#des’ original series
thequeendesi · 2 years
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Title: Boyfriend
Alt Title: Dada
Warnings: swearing, Nate jacobs, stalker themes, alluding to physical abuse
Disclaimer: I don’t own you or the euphoria franchise
Rating: MA-16
Word Count: 2.8K
A/N: Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!! l have had so many life changes!! I got a boyfriend, my first real boyfriend lol. I quit my old job and started a new one. I graduate in December and applied for a nursing program for Fall 2023! Life has been crazy
Tag List: @ellyskey , @minaxcarter , @leslienjazzy y , @write-from-the-heart , @local-bxbby y , @twdbaddie1090 , @multiharlot t , @lovesanimals0000
You looked at your phone, a notification from Facebook popping up to let you know about you have memories to look back on. You sat back against your car’s seat as you pressed the memories tab. You smiled a little, your maternity photos being the first thing to pop up.
You remembered that day, Nate and you fought the night before which made your anxiety so severe you woke up in the middle of the night throwing up. You tried leaving his house, after waking to throw up, to Kat’s, but he convinced you to stay.
You were so miserable in your photos, but the act you laid on was thick. You took them alone, which helped your anxiety because Nate didn’t want to be a part of them.
The next day was your birthday, which also happened to be the day you had your bundle of joy. Flynn Sylas Jacobs.
You scrolled down the page of memories and saw a picture of you and Fez. You two were 13 in the picture, he had an arm around your shoulder and you were hugging his side. His grandmother, Marie, took the picture, and for 2 years it was your profile picture.
No matter which boy entered your life, left your life, hurt you or did whatever else to you, Fez was always the best constant.
You smiled a little, resharing the photo, tagging him in the post.
Your phone vibrated as ‘El <3’ texted you. “Morning hon” the text read.
“Mornin’. How’d you sleep?”
“Slept. Would’ve slept better if you were here.”
You laughed a little at his text. “I bet. Not to brag, but I can put babies to sleep pretty quick.”
You got out of your car, grabbing your purse. You had just gotten off from your 9PM-5AM and were picking up Flynn from your mother’s. You locked your car and turned to walk to the door.
“I’m sure. What’s the plan for today?”
You walked to the door, reading his text.
Humming to yourself, you used your key to open the door.
Opening the door, you responded to him. “Getting a cake for Flynn’s birthday party. Took off tomorrow and the rest of today off for him.” You walked into the house and locked the door behind yourself.
Your mom slept on the couch, Flynn in the pack and play in front of her, her hand draped in as he held his hand up to hold her finger.
You smiled at the scene.
“Isn’t it your birthday tomorrow too?“
You turned off your phone, then put it in your pocket, walking over to your mom. “Hi mom.” You said softly, rubbing her shoulder.
She rubbed her eyes and sat up. “Mmm… hi lovebug.” She said, looking at you.
“Work went well?” She asked.
You nodded. “It was work.” You sat next to her, resting your head on her shoulder.
She leaned her cheek on your forehead. “You wanna take a quick nap before taking Flynn back to your house?”
You nodded a little. She put an arm around your shoulder, letting you doze off.
You picked your head up, rubbing your eyes as the smell of coffee and breakfast hit you.
“Mornin’ sunshine.” Your dad said, sitting in his recliner. “It’s 10AM.” He commented. “I hope you slept well.” He nodded at you, Flynn sat on his lap, enjoying hitting the paper in his hands.
You smiled a little, nodding.
“I got the cutest picture of your father and Flynny.” Your mom gushed, showing you her phone.
Flynn’s hands were on your dad’s chin as both of them had a big laugh.
“He was telling him a story and he was very dramatic with his laughter.” Your mom explained.
You smiled a little, a little saddened you slept through it, but god knew you needed it. “I made some breakfast. Eat. I know you’re hungry.” Your mom patted your shoulder, plucking Flynn from your fathers arms.
You nodded, walking into the kitchen to fix yourself a plate and eat.
Your brother sat at the table, smiling a little at you. “Did mom tell you I got first place at the center’s science show? Went classic, volcano.” He explained. You always enjoyed his nerd side, you missed seeing him and his group in the halls of high school before you graduated early for Flynn.
“She did! I texted you congrats dork. You’d know if you learned to text back.” You swore he lived his life on DND.
“Oh. Yea.” He shrugged a little, eating his food.
“How’s school?” You asked.
“School. Everyone’s still making little comments about Lexi’s play.” He said back.
“Wow.” You said, eating your own plate.
“Hey, do you need help setting up for Flynn tomorrow?” He asked, finishing his plate. “A little. But it’s ok if you’re not able to.”
“(Name), I wouldn’t ask if I couldn’t. Just let me know what you need help with, and I got you.” He said, nudging your shin with his foot.
You smiled a little and nodded. “Thanks.” You finished your plate. “I’ll text you the plan when I get home. I gotta take Flynn with me to get his cake.” You stood up and took your plate to the sink.
“Gotcha.” He nodded and grabbed your plate and began his normal routine.
“Thanks mom.” You hugged her tight and picked up Flynn and slung his baby bag over your shoulder.
“See you tomorrow at the park.” You said, walking out of the house.
Nate tapped his finger on the wheel. His eyes trailing Elliot, who sported a deep bruise on his collar bone. “Fuck.” He grumbled, punching the wheel. He knew who it was from, you.
“Elliot!” He shouted out the window, stepping out of the truck.
Elliot stopped in his tracks.
“You got a hickey from her? I told you to leave her alone, didn’t I?” Nate asked, fists clenched as he made contact with Elliot’s face. Elliot’s feet slipped from under him as his ass made contact with the gravel.
A slew of swears escaped his slips as he stared up at Nate. His hand cupping his upper cheek where Nate hit.
“Fuck man.” Elliot stood up. “She made the choice to talk to me!” He shouted at him. “Leave me alone you fuckin psycho.”
“Shut your junkie ass up.” Nate said, grabbing his shirt collar pulling the shorter male to his feet.
“I’m not one anymore!” Elliot responded.
The two froze as Elliot’s phone rang. “Answer it, pretty boy.“
“So you admit I’m prettier than you?” Elliot smirked, taking Nate’s freeze as an opportunity to run, but he didn’t get far.
You buckled Flynn into his car seat, and tightened the straps to fit him snuggly but be mindful of his breathing. “Alright buddy.” You said. To your relief, Flynn never really minded his car seat. He didn’t love it, but he tolerated it at the very least. You closed his door after placing the bag in the seat next to him and your purse in the passenger seat.
You got into the driver's seat and buckled up. “Hey sweetheart, change of plans. You think you can pick me up early? It’s cool if you can’t, but my bike was broken.”
You bite your lip as you look in the mirror at the mirror that showed Flynn, who stared at the toy in his hands. You had planned to let Elliot meet Flynn tomorrow.
“Uh. Yea. But I was about to pick up Flynn’s cake. That ok? He’s with me.” You texted, waiting for his text.
“I don’t think that’s best right now. I don’t want him to see what his father did.”
Your heart sank, eyes swelling with tears. Your hand began to shake as you called him. “What did his father do?” You immediately asked him as he answered the phone. You knew exactly what he did, but you needed to know from him.
“He, uh… there’s no nice way to say this (Name). He kicked my ass.”
“Oh my god.” You muttered. “I… fuck. I don’t… I don’t know what to say other than I’m so fucking sorry. I’ll pay you back for the movie tickets I swear.” You stuttered out, you hated the way you were reacting. He was the one who got beat, and you were the one freaking out for him.
“What? Why’d you need to pay me back for the tickets? I got some licks in. I just don’t wanna be bloody for when I meet your kid.”
You paused, your breath caught in your throat. “You… you still want to meet Flynn?” You asked, eyebrows narrowing.
“Yea.” He answered, without hesitation.
“Elliot. Nate hurt you. He put someone in jail for Maddy after almost killing the guy.” You put your phone on Bluetooth and connected the phone to your car.
“So? I’ve been through worse. It is what it is. I still wanna be your boyfriend.” He said, your eyes widened a little as you began the drive to Walmart. “Boy friend? Mine?”
“Boyfriend. One word. Don’t put the space in between.” Elliot said, foot steps being heard in the phone call.
“Even though Flynn’s dad could’ve just killed you?” You asked him, watching everything as you drove as carefully as possible with Flynn calmly playing with his toy.
“I like you. You’re something I feel sure of. I need you more than any other vice. I wanna spend all my time with you, ma.” He said into the phone.
“El.” You sighed. “I’ll give it a try, if you wanna give it a try.”
“So you’d be my girl? As in girlfriend. The one without a space in between.” He teased you on the phone.
“And you know my son comes first.”
“I’d cut you off personally if you didn’t put him first.” Elliot said, with a serious undertone to his joking voice.
“You got someone who can pick you up to get you to a shower?” You asked, he was right about not letting Flynn see someone who was most likely drenched in blood.
“Yea.” He answered. “Hey, I’ll call you when I’m all clean and I’ll help you over at the park to pre-set up Flynn’s party.”
“Oh, alright.” You said, him hanging up the phone quickly.
“Stop, that’s (Y/N).” Nate said as Cal slowed to a stop at the stop sign. Cal nodded. “It is. So is Flynn.” He said, looking at the baby in his high chair as you got together some decorations.
“Flynn’s birthday is tomorrow. She’s setting up for it, what it looks like.” Cal observed. “I know it’s his birthday tomorrow. Christ dad. What kinda monster you take me for?“ Nate snapped, grabbing his phone.
“What’re you doing?” Cal asked, looking into his rear view mirror. “I think it’s best for Flynn if we continue home.” He said, emphasizing Flynn’s name. “Shouldn’t I help prepare for my son’s birthday? Help the mother of my child?” Nate scoffed.
“She’d ask if she needed any.” He said plainly. “She’s capable enough.” Cal said, driving forward making Nate watch you shrink in the distance.
Silence filled the vehicle as Nate stared out of the window. “Didn’t you begin dating someone new anyways? What was her name? Cassie?”
“We broke up.”
“For how long?”
Nate’s jaw clenched, his father’s continual questioning of him wasn’t necessary right now. He had a goal in his mind, to mend his family. After all, what they say about the first baby mama is true.
“If I wanted to be with Cassie, do you think I’d still be chasing after (Name)?” Nate asked, eyebrows narrowing as he turned his gaze to Cal’s.
“It’s you, son. I don’t think I need to answer further.” The father said simply.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Nate pressed. “I’m not engaging in this Nate. We’re almost home. What you do on your own time, is your business. But I’m not going to let you fuck with that girl on my watch.” Cal said, firmness in his voice.
Cal knew, no matter what he did or said, Nate was going to do what he pleased. The least Cal could do was prolong your tragic fate when Nate’s finally able to reach you. Cal remembered one of the last fights the two of you had. Marsha spent 30 minutes in the bathroom, sobbing silently to herself as she cleaned your drying blood and broken glass off the floor.
Driving in silence, Cal’s mind raced. His brain was always loud, but this time it was fast and loud. He can’t believe the son he raised, but he does. Nate was the explanation of surroundings. After all, Cal wasn’t even that much of a better person than his own son. Who he personally heard was called a monster.
Cal parked his car, Nate quickly getting out of the car. “Son. Please, leave her be. Your son will watch your moves.” Cal reminded him, using Flynn as a pawn in his example.
Nate snarled to himself, took a deep breath before a seemingly genuine smile putting itself on his face. “Fine. Dad. You’re right. I couldn’t let my son turn into a monster.”
You sat on your couch, Flynn stumbling around the room. He figured his legs out earlier that day, and since he’s been trying to walk everywhere. “Flynn.” You called out to him.
He looked up at you, a wide smile spreading across his face as you snapped a picture with your Polaroid. You mentally jumped for joy as you hoped the picture captured your son’s perfectness.
He stumbled out to you, arms outstretched in front of him as you swooped in to pick him up and kiss all over his face, making him squeal and hold your face.
You walked over to the kitchen and grabbed his bottle, knowing it was about that time to feed him “It’s only 2.” You noted to yourself, giving him the bottle.
He grabbed it with one hand and began drinking as he watched you try and make a decision of what you wanted to do. You ended up putting up almost all decorations alone in an hour and ended up wanting to go home. You plan on waiting until tomorrow before putting any of the specialized Flynn stuff up. You had no worry because you made sure to use your parents' community to have the party, older people.
Elliot wasn’t really due to come over for an hour or so, but you found yourself missing your… boyfriend.
“Mama has a boyfriend Flynn.” You said to him, knowing he was more interested in his bottle than your boyfriend. “Mama has a boyfriend that isn’t mean to her.” You said to yourself, joy rising in your body. “He likes to sing bubba.” You told him, walking over to the couch. “And playing the guitar. I wanna see if he’ll play the ukulele.” You smiled to yourself, sitting on the couch, Flynn on your lap. “I waited a few months before letting you meet him bub. Mama can get hundreds of boyfriends.”
You kissed his nose as he looked up at you, almost out of his bottle. “But mama only has one Flynn.” He shook his empty bottle at you. You laughed a little and placed the bottle on the table.
Flynn got off your lap and sat on the couch and pointed at the TV. Rubbing circles on his chest repeatedly. “Yes sir.” You laughed softly, you turned on his favorite show, paw patrol.
You checked your phone, missed call from ‘El <3’ 2 minutes ago.
You pressed the notification, placing your phone to your ear. “Hey princess.”
“Hey El. You ok?” You asked, leaning back against the couch, Flynn placing his head on your lap. “Yea. I’m chill.” He responded.
“I just… I just can’t be alone right now. Can I come over already? Something happened and it’s just… it’s not putting me in a good state and I just… I need you.” Elliot said into the phone.
“Yea. Sure of course.”
“Awesome, cause I’m in your doorway.” He said, a knock at your door following afterwards.
You hung up the phone and answered the door.
Your heart sank as you noticed the bruising on his face and knuckles.
Your arms wrapped around his neck as you pulled him close. His arms wrapped themselves around your waist. “I’m so sorry El.” You nearly sobbed into his neck. “I’ll wear sunglasses tomorrow. It just looks like make up right now. Tomorrow it’ll look a little worse.” He tried to make you laugh a little.
“It’s okay baby girl. You have nothing to apologize for. You didn’t do anything.” He cupped your face. “You ain’t at fault.” He pecked your lips then looked at Flynn.
Flynn stared at Elliot. “Hi buddy.”
Flynn looked behind you and Elliot, his eyes meeting something’s. “Dada?”
You looked up from Elliot’s shoulder, eyes meeting Nate fucking Jacobs.
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gallwithapall · 9 months
Bones with his whole ass black outfit only being in one episode of star trek...seems... CRIMINAL ITS A CRIME AGAINST THE FEDERATION!!!!
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mcfaucet · 3 months
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love as long as you can
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subterraneanna · 3 months
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S4 E5 — Chapel negotiates a truce with the help of McCoy's family recipe. Curley demonstrates his excellent lettering and spelling. Spock discovers the solution to a circuit burnout is a firm slap to Toby Jack's face. The full cowboy crossover series
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cybergus · 8 months
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Strange (and rainy) Days (June 2023, Mexico City), by Abelardo Ojeda.
My Street Photoblog.
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almostzander · 7 months
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Ad Astra, with you
I'm finally ready to share this one. This piece means so much to me, and no, I have not moved on. It's been a year since I started wearing a cariad braid in my own hair, a promise to myself. This book, these people, changed the way I looked at so many things. I fell in love with writing again through this story. I see so much of myself in these characters. I remember to be gentle while I find my place in this universe.
I hope one day I find my yellow door. Until then, I'll keep making beautiful things and searching the stars for my next adventure.
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t0ast-ghost · 3 months
Episode 17 (The Galileo Seven):
- I’ve heard good things about this one… (edit: understatement of the fuckin year)
- pretty green space thing
- oh so the shuttlecraft is called Galileo.. lemme guess there’s gonna be seven people on board
- NEW PARIS??? Someone made it again? Does it have the crypts? Does it have someone to hate the Eiffel Tower like Guy de Maupassant? Does it even have an Effiel tower?
- oh that’s fuckin neat. I love the shuttlecraft lifting out of the ship
- I love the carpet flooring on the shuttlecraft
- “Doctor McCoy a reading on the atmosphere, please” HE TOUCHES HIS SHOULDER OMG
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- say what you will, that shuttlecraft door opening and closing is cool as fuck
- A Bones sitting normally in chairs compilation would be extremely short
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- "we'll have to lighten our load by three hundred pounds" "approximately three men" t'would be a shame if something were to... happen...
- “if any minor damage was overlooked it was when they put his head together.” “Not his head, Mr. Boma. His heart… His heart” this is said with such longing and sadness like, what.
- THAT is a comically large spear
- one down… two to go..
- “Mr. Spock, something’s happening outside” Spock immediately goes to help, he cares in his own way
- being reminded how immaculate Spock and McCoy’s eyebrows are
- “Yes, I know, but fortunately I’m giving the orders” Spock is so real for this
- “and just where are you going?”(I’m worried what you’re going to go do without your phaser)“I have a certain scientific curiosity about what’s happened of Mr. Gaetano. Return to the ship please.” (I need to find out if Gaetano is alive. Please stay safe back at the ship)
- aww he’s taking the body back because he knows it’s important to the crew (he cares in his own way… again!)
- NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO BE CONFUSED YOU ARE BEING ATTACKED “a little less analysis and a little more action” McCoy is RIGHT
- “Mr. Spock, remind me to tell you that I’m sick and tired of your logic.” “That is a most illogical attitude.” They love each other. They love each other so much.
- no but seriously, McCoy thinks it’s stupid that Spock’s logic would dictate that he would have to leave Spock behind. Where Spock would rather they have a better chance at getting back and thinks leaving him was the most logical
- “Did I [say that]? I must have been mistaken.” “Well at least I’ll live long enough to hear that.” Not the time nor place gentlemen
- “it may be the last action you’ll ever take, Mr. Spock… but it was all human.” “Totally illogical.” “That’s what I mean.” In what could have been his last moments Bones decides to antagonize/reassure Spock
- I- this scene, right here
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- Kirk leans in while smiling and says, “Mr. Spock, you’re a stubborn man.” “Yes, sir”
New favourite episode.
Master list link
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ghostbny · 7 months
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Rox my most fella of all🙏🙏 give this guy a cookie 🗣️
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violinsandblood · 22 days
being a louis fan is honestly reading the tvc books and just patiently waiting for louis to show up only for it to be one small scene or just a reference to him here and there
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 months
What the Future Holds - Prologue
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: No set pairings.
Word Count: 1.1K
Warnings: Language and mentions of sex. If you stare long enough sex trafficking. This series is for 18+ MINORS DNI. While there are hardly any warnings in this Prologue, each chapter will have its own set of warnings. You are responsible for the media you consume. DARK THEMES AHEAD.
Author’s Note:  As a reminder, this series is being moved over here since I will be deleting my 'after dark' sideblog. If you would like to be tagged in this, please let me know. But I beg to make sure you're at least 18 before you do. Also please make sure to go follow @xxwritemeastoryxxlibrary and turn on notifications. That way you don't miss a fic!
I do not and will not ever give permission for my fics to be copied and posted on other sites. Don’t do it. Don’t be that person that ruins it for me and everyone else.
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. While likes are appreciated, reblogs are gold. Seriously, if you enjoyed this in the slightest, please reblog ♥
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There was once a time where the world was vastly different. Supernatural creatures lived within the shadows of the human world. For some of them, they managed to live their lives peacefully alongside the humans. Others, mostly the vampires, managed to prove to the humans that their influences could provide the necessities to help their city thrive. And many of those vampires held a higher status within those cities. 
In other cities, the supernatural creatures were hunted. Hunted to keep their cities safe or occasionally for sport once they had been brought out into the open. Many towns had been successful in their hunts and were made safer for as long as possible. 
For generations those stories of the creatures that visited and were hunted passed down to the next generation. It was a way to warn their children from the potential nightmares that would visit. But it also helped to ensure their homes were safe and free from the creatures that roamed the earth. And for generations it worked in their favor. 
That was until one day, a group of vampires decided they were done hiding within the shadows. The older vampires that had been around for centuries believed these 'children' wouldn't make it very far in their efforts. If their experiences throughout time had proven anything, any uprise would surely be ended before it grew to a larger scale. Many believed they would be killed before the week had reached it's midpoint. But with the right connections and heavy use of compulsion, the world learned about the Vampires that inhabited it. 
Panic had spread throughout the world and the hunt to rid the world of vampires began. Hundreds of humans died before a war was declared. In the process, other species that were wanted to remain hidden had been forced out. Many werewolf packs were slaughtered while the witches were considered allies in the war to stop the vampires. 
Unfortunately, the humans were no match for the vampires and a new world order began. It wasn't long before the vampires had control over everything The governments that humans had been used to changed in a matter of weeks. The humans had officially dropped a notch on the food chain. 
With the vampire sitting at the top, humans were forced to serve the monsters they feared. Humans were compelled and used for what the vampires wanted. Eventually, humans were sold and traded depending on the vampire's needs. 
The humans that once could easily buy their way out could no longer do so. The only time humans were spared from the trades or even used as a food supply was if they were in the good graces of a vampire. 
And if those humans managed to get themselves in the vampire's good graces, their families were granted Sanctuary and thrived in the world. Many managed to do as the year went on. Others could never bring themselves to befriend the vampires let alone owe them for keeping their family safe. 
For the L/N family, they didn't come from wealth. Generation after generations they did what they needed to make ends meet and ensure their survival. Some generations had broken the cycle and made more than others. Some made a life for themselves in other ways and enjoyed their life where it counted. 
With the vampire uprising, the L/N family, as well as other families, had been terrorized by the creatures that came out of the shadows. The more vampires came out of hiding, the worse things had become. And when the world went to the vampire's they were tossed in with the masses. 
That was until Clara L/N managed to get in the good graces of a vampire. Going from a housekeeper to a vampire's personal fuck toy and blood bag had it's perks. And when the opportunity presented itself, Clara wasn't going to miss out on the chance to move up. 
Her family was disapproving at first. They hated the idea that Clara had gotten so close to the monster that kept most of them locked away. But when Clara told them about their freedom a few years later, no one dared speak anything negative. And when Clara had accepted vampirism, the safety of her family had been solidified. 
At least until centuries later when one of Clara's descendants struck up a deal with the wrong vampire. That safety was put at risk. 
Clara's fists hit the table she had been sitting behind as her distant grandson stood before her.  His wife stood beside him with her eyes casted down while his eyes remained on Clara. He should have known better. 
"Out of all the things you could have done in this world, you made a business deal with the De Martels." Her eyes never left his. "Your deal with the Mikaelsons is now at risk and for what? More security than I can provide?"
"The deal with the Mikaelsons doesn't change." He shook his head. "Our deal with the Mikaelsons is for our children. With the De Martels it's all business."
Clara's eyebrow raised as she picked up the contract in front of her and tossed it towards his end of the desk. "Your children are included in this. Or did you trust them enough to just sign without reading?"
Clara watched as his wife's head shot up and looked towards him. The look in her eyes telling Clara everything she needed to know. The woman had no idea about the deal her husband had just made.
"Tell me," Clara said as she stood from her seat and walked around the table to stand beside him. "Did you think of what would happen if this deal failed? Where would your wife end up?" She could hear the way he swallowed the lump that was forming in his throat. "What about the twins? Sure your son could be taken under the De Martels' wind and he'd be safe. But what of Y/N? We all know there would only be three places for her to end up. None of them are pleasant."
Times had changed since Clara had gained her vampire status. She climbed her way up and now it wasn't as simple as that. Getting in the good graces of a vampire was no longer as easy as it was. Human males were put into two categories: breeders and laborers. As for the human females, they tended to be placed into three categories: breeders, feeders and personal entertainment.
"You could protect them-"
Clara scoffed. "My protection only goes so far. Keep you from being tossed in with the other humans, yes. Keep you supplied with the wealth you need to survive, always. But to break deals with other vampires, older ones such as the De Martels, not  within my right. I will make this very clear, the L/N family will always be free from the hold the vampires have on humans. However, should you not fulfill your end of this contract, your family will belong to the De Martels. If you fail, which I hope is not the case, I hope your children will be able to climb themselves out of the hole you've dug them in."
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All WorksTag (The tag to be notified for everything I write):
@mrs-maximoff-kenner @mizzzpink @friendelius @thatfanficstuff @mushroomelephant @23victoria @avengers-fixation @fayeatheart @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @wearehufflepuffs
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Stag Tag: (All Things Elijah Mikaelson)
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The Originals Tag: (All Things The Originals)
@dpaccione @thatweirdoleigh @charli123456789
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nature-hiking · 1 year
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Waterfalls of the TMR 6-10/? - Tour de Monte Rosa, July 2021
photo by: nature-hiking
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thequeendesi · 2 years
A Promise
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Title: A promise
Alt Title: I will ruin your fucking life
Warnings: swearing, Nate Jacobs, sexual innuendo, drug alluding, stress
Disclaimer: I don’t own you or the euphoria franchise
Rating: MA-16
Word Count : 1.9k
A/N: hi! I don’t think y’all exited five out so soon, but here it is!
@ellyskey , @minaxcarter , @leslienjazzy y , @write-from-the-heart t , @local-bxbby y , @twdbaddie1090 , @multiharlot , @lovesanimals0000 0
Flynn looked behind you and Elliot, his eyes meeting something’s. “Dada?” He asked, arms stretching out for Dada. Your gaze broke from Elliot’s as you began to look up. Your eyes meeting Nate’s.
“Nate, what’re you doing here?” You asked, pushing Elliot behind you as you acted as a barrier between the two men.
“I just wanted to see my son. Tomorrow’s his birthday. I know you got the Facebook notification.” Nate shrugged, a half smile on his lips as he looked towards Flynn. “Look at him (Name). He’s reachin’ for his Dada. You really wanna tell him no?” Nate asked, almost degrading you in a sense… just without words.
You turned your head a little to look at Flynn. Who kept his arms outstretched, eyes welling up with tears as he began to fuss. “You’re fuckin’ evil for using Flynn like that, bro. You ain’t even here for him.” Elliot injected himself into the conversation.
“El.” You said, eyebrows narrowing towards him. “Five minutes, Nate. You can sit on the couch with him.” You moved from the doorway, pushing Elliot as well a little.
“How nice of you (Name). You think you can get a picture of my son and I?” Nate asked the two of you, sitting on the couch next to Flynn. You watched as your son crawled onto that monster’s lap. You weren’t even sure Nate was human at this point, because there wasn’t any possible way that any human could be as evil as Nate. You knew if you would’ve caught him on the wrong day, there’d be a first degree murder charge.
“A picture?” Elliot whispered to himself, almost astonished at his request. But if you knew anyone, you knew Nate Jacobs.
“This is killing you, ain’t it princess? To see our son love his father.” Nate asked you. “He would’ve loved me more if you wouldn’t have broken up our family.” You felt a pit in your stomach as he blamed you. “Nate, I didn’t break up shit. You fucked Cassie when I was in the hospital having Flynn!” You shouted at him.
“Who put you into labor though?” Nate asked, looking at Flynn, covering his ears. “You’ll scare Flynn, (Name), come on.” Nate chastised you like a child. “It’s been five minutes, Nate.” You said.
“Been 4 minutes.” He said, shaking the timer on iis phone. “I got… 52 seconds left.” He put the phone down, adjusting Flynn on his lap. “Aren’t you glad I’m one of those nice and rich baby daddy’s?” He asked. “Never took you to court, I could have Flynn with me in two seconds.” He threatened.
“You couldn’t. And if you tried everything I know about your family goes public. Even your dad.” You said. “And that ain’t a threat, Jacobs. It’s a promise.” You said. Nate’s expression darkened.
A year ago, you would’ve cowered. But, you knew in front of people, he’d never lay a hand on you.
The timer rang as Nate took a deep breath, his charming smile returning to his face. “Dada has to go now, buddy.” Nate said to Flynn, walking over to you. He placed Flynn back in your arms as you hugged the confused baby tightly.
“(Name).” He said to you, exiting your apartment.
“What Nate?” You said, rubbing Flynn’s back.
“You ever threaten my family again, and I can promise you I’ll ruin your fucking life. And we don’t want that, do we?” He looked at you. “I’m sure Flynn needs one consistent parent to keep him from having issues like you.”
You took a deep breath. “Keep my parents out of your mouth. They fixed themselves.” You said. “And I’m sure they did. Which is why they’ll pass the search warrant and when their P.O’s will test them, they’ll pass. Right?” He closed the door behind him.
You took a deep breath and walked straight to the couch, reaching under it. “Fucking typical bastard.” You whispered to yourself. “What’d you find?” Elliot asked, trying to break the silence between the three of you.
“Recorder.” You responded, checking under the table, pillow, and behind your door. Finding three more tiny spyware type cameras.
“You think there’s anymore?” He asked you as you tossed them out of your window.
“He only sat on the couch.” You answered, sitting on the couch with Flynn on your lap.
“You ok?” Elliot asked, sitting next to you. “I’m fine.” You said, focusing on fixing Flynn’s hair. “(Name). Don’t push me away because you’re upset with someone else. You have to communicate with me. I didn’t do anything wrong.” Elliot reminded you.
And you hated hearing it, but you knew he was right. “I’m sorry.” You sighed. “I just hate that he does this… he wasn’t always like this.” Flynn leaned into your touch. You knew if Elliot wasn’t there in that moment what would’ve happened would’ve been way worse.
“I’m sorry.” Elliot said, placing his arm over your shoulders. You shook your head and leaned into his touch. “Not your fault.” Flynn looked at Elliot.
“Hi buddy. I’m Elliot. Or El.” Elliot greeted Flynn, reaching his hand out.
And Flynn touched his finger. You smiled a little at the sight. “So you still ain’t planning on running?” You asked him, looking up at him.
“Nah.” Elliot shook his head. “I think I’m where I need to be.” Elliot kissed your forehead. “My girl and her son.” He said.
“Aren’t you worried about the police going to your parents house?” Elliot finally asked, the question finally being asked after he built the confidence. “No. They’re clean.” You said simply.
“My parents did some things. I did some things. My grandmother did some things. We’ve all done some things.”
“When’d you get clean?”
“Nate put me through detox when he said we were gonna have a family.”
“That’s crazy. You were 16 when you got pregnant though.” You nodded. “Mhm. We planned Flynn. It wasn’t ‘til after I was clean he started his shit. Was high on anything since 11, started dating him at 14, he put me through detox three days before my 16th birthday. I didn’t get pregnant for another three months.” You explained.
“Almost 4 years later and we’re still going through this shit. He went through dozens of girls. I went on one date two weeks after we broke up with a guy who’d liked me since middle school.”
“How’d it go?”
“Nate cussed me out.” You half-laughed. “Called me a whore for going out so soon. That I was already planning for another baby.”
“What was your drug of choice?” Elliot asked, his brain starting to understand why his sobriety was so important to you now. “Anything. I’ve pretty much done it all once. When Fezco found out I thought I was done for.”
“Where were your parents for all this?”
“High themselves. When you’re 12, you don’t think you’d be doing coke with mom while dad cooked dinner, but c’est la vie I guess.” You shrugged. “Why’d Nate beat you up earlier?”
“He saw the hickey you left.” He answered. “He thinks we had sex.” You sighed, pinching your nose’s bridge.
“Are you ace?” Elliot blurted out.
“No!” You sighed. “No, I’m not ace.” You know what he’s thinking though. You two haven’t had sex, but make out any time you have. “I just… haven’t had sex in a while.” You explained a little. “It’s not off the table though. I’ve been tempted. I was really tempted the other night and if I didn’t need to come home at a certain time…” you trailed off. “You get where I’m going.”
“Oh so I’m tempting?” Elliot teased.
You pushed him a little, noticing how Flynn was sleeping on your lap. “It was time for his nap anyhow.” You stood up, walking over to his room. You placed him in his crib, then closed the door behind you.
Elliot’s arms wrapped around your waist as he kissed your neck. “What’s stopping us now?” He asked, kissing down more. Your hand gripped the doorknob as you leaned into his touch, head leaning back against his shoulder.
You whispered a swear under your breath as he found the spot. “Do you want to?” He asked, hands going under your shirt to place themselves on his hips.
“I don’t do anything more if you don’t want to.” He kissed your jaw. “I want it.” You said, turning to face him. “You want it, baby girl?” He asked. “Yea.” You said.
Elliot ran his fingers up and down your back, clothes thrown all over the room. “You alright?” You asked, looking up at him. “Yea. You?” He asked, pushing some hair from your face.
“I’m okay.” You looked over at the baby monitor, Flynn still sound asleep. “What time is it?” You asked him. “My phone’s in the living room.” He answered, shrugging. You nodded and kissed him softly.
Elliot’s arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled you on top. “Again?” You half joked. “Nah. Just prefer you on top.” He said. You stood up, and put on a pair of shorts and a crop top. “I’m gonna check my phone. Do you want yours?” You asked, looking over at him.
“Nah.” He answered, both hands going behind his head. You nodded and walked into the living room. You picked up your phone. “Oh fuck.” You whispered.
You continued to repeat it as you called your mother’s parole officer back.
“Don’t tell me Shannon.” You pleaded.
“Your parents were arrested due to breaching their parole conditions.”
“How did they breach it?” You asked. “They tested positive for methamphetamines, marijuana, cocaine and opiates.” She answered. “Are you serious? Test them again! Watch them pee. Watch the tests show up!” You shouted into the phone.
“Ms. (Last Name), we watched them urinate. We watched the tests develop. And we watched your parents' reactions during the whole process.” She paused. “They’re guilty.”
“What’s about to happen now?” You asked, sitting on the couch. “They have to serve 430 days behind bars. They could be out with good behavior sooner, but they’re going to need to detox, because their levels were high. From what it looks like with our numbers, they indulged in cocaine this morning.”
“This morning? No, that's impossible. They had Flynn until 10 this morning.” You said. “The numbers aren’t lying, (Name).” Shannon responded. “Oh my god. They watch my son when I’m at work. They’ve been doing drugs around Flynn. They did fucking drugs around my baby Shannon!” You shouted a little, falling to your knees.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” She said, “I gotta go. I gotta find out what I’m doing next.” You said, hanging up the phone promptly and tossing your phone at the couch.
You just wanted to scream. They were clean! They’d been clean for months. You cupped your face in your hands and sobbed.
Two arms wrapped around you as you turned into his chest. “They were doing drugs around Flynn, El. I was so busy with work and Flynn… I ain’t even noticed.” You whispered.
Elliot hugged your shoulders as he kissed your forehead. “What am I gonna do? I need someone to watch Flynn while I work. I can only do the night shifts because he sleeps through the night.” You sniffed, rubbing your face. “This is ridiculous.” You sobbed.
“We’ll figure something out.” He shushed you.
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gallwithapall · 23 days
I love when my favourite characters are holding animals...look at them
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I wish I was being held like that...by any of them
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dramajunkyy · 1 year
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subterraneanna · 2 months
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S4 E6 — McCoy draws a hard line on heckling and hoglegs in sickbay.
The full cowboy crossover series
If anyone has a crossover idea they'd like to see, send me an ask or comment. The source material is super limited, so no promises, but I'll certainly try!
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cybergus · 4 months
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From November 2023 Archives: Back to wide angle, by Abelardo Ojeda.
My Street Photoblog.
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