#desire is still free. we eat peaches as if kissing. god i am on the FLOOR
helpinghandsrpc · 2 years
literary sexts vol. 2 poetry meme
Inspired by the Vol 1 meme by lizzyisameme, I have decided to make an unofficial sequel with various quotes from Literary Sexts Vol 2, found here on Amazon, as edited by Amanda Oaks & Caitlyn Siehl. As always, if you like what you read, please consider supporting the authors and buying the book yourself!
Not all poems from the book will be found here, as this is only from the middle of the book, and I’m still leaving a good chunk out. 
I want you, smelling like the earth, fresh out from the rain, running back to me clothes heavy and soaked with sky.
I watch your eyelids flutter with our fluidity, intertwining into a perfect rhythm that I could never hope to recreate in even my greatest love poem. 
Kiss me so loud the clothes are quiet when we peel off each other’s shells. Love me with such volume the neighbors mistake our bodies for gunshots and we’ll never run out of ammunition. 
The are are no fig leaves, no apples. Just an overripe peach waiting, your wide mouth with tongue catching rivers of golden summer light.
Desire is fundamental, the lexicon of planets and moons, a sentence’s structure, the lunar longing to pull you into me with the unequivocal dark power, like the black noun longs to pull the red verb inside it.
You are a mountain beside me. I am the slowest river. We are aglow.
Your name like a caramel thing, burnt-sweet and sticky. In my mouth, dissolving, sugar cube, cherry red, lips locked.
I’m licking the salt of your body from my fingertips, never thought I’d find such a burning sea.
I have been collecting your voice for ages - taking syllables here and there, burying them in memory like seeds. I forget where I leave them, only remembering when I hear you again, and then it is springtime, the first bloom, your hands soft on my skin.
Let us ask forgiveness for our sins after we’ve finished - or shall we just shout God’s name in something like praise?
These mountains of yours have taken more lives than Everest. Inching closer to the top and I can hardly breathe. I bet you the world that I will barely make it out of here alive.
Your body, a bolted cage; mine, a feral beast. I know the ecstasy of a free life but I want forever to be trapped inside you.
Cities were sacked, entire civilizations raised and leveled, stars imploded and sucked up the crust of the universe when they heard those sultry words leave your lips.
My back arched over the surface of the kitchen table, bent up, concave with one fixed kiss below. You leave whole notes around my wrists. I etch staves down your back, and the fermatas holding each beat in its curve.
You smell distantly of a slice of honeydew melon, and I want to be the one who grabs you underneath the chalky lights of this bar, show you the curves of you -- how I can eat you, until you are nothing but a rind. 
Tonight my ridges are violent and gritty. If you’re not willing to get a dirty love underneath your fingernails, pivot your heel back downtown. I am not catharsis; I am a pair of crimson lips, ready to bleed between yours.
My liberty is godless but tonight, your lips are holy. I am the restless disciple of your hands; I will be what they tell me to be. You are unhooking my faithless declaration with honeysuckle fingers, you’re becoming my religion.
Where you walk, shadows draw back and nothing escapes your light. Where you walk, gravity moves away from you and you divide the sea of people. 
All this time I spent boarding my windows against you and still stole in through the cracks, sifted over the furniture, and settled into the carpet, persistent as sand in a beach house.
I am the vagabond moon swallowed by your wandering star, the crescent sliver of light kissed into oblivion by your absolute eclipse.
Kissing you didn’t require practice. It was slipping back into my skin. It was our bodies adrift in dark water.
You sigh; dancing in the ash of separation. I shudder; the tragedy of years wasted. We collide; for the first time I make love with both eyes open.
I see something new each time I taste you. How do you so widen the hearth of my desire? I cannot hold my hunger for you. 
We make love like near-death. You’re a hellhound man with heaven-streaked hands. I run towards the light.
My tongue will speak you into riverbed. Flood your throat until the drought of your heart becomes thirsty again.
Let me dribble peach juice down your chest. Let me trace a sugar road into your mouth, lick my fingers clean from your sin and drink your body whole. 
I never pretended to be anything less than what you see: a woman completely in love with you, the most dangerous kind of wolf. It was only when you buried your hands in my fur that I bit down. 
Tired of names, let this only be colors: the red of your nail lacquer, matching the stem of your wine glass. Now, I brush my teeth while you sleep, your long hair everywhere. Later, I will braid it into my own, dream of you. 
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skeezsbbygirl · 4 years
call me that too + kim seungmin
this one’s for anon who requested a seungmin scenario with a dash of oppa kink. i didn’t go too overboard hehe, just a sprinkle of a suggestive theme at the end (i’ll leave it to your imagination asdjhfrirgjgl cuz i can’t handle them feelssss ugh)
nonetheless, I hope you guys enjoy! oh and thank you for the love that you guys are showing for “peaches + bang chan” uwuuuu (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
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[5:12 p.m.] A yawn escaped your lips as you managed to go through all your assigned lectures for the day. You logged out from your university's portal and shut your laptop close, not wanting to stare at the bright screen any longer. You sauntered towards the kitchen and opened the drawer that contained all your caffeine-related pick-me-ups. As you were about to grab a mug, your actions were halted by your phone's ringtone, signalling a call as it rang on the coffee table from your apartment's living room. You managed to accept the call before it was dropped.
SeungMong <3
"Hey," you answered, sauntering back to the kitchen as you cradled your phone in between your right ear and shoulder to keep your hands free. "Baby, are you busy?" Seungmin asked. You shook your head but you mentally facepalmed as you remembered that the boy on the other line couldn't see you, "No. I just finished some school stuff. What's up?"
"Can you come over? Chan-hyung wants to take us out for dinner," Seungmin replied and you could faintly hear Jisung and Changbin screaming in the background -- something about Chan covering food expenses for the first time. You lightly chuckled and responded, "Yeah sure, I'll be there in twenty."
An hour passed and you were all gathered at the boys’ go-to restaurant, which was three blocks down from your university's dormitory.
"Am I dreaming?" Jisung teased as he hopped off Chan's car, Changbin and Jeongin not far behind him. “Somebody drive him back home,” Chan groaned to which the younger one giggled, jumping on his back in the process. “Hyung, come on. I was just poking fun at you,” Jisung cooed at the elder, earning him a light flick on the forehead from Chan.
You beamed at the sight of the boys playfully bickering. “Pay attention to me,” Seungmin whined and nudged your shoulder. You broke into a cheesy grin and gave his cheek a peck, “You always have my attention.”
Seungmin extended a hand towards you, to which you gladly complied, squeezing his hand three times as you intertwined your hand with his -- your silent way of saying ‘I love you’. 
Soon after, you guys were seated inside the restaurant and you fell into each of your own said conversations. 
“How was your day?” Seungmin asked as he adjusted his seat closer to yours. “Better now that I’m with you,” you said in a voice soft with affection. Seungmin chuckled, “Stop it.” You shook your head, leaning closer so that your forehead touched his. “You’re so cute,” you teased, which earned you a pout from the older male. “You do know that I’m a year older than you, right?” Seungmin bragged. You rolled your eyes, “Your point being?”
Seungmin sighed in defeat, opting to plant a kiss on your lips, but you were interrupted by multiple groans and a chorus of complains. “Get a room already!” Felix exclaimed with his hands covering his eyes, a poor attempt to discard the sight of yours and Seungmin’s “sickening” affection, as Minho described it. You stuck a tongue out at Felix, “Stop being so bitter.”
Felix faked sob and Jeongin joined in on his act, embracing the older male and patting his head.
Soon, your playful banter came to an end as your orders arrived. You guys were eating in silence, uttering a compliment here and there towards the dishes that you were served, until Hyunjin called for your attention.
“Oh, (y/n), before I forget,” the older male started, only stopping for a second to sip on his drink. “I found that outline you’ve been looking for,” he continued. “Please tell me you have it,” you pleaded, eager to finish the book review that your professor has quested upon your class a week ago. Hyunjin nodded, “The copy is in the car, I got you.”
You cheered as you reached out your hand to give him a high-five. “You’re the best, oppa.”
With your response, Hyunjin immediately side-eyed Seungmin’s reaction. He might have known something or at least sensed something, specifically when Seungmin blabbered -- well, more like ranted -- about you not calling him the said endearment you just used on Hyunjin a few seconds ago. 
Let’s rewind, shall we?
Hyunjin was an hour away from a deadline, and yes, he admits that he may have finished his project sooner, but a certain someone, who goes by the name of Jisung, decided that it would be more fun to play video games over at Felix and Changbin’s dorm. “That stupid project isn’t even due for another day. Chill out, dude,” Jisung claimed with burgeoning excitement. Instead of turning his friend down -- or better, kicking his tempting ass out of the dorm -- he caved in.
Hours later, he was cramming at least two days worth of work into an hour. Then comes your boyfriend, Seungmin. “Hyunjin!” the younger male called out from their dorm’s entrance. “In here!” Hyunjin hollered, his fingers still hot on his laptop’s keyboard, seven more questions and a descriptive about his said stand on the project, and he’ll be done -- both figuratively and literally, his brain’s slowly pan-frying itself to destruction. He mentally cursed Jisung.
“Procrastination at its finest,” Seungmin mocked as he entered Hyunjin’s room. “You can nag me later, bur right now I have to finish this and then kick Jisung’s ass,” Hyunjin said with firm persistence. The younger lad sighed and sat down on a bean bag at the corner of the room. “I don’t have the energy to nag,” Seungmin whispered, but Hyunjin still managed to catch his words. He jokingly rolled his eyes, finding slight amusement towards Seungmin’s puppy expression.
“You and (y/n), had a fight?” Hyunjin asked, his attention still on his laptop but he figured he needed Seungmin for a little background noise to keep him sane, plus the guy’s one of his best friends. “Not really,” Seungmin disagreed. “Then, what got you all gloomy?” Hyunjin insisted, but he was only met with silence.
“Seungmo, come on, spill.”
“She addresses you as an ‘oppa’,” Seungmin blurted out after a few seconds. “Who addresses me as what?” Hyunjin asked, his eyebrows contorted in confusion. “(y/n),” Seungmin answered as he buried his face in his arms. “Seungmo, you do know that she does that to everybody that’s older than her, right?” Hyunjin replied, “It’s called being polite.”
“Well, I call it being unfair.”
Hyunjin chuckled in amusement, “Please elaborate.”
“You and I are the same age, which means that I’m older than her too, but she doesn’t call me that,” Seungmin whined.
And that’s how Seungmin ended up being silent for the rest of the night. You, being unaware of the situation, shrugged it off, thinking that he was just exhausted from his vocal lessons. Until, Hyunjin decided to let you in on the puppy’s cause of gloominess.
“Here, now go ace that literature course,” Hyunjin handed you the outline he promised, giving your head a pat in the process. “Thank you, oppa.”
“One more thing, (y/n),” Hyunjin said as he leaned down and whispered, “Seungmin wants to be called that too.”
“Huh?” you turned to him in confusion, but Hyunjin just stared at you and decided that you would come into revelation in a few seconds. “Oh,” you gasped, eyes lighting up in the process. “That’s why he’s been acting weird,” you added. Hyunjin smiled in approval, “Do something and wipe that pout off his face.”
The car ride back to your dorm was silent. Seungmin kept his eyes on the road, no words were exchanged between the two of you and he clearly showed no effort of doing so any time soon. You’re slowly running out of time as your building came into view a few minutes later. Seungmin slowly stopped the car and got out, he jogged towards your side and opened the door for you.
Go time.
“I’ll text you when I get home,” Seungmin said. His expression was sad but he still managed to give you a kiss on the forehead. He was about to pull away but you prevented him from doing so by holding his face in your hands. You stared at him lovingly, thanking the universe for bringing this man into your life. 
“I love you, oppa,” you whispered, but loud enough for him to hear you. 
A soft gasp escaped from his lips as his eyes widened, “What did you just call me?”
“Oppa, why?” you giggled and gave his nose a kiss. “Don’t get me wrong, I feel like I’m on top of the world right now, but you never call me that,” Seungmin wondered, his arms now wrapped around your waist, allowing him to pull you closer. “Let’s just say, a little bird told me,” you teased.
“Hwang Hyunjin!”
You laughed, “Don’t get mad at him.”
“Listen,” you called back for his attention, “I don’t call you oppa because I use that on everybody who’s older than me, well close friends of course, but you know what I mean.”
“And you, Kim Seungmin, are not just anybody. You’re my person, my everything, my whole world. You’re special to me and you matter the most,” you explained, pouring your feelings out for the said man. You were about to say more in order to get rid of Seungmin’s doubt, but he cut you off with a kiss.
You guys were practically making out in your dormitory’s parking lot, but it’s the least of your worries right now.
You pulled away first as you tried to catch your breath. “I love you so much, (y/n),” Seungmin confessed, his expression now darker as you witnessed his eyes fill with desire. “And I’ll prove that to you.”
“What do you mean, oppa?”
Seungmin leaned down, his lips dangerously close to your ear. “Don’t test me, baby.”
You whimpered in response, “Do whatever you want. I’m all yours, oppa.”
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chayacat · 4 years
Devil’s Sweet Star (11)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
Have you ever felt a sense of regret? You know when you did or said something spontaneously to regret it later? That you don't know if, the person who was the target is angry, embarrassed, or rather neutral?  And you don't know how to react or what to say to apologize?
Well, if you never felt this feeling before... You're feeling it now. It's been 3 days that Jed didn't come to the café. And you don't dare knock on his door to talk to him. What if he's angry? Or embarrassed because it happened when you got back from the reception? And what does he think of you right now? Does he think you're crazy? So many questions that run in your mind...
The room was plenty, not a free seat for once. The weather is pretty cold today, even if the sun shines in the sky. Most of the orders was hot chocolate with some Marshmallow. A classic always appreciated with such a weather.
Melina was among them at the table right next to your counter. Since the reception, she was disgusted with the well-to-do classes, their casual attitude and their arrogance towards others. She didn't expect much from them but there... it was the bouquet.
“I can't believe what you're telling me...you kissed him??? A real kiss??? And you say you didn't do it on purpose???” She said surprised.  
“I swear to god that’s true! I don’t know why I did that! I didn't think about what I was doing! Jed must be mad at me... And then, what he must think of me since...” you answer by lowering your head.
“Well, He doesn't seem to be angry or anything else at work... He is... Well, he's Jed. Don't worry, I'm sure he doesn't blame you. I told you, Jed is a nerd. work for him is almost a religion. And with what we found at Hoggins’ villa... believe me, he must have had sleepless nights.  
“I hope you’re right...What can I do now?” you replied with a sigh.  
“I don’t know. Relax yourself will be a good start. And... What are his lips like?” ask Melina with a grin.  
“Soft... I felt like I was touching silk... or the skin of a peach... But why am I telling you that??? You were supposed to cheer me up!!! You said, slapping the top of her head which made her laugh.  
You sigh. But you can't help but smile. Ever since you've been here and, even though you've known each other recently, Melina was someone you could count on. You were sure of that. Suddenly the chime sounded, a sign that a customer had just entered. When you turn your head to face him, ready to greet him with your usual smile, your heart missed a beat. Those piercing blue eyes... You could recognize them without any problems.
“Hi...Missed me?” he said with his angelic smile.
“J-J-Jed!!! Long-time no see! I thought... I thought I'd never see you again. After...well you know...” You said very embarrassed.
“Don't worry... I don't blame you. I was very surprised, I... I wanted to talk to you but... I must say that I have been very busy the last few days. About you know what.”
“I hope that you didn't do sleepless nights...” said Melina turning to him.
“...Did she...?” he starts before sighing when you nod. “Don’t tell anyone at work about this...I don’t want to be bothered.” he said, scratching his head, embarrassed.  
“Don't worry... Tell Mattew instead. You know how he is... He's not very discreet.”
“Anyway. Now that we’ve got a proof against Hoggins and McKellan, we have to find witnesses. If we could contact all the former "partners" who sank because of them... we'd have a shock case.” Replied Jed.  
“I wish you good luck. It's not going to be easy.” you said with a little smile.  
Suddenly, a man entered the café. He carried a briefcase that was visibly full to the brim. He was rather small, almost bald, a small grey mustache and round glasses adorned his face. He seemed to know what he wanted, yes, he hadn’t come here by chance. He walked to the counter and looked at Jed and Melina before looking at you.
“Excuse me, miss. are you miss (Y/N)?” he said coughing a little.  
“Yes sir...Can I help you?” you respond worried.
“I’m Mr Parkson the ex...”
“Oh yeah! Mr Parkson...yeah, I remember. I’m sorry I should have called you when I arrived here. Can we... Can we speak elsewhere? At the back shop?” you replied gently pushing the old man into the back of the shop, under the interrogative gaze of Jed and Melina.  
You give them a little embarrassed smile and then close the door.
“I see that your business is going well. I'm sure the whole family would be happy to know.” said Mr Parkson.
“How did you find me?? I didn't tell anyone where I was going to live!” you ask advancing towards him.
“Miss (Y/N) when I'm looking for someone, I put everything at my disposal to get information. Your parents asked me exactly the same question. I gave you 2 years to think and the deadline has come to an end.”
“I told you that day that I didn't want to get involved and I didn't want an inheritance. Why not entrust all this to my uncles and aunts?”
“Because you are the only heir on the will and therefore, I apply the wills and desires of the deceased. And unfortunately, you can't pass this on to your aunts and uncles unless you make your own wills and die before they do.”
“I didn't ask... I thought when I left Indiana... all this would be behind me. That I could finally live peacefully and move on. I guess I was wrong.” you replied posing against the work table.
“I understand. It must have been hard for you and your family... But as I told you... I am merely executing the will of the deceased. And you're the only heiress. We're going to have to make a decision.”
“Can I... Can I think about it a little bit more? One more month. That's all I'm asking.”
“...Fine. One month. not one more. Otherwise, everything will go back to the state. I'll be back to see you in a month, miss. Take care of yourself.” he said heading for the door.  
“Wait! You've been on a lot of driving I guess today... I can offer you a coffee and a slice of pie? You have the right to rest for a few minutes...”  
“I'm not against... to tell you the truth, my throat is a little dry and I haven't had a good coffee since a long time.” he replied.
You both come out of the back shop and prepare the old man's order. Melina and Jed had to go to work, but they still took time to say goodbye and leave you a little tip. Jed don't blame you for that little kiss, it was a good thing.  
Parkson took his time to drink his coffee and eat before leaving as well. Leaving Indiana and your family was the best way for you to take all that weight off your shoulders. But you have to believe that one day or another, it comes back to you in the face. But you managed to get an extra time to think about the succession. Why did you have to be the sole heiress? You have your uncles and aunts! they could benefit it too!
You sigh, there was no point in bothering your mind for now. You have to think about your business, about yourself and nothing more. And above all... Jed. If in the end he wasn't angry, you would have liked him to react that night. Catch up with you or knock on your door to talk about it. But he seemed indifferent to this gesture. Is he so obsessed with his work, that he forgets what it means to be in love or notice that someone is attracted to him?
Because now there's no point in hiding it, Jed pleases you and not just as friends. Maybe Melina was right. Maybe you're both connected?  We'll see if Jed steps in that direction. All you have to do for now, is to hope that one day he will dare to do something.
The rest of the day passed as usual... But looking back, since you opened your café, your reputation hasn't stopped growing in the city. And it was obviously starting to attract people from the nearby villages! The last customers took their time to leave but you could finally close. Before going out, they complimented you and promised to tell their friends and family about your business. You can get ready to receive new customers, and that's not a bad thing, it means you're going to have to prepare new recipes!
You finally closed the doors and faced the room. It's time to move on to the most... tiring part of your job: cleaning. Preparing orders, serving, taking care of your inventory and doing accounting doesn't scare you, but cleaning the whole room at closing is the only thing you want to delay as much as possible. However, we have to get on with it. You grab your mop, bucket and everything you need to clean tables and seats. While breathing deeply, to motivate you, you begin to clean.
“Maybe I'll hired someone finally. Just to clean the room at closing. But hey it's part of everyday life when you're both the boss and the employee.”
Suddenly you hear something from your back shop. You stop what you were doing and while squeezing your mop you head to the back shop. You gently open the door, taking a quick look, and then you decide to step inside. Tapping with your fingertips to find the switch, you turn on the light and raise your mop ready to hit. But there was no one in the room which made you sigh with relief.
“Phew... I worried about nothing. I should really hire someone. I would feel less alone... and less paranoid especially.” you said.
“Here's an interesting idea... Can I do the job interview? I'm sure I'm the perfect candidate...”
You freeze on the spot before you turn to the door to see him. This damned Ghostface... the one who taunts you and stalks you in your nightmares. He stood in front of you, closing the door and he laughed, proud to have cornered you in this room with him, and especially to have entered your café.
“How did you get in here??? And why did you come here??? It's not enough for you to come to my house to piss me off, you have to come to my job now???” You ask a little angry.
“You're hurting me again... You forget who I am, my dear sweet angel. I know all your habits... down to the smallest detail. it's so easy for me to get in here... Or at your home. I see that things... seem to be moving forward with the little nerd... I didn't think you'd go that far. How cute.” said Ghostface with a chuckle.  
“This... It's none of your business, you dirty pervert! I'm not yours!”  
“How can you fall in love with a guy as boring as him?” He starts taking your hand to get closer to him leaning slightly towards you. “I could bring you much more protection and care, love and pleasure, than he could... If you know what I mean.”
“You little...let me go! Let me go now!” You replied, struggling to get free.  
He leaned forward, bringing his "face" a little closer to yours. Even if you couldn't see him, you could feel that he was smiling, a mean smile, perverted, evil. Instinctively, you hold on to him, to avoid falling backwards. He let go of an amused chuckle and stroked your cheek with his free hand.
“What an idiot, not to see such beauty like you. A fragile flower in the abyss... an angel among the demons.” he said by pulling out a blindfold, which he tied to your face, hiding your eyes.
You hear him pull up his mask, and if his grip wasn't as strong, you could have come out of it and discovered the face behind that mask. Then...you feel it. His lips pressing against yours. This lasted a few seconds before he stopped, putting back on his mask without letting you go.
“Always remember. It doesn't matter where you are... no matter who you're with... I'll always find you. You know why? Because you're MINE. And ONLY MINE.”  
He lets you go, allowing you to straighten up and remove the blindfold. But unfortunately, he was already in front of the open door, too far so to make him regret his gesture. You cast a black look at him, he merely laughed like the arrogant he was. He was proud of what he did that bastard!
“Good night...My sweet little star. Have a wonderful dream...Hoping that I'd be in it.” He said, quicky closing the door before you can try anything.
As you reach the door and open it, he was already gone. Like a shadow in the night, he simply disappeared. Looking at the pocket of your apron, you see what appeared to be a piece of paper. You take it in your hands, folding it gently so as not to tear it. On this piece of paper, only one sentence was written.
“Remember, you’re MINE.”
(Done! Phew right in time! My brain is dead! But I hope you’ll like this chapter just like the others! as I said, by answering a question, from this chapter we will see Ghostface more often and more often interact with the reader! Now I will just rest my brain for the week end XD  See ya!)  
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Pairing: member x reader 
Wordcount: 300-400 words each piece
Genre: fluff, smut, slightest angst
Rating: suggested 18+
Small announcement
Unfortunately, I couldn't complete Jin's Love Talk scenario in time, since his conversation with Angel is a lot more difficult to handle and I still have some research to do (a lot of educational BDSM talk Yay! And I want it to be accurate and as precise as possible).
To earn your forgiveness, I will publish a double update next week, with Jin's part published on Thursday 1 am GMT, and Yoongi on Saturday at 3 am GMT. (Please don't judge my night owl lifestyle)
Here are some mixed drabbles (watch out for the text mentioned in Joon’s Love Talk) 😉 Also this is unedited, I’ll grammar check it in the morning. Each drabble is about 300-400 words.
Here is my Masterlist!
TRIGGER WARNINGS: dirty talking, spankings, oral male and female receiving, cum play (pearl necklace), male masturbation, breast worship, mentions of role play, mentions of sex tapes, mentions of subbing and pain kink, mentions of nipple piercing.
--  the morning after Love talk --
Sunday morning felt like a nightmare. He asked himself why, why for fuck’s sake he had left. 
You had kissed him, rubbed all over him, pressing your ass on him as you watched the film on the sofa, spooning. WHY!
He grabbed his phone. You were probably still asleep. Unless…? He texted you.
How’s your head? Mine is a mess. 
You don’t know how bad it feels to wake up alone. I felt like eating some tiramisu for breakfast and ruin your underwear. Did you touch yourself last night, after I left?
I thought about you, you know. That perfect ass of yours. How much I want to bite it. God, I want to spank you so bad, Vixen. I swear, if I put my hands on you I’m gonna ruin you. You won’t sit for a week. For all that fucking teasing last night. You don’t know how many times I thought about putting my hand under your skirt. Were you even wearing panties, naughty girl? You bent over at dinner and I noticed that there were no lines on that incredible peach of yours… Wanted to push you down against the table, drag your skirt up and just ram into you from behind. But I wanna take my time. Toy around this mind-blowing chemistry with you, until you’re on your knees begging for me to be your daddy and teach you how to do it right for me. At that point I would finger you nice and slow, the way impatient, hungry girls like you can’t handle. I would make you cum so intensely your legs would twitch merely at the thought of me doing it again. And then I would lie down and have you sit on my face. Cute right? I would help you ride my face with my hands cupping your butt, until you’re dripping all over my face. I want you to look down at me like a queen on a motherfucking throne, Vixen. And right after your second orgasm I would make you roll down so I can fuck you missionary, looking at the face you make the first time I slide into you, those pretty doll lips wrapped around the hand I used to make you cum. 
I know you must be so tight, little one. I can’t wait to leave angry, purple lovebites on your sexy hipbones and thighs, baby. 
Tell me you want that too, little vixen. 
After ten minutes of you not answering, he just headed to the shower, in the hope of blowing off some steam. 
When he returned he noticed the notification. 
My head? No complaints 😉😏
Thank you for the orgasm, daddy. Maybe I could help you with yours now?
Yeah. he was hard again anyway…
-- shortly after the Conversation with Jimin -- 
Water fell heavily on his back. You were laying in bed, your cute pjs making you look like a princess from a fairy tale. 
That princess had your cum all over her chest precisely five days ago.
He pressed his forehead to the tiles. No, a part of him said, but his hand was already there, lingering on his shaft. 
She licked it clean. Scooping it up with her fingers. Grinning at you. 
He hit his head against the tiles in the hope it would help him stop. 
You had your mouth on her panties, you coward? She was so lost she would have told you yes. He thought of your taste. He allowed himself that only once, maybe twice a month. Not because he didn’t like that, but rather because he had probably never done it before. Which seems ridiculous, but apparently his exes weren’t interested in cunnilingus? Was it absurd that he wanted to try with you? 
He dragged his hand up and down, angry at himself. 
He should just get in the bed and make you scream until even the florist at the end of the street knew who’s fucking you so good.
He thought about your hands tied up, about you cumming just with him ramming into you. He wanted to give it to you so hard you even forgot you had a body. He wanted your pleasure to be one with his. Just like last time. 
Not like your previous life was unsatisfactory. But he saw the superior look of bliss, how radiant you had looked the morning after. How easily you had fallen asleep in his arms as he caressed your hair. 
“Jinnie, love.” You called from the bedroom. 
He didn’t understand what came next, he was lost in bliss, your voice and his imagination making him fall in the deepest pits of pleasure. 
-- after date five, art gallery --
Fuuuuck. He fixed his trousers in the elevator headed to his apartment. 
Rushing through his door, he almost tripped on his shoes as he took them off hastily. He had promised himself he wouldn’t. Yet again, here he was, sitting on the edge of the bed, elbows propped on his knees. He took off his turtleneck lightning fast, his naked pale chest emerging from the dark cotton that protected him from the chilly spring air. He didn’t actually have enough patience to get rid of his trousers. He let them bunch up at his ankles.
“Kitten.” He whispered shyly, reaching for his hard on. He was so sensitive his hips thrusted up as he gave himself the first stroke. 
Those tits. Fuck. Pressed against his back as you explained a picture to him, the tip of your nose running against the curve of his ear. 
He had wanted to pin you against the white walls of the gallery, like a work of art, get his head under your cute skirt and nuzzle his face against your mound.
And the ice cream. 
He thought he would cum in his pants, with you licking up your ice cream cone, your kittenish licks deviously appropriate to your nickname. And the ice cream dribbling down your hand in thick droplets a couple times. The way you had sucked it clean. 
Fuck, fuck!
He laid down on his back and kicked off his pants, hand still busy on his cock. Half delirious, he turned to his belly, thrusting his hips up into his hand, one arm propping him up. “Fuck, kitten, so good.” He nuzzled his face against the sheets, lost in his imagination. “Love, please. ____.” And with your name on his lips he let himself crumble and dissolve. Crashing, exhausted on the bed he took only a couple seconds before emitting an exasperated cry. He had stained the sheets like a teenager. 
Three times this week. And it was only Tuesday. 
-- a couple days after his Conversation with Taehyung --
“Are you sure you want to keep it? We don’t have to, sweetie.” He reassured you. 
“You’ll have to leave soon. I know you get frustrated with phonesex. This could help you.” You combed his hair back and booped his nose. 
He hid his face into your neck. “Tell me you’ll see me in Los Angeles. Promise me you’ll come.”
“I promise, puppet.” You held him tighter. 
“The guys hate me when you’re not around. They say I get duller.” He whined with a sad voice. 
“My poor little puppet.” You fondled him. “And that’s not true Hobi. You’re always lovely.” You started waddling, bringing him from the kitchen to the sofa. Waddling always gets him to laugh. 
Indeed, a few seconds later he giggled as you both plopped down on the cushions. He shifted around until he was perfectly curled against you, his head laying on your chest.
“You sure you’re okay with me keeping it?”
“Guard it like your own life, Hobi. You know the risks.” You reminded him. 
“Yes, of course. It’s in my personal luggage. Safe. Don’t worry, seriously. Taehyung instructed me. And I’m pretty sure he travels with a whole library of this stuff.”
You cringed and laughed. “At least he can help you, eventually.”
“Your copy is in the pendrive in the bedside table.” He murmured. “It’s only three weeks until LA. It’s not awful. We can do this.” He tried to convince himself. 
“Just three weeks. You’ve got enough stuff to last you a month.” You kissed his forehead. 
“I love you.” He said, stretching to reach for your lips. 
“I love you too, puppet.”
-- The morning after your sixth date --
He woke up with an awfully painful erection. Probably because the night before you had teased him endlessly and when he’d come back home he’d been too tired to jerk off. 
Pushing up his hips tentatively, he felt the softness of the cotton on his naked body. Turning around he found his spare pillow between his thighs. 
Yes, he huffed out, thrusting his hips harshly. He moaned. He started with a punishing rhythm straight away, pushing so hard his whole back arched over and over.
His hand grabbed his own thigh, using his knees and free arm for leverage. 
The hand on his leg climbed up to his ass, cupping it, slapping it carefully, gently. He wanted you to do that. Grab his ass as he rammed into you. Manhandle him a little. His hand climbed further up, toying wit his chest. 
Shit. He tweaked his nipple, wetting his fingers with his mouth and bringing them back to his pect. His hips stuttered. 
He thought of your mouth. Of your sinful red lips, Of the way you always seemed to have the situation under control. Of the way you make him always feel desired.
Were you touching yourself at the thought of him?
Were you as eager as he was? Having wet dreams about him?
He was tired of this frustration. He fucked harder in the pillow, one hand around his neck, the other gripping his ass, his short nails diggin in the flesh. 
He could only think that your nails would look prettier. Sink deeper. Hurt more. Make it all sweeter.
— around date three or four —
“That lipstick looks lovely on you, Doll.” He murmured, holding your hand as you strolled down the gallery, a big bucket hat over his eyes. “I think I’ll call you poppy. That’s perfect poppy red. How fitting that opium comes from poppies.” 
You looked at him surprised. “Are you saying I’m a drug?”
“I’ve been high on you for the last four days. Since I saw you at the shop. Do you usually strut around in full pin up attire?“ He asked, intertwining your fingers. 
“No, not usually. I was just on my way to a theme party. I figured I could just get ready at the shop. I wasn’t expecting you to come around.”
“Theme party... Were you supposed to be the naughty housewife who can’t just get enough of her husband and has an affair with the poolboy?“ He asked, getting close to you enough to bite your earlobe. Oh, the teasing. He was reckless with it. 
“Tae.” You reprimanded him. You looked around. The gallery was empty since he knew the owner and he had allowed him to come visit behind closed doors. 
“It’s just us, Doll. No worry.“ His arm wrapped around your waist. “I can be your obedient poolboy.“
“Why be the poolboy when you could be my husband, spanking me because I ruined one of his expensive white shirts?” You looked at him mischievously as he cleared his throat. You both stopped in front of a painting. The still nature had a variety of vases with different flowers. Of course poppies were included. 
“There they are.” He pointed to the flowers. “And here she is.” His arm wrapped you up, dragging you closer to him, his mouth dipping to yours.
You thought his spell would wear off, but time after time, his kisses taste wilder. Would it ever become too much?
— shortly after Where, when and how —
Jungkook was laying on top of you on the sofa, and god, didn’t it feel nice...
Nuzzling his face against your chest, he let his hand climb under your T-shirt, meeting the elastic band of your sports bra and slipping his fingers underneath, tracing the outline of your pierced nipple.
“Again, baby?” You asked him, who had already reached his destination.
“I love it. I’m sorry.” His face felt ten times hotter on your neck, his blush apparent.
He made to remove his hand, but you locked it there.
“It’s sweet, it’s just that it turns me on a little.” It was your turn to blush.
“If you want I can just let it be. Really. I mean... Unless you want me to... help you out with... that.” He questioned, doubtful.
“Are you asking me if I need to be fucked?” You asked, unceremoniously, with a grin on your face.
“I mean. I wouldn’t oppose if you asked me to.” He kissed your neck sweetly.
You combed his hair with your fingers. He emitted a low whine, especially when you massaged his nape.
“Would you like to try something, Koo?” You were getting an idea.
He seemed to raise his head like a curious bunny. “Mhmh.”
“Remembered when we tried cockwarming?” You asked, ready for mischief.
“Of course.” He replied. Duh.
“What if we did the same here. I mean, if you kept your mouth there, did your thing until I can’t keep my cool?” You suggested.
“Take off this damn shirt right now.” He replied immediately, lifting himself off to allow you to move.
There we go.
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ayakashiramblings · 5 years
ABC NSFW Headcanons: Koga Kitamikado
So... in my absence, the only time I went on ARR was to vote for Koga and Aoi. And I just realized one of my top boys is literally at the top! Hence, I’m going to do a super late tribute... 
... I’m so sorry for ‘D’ though. Click on ‘Keep Reading’ to NOT SEE IT.
A - ‘Aftercare’ (What they’re like after sex)
Once you’ve been intoxicated by Koga… YOU GET EVEN MORE DRUNK WITH SAKE.
Seriously, a nightcap is what ends a nice round of magic… because he has much more in store!
“I’ve rolled the die to give me a one! That’s super odd!”
Goddamnit, kiss this dork, please. 
Because only amongst soft kisses will the both of you be lulled to sleep.
B - ‘Body’ (Body Part of Yours he Loves)
Your head.
… Wait, no, not like that. Sort of. Hmm...
It’s just that he wants to be closer to you and he’s extremely soft for forehead touches during these tender moments. 
Feels like that’s where you share everything, your thoughts, your deepest secrets... everything. 
C - ‘Cum’ (How does his cum taste like/look like)
You know what? I think it’s pretty good.
At first, I wasn’t certain because he is a sake lover and that will affect the taste.
Plus, he didn’t really say what he likes in Hot Pot, although I’m guessing it has to include thinly sliced meat and leafy vegetables. The thing is beef isn’t good but if he pairs it with the right non-cruciferous veggies, it could come out decently.
Another thing I’ve noticed is his regular food intake. Sure, it’s called an old man’s diet like what Kuya says but pickles and rice for breakfast are good if you want extra flavour.
So it’s one of the tops in the list for the fact it has enough volume with a taste that isn’t bitter, salty or sweet. It’s just... 
D - ‘Dirty Secret’ (DUH)
He hates peaches but...
Your butt... is like the only kind of peach he would ever consider eating. 
Brown peach, peachy peach, pale peach, green peach and whatever the colour your panties are today, he’s going to really secretly enjoy the fuzzy texture but also silently HATE that the closest comparison is his least favourite fruit. 
E - ‘Experience’ (Does he know what he is doing?)
He’s had a few partners but that doesn’t negate the fact that he literally takes any challenge by... the horns. 
He does go to the Entertainment sector but honestly, he’d get closer to the sake bottles then the women there first.
That said, he’s very observant and can suss out any sensitive zones you have to get you screaming all night is all I’m saying. 
F - ‘Favorite Position’ (Again, duh)
Don’t kill me. 
But it’s the CowGirl position.
Not only does he get to see you in all of your magnificent, unclothed glory... (or maybe with clothes? It’s up to you, hun.)
But there’s something about a strong woman just topping him that makes him go wild, especially when she uses his horns to guide him to her entrance as she sinks down on him.
G - ‘Goofy’ (Serious or humorous?)
Dude, expect the both of you to burst out in ridiculous giggles if any supposedly sexy line comes out wrongly.
“Hey, Koga, are you feeling... horny?”
“Depends, are we going to be thoroughly... purified in the shower?”
H- ‘Hair under THERE’ (Pubic Hair Treatment, does the carpet match the shades?)
He does get uncomfortable if any hair on him gets too long for... certain reasons. 
So yup, don’t expect a bush.
It’s interesting how the middle is entirely crimson red while the surround curls are black but Koga sometimes wonders if his lower part is bleeding as a result. 
I - Intimacy
Ladies and gentlemen, the #1 in intimacy. 
He really... really... REALLY does not want to ever lose you again so he keeps his body so close to yours.
Every time he recalls the past inferno, he would be sure to drown out the memories by stroking the flames of passion with his fingertips against your skin. 
And he will check that your eyes are still full of life, even when both of you are in the midst of a climax.
J-Jack Off (Masturbation)
Honestly? Maybe once in a blue moon last time.
This man has had to deal with running businesses, establishing connections, terrible nightmares of losing his woman, and controlling his Carnage. As cheery as he is, he’d rather dedicate his free time to helping the Capital.
Until he met you NOT dying in his arms. Now, he had to give in to these sudden carnal urges that are coming at him with full force to make up for his lack of horny times in his teens. Usually, he tries to satiate them with actually having you but if you are busy, he will do so.
K- Kinks (One or two of his kinks)
Get his horns. 
Have I emphasized it enough? 
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do)
His office. 
A certain spot will be designated, far away from the precious books that he has accumulated but always near the spot where he can nap for just a short while... 
Only to be reminded of your sweet moans, flushed face and great, now he’s wide awake and has to work off that desire... 
... Kuya decides to invite you more often to the house because he is getting really tired of seeing Koga not actually taking a break. 
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Canonically, he gets jealous easily. Like, he actually beats Aoi in that department. 
Mention Toichiro giving you a beautiful kimono, Kuya sleeping at your place, Past! Koga giving you a book... wait, what?
Yeah, you catch the drift. No matter who it is, he’s going to want to reaffirm your feelings for him afterwards. 
Oh, but the ultimate turn-on is you beating him in a drinking contest.
... God, I’m making him sound like an alcoholic.
N - ‘No’ (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Absolutely. No. Sharp objects. 
Not only will they hurt you, but he’s also worried that if he himself gets pricked, the Carnage will act up.
He IS kinda into the thought of you wielding a sword though.
O- Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
The God of Giving. He gives so, so, so much. 
Whatever did we do to earn this deity?
Ok, to be honest, it was hard at first because he was worried about the horns poking your thighs and tried to do it as a human at first. 
Until you insisted that he be comfortable and try working out the best position for both of you. 
Do suck him right though. He won’t deny his love for a good blowjob. 
He’s even turned the idea of mutual masturbation into a game - who can make the other come first? The winner gets a prize (probably who is going to save everyone else’s asses next time)
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual)
Koga tries not to be rough, considering both of your... er... jobs and shared tragedy together. 
If you grab his horns though... you asked for it. 
Suddenly, he is thrusting into you so hard that you get sent a little higher up the sheets, the bedding getting more wrinkled and... soaked with certain body fluids. 
He’s going to give you make-up kisses to the hip area though because of a guilty conscience... and also to admire how you are still quivering from the aftermath.
Ultimately has a good balance between slow and sensual sex to rough and rapid romping in bed.
Q - Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc)
Poor soldier. 
This is his ultimate battle.
To take you right here, right now and bang like there is no tomorrow when technically they only have 10 minutes in some random closet...
Or to patiently and painfully wait for the sake of public decency (and sanitation) where you can be together without being seen? 
Taking you here in the middle of a hallway during a Gala sounds great but so does waiting until you’re behind closed doors so you can be free with those beautiful lips of yours.
Ultimately, the risk factor is what turns him to quickies if he’s particularly flirty but for more serious times, he’s definitely going to whisk you away somewhere for only the two of you.
R - Risks (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc)
... You know... we are talking about Koga Kitamikado, right?
It’s just a matter of what KIND of risk you guys want to take. A public one, a sex-toy related adventure...
The list can go on PROVIDED neither of you gets hurt.
S - ‘Stamina’ (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
The Carnage does take a toll on this aspect but Koga is an entrepreneur for a reason.
Let his fingers & tongue please you during the moments he has to recharge in between 3 rounds. 
T - ‘Toy’ (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
… Good god, he knows the owner.
But that’s the thing. 
Just because he knows it, unless you’ve expressed interest, he’s going to take things into his own very, very, very capable hands.
U - ‘Unfair’ (How much they like to tease)
Oh, he does tease you if you are acting particularly shy despite being completely nude and fully invested in intercourse.
He’s not going to be as bad a certain fox but he does love seeing you flustered if he hits a certain ticklish spot.
V- Volume (Do they moan/grunt?)
He really hates to admit it but you’ve been the only one to get ANYTHING out from him.
It’s even worse because even Koga can’t deny how animalistic he sounds.  
Growls, grunts, & groans, everything rumbles from him through you in the closest moment.
W - ‘Wildcard’ (Random Headcanon)
Medicine is not the only thing Koga is getting from Yura once you come in. 
No, but seriously, ever since you have given him those tea leaves, he has been hooked on aromatherapy and would like to incorporate that in your sex lives. 
It helps that there are some nice essential oils and massage lotions that help both of you get slick and ready.
Yura can’t judge him because... huehue...
X - ‘X-ray’ (How is the package?)
… I am too embarrassed. Let’s just say he has hit the double-digit integer in inches. 
But if you look at how I ranked him amongst the Dawn and Twilight factions, you know it’s gooD.
Yes, that ‘d’ letter was capitalized. A Capital D for the Man who loves the Capital.
Y - ‘Yearning’ (How high is his sex drive?’)
Before meeting you? His yearning was high… particularly, the yearning to die.
Same, my boy, same.
So honestly, it’s been sort of turned off although he could feel the biological urge and go get someone to relieve him of the ‘baggage’.
Upon meeting you, suddenly he has to adjust his sword hilt and... his other sword.
Z - ‘Zzzz…’ (How fast do they fall asleep?)
Honestly, he’s going to have trouble sleeping the first few times. 
Man is busy and working off that sexual energy just converts his strength to do something else.
Hence, the introduction of sake to share a lovely drink, a lovely moment and a lovely MOMENT TO FINALLY REST... with you!
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There Are Harder Addictions to Shake - Oneshot
Jim Mason x fem!reader (dark!jim)
Words: 3.9K
Request: for @alexcornerblog my girl has waited a long time for this!
Summary: You’ve just made your relationship with Jim official, however it isn’t long before Jim starts to smother you, fixating on your relationship to cope with the damage in his life. As Jim grows obsessive what will you be forced to do? What will he do to win you back? 
Warning: PG-13 fic! Contains an obsessive and unhealthy relationship! Please do be warned, Jim is not the sweet peach we all know and love. Swearing! Emotional Manipulation! Drug use! Obsessive love! Stalking! Fluff! Time Jumps! 
A/N: dark!jim is back, but I didn’t want this to go down a dubcon route! Jim is very emotionally unstable in this, the reader becomes his new fixation. I’ve been through/and am still dealing with a relationship where I have been emotionally manipulated so pls do be careful with partners and friends! There is fluff at the beginning though! I hope you all enjoy 🙈
(Gif by @hardyfern) 
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The night was everything I had hoped it would be, he was soft and tender, Jim’s fingers traced everywhere I wanted them to be, pulling sounds from me I didn’t know I could make. It wasn’t my first time, but he made it feel like it was. We were facing each other on our pillows, Jim’s legs wrapped around mine and he told me I was his lighthouse. His shining beam guiding him through the shit he’s trying to deal with. It was romantic, poetic and I fell asleep wondering how I got so lucky with this sweet, kind boy. 
I wake to find Jim out on the balcony. I glance at my phone, it’s early - 7:06am. He’s not wearing a shirt, Jim doesn’t look cold standing only his boxers without a care in the world. A curl of smoke rises in the morning air from Jim’s lit cigarette, his lips taking a long drag. He looks delicious, Jim’s got a surfer’s body full of well-built muscle and sinewy arms. He catches sight of me watching from mu bed, puts out his cigarette and leaps on top of the duvet. I laugh escapes me, “Morning.”
“Good Morning.” He greets, propping his head up on his hand, “Thanks for letting me stay over.”
“You think I was going to throw you out after last night?” 
Jim’s eyes sparkle, “I hoped not.” Jim takes me in from my rumpled hair to where my body hides behind the duvet, “You’re so beautiful.”
I’m blushing and reach for the hairbrush on my bedside table. Jim crawls up between my legs, “Let me.” He offers, taking the brush and running it through my hair. I’ve never had a boy care for me like this, I can feel his fingers slide through the knots till my hair is smooth once again. “I meant what I said last night.” Jim’s sat himself cross-legged before me, my legs spread open to accommodate him. “I don’t think I’d survive without you.”
I pull his face in for a kiss. “Don’t say that,” I whisper when we break apart. “You have so much to live for, Jim.”
“I only feel like that when you’re near though.” He admits, turning over and lying his head in my lap. Jim basks in his new-found position, my fingers running into his hair and massaging his scalp.
A yawn escapes me, “Are you coming back to bed?”
Jim nods, climbing under the covers and spooning me tight against his chest. I start to drift off, Jim pressing kisses into my neck when a phone blares. I start, accidentally elbowing him and Jim grunts in pain, rolling over to check the Caller ID on both phones.
“Sorry.” I call, “It’s it me?’ 
Jim lets out a cry of frustration and chucks his phone across the room. It hits my wardrobe, still singing away as Jim pulls the duvet back up over his shoulders. 
“Leave it.” He orders, “Just my fucking Mom, again.”
“Did you tell her you were coming over?”
Jim scowls, “She would never let me come over if I told her.”
I don’t know Sandy that well. We met once when I was heading out of school with Jim and she gave us a ride to the beach. She asked me a hundred questions about PV, where I lived and if my pool was one acre or two. Jim was mouthing apologies the entire ride, squeezing my hand until Sandy told him to stop. Jim’s phone dies down and I don’t question it. We all have moments when we don’t want to hear from our parents, I can respect that. Jim resumes kissing the back of my neck, I roll over eager for some more action. Jim obliges at once, kissing me deeply, “I’ll never tire of this.” He says, “I’ll kiss you forever if I can.”
I nuzzle my head onto his chest and Jim lies back, letting me sleep against him. I can feel his heartbeat hammering away, “Why are you nervous?” I ask, my eyes going back to his phone. There’s a steady stream of notifications on there, piling up on top of each other.
“My Mom just gets me so riled up.” He admits, “And my Dad.” 
“You know you’re welcome here whenever you want.” 
“Do you mean that?” 
I nod, pressing a kiss into Jim’s chest. “If you need an escape, just let me know.” 
Jim and I are friends, we have been since the Mason’s moved here. Medina, Jim and I are a unit, we spend all our free time together and I kinda feel guilty for leaving Medina behind. But Jim always set my heart aflutter, he brought out the best in me, lavished me with his attention and I gave it all back in return. “What are you thinking about?” Jim asks, “Tell me what you desire?”
I snigger at his attempt to be smooth, “Thinking about last night, about us.”
“Oh yeah?” He smirks, “What are we?”
“I was going to ask you?” 
I smile up at him and Jim kisses me again, “I’m yours.” He vows, “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” 
Jim’s phone blasts again. He groans, dragging his pillow over his head. 
I give in, climb out of bed and fetch his phone for him. I dare not answer it, the Caller ID clearly says MOM. I wait for it to stop ringing and check the notifications. “Jim, there’s over ten missed calls here.” I tell him, “She’s probably worried about you if she doesn’t know where you are.”
“Medina knows.” Jim protests from under his pillow, “Medina will have told her where I am. She’s just fucking paranoid, she won’t leave me alone.” 
I climb back onto the bed. Jim peeks at me, removing the pillow so I can see one eye. I hold his phone out to him, “I think you should head home.” I say, carefully.
His expression darkens, “You want me to go?”
“Of course not.” I say, “But I don’t want to upset your Mom.” 
Jim doesn’t reply but he looks desolate. 
I pull him into me for a hug, “At least call her back, tell her you’re safe.”
He kisses me goodbye, promising to be back over as soon as he can slip away. Thankfully my parents aren’t up yet, so Jim sneaks out successfully and once he’s gone I jump right back into bed. 
When I wake again it’s around mid-day. I’ve slept longer than I expected to but I don’t mind, my body tingles from last night and I lie there for a few minutes re-imagining how Jim suckled at my neck, how he fed on my breasts while he pumped in and out of me. My phone pings with a text from the boy in my fantasies - Are you up yet? Beach at 1, Medina’s already out. 
It’s a weekend, of course Medina’s getting in as much surfing time as she can. I put on a swim-suit, the one Jim likes with the plunging neckline. It isn’t one to seriously swim in, but after last night I’m feeling risky. 
Medina’s is indeed already surfing when I pull up in my car, I hop out and grab my tote bag. She’s such a professional already, learning tricks off Dan Adder or so Jim tells me. She waves at me from the sea and I wave back, locating her stuff and laying out my towel. Medina swims for the shoreline, her arms powerful, her body flat on the board. 
When she arrives she shakes water over me and I scream, “Where was my brother last night?” 
I give her a look, “You know where.” 
Medina has a shit-eating grin on her face, “Did he finally tell you?” 
I nod and Medina nearly punches the air in triumph, “Thank God, I am so sick of keeping his moaning, pining ass a secret from you.”
“Why, how long has it been?” I’m curious because Jim and I being more than friends has completely snuck up on me. I had thought this was just a natural progression, I had no idea Jim’s feelings had been going on for a while.
Medina considers and then plops down next to me, “You can’t tell him because he will kill me.” She begins, “But he’s had it bad since you stood up to Chad.” 
“That was months ago.”
“Now you know how hard it’s been.” Medina grins, “All the Medinaaaa, how do I speak to her. I don’t wanna ruin what we have, but she’s so pretty and confident blahhhhh.” I push her over and check my phone. Medina comes rolling right back her eyes scanning my swimsuit, “So you’re not here to surf.”
I tap her, “We don’t use words like that do we, Medina.”
‘I’m only trying to wind you up.” I shoot her a frown, suddenly regretting my choice of swimwear. I tug at the neckline and Medina pushes my hands away, “I’m sorry.” She apologies, “You look stunning, I mean it. Jim’s lucky.”
“I know I am.” 
He’s snuck up on us, Jim sitting right beside me and kissing my cheek. Medina fights her revulsion, “Well I’m gonna go disappear into the sea again.”
“Bye.” Jim calls, waving her away and I laugh again. Jim presses me down into the towel, kissing me so deeply I have to push him away to get some air. “What are you doing tonight?”
“I have homework.” I tell him, “Considering I didn’t get any done last night-”
“We’re going out.” Jim informs me, “Seven.” You look away out to the waves. Medina catches a huge wave and I give her a cheer as she styles it out, Jim keeps watching me, “Well?”
I kiss him, “Homework. If I get a lot done then I’ll let you know.”
Studying goes slow, despite my endless cups of tea to try and keep me going. I don’t get Maths and it doesn’t seem to get me either. I look up from my pile of notes when there’s a knock at my door, “Jim?” I push myself up, “I said I’d text you.”
“You’re Mom’s so nice.” He says, completely ignoring me. He picks up your calculus book and catches my stony expression, “I wanted to come and help you.”
“You hate maths.” I remind him, taking back my book.
“I’m okay at it though.”
You let it slide, taking a sip of tea. 
It isn’t long before Jim is sitting next to me. He’s flipping through my notebook, smiling at the doodles he comes across. His voice interrupts my studying, “Who’s N?” 
“Don’t remember.” 
‘Why is there a heart?”
  Jim is hiding his irritation. His mouth is a harsh line, his eyes frozen on the scribble. I kiss his cheek, “Relax, it’s Nathan from Medina’s Biology class. She likes him.”
Jim doesn’t seem convinced though, “You like me, right?” 
I stare at him, “Of course. I wouldn’t have let the other night happen if not.” 
Jim’s fingers lace in mine, “You’re the best thing in my life Y/N. You and Medina.” 
“I know.” 
Jim pulls me in, kissing wherever he can reach. His hands slide my shirt up, cupping my breasts, ‘Jim.”
“I want you.” He moans, “Wanna make you mine again.”
He squeezes and a sound of pleasure leaves my lips. My homework forgotten about as I let Jim lie down and pull me on top of him. I straddle his waist, my hair falling into my eyes. Jim’s runs his hands over my stomach, tugging my top off. Books and notes scatter on the floor as I surge down to kiss Jim, “Y/N?”
We both freeze, it’s Mom. I jump off Jim right as the door opens but Mom is already inside my bedroom, “Heard of knocking?” I ask, seizing my top. But she’s already seen me standing in my bra, Jim’s hair ruffled as he lies in the mess we’ve made of my bed.
Jim doesn’t look sheepish at all, he just waves from the bed, “Thanks for letting me in again.”
Mom shakes her head, “So there is something going on between you two.”
“Jim and I are…” 
“I’m her boyfriend.” Jim declares, “We made it official last night.” 
Mom beams, “Finally.”
The second Mom has shut the door, Jim springs off the bed and pull me to him. He kisses me deep, the kind that burns into my soul. Our lips mash together Jim pressing his entire being into me. When we break apart he looks jubilant, “Hey girlfriend.”
“Hey.” I say, still whoozy from his kiss. 
I slide past him and start gathering up my notes, “Jim, it’s sweet of you to come over. But I really need to finish this.” 
My laptop pings into life and I dump my notes on my desk. Jim hasn’t spoken though and when I turn round he still stood in the spot I left him in, motionless. “You don’t want me here?”
“Not if you keep distracting me.”
Jim looks away, I turn back to my laptop but I feel suddenly guilty. But I shouldn’t, I need to get this homework done, “I can’t go home.” Jim appears beside me, “Mom’s really bad tonight.” 
I pause, taking in my new boyfriend. “Well if you’re gonna stay you’ve got to be quiet till l’m done.”
Jim nods, pulling out his phone and a pair of earbuds, “Let me know when you’re finished.” He says, “You won’t know I’m here.” 
Jim’s true to his word, I don’t hear him till I’ve completed my chapter and written up all my maths notes. I don’t really understand them, but I hope I’ve taken some in subliminally while writing. I find Jim back out on my balcony. He’s swaying back and forth to music, watching the stars hanging above. I tap his shoulder, “All finished.”
He takes out an earbud, “So you’re all mine?”
“All yours.” I declare, wrapping my arms round his neck. Jim hands me the earbud and I can hear Florence and the Machine playing softly. He pulls me in, rocking us back and forth. It feels peaceful, like everything I ever wanted.
Jim’s earbud falls out but I don’t mind. His lips are moving though, almost absentmindedly, “If I can’t have you no one else can.” 
I wasn’t meant to hear it. Jim’s words send a chill though me that I would never have suspected. He catches my movement, his hands rubbing at my arms. “You cold?”
I nod, letting him lead the way back inside. Jim grabs your laptop and makes himself comfortable on your bed, “Movie?”
“Should we invite Medina?” I know why I’ve said it, Jim’s words still playing round my mind. 
Jim shakes his head, “She doesn’t wanna third wheel.”
I join him on the bed, “We should get her together with Nathan, then.”
Jim’s expression sours, “Sure. Great.”
I let him pick the movie, Jim pulling me against his chest. I don’t listen to a word, I don’t even know what we’ve decided on. The hours tick by while I’m caught up in my thoughts till finally the movie ends and we go to bed. I don’t sleep at all, I just watch the beautiful boy next to me. His expression innocent, his lips tugged up in a  tiny smile. His words haunt me, a promise I never should have heard.  
Jim’s calls become excessive. I spend more time with Medina, we both know I’m avoiding Jim. I tell her about what I heard and Jim’s twin is surprised, but she isn’t as freaked as I am. “He’s been through a lot.” Medina says, “He’s just being protective. He’s wanted you for a long time.”
As we enter a month into our relationship Jim only gets clingier. He drives us to school and takes me home, usually overstaying his welcome. He’s a distraction, my grades are dropping and I’ve started to stay longer in school. I walk home when I can, slipping out when Jim isn’t looking. 
We have our first argument the day Jim catches me heading home with Medina. I told Jim I had an after-school careers meeting so I could get some hours away from him and he caught us at the beach. It was horrible, but Jim’s tears and paranoia only confirmed my worst thoughts - he’s becoming too much.
“You’re so selfish.” He cries, “How could you lie to me?”
“I need my space, Jim.” I try to tell him. “You control every aspect of my life.”
His mouth drops open, “I do not.”
“You’re smothering me.” I tell him, “You pick me up and take me home, you stay too long at my house. I can’t do anything without you anymore.”
“Well I’m sorry for wanting to spend time with you.”
“It’s just too much.” 
Medina looks between the two of us, “Jim you have been a bit full-on-”
“Don’t you dare.” Jim rounds on her, “You don’t have a say in this.” He cups my cheeks, “Y/N, all I want is your love. What has brought this on?”
A tear leaks out of my eye, “I heard you, Jim.”
“You heard me?”
“On the balcony.” I say, avoiding his crystalline eyes. “I heard you say that if you can’t have me no one else can.”
Jim scoffs, “You took that seriously?”
“How else I am meant to take it?”
“Baby, you’re overreacting.” Jim says, “I just-”
“I just…no one has made me feel the way you have. I feel safe with you, I feel loved.” He kisses me and I have no choice but to let him, “I’ve loved you for so long.”
I look into his eyes. Jim is completely convinced that what he’s doing is alright, that his obsession is just an act of love. He thinks I should be moved by this level of devotion. 
I take his chin in my thumb and index finger, “You need help, Jim.”
His face turns violent. Jim’s eyes cloud over with something I’ve never seen before, “I do not need help.” He seizes my arms, “I don’t need help!” He repeats.
Medina shoves her brother, “What the hell? Let her go, Jim.”
Jim realises his mistake at once. He lets me go, taking a step back. His eyes fall on Medina, “Shit, what am I doing?”
I start to pack up my things, shoving them into my duffle bag. “Don’t follow me, Jim.”
Panic grips him, “What are you doing?”
“There’s no middle with you.” I try to reason with him once more, “When it’s good it’s great but when it’s bad you’re so clingy and you won’t let me go even for five minutes and I don’t want to lie to you. It’s worse than then...”
A silence stretches between us, “I’ve been clean for months.” Jim states, his voice low. 
“I just need to breathe.” I say, “It’s like you’re obsessed.”
“I am not!” Jim seizes me again, “You are my life, Y/N. You and Medina, I can’t survive without you.”
I wrench myself out of his arms, “Don’t call me.” I order, grabbing my bag and heading to the car. “I need time.”
I race to my car, Medina following me. “Are you breaking up with me?” Jim calls, but I don’t turn back. “Y/N!” He screams, giving chase. “You can’t break up with me!”
“Stop, Jim.” Medina shouts, “You’re too much.”
But Jim’s beside himself. He collapses into the sand, “Is it Nathan? I’ll find that fucking prick! I can’t let you go!” He shouts, “You can’t leave me. I need you now more than ever. You selfish bitch!”
I unlock the car and sit inside, Medina sliding into the passenger seat. I catch Jim’s red eyes, he looks so lost and desolate on his knees in the sand. The wind ruffles his hair and he’s still speaking, but I can no longer hear him.
I prefer it that way, maybe it’s better if I never hear from him again. 
Two months into our ‘relationship’ and Jim has taken up stalking me outside my house. It isn’t really a relationship, I don’t speak to Jim but he tries to win me back every second he can. He doesn’t stop calling my phone so I end up throwing it out the window. It landed at Jim’s feet and died in his hand, the screen spiderwebbed and useless. Mom’s worried, so is Dad. They don’t let Jim inside anymore, though I can hear him begging from the hallway. They’re trying to protect me, but it’s damaging Jim too. I don’t want to see him suffer, but what can I do?
He tries to break into the house and my parents call the police. They drag Jim away in handcuffs and threaten him with a restraining order. He’s crying, begging to see me because I can tell the cops it’s just a misunderstanding. We’ve just had an argument and he’s here to apologise. 
I let them take him away and Sandy’s round the next day because Jim spent the night in jail. 
He follows me at school, the bags evident under Jim’s eyes. He’s been called into the Principals’ office numerous times and they’ve been made aware of his trip to the Police Office. Three months into this nightmare Medina tells me that Jim has been suspended. 
“They think he’s using again because of the bags under his eyes.” She tells me, the two of us watching Jim from my bedroom window. He sits on the bonnet of his car, staring up at us. He doesn’t move that much, his gaze locked on me, biding his time. 
I swallow, “It seems there are worse addictions.”
Medina takes my hand, “I’m scared, Y/N.” She whispers, “He’s not eating, he’s violent. I don’t want to be around him, he’s consumed with you.”
I can’t let Medina be at risk in her own home. I know what I have to do, “Will you go get him?”
Medina splutters, “A...are you sure?” 
I sit down at my desk, listening to the sound of Medina’s dying footsteps. She’s running to get Jim, seizing the chance to have us make amends. It must be torture for her, the brother and the best-friend and she’s right in the middle. I close my laptop lid and wait for the Mason twins to enter, but Medina isn’t there. Only Jim stands before me, “Where is-”
“Doesn’t matter.” Jim looks even wilder than I thought. His hair is a mess, clumps sticking up in tufts. His eyes are bloodshot, glassy and I can smell the drugs from here. 
“Get out.” I snap, “I’m not doing this while you’re drugged. You said you were clean.”
“Oh I was.” Jim’s voice is cracking and deeper than I’ve ever heard it. “But you make me do the craziest things, Y/N.”
Fear ripples through me, “Leave.”
“No baby, no.” Jim stumbles over to me and drops to his knees. He places his hands on my thighs, “I’m never going to leave you again now I’m here.”
He takes out a key from his jacket pocket at waves it in front of your face, “Guess what this is?” I don’t want to know, my eyes watching the key wave back and forth. “This is where we’re gonna live.” Jim grins, “Just you and me. I’ll be perfect, we’ll let Medina visit on the weekends, we’ll have a cat. It’s by the beach and you’re gonna love it. One bedroom, of course.”
“What the fuck?” I breathe, “You aren’t serious?”
Jim’s grip on me tightens, “I’ve never been more serious about anything.”
“Where did you get the money to afford it?” I challenge, pushing his hands off. “Tell me, Jim.”
He giggles, falling back onto his heels. The key slips from his hands, “My Mom’s so stupid.” He says, “She leaves Dad’s black credit card just on the coffee table. Cause sweet, innocent Jim would never ever use it for anything.” Jim looks so triumphant, so pleased with himself. “We’re getting out, baby. You and me, we’ll be together forever.” 
I make my move, surging for the front door. “Medina!”
Jim beats me to it, slamming my bedroom door shut and pinning himself against it. “Uh uh.”
I shove him, “Open the door right now.”
“You should be careful, Y/N.” Jim warns, “You don’t know who will try and take advantage of you when you’re parents are out.” Of course he knows they aren’t here. He’s been watching the house for days, creeping out my entire family. Jim smirks, “Date night at Beluca’s right?”
“Fuck you.” I hiss, “There is no way I am going to live with you in your fucked little fantasy.”
“You don’t have a choice.” Jim’s fingers play with my hair, “You belong to me, Y/N. You were always destined to be mine, just as you will always have me.” He leaves bites down my neck, his lips attacking me and sucking on every spare inch of skin he can find. “We’re gonna have the best life.” He murmurs, nuzzling into me, “We don’t need PV or school or anyone. Just each other and when we’re nice and settled I’m gonna fuck a baby into you. We’ll have the most beautiful children, a boy and a girl.” Jim pecks you on the lips, “Doesn’t it sound like heaven?” 
Tag-list:  @langdonsoceaneyes @sodanova @petersfern-fics @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @sassylangdon @confettucini @sammythankyou @wroteclassicaly @Sloppy-Wrist @Langdonalien @alexcornerblog @sevenwondr @queencocoakimmie @sojournmichael @langdonsdemon @satcnas @kinlovecody @kylosbabe @kylosbabe @americanhorrorstudies @asstichrist @tickled--pinkmoodpoisoning @xxpixiefromdixiexx @elenareginaauditore @dadddysprinccess @gremlinkween @langdonsinferno @readsalot73 @langdonsrapture @starwlkers @yourkingcodyfern @thelangdoncooperative @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @sammythankyou
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dragaoel · 5 years
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 Jun'ichirō, aka Jun (- Silverdell)
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the volume of the radio slowly dwindles down and only static noise is left to be heard
"those are dangerous words"
"not for him " Anja replies, her head laying on her outstretched arm that's on the table , her whole posture the embodiment of laziness. "loved ones always have it easier here"
"Not always" Jun says grimly and glances out of the window" it's because he's an outsider that he's allowed more freedom than any of us"
"aren't you a loved one too?"
Jun sighs deeply and turns towards the albino girl. For a second ,pain , frustration and a hint of panic can be seen in his eyes before it vanishes. He lets out a bitter laugh.
"and you saw where that lead me to,half dead in a ditch"
half japanese half black
has waist long black thick hair and brown skin 
has a ‘’prince in anguish’’ aura but masks it with him being over the top ridiculous and dramatic
is 5′11
born 12th october (libra)
‘‘the risk i took was calculated, but man, am i bad at math’‘
Jun is my favourite character, i made him on a whim as a side character in a old story and then i started using him more and more as a background character until i realized the potential he had. He's also one of the character whom i put into a lot of  different aus, the most favourite one was where he was a vampire who loved laying in the garden and eat roses all day
Rukiya (-Though the god’s have left)
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‘‘i have dreams about them’‘ Rukiya says and plucks a string on her bass. The deep note rumbles through the room and her short curls moves along as she drops her head lower 
‘‘i'm high in the sky, looking down onto a land that seems oh so familiar, with people screaming at me asking me to help them’‘
‘’do you understand them? ‘’ a band member asks
‘‘weirdly i do’‘ Rukiya answers ‘‘ it seems to be in my native language but also not, as if it was way before everything happened, you know, the ancient time’‘ 
Out of the both of them Rukiya is the older twin by 4 minutes
she’s also the artsy one than her sister whos into sports
wears black literally 24/7 and has dark circles despite sleeping enough
is 5′9
is black (kenyan) 
mole on the left side of her cheek
fluent in her native tongue kiswahili 
Majors in Film
loves anything that has to do with space nd aliens
born 24th january (aquarius)
has a sweet tooth
*cocks gun* ‘’basements haunted’’
i like the idea of twins that are completely the opposite of each other. Rukiya just like Imara have a big chunk of my personality in them, it's just that i lean more towards Rukiya than Imara. 
Akiho (-Though the god’s have left)
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Kneeling down, she cocks her head to the side, her eyes cold and her lips pressed into a thin line ‘’ dont think your actions won't have consequences’’ she sneers ‘’ the next time i see you harassing another girl again i'll make you wish you were never born’’ 
Akiho dusts herself , picks up the bat , glances one last time at the boy laying on the floor and walks away, the echoes of her shoes the only noise to be heard
is 5′4
majors in theater
her fashion style is y2k
is the other one of the dumbass duo
has freckles on her nose
is japanese
doesn't like sweet things usually eats traditional sweets made by her mom or things that are sour/bitter, but salty food has to be spicy asf
born, 14th april (aries)
her side teeth are really pointy
has long peach colored straight hair
‘‘I’d sell you to satan for one corn chip’‘
Akiho comes from a family of 3, she's the youngest sibling and she has that energy. She likes to play with her oldest brother children, doesn't want any on her own though. will fight anyone who is disrespectful, esp towards women 
Hyunjin (-Though the god’s have left)
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The tall girl slumps her body onto her girlfriend shoulder, watching her fry the fish in the pan into charcoal. Hyunjin wrinkles her nose in a attempt to push the glasses up without having to actually touch them, before she sighs deeply. 
‘‘Just-’‘ she starts and softly takes ‘‘let me do it, otherwise you'll burn the kitchen down like last time’‘
Praveena puffs her cheeks up ‘’that actually wasn't my fault, it was the gasherd-’’
‘‘i know i know’‘ Hyunjin chuckles and kisses her cheek ‘‘but i have a exam tomorrow and i would like not not have an indigestion’‘ she frowns and flips the fish over and sighs. It seems the fish can’t be saved anymore. 
has short dyed blue hair, but the back part is longer than the front part.
is ‘5′10
majors in engineering technology
born 14th may (taurus)
has literally no sense of style and wears glasses cause she has a slight astigmatism that you can't really see
has a mole next to her right eye
‘‘a financially unstable mess but at the liquor store they call me ma’am’‘
honestly out of all the characters i draw hyunjin the most. In the beginning  she  had shoulder length but then i shortened it because i liked it more. She's an only child and her mother runs a bakery while her father works in a office. She's the calm type that's constantly tired because she never sleeps 
Praveena  (-Though the god’s have left)
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She shuffles the cards and lays them out on the table. The customers sees the fool, the moon and the star. Praveena touches them with her fingertips ‘’ you seem to be either at the beginning or at the end of a new journey ’’ she pauses and thinks ‘’but either way you're prepared for what is to come’’
The customers nods ‘’i'm soon moving away from this city’’
‘‘I see’‘ Praveena counters and points at the next card ‘‘the moon indicates that you’re hesitant  and fearful in your decision, there might be something from the past that is holding you back and influencing you in the present and possibly the future
the customer tenses up, her eyes fixed on the card and her lips tight
‘‘though’‘ Praveena continues ‘‘at the end you’ll be at peace and glad that you pushed through all the turbulences 
tamil ,dark skin with long wavy violet dyed hair
Hyunjin’s girlfriend
has calm energy but is also very erratic 
loves astrology & tarot
majors in psychology
born 20 july (cancer)
has droopy eyes
‘‘god cant help you now’‘
i made praveena cause i wanted a harmonious wlw couple, that have that ‘’old married pair’’ plus out of all the ocs those two are the ones that i drew first. Praveena has the tendency to blow things up how though is a mystery and hyunjin always has to clean up everything. 
Imara (-Though the god’s have left)
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‘‘no listen, it doesn't make sense why would you wear a bra and some tight ass pants knowing you’re about to fight people who have knives and GUNS?’’ Imara asks perturbed.
‘‘Cause men are horny’‘ Rukiya retorts and raises an eyebrow
‘‘still doesn't make sense like wow!, some fucking boobs, like really? really? is that what gets you going? just some breast pressed up in a bra that is too damn tight and a flat stomach on a skinny ass girl that has absolute no muscles despite the training she went through?
Rukiya sighs ‘’ is this about-’’
‘‘lara croft yes’‘ Imara interrupts and slams her finger on the table ‘‘and im going to die on this hill that men shouldn't be allowed to create games!’‘
plays games a lot, esp the loz series
has curly dyed blonde hair that's mostly tied in a ponytail  or a bun because she cant be bothered with it, though rukiya helps her all the time cause she never really learned how to deal with curly hair. 
Is on a baseball sponsorship because she's that good (she's a pitcher)
is totally tone deaf unlike her twin
isnt good with crows ie: strangers crowding around her after her team won a game
is kenyan
has a mole next to her upper lips on the left side
loves 90's rnb & hip hop music
‘‘he proclaimed his undying love and asked me to do the same, i had to overcome my desire to laugh’‘
Imara does have a slight complex about being a twin because she feels like Rukiya is the cooler one despite people loving her too. She's loud and boisterous basically a chad, but better. She's dorky and literally spends her free time gaming but she doesn't just play any game shes v specific when it comes to that. Her mom always has a headache because of her but thats okay but in the end her mom loves her to death.
Ava (-Though the god’s have left)
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‘’do you you know how much it's sucks that at the end of all of this , i'm the one waiting for them?’’ Ava exclaims ‘’that i'm the one who will have to watch them go through the door to be evaluated? that i'm ultimately the end?
‘‘you’re not all alone-’‘
‘‘you don't understand’’ Ava interrupts, as she points at the short girl ‘’ i will have to watch my mom, my family that raised me go through that door and know that that will be the last time i will see them in that body!’’
She’s haitian 
keeps her hair in a short chin length dark blue bob
majors in sociology 
she and akiho are the ‘’comedy duo’’ of the group
is 5′6
born 4th november (scorpio)
‘‘my only crime was that i was down to clown’‘ 
When i make akiho i felt like she needed a companion so i made ava, both of them were inspired by the early 2000 shows characters. Although Ava likes to goof around she's also very studious and serious about her future. She comes from a family of 6 and she’s the second oldest. She and her older sister fight constantly 
Nïrnaya (Dawn over the horizon)
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‘‘Magic’‘ the elf stars, her tall stature hunched over the herbs ‘’ is in the nature we’re surrounded in, in the mountains that stand high and the rivers that flow into the deep sea’’
she straightens up and walks over to Nïrnaya ‘’ we might lose everything.’’ She pokes the girl on the forehead ‘’but magic will forever stay with you because its the core of your being‘’ 
shes a mischievous 15 year old 
 has black curly long hair that are mostly braided
does not want to do this whole adventure thing because of how it reminds her too much of the ‘’chosen one trope’’ and thats too much responsibilities
born during the year of the earth dragon
‘‘snacking between meals is the least, but tastiest, of my problems’‘ 
i came up with this story and character because i wanted a book where a black girl for once was the main character, where she could experience the same thing as other mc (ie eragon etc) basically i wanted black representation in a medieval-esque world but with my own spin because the world itself is not very western like
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Balance on the Head of a Pin
Chapter Thirteen
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Previous Chapter
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x OFC  |  Word Count: 5992 Warnings: smexy, swearing, angst and heartbreak
Lauren stared at the change in the pendant around her neck with awe. Towel wrapped tightly around her, she touched the web of intricately laced branches which now rested where once the delicate chain had. It was only about an inch wide, maybe two where the branches fell to a point beneath the pendant, surrounding it as if to highlight the golden rectangle. It was exquisite, like nothing she’d ever seen before, but she wasn’t so foolish not to realize there was more going on here than a simple gift.
“Loki, explain this to me?” She tapped it gently with her nail.
He appeared behind her in the mirror, chest bare, towel riding low at his waist. The smile he wore was simply sinful as was the look in his eyes when he peered at her through the glass. Tapered fingers landed ever so gently on the delicate gold filigree, tracing the design with care.
“Isn’t it stunning?” he asked, stroking his fingers up her throat to cup and lift her chin.
His touch made her shiver most delightfully. “It’s gorgeous, but why is it different?”  
Even though he’d followed through on his comment to wash everything, he’d been… mostly a gentleman about it. His soaping of her back, belly, and chest might have been a pleasant experience, but it had just been a washing, one which she’d returned in kind, washing both their hair as well.
It had been fun, actually, to do something like that for him, especially when she’d scrubbed her nails lightly over his scalp and he’d darn near purred with pleasure.
“Because,” he murmured, lightly kissing her cheek, keeping his eyes on hers in the mirror. “You are my Ástvinur, my chosen. As we learn and grow together, as our bond grows stronger the more you accept me for who I am, so does the brúðr steinn.”
“Brúðr steinn,” she murmured, touching the pendant. “Sounds fancy.”
“Very fancy,” he whispered against her ear.
The heat in his eyes had her lips parting on a sigh. “Loki.” She watched, enthralled as he ran his teeth over the shell of her ear.
“That’s four, my darling,” he crooned against her before slowly pulling away, allowing his finger to trail down her neck and over her bare shoulder.
Lauren picked up her brush with a shaking hand and began running it through her hair, hoping to regain some semblance of composure only to have him return to her back and steal the brush from her fingers to do it himself.
“Seeing as how you have enticed me out of bed at this unseemly hour, I think you should make it up to me.”
Arching a brow, she ignored the heat in her face when she muttered, “After the last twenty minutes, you’re gonna whine about gettin’ up early?”
He paused in his brushing to look at her with eyes full of censure. “An act we could have easily accomplished had you remained in my bed.”
She tilted her chin up defiantly. “You’re short-term memory is goin’, peaches. You’re the one who flounced off into the shower.”
“I do not flounce!” he scoffed. With a narrowing of eyes, he dug his fingers in along her ribs and made her squeal. “Oh, ticklish are we?”
“Loki, no!” she laughed when he did it again. “Stop! Stop! Noooo- aha!” Grabbing hold of her slipping towel, she darted out the door with him hot on her heels.
It came as little surprise when strong arms banded her waist, scooped her up off her feet and tossed her to the bed, causing her breath to oof out before being replaced by gasps and giggles as he attacked her ribs with a vengeance. She belted out a peal of laughter as she tried to keep her towel in place, pushing at him to stop. “Stop!!”
Crouched over her, Loki snickered as he captured both her hands into one of his and held them above her head. “Admit I do not flounce, and I may grant you mercy.”
She bit her lip to hold in her giggles. “Fine, you don’t flounce.”
“Very good.” He smiled triumphantly.
“But you do skulk!”
“Why you little…” he growled softly, skating his hand down her ribs.
“Ah haha!” she screamed, twisting to get away, only to finally have her towel come free. “Big bully!” she pouted when he stopped, eyes full of appreciation for her half-naked form.
“Poor baby,” he chuckled, skimming his hand up her bare flesh to caress her exposed breast. “Should I kiss it better?”
Lauren bit her lip while nodding.
The way his eyes went from sky blue to deep oceans as they warmed was enchanting.
Her eyes dropped to his lips, waiting for him to lower them to hers. She sighed and tilted her face up, the anticipation half the fun when his nose brushed gently along the tip of hers, and his breath washed across her lips.
He settled slowly to the bed, his body at her side, arm stretched out to keep hers contained. The softest touch of his lips made hers tingle. They brushed, a whisper, brushed again, brushed and made her whimper a quiet plea.
When they finally sealed to hers, she moaned, arching up, loving the shock of heat which rapid fired through her system with his kiss, with his closeness. Lauren hooked her heel behind his knee and tugged until his weight half pressed her to the mattress. But it was his mouth she focused on.
The silky glide of his tongue against hers. The way he seemed to be able to twist it in the most impossible way. He flicked it over her teeth, discovering every corner of her mouth. He moaned, deeply, and the coolness of his voice along with the magic which lived inside him washed down her throat making her shiver.
The release of her hands saw them flying up to sink into his damp locks as she kissed him unendingly, catching a breath when he let her only to have him dive back in until her lips felt swollen, and the hand on her breast wandered down her side to jack her thigh up around his waist.
His hand was making its way over her ribcage again when a loud growl came from her stomach.
“Oh!” Jumping at the unexpected noise, Lauren flushed with embarrassment.
Loki groaned softly in disappointment as his head fell to her shoulder. “I forget how often you Midgardians need to eat,” he said, sounding distinctly grumpy.
“I forgot how often you don’t,” she grumbled. “C’mon, hun. I’ll make you a breakfast that will have you wantin’ to eat.”
“And just what, pray tell, are we having for breakfast, my sweet?” Loki asked, lips gliding across her cheek. “What could you possibly feed me that would make letting you up worth my while?”
Smiling, Lauren traced her nails down his back. “Mm, you’ll have to wait and see, peaches.”
Nipping at her lip, he sighed, long-suffering and full of irritation. “If I must, but you will simply have to make it up to me.”
“Me? Make it up to a God? Why however, shall I accomplish such a thing when I am just a shy, fair maiden with not but pennies to my name?” She fluttered her lashes, smiling innocently up at him.
He snorted out a bark of laughter before fighting it back to give her a dark look laced with mischief. “By using your own two hands, fair maiden, to treat me as I deserve.”
“And whatever shall I be doin' with my hands, oh gracious God of Mischief?” she asked, a touch breathless.
“Why, what every man desires of his woman,” he murmured softly, eyes drawing down to land on her lips. Leaning closer, his mouth a breath away from hers, Loki whispered, “Bake me a cake, woman.”
Her eyes widened in disbelief as he leapt from the bed, laughing wickedly while escaping back into the bathroom.
“You’re a horrible tease!” Lauren griped.
“But a fantastic flirt!” Could be heard before the door shut tight.
With his chin in his hand, Loki watched Lauren move around the kitchen with an ease born of familiarity. She was at home here, cracking eggs and cutting up peaches, strawberries, and bananas. There were bowls of fresh berries on the long marble island and a cup of steaming coffee at his elbow.
She stood before the hot stove, bowl of batter in her arm, stirring gently while she waited for the pan to warm. A white t-shirt, old and thin from many washings clung to her curves, while shorts made from jeans bared the generous length of her legs.
He was having a decidedly hard time pulling his eyes away from her long limbs and colourful bare toes. The soft pink was most enticing, making him wonder if she would giggle if he nibbled upon them or if a moan would fall from her lips. Her pert bottom in those shorts wasn't helping matters either.
Drawing his eyes up, he smirked a little for her hair really did curl in the humidity already present in the early morning heat. Soft waves fell around her shoulders, caressed her cheeks, and draped down her back. She looked adorably youthful, like the girl in her Gran’s pictures.
She hummed softly while pouring batter onto the hot pan, hery smile small but happy as she did something which obviously pleased her.
Loki sipped his coffee and glanced toward the clock upon the wall, one reading just gone six-thirty, an hour he would not have been awake at without a good reason on any other day he’d chosen to sleep. Still, to watch her cook for him, just him, in a kitchen with whitewashed cabinets and marble countertops, glass front doors and gleaming steel appliances that put the kitchen of Stark’s to shame, caused his heart to clench at the domesticity of it all. 
He could get used to this.
He set his coffee down with a quiet click of porcelain on marble. “Whatever was your sister trying last night with her action? I cannot figure out her motivation for breaking into your room as she was.”
She placed the bowl down beside the stove and took up a utensil to flip the first round of pancakes. A slight sigh escaped her as the smile fell from her lips, and Loki regretted asking. “The belt.”
“Excuse me?” he asked, stiffening in shock.
“The one you made me. It wouldn’t be the first time Cissy took what wasn’t hers cause she wanted it.” Moving toward the big double door fridge, she opened it and took out a small silver bowl filled with cream she’d previously whipped up into frothy peaks.
He stared at her aghast. “She steals from you as well?”
“Borrows, hun. Only she conveniently forgets about returnin’ what she's borrowed,” Lauren muttered, putting the bowl on the counter near the berries before ducking down to open a cabinet and remove a small canister which she placed near the bowl. “That’s how Cissy explains it at least. At which point I get, Lauren Guillemin, why can't you just let Cissy have whatever this one time? ”
“Lauren,” he sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face, unable to believe the audacity and how it was compounded by what was evidently her mother.
“There’s a reason I only brought one bag. I’ve had things disappear before when I brought them home with me. Considerin’ I could smell the booze on her last night from across the room, ain’t surprised she fell against the door.” She shrugged, dismissing it. “She’s doomed to disappointment anyway.”
That Cissy was. The belt and the outfit he’d created for Lauren no longer existed. He could bring it back should she wish it, but he was really beginning to despise this family.
Flipping the pancakes onto a waiting plate, Lauren poured more batter into the pan and turned toward the island where she began spooning fruit over the hotcakes. The canister was opened and a sieve obtained to shake the fine powdered sugar over the plate. Dollops of the whipped cream were added next before she drizzled a smattering of honey over the entire thing.
Lauren set the plate in front of him with a smirk and nudged a fork his direction. “Eat.”
He eyed both her and the plate before arching a skeptical brow. “I have had pancakes on numerous occasions, my sweet. How is this any different?”
She scooped a bit of cream up with her finger, a dab with a drizzle of honey on it and held it out. “You ain't never had pancakes till you've had ‘em with fresh cream and wildflower honey.”
Loki watched her face as he took her by the wrist and brought her finger to his lips, swirled his tongue around the tip, and placed it into his mouth where he sucked it clean with a sensual purr of pleasure. “Delicious. Especially off your skin.”
She gave a slow blink, a sly smile, and leaned closer to kiss him only to suck his lip into her mouth. “It's even better off yours, peaches,” she murmured, flicking her tongue over his lip. “Eat.”
“There's something I'd like to eat,” he muttered, setting her laughing and blushing as she returned to the stove.
When he dug in, Loki had to bite back a moan of pleasure for her meal was just delicious. As he ate, he again watched her move with ease around the kitchen.
Before the pancakes, she’d mixed a large bowl of batter, poured it in pans, and placed them in the oven. The entire kitchen smelled of spiced cake, mouthwateringly scrumptious. She returned to the fridge, took a block of something - the box reading cream cheese - from it and set it on the counter. The oven was checked, and she flipped her own pancakes before turning her attention back to him.
Collecting a piece of peach on the end of his fork, he held it out to her temptingly. She walked toward him, a sway in her hips, leaned over the counter and opened her mouth.
Pulling the fork back, Loki tsked, “Closer, pet.”
Lauren skirted the counter and stepped forward. “Here?” she asked, smiling.
Turning toward her on his stool, Loki slipped his foot between hers, caught her around the waist, and pulled her forward to straddle his thigh. “Here,” he quipped, bringing the peach to her lips.
Her eyes danced and sparkled when she bit the peach off the tines.
While she chewed, Loki stroked his hand down her back, gently cupped her bottom, traced his fingers over the curve and down past the edge of her shorts where he could lightly caress her bare skin. “What would you have us do today, darling?”
Her fingers traced the line of buttons on his white shirt. “Anythin’ long as we’re outta this house.” 
“It has been some time since I rode. Yesterday’s adventure with your stallion reminded me of how I missed it.” Loki slipped his fingers beneath the hem of her t-shirt, dragged them gently over her skin, squeezed her ribs and brushed his thumb over the underside of her satin encased breast.
Plucking a strawberry up between her nails, Lauren brought it to his lips. “We could take the horses out. Go down to the river. We could swim and have a picnic for lunch.”
Sucking the berry from her fingers, Loki hummed happily. “Sounds delightful.”
“I think so,” she smiled, leaning down to kiss him gently, pulling away only when the scent of pancakes got stronger. She returned to the stove, clicked off the burner, dished up and prepared her own small mound of pancakes before taking the seat at his side.
Loki gave her stool a quick jerk, drawing it in close. She squeaked, grabbed for her plate, and made him snicker. A sharp glare was sent his way before she stole his coffee to sip from his cup. He slid his hand up her thigh and gave her a second jerk that saw her sitting nearly on his lap. Not an easy feat to accomplish, but he wrapped her leg behind his hips and settled his hand on her lush bottom to keep her in place.
Perched on his leg, she eyed him with amusement. “I could sit on my own stool.”
“But then how could I do this?” Stealing her fork, he speared a piece of banana, dipped it in the whipped cream and held it before her mouth.
Her lips twitched, fighting to contain her smile. “I could feed myself as well.”
“Oh?” he pouted, rubbing the edge of the banana against her lips. “Pity,” he crooned, pulling the fork away. “Feeding one’s beloved can be such a… sensual experience.” Lifting his foot to the rung on her stool had her sliding down his thigh, the seam of her shorts bumping up in just the right way.
When she gasped at the sudden jolt of pleasure, he tucked the fork between her lips.
“Now, be a good girl, pet, and let me have my way.” He rocked his foot on the rung of the stool, smirking as he watched her eyes darken when the hard seam rubbed and pulled just right.
Lauren reached past him, ran her finger through the last of the cream and honey on his plate and held it before his lips. “Two can play these games, Loki.”
The mischievous light was back in her eyes. He made to lick her finger when she pulled it away and sucked it between her lips, right to the last knuckle. She moaned softly, eyes on his, as she pulled it from her pursed lips, leaving it slick with saliva.
“Flames of Valhalla, woman,” he groaned, feeling the sudden throb and tightening of his core.
“Still want to play?” she teased, leaning closer.
“So many, many games, darling,” he breathed, sinking his hand into her hair.
Her arms went around his neck, and her body softened into his. “You’ll have to teach me all of them,” she whispered against his lips.
“And invent a few just for you, my heart.” He nipped her bottom lip, making her whimper. Stroking his hand up her spine and back down, he rocked his thigh into her core as he played with her lips, kissing and coaxing, leaving teasing bites and tender kisses, contemplating how quickly he could clear the space on the counter to lift her to it.
“Hey, mama! I smell somethin’ delic- oh, shit!”
The masculine voice had Lauren jerking back, but Loki only held her tighter as he turned his head to glare at the interloping male.
“Uh, mornin’, Lafayette,” Lauren mumbled, cheeks as bright a red as the strawberries on her plate.
She pushed at his chest weakly, but Loki didn’t let her go. The man was wearing a look of embarrassment, but there was envy in his eyes when the dark brown of them connected with Loki’s blue. He knew the instant his flared green for the man dragged the hat from his head and held it twisting between his fingers.
“Miss Lauren. Sorry, I didn’t expect anyone but mama to be up cookin’ this time a day.”
This time the push was less weak and followed up with a solid fist to the chest. Grunting, more out of surprise than pain, Loki finally allowed her to escape, dropping his foot to the floor so she could slide off his thigh.
Lauren smiled at him as she did, her hand stroking over where she’d punched him in apology, one Loki accepted graciously with a tilt of his head.
“It’s good to see you, Lafayette! I missed you yesterday when I was showin’ Loki around.”
Loki watched narrowly as she hugged the large stranger.
A big man, Lafayette had the ruddy complexion of a person used to working outdoors. His sun-darkened skin and bronzed hair confirmed this as fact. Bulky muscles were encased in a t-shirt already sweat-dampened and blue jeans with dirty knees, while a red handkerchief hung from his back pocket. Though he hugged back, Lafayette didn’t touch her with his hands, keeping the dirt on them from smearing Lauren’s white shirt.
“Had to run a few errands in town for Teddy, plus pick up more party things for your mama’s shindig,” Lafayette said, pulling back and heading for the sink to wash up. “Didn’t mean to interrupt… uh… breakfast.”
It came out more a question than a statement.
Getting to his feet, Loki prowled slowly toward Lauren where he collected her fingers and brought them to his lips. “Yes… breakfast,” he smiled as he kissed her knuckles. “You should finish yours, love.” From the corner of his eye, he watched Lafayette flinch at the endearment.
“I will, but I want to introduce you first. Lafayette and I grew up together. His mama is Sue Ann.”
“Ah, the lovely woman from yesterday. She was quite charming,” he said, leading Lauren back to her stool with a gentle tug, encouraging her away from the man who clearly had feelings for her.
“Yeah, mama was full of praise for you, too.” Lafayette leaned against the island and looked him over.
“Really? How delightful.” Loki smirked at the assessing eyes and played with Lauren's hair. While the man was almost as big as Thor, there would be little contest in who would win in wits or strength. The man was quite out of his depth.
“Lafayette, meet Loki Laufeyson.” Lauren smiled up at him.
“You eat, darling. I can make my own introductions.” Loki lightly stroked his palm up her arm. The move had Lafayette’s eyes glued to his hand.
“Don’t summon the staff,” she mumbled, reaching for her fork, oblivious to the tension in the room.
“Why ever not?”
“You’d shake the china. It’s fragile,” she warned, returning to eating.
“As you wish, darling.” Loki kissed the crown of her head, keeping his eyes locked on the brown ones across from him.
Lafayette’s jaw tightened.
Chuckling softly, Loki made his way around the island and held out his hand. “As my Ástvinur has said, I am Loki.”
The large hand grasped his, squeezed in the way most men of this world would to try and intimidate a rival. It only made Loki grin. “She did leave out one thing though.” He increased the pressure of his grip ever so slightly, gaining a modicum of pleasure when Lafayette’s eyes widened.
“What’s that?” the man asked, tightening his grip as well.
He gave a slight shrug. “That I am the adopted son of Odin, brother to Thor, prince of Asgard, and the God of Mischief.”
Lafayette’s hand jerked in his. “What?”
“And one of the Avengers,” she said from behind him. “Don’t be so modest, peaches.”
Glancing at her, Loki shook his head. “Are you teasing me, my sweet?”
“Who would dare?” she gasped as if shocked at the very thought.
“Troublesome woman,” he grumbled, removing his hand from the slack one of Lafayette.
“Holy… fuck,” breathed Lafayette, stunned. “I thought you looked familiar but… sheet!” He slapped Loki roughly on the shoulder with a wide grin. “An honest to god Avenger runnin’ round Annandale Farms! Son’ bitch! Good to meet you!”
Loki blinked, surprised by the about-face in the man’s demeanour. “Excuse me?”
He chuckled, evidently amused by Loki’s confusion. “Thought you were some high society fucker Lu brought home with her to screw with her mama.”
Lauren snorted, covering her mouth as she chewed, eyes sparkling with wicked amusement.
“Did you set me up, darling?”
“Maybe, little,” she smirked, continuing to eat. “Kinda got both of you in one. A double set up. Natasha would be proud.”
“The Captain would be horrified at your deviousness, but Barnes would be quite amused.” Loki shook his head and returned to her side.
“Shit, Lu. Still can’t believe you know the Avengers,” Lafayette muttered, helping himself to the coffee.
The timer on the stove buzzed, but when she made to go to it, Loki pressed down on her shoulders. “Sit.”
“The cake.”
“I have it.” Flicking his finger, Loki moved the cake from the oven to the racks on the counter, turning the oven off in the process.
Lafayette jumped, sloshing coffee over his hand and hissing at the burn. “Fuck me!” Shaking off the liquid, he wiped his hand on his jeans.
“I see your mouth ain’t improved a lick,” Lauren snickered. “Don’t let your mama catch you using that language, or she’ll wash it out with soap.”
“Can you blame me? Damn, Lu! He just… and the cake just… and y’all are just sittin’ there all pleased as punch!”
Lauren smiled. “Takes a little gettin’ used to, but then I’ve had the time.” Her hand drifted up to rest against her pendant, hidden by the neck of her t-shirt.
Sitting beside her, Loki nudged her cheek with his nose, kissing the enticing line of her jaw. “That you have, my love.” Hand settling on her thigh, he rubbed circles with his thumb.
The clicking of heels on hardwood coming at a rapid pace had Lauren stiffening. “Yeti.” She tilted her head to the side, and Lafayette scooted around the corner into what Lauren had termed the butler’s pantry.
Arching a brow, Loki squeezed Lauren’s thigh.
“Mama. She and Yeti don’t get on. He’s a bit... brash for mama’s sensibilities,” she snickered, “It’s better if they just avoid each other. She puts up with him cause Sue Ann’s the best cook in the county. Plus he’s got a knack with the gardens no one can compete with.” She shrugged, dismissing it.
Loki hummed his understanding as Magnolia burst into the kitchen, robe flapping and hair in disarray, day-old makeup beneath her eyes, and a piece of paper clutched in her hand.
“Lauren! Have you seen George?” she asked, breathless.
Lauren shook her head. “No, mama. Why?”
“This!” Magnolia shook her fist with the paper in it. “This was left on his bed this mornin’!” Stalking forward on heels which had fluffy toes, she thrust the paper at Lauren, dismissing him altogether.
“Good morning, Magnolia,” Loki smirked, forcing her attention from her daughter. “How your beauty astounds me, transcending from night to day in such a way.” The choked sound from the pantry would be heard by none but him, though clearly, his words amused Lafayette.
“Oh, well, yes.” She patted down her hair and closed her robe. “Thank you, uh, Loki. I do apologize for soundin’ a touch… frantic. It’s just this letter has got me all stirred up.”
“Oh?” He arched a brow, leaning to read over Lauren’s shoulder. “What a pity. Montgomery has been called away. And look, my love,” he traced his finger over the hastily written line, “it appears he has acquiesced to your wishes and will no longer seek your hand.” It wasn’t what he’d wanted the idiot male to do, but at least he was out of the house and away from his Lauren.
She tilted her head, sending him a quick smile. “As it belongs to you, Loki that was only ever goin’ to be the outcome.”
“Be still, my beating heart,” he breathed, kissing her shoulder. The shudder went unnoticed by her mother, but Loki felt the quake of her desire right to his soul.
“But that can’t be!” Magnolia wailed.
“Mama?” Lauren frowned. “Why can’t that be? George knew last night I wasn’t gonna marry him. I made that perfectly clear. Why else would he have stayed?”
Magnolia paled swiftly before an angry flush came to her face. “Why for the party of course! What other reason could there possibly be? Don’t be stupid, girl!”
Going ridged at her side, Loki glared at Magnolia when Lauren flinched at the harshness. “Yes, what other reason could there possibly be for Montgomery to be in this house? To stay the night when, clearly, the reason he was here was moot?”
Magnolia blinked at his vehemence, blinked again when the words sank in and stepped back quickly.  “I… I don’t have a clue what you might be talkin’ about, sir.”
“No? Hm, I thought not.” Lifting his chin, he stroked his hand down Lauren’s spine. “Well, it seems Montgomery has left us. What a shame.”
She eyed him, worry and fear on her face. “I… I guess, yes. Too bad.” Turning on her heel, she fled the room.
Shifting his attention back to Lauren, he had a moment of concern with how still she was, staring at the last of her breakfast, the note clutched tightly in her hand. “Lauren?”
She spread the note out on the counter with both hands. “Loki, I’m gonna ask a question. I need you to tell me the truth.”
“Always, my love.” Stilling the hand on her back, he brought the other down on hers.
She blew out a hard breath, inhaled deeply and asked, “Was my mother sleepin’ with George?”
Everything about her braced as if awaiting a blow, one he was seriously disinclined to give. “Darling…”
“Oh… wow,” she gasped, his non-answer answer enough. “That hurts more than I expected.” Turning from him, she bent over her knees to pant softly.
The pain tearing through her was so intense, Loki could feel it himself. “Please, love,” he whispered, lurching from his seat to gather her close when she nearly slid from the stool. Holding her as she shook, he became aware of Lafayette watching, eyes full of pity before the man slipped away.
They both ended up on the floor, Lauren sobbing into her hands, completely destroyed by her mother’s betrayal. When harsh cries eventually became soft whimpers, he gathered her into his lap. Limp and exhausted, she turned her face into his throat.
“How long?” she whispered.
He sighed while rubbing her back. “I can’t say with certainty.”
“Hazard a guess, Loki.”
The harshness of her voice nearly made him flinch. “If not the beginning, likely near it.”
“Was this what you were hidin’?”
He closed his eyes and held her tight, wishing with all his heart this was not happening, that her family were not these wretched people. He wished almost desperately for Frigga to be alive. For her to meet and mother his Lauren. To fuss and coddle the woman who was his heart. “I’m sorry, elskan min. I’m so sorry.”
Fresh tears soaked the collar of his shirt.
A few minutes later, when the pounding of her heart was not nearly so strong, Lauren pushed back from him, but her head remained bowed, her hair falling down to hide her face. “Why?” she finally asked, lifting her head to look toward the ceiling. “Why?”
He cupped her face, bringing her eyes to his while he wiped at her tears. He’d never seen her so sad, so heartbroken, and twice in less than twenty-four hours she had cried like her soul was crushed over these people. “I don’t know, darling. I don’t know why people are this way. I don’t know why they do these things. I don’t know why they hurt you.” He drew her in until her forehead rested against his, and her fingers wrapped around his wrists. “But I won’t. I will never hurt you. Not ever. I will never cheat. I will never lie. I will never dishonour you or treat you like less than the queen you are. I vow it, my heart. I swear it!”
She whimpered softly, “Loki.”
“I love you, Lauren.” Her lips tasted of tears and sorrow mixed with shame and regret when he kissed her, but he sank past it, sank deep, kissed her and poured out his heart. He wrapped her in his love and his magic until sadness turned to fire and left him breathless on the tile floor.
When she pulled back a second time, her lashes were slow to lift, but when they did, her eyes were full of sweet affection. The sorrow was still there but muted, and a smile was beginning to bloom gently on her lips.
“That was quite the promise,” she said softly, lightly touching his lips.
He nipped gently at her fingers. “And Asgardians always keep their promises.”
She wiped at her cheeks. “I know, peaches.”
Disentangling their limbs, Loki assisted her back to her feet. “What now, darling?” Did she even want to stay? Would she ask to go home?
She breathed out, composed herself, and headed for the cake on the cooling racks. “Now, we finish your cake, make a picnic, grab the horses and get the hell outta this house before I do somethin’ else I regret.” The worry from last night was present between her brows again.
Flicking his hand at the dishes, he set everything to rights from their breakfast. “Your mother seems to have forgotten you made that declaration.”
“Figures. Magnolia ignores anythin’ which don’t fit in with what she wants.”
If there was a touch of bitterness to the words, Loki didn’t hold it against her. Lauren had gathered a bowl and what ingredients she needed for this next step of cake making when Loki moved up behind her and pinned her hips to the counter with his own then wrapped his arms around her waist. “Will you be alright?”
Her hands clenched on the countertop before relaxing to lay flat. “The worst part? I can’t hate her. She’s still my mama. I seriously want to whip George’s behind from here to the next county, and I’m a little… nauseous, but I can't hate her. Does that make me weak?”
Tucking his nose into her hair, he sighed. “No, darling. It makes you far stronger than most. Frigga said nearly the same to me once. She hated what I’d done, what I’d become, but she still loved me.”
Her hands went back to adding things to the bowl before they, again, slowed to a stop. “Do you ever wonder if the mind stone was part of the reason you gave in to the Chitauri?”
“What?” It was such a jump in topic it took him a moment to follow her leap.
“I’ve seen the files. How you used the sceptre on Clint and the others. If you could use it on them, couldn’t the Chitauri have used it on you first?”
“No… I… no.” He pulled away, frowning, shaking his head in denial. “I don’t… my magic...”
“It’s possible, isn’t it?” she asked softly, turning to look at him.
Scrubbing his hands over his face, Loki shook his head. “I don’t know. I don’t think so. My magic is far too powerful.”
“More powerful than an infinity stone?”
He stared at her for a long moment, her question causing his mind to race with the implications. “There isn’t much more powerful than an infinity stone.”
Her brow arched, she nodded casually, then turned back to her bowl. “Hm, ain’t that somethin’.”
He blinked, momentarily taken aback. “Did you just… distract me, woman?”
She bit her lip, but the giggle still erupted. “Maybe.”
“What a tricky creature you are becoming,” he snickered, returning to press himself against her spine. “I like it.” Placing his hands on her ribs, he nipped at the ear her hair was tucked behind.
Laughing softly, Lauren murmured, “I know.”
“Cheeky, girl.” He liked that too.
With her laughter drowning out the sound of her tears from but moments ago, Loki sighed, happy to be her distraction, sneaking his finger into the bowl of frosting, tickling her ribs to make her squeal, and generally being a nuisance to keep her smiling.
When the feeling of being watched registered, he turned his face to the heavens, grinned wickedly, waved his hand and hid them from Heimdall's view.
He could almost hear the Guardian laugh.
Next Chapter
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pocketseizure · 7 years
Claws and Lace
Princess Peach finds that love between different species sometimes creates problems... in bed.
This is 100% pure smutfic about a princess and her monster boyfriend. Please don't expect to find any plot in this mess.
Oneshot ☆ 5,200 words ☆ NSFW ☆ Also on AO3
* * * * *
"Oh no, I have been kidnapped! Whatever will I do?" Peach cried out into the deserted hallway as Bowser carried her to his bedroom.
"Do you want me to put you down so I can open the door, or would you prefer a manly display of strength?" he asked her.
"Manly display, please," she answered, smiling.
"All right then, hold on tight," he responded before raising his leg and kicking in the door, which burst open with a crash.
"You should roar when you do that."
Bowser rolled his eyes. "Roar," he said, carrying her over the threshold.
"All right, tough guy, you can put me down now."
"Not a chance. That's not how this 'kidnapping' thing works. I'm taking you straight to bed, and there's nothing you can do about it."
"I appreciate the villainous sentiment, but you might want to close the door if you have evil deeds in mind."
"You got a point there," Bowser admitted as he set her down on her feet. "But don't get any fancy ideas about trying to escape."
"Oh, I've got some ideas," Peach murmured, taking the opportunity to look around the room, which was surprisingly clean and airy.
"Does it meet your standards, Princess?" Bowser asked, approaching her from behind and placing his hands on her shoulders.
"I was expecting it to be more of a lair."
"I don't spend much time here. I'm very busy, you know."
Peach turned to face him. "It must be tough, being so important. One wonders where you find the time to sneak off like this. Your people must be frantic, trying to survive without your leadership."
Bowser smirked. "I don't see anyone trying to find you, either."
Peach shrugged. "My kingdom will send someone. I'm sure he'll get here. Eventually."
"Let's not talk about that right now."
"What did you bring me here to talk about, then?"
"I, uh..." Bowser squeezed her shoulders, and she could feel the sharp points of his claws through the thin fabric of her dress. He glanced away awkwardly, refusing to meet her eyes.
Peach pressed her body against his. "Just kiss me, Bowser."
He ran the blunt edges of his claws across her face and tilted her chin up. "As Her Highness commands," he said, grinning.
He leaned down and touched his lips lightly against hers. She could smell the aftershave on his jaw, but there was another smell clinging faintly to his skin that she couldn't quite identify. It wasn't unpleasant, but it put her on edge. She pulled away, and he traced a line of kisses along the curve of her cheek. His lips were thin and dry.
"I've wanted this for a long time," he whispered in her ear.
The touch of his breath sent a thrill of desire straight down to the fork of her legs, and suddenly she could place the scent of his skin – it was the slow carbon release of glowing charcoal, the bright and pungent sulfur of a struck match. Bowser smelled as if something inside him were burning. Peach's first instinct was to draw away from him. She had made great sacrifices to insinuate herself into his arms, however, and so she resolved simply to ignore the voice in the back of her mind telling her that this was dangerous.
Peach stepped back and loosened Bowser's tie, slipping the silk through its knot and pulling it out of his collar. She looped it around her wrist and unbuttoned the top button of Bowser's shirt, which was pressed tightly against his neck. He held still while she struggled with the stiff fabric, and when it finally came free he exhaled and reached forward to stroke her shoulders. Peach continued unbuttoning his shirt until it fell open.
She placed her palm against the bare skin of his chest, which had an uncanny hardness to it. Like his lips, Bowser's skin was cold, and it had none of the suppleness of her own skin. It was like touching hardened leather. Peach frowned and stroked one of Bowser's nipples, which she circled with the pad of her thumb. To her relief, his breath caught in his throat as the tiny bit of flesh stiffened under her fingers. She flicked his nipple a bit harder, and he growled, a thin plume of smoke emerging from his nose.
She moved on to trail her index finger down the line running between his abs. It was odd and a bit unsettling that he had no hair on his chest or stomach.
"Like what you see?" Bowser raised his eyebrows. He posed to flex as he grinned down at her.
"With all the cake you eat, I didn't expect to see actual muscles," Peach remarked in a dry voice.
"I am the smartest of the koopas, and I am the strongest of the koopas, and I am the handsomest of the koopas, and that is why I AM KING."
Peach swatted him with the back of her hand. "Don't get cocky. I didn't come here to see you preen."
"Says the girl with the peacock hair." Bowser scowled.
"If you're so great..." Peach slid her hands under Bowser's open shirt and ran her palms down his sides before inserting her fingers into his belt loops. "....Why don't you show me what you can do?"
"With pleasure." He lowered his head and took her in a deep kiss, forcing her lips open with his tongue. Peach was immediately struck with a taste that, like the smell of his skin, she found difficult to identify. It was less of a flavor and more of a sensation, like the burn of alcohol, setting the inside of her mouth on fire and warming the back of her throat. After an initial moment of shock, she found that she quite enjoyed it. She pulled him in, pressing the stiffening length of his shaft against her.
He groaned into her mouth and broke the kiss. "I need you to – " he said in a guttural voice before stopping and licking his lips. "I'd like to get you undressed."
"That's funny," Peach responded, kissing his neck. "I was thinking the same thing."
"How do I, uh," Bowser mumbled as he pinched the fabric above her shoulders between his fingers.
"You keep your claws to yourself," she chided him, beginning to undo the hidden row of buttons along the side of the bodice of her dress. She felt Bowser's eyes on her as she shrugged her shoulders, allowing the fabric to slide down her arms to reveal the lace at the top of her bra.
"Help me step out of this," she ordered, crossing her hands above her head. Bowser stared at her, not moving at all, and she savored the hunger of his gaze for a moment before adding, "Now."
"I like it when you're demanding," he growled, taking the loose fabric at her waist in his hands and kneeling as he pulled it down. Peach stepped out of her dress, and Bowser gathered it into his arms and buried his face in its ruffles.
"God, Peach. You smell so good."
"Of course I do. And you know what? I look even better."
"Let me just... Hold on a second." Bowser walked away from her to fold her dress over the back of a nearby chair. Peach enjoyed watching the muscles of his shoulders move as he took off his jacket and shirt with his back to her.
She crossed her arms over her chest. "Are you seriously not going to look at me, Bowser? Don't tell me you're afraid."
He whipped around. "I'M NOT AFRAID, you infernal woman, I..." His words trailed off as his eyes grew round. Peach winked and blew him a kiss.
"You're beautiful," he said.
"I know," she smirked.
Bowser flashed his teeth as he approached her. "I'm gonna eat you. I hope you're ready."
"Don't keep me waiting." Peach reached out and pulled him to her. He kissed her and ran his hands lightly down her back, the points of his claws leaving trails of pleasure across her bare skin. He inserted one of his hands between their bodies and placed it on her chest.
At first he caressed her gently with his open palm, but soon he began touching and pinching her nipples, teasing the sensitive buds with his clever fingers. She felt herself responding to the lovely friction of his calloused fingertips against her skin, each brush against her tender peaks sending warm jolts of sensation through her body. He trailed hungry kisses along her neck and jawline, his rough breaths in her ear fanning the flame of her desire.
He teased her nipples and cupped her breasts before grabbing the flesh and twisting her peaks, causing her to moan. He began to handle her more roughly, grasping her flesh tighter. Suddenly there was a flash of pain. Peach gasped and pulled away, startled to see a thin line of red snaking across her breast.
"That hurt!" she exclaimed, smacking Bowser's chest.
"I'll be careful," he breathed, his eyes half-lidded with desire. He pulled her back to him and kissed her again, thrusting his tongue between her lips. The pain on her chest faded as she responded to his hunger. He kissed her relentlessly, as if his need for her could not be satiated. He grabbed her ass in his hands and forced her against the rigid line at his waist. Peach felt herself melt against him as she wondered what he would feel like inside her. She clutched his face and kissed him harder – but then there was another sharp slash of pain as she cut her tongue on his teeth.
Peach struggled to free herself from Bowser's arms as her mouth filled with blood, but he only held her tighter, his claws digging into her skin through the lace of her panties. He seemed to be excited by the taste of blood. When he bit her tongue again, Peach experienced a moment of panic. Realizing that he wouldn't stop, she grabbed his hair and twisted his face away from hers before kicking him in the shin.
Bowser grunted and let her go as he dropped to his knees.
"What the fuck, Peach?" He shot her an angry look.
"You bit me, you asshole," she snapped. "Who does that?" Holding his eyes in a fierce glare, she wiped the blood from her mouth.
"How am I in the wrong here? You're the one who said we should do this."
"That doesn't give you the right to hurt me!"
"I thought you wanted this!"
"You could be a bit more gentle."
Bowser glared up at her, breathing heavily. Smoke twisted from his nostrils. He seemed to expect Peach to back down and soothe his wounded pride, but she refused to give in to his ego.
"Fine," he finally said, rising to his feet. "I'll be more gentle. I've never done something like this with someone like you, and I don't know what you need from me. Just don't act like I'm some kind of monster for touching you."
"Then don't bite me, for fuck's sake."
"What do you mean, you don't want me to bite you?"
"I shouldn't be bleeding during foreplay!"
"It's not my fault you're so delicate!" Bowser raised his voice, small flames emerging from between his lips.
"I need you to not bite me. Don't scratch me either, and don't you dare breathe fire in my direction. If you hurt me again, you will regret it. Do I make myself clear?"
"All right, fine," Bowser grumbled. "But if you don't like the way I touch you, do you want to try explaining why it turns you on so much?"
"Excuse me?"
"I mean, you're getting off on this. I can smell it."
"You can what?"
"I can smell your arousal, you know, like..." Bowser furrowed his eyebrows and made a vague gesture with his hand. "As one does."
"That's extremely offensive, Bowser. I don't smell!" Peach stamped her heel against the floor to emphasize her point.
Bowser seemed taken aback. "You mean, you can't smell me? You can't smell what's going on between us?"
Peach shook her head. "I have no idea what you're talking about. You smell a little strange to me, but you don't have a strong body odor. All I can smell is your cologne."
"Yeah, I was told you humans like that stuff. I didn't know it was because you can't smell each other otherwise," Bowser said, rubbing his chin. "So listen, you have a distinct scent, especially now that you're, you know. Naked. And in my bedroom."
Peach couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Is this the same for all koopas? Can all of you smell me when I'm attracted to someone?"
"You in particular? Not really, not unless one of us got physically close to you. I'm just sensitive to you because I, uh..." Bowser rubbed the back of his neck.
"Because you what?" Peach demanded.
"Don't make me say it."
"You're not getting off the hook, Bowser. You need to explain to me exactly why you've been smelling me. That's more than a little gross."
Bowser snarled. "I can't exactly help it, especially not when you're broadcasting yourself so strongly. You're getting hot right now, just talking with me about this."
"That's ridiculous."
"It is?" he asked, pointing a claw at the bulge in his pants. "Because I'm getting turned on just watching you blush. You like this monster stuff, admit it."
Despite Bowser's crudeness, Peach had to admit that the way he'd attuned himself to her on such an intimate level was kind of sweet.
"What do I smell like?" she asked him.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Like flowers blooming right before the sun rises, like the color of the dawn. I don't know," he said, flustered. "You smell like yourself."
"That's... actually quite lovely," Peach murmured, surprised.
"And you can't smell me at all?"
"A little, but to be honest you smell like someone set fire to a barrel of crude oil."
"Sounds about right." Bowser grinned. "Come here, let's start over."
He approached her again, and Peach allowed him to lift her into his arms.
"Kick your shoes off," he growled into her ear, and she did as he asked as he carried her to his bed and set her down on the quilt. After toeing off his own shoes, he lay down next to her and kissed the corner of her mouth. He tentatively placed his hand on her breast, carefully caressing her nipple with the flat edge of his thumb. She slipped her tongue into his mouth, and he let her explore him, gently responding to the movement of her body. The rough sensation of his fingers on her bare skin was delicious.
"Before we go any farther," she said, breaking the kiss, "is there anything else I need to know about you? If you have some sort of monster dick, you should probably go ahead and tell me."
"Damn, Peach," he breathed into her ear. "I never thought I'd hear the words 'monster dick' come out of your mouth." He kissed her earlobe, letting his tongue linger for an extra moment. "But yeah, I'm a big guy. What did you expect?"
Peach smiled and playfully batted him away. "No, I meant, does your dick have teeth or shoot fire or something ludicrous like that."
"Does my dick. Shoot. Fire." Bowser raised his eyebrows. "I guess there's only one way to find out."
"I guess so." Peach sat up, pushing Bowser down in the process. "Let's find out, then. I hope you don't mind sitting still while I investigate."
"Fine by me." Bowser propped himself up on his elbows and watched her as she undid the buckle of his belt. She slid it through its loops and dropped it beside the bed before unfastening the buttons at his waist and pushing his suit trousers down his hips and off his legs.
"Mmmm," she hummed, running her fingers along the stiff ridge that pushed up against the fabric of his shorts. "I think you're about... average."
"You must be joking," Bowser replied in a sour tone.
Peach grinned. "Of course I'm joking." She licked her lips and bent down to kiss the head of his cock as she trailed her fingers along its thick length. The fabric of his boxers was wet with his arousal. When she licked the small spot of moisture, she found that it tasted slightly spicy, but there was no caustic burn. It would be interesting to see how he felt in her mouth.
"I'm going to take these off," Peach informed him, pushing her thumbs under the waistband and allowing his cock to spring free.
"Fine by me." Bowser laughed as he kicked his shorts off. Peach pushed him back down and touched her tongue to his tip. Unlike the rest of his skin, it was as smooth as velvet. She set her lips against it and prodded its base with her tongue, enjoying the way that Bowser twitched. She joined her hand to her mouth, caressing the silky skin of his member with her fingertips. He made an inarticulate sound that was so full of need that she felt it directly between her legs.
Bowser always wore a hard shell of emotional armor, keeping people at a distance with his meanness and arrogance, but somehow she had convinced him to allow her to get close. How strange it was to be in his bed, and how fascinating it was to hold the most vulnerable part of him in her hand. She wanted to do terrible things to him, and she wanted to make him beg for more.
She circled his cock with her lips and gradually lowered her head. He was too large for her to take all of him in her mouth, so she clutched him in her fist at his root, sliding her palm over his tender flesh as she caressed him with her tongue. He made a guttural sound of satisfaction, and she began to move with more force, pleased to know that his body was at the mercy of her touch. She continued to lick and manipulate him with steady movements, and he began to stiffen with tension.
"Peach, you gotta stop," he groaned. "I'm gonna come."
Peach slowly circled the head of his cock with her tongue. "Isn't that the point?" she purred.
"No, I mean it," he said as he shifted away from her. "It's too soon."
"What are you talking about?" Peach asked, somewhat hurt. "I want you to come now so you last longer later. Doesn't this feel good to you? Or am I doing something wrong?"
Bowser sat up, moved toward her, and wrapped his arms around her. "I guess that's another thing about koopas," he said, kissing her hair. "If you don't come before I do, there's not a lot of pleasure in it for me."
"Wait, seriously?" Peach put her hands on his chest and pushed him away so that she could see his face. "You can't get off unless the girl does? But what about when you're, you know, alone?"
"I'm not gonna talk about that."
"Are you really going to tell me you haven't thought about me before? I'm insulted. You make it sound like I'm the only one who daydreams. Or do koopas not do that?"
"You've thought about me?"
The look on Bowser's face was so innocently hopeful that Peach couldn't help smiling. "Of course I have. Don't be naive."
"Yeah, okay, fine," Bowser grumbled. "I had fantasies, but doing it myself wasn't as nice as it could be. It’s just like sneezing, like releasing pressure. I needed to take care of it so that I didn't do something stupid."
"I hate to break it to you, Bowser, but it didn't help. Being stupid is one of your defining traits."
"Say what you want, but it took some serious self-restraint for me to wait for you to ask to be kidnapped. If I did what I wanted, I would've kidnapped you half a dozen times by now. At least."
"So you've finally got me in your clutches," Peach murmured, kissing his jaw. "What are you going to do now?"
"I'm going to touch you all I want," he growled and slid his hand between her legs. His claws grazed the inside of her thighs as his fingers came to rest along the curves of her valley.
"God, you're so wet, Peach," he breathed, beginning to stroke her. She was so sensitive that even the lightest brush of his fingers sent up bright sparks of pleasure. Her body responded on its own as she raised herself slightly to meet his hand. His fingers were strong, but he applied just the right amount of pressure to make her squirm. Even though he wasn't touching her directly, a slow heat was gathering deep inside her.
As he caressed her, his fingers tracing the outline of her folds, he leaned forward and kissed her. Peach welcomed him eagerly into her mouth and lightly bit his bottom lip. She reached up to stroke his sideburns before running her hands through his hair and wrapping her fingers around the base of his horn, using it as leverage as she removed the lace that separated her from him.
Bowser pressed himself against her, and the hard smoothness of his chest felt heavenly on the peaks of her breasts. Peach let her hand wander back down to the stiff length jutting from between his legs, which was still swollen with need. As his fingers continued to tease her wet folds, she gently circled the head of his cock with her thumb, demonstrating what she wanted from him.
In response he lifted the tips of his fingers to her apex and pressed his middle finger down on her clit, causing her to gasp with the sudden shock of pleasure. He curled his fingers around her sex, and suddenly Peach felt a tiny prick of pain. Surprised, she flinched.
"Peach? Are you okay?" Bowser asked, a concerned look on his face.
"I'm not sure it's a good idea for you to touch me there," she replied, drawing her legs together.
"Then give me what I really want, Peach," Bowser growled, licking his lips. "Give me what I fantasize about when I think about you. Let me taste you. You smell so goddamn good. I swear I'll be gentle. Please, Peach. I need this."
This soft rush of words surprised Peach. When had Bowser ever asked for anything? When had he ever admitted he wanted something? His breathing had grown heavier, and his eyes seemed to shine from the heat of some inner furnace. Gazing at the open need in his expression, Peach realized just how far inside his emotional walls she had gotten. Bowser would always go through the bombastic motions of attraction as they played their political games, but now he was allowing her to see the actual intensity of the base animal lust he felt for her. She was truly witnessing something secret, something much more intimate than his naked skin.
Peach gave him a lingering kiss and then gently pushed his head down. He began forging a path of kisses down her body, his tongue circling her nipples before he made his way to her stomach. He stopped just above the fork of her legs, and he repositioned himself so that he could ease her open with his hands. When he kissed her soft curls, she could no longer wait for him to lower his head. She reached down and took hold of one of his horns, guiding his face to where she needed it to be. He growled with contentment, and then his tongue was on her, licking and sucking and tasting her. The same sensation of heat that she had felt on her own tongue when she kissed him tantalized her as he slowly licked her cleft. She could feel the sharpness of his teeth under his lips, but she was starting to find the thought of him biting her arousing.
He dedicated himself fully to the task of pleasuring her, the points of his claws digging into her skin where he held her legs. His slow caresses soon turned more forceful, and she moaned as he began lashing her clit with his tongue.
Bright flares of sensation began pulsing through her swollen and tender bud. She knew she could climax if only he were a bit rougher with her. She wanted his teeth, and she wanted his claws, but more than anything, she wanted him to fill the growing sense of emptiness inside her.
"Oh, Bowser, please," she begged him shamelessly, grinding her hips against his mouth.
He pulled away and raised an eyebrow from between her legs. She could feel him grinning against her sex.
"Please? That's the first time you've ever said that to me," he whispered, his every word hot on her sensitive inner skin. "Tell me what you want, Peach."
She met his eyes. "Don't tease me," she said, breathing heavily. "It's rude."
"I'm being rude?" He licked her again, and she shivered. "Do you want to be rescued, then?"
"Don't be stupid." Peach grasped one of Bowser's horns in her hand and used it to pull his body up over hers. "I want you to show me just how much of a monster you can be."
He kissed her, the taste of his tongue burning her mouth as the smell of charcoal filled her nose. She felt his strange leathery skin press against her, and she slid her hands up his arms and around his shoulders to pull him closer. She thought about all the times they had fought, snapping at each other in petty arguments simply to have an excuse to spend time together. She thought of the moments they had stolen in hidden corners, and how they could not get enough of each other, never enough. And now, after endless goading and maneuvering, it had come to this. No space could be found for them, so she had to make it. There was no gentle way for this to happen, so he had to force it. There was no room for taking things slowly, no gentle and gradual courtship. This is what they had, and she would take it.
He positioned himself over her, the head of his shaft pressing against the petals of her lower lips, and she could feel his heartbeat between her legs. She whispered his name, and in one motion he was all the way inside her, filling her with warmth and fire. His cock was as hard as stone, and she could feel herself stretching to accommodate him. When he began moving, he brushed against a sensitive and secret spot inside of her, flooding her with sweetness. She held onto his shoulders as their bodies found a rhythm together, pushing and pulling and rising and falling. Each of his thrusts was a small wave in a surging tide of pleasure.
The thick club of his sex pounded an insistent beat through her softest skin, each grind and thrust pushing her closer to the edge. He growled deep in his throat as he attempted to restrain himself. Peach could feel his teeth clenched together against her neck. Clearly he was struggling to hold himself back. She noticed that his body had stiffened, every muscle taut with the anticipation of his release. His cock was like a steel rod inside of her. It was maddeningly hot, and he felt so good, but she needed something more.
Bowser seemed to sense this. He shifted his position above her, withdrawing himself almost fully as he reached down to place his thumb on the throbbing button of her clit. The tip of his claw pressed into her skin as he began to apply pressure to her most sensitive spot, caressing it in tight circles. Her muscles clutched the tip of his cock, which was angled to hit the perfect area just inside her. His breathing was ragged in her ear, and she moaned his name as her pleasure rose. And then she couldn't help herself – she begged him to fill her, grabbing the strong muscles of his back to anchor herself against the undertow that threatened to sweep her away.
He smiled against her skin, apparently taking pleasure in teasing her, but then he was overcome by his own lust. He pushed himself into her slick channel all the way to the hilt, and the sensation exploded like stars as she came. With a few more thrusts, he climaxed along with her, sending hot jets of his seed deep inside her as he shuddered above her. The moment of pure ecstasy seemed to last forever.
When Peach finally returned to herself, Bowser was gazing down at her, a hungry gleam still in his eyes.
"How was it?" he asked, still breathing heavily.
"Not bad." She smiled up at him. "I could get used to being kidnapped."
"How much time do you think it'll take your people to send someone to rescue you?"
"I wouldn't give them too much credit. We've got time."
"Yeah?" Bowser reached up and smoothed her hair back from her forehead. "Time for what?"
"You were a real beast in bed," Peach said, pushing him down and pulling herself up over him. "Someone needs to tame you."
Suddenly her phone rang from somewhere inside the discarded ruffles of her dress. It was the ringtone of the toad she'd assigned to handle anyone that her councilors might send after her.
"I should probably get that," Peach apologized. She stood up, retrieved her phone, and swiped the screen on. She was immediately hit with a barrage of babbling, but she only had to listen for a moment to catch the gist of it.
"Apparently Mario's here," she said to Bowser, holding the phone away from her face.
He scowled and made an impatient gesture. "Tell him we're busy," he grumbled.
"You know I can't say that."
"Do you want me to go outside and take care of him?" Bowser asked, making a show of cracking his knuckles.
"Don't be such a brute."
"I thought that's what you liked about me."
Peach rolled her eyes, knowing that she wouldn't get any help from Bowser. The toad still hadn't stopped talking.
"Tell Mario," she said, her voice cutting into his jabber like a knife made of sugar, "that his journey to rescue the princess has only just begun. Tell him that I'm in another castle."
The toad was silent for a moment but soon resumed his relentless soliloquy. Peach touched the screen to end the call without listening to him, her nail clicking against the glass.
"Get back over here, woman," Bowser called to her from the bed. "I'm not done kidnapping you yet."
Peach smiled to herself, wondering if she could keep Bowser going long enough for Mario to make it through all of his castles. Now that she thought about it, this had the potential to become an interesting game, and she was very much looking forward to playing it.
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