project, acknowledging his marriage to Jacob, and finally moving into the ranch meant a celebration was in order to more fully welcome Rook into his new family. As if the night of the bonfire wasn’t enough. No, the Seeds’ could apparently only partially count that as a win, so they had to set up barbecue at the house, this time inviting only their closest friends, faithful, and Rook’s fellow deputies for some reason.
“If you take off even a single thing, I’ll have you arrested,” Rook hisses at Pratt as they pass each other by punch bowl that has almost certainly been laced with Faith’s new Bliss experiment.
Pratt eyes the drinks suspiciously before grabbing a sealed bottle of water. “Same to you, Rook,” he says. “You’re the one married to the nudists.”
Which is fair, but this is Rook’s home and if he wants to walk around naked then he’s pretty sure he’s allowed to. Especially when Jacob nearly refuses to wear anything at the house and Joseph’s pants are so thin he may as well not be wearing anything at all. “Just try it,” he says and waves Pratt off with a one finger salute, and heads over to John who is being enthusiastically talked to by Hurk Jr in a flowing white robe covered in sequins and the Eden’s Gate cross.
“Hurk,” Rook says, placing himself as a buffer between his friend and his… John.
“Rook, man, I cannot tell you how glad I am that you’ve finally joined us in natural, spiritual, enlightenment.”
That’s one way to put it. “Nice robe, is it custom?”
Hurk waves his arms, causing a cascade of glitter to fall around him. “Sure did.”
“He mad one for all of us,” John mutters, then turns a bright smile to Hurk and takes hold of Rook’s arm in an iron-tight grip. “Would you excuse us?”
“Ah, still in the honeymoon phase, I get that,” Hurk says. “Have fun, you two.”
John smiles so wide, with far too many teeth, as he drags Rook away. “You’re friend does have some good ideas,” he says.
They end up at a picnic blanket by the edge of the gardens, mostly covered in the shade of the trees. Where Jacob is a long line of exposed skins, stretched out next to his still-pregnant wolf friend. They’re lit by the sunlight filtering through the leaves and so warm and comfortable looking that Rook pulls his phone from his pocket to snap a quick picture. There’s not going to be a single moment of his life with the Seeds that he’ll ever forget.
“We’re not having sex in the middle of a barbecue that we’re hosting,” he says finally, even if it seems like a much better idea now than it did a minute ago.
“That’s too bad,” Jacob says, running a hand down his chest and stopping right at his lower belly.
Rook drops onto the blanket, leaning over Jacob to kiss him. It’s deep and wet and Jacob’s lips part easily for Rook’s tongue and he tastes sugary-sweet like the fruit punch that is definitely laced with the Bliss. “I suppose you could change my mind.”
John presses up behind him, sliding his hand under Rook’s shirt. “I believe we already have.”
“No sex at the barbecue we’re hosting,” Joseph says, echoing Rook with an accuracy that would be startling from anyone else.
Rook untangles from Jacob and John and glances at Joseph who is carrying four plates carefully in his arms. “Food,” he says, taking the more precarious plates and handing them off before taking the third one for himself. “Thank you, Joseph.”
“There’s more being prepared if you’re still hungry.” Joseph sits across from him and for the first time Rook notices that he’s wearing Hurk’s sparkling creation.
He doesn’t know exactly what to say, but John makes a sound that not entirely unlike someone being strangled.
“You can’t wear that,” John says. “You can’t.”
“It’s not bad,” Joseph says.
Jacob sits up, pulling his own robe on that he had apparently been using as a pillow. “I like it.”
Rook frowns, glancing around their little area. “Did I get one?”
“She’s using it,” Jacob says, tipping his head to the side to indicate the wolf who is, in fact, sleeping on a pile of fabric that looks a lot like one of the robes. “Once she smells the meat cooking she’ll get up, you just gotta wait.”
“I say let her keep— hey—” John smacks at Jacob’s hand as he tries to sneak a handful of french fries off of John’s plate. “Get your own.”
“Already ate mine,” Jacob says around a mouthful of stollen fries.
“How—” John lifts his plate into the air, away from Jacob. “Quit it or I’ll bite.”
Jacob just grins and tries even harder, nearly knocking them both to the ground. “Sharing is caring, John, now give me your damn fries.”
Rook moves out of the way, crawling across the blanket until he’s tucked against Joseph’s side. “This is nice,” he says, watching as two of the men he loves start a damn food fight.
“It is.” Joseph presses a kiss to his temple. “I’m glad you’re here with us.”
“Yeah?” A home, a husband, whatever ill-defined but perfectly fitting thing Joseph and John are, plus a community of people who all care about each other. It’s everything Rook didn’t know he wanted and he’s the happiest he’s been in his life. “Does that mean you’ll reconsider the no sex at the barbecue rule?”
Joseph hums, staring out at their friends and the faithful, and the Peggie band setting up their instruments. “Maybe once the fireworks start.”
Rook steals one of Joseph’s fries. “I can’t wait.”
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megatronhasacamera · 7 years
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Knights of Summer 2016:
John Hannah as Dr. Holden Radcliffe (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
David Harbour as Police Chief Jim Hopper (Stranger Things)
Cole Sprouse as Jughead Jones (Riverdale)
Riz Ahmed as Bodhi Rook (Rogue One)
Shamier Anderson as Deputy Marshal Xavier Dolls (Wynonna Earp)
D. J. Cotrona as Seth Gecko (From Dusk Till Dawn)
Diego Luna as Cassian Andor (Rogue One)
Ansel Elgort as Miles “Baby” (Baby Driver)
James Marsden as Teddy Ford (Westworld)
Joshua Sasse as Gary Galavant (Galavant)
(Fourth Edition of Actor Appreciation)
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ghostblackberry · 5 years
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I was thinking about images that remind me of my Far Cry 5 Deputy Joshua G. Rook. I’ll eventually make a full edit but work and homework and D&D come first. Here he is. My weird introverted trans vegetarian medic.   
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ao3feed-farcry · 5 years
by martamatta
John didn't expect to be tied up and gagged by a junkie who took him by surprise.
"Rook" Tweak smiles “What a pleasure! What brings you here? ". "John Seed" replies straight "I saw him parachuting in this area, did you notice anything?".
"Tweak ... what's going on?" Joshua asks frowning and then realizes "You saw it, right!? Where is he!? Where is he hiding?! " Serum was not supposed to have this effect.
He smiles shyly playing with his nervous hands. "Sorry, who of you is my new dad?"
The deputy faces a new test, God really has a fantastic sense of humor... Joshua will find himself in new situations where his pride will stop blinding him and open his eyes and his heart.
Words: 850, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Far Cry (Video Games), Far Cry 5
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Deputy | Judge (Far Cry), John Seed, Aaron "Tweak" Kirby, Earl Whitehorse, Joseph Seed, Faith Seed, Jacob Seed, Nick Rye, Kim Rye, Carmina Rye, Boomer (Far Cry)
Relationships: Deputy | Judge/John Seed, Kim Rye/Nick Rye, Tracey Lader/Faith Seed
Additional Tags: Love Confessions, Romance, Past Child Abuse, Violence, Homophobia, Fluff and Humor, Redemption
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ofravensandgenesis · 4 years
15 OC Associations
I was tagged by @chyrstis​ nearing three weeks ago, thank you for the tag!! :D The weather and such has been dreadfully hot among other things, but here we are at last, with things getting back to a workable normal! I think most folks I know have done this already but let’s see, I think @undead-gearhead​ hasn’t yet, please feel free to hop on this fun bit as you like!! :D ♥
Joshua Rook
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[Image above sourced from Tyler Quiring [link] on unsplash, [link] per site license] 1. ANIMALS: Ravens, crows, foxes, wolves (in sheep’s clothing xDD ) 2. COLOURS: Blue, green, black, grey, orange, white 3. MONTH: November 4. SONGS: Home Free’s cover of In The Blood by John Mayer [link] It’s Alright by Mother Mother [link] Follow My Feet by The Unlikely Candidates [link] Pilgrims by New Dialogue [link] I Got You (End Of The World) by Zayde Wolf [link] 5. NUMBER: 6 (due to his middle name’s associations, not the usual more dark connotations ) 6. DAY OR NIGHT: Night 7. PLANTS: various species of tomato plants; vegetable and herb patches in general; rosemary; chamomile 8. SMELLS:  tea, fresh baked bread, warm laundry, steel 9. GEMSTONE: Sunstone, amber, green agate, lapis lazuli 10. SEASON: Autumn, just before the edge of winter 11. PLACES: The edge of the woods, beneath the window sill outside of the house at night, familiar back alleyways, hidden favorite campsites, secret club houses/tree houses, pizzerias and arcades 12. FOODS: Baked goods, breakfast foods in particular, fresh greens from the garden, weekend morning favorites, nachos 13. ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS: Libra 14. ELEMENTS: Fire, air 15. DRINKS: coffee, lemon water, the occasional glass of sweet tea, mint tea, chamomile tea, lots o teas tbh be it black/green/herbal, strawberry milkshakes, a nice beer, sometimes mixed drinks if he’s feeling festive. He’s got drink associations for many different occasions.
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ofravensandgenesis · 4 years
Meme Tag Games!
Thank you for all the lovely tags!! :D <3 This is quite belated but between some health happenings, the weather deciding to turn the thermostat way up (and the house AC went out), and other stuff, I got swamped for a while there. Here we are now though! :D Tagging anyone who wants to jump in on any of these, namely FC5 GFH tag game; OC Fighting Style; and WIP Day. Continued below the cut because this got long:
FC5 Guns For Hire Meme Game
Tagged by @chyrstis​ and @amistrio​ for the FC5 GFH meme, thank you for the tag!! :D <3 We have full length responses with some banter with the human GFH in particular here. I was kind of stumped with how to answer this for Joshua in what he might say as a GFH since his verse is very tailored for him being the Deputy and all the psychic shenanigans. Eventually I got over that and this is basically an AU where there’s another (unnamed here) Deputy who IS slated to be The Deputy that Joshua is trying to help (and convince to do less murder) to explain how he fits into a verse as a Gun For Hire. Psychic shenanigans still happen in this AU of an AU ofc, just it’s perhaps less prominent. We’re skipping over possible musings of relevant sidequests for Joshua relating to the Seeds in this for the sake of time, though I acknowledge that it’s something to explore, likely would impact the endgame with the Heralds, cult, and Joseph depending on the Deputy’s choices of doing a Kill or No-kill run. This verse also assumes that Joshua, the Deputy, Whitehorse, Pratt, and Hudson all got away or were not present for the helicopter crash. Other characters minor and otherwise who are alive in Joshua’s main fic verse ACABH are the same as in that story thus far, such as Rae-Rae and Ryan being alive. We’ll also presume the Seeds are all still alive at the time of these dialogue lines.
Deputy Joshua Raguel Rook
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(All images used were public domain and/or labeled free for reuse under creative commons license. Above image was sourced from [here.]) With Fangs for Hire
Boomer: “Hey there boy, how’re you feeling today? Got some venison strips saved for you, you eating enough with all this running around?” [cue more small talk and praise for Boomer about how Boomer’s doing such a good job and Joshua feeding Boomer bits of cooked meat. Will likely sing snatches of cheery dog-themed songs he’s heard when in the party with Boomer and there’s no enemies nearby.]
Peaches: “...I hope that’s not people-meat in your teeth, Peaches, you know how Miss Mable feels about that, it’s bad for your health. I’m also not quite brave enough to want to brush your teeth—though maybe Dr. Lindsey or Wade can offer advice on that. We’ll get you some nice fish instead, that’s a good kitty.” [He’s a bit more shy around Peaches than Boomer bc cougar, but an effort at friendliness will be made.]
Cheeseburger: “...that is one big bear. He’s a sweetheart though. Just...hoping he doesn’t make a mistake of who he’s barreling into. It’s not like we’re wearing team colors or anything.” [Cheeseburger is a sweetie and Joshua likes him, but also: bear. Joshua’s a bit wary around him, but will still feed Cheeseburger salmon when able. May crack a joke paralleling Cheeseburger going “Only You Can Prevent Cult Gun Fire.” Will not crack this joke after any Jacob-region events though.]
With Other Guns for Hire:
Sharky: So amibro, I was thinking, you know how those Angels are all dead in the head and stuff? How are they still shuffling around, is the Bliss like a zombie plant or something? Joshua: ...no, that’s more in line with the aliens that Larry keeps going on about I’m sure. Something about brainmelting and bendy straws, I got lost when he started mentioning Navier-Stokes equations for how the...resulting brain juice would be redirected. [Shuddery noise of disgust.] I’m not sure if he’s serious or just fucking with me and referencing Guy’s zombie movie series at this point. Could be either or. The Bliss is more like...like...uh. Like if you lost the keys to your car, but the car’s your body. You get me? Sharky: Damn, remind me never to OD on the stuff, I lose the keys to my car all the time. Sometimes I can’t be bothered to find em and just jiggle the lock so I can hop on in to hotwire the car because I’m in a hurry, you know? Ladies love a man who’s good with his hands, and who’s good with time and can improvise. You think that’d work on the Bliss car keys? Joshua: Maybe? Not everyone seems to be as readily lost to the Bliss at the same amounts. Personally I’d wager you’d be able to find your way back to your body no matter where you were in the bliss if we stood you near a signal fire. Sharky: This is why we’re friends man! Ride or die! ...also can you help me find my keys with that trick of yours, I lost ‘em again. Joshua: Yeah, though did you check under your bed? Also, maybe hang your regular set and a spare set of keys on a hook by the door so you can always find them, just in case you’re in a hurry.
Joshua: Hurk. [Said in a Mild, Judgmental Voice of Impending Doom From A Friend kind of tone.] Hurk: Hey man I didn’t do nothin’ to deserve that tone of voice now don’t you start on me. Joshua: How can you say that when you and Sharky went and invented zipline grenade-golf without me last night? And blew up part of the mini-YES-sign. Hurk: Oh man you were talking up Lindsey and with the way the two of you were smiling and laughing, we figured you might be getting lucky so like the proper supportive wingmen me and Sharky were, we left you gentlemen some of our finest booze and sticky green. You did find it didn’t you, I’d hate to waste the gifts of the beneficent Monkey God from above as He Who Likes To Par-tay Above And Here Below On This Earth did command me never to waste beer or the good kush and to always help a brother out who’s trying to hook it up with their fine persons of choice. Joshua: Hurk I’m not— [sighs in accepting and fond exasperation.] It’s not like that with me and Charles— Hurk: Ooooooooooooo, you’re on a first name basis already! I knew you had it in you! Get it man, get it good! I’m not into that, you know I like the ladies strictly, but I will support your endeavors no matter the sex of your fellow party-goer as leader of Hurk Gate and the Bro-iest of Bros. Joshua: Hurk oh my god, I’m not trying to sleep with or romance him. I’m—he’s not looking for that, at least not with me certainly, and I—...just, thanks. I still have most of the beer and weed leftover if you and Sharky are up for graffiting one of John’s billboard signs though. You in? Hurk: Hell yeah man, and oo, you did get some then, Josh you sly dog! Joshua: I DID NOT! [Meta-clarification: Joshua indeed did not, for reasons to be revealed at a later time in the main fic.]
Sharky, Hurk, and Joshua, if one bends the mechanics so they are all in the party together at the same time:
Sharky: Pfhahahahaha oh man did you see the look on those Peggies’s faces when we came just crashing down the mountainside in that burning car? It was priceless!
Joshua: What better way to set fire to mass amounts of Bliss fields than with a moving fireball? Sharky: I know man it was great! We didn’t get too singed or nothin’! We gotta try that burning trash-ball idea next time though, like building a snowman but with fire! A fireman! Ha! That was the easiest fifty bucks of my life, cuz. Joshua: Hold up a tick now, what. Hurk: Sharky man that’s against the betting code! You’re not supposed to tell! Joshua: Oh, you cheeky bastards were betting on if Sharky could convince me to drive the car down the hill, weren’t you. Hurk: Man it’s always a crap shoot with you, specially around cars. That’s what makes it fun, sometimes you get all “guys that’s not safe,” [said with a poor imitation of Joshua’s voice complete with a very terrible southern, Georgian-style accent before Hurk switches to his normal speaking voice to continue,] —and other times it’s just “hold my beer.” You’re not going to go all prim and proper on us now are ya? Joshua: I can’t believe you two. Gambling in Hope County, I’m shocked, shocked. Sharky you owe me half, I’ll buy you a beer first round. Sharky: Hell yeah man! Hurk: Wait a second did you two just con me? I’ve been robbed! Police! Joshua: Hurk I *am* the police, one of them present at least. Hurk: Oh shit son, you right. Help I’m being oppressed by the system!
Nick Rye
[This conversation happens after Seed Ranch has been taken, along with the AU detail of capturing John’s plane Affirmation at the same time, preferably early on, while John is still alive.] Nick: Hey Joshua I was talking to Sharky— Joshua: Oh no. Nick: And he had an idea that wasn’t half bad. Not a good one, and you’d be liable to get killed or captured, but I got stuck thinking on it and wanted to ask: What d’you think would happen if you dressed up like the Father and just pulled a whole Mission: Impossible face-a-roo switch? You can do that imitation of how he speaks and everything, I’ve heard you do it before. And with how high the Peggies are most of the time, they’re so far out of their gourds they wouldn’t notice the differences. Joshua: You mean aside from his brothers and sister noticing he’s suddenly an inch shorter, twenty years younger and the wrong brand of crazy? Nick: Just go off about there being an edit to God’s Plan or something, and you could get makeup or something going on with that age thing. People do all kinds of wizardry with foundation and stuff, though you’d have to ask someone else on that. Maybe Addie or someone she knows? I don’t know if they have aging-up tricks compared to aging-down though. It could work! Might be a quick way to end the fighting if we can just stuff Joseph into a car trunk and then stash him in a bunker somewhere while you’re pretending you’re him. Joshua: Nick my tattoos are different and I’m not going to convince people I’m Joseph if I have to do one of his shirtless walkarounds, NOR am I having sins and Bible verses carved into my hide to complete the look. I don’t think we have any special effects or make up artists in the county who specialize in convincingly fake scars made out of latex or something. Nick: I don’t know, that Guy Marvel might have someone. Or, had someone. He has to be able to afford all those special effects somehow. Joshua: I’m not going anywhere near that guy with a ten foot pole man, he weirds me out. Also consider: I’d have to talk to Jacob, John and Faith as Joseph. I don’t want that kind of responsibility of herding that conversation at the family dinner. Nick: Hoo, good point. So...how is that family bullshit coming along then? Joshua: I have no idea, I’m just winging it, like you are. Nick: [who’s currently flying a plane, thus the slight pun] Heh. Good luck with that then, and let me know if you want me to paint something special on John’s precious little Affirmation next time you take it out for a spin to spite him. Joshua: I’m sure I can think of a thing or two.
Adelaide: Honey you need to take a breather one of these days and just take a load off, if you keep up the way you’re going you’re going to end up looking more like your dad sooner rather than later. You should swing by the Marina sometime and have a yoga session with Xander, really helps get the blood pumping and limber you up if you know what I’m saying. Joshua: [Snorts in amusement.] Is Xander trying to convince you to eat more kale chips instead of potato chips again? Adelaide: Rook sweetie, I love Xander but there are some things a woman won’t put in her mouth, and kale chips are one of them. Joshua: I’ll swing by sometime to help out with the kale chips then, and maybe get in a yoga session at the same time. It’s been a while since I chatted Xander up what with the county going pearshaped. Adelaide: I’ll never understand how you two can eat those things. Ugh. Gives me the willies. Joshua: *I* eat them dipped in homemade spicy nacho cheese sauce. I have no idea how Xander eats them straight and still claims to have working tastebuds.
[For context: This conversation is based on the AU’s detail that Grace’s father has survived the previous attempt on his life prior to the start of the Reaping.]
Joshua: Did you crack open the extra care packages we dropped off yet Grace, or did your dad get to ‘em first? Grace: You referring to the chocolate bars you stashed in there? I got my share of them out in time. Joshua: Good, I was a little worried when you told me they were missing last time. Thought they might’ve been lifted without me knowing beforehand. Grace: He’s a sly one when sweets are up for grabs. Now if you can do something about the shortage of decent coffee… Joshua: What’s that? A reason to piss John off today and raid his personal stash? Say no more!
Jess: So. Joshua: So. Jess: Just like old times but with more fucked up cultist family bullshit than before, huh. Joshua: [Sighs.] Yeah. Jess: That’s rough, buddy. Joshua: Least I can steal shit en masse from the cultists and no one else minds right now. For the life of me though I can’t figure out where all of the snacks from Lorna’s went when the Peggies hit her place. I think they ate ‘em all. Jess: [Noise of disgust.] Those two-faced fuckers going on and on about how bad commercially produced food is and how everyone should get back to basics, but there they go snatching up all the frosted cakes and maple bars like it's baby’s first shoplifting spree. Joshua: I know right? Even if they do believe the end of the world’s coming, that’s still rude to clean the store out on the first go around—leave some snacks for the next bunch of looters, god damn.
In Combat
[Note: due to Joshua’s verse details, this comes with the assumption that were one to play in a version of his universe, the Deputy would have a kill/spare mechanic and thus also an option of doing a No Kill run and variations on that spectrum, which Joshua’s mechanics would support more so. This would likely also mean some additional options for the other guns-for-hire and creative use of their canonical loadouts and abilities. Joshua’s setup would overlap with Boomer and Jess’s via the Spotter and Concealment abilities, and he’d be equipped with a bliss dart gun and a scoped hunting rifle. Also melee options and such.] Seeing/tagging an enemy: “Hey look, another whack-a-mole.” / ”Fashionably challenged mountain-man zealot sighted.” / “Enemy sighted.” Seeing/tagging multiple enemies at once: “duck, duck, cultists.”/ “The Rapture called, they don’t want these Peggies back.” / “multiple hostiles in the area.” Bliss darting/knocking out a Peggie at range: “Nap time.” / “Another one bites the dust.” / “Down they go!” / “A little dirt nap never hurt any Peggie. Won’t hurt their outfits any either, a little dirt brown looks better than all of that mayonnaise-white so many of them wear anyway.” Knocking out a Peggie with a non-lethal stealth takedown: “Lights out.” / “Rang this one’s chimes hard enough he’ll think it’s time for morning service on a sunday when he wakes up.” / “Sleep tight.” / “She’s/he’s down.” Sneaking: “Feels like a tuesday.”  / “...” / “Five bucks says I can pickpocket the guards and they’d never even know till later.” / “Moving position.” / “Good to go.” Upon witnessing the Deputy killing an enemy: “Was that really necessary?!” / “...shit.” / “Maybe we should disengage and drop back out of sight instead of this.” / “What the fuck!” Reviving an ally/The Deputy: “Don’t you go dying on me! Stay alive, you’ve got so much to live for!” / “Come on, let’s get you patched up, you’re gonna be okay!” / “No no no! Don’t you dare die! Not today!” Hurt: “MOTHERFUCKER!” / “Ow!” / “God damn it, I just patched this shirt! And myself!” / “This is NOT my fucking element, fuck!” / “Why are we even in a situation where we’d get shot at?!” Downed: “Could use a little help over here!” / “Bleeding out, help!” / “...mom?”
When asked to drive: “...you sure? I really think someone else driving would be a better idea under current circumstances, but okay. Just don’t go making a habit out of this. Please. For everyone’s sake.” / “No.” [This is followed by outright refusal to sit in the driver’s seat.] / [Optionally if Sharky and/or Hurk are around] “Ugh. Just...gotta pretend this is driving through a Clutch Nixon. With live gun fire, instead of just fire-fire.”
When the Deputy/someone else is driving recklessly: “Iwantoffthisride” / “I’m going to have to pick upholstery out from under my nails later.” / “JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL.” / [Recites a Hail Mary.] / “Having a good time! NOT.” / [If it’s Sharky or Hurk driving] “This is the kind of reckless driving I can get behind. Through regular past exposure therapy.” Changing radio stations: [If it’s being changed to Eden’s Gate stations] “Can we not? I’ve heard this music so many times it’s old as hell, however catchy.” / “They did do a good job on the music, I gotta say. More ominous meaning to the lyrics right now in particular though.” / [If it’s being changed to Resistance Radio stations] “Road trip time! Watch out for moose in the road.” / “Hell yeah, crank those tunes!” / “I’m glad we have regular music to listen to still, it’d be such a drag to have to go without it.”
- [General] “What’s up? Everything going alright with you?” - [General] “I heard of a good fishing spot where the rainbow trout [or other game fish depending on situation/mechanics] are really biting today if you want to take a breather and just do a bit of fishing.” [this dialogue only triggers if the Deputy hasn’t filled out the map yet for fishing spots, and adds one to the map with a notification.] - [General] “Hey, there’s a prepper stash over yonder, if you want to try your hand at getting at it. [This dialogue only triggers at random if the Deputy hasn’t polished off all the nearby Prepper stashes already. Marks a nearby prepper stash on the map and gives a notification.]
- [General] “You know what surprises me? That the Project didn’t try to shut off the power plant to at least portions of the county. Sure lots of people are preppers or woodsmen and such, but electricity makes everything easier for us. Weird, ain’t it? They have the technicians for it I’m sure. Guess we should thank our lucky stars they either didn’t think of that or decided it wasn’t worth it. We’d be straight out of ice cold beer then, Whitehorse would hate that.” - [If the Deputy is taking the no-kill route] “Hey I just want to say...I appreciate you trying not to kill people, even if some of these cultists are absolute motherfuckers who deserve it. We might be able to stop all their prophecy crap dead in its tracks if you keep this up. And...you know. Thanks for not killing my crazy relatives? I think. They’ve done a lot of bad shit and they need to answer for that, but...the right way, not backwoods murder. We’re better than that, I hope.” - [If the Deputy is taking the killing route] “I get wanting to kill the Seeds and the cult...but this isn’t going to end well, even after we’re done. I wish you wouldn’t, but I can’t stop you if this is the choice you’ve made. ...I’m sorry I can’t be of more help to you. I...hope you’ll be alright, in the end. But I don’t think you will be.” [Recall that Joshua Knows What Will Happen To The Deputy if they take the canonically-based killing route. He leaves before the final confrontation, and curiously Whitehorse, Pratt, and Hudson don’t show up in the final scene either—ie, whichever route the Deputy chooses, they survive elsewhere (coughcough Joshua’s secret bunker cough.) The scene with Joseph still happens more or less the same, only the Deputy leaves alone if they choose Walk Away, and ends up alone with Joseph if they choose Resist. Also interestingly enough: Dutch isn’t present on the radio, nor in his bunker. His fish have been taken too. Joshua didn’t have the time to grab everyone, so he tried to grab the ones he knew for sure would die, and warned the others that he foresaw not surviving the Collapse or aftermath, like Mary May and Jess Black, or who suffered serious injuries like Grace. His buds Sharky and Hurk he bribes with beer and weed to hide out in their bunker or hang out in his while this goes down. Boomer, Cheeseburger, and Peaches are all herded to safety (yes there are mechanics for that in the standard AU verse, we shan’t delve into them here though bc spoilers tho.) The others he tries to warn, but whether he managed to get to them and some of the other latter people mentioned above in time or not is uncertain.] - [If the Deputy switched from a killing route to a no-kill route and all of the Seeds are still alive, Joshua sounds relieved] “Hey, I know it’s...it’s hard to hold off pulling the trigger when someone who’s hurt so many people is in your gunsights, but...I do think bringing them in for actual processing through the legal system—a proper trial without bullshit—is the better way. For all of us. Thank you.” - [If the Deputy switched from a no-kill route to a killing route, sounds slightly devastated] “...Why?” - [If the Deputy is doing a “neutral” run of killing significant numbers of cultists, but is sparing the Seeds as they go] “...I appreciate you not killing the murdery head-cult-family members, but…you think we could maybe lighten up on killing the rank and file? They don’t have the big names and they aren’t the leaders, but those are still people. They are responsible for their own actions, not saying they aren’t, but many of them are redeemable. Not all of them, but...maybe we can just lay them out in the infirmary for a good long while instead? Nothing permanent. The bad ones though can fall off a cliff.”
- [If the Deputy is doing a “selective killing” run of not killing rank and file cultists, but is in the process of killing all the Seed Heralds. Joshua sounds conflicted.] “I appreciate you not killing the followers, though some of them are definitely bastards who shouldn’t be allowed to walk free for the shit they’ve done, but...you think we could...maybe not kill the Seeds either? The Seeds are the primary responsible parties, not contesting that, but maybe we can just kick their asses and arrest them instead? It might help dampen the chaos somewhat, maybe we can use ‘em for leverage. We certainly could hide them somewhere secure that the Peggies wouldn’t be able to find ‘em. It’d be easier to talk Joseph down too, using his siblings as leverage.” [See above for killing route ending details.] Also? We’re driving in separate cars. Don’t turn on the radio, stay away from the others. You’re still brainwashed, and dangerous.” [Joshua is disappointed in the Deputy for not having stuck to some manner of universal moral principle.] - [If friendly, and the Deputy is on either a no-kill playthrough or has switched to a no-kill route,] “Hey, you wanna play a game of checkers, or chess? Take five for a bit, if you got the time?” - [If friendly, and the Deputy is on either a no-kill playthrough or has switched to a no-kill route,] “Hey, not to be mushy or anything, but...thank you. For being you. It’s inspiring to see someone’s able to take the higher path when everything’s falling to pieces all around us. Makes me have a little bit more faith in humanity, too.” - [If friendly, and the Deputy is on either a no-kill playthrough or has switched to a no-kill route, and has been on said no-kill route for a decent amount of time,] “Hey, we grabbed some really good produce this time around and sent it on over to Casey. Told him I’d tell you to swing by, and asked him to save some for you in case you were interested. They’ve got some fresh beef for burgers and sandwiches, pumpkin pie, apple pie, loaded baked potatoes, and all kinds of other tasty stuff for a cookout. The Ryes are coming round to help pitch in and organize it all as a little morale boost party. Wanna come? You deserve to put up your feet and relax, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who’d appreciate your company if you felt like joining in. If you’d rather not, I can sneak food to you if you want quiet time to yourself. It’s all good, just tell me what you want and where you want it.”
Location Specific:
- Near where the police station was, if it’s been burned down: [Sighs.] “While I’m not missing the paperwork that got torched, there was a nice feel of history to the old place. Wish they hadn’t burned it down, fuckers. But, well...the Project and the Seeds have good reason to have no love for police and authority figures among others, even before all this horribleness and the leadup stuff came down. So I can’t say I’m surprised they did.”
- Upon entering the Spread Eagle, if friendly: “Finally, a place where everybody knows our names instead of yelling “Deputies!” at us all day! Wanna hit up the arcade? I’ll buy the first round if you get the higher score.”
- Seed Ranch, outside if it hasn’t been liberated, inside if it has been liberated: “Never going to understand why some folks want real airy houses with so much dead space as their main living quarters. Feels more like a knickknack museum you’re supposed to look at, not a home you’re supposed to live in. He’s got all this Eden’s Gate paraphernalia in those glass display cases, and I don’t doubt John’s fervent in his beliefs, but it feels more like a rich boy’s hunting and vacation lodge cobbled together with a vague idea of home. You saw the doghouse out back, right? What’s the point of having a dog live outside if you’ve got ALL this space, it’s all finished wood floors, and you’ve made sure to train ‘em and raise ‘em properly so they know not to chew on the furniture? It’s lonely, that’s what this is. Joseph chides John and all that about learning to love, but it’s a case of the blind leading the blind there.” - Outside St. Francis Veterans Center: [Before the Veterans Center is liberated, if Jacob has captured the Deputy at least once, so the song “Only You” is played around the Center, and the melody starts to be audible in the distance as the group approaches.] “Yeah hey, I’m going to go the other way now and wait for you over here where I can’t hear the song of madness, ‘kay? Maybe you should avoid it too.” [This is followed by Joshua refusing to go too close to the Center, sans possible AU story missions.] - Anywhere near Joseph’s Island: [The first time the party gets near Joseph’s Island,] “Uh. No. I’m not going near that place twice any sooner than we need to.” [Watch Joshua be willing to jump out even into deep water and swim away if the Deputy tries to approach the island with him in tow on a boat.]
OC Fighting Style
Tagged by @chyrstis​ !! Thank you for the tag!! :D <3 This was another fun one to fill out (and shorter than the above but you know what we’re stapling all of these bad boys into one post bc Why Not.) Have an aesthetic picture of a Jacob sheep skull upon a sheep skin for the fun implications of what that says about Joshua’s fighting style. xD Ram skull image after some searching was sourced from [here], with a creative commons license for free-to-reuse, with some limitations.
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Rules: bold = often (or always), italics = sometimes, default = rarely, strike = never
fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range / chat during / go silent / low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / bait an opponent’s first strike / strike first / provoked easily / provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle / experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly / fight calmly, apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to / fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds / run away when wounded / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade / prefer a gun (non lethal rounds/tranquilizer darts) / prefer a bow / prefer a shield /  prefer a spear naginata / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer psychic abilities / prefer brawling / their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle / fight as they appear / rely on strength / rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly /  high stamina / doubt their strength / proceed with caution / behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit / belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength / avoid civilians / strike down civilians / damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go / mastered skillset / learning their skillset / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork / messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent / use unnecessary movements / move efficiently / barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block / defend their blindside / has no blindside / use all available advantages / strictly use one main method / play around / hold back / fight ruthlessly / show mercy / wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death  / fear pain / fear killing / has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / want to die standing / would succumb slowly
Tagged by @chyrstis and @hawkfurze !! Thank you for the tags!! :D <3
An excerpt from the current WIP chapter for ACABH: ————————— Weak. He was so weak, barely able to move right now, and he didn’t even know why. There was pain, a lot of pain, a feeling like his bones were on fire and about to crumble under pressure at any moment—but he’d been through worse. In this instance, he could recall that he’d fallen through the sky for a brief tumultuous time before gravity had stepped in, leading to him landing hard upon the road, as if making up for the lack of physics earlier. —————————
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ofravensandgenesis · 4 years
OC + Body Language
Tagged by @chyrstis​ and @stvnningstrike​, thank you for the tags! :D ♥ Tagging @amistrio​, @undead-gearhead​​ , and anyone else who wants in on this fun stuff!! :D Pardon any double tags, no pressure ofc!
Deputy Joshua Rook
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I thought the Beaker gif was funny and appropriate with Joshua’s current situation speaking of his next chapter portion (namely chapter eight,) but if we’re being a little bit more serious-ish for a gif that sums him up then have this one of Oscar Isaac:
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arms crossed on chest / crossing legs / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / karate chops / stiffening of shoulders / tense posture / curling of lip / baring of teeth
hand-to-face gestures / head tilted / stroking chin / peering over glasses / taking glasses off; cleaning / putting earpiece of glasses in mouth / pipe smoker gestures / putting hand to bridge of nose / pursed lips / knitted brows
arms crossed / sideways glance / touching or rubbing nose / rubbing eyes / hands resting on weapon / brows raising / lips pressing into a thin line / strict, unwavering eye contact / wrinkling of nose / narrowed eyes
hands behind back / hands on lapels of coat / steepled hands / baring teeth in a grin / rolling shoulders / tipping head back but maintaining eye contact / chest puffed up / shoulders back / arms folded just above navel / wide eyes / standing akimbo
chewing pen or pencil / rubbing thumb over opposite thumb / biting picking fingernails / biting lips / hands in pockets / elbow bent / closed gestures / clearing throat / ‘whew’ sound / picking or pinching flesh / fidgeting in chair / hand covering mouth whilst speaking / poor eye contact / tugging pants whilst seated / jingling money in pockets / tugging at ear / perspiring hands / playing with hair / swaying / playing with pointer; marker; cane / smacking lips / sighing / rocking on balls of feet / flexing or cracking fingers sporadically
short breaths / ‘tsk’ sounds / tightly-clenched hands / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / rubbing hand through hair / rubbing back of neck / snarling / revealing teeth / grimacing / sharp-eye glowers / notable tension in brow / shoulders back, head up; defensive posturing / clenching of jaw / grinding teeth / nostrils flaring / heavy exhales
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ofravensandgenesis · 5 years
About the Character
Tagged by @chyrstis​! Thank you for the tag! :D ♥ — Your muse’s name: Joshua Raguel Rook — One favorite picture / faceclaim of your muse: Bruh I only got the one picture below. Original post of the art is [here.]
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― two headcanons you have for your muse: 1. All pizza styles are valid and delicious in Joshua’s opinion. Does go for Neapolitan style as his default, but all pizzas are good pizzas. This is one reason among many why he’s going to make sure there’s pizza during and after the apocalypse, along with the means and ingredients to make it. He’s sure other cultures will survive elsewhere across the world, but until global trade and such is reestablished he wants to still have the classics as options. 2. For all that he’s aware of what could happen with Larry, Nick and Hurk on Mars, he still has trouble wrapping his head around the idea that there are futuristic robots, at least one evil AI, and angry spider-crab-aliens out there. Even with all the weird tech he’s seen Larry working on from time to time, earth-based-tech or no. It’s a weird universe they live in, honestly.
― three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
1. Learning new cooking recipes 2. Preparing for the end of the world 3. Watching educational videos on how to learn or improve various skills
― seven people your muse loves/likes:
Some minor spoilers below for ACABH:
If we mean people he’s actually met in this life: Staci Pratt, Sharky Boshaw, Joey Hudson, Hurk Jr., Earl Whitehorse, Larry Parker, and Jess Black. And bonus because he deserves at least an honorable mention: Dutch. If we’re including people he hasn’t met, then his relatives are a whole barrel of fun in terms of complicated love/hate impressions and should be mentioned, namely Jacob, Joseph, John, and Faith. [censored] and [censored] he likes, but they are family he hasn’t ever met either. He also thinks well of his mother Clementine, but she passed on before he ever met her. Censored names are due to the characters not being revealed yet in-fic. xDD
― a phobia your muse has:
Suffocation, in various forms including drowning. He’s not a fan of not being able to breathe. Ties into his hatred of being trapped, locked up, or helpless, particularly for unknown stretches of time without a known end date with an actual promise of freedom afterwards.
Tagging: @undead-gearhead @englass @amistrio​ aaaaaaaaaand anyone else who hasn’t done this yet, bit late to the party here. x’D Pardon any double tags, and have a nice day!! :D ♥
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ofravensandgenesis · 4 years
WIP Day and Other Ask Games
Tagged by @scarlettkat86 , @chyrstis​ , and @amistrio​ !! Thank you for the tags!!! :D Pardon the delay on some of these, oop. It’s definitely been a while since I last did a WIP day and such, needed the time off for real life happenings and to deal with some of the usual health shenanigans. Feeling alright today though, hope you’re all doing good as well!! :D ♥ Tagging anyone who wants in on this, please show us the splendid WIPs you have in progress!! :D Redacting character names in the tidbits below to avoid spoilers. Text below the cut!
—————————— WIP Day —————————— “Sorry.” [Redacted Character #1] added, still glowering as he eyed [Redacted Char. #2] for a moment before shifting his gaze to one side. “I know I shouldn’t yell, but it’s been a shitty day for all of us, including you. So, how about I just...go make us some tea or whatever’s in the kitchen and we all take a breather for five minutes?” [Redacted Char. #2] didn’t say anything for a long, long moment, and [Redacted Char. #3] hoped that meant the two were done fighting. “You should just leave,” She said, her voice quieter and full of resentment directed at [Redacted Char. #1], though the fight seemed gone from her expression for now. So much for cooperation. —————————— Last Line Meme —————————— “You have the option to leave and just make this all go away, for all of us.” —————————— Meet my OC ——————————
Name: Joshua Rigel Rook (Far Cry 5 OC) Age: 23 (as of the start of events in ACABH fic timeline, comparable to the start of the canonical game events)
D.O.B.: October 9th  
From: Macon, Georgia
Father: The one and only Joseph Seed...who has no idea Joshua survived Joseph’s canonical backstory events and actions. That’ll go over well (no it won’t.)
Mother: Clementine Rook (deceased.)
Siblings: Ethan is his half brother through Joseph, and is off living a relatively cult-free life elsewhere rn at a young age while still being a dramatic little shit with a temper. Has zero idea about anything going on in Hope County or anything about his dad, bc his mom Megan wised up to Joseph’s dark and terrible past. The two of them likely won’t be showing up in the ACABH fic, but may be mentioned (if he hasn’t been mentioned directly already...it’s a long fic, and I can’t remember everything I’ve written off the top of my head RIP.)
Other Relatives: John Seed (uncle), Jacob Seed (uncle), Faith Seed née Rachel Jessop (adopted aunt), Melanie Givens (aunt-in-law), James Givens (cousin, son of Jacob and Melanie)
Height: 6′
Weight: 185 lbs
Hair: Dark brown and long with plenty of body, glossy af. Wears it in a long ponytail to keep it out of the way. Really should trim his bangs but he likes them long enough to keep tucked out of the way, just for the aesthetic. Looks like a nerdy coffee shop Jesus hairstyle if his hair’s down.
Eyes: Blue enough to stare into the depths of your soul. Runs in the family, for the most part.
Status: Alive and almost certainly either up to trouble or in trouble, depending on the time.
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ofravensandgenesis · 4 years
OC Quiz
Tagged by @amistrio​ and @stvnningstrike​ !! Thank you for the tags in this fun ask game!! :D ♥ Tagging anyone who wants to be tagged, go forth and tell us about your lovely OCs!!!!
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Deputy Joshua Rook
————— Asked someone to marry you? - Innocent.
Kissed one of your friends? - Uhhhh, innocent...? What kind of kiss are we talking here, because if we mean cheek kisses or something like that then yeah, guilty, but if you mean a proper kiss on the mouth then pretty sure innocent. Well. So long as we’re counting people as friends that I’ve known longer than the lifespan of a mayfly.
Danced on a table in a bar or tavern? - Innocent.
Ever told a lie? - Guilty guilty guilty, it’s a marvel I have a single pair of pants left, rather than all of them burning up in one of Sharky’s bonfires.
Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have? - ...I mean, yes. It’s a crush, I’ll get over it. Guilty.
Ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? - Innocent ish if we mean strictly me being the one to initiate the kiss. Platonic affection kisses guilty, romantic or sexual kisses innocent. If we’re including being kissed by someone of the opposite sex, guilty then.
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? - Guilty on all counts.
Kissed a picture? - Does it count as guilty if I was five and it was for art time? It was an effort somewhere between painting and cleaning all the paint off my face. If no, innocent otherwise.
Slept in until 5pm? - Guilty and then some, I’ve slept at weird hours before for night work. [coughs.]
Fallen asleep at work or school? - ...guilty on rare occasion, I try not to though. Sleepwalking, you know how it is.
Held a snake? - Innocent which is unfortunate, snakes are cool animals man. I’ve only seen them in pet stores and in documentaries.
Been suspended from school? - Ehhhhhhhh, technically innocent as I was not actually suspended. I was threatened with suspension if I was found to be acting out again. So I made sure to not get found out.
Stolen something? - If I had a nickel for every item I’ve stolen, I’d have a small fortune. Guilty as hell.
Done something you regret? - Guilty again. We all have regrets, don’t we?
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? - ...innocent, I hadn’t thought to try this yet, why am I living this far up north where it gets freezing cold and snows if I’m not going to do these things. I’ll have to do that when winter next rolls around. If I can, anyway.
Laughed until liquid came out of your nose? - Innocent. That sounds uncomfortable.
Kissed in the rain? - Uh. Guilty? It was an out of the blue surprise and I wasn’t expecting it. Nice though.
Sat on a roof top? - Guilty. It’s nice up there.
Kissed someone you shouldn’t? - Innocent?? Who would count as “someone you shouldn’t kiss”? ...maybe guilty? There was that one time I gatecrashed a party to, uh, avoid a close encounter with the law, shall we say, as a teen. Was yanking my hoodie off to try to blend in and change my look when I ran right into this guy—real cute, real surprised, but that left no time for me to really hide though. So I panicked, pulled him out of the way, and sprang a surprise smooch on him. I apologized after the coast was clear, but he was...ahem, more than fine with it. Ended up sticking around to talk to him. Nice night, nice guy, honestly. Rory's his name. We still talk on the regular.
Sang in the shower? - Innocent. I think.
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? - Do lakes count? Guilty if so. Blame Sharky and Pratt. Hurk helped.
Shaved your head? - Personally innocent, though others have given me a really close cut as a kid on occasion. Didn’t much care for it at all, then or now.
Slept naked? - Guilty. Sometimes summer got too damn hot and clothes were overkill because there was no air conditioning. Thankfully I make more than enough to afford AC now so I don’t melt into a puddle during a heat wave—or turn into an icicle up here in Montana during the winter.
Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? - Innocent. I’d need to have an S/O to run that risk first. Pretty sure if I ever do get one there’ll be fights eventually because I don’t think anyone can avoid fighting forever, can they?
Donated blood? - Innocent, it just never came around as a situation to consider before now.
Eaten alligator meat? - Guilty, it was a food bank donated can of the stuff. Tasted kind of like a cross between something gamey, chickeny, and fishy?? Not real keen on eating it again, but if there was nothing else to eat, probably would.
Eaten cheesecake? - Guilty. Tasty stuff, cheesecake.
Still loved someone you shouldn’t? - ................... [What an uncomfortable question. He doesn’t want to answer that.]
Have/had a tattoo? - Guilty on multiple counts.
Liked someone, but will never tell who? - Guilty, though Joey already knows, she has this ability where she can just stare into your soul and know your deepest darkest secrets— [He’s kidding, Joey’s just perceptive and he knows it. He likes to pretend that she doesn’t know though, helps with the denial.]
Been too honest? - ??? Uh...I...would...not think so? Innocent?
Ruined a surprise? - Guilty, both accidentally and intentionally.
Eaten so much that you can’t walk after? - Innocent. I have wolfed down my food on more than one occasion though, even though I know I shouldn’t. It happens sometimes, but still working on it.
Dressed in a man’s clothes? - Guilty, I generally wear men’s clothes.
Dressed in a woman’s clothes? - Innocent as far as I know, though many clothes are unisex and I’ve gotten clothes from thrift stores and other sources before so who knows? Hoodies are for everyone.
Joined a pageant? - ??? I don’t think so, unless school talent contests and costume contests count? Didn’t really do much for those either. So, innocent.
Still have communication with your ex? - Pfft, I’d need to have an ex first for that. Innocent. Rory isn’t an ex by virtue of the fact that we never dated.
Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who meant it? - Innocent.
Cheated on someone? - See above, have not had an actual serious relationship to speak of for this to happen. Nor have I been the, uh, third person so to speak, so innocent.
Gotten totally drunk and missed an exam? - Innocent. I don’t really get drunk outside of drinking with friends socially, and even then I would prefer to keep my personal intoxication levels low.
A total stranger treated you by paying your fare? - Innocent.
Got so angry that you cried? - Guilty. Life sucks sometimes.
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? - ...does for our combined mutual good count? Guilty if so.
Thought about suicide? - ...Guilty in passing, once. Not deeply or seriously. [He’s too determined to try to live his life, honestly. Even if he’s kind of worked up into a mess with all of the cult business and the psychic bullshit he has to deal with.]
Thought about murder? - Guilty. Very guilty if dreams and visions of possible futures count.
Actually murdered someone? - Innocent. Hopefully it’ll stay that way regardless.
Thought about mass murder? - ...Guilty. Comes with the territory of dreaming about the Reaping and Collapse for years upon years from different perspectives. Would prefer not to think about that. [It’s unsettling to him.]
Actually committed a mass murder? - Innocent, and hopefully will very much stay that way.
Rode in a stranger’s vehicle? - Do taxis count, or public transportation? Guilty if so, innocent otherwise.
Stalked someone? - ...guilty but it was for a good cause on all occasions. Namely keeping a third party from tormenting and or murdering them and their family members or friends.
Had a girlfriend? - A serious girlfriend? Innocent. A girlfriend in kindergarten school for all of one recess and free play period? Guilty ish? Kindergarten was wild, man.
Had a boyfriend? - Innocent since I would say I haven’t actually had a serious relationship yet. I’ve had...flings?? It’s weird to call them that, we didn’t discuss what name fit it at the time or anything, just acknowledged that we were both on the same page of not looking for something involving commitment at the time from each other. Just...you know, being there with each other for a little while, before we parted ways. It wasn’t a good time to pursue a relationship for me, at the very least. Not sure when a good time would be, though. After all this? [Assuming there is an afterwards worth mentioning once the cult situation is...resolved, shall we say. He doesn’t know what will happen then. Terrifying, isn’t it. Almost as bad as knowing what could and would happen in what he considers the Bad Ending from his point of view.]
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? - Innocent. Don’t much care for loss of control over myself, as stated earlier. Some drinking is fine in good company and a safe environment.
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